The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 04, 1880, Image 4

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    THE r AM 1X1 DOCTOR.
Aw exchange ays i " In mild owes a
ajpepi take on tewpoonful of iwee
oil, after eating, three timoa a day. If
WTere forms take a dpusATt-ntwiTifnl
This followed np has cured cases where
ooctors hare pivon them up. Ye wh
suffbr from this dread disease, don't fail
to try it."
Cutldlains usually indicate a low
state of the system and need of hearty
food and tonics, snch as iron or quinine,
A local application of a thick paste com
posed of sluck lime, moistened with a
very little water and common oil, is
recommended as a good remedy. For
chapped hands, another of the unpleas
ant accompaniments of cold weather,
and, with some people, apt to be not
only disagreeable, but positively pain
ful, the best remedy is glycerine, to be
put on at night on retiring, and over
that a pair of old gloves, to be kept on
all night.
It is worth while for common people
to know that 50,000 typhus genus will
thrive in the circumference of a pin-hend
or a visible globule. It is worth while
for tht m to note that these germs may
be desiccated and be borne, like thistle
seeds, everywhere, and, like demoniacal
possessions, miiy jump noiselessly down
any throat. 13ut there are certain things
spores cannot stand, according to the
latest ascertained results of science.
Soap chemically poisons them. For re
demption' fly to' hot water and soap, ye
who live in danger of malarial poison
ing. Hot water is sanitary. Sonp is
more sanitary. Fight typhus, small
pox, yellow fever, and ague with sonp.
Hoap is a board of health.
Cuitrsa Sick Headache. A Vermont
correspondent writes thut, lifter suffering
from sick headache for twenty years,
with frequent attacks of diphtheria,
quinsy and erysipelas, she has diseov.
erod the cause of all her troubles.
Eight months' abstinence from meat
has cured her of dyspepsia and all the
ailments she has sull'ered from, and her
health is better than it has been for
many years. On a diet of vegetables
and cereals, with fish and eggs occa
sionally, she is well and strong. Happy
are thOV who finrl nnf, thoir limilnf;,.,
physical, intellectual and spiritual, auj
do not niin health and happiness in a
vain endeavor to digest something be
yond their powers.
A New Way to Treat Diphtheria.
Quite a discovery in the treatment of
diphtheria has been made recently. A
young man whose arm had been ampu
tated was attacked by diphtheria before
healing took place ; and, instead of tho
matter incident to that disease being de
posited in tho throat, the greater por
tion appeared in tho wounded arm, and
tho diphtheria was very light and easily
managed. Dr. Davis prolited by this,
and in his next case of dmlititpi-in Me
tered his patient's breast, and on this
uiisiereu part uie chief deposits np.
pearea. xma was also an easy case of
mo uisease. me tiicory is ttiat dipb
theria usually appears in the throat be.
cause of the thinness of tho lining of the
iuroai. iience, wnen the blister breaks
tho skin upon the other part of the body
w ujoeiuse ujipeurs mere.
A Uarefcl Diet. The health de
pends largely upon the diet Good food
is in many instances better than medi
cine. How many dishes in common use
ougnt to be discarded from our tables if
. 1 1 .... i . . ,
wo wuum uoi uccomo acquainted witli
that unwelecme visitor, dyspepsia. I
am convinced by observation that many
ajjuib uiifjut uo rosiorea to Health u
nourishing food suitable to their
tiou, and needful rest from work or care
were given them, instead of stimulating
r V i.aij$ luiuun UI1U
powerful drugs. Give nature a chance
and she will do much toward repairing
OK.'ll CJluJ.gll.-B, II Uie K1UU OI IOOU
is given that the cuso demands. There
is much choioe in tho kinds of meat and
tne manner of preparing them, which we
should always observe when cooking for
an invalid guest, or member of the fam
ily. The fruits und vegetubles should
also be selected with great care, and
often it is necessary that some special
uiBu Buuuiu i;e prtparea lor them, as
they are necessarily deprived of so much
that others indulge in. We feel more
than repaid for extra woi-Is, when w
have succeeded in getting something 1 the appetite of the sick, with no
Baa result" to iojiow.
Do tiood Work.
The path to fame by honest merit is c
Blow and tedious one. A manufacturei
who is eo careful about his products
that ho has to put a higher price on
them than his less-conscientious neigh
bor can sell for, may be repaid at firs!
y email sales una smaller prohts. J I
tikes a long time to build up a reputa
tion by excellence, but once ucquired ii
is like the pearl of great price.
I Itis much the same with the workman as
with the manufacturer. H every stroko
he strikes is solid work, conscientiously
performed, he will acquire a reputation,
limited as it may be, that is sure to pay
in the end. We would not conceal oi
deny the fact that somo men labor un
er peculiar disadvantages. All men
ire not born equal, either mentally oi
physically. One is naturally skillful in
one direction, another is expert in many
things. One man may do his
level best, and yet he will not
turn out as good a piece ol
work as his more skillful brother who
only half tries. Let him not be dis
couraged because he is handicapped in
the race, and may not be able to reach
the top of the ladder. There is room
for honest workmen everywhere ; even
respectable mediocrity pays better than
umiiancy coupled witn trickery.
The native American is distinguished
by his ingenuity and with half a chanco
he makes his mark everywhere. Yet he
sometimes loses tho race in competition
with less-able men of other lauds, be
cause their careful training and early
drill in their profession, their long and
severe apprenticeship, has more than
compensated for the want of natural tact
and ingenuity.
Perseverance will not conquer ail
things, but it goes a long way toward suo
cesp. While luck seems to favor the few,
most men have to carve out their own
success by hard labor, in which a full de
termination to do everything to tho very
best of one's ability counts for more than
is generally supposed. Above all things
don't waste time in regretting thai
another trade was not chosen. If it is
an honest one, stick to it and it will pay.
Svientijlo American.
rersonAl Security.
"Will you do me a favor?" said
young Brooks to hiswealthyfriend, Sim
eon Hansom. "What is it, John?"
said Hansom. " I wish yon would lend
me 20, air." "Call at mycounting-
uouse, rejouieu jiansom. John was
not long in paying his respects, " What
aeenrity can yon give me, young gentle
man?" "My personal security, sir."
"Very well, get inhere," said Han
Bom, lifting np the lid of a large iron
chest. "Get in there!" exclaimed
John, in astonishment, "what for?"
" Why, this is where I always keep my
personal securities."
Good Gorrm Good ooffe caa be
made in a common coffee-pot by ob
serving the foDowimr roles : Use the
best old Java, and allow one table
spoonful for each person that is to drink,
then pour on boiling water in the pro
portion of a pint to each table-spoonful,
and break an egg into the pot, throwing
iu me sneu also, it yon ttiinK it ex
travagant to use an egg for this purpose,
a Ash-skin as large as an old-fashioned
cent will settle it well. Boil about half
an honr, and just before serving pour
out a little of the coffee and return it to
the pot, and set it in some place where
it will stand even, but not on the stove.
A Tidy Room. Do you, ever observe
that a tidy room is invariably a cheerful
one ? It is cheering to come into one's
breakfast-room and find it spotlessly
tidy ; but Btill more certainly will cheer
fulness come if tidiness is the result of
our own exertion J and so we counsel
you, friends, if you are ever disheart
ened, vexed or worried about something
that has gone wrong with you in the
world, to have resort to the great ref
uge of tidiness. Don't sit brooding and
bothering. Go to work and make ev
erything tidy about you and you cannot
fail to recover your cheerfulness.
How to Wash thb Face. Many peo
ple object to the use of soap for the face,
disliking the shiny, polished appearance
it gives, but any who will use Dr. Wil
son's directions will find that objection
removed. They are as follows: "Fill
your basin about two-thirds full with
fresh water ; dip your face in the water
and then your hands. Soap the hands
well and pass the soaped hands with
gontle friction over the whole face.
Having performed this part of the oper
ation thoroughly, dip the face in the
water a second time and rinse it com
pletely. You may add very much to the
luxury of the latter part of the operation
by having a second basin ready with
fresh water to perform a final rinse."
To Preserve Harness. There is
nothing looks nicer in its way than a
clean, bright-looking set of harness, nor
is mere anyining more quickly dam
aged by neglect Harness should be
washed and oiled frequently. To do
tins enectually the strops should be un
buckled and detached, and then washed
with soft water and crown soap, and
hung by a slow fire or in the sun until
nearly dry, then coated with a mixture
oi neatsloot oil and tallow and allowed
to remain m a warm room for several
hours, and when perfectly dry rub
thoroughly with a woolen rag. The
rubbing is important, as it, in addition
to removing the surplus oil and grease,
tends to close the pores and pive a finish
to the leather. In hanging harness care
should be taken to allow all the straps to
hang their full length. All closets
should be well ventilated, and when
possible be well lighted. To clean plated
mountings, use a cnamois with a little
tripoli or rotten stone, but they should
ue scoureo as uiue as possible.
Keeping Winter Apples. No mat
ter now much care one may exercise in
packing and storing, it will not be sum
cient to keep unripe, bruised or badly
handled apples or other fruit. The
great desideratum in keeping all kinds
oi inut is in Keeping it free from damp
ness. The plan adopted by some expe
rienced fruit-growers is to have a regu
lar fruitrroom, built to exclude light
and to maintain an even temperature.
Where large crops are to be Btored, it
pays to build such a room or house for
the purpose, but for a few barrels, al
most any room on the cool side of the
house will answer, but a dry. cool cellar
is preferable, as there is less danger
irom ireezing, ana it is easier to pre
serve an even temperature. In storing
the apples, if they have been properly
picked at the proper time, properly
uuuiueu, luju pocueu in barrels on the
most, improved pian, tne barrels are
piled in regular tiers, the lower tier rest
ing on "skids," or pieces of timber to
keep from the ground and dampness.
We have seen fine apples in March and
April, which have been kept on board
hanging-shelves in the cellar, the fruit
having lain close as iossible together
without touching on a bed of dry straw.
They were looked over occasionally, and
when any showed signs of rotting they
were ui once removeu.
Save the Brain.
Do not overtax the brain. No man
should do more work of muscle or of
brain in a day than he con perfectly re
cover from the fatigue of in a good
night's rest. Up to that point, exercise
is good ; beyond are waste of life, ex
haustion and decay. When hunger calls
for food, and fatigue demands rest, we
are in the natural order, and keep the
uuiunce oi me. wnen wo tnkn t ran.
lants to spur our jaded nerves or excite
an appetite, we are wnstinK life. There
is wrong and mischief in all waste of
ine. A man should live so as to keep
himself at his best, and with a true econ
omy, lo eat more food than is needful
is worse policy than tossing money into
uie ecu. j. i, is a waste oi labor and a
waste of life.
Drawing-noom imiuunsr.
It has been whispered for some time
past that there was an alarming increase
in mo use ui Biruug urinKS among tho
educated women of Great Britain. People
disbelieved these reports, but facts huvn
proven them to be correct. Labouchero
come out the other day with a lono- ar.
ticleon " Drawing-Room Drinkiug," in
which he describes a garden party, where
the lady of the house was. if not hein-
lj6sly, at all events, in a Girofle-Girofla
condition. The use of chloral leads to
much intemperance among the ladies of
our own ion a.
In the middle ages oats, once the ob
ject of veneration in Egypt, were in
trance looked upon as satanio am-nta
una were uurueu tuive. xn irans every
St. John's day a number of the abhorred
animals were heaped up in baskets and
bags in the Place de Greve, to afford an
auto-da-fe, tho sovereign himself seUing
luo w uie Jue.
lie Didn't Enow 111m.
Teacher "Suppose that you hove
two sticks of candy, and vour bio
brother gives you two more ; how many
have you got then ? "
Little boy (shaking his head," You
don't know him ; he ain't that kind of a
" Hollo ! what's this ? " asked Greenv.
Dointinar to the telecminh wiroa n
clothes-line?" "Yes," replied a by.
gtander ; "here's where they hang the
iteei iiRnouuir. lellow wan
struck." but at last accounts ha
doing well, and it was feared he might
Discontent is the want of self-reliance.
He who can conceal his joy is greatet
than he who can conceal his griefs.
A mas'i virtues should be measured,
Dot by his occasional exertions, but by
the doing of bis ordinary life.
Thb first telegraph line ever built was
that between Washington and Baltimore
in 1844.
Thb first attempt at theatrical por
formanccs in the United States was at
Boston in 1750. The first regular thea
ter was in JNew lorn in lvua.
The finest emeralds come from Pern
and other parts of South America,
though they are sometimes brought
irom tne mast, .
Papyrus is the reed from which was
made the celebrated paper of Efrvnt and
India, used for writing until the discov
ery oi porchment about 190 Is. 0. Ptol
emy prohibited the exportation of it
from Egypt, lest Eumenese of Fergamua
biiouiu inane a iiorary equal to that oi
Alexandria. A manuscript of the anti
quities of Josephus on papyrus of in
estimable value was among the treasures
seized riy Uonnparte in Italy, and sent
to the National Library at Paris ; but it
was restored in 1815.
Asbestos beinsf almost indestructible
by fire was highly prized by the nations
of antiquity, who spun and wove it into
cloth, with which they used to form
shrouds, in which tho bodies of royal
and illustrious persons were arrayed
nt the funeral ryre. As the asbestos
did not consume, the ashes of the dead
were kept from miuKlinor with those of
the wood. It is said that the Brahmins
sometimes made themselves clothes ol
is, and also employed it for wicks to
their perpetual lamps. The Romans
used tho cloth for napkins, which were
cleaned by throwing them into the fire
and burning them until the dirt was to
moved. The standard of the eaelo was first
borne by tho Persians ; imd the Romans
curried figures of the encle as ensicrns.
in silver and gold, and sometimes repre
sented with a thunderbolt in its talons
on the point of a spear. They adopted
uie eagie in me consulate of Marms.
102 B. 0. When Charlemngn became
master of the whole of the German em
pire, he ndded the second head to the
eagle for his arms, to denote that the
empires of Rome and Germany were
united in him, 802 A. D. The eagle was
tne imperial standard ot .Napoleon ; and
is that of Austria, Russia, Prussia and
Fmnee. It is also the national emblem
of the Uuited States. The Austrian
englo is represented double-headed-
The Detroit Free Press tells a re
markable story of a bloodhound's grati
tude at Andersonville. The prisoners
were allowed to go out in squads,
strongly guarded, to collect firewood.
One day it was the hero's turn to go,
nd for the first time since his imprison
ment he caught sight of "Col. Catchem,"
the big bloodhound. Tho Michigander
noticed that the dog limped painfully on
one of his fore feet, but gave the matter
no special attention until, after being
out for half an hour, he sat down to rest
near one of tho guards. The dog ap
proached the guard ns if to ask some
favor, but was repulsed with an oath and
a threatened blow. He then skulked
oround ond came near the prisoner, who
saw that he had an old horseshoe nail
run into his foot. With a little coaxing
he got the dog near, and finally pulled
out the nail, and the animal ran away
seemingly well pleased. Twelve days
after that, one night about midnight, a
tunnel was ready. The prisoner was a
long time getting clear of the neighbor
hood, and, weak and starved as he was,
he was not more than two miles from
the stockade when day broke, and "Col.
Catchem" was put on his track. When
he heard the hound coming, ho looked
for a suitable tree to climb, but failed to
find one. Armed with a club, he took
his stand, and determined to make a
fight for it. The dog recognized the
man, and began exhibiting every sign
of friendship. After a few minutes the
pursuers were heard in tho distance.
The dog at once trotted off in that direc
tion, and was shortly baying and leading
them over a factitious trail. The pris
oner pushed ahead for half an hour, and
was then rejoined by tho dog, who kept
either close to his heels or just ahead of
him all day, and lay beside him in the
woods nt night. This position of guar
dian or companion he maintained until
toward night of the second day, when ho
returned to the stockade. The prisoner
w as then thn ty miles away, but on the
fifth morning he was recaptured. When
ho returned the hound met and caressed
him. From that hour to the close of the
war the dog would not take the trail of
an escaping prisoner.
T t 1- I
uAuLisu iLumuia wno navo been in
veigled into emigrating to Manitoba are
sending ur complaints apt to astopish
Beaconsfie.J, who gave that country a
ludicrously-oxaggerated puffing upon a
recent semi-official occasion. It was
pictured a perfect paradise. It proves
to be a vast plain of marsh, mosquito-
infested in summer, ice-bound in winter
when, as there is no natural barrier be-
tween it and the Arctic regions, tho
mercury often sinks to 40 below. There
is no natural drainage, and the snow-
waters stand until late in the season,
preventing timely agricultural prepara
tions. Tho crops are slender. The
roads are impassablb. Tho market is
distant. The whole region is unattrac
tive, and, until the better lands of tho
States are crowded full, will never be in
3 . ... .
uemanu. ai least, such is the repre
sentation of English emigrants.
A man named Fowlslager, who trav
eled through Schuylkill county, Pa.,
about eighty years ago, collecting old
copper coins, was murdered in the Ma
hanoy valley, then a wilderness, by a
hunter named Bailey, who supposed the
collector's treasure consisted of gold and
silver. When Bailey found Fowlslager's
collection was only copper he buried it
in the ground. Bailey's crime was dis
covered, and he was executed in Read
ing after making a full confession. A
few days ago a number of boys, while
playing around the Lawtons colliery,
near Mahanoy City, found the coins
buried close by an old stump. There
were 700 of the coins, the dates of which
ranged from 1724 to 177a Many of
them were of the reigns of the four
Georges of England, and a number were
early Vermont coins.
Abont Peanuta.
The modus operandi by whioh th
nuts are separated, cleaned and classed is
BomAftt as follows ! The third story of
the bmldmg contains thousands of bush
els of peas in bags, and there the con
tmualroBrof the machinery is deafen
ng. Each machine has a duty to per-
T-ni. First hero k ft 'M'Se cylinder in
wnioh all the nuta are placed, in order
that the dust and dirt may be shaken off
m'i, P1188 from ne y'ihder
into the brushes, where every nut re
ceives fifteen feet of a brushing before
it becomes free. Then they pass through
a sluiceway to - the floor belcw, where
they ore dropped on an endless belt,
about two and one-half feet in width,
and dashing along at the rate of
four miles an hour. On each side
of the belt stand eight colored girls,
and, as the nuts fall from the sluice
on to the belt the gills, with a quick
motion of the hand, pick out all the
poor-looking nnts, and by the time the
belt reaches the end two-thirds of the
nuts are picked off, allowing only the
finest to pass the crucible. Those that
do pass drop through another sluice and
empty into bags on the floor below.
When the bag is filled it is taken away
by hand, sewed up and branded as
" cocks," with the figure of a rooster
prominent on its sides. The peas caught
up by the girls are then thrown to one
side, placed in the bags, and carried into
another room where they ore again picked
over, the best singled out, bagged and
branded as "ships." These are as fine
a nut as the first for eating, but in shape
and color do not compare with the
" cocks. " Harincr gone over them twice,
we now como to a third grade, whioh
are called and branded as "eaeles."
These are picked out of the cullings of
tne cocks and "ships, but now and
then you will find a respectable-looking
nut among them, though the eyes of the
colored damsels are as keen as a hawk.
and a bad nut is rarely allowed to pass
their hnnds. The cullings that are left
from the "engles" are bagged, sent
through the elevator to the top story,
and what little meat is in them is shaken
out by a pater.t shelter, which is not on
iy novel, but as nerfect a piece
of machinery as was ever invented.
These nnts being shelled by this new
process, the meat drops into bags below
free from dimt or dirt of any kind, and
are then shipped in 200-pound sacks to
the North, whsre they are bought up by
the coufectioners for the purpose of mak
ing tally or peanut candy. It may be
here stated that a peculiar kind of oil
is extracted from the meat of the nut,
and ill this snccialtvalarce trade in rfoiin
omong the wholesale druggists. There
is nothing wasted, for even the shells
are made useful. They ore - packed iu
sacks and sold to stable-keepers for
horse-bedding, and a very healthy bed
uiey mane.
J)ress-Coat Misery.
A man of consulprnMn note in the
lournolistic and literary world was ot a
uvemnor party in lew xors
some years ago, standing in on up-stain
To him a IojIv in ft tnnrmitir.olif rlrpRq
and sparkling with jewels, came with
great eagerness. Though she was un
Known to him i, i,tTii
she had recognized him by the light of
his genius, shining on his Hyperion
"', ur knewiiim by reputation, lie
, mereiore, prepared to receive her
wuii smiles. .
Are you tlie waiter ? " she demanded.
".NO I" ratmA l. ,-(1, ,,f
mumier. " Are you the chambermaid ?'
ami ne darted down stairs.
The Use of Condiments.
The general definition of this wnrfl i
"a pungent and appetizinor substance.
as pepper or mustard; seasoning. Some
thing used to give relish to food and to
gratuy the taste." To the question,
why do you use pepper on vour foo,1 1
you reply, because you relish the taste
oi tne pepper, a little thought will
erhaps, convince you that you mistake
its use. Is it not more probable tb nt t h n
addition of condiments brings out thn
uuvor oi the article of food on wliinli u
is placed. As a general thing peppet
and mustard aro not used on fruits.
Carrying out this view, il condiments
are used simply to bring out fully tho
latent flavor of the dish, they could with
equal propriety be used on fruit. This
is, in tact, the case, lo convince your
self of this, use pepper on strawberries,
and you will find in thorn a flavor more
delicious than you have ever experienced
ueiore. xou will lurthor discover that
in this case you have not used the pen-
fJCl J.IO kUAM.-.
The iiso of salt is as improperly un
derstood. It is a natural preservative
when applied to animal substances
the acid in the salt being the preserva
tive element. When used with vegeta
ble food, but not in such quantities as to
cause a saity taste, it is a great improve
ment. In boiling corn or oatmeal with
out adding a littlo salt at first will cause
it to have a bitter, if not unpleasant
taste. The addition of salt removes this
rank taste and gives tho appearance of
smoothness. This is caused by the
cnemicai action of the acid in the salt on
the farina or starch.
We use pepper and mustard on food
for the purpose of bringing out the
uuvor oi uie article on which it is placed,
oo with salt. A good test of this is
oouea rice, which is perfectly insipid
without the addition of salt. Many peo
ple preier it havered with sugar. It
win oe iouna that when sugar is used it
will be for more pleosant and agreeable
to the taste if it had been
seasoned with suit, although not strong
Tub tonnnce of English
has decreased by about 500,000 tons
since 1870, but steam tonnage has in
creased by about 1,400,000 tons.
Lawyers and doctors
multiply in England, but there is a wo
ful lack of preachers, plenty of curacies
being vacant.
The reason whv the noets al VAVI
speak of October us "unbar" in Wnnu.
Bober is the only word they can find to
rhyme with October.
Thb New "xork Ch-anhin nova . "Tli
chief reason for tho breaking off of tin
Flood-Grant match was that the parties
were of different religious faiths.''
Wayne Co, (Ufalo) Oemoemt.J
Mr. William E. 8nyderfc of West
Lebanon, Ohio, sayst For some time
rait i had been severely afflicted with
Khenmntism. seeing an advertisement
of St. Jacobs Oil, I procured a bottle,
and I could feel the effect of the Oil upon
0 i M . I T
tne nrst application, x am now en
tirely well after using one bottle.
A Schenectady (N. T.) firm sent s
largo shipment of brushes and brooms
to Jerusalem.
A alenr he! and qnlclc action most be pos
aesaed for steady and anocwwlul effort: bnt
who cud have moh wl ileauflerina; Irom Cold t
Use Dr. Hull's Cough Syrnp and proonre hn
meuiaie rciiei.
'Ihb I'nnce of Wales has presented
President Grevy with a gun and four set
ter dogs.
Veoetiw b will regulate tho bowels to healthy
action, by stimulating the secretions, cleans
ing and purifying the bloo.l oi poisonoui
numors, ana, tu a uranium ana mttural man.
ner, expels all impurities without weakening
tne DOiy.
IViKhtnafon IMamtt I'rlecs and Nrxrm
tor h'llesRla and Koci.i. Market l'rines,
am. rel ahln fntoimnticn evoiy Suturclay about
Produce, Food, etc., tnke Ins Nkw York
Market Index and Journal One dollar a
ytar. Sample ci.p oh (ent lor thrto cent
stamp Afldie-w Indkx and Journal. P. O.
Hox 2033, or 218 Fulton street. 'ew York
wi y.
Get Lyon's TntPnt IIpcI Stidbncrs applied
to those new boots bilora you run them over.
BeslOattls Med. Nstives, Urift.. O'VfSJ W
OslvM-Qood to Prime Veils 06 Vt 07 S
Sheep 04 05
Lrftmufl ............ vo 19 uiijf
togs IJve 0isj.C6
Dressed 0.V-,(d rG"
rioar jsx. ntaie, gooaio laocy.... t tu (as
Western, Rood to fancy 6 10 i 8 i i
Wheat Mo. 1 Red 1 1.1 V 1 1(1 X
No. 1 White 1 14 14j
sy Htate iiu (4 1 oi
tsariey jwo-noweq ouiie.... ...... 10 s 'is
Corn Ungraded Western Mixed.... 63 vi 85
Southern Yellow 65 (4 65J
Oata White State 40 O 41
iniieu nwieiUM , M By
Hay Prime 96 (4115
Straw Lodr Rye. per rwt.... 01 (4 95
Bops state, ltmj 18 4 H
Pork Mess IS 69 156l
ura uuy tnoam u '0 (4 8 40
reiroieuru uruue Uf CjSUBjlf llrntiea 13
Buuer state creamery 23 Ok 31
D.Mry 33 (4 26
Western Imitation Creamery 18 (4 31
Factory... in r( 311
Cheese State Factory 10 V 4 19
Skims 03 (9 10i
Western 10 ,a
r-KK" DuuBMurpim (4 vs
Potatoea State, bbl 3 00 a a 50
Flonr City Ground. No. 1 Spring .. S 00 a 5 75
Corn No. 'J Western 49 ,4 41114
wneat ino. 1 jihi-u uuimn. ...a... Ill (a 1 4
Barley Two-rowed State 78 14 go
Beef cattle Live welgnt 06 (4 MX
DUWP U4 V4 t
1'inibs 05v,(,
Hogs 05 V4 OQ
Flour Wisconsin and Miun.Pat.... 6 60 14 S 6)
oorn mum ana lellow (8 14 6 j
us is uxira nuiw, new 41 4 40
Bye State 1 00 (4 1 118
Wool Washed Combing Delaine.. 44 (4 60
unwarned, 86X14 stK
BeelOatue live welgut 0JV4 08W
Bbeep 0l.X,4 OS
Lambs qs (4 05 V
OUK .... IK.(0 U3
rionr penn. good and fancy 6 61 a 6 81
rill LiALlILrHUi
wneat-No. a-Ited l na 1 uv
13 A Jl . I A .,. . 7 "
jwm. vn (tii
Corn Htate Yellow 65 (A 65
Uatfl lined StOtf
cumw vreauiBry irB,,, ,,,, si 44 ju
uueeae wew York ran crem lJiVf 13V
tnlliiH fuliAnlTiy fl.4 . . .
iviivkiuui viuiih vnnui KMluDou I
More to Mo than Cold.
Mn. n. P. ZV-r - M"oh T- 1S8-
1 w sa to inform you what Veoettxx has dona
rpr roe. I have been troubled witu Errnlnelas
Humor for more than thirty years. In my limbs and
otur pans uf my body ami have brn a iireat suf.
ferer I oommeuoed t..klui Vkoetuck one year ago
Isat August and am trnly aay It has done more for
me than any other medicine. I ,eem to be perfect
I) free from this humor and can recommend it lo
,..., .,u ds wuiioiit una meiileine
J s more to metliau gld-aud I feel It will prove
" o no iiiiti iu 111,,
Yours, most rospeoi fully,
J. BENTLEY, M. D., says:
i nan aone more uood than all
jucaical Treatment,
Mn tt t a K"2kt. Ont., Feb, , 1880.
Sir I have sold during the p.-at year a consider
able qnuntity of your Veqetine, aud I believe In
sll ciiBoe It has uiven eatrnfactlon. In one ease, a
delicate young lady of about aeveuteen yeara was
much i benefited by Its ne. Her pareula InlormeO
Wa . i . doue lier 1001,6 gd than all the
be,wueI" ro wmca ,U9 na Previously
Yours respectfnlly,
Loudly In its Praise.
TnROKTrt. n tl f MnMh S 1 Don
Dear Sir Considering the ahort tin, a iht v.n..
'" uau " oeiore ine puuiic here, It sells well
as a blood nurfner. and for trmihiM fMm -
slUBdUb or torpid liver It ts a Brut-class medicine.
vu. vunvuin. Bjjvax jouuiy iu iip praise.
tf. WKIUHT It CO..
Cor. Quoen and Ehtibeth Streets.
H. R. STEVENS. Boitou, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
tretlJIh nil AledlrliiH . vr l:..'l 'iti l, -
ware of iiuitatl.iiii tlin.lariy tame I. The ffeiiB.nt? Mm
where vwrnrAjix a djujatuus. uoia evcry-
M alt nittersorapany, Boston, Mass,
!T!OFop Catarrh.
F8vr, Cold in the
eic., iiiftcrt with
flllULT a n:n llr r.f
the Iidini int.i tii ,,,1.
rii-pp. fATAPcmi n;;ruj
triU; draw Ktroiis
tireathB throub th
nose. It tu Le utarl
e-l, cIcansiiiK anl baU
w the lUeted meu
1 J
... t
t nasal p;. .va
For Deafness,
.Ofltt" .aV':
vjeraaionaiiy apply a
partkle llitj .,ad back
'f the ear, rubLilna lo
Is recelvlnz the Indorsement of the mtr.rep. th. A,nntBt
aud pliy.kUu. Never haa an ankle of so much merit
bten pioduce.l for the treatment of uiemhranal dheAat-a
ae til in never-falliqil DALM, aud la u:ilver.aly acknowl
edged aa oelui all that la claimed for IL The a n Icatlon
eaav and pleaaant, causing no pain, hu. la sooth dc, and
fast luperaeutug the use of powder, liquids and mull.
Price MO cents. On aeeelnt of nil rjnta will -
package free, bend for circular, wiib full Information.
m i l i . .
la!JryrBf Lor 11 WMrn o nnder exeesslve
KM?L2i"'W or-"M Ua "' Momaih. I.iv. r,
Kidr.eya or Lrlnory Cri;ou. letuw to p rf. rui tl.eir lunr
Buf" Ar.? 5uur l-uiw We.ik. Nerv.'a t nMriui. Il" d
rAtfl"1"' FIH' Tl,,- " " Flaby a dSpi ill
tone i ir ao, then no human aiancy can re.turo you 1 ke
lii i'",T'""- " tulernieuied Kxtnut of Jl. It,
..v.e, . a.i.tia nu'l 1 fin. UIIll Him iT.ilml A',
nd S
ISB6,ri,!!,uyonreiwnUwit Terms sad as OolSI
twu flea. Addieat U lUi.i arr Co, iKtlaodVataliM.
Them are 5,600 telegraph offices in
Prance. Last year the number of dis-
f atobes sent averaged thirty for every
00 inhabitants.
Detroit Free Pross
Mrs. C. Whipplo, S71 Croghan 8treet,
presents these facts i For six years 1
had suffered beyond all expression with
Soiatio Rheumatism and tried every
known remedy, but all to no purpose.
At last I saw in tho .Free Pi t's an adver
tisement of the St. Jacobs Oi), tried it
and am w.'ll. I oan walk without limp
ing and Bleep free from any pain.
Tub Boston Post says carriage riding
is now tho correct thing, that people
who ride on horses must take a back
A Wonl to oar Headers.
When you road ol a remedy that will ours
all disonres, bewnre ol it; but when yo'i rend
ol a pare vegetable compound which claims
to cine only ooitnin part ot the body, and
Inr 'islies high proof thnt it doe thi, you can
rarely try it and wiiu tho assuinnce that it
nil help you. This IS lust wlat warneri
Snte Ki'tney and Livor Cure does. It euros
all troubles of the lower portion of the body
and none others. It will not help the tooth
tohe, ev-ncho nor oonsunipiion but it will
put your bocy In a vigorous and healthy sialo
rhero oit c m enioy hie aud appteuiate lis
good things. Try it
Dr C. K. Slioomake the well-known aural
surgeon ot Reading, Pa., cITui s to send by mail,
Ireeot ohnreo, a vnluatilo little book on deal
ness and diseases ot ihe ear fpecinllyon run
ning ear and catarrh, and their propor treat
ment (riving relorences and toliinoninls that
will satisfy the most skeptical. Address as
Malarial levers oan be prevented, also other
minsmatic disease's by occasionally using
Dr. 8iribrd'$ Liver li.viooruior. tho oli'.riat
general Family Medicine, which is recom
mended as a enre for all dhennus caused by a
disordmed liver. Kiahtv-pago book sent (roe.
Address Dr. Snnloid 162 Broadway. N. Y.
. jjou v i i iTiarsnau, inicn.,
Will send tlieir Kl. oi ro-Voluvc Bet a to tb
afflicted upon 30 days' trial. Soe their adver
tisement in this paper lieadod. " On 30 Dava'
Ton have rend till- notice altont twenty
(Imra in-fore. Hut ill.l y.u ever act upon thetiiggr
uon so nfirn ma,. , mine y: In aak ariv l oo nnl ihot
aea'er for boo'a with (Vnmlrleh's Talent He We
rner Steel Iltvet l'nXeeteil olel Guarantied
to outwear a-j Sole evernwle. If you have not. dun
the very n it time you wa. t b oti . r nlmea w.ih solei
that will iveur like Iron anil iliva rrnnir. (innt BA
ny any other.
ly rrfcr.-ie- a-e aiy Sewlnj Mach'na Company at
their agcuta in thl. country. iv
ly phnreh St., Worcester, Wasa., and 40 UojnV Ati,
work on Kilqm-tte ami HtuincAS and Sot-lal Forms, it
te Is how tt perform all t!i various duiK-s of Itro.and
Ttilt ll the chfflTWtt anrl onlv vtmnl'M. and rollnhi
bow to npvtvv lo ihe best advantage on all occaMons.
Aftmt- Wniited Senl rorcl'calara conbtlulrg
fu 1 i.fscnpt on uf tt.e wo- nnl .xtra terms to uen .
Ad'irt sa National i'rj Co., PhUu.ielph.a, l'a.
reprenntlrnr the eholcest selected Tortolse-SheU and
A-nibcr. The lightest, UamUomert, and strongest known.
Sold by Opticians and Jewelers. Made by SPKN'CEB
O. M. CO., lit Walilen Lane. New Vorli,
l the " Orltrlnnl flonrenf rntixl nml nnluhtn p..ii.
Boiip Maker. Directions mvompany eat.-h can fur ni.-iklnn
" I",'.1' 1"" hoi.l q'll.-kly. It la (uU
w'-Ulil .and sin iKth. Ask jour grocer for HAVaxg.
1' I KK, and take no oluerr.
Till Cluiin-llnnse KstnblUhed 1803,
IVew law Thousands of aoldlem and helm entitled.
P' U.ioi.l ilAte buck to dU,'lmrit nr ,l..uih Hf.n.,.i
Address, wllh si amp,
P. O. Drnwe-;j,i. lVaAiiinirtnn. r r-
1881. FREE. 1881.
tor 1881 is niw icady This olegant. book con
tains nb nit 200 flue ensiiavinna. A snncimnn
eopy will bo sent tiee to any onoin the Uuitol
States, on recept ol a three-cent st nip to
prepay poilngd ou the bonk. Agents wa tel.
A.'iltess jr. GLE S N ft CO.,
46 Summer Street, ltiwtou. Ma B.
mr, oeauuiui type, neat, clolli-bound e.lill.m; prl.s
Cents, uad il cents fur nontax,..
aundard works, remarkably low In price, with extra tein'i
. (mi. milL'lB lull WW lllll ailVC Ittfllll'llL
AmiiiciM liooa l:icyM,i, Tiibune liulUllnir. N. Y.
r unt bKT
bent on Trial Warranted. Cituloiue Free.
Aldreas DANIEf. Ui:TTY. Whliiutnii N.J.
Silver Medal
at Parle
Grand Medal
tt Piilla iclphla
This wonde-ful tulistance Is acknowledeed br ntiv
slciaui thnuiihout the wor d to oe ine he.i r. ine Iv d:a
coverej for Uie cure of Woun la, Ihiths. Klieiiniatiara.
bklii Dm usc. Pile, Cat. rrli Chi h alna, e. In order
that every one may t v It. It I. nut in . ...i ..& ......
botllei for househo'd u-e. oht-iln it from your dni'iilt.
and you will hud it luncrio: to a..j thing you have ever
Fleitrlc Applaneeti.ou trial for to dayito thobe aftllcu d
with Arnuai lMity and aiwof a permnal nature.
A ao of the l.lver, Kl.lmya, Itlieuuialum, Parajj n. etc!
A turt cur, (ruaranfcoj or o ih'U- ' ' "i
Addresi Voltaic Belt Co., Marahall. Mlrh.
S'n4 for ertr LATKST Ulcvtratid Cataioooi (Wmv
to), with xawur r i as. at $.".1 and upwar i or a .is m
ytwner, and up. Sentret. M bON A llAMLtN (iRdiN
CO . 114 Tieinont St., IHISiOJii 41 ljt 14lh St
KW YOMIti li WabahAYe.,0IIICA(JO. M"
Do Your Own Printing
Prea'B and eutflti from S tn Kltmi riv.v
efTjpe. Catalogue and redueed p. Ire In iree. '
ii. nuuvr u. I'iiiiailelpltia.Pa.
IT.I.7.MIMATK1 Tilp Around the World. Alia
gurlcjtl and AIu.ickI tut rtamiiKuu, Dl.nlvlng
Y'.j. '''- ' terms to r'hurilim awl Societies.
. v. IH1.J-. MVESKY'S.Bil Ceulre Street, New York.
m IBUDtb. hlvsirv irrniln-.a an
Learn Telenranhy ant
Mrn M4li tolfiloaaa
SUon. Andreas R. Vafentlne. Mauaner, Janeavnle. Wis.
month. Itv.rv a rtnvtnir BitM.
PRESENTS, free. Send address fi
particulars, r. liurtJ, I3 5cbi
treet, lloaton, ataaa.
MINERAI Por locatlnK Mines an. Bntied
'lli.riHU nUU ,re)Mrrt For f urthe' pa't'e
larsaddreis PRILANDKH UOO'l'H, Plannrhie. Conn,
IU llt Selling Articles In the world, a
aampleAw. Jay Uaomoa, Union, Mtdi.
A TKA R and expenses to scent.
Outllt Free. A Idle
t. 0 V1CKERY, AuijUata, Maine.
172 r ff1 "Vstboms sIl!e. Costly
V OnUU free. aUdieat Taos 4 Oo, Aogiuu. Main.
CREAf gft I
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
i Pains,
Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frostei
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
Ho ."reparation en earth equals St. Jaciwis Ot
as m ane, sure1, sfmrfe and eAeap External
Bemedy. A trial entails but tbe eomparatlTaly
trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one sutTerta
with pain can liars cheap and poaittve proof of las
Directions In Eleven Languages.
Halttmore, Sfd., U, S. at.
N T M U 4
Constipation and Piles.
Beeauco It clcanoes tho Byetemoi
Sthepolconouc humors that dcvoloDe
tinKianeyani urinary aiccaooo, Bll-tl
llniiftnn.4. .lrM,nrtlr.- nnnllnn,lAN.H
lPlloo, or In Rhoumatlsm, Neuralfila
ana pcmaioaisoraera.
KIDNET-VCUT la dry veretnble een
3 pound nnd can boacnt by mull prepaid,
lone package will mnkoalx qts of meiKrlne
Buy II nt the Drueslats. rrloe, tUOOi
IM"M1 A aa
ii Iiurllnrton, Tt. II
Flllt RtT.K ItV t l. .' a r .. I...
Aicardal Uie UEUAJ. vf HOStili at tlie aaUnnla! cmt
I'uris Kr ot-ti .,ia.
2,000,000 Acre3
Wheat Lands
beat In the World, for sale br Uas
Three dollars per aera allowed tbaae'tlar for braak
tog and euluvaUoa. For parilculara apply to
' vvmniittiiiunrr, t, taui. sllnn.
Ii the bert In the Wo-ld. It ts shsolutely pnre. It lathe
i kLlor.fl0: '"al P'Ps. II ii tlie btht lt Hiking and
all 1 auUly Lsca. Sold Ly all UrutgiaU aud Orocen.
WAUTKTS Agents everywhere to sen oar goods,
by lampie, to Is ml lei We give attractive preterite
ftml Hrst-clMi ko'X'I to vour custoinera; wt oo oo4
piuuu; wa prepay k;i exprew Qavtfusi w larnua
Writ for D&rtlcu urt.
b ouUkl
FKOPLK'S IK a CO., Box 60H9, Bt UaU, Ma.
Choicest In the world Import ei' piitt
i Hi,? vuiNiuy in Afi merit n lapic
irlitleiilnii'i'B ewvrvboilv T&.u s-a.n.
timtJ iy ine 1 1-; Ascnts wai.iiM evtrj wltere bl
Ui:u emr nis d n'l husIc liroc u nit for Circu ar
Jtuu r WELLS, 4j Vency HU, X. V. P. O. liox 1X1.
TRUTH iftt?l"JXl
bstt..fctMtwltW " Jt
A 1.1. l-ersons wanting Kmployment to Ifercanttli
lloima, II. .till, biores. OHIcea, ete., and Temlien
de.irlne N-hool eiiiML'enienu. call, or aildre-a wltb itanit.
jUNUATf AN AKHKCY. T:ta Uroailway.N. VVcil?
COnnn ,w 59'OlvenAwar. 8eo1S-et
WsiWWtl 11m lb cm, Lewisbui.h.l.:iilonCo..Pa.
A A u3B!'?.In "- Nemos Debmt,
weak rut ai of Generative org ana. St all diuaclata
Beua for OlrTr to AlleniPliarmZyisir. a'a; v.
T,A1,'!WA,iMW,l' TIM Hat. lOcents.
, '.''i";' jltyta.xuA, Aljt. , New York P. ., K.Y.
A O ?4?g ,,00K nr WONDKKS for a Sent atamp
a y' AuUreiaB. Fox A CO..aUi CaualBt.KewVofi
fllT JI'ICIH ee'llng our Robber Stampesnd Wailg
Buiples Free, Cook msiell. Cleveland, Q.
t5t0$20?f)' ,n paanp-lt wort u ire
Addraa kiiaaus AuL Fuskaud. Ma.
yco Ants thi$ CREASE. J