The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 25, 1880, Image 3

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    Ik Mwak
THURSDAY, NOV. 25. 1R80.
Fresh Eggs at Molester's.
Thanksgiving morning.
Ridgway Borough will have about
210 voters.
See "Eatray Notice" In another
column. A calf enlray.
New Year Cards in great variety
at The Advocate office.
Winter has struck us hard and
tteeii)8 determined to stay.
The old school house In the west
ern limit of the Borough of Bhlirwnv
A great many 8had
net out next spring along the streets of
our oeautnui little Borough.
There will he given by the
ivnignu ot Honor a Grand Ball on
Christmas Eve at Hyde's Opera House
Supper will be provided.
The Supervisors have nearly com
pleted the bridire on the Ost ei'hntit
road across Hyde's mill race. The
oridge is very substantially con
structed and will last many years.
Ice meets our gaze everywhere we
look; Icicles hang from the frozen
eaves, the creeks have a coating of Ice
an inch thick, while the merry sleigh
bells, mingling with the joyous shouts
of the coasters and skaters, bring us to
a lively realization of the fact that
winter is at hand'in dead earnest.
Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold
ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper in boxes at Tun
Advocate office. Also shelf paper,
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these goods
even if you do not wish to purchase.
PKKSKNT. The musical organette
price $3.00. A child can play any piece
of music and the old folks can all play,
has the full tone of a cabinet organ
and will be a source of pleasure and
amusement for years. D. 8. Amirus
& Co., of Wil iamsport, Pa., solengents
for tli is section of Pa. All orders by
mail they will answer promptly.
Deer limiting is engaged in to a
great extent by many of our citizt ns.
Just now the frozen leaves crackle
under foot making too much noise for
successful hunting. But by and by
and with a little more snow our lively
hunters will go after the fleet-footed
deer witli a steathly tread and sure
nhot. Philo Chrisler lias gone to the
woods to hunt, as has our worthy
supervisor O. B. Fitch. Mell Gardner,
and Dan. Mc-Uovem both ex-supervisors,
will be there with tlieiu Capt.
Schocning, Lieut. Horton and Wood
ward, Co. Supt. Dixon, Doctor Bord
well and others of our riflemen will
soon bring in the deer meat.
The Elk county Teachers' Insti
tute will be held in the new Court
House commencing Monday, Dec.
27th, at 2 P. M. and closing on Friday
31st nt noon. This will be one of the
most interesting Institutes ever held in
Elk county, and it is expected that its
sessions will be well attended not alone
by teachers but by directors, and the
friends of education 'generally. Supt.
Dixon has put forth great effort to
make the Institute a success. In the
way of lecturers we notice promi
nently the nann sof Col. J. P. San ford,
and Alfred J. Knight. A daily pa
per will be issued from The Advo
cate office duiin ' Institute week .
Teachers and others desiring complete
niea of the daily should send in their
order at once. The price will be three
cents a copy or fifteen cents for the
rive issues.
Rldgway Borough.
At the recent term of court, Judge
Wetmore confirmed the action of the
Grand Jury at the September term in
granting the petition of citizens of
Ridgway for a Borough corporation
The place for holding the first Borough
election is fixed at the old Prothono
tary's office. H. II. Wen-el was ap
pointed by the Court to give the
necessary uotiee of such election.
The following election board to hold
audi election was appointed by the
Judge of Election Henry A. Par
sons, Jr.
Inspector of Election Hugh Me
Geehin, and Allen W. Jones.
There will be a long list of officers
to cleat as will be seen by the follow
ing list, twenty-nine in number,
which we believe is necessary to in
augurate our little municipality. The
election will be held at the regular
tlmo for holding spring elections,
viz: the third Tuesday of February,
being the 15th day of the month :
Chief Burgess.
Six Councilmen.
Six School Directors: two for one
year; two for two years; two for three
Two Justices of the Peace.
One Road Commissioner.
Two Overseers of the poor.
Borough Treasurer.
Borough Clerk.
High Constable.
Borough Constable.
Judge of Election.
Two Inspectors cf Election.
Three Borough Auditors.
This makes a long string of officers
to be voted for and gives our citizens a
fair chance to attain honor. Any of
us are liable to wake up some fine
morning to find ourselves elected to
one of the many places to be filled.
Alas, there Is a sad side to the story for
as many will wake up to find them
defeated as will awake to find them
selves famous and elected. A residence
of two months in the Borough, auoi a
payment of tax within two years is
necessary for those who expect to vote
at f to ennolnf election.
Personal1 Itsma
Lewh Ely killed a deer so they
L. C. Horton, and wife of Brock
port, were in town over Sunday.
The new Sheriff Thomas Sullivan
will take his place after January, 1,
Jerry Singleton and wife are
boarding at G. F. Dickinson's across
the river.
O. B. Grant has been confined to
the bouse with rheumatism for ten
days past.
We neglected to note last week
that C. It. Kline has returned from
his trip to the east.
Miss Brunner, of St. Marys,
daugli ter of CountyTreasurerBru nner,
visited Ridgway yesterday,
M. S. Kline, and wife, and James
McCauley wife and boy, will move
into Judge Whitmore's house on East
Our enterprising jeweler Chtis.
Holes has a new plank crossing from
his place of business to the oppo-ite
side of Main street.
Miehael Luby Is) J working at
Dugus siding now and conies home
every Sunday. He still has charge
of that gang of Hungarians.
Mrs- Brown wife of A.C.Iirown ot
this place died last Friday morning,
and was buried on Saturday. She
leaven five children.
The officers and members of Com
pany H will meet at their new armory
in the little old brick buildinir in the
courtyard, week from next Saturday,
Lee. 4.
W. H. McCollom. better known a
"Blind Mack," will irive a musical en
tertalnnientat tlilsj place soon. He
will lie here this week to make ar
Frank VanOrsdall came up from
Driftwood, last week, and snent a few
days in this village. His little sister
May was seriously ill with diphtheria
and nothing would do but she must
see Frank, so became in response to
a telegram. We are triad to note flint
the little girl is much better.
See article, headed Brass Band on
second page.
Cranberries 10 cents a quart at
Several caes of diphtheria are re
ported in this Borough.
It is expected that Company H
will have a dance at Hyde's Opera
House on New Year's Eve.
The death of Gov. J. D. Williams,
of Indiana, known as "Blue Jeans,"
took place Nov. 'JO. He was elected
Governor in 187'', his term expiring
If you wish to buy young German
Canary birds warranted to be good
singers at prices cheaper than the
cheapest, call on Mrs.Jacob Butterfuss,
over It. I. Campbell's store, Ridgway,
Rare and Extraordinary Offers.
Our readers will do well to look over
our advertising columns and read
carefully those headed "An Extraor
dinary Offer,'' and "Profitable and
Permanent Employment." It will
pay to do so.
John Barr'sbarn in Benezefte town
ship, was burned several weeks ago.
Some children playing with matches
set I lie barn on lire. The barn and
contents consisting of hay, agricul
tural implements, etc., were a total
loss, amounting in the aggregate to
$1,500, No insurance. ,
Buyer's best prime peaches 20 cents
per can at Morgester's.
Thieves Break In ami Steal.
Last Saturday night sneak thieves
broke into the residence of G. W.
Nichols on Zion's Hill, and took three
overcoats, a black dress coat and vest,
also a silver watch, chain, and locket
containing picture, together with a
low crown felt hat, and a lot of mis
cellaneous articles including money,
handkerchiefs, &c. Several suspicion
characters were prowling around oi r
streets on Saturday, begging from
door to door. It Is quite likely that
they were the parties who did the
sneaking work. Mr. Nichols' family
slept up stairs while the articles taken
were down stairs. The thieves were
in their stocking feet ami entered at a
back window Charlie Nichols, who
is "devil" in The Advocate office
owned one of the overcoats stolen.
And it is a mighty low thief that will
steal from a printer's devil, the curse
of all printers and all devils follow
the dastardly smak-thicf.
The passenger depot was entered the
same night. An attempt was made
to enter the residence of C. H. Mc
Cauley, but was frustrated by reason
of Mr. McCauley being up with a sick
child. An attempt was also made to
enter the residence of Mr. A. H. Head,
and Rev.S.M.CIark. We are Informed
that several houses in Wilcox have
also lately been visited by sneak
thieves. Our citizens should be on the alert
and meet all attempts to enter their
houses by these sneaks with a double
charge of buckshot, or the equally
satisfactory welcome of a rifle ball. A
few thieves, killed in the act would
help materially to lesson this species
of dirty meanness. Another thing,
any tramp, or other suspicious charao
ter, coming to our doors, hhould
promptly receive the benefit of the
Pennsylvania tramp law. It is a hard
matter to refuse a fellow mortal a
morsel as he begs at our door, but
when the canting hypocrite who begs
a crust is likely to be a thief who will
repay our kindness by breaking into
our houses after night, and only bog
food as a means of canvassing the
situation in order to steal, the milk of
human kindness turns to gall, and
maybe many a worthy person turned
away whom we might assist.
Special Inducement to Purchaser.
Pure Gum boots $3.25 a pair.
Lumbermen's rubber shoes one half
heel $ 1.3).
Lumbermen's rubber shoes, solid
heel $I.5'J.
Men's Artlcsfl.75.
Men's Alaska $1.25.
Youths, Boys, and Children's rub
ber Boots at lowest posMble figures.
Ladles. Misses, and Children's Rub
bers, and Alaskas, to wit: Ladles
rubbers 45 to 60 cents; Misses 40 and
Children's 35. Lad Us Alaskas, (1.10.
Just received a new lot of Ladies'
Cloaks Latest Styles and at Lowest
Prices, to wit: from $1.75 to $20 each.
Please call and examine our goods
whether you desire to purchase or not.
Cohen Bros., A Bkownstein.
of New York Store
t'anrt Prwecdlag.
Hon. L. D. Wetmore, President
Judge, and Geo. Ed. Weis. associate,
present. Judge Jones was absei t.
L. H. Garner & Bro. vs. Nicholas
Kronenwciter and Charles Kronen
wetter.' Rathbun Tor Plaintiff. Mo
tion for judgment ngalnst Nicholas
Kronen wet ter, for one-half of PHIs.
claim. Granted.
Wainwrlght & Son vs. Walker &
Son. Ru'hbiiii for plaintilf; Ames for
deft. Rule discharged.
John Barr vs. M. R. Radcliffet al.
J. K. P. Mall for plaintiff Ames for
deft. Continued.
L. Saltonstiill et alt. vs. J. S. Hyde
et al. Rathbun for plaintiff; Hall &
McCauley for deft. Ejectment for
warrant No. 4:) 13, 91)0 acres in Fox
township, ElK Co., Pa. Stricken off.
Jordan S. Ned vs. John Wlngart.
Hall & McCauley for plaintiff; Lucore
& Hamblen lor ileft. Exjectment lor
18-1 acres in (Spring Creek Township.
Continued at defendant's cost for the
term, not to be put on the trial list
before May term.
J. B. Stearley vs. The St. Marys In
dependent Fire Co. and Gco.Sehmidt,
J. K P Hall Tor plaintilf; Ames for
Schmidt. Continued.
H M. Rolfe vs. C. R. Earlcy. Con
tinued. Peter Volk vs. Lorenzo Vogel. J.
K. P. Hull for plaintiff; Ames for
deft. Verdict of jury for the plain
tiff, S'8 with interest from Nov. 27.
Zenas M. Webb vs. Frank C- Bow
man. Continued.
D A- Pontius vs. Conrad Moycr, Jr.
Charles A. Lyon vs. F. X Sorg.
Continued at defendant's cost for the
The Township of Fox vs. John
McMackiu and John Collins. Con
tinued by consent.
Commonwealth vs. Andrew Distler.
Assault and battery. Xolle 2rox. on
payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. Herman Hirt
and John Hau Murder. No prosecu
tor being present the defendants were
Commonwealth vs. Patrick McCor
in ic -Perjury. Verdict not guilty.
Defendant to pay one-half the costs,
and the county the other half the
costs. McCorniick was sentenced to
pay one-half the costs and stand com
mitted, etc. This perjury was in con
nection with the murder of . the
Swede, John Johnson, at Centreville in
July last.
Commonwealth vs. John Woods
Assault and battery with intent, to
kill. Indictment quashed, On an
indictment for mayhem certified to
the Court of Oyer and Terminer, the
jury found the defendant not guilty, the
costs to be divided between Woods
and the prosecutrix. Woods sentenced
to pay one-half the ccsts within ten
days, and stand committed, etc. No
piosecutrix being named in the in
dictment that part or' the finding of
the jury went for nothing.
Commonwealth vs. Mary Lamb
Arson. Xole pros, on payment of
Ill connection with the murder of
the Swede, John Johnson, at Centre
ville, a rule was granted to show cause
why Andrew Hau's licene should
not be revoked.
Geo. A. Uathbun, appointed audi
tor to audit the accounts of Fred.
Schooling as Proth'y, fcc lor the year
ending lss0.
Petition of citizens of Horton town
ship to vacate and supply a road lie
twten John Winklchleck'saud James
Riley's. E. E. Willard appointed
surveyor, and H B. Siious and Jacob
McCuuley viewers.
Petiti .ii .f cili.-'lis of Ridgway
township for a public road from '
point near the hou-eof Tiiales Witi-j-field
to a point near south end ol
Bryant & Euw er's. Mill Creek dum.
E. E. Willlard, surveyor; G. G. Mes
senger, Sr., and Hiram Carman view
ers. Petition of citizens of Ridgway
township lo vacate I he public road
between Bryant & Euwer's mill creek
mill and the Ridgway and Sprinj;
Creek road. K. E. W'illiiird appointed
artist; G. G. Messenger, Sr.,and Hiram
Carman viewers.
Petition to vacate a road from Crow
run to Irwin's bouse in Spring Creek
township. E. E. Williurd, surveyor:
John M. Sch ram and E. K. Gresh
We can recommend the New
York Observer to our readers as a
family paper that is full of good and
useful reading. It has both religious
and secular news, and a foreign cor
respondence which is entertaining
and valuable. Any one can get a sam
ple copy by sending to the New York
Observer, 87 Park Row, New York.
Tlieonly secret about A yer's Cherry
Pectoral Is in the selection of the best
materials fcr the cure of coughs and
colds and skillfully combining them
by chemical processes. This all med
ical men are aware of, as they are
furnished with the formula of its pre
paration. Go to Morgester's for Arbuckle's
Brockport Squibs.
Winter Is here.
Brockport has betn dull of late.
Sunday was n very cold, windy
Dr. Nulf dishes up the oyster
Sllckery Jim still gives the boys a
clean shave.
Henry Reedy killed two very large
deer last week.
R. J. Thompson is teaching the
Hcllen school. P', .
"Swamper" is making quite a
business of trapping.
The political pot bollcth not since
Short & Horton pushed logs on
their slide lost Friday and Saturday.
Miss Smith, of West Montery, is
working at T S. Kline's.
One of L. K. Kline's men saw n
largo bear crossing the road near camp
Fox, while going to work on Friday
Horace had a big adventure with
his favorite horse, old Fred, one day
last week. Fred was too much for
him and somehow Horace as a con
sequence did some high and lofty
Mr. Lester J. Chase and wife of
North East, visited L. C. Horton, of
this place last week.
We have heard .nothing from
"Now and Then" fur sometime.
Why? Because "Then" left us to
gather apples at u point near the big
chestnut. We may expect to bear
from them again as he has letumcd.
Don't ask our shoemaker to trust
you. Who would Hot be ashamed to
say his sole was not his own?
We think t he boys of Brockport
very stupid when they will allow a
Ridgwayite to capture and carry away
witli him one uf our finest young
la. lies. Success to Jerry and wife.
Sampson Short of North East is
at Galushu's looking after his business
at that place.
L. C. Horton visited the county
seat on Saturday, returning on Mon
day by stage.
The epizootic is prevalent among
the horses in this section as Weil asi
in many others.
Sp-'ak to Lon. S. Horton for your
venison and other game. He has pur
chased a Winchester rifle on purpose
to supply the wants of the people.
Yes, yes.
Before election you would have
thought to see D. R. that lie was a can
didate tor sheriff or perhaps for Presi
dent. But he was not, he was only
foreman of Rear Run Band.
On Friday ami Saturday some ot
the boys got mixed up with the worst
kind of tangle toe which made them
stumble as they homeward trod their
weary way.
Theodore Fox has the contract
for hauling the Shawmut logs belong
ing to Oyster & .Short. The logs will
be hauled a distmee of three ami om
half miles on sleighs.
"L. C. A." visited DuMois
couple of days last week.
Sillgili;.; school is held at the
church every Thursday evening. Ad
mittance tun cents.
Telephones are becoming popular
at this place there being five in opera
tion tit present.
J. B. Frantz intends moving to
Summit tunnel on the Low Grade
road, where lie has a Job of cutting
pine logs.
"Swamper" caught a large gray
fox in one of his traps which lie cap
tured alive and intends tanning.
One of our young men went out
ne night not long since to have a
little time. He had just as little time
as he wanted to get home before day
light, and the other party had all the
Lewis Lesser, clerk at the Brock
port store, visited his folk sat Ridgway
on Monday last.
Who R. U.
Horse Diseases.
The new prevailing disease afflict
ing horses called Cold, Catarrhal
Cough 'or Epizootic is a Catarralial
Cold, afft'cting tlie air passages to the
lungs, and s nut-times affecting the
frontal and nasa' sinuses of the head
and if left w.thout treatment fre
quently terminates in what is called
Glanders, the horse lingers along a
few weeks or mouths ami dies.
the remedy.
For many years past a brother of
mine in Corry, E. liordwell, has been
using a compound which lias save)
nearly every case that he has treated,
especially if taken in the first at ages
of the disease, and he has treated
thousands of eases.
In the first place it cuts the mem
brane in the air passages.
Secondly it is loosening.
Thirdly it acts as an absorbent.
Fourthly it gives an Immediate ap
petite. In looking up the properties of this
compound I find it is good.
I have tried it. Others have tried
it in this place and have not lost any
I am the sole manufacturer and
The medicine is put up in pound
bottles with directions.
Those in my acquaintance living
near and responsible can take trial
bottles and if it does not cure if given
in the first stages, need not pay for it.
Price per pound $1.00,
By the half dozen or dozen a liberal
All orders should lie marked for
Bronchial Elixir.
J. S. Bordwkll, M. D.,
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
A flue line of fancy note paper in
boxes at The Advocate office. The
newest styles out. Also a line of sam
ples for New Year cards that can't be
Dagm Mines Notes.
The weather is changeable.
A brass band has been organized
ot the Tunnel. Considerable money
hns already been subscribed towards
the instruments.
H. W. May, Esq., is again among
Mr. Geo. Beadle and Mother and
Sister are now visiting Mr. Henry
Beadle at the Mines.
"Charley,'' of "Brlgham Young's
Family,'' Is quite a poet. See last
issue of the Democrat.
Wonder how "Lemuel" found
out about the "Young family."
"Charley" and Doc. don't like it very
Chas. Smith, of Coal Hollow, has
left the Hollow for a short time. Yes,
the last heard of him he had gone.
Prof. Luther has about all he can
attend to. He is teaching both day
and night school, and the balance of
his time ho devotes to teaching mu
sic. Frank Showers has moved his
Taniily to the Mines.
The roads are once more in good
A number of our citizens attended
court at RiTlgway last week.
-Thanksgiving turkeys are being
Election bets arc being paid by
our citizens.
The epizootic among the horses Is
raging pretty heavily throughout our
township. Henry Largay had the
misfortune to lose one of his horses
last week.
We understand that the brass
band lately organized at the Mines,
intend giving a vocal and Instrumen
tal concert in the school house at the
Mines in u couple of weeks. We
wisli them success and hope when the
evening arrives that our citizens
wiil turn out and give them a crowded
house. It is a big undertaking for the
boys and we hope to sec it become a
success, which there is no doubt but
that it will. The admission wiil b
such that one and ad can take in the
entertainment. Some of the best
talent in the county wili take part on
this occasion. Due notice will be
given of the time of holding the
It is reported that the Centreville
flute band will give a grand dance at
Collins' Hotel, Centreville, on the
evening of the 24th of the present
month. The proceeds to ho devoted
to the purchase of uniforms for the
band. May success attend them.
Mr. James Malone was called
home from Philadelphia last week
on account of his Mother being ill.
Jim. looks as natural as ever and re
ports business lively in the City.
Mrs. John Malone has been quite
ill for several days. At present writ
ing she is some better. Mrs. Malone
is quilt- advanced in years.
A young lady entered a certain
store in Centreville the other day and
inquired lor a "how." The gentle
manly an I polite clerii threw himself
back and remarked that he was ot her
service. "Yes," she said, "but 1
want a buff, not a one." Al
last accounts the clerk was driving a
dray wagon.
Well, well, well; "Ike" where did
you get that new suit of clothes.
Martin Hivie appears to be the
first man out in tlie morning ami the
last man in at night. He reports
business rir.-.t-class.
Tlie barber shop at Slam Bang
City is running full blast.
Steell & Co., have purchased a
fine span of horses, which they now
use on their dray wagon.
Rolit. Hodgson, Sr., has started
his meat market at tlie Mines ami is
selling at astonishingly low prices.
Sam. Brown left on Monday last
for Philadelphia to be picseut at ti.e
meeting of tiie Grand Lodge of O. d
fellows. H. L. O.
A large stock of Brooms at Mor
gester's. Gidd niedai lomuioes two three
pou u d ca n is torjJ5cen ts at Morgester's.
Ask your neighbor to take The
Advocate, and send us a birth,
marriage, death, or other items ot
interest that may occur in your lo
cality. Drop us h postal with any
item you may wish inserted ami we
wili give it our earliest attention.
If you want a sheet of nolepaper
or an enve.ope call at The Advocate
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for The Advocate only $1.50 a year
when paid in advance,
Subscribe for The Advocate.
Note paper and envelopes at .h
Note paper, envelopes, cheap r.t
The Advocate office.
Note paper and envelopes at the
Advocate office.
Get your Job work done at The
Advocate offi w
Subscribe for the
A Good Kansas Paper.
The Weekly Capital advertised
to-day is what It claims to be, a well
printed, 8 page paper containing a
larjje amount of leading matter inter
esting to those who want to learn
about Kansas. Its editor J. K. Hud
son is Secretary of the State Board of
Agriculture and is qualified to speak
advisedly regarding the resources of
the State. It Is published at Topeka,
the Capital of the State, at the low
price or $1.00 per year
Light running, Latitat Improved
DOMESTIC, at price never beard o
bfoT,Mj-. at W, ft. Bwrvk',
LlttloToby Rippling.
The weather machine ran down
last Sunday and Monday night 14
degrees below eero.
Why does our bald-headed' friend
George soy we part to meet no more.
James Bennett talksof supplying
the Township with vcnslon having
killed one that Weighed eighteen
Fred Raywlnkle Is still ahead of
the old hunters here he killed a deer
with a rail.
In the wind stofm a few days ago
Win. Hulett was returning to his
camp in the night having In his
wagon one barrel of flour and a
dressed hog, a tree fell on the Wagon
smashing it all to piece3 together with
the flour and a limb was run through
the hog. Mr. Hulett escaped without
any bruises.
Weddings are getting quite num
erous, suppose it is on account of cold
Jack Short is now the happy lad
having killeda fox and bear.
A small child of LewU Boyinton
died last Sunday night.
One might as well back a mule up
to a swarming bee hive and expejt it
to stand still as to 'speak to Wake and
expect silence,
The first school In this township
was taught by Miss Olive Brockway
in tlie year lS-'O.
Mr. Eben Stephens is about tlie
oldest pioneer and settler in tills
neighborhood when he first established
his 'home here the howl of the wolf
and scream of the panther broke the
stillness of the midnight air.
Chicken tlielvei are becoming
quite numerous.
There are moonshiners here who
ought to be captured coming home
latent night and crawling Into tlie
A greater part of the work here
hail to be abandoned on accouut of
L. S. got a new gun started out
in search of game shooting at every
thing he saw and killed nothing, fell
hi the creek and returned home be
lieving he hud had a thundering good
We should have a lockup here to
accommodate tlie Knight's of the
Married Mr. Reuben Iddingsto
Miss Liilie L. A Men both of this
township, They have our well
wishes for the future.
The population is still on the In
crease; to Mr. and Mrs. Hippie a girl,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ray winkle a girl, to
Mr. and Mrs. McG ivern a boy.
Wake Brockway is the proud
father of a bouncing boy.
For the last few days James Ben
nett, J r.has been slidinj logs at Bear's
Brockport wants a debating club
if a cluhis'nt handya good poker might
be serviceable in settling disputes.
A common disease at this place Is
a I ruiking out in f lie mouth.
Tho-e two gentlemen have at last
ouni their right place sand witched
between the ladies a spectasic winch
is sim.jly charming.
J aeon Fields or more commonly
know n as "Swamper'' is one of tlie
greatest trapK-rs in Ibis neighborhood
Ids principle line cf lur is skunks his
idOcct in catching I hi m is to li ive 11 e
furs pcriuiiied without extra cost.
Niuty-cight per cent, of the males
of this place use tobacco, the price of a
cigar so soon to cud in smoke com
pounded for twenty years is one
thousand three huudrel and forty
dollars. Think of it young man as
you puff a. vay your next cigar, as you
appropriate tlie next plug of nause
ating and health destroying poison, us
you tip off your next glass of whiskey
and strychnine. Truly it may be said
you have pulled uway t lie price of a
brick you have gurgled down a whole
pound of nails. Day by day you will
ii ntinue until your hmiioteiid of the
future has liopcie.-ly, irrecoverably
vanished. Ad no a day will do it.
He went a;ter ni'daHses, got drunk
and brought home the jug filled with
whisk- y. She look it up smelled of
it si t it back, and thin t-quni d herself
arms n-kiiiii-o witli eyes flashing and
exclaimed w here's them nn la.-set?
i lie chap smiled, winked plea-antly,
and wavnl hi hand propitiutingiy
r plying, them's them. He is now
convalescent but the jug is helpelessly
dan. aged.
I Am Cad.
Little Toby, Nov. 23.
PE N N .'5 1' L V a 1 A KAIL ROAD
Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY. November
7, I8t, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Phiia 0 00 a. in.
" " ' Keuovo..5 4U j,. nt.
ERIE MAIL loaves Phiia U 55 p. m
" " Renovo 1105 a. m.
" " Emporium. 1 tfOp. in
" St. Mary's..' 23 p. m.
" " Ridgway... 2 4up-ui.
" " Kane 3 45 p. in.
" arr at Erie 7 45 p. in.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. m.
" " arr. al Phiia.... 6 85 p. m.
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 H5 a. m.
" " Kane 4 lu p. m.
" ' Ridgway.... 5 17 p. m.
St. Mary's. 50 p. in.
EuiMrium.t 55 p. ni.
Renovo 9 00 n. ni.
" arr. at Phiia ?05 a. iu.
Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
Thui t-pliiidid t tgun told by D. S
Andrus & Co., Williamspoi't, Pa., for
f 75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 'eet 6 inches high, Is
sold now for $80.00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them. Terms easy
a 1ob time also.
Business Cards.
geo. a. rathbu.
Mala street, Rldjtwayi Elk Co., Pal
Particular attention given to th
examination of titles, also to patents'
and patent case.
Office in hew brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. rB2t
Late of Strattanville), Physician and
Surgeon. Ridgway, Pa. Office In
Hall's Brick Building (up Malrs)-'
Reference's J.- IX Smith, H. L.;
Young, R. Rulofson, Strattanville,'
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Clarlrn. Has practiced huf
profession sccewtfully for more tharr
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main nnd Mill street.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care-"
fully selected Foreign nnd Domestic-'
Drugs. Prescriptions Carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his office from Centre5
street to Main ntrect, Ridgway, Pa., in1
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the'
Hvde House.
Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgwny, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying'
strict attention to tlie comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of tlie same. oct30'09
TliU nilmirnlilc work Is now eom-
pletein lCvols. EachvolumecontainsSOO'
pages, it mnkesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep'
well informed. Price $" un in cloth,
U."0 in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,'
W. II. Fn'irchild, Portville, Catt. Co..
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K- Judsonf
general agent.
BEST IH THE W&hl&i i-
Which is the same thing.
Impttro Bl-Covb Boda or falcrntntf
inh.ih l4theiumoi litnciscf u slight,
ly dirty while cola: . Itmny npiicae
vrlilic, czamlnttl I) litrlr, but n
C riPARIOV Will! CHIilU M iri
CO'S " AttM A1DH VMMEU" Bit A Si D'
Trill ihoiv the difl'ncncco
See that your Saloratna end Ilik
fnc Soda ti tvlilto niul PURK, no
r.liould bo ALL SinU.AH. SUBSTAN
CES turd for food.
Housekeeper who prefer b-oid in&do wttti
yeast, will imprnvo its quality, viu'so It ria
bottcran 1 proventit fr-iu figuring, by aluic
ona-hsilf teaspoon fill ofCnnrra h Co ' foUa cr
Sakratu. Be sure and not uao tool imh. Tbo4 of tW with amr milk, in tirc'cre-ira to'
IMiijg Voivitor, Bwi- two itv ttmo 'i c t.
Sij o 11 p ni 1 1 (i --:i30 fjr valuablo i .."crina-"
lion au.l rea.l circuity.
rUH-HZK PAI'EK patterns!
-A Supplement will oh Riven in every
number for 11. coinaining afull-MzepHttern
fur ii hidy's in-ehllu'R ili t'ss, fcvery Bubsci l-'.
lii-r w ill rect'lv.-, iluilnn tlio yvnr, twelve of
lliefi' t'littf i iik, win I n more, alonu, then tbt-Milj.-crl4luii
pi ii-i-Ui
Peterson' Miijcnzlnc Is the brRt and chenp-'
CM nl ilic liuly'K lniiik. Hiclvea mine for the'
money, ami combines xrealvr tnerila, than1
itny oilier. In short it tins the
Best iStcclEnsi'avings,-
Best Colored Fashions,
Best Dress Patterns
Best Original Stories,
Best Work-Table Patterns',.
Best Music, Et, Etc.
Its immensft circulation nnd long eotiih-'
llshoil reputation enables lis proprietor to'
cllcliinci' all competition. In 10. n Xew
1 en line wan Introduced, which will be IIU-'
proved on in Insl, being a ncries of
The stories, novelets, 4c. in "reteron" nre'
itniiiilLd in be the best puhliRhed. All tlie
ni.i-t pnpii. ar female writers contribute to it.
In 1M, about 100 original Hones wiil beglven
mi. I In luldiiion Six i opyriitht Novelets, by
Ann s, Stephens, h rank Benedict, jane
U. Austin, Mary V. Spencer, Sidney Trevor,,
and halt Inimitable bumiiribt. the author of
"JonIuIi Allen's Wife." Tlie
In "Peterson" are ahei d of all other. These'
plaiei. ale engraved on rto.-i, twice the usual
Hize, and ure uueiUiilled for beauty. They
will be Huperbly colored. Also. I -useho d'
mid other receipt; artic esou An E iliioid
ery. Flower Online; iu short evei; th .ik in
lercbliUK to ludies.
Tkkms (Always in Advance) (2.00 A Year.
2 Copies for $8,50; 3 Copies for H.50.- With .
co(j uteel eii0-ii iif. "Uran'lalher '1 ells of
Vol kU)wn,"u4.'Jo, or an IlliiRlraied Album,.
quarto, gilt, for getting up tho Club.
4 Copies for S0.5U; B Copies for SMI. With' an'
extra copy of the .ianazine for lssl, us w
premium, to the peison getting up llieclub.-
5 Copies for '.00; 7 copies for Sl0.b- Willy
both an extra copy ol the Magazine fur lttl ..
and ihe pictuie, or Album, lo the person
getting up iheOub.
For Larger Clubs Still Greater In--duecn.
Address, post-paid,
CiiAiiLKa J. Petf.ksoS,
SOS Chestnut nt Philadelphia. I'll.
53S-Speclnieiis sent gratis, if written"
for, to get up clubs with,
"No lady should he without U."--bliippen8' .
burg (Pa.) t'Aruiiicle.-
Get your NOTE PAPER,
ITING CARDS at The Advocate?
office,, over Powell & Kime's tor
Ridgway, Po