The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 12, 1880, Image 3

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Persona having county bonds or
toh1 or school orders which Ihoy de
sire to sell will do well to call upon.
Geo. A. Hatiiiicn.
Rldgway July 23, 1880. -n23t0
A CAK1).
I herewith announce myself to the
voters of this county without regard
Ao party affiliation ns an Independent
candidate for the office of Sheriff, to
"be elected November next.
James McCloskey.
Centreville, l'a., July 17, 18H0.
Announce nient for NhCriiT.
To the Democratic voters of Elk
county : I hereby announce myself ns
candidate for the office of Sheriff", sub
ject to the decision of the Democratic
nominating convention. I pledge
myself If nominated and elected, to
fulfill the duties of the office to the
best of my ability.
James McFabux.
ntdgwny, Pa., Aug. 10.1S80.
Dog days lire here.
Visiting cards at this office.
App'esscll at $1.00 a bushel.
- Shelf paper at The Advocate
Nice rain fitorni on Tuesday after
noon. Potatoes arc selling at 90 cents a
Blackberries are selling at 4 and 5
cents a ipiart.
The floor in 'the new Court House
vill be laid this week.
50 prime watermelons and barrel
conteloupes this week nt Molester's.
The Supervisors have had plank
drawn for new sidewalk on South
Wet your note-'h'esu's, letter-heads
und envelopes neatly printed ut The
Advocate office.
Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma
chine made, and note paper and en
velopes at The Advocate office.
Fresh case cookies, jelley fingers,
also lemon crackers, ginger snaps, egg
crackers, soda crackers, Ax:, always
fresh at Morgi ster's.
The ladies of the M. K. church
will hold a sociable in tit? t.-hurch
basement next Saturday evening. Foe
cK'itin, cake, and coffee will be served.
All are invited.
Doctor Tanner fasted forty days
and forty nights, irking uothii-.g but
fresh air and pure water. The Doctor
would do to edit a country pr.pcr. lie
could live on air ami sleep on a clot lies
I hie.
A new Harbor Shop opened at the
ltmgwtiy Jlouse. i-.verytlnng in tin
finest style. Nice 15ath Koom. (lent le
gion, if .you want a good Shave, please
call and you Will bo treated by a
gentlemanly attendant. Koeonimcndtd
by u friend.
The Catholic Temperance Society
will hold a picnic at CintreviSlo, on
September 1st. Dance in the after
noon and evening. Good music will
be furnished for the occasion. An in
vitation is extended to the public to
V. H. Hyde fr Co. have a per
forated pipe running along the ridne
'of their store building. Through
these holes water is forced on hot days
the effect being to thoroughly dam
pen the roof and help to cool the at
The borough authorities of Stone
horo, Mercer County, believe in taking
time by the forelock. At their meet
ing on the 2-d of July, with the ther
mometer up in the nineties, they
passed an ordinance to prevent coasting
on the sidewalks of that horo. cither
on skates, sleds or otherwise.
The bell for the new Couit Houmj
ii:..- arrived, and will be put in posi in the belfry in a few days. This
bell is made of cast steel, weighs 1,WU
pounds, and the hangings :J-Vi pounds
more; Flight of bell feet; width
ticross mouth 44 inches. It was manu
factured by the Hlymer Mfg. Co., Cin
citiuatl, O., and cost Jl'l.
At an adjourned term of court
held on Tuesday, Judge Wetniore pre-
biding, the men in jail charged with
the murder of the Swede, John John Centreville, were brought before
the court on a writ of hebean curpui
to ask tor release on bail. In all cases
bail was refused, and the prisoners re
manded for trial at the September
The populutiou of Luzerne county
according to the complete census re
turns, is 132,903 in round numbers
133,000. This falls below the estimates
of some of our more enthusiastic citi
fcena, but the increase is nevertheless
Very large. In 1870 the population of
the old county (now Luzerne and
Lackawanna) was, in round numbers,
- 160,000. In less than another decade
Luzerne will again leap up to her old
place aa the third county of the Com
monwealth. tthlgway School Board.
A regular meeting of the board was
held at the office of Fred. Schoeniiig,
Secretary, on Saturday, August, 7th,
Present W. H. Hyde, President,
tred. Schoening, Secretary; Isaac
Avery and J. K. Gardner.
Sealed proposals were received and
opened from D. S. Luther, and G. W.
Nichols for building a school bouse at
Laurel Mill and one at the Dutch Set
tlement. G. W. Nlehol's bid being tbe lowest
Wad accepted on Condition that he
lgn the specifications and furnish ac
ceptable security for faithful perfor-
Personal Ho tin.
W. II. Hyde has returned from
the city.
Rollnn Cobb was in this village
last Sunday.
. Dr. Strwsslcy of Centreville, we
notice on the street.
Geo. R. Dixon is" at present on a
visit to friends In York State.
G. C. Brandon, St.Mary's Gazette,
walked into our sanctum yesterday.
Jas. K. P. Hall, and Andrew
Kaul, of St. Mary's were in town on
Thursday last Mrs. M. L. Ross de
parted on a visit to Geo. McUracken's
folks at Detroit Mich.
S. A. Olmstoad broke ground for
the coMar of his new house on South
street on Tuesday last.
C. R. Kline, cashier of the Klk
County Bank is at present confined to
the house by on attack of Tliphthcriu.
II. M. Powers has gone to join his
wife and daughter at Fryebnrg.Maino.
Harry expects to be absent u week or
ten days.
Ross Brothers have moved their
brick making machine to St, Mary's.
The burnt district at that place will' be
replaced with brick structures.
James McCloskey was about town
yesterday, as also J. J. Taylor, John
Collins, Henry Kargay, and oilier
Fox Township gentlemen.
II. L. Parsons, and wife, of Du-
Iiois City, Clearfield county, were in
town this week. Mrs. F'arson.-t went
on a visit to Jamestown, X. Y.,on
James McFarlin announces him
self a candidate for sheriff in another
column of this issue. In the nice for
the Democratic nomination McFarlin
seems to take the lead.
Mi.'-s Mattie Nicely, of Dewart,
Pa., Miss Lizzie Staver, and Mrs.
Carrie I. Siphert, of Jersey Shore, Pa.,
are visiting in this village at the resi
dence of Sheriff Oyster.
Alton R. Chapin had a birthday a
short time since. It was his twenty
first, mid he now feels as though he
was his own man. Also another
Hancock vote, we are sorry to say.
Mrs. Chapin has been seriously ill
for several weeks past. Bast Sunday
a week she was out for a ride, and on
returned home felt belter than, she
bad for some time. Since then she
has not felt as well.
(i. W. Nichols has been nwnrde 1
the contract for building the two new
school houses in Ridgway township
:br.S:2". One house will be located at
Laurel Mill and the other in the
Dutch settlement.
The high sill-walk at the west end
(il South street Is in a ! Ulcerous con
dition. Also at about the same point
is a plank bridge across a ywer in the
road which should be fixed at once.
Attention, Messrs. Supervisors.
fins llhoila bas rented the brw
mcntofn. S. Thayer's building at
the corner of Main mid Mill slr. ets,
where he will stall a barber shop this
week. !ii:iisa good workman, and
will no doubt iccthv hissh.iic of the
patronage f our citizens.
Will Derby has been in Ibiftklo
several weeks Keeking medical aid fur
his eye and forehead which he re- I
ceived from a Hying Mick '.hile work- (
ing at u small saw in Grant's tannery,
on July 1st. We have not learned
how he is getting on but hope he will
receive the aid lie seeks.
John Fannin, Jr., who we men
tioned as sleeping between the rails of I
the P. A: K R. R. track, several weeks
ago, while a freight train passed over
him, and from which he sustained
severe injuries about the head and
face, is now able to lie about. His
head and race are about healed, while-
yet suffers considerably from the
;ers which were taken off.
GoKsi.ixk. Mrs. Gorsline. aged 0
years and H months, .tied at the res
idence of Doctor Bordwell in this
place on Friday evening August 0
Mrs. Gorsline was. a sister of Mrs.
Bordwell, had been married fix or
seven years, and leaves no children.
Her death was unexpected as she was
thought to lie recovering when a sud
den change took place, and death
came to her relief. The remains were
taken to Rey uoidsville for interment.
It will be remembered that the mother
of this lady died at Doctor Bordwell's
on Sunday morning, June 27, and
now mother and daughter lie aide by
Bursting of an Oil Tank.
Bradford, l'a., August 6. The
United Lines to-day completed the
laying of three-inch pipe from Brad
ford region to Parker City. Oil can
now be transported in pipes from the
Bradford field to Pittsburgh and
Cleveland at the rute of 8,000 barrels
daily. This new line will also give
the United pipe line Company the
use of 1,2 j0,0im) barrels of empty iron
tankage in the lower oil country.
This afternoon workmen dug a trench
under a 23,01)0 barrel iron tank near a
villuge on the Stale line, three miles
north of Bradford, to repair a leuk.
The tank wits rutherold and contained
20,000 barrels of oil Shortly before
dark this evening the tunk burst a
leak and the great body of oil rushed
out and on to the surface of Tuna
Creek. Thence it was carried by the
stream to Allegheny river, down
which it is mostly all now flowing.
The mishap created great alarm in the
village of State Line lest the oil take
fire. To avoid such a result the fire in
every house was extinguished, and
the citizens of the village at midnight
were iu fear lest some malicious person
should fire the oil. A uumber of men
are guarding the stream for miles, to
prevent such action. The tank was
Wnwl by the United tdne.
A Disgrace and a Slinine.
With all the water advantages po
ecssed by the village of Rldgwny there
is not a single public drinking place
for man or beast the whole length and
breadth of Main street. Time was
when water was as free on our streets
as air or dust, ond thirsty humanity
was at perfect liberty to drink and be
merry. Strangers within our gates
quaffed the sparkling draught, and re
turned to their own land praising
the water and the liberality of the
Rldgwayites. The wittering trough
at the corner of Main and Broad
Streets has for years and years made
the hearts of the dumb beast glad as
he drank its generous flood. The wat
ering places at Ross' and on the corner
near the bakery have been a Joy to
mankind for no one knows how long.
These pictures of a water feast are the
dim recollections of a past time, yet
we liopa a future generous public may
again set up water fountains to the
end that all manner of man and beast
may drink and thank the donors.
Now how tilings are changed. Be
neath the tierce rays of a dog day's
August sun, the sweaty crowd pass
and repass our main thoroughfare, and
with tongues protruding, and heart
sad for want of what should be as
free as air water. All the old foun
tains are dried up, the murmuring rill
of (he old watering trough is still. No
water, no water, while man languishes
and the dumb beast lingers in misery.
The glory of our village has departed,
the stranger is no longer glad in our
midst, while many a one suffers for
water, ami regret while they think
how plentiful it pace was. Is it not a
shame and a disgrace that such a
state of affairs should exist.' Would
it not be belter to put the money a
town clock would cost into a public
drinking fountain, and get along
out tbe clock? The greatest good to
the greatest number should be our
motto. But, talk is cheap, Tin; Ad
vocate will contribute 5.00 toward
a fund to be used to exeet a public
fountain on Main street, Ilidg
way. Who contributes a like amount
or more?
The Burnt District..
(St. Mary's (liizette.)
At this writing (.Mondavi Mr.
Windi'clder has a bouse b lid upon the
foundation of Mr. L. Whitman's
building, 2i by to feet two stories high
and by Saturday will he fltiNhcd all
but painting. Mr. WSnd.'older is al
ready doin business in the building.
Mr. McBride hf.-t a temporary build
ing under roof on the rear of his lot
which he will o-ciipy miiil begets his
buildings replace I, whi-h, we learn,
will be commenced hum, dWiteiy. liis
new buildings wii! he moi'
but not a large as the old ones.
Mr. Willi;-! it has, some timber on
tbe gr. Kinds for a temp. nary building,
lie will buil-l hum -di Holy with a
su'iMantial brick structure.
.Messrs. Coryell x Kmss will build u
large st.nv house on the old site, oi'
brick, and will itii :vdueo -as. in the
L. Vogcl has timber on the ground
for a building which will be tem
porary. Mis iulenlmu is to build of
brick next season.
Mr. John E Wcidenbicnor hm had
!UI estimate made for a brick building
two stories high L'txi;).
.Jos. I'. Wiul'cMor will most
iihly mill. I on (he oi l site with a sub
stantial brick building
The Riley Bros, have not yet fully
made up their minds, but should they
build w ill erect a brick building which
will lie still more commodious than
the oM structure.
Andrew (leek says lie will build
with biick providing no frame build
ings in,., .nun uronn i mm, otnerwise
he will not build at all.
Should brick buildings go up in (be
neighborhood the frame building
on K. Wit'.man's lot will be nove l
away mid a brick cdllce erected-
Rcxaway Accidkxt. Sunday
morniiig last, Mrs. .J.icol. Ca-i er -ui'd
her sister, Mrs. !:. W. Miller, accom
panied by an eighteen year old son oi
the former, started from the residence
of .Mr. James Sufiblk, in h'arsaw
township, in u buggy, intended to
visit relatives in the Beeehwoods. An
they approached the Ridgway road
near the residence of Mr. Harris, the
road at that point being ipiite iou.di
and of steep grade, the harness of the
horse gave way and caused it to run
away, precipitating the occupants of
the vehicle into the gutter alongside
t lie road, they receiving very severe
injuries, each of the ladies having
an arm broken and receiving severe
cuts and bruises on their persons ; the
boy also received u severe cut
some four inches in length, on
the head, some four inches in
length, but not necessarily dangerous.
As good fortune so willed'it Dr. W. J
McKnight was the first pi rson toeoine
upon the scene of their mishap, and
he at once got them righted up, placed
them in bis own buggy and took them
back to the residence of Mr. Sutlblk,
where their injuries have received
every possible attention. The ladies
are badly used up, but they escaped
very fortunately, us the place where
the accident occurred is a hud one, and
it is a wonder that their injuries were
not more severe. Brook ville Ji imL
licuii. A Fi:hoci(h;s Cow. We learn
from the Bellefonte Jiijmilhan, that
Mr. Armagast, a farmer living near
Fillmore, purchased a cow a few days
since thut turned out to u vicious
brute. While watering his stock on
Wednesday, the cow rushed upon u
valuable horse, driving her horns
through the jugular vein in his neck,
and killing him almost instantly.
The cow then wheeled around mid
charged upon number horse, and be
fore she could be driveu from the yard
gored horse number two under the
fore shoulder, making a deep gash,
and which is thought may prove fatal.
The cow, we are informed, acted in a
strangely ferocious manner, like an
enraged buflulo, aud would have done
a great deal more damage liad she not
tieeh secured,'
Brockport Locals.
"L. C. A." hits been sick for the
past two weeks hut is on the gain nt
R. J. Thompson Is clerking at
the Brockport store, for L. C. Hor-
Dr. E. L. Williams i one of our
daily visitors since the 'diphtheria has
been raging.
Diphtheria Is still raglng,therc nro
fourteen cases at present and new cases
coming up every day,
1J1ED. On Saturday August 7th,
at oj o'clock, A. M., MackMoshlera
sou of Sipiier Moshier of diphtheria.
The remains were taken to the lirock
way ville cemetery for Interment.
Under the careful care of Dr. E. T.
Williams, Jacob Field's two youngest
sons are gradually recovering from a
very severe attack of diphtheria.
A little sou of of Alonzo Myers Is
laying very low with diphtheria and
ts not expected to live. Vale.
August nth, 1880
IJdga and Vicinity Sow and Then.
Sam Piatt is the happy father of
a girl baby which we hope he may be
every now and then.
. Pearl looks like , sunflower in the
moonshine as we see him returning
from Bogn in the early dawn singing
a low und melancholy tune, glad to
see P. come to see us again now and
There are in and within four miles
of this place twenty-one baldheadod
men and quite a number that have
bawled and some that file threatened
of getting snatched baldhoaded now
and tii-n.
A. J. Lnrkln to Miss Aduline
Ready. Now since Arthur has the
lib that was intended for him:
lie sing tho pintsR uf ilio ccWiU'i-sbokl,
A merry olvl soul was )".
He'll away thiouirli hi nt and coM,
Always merry ns merry can lie.
Aug. f, Mr. Almison Couse and
Miss Elizabeth Parris wore joined in
the holy bond.-j of matrimony. They
have our sympathy now mid then.
I nomas JJurcufieid had the other
day a very seven; attack of cholera
morbus he started to Ridgway for a
loud mid was la Ueii so bad he, bad to
leave his team and come home by
stage. We learn of a case of this kind
every now and then.
There are live men of (bis p!.i,v
whose combined wei-iit is ten I , . 1. 1 -. 1
and fifty pot, nils. Whew, a little too
much ior us now mid then.
ilt puis on his very best clothes,
dons bis best coat and hat puts some
I'unieiy on his bandanna gives n long
.-Mcaily iook in Iho glass cud starts he
sa,s for the pol oliicc for mail, it is not
mail he is going lor but tenia le und a
school ma'.iiu. Too thin Elmer,
diamond cut diamond.
A wlialc doesn't look so very b'g
when we hear some of the piscatorial
achievement, of many of our amateur
trout catchers. But will only bring
homeu liulfdozon nowmid then having
eaten I he larger ones in the woods.
The iron jawed woman claims to
have lifted wiili her teeih a bc-sc that
wtigh.'d eight hundred pounds, she
will pick a chair up by her teeth and
throw il over her head with as much
ease as we woiiiii cat our dinner.
a daughter of Alonzo i'ur-
mail, aged about hi years, died last
week of dropsy, interment took
place in the Block way ille cemetery.
Warren Moshier, an elder brother
of Mack Moshier who died recently,
who had been attending the sick had
eighteen fits iii six from ex
cilemcr.t and want of list. I'.vi at
la-t accounts is improving,
A little bo;, of Jacob Fields died
of diphtheria la-'t Tuesday morning.
There has been l i-ht deaths in
this place within two weeks piinei
peliy diphtheria,
Mel t I'uiiday broke hiss lei; one
day last wool; while skidding logs on
Boon's mountain.
NOW Ai TilK.V,
Boga. Aug. 10(b, lsso.
Rapidly Ftecoveriug.
A.VI) ! Kl.i.INo: l-'Kl.-KY.
New York, August 8. Dr. Tanner
''pent a quiet day and saw few visitors.
The physicians say he is improving as
well as can be expected after such a
long fast. During the early hours of
the morning he chewed half a pound
of beefsteak, retaining only the juice,
mid partook of some milk toast and
red Hungarian wine. Shortly after
noon he ate half a pound of beefsteak
and some potatoes stewed in milk.
He was then weighed and turned the
scales at 12i5 pounds. About every
hour he partook of some nourishing
food or drink which included water,
milk, potatoes stewed in milk, Jbass
pale ale, beef tea, bread and wine.
About six o'clock his weight was
again taken and it was found he
weighed 130 pounds. He was quite
lively to-day and frisked about the
room like a school boy. The physi
cians say his rapid recovery is some
won dcrful.
New York, August 9. Dr. Tanner
continues iu good condition. He
passed a quiet night, sleeping most
of the time. At 7 o'clock lie ate
heartily of beefsteak and bread. At 7
o'clock he took two boiled eggs and
stewed potatoes, drinking two ounces
of light wine.
At 11 o'clock he swallowed a dozen
raw oysters with crackers, washed
down with four ounces of milk. He
was weighed at noon, the scale indi
cating 1324 pounds. His pulse at that
hour was 05 und temperature 100. Hi
mail this morning included nearly 150
-OJew cur load best white wheat,
Haxall, Amber und Graham Hour,
also yellow bolted meal, fead, shelled
corn, bran and a full line of heavy
find shelf groceries at Margester's.
Ex Governor Fllglcr.
Hnrrlsburg Patriot,
Clearfield, Pa., August . Ex-Governor
Biglcr died this morning nt 9
William Biglcr was born nt Sher
mansbtirgjCounibcrland county,F'enn-
sylvanla, In December, 1813. ms pa
rents were if German extraction, and
whilst he was very young they, re
moved to Mercer county, having pur
chased a large tract of land there.
The title of this land, however, proved
defective, and they lost all but a small
farm. This reverse of fortune so nf
fected the father that he died of grief,
leaving his wife to bring up a family
of nine children.
In 1810, after receiving a moderate
education, young William entered the
printing office of his brother John, at
Bellefonte, Pa. From this office was
Issued the Centre Democrat news
paper, and he remained In It until 1833
when, by the advice of his friends,
he removed fo Clearlield. There he
commenced the publication of the
Clearfield Democrat, which he con
tinued to manage until the year 18:!ii,
when he was married to Maria J.,
daughter of Alexander B. Reed, and
by whom he had five sons, three of
whom are living. After disposing of
the Dcmaeral he entered into tbe lum
ber business, iu connection with his'
father-in-law. He was very success
ful in this enterprise, being, in the
year l8"0, the largest producer of lum
ber on the west bank of the Susque
hanna. Previous to this, in 1811, he
was nominated to the tute Fenate,
and was elected by a majority of over
3,000, having received every vote but
one in Clearfield county. In 1S!3 he
was elected speaker of the senate; was
re-elected in the. session of 1 1 1 , mid in
the following October was returned to
the senate for a second term, although
he had repeatedly declined the nom
ination. InlsShewas brought for
ward as one of the Democratic; nomi
nees for the governorship but was de
feated by Morris Longstroth, who also
suM'ered defeat at the election. In
18!'. be was appointed one of the rev
enue commissioners, whose duty it
was to adjust the amount of taxation
to be raised in the dideront sections
and counties of the state. In lS."it he
was nominated by acclamation by the
Democrats for the governorship, aud
after a canvass which was warmly
contested he was elected by a large
majority. It is worthy of note, ut the
same time bis brother John Biglcr,
was ilceted governor of the stale of
California. 1 u March, IS-V!, Ik- was
again unanimously nominated by the
Democrats us their candidate ior gov
ernor, but this time was deflated by a
large majority by the eandid-iie of the
Native American party. In .'aiiu
ary, b" ", at the expiration of bis term
as governor, lie was elected to the
prcsidtney of the Philadelphia and
h ie laiiicnul, and at tbe same tim
was elected to represent the
state of Pennsylvania in the United
Stalls n It, in which body hestrved
for - ix years, ami took quite a prom
inent part in si! in proceedings being
n several important committees.
in lS'.l he was one of the liciegates
to (he convention that nominated
General George B. McClellali lor the
presidency. He was elected in June,
Is"!, by tiie Democratic delegates, a
meiiini r oi me constitutional conven
tion for it modi ling the laws of the
slaie. to succeed the Hon, S. il. Reyu
olds,wlio had tendered his roiguutioii
am! about t lie san.e time he became u
member of the United Slates centen
nial commi-sio'i, to which body his
services were very valuable. H'J liad
entire charge of the oen'ciinial matters
in Now York oily, t-.nd through his
eiibr'.s a number of large Mtbseriptious
were nhluiiud. Iu the LVmoeretic
stuie convention of Wo, bold at Erie,
he was a candidate for the nomination
of governor, but the choice fell upon
Judge Cyrus B. Pershing.
List of Juror.-:.
Drawn for September Term, Us).
liKASIl ,IL'l!Oi:.S.
Beiw-zctte. Geo. Wilislow,
Boii.inger. Joseph Young, John
Kriegci, Joseph Fries.
Fox. I jays Kyler. James McC'.o
key, Willis Kyler, lleniv I.arguv.
Highland. 'Levi Ellitiiorp.
llorton. A. 1!. Shons, .1. S. Cham
berliu, James Jackson, Edwin Aldeu.
Jones. illiam Cramer.
Ridgway. li. T. Grant, Peter Gul
nack, G D. Messenger, Jr., J. li.Rice,
James Gillnuly.
Spring Crock. Nicholas George,
Thomas Rhine-.
St. Mary's Borough. F. X. Sosen
hcimer, Philip Fisher, Joseph Meyer.
Beiiezetto. B. J. Jones, Hugh F
Wilson, Wallace Johnson, Dennis
Taylor, John V. Haiiscom, B. A.
Booth, (. Ii. Wilislow, George T.
Rotlirock, C. H. Winslow.
Benzinger. Nick Kronenwetter,
George Slaufer, Andrew Dippold, Jr.,
Anthony Bauer, John N. Geitner,
Joseph Scbittle, John Jcsberger, John
Kreckle, Jr., Henry Flclterinaii, An
thony Goetz, Paul FJush. J. J. Volluicr,
Chrisnstomus Kreckle, George Selle,
Joseph llamberger, Peter Wilhelm.
Fox. John Mosier, Geo F. Spooler,
James Bixhy, Daniel Corby, Thomas
Sullivan, N. F. Apkcr, Joseph An
singer, J. A. Miller, C. R. Kelts,
Smith Parker, Wm. E. Hewitt, Thos.
Dollinger, Uriah W. Rogers, Barney
Highland. Rufus Underwood.
llorton. A. S. llorton, J. C. Mc
Allister, Jack Short, G. W. Clinton,
O. M. Myers, John McMaun, John J.
Bower, Theodore Fox.
Jay. P. L. Gardner, William
Fletcher, Jr., C. J. Dill.
Jones. Wm. II. Deveruux, J. L.
Murphy, Richard Brennin, John
Hctxnecker, Wm. Weidert.
Ridgway. Daniel McGovern, 8. A.
Olmsted, Jerry S. Stewart, S. H.
Mitchell, Wm. Fannin, G. F. Dick
inson, Isaac Avery, C. IF. Rhinos, C.
L. Cody, Samuel W. Miles, Benjamin
Spring Creek. D. D. Davidson,
William Doune.
St. Mary's Borough. Joseph DieU
John Fox, B. F. Lawrence, John
Buscb, Jr., George Weigel, Jr.
100 Full Music Lessons for $18 00 5n the Conservatory of Musio
connected with
El opnnt ttllitlriRs, pfvrii illstlnpt schools. Twnnty-four tennhprs Attorulnntr pnst year
3Ti. Superior mlvnntasc-x In I.tlii-iid iii Ih, Alaste. Drawlna nml I'alnt.lns. Klofiution, lMnGi-iit
I.nnffuiiijos, Ni'fille-wiii k, nml Wb-c-'voi Ii. clinruw less (linn liny entml school In Hip IJnlli'it
St.'ilcs. T wont v-slxth yuiir opens Wept, 7th. HciiU lor catiiiOKue to ilKW I. C. I'l-.USUINU,
1). I)., I'ittsliiiiKli, I'll.
Literary devolution and
Universal Knowledge
An ICtioyclopedia in 20 Vols., over 16.0C0 page; 10 per cent, mora
matter than any Kneyciopiedia ever before published in this country, .mid sold
handsomely and well bound, in cloth for $10, in half morocco for 15; and
printed on tine heavy paper, wide muigins, bound in half Russia, gilt top, for
$20 an enterprise so extraordinary that its success, beyond all precedent in
book publishing, may be fairly claimed to inaugurate a JJtcrari devolution.
Tin: LuntAKY ok Univkuai, KsowtiKiifiii is a reprint entire of the lust
'187'.); Fidin burgh edition of "Chamber's Kneyciopiedia." Willi about 40 per
cent, of new matter added, upon topics of special interest to American readers
thus making it equal in character to any similar work, better than any other
suited to the wants of the great mi'jorit'y of those who consult works of refer
ence' and altogether the latest Kncyelopiediu in the Held.
specimen Volumes i'l either sty In wiil he sent for examination with pr'vHcgcof return
on ri'i'i lpt of pniportioniile price per vol u in i.
Spi rinl Mseimnts to ill i early siibsi i lbers, unit extra discounts to clubs. Full partlculnrs
with Uosiii iptiiin ciiliiloiiie nl many nl her sniinhml works ei on 1 !y low In price sent free.
Leading principles of the insr:csn Book Enhai!3J s
I. Publish only honks of mil value.
I!. Work upon tliu basis of present eov.t ol' ni.ikiu:; hooks, about -Olio half what It wn6
o few years nun.
III. isell Id buyers direct., n ml save thuiu Sil In ryl iwr cect eomiulsslen commonly allowed
to (li ;levf.
I V. rii enst of bunks when ireelr :i,!i itn tlm. U but n fraction of the cost when mndo
-yhlittn lime :mopt the low pi lee nnil r-i-ll the lnrue quantity.
V. X'.-v 'join I I v p.-, p.iper, etc, do en refill print; in;, and Mionp;. neit bind I lis, but avoid nil
"pudiliiiif, " 1 1: and he:i liy l.ied.'d type, !-pi:ii.y paper und '.' l.imllmi, which are so
eomiii'iulv reported to make books :ippe:n- laiy.e and line, mid w iileli greatly add to theli:
cost, bill do not i-itd to Hill- value.
Vi. To nuiku .-I and a friend is heller than to make 3 nnd an enemy.
Mternry of t'nlversiil KiunvldP!?, ?') vol
. ?I0.
.Milmati s ( t i t .1 , j i s Home, a vols,, : '
.M-ieaiilay' History of Knlnml, :t vols., -l.-aO.
riiaiiiber's t'vrlei:edia of laig. Literature, 1
voir.. S:!.
Kui'.'hts History (if Enclaiel, 1 vn.3.,5'1.
l'luiiuvli's laves nl 1 1 lust i inns Men, o vols,,
si. .'i'i.
( leikie's Life nnd Words of i.'hrist , "') een'M.
Yntinu's i .iliin, I'oucol'dano., .'Ul.ll-r.l re:el ik-lk
ipropin 'f-'.a i.
Ai-iae Library of Uionii by, "ill i-raK.
Hook of Kables. .l-'sup, ele-, i III;;.. .)D e.-ut s.
Mlltois i.'omple!l Poetical Voiks.. c ats.
shrk pen re's ( 'oin pit e Works, ;."t ecu Is.
Works. ,f Haute, translated by I'atv, -I'i cents.
Wm f Vir-ii, translated by I nyden, tacts.
The Koran of Mohammed, 1 1 a nsialed by .sale
:x coals.
Adventures of I km i)nixote, lllus.. r cent;!.
A M'-'hM, liliiM.-nled. 7 cent-.
Ituiiyan's i'lMriei's I'i .vire s, ilius.. .',!.
itobiiooa i 'rn- ii. lllus.,' .V cents,
.11 unciuiiiseli A liulliver's Travels il!us.r(.lcts.
Stnru-suiid ii illad-, hy ft. 'I'. A'.den, illiis.l.
Acme Library ol Modern t.'lassics, a) cents.
Itemil hy bank draft
dollar may lie sent in posta
John 15. Aldkn, Mamircr. Trilsuno Building, titv York.
Ekley's Pura Eistillc-d
izo- !::crrii act .-f.
ca. :uma:.i -.1? viiu:::i:a.
Ivoinl in iuaiily to any made, and
only li di' the price. Iik, hollies -',:
I'inis o-'e.
ib iieM's I iet'.daehe, Toothache, Kar
achi', o'.'e Myos, X use-i Heed, Jiiecding
fjini's, Pain fill Mouse.-, Whiles,
A.-tbina, Jtcdii'.'es f:wellings. l'iies, etc.
i. 'i'.res 15 raises, rlcalds, Hums, .vpraltis,
Wounds, f thcuin.-itisni, Krysipelas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia
Ki)V i'Oit 1 NTKKN A I. A.N!)
Tt your druggist, lias not got il
ii. iv ; him order it of the proprietor,
64 Cjur-.W St., :i9sr Yoi!;.
il 17:n;. ')
Which is tho sauio thing.
Impuro Cl-Cmlj Sodu or Pnterntu
(WilK H Isthohalno! hili)JCisi f a slit ll
ly itirty while oului-. 11 ikiny appcaK
wliKte, I'tuminnl by irurlf, ltztt a.
C-.tMPAUISOV WITH tlll'UCtl i-s
Will thaw (lie differences
tco that your Saluratns nnd Dk
Inr; S In. is whito and PitfllK, i
il.ould be ALL SI. till, Mi SlUlSl'AN
CtlS imn'l for food.
IIousoli nepers who prefer hrcad mailo wltti
y.-ast, will imprnvo its quality, muko it risu
iictternnil tirevcutit from Bnui.iit,', by atl-tiuif
ono-li.'ilftoastioonful of Cbureh le Co.'a Koilti or
li.' JJosiUi-earnluntiiaotooiiou-U. TUa
uk.i of tUs with )iir milk, in iin-fTonro to
Bluu!.t Powiiur, Biivea twenty tiuxitn its c 'Hl.
8: ) oio p.nri.l pm-liajju fur valuaUo infurica
Uou aui red carotully.
Dr. Day's Cure for I;
theonly remedy known thai
an aitack ot'sicii or nervous head-ache
in it's commencement; it will ai'.va.y.-s
cure those headaehes, coming on
in hot weather when riding or on a
journey ; only three or I'our doses, hah'
an hour apart, are nece.-isury. i'riceoi)
eelitsa hot lie.
Dr. Day's Slomach and Jlnwel
Tonic is tne best remedy in use for
pooruppt-lite, weakness and trembling
ill the stomach, pain al'ler citing,
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in the, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
diseases of tbe bowels urising from
poor digestion. This medieine will
positively cure costiveness in every
case ; and no one who is troubled w itii
that complaint should tail to try it;
us it not only relieves, but cures, i'ricc
Ifl.UU. Ask your druggist or storekeeper
for these medicines. Manufactured
by D. li. Day & Co., Kidgway, l'u.
That splendid organ sold by D. S
Anilrus A Co., Williainsport, l'a., for
$75.00 cash with 7'ntops, solid wal
nut case aud 5 'Vet 0 Inches high, is
sold now for K0.00 with one more
stop und the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them Terms easy
on long time also.
.Sipiare enveloiies and legal fold
note paper ut The Advocatk ollice.
Fresh Rolls. Cukes and Pics ut T.
F. Dullers' Musonte building.
Hread six cents u louf ut T. F.
Hullers' Masonic building.
Eggs twelve cents per doz. at T.F.
Bullers Masonic building.
the Colles-s.
Amrel'.-aii l'lilriotlsm, atleelils.
I'aiui.'s liist.iry or liiiKiish Literature, 75 cts
C. cil's Honk of Natural HI. .lory. si.
i'iciorial Handy Lexicon, '' cents.
.-saviniis, by author of Sparrowgrass Papers,
a1 1 Cents,
Mi s. lienians' roeti'; Works, 7a cent s.
iviilo' i e.,cajpa ilia ef liib. Literature, 2 vols.
iloliln's Ancient II istory, ?.'.
s mil h's l is t Innary of i iio liiiile, lllus., SI.
orks of i-'la ,-ius .tosetiiius, s2. ,
t'oiiilc Mi.story of the I', s., Hopkins, lllus.,
."a cer. ts.
Ili-allh hy i'.xi'rclse, Dr. leo. II. Taylor Wets,
ll.-a.iii 1'ur We. ecu. In-, lira. 1 1. Tay lor, a ct.
I. i'm. try Ma'.-aine, i" cciiIsh No. si h year.
Liiirarv Mat'-iiiii-. bomul voliiml, (la cents.
t.eaes from the Diary ol un old lawyer, SI.
Kaeh of Die iibnv Iciund In i-lolh. If by
mail. pos!n;:e exira. Most ot tin- books aro
also piioii..;'c I iu lino edilious and line hind
ious, at hi riier lt ices.
Descriptive I'aliilomus and Terms to Clubs
sent tree on reiUest.
money order, registered letter, or by ftxiiress. Fractions of one
r stamps. Address
Business Cards.
Main street, Kidgway, Klk Co., l'a.
I'ariiculiti- fitteiilion given to the
examination ol' t it It's
Mel patent cases.
also to patent:',
Oliioc in now brick building, Mailt
sti'coi, liidgway, Klk Co., l'a. v3Ht
of s-'t ;-a I ! n n vi i lo), riiysiciiin and Kuiv
t-euu. Kelt-wiiy. I n. iillieein Hall s Hriek
lilliM.ili;.' nni-.-liiirs).l lletei-.nees I. D
Sailtli. II. 1,. miiu;. It. llniotvuii, Mniltini
ville; .lohii kitiev, W. .1 rot-ii In ii J
( liii'ioii. lias in-iu-tiivil Ills )i-iiieKslun kuc
eessltiliy lor mure than tell veins.
5. C.
X. W. i-'ii'iior of Main and Mill streets.
Kidgway, l'a., full assort incut of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Proscriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
' J. S. BOftQWSlL, M. D.
lias removed his oHioo from Centre
troet to Main street, Kidgway, l'a., in
the second story of the new brick
building of Johii O. Hall, west of the
1 1 vde House,
tiiliee hours:! to 2 P.M. "to 0 P.M
W. 11. sfCH K AM, Proprietor,
Kidgway, I'.ll; county, Pa.
Thauki'itl for tbe iititvotiaire h"i'eto
lore so liberally besiowed upon hini.
the new proprietor holies, hy paying
stri"t attention to the coniforl and con-:
vonienee of guests, to merit a continu
ance ol the miiiic. ocWO'09
This admirable work is now conn
pletcin Pivols. KachvoluniooontainsHOO
p ies. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can.
alibrd to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price f'i 00 in cloth,
Sil. no in leather, or $7. 00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particular address,
W. II. Faiivhild, Port ville, Cutt. Co.,
N. ., win) litis been duly appointed
agent for Kil; county by C. K. Judson,
general tigeiit.
Testate of Cliristoplier Uhl, late of
P.c'.izlnger lownsldp, Klk county
Pa., I'.eeeasjd. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
grunted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All person Indebt
ed to said estate arc rciiuested to make
immediate payment, and those hav-.
ing legal claims against the same tc.
present them without delay, in pro
per order, for Hottlcment.
MICHAEL HA UM lilt, J xl'io-
Subscribe for the
(Jot your NOTE PAPER, EN
rriNG CARDS at Tin: Advoc ate
oliicc, over Powell it JCiuie's store
RitlgWHy, Pa.
All kinds of job printing, plain
or in colors, neatly done at The Ad
vocatk ollice. Please examine our
(let your name neatly printed on
a pack of our new cards. At least cull
and see samples.
New Time Table.- Under the neW
schedule the mail und local freight
leuve Kidgwuy station us follows:
MAIL WEST - - 2:36
" EAST 5.00
LOCAL WSST - - - 7:tO
' EAST . 3!2