THURSDAY, 8EPT. 23,!18St). I herewith announce myself to the Voters of this 'county Without regard 'to party affiliation as an Independent 'candidate for the office of Sheriff", to oe elected iNovcmuer next. James McC'lobkey. 'Cebtrevillei Pa., July 17, 1880. -Subscribe fbr The Advocate. Rain storm here Monday' aftef uooa. All klnds'bf pure 'spices at Mor 'fester's. Go to'the Methodist Church 'this 'evening. New Style Visiting Cards Just deceived. The hotels are doing a good bust hiess this week. '-3eati!iful moonlight evenings, 'first of the week. 'First court in the 'new Court Mouse this week. For'a quiet, clean shave, "cltll on- Joel Miller barber. . Job work of all kinds neatly done, 'at The Advocate office. ; " AV'Ood and coulareuow in demuud for use the coming winter. Our new Court House will be fin ished about the 1st of January. The Grant & Horton oil well near tlfir'tanuery is now down tn'ei' 900 feet. A new sidewalk will be laid along the Main street side of the court .yard. The yield is reported as good with rot in some sections. I Will be absent from Ridgway 'about two weeks frd'h Sept. 27., 180. Jas. D. Fullerton, Dentist. The Republican club In this vil lage is rapidly increasing In member 'ship. Veifrly 10J names have already been enrolled. TteV. IC. A. Squier, Pastor T!i Con gregation church, will preach a ehil cirens' sermon next Sabbath morning 'at 11 o'clock. And iu the evening will 'deliver a lecture ou temperance. The public are cordially invited. The iupCrvisors :?rt building, n new bridge on the Osterhout road ;ucross Hyde's mill-pond. This bridge will cost about $1,500, and when 'completed with its solid stone abut ments XviH lif t for years and yeurs. :llad a bridge of this kind been put in at first money would havts "been inVed to the townsliip. Bai OktiiogkaV'HV. The Ty rone 7'imca man is in for. this : "Yrr 'of our landlords writes his own bills 'of fare, in 'oi'cftfr f save printer's bill. Tire last oneaiiiiouiices: 'CoIf-vy, 'supe, rotite befe, fride liunim, bo.vled 'and bakt pei'tatcrs, fride could pudden, rnins pyGs, -matting chops, Veal cul verts, liastli, and crusitied chickens.' '' Th'c'vClcyraf h ;ofr!ee foiWly 'at "the rai'lro'fcd station at this 'place 'lias been moved west 6f OSteThcut's tan nery. This move Was made necessary by reason Of the hefrvy grade, and dlf 'iiciilty in starting heavy trains from Vl. - l 1 i.l-. i: ..tltt-.J. MM,.-, t.. ..A. 1 tne oiu leieiitnu omuu. iuv itiiiiwim 'company have put up a nevv telegraph line between Kane and Reiiovo for railroad business. --To persons who n'.c iu the habit of inutilatiiig handbills the following law !on the subject should be carefully con sidered "That any person caught Wutilating, destroying, tearing down or removing 'any tlirtw bill, placard, iposter or advertisement, posted on Siny wal-, fcVi'c, bill board or other '-struct ii'tV?, st'iall be fined not less than Weuty-five nor More than one hund red dollar's fot the first offence, and for the second offence, the penalty 'shall be imprisonment in the county jail not less than three nor more than six months." iiiis-o toll. The following is the score of a game 'of base ball, between a nine from Em porium, and the Ridgwny nine played W Saturday afternoon last: Kninnrlulil. B. H. C. BWgvas, B. B. O, H. U O. 5 :i 3 4 2 3 2 I i Haupt. C. Ulrler. I'. Morisey, 1st B. ('teuton, 2nd B. Howurd.Srd It. Kitwimls, (i. 8. Mullim-. I.. 4iRhin'es, C. 0 2 Hlilntw, P. 2 4 sumirloaf, 1st B. 2 Mioss, ami J. u i Jortiin,.d B. f. Kline, H. K. Kelts, L. r . liov.-ki-r, C. F. WuodVrd,lt.r'. l'lo-k, V. K. MuUuDOUtfb,Tj.K.2 20 27i l 2 '0. 11'. tf ft INKS', ttaplre. 'C. R. Eab'i.'ey. Scorer, Ridgvray Borough. After nmny .years; after much striv ing for a simple right to citizens to have our beautiful village iiieoi'por iited and made A Borough under Uie ct of Assembly made feud provided, the end has at last ttien reached. The Grand Jury on Wednesday morn ing of this week recommended the petition of the citizen1? of Ridgway for H, borough. This reeotumendation will lay over until the November term under a rule of the court, at which time, unless objections of grave Im portance be made agf.irist tho recom mendation it Will then be made absol ute. As n3 remonstrance was presented to the court.and as the people generally who refused to sign the petition, also ex pressed themselves as unwilling to sign a remonstrance,it is reasonable to suppose lhat at the proper time Ridg way will be made a regular; true borough. Then at the spring election the necessary borovtgh officers will be elected, and the borough machinery piit in pidtlon. ttidgway Borough thai nmthds Wtll. Don't It? Personal Items. Charley Fisher is in town this week. ' Jas. Meenan was here for a few days'this week. . Able. Gresh, of Weedvllle, waa in tbwn'tlfisVeek. Pa't. Malone has a new well on his Centre street property. ' ' Thn. MulfinofPoirt AllcgUciiy, Is. attending court here tills Week. O. 8. Davis is now working for V. S. Service in the hardware store. Mert. Scliram Is putting down a well ou his property on Centre street. Our old and Respected friend Erafemus Morey is in town this week. 'Fork, 'clean shave, hair cut or shiuhpoo go to Joel Miller, the barber. Henry A. Paine 'has 'returned to St. Vihceift's'Coilege again after hav ing spent the vacation at home. V. W. Wilber, of Warren, ahd Rev. H. V. Talbot, of Sheneft, Pa., spoke before the Garfield club last Saturday evening. A. Swartz Ross and wife started to-day on a tour to Philadelphia, New York, Baritkmore, York, Lock Haven and home. They will be absent ten days 'or two weeks. All the same orders forfait sutta can be left with Jas. McAfee, Mr. Ross' foreman. Mr. VfheDennlson, of Jay town sliip called in to see us this week. He is here as n witness in the English murder trial having "cut the bullet from the!ffoor that is supposed to have caused the death of Constable Wer nith. Mr. Deuiiison lias not been in Ridgway before for years. Rev. H. V. Talbot, of Sherrett. Pa., stopped off" at this if-lace on Sat urday last while on his way to at tend't'he M. E. Conference at Corry. Sunday evening ho preached to a crowded 'house in the M. E. Church. The many friends of this gentleman In Ridgway are always glad to take him by the hand. W. D. (Brown, of Warren, Repub lican candidate for Judge in this Ju dicial District, called in at The Ad vocate office on Tuesday. Mr. Brown is a gcntlerimii whom it is a pleasure to meet, and we hope that lie will have occasion to visit Ridgway in an official capacity many Hiiio.i during the coming ten years. His 'election we are confident is among the things that are as certain as political events can be. Russell Coates canie over from tils farm in Warsaw township, Jefferson county, on Monday last with two bar rels of cider etid a lot of -apples. . One barrel of drier -became excited and the bung flew out, while the cider spouted up ten feet, and in its decent our friend Russell's clothes were consid erable dampened. -All the same the cider was good as also were the apples. Xext week or week after Mr. Coats Will be in town wttn a'ioad of choice hand picked, winter apples. Susie, a little daughter of Mrs. Albert Hays, of Hortou, has for some time been laying very low with 'diph theria, refusing to take medicine, and continued to get worso until Tuesday afei-noon wlien she died Before she died she told her mother she was dy ing, 'and wanted a bed to be placed ou the floor as 'fehc wished to die there. A bed was placed on the floor, and she died without a murWer. Her request was to be buried at Warsaw, Jefferson Co. by thesideofherlittle brother. She was a blight little girl of eight sum mers and loved by all who'kuew her. vi urn. MrGi.oix. To Mr., and Mrs Francis McUloiu ol iilns 'place a daughter, on Saturday, Sept. IS, 1H80. kcjVfiljlicaii Ctftnty COiiven'ion. The Republican Comity Convention met as per adjournment nt Ridgwny Sept. 21, 1880. Erasmus Morey in the 'ihairand Emmet liovencamp, Secre tary. After opening remarks by C'ol.W. W.Ames chairman of the countV com mittee the convention proceeded to the nomination of candidates for the offices of Assembly and Sheriff". D. C. Oyster of Ridgway township was unanimously nominated as candidate for member of assembly and J. J.Tay lor of Fox townsliip as candidate for tflyerift". -Joseph Corbc, James Malone and H. M. Powers were chosen as con gressional conferrees witli power to substitute. The conferees were in structed to support C. K. Kline as can didate for the office of Member of Con gress. The fallowing persons were then an nounced as the couuy committee tor the ensuing year. Benezette Jacob English, Jumps Thomas, Luther Lucore. Benzinger J. F. Corbt?, George Ed dy, David Pinchen. Fox U. W. Rogers, Hollis Sideliu ger, James R. Green. Horfon James Maloy, G. W. Clin ton, Ri S. Mcintosh. Highland H. O. Ellithorp, I. C. Erickson, R. Underwood'. Jones Irving Scliultz, J. Tumblni, August Jacobson. Juy Justus Weed, C. L. Thurston, A. E. Goff. Millstone Harry Cats, Vm. Irwin, J. W Donahue. Bidgway H. II. Wensci, J. M. Schlain, William Joh'nsoh. Spring Creek William Doane, t. T. Millet, II. Carman. St. Mary's-W. C. Bpdtrbrd, F. Steumburg. The convention the adjourned eirie die. Eggs, butter, and cheese; at M br gester's Onions, potato;fl hpples) ' &c'.; ul Mbigeatifr'sr HAIIRY ENGLISH. , , . Mis Trial at RlllgVirrW thft ninrjer of Frank Warnith on April 17, 1880, In Jay township. This remarkable, . and celebrafed case has at last come to trial com mencing at 9 o'clock yesterday, (Wed nesday, Sept. .22, .1880,) with fie empaneling of a jury ,for the case. We hail expected to have a' fenort '6f 'tltfe ease In tho present Issue of The Advocate, and hold tlie pnper one day'on'accou'nt of the trial, but commencing so late tft the Week with the certainty that it will last until Saturday of this, and perhaps a day or two next week, we go to press with what we have, 'hind promRb 'Hbr readers as full a report of the case iu our next Issue as possible. Defendant Harry English, made a plea of "Not Guilty." Attorneys for Commonwealth, Dist. Atty. G.W.Wurtzell, assisted by Geo. 'A. Jenks, of Brookville, and Hall A McCauley, and' Jas. K. P. Hall. Attorneys ffr English A. B. Rich-, mond, of McSdville, Col. W. W. Ames, of St. Mary's, Eugene Mullin, of Bradford, anil P. It. Cotter '6f Port Allegheny. OKTTIXG A-itrRY. Coninrncing with U. W. Rogers, who was stood aside, tire ft? hies of nine others was called, H-ho were re quested to stand aside, or were chal lenged by either side for cause, until the name of -John M osier, a farmer, of Fox township was called, and no 6'bjection being offered' he wn' given a seat fh the jury box, and counted as No. 1 in the panel. Andrew Dippold, Jr., the 0th man called, and coming two nauiete before 'the first successful man, was a stepcouslh 'of Warnith the Constable, fbr whose murder Engfish is now being tried. That is his auut was the second wife of War nith's father. Deceased Was the son of the 'r'rst wife. This point caused considerable talk among the to affinity, consanguin ity, ties of blood, marrrhge ties, &c, ull of which, summed up had no bearing whatever on the case at issue, as 'nny one could see. Slxty-eijrht jurors were called also Vnrtecn who were at first set aside, were recalled, be fore the jury, which we give in full below, Was completed. At ten min mimites to 5 o'clock, Win. Doane, of Spiing'Creek, one of the first set aside and recalled, was sworn as the 12th juror, when the names' of the jurors were called, and the 'w'-i was readv for the lawyers. THE JURY. John Mosier. furmer, Fox towiishlp. Win. H. Devereaux, farmer ?6hes. Jerrey S. Stewart, laborer, Ridg way. Wirt. Fannin, laborer, Ridgway. A. S. Horton, clerk, Horton. Rufus Underwood, farmer, High land. ...... Isrtao Avery, lumberman, Ridgway. Qeb. T. Rothrock, laborer, Bene zetre. Wallace Johnsou, farmer, Bene zette. U. W. Rogers, fanner,- Fox. S. V. Mi'Ies, f.fasterer, Ridgway. Wm. Doane, laborer, Spring Creek. C H. McCauley opened the Case for the ConiViionwealth. Comment-1 ing with the date of the crime, 17 April. 1880, he reviewed the case at length, letting forth the line of prose cution to be followed by the Common wealth. He defined the crtm'6 'of i murder, argued at length, on the enormity of thecrimc.'ftnd the Impor tance of sustaining every man in the right of life and property. He espec ially showed that an officer in th'e dis charge of his duties should .be zeal ously uplrcld by all good citfee'ns, that the law of the couYitry Wight not he trampled on. In glowing periods he pictured the cutting down of the man Warnith in the prime of life, and the gloom of that family circle, mado des olute by the hand of the assassin, while a broken ht'arled wife mourned and could not be comforted, over the broken hearth-stone. Maps wvV'-.' pro duced in evidence of the scene of be niurdvr, also separate maps of various views of the hoVs'o whe'iein the deed was done. Inclosing Mr McCauley said that he asked the jury "to ren der substantial jnstice.sueh justice as is indicated by thestatutethatadornsthis temple. Justice even-handed and we shall all be satisfied." EXMI'Alio!s 1V WITXESfE?. O. D. Coleman, of Kane, was the first and only witness called up to the hour of adjournment last evening. He was called iu reference to a check, sup posed to have been forged by Harry English. The check was numbered 14021, bore the date, Dec 10, 1H70, and was made payable to the order bf Harry English? Hindunt,$l 12,00. This check purported to be signed by T; W. Lune, and wus 'on the 1st National Bank of Olean. Mr. Coleman took this check in payment of a bill of goods, paying English the balance in money. He svdre that he saw Eng lish write his natrie on the check, that is ton the back bf the check. This evidence Was objected to by the defence as Irrelevant in the case before the court. Also for the reasoii that it is an attempt to prove another distinct crime, and might prejudice the jury; The hour of six having arrived court adjourned until 8 o'clock Thursday morning. The New Ybrk Herald Lis com piled a census table giving the popula tion of all the states in the Union, the approximate result being 49,802,144. The population rfslk territories, 663,. 998; brings the total tip to 49,803,142; ahd the population of four territories hot Included Id the table will make the grand total , BO.OOp.OOO, or an In crease of ll,7()0;d00. or something more than 30 per cent; since the census of A ISprc and the Reanlt of lt,, t . Coal Hollw.near 'the foagus Mines tunnel, Foxkownshlp.was the scene of an 'urtpieasunt ocCiij'rence at about 11 o'clock n Saturday evenlnglast. Through th scrape John Woods alias Jjh'hh lCiliilchael, 'huidefl in the .lt)lgwayja ear ly Sunday morning, unde'r'tue'eitsdrt of Cdhsfable 'Hyatt. The facts the case warrant us in saying that 6oVr less 'whiskey had been lmblbel, 'which fact, of course, is not in extenuation of the crime com mitted. John,.(t peem, kejit shanty by himself and, worked Jn'the mines. Mrs. Hill lived ith her daughter and sfn-ln-law in :arIotlrer shanty not 'far removed from te one occupied by the bachelor-like Jhn. This pair went together hand i hand, as it were, to the village of CentrevllIe between "the hours of 6 and i o'clock on the evening in question. . Tbey iudulgcd in several glasses of bcr together, and returning carried each a;qXiautlty of whiskey with thein. Mir's. Hill carried a pint of whiskey to (her own house as a present to her son-in-law. She then came back lo finish her visit With her lovey John. JJere we should put in a row of ptars. liater n the evenrng the daughter o Mrs. Hill canie to the shunty of Johi making diligent in quiry after .hwr mother, but John answered not i vdi'd being dead drunk. Mrs. Kill -was found under John's bed wth her' left ear partly gone. John's iibuth Was all bloody. Ho does not lecollect having a fuss WrVh the wonnin but then his niouth was all bloodyj-and her ear was gone. The rest 'Of thi will crime. Mt "tit 'the November teriji of court. These facts are as we lean) them from John him self. We will also add that the report that the woman is dead is without foundation, its she'was well and hearty no later than last evening, with the exception of tliat left eaS-, yhleh you will perceive it no longer left. Dagvs Mines Notes. Heavy 'raff l of? Monday. A large .number of our citizens are attending'cotirji this week. ; R. Y- Khue and lady, Jas. Ross and lafly, E. Us Barrett and Jerry Sin- gletoti of Uidgway were in Centre- vitie on sundnya:. J. C. Whorton has again moved his family to the tunnel and thinks he will remain with us until Monday next, that is, providing he does not move back 'before that time. Prof Wood, bf May Citv, e un derfctand, left very unexpectedly on SunVlay morning last, for a visit to the residence of H. H. Weusel at Ridg way. - R-ev. WtTier Clark, the Catholic Irish Priest at (,'entrcville has been suddenly moved from our midst to Tldioute,much to the dissatisfaction of his congregation. When w'etty that he is a noble man, we are not doing him j'usticV. -' ' Willie here he gained Hie full co'iifidonce of both old and young of his faith and also among the profc'stantsof the place. He wafe re spected and honored by all with whom he became acquainted. While here his great aim was to do all the good that lay in his power and never, tired in .rework. The AWyeVs of hit: congre gation for his future warfare in his new field of labor is witli him. In this instance Centreville's loss is Tidi- oule's gain. ' Edward Brenuan has moved his barber shop to the building below the McCauley House, formerly occupied IVy Wm. McCauley as a harness shop, where he has Msg opered up a peanut stand in connection with his shop. The addition.-to Dr. Straesslcy's store itf almafj. completed. Th lurgeMVfirn ofj.H.Steell & Co. is now. 0(V!Vpfeted, George Wi Beadle, accompanied by Mrs. John Nicely returned toShick shinny on Thursday of fast week. Curt, now wears A newvYal. SiiVn. Kurley is attending court this week.. We think he Will be happy as he took a good supply 'of to bacco witli him. Potato -digging is now in order. Corn husking will 'roou com mence. Wonder what has become of "Ike," weliaVeiv't seeu him for a few days. . Have you seen SWll'ic'o. Patent potato digger. You will li ive to call soon, as their xitutoea aie nearly all out of the ground. All right Joe e will let up on tiie hay mow question providing you will briiig the birch Peer around. Mr. Robertson has ihcreosed the production of these mines to the vx ten of SCO tiMs per day. Mr. Janie's Vhamni'nhd bus pur chased a VvXy handsome organ and has it now at his residence. Martin ilelvic intends building a dwelling house on his farni on the line of tile IVa'gus road this fall. Miss Hannah Headgson, we are gllid tdSUit'e Is recovering very rapidly from her recent Illness. Mrs. C. lr. Cody, of Ridgway, and Mrs; WW. Wilber, of Wurren, were th'e guests bf Ci W.Barrett on Monday last. We arc giatl to note the arrival of so many Stoheborb folks anion or us. They aeliiueeda real pleasant.soclable set or people," !J H.L. O Shelf A per at the Aiivot'At of fice. - - . Scrap pictured and shelf paper ak The Auvocate office. Fresh Groceries this" Week at Mor gester'a.' , bne barrel flue Turkish Prunes' at Morgestlr'tf. General Notes. Henry Williams, and wife of Duke Centre are passing their honeymoon at B. T. Kyler'a of Fox township. W. W Doono and Hon. Jno. Brooks addressed the Republican mass meeting In Roth rock's Hall. The roo'm Was crowded. ' T. D. Johnson wa'h'fs '6 know Where to find white oak hickory nuts. . D. C. IrWlft Visited Benezette, Gratit, "DchVs Ku'h'aha T)riftwood last week and is looking well and hearty. Simon Ronieg has dommenced a soap factory. Simon has hands at all klnds'of work. Rev. Moyer has beCn holdiiig a' protracted meeeting at Mix Run. ' i Prof. Charles Tibwcrs Is teaching wrrtffig school at 'Benezette and Grant. . Several of the young people of? Highland visited the gas well at Sar gent last Sunday. T E Lr Pho&E. A Bangerous SpoH. In June last, a post on the farm of: L.D. Weld in Bcccarla township, was struck by lightning and badly splintered, and the rails resting upon , It was mashed to pieces. The fence was repaired, but scarcely had this been done un'tfl, during the month of July, the. same post was again struck! and both it and the rails shivered to atoms. Ajjnin the fence Svas repaired , by the planting of a new post and again during the month of August the lightning struck and completely demolished the liew 'arid fence adjacent thereto. At last accounts the fence waYkgkih in a perfect con dition, but there likelihood of anybody sitting on that post to watch the progress of a thunder storm. The lightnfng is probably'attractecl by the out croping of some mineral sub stance. Clearfield Journal. -The more they try to explain it, the more clearly do they establish' that frauds were committed in the census returns'of fou'th Carolina-. A leading paper of the state purports to give absolutely correct figures of its census, showing the population to be; 096.824, The returns indicate heavy increxses in every county as compared witli the returns of 1870, and they will give Soutli Carolina six members of congress under the supposed popula tion of the United States at 49,100,000 the total nu'mTjer of the members of the house of representatives 300, and thei'epresent'ation 163,ftS, aud there will remain a surplus of 14,824 per srftlls. These figures indicate nn in crease in population during the past decade of 291,221, or 41 4 per centum. This is certainly i'ieyoud all reason, and If the official figures should prove to be identical, it will go far to satisfy all faiV lfiiYided persons that gross frauds have been committed by the enumerators, frauds that call for a re count. Two items from the Brookville Democrat: "Truth is 'ft greater etrang'er than fiction," it is said by an able hisforian, and an incident savoring of the ro mantiu has transpired reccVitly to prove the correctness of the assertion. Two persons met on our streets, who', in early life had been betrothed lovers. Cruel fate had parated them, and after a number of years relented, and now they are shortly to be united in the bonds 6f matrimony. Both had married in the meantime, and are both again free to take up the old friendship. May long life and happi ness attend them. Cn Sabbath morning, DV., '& httle son of W. C. Smith, met with a pain ful Occident. Mr. Smith had just got a new cow. He and the boys were looking at her. Dan. wanted to make frfrrids with her, and 1S very close to her head- She struck him with her horn, Catching the point of the horn in tho elbow joint of his right arm, dislocailllir it. und fracturing the sVnall bono in the fore-arm. Drs, Nfatson were called iu at once, and re duced the fracture. 'UnAigh the Injury Is quite painful it Is hoped the limb will Kustain no permanent injury. Boys, don't get too close to the cow's horns'. Items from the Drlitwood (juzctte, Last Saturday MisS Nora Whiting, of Sterling Run, and a young lady living near Wrtt Creek, met with a painful accident at the latter mimed place. Miss Whiting Was visIUiig with Mrs. Leinrett. and in the afternoon ft team Wf.fc hitched up to take the young lu'dy to Eninoriuni to take the train for home, The ladi'e got In the lluggy and took Hit; back rtjt-, whlcti was hot securely fasteiieii. aii'd the team started suddenly and threw them out ujou their heads. Both received severe In juries and were unconscious for a long time. Dr. DeLohg as sent for aud immediately relieved them. He took Miss Whiting to Emporium, where she took the train for home. Recently two jnuhg ladles in town irot into a dispute, ana in run one chased the other Mound the kitchen when the one who was being pursued made ft rush for the outside door. She reached the porch and made a spring for the ground. But, alas, she missed her calculation, and landed waist deep in a swill. barrel, lue poor girl was terrible frightened, .ami screamed, as though her heart Would bleak, but wnfl oiilv slitrhtlv injured: We ine- Hiimn the ladv will be amrrV with us for publishing this, but she .bad no llUHllievts, lo juiii tuitf ii... r?uv iivfb uiiiv ran the risk of getting an account of it iu the bnper.but might have spbljed the whiile barrel of pig fed, as it was about bhe-third of the, swill splashed over the top or tue barrel. Bargains in teas and coffee HI Mor gestef's. bar load bf hhe lake salt j'us'l re cti ved at Mbrg'ester's; $1.T5 H barrel.' Republican Co. Committee or Elk County. II. M. rowrtrschalmian, Ridgway, Pa. , . Berizlnger(St Mary's f. O ) Jas. PnrlM Dnvld Leslie. Jan. "Eddy, . 4. Benezette HpwiiBhip (Benezette F.I 0.)--L. Lucore, Erasmus iuorey, Jacob English. Fox township (Kersey P. 'O.) J. J. Taylor, Uriah V. Rogers, Hollis Sidcllnger. ' Highland townsurp-(Kane P. O. MaKea'n county.Pd.") TS. Ho'vencamp, R. Underwood, John "Eliason. Jav townshln A. E. dofT, Weed vllle, P. O.; Wm. P. Luce, CalcddrJ,; P.'O.j Ephralm Hewitt, Caledohfu, F.f O. Jdiies townsh'ip-(Wilcox P. 0.)r Jok. Tunibinl, E. 0. Aldrlch, G. A. Jlicoljsofi , 'KnllsioVie township (MilUttone P. 6.) 3. W. Donabuej WA. Irwin. Ridgway township mtdway, P. O.) H. H. Wensel, C. D. OsrieMe(it, J. M. Schram. - St. Mary's Boro. (St Mary's P. O.) W. W. Ames, W. C. Spaflord, F. Keynote. Spring Creek H.Carman.RidgwnV, P. O.; William Doane, Ridgway, P. O.: O. T, Miner, Arroyo, P. O. Horfon township J. S.Chambeiiin, Brandy Ciinrp, P. O.; B. A. Rogers, Broekport, P. (.; R. S. Mcintosh, Brandy C'amp V. t'' rilHE LITTLE PINEY GOLD I AND SILVER MINING COM PANY OF COLORADO. CAPITAL. ; No. Shares of Stock 1 ,000,000 Par Value 100,000' Stock Full Paid and not As sessable 10,000. BUSINESS OFFICES. No. Ill East Third Street, Lead villa, Colorado. No. 506 Walnut Place, Phila delphia, Pa. OFFICERS.,. 'resident ... EDWIN G. FAY. HecrcUiry and Trensurer A. II. MOOIih. Solicitor .... F. F. MUGHTXY. Superintendent K. C. FAY. 'A 'Ifmited number of shares of stock of this company, will be sold at one dollar 'pr. share. Prospectus sent by ninil oh application To the Company s office at Philadelphia. Dr. Dav's Cure for Head-ache is theonlv renfedv ii6Wi'i. that will stop un attack of sick or nervous fi'eud-nche in its commencement; it will always ure those lieailaclies, coming ou in hot weather when riding or on a 30Ui'ney ; only inree or lour uoses, mur entsa. bottle. Dr. Dav's Stomach and Bowel Tonic is the best .remedy i use for o"orappetite,weakness and trembling n We stoirmclY. iMti. .ftftcV eating, heaVtbuin, soreness and gnawing nains in fho stonmch, nervousness when tired. coriFitiMtioVi and other diseases of the bowels arising from poor digestion. This medicine will positively,. cure costlvenets m every cafe ; and no one who is troubled w ltn that comnlaint should fail to try It : n it not only relieves, but cures. Price Sl.uu. Ask your druggist orstoreKeeper tor these meuicines. jManuuiciurea by D. B. DAY & Co., Ridgway, Pu. That splendid 'orpau sold by D. Aiidrus & Co., Williamsport, Pa., for $7o.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 6 ect !J Inches high, is sold now for SKO.oo with one more stop und the grand organ, trie's svdl additional, Write them Terms easy on long um'o 'also. Square envelopes and regal fold note paper at The Advocate office. Rread six cents a loiftf at T. 1 Bullc'rs' Maso'nic building. Jam Polks. MiddletoWn X-Cut SaSvs'. Jeffards, White's uiid Mann's Axes, Tubular and 9'J Lanterns'. Fines-, ...... piston's X-Cut Saws. Boynton's Lightning SaWs', Cohx Poi'l'EKf?. Coid HikIs. f!tove Shovels, Itcpai'rs furnished for any stove. Ax Handlks. lick Handles. i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Muin street. n39 Notrcc ,is hereby given that the ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a festival and supper in the basement of the M. E. Church, commencing September !23d, and to continue for three nights. Meals Will b'e served both afternoons and evenings, Those attending CoOrt tfill do well U) go there for thVir dinner. A general in-! VitiUl'j'n k extended to all to attend. Citizens turn out and give them a rousing benefit. By OniiKti Com. Fail sumples of clothing, an ex tensive assortment just received by A. Swart. Ross. Merchant Tailor, over Powell & Kline's store, Ridgway, Pa. Call and see samples. He guarantees to deliver all work promptly at the time agreed upen. All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office Will be Itound. without extra charge, with bur patent blotter tablet all and see spec! mens. ... Philadelphia J'rew. We have re- t ceiV'ed u pamphlet called A Record of the Statesmanship and Political Achievements of Winfleld Scott Han cock, national Democratic nominee for Presideut of the United States. CompM'e'd frorii the records by A citl zeti: The author has evidently spent milch time ahd trouble in collecting the data for this important work; We must say, however, that we have sel dom received a book which was 'easier to review. The following extract will show how thoroughly be has done his work. ,. Of General Hancock's , record he gives. th& following succinct ju count, it is: " -,"and so on to the extent of three pages. Business Cards. GEO. A. BATH6Ullr ATTORN EY-AT-LXNV. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., l'k. Tartlcular attention given to tlje eVaiiiinatlon of titles, also to patents and patent coses. halV: a. m cauley aitorvey-at-laW. ( Office In new brick btillding, Main street, Bidgway, Elk CbTa. v82t W. L. WILLIAMS. Lhte of RtinttnnvHle), T'hyslolnn nd Hr- Hm!( Kit 1. W'JiiRi It. Kiiloffcon, HUnMnn vine; itiiCjor 3m KIU.-y.'W,,,W.lrf9nlnnd C'lnrlon. HnnprHCtloed hi profession suo ccBSfully for more thnn ten years. . ... ti. G. MESSENGER. DBilGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill, streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment care fully selected Foreign and Doniesth) Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed fit. all hours', day or night. vm.jy ., ., .... ,.. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D- ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'NV Has removed his office from Centre treet to Main street, Kidgwoy, i m ij the second story of the new di'ick building of John G. Hail, wesi oi me Hyde House. , . . . Uiiice Hours:! iu i o""1 HYDE HOUSE. : . , W. H. SCI I RAM, Froprief.oi', . .Bilgway,,Elk county, Pa. 'rfinn't-fiil for the bntronaire hcreto- forpso liberallv bestowed upon, hint the new "Pr'Ptor. hopes, by, paying strict attention to the'donifoi't and Con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30 oa APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. )V, Tfila ndmirnttte .Wol'k is now coin- nletein 16 vols. Each'volumecontulnsSOO ... ,j ,i ..,,.11 pages. It maivesa compieie uuu wen selected norary, ami. u uuc afford to do without it who woi'iu Keep well informed. Price f 5 00 in cloth, $0.00 fr. leather, or .$WK) in elegant half Turkey. i or particulars e.uuies, W. H. Fairchild, Poitville, Cntt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointee agent for Elk county by C. K. JUdson', general agent. 'estate notice. Estate of Christopher Uhl, late oi Benzinger township, Elk .county Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given ti.nt inttPi-?! testamentary have. been granted to the undersigned, upo'fv the above named estate. All persons indent? ed to slid estate are requested to maHe IT j a 1 immediate payment, aim umrc Hav ing legal claims against the same tc present thorn without delay, in pro per "order, for settlement. GEOliG E,S 'H M I I)T, 1 i'tor: MICHAEL BAUMEK, J Subscribe for the ELK ADVOCATE. fjet your XOTE PAPEH', EN VELOPES, and CIIROMO VIS ITING CARDS at The Advocate office, over Powell Vt. Rl'irvc's store Ridgway, Pa. BEST IN THE WORLD t SALERATUS Which is thQ saile thing. Impure Bt-Carb Soda pr Snleratue i hl li i tho tame thing) Isoraallghf. y dirty White color. It may appear white, examined by itielr, but COMPARISON WITH CHURCH V CO'8 "ARM AND HAMMER" BRAND will (how tho differeaceo . , gee that your Saleratns and Bak Ins Soda la whito and PURR, as ahwM be AJI. WMItAR 8VBHTAN CKS naed far food.- . , ... , . . HeuPtleeliera who prefer bread mm&B U1 yeast, will improve Its quality, make It riaa ixtterand prevent It from souring, by adding one-half teaspoonral of Church Co.'a Rode ot Baleratus. Be sure and not use too mnch. The use of tola with sour milk, lp. preference to Baking Eowder, saves twenty times its cost. Sue one pound package for valuable Informa tion and read carefully. 'SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER' PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ItOAD i'h'iladelphia & Erie It. K- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and alter HUXDAY, November; 0, 187'J, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Khi'rmd Division will run us follows: WESTWARD. ' .... lilUEMAlL leaves l'hilii .11 55 p. in. . Kenovo...n wi a. m, '.' " Emporium. 1 15 p. m' 'J ?. Ht. Mary's..a 11 p. m. " ". Ridgwuy.'...a86p- iu." " " Kane 3 50 p. in! " arr. at Erie 7 55 p. m. EASTWARD. , ERIE. mail leaves Erj.........ll S3 a.m. . r 4 iiviMaii vv jre " ' Ridgwav.'...5 00 p. m. Ht. Mary'8'..5 27 p. m. V ' Emporium. r! 26 p. m.' ' ' lienor 8 it) p. ro. . " " arr. at Phila......;.'.,7 00 a. m. Wm, A. BALDwiNi U'eueral Sup't. All kinds of job printing, plain or in colors, neally done at Thh Ad-. vocXtb office; Tlease examine our prices. . Get your name neatly printed on a pock1 6f bur new cards. . At least cal and sc'6 samples. New , Time Table. Under the fl'ev schedltie the mail antf jpcul freight leave Ridgway statiou as rullows: MAIIIWEST i3rf cast - i : 100,, LOCAL WEST -.- . 7:6tt EAST '. $.12