The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 07, 1880, Image 3
the evidence did not warrant a finding of guilty. Self defense, he said, was the oldest law of man's being, and a law that hod been recognized for all ,'tinie as a right one. He also argued 'with fervid eloquence to the jury the .'importance of giving the prisoner the benefit of every reasonable doubt. After Mr. Cotter's speech court ad journed until 2 o'clock. SATURDAY AFTKRNOON. Court opened at 2 o'clock, when Mr; Richmond submitted additionul points to the court.which were argued upon by Messrs. Richmond and Jeuks for their respective sides. Mr. Richmond then went to the Jury.and talked for an hour and forty live minutes. It Is idle for us to at tempt even a synopsis of this great effort, made by this gentleman in be half of the prisoner at the bar. He denied the charge made by Mr. H ill as to the cheap auxiliaries thrown around the prisoner to create sym pathy. And stated that if either si de was guilty of doing that kind of busi ness the prosecution were, else why these widow's weeds and garbs of woe. referring to the widows, of Warnith and Vullrcier who wore in the court room. Reviewing- the testimony he treated Durke and W'uizull with tin tinted Irony, and canst io torrent of words, accusing them of perjury, gaud intimating that their testimony win of little value lu determining the ease. He pictured Dist. AU'y Wurnell as cowering in fright behind the friendly cover of a convenient hen eo.p, tlio very personification of fear and cow ardice. He congratulated Elk county on the possession of two such worthy officials. Jn closing he appealed to the jury for mcr y and for justice. 'The speech was patiently listened to by a crowded court room, and was acknowl edged on all hands to be a masterly argument and an eloquent plea, fully worthy of the man aiicHho occasion. Mr. Jen ks, for the prosecution, spoke from 4:10 until 5: -30. It was easily seen that this gentleman was on the wrong side of the case, for Instead of his usual eloquence, he confined him self to the facts brought out by the evidence, and to offsetting, by ingen ious argument, the burning eloquence of Mr. Richmond. Court then adjourned until 7:30 The conclusion was given in our last Issue. We have only one thing to add that is that all the law points sub mitted to the court by the counsel for the defense, were nlllnued by the court. Kn Ufa 21 slvo cal i THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1680. A C.VK1). I herewith announce myself to the voters of this county without regard to party alUliatiou as an Iiidi pcitii'iit candidate for the o!il of Sherilf, lo ' be elected November nest. Jamks Mf.'Cl.OSKKY. Centreville, Pa , July 17. INS'). Republican National Nominations. For President, Jam ts A. (AKKti:i.i, of Ohio. For Vice President, Ohkstkk A. AKTiirit, of New York Ropublican Stato Tishet. For Supreme Judge, HEX It Y (UiKEN, of Northampton County. For Auditor General,' JOHN A. LKMON, of lilair County. For ProsiJonl Juiqo 37th District. VM. 1). BROWN, of Warren. For Congress. C. R. KLINE, of Elk county. (Subject to Decision of District Con ference.) Republican Electors. KIWIS' N. HKXSON, ItKXItY, Ja., JulIS' I.. LAWSUX, KIIWIN II. KI I. Kit, M. HAI.I.KTAXTO.N, JAMl-M IK.ilS.SOV. HKOIUIK liKll. K KIM, DAVID K. Hul'isTOS, MOKHAS' It. WILLS, JIKXKY H. KCKKKT, JOHN M. KTE1I.M AX, ISAACS, MO Y Kit, KHOAK Pl.WiluT, john mitchell, cohad f. suixdi:l, i'hahlks b. i'ouxky, NATHAN C. ELSlUtEE, AXDIIEW STOCT. UEOKUE It. WIESTLINO. CtKoimjk M. i;i;ai)e. MICHAEL .SCI1 A LL, WAI.TKK W. AMES. JOHN I. TEAHAK1JKN. NELSON P. HEED, Al'OUSTl'S E. W. PAIXTEB, THOMAS Mi KEXNAN, JAMES T. MAb KETT, UKOKUK W. I'KLAM ATER, CALVIN W. UILEILLAX. Respectfully yours, JOHN CESSNA, Chairman. PEOPLE'S TICKET. EOU ASSEMBLY HON. CHAS. R. EARLEY, of Ridgway. EOK BUEltlFK JAMES J. TAYLOR, of Fox. Subscribe for Tim Advocate. Grand Ball at Hyde's Opera House. There will be a grand ball given at Hyde's Opera House on Friday even ing, Oct. 15th 1880. Music by Miller's string baud. A general invitation is extended to the public. Tickets f 1.00. The Supervisors are entitled to credit for the new sidewalk along the front of the court house yard. This walk is made of pine plank laid down crosswise, the ground being first made level.and dirt banked up against the end of the plank. A very credit Able job. At the recent Lycoming county fair that old and reliable firm D. S. Audrus & Co., of Wllliuinsport, re ceived a diploma for the "best and Jaifest 'Utoplny of muekal instrii- Personal Items.. Ike. Ross is laid up witli rheuma tism. A. Swartz Ross and wife have re turned home. Oscar Gardner, Is home with a sore thumb from Wilcox. Miss Sadie Cuthbert lias been quite ill for several days past. Mrs. Jno. W. Eyster, of Erie, is spending n week with her folks. O. W.Nichols has almost finished the two school houses he has been building in Jones township. Miss Emma Olmsted is teaching the Whistletown school. This school commenced last week Monday. Miss Debbie Stout returned to Lock Haven yesterday, after a stay of several weeks in tills village. Mrs. Minor Wilcox, started on Monday last for a trip to Illinois, in tending to remain several weeks. Miss Addie Rordwell is home again after a visit of several week to friends In Erie and Warren counties. The Hoot Jack school Ridgway township taught by Miss Rlioilu Wil cox, closed yesterday for a short vaca tion. J. A. Aaron and wife of Clarion county, father and mother of ( . T. Arron of tiiis place arc visting here for u lew days. John Ralley is now firing on the Daguscahonda road. He gets $40 u months with a prospect of an advance in the near future. We congratulate John on his good fortune. Will Derby is again at home after quite an extended absence. His eyes are much better than when he went away, and it is confidently expected that they will in time bo as well as ever. J. W. Morgester has purchased of W. J. Colegrove, agent for Mr. Ridg way, the lot on the alley next Thos. Noon's He lias already commenced the erection of a house on the lot, which he proposes to rent when com pleted. Judge J. K. Whit iiore caught an Opossum in n trap above the Eagle Valley mill, and brought it to town in a bag. Mr. Opossum is a stranger in this section of the country. We have heard the phrase "playing 'possum," but this is tlie first one we ever saw play it, and lie did it to perfection. Miss Mctiloin, of RulKilo, has started a millinery store in this place, at the residence of her brother Fran cis McGloiu, on Main street. She has an elegant assortment of millinery goods for the fall trade. The ladies arc especially invited to call and ex amine her varied and extensive assort ment before making their purchase. We have received the initial ntiin of the Lycoming Chronicle, edited and owned by that veteran in journalism, Levi L. Tide, and hasten to place the name on our exchange list. This is the eleventh journal founded by Mr. Tate in Ids fifty years of labor in tie field of newspaper work. JfAlTJFinJ. Pkhuv Kismky At tlie ri'slilfi.i-0 of the ollli.-lutl' k rk'tvynmii. lifv. E. A. Sisiiior, of KilL'v:i,v, l a., Tlnnviliiy i''iiiii:r, Si' t. I'M', Mr.Aii'ly IVrry to Miss i 'm : i.- K innev, li-ith 1. 1' Marvin Creek, Milviun r.itnity, l'a. 1-!:k--Moi!:.-;:v.--AI Nfv Jl .-tlili-lwuii. l'a. Kiimliiy, Or!. syi. I.y li -v. Mr. Thompson. Mr. H. i.. Ki ii It lo Miss May Miihiicv. Alt or New l.i lhlfhi'iii. Mii.i.isTKK--Ko'ii.r.sToN Smi'hiv, s-j.t. .'. Ijvmi. Mr. lli'.iiUs McAllister In ML-s Lin y Eatrli'stDii. All of lli'iuuly Camp. Thomson .- McIvt.isu -- On WVilm 'hiv, Hi'ir. 15, I -.-". Mr. Slump Thomson to Miss Mtoviu Mcintosh. A II of rump. Potatoes, Mui'gesterV. apples anil cabbage at Young men seekiuu a CommcrciM Edu cation, cull not ilo better than to address Pro)'. J. C. Smith, I'l incipal of tin- Iron City College, I'll lalmrjih, J'a. students admitted at any time. W'riti: for i-iivuhu's. See ad vertisement in another column. For tinware and tobacco call on J. W. Morgester. Choice family groceries a large assortment at Morgester's. I will be absent from Ridgway about two weeks from Sept. 27., 180. J AS. D. Fl'LLEHTON. Dentist. The Fusion Nominating Conference Pursuant to a previous arrangement the following named gentlemen act ing as a committee from the Republi -can party, the Democratic partv, and the Greenback party, nut in the oilice af G. A. Rathbun, Esq., in Ridgwav Oct. .5th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and" organized by choosimr G. T. Wheeler, Chairman, and Clias. Mc Vean, Secretary. The following gentlemen representing tho Committee were present. W. S. Humbleu, Kidgnay; Thos. McKean, Jones; Chns. McYeun, St. Murys; O. T. Wheeler, Ridjjwiiy; Chas. Miller, Fox; J. II, Foster, St. Marys; G. A. Uathhun, Rhlgwuy; H. F. Ely, Itiilgwuy; Copt. Jas. Woodward, Hldswuy; The Chair stated the object of the meeting to be tho nomination of a candidate for As Kembly, unit Sherilt, to be elected November 2, ISM). On motion of W. S. Hamblen the meeting pruceeded to nominate a sheriff. Whereupon Mr. Ilamblun nominated James J. Taylor of Fox. Captain Woodward nomi nated Wm. MeL'auley of Fox. Chas. Miller nominated Jas. McCloskey of Fox. Nominations closed. James Taylor received 8 votes; Wm. Ie Caulcy received 3 votes, und James Mc CloskeyO. (Chas. Miller did not vote on tho nuinlimtion of isherift.) Jas. J. Taylor having received a majority of the votes cast was declared duly nomi nated. On motion the meeting proceeded to nom inate a cundldate for Assembly. O. A. Halhbuu noinliiuted Cupt. James Woodward. Chas. Miller nonmlnuted Hon. Charles It. Enrley. Nominations closed, dipt. James Woodward received 2 votes. IIou. Charles R. Kurley received 7 votes. Mr. Hurley having received a majority of the votes cast wus declared nominated. On motion of G. A. Kuthbun the meeting adjourned. O. T. WHEELER, Chaibxax. C'hasMcVeaii, Secretary. Job work of all kinds neatly done ut The Auvocate oilice. New Style Vl-illhig Cards Just i ecu veil. Death of a Brakeman. John McCarthy, was accidentally killed near the Ridgway station yes terday motnlng, Wednesday, Oct. 0, 18.80. He was engaged setting a brake on a car ac the local freight was about stopped at the station. Missing ills footing he Ml between the cars and on the track the forward wheels of one car passed over him at about tlie middle of the body, breaking his back and causing almost instant deatlu Th hotly was not severed, a broad red mark the width of tlie wheel across his body told tho tale of his misery. Witnesses to the terrible accident, say that lie hung on for a distance of six feet, vainly endeavoring to free- him self from his desperate position. The man has been a brakeman on local freight about six yeal's, Is a resident of St. Marys, where n wife and three children await his coming evermore, ilo was a man of good habits, indus trious and faithful, and well liked by all who knew him. His age is about :4 or 35 years. Viewing the remains of tlie quiet sleeper a feeling of oppres siveness filled our iniud , as we InviJ untary turned in though to that sor rowing wife, and now fatherless little ones, who parted but a few hours be fore in life and happiness beneath the skies of this glorious October morning little dreaming that those kisses would be the last forever and aye. Sympathy and pity for the broken-hearted widow who must now battle with the world alone, without the support of that strong arm now palsied in death, and the comfort of that warm heart, now stilled and cold, Pity for the little ones wiio miss a father's kiss, audit father's love. This is indeed, a sad case, and although illustrating the un certainty of human lite, yet we wish that such scenes might not be. List of letters remainlm; in tho lMdcway post-oltlep, Elk Co., Pa., up to Oct. I, 1SS0. Anderson, Carl August ilruheny, Daniel Raster, Miss Francis Ilyrnes, Charles llrlan, John Dayley, John Hi tslink, A. C. Kidder, C. tl. Milieu. II. W. Neil, C. S, Neil, T. W. Uedlngh. J. A. Shelve, Miss Mary Struthi rs, A. W. steward, Hut-tor tfamuel Smith, Geo. M. Tiilliiu-t. 1". A. II. Vtnlt, Lewis Vashldndcr, G. Wise. Geo. FoltMUN. Anderson, ,1. O. llin'.'ssioii, sw. a August Carlioi;, C. M. Carlson, .bihu Chii!.;u!-t, P. H.iiiv: ron. Johnson, C. II. Larson, Thos. ", John 'f not called for in thirty days thry will ho sent to the dead letter otlici? at Wnshlngtnn, I). C. J. H.II.UiHirv, P.M. Boga and Vicinity. Now and Then. Heavy frost last Friday night. Y. II. Hoilon now occupies his new residence. The corn in this neighborhood is fast being bulked and is a fair yield. lsan;: Graham's father aged 7(j yeais, has been visiting at Rrockport; he looks hale and hearty and is as nimble as some of our young men. Makimkd at Keystone, Mr. Henry Clinton, of Keystone, to Miss Kate McCal'ough, of Rrookville. They have our best wi.-hes. - Win. Htilett ha'- moved his family !o P.lue Roc!;, where he has the job of stockin ? the mill. G. V. . Clinton will erect a new dwelling house on his f irm he pur chased lately. Georv being a good fellow and tin old Lichelor we think is making pivpr.r.ions to give us a marriage notice. A Keystone weather prophet frays it lias rained thirty-one Mondays in succession. A. J. Larkins who was married, tlie shoe maker is the lad who is true to the last. Theo. Fox lias taken the con tract of drawing the Shuwmut logs, about eleven hundred thousand, owned by Oyster & Short. M. S. Bunday, who recently had his leg broken while skidding logs, has his leg out of tl-.e box and Is glad to get out even on crutches. John Ruder, who was lately mar ried has brought his better half to Roga from Millstone where she formerly lived. The first school in this township was taught by Miss Olive Ilrockway in the year 1820. Mr. F.ben Stephens is about the oldest pioneer in this neighborhood. When he first established his home here the howl of the wolf and scream of the panther broke the stillness of the midnight air. Last Friday morning a little girl 2 years old, of David Yale, died of diphtheria. She was taken to the Brandy Camp grave yard for Inter ment Tlie population is still on the in crease. A son lias been born to Mr. aud Mrs. John Peters. David Bennett lias erecteda new mansion on Boga. Wonder If "Swamper'' has given up the idea that the young men In Rrockport dure not pop the question, for there has been In and around Brock port nine weddings within the last few weeks. There has been eighteen deaths In this vicinity within the last ten weeks. John Shafer of Brock way ville died last Thursday of typhoid fever. NOW AND THEN , Scrap pictures and shelf paper at TltiiAuVocAiE vliicet For bargains in groceries go to Mor gester's Car load salt at $1.75 a barrel at Morgester's Philip Brownstlne and Wm.Cohen have gone to the city to lay in a stock of winter goods. The Court House yard has been seeded down. rpiIE LITTLE PINKY GOLD AND SILVER MINING COM PAN Y OF COLORADO. CAPITAL. No. Shares of Stock $1,000,000 Par Value 100,000 Stock Full Paid and not As sessable , 10,000. BUSINESS OFFICES. No. Ill East Third Street, Load villa, 'Joloratla. No. 506 Walnut Place, Phila delphia, Pa. OFFICERS. President - EDWIN (I. FAY. Secretary and Treasurer A. II. MOOIIE. Solicitor ... - F. F. IIUKIIITLY. Superintendent V. C. FAY. A limited number of shares of stock of this company, will be sold at one dollar pr. share. Prospectus sent by mail on application to the Company's olHce at Philadelphia. Dr. Day's (jure for Head-ache Is theonly remedy known that will stop an attack of sick or nervous head-ache in its commencement; it will always cure those headaches, coming on in hot weather when riding or on a journey ; only three or four doses, half an hour apart, arc necessary. Price 00 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Stomach and Bowel Tonic is the best remedy in use for pooruppetite, weakness and trembling in the stomach, pain after eating, heartburn, soreness and gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of tho bowels arising from poor digestion. This medicine will positively cure costlveness in every ease ; and no one who is troubled vvitii tliat complaint should fail to try it; as it not only relieves, but cures. Price 1.00. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for these medicines. Manufactured by D. B. Day & Co., Ridgway, Pa. That splendid trgun sold by U. S Andrtts & Co., Williainsport, Pa., for ST.j.ori cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 'Vet 0. inches high, is sold now for .SO.OJ with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. Write them- Terms easy on li'iig time also. AGENTS WAN TED lo .-( 11 Ibis, the first, cheapest, last and the only authentic low priced book containing the lives of JAMES A. GARFIELD AN 1) CHESTER A. ARTHUR. A complete record of early life and public services of JAMES A. GAR FIELD, the inspiring record of a progressive aud brilliant career, a striking illustration of the march of irciiiin under tree institutions. AIo life of CHESTER A. ARTHUR, richly embellished with lriiucrous ar tistic illustrations, maps of batt le fields anil hiiiidsoiiii ly engraved port nuts of each candidate. Sure success to all who take hold; will positively outsell all books. Send for circulars and en tra terms. Address, H. V. KELLEY & CO. 711 Sansom St. Philadelphia, l ix. n2Jil Note paper and envelopes at the Ahvocati: oiiiee. Cii felor 3j idy's Liis ol Gar- I52l(." NOW READY: THE LIFE OF (IEI1ERAL JAMES A. GARFIELD. The Tow-Boy, the Scholar, the Citi.en-Soldier, the Statesman. By MAJOR J. M. BUNDY, Hbi personal friend, recently his guest ut. Sli-ntiii- mo! u-ith i-vore f:u-ilitv given him by (.Sen. Garfield and his most intimate friends, for compiling the most .readable and authentic lile. "Major Dundy's Life of General Gar field." wtys the Commercial Advertise? "is the best one that has yet appeared and will undoubtedly be the best pub lished." Price, paper, .50 cts. ; cloth, i-Sl.UO. A. S. BARNES & CO., Pub., Ill & 1L3 William St., NT. Y. Don't fall fo call and examine our lo new styles of visiting cards The prices arc cheap, and quality the very best. - i Waxtkij immkoiatkly. A first class wagon maker. Apply to S. A. Olmsted, corner Main and Depot Sts., Ridgway, Pa. Scrap pictures at Tiik Advocate office. Light running, Latest Improved Of.ttSTIC, at priees never heard of before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. Shelf paper at Tiik Advocatk office. Meals at all hours ut T. F. Bullers' Lunch-room in the Masonic Building Get your bill-heads and note heads printed ut Tiik Advocatk of fice. Subscribe for Tim Auvocate, you will need it during the political compaign. Note paper und euvclopcs ut this olllcc. Scrap pictures at Til K Advocatk office. Cull and see them. -Shelf puper ut tug Advocatk of fice-. CENTRAL I State Normal School, (Eiqhth Normal School Diatrlcl.) LOCK 1IAVKK, CLIXT0N CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A.M.,Ph. D. Principal. This school as at present constituted rfi'ers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and classical learning. Buildings spacious, Inviting and commodious, completely heated by steam, well ventilated and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure, soft spring water. Location healthful und easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced,. efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline firm but kind, uniform und thorough. Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted ut any time. Courses of study prescribed by the Stale; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. HI. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. adjunct corns.;: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV, Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses lire Professional, and students graduating therein receiveState Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by the Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal, nnd are in thoroughness not Inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for herschools. To thiseild, it solicits young persons of good abilities-and good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue and terms address the Principal, or the Secretary of the Board BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J. II. Bar ton, M. 1)., A, II. Best, Jacob Brown, S. M. Bickford, Samuel Christ, A. N. Raub, li. (!. Cook. T. (,. Hippie, Esip, (!. Koitzing, E. P MeCorniick. Eso , W. W. Ruiikin, W. 11. Brown. State Trustees. Hon. A. G. Curtin, Hon. William Bigier, Hon. II Ij. DieflV-nbaeh, Gen. Jesse Merrill, J. C. C. Whaley, S. Millar McCormiek, Estj. OFKICKltsi. Hon. William Bit-lcr, President, Clear Held. Pa. Gen. Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock 1 faven, Pa. S. Millar McCormiek, Secretary, Lock Haven, l'a. Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Lock Haven, l'a., Hanhcod: Hsw Lest, How Restored! 'rr--'s'tfi Just published a new Li'l C "7? edilion of Dr. Culver Vfc weit'i Celobroted Es- sa on the rttilivttl cure (without med iiineiof SpennalorrlKca or Seminal Weakness, I n voluntary Seminal Losses Impoteney, also, cousumtion, Epil epsy and Fits, induced ly seH'-iniiul-gence or sexual extra vatu"nce, ifee. The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrate from a thirty years' successful plactice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out u mode of cure at once simple, certain, eil'eclual, by means of which every ruflerer, no nii'tler what bis coinliiion may be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. tar" This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man in t be land. Sent under seal, in a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six edits or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. - Tho CulvemeU Medical Co., 41 niiSt Nov Yorfc, H. Y.; Post unco aon, muj, THE (ill EAT EN til. I SH REMEDY (i't.'.V'S SP1.CIFIC REMEDY. Trac-c ivisk Is esiieciallvTRADS f "v ..v r e coinmenil A ed as an tin 'x5 failing cure X'V'V for Seminal ileseusi a tiiat follow as a seijucncv on Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of vission, Premature old age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity, Consumption und a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule ure lirst caused ty deviating from the path of naturcatuf over indulgence. The Specillc Medicine is tlie result of u life study and many years of experi ence in treating those special deceases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $', or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by jtd drcssiinr. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. I Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. Jfc2fSohl in Ridgway by all Druggists, every where. Harris fc Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. nlj-ly Get your note-heads, letter heads and envelopes neatly printed ut The Advocate olllcc. Note paper and envelope, in large or small quantities at Tiik Ai vocatk oilice. Call and see our stock before purchusing elsewhere. Scrap pictures und shelf paper at Tiik Advocatk oflice. i . Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, and note paper and en velopes utT ii k Advocate oilice. Note paper and envelope ut this office. Hair oil, perfumery, brushes combs ut Joel Miller's. and Visiting curds at this oilice. The new Bakery this week. Fresh Rolls, Cakes and Plea at T. I Bullet's' Makinic building. Th liinslooninlpla InMUutlon in ttin United stntrn for the thorough practical odticiillini of young nnd middle ngeu men. muaenu nitmlttpd t Buy time. .. -For circular glvlnff full pnrt o ulnrs ad dress J.C.HM.TH. A. M. Pittsburgh, fa. tMBSTEPS UNABRIDGED. 1S2S Paces. SOOO Enr;raviac. l our l'agra Colored Flates. Kownddod.a $TJPPI,E2iIIJT of"r 43CO 2,7 ftudlleanlusrs.. including ruch d hn come Into nue during . lie nnst flfuonyears many of whlfh hare never julure fouud a 'place lu any Kuglioll uiuubuur ALSO ADDED, A HEW of oyer 0700 NA3IES rf NotArl Persons, one ienland mod ern.lncMnlfn. many now living, giving Name, Pronuneiuuvu, k.u..tmuUlt ProiOK'tiou nnl lat of ouwu. C.f;jf TK3 LATEST. TTET LDIT'ON ccntuino a P'npVmiMit of Xfl over 60O ne W"rdt) end nifininun. Taoh ne word In Hupflrmcnl tin beu ue ,."Vt lertci Hint deiineil with pi-tut rare. V'TVuM l'loe-r.Mnl I'Worotv. nnwH'M'I1oi V ovtr '370 il name s of ftbletl tursous. OSV THE BEST IdiMort ot t'io bet rii-iionnfy r.f tho r.Dg- ftfinition h:in iiiwny bni-n coni-filiM u ba ii:nor Uir.n t Any other 1'lcuoua. y. A is inut-jr r J in ftny other Iiciionnrj-. r'lhi Pi-t rfcoinmrri-'eil bv Bln'e fri't; .fl. of ii j tatu.-i, nuJ ; Collrgo Vne tr. u S. b!, 8v,00'. V. bocr s p'.v-ml id public Schoom m ihr U K. Qnlv nirrlHh I '"tlo'y oontafri'Tie p Elo rr-in'iir..l Diclioi.iirv, thii pivt.'' T7m vr;;'i rro'.innr'V.lon, Vn'ioo. I'mfe A'J nti I Ifci'fl r f err UPton rTwaj. raWinhod byC.C. PEaRffiKt tpriegSeW, M ALSO V&SSTrws H.'T'OSAL PlCTCni'L DlCTIQKJiai N TKNV L1VFUV STABLE IN IIIDGWAY. DAX SCBIBNEIt WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the liublic irenerallv. that lie lias started a Livery Stable und will keep GOOD STOCK, GOODCAUKI AGE and Bn.-rtrles to let upon the most reason.'iiile terms. U-xTHe will also do job teaminir. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Otllce will receive prompt attention. Auy-JOlSTltl rsr'i). -) Ayer's Vigor, "Oil RESTORING GfiAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most ngivoablis fhvssir.j, which Is at once harmless .ii'il effectual, for pre serving the linir. It restores, with tho gloss ami freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, nml red h.iir, to a rich brown, or deep black, ns may bo desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, und baldness often though not always cured. It cheeks falling of the hair immediately, anil causes a new growth in all cases where the glands aro not decayed; while to brnsliy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality aud strength, ami renders it pliable. The Virion cle.inses the scalp, cures nut prevents the fennatiou of dandruff; and, by its cooling, iliimilnting, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tho humors aud Uiee.'iscs peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of tho scalp und hair aro hupouiblo. A3 a, Dressing for Ladies' Hair, The Viuou is ineoiuuiiruble. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil whilo cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as au article for tho toilet It is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. PAKPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.. Praotloat and Analytical Chemists. SOLD Ity ATX MltJOOISTfl EVEUrVYIIERE. Square envelopes nnd legal fold note puper ut Tiik Advocatk ofllce. Bread six cents a loaf at T. F. Bullets' Masonic building. Jam Polks. Middletown X-Cut Saws. Jeffhrd's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular und 'J'J Luuterns. FiJ.KS. Diston's X-Cut Suws. Boynton's Lightning Saws. Coisn PoI'l'KKS. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for uny slove. Ax Handlks. Pick Handles. I lb. Best Polish 10 els. ut No. 4i Main street. n39 Fall samples of clothing, an ex tensive assortment Just received by A. Swartz Ross. Merchant Tailor, over Powell & Klme's store, Ridgwuy, Pa. Cull und see samples, He guarantees to deliver ull work promptly ut the time agreed upon. All note-heudu and letter-heads printed at this office will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet all and bee spec! tnebs. i Business Cards: QEO. A. RATHBUN ATT()ItNEY-AT-LAy. ,( Main street, llltlnway, Elk Co;, Pa. Particular atttMilion given to th'q examination of titles, also to lutenU atid patent cases. MALL . M'CAULEY ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Oilice iti new brick huildlnK, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co.; Pa. v82f IF. L. WILLIAMS. nl Mtriitrun ville). PllVslclall and Surtreon, Ridgway, l'a, urnce ui Hall's Brick Building (up-stairs). References J. I). Smith, H. L Young, R. Rulotson, Struttunvllle. Mn)or John Kitley, V. W. 0.re6n4 lan'd, Clinic n. lias practiced his profession sccessfully for more thttli ten years. o. q. messenqer: DRi'of ist & parmaceutist; X. W. corner of Main aud Mill streets', Ridgwav, l'a., full assortment of cttrer fully selected Foreign and Doiiiestig Drugs. Prescriptions, carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy J. S. BORDWEL.Lt M. D. ELECT1C PHYSICIAN & SURG'N Has removed ills office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., jh tlie second slory of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor; Ridgway, Elk county, Pa: b Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed ujon him; the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con? venience of guests, to merit u 'coutinu mice of tlie same. oct l0'6'J APPLETO N'SAKERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirnble work is now coini plctein Pi vols. Eacli volume containsSOO pages. 11 makesa complete und weljl selected library, and no one cat) ult'ord to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 00 in cloth, ($.uo in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fuircliild, Portville, Cutt. Co.". N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judsoti? general agent. ESTATE NOTICE. T7stateof Christopher Chi, lute of Ben.inger township, Elk county l'a., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have becri. granted to tlie undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons indebtc ed to said estate are requested to mak; immediate payment, and those hav ing legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in pros per order, for settlement. GEORGE SCHMIDT, ) Fx..cutors' MICHAEL BAUMER, J 1'xt?ulors- Subscribe for the ELK ADVOCATE: Get vottr NOTE l'Al'JSK, EN VELOPES, and CIIltOMO VIS ITING CAlJDSutTiiE Advocatk iiliicc, over I'owoii v ivinic a store llklgwiiv, l'a. BEST IH THE WORLD ! A3D SALERATUS Which is tho same thing. Imparo Qt-Carb Soda or Paleratna (wliicli lathe iftmelbinKlinof uailiyhf y dirt jr white color. It may appear -white, examined by llnrlf, but m COMPAUISOW WITH CHURCH CO'S " ARM A1DIIAMMEK" BRAN IS will ibow tho dlffcrencao See that your Saleratva and Bak4 lue Soda 1 white and PURE, aa ahould be ALL. SIMILAB. SUBSTAN CES used for food.- Housekeepers wlio prefer bread made witti. yeast, will improve Its quality, make It rlsa betteraud preventit from aourlag, by adding ODO-hulftoauponnfulofC'buri-UiC'o.'a 8oda or Baleratua. Eofuire and not use too much. The rise of tliia wltu amir milk, In proforonre to Baking Powder, aavpfl twenty times Its cot. Reo ono pound package for valuable iuforratf tion and read corutully. 'SHOW THIS TO YOUR OROGEH. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL KOAD Philadelphia & ErieR. R- Div. WINTER TIME TAD LB. On and after SUNDAY, November" 'J, 187'J, the truins on the Philadel phia & Erie Ruilroud Division will run us follows: WESTWARD. kkik maij. leuves Phila 11 M p. nl. " " Reuovo...-ll 00 a. ni " " Etuporium.l 15 p. m; " ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. m. " " Ridgway....2 86p-in: " " Kane. 3 60 p. m; " nrr. at lOrie 7 05 p. m; EASTWARD. erik mail Icuvcm Erie 11 05 a. ni. " " Katie i 00 p. m; " ' Ridgway ....5 00 ' " St. Mury's-5 27 p. nr. " 25 p. in; ' Renovo......8 40 p. m: " arr. at Phila 7 00 a. bi: Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. All kind of job printing, plaia or in colors, neatly done at The Ar votate ofllce. Pleage examine our price. New Time Table. Under the'hew chedule the mail and local freight leave Ridgway station aa follows: ' MAIL WEST . . Si3H - EAST - . . too LOCAL WEST 7iBfJ EST i 3: