The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 09, 1880, Image 3

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THURSDAY. DEC. 0, :P8!).
r '' iii
I. 0. of 0. F.
Ridgway Lodge WW, t O. of O F.
meet every Tltur1ny evenln. VI
ltlng members tire lorellully Invltod to
M. ColiPti, N. G j J. A. Ross V. G.;
R. S. Gross. Sec'y; J. W Smith, As t
Secy: H. H. Venel. Treasurer.
Fancy box paper at The Advo
cate office.
Now Is the season for oil. 130 flre
test oil only 18 cents a gallon at Mor
gester's. Company H dance on New Year
Eve. Music by Mehl' string band or
Erie. All Hie invited.
Christmas at the Union Store.
Family bibles, Webster's u mi bridged
dictionary, picture frames, nutoyrnph
:iUiiiiih. fancy articles of every des
oi'i'il'.o'i t tin- Union -tore.
Tn ;: )ite l C.n irv IJir.lH, warranted
-uici'd (very appropriate for a
Christmas present). Goldfinches, and
RedBlrdaat Mrs. Jacob 1 J utter fits'
over R.I. Campbell's utore. These birds
are very fine. Call and see them.
Graiul 5lT.(i:i:T,i,lii Hall.
At Hyde's Opera Hou'e Christmas
Eve. Dec. '24th, 188 J, by the Knight s
of Honor. It is not expected that all
will want to mail;, therefore no one
should stay away but conic and enjoy
tho fun. Fveryboily is invited nnd
we will see that you arc made pleasant
and happy. Good music will be se
cured. Supper at the Hyde House.
Tickets to the ball $1.00. First-class
inn-do will be in attendance. Suits
at from iu cents to $ may be obtained
at the Hyde House two days before
the dance.
The elastic plant sprinkler. An
Indispensable article for showering
plants, keeping them in a healthy
condition, and useful in sprinkling
bncjuets unci moistening clothes Call
and see a sample at Tub Advocate
olticc. Anything advertised in Harry
Chaapel's catalogue wiil be furnished
from this oflicc at catalogue prices
"Winter and Spring Powers," a floral
catalogue will be mailed to any ad
dress or may be obtained at tills
Christina is Coining.
And the Union Store has made the
most extensive arrangements for the
advent of Kris Kringle. To enumer
ate the articles would fill several
columns. So we say call atthe Union
Store and see their great display of
holiday goods.
Hest 'i for " cent, seitars in town.
Also Pareptu and Harmon's Favorite
at Morgcster's.
Cranberries A No. 1 article, Pulv.
Sugar and u full line of Christmas
goods at Morgcster's.
Will have a large stock of candy,
oranges, lemons, nuts&c. for the holi
days at Morgcster's
present. The musical organette
price $3.00. A child can play any piece
of music and the old folks can all play
has the full tone of a cabinet organ
mill will be a so-.iroe of pleasure an
amusement for years. I). S. Andrus
& Co. .of Wil'iatnsport, Pa., sole agents
for this section of Pa All orders by
mail they will answer promptly.
Shelf Pa.ier a:i:I S.-ra;) Pictures.
At the Adviicatk olice. The shelf
paper is in many colors; the scrap pic
tures in endless variety. Also auto
grap allvims, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see in, over Powell &-K hue's
st.ire. Visiting curds, mi I Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't cost you a cent to
call and see our new stock, jut re
ceived. Tiie Tuwa Cl u'k.
Steadily as the daylight merges into
darkness, solemnly as the evening
shadows shroud the earth, and with a
warning to us all, each hour, of the
flight of time, the new clock in the
Court House towvr tolls the number
Indicated by the hour hau l. And
thus will It every toll, while the long
procession of e.ic'i succeeding genera
tion silently wends its way to the
quietness of that long repose which
eternity alo'ie shall breitk. The aged
will hear the toll with a tha ik fulness
that speiks to them of the glad!y
welcomed closing scene. The child
iiew'y-born will listen to the num
bered hours, us promising u future so
full of Joy and happiness. And the
lov.r bewail the few strokes that
warn him of daylight, and that he
must soon leave his sweetheart, and
hie him to the sober hum drum of
every day life From its watch tower
in the Court House steeple the clock
now new. will as it grows older und
older, count the hour of birth, that
ushers a soul into the world; the
happy hour that makes two souls one
in the bonds of holy wedlock ;
the changing, scenes of our ll'e at all
times and under all circumstances;
and Anally when clone with the bau
bles of time, mark the hour of oui
exit from the vanity of the world.
The clock was manufactured by the
Howard Clock Co. of Boston, Mass.
and was placed in jiu-ition by Mr.
Prescott an employee of the firm.
The diameter of the face is 8 feet;
length of figures, 14 inches; length o
minute hand 4 feet; hour hand, 2 feci
ten Inches. The murks for minute
are If x '2 inches, every one be
ing 8 Inches long. On Put unlay last
the connection with I lit hands wu
made and on Monday I lie c-vk COM'
aeoGc4 K Btrikf tlio Ueur.
Personal Itanw
Doctor Earlcy Is at home for a few
CbrNtmns Presents In endless
variety at the Union Store.
Hon. J Donald Cameron lm out
thanks for valuable public docu
ments. Vuos Ho-ixbtallnT wan bil'v
hurt on Wednesday last while ski I
dinar togs for R. A. Wescott nt Port
land. Jas Magnnls has had ft liunihcr
of Impiovements made in his billiard
Alexin. The tables have all been cut
down to the new size, making them
more convenient for the player.
Miss Minnie Service has returned
from Boston where she has been com
pleting her ulready excellent musical
education. Miss Service will teach u
class In piano nnd organ music, und
we congratulate those In the class on
securing the services of so competent
and worthy a teacher.
Two Bays.
Maginnis. On Monday, Nov. 29th,
to Mr und .Mrs. James Magi tin is a
Parsons. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Editor of
i'liK AuVocAi'ii a son o.i Sunday,
iJcc Stll, 1S3J.
Mehl'M baud of Erie ut i he
pany H dance New Year Eve. .
Co m -
New Year Cards at This Advo
cate office. These cards are used by
visitors and sent by mail where parties
wish to present thecomplimeiitsof the
season to their friends.
Not only far (.'
But for every day in the year at the
Union store. Clothing for men, wo
men and children at prices way down
tile scale.
Until Legs Urukeu.
Byron Schrani, a P.& E yard brake
mmi, had both of his legs broken last
evening by getting them caught at
the ankles between the tender of t tie
engine and the firt freight car. Dr.
Spencer intended the iin.ortitiiatc
man at his home at Fourteenth and
Ash Lane. He narrowly escaped in
stant death by being thus caught und
held li'oin dropping down onto the
track. Erie Herald.
The unfortunate young man above
named is a grand-son of Edward
Derby, of this place, and also a
nephew of W. H. Schrani, proprietor
of the Hyde House.
By Tha Pan.-uylvaila KIjIjiI pro
tective) Associallai of Pittsburgh,
Han. Jas. H.Hapklnj, PcasldsnJ,
This Life Association Ktatids high
in point of character, and has eil'ected
the most insurance for the lea 4
money. Their plan is simple and
plain, their management economical.
Their Officers and Directors are well
known business men of Pittsburgh.
Address the Company at No. 104
Fourth avenue, for tjircutur, etc.
List of letters remaining in the
Ridgwny Post eillije, Elk Co , Pa., up
to Dec. Mb, 1SSJ.
Barton, J. D.
Daily, San ford
Buasard, Geo.
Couse, Peter T.
Clay, C. C.
Cialt, David
Coluree, John
Drunmioiid, Win.
Druminoiid, W. H.
DUher, Merrell
Hives, Edward
IJau, John
Huig, Miss Johanna
Johnson, I siva I
Johnson, N. E.
Jonburg, S. O.
It nop, Samuel
McKay, Miss Sarah J.
McKe'e, David O.
Mitchell, Miss Jennie C.
Morey, Mrs. Henry
Pratt. Geo. L (2)
licit., Tho. J. (2)
Shatter, James L.
Snyeier, John
Seoit, David E.
Snyder, Miss M.
Sherwood, Mrs. (.'. F.
Shelvey, -Miss Mary
Stewart, Cornelius'
Shciiy, Henry
Tensou, K.
Weieleii, Bernard
Wise, Miss Carrie
Williams, Plumnier
Anderson, LarsJolin
Anderson, Lars
Bjnrivward, A. J.
Carlson, C. M.
Foriziuti, 11.
Jackson, C. N.
Jaivall, Joseph
Leitz. Adam
Nelsou B. N.
Nelson, S.
If not called for in thirty days they
will ne sent to the dead letter office at
Washington, D. C.
J. II Hagertv. P. M.
TliuUuimi Stare an.l lliridaias.
Everyone exclaims, "How beauti
ful," and "where did you find all
these handsome and appropriate arti
cles for Christum? as the stocli at the
Union Store is scan lied.
Feeble Luetics.
Those languid, tiresome sensations,
causing you to feel scarcely able to lie
on your feel; that constant drain thati
taken from your y.tcm all its elas
ticity; driving the bloom from your
cheeks; that continual strain upon
vital forces, rendering you irritulile
and fretful, can easily I e removed by
the use of that marvelous remedy,
H"p Better. Irregularities ami ob
struction of your system arc relieved
ut mice, while the special cause ot
periodical pain is pcrmeiitly removed.
Will you heed this? Cincinnati Sat
unlay Xiyht.
A fine line of fancy note paper In
boxes it Tm: Advocate office. The
newest styles out. Also a line of sam
ples for New Year cards that can't be
Institute Noles.
Directors should come an I soe the
school apiuratu i on exhibition at the
Everybody slioul I conn nn 1 see
the scholars' work which will be ex
hibited. Teachers are already securing
their boarding places for Institute
week. Itiilgway Is well supplied with
accommodations for all.
I will supply all the members of
the tintitiite with note b ok an.l Dix
on's American Graphite pencils, free
of charge.
Teachers from other cuantiee have
signified their inti ntious to be pres
ent. Those employed to lecture and In
struct possess the highest qualifica
tions for their work.
Orders for excursion tickets will
be Issued In a few days.
The arrangements for comprehen
sive work In all branches are com
pleted. A daily paper will be issued from
Tins Advocate office and devoted to
the interests of the Institute.
The music this year will bo a
prominent feature.
Now that the date is fixed, work
planed, and expense incurred there is
no little anxiety on my partus to the
success of these arrangements. There
can be no failure however, if there is a
good attendance. Tho citizens of
Ridgwuy can give much encourage
ment by attending ca manse, t lie day
as well as the evening sessions.
There is room in the court house
for ail. Wjb meet during the interval
between Christmas and New Year so
that b. ills and parties held on the
holidays named need not conflict with
our sessions. The Institute is always
a great financial benefit tei the place
in which it meets and that it gives
tone ami culture to n community is
beyond question. I It. inking too
much , citizens of Bidgway to request
you to give attention to the institute?
Is it right to receive the patronage of
more than one hundred teacher for a
week and turn your back to all their
meetings? Is it praiseworthy, when
you know the dale of the institute, for
you to ret up something to iulerfer
and conflict with it? I call upon you
all to make the success of the Insiit' te
a matter of personal anxii'ty. Let
there be no Interference, but on the
contrary a general determination to
.tive the meeting an undivided sup
port. Respectfully,
Geo. R. Di.von,
County Superintendent.
D.igas Alines Nates.
J. H. Steell & Co's fancy team
gave their driver the slip on Thursday
last and had u little time of their own.
No serious damage was done.
Mr. Joseph Spooler has opened up
u billiard hall in Ceiitrcvllle lie lias
set up two h in Iso.iih tallies and they
are kept going pretty steady.
James Prendergrass, boss driver
at N. W. M. & Ex. Cos mines is lying
quite ill at hi resilience in this place.
J. II. Steell, of Scraiitou, is now
at the mines looking after his inter-e.-.ts
The photograph man ut Ccntrc
vill, has gone homo to spend the
Bailey is getting hih-toned, he
smokes before breakfast lately.
'Father'' of the "Drigham
Young" family is too busy to write up
locals nowadays. He will ciuio to
time soon.
Mrs. John Malono is fctill confined
to her bed.
Ed. Howe .had -the misfortune to
cut his hand with a knife one day last
Business is getting bt-tter. Judging
fruui the auiounr. of t'oods now being
received at our depot.
The sleighing disappeared very
rapidly on Sun lay last.
A new building U soon to be
erected on the lot below Jas. McClos
key's in Centreville
'Slam Bang" is growing slowly.
Mike McEncruey lias moved his
family to the tunnel.
Evo Cook is night watch at the
Company's mill in the hollow,
Have you seen Steell & Co.'s
handsome sh'ighs. El. will have
them on exhibition us soon us good
sleighing comes.
-A grand fair for the benefit of the
Catholic Church is to take place at
Centreville during tho holidays.
We understand that Edward
Breliuau intends selling up a billiard
table in the room next to his
barber shop.
Some of our citizens are already
making preparations for fliliug their
ice houses.
During last week coasting was in
dulged in to a considerable extent by
the liiys at the tunnel.
Louis Iddiiigs, of this township,
killed a hog on the 2h'd of la-t moiiiii
that was 44" days old and weighed
when dressed, 4?J3 pounds. Has there
been a heavier one of the same age
slaughtered in the county this full?
Pork growers let us hear from you.
Charley Striessley has hi bar
lies shop in full running order.
Several deer have already been
slaughtered by our hunlirs.
The N. W. M. & Ex. Co. hive
done away with their telegraph line
to the Junction a i l n o instead the
telephone. They have also extended
it to the shute, fro n there to the
engine house on the hill, thence to
the works in the hollow,
"Ike" says he was invited ton
birthday party on Thanksgiving
iil jht mid say If you don't believe it.
all he ha to do Is to refer you to
Prof. Brack is teaching niuslo at
the mines, and ut Centreville.
Mllitirj- Mention.
Under date of Nov. 30, Gen. Hnlde
kopor reports to -Vdjt. Gen. Lntta : 1
have the honor to report that the
Fifth Brigade, to the command of
which I wa assigned when commis
sioned a Brigadier General In the
National Guard of Pennsylvania, lias
not materially change-d hi numbers or
In organization since the annual re
port from these ho.i iquarters lor tue
year 18T9, and that It, now, us then,
comprises the , Fifteenth, Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Regiments of In
fantry and the Tltusvllle Battery.
During the year the term of so
many men of Company C, 17th Regi
ment, expiree!, us to bring that organ
ization below a minimum us to
members, nnd it was deemed advisable
to disband the Company, which wa
elone, and to recruit a new one ut
Brad ford, which was admitted in its
J) I ace.
Company B. loth regiment, having
failed to show any disposition or
ability to Improve from the inferior
condition in which it appeared ill 187!)
was mustered out the service, and a
company was recruited in Its stead at
New Brighton. These two companies
passed their first inspection at Camp
Mayes in September, ond made
promise of a successful future.
A change was also made in the
command of the 17th regiment, the
resignation of Colonel Mageu lii'ing
followed by the election of Captain
Kurds, of Company B, as Colonel, un
officer whose experience and ability as
Captain made him a suitable person to
assume the responsibility of a regi
ment. Colonel Carpenter of the 13th
regiment, Colonel Wiley, of the li'tli
regiment, and Captain E.nery of the
Battery, have taken great interest in
their commands, and as a result of
their continued exertions the troops
were paraded for tho fall inspection
with fuller numbers and in a state
of greater excellency, in my estima
tion, than ever before.
The encampment ordered at Camp
Hayes in September was attended by
every company, and despite a contin
uous rain of thirty hoars, which
would have tried the temper and
discipline of seasoned soldiers, the
troops were kept under reasonable re
straint an.l instruction lor u week,
making such proficiency In drill and
guard duty as to enable me to con
sider the encampment a succ-sh, and
worthy of annual repetition.
I would, however, call your atten
tion to the advantage it would be to
the Commonwealth and to the country
at large to put every guar Isnian in a
position where a day's service for
regimental inspection in the spring,
and a week's service in imiiiii in 1 1
fall could be rigid. y cxacte I of him.
Tins could bo done by providing ade
quate pay for the timo given to this
service from the regular pursuits of
life, on which so many families de
pend for tiieir daily food. With Mich
an uhow.tnee, and wit.i provision for
enforcing obedience to the laws, regu
lations und customs of military service
tho efficiency of the Guard could be
raised to a standard little nhort of that
of the volunteer e-oliiier of the late
The General closes by a few sug
gestions and recommendations for the
good of the Guard.
The nearly 10,'JJO members of the
National Gu trd of the Mate have
been supplied with overcoats of the
regulation patient. The past few
day , ;J,800of theno garment!, have been
forwurded from the State Arsenal to
the 2d, 3d, and 4th brigades.
Gen.llartraiii'e and many of his o:
licers are working quietly but earn
estly to have the dilli'ient commands
of the National ' Guard of Pennsyl
vania participate in the inauguration
of President Gurlield on the 4 1 li of
March next.
There is some talk of holding the
next em; impotent of tho Fourtu and
Fifth Brigades of the National Guard
of Pennsylvania at E:ie. A goon
A Fatal Sleigh Itnio.
ICrio Kviailiijf Herald,
Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
Stark, of Harbor Creek township, met
with a loss that was simply heart-rending,
inasmuch as they had unwit
tingly smothered their little baby girl
of from three to four month old while
out sleigh riding, by bundling it up
too close y, Mr. and Mrs. Stark had
been to ihe city on a shopping tour.
At Jacob Ha Iter's stoiv, preparatory to
starting for home, they warmed the
wraps for their babe und bundled it up
very carefully so as to protect it from
the winds. The child very pre ty
little thing and while being wrapped
up was uuusally bright and active'.
The precious little bundle wa put un
eler tne robes and the road, about nine
milts, covered in less than an hour
and a half. When the babe was taken
i mm what proved to be it deatli robe,
it was thought to be sleeping, and
several minutes elapsed ere the keen
I'.ye of i he fond mother elis ivercd that
she had been fondling a corpse. Mr.
Stark who had gone to stable hi.
horse waattracted by thescreanimf hi,,
wife, and upe n ha-teuiiig to the house
was informed of the sad state of aft'eir.
No surgical examination was math
hut the general supposition 1 that the
child Wu smothered by being' too
closly bundled up. The bereaved par
ent who have a number of friend
living In this city are almost distractcei
over the lo.-s of their child.
If you want a sheet of iiotepupcr
or an envelope call at This Advocate
Light running, Latasl Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
bfor,Mi-. at W. 8. Senrview'g,
Druckpurt. Stpiib.
Jiie;k Short has killed three deer
this fall.
A. Larkin has moved from Key
Htonc to this place.
"Swamper'' Is going to lock up
sonic of our small boy for springing
Id traps and tearing up his fox beds.
Our lumbermen uro anxiously
walling for snow so they can get their
logs to the mill.
The loth of this month I the last
day on which you can lawfully kill
eleer. We fear many of our hunters
will forget this fact.
Mrs. L. C. Horton lias been spend
ing several weeks at her Father's In
Alexander Nulf has moved from
Blue Rock to this place.
James Bennett, Jr., has moved
into his camp on Boga Run where he
has the contract of picking up scatter
ing timber on the Me-Clellan tract.
He also has thre-e or four hundred
thousand feet of pine logs to haul
eluring the winter.
"I Am Bau" of the Advocate,
had better touch '-Swamper" and hi
skunks lightly hereafter or ho may
hear something through the columns
of the Democrat which will cause him
to boil to the brim.
In our last letter we said Mis
Smith of West Montery was working
at T. S. Kline's which is an error and
should have read, Miss Annie Steel.
Not being personally acquainted with
the lady und being informed wrong
wo beg her pardon.
Lewis Boyington commonly
known us "Yank" has gone to Ga
lusha Mill to drive oxen for Sampson
Short. With a team "Yank" is in
the height of his glory.
- 'T Am Bad" aid in his last letter
that a common disease of this place is
u breaking out in tho mouth. Just so,
but he must be the iiead of the ela-s
as we have heard no one else com
plain. James Yale had the good luck to
kill two deer and wound the third one
all in the same ilay.
Keystone is rejoicing over a tele
phone. He sent him after uicohol to make
camphor but the fellow like many
unothr had his failing and got drunk
while Baldy took care of the family.
He intotnlod to escort her home
with his lantern but changed bis
mind after 'going u short distance
through a piece of woods. Ho ic
lurneii homo with a careworn coun
tenance, thick lip and broken lantern.
Wiiiium wo wiah you better success
next time.
Lust week was hard on telephone
two of which broke down at this
While one of Nick Brockway's
teams were hauling logs on tho ice a
;ew e;ays ago the iw broke letting
them into the water over theii heads.
By means of some rope and a taw
their lives were saved after a hard
hour's work by the men.
Dan. und his blind mint created
quite a little excitement for the past
lew evenings at the hall opposite I.
Graham's. Admission free.
The Key.-tone mill will start soon
if slcding lasts so they can get logs to
the mill.
James Bennett, Jr. was hauling
logs on eleighs last week.
Elmer Burchlield visited DuBois
on Satuiday and Sunday.
Who R. U.
Dr. Day's Cure far Heacl-icbe is
theonly remedy known tiiat will slop
an attack olVic;; or nervous heuel-ache
in its i-omniciiccniciit; it will always
cure those headache, coining on
in hot weather when riding or on a
journe y ; only three or four doses, hull
an hour apart, uro necessary. Price oil
cents a bottle.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Bowel
Tonic is the ln-st remedy in use for
poor appetite, weakness and trembling
in tho stomach, pain after eating,
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in tiie stomach, nervousness
when tired, coustipai ion and other
disea-es ot tho bowels arising from
poor digestion. This medicine will
positively cure coslivencss in every
case; and no one who is troubled with
that complaint should fail to try it;
as it not only relieves, but cures. Price Ask your druggist or storekeeper
for these medicines. Manufactured
by D. B. Day efc Co., itidgway, Pa.
Merchant Tailoring.
For your winter clothing call on A.
Swartz Ross, merchant tailor, over
Powell & Kinie's store, Ridgway, Pa.
A large line of new ami elegant sam
ples of suitings and overcoats. Price
to suit all clas-es,aiid 111 guaranteed,
work promptly delivered at the time
agreed on. Cull ami have a suit maile
now before the winter rush com
mences and you arc compelled (o wait
several wee k before your turn come.
Ask your neighbor to take T it
Advocate, and send us a birth,
marriage, death, or other items of
interest that may occur in your lo
cality. Drop us a postal with any
item you may wish inserted and wo
will give it our earliest attention.
Jam Poees.
Midelh town X-Cut Saws.
Jetr.trd's, White's ami Mann's Axes.
Tubular und "' Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boynton's Lightning Saws. '
ColtX Pol'l'lCHS.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles.
lb. Best Polish 10 cU. at No. 42
Main street.
iei i
Subscribe for the
Little Toby Rippling.
It was so cold here a few nights
that it froze whiskey cock-tails solid.
'Johnle McClellun has returned
rrom Edlnboro where he has been at
tending the State Normal School.
Jacob Frunti moved last week to
Hickory Kingdom where he has a Job
of cutting two million feet of pine.
Mostof the lumber Jobs are In full
blast. Considering the time of year
and the Inclemency of the weather
Toby is showing considerable activity.
Everything runs in circles. This
may be observed by noting the circle
that "Who R. U " takes In goiiijrto
camp with his gun. When he says
ho was on track of a eleer we are ready
to believe it was a dear.
The nights are getting most awful
cold, but by sitting "right cIosm" on
the some seifa Ed. says he thinks he
can get along without cutting wood
for the parlor stove for several weeks
to come.
Dunnio takes his toddy regularly
and Is sal I to bo fond of Old Bourbon.
That was a strange tale they got off on
him that ho laces. Of corset was n
strange tale. From all accounts he
gets light enough without that.
A Hindoo lecture last Wednesday
night at Brockwayvillc.
Our old friend Charlie McCardy
is again in our midst.
There was a pri.a wrestle a few
day ago at Bears Run in which Allle
Nolf came out victorious.
A young couple were engaged to
be married the would be bridegroom
went so far as to get a bedstead toward
housekeeping. Another fellow came
along wa bought to break off the
match which ho did for a quart of
whiskey. Good boy Will.
Last week Short efc Horton had
twelve team sliding lag.
Leu Kline lias been uliding square
S. S. Short of North East is nt
Galu.-ha's where ho has put up a new
Lon says It is mighty hard when
a man has the reputation of a beur
that he never gets a hug.
Pine timber em Toby is being
slaughtered at a fearful rate, about ten
million feet will be put in the com
ing winter. of the boys at Brock
port say good night to their girls
about four o'clock in the morning.
Elmer Burclifielil took a trip to
Dullois last Saturday. It is unneces
sary to add that ho hael a lady by lib
side. The cook at the camp, is su.)
poseil to be t'.ie fortunate one as she is
among the missing. Elmer we hope
your future prospects may be bright.
Twenty-five eleer have been killed
on Toby within the last four weeks
several wighing over two hundred
und one thirteen pounds.
JamesGrayhill has opened a new
coal mine. That togcthe-r with a
mine at Stephens i barely sufficient
to furnish the amount of coal needed.
James Dillon got his ankle badly
bruised last Monday while breaking a
log pile.
Thomas Burclifielil ha a carpen
ter from Ridgway building un addi
tion to his house.
Short & Horton put in on the
last snow from tiieir hear Run slide
nearly two thousand pine logs.
Miss Mary Ann Kearney of Rat
tlesnake is working for O, E Sher
man at Boga mill.
Toby presents a decidedly wintcry
aspect to-day (Tuesday). During
last night and a greater part of to-day
the snow fell incessantly anden veloped
the face of the nature in its white
mantle. I Am Bad.
Toby. Dec. 8th, 1SS0.
TheeoMwt nd wrt nnpolnliM lnstUutlo ltd
stiinii'.g a Ini-Ni Flducatiun. '
I'iutittuch, rj
Horse Diseases.
The new prevailing disease afflict
ing horses called Cold, Catarrhal
Cough or Epizootic is a Cutarruhul
Cold, affecting the air passages to the
lungs, and sometimes ud'eeting the
frontal and nasal sinuses of the head
and if left without treatment fre
ciueutly terminate- in what is culled
Glanders, the horse lingers along u
fvw weeks or months and dies.
For many years past a brother ol
mine in Carry, E. Bordwell, has been
Using a compound which has saved
nearly every case that he has treated,
especially if taken in the first stages
of the disease, and ho has treated
thousands of cases.
In the first place it cuts tho mem
brane in the uir passages.
Secondly it is loosening.
Thirdly it act us an absorbent.
Fourthly it gives an immediate ap
petite. In looking up the properties of this
compound I find it is good.
I have tried it. Others have trieel
it in this place and have not lost any
I am the sole manufacturer and
The medicine is put up in pound
bottles with directions.
Those in my acquaintance living
near and responsible oun take trial
bottles and If It does not cure if given
in the first stages, need not pay for it.
Price per pounel 1.00.
By the half dozen or dozen a liberal
All orders should be marked for
Bronchial Elixir.
J. S. Bordwell, M. D.,
Ridgway, EJ it Co.; Pa.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk OoM
Particular attention given' to tb
examination of titlei, also to patooM
und patent cases.
Office In new brick building, Malri
treet, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t
Late of Btrattauvllle), Physician and
Surgeon. Ridgway, Pa. Office In
Hall's Brick Building (up stairs)
References J. D Smith, II. Li
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville ;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Clurim. Has praeth'ed hi
profession sccessfully for tuoro than
teu year.
N. V corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care--fully
selected Foreign and Domestic!
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-'
pensed at all hours, day or night.
vi nay
Has removed his office from Centre
ctreet to Main utreet, Ridgway, Pa., lit
the second story or tne new oricn
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hvde House.
Office hours:! to2P- M.7t0 9 P.M
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto-'
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new nronnetor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to inrit a continu
ance of the same. oct3u'69
This admirable work is now com-
pleteln 16 vols. EaehvedumecotitainsPCty
pages. It makesa complete nnd well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without It who would keep
well Informed. Price 5 mi in cloth,
$( in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars addreos,
W. H. Fairebild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson
general agent.
Which i3 tho sarao thing.
Iinparo Dl-Corlj Doila or Fnlcrntne
(wh.i ti ij tliosnmo i !iing)l3cf n slight
ly dirty wltleocolui. It mny nppeair
wliltP, rxamlmel !' Itself, but I
c -biparisoiv wit it ciiimcu S
will how tho dllTcrcncco
Sec that your Saloratus and link'
ins God a ii vclttto ana PUIIE. ao
rhcuM bo ALL SI.1IiIi.Vll SiUCSTAN-
CES nm d fur food.
Housekeeper who prefer bread made with
yeast, will lmprovo Its quality, make It ri3
bcttorr.nd proventit frir.i curing, by addinii
one-half teaapoonful of Church la Co 'a fSoda or
Bulerutus. Bosuroandnnt ubo too much. Tha
ubo of tuts with iur milk, in prcferone let
Bakiui Powder, bivc two-ity timos (M CTt.
Sij nno i u id p irtijo tit valuable) luforma
tlou as I roai ciro.'ully.
tf Supplement will bn clven la every
number for iSl. containing afull-slzepntlenr
lur u limy s or uiiiiu h tirusK. tvery huosci'I-.
b r will reci.'ivi-, ilin lnu the yeiir, twelve of
Ihfue I'litteriiK, worth mote, nlone. llieu the
subscription pilne,"tt
Peterson's Magazine Id the bent nnd cheap-"
est ot ihu lady's hooks. It Rives more fur tlis'
money, mid combines mvutor merit), thai
tiny other. In short It hua the
Best SteelEngravings,
Best Colored Fashions,
Best Dress Patterns
Best Original tilorieaj,
Best Work-Table Patterns-,.
Best Music, Etc., Etc.
Itn Immense clrculietlun nnel lone estab
lished repulHtion enables its proprietor to
distance all compel Hion. in 1XMJ, h New
Feature was Introduced, which wili be Im
proved on iu Wil, liciiit; a series of
Tho storiete. novelets. Ac. In "Peterson" are
admitted to be the best published. All the
most popular female writers contribute to it.
in LW, about li original stories will begtven
tend in addition bix Copyright Nctveleu. by
Ann rt. (Stephens, Krunk Benedict, June
ti, Austin, Mary V". Spencer, Sidney Trevor,
and hatt inimitable humorist, the author of
"Joslah Allen's Wife." The
In "Peterson" are ahead ofnll others. These
plates are engraved on steel, twice the usual
siae, tenet ure unequalled for beauty. They
will be superbly colored. Also, Household
und other receipt; articiesou Art Kinbrold
ery. riower culture; In short everything iu
lerestiiiK to ladies.
Tkiius (Always In Advance) $2.00 A Y(AB.
2 Copies for $3.50; 3 Copies for $1.50. With a
eonllu steel ewjravtn:t, "Uran'lHlher Tellsof'
Yorktwii,"cJl.i), or un illustrated Album,,
quarto, gilt, lor (jotting up tho Club.
i Copies for $0.50; 6 Copies for $9.00. With an
extrie copy of the MiiKUZine for 1S81, us
premium, to the) person getting up theclub.-
5 Copies for SS.03; 7 copies for $10.53. With,
both an extra ojpy ul the Maga?.l.,efor IStSi..
and the picture, or Album, to the person
getting up the Club.
For Larger Clubs Stilt Greater In
Address, post-paid,
80S Chestnut tit., Philadelphia. Pa..
gOP-Specimens sent gratis, if written"
tor, to get up clubs with.
"No lady should he without It.'' Shlppsns
burg (Pa.j Chronicle.
ITING CARDS at The Advocate
office, over Powell & Kiroe tot
Ridgway, Fu