The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 30, 1880, Image 3

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    ' A
" (Hint wan M.OTonnor nnd not the person
to whom it WMoriitlnnlly directed. We any
thnt there wm no nutliorlly In nil endorso
lnentof thnt kind to execute the warrant,
and It wan without authority of law. If then
AV'nrnlth, and those with him. went to the
house of English, outlining authority by vlr
. tue of the endoranment upon this wiirrnnt to
him, toexecute the ubiiio, it wiw nn error on
their part, and did not vent or give any au
thority, whatever, to execute the warrant ly
Frank Wnrnltli to whom tin- power wn
Hpeclnlly delegated by Juatica llurke. ,If ho
liml no authority to execute the warrant,
then there are questlona that arise as to tho
lt-Kitl right of the parties at the lime hccaine
to the house. Another legal (imposition has
been raised by the evidence In the case. It'
is claimed on the part of the Commonwealth
that If a felony had been committed, and the
olllcer of the law, with a knowledge or the
felony, was In pursuit of tho person alleged
to, and he communicated
the fact, that lie was an officer, and that be
was In pursuit of the party, In consequence
of the felony that had thus beuii committed,
then be has the protection of the law for the
purpose of arresting or apprehending the
We say to you as a question of law that If
Frank Warnlth assembled the men who
went with him to the house of Kngllsh, and
announced that be was an olllcer or
Kngllsh knew that be was n constable! au
thorized to arrest and stated to him that bo
had committed a felon v nnd Hint be
arrested or was about to arrest ulni for the
name, and with a knowledge of the fact thus
acquired, the person who was charged to
have committed the felony and who had
committed the felony, escaped or attempted
to escape, arter the arrest, the officer would
have authority to seize him to prevent the
escape and use the means necessary to pre
vent the escape. In n proper manner even
though In the exercise of a prudent discretion
it should result In the death of a person thus
endeavoring to escape. If when Wurnitli
came to the bouse be said to Kngllsh, or In
duced Kngllsh to believe, that be was exer
cising an authority that was authorized bv
the warrant to which we have referred it
gnvetolilm no right beyond that of othr
persons to arrest without authority. If on
the other hnnd when he oame to i lie bouse
lie announced to Kngllsh, or Kuglish knew
that he was In pursuit of him, because he
had committed a felony, then he would have
the authority of an arresting olllcer ami
could exercise that authority In the manner
Mint we have Indicated, and In so doing be
could enter the house, and when he had
cutereU the house be could use the means
necessary In the manner that we have
Indldated. to secure the person of whom be
Was In pursuit. Without authority of law per
sons bad no right unpermitted and unbidden
to enter the honge, and when they did so the
person in possession bad therlghl totell them
to desist anil II they did not he would have
the right to use the force necessary to prevent
their entering or to prevent their udvancing
further--and be could even put them out
using the force that was necessary for that
purpose,and if be wan opposed in that heconld
i;o to the extent that was necessary in Its ac
complishment. I Ion the other hand the olllcer
without authority of the warrant made
known as we have stated, the purpose for
which be was there; suned the offense tluif
had been committed, and his Intention to
arrest, then be could enter the house, nnd
when he did enter It he could break open In
Hlde doors for the purpose of pursuing the
person who be was after. With till statement
of the legal rights Hint surrounded Warnlth
and those that were with him, you will pass
to tho consideration of the fill ts surrounding
the transaction, on the 17th of April. 'J'lie
parlies (that is Warnlth and his party) were
there In the early morning according to the
evidence. If In my statement of the evidence
I do not pet It strictly correct, or give it anv
coloring that Is not justified by the fuels you
Willi your recollection, must correc t, "the
statement, because you are not to take nnv
fact as stated by (he court : you are Hie
Judges of the facts and yon alone. I sav, on
the 17th of April, in the early monlns, I'on
Nlable Warnlth. and the parties with him
were at the house in which Kngllsh was; It
h s been detailed to you in the evidence how
the parties located and posted themselves
about the bouse, the manner in which thev
were armed bus also been stated, it appears
in the evidence that lifter they hud been
there some time and had a consultation that
the defendant, Kngllsh, appeared at I he door,
:iud that when S'lnie one spoke, Willi some
whoops or yells be went In. TlieConstalile
Wnrnltli, and liurke, followed. There was
some tramping heard below, and t lien some
tramping heard as the parties went no III"
stairs. There was a platform at the head of
the stairs, and on one side were two
rooms and one room upon the other side, the
family of Ituminer were In one roo-n upon one
side, and English's lamil.v, his wife mid t luce
children, were In the other room, and in the
other side Hummer appeared to have been
Maying. As the party was goluj up Hie stairs
at near their head a pistol shot was tired.
Hurke testified Ihattbe constable slipped 1 it
some wayundtlie pistol was discharged at
that time. They went up on t lie plaitorni,
and at the head of the stairs, then there was
another pistol shot, and there was a gun
tired ill quick succession after the pistol.
There Is some evidence that there were oneor
t wo oilier shcts 11 red ; as to three shots there
seems to be a concurrence of evidence: as to
the otherhnts thercts perhaps gome d! fTurem e
In the evidence on the suojeet. It is also In
evidence I liatsonie bullets were found, one v:s
In the llo ir; another was In the celling and
picked out liy Hurke; another ha I passed
through the celling Into a clothes press, and
through some of Hie clothes of .Mrs. liimimcr
t hat were banging there ; nan; bu !U t was
found in tho shirt of Warnltli after his
dentil. There were four bullets. You must
determine when, when', bow, ami Hie cir
cumstances iimlcr which they were find. It
is also in cviden ;e that there was a gun
banging upon some straps on the celling;
Hint gun was afterwards in Hie possession of
Kngllsh when be was at the head of the
stairs. There Is evidence that he was taking
the ramrod out of a gun; there is evidence
that it was tired; some evidence that he shot
In the room; there is also evidence Hint,
lifter It was alleged the constable was shot,
t here was a shot or two tired out of the window
by English; We say to you as a question of
law Hint If the defendant, in the room, will
fully, deliberately, and with premedilalion
raised the gun and tired he fatal shot that
killed Frank Warnlt h it was murder in the
llrst degree. The intention to kill is essen
tial. It is willful if it was accompanied by
such circumstances as evinced a mind fully
conscious of the puipo-e.und design, to take
the life. There must bo Hunt and formed
Intention ; there liui.-t be time to deliberate
uud formed intention on his part to kill, and
this formed intention under tho clrcu install -es
must be inferred from the evidence.
Hid the defendant willfully, Uuiiliorutt ly.and
Willi premeditation. Intending tonce mipiish
the death of Warnltli then and there lire
tliatgun. You will take all the surround
ings. Was there time to deliberate? Did the
circumstances evince a purpose, and inten
tion, matured anil considered, to shoot and
take thelileof Warnlth? You will consider
nil the circumstances in this conm-wion.
We have stated to you tho essentials that are
necessary In order to constitute the olfeuse.
There must luive been a purpose
formed, willful, deliberate, and pre
meditated. Where they exist it con
stitutes murder in the first degree.
Now, gentlemen, all murder not of the
first degree is of the second degree.
Murder in the second degree includes
unluwful killing, with depravity of
heart, aud the mind regardless of
social duties. It is without that will
ful, deliberate, and premeditated
killing to which wc have already
referred. If you find from the cir
cumstances in this case that these
parties came in a violent or tumult
uous manner ; if there was that con
duct that evinced a purpose not to
peacefully execute the law, but to in
flict injury upon the defendant;
injury with violence; if they were
excited; if they fired upon him ; that
is if Warnith fired upon him, or
wounded him once or twice or more
before he had shot, and he under the
excitement that was thus produced,
without the willful deliberation, anil
premeditation to which we have re
ferred, raised the gun and shot War
nith, then you can nay by your verdict
that it was murder in the second de
gree. And in submitting these fads
to your consideration you see the Im
portance of carefully examining the
facts. Look at nil the circumstances
and the surroundings, with the con
duct of the men who accompanied the
constable and what was said and done
by them ; was it a quiet and peaceful
enforcement of their duties, of aiding
the constable in an arrest, after they
communicated to the defendant or he
had knowledge of the purpose for
which they were there? or was it ac
companied by violence or threats, or
hooting,when it was not ueccssary in
order to the accomplishment of the
mission that took them to the house?
without further comment upon it we
leave the facts to your consideration.
There is another degree of homicide
the definition of which we will sub
mit to you for your consideration.
Manslaughter is the unlawful killing
without malice expressed or implied.
It may be voluntary and in sudden
beat, or involuntary but in the com
mission of an unlawful act. Man
slaughter is never atteoded with legal
malice and depravity of heart. Now,
gentlemen, wait there that sudden
Heat and passion caused by the con
duct of vhe party who went to tua
house that would effect the mind of
English and Induce him to commit
the act lie did without the evidence of
that turpitude, or deliberation and
wicked purpose, to which wc have
referred In connection with the other
grades of homicide? If you find thnt
there was, from the evidence, then
yoti can find the defendant guilty of
manslaughter. In order to find the
offense of manslaughter there must be
sufficient cause or provocation, nnd
a state of violent passion that placed
tbi defendant for the moment be
yond the control of his sober reason
nnd suddenly Impelled to thedeed. If
In your investigation of the facts you
have a reasonable doubt as to the
guilt, of the defendant arising from the
evidence, the defendant is entitled to
the benefit of that doubt. It must not
be it fanciful doubt, but it must lie a
doubt that would cause n reasonable
man to hesitate in coming to n con
clusion upon a given state of facts. I
any, gentleman, where doubts of thnt
kind exist in a case of this kind the
defendant Is entitled to the benefit of
those doubts.
Without further comment upon the
evidence we submit the case for your
consideration. It is necessary "that
you should carefully consider the
evidence in view of the rules to which
we have referred. It is your duty
without fear or favor to avow the con
clusion to which you have arrived. If
you find the defendant not guilty you
will say so. If you find him guilty
of murder in the first tlegree as
charged in the indictment, you
will say so. If you find him guilty of
murder in tlie second degree you will
say so. If you find him guilty of
manslaughter you will any so There
are three" decrees either of which you
can find. If you find he is not guilty
you will say so generally by your
The jury retired at 8:30 with the an
nouncement by the Court that if a
verdict was reached by 10;:1) it would
be received that evening. Tilts Court
House bell was to be rung as a signal
that the jury had agreed on a verdict.
At 10 o'clock the ringing of the bell
broke the stillness of the evening air,
and the people rushed pell mel! !'r the
Court House. At 10:10 the jury
slowly filed into the court room, under
the charge of Constable liurclificld,
and after taking their seats, S. W.
Miles handed the verdict to the Clerk
who in turn handed it to the Court
when it was handed hack to the Clerk,
dipt. Scheming, who said: "Oesitle
lueii of the jury listen to your verdict
as it stands recorded in the case
wherein the Commonwealth is plain
tiff, nnd Harry English is defendant.
You find the defendant "Not (iuilty."
So say you sill?"'
The jury hud scarcely nodded assent
to the verdict ere the wildest confusion
ensued in the court room; the audi
ence applauding with might nnd main.
One man even went so far as to go in
behind tiie bar nnd grasp the prisoner
by tho baud; this man was ordered
by the Couittotake his seat. Order
being restored Judge Wetmnre gave
the prisoner some sound advice,
coupled with the timely warning
to avoid bad company in the future,
and then stated to the prisoner that
the records of the Court would forever
protect him against the charge of
killing Constable Warnith; also stating
that other charges against the prUoucr
prevented his full discharge at this
time. As soon as court had iidjou.Micd
the audit lice rushed around Harry
English anil shook hands with him
tiud congra .Hinted himon his tte(iiital.
ft!. Y-rt
I herewith announce myself to the
voters of this county without regard
to party affiliation as an Independent
candidate for the olllce of Sheriff, to
be elected November next.
James McCi.osk!:y.
Ccntrevillc, l'a., July 1". 1SH0.
Subscribe for Tjik Advocate.
fc'oda, liCinon, Oysters, Milk and
Eggs crackers at Morgester's.
Personal Items.
J. W. Morgcster now runs a cov
ered delivery wagon.
About time a new sidewalk was
put down on the south side of Main
street Messrs. Supervisors.
Rufus Lucore has moved his law
office from Campbell's building to
rooms in second story of Hyde's
Miss Mary Lathey, of Erie, who
has been visiting with her grandfather,
Edward Derby, for some time, re
turned home on Saturday.
Paul Wendt, tailor, of William
sport, formerly in the employ of M.
Uhluinn fc Hons, came to Hidgway on
Tuesday last, and is now working for
A. Swartz Ross.
Rev. E. A. Stiuier, having been
called to Erie by the friends of Con
gregationalism in that city, will close
his pastorate here next Sabbath,
Preaching morning and evening at
tlie usual hour.
J- M. Schram, has his office with
Rufus Lucore in second story of
I lyde's store. We are glud to learn
that Mert has stuck out his shingle on
his own account; aud he has our best
wishes for his future success as a law
yer. John Vaughau has leased the
hotel at the lower end of town which
was formerly known as the Exc hangc
Hotel. He has received a license, and
has made a great many improvements
in tlie building. Having a good stable
attached he is now prepared to ad
minister to tho comfort of man and
beast. The name of the hotel has
been chaDged to the Clarion House.
Give John a call.
Davidson At Portland,Rept.l8, 1880
infant son of J. H. Davidson, aged 6
moutU and 21 day.
D. C. Ojstor Declines.
To Col. W. W. Ames.
Chairman Republican Co. Com.
Dkar Sir: I beg leave, most re
spectfully, to decline tho nomination
for the office of Representative In As
sembly tendered nieby the Republican
convention held at Ridgwny, Septem
ber 21st.
I appreciate the honor conferred
upon me by the nomination, but my
business interests are such that I
could not give the canvass the atten
tion retrui red, or properly leave in case
of an election.
Very Respectfully Yours,
I). C. Oyster.
The English Murder Trial.
Promising to print the proceedings
in the trial of Harry English for the
murder of Constable Warnith, April
17, 1880, we have endeavored to do so.
But find, on making copy from the
notes taken In court, that we have not
the room in one issue to publish the
full proceedings. Therefore, we have
concluded to give the evidence in full
up to the time George Kreig was ex
amined on Thursday afternoon. Then
commencing with Kieig's testimony
In our next Issue give tlie proceedings
in full to the lime of charging the jury
Saturday evening. We nlso give in
this issue tlie charge of Judge Wet
more to tlie jury. In fact, then, we
give tlie beginning and conclusion of
the trial, leaving out a good share of
the evidence taken, which will be
given in our next issue as we state
n hove.
The fo'lowiug item we hike from
(lie Lock Haven Journal of 23th Inst.
Mr. Weaver is a brother-in-law of L.
A. Rrendell, of this place:
Last evening, about live o'clock,
Mr. John Weaver, an employee of
Gossler & Co's planing mill, met with
an accident whereby he lost tlie belter
part of his left hand. Mr. Weaver
reached inlo or under the moulder to
remove some shavings which had ac
cumulated, and the knives chopped off
much of the hand referred to. After
amputation, lite thumb nnd index
lingers ami the left side of the hand
only remained. Some years ago Mr
Weaver lost several fingers off t lie right
hand, and now he is almost perma
nently crippled.
IVittcr, eggs and cheese at Mor
gester's. Tlio festival in the M. E. church
last week netted SI".V; the expenses
amounted to !?-V).!ii.
The Democratic ( 'en vrressionul Con
ference held at Lock Haven yesterday,
nominated Hon. A. G.Curliu as their
candidate for Congress at tho ensuing
Extra copies of Tiff. Advocate
for this and next week, containing the
trial of Harry English for the murder
of Constable Warnith, April 17, 1MS0,
can be obtained at this office,
The Democrats of this place hud
m torch-light procession last Thursday
evening. After which speeches were
made by Hon. J. L. (Jiliis who lias
lived under ever President from the
time of Washington; J. Ross Thomp
son of Erie, and C. A. Noycs, of War
ren. The acquittal of the "noted out
law," Harry E.iglish, in Elk county,
of murder, will surprise I he people of
the rest of the State. Eagli-di, who
had won some previous notoriety as a
criminal, killed a constable who at
tempted to arrest him and so badly
wounded another man that he died
two weeks afterward. He ma le his
escape, and a great hue and cry was
raised until he was captured in the
wilds of Michigan and brought back
heavily ironed to the almost ctjua'ly
wild region of Elk county to stand
his trial. The case was one' of the
most sensational ever known in
Pennsylvania, but it is evident from
the testimony tit the trial that English
is not so bin 'k as has been painted,
and that he did really kill his would
be captors in self-defense, as they had
threatened to take hi life nnd opened
fire upon him first. Among the
counsel who prosecuted English was
tlie Hon. George A. Jeuks, the Demo
cratic candidate for Judge of the Su
preme Court. Philadelphia I'ress.
Dagas Mines Sides.
-Mr. David Wilder sold off his
household goods at public sale on
Saturday afternoon last. We believe
he intends leaving the mines. We
are indeed sorry to loose him from our
Tlie compositor made a fearful
blunder last week in our locul of
Father Clark, by inserting the word
"warfare,1 instead of "welfare.''
This week we are glad to chronicle
the fact that Father Clark has ngaiu
been bent back to his post at this
Mr. J. H. Steell, of Stanton h
spending a few days at the mines.
Kupt. Robinson is putting up quite
a number of tenement houses to be
occupied by his men.
John Railey of Ridgwny, is uow
firing on the Dagus road. We ex
tend to Johnie our right tf" and
thiuk he will give good satisfaction as
he is an A No. 1 boy.
Marrikd At Ridgwny on Mon
day, Sept. 27, 11580, Mr. William
Marshall to Miss Hannah Hodgson,
also Mr. Elias Jones to Miss Aggie
Brown, all of Dagus Mines, Elk Co.
Pa. The happy couples have our best
wished for their future wellfare.
Charley Zimmerman had a narrow
escape on Saturday afternoon last. It
appeared that while coupling cars he
was caught between the bumpers giv
ing him a pretty hard squeeze. He is
getting along as well as can be ex
pected. 11. L. O.
I will be absent from Ridgway
about two weeks from Sept. 27., 1880.
Jah. D. Fvli ehjon, Deuthttr
For bargains In groceries go to Mor
gester's Car load salt nt $1.75 a barrel at
Philip Brownstino and Win. Cohen
have gone to the city to lay in a stock
of winter goods.
The Court House yard has been
seeded down.
No. Shares of Stock $1,000,000
Par Value 100,00(1
Stock Full Paid and not As
sessable 10,000.
No. Ill East Third Street, Lead
villa, Colorado.
No. 606 Walnut Place, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Secret ry nnil Treasurer
Solicitor -
K. F. P.RIflllTLY,
- - K. V. FAY.
limited number of shares of stock
of this company, will be sold at one
dollar pr. share. Prospectus sent by
mail on application to tlie Company's
oillce at Philadelphia.
Dr. Day's Cure far Head-ache is
Iheonly remedy known that will stop
an attack of sick or nervous head-ache
In its commencement: it will always
cure those headaches, coining on
in hot weather when riding or on a
journey ; only three or four doses, half
an hour apart, are necessary. Price .50
ccntsa bottle.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Bowel
Tonic is the best remedy in use for
poorappetile, weakness anil trembling
in the stomach, pain after eating,
hcarlburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in the stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
diseases of the bowels arising from
poor digestion. This medicine will
positively cure costiveness in every
ease; and no one who Is troiibleti Willi
that complaint should fail to trv II :
as il not only relieves, but cures. Price
si. 00. Ask your druggist or storekeeper
lor these medicines. Manufactured
by D. li. Day oi Co., Ridgway, Pu.
I'll it splendid 'M'a i sold by D. S
Andrus fc ('., Yill!i!in-xrt, Pa., for
7.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and -5 'Vet Oi inches high, is
sold now for so.O;i with one more
stop ami the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them Terms easy
on long time also.
to seii tiiis, llie lit
cheapest, bes
t and
the only aul hciitic low priced book
tutlKiitk- low priced
the lives of
A complete record of early life and
public services of JAMES A. UAH
FIELD, tne inspiring record of a
progressive and briidant career, ti
striking illustration of the march of
genius under free iusiitulions. Also
richly emlielli-ilied witii numerous ar
fistic illustrations, inapt of batt.e fields
and handsomely enslaved portraits of
each candidate. Sure success to i;!i
who take hold; will positively out:-cil
fill books. Send for circulars and in
tra terms.
Address, H. W. ivELI.EY & CO.
"11 Salisom St. Philadelphia, l'a.
Note paper and envelopes at the
Anvot'ATK otlice.
Get tSsjor Dundy's ' Life oi Gar
field." NOW HEADY:
The Tow-Hoy, the Scholar, the
Citizen-Soldier, the
His personal friend, recently his guest
at Mentor, and with every facility
given him by (fen. Garl'ield and his
most intimate friends, for compiling
the most readable and authentic lite.
"Major Dundy's Life of General Gar
field," says the VoiiiHierciul Advertiser
"is the best one that has yet appeared
and will undoubtedly be the best pub
lished." Price, paper, 50 cts. ; cloth,
SI. 00. A. S. HAHN'ES & CO., Pub.,
Ill & 113 William St., N. Y.
Don't fail to call and examine
our 15 new styles of visiting cards
The priced tire cheap, aud quality the
very best.
class wagon maker. Apply to S. A.
Olmsted, corner Main and Depot Sts.,
Hidgway, Pti.
Scrap pictures at Tin-:,, Advocate
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's.
Shelf paper at Thb
Meals at all hours at T. F. llullers'
Lunch-room in tho Masonic Building
Get your bill-heads und note
heads printed at The Advocate of
fice. Subscribe for The1' Advocate,
you will need it during the political
Note puper and envelopes at this
Scrap pictures at Tub Advocate
office. Call and see them.
Job work of all kihdi neatly done
at The Advocate office.
New Style Visiting Cards just
State Normal School,
(Eighth Normal School Jlintrlcl.)
A. N. ItAUB, A.M.,Ph D. Principal.
This school nn at present constituted
effers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional and classical learning.
Iluildings spacious, inviting nnd
commodious, completely healed by
steam, well ventilated mid furnished
witli a bountiful supply of pure, soft
spring water
Location healthful nnd easy of ac
cess. Surrounding Hcenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, elllcleiit, and
alive to their work.
Discipline firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
Stale; I. Model School. II Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien
tific. AD.1CXCT fOfltSKS:
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art.
Tlie Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of tlie Ele
ments and Master of tlie Sciences.
Graduates in the of her courses reeeivt
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments signed by the Faculty.
The Professional courses are liberal,
and are In thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a hiuhcr order of
citizenship. The times demand It. ll
Is one of the prime objects of this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing Intelligent and elllcielit teachers
for herschools. To thisend, it solicits
young persons of good abilities ami
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time ami their talents
as students. To all such it promise
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor niter leaving school
For catalogue and terms address the
Principal, or the Secretary of the
Ilea nl
Stockholder's Trustees. J. , l tar
Ion. M. D.. A. II. P.est, Jacob Drown,
S. M. Hickford, Samuel Christ, A. N.
Hatib, 15. G. Cook T. C. Hippie, Es.j.
G. Kt, E P McCorudck, Esn..
W. W. Hunkiii, W. H. Drown.
State Trustees. lion. A. G Ctirlin.
Hon. William Higler, Hon H L.
Dieli'enhach, Gen. Jesse Merrill, J. V.
C. Whalev, S. Millar McCormick.
Hon. William Jligk-r, President, Clear
field, Pa.
Gen. Jesse McrHII, Vice President,
Lock Haven, l'a
Millar Me ormick, Secretary
Lock Haven, Pa.
riiouias Yardlcy, Treasurer, Lock
Haven, Pa.,
Ivlanhood; How Lest,
IIcw Restored!
.1 use puiiiislictl il new
edition of Cr. Culver-
wsil's CcSckrstod Es
say on llicYtf'fY vurr (without nicd
ieinc) of Spcrmatorrhtca or Seminal
Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses
Inipoleiiey, aiso, consumption, Epil
epsy and Fils, induced by sclf-indul
gel ice or sexual extravagance, i'ce.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable lVsuy, clearly demonstratcr
from a thirty years' successful practice
mat the alarming consequences o
self-abuse may be radically curet
without the dangerous use of interna'
medicine or tlie application of tli
Ktiile; ponitiiigoiit a mode t cure tit
once simple, certain, efieelual, bv
means of winch every sullerer, n't.
matter what his condition tniv Ik
may cure himself cheaply, privately,
ami ratncaiiv.
CiiyThis Lecture should be in tin
r.aiuis oi every youth and every man
in tlie hind.
Sent under seal, in a plain cnvel
ope, to any tuiiiress, post-paid, on
receipt of six cents or two postage
Address the Puldi-hers,
Tho Calvorwoll Medical Co.,
41 AnnSt,, New York, ti. Y.; Post
OHica Box, 4583.
,de mark Is especially TRACS rfRi
(&$ reeonimcml
KJ! v ed as an mi- ftt
failing cure
S'K-fi7 fur Si..tniti..l 4dW -TOJ
for Semi mi I
W e u k it ess
nHV ltrniHtor-4
f;j:ore iajouff aiw Tvt
wll.llCtt itltll till . mmg
deseases that follow as a eetjurncv on
Self Abuse; us Loss of Memory, LTni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Hack,
Dimness of vissiou. Premature old
age, and many other diseases that
leads to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which us a
rule tire first caused by deviating from
tlie path of nuturcaiid over indulgence.
The Specific Medicine is tlie result of
a life study und many years of experi
ence in treating those special deseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for or will be sent by
mail on receipt of tlie money by ad
No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich.
fifaTSohl in Hidgway by all Druggists,
every wli ere.
Harris & Ewlng, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nl-ly
Get your note-heads, letter-heads
and envelopes neatly printed at The
Advocate office.
Note paper and envelopes, in
large or small quantities at The Ad
vocate office. Call and see our stock
before purchasing elsewhere.
Scrap pictures and shelf paper at
The Advocate office.
Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma
chine made, and note paper and en
velopes utT he Advocate office.
Note paper and envelopes at this
Hair oil, perfumery, brushea and
combs at Joel Miller's.
Visiting cards at this office.
The new Bakery this week.
retsi Kolls, Cakes and Pies at T.
1 F, Bulle' JUMfii building,
rAX srniiiNF.n WISHES TO
inform tho eittstens of Ridgway, nnd
tho public generally, that he has
stin ted a Livery Stable and will keep
nnd Buggies to let upon the mosl
reasonnble terms.
Ji?-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
of Syraouse, N. Y.
Are now putting on the market a Plow that
Is as much superior to any Plow heretofore
made as the Plows ot the past tew years have
been superior to those made halt a century
It combines all the excellencies ot any Plow
In use.
It obviates all the objections made to any
other Plow.
In addlUon It embraces several new features
ot the greatest value, for which we have ob
tained exclusive Patents.
Its Beam,Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel
Standard will be STEEL, and Its mold board
will be a composition ot Steel and Iron c lulled
under a process for which wo have also
obtained on exclusive Patent It will ba
Its weight will be eighteen pounds less than
our present styles.
A first-class Steel Plow, made In the or
dlnary way, full tlgued, retails for twenty-two
dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from six
teen to nineteen dollars.
The price of our new Plow will be but
Seventeen Dollars, and It will be the
cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold.
Its mold board will outwear three of tho
very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold
It will scour In soils where all steel plows
and all other plows have hitherto proved a
With this Plow will be Introduced a corru
gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which
we have also obtained a Patent, and which Is
also a great improvement, both as regards
strength and wear.
The Jointer can be slutted so as to take
more or less land, and also more or less pitch,
and It can always be kept on a line with the
The wheel will run under tho beam or one
Bide of It as desired, and always kept In line.
The beam Is adjustable for Spring or Fall
Plowing, and also for two or three horses.
The handles can be adjusted to accommo
date a man or boy, on the same Flow.
It Is a perfect Plow.
Wooden beams are going out of use because
they shrink, swell and warp, aud never run
two seasons alike.
Iron beams are too heavy.
Malleable beams become demoralized and
bend, which Is much worse than to break.
A Steel beam Is the necessity of the day. It
Is three times as strong and very much lighter
than any other style.
When ue say a Mold board Is chilled, the
farmers know It Is so.
We do not palm off on them a composition
of various metals and call It chilled metal
We want agents tor this new Plow In every
town In this State.
We can give but a very small discount to
them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight.
We propose to place this Plow In the bands
of Farmers as near the cost ot manufacture
as possible.
It will be the bent Agricultural Implement
ever sold.
It shall also be the cheapest.
Pereons therefore who are not willing to act
as agents on the principle that " a nimble six
pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not
apply for an agency.
No Plows on commission. All sales absolute.
nr-Thls Is the only steel Chilled Plow In
the World.
Steel costs several times more than Iron.
But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small
discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars.
Compare this price with that of any Iron Plow
ever made.
It Is cheaper than any other Plow now
made would be at Ave dollars and a half.
Where there are no agents we will, on re
ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any
Railroad station In the State and pay the
trelght. Address,
Syracuse, N.V.
Scpiaro envelope-it and legal fold
note paper at The Advocath ofllce.
Ilread six cents a loaf at T.
Pullers' Masonic building.
Jam Polks.
Middletown X-Cut Raws.
Jcfltird's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 90 Lauterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Uoynton's Lightning Kaws.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax ILvxni.Ks.
Pick Handles.
lb. Pest Polish 10 cts. at No. 4
Main street. . nttU
Fall samples of clothing, an ex
tensive assortment just received by
A. Hwartss Koss, Merchant Tailor, over
Powell & Kiine's store, Ridgway, Pu
Cull und see samples. He guarantees
to deliver all work promptly ut the
time agreed upon.
All note-heads and letter-heads
printed at this ofllce will be bouud,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet all and see Bpeci
Shelf paper at the Advocatk of
Scrap pictures and tbelf paper at
The Advocate offiee?
Business Cards.
Main street, Kidjfway, Elk Co., I'd.
Particular atteniloii given to the
examination of titles, aW to patents
and patent cases.
Office In new brick building, Mali!
street, ltldKWay, Elk Co., Pu. v82t
Luteof Striittiinville), Physician nnd
Mirgcon, ltld-uity, Pa. Office lit
Hall's Hrlck lluildimr (upstairs)
Itcl'erciicis I. 1). Smith, H. li.
Young, It. Ittiloison, Str.iitituviUe ;
Major John Kttlev, W. YV. Oreeti
lan'd, Cliritn. Has practiced Ids'
profession Hcccssfully for more than
ten years.
X. V. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Hidgway, Pit., full assortment of care-;
I'llllv sc'lccteil Foreign und Domestic!
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed tit till hours, day or niyht.
J. S. B3R3WELL, H. D.
Has removed bis office from Centre
ctreet to Main ctreet, Ridgwny, l it., in
the recend story of the new brick
building of Jolni O. Hall, west of the
Hvdc House.
Otllcc hours :-l ti2P.M.7lo" P.M
V. H. SC11 HAM. Proprietor,
Hidgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for tlie patronage hereto
fore st i liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to llie comfort and con
venience of guests, to i:i'i!,t a confinn-'
anccoi' the .-aiisc oct-!ti'ii'.
Thi-s ndmirtible wc.rk is now com-
pktcin Pi vols. Kadi volume con laitisMH!
pages. It maUisii comph te and will
defied library, and i:t otic tan
ill'or.l to don iiiiotit i! who would keep
well Informed. Price ' ot) in cloth,
"?!.!() i:i leather, or 7. IK) in clc;:;ant
htilf Tt'vUev. Kor part icuhns address,
W. I!. Kairchlld, Poriville, Cult. Co..
X. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk comity by C. K. Judson,
general ;i0c:it.
Instate of Christopher 1'hl, late of
'j licti.ifigcr township, Elk county
l'a., deceased. Notice is hereby given
t'niit letters testamentary have been
"runted to the iindcivigncd, upon the
above luinifd csiaie. All pwoiisindcbt
cd to said estate arc reiiesled to make'
immediate payment, nr.d those hav
ing legal ('.aims atra'msl the same to
present them without delay, in pro
per order, for set t lenient.
(JKOHUK SCHMIDT, 1 j,xm,.im,.
MICHAEL 1JA I'M Ell, I J-xtau"lR-
Subscribe for the
(jet votir NOTE PAPER, EX-'
TI X(i CARDS ;it Tm: Advocatk
-l 1 1 I f T t, over mwcii iv .kudos store
li !jj;wiiy, l'a.
Which is tho same thing.
Impure Bl-Corb Soda or Fraln nto
iwhtt-li is the namo thins; IsofasllghC.
y dirty white color, it may appear
wliitr, examtnt-cl by Itself, liut is
will ihow the dirttrencco
Bee that your Saloratu and Bak
Ins Soda is white and PURE, a
CES used for food.
Houselteepera who prefer broad made with
yeast, will improve its quality, make It risa
better and preventit from souring, by adding
one-half tcAspoonfnl of Cliurrb k Co. 'a BoUa cr
Baleratua. Be sureon Jnot ubc too much. Tho
nae of thla with sour milk, in prefcroure to
ItokiU3 Powder, eaves twenty tlmea It e-wt.
Hoe one pouud parkao for valuable informa
tion and read carefully.
Philadelphia & KrieR. R- Div.
fn and after H
KJ'J, 18711, the ti
phia & Eric Ra
HUXDAY, November
trains on the Philadel-
lilrotul Division will
run as follows:
KitiE mail leaves Philu 11 oTi i. mi.
" " Renovo 11 Ufa. in
" " Emporium. 1 lop. in.
" Kt. Mary's..2 11 p. m.
" Ridgway ....2 80 p- in.-
" " Kane 3 SO p. uu
" ai r. at Erie 7 63 p. ui.-
ERIK mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. ni.-
" " Kane 4 00 p. m.
" ' RidK'ay....5 00 p.m.
' " Kt. Mary's..5 27 p. m.
" Emporium. H 125 p. ni,-
' " Renovo 8 40 p. m;
" rr. at Pliila 7 00 a. in.
Wm. A. R.vluwin. General Sup't.
N sJ l?v5s. i4
All kinds of job printing, plain
or in colors, neatly done at Thk Ad
vocate office; Please examine our
New Time Takle. Under the new"
schedule the mail and local freight
leave Ridgway station as follows:
MAIL WEST - 2:3a
EAST . . . ,00
LOCAL WEST - - a 7:Sp
- EAST a t