The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 09, 1880, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 180.
" 1 j
Persdns having: county bonds or
Yoad or school order which they dc
'slre to sell will do well upon.
Orai. A. Rathuitn.
Rldgway July 23, 1880. n23t6
a iiF.
I herewith nnnouncu myself to the
voters of this county without regard
Yo party affiliation as nn Independent
candidate for the oftlco of Sheriff, to
je elected November next.
James McCi.oskk'y.
Centrevllle, Pa., July It, 1880.
L. C. Horton of Broekport, Is in
'town this week.
The married folks of this lace had
'o pic nic at Sergeant on last Tuesday.
The Lutheran Sunday Hchool of
this place enjoyed a pic nic at Milt.
Sleight's on Tuesday last.
Miss Minnie Service is nt Boston
taking lessons in music. Miss Service
Is ft competent teacher now, and yet
she strives to excel!.
-Swarta Ross' tailoringestablishment
is now in the room hack of the Anvo
CATF. oirice, where he may he found
'at any hour during the dny.
Col. C. A. Noycs was hurried nt
"West port on Tuesday last. Special
trains Were run, and the funeral was
the largest this -section has ever seen
A teachers' examination will he
held at Wilcox on Saturday, Sept. 11,
'and at St. Mary's on Saturday Sept.
18. Examinations to liegin at 0 A. M.
Rail's planing and shingle mill
and wagon shop nt Renovo, caught
fire lust Tuesday nt 5 P. M. and
burned to the ground in forty minutes.
Loss, $2,000; insurance, 1,500.
Dr. Tanner has hnd to have all
his teeth pulled. While he was fast
ing the gums shrank from the teeth,
ami when he began to use his jaws the
motion loosed his gums and at the
name thrte lorv3 1 his ti.-c.f h, hence the
tooth pulling and a new set of teelh.
A.Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor of
Yhis place, accompanied by James
McAfee, eutt?r and fitter, will virit
the following places with a complete
line of samples nt the dates named.
Those wishing new suits w'.ll do well
to wait and examine goods and ju ices.
Work guaranteed to tit, and will bo
delivered promptly nt the time agreed
on. Broekport Friday nioi'ning St-pt.
10; Brock way ville, Friday afternoon
Sept. M; Calidonia, Siltirday morn
ing, Sept. 11; Beiiezette, Saturday
evening Sept. 11.
The Republicans having secured
a room in Ilealy's store organized m
Garfield and Arthur Club on Tuesday
evening. The meetimr was called to
order by J. M. Sell ram, who after
stating the object of the meeting an
nounced that first in order of business
would be the choice of ollicers. Upon
motion of H. II. Wcnsel, K. K. Gresh
was elected president. The remain
ing ofllccrs were then chosen as fol
lows: Vice Presidents, J. K. Whit
more, Isaac Cox, Benjamin Bevier.
John Ross and John Decker; Secre
taries, J. M. Sehrain, DeWiU M.
Carpenter and Joseph Hall; Treasurer,
J. II. Hagerty.
After the club was fully organized
speeches were made by several nicm
tiers. The President then appointed
nn executive committe, nr.d n com
mittee on music.
Forty-eight persons announced their
intention of supporting Garfield and
Arthur and signed the roll. The club
will meet every Saturday evening
timing the campaign.
List of letters remaining in the
Hidgway Post Office, Elk Co., Pa. on
Sep G, 1880.
Bullock, K A.
Brown, Hurry A. 2
Beightol, Daniel
Brewster, J. I.
Brewster, A. C.
Chilian, Geo.
Eckels, Johnson
Ending, G.
Fry, Mr.
Guymer, Geo;
Hoylined, Peter
Hallock, F. M.
Karlson, J, 2
Klickncr, F, M.
Knop, S.
Kron vail, Otto
Lawless, Jas.
McCanti, Milton
McKee, D. O.
Olson, Magnus
OKeller, Miss Kate
Potter, Henry
Romming, Simon
Sprout, Mark D.
Shatter, Geo. P.
Shake, Miss Mary
Swanson, Victor E.
Sweet, Win.
Staly, Bradly
Salucha, Miss Kale
Till, B. T.
Tony, C II.
Weight, Emmanuel 2
Williams, Frank 2
Bohlin, J. A.
Beugstou, Lura
Josepson, N. J.
Nyberg, C. A.
Person, Carl J:
Svenson, R. B.
If not Called for in thirty day they
will be sent td the dead letter office at
Washington, D. C.
J. H. Haokr iv, P. M.
If you want light single, light
double, heavy team or lumber harness
to to Jacob Butterfusa.
A large stock of fancy goods at J.
Last evening the resilience of Mr.
J6hn Eyster, on East Firth street,
was the scene of ft very quiet but
happy wedding. The principals were
M. S. Kline, Esq., and Miss Carrie V.
Luther, ft sister of Mrs. EysteT. Rev.
Dr. Fullertoii was called to officiate.
The ceremony was witnessed by only
the Immediate friends of the happy
couple. The bride is one of Ilidgwny's
finest young ladies and is beloved by
her many lady friends. Her gallant
husband Is'a rising young attorney nt
Ridgwny and is well worthy the uni
versal es'tcetn in which he is held.
The newly married corpl.e will spend
ft few days in this city. Erie Evening
Herald, Sept. 8.
Lento Irw in At the house of the
bride's parents, Sept. 2nd, 1880, by
Rev. L. F. Mervitt of Kane, Mr.
Frank Lenig, of Beiiezette, to
Miss Dora Irwin of Rldgway.
Miller, Captain.
Not!!. At tlio time, n1x yours niro, or pr-r-linpa
a Imv months mure, n ri-rtiiln Knircae
.Miller, hml (i (treat deal to do with the orpin -l.iillon
of ii nUlitla company which wiis
tiriiiK onfiinlzeil in Hlilnwny at that time.
Heln quite proinlni-nt In the move, the
pnpers poitiiiiilna to tfio rirtinl.iitlon were
iiililreRsril lo Balil M. hh "Captain." At the
election helil KiiliKCiiuentlV the name Miller
was not even whispered In that conneetion.
Since which time the Riifd M. has lost no
opportunity to be little or deride (.'nmpiiiiy
II, m 0 1 Jl it so far at times nn to declare that
they Were uboiit diNHolvliiK.
Time was when he did sigh with
'wish, irregular father to tire thought,
That Captain he might be,
Of the militia.
Even the powers that were
Orthe powers of war,
Did address him as such,
On envelopes long and w ide
Witli the great -State seal thereon
Was this not almost Captain?
Yes. But the nectar he so longed to
sip was dashed before it touched the
The Company was organized,
The Captain was elected,
But none so small us to think of the
soldierly "Skip1 hi Captain.
A man was elected Captain.
And that crooked-legged bantam
who aspired.
If he possessed sense, would have
seen himself as others see him,
Baid-headed when his hat isotll
He swore an awful swear.
And we all know how a "giant" can
swear when his wrath is up,
Of the "giant" part is far
But he thinks him-olf u "giant'' so
'tis all the same,
So did the Innd Who took the ox for
a model of proportion.
He swore
Until the great blue veins f-vi filed
large and round on his forehead
And a wrath nunc U-niptuous than
that fatuous one in the teapot.
Or a greater rago than
A bantam chick going to battle with
a cochin "ick.
The little "devil"' with diriy paws
did "stand around" nor dared lie face
the mighty mad "Captain.''
lie would have been "( 'attain,"
But the Judgment of the company
members was poor.
Nor dreamed they that a great big
angle Was standing around unawares.
Just the same as those eleven stub
born men who sat with "Captain M.".
in t he jury box.
One such large man,
Pil tying angels provide us a curtain
to hide behind,
Is enough for one small vi'lnge,
Yes, yes, enough.
In dreams he saw the epaulets
flashing on his shoulders wide.
The "doughty- Warrior" with mous
tache curled,
Sword by his side,
And knees as near together as.daine
Nature would permit.
Which closeness would bo no bar for
a runaway yearling.
No dream was it at that other
When he could lvive hid,
With the greatest ease.
Behind an epaulet,
Aye, a very small epaulet,
tin? curtain would have screened
him then,
But that his feet were too long.
This tale is not of feet
But of "Captain
We write.
History will give him place as
Elected or not.
A great big Captain
Large Captain.
Great, big, large, warrior;
When in his grave
The whispering pines will moan
over the warrior's tomb.
We bid the Captain now adieu.
But remember still
The militia Company exists.
With all your majily (?) efforts to
discourage it.
Then good bye
Ta, ta,
Miller, "Captain."
The following remedy for rose
bugs has been published in some of
the papers: With a pine stick in a
vial of turpentine, touch a cluster of
the bugs, or each one separately. It
kills where it strikes. The more
rapid way would be to cover thinly
the bottom of a tin pan with turpen
tine or kerosene, and then knock the
rose bugs fronl the bush into the pan.
Or immerse a cloth in kerosene and
spread it on the bottom of a flat bas
ket, pan or box, and jar the rose bugs
on it.
New Goods The largest stock in
the county just received ut the mam
moth store of J. H. Steell & Co.,
Dagus Mine?.
Itrptitiliruii County Convpidton.
The Republican County Convention
met at the Garfield and Arthur club
room on Tuesdfty, Sept. 7, 1880", and
wns called to J. M. Schram,
Secretary of the County Convention.
On motion, Erasmus Morey, of Beii
ezette, wns chosen chairman, and E.
Hovencnmp and J. M. Schnim. sec
retaries. The list of townships were called
and the credentials of the following
gentlemen were presented:
Beneiret to Erasmus. Morey, Henry
Fox lewis Iddings, Hollia .Sid
linger. .
Highland C. A. Ellithorp, E.
Horton Horace French.
Jones T. L. McKean.
Jay -A. E. Goff, G. L. Thurston.
Ridgway W. F. Mercer, J. M.
St. Mary's-W. C. Spaffbrtl.
On motion of W. C. Spulibrd, W.
W. Ames was nominated for Chair
man 'of the Republican county com
mittee for the ensuing year. II. M.
Powers was nominated by II. II. Wcn
sel. A ballot was then had, which re
sulted us follows : W. W. Ames, 10;
H. M. Powees, 2. Mr. Allies was
decided elected.
On motion of A. E. Goff, duly
seconded, the meeting adjourned to
meet Tuesday, Sept. 21, INSO.
D.igns Tines Notes.
Mr. David Robertson 1ms returned
home again from his trip to Europe,
feeling considerably revived.
Tin mines are running full lime.
The daily shipment finni the N. W.
M. & Ex. mines will average about
050 tons.
The nomination of the Democrats
of Thos. Sullivan of this township,
for sheriff appears satisfactory to all
Mrs. J no. F. Nicely of Shiek
shinny, P.-i., is 'visiting hV-r nephews
the Messrs. Beadles of Mils place.
A new post office is started tit the
mines, and is :c;.IIed "The Dagus
Mines' Post Oilier." It is localid in
Steel it Co.'s store with J. II. Bead li
as postmaster.
John R. Kinic, wife and son
visited Dagus Mines one day hut
Dr. T. S. Hartly was up on a visit
last Thursday
''Ike" is not happy. He can't
find any more babes to rock. Poor
The temp-'ian, i; pie-nic piis- ed ofi'
very pleasantly on the l.-t.
Our temperance baud have added
another wry handsome iP-nm to' their
lmii.1. May success attend them is
the wish of ye scribbler.
Dr. Straessly is building an ad
ditioiMo his store room.
Mrs. Rider, wife of George Rider,
of Centreville, died on Sunday even
ing last and was buried in the Cath
olic cemetery tit CV'ifreville on
Tuesday. She le:iv ..;, a husband and
five children.
George and Robbie now dines on
squirrel soup. Wonder where they
get their squirrels.
We are glad to chronicle the fact
that George Johnson who has been
quite ill for a couple Weeks is again
"Jake'' has his old engine back
again and is once more happy.
Wanted A subscription to buy
Curt. i new hat.
Preaching each and every Sunday
at the Dagus Mines school bouse.
Victor Swanson, .formerly uf
Ridgway, is now living in Coal Hol
low and is one of the joilie.-it swedes
in the patch.
Since the new pip, have been
laid we no longer suffer for water.
The following poster now appears
on the bulletin board; Lecture by
Rev. J. W. Martin, at Toby church,
(in Wednesday evening, Sept. hi, l.SO,
for the benefit of Toby church. Sub
ject: "Young America." Doors open
at ,v,0 l m. Lecture to commence at
8 P. M.
Our gentlemanly clerk at the N.
W. M. & Ex. Co., Mr. Joseph Bailey,
hus gone a soldiering. He thinks it
will be a change from camping in u
hotel barn.
Mr. Adelhert Wood and family
Have moved from Dagus Mines to
Clayviile, R. I.
-Chas. Miller, of Centreville, has
built an addition to his shoe shop.
Martin Cook is putting up a dwell
ing house on his lot on the road to
Centreville. H. L. o.
A first-rate article of paste is made
by taking half a pint of flour, mixing
it with a snnill quantity of cool water
until all the lumps uro dissolved and
it is as smooth as crcitm, ami then
pour sufficient hot water into it of the
right consistency, and cook it a few
minutes, stiring rapidly to prevent
burning. Then dissolve half a table
spoonful of powdered alum iti boiling
water and add to the paste, with about
ten drops of oil of cloves well stirred in.
Then put in an air-tight jar, to keep
it from drying up, and you have an
urticle that will keep for au indefinite
period. The alum keeps it from sour
ing and the oil from moulding.
Berks county boasts of a second
"Coal Oil Johnny" in the person of a
German named William Grossman,
who recently received a fortune of
$40,000 with prospects of more to
come. He squanders the money reck
lessly on any object he fancies at the
Dry Goods of all descriptions at
the Dagus Mines store;
r-ciuisjlvaiiia ?tate, Siilliilh (Selioul
The sixteenth annual convention of
(lie Pennsylvania Stnto Sabbath
shool Association will be held In Lan
caster, Pa. Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday .October Pith.liUli dud 11th.
The convention will be'preceded by ft
grand union children's meeting 'on
Tuesday afternoon nt three' o'clock,
and will close on Tuesday night nt ten
The programme will embrace rcp
rcsentittivo ministers nnd laymen
from the various evangelical denomin
ations, notably such us Rev. John
Hall, D D. New York, Rev. P. S.
llenson. D. D., Rev. B. T. Vincent
and John Wnnnmitker, Philadelphia;
Rev. Jas. II. Dubbs, I). D., Lancaster;
James McCorntick, Harrisbitrg; Rev.
Jesse B. Young, Altoona, and others
equally gifted.
The music will bo under the direc
tion of Professor William G. Fischer,
of Philadelphia whose reputation as a
sweet singer is second to none.
Excursion tickets will he sold front
nil leading points In the Stale to Lan
caster and return, for information of
which report your name to Henry C.
Moore, Esq., Chairman of Committee
on Transportation, 221 North Prince
street, Lancaster, Pa.
All Sunday schools and Sunday
school organizations throughout the
State are entitled to representation.
County iini! district Sund.iy school as
sociations should send (by election or
appointment by secrctfry ond presi
dent) at least two delegates.
Sunday schools should be repre
sented by one delegate. In the elect
ion or appointment of delegates it is
hoped that eminent fitness for practical
work will govern the selection. . For
all duly accredited delegates en
tertainment will be provided if
their names tire reported to Mr. D.
O. llaversick, Chairman Committee
on Entertainment, Lancaster, on or
before October 0th. Several of the
principal hotels in Lancaster will
grant reduced rates to (hose who wish
to provide for themselves; Stevens
House, 552,0(1; The Grape, $.-.,00; and
Cooyer House $l.o) per day.
Pastors a ml superintendents through
out the State will please read this call
to their respective schools and congregation-;,
and it is hoped that all who
love and appreciate Sunday school
work will in. He with us in shciimr
the t-Vibrt and responsibility for the
success of this convention,
For copy of progamme and any fur
thcr or special information, address,
l-'.nv,-ltl S. W.(!oxi:i;,
Acting Stale Secretary,
Mcch.-inii i biirg, Pit.
The Washington correspond! n( of
the New York l!crt!l trleuraphs lo
that paper: "Judge Rloxaiu, the Dem
ocratic candid!. (e for Governor in
Florida, is practicing Republican tac
tics, according lo the reports received
in Washington, by telling his atyiitors
that, the result in Florida is very, and every eliort thouid be
made to carry the Stale, '.hit it is
said that, by way of encouraging his
supporter?:, he tells (hem at the lust
election in Georgia lie voted three
times, nnd adds, 'And don't you tor
's et it.' It is tindei-.v.i.od that the
en I ire iiitiieirt in the election in Flor
ida on the Democratic side is centered
in the success of the State ticket and
the election of a Legislature that will
return Sciialor Jones to the Senate.
The greed for State ollices, it is re
ported, q'iite obscures the importance
of the Electoral vote, just as it did
four years ago, and it is said that the
R'. publican i:u lingers are accordingly
taking advantage of this state of af
fairs lo make sure of the Electoral
vote of Florida."
The (,'oudei sport correspondent of
the Xoi-thi rn Tier I'rporticr says : As
ubit of lMec!ie ability, one of the wo
men of Coudcrporl takes the cake
She is a member of the Ladies Tem
perance Society, and one of their
vigilant committe ; one who had de
clared war to the knife against King
Alcohol in liis multifarious disguises.
One morning last week some wag
sent an enquiring stranger to Mrs.
to have his bottle filled with
whiskey, representing that she was a
dealer in the ardent. Supposing that
the direction was given in good faith,
the thirsty deciple of Bacchus pro
ceeded upon his errand, with Ids
"little brown jug.1' Presenting him
self at the designated door he found
himself in the presence of the person
whom lie sought, and- politely ex
tende his bottle, requested to have it
filled with spiritous fermetni. The
lady with a quick penetration that
should be eulogized, took in the situ
ation instantly, aud inching parlance,
"tumbled to the racket." She ex
pressed her grief that she was just out !
of the lined that inebriates, but told!
that he could have his wonts suppled !
at a certain place, (the secret of this'
certain place the female regulators 1
have been trying to probe for some i
time) and asked as a favor if he got '
his bottle filled to bring her some of'
it, as siie felt the need of a little j
whiskey herself. Away went the
party, returning in due time to Mrs.
, showing her that her advice
had been good and in his gratitude
presented he with a portion of hi
purchase. Of course the temperance
society was duly enlightened, aud a
certain party Will hAve to btand from
under when the trap is sprung, or
go down deep iti some old stocking
after the sequins.
We Invite the attention of the
citizens of Fox townihip to our mam
moth stock of goods just recceived
from the Eastern Cities. We defy
competition both as to goods and to
prices. J. H. Stkell & Co., '
Dagtib Miutb.
A5W03 C. NOYS.
AT ills IlliMI! IN- WKSTI'OHT.
Hon. Amos C. Kojes, ex-Stale
Treasurer of Pennsylvania, was
stricken wilh paralysis Friday night
at his home at Westport, CliiUon
county, nnd died five minutes before
midnight. He retired from the state
treasurer's ofllie on the 3d of May
last and has since given attention to
Ids private busincs. Colonel Noycs
was a man of large frame, stout and
'Vigorous, and had always enjoyed
good health until within a few years,
when lie began to show r,igns of de
cline. A couple of ycni- ago he : pcnt
a few weeks at Greenbrier White Sul
phur Springs, West Virginia, nnd do
rived great benefit from the baths nnd
the use of the water. When ho re
tired from the State Treasury last
spring lie was in good health aud con
tinued so until recently, when ho warn
threatened with paralysis, which
finally resulted in a lata I attack on
Friday night and his stout frame
succumbed to the malady about mid
night. 1 lariisburg Palriut.
No. Shares of Slock $1,000,000
Par Value 100,000
Stock Full Paid and not As
sessable 10,000.
No. Ill East Third Street, Leaid
viiio, UclorOJo.
Ko. 508 Walnut Plzce, Ptalla
detphia, Pa.
J'rcslitent - - - KliW.X C4. FAY.
Kteivlary unit 'freaKurer - A. II. Ml luUK.
KoUeitur --- - l' I". I'.liKUll'I.Y.
Suierint'nui'nt - - - - K. C, KAY.
A limited number of shares of stock
of this company, will be sold at one
dollar pr. share. Prospectus sent by
mail on application to the Company 'ti
office at Philadelphia.
ItcjuiUicnu Co. Committee of Elk
II. M. Power's, chairman, Eldgway,
Ben.inger (St Mary's P. O ) Jas.
Corhe, David Leslie, Jas. Eddy.
Beiiezette township (Belie.ette P.
(.) L. I. ii. -ore, Erasmus Morey,
Jacob iMiyliih.
Fox town .-hip ( Kersey V. (.).!. J.
Taylor, t'liah W. Refers, Hollis
lli-!iT?md t : hip- -f Kane P. O.
McKean county, Pa i i". I iovciicamp,
11. I .'lidi i to ond. John Klinmn.
J;;V (o-Vllsliiu - A . i ',. Golf, Wet.d-
VI! e. I . O Win. I. 1.0"".
olli.l, P.
P. ).; Kphr.iii'i M-vilt. Caie.
Join town -ii 1 1 fWileox I
.los. Iaiiil.ini, K. O. Aidri eh.
M ib 'one f 'iv. ii.-.hip ( AI iiisl one
().).!. W. l-oii.ih'ic, W. A Irwin
Itidgway township (i'.idway, P.
U. 11. Wcnsel, C. D. Osteihoii?, .1
Sehrum. v
St. Murv's Row. (St Marv's P.
W. V. Aloiv,, W. C. Spaliord,
Sprim; Creek II. Carman, Ridirwav,
P. O.; William Dnane, Rblcwav, i
O O. T. Mi:iel', Arroyo, P. (.
Hnilon town-hip J. S.Chf.'i iI'crlin,
Brandy Ciniip, P. ).; J. A. Rogers,
Broekport, P. O.; R. S. Mcintosh,
Brandy Camp, l O-
Note paper tmd en wiop: , in
large or sm;;!t quantities at Tnv: Ai
voi'atk ollice. Call and see our slock
before purchasing c'.sev. liei J.
Scrap picturis and c:hc!f p.ipi r at
'fir1: Viivoc r;: oill-e.
Si-rap pictures, shelf paper ma
chine made, and Hole paper and en
velopis at Tin: Aivica i :: office. "
Diseases a tlio Threat and Lms.
Diseases of tbe pulmo
nary organs mv so prey,
uieiil u-.kI fatal, that a
sure anil reiiulile remedy
f it them is invaliuililo
to ever community.
Avku's LimmtY Phc
tuiiai. is such a reined v.
,,.1 ,,,, ..(I,, r so i.mi.
32$ ticnlly merits the eonli
vtp J luce of tlio nnlilio. It
is u si-ieiititlu coiiiiiiua
tiou of tlio iiiodiciinil
i riiuiiii:s and carativo
' ? y-;A -..'.virtues ol tuu nnest
jfef'ilriig., clicinically uuit-
:'t, lo iiisioe iiii- i-'iciu-
V's! c.-.t posiilili: clliclcncy
PECTORAL. l uiiii'onnity of re.
suits, wiiicii cniiM, 3
physicians ns well as invalids to uso it with
toniidi-iHM. It is liie most roliabln remedy
for disi-ascH of tb! throat anil lungs that sci
nn o has produced, it striUcs at tlio foun
dation cf all puliiiouary ilisciwa, ali'onliiii
prompt and curtain relief, mid is adapted to
patients of any ago or either sex. lieing
very palatahl, tlio youn;;est children tuko
it without dilfli'iilty. lu tlio treatment of
ordinary C'oiiftlis, Colds, Sore Throat,
Hroncliillj, Indueii.ii, Clei-) iiihii's
Hjra Throat, Astiiuiii, Croup, and Ca
tarrh, the ofi'eets of AvEit'8 C'HKKKr J'kc
toiiai. ai-s majji'-id, and nmltitiitlcs are an
nually preserved from serious illness bv its
timely and faithful use. It should lie kept
ut hand in every household, for the pro.
tKi'tion it Affords in sudden attacks. In
Whooping-cough and Coiihiiiiiv!ou
there in no oilier remedy so ctliuacious,
soothing, aud helpful.
The marvellous cures v.'liich Aver's
Chkrry 1'eCTOHAfi has effected Jill ovr the
world are a suOii ieut guaranty that it will
coiitiiitu) to proriuea the bent results. Au
impartial trial will convince the most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
as of iu superiority over all other prepara
i".:is for pulmonary complaints.
Eminent physicians in all parts of '.lie
"tuntry, knowing its eoinposu'on, reooni-
id Avitii's CiiFiinv Pkctohal to invalids,
vad prescribe it in their practice. The test
k'; half a century has moved its absolute
certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints
not already beyond the ruuch of human aid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical aud Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
High prices busted. For further
particulars call at the DagU3 Mines
btore. J; H. Bteell & Co., Prop rie tors.
List of Jurors.
Drawn for September Term, 1880.
Peuczette. Oeo. Wlnslow,
Penzii;,ucr.' Joseph Voting, John
Kriegcl, joscph Kries. ,
l-'ox. 1 1 avs Kyler, James McClos
kev, Willia "Kyler, Ilt-tiry Ltimny.
Highland.' I icvi Kllithorp.
Horton. A. lb Khofis, J. H. Chuni
berlln, James Jackson, Edwin Allien.
Jones. William Cramer.
H.idgway. E. T. Grant., Peter (lul
niurk, W. I). Messenger, Jr., J. li.Hice,
James (iillouly.
Spring Creek. Nicholas George,
Thomas Khiitcs.
Nt. Mary's Horough. !'. X. Soscn
hcinier, Pl'iiiip Fisher, Joseph Meyer.
TitAVi;i;si; .ii uoin?.
P.cnezetle. P.. J. Jones, Hugh F.
Wilson, Wallace Johnson, Iiennis
Taylor, John V. Huiiscom, 1J. A.
P.ooth, G. Ij. Wlnslow, George T.
llothrock, C. II. Wiuslow.
Picii'inger. Nick Kronen witter,
GtorK" Staufcr, Andrew Dippold, Jr.,
Antliony I'.uuer, John N. Geitner,
Joseph Schiltle, J-ohu Jesbcfger, John
Kreckle, Jr., Henry Flettermaii, An
thony Goetz, Paul U'.lsh. J. .1. Volliuer,
Chrisisstoinun Kreckle, George Selle,
Joseph Hamlielger, Peter Wiiliehn.
Fox. John M osier, Geo F. f!pooIer,
James Uixby, Daniel Corby, Thomas
Kiillivan, N. F. Apker, Joseiih An
singer, J. A. Miller, C. 11. Kelts,
Smith Parker, Win. 10. Hewitt, Thos.
Dnllinger, Uriah W. Itogers,, barney
I liglihmd. KufiiH Underwood.
Hoi ton, A. S. Horton, J. V. Mc
Allister, Jack Short, G. W. Clinton,
O. M. Myers, John McManti, Jolii 4.
Bower, Theodore Fox.
.lav. P. Ii. Gardnerj-
Fleli'her, Jr., C. .1. Ilill.
Jones. Wni. II. T'eveniux, J. L.
Murphy, Iliclniril Krennin, John
11 ct meeker, Win. Weidert.
Rldgway. Daniel McGnvern. S. A.
Olmsted, Jerry S. Stewart., S. It.
Mitchell, Win." Fannin, G. F. Dick
inson, Isaac Avery. '. It. Ithincs, C.
Ii. Cody, Samuel V. Miles, Penjamin
Spring Creek. D. 1). Davidson,
William Doane.
St. !.iry's Koi'ough. - Joseph Diet
John Fox, I! F. Ijiiwrence, John
Dusch, Jr., George Weigel, Jr.
Dr. Day's Cure Heail-aehe in
theoniy remedy known thsit will ftop
un at tack of sick, or nervous head-ache
in its commencement: it will always
euro those headaches, coming on
in hot weather when riding or on a
journey ; only three or four doses, mf
an hour apart, are necessary. Price On
centsu bottle.
Dr. Day's Stomach nnd P.owil
Tonic is the best remedy in use for
poornppctito, weakness and trembling
in the nlo.iiacli, pain after eating,
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in the stomach, uervou: nes;
when thvil. coiisUjial ion and other
i!i-c.-i-es ol tin- ho,els arising from
poor digestion. This medicine w'.il
posilivcly euvii co.-tiveness in evcrv
c.i.-" ; and no one who is troubled itli
that complaint shouid fail to try il ;
:n it iiol uii'y relieves, but cures. Price
il.ol: Ask yo III' ilrugu'isl or store kei pel'
lor (ln .e ii i" I i.-i 1 1 1 s. Maiuil'iieiured
by D. P.. Day c Co., l;idgMiy, Pa.
T!i:it -'ph ii iid crgaii sold by D. S
Andru-, v Co., Williaiiisport. Pa., for
,.-,,()--i-iish wilh 7 fillips, solid wsil
niit ei: c and ") 'Vet HI inches iii:4'b, is
.-old now for 5'sii.ok with one more
slop and the L-rand organ knee sw ell
aililiiiooal. Write tbelu Terms easy
on long time uImj.
S'liuire envelopes and lcgcl folii
note pap'-r at Tin; Aliv.x .n K ol'iiee.
rv;id. six cents a !o;
IV.'l!ir" M.-i-onie 'oiiildm;:.
it T. F
Jam l'ot.i-.s.
MiddUtown X-Cut Saws.
Jeili.r.i's, While's aud Mauu'.i Axes
Tubular and 'J'-- Lanterns.
1 Jittou's X-Cut Saws.
Riiynloii s Light uin-.r Saws.
Cm-:x Poi'!'i:i:s.
Coal IIoi'.s.
Stove Shovels.
llcpiiirs l'u: liish' d for any .'-love.
Ax Ham-i.k.s.
Pick Handles.
. lb. P-est Po'h 10 it.-., at X.i. I-.
Main street. u;:;i
Notice is hircby given that, the
ladies of the M. E. Church will hold
u festival and sppjier in the husomcnl
of the M. 1-;. Church, commencing
September id, and to continue for
three nights. Meals will be served
both afternoons und evenings, Those
atiending court will do Well to go
there for their dinner. A general in
vitation is extended to all to attend.
Citizens turn out and give them a
rousing bciielit.
Bv Okhkii Com.
I'llt Cittuity Court Procla:mitii)ii.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. W-t-mor-e,
I'ivnident Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, und Julius Jones, and Gcni'vi-
I'M. Weis, l'".siiuii''.'.sT A.-soi-iate J ustieis
in J'.IK county, liavc issued their pre
cepts, to ine directed, for the lime of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
ot i;oi)inion J'leus, to re-rul Otnuter
Sessions and tiyer and Torini'i"r, at
Ridgway, tor the county of Elk on
l.Sbll, being theuth day of the mouth,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of t lie Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own nroner ncrsoiis.
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those tilings
which of their otliees and in their be
half appertain to be done, ami ull wit
nesses and oilier persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then und there utti-iidiug, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to bo punctual in their at
tendance, at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriir's ollice, in Hidgway, the
23d day of August in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred und
D. C. OYSTER, Bheriff.
All note-heads and letter-heads
printed at this office will be bound,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet all' and see speci
Fresh Rolls, Cakes aud Piea at T,
i BulleiV Masonic building. v
Business Cards,
Main street, Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Pnrtictdar attention given to the
examination of titles, ulso to patents
and jiatent cases.
A 1 TO It N E Y-AT-Ii A W.
Ofllcc in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
I.nle of SliiitUinvlllel, riiyslnliin nnit Kur
l'imim. ItlilKwny. I'u. ' tillice In Hull's Wrick
llultiliiiK inp-shilrs).) r.erereiiceH .1. It
Smilli. If. I.,YiiniiK, It. itiilolson, Kti-Httnii
ville; Major .lnhii Kltlry, W. W.Hreeiiliind
l lio ioii. Hum pnu ltccil Ills prolesslon Ruo
ciissiully I'm' more tlmn ten vcurs.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Ridgwi'V, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
J. S. B030WEI-L., M. D.
Has removed his ollice from Centre
street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., In
the second atnry .of the new , brick
building of John C. Hull, west of the
llvde House.
Ottlce hours:! to '2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M
W. 11. SC11 RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the pat ronuge hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him',
Hie new proprietor. hopes, by pitying
strict attention to the conilortand con:
venience of (.'iiests, to merit a continu
ance of the Maine. oct'lO'GO
PEDIA. Tins admirable work is. now comT
pli'tciu liivols. EachvolumecontainsWKj
pages. It makesa complete nnd well
si'lected library, and no one cui)
afford lo do without, it who woulu keep
well inrornied.. Price I -3 U0 In cloth,
;U.i"i in leather, or f7.dll in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address',
W. 11. Fail-child, Porlville, Catt. Co..
N. Y., who has. been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judsoir,
general agent.
Testate of Christopher Uhl, late of
Ijj P,eniii!icr township, Elk county
Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons indebt
ed to said estate sire request ed to make
immediate payment, and those hav
ing legal claims against the same to
present them without delay, in pro
per order, for settlement.
'V-rl!. 1 Executors.
MlCiiAluIi RALMl'.R, J
Subscribe for the
(iet your NOTE I'APKIi, EX-'
ITING OA I? I S At TitK Advocat
iiHico, over I'owcll it Kime's skire
Klilwny, I'j.
Which is tlife b.iiuo thing.
Impwi'o Bl-C'arb Roiln or Fnlrratna
(iv ll"t ll intliesuiuo l KillH I in of ii slight
ly dirty whito color. It may nppcac
ivlilte, pxaniiiM-rt Hnolr, but n,
will thow tlio diiTtrenceo
Gee that your Salcratug and Bk
ina Soda is whito and PURR, a
!-.Sald bo ALI. bl.UILAU SVUSTAN
CE3 ed for food.
nnusekeopers wlio prefer broad made witli
yuast, will improve its quality, make it risa
bettor aud preventit from souring, by addinff
ono-ball'UaiipoonfulotCliurcU& Cp.'s Soda on
Baloratun. Be sure and not use too much. Tb
iwa of this with sour milk, in preference to
liakiug Powder, saves twenty times its cost.
Hi:o one pound package for valuable informa
tion and read careiully.
l'hilade!phia& KrieK. It- Div.'
On and aft'T SUNDAY, November
J, 187U, the trains on the Philadel
phia it Erie Ilailruad Division will
run as follows:
Kitm maij. leaves Phila 11 55 p. in.
" " Kenovo 110 a. in
" " Emiiorium.l 15 p. m.
" ' St. Mary's..2 U p. m.
" " Iiidgway....2 36 p'
" ' Kane 3 50 p.m.
" air. nt Phic 7 55 p: in.
erik mail leaves Erie 11 85 a. in.
" " Kane 4 00 p. ni.
" ' Ridgway ....5 00 p.m.
' " St, Mary's..5 'i7 p. in.
' Emporium. 25 p. m.
' " " Renovo 8 40 p.m.'
" arr. at Phila 7 00 a. ni;
Wm. A. Ualdwix. General Bup't.
All kinds of job printing, plairi
or in colors, neatly done at The Ar
vocate office. Please examine our
Get your nanie neatly printed on
a pack of our new cards. At least calt
and see samples. ' ' -
New Time Taisle. Under the new
schedule the mail and local, freight
leave Ridgway station us follows i
MAIL WEST - . 2:3
" EAST - - . (00
LOCAL WEST - - . 7:&d
" EAST - :
9 MfWS