The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 26, 1880, Image 4

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WINSTON, t OliSTTIIE Co., N. (3.,
March 15, 1880. J
w kid iivr ajnir.ii.1 ui, V.T1. r
. T J.. . .
vieuis i m'siru 10 express to you
my tlirtnks for your Wonderful Hop
BiUors. I was troubled with ilvsnnnsU I
for five years previous, to commencing
the use of your Hop Hitters some six
mpnins ago. My cure Urn been wonder.
t , r . r. uimup
r-hAT r . the l irft Methodist
H II nff r lllfl h ann nJ i i
OI luis PIRCG. nnrl mv srlm
congregation e?.n testify to the great
Virtue of yoiv bitters.
very resnoetfullr.
Rev. II. Feuebee.
KocnESTEn.N.Y., March 11, 1880.
Hop Ditteks Co. t
Plenso accept our pratefnl nounr,,!.
edement for the Hop Bitters you were
u c uon'iie. nna which were such
rai to us. i ours, very gratefully. iaiiita t- riiK home OK
. Deievan, Wis., Sept. C4, 18T8,
KVfi f.r it A.'"-a not quite one
bottle of the Hop Bitters. I wksafeeble
rpT "evuiuy-eigut Trien I got it.
rJ ?r ?V ?m, ttnc feel ai well
as I did at thirty. I see a great manv
great many
that need such p. medicine,
D. Boyce.
Monijoe, Mich., Sept. 55, 1875.
Sirs I have been taking Hop Bitters
for inflamtnat nn nf M,n lm...-. .-I
Diaaacr; it has donu for me what four
. . . - kiuucvb anil
j.luib HHicu to no. mo effect of the
seuiiieu iiKe magic to me.
Y . L. Cautbr.
Bbadfokd, Pa., May 8. 1875
SUch as nciVOUsnCB3. sickness nr H,o
not seen in y t,roub,p?' I have
tr njr "j 111 yvar since i toon
use them. .V";" "n"
iiKs. Fannie Gueen.
Immense Sale.
EVANSVII.I.E. Wis.. June 1 1R7Q
Gcntl?men-No Bitters have had one
half the sale here and eiven biio.Ii nni.
yersal satisfaction as your Hop Bitters
have. We take pleasure in speaHng ior
their welfare, as every one who tries
iiinu is wen sausnea Willi their results.
oeverai suon remarkable cures have
been made with them here that there
area number of earnest workers in the
nop x;uers cnusc. Une person gained
eleven pounds from taking only a few
u"i"s- Smith & Ide.
Bay City. Mch., Feb. 3, 1680.
HOP lilTTEliS Cii'ilMW!
1 think it my duly to send you a re-
wiummm ior iuo oenent ol any person
Wishing to know whether Hop B.tters
iic Suuu or not. i Know inev arc good
lor general debiiiLv and in'diVraMnn
strengthen the nervous system and m ike
new life. I recommend my patients to
uae ,uvm. UK. A. I'UATT,
rreaterofUlirouio Diseases.
hllPKUIOU Wis . .Tun IRiJH
I heard in my neigliborhood that your
nop jpiuers was doing sucli a great
deal of good among the sicic and nlllicted
wiiii most every kind ot disease, and as
ijuu uuun irouoieci ior niteen years
with neuralgia and all kinds of rheu-
uiani! complaints and kidney trouble, I
iook one Doicic according to directions.
it at once did me a great deal of good,
mm x uai-u iiiiouK.T ooiuc. i am an old
man, out; am now as well aj I can wish.
Ihere are seven nr pi.Mir. f i:nili.a i
place using Hop Bitters as their fami:y
jucuiiiiuo, niiu uie ?o well Billisni'd Willi
it they will not use anv ntlipr. ilnn i-h,.
here had been bedridden for years, is
nuu miiug ncr worx irom the use
Leonakd Wiiitbeck
A Voice from the li
I take the opportunity to bear testi
mony to the cfliiilCJ of vonr " IFnn HiK.
ters." Expecting to lind them nauseous
mm oiuer ana cuinposea ot bad w hisky.
we were ngreeabiy surprised at I heir
uiuu uisic, just une a cup ot tea. A Mrs.
Crcssw!ll and a Mrs. Connor, friends,
have likewise tried, and pronounce them
me dcsi; medicine nicy have ever taken
for building up strength nnd toning up
the system. I was troubled with
costivencss, licudalieand want of apne-
a I ilULnls are gone,
un mu jiitii i. giv.uiy improved. 1 iiave
a yearly coniract 'Uli a doctor to lock
auei uic ikoiiII ol myself and family,
vu i in.uii iiiui inji now.
S. Gim.ii.axd, Vtcvks1 Advovtle,
July 25. 187. Pittsburg, Pa.
Bladder, Urinary and Liver niBcaees, Dropsy,
li ravel end Diabitva, aro cured by
V Great Kidney and Liver Medicine,
ture Brlght' Disease, Itctentlon or Nonretcn
Bon of Urine, I'amn in the hack, Loins, or Side.
turei Intemperance, Nervoui Disease!, General
Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses.
euros Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Boar
Utomacli, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Plica.
ACTS AT OX'CE on tho Kidneys, IJver, and
Itowela, restorinor them to a healthy action, and
rcRKS when all other medicines fail. Hun.
dredB hare heen saved who have bceu givca up
to die by friends nnd physicians.
IBend for pamphlet to
WM. E. CLARKE, Providence, B. I.
Trial size, 73 cents. Large site cheapest
For Hay Fever,
Catarrh, Cold in tb
Head, etc., Insert with
little Ilnser a particle of
the llalm into the new
hub; uraw stronc
biealhs through th
none. It will be absorb,
ed, cleansing and heal
ing the diseased lotui-
7m. .nnt.ev l si,..
For Deafness,
Occasionally sbdIt i
particle into ami back
ui iite ear, iuuuUia
From Ex-Mayor Rob't. W. Townley.
Vr i' , t, ... v T
Messrs. Ely Bros.. DniL-Ki
. J., Sept. 77. 1879.
to, V v.: Gents
I have been ailiicted for the past tweoly years, durtna
the months of AumiKt n,i M,.f7an.t.... 1.Jt7
nd during this tluie have tried various remedies sutigebU
1 by my friends, lor Its relief, without success. About a
month sine, J was induced by a friend who had been
St? FJX JS r7. T.TS
nZPr!0 a Pa ,ece'P ' of no nt, will mall
package free. Send for circular, with full luformatin
iLrs (JlltAil HALM CO., Owegu, N. y.
Bold by all IrumrlU.
. iT1'". -tl1" .heapesjt and only complete and authentic
Life of lien. Garlleld. II coutiiir s Une steel Doru.iis ol
G raeld in 1 Arthur, and Is tadoraed by iheKS i2
laale frleu 8. llew.ii ol cauliiiuny liuliallonaV
Atttutu tVsuted -Send for circular couuioina a
tu.l deKrlplion of the wrk and eiUa terms to Agents
Andrew AATiomt riBuauiao (jo.. Philadelnln P.
A Texas Horse. Trade.
, A,nJan by the name of Smith, livine
... lexus, Kipia livery staoie.
Among other horsw in his custody was
a fine bay horse beloneing to Jones.
lllll llo'rsfi. In rnvnrfinir nrtniif fl,,le J
broke a lc-.
stable yard, ran against a wa&on and
uiumj ma ice. ui course smith wm pa.
?PniDe. All he had to do was to send
i f - fc r - w civiiu
irH ?'l(fmm' tftv! ie animal shot,
I 7111(1 RflV .InttAi nhntir SAA Kn tl.
ih . ,.i c uu "v,uo vmuo ui
LI IB ATI 1 Til n I Kmtih .nlilliiil . I.
man, and started out to see Jones and
...... wurnu uviiucu turj UUilue-
inform him officially about the acci
dent. Now Smith is considerable of a
Wag. HanDMlinir tn mppt rtrnjn l.a
asked if Brown did hot want to buy a
uuion- mown wanted a cneap Horse,
and one that was safe, so that when
cmitu put tne question to him he re.
plied :
"Maybe so j If you have the right
i on uorst 18 "H a steaay, quiet
"He In tiiA HtiiPtraf. Tinrao mi
- lwlvw, vww JVU CTCl
Won't bite or kick, and is not likelv
i. .
to run awavP
"If he hi'tps. tipta nr run a nTiriniT11
give your money back."
"Humph," said Brown, "what are
you asking ior the wonderful animal?"
"I'll let you have him ior $21. Give
me $1 down, and your note for $20
more, and it is a bargain. I have no
moro use for the horse, but I want money
rifrht. nff 3
i --j- -
isrown tnouffiit, to liimspir- " sm;n,
una ouen lampering witu cotton futures,
u buiku, bu ii piiinKca aown
the dollar and gave his note for the
ir , , . , .
If Brown was pleased with the trade,
Smith was still more so. He called to
several friends and treated the crowd
with the dollar, after which the pro-
-riuu ic-iuimtu ana marunea aown to
i stable to see Brown's new purchase,
When thev not there tba nli
already shot the poor brute, and ho
1 1J 1 1 - 1 r y ,
luuiieu iiKe au ue reauv nnaea was an
inquest. Brown looked very much that
way himsell. He turned pale and then
tut leu ui'uinn inp. enrn 'I'lion nnavrii ot
but it was not a oartiniil.irlv healtbv
smile. Smith tried to help matters;
and as soon as the crowd had quit hold
ing their sides, he said : " Now, Brown,
I don't want you to tell anybody that I
swindled you. I call on tlipse centlp-
men to witness that I've done the square
mm, -l ma la tones' Day norse, tne
identical one I sold you. I guaranteed
ho would not bite or bark nor kick, and
you can't provoke him to run away.
I think he fills the bill. T wnt vm, tn
iitsu mm ou or i n cnarge you for keep
loys,"said Brown, " don't eive me
away. I know I am not the only fool
on Galveston Island. Let's to and
hunt for a duplicate, and I will set 'cm
iney strolled out and met Robinson.
ijuoh uere, iiooinson. don't vou
want a right good Horse at a bargainP
I ve lust bought Tnnpa1 lino nxr hnrao
He cost $60 originally, and he is in just
riiuic uiiniiii.inn a njia nrnon I rrnt
Oh!" Said Rnriinsnn. " Hmna
llai'd. and linrse fepri is awful hiirli A
high-stepping horse like Jones' bay will
vul iiiHiieau ou in no time."
" That's where vnn nr fnnlinir irnni-.
self. He eats less than any horse you
ever saw. By Georire. no horse can eat
less uian ne can."
Ain t he a little frisky F"
Brown Shook his hpd nnrl renliprl
" You are doinir tlint. bnrsp iniustipp
You can tell by looking at him that he
is not that kind of an animal. I'll let
you have him for just what I gave for
uim oau 91 down, and vnur nnr.e.
secured by such men a3 lleidenhcimer,
ior the balance. I've got to have
Robinson thought it. wns nwnn to talro
advantage of Brown's distress, but then
it was not his lookout. Tf be wnft mil.
of his head, why didn't he have the
court appoint him a guardian? So he
planked down the dollar and gave the
note, on the condition that the horse
would go in a wagon.
iou bet," remarked Brown, "he'll
go in a wagon. Come on. bovs. let's
sj ena this dollar."
Attcr they had wmed off tbpir months
the proeess.on re-formed, and started to
inspect the animal. Sure enough, three
men were inung mm into a wagon.
mere," said lirown, " I told you he
would eo into a waeon. Don't sav T
swindled you. He wnl eat less than any
uuncjuu ever owned, iou will save
nis vaiue in horse-leed in two weeks.
Just try and see if lie is not npiitlr.
Tickle him with a straw."
I he spectators applauded. Robinson
looked like he oucht to eo alonir wild
uis corse to Keep turn in countenance.
In conclusion it is wlvsneree! on t.lio
Strand among capitalists that some of
tae notes have already passed into the
nan iid oi innocent holders, and as snon
a3 they mature, protests will be in order.
uaii uon Mens.
A Fortune for Tweuly fire Cents.
All the worn-out and mulilaterl loonl.
tenaer note3 come to the treasurv for re.
surnptioa After new notes are issued
in men- stead, the o d notes no.
stroyed by the process of msceration,
IhlS process includes ttin Intvnrliirtirm
ol chemicals in the mass of notes, which
oy tne am ot steam are reduced to a
puip verv much smal or in vo nmn tlmn
the original notes. This pulp is of a
Kiuy-wimisu coior; it hus heretofore
oeen thrown away. An enternrisino-
I 1. j - . . . . . o
yuuiiu uiuu una nan an laca on tuia ini.
jeut, uowever, and is working it out.
lie has taken the pulp, and is modeling
tt into different shanps. When A
the pulp assumes a light consistent
form. Dogs, cats, bells and all animals
ana evervthins else A most nro rsnrn.
duced. Out of the destruction of 1 onn .
000 jn notes, he modeled a bullfrog of
uL-ruiu tsize; i?iu,uuo goes to make a
mouse; u,ooo into a Dimer weieht. and
so on through the list. He sells these
pieces oi art " at twenty-five cents
eacu. une can, Ior that amount, pur
chase at least what Wa3 once a million
or more of dollars in the currency of the
iauu. mvanmirt (ia.) jsews.
Courage Keeessary to Success.
As the St. Louis Journal of Ctmimi r
pertinently says, a great deal of talent is
lost in the world for the want of a little
courage, tvery day sends to the grave
a number of obscure men. who Imva
SnJLrSmiJined ia ob!clirf V bec,ause
in a ah eSoTnT". T ? J? S
have been Induced to beirin. wonM in
all probabiiitv have soneVeat
in faae The fart U tn HnnvthY H,
iu ' .e:., AUe lct V'.to do anything m
iiiH wr r i wnrr ii nrvrr 7a innat v
7A h :, "u,""-". L""s: J ' i.: "Y? i
thTM : u, " 'IS " i
and nThlthr,Vt: -in J-"
It will not do to be nernetnullv r-Rlnn.
lating risks and adiustine nice chances.
It did very well long before the flood,
where a man could support his friends
upon an intended publication for a hun
dred and fifty years, and then live to see
its success afterward. But at present a
man waits and doubts, and hesitates.
auu uiusmts uij DTOUier, ana niS uncle,
has lost so much time in consulting hia
first cousin and particular friends that
ue lias no time to follow their advice.
Something noble, something good,
something pure, something manly, sonie
thing cod-like, is knocked off a man
every tinio he gets drunk or stoops, to
sin through forgetfulnesa of Gad,
Firm, (harden and household.
Farm Hotel.
Don't go straight from the cow stabl
into the milk-room.
si . ....
urouna dIrck Benner BDrinklcd on
growing cabbages when the dew is on,
win, it is said, free them from worms.
t From 150 to 170 degrees is given as the
I a iisiij uu iv degrees is Riven a wto
right temperature fo? scalding hogs, the
t I ' t . ... . . . rj .P..
lurmer ior small ana tne latter lor largo
f 1 . . - . .... - .
I UflUH. Ann a Inw rtnnrlfitla rt nuhaa onrl
frequently air the hogs while scalding.
When cows' teats aro sre from any
cause they should bo washed clean with
warm water, and at once moistened with
glycerine. Two of three applications
will cure the worst cose. For caked bag
nii"y iuru, as uoias can oe Dandled,
with a rag or bntsh, and thoroughly rub
iu ujr uiuiu.
Farmers who know the value of com
post, and know how to make It. i
their manure D.le. Tn this WAV hiinrirnria
I 1 , i
I Or Innna orn marla onnuall tr flia
nai Demg gathered on the premises,
such as forest leaves, cornstalks (includ
ing tue roots;, weeds, vines, loam from
fence corners, muck from nnnria nnri
ditches, occasional of lime
through the mass, layers of barnyard
manure, and thus build ud cihionc
squares and let them remain over win
ter. One of the most extensive fruit s-rnw.
l l.oa knov.
orchard of the canker worm by use of
pans green, lie mounu a cask on a
wagon, and to the cask is attached a
'?rce PumP Wltu wnich is connected a
short hose, with a fine, sprinkling nozzle
at the end of it, and thus armed, and
the cask filled With ft tttlTtnro r uaxia
green and water, he drives into the or-
cuara, ana in a snort time sprinkles
large number of trees.
The observations of Mr. Alhort Flan
ders, of Cambria, in his orchard, this
qoq ,.tAnA i- e."J"V'.ir.
nnstiVr.'s Af tl "t, ?imA"n
n nn nv
chard near the farm buildings in which
uis nogs nave run ounng tne season is
much less injured by the codling moth
than the fruit of another orchard on his
farm to which the hogs have not had
access. By some fruit growers sheep
are believed to be quite as eOicient as
swine in destroying the larvaj of the
moiu. ijOCKport Journal,
There seems to be a use for anything
lfwecanonlv find nnfc wlmt it- i ti
Has been discovered that even pnfl'pe
grounds are cood for something. Thev
are recommended as a valuable manure
ior garden plants. A San Francisco
lady recently received snmp nlnnrs fi
Mexico, with the direction to fertilize
them with waste coffee and coffee
grounds. The experiment was so suc
cessful that she tried the same treatment
on roses, ana tlie ettect was a healthy
iiu vijjuiuun jrrowm, ana colored, bet
i,ci nun more aounaant liowers,
An exchaneesavs: Manv farm era aro
lesuug me practice ot cultivating
wueat. We hpar of freouent ATrnori"
ments in this direction, and t bpso h
generally turned out satlslactorily. Cul
Livuiinu or nocin? is am n Hm
in miug mo wueai in sixteen-incii rows.
by Stoppins every alternate snnnr.. Tr. is
not d-flicult to construct a simple culti
vator that will work the spaces between
the drills. There are two different
wheat hoes in the market that do the
WOl-K eiieCtlVelV. W hear, that ainmn
broadcast cannot be cultivated. This
fact, and the better condition of drilled
wiieai, suouia be SUllicient inrinn.pmant
louse tne drill, if the creat snvinw nf
sce( and the lessening of labor are not
Household Ulutl.
Glass should be washed in pr1,I urato-
Which Cives it a hricbtpr anrl nln
. , . - - XJA.(UU&
iooh man when cleansed w t h worm
WZtLCi .
When anythiniis accidnntallv miflo
too salt it can be counteracted hv adH inr
a iujuuuiui uj vinegar ana a teaspoon'
Ul Ul 0UtU .
Jelly molds should hr cri'pnsod with
COld butter. Vrhen VOll wish tnramnm
the jelly or pudding plunge the mold into
iiol waier, remove quickly, and the con
tents will come out in perfect form and
wiLuoui any trouble.
When canaries nlnek fe.i
them, place a little fine gravel or small
peooics in their cages ; also occasionally
place a ruty nail or tack in their drink.
lllg water. Small Debbles are nhanlntnlv
. i . . - v. . : . . i . i r i , .... . . . .
l i' luineananeaiiu in caged birds
of all kinds, and during the molting
season uie bit ot iron in their drinking
water is also equally essential.
io wash red table 1 men use tenid
wuf.T. WIIU a IittlH nnwrlpvorl K,.iut
(borax sets the color): wash t!.n linpn
sepai ateiy a id quickly, using very little
soap; rinse in tepid water containing a
nine uuiifu siarcn: nanir tn nrw in iiio
nnuuu ; iron wnen almost dry.
A ffomnn's Presence of Miud.
Dr. J. C. Walker
Ind.. gives the following account of the
encounter with a burglar in his house:
At about three o'clock in the mornino- I
was awakened by my wife telling me
that tho gas was unaccountably low.
We keep a iet lighted in the hal: din ino-
mu uigui m cunts oi a cauor otner emer
gency. I eot out of bed and elevated it
to the usual height, thinking that the
pleasure was unusually light, and sav-
inor ti niva H'ulbn. tl,..,-
A'.o. iinjAti iiiai, Lliab WUS
doubtless the cause of its burning so
low, nnd returned to bed. That did not
satisiy ner, however. She imagined
that the turning down of the liht ment
suuieimng, ana woman -line looked un
der the bed. She saw the feet of a man
flicking out toward the west wall, near
the head of the bed, and here comes the
most remarkable part ot the srory. She
knew I was awake, and considered tint
if she told me there was a man under
the bed I would grapple him. and he
undoubtedly being armed would kill
me. iso she arose and went into the
ooys room and awakened them obto.
iuiiy, telling them there was a man un
derueath our bed. and for them to set
up quickly and watch while she went
downstairs for a revolver. When she
came back she gave it to John, remem-
Dtring, even in tnat moment ol supreme
P3rn, that irank had just recovered
from a long spell of sickness, and was
consequently weak and nervous. She
then went along the hall to the room of
the colored man, whom she knew had a
revolver also.
ohe then returned nnd
went room, where the two
fl Tl ' :.. ...... . .
Vf meanumei began
was aoout, ana just atter alio
passed the door the seeond tim thnnaht
a Blight rnstUng under the bed
. . . . . "
turned over toward the side she va-
E".16? - .ana met tUe gaze of a man,wh03e
head alone was raised over the bed rail
near the foot, watchin? me. Th atBtn
of affairs flashed across my mind in an
insiani. Mrs. Walker had seen the
man, and had aroused the bovs and ml.
ored man to assist, if necessary. The
burglar was doubtless aware of her
movements, and was pondering on what
was to oe aone. ui course I imainned
that that was tn shoot mo oH t .7Jr
i i'.it.. ." i t.
knocking him back on the floor. As I
struck i threw myself unon him and
bore him to the floor. The SDace where
we fell was narrow and circumscribed,
and, although I had the leilow hv tho
throat, he succeeded in grasping my
wrist with such a grip as to temporarily
paralyze it. I never before felt, and did
not think it possible for a man to exert
bucu a pressure. In our truggle he
managed to get his right arm from un-
u" ",B onaj, and with it he fired bis
revolver, the ball grazing my left side
an dpenetrating the ceiling. I thought
a ji'uug cannon had gone otf.
Ihe .explosion somewhat startled
me, and I let no on mv eriD. whieh
onnklarl K 3 B"K1
frnm m a RntR?0D. ist to Rwav
irom me and rush into the hall. Just
as he got outside of the door, appar-
cuuijf, two snots loiiowea, ana tnen all
wiw nun ana dark. The snooting had
extinguisher! tha mil nnrl tho no-ontr r.1
the moments that followed was almost
unbearable. It seemed to me, of course,
that the two shots had killed the boys,
ior uiu noi Know that tnere was a re
volver in the house, much less that Mrs.
vvamer had provided the boys with it
I ran out into the hall exnectinsr to en
counter the burglar, and found the door
into Frank's room partly closed . I tried
to open it, but could not, and then it
occurred to me that by a chance the
dojs mignt not be hurt, and 1 called
out, " Is that you, Johnr'1 and the an
swer was like the sweetest music to my
euro, ior i recognizea his voice
"Are you hurt?"
" No, father, I am not, and Frank and
motner are here with me, all right."
" Who did that shootingP"
' I did, and I know 1 hit him."
As soon a) possible the gas was re-
ngiuen, out no burglar could be s en,
eiuier in tne hall or on the stairway
uigiuuzing an mvestieation Dartv wp
went downstairs. The fellow, after
Deinir Shot throno-h tho heart, hart run
downstairs through the dining-room
and kitchen, and fell prone on the
threshold Of tho. nnrohrlourl. TIfl lion
his revolver in one hand and knife in
tne other as he lay.
High-Priced Shoes.
Beautiful feet rentiire fino. arlorninr.
There are boots sold in New York city
ior uj a pair. They are imported
irom raris. ana the clotn is a mixt rn
of gold or silver thread and silk. They
me mien wnn the nnest Kia.ann tne but
tons are gems. They are usuallv pur
chased by those who " toil not. neither
do they BDin," and silk stockings at
seventy-five dollars a pair are worn
with them. A pair of boots made for
Anm jjouise uary , to wear in the opera,
are of light blue satin, soft and thick,
with blue silk lacings, tied with lovely
tassels, lined with brilliant cardinal
kid, and banded horizontally with inch-
wide ribbons of gold braid. The feet
may well bo handsome now, for there is
everj thing to make them so. Innumer
able shops, hi ed with the finest n-oods.
fancy silk and satin boots and slippers ;
opera ues, patent leather and kid shoes ;
lemon-colored, old gold, lavender and
oriental satins, heels four inches high,
and insteps that form a royal arch, and
faithful pedicure, who arena to tho
front with his salves and instruments
when nature becomes obstreperous.
x7y xrce j ress.
A Dogerel.
As master Johnny Megill was walk
ing down Main street the oth;r day
with a dog in tow, he was hailed by
master Tommv Gilpin as follows :
" Hi there, Jack, what yer goin' ter
ao wun mat mere aorgr"
" I'se goin' to take him down ter the
river and drown him."
"Hoi' on: less have some fun with
him first. I've got two old oyster cans
in the barn, and we'll take him into the
house where lie can't git away, and
hitch 'em on."
This was soeedilv asreed to bv Jack.
Mrs. Gilpin was out calling, Lizzie was
out too, and so the boys had full swing.
'PI 1 J .. .
uvy unr.ueu on one can to tile narra
tive of the canine and then let him loose
The parlor door happened to stand aiar.
and tor thi!" the dos made. Then there
was havoc wrought. The scene that
met the eyes ot the boys as they looked
in was unique ana vanea, ior the a:r
was tilled with dog, plasier bust of
bliakespeare, oyster can, cuspidore, and
finally the dog ran his fore feet through
tho what-not and sowed tho bric-a-bnu'.
it contained in broadcast confusion on
tho ttoor. This was accompanied by
vocal music from the dog.
Tho bovs cut Oif the can. shut tht do
in the parlor and went off Ashing, and
neither of them got home till late at
nigut; and Mrs. Gilpin tells the svm
patliizing neighbors that she don't see
how in the world that dog got into the
room, for every door and window was
snut tigut.
iommy and Johnny had the fun of
j ,- ,i," ; j V -i.
G.'s orders. Maratlton Independent
The Afghans.
The Afghans are Mohammedans of
the hunni laith: thev reverence the first
four Khalifs, and have no particular
veneration tor the rroDhet fKhahf. AH.
They are split up into tribes, clans and
lamines, each under its own head, com
mander or sirdar : nnd thev are often at
war or feud, and often engaged in co -
spiracies, rebellions and assassinations.
They are tall, burly, active men, with
olive complexions, dark Jewish fea-
turcs, black eves, and lonor black hair
Hanging aown in curis. rneir counten
ances are calm, and they affect a frank
ness ana oonuomie: they will some
times indulge in a rude jocularity j but
their expression is savage, and evil pas
sions are oiten raging in their hearts
like hidden fires. They are blood
thirsty, deceitlul and depraved: readv
to sell their country, their honor and
their very souls for lucre. Thev care
ior nothing nut hunting ana 1 jot. de
lighting in the din of arms, tbe turm.iil
of battle and the plunder of the killed
and wounded; without any relish for
nome nie or aomestie ties; without a
sting ot remorse or a sense of shame.
There are no people on earth that have
a liner physique or a viler morale. They
are me rencs 01 a nation wuo have
Clayed out their parts in history. In
ygone ages thev conauered Hindostan
on tne one side and Persia on tho other;
!.... . 1 . . 1 . . 1 :
uui me uunu,uerin instinct uas oiea
away amidst the incessant discord ot
lamily ieuds nnd domestic broils.
A Warning lor Jokers.
The funeral of Miss Clara TUrmall
recently took place from her mother's
houie in Indiantown. N. B. The storv
of her sad life should be a warning to
piauiiint jotters, aeverai vears ago.
while she was but a girl, a gentleman of
uer acquaintance thought he would play
a joke on her, never imagining for a
moment tnac it would result as seriouslv
as it did. He arrayed himself in a dia
bolical rig and present ei himself before
her. bhe was naturally of a weak and
nervous temperament, and the shock
that her nerves experienced by the
frightful apparition proved too much
for her. She fell in a fit, only to wake a
raving maniac. For live or six yeaia
her friends managed to keep her at
home, until her health began to fail,
when thev verv reluctantly decided unon
tending ner to the asylum, aue lin
,. T " . . 1 .
gered there for some time, until death
relieved her of her Buffering. Toronto
yum.) Man.
The smilax vine la nf recent date in
New York, where it has been known as
"Boston vine." Its introduction there
is saia to have heen brought aDout bv
Christine Nilsson at the great fair in aid
of the French sufferers by the Franco
rrusdian war. The Swedish nightin
gale, wuue tending a flower table, sold
her headdress of rosea and smilax ior
$150, and the vine at once became the
The Text.
A pious old lady, who was too unwell
to attend meeting, used to send her
thick-headed husband to church to find
out the text the preacher selected as
the foundation ol ma discourse. The
noor dunce was rarely fortunate enoueh
lO reHll'Ill OW IUO WUI UB Ul IUO U'H, Ol
even the chapter and verse where they
to remember the words of the text, or
could be found; but one Sabbath he
ran home in hot haste, informed bis
wife that he ci uld ropeat even word.
without missing a syllable. The words
were as follows:
"An angel came down from heaven
and took a live coal from the altar,
"Know .every word," replied the
"I am anxious to hear it," continued
the wife.
" They are nice words," observed the
"I am glad your memory is improv'
ing; but don't keep me in suspense, my
a ear," said sue.
"Just get your big Bible, and I will
say the words, for I know them by
heart.' I said them a hundred times on
my way home."
" Well, let's hear them."
"Ahem 1" said he. clearing his throat.
"An Injun came down irom New Haven
and took a live colt by the tail and
jerked him out of the halter t"
1 he memorv of one-half who attend
church is very similar to the above.
The Military Salute.
Within the last few years among the
many changes introduced in the army
is that of the salute. Why the old, time
honored salute was abolished, no one
knows : but it is an interesting fact, and
one probably unknown to most of our
readers, that the old salute, which con
sisted of the hand bcinir broue-ht to n
horizontal position over the eyebrows,
nas a very oia origin, aating, in tact,
from the verv commencement ot the
history of the English army. Its origin
is louna in the tournaments of the
middle ages, and was as follows : Alter
the queen of beauty was enthroned, the
knights which were to take part in the
day marched past tho dias on which she
sat, and, as she passed, they shielded
their eyes from the rays of her beauty.
Such was the very interesting origin of
tne oiasaiute.
Johnny's Essay on Dogs.
Last summer our doe Towser was a
lyin' in the sun trine to sleep, but the
flies was that bad that he couldn't, cos
ho had to catch 'em, and bime by a bee
lit on his head and was workin' ahont
like the dog was hisn. Towser he held
ins head still, and when the hen nng
close to his nose, Towser winked at him
like hesed vou see what this buffer is
doin', he thinks I'm a lily-of-the-val-ley,
which isn't opened yet, but you
just wait till I blossom and vou will
see some fun, and sure enough Towser
opened his mouth very softly so as not
to fritten the bee, and the bee went into
Towser's mouth. 'I hen Towser he shet
his mouth too, and had begun to make
a peaceful smi e wen the bee stung him,
and you never see a lily-of-thc-vailey
ack so ia your life.
Dr. Bull's Bnby Srnm Is In trood demand-
oveiyuoay Bpoaw well ol it. The piioo ia
vmjr A veins.
The herring fishing on the east coast
of Scotland is the most successful on
record. It has been found impossible
to cure an tne nsh caught, and tons
have been carried to the manure mer
Dr C. E Shoemaker, the woll-known aural
surgeon ol Reading, Pa., offers to sendbv mail.
Iteo of charge, a valuable Utile liook on dealr.ess
and diseases of the ear specially on running
i ar ana caianu, ana lueir proper treatment
giving lolerences and testimonials that will
utiuly the most skeptioai. Address as above.
Arm Vflll Knt fa. a. .1 a
11 the LdVCr IS the source 111 v,inr trnnhla
ou can find nn absolute rcmedv in Da. Sam.
roitu'g I.ivek In vioobatoe, tbe only veceta.
in ciunnruc wuten nets directly on the I.ivr.
O ires nil Bilious diseases. For Book address
uu. eianfokd, ib isroailwav, New York,
A (Timl n vans a.
Investor, should read the adver'tiarmon -.1
tho oM o-luldished banking house of James SI
DltAKE & Co.. New York nitv. m,hn .-ii J
Kood sovea per cent. It. It. houd lor 95 and
atci-iicd interest, with bonus iu capital stock ol
Tha VflltalA Halt no., ln.r.h.11 . IHIti
Will send tuoir Electro-Voltaic Bells to tha
afflicted upon 30 days' trial. See their adver
tisement in this niwer headed, " On 30 Days'
vnuiiTiMs is acKnowicuKei oy ail clnses Ct
lP'-? thB -reliable b.
Vegictine is acknowledge 1 by all clnses o
purifier in the world.
Get Lyon's 1'iitcnl Heel Stilleuera annlie l
10 tu.180 now Doots Dtiore you run them over.
IKittrhters. Wives and Mmh.n.
D. Mali liisra itkrimjiiatiiiu .hhk m
tlvely cure Ktimle- WeuklKm MKh m Kllln ol th
wonin. imrs, curiiil. inrl ininiHtlon or l lxratlon of
the H omb, lm-idt'iilal Hemorrhage or I'looain, P.tnfuL
Sappvared and lnvi;u'ar M-ntiium ,n, . An out and
rmuenu. io uowakth UAI.I.A&U Utica. N T
told bysJI DniKUU sijanv boulfi
" . ; - -' -, .11...... a iiklq i-, 'Ml. UU
BeeiOattls Med. Natives, lire wt
O.Ives Common to Extra utate...
04 (A
07 X
Lambs ,
Bogs Live
Floar Ex. State, good to fancy.... 4 60 a 6 59
Western, cood to t ancv 4 an ia 7 M
Wheat No. 2 Ki 1 07 4 1 OS
No. 1 White 1 f:hi., l ia
Rye State 81 83
Uarley Two-Bowed Bute 63 (4 C5
Corn Ungraded Western Mixed.... 48 (4 60
Duumoi. inw.,,. on (9 DO
Oits Whito Btate S'.i.Jtf( 4)
Mixed Western.. (4 ;i9
Hst Medium to prime til (4 1 06
Straw Long Rye, per owt 00 ia S
hops State, 1879 as ( 0
Pork Mess, new 15 60 (.415 1
Lard Olty Steam., ., 7 H5 7 5
Petroleum Crude MU&MX Keflued 08 'i
vwwr-Qww unrnuerj,.,,..,,..,,.
Western Imitation Creamery
2 09
Cheese State Fcti.ry
Ebbs State and Penn
, 17
1 6U4
Potatoes State, bbl new
Floor City Ground, No. 1 Spring.. 6 60 A 6 00
Wheat No.l Hard Dulmh ..... i SI Xi
Barley Two-rowed State
Beef Cattle Live weluht
05 1
06 J
06 (4
riour Wlaoon.ln and M tt p.. V fdi a ik.
Oorn Mixed and KeUow d 6a
Oats Extra White 48 a 60
Bye Bute i u0 (4 1 00
Wool Washed Ooiubliig ii ' Delaine.'.
47 (4
o.; vr
Boef Cattle llv wiuiit mi,.
""P 01(4
uauillt,,,, at
Floor PeuD. good aud fancy
Wheat No. a-Ued
Kye State new
Oorn State Yellow
Oi.ts Mixed "II.
Butter OreamerT extra "
S 25 tOO
1 1 8(4 1 08
65 (4 65
63 14 A3
16 14 43
, Ii (4 W
Clieese Mew York Full Cream....
13 (4 12
Prtrolenm Ornrte
.OliViainK Rndneit
Ywt Cnrirr Biooc Pumnrw S
Scmfnla, Frrofnlons ITumor, Cancer, Oflnceroni lTumor,
XiTRlpelas, Canker, Salt Kheom, Pimples or ITumor
In the Face, CoitRlia and CoMb, Ulcers, Hronchltls,
isjenralula, Dyspepsia, lUieiimatlsm. Palm In
Uie Side, Constipation, Costlvenesj, Plies,
Diirzlness, Hemttu-he, Kervounness,
Pins in Uie Hack, Fatntness at tha
Stniuach, kidney Complaints,
Fcmnla M'eakness and
General Debility.
Tills prermrntlon !s scientifically and chemically oon
Wned, and ho strongly concentrated from routs, tiei bs and
bnrks. tlmt itn good eftecto sre realized tnimeill itely aftci
commencing to take It. There la no disease of the hnmno
vnti m for which the Vioktihe ennnnt e wr with per
fect SArriT, as It dot?s not contain any niotnlUc coin-
runnd. For eradicating the system of all Impurities ol
h blood tt has no cijiial. It 1ms never fulled to enct a
cure, Riving tone and Mrenth to the system debilitated
ty dlseaw. Its wonderful ttlects upon the complaints
nnmed are surprising to all. Mnnynnve Iwen cured by
the VuGETiNE that have tried luany other rem.dies. It
can well be called
Remarkable Cure of Scrofulous Face.
Westminster, Cokn., June 19, 1879.
Mr. TT. H. Stutens:
Dear Sir I can teMIfy to tbe (tood effect of your Medi
cine. My little boy had a Scrofula sore break out on nil
head as large as a quarter of a dollar, and It went down
his fare from one car to the other, under his neck, and
whs one solid mass of sores. Two bottles of your valuabii
Vkgktike completely cured him.
Very respectfully,
Mirs. ii. B. THATCHER,
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
Per Cent.
old Bonds
Fort Madison & Northwestern Railway Co.
Ilonils or S.KIO ami Sl.OtiO eacli.
Principal nntl Intrrrat I'nj able iu Uolil in
icv lark.
l.rnuth nf ltrn1 Itftfk niU.lK. nl..ln Iktua nt lU.n.Isi
700,0U0, beinp l?,(MHl per ml e.
Location of Koad from fit v of Fort MiidlsoTJ, Iowa, ot
Ulsslssiipl Htver, to City of tiscaloosa, Iwa.
imtTeai p nauie April isi ami UiIoIht lt.
For ! Ht 11 Mits-1 (I I n a) .
U ttli emit $500 nml H.OOO ItoiKt there
will h Kiviu as a lioims 1M himI faoo
reaveotlvfly lu full paiil tttjiMat blotU ol
tiic nmiiHiiv.
Applicatmns ior Ponds, or for further information,
Circulars, etc., bhuu d be made tu
JAMES M. DRAKE & CO., Bankers,
Irexel ltnllillnir, ai Wnlt St., W. V.
Republican Manual !
f AllMI(;. OF IHHn. Hlstorv, Prlnrlples.
Early Lenders, and AchievcineMsnf the KepuhltiMn Party
with rull .....uniphW'S AICFIKIjII AII AK-
Tlll'IC. Jty ti. V. Snali.ev. of the New Vork Tribune.
A hook wonted by every iiiioliiycnt vot.'f. The beat of
all arsenals from which to diuw aiiuiiuintion forcampalKD
lUM. An elcizant cUth-botind volume at a fraction of tha
u-ual cost. Prico, AO cents; postage, "7 cents. Circular
nt free. Forsa.c i-y the icrtilitiK hook ie Her in t-very
Trihuue Uui'.dinn. New York.
J chu yet Chiilee isionilrt chr up, hy writuii: on a
Postal for our Price l.Ut, which enables you to order
by ittnil the let way, and set t.ic many kmdaot aier
cliumll.-e we keep for Bale at hutpiiniily low prices. Wt
ud Mimples of liumliiirir, I hci-h, Jtiblions, Frinueg, etc.,
if requested. We bWI Wliolesale and ltdail for Cab
down. A new coinbin ;ti..n r.Vftem enables us toquut
very close prit es. We have f and $5 packages of No
tions whirh cannot lie l.nuiit f,,r twice tlir m-.ney elae
wliere, all wanted in ev family. Aluuey returned il not
iiovwii Ton &, nrTTOf,
AA 'J remont Street, Hston. Mana.
This woti'lprful snbstanre Is aclcnowV,1ceil by phvst.
clans thr,, imIi, , ut the worM to lie the liest relne,ly di
c,;vorc, Ior the cure or Woumls, lluriiK, Ithelitnatlsin,
Skin lllsi'iuifs, PH. Catarrh, Chilhlnlns, Ac In or.Ior
that evf ry one may try It, It Is put p In 1.5 wl art cenl
b"les Inr hous'huli use. (li t tin it Iitun vimr ilnifwisL
ami yuu 1U una It superior to auythiug you have ever
Look. Agents!
Every man wanta Ml
Irt,erty pit tii from
hiirKtitpt. Hecure the;
re rr tho Nareo
ndow Faten
in vour cmintT
Srpila vrywtiera
liumeiiie pmi
rins free. Ad
rrss M. CAHNA-
HAN. Cleveland. ().
Cin tM IIKItrFV IVSTITl'TE (rstabll.hed 1W9),
J ltandolph. N. V. Ou the A. k ii. W. U. K., in lha
CJnuitiiuqwi lAike rek'lon. A well-en inwfd and success
ful in'iuuiary for both sexes. The iual i itf-raiv Depart
nii.nis and a very flouiishim; C'muieicial Kchuul and
Atuaic I)t-wirlnient. .V2 d.ft..Tent student last vear. Pura
air, mount ilu-RpriiiR water, p iod f-od and earl-iul super
vision. No deaths In yea a. Kndowmeiits such that
we will rec.lve a stuiltnt (total expousej for 1 Term
fVr MO; for 1 year, Sl.jO. Cutaiocue ent fie
on app.icatioii to the Principal, PHOF. J. T. KDW'AhUS.
D D. Fall Term opens Aitfttl UO.
IW his pers nal fiien.1. MAJOR Itl'NDY, Alitor N. J.
Mn. Hm only edition to whkh tiem. (iuAmU. haa
given pertMinaJ jturiittwi or facta, butlfudy tihiatrated,
prinod Atvi bouud. Pull length .leal portrait by Hall.
Irom a picture taien expreit.y for tbia work. Acttva
AfceiitH Wuiitrd. Liberal ternn. Send at LOO at
oitce for couipJete nut tit, A. S. 11AKN3 k CO..
lilt at: Win mm Street, New York.
is tne pest in tne wonn. It Is ahsolutely pure. It Is tn.
best for We II. Inal Pnrp,.s?s. It Is tli, l bt fr linking aiiU
. uv. w , 6o muu uroLeis.
We Will ftfMid nnr Kleclro-Vftllali Itoita mii.I nthsaa
Klectric Appliances upon trial for.W daynto thobe Millicu-d
Willi nvUtJUd UtUtlllU Him tli& U1& nt a rtmnunl tmtur
Albo of tbe Liver, Kidneys, KlicULmUi&ni, Paralyaii, etc
A ture cure yuar united or no fmy.
Addreaa Vol tit ir Itelt (e, Sfarahall, Mich.
Tidy Spool Case.
oxlilethinf new fur S.,win,' Ma,!.ii.. 1 M,li.' Vi',.rV
Hasket or Poiket. Sample hy uutll, 4 ;i cents, or auiouut
in Jotage slaimm. Shu.I rnr elrriiiar. A,l,res
icunci.i. a Tin us. Manufnciurert,
Yulikeis, Weatt-lie.ler Courjty, H. T.
WAKTEIt-Anerits everywhere to sell our Roods,
by saiup.e. to rami le.. We uive .ttri., live nrKnl.
siul tlrst-eluMi koixIs to your customers: we clve vnu kooJ
pi,Fii,s, we pirpay h,i epreM tQarjeBJ WO JUrillU
Box Louis, Mo.
Fits, Spasms and Convulsions
Cured by tho use of
KtTld for Irt'fi c,iv nl K.iiith.v J.ut.uju u
ll l'KMcii, Wliulu.ole Uruub'1.1, bt. Jueupli. ale.
Mnrphlna Ilmblt Cured lis IS)
tuttdKys. aopaytlUiaraa,
lilt. J. biju-uiuib. Lebaoua. Ohio.
7li B bl beiliDg Articles Iu the worut; 4
nuuf.eree. Jar Uauasun, Detroit, allcii
RARTIFI fl plates. Anelila Walltul. (.t(J.
Norwich University, Sr,
irlrntlftc and
cular. W. M. KLMUALIiH.ComiuHinlanL
for the TRAT1K. Territory given.
Cluclnuutl, O. Catolujjua t'KEK.
A YBAR and expenses toafieuta,
Outllt Free. AiUieaa
V. U. VIC'KEHY, Auu.U, Maine.
WAIVTK'-A Secnnd-hanrl Power Printliiir Press.
T.lll UiK. A.l.lrew (J. F, Kellogg, Vluelalij, N, J.
Dl VOHf'ES, In any Stale, without publldty. SeoJ
.lamp fur the law. Ii. H. SIMS, UUicao. IIL
$72 A w H day at horn. aaaUy mada. Costly
" Gnlnt llaa. AilJiu. Tau. A do.. Aunuaia. Maiaav
y hk tTo zi i i t r 1' - ow o. n a't t T
-V pI -i
-I ,gPVT9 Jt sik'ni
5 a a,'. J m m
THO uniy tccmeuy
1 rib tsuvfbLs,
and the KIDNEYS.
77' is combined action givca it won
derful poicer to cure aU disrrttrs.
Why Are We Sick ?
Jifcause allow these great organA
to become clonnctl or torimc. anal
poimnov humors are therefore forecdi
Unto the blood that ihouul Co crpellcitt
KlltMKV 'ni'l,4INTS, I IIIMIlt
LSSl.w, ami m:hvoi.s
Ihy causing free action of these organs
and restoring their power to throw of'
Why StitTcr Tllllon. pnln. anil nrneat
Wlixlorilienteil itli 1'lloa, Const I lint Ion?
Wlif rrlu-llti'llrd ovenllsordon il Kidney. 1
Vihf pnilure nervnun or slrk lientlnrlieal
IVhy Imro alnrples. nivlitn I
ITse KIDNEY WOHT otf rejoice tn
health. It is a dry, vegetable compnunIand
One paekafrewlll make.lx qtnot Medicine.
Get it cf yei'ir flmgnift, hit iri!l ordir ii
for you. Price, $1.W.
WILLS, :C3ACDIC:T ft CO., F::prletori,
w (Will, end post pftl-l.) fturllnaipn, VW
N Y N D No : I
FOIt T,ir. IV IH'AI.I'ltS.
AicardiU Uie ilKKAT, uh' IliiSun ut Vie tknUnuviX and
1'ttrin Ki'iU'iit ion .
Chicago. FRAZER LU8KICAT0R CO. New York.
Important to the Fair Sex !
hopator whitos.) Painful Menstruation.f'Iceriition.'Vfp
rian Diseases, Absent Menstruation, all dieeases, knoiW
as female weakness. They have boen usej in Fmrlana
lor yeans as a periodical and ruwilfitmn niTl. Sold by all
i.i,u it:r unx or Bix noxea
for olu.utl. Bent ny mail fr"e of nustiM.e, aecurely Benlea.
Till. ( WAV Ml lilt IMC VAKT
M , , Meehauics' ltlnck, Detroit, Mich.
Wholenale A rente for IT. H. C fl'amphlets sent free.
O. N. UKITT1CNTON, Wholesale Ai'nt. Now York
Coik Colds, BroncMlis, Asthma,
Aad all Throat and Lunir ftflrtion.. Th'lorsed by Uu
Press, Pliyaldaua, IMoy and AOUcUU i'eoplo.
Sold by all SOrKllctiie Itcaler..
2,000,000 Acres
Wheat Lands
beat la tha World, loraaj. bj tba
SL Paul, Minneanolis & Manitoba R.R. CO.
Thraa dellara par ar allowed tha aettlar far Iwa.h
la aad aulUvaitoa, For partlonlara applr te
Laad Comaalitalaner, H. Pavul, if I max.
representing the choicest selected Tortoise-Shell and
Amber. The lightest, nandsomest, and strongest knowaw
Sold bj Opticians and Jewelers. Made b 8PNCS
0. M. CO., 13 Maiden Lane, New York.
Three four-year courses Classical, I.atln-Sclentlne, and
Scientific. Irte raime of alectiva stiMies In ea, h conr...
lne Museum, Laboratory, an,l (ibscrvatory. Post-graduate
courses In Literature an! Science. No prepuatory or
professional courses. Free Scholarships fur Uidkeut and
marltoriou. stmlenta.
Entrance Kismlnatln, Sep. (Mil.
For Catalogues address WAI. .soil ill KII.R,
necreury orr aculty
Is tha Original " Concentrated Lye ad Reliable Pamn
Soap Maker. Directions ac ouiuiv eai h ('an for maauai
llaril. Haft and Toilet ausp qulcklv. It is fuO
5,'.l'i'".J1"Ulr''"i,n- 'our grocer lor kAlMAl.
1? I, and take no otlicrr.
14-Stop ORGANS
Dtool, Book k Miiatc, koied ft shipped only x.'l.oo.
hew Piauoa SIM to ( L.or. yoa buv an In
suumsot be sure to see bis a) Idummer oiler ithufrofcd:
trm. Addreas DAM1KL t. UKAVt f,, M.X
Tllia Clalin-Uoiue Katabllahed 1SU,1.
New Imvr. Thouwnds of soldiers and belrs entitled.
Pensions date back to aliacliar.e or death. Time Umited.
ddreas, with stamp,
tiiKouuii e. i-KMonr,
P.O. Drawer U6, Waaliliiarton, P. C.
a i. r. -i-i's wAn rtTii 10 sen tn. 11 K K 41 k
hy his comrade in arms aud personal friend, tlta, J. M.
BHINHIIV, an author of wutt ceMinty. This work la
fjrajjffe, ouVafic, loinrimt. Fully llluatraleil, toe brat and clwitiust book. How. other c.aui.
8?ild 5. at once for outtlL We eive th l.t i.t....
Ar4 fuica and can coin snoikev. uulutAiiii
BB05., Pub.., Chestnut St.. Phil.Tlflr.lni p. AUU
moutb. Kvcrr Kr(.utf k
Uon. Addrew K. VaTcuime. IU
Lam Te.rKfstpi7 utd
Aim M.-laik Illklk .
ituviiie, jtuiturer, jAoevui, w ia.
S66f WBK 7w ow tow. Timi wt4tlOot 01
Tit mimB ,you