lie JUIiwak Henry A. rnrsoiifi, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1880. EnTF.KED AT THE POST-OFFICE AT Ridoway, Pa., as sf.cond class MAII, MATTKlt. A Presidential Pension Fund. AtUKMK FOR MAKIJfd rnovrsioN FOR TUB COMFORT OF EX-l'KHSI DENT. Now York TImog. A number of gentlemen of both political parties propose to appeal turougli the Times lor a national sub seription to provide n perpetual fun wuKie luiuu'H amount snail ue en joyed during life mid non-holding of Federal o'flee by the oldest ex-Presi dent of the United Stilton The inin inium capital of tue fund shall be --',t!M, mill Its probable income not less than yii.'i'Ji). Tiio details as to tho lu inaeiuent of such a trust uro matter for after consideration ; tho immediate questions are, can the money bo raised and will such a move menc commend it-elt to the support ana approval ot the people of the United States? While not presuming to give au authentic reply to either question, Inquiries made on behulf of tho Tim" would lead us to answer both very confidently in the affirm live. Already subscriptions to the amount of $ot),009 have been guaraii teed in a a neighboring city, and there Is no reason, beyond the desirability or making tho movement a popular one, why the whole amount should not bo subscribed by twenty-rive wealthy citizens of the United .States But it is very obvious desirable that a movement like this should bo nurtici pated iu by the whole people, that the quarter-dollar of the laborer should go to make the fund as as well a.s the $10, 000 of the millionaire. Wo fully ex pect to see the aggregate subscription reach,, and we trust that the number of those giving small sums will be no less remarkable than the munificence of those who are able to give large ones. it may be necessary to explain that the phrase, the ''oldest living ex-Pres- Identof the United .states" means the ex-President whose incumbency is most distant in ioint of time, and that the plan we have outlined does not, for the present at least, contem plate the enjoyment of a pension by more than one ex-Presideut at a time. The fact that General Grant would in all probability, be the first beneficiary of the contemplated trust, does not in the least, make it a movement in his special interest. In fact, due of the reasons which have weighed with these who desire to see the movement assume a distinctly national character is to be found in the oil-repeated pro posals to raise a fuud which should be a purely personal testimonial to General Grant. Without having any authority to discourage these proposals we imagine that the benefits of such a national scheme as we have outlined could be accepted by General Grant or any succeeding recipient, without cither tho feeling of personal obliga tion or impaired self respect which might attach to a merely personal gift. . Our columns arc open for such discussion of the scheme as may be prntli.ible, und for tho record of all subscriptions to it received at the ThMi otlice or elsewhere. Tiisli Thing!". .ThlUdolphla Press.) Tho i'!V-tiuation into the Chinese Jetf. r t.rt;e.y U getting rapidly down to b:r.i p.-i'i. 'I he witnesses culled to prove the genuineness of the letter have cut a sorry figure from the out set. The public, therefore, were little 6uprised when two of them broke down entirely and voluntarily con fessed that they had been suborned and had knowingly perjured them selves in their testimony. Morey swears that for his part in the affair he received 150 from the Democratic National Committee. The vigor and success with which the ex posure of this forgery business has been pushed by the Republicans has been one of the refreshing features of this campaign. We very much mis take the character and mettle of the prosecution if they will bo content witti bringing down such small game as Morey and Linsay. If any mem ber of the Democratic National Com mittee has been guilty of subornation of perjury, or in any way incrimin ated by this clumsy forgery, the work of those engaged in this prosecution will not be finished until the prison doors shall close upon the offender's bead. This was no common forgery. It was attempted, by means of it, to de ceive and defraud the whole American people and check the rising tide of Republican success. Such tricks should be shown to be too dangerous to be repeated. Tho American people overlook much. Especially are they lenient with respect to what is said and done in the excitement of a na tional campaign. But the fraud con spiracy, forgery and perjury, such as are embodied in the Morey letter, and the effort made to sustain it. are too much. Tho public demand that all who are in any way responsible for this disgraceful affair, be they high or low, rich or poor, bo prosecuted with the utmost rigor, and, if found guilty, bo made to oxptate their of fense in a felon's cell. Don't fail (o call and examine our 15 new styles of visiting cards The prices are cheap, and quality the very best. 10x12 and 8x10 window glass at Morgetter's. PENNSYLVANIA'S POLL. Tho Official Vta The fiiUnwlnn nre tlie oindul rrtunu the Secrctry of the Commonwealth : I'UKSlDKNT. OOUHT1K8. a Adams All"'heity Arriislr(?iK Hcnvcr I'.i-ilfoi-il IliM-ks lllnlr Itnidfonl I'ui'lis lliulor Cnmliria , ('lunoron ('HVhon , (Viitro Chester Chu Ion t:i( ni licld Clinton , Columbia , Cmwiord ( 'iimlii'i lund l'oupliln 1 It'ln ware I Ik Krl( 1'iiyctte 1-orest I'mnklln I-HI ton fircone Huntingdon Indliinn .Jf-ltorson Juniiita Liu'linwRDa liiineiiRipr I.dwrenco I.ehalHMl I.chlKli Luzerne I.ycinnlng MKewii Mercer Mllilln Monroe Montsomory Mod tuur Northnmpton Northumlieiluiid lVrrv I'hliHdeli.lita riito 31, '17 rr.2 2llWi M'l rail.. li: 37 r, i 12U M ., 171' l'.rtl 4!! 2:il 34'!' 27 1 RS SWIM: 47:21 471X1 WttS 1172:1 1 liwv.i 47 .IS 4'i.r) S'i'.T 4'j7rt! 4.V-.j n:n": rw.)i .".I'l.-jl (1171 J 71li.fl mil (Will "IKWI S7.V.'1 4!Mll .171)1 ami urn; .'Oil I l.W 7.V.M mi1 4i:rt S22 IbiKi 4tM 3117 4AIIS 647 H'll W2 17-.ll US Sr, 21 ss MH21 Will 417) 1MI 0171 Civil JB" 4Mtll 1-J.-.2 4271 Si Kill On i (I'm 2S1 4! d .' 1ISSI 1S7 2 131 i lli IliS1 2w 4Hi iv T,' X). ft). 31 , "iir 10: 2.V.; m 2-J10 ..! U7 'i 111171 27 Wj I5 l.ill 111 I Mil; Mini flow MUl! 11II-JS )M.; !'.:!' minr 207.V in 12 110:''',: l.i-V f.!'il' )I7' !i.iM2' 722it. !7: 177.1. 21 111! vm 717S D7stl 2017 32 IS KSI2 12.-.7S, fitlii 1HV.I SKlj liii-j-V I.MfcJ! IK'.Vi, 5101. iis'UI, 7li.i'IO, I. r.2: II. 'il 1 i l.')7!l 2-W IIH1 :i-io2 211 IV 12 .Ti7:t! 21 IS rv-.vj I21 7!7'.' nasi: l'otter Sehuylklll wit, 2!:!Oi 11. r.n n-Si, ficiii wis1 '!"! t SUIT1 I51' Snyder Sonini-fli't Sulliviin susfiuohannii Tl.isn 1131 ! 11! ft3; W STi) 11) Sl its I'nlon Veimnuo Wnrren V.'osliington Wavr.e Westmoreland V.'yoniinc York ;. ToUla 4117'U 407I2S 20.s OarHeld w plurality 37,27(1. Majority over all H.ili"). (ieniil'ul Phelns. the an I l-M:lsonie e.Lt..1l.l,ilp f..r Presl.lont rnnnlvi,,! l.n f..l I n w 1 1. vole: (ine In Allegheny, 1 In Heaver, 17 In Bradford. 1 In i'ri. I 'in Fraiittlln, 2 In Indiana, I in Jerer-son, 5 In Lackaw .una, :l in Lancaster, 0 In sSUBiuK-lianna, 3 in Wayne, Total. 44. Burning Coal Oil. FOUR LIVES LOST THIIOi;oit RKCK- LKSSXIOSS IN A nOAKlUXO-HOUSK. Bradford, November 11. One of the most sickening horrors of tiny that has occurred in this vicinity took place near Bordell, ten miles south of Bradford, last night. In a narrow raviue J. C. Brown and son, formerly of Lock Haven, have a saw-mill lo cated. They employ eighteen men in and around the mill. As sleeping apartments the men occupied a two story frame building, twelve by six teen. In the centre of the small first floor room was a stove in which the men had been in the habit of quicken ing the fire with crude oil after gather ing it at night. Shortly before 10 last night there were eight men upstairs and four below. Hcnrv Rankev seized a small can of oil and began pouring the fluid into the stove. The flames flashed to the can, burning Kankcy's hand, and ho hurled the can from him into a corner of the room. A lare pail full of crude oil was standing there, and the burning fluid plashed in all directions. In an in fant the entire front part of the lower room was a sheet of lire, cutting off communication with the door. The men below hastily warned those aloft of their peril and run through the nre rom the building. The upper room had but one small rear window and through this was their onlv means of scape. So rapidly did the fire encir le all parts of the buildinur that it five of the men above succeeded in making egress. The other three were roasted alive. Their names were Elliott Brown, J. Hyde and Barnabas Haley. When the fire had spent its fury the charred trunk of the first named was found laying across the stove. Hyde and Haley lay side by side iu the corner. " The arms and limbs to the thighs of all tho men were gone, i be bodies were black and un recognizable. Brown was a native of tspcr, N. Y.. Hyde of Keio, N. Y. Haley's name was assumed, and his real name and Prime are unknown. All of the five who escaped through the window were terribly burned about the face, neck, arms and body. The last one in getting out, James Bardy, fell upon a sharp .xtump, cut ting a hole in iiis back four inches in length. His face, arms and neck were perfectly raw. Ho lingered in agony indescribably until 11 o'clock to-day, when death came to his re lief. His home was in McKeau county. Tho others injured are as follows: Willard Frisbie, burned on the hands, face and hips; will prob ably recover. His home is in Albion, Illinois. Henry Monroe, burned on the back and breast very severely; will not survive. He is a native of Jasper, N. Y Frank Welsh, face shockiugly and neck and arms pain fully burned; recovery doubtful. His home is in Dallas, Pa. Charles Smith arms, neck and back seriously; hopes of recovery. He is a resident of Bor deli. Joseph Heeps, hands and face painfully burnt; not critical. His homo is in Clinton county, Pa. As stHjii alter the casualty as possible phy sicians from neighboring towns were summoned ami jxerted their skill to the utmost for the relief of tho wounded. Coroner Dean held an in quest to-day and the jury found a verdict of accidental death by the careless handling of oil. When the Are was discovered by persons of the vicinity, they hastened to the scene, but were powerless to check the flames. No cries were heard from the men who perished In the destroyed building. Subscribe for The Advocate. j OmrUn la Ihs Slate. for the election In thlo Suite filed In the office of I AUDITOK (1KNKRA1.. ISUI'ltKMK J 11 DUE. s? 3 1 a P 1 1 i 313(1 5" O Ri rw .V.1117 471l 4702 3'! II 37-, 1 374(1 07 1741 37 133 1111 9 22072 3.1(10 3;J ft72n; 131 l.s 14-1 2 31 73 10 33 3332SI 2111.-' I 4(K1 4 l'.(3 3(133 4223 3HVI '"i'i'i 4S B724 ltil3 41 1S7 2 i' H. 121 li K2I fill! llllrt liil (1221 1 f-'37l Hi73l MSSI .'iiisn; wti' 20s(M 3)1.13 4373 4!H2 SO 1 3 4'." 170 4' 170 211 1.33 Hits KS'l', f)2S 4(i: 47111 is 320 Mils, H 03 42 4(101 43 is 4".H 44sl 3S4 RHin 4307 7311 4413 4S73 SUM 4377; G(00 f.124 llli J3 41 102 21 7f I3 5: . 111 l!l 2S2 HI HI nwi M 31102 4-31-S 74.3S; 4Kj llKi.3 OH 10(1 IYJ.K- 101) litis 2SC3 3131! 71 no 2:l 311 81'iS 22(11 2173 7(S 4124 SI71 Rivet 273 ""nil 22S.S 2IK7 71.33 4113 K373 I1IKI 003 3007 4371 271 40 IS! :.?i : 2 3 i 1! an 13 4! 3 2! m 227 10S4 lis .312 (1130 20 22 1 171 3 17: 111 tiVI7 44S.-.I l.Wll 02IWI 11210 321; 40701 12311. 4231 1 20.3s! 2111; 2011! 2H03 702ll 107S7I 20.31 322l! 6770 1 21 4.10II 1374; 17(M' 621H 31S 720 ! 87331 4!H'3j 370 aws l I 2102i SVI7j 4017! 21 W 1H27 T.m: 1IH72' 43171 50111; 61 r.21 8731 tarn 20 riio. 20 2sl ill X Hi' II H1 fl1 111: s. "s; m 0. n sr 3S IN 2(5 11 1 37 7: 21 14 M 4 6371 R32 20US 3.S03 4.333 23(13 1010 73SH ldisoj 4-3 Ml 3032 Wins1 40S1 12301 11m 3d: 31 Kt 3203 32S 2 40 liV5 13: 2S3I 33 2IKNI 701 S 107. 201(1 3200 37 .31 34 171 4 " "jff II 78 h! 6 13 33 1 217 i 1 (II 111 SISH H2i litis Klsil llill! 123UI 2t!3 315 lllll: IMllI .'KKlfi, (Tisol &H I'll I 11073 1231 (IIOII IS to. 31143 Il722ll: 101 17 V S W2. :irxi: 4143: 3HS (I' Ifll1 227rt; I'lSl 3232' t(2 3113 70(2 !71 770 fl 27 3(170; (Kxjl 1 2075; I'll 1101 i 12H2, F?W & 3:; 1772 inw 2110, 4143 3(13 SS3 2Z.I 4o2 3:-.l !I4.k, 3121 ' 7im 170 7sO 3i7o; 3C17 KM2I 3ll 11027! 11.3S, W.KI 3MI-V 2S.-XI1. V7.VSI 1321 ll'J7 1HA7; 1371' 2I"(I ! . S'!2 27 III I V l . 333(1 21'l .Vt!7 3421 7S7" 1S33 11370; 2WJ 32,30 5iil 4S1 27 KTH! :: 1M23 P3n 0173 3fT 2-HI 73u: 73 H2l IK Si 1 "iSi 10 2,3 1 i 21K21. hM 3.14 1 sin (' 2S3II "'"Hi re' . l(7l 1II7S 1373I., 2371 01 37l., 2S23! 11S0! . 3.;-.j 2103: 33S 333S:., 7(I0S l'ts'., li'.isij 4 3 21 IU '"'is' is' . Hi 31 8 Hl 9 H 4 2-tl 20, 13, I. 11H (ISO 1110 '"iiit! H73 "iv.o 13 ' 'l'll-Jii'.' ;( Htm 4'Sfctt 4i7:W lll!W 41 f Kit 12l.;l Captain Kails' Ship Hallway. The Sci'inllfla Aotcricnn of la-t week contains two full page iHn'tra tions of Captain Ends' proposed rail way for transporting ships with their can?" across coat inents. Captain Eads claims by his plan to take loaded ships of the largest tonnage from one ocean to tho other across the Isthmus of Panama, as readily as can be done by a canal after the Lessup plan, and at a much less cost for engi neering construction. The project is certainly bold and in genious, and the projector anticipates no serious difficulties in carrying for ward his enterprise. The engravings referred to in the Scientific American show the proposed construction of not only the railroad, but tho appliances for transferring the ships from tho water to the rail. In addition to the large number of engravings, illustrative of engineering works, inventions and new discoveries which appear weekly, the Sciimtifa Am'.ri'icin has, during the last year, tie voted considerable space to illustrat ing and describing leading establish ments devoted to different manu facturing indict ries. This feature has added very much to the attractiveness and usefulness of tiie paper. More than fifty of the most important industrial establish ments of our country have been illus trated, and the processes of the differ ent manufactures described in its columns. The &':icntijio American has been published for more than thirty-four years by Muss & Co., 3" Park How, New York, and has at tained a larger weekly circulation than all similar papers published in the country. The publishers assure the public that they have not printed less than 50,000 copies a week for seve ral months. A Rebuke to Garflehl's 3!aligners. From the Philadelphia Enquirer. It is fit that the brave soldier, the wise, experienced, honorable states man, James A. tiariield, whom his partisan opponents so shamefully de famed and reviled without reason or excuse, should proudly accept yester day's victory as a vindication, full and coiiiplete.of all the cruel, cowardly and malicious charges made uguinst him; as a rebuke to his malie.ucrs, and as a vote of confidence in his integ rity, and as a mark of the respect and admiration which his countrymen have for him as a citizen, soldier and statesman. Yesterday he was the candidate of a party to-day he is the President-elect, of a whole country. He has been many years in making the honorable, useful record upon which he stands. It is altogether that of a patriot who loves his country better than self or party. It is un finished as yet, with great opportuni ties before him in his high office to add to it That he will add to it there can be no doubt entertained. That his administration will add lustre to his fame and enhance the country's prosperity in "solid souih" as well as loyal, United North, there can be no doubt. Among other things for which, on our national day of thanks giving, the people should give thanks is for the election of a President who will know no North or no South, but who will, in the broadest spirit of un selfish patriotism, be the Chief Mag istrate of au entire nation. In Montgomery county the official votes gives (Jul field one majority over Hancock, in a total vote of 22,061. The county treasurer was also elected by a majority of one vote. This case illus trates more fully than anything we can say the importance of a single vote. We have heard men say, "surely one vote will make no difference.'' NEWS,ITEMS. There have been 6,021,402 arrivais of immigrants In this country since 1804, and yet John Kelly wonders be cause his candidate for Mayor of New York only has 2,000 majority. A very old man voted three times at Washington, Ind., in the recent state election. On his trial it. was convincingly shown that, though .so ber, lie had been so carried away by excitement as to forget that he had al ready voted. At the base of that "highest point" In the Rocky Mountalns.where in 1818, Fremont planted the Ameri can flag, and made for' himself a once famous campaign cry, Is Canyon City, with pretty streets and gardens of fruit trees. During the month more thiin $3,000,000 of standard silver dollars were shipped from the different branch mints and put Into circulation, Wu, 000 of this amount went into the state of Texas, $2,007,500 of the $3,300,000 was sent from the New Orleans mint, and $1,342,500 from the mint at Phila delphia. The famous Sergeant Childers, "the best drilled man in the world," who was accidentally shot while hunt ing at Koshkonong, Wisconsin, a few days ago, died Tuesday, and was buried with military honors. Ser geant Childers is the man that Fisk sent to Europe to drill against, any man in the world, backing him witli a f 10,000 challenge. A Boston man besought his wife, he being but three years married, for the privilege of a night key. "Night key?'' she exclmed in tones of amaze ment; "what use con you have for a night key, when the Woman's Eman cipation League meets Monday nijht, the Ladies' Domestic Mission Tues day, the Sisters of Jerico Wednesday. the Woman's Science Circle Thursday, the Daughters of Nineveh Friday, and the Woman's Progressive Art Asso ciation and the SufFrae Band on al ternate Saturday nights You ty at home and see that the babv doesn't fall out of the cradle." He stays. Three romantic Kentucky .uirls recently nit upon a better device lor securing husbands than by advertis ing. They lived on the banks of the Ohio river, and agreed to each set a bottle alloat containing a paper on which was written the name and a promise to marry whomsoever should find the bottle. One of the ".iris has marri-. if recently the man who found her bottle far down the river, the second is engaged to him who found hers at Natchez or (Jrand Gulf, and the third is in correspond! nee with the finder of hers, who also lives tit a great distance from the poiut where the bottles were launched. Every Family, without Exception, In City, Village, and Country, will fin tl it highly useful to constantly read the American Ayricuttwint. It abounds in plain, practical, reliable information, most valuable for In door as well as Out-door work and comfort, and its 800 to 1,000 Original ngravings in every volume are both pleasing and instructive. In this re lied it is lire eminent and stands alone, and it should have a place in tvery Household, no mutter how many other journals are taken. Its illus trated Department for Youth and Children contains much information is well as amusement. Its Humbug exposures aie invaluable to all classes. The cost is very low, only Si. 00 from now to the end of lfcsl, or four copies for ..r. single numbers, l-r cents. One specimen, (i cents. Take our advic and subscribe ;ioto for volu mc40 (181) Orange Judd Company, Publishers 2-14 Broadway, New York. NOTICE. The Stale Hospital for the Insane, at Warren, Pa., will be opened for the admission of patients on Doe. lst,18W). Any information relative to the terms of admission, the papers neces- iry to be executed, or any other matters iu regard to the patients to be admitted can be obtained, on applica tion to Dlt. D. D. RICHARDSON, State Hospital for the Insane, Wnrrcn, a. iiobti Almost Young Again. My mother was afflicted a long time witli Neuralgia and a dull, heavy in active condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did herany good. Three months ago she began to use Hop Bit ters, with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although over 70 yenrs old. We think there is no other medicine lit to use in the family." A lady in Providence, li. I. Journal. ESTATE NOTICE. ESTATE of Harbison It. Wilson late of Beliezeite township, 1011; county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having lepul claims tigtiiiis.1 the same to present them without de lay, in proper order, for settlement. A. W. GRAY, 1 ... II. F. WILSON, i w Executors. KANSAS All alio lit its climate, resources, lands, peoples, crops, tfcc, can be loynd in the WEEKLY CAPITAL, an 8 mire, 48 column paper, sent to any address In the United States, 6 months for 00 cents, 1 year for One Dollar. Corresondents in every county in the State. Postage Stamps taken us money. J. K. HUDSON, Editor, Topeka, Kansas. KANSAS Kelly's Alarm. New York ricrnld. John Kelly defeated the Democratic candidate for the Presidency by giv ing New York State to (larflcld. He docs lrbt care for this so far ns relates to the moral aspects of the treason, but ho Is uneasy over the possible conse quences to him personally, which ho now dimly foresees. Hence his howl over the colonization of voters. Any explanation of the defeat which as signs another cause than Kelly's trea son is likely to be useful to him just now. But the people will not be de ceived. There Is no illegal vote in this city. But. there is an electoral fraud in this sense, that the poor crea ture who train in the wake of John Kelly were made to vote for Garfield, some because they wore deceived, others because they were bullied, and this will bo so every time that Kelly has the chance to make it so. What is the country or the Presidency to him? Nothing. What Is the posses sion of the city Government? Every thing. NEW AD VERTISEMEXm ' OUTFIT sent free to those who wish S ) to eniia'i! in the iiimsI ideasant and Ik" I'rnfltalile business known. Kver . thing new. Capital not recniiivd. e will furnish you everyl . 1 1 1 1 1 vc. "?I0 a dav and upwards is easily made without slay ire; away Irnm home over nliiht. No risk whatever. .Many new workers wanted lit, onee. Ma in ure makini: loruine at the business, l.mll.'s make as much as men, and young boys and Ulrln make ureal pay. ' one who is williii" K. work lulls to make more meiiev everv d,i v Ihan ran lie made in a week at ord'imirv employment. Thove. who eiii.iue at on.-e will find a short road ti foitnne. Addn-H H. HAI.LK'l T & CO., Portland, .Maine, r. uiyl Outfit furnished free, wilh lull In- slruetions IVir eondueTliHT- the i.w.1 urolil :li.le 1 1.;, 1 nn i-oi,,, mage In. Th business is so easy to le.irn, and our instruetions are so simple and plain that any one ean make ereat profits from tho 'V Mllil'l. itl,,, ... I I I. H i .... ,.. work. Women are as sueeesc'nl as men , i.,. . null..-,. ..,:.' nave luiiile i.t On, t,n.l,wu ..i-.. ...... i.... i dollars iii a single, week, Noihiiin like It ever known beiore. All who eiiniie are sur prised til the ease and rapidity wilh wliieh lliey are able to make liionev. , ean .n. pure in tills business during vour spare tim.. at, meat piolit. You do not have lo inve-i eapilal in it. Wu take nil the rik. Those v no neeu rvaiiv monev. should wi ne to ns ,. i once. ll lnr, lilw.,1 f, ..n v .1.1 ........ ..-.... I O., Au;,'ustn, .Maine, ii.'loyl J T f Yourselfby making money I I Pil when a ;;..d. n ehanee is 1 A y J 1 i 1 olteied. therel.v nlw.ivs keeping p . verlv In in vour do.. r. 'These wiio always lake inlvai,l:i''e of the u 1 ehala'. s lor makinsr money that are ollen d, 'jeiiera il -beeame wealthy, wniie those who do not iio'. Jin. ve -u.-li elianees r-main ill povertv. We want many im-ii, woln.-u, Ijiivs and -irls to work I'.n-iis rliihl In their own loi alitii s. 'l i, busine-s will pay more than twi times onii naiy wa.-s. e lurni. b an expensive out lit and all thai yon need, 0 .-e. No one u ho engines tails to make money vrv lupldlv. oil can devo'e your whole I i in" l. . 't he u -I k . i.ronl your spare uioiiieiil. Full Informa tion and atl that i li. ed-.t s...iu Ire-. Ad dress hT1Nso. .V c i. I'oi tlaiid. Maine. THE"' MP PAPER! TRY IT. BISAUTl FULLY ILLUSTIIATKD. Jj'ni yi:.vr. tt roittifif iiuicmtf The Si'IKNtikic Amekicax is a large First-Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profundi Muxrated icitli splendid cnyravinys, represent ing the newest inventions and the most recent Advances in the Art and Sciences; including New tni'l inter esting tacts in Agriculture, Horticul ture, The Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural (iis torv, Ocolofry, Astronomy. The must valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in ail departments of s-it m-e, wiii be found in the Scientific Ameri can. Terms -'..lji per year, i'l.liO half year, which inei ii des postage. Di.icunm lo Aeeiits, Single copies tell cents, sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by po-ial order to MTNN .v CO., 1 ubiislais, oT Park Row, New York. 'ATENTS. uss with the S ikn-tikk' Ami:i;i'an Messrs. Ml'NN Y Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had thirty-live years experience, and now have the Iniyist establishment in the world. Put en Is are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scikni ivir A.MHitir.YN of all iiivtiiions patterned through this agency, with the names and resi dence of the Patentee. By the im mense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the meiits of the new patent, and sales or introduc tion often easily ducted. Any person who has made a new discovi ry or invention, can ascertain, free ocnarffc, whether a patent can probably he obtained by writing to Mi nn & Co. We also send fixe our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with bints for procuring advance on inventions. Address for the Paper, cr concerning Patents. Mi nn & Co., 37 Park Row.New York. Branch Otiice, cor. F. & Till Streets, 'Washington, D. C. AflKNTS WAS'TKD for our popular New Hook tiik isoisiKiAi. nisToni- ok run r.Nii'Kh sta-ii.s. its As-rkulture, Maiiuh.e lures. Mining', l'.ankinc, Insurance, etc. Aleuts ke s.Ti to jinn per wet k Send for M.eeial Tel ins 10 Henry Hill l'libllshlmr Co. Norwich, ft. n:ilu AGE1IT3 W.1TT2D. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. $1000, MAliK IN 30 DAYS. We want everybody to write to us for full par ticulars of a business in which money can be made t;.:ily, honestly and rap idly. We are rt-Him; a 'Household article Ihttt is net (led by every family in the world, The profit to A cents are from Phi to Will percent. Whether you want to engage in our business or not, we can impart valuable llitoruia tion to you. Either ladies or gentle men can conduct the business success fully. It will cost you only ONE cent to write to us. Do not iienlect this opportunity; the business is lielit ami pleasant. Full particulars free. Ad 1 1 ress Il'i'iKKYE M'K'ti Co., Marion, Ohio. n as mO ESTATE NOTICE. Testate of Joseph Luhr late "j of St. Marys Borough, Elk Co., Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to niakeimmediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in proper order, for settlement. BARBARA LUHR, pV4ollfAM ALOIS LCEFFLER, Exeoutora. The most rnmpleto Institution In the United States for tho thorough praelleal eduoilieii of young and middle aed men. siuulent admilted nt any time. l'or circular giving full pnrtleulurs ad dress J. C. 8.M .'I'll, A. At. 1'lttHburgh, Po. JEW LIVERY STABLE IN EIDGWAY . DAN FCRTBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ritlgwny, ami the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGE.' mid Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. PiHc will also tlo job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left nf the Post Office will receive prompt attention. AugibiSTltl .lEOETSis V -S'CILlL Has been In conBtant me by tho public or over twenty years, nntl Is the beat preparation ever invented for KESTOK- The IN'G CKAT HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND Stata Assuror anil Ohcmfsfc of Mas J, and leading endorse and it as a great triumph in medi cine. LIFE. J food nntl color to tho linlr glands without staining trie skin. It will increase nml thicken tho growth of trio hair, prevent its blanchfiiff and failing off, nntl thus AVEUT BALDNESS. It cures Itcblns, Eruir- tions nml Danilrull'. Aft a IIAIB DRESSING It is very desirable, giving the linlr n Hilkcn softness which nil admire. It keeps the bead clean, sweet and henltby. "( K SUCIUWGIMMS DyB WHISKERS will chaiiRo the benrd to n JiKOWPf or lib AC K at discretion, rtclng in one preparation It is easily applied, aad produces a permanent color that will not wash olT. I'lii-i'AitED liV R. P. HALL Si CO., NASHUA, N. K. jM by all Sealers in Medicine. Square envelop ami lejal fulil note papt-r at Tun Aijvdi at.: oflice. l'rci.l six rent:-; i loaf i.t T. V. livlh r.i' l.;.ii.nic luiililin::'. Jam 1 :. !:.;. Mi.i.lli low n X-Cut S-awa. JctiMi cl's, White's ami Mann's Axes. Tubular and '.'.) l.tuittrns. FlLXS. liiiion's X-Cut S.;iws. lioy nton's Lightning Saws. Oi'KX Poitkiw. Coal J (oils. Stove Shovels. lit pairs furnished for any stove. Ax ll'ANllI.KS. Pick Handles. . Ih. lie-1 Polish 10 cts. nt No. 42 Main street. na9 rHF. LlTTLi: PINKY COLD t AX!) SI I.VKll .MIXING COM PANY OF (.01,0 U A DO. CAPITAL. No. Sharea of Stock .f l,0i)C,0Ofi P:ir Valtic lUO.UOO Stock Full Paid and not As sessable 10,000. li FS I NESS o F F I C KS. t'c. 11 Ec..t Thi.-il Siraet, Leit-;-vii:c, Ccioi-aio. Ho. 3G Walnut F!c, PfeiSa dzlphiZj Pa. OFFICFP.S. President - - . KMVlX O. FAY. Secretary and Treasurer - A. II. MuOKK, Solicitor --- - F. K. liKKiHTI.Y. Htiiiei'lnteiident F. (.'. FAY. A limited number of shares of stock of this company, will be sold at one dollar pr. share. Prospectus sent by mail on application to the Company's oflice at Philadelphia. Dr. Day's Cure for I lead-ache is theonly icmcily known that will stop an attack of sick or nervous head-ache in its commencement; it will always cure those headaches, cominir on in hot weather when riding or on a journey ; only three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price 60 centsa bottle. Dr. Day's Stomach and Bowel Tonic is toe best remedy in use for poorappetite.weakni'ss and trembling in the stomach, pain after eating, heartburn, soreness ami gnawing naius in the Ktoiimeli I......-.,.. when tired, constipation nnd other diseases of the bowels arising from poor digestion. This medicine will positively euro costiveness in every case; and no one who is troubled with that complaint should fail to trv it; as it not only relieves, but cures, l'riee 81.(K). Ask your druggist or storekeeper for these medicines. Manufactured by D. li. Day & Co., Kidgway, Pa. All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet all ana eee epecl-ruoiid. mm , .' s: - paw wis MREHEWEff Miff ':Vil.'.)fl f' ! .v . f s S ' . ."L !! CENTRAL State Normal School, (Righth Normal School District.) LOCK IIAVEJl, CL1XT0X CO., PA A. N. RAUB, A.M., Ph. D. Principal. This school ns at present constituted efl'ers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and classical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure, soft spring water. Location healthful nnd easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. I. prepara tory. III. Elementary.- IV. Scien tific. ADJfxcT cornsEs: I. Academic. II. Commercial. ITT Music. IV. Art. The Elementary nnd Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by the Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal, nntl nre in thoroughness notinferiorto those of our best colleges. The State requires a hiirher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is me of the prime objects of this t hiol to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers or herschools. To thisend, it solicits young persons of gootl abilities and piod purposes those who desire to improve their time ami their talents, ns students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address the Principal, or the Secretary of the Board BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustnoa I rT Tint.. ton. M. D., A. II. Best, Jacob Brown, S. M. Bickford, Samuel Christ, A. N. i.'iuih, it. o. Cook T. C. Hippie, Esq., O. Ktntzinp, E P McCormick, Esq.. . . Wankin, V. II. Brown. State Trustees. Hon. A. G. Curtin, Hon. William Bigltr, Hon. II. D. DieiM nbech, (Jen. Jesse Merrill. J. (' '. Whnlev. K. Ar,.l'nm,ll. S I - - ...... v. I lilln , Esq. OFFICERS. Hon -William Bigler, Prcsident.Clear held, Pa. (ien. .Iess;e Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. , S. .Millar McCornilek, Secretary, Lock Haven, Pa. Thomas Ynrdlcy, Treasurer, Lock Ha yen, Pa., llar-hoodIIow lost, IIcw Restored! v?r-.-.-,i.- Just published a new ".it . edit!,, I, n saj on the radical cure (without med- il-iltelof Kltf,t-1itif-.e.lirr..i sx. i-.n.t l H ea k n ess, 1 n vol un tary Sem i mil Losses lmpntencv, also, consumption, Epil epsy ami Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice nntl tne alarming consequences of scii-auiise iimy be radically cured itiiui.i me uaugerous use ot internal medjeino or the application of tho kin. e; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, elleetual, by meima of which every sullerer, no matter what his condition may be imiy cure himself cheaply, privately, ri'iiit ally. i I.--:--This i.eeture should be in the mums ot every youth and every man in the bun1.. Sent umitr seal, in a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. " Add ress the Publishers. Th3 Culvcrwell Lledical Co., t A.nnSt New York, N. Y ; Post Ci.sco Bex, 45S6. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. TRADEMARK is cspeciallyTBAOE MARK .'- re commena efi iis an un- i.iuui euro for Seminal W ea k n ess S no i-tiiit,i.- EoforoTaikg''llt,a ln!-?iWT o temi' Q,i,l .,11 Arr.pi, Tolrin doseases that follow as a sequencv on Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of vission, Premature old age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are lir.-t caused by deviating from the path of nntureand overindulgence. Mie Specific Medicine is the result of a lite study and many years of experi ence in treating those special deseases. I u 1 particulars in our pamphletti, which we desire lo send free by mail to every one. The Siief'iflo 1vr,.,liot. a ia daM k .ii '""ssi"" i ci per package, or DlieUatres for 5. nr urill i.u six mail on receipt of the money by a THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Jl"' 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich, fckiirsold in Ridgway by all Druggists everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents Pittsburgh. ul3-ly Get your note-heads, letter heads and envelopes neatly printed at The Advocate office. Note paper and envelopes, in large or small quantities at The Ad vocate oflice. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Scrap pictures and shelf paper at The Advocate office, Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, and note paper aud en ve lopes atT he Advocatk office. Note paper and envelopes at this office. -Hair oil, perfumery, brushes and combs at Joel Miller's. Visiting cards at this office, Tho new Bakery this week. Fresh Rolls, Cakes and Piee at X, F. Bullers Manonio btitldiflg. k