The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 25, 1880, Image 4

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Convenience (hat Pay.
On most farms btily so ruahy hogs are
butchered ruinnallv as are required for
home consumption. The bulk of the
hog crop is sold on foot either to drovirs
or shipper?. The fact that most of the
pork raised in our country is killed and
cured at the preat pa-king establish
ments accounts In part for the fact that
farmers even those who raise the best
pf hoes have few if any conveniences
for butchering and" are but poorly ivd
vied as to the best ways ana means of
cutting up, paokhiR and curing the
moat. The consequence is that butcher
ing dys me excessively disagreeable
and disgusting ones to everybody con
cerned., and dreaded a ore than any
-nUKr season on the farm.Now, while
his work can never be rendered agree
able, a small expenditure of time and
.money secures facilities that greatly
ameliorates its repulsive features and
renders the labor comparatively easy.
It pays each farmer, whether he has tew
or many hogs, to provide himself with
scalding vessels, gambrels, scaUolds,
sharp knives, etc. As soon as the hoes
are sufficiently fattened every prepar
ation should be made to take advantage
of the first suitable weather for this
most onerous of duties. Nothing that
ean be accomplished before should be
left to be done in the hurry and confusion
attendant on butchering day.
A barrel or cask is a very poor and in
sufficient vessel in which to scald a hog.
Something less, circumscribed is re
quired for goo i work, to say nothing of
the diffioulty of keeping a sufficiency oi
water at anything like the proper tem
perature in it. A good scalding vessel
within the reach of the average farmer
consists of a heavy lox six or seven feet
long, thirt inohes wide at the top and
twenty-four incites deep, with sides
somewhat flaring. This should be pro.
vided with a sheet-iron bottom well
supported on the under side and set over
a stone or brick foundation in which
there is a chamber for making sufficient
fire to readily heat the water In the ves
sel above, and by which it can be kept
thoroughly heaied for the length of time
required by any nuaiberof hogs. At its
rear end should be a pipe or chimney,
and the sMes tnav be banked nn witn
earth. On the bottom of the vat must
oe lam wooden strips on a slatted frame
to prevent the hog from coming in direct
contact with the iron bottom". When
this or a similar vessel is not practicable,
a box sunk into the ground, or a hogs
head partly let into the ground and
slightly inclined, will answer, though
difficulty is experienced with stub ar
rangements in beeping the water at the
right temperature. With the latter ar
rangement a stout pole or rail scsffold
sloping up from the scalding vessel to a
height oi three feet will facilitate the
operation of lifting an i cleaning the
carcass. When the scalding vessel first
Uesoribed is employed it will be well to
build a strong platform about six feet
wide and eigtit feet long on a level with
the top of the vat on one side, from
which to seal 1 the hogs, and upon which
they are to be cleaned after scalding. At
the rear end of this the ground should
be graded up even with the platform, or
a sloping pl.tforai built to facilitate
getting the hogs on to the main platform
after they have been killed. For con
venience in lowering the hogs into and
lifting out of the scalding wat.T two or
more ropes eight feet or so long are se
cured to the side of the platform next
the water, and resting on these the car
cass is lowered or raised with compara
tive ease by two or three men. The posts
or forks should be so setthat astrong pole
resting on tuem will be in part over the
platform about six feet from toe ground,
an1 on this hogs can be hung and slinnnd
along toward either end out of the way
witer mey uavo Deen inorouguiv scraped
una rmseu uown. jse.w rorn yvoria.
Household Hints.
Beets baked until quite tender, and
cuien uot wilu Duuer, pepper ana salt,
are very nice much sweeter and better
than when boiled.
A carelessly kept coffeepot will impart
a rank flavor to the strongest infusion
of the b. st Java. Wash the coffeepot
thoroughly every day, and twice a week
nun uumi water in u ior niieen
Mica in stoves (often wrongly called
isinglass) when smoked is readily
cieaneo. Dy tauing it out and thoroughly
Washing With Vinpo-nr . little HUntcrl
If the black does not come off at once,
let it soak a little.
Arrange fl.itirons on the stove in two
rows, heel and toe, or so that when
ready for a hot flat you can take the
next one in order without loss of time
in trying or Bissing them, being sure of
getting the one tnat has been heating
An exchange says: "Kerosene oil will
soften boots or shoes which have been
hardened by water, and render them as
pliable as new." And ruin the leather
. at the same time. Castor oil is the
best thing in the world to use on boots
or shoes.
Make the most of the little nutriment
contained in potatoes They ought to be
steamed or hull nr! Tim lot
soaking in cold water for half an hour
uciuto putting in uie oven is an advan
tage. In neither case should the skin be
removea oeiore coosiug.
Manuring Orchard.
Those who own orchards over twelve
years or more ot age, will find a great
advantage in applying a moderate top
dressing of old or fresh manure. It
seems to have an almost magical effect
on the fruit. The trees will be more
likely to bear every year ; they will give
heavier crops, and the fruit will be
liner If there is no manure now to
apply, it will do nearly as well to draw
uub iu wuiicr ana spread over tue ground
euo'i manure as accumulates from tiio
stabled animals. On the first thaw or
rain, the earth will absorb all the soluble
or wttsni'u portions. -inemistnECsiiould
be avoided of placing the manure in
heaps at the foot of the trunks, or in
smaJ circles. Trees only twelve years
oiu, li mey nave mane a lair growth,
have already covered the whole ground
with the network- of their roots beneath
the surface. Wood ashes, applied in
addition to the manure, are always use
ful, Cow.try Gentleman.
Lime foi aa Old Garden.
Lime is an excellent dressing for an
old garden; three or four barrels would
hftt. h nn firr'jiflaiirA nnatititD Plan. .1..
lime in small piles, after plowing, of
auout iwo Dusueis eucn, and apply
water enough to make it fall into a fine
powder; spread it on a still day, and
burrow in. For apple and pear trees as
a special dressing lime is of little conse
quencepotash would be better ; but if
the apple and pear trees are in an old
garden lime would have a good effect;
it would cause a rapid decomposition
of the vegetable matter contained in the
soil. Cultivator.
Neatly Fat.
A young la ""j rnce hinted to a gen
tleman that Le .thimble was worn out,
and asked what reward she meritec for
her industry. He sent her an answer
in the shape of a thimble, on which the
follow in lines wer; engraved:
" I send yon a thimble, tor fingers nimble,
Which I hope will fit when you tiy it;
It will hut you long, if it's ball as strong
A the hiut wlich you gave n.e to buy it.'
General Garfield is forty-nine years
old. His mother is still alive, in her
eightieth year.
;A novel-way of catching a swarm of
bees was unintentionally tried at 1)6
tur, Mich., the other day by a young
man. He Hn toward the swarm with a
green rotuh in his hand, over whica the
quen bee poised, and then alighted on
his hat. In a twinkling the others fo -lowed
and completely covered Lim, so
closely knit together that he could
scarcely breathe. A box was procured,
the man's head stuck into it, and the
swarm was finally worked off and
The constitution of Michigan requires
the levy of certain taxes to pay the in
terest and principal of the State debt.
The increase of wealth has been so great
in the State that, the money raised
annually is greatly in excess of the
amount required. The result is that
more money is in the treasury than is
required to pay the principal and inter
est of the entire State debt; but the
bondB do not mature till 1890, and the
creditors refuse to receive their pay.
Meantime the tax muBt be levied annu
ally. It is now proposed to amend the
constitution so as to avoid this unneces
sary tax.
The " Matrimonial Benefit Company "
has just opened its offices for business Jn
Cincinnati. It is a duly incorporated
body of mutual insurers, which pays a
benefit to its members at marriage in
stead of at death. The cost of member
ship is five dollars, with an assessment
of one dollar on the marriage of a mem
ber. If the scheme works well, says the
Detroit free Prcis, it .ooks very mnch
as if each member might receive the
munificent sum of twenty-five cents as
his or her marriage portion. For, with
a respectable sum in the treasury, the
members would all marry on the very
next day, and, after deducting expenses,
divide the " reserve" between them. It
has very plausibli philanthropy about
it, however, and we should think it had
a prosperous future before it of about
a week.
There are 2,000,000 beehives in the
United States. Every hive yields on an
average a little over twenty-two pounds
of honey, and is sold at twenty-five cents
a pound. So that after paying for their
board, our bees present us with a
revenue ofi S8.800.000. To reckon
another way, they make a clear gift of
one pouua oi pure uoney to every man,
woman and child in the United States.
In I860 over 92,333 312 pounds of wax
was made and given to us by these in
dustrious workers. An ftcripilltiirnl e.
change says the keeping of bees is one of
me most prontame investments that
people can make of their money. The
orofits arising from sale3 of
honey averaee from fifty to 200 per cent,
of the capital invested.
Rapid transit has increased the oppor
tunities for crime as well as the facilities
for tight-seeing on the mountain sides of
Vesuvius. Signor Alcotti, the con
tractor of the new railway which runs
up the side of the volcano, w3 recently
walking on the new road which leads
from the observatory to the lower sta
tion, when three men suddenly seized
him and carried him into a grotto. One
of t hem held the muzzle of a pistol to his
mouth, while another robbed him of
his watch nnd chain and a portfolio con
ttiining $272. They then bound him
hand and t ot, threw him on the ground,
covered his fnce with a handkerchief,
and left him. Sisnor Alcotti, as soon
as he was alone, shouted for heir., and
carabineers and some countrymen went
to his release Two of the thieves ha e
Dcen arrested.
Mr. Thomas M. Johnson, of Osceola,
Missouri, who in iwnvinnerl that H,n
world of tc-day is all wrong, ann unces
a mommy magazine called the tlitonitt,
whose aim shall be to set the world
right. The D10rlPitliq affirm a flint in
this degenerate age, wrien the senses are
npuiueusizm, materialism aosuraiy con
sidered phLosophy, folly and ignorance
popularized, and the dictum, 'get
money, eat, drink and be merry, for to
morrow we die,' exemplifies the actions
of millions of mankind, there certainly
IS a nePSflitV fnr fi imirnol mhinh ahall
be a candid, bold and fearless exponent
oi luei-iawnic pnuosopny, a philosophy
tot illy subversive of sensualism, ma-
toTMClllom tr 1 TT iH1 11
FursAncient and Modem.
Fur is well adaDted for winter cloth
ing, not merely by reason of its import
ant qualities oi warmth and durabil ty,
but also on account of its great beauty.
In all cold countries man has availed
hitrself liberally of the warm covering
with which nature has clothed the ani
mals around him; but the wealth of the
most favored nation has drawn to them
the beautiful furs in whatever part of
tue woria mey are procured.
Tiie fur of the beaver was extensively
used either in the skin or for the manu
fuclu"ing of fabrics in the fourth cen
tury, in the eleventh century furs had
become fashionable throughout Eurone.
The a t of dyeing them was practiced
ia tue twentn century, and was gener
ally of a red color.
In the history of the crusades freauent
mention is made of the magnificent dis
plays n.y European princes m their
dresses of costly furs beforp the court of
Constantinople. Louis IX. was verv
"x'ravngant in the use of ermines, using
v-io oi I .li ra to line one oi uis surcoats
flie Hungarian squirrel was used en
tireiy in roval families in the thirteenth
ceniury. Siberia, when conquered by
the Hus3ians in 1640, paid its tribute in
As early as the sixteenth century the
North American settlers in the more
northern provinces, learned the value of
rurs, and the tribes in that vicinitv be
came extensively engaged in that busi
ness, mo Indians were stimulated bv
trilling compensation to pursue their
congenial peaceful occupation, that of
nunting, and tue wily frenchmen soon
became explorers, and frequent wars be
tween the Indians and the French oc
curred. The importance of this exten
sive section for supplying the demands
for furs attracted the wealthy merchants
of Great Britain, and the production of
1 mason Bay company was the result.
The search tor furs was extended to
our Western Territories and caused that
section to be settled in the latter part of
the seventeenth century.
Where St. Louis now stands, in 1770
there was a large fur-trading post es
tablished, and the vast territories bor
dering the great tributaries of the
Missouri and Mississippi opened a
boundless and almost inexhaustible
field fcr the operation of the fur-traders,
the hostile tribes alone checking the en
terprise. The variety of fur was con-
nned to tne deer, beaver, otter, bear and
buffalo. Bv 1840 the annual fur trade
of St. Louis ha1! reached upward of
$300,000, and under the gigantio opera
tions of that enterprising New York
merchant, Mr. Astor, the business
swelled to an enormous traffic
Minks were the most valuable skin in
1856, the annual catch being valued at
about $19,000. Buffalo robes at this
date brought 84 1.200. and muskrata
$11,672, while squirrel skins were more
extensively used than any. ot tier class,
upward of 3,000,000 being exported at
England. Seal far was Tittle used .
that period. That time has developed s
great demand for furs the long schedule,
of ihe census of 1870 show most conolu
sively, and this country has become one
ot the greatest marts for its consump
tion. Modern furs have a somewhat differ
ent aspect as they appear on the well
dressed lady of our nay, compared with
the ancient garments. From time to
tims the demand for furs ha7e varied
according to the caprice of fashion, until
sealskin began to engage the attention of
traders, and owing to the soft, velvet
like appearance of the fur and its beauti
ful shades after its various manipula
tion s, it was placed on th? market, and
soon became the most eagerly sought
after, and is still in the greatest demand.
The process which the skin undergoes is
an interesting one. This valuable fur is
obtained principally from Alaska, a?
though the South Sea islands produce
some of the richest and most luxuriant
of growths. After being taken from the
animal they are prepared for exportation
for the London and Leipsio fur markets,
which are the greatest in the world.
There, with the collections of various
skins from other countries, they are sold
to the merchants and agents, and the
sealskins go lo the fur dressing and col
oring establishments of London; then
they undergo the process of dressing,
having the coarse hair extracted, wh'ch
covers or conceals the beauties of the fur
beneath, thus preparing it for a condi
tion ready for coloring, producing those
soft, subdued shades so generally ad
mired. The importations to the United
States have become quite extensive of
late years, and last year there were re
ceived upward of a million dollar's worth
ot the seal fur.
A Western Stock Sale.
They have their stock exchange and
mining board in the magio cities of the
far West, and their own peculiar way of
doing business. Buyers and stockhold
ers, also, hare their own peculiar ways,
and these ways sometimes clash. A New
Yorker was seated In an office in Gunni
son City, Col., one day not long ago,
when a grizzly-looking old chan entered
and asked if that was the place where
they sold shares of the White Horse
silver mine. Being assured he was
in tne otnee oi tne company he ok
served :
" I've heard the White Horse spoken
of as being a likely mine."
"It certainly is. We took $10,000
worm oi ore out in one day."
"Phew! Slie must be lustold rich
ness! How many men have ye got to
"Oh, about three hundred."
"Have ye, though P Are the sheers
going off purty lively?"
"fchares are selling like hot cakes,
and we have only a few left. Every
body says the White Horse is a big in
" What are sheers worth to-davP"
" I will sell you at 05, though I know
tuey win oe worm tneir lace value to
" No ! You don't really "mean 95 ?"
" Well, that's better, there's a hundred
shares which you sold my pard vester
day for twenty dollars. I went over to
the mine, found nothing but a hole and
a dead mule, and I told him I'd come up
and get his money back or do some
snooting! I'm tarnal glad to nnd them
sheers has riz from 20 to 95. That will
give my pard his money back and buy
me a winter outfit besides. Here's the
sheers, and now let me see the color of
your money I"
"But, sir, we"
" Pass out the cash!" said the old man
as he rested the end ot his shooter on the
edge of the counter.
The comnanv had'left his revolver In
his overcoat outside, and he didn't be
lieve the .New Yorker would suoot for
turn. After a look around he began
counting out the money with a bland
smile, and as he made the exchange he
said :
"Certainly, sir greatest of pleasure,
sir. Sorry you didn't bold them one
dny more and get the full face value!"
Wail Street Newt.
A Care for Sick Headache.
This complaint Is the result of eating
too mucn and exercising too little.
Often the cause is that the stomach is
not able to digest the food last intr -duced
into it, either from its having
been unsuitable or excessive in quac-
ti.y. it is said a diet of bread and but
ter, with ripe fruits or berries, with
moderate, continuous exercise in the
open air sufficient to keep un a gentle
perspiration, would cure almost every
case in a short time. To drink two
teaspoonfu's of powdered charcoal in
hair a glass or water generally gives in
stant renei. rue above sovereign
temeuics may no in some, out net in all
c ses. A sovereign remedy for this ail
ment is not easily found. Sick headache
is periodical, and is the signal of dis
tro s which the stomach raises to inform
us that there is an over-alkal ne con
dition of its fluids; that it needs a
natural acid to restore the battery to its
normal working condition. When the
hrsl symptoms of a headache anoear.
take a teaspoonful of clear lemon juice
fifteen minutes before each meal and the
same dose at bed-time; follow this up
until all symptoms are passed, taking no
other remedies, and you will soon be
able to go free trom your unw lcome
nuisance. Many will object to this be
cause the remedy is too simple, but
many cures nave been enected in this
way. JSOiton Transcript.
After Dinner Sit Awnile.
An English popular maxim, says the
Parisian, is: "After dinner sit awhile;
auer supper wa'.K a mne." liie two
eminent professors, Claude Bernard and
Kobin, once made an experiment on th
t'Oint whether it is preferable after a rc
past to remain in repose or to move
about, i. wo dogs ot the same race and
strength were fed on the same food, and
one was allowed to rest while the other
was made to move about. Then after
the lapse of an hour the two dozs were
killed. Tue one which had been al
lowed to rest was found to have fi ished
his digestion, while the one that had
been kept in motion bad only half
digested its food.
Success In Practical Life.
If you speak the right word at the
right time; if you are ear ful to leave
people with a good impression; if you
do not trespass upon the right of others;
ii you always think of others as well as
yourself ; if you do not put yourself un
duly forward: if you do not forget the
courtesies which belong to your posi
tion, you are quite sure to accomplish
much in life while others with equal
ability fail to do. Tnis is where the
race is not to the swift nor the battle to
the strong. It is where you make peo
ple feel that you are unselfish and
honorable, and truthful and sincere.
This is what society is looking for in
men; and it is astonishing bow much
men are able to win for self-respect and
success and usefulness who possess these
qualities ot good breeding. It is almost
tue turning point ol success in practical
What Broke the Engagement.
This was what broke the engagement.
at a time, too, when they had both
sworn to love each other " until death
do us part!"
lie i never saw you look lovelier!
She You are a flat
He grabbed his hat. rushed from the
house and has not been seen since. She
added mechanically -" terer," and
went hysterically. New York Ezpe$s.
Stormy Petrel.
The stormy petrel, known to sailors as
the Moiher Carey's Chfcken, is hated by
them after a most illogical manner bt--cause
it foretells aa approaching etorm.
and therefore by a curious process of
reasoning is taking for its canse.
mi , ti 1 ... . , tn.
i ins oiru, says " Wood S iNaiurai rii'.
tory," has long been celebrated for the
manner in which it passes over the
waves, pattering with its webbed feet
and flapping its wings so as to keep it
self just above the surface. It thus
traverses tne ocean with wondertui ease,
the billows rolling beneath its feet and
passing away under the bird without in
the least disturbing it. It is mostly on
the move in windy weather, because the
marine creatures are flung to the surface
by the waves and can be easily picked
up as the bird pursues its course. It feeds
on the little fish, crustaceans, and mol
lusks which are found in abundance on
the sun ace of the sea, especially on the
floating masses of algss, and will for
days keep pace with a ship for the pur
pose of picking up the refuse food
thrown overboard. Indeed, to throw
the garbage of fish into the sea is a tol
erably certain method of attracting these
birds, who are sharp-3ightcd and sel
dom fail to perceive anything eatable.
It is believtd that the petrel does rot
dive. The word petrel is given to the
bird on account of its powers of walk
ing on thu water, as is related of St.
It does not freamr.l land nxcent dur
ing the breeding season and can repose
on the surface of the ocean, settling it
self at the mean levei of the waves, and
rising and lalling quietly with the swell.
This petrpl breeds on the northern
coasts of England, layipg a white egg
in some convenient recess, a rabbit
ourrow being often employed for the
This bird possesses n ninmilar amount
of oil, and has the power of throwing it
from the mouth when terrified. It is
said thi t this oil, which is very pure, is
collected largely in St. Ki.di by catch
ing the bitd on its egg, where it sits
very closely, and mhking it disgorge the
oil into a vessel. The bird is then re
leased and another taken. The inhabi
tants of the Faroe islands make a curi
ous use of this bird when voung and
very fat, by simply drawing a wick
through the body and lighting it at the
tnu wmco projects irom tue beam, xms
unique lamp will burn for a consider
able period. Sometimes Ithe petrel ap
pears in flocks, and has been driven
southward by violent storms, some
having been shot on the Thamps, others
in Oxfordshire, and some near Birming
ham. The general color of this bird is sooty
black, and the outer edges of the tertials
iCid t he upper tail coverts are white. Its
icnglu is barely six inches.
Farming in Japan.
Milton S. Vail, a missionary in Jnrnn.
gives, in the Meihodist, the following
account of Japanese farming:
Tho farmers in Japan seem to operate
on a small scale. A1J the land belongs
to government, and all nave to pay n
ground rent. Wheat, barley, rye and
buckwheat are grown in rows, the
weeds being kept out by hoeing. It
seems strange to see all their grain
growing in rows, but no doubt good
crops are thus produced. Rice is the
chief pioduct of Jauan. The earth
nearly everywhere is black, and the
black soil of the vallevs. when well
cultivated and made to hold the water
from the neighboring hills, makes good
rice fields. The soil is broken by
manual labor. Men go into the mud up
to their knees, and with a long-bladed
hoo turn the earth over. Horses are
used to harrow it down, and when ready
the rioe plants are set out bv hand.
The rice ot Japan is very fine, and the
Japanese Know now to cook it. With
tuem it is the principal article of food
little rice, with pickles and tea. often
constitutes the meal. The people do not
know how to make bread, but seem to
be very fond of it when they can get it
or foreigners. They have dour which
they use in various ways in the simplest
kind of cookery. I noticed in comina; to
this piace (Hakone, a mountain town
forty-five miles from Yokohama), that
at some inns, instead ot tea, tuey gave
us a drink made of pounded wheat.
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, egg plants,
corn, melons, caonages, onions and tur
nips are also grown, nnd other vege.
tables, the names of which 1 do not
fenow, and never saw in America
think all the vegetables grown in New
York can be cultivated here. Of fruits.
we have peaches, plums, oranges, straw-
Dernes, pears and persimmons, also tigs
Wooden posts have been brought to
prematura ueu-y oy painting tuem oe-
tore tueir moisture uau evaporated.
Ilrt Out rtonra.
The close condnement ot all factory work,
fives the opeiativos pallid lacci, poor appe
tite, languid, miserable ieelings, pcor blood.
inaotire liver, kidneys and urinaiy troubles,
and all the physicians and medicine in the
world cannot help them unless they get out ol
doors or use Hup Bitters, the purest and best
remedy, especially lor such esses, having
abundance ol hfnltb, sunshine and rosy
chcekj in them. Thoy cost but a trifle. See
another column Christian Recorder.
Martin Gilbert was a drunker, bully
at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. After a riotous
day in the barrooms of the place he
went home and pounded his little
brothers and sisters. The neighbors
borrowed two dozen whips at a store.
and with thtm Gilbert was lashed to a
distance of several miles out of town
I have suffered from a kidney difficulty for
Ihe past ten years, accompanied with neivous
spasms, i'hysicians gave me but temporary
reliel, but alter using three aua one-hall
bottles ol Warner's Side Kidney and Liver
cure, my nervous spasms were entirely re.
lieved. My age is seventy-seven years. 1
recommend this great remedy to all suffering
Irom nervous troubles.
Ea'iton, Pa. Mas. Mary Keesb,
The crops in Pennsylvania for 1880 are
valued at $111,250,000, and the live
stock at $85 570,912, while the fences
$5,000 will be forfeited and paid by the
Malt Bitters Company if M alt Bittebb,
lamily medicine prepared by them, does not
excel in a fair competitive examination all
other compounds now betore the publio called
' Bitter. ,l
The Florida cedar is used by all of the
principal pencil-makers in the world on
account of its flue grain, softness and
strength combined.
When the season lor making presents
oomes, make some sufferer ot your acq aaint.
ance a pretent ot a bo'.tle of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup and note the beneSt it will do him and
'.he thanks you will receive.
Almoit TonnB Afalaa
Mv mother was afflicted a lone time will
neuralgia and a dull heavy, inaotive oondl.
tion ot the Whole system i oeanacne. nervous
prostration, and was almost helpless. No
physicians or medicines did her any good.
Three months ago she began to use Hop
Hitters, with sued gooa ciieci was sne seems
and feels young again, although over seventy
rears old. We tMnk there is no other medi
cine lit to nse in the family. A lady in Provi
dence, K. 1. Journal.
Since the discovery of petroleum
Pennsylvania has produced 133.862 639
barrels of crude oil, valued at f 34, 709,-
Elf's Crrnm nalm.
Eastom, Pa., ,'in. 39, 1880.
r v Lm, Nimulo fif ti treatment ol
cywt w ""-,v --'.-j - , , , , - ,
. t t. ri. RnltTi. which is nav-
imittrru, w J'J o - '
ing the largest salos with us of any prepara
tion now. imrepu. -the
Balm, and we do not hesitate to indorss
it as superior to any and all other artiolea.
The Balm is pleasnnt and easy to use.
VEnierrHK la nourishing and strengthening!
imritiM tha blood: resulfttcs the bowels;
quiets the nervous by stem j aots directly up
on the secretions, and arouses he whom
system to action.
Malarial fevers ean be nrevented, also other
miasmatio diseases, bv occasionally using
Dr. Sanrord't Xieer invtgorator, tne oiaest
general .Family Medicine, wnicn is recom
mended as a cure for all diseases caused by a
disordered liver. Kighty-pago beok sent tree.
Address Dr. Sanloid, 1V1 Hroatiway, . x.
.v vvii-.iu .V,f .11 1
Will amid their Kleolro-Volintc Hel'S lo the
afflicted upon 30 days' trial. See their adver
tisement in this paper headed, " On 30 Pays'
Get Lyon's Patent Heel Stiflenen applied
to those new boots bulote you run them ovur.
pint nnttii'S atMOcpnlti .12 yuars est .b itheil. H l the
fit in the worm ror tiie cine of i:niir, oui sorei, snniiri,
POWDklltt are wrrntl to cure DUIfmper, Ftver
w onus, l is; cive a nn coaij more se uie awteme ann
e'.pan-n thu urinary orcan. Certitlr-1 to l.r Col. D.
McOdi'.M, own-T of Himo of the fuMi st runnins hors-i
In the world, anrt 1 .mm others, il-lwuis. Soldbydro-
giais. uepoi -t tturraf Mreei, auw xora.
Beer Cattle Med, Natives, live wt . . 07y OK
OaiToa-Oood to l'rime Veals 0Xi 09
Bneep 09 & 05
Lambs JX
Boga-Llv 04'ki4 04
Dresaed 06 C
moat Ex. State, gooa to nney.... nut iai n
w mi tern, sood to fancy 6 1ft (4 8 15
Wheat-No. 2 lied 1 21!4 1 2S
No.l White 1 20 (M HOX
H Htnte 1 01 (it 1 fl
Barley Two-Rowed State MM 92
Corn Ungraded Western Mixed ... . esia, 5V
Southern Yellow 65 (4 69
Oats White State 43 t 61
Mixed Western.. 39id 48
Har l'rime 5 (4 1 16
Straw Long Rye. per cwt Vi M
Bops State, ltttfj IS 38
Pnrk Meaa 14 76 alt 6(1
Lard-Olty Bteam 8 (IS 8 67
Petroleum Orade. ....... 0601 lletlued 12
Batter BUte Creamery 23 9 HI
Dally 21 20
Western Imitation Creamery IS 0 24
Factory 20
flhppso State Factory.... 10.V4 13
Bkima (8 (A in
Vi stern 1U i VI
Errs State and Peun 21 "
Polatoea Btate, bbl 1 60 (. 2 0U
Flour City Ground, No. t Spring . . 5 00 0 S 78
Khut-Nn. 1 liurd tiuluth 1 II (4 1 58
Corn No. 2 Western 6'i.4 HX
Oats State Mi 4 7
Barley 1'wo-rowod State..... 74 80
Beef Cattle Live weight ,. 04 Q 05 V
Sheep ("V usi
I.-.mlM M'i
Hoga 05)f(4 05
Flour Wisconsin and Miun.rai.... 1 ia lasuj
Cora Mixed and yellow tV.'X'S 0
Oats Extra White, new 4( 04 48
Bye State 1 07 id 1 07
Wool Washed Combing & Delaine., 4.1 (4 60
Unwashed. " " 35 u 38
Beet Cattle live weight 04V
Sheep til. 14 04
Lambs ud4(9 no
Hou 0S:(4 06
Floai Penn. (rood and fancy S H7 W4 5 80
Wheat-So. 2 Hed 1 Itt (4 1 19!;
Bye State '.- (4 us
Corn State Yellow ft) (& 6B
Oats Mixed J-fit4 31X
Butter Creamery Extra 1)3 (4 83
Cheese New York Full Orttam 1;'V4 13
Petroienm (Jrude uos(4(X nonnea 12
Kidney Complaints
The symptoms of an scute attack of inflammation
of the kidneys are as follows: Fever, rain iu the
buiau 01 me naca, ana inence snooting downward
nnmbiiesa of the thigh, vomiting, usually at first 1
deep red color of the urine, which becomes pale and
oolorle-is as the disease increases, and ia discharged
very often with pain and difficulty;
aud Fome drgree of colio. In chronio disemea ol
the kidneys the ayinptoma are pain in the back and
limns, dryness or tne sum, rrequent urination (es
pecially at night), general dropsy, headache, diizl.
uess of sight, ludigeation, and palpitation of tin
nearc, graunai loss or atreugtu, paleness and puhi.
tiess of the face.couuh. and shortness of breath.
In diseases of the kldneya the Vkoktink gives
jimoenmte renei. ic uaa never railed to cure when
It ia taken regularly and directlona followed. In
many cases it may take several bottles, especially
cases of long standing. It aots dlreotly ugn the
'cretlons, cleansing and atrengtheniug, removing
II obstructions and impurities. A great "li can
estify to cases of long standing having been pet
ectly cured by the Veoetinb, even after trying
tiauy of the known remedies which are said to be
xpreasiy lor this disease.
Kidney Complaints.
Cincinnati, O., March 19, 1877,
0. It. Stevens:
Uear Hit I have used your Vkoetinb for some
time, and can truthfully say it has been a great
bent fit 10 me; aud to those sr.rTeriug fvuiu disease
01 ihe kluueya 1 rheuilnlly recommend it.
IlesuertfuUf. O. H. SMITH,
Attested to by K. 11. Ashfield, druggist, corner
cig-mu auu ueairaj avenues.
Cincinnati, O., April 19, 1877,
Mn. II. R. 8TEVENS s
I have suffered Beveral years with tlio kldi j
complaint, and wns Inilucrd to try Veoetinb. 1
have taken several bottles of your preparation, and
am couvlnccd it is a valuable rented". It has done
wo more good than any other medicine. I can
heartily recommend It to all Buffering from kidue)
complaints. Tours respectf ullv,
First bookkeeper for Newhall, Gale k Co., FIoui
Mercbaula, No. 8C West Fruut St., Cincinnati, O.
Vxoetine has restored thousands to health wh
bad been long aud painful sufferers.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
GO K Polished liranlte Monuments from
fmw r ice 011 iKiaiu suip tu itny pan 01 Amer-
ita. lliie-tnlions accurate and beautiful. Piaui and pricea
free. J01I W. LKtiUli. Sculptor, Aberdeen, Scotland.
PV1?T V nTTTT T 1 will have one of
sa to get a part of the i
-u v nit j. V1111J1 01
our Puzzles, so
:( IN l-ul.U we are Lome to
Kie away reo.
Price, il l cents.
b. 10, insu. The first one will receive $110.
Is. Address P. O. Ko uet), Huston, Mass.
In every town and city, to sell Dr. ItHoucV
tiiic TiiANsruKiNO ItATrcRV. Territory secured. Scud
for Circular. Address W. H. HKoWN,
.No- 08 Tremont St.. Hoston, Mass.
ASTHMA. Farnham'a old Established Asthma
Remedy Kiviug instant relief in all eases and which
Is indorsed by thousands of suileteis from tli'.s distressing
disease, is niunuta- lured and sold by Chas. bhuu-r at tha
Criminal Depot, Sparta, Wisconsin, and S"iit per mall
to any ad.lrcbs on receipt of One Dollar per H03.
Do Your Own Printing
Press, j an I outtlU fmra S:i to SBOO. Over 5,000 styles
of Typu. O-ititlogue and reduced pi ice list tree.
U. XOoi Philadelphia, Fa.
S.lfl-ri Steal I Mfirl yr tVifAj aM DTti'l
StA) tLllltt lice it,.. '.( f tl.
, .stvi kaaij HatuwLstid cWr.WJaf sand trvt
Xuiejirj. La If w-I'sat aad
uruit la if. 1. Fi
(Via. ia
rrt .i.IVi arVliM. BMITiI U rSU.S,
.aWV-."a W AuiiMtMU JUihlaW.i
Agents Wanted eTerywheri
to Mil to fttUiiiit;s, bote In anq
larue consu mtl ; lnitf si
t:oik 111 the country; uuality tuxl terms tlio (,oun
Irystorekrep.eisshou dcallor write THE WKU.S TtiA
CO All a
l A A
201 Fulton St., N. Y. P. O. liox Ati0.
r sr'iT r rr r n 1 1 k"
ew ORGANS. 940,
i.Ka-ni nsi.rHii z: s.
lldO.un. arrautelUv-ara. neconil llund
uiia.fl vi 1 biii 1 up r.uwj-jArut
UOlt AIM VAT.lta cV CO.,bUB'wqy,W.Y.
1 ' A ra, r a.' r a 1 1 ...1 t A m A afmr? I ' IV
?ff Beat Selling Articles in the world, a
aampleTYS. Jat Beomsuh, Detroit, Mich.
$777 ?
A YEAR and expenses to agent.
OutlU Free. Addiesa
o. vu.ii.KitY, Augusta, Maine.
I! liOl.l Given Away. Send S-ct
S'amp for particulars. Address Tub
AiusEKCi.s, Lcwis:ur,.i, tulou Co., Pa,
DIOniC tf lOrr fm ro.isuiupllun Is also
rlOU O wU WE the best connti medicine.
172AWEEK. il a day at soma easily made. Coitiy
V Ouittt f it. Additat Tas 4 Co.. Augusts, ataiuc.
trSkA .innnl.rllv Anil naefnlnesa
mown by the fact that SEHtrJTITilOt).
AN Dare sold yearly In the United States.
The best are the
which hare been awarded aioniaT tmnncTiont ro
WORIJJ'S Industrial Exhibitions for thirteen years, wf'S
out one unfk emertltm.
Are ready this season with Important Improvement.
roR LARGS CHURCHES, splendid ormna, with great
power and variety, at SA70, S480, $.190, and less prtcati
3O0 to 510, and upward. A GREAT VARIETY of
SMALLER ORGANS of equal excellence, though less
capacity, or In plain cases, st M to 1200 and upward.
Also furnished ros mostblt or odirtirlt rArarcrm, so
and upward.
IW nrtuint art errtalnlu tmrlmlfd Hi mrtrn. what W
prlrM ore not much MsVr titan thoae of very tnerior tnttrw
Itefore purchasing any Organ send for lns ILLITR
THATKD OATALOGUB (3a pp. 4to.), containing full
descriptions and prices. Inciudfn new atyles, and much
useful Information for the nnrcliaser or any organ, wnicn
-u.n I.- .,mt irm ami .wurrwTfa. SAin k MAftiijm
HUMAN 00.,lrl Tremont Street, BOSTON j 4 East
I till Street, KKW YORKi 110 Wabash Avenue,
Ihe IPnrest and Beat Medicine eter Mado.
Acolmhlnattnn of Mnns. Buehu. Man
drakle and Dandelion, with all tne best and
mosteurativeproicrtiea of all other Bitters,
makestherrreatestBtooa runtier, uiver
Reg U l ror, and Lite and Health Hestoruig
Aarent on
No disease in possibly lonff exist where Itop
Bitters are osel,sovaried aud perfect are their
fi r rnt 1 1 itir SsJ
Tier give tsw liV9 aaiTijcrtsUsazolKiliiflra.
To all whose aVnploynientsrause lrrcenlarl
tyo(t;.eboirilsoimmary onnrns. or who re
oulrean AonctiaerV Tomo and mild Stimulant,
n.m Bittera are tavfuViahlo, Without IntOX-
Koniatterwhr!tyourfeellnprB or symptoms
are what the discisc or allVnent Is use Hop Bit
ters. Don't wait until you ai sick hut If you
only foel had or mlaerahle,''"etliem at once.
It may save uaera'- - uuuureus,
SOOwlllhepaldforaenl"" they will not
ouro or help. Do not suffer 0,1't yr friends
suffer.hut use and ure them'V u" Hop B
Remember, Hop Bitters la noVTU. drartfrml
M.ntrnn nntfmm hilt, tho Purest O (J Best
Meaictneevermadeithe "ISVlMHeW FRIBKD
and HOPE and no person or family
should be wltnout lacin.
fllC is an Ahsolnw and irrcsHrioie cure
orl!runkenncRS,usc of opium, tobacco ano
narCOtK'S. All BOM! u.v ui uiJCisin. dhjiu ,
for Circular. Uop BHIers anr. w..
Tfoehngf 3. 1 nod 1 oronio. ' 'ei.
Too lifiTe read tlifa notice about twenty
tiiiira bt ror. nui ma youevvr act uixn hip suitk
tiou no often mt'lf, name y: To aik any to in-i mio
dvaifrror wo's witn fwnorii'lch ratfiit tie
nifrKtrel Hlvet Irilei't4-il fole I trunrani&d
to un in-ear any Sola ever ma-le. If you have not. do bo
th very n xt time you wai.t b. ota r ahos with aolet
ih it will like iron aQla.ive repatra, aiki Jou't you
i: v aiiV ttthtT.
My rrferfT.cen are R"y Sewing Machine Company 01
their azentft tti tnib coumry.
II. r. -ioonurrTT.
JO ClniH'ii St., Worcester, lla.s., and 40 lloyua Ave,
uiiicago, in.
2.000(000 Acres
Wheat Lands
baa la tk WarM, for ula by tha
St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba E.B, CO.
Thr 4o)r pr eon aQwd Ui avtalar fr brak
mt ao etuurs.uM. jrr pMvmutn Wj to
lAHfl CmmiMltRr, . Paul, Hlnn
Ilnlr Tyefsf.i.'RFK9T
ili i lihM : it Ht ls Illtt'iUt
titniiMi ,'o liii'iii tin most
n.itii al .-.hadci. of Jlut Kor
itrowiii .lt'8 SW STAIN
thu SIX, ntnl ii nifHy
PP h-l. It ie a Ktamlarti
prrjift at luti aut a favorite
Hievuiy well nj potntt'dto,
fttor J'lyor fntit'
S-'lil by Dm uits ami up
p'.tfil v Hatr OriBM." s.
ii'P"t. Wil lntnSt .N Y.
1881. FREE.
I'll 1:181 is now ready This elegant book con ab nit 200 flue engravings. A specimen
enpy -will lie sunt ti ee to nny one in tlio United
State, on reooipt ol a threcent stamp to
prepay po-dugs on the lijnk. Agonta wsuted.
X-fd.ess F. GLE !S )N A CO.,
46 Summer Street, Bcihton. Ma s.
Is ttia best In tht World. It tl abaoltitdT nnra. It Is tha
b sl for Meillrtnal Purrs .tel. It Is the best lor naalnf aa
all Famliy L'aea. Sold by all Druggists and Grocaia.
firanl Me-lal
at I'liiU-iflphla
Silver MHal
at Purls
This womlcful ftihstiince Is acknowledged by phy
sit ians throughout the wnr'rl to be the bet.t nmpily ttla
(ovcti"! for Uie cure of Woun K l.iirna, Hln-uiuatlem,
Skiti DibaMif, IMles, Cat rrU. (,'ht,l tihib, Ac. In order
that viry on tuny t y ft, It Is put u: lu I ! an l i cent
bottle, for boimlioM uto. Ohtiln it from your Hniurultit,
au l you will uuauupcrior toauytlnim you have cvur
1 STOPS, StTD BASS t OCT. COIPLER till Trlul Warranted. Catalogue Free.
AJ ilress DAMKI, F. ii K AT I Y, Wastaluglon. N. J.
Literary Revolution.
3PriITC ri l'. fonnrrly f i.(io to $1 .M .aoh;
WBlTI I O 1. Ma".iulay'a of rrederu'k
the (tit'iit. II. t urlvit-'s'cor Holier HltriiS. III. I.a
liui tin Life n M.irv (jiie"iinr Sn.ts. IV. Tlios. Ilu-'lie.'
Miiulini'M s PCIUTfi ,J li. furnierly $i.W
( ( In ist. 3 Vt.ll I 9 a. In I. Arnod'sl.njlit
lit Ai-ia II. li'i! rnclu's Vicin ul W'akftli'I'l. lit. Iiarun
ilimi haus -li's 'I'mvi-ls aid Surprlpiii'i Alve!itnres For
a. I r: llunv.inM'il.M iiii's Prioress. Illustrated
rataluisiie sent free. AMKHICAM l.lltiK KXCHANGK,
Jiilm U. AKlcn, Man (Ut-r. Trl'. un? llclliliin;. New Yiirk.
Many pr op are aftllctf U with these loathrtomi illseuea,
but very few ever gt weil from themj this In owinz to
Improper (reatmcuL oulu, a tli-y are realty cuiah eK
properly trea(el. 1 in U no Idle hoant but a fact I have
proven over aud over aain by uiy treatment. Send for
my little H ok, to . Hwilitvil you all about these
mutters and who 1 am. my largo Hook, 375 pagea, ocUvo.
pike $4 by nut'. a-J Im
1U. C. K. auiOKMAKEK, Aural burgeon,
HendintaT P
JaESTEY&CS BrattlfboroVI
Best and Fastest Selling
Wi will wik' our Klectro-Voltalc belt aud other
FleUrlc Appllanreiupou trial for 30 days to thoae sifllcted
uh Acrvotu JjnbUUy ud dUmttof m persomti nature.
Aw of the Mver, Kidur-ya, lUiuiuatiui, Paxalyalb, etc
a ture cure iuarutUtot or no pay.
Addrem VolUtlc Belt Co., Wwliall, Mlcli.
srsduate guaranteed a pavlut: situation. Address
VAI.fcMIAH BR08..M ananera, Janeavllle. Wis.
ft fi R WKLK In your own town. ' Terms and 15 Outfit
uu bt. AsUfaasU Buun Oo, fixt!ndVUme.
I Price, r'-i'ind 83 .r " in. AddreS NATION AL
J PlULISlslNU ton HAN If, -biladellib,ia,t
t bicaf ri.. c-r hi. Lou.., Alo.
I IIO llVllUa lliwav j . -
TH8 Model Parlor Magazine ol the World,
combining tne essentials
ol all others.
Ti.. (t..r.Astnff nnnnlarttr ftf TETCHY r n T?
MO VTIH.Y MAUAZlHIK, a pomilarity utend
liw over aeventeen years. Is ample pmol that eacn sno
eenillns year flmla It Improved In Its viuilty, beauty and
attractiveness; thns meriting the eiitliualasllc enoumlums
iK-stuwed upon It by Its wide circle of Intelligent and
critical readers.
Tiie peculiar featnres of ttits Maraalna render It ab
solutely Indispensable lu the family elide. lie mission Is
to nUne, elevate and Instruct. Sol only does It atiow
Uoiv home can be beautdled and ailorued. but It points
out the way by which the qualities of bead and heart can
be so cultivated nisi mey win sneu niuwiu iit w huvviii
llirlit of Intellectual and moral lieauty. Thus It Isaaafu
tiunlly tulile. a counselor and friend for the young, Willie
those older flud prnill and pleasure In Its pases.
Ro varied and Instructive are lt departments, eomtjin
Inu. ns they do. 1.1 IEKA ll ltK, AKT, AHtJlMThUJ UKK.
II, Khl ir.W tr r. IHn.BO.lWIQJlL... ... V u.
that It forms a aiuainc conipeuuiuiu 01 uvsiiin. .uu
uselul inlorniatlon for everybody.
Its I Itrvnry Icia inei-.-.t ts richly stored with
SKi t'cHfi. hssat', KniniBiALS, I'oaas and Mm aun
ovi AiiVicIr.'. fnini Uie pens of the best writ, is of
Kurope nnd Aiuenea; u iun"uu ...
and popular literature of tho day.
Its Ar.lailo leia. Iment wsseases iiniisual In
terest It is Illustrated with beautiful Abt Piciukes hi
111"" f rare delicacy of Bnish. or well executed Stkl and
other Kncravlmts of celebrated pictiirea. by world-
K"m".i lutisiiannss. which for beauty, variety and
rrliaidllty are not equaled by those of any magaaine In
the wolld.
Its Scientific. ArcliHectitrs.1, Klorlcttlttir.
I, Household and fr nulilon Ilenarf ments
arc enually lull and attractive! the whole formlnir a
MainiJlne whlcb most admirably combines the iih.;f ul and
ornamental, the Instructive aud entertulntiiB. and which
for Ih aut . utilltv. oriitlnallty and dieapncsa, la without a
tuer In the Held that It occupies.
"aiiv one dcslrtn,! a sample copy of this thoroughly
coV .reliensl'e auXelcntVlTKftARYand KASIlfotf
M Ml t.l.K. can obtain the same by forwardlnn 1LN
?F IS: or for Ot'hltK.N I' COl'lKS. cents. YKARI.Y
Sl'ilM'ltli'ilUN. with a Talnahle premi
um lo aitch mb'.rriner. who has a list of
livo'.ly i-efiii and beautiful articles to
aeltit from.
(Cend your address on postal rard for full
detail, of tills unrivaled publication.
17 East 14th Street, New York.
Ascents Wanted Rvery where to whom eitra-
wdmary tn.luceuicuts will be ollcred.
roil tst i.i-'. iv ti i-!.
4irarrrt tlte JlluiA I. (if MiX'ill ul I In- O nUmtwl ant
Chicago FRJ.ZER LUSK CAT0R CO. NcwYork
will (KiHltlvf ly cure IVniulv Weaknei's, Biu-h a Kail
lug of the Wo mli, ihltort. Chronic Inrtaminat'onor
Ulcerutlou of the Wuinii. InvhU-ntal IitnionhaKO or
FtiMxIhig, Painful, but-presst'i Hiid Irrt Kulur MiisV
ti tuition, Ac. Aa oIl and retiablo rnuly. fcicinl ioa
tiil card tor a pauiidiU t, v. li U trculinr-nt, uur nnX
' ciTtiili'atvs from ,jtiaifiuai arul jiutlcu", to How
m th & h-.illanl, Ulka, S. V. tiU Oy ail Uru'Uu
Patent Spnrk-Arreatlng Kn
etnua, mounted and on sTiids.
Vertical Kuglnes with wro'l
boilers, tnrckfi Safety pow
eis with feectional boiler
can't be explodrd. All
with Automutio Cut-Ofls,
Kiom $160 t. $2,000.
Send fur Circular. 6tat$
where you saw this.
The Creat Remedy For IKE LIVER.
These rrreat ora-ana are th. Nntnr.1 i.n..MA.
theSystein. If they work wall, health will be Der
foct, if tlieTbocomecloirped, dreadful diseam s an
develoiie4 Wauap the blood U poaoned the
i".l!.V-Dalil,h'ii' Un eipeU.d naturally.
!CI UK E Y-WOR T HI restore tha natural action,
a icT throw pa the disease, thousand have beeii dallmaT be. I '--ranle I yellUmr-i-Htt.
representing the choicest selected Tortolse-Sbell sn
Amber. The lightest, bandsomest, and strongest known
Bold by Opticians snd Jewelers. Mads by 8PB.SCKI
O. M. CO.. 13 Maiden Ijne, New Tors.
Is the " Original ' Ooncenlr.led Lye and Reliable Family
Soap Maker. Directions -onipiujy .each Can for maklna
Hard, Nafl and Tollrl heap qiilrUy. It la full
welxlitandstren.'ih. Ask your grocer for SAPUHI.
VI, aud U uo otnerr.
ThU Clalm.Uouse KstablUhed 1$S.
?ew . ThonsKKlsol soldiers and heirs entitled
AduVeba,wiin Jlainpl" TOa
LO. Dr.5Hu E- WJ2Ka... .
llabllOsrai I. is)
ra.aa am s-um.
auratsusa, AXusnoa uulo.
t5to2D y at keraa. taaiuies worth It bs
" A4uiaas ftuaaa. OaOssaiaaaL&s.
M A H Kll'S. WtlKK,, ,,AIONS YOU.N(
A M v It It; A S ((rn. til. r.w i u.ia 1.0 v-. va -a
C .1 I
1 I tHSULltlt I
I 1 rR7CRsall I
..... v
ISWai lsifef etas, asl Wist1 halt, I 5 f (f fl
J.J-wr.wl,, fa,,.,. .1,4 TfJ
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