The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 29, 1880, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 29, isso."
Pernors hnvlngcounty bonds or
toad or pcliool orders which they do
sire to sell will do well to call upon.
Geo. A. Hathiicn.
Ridgway July 23, 1880. n2::t
Teamsters Wanted.
Five or six good men can have
steady work at good wages at Brooks
ton Tannery, Rrookston, Forest
county, Pa.
I herewith announce myself to the
Voters of this county without regard
to party alllllation as nn Independent
candidate for the oflice of Sheriff; to
be elected November next.
Jam eh MlCj.oskf.y.
Centreville, Pa., July 17. 1880.
l'ersoiial Items.
Ezra Dickinson, nnd wife came to
Ridgway last Tuesday on a visit.
Ross Rros. will burn a kiln of
brick next week.
James Fannin, ran a peevy
through his foot while working iu the
woods on Monday last.
Rt. Rev. Tobias Mullen, Rishop
of Erie, and Maj. R. J. Reid of Clarion
were in town on Friday last.
Mi's. Harry English, and her
three children, came to Ridgway,
Monday last, on u visit to her hus
band. Miss Lada .Senior's select school
closes to-morrow. Miss Hauler's
school has been very satisfactory to
those sending children.
Ruixes Wednesday July 21, to
Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Rhines of
Ridgway township a daughter.
GEARY On Monday, July Hi, ISsii. to
Mr. and Mrs. W.O. (ieary of this
place a son.
Mkiuihtit Am.ev On Haturdnv
evening, July :Mth, lhso, by Rev. '.
A. fMjuior, Mr. Walter J.' Mcridiih
and Miss . E. Allen, both of
Kersey, Pa.
Oat Meal .Soap 3 cukes !'.r 10 cents.
The -greatest bargain in town at Mor
goster's. Ice cream and cake at llcaly's
store this evening, by the Indies of the
Grace Church Guild. All tire invited
Empire freight going east last
Tuesday lii,jhl broke in two near
Elk crick biidge, and the pusher
fhoved oil' six ears, two cars loaded
With grain were sii:a-hcd to pieces.
John Johnson, a beam hand at
Osterhout's tanii"ry, cut I he fir-f lin
ger of his left baud quite bu-Hy nn
Monday la.-t. The knife out f 1 i tt f i
the hide Ik- was working Mini split t h t
fingcr open.
William Height, aged U-vei,
strayed from a party of berry pi-.-l;:-:--in
whose company he was, on jIh.-Ip
mountain, near h'craiuon, on Thurs
day. Parlies have been searching fur
him ever since but without siaws.
Messrs. Moser and Keek, wealthy
tanners of Alien!uvn, Ijeiii-jh Co..
have presented Muhlenberg Colleiie.of
which Rev. J. Sander is a graduale.
with a ca.-h end.j.viuetit of J-ii.o) ) for
sustaining tl ie proicssoi-ship of the
Greek Language.
Slid ilea Dentil.
John Hanscom, aged about. '" years,
proprietor of the Franklin House, St.
Mary's, died very suddenly there at
about 2 o'clock, Tuesday morning,
July 27, IS S'), probably of heart dis
ease. Going to bed at 11 o'clock in
usual health, he was heard to groan
by persons in the house at about one,
and at the hour above named wa.-i
dead. Deceased at one time kept ho
tel at Henezette, coining from Lock
Haven to that place. The remains
wore taken to Mclvean county for
Fifty Prime Watermelons at Mor
Roster's. Fine lemons, cocoa nuts, and cit
ing and cooking apples at Morgestcr's
Butter, Eggs and Cheese at Mor
gester'n. Table Salt 7 cents a sack at Mor
gester's. Jlore About the Centreville MuriU r.
The murder of John Johnson at
Centreville on the night of July 10,
mention of which was made in these
columns last week has been Mill
further unearthed by a coroner's jury.
The jury was sworn on the 10th, met
on the 17th and took evidence, the
Commonwealth being represented by
Col. W. W. Ames, which developed
the fact that the mull had been killed,
but by whom was not determined.
An aeljourniuent was made until July
27th. On this date the Jury met
Commonwealth represented by C. H.
McCauley, and after occupying two
days iu tuking the testimony of thirty
one witnesses, sulHcieut was proven
to implicate Herman Hert.John Huu,
(son of the proprietor of the saloon
where the murder was committed)
John Shriver, Jacob Wildfire, John
Wildfire, and John Hoover. These
parties were arrested by Deputy Sher
iff Wensel, charged with the killing and
murder of John Johnson, and brought
to Ridgway last night and lodged in
jail to away trial at the September
term of court. C. H. McCauley went
to CVutreville this morning to take
the concluding evidence. That the
man was murdered there is now not
the slightest doubt, the two and
one half inch deep cut In bis neck,
which severed tho jugular vein, was
uot made iu fun. A telegram wus
received this morning from Elizabeth,
N. J. Inquiring If the murdered man
had a scald iuark on one arm and "J.
J." ou the other. No one we saw
Muld answer these questions.' '
St. Mary's Terribly Scorched.
Destruction of property by lire this
year of grace seems to have reached
an almost unprecedented limit. No
village seems to be exempt from the
ravages" of the fiery monster, nor
does the utmost caution olfer any In
ducement for this bad servant to pass
by. Now Is tills beautiful village laid
low, then hundreds of dollars go up
In oil tanks struck by lightning, and
again and again, In almost every di
rection of the wind lias lire worked its
sad havoc.
Si "iriT
.1 I la. Cc
rs. j
tti J II "
1. Mrs. HuIo1)1i'r hoiisc, not bitrncil.
2. stone 1iuliUnr nn-uoii'il by liiihoir.
.'i. .1. M. Mei-iun's ri"l'li.'iii-p.
-I. t'niyi-tl Wnss' store whure flrt started.
1.1 1 lintel.
fi. WillicllnV slovo.
7. MrliriilP's storo.
llili y Jlnnsr.
!i. ( ; ll'-jril's rosidiMien.
lit. Miner's resilience not burned.
11. J'jlM-UL'er itt-pi.t.
li Wiii.tlelili'i's .Venn,
l'i. st-limit'i 1'uiiitii.t;.
1 1. l'illillnnii.
Sonic ii roils to the ineli,
The nearest call v.o have hod to a
home thrust crino, in the quiet hours
of last Sunday afternoon, to our sister
town, the borough of r't. Mary's. So,
near, indeed, is the warning that one
can nltuo-t see our beautiful vilh'gc in
tla;;ic, the streets filled will, adi-pah-ing
tlirong, whi'e in the light of the
expiring embers grim men ;;).! ad
women liiscuss with hurried words,
and low, tlie nii -ht-have been of the
disaMvr. V,"hcn too late Kitb-w.iy vil
lage wiil seek to protect heivelfagainst
lir!, j'.t-t as other villages liave done
on the ruin of their bur-lne.-.) phtce--,
and in the as':e- of their ilesoialed
homes. Warnings are in vain, for
ti;ev remain mm heedc.1.. Jiui, once
ai:ain allow u- t' say prepare
te'i-t ymir propt rty agaiur't tir
-be witherin; blast has r: i:
neglect , tl pltiliflll r liU'lubra
past tli-le;.arl-d duty. '1 in'
at nn -i lit is :'i.r an ei.i
, b:
i "ur
:' a
i i
. lainu
I'ii".' a
. i i ; i in
ill ;i;
; in a
ase of )': '
t.rran .-v '.
e iu
e- ;
e. V."e
.ii nt of ,-i
for in
l.e-:i- li.
. t ! u-e
Lire;!, i a.-e i
pari u'i
i. li
no lls
1 1
e:i!.v wie p"
1 1 : en in l
iici'' s-.-::iy pri catit sou
iil cr.'-e of it-: coining
means at hand to
a." s.
. : n-.i
In have
, ua'.e i
i! Ill -erg
calcd i"
in liis l
-eeond .-!
, on
J 1
Coryell iv- Kus
liftennn'ii. Jn.iir
i k ii i i
'.- .ay
,', h
r in
civil p.ini, -.) v.i-.ii I;
ban I, we d- not '.nov
per-..l to rid hinei.' .
The ne.iis v.ei'e ijuii
was licci srt.iry that so;
and warm should l-i
or i;
deil iie
I lie nui.-illli.-c.
ly out, then ii
e tai'.uw melted
anplii-d to thi
Wound made- bv the si-:ir-hil
li...or. A piece of ti.llo-..', 1
tallow candle was procured, aim a I
lump lit. And by this lamp's light
ing hangs the sorry tale of tlie w hole
work of ruin. The lamp was lit to
heat the tallow, which was melted
nn-.l In t, and applied as we have said.
i-e oi
III s wot i
ill I
he. I v, lien without wanon i!
t tl.- 1:1 I 1 1 ! t 1-VVVI .1 It--. I I ' ' I'. OA ! Mil- 1IIO Oil
in every direction, and iu a second's
time the room was iu flame--. Mr.
Ruck the bookkeeper was cither in
the room nt the time of tin- accideni
or arrived shortly thereafter, and tried
ill vain, by the Use of blankets, to
smother tin- lii.-t spreading ilames.
This was at about - o'c'i'-k iu the
afternoon, ami limling all efforts on
his part futile, the alarm of lire wan
at once given. Mr. Back had his
hands badly humcd iu his cll'orts to
stay ihe lire.
Numbi r.-of the people were in bed
taking a plen-aiil i;fieinoun n-ip,oth rs
wel,' just sitting down to their Sunday
liilernoon lepitst, while other.- were
taking a quiet stroll, all unconscious
of t be .scenes so boon to bo enacted.
Very few people wire in the vicinity
of ihe stnre id the lirst alarm of fire.
The word, however, was soon pa.--oil,
w hen people came running from all
directions, some to assist in saving
property, wliilu many as is in
such cases stood by with hands in
pockets totally oblivious to the great
distraction which they might in a
certain manner avert. The hand
engine turned out at once, and the
ho.-e was laid, when the discovery was
made that no water could be had.
Still, from the iiisigniliculit beginning
the hungry demon ate with remorse
less greed, the food which the sun and
wind had been drying twenty-five
years for this very occasion. Of course
many buildings in tlie line of tire
were of recent build, but there
were sheds on Washington street,
which had stood for years und years,
until they seemed In their seasoned
pride to defy the fire which was likely
to claim its own at any minute. Old.
weuther beaten rookeries, tumble
down stables, und numerous out
houses, all wooden, in the rear of St.
Michael street offered a large premium
to fire, while tlie large wooden struct
ures fronting on this street and all
along both sides the railroad were no
more than tinder boxes, waiting for
the touch of the torch.
A reference to the plan of the burnt
district herewith given, will enable
the reader to form a slightly better
m njm m iniujuwuiiiiiuumLmMTwiwip. wi.wl mini
Idea of the extent of territory burned
over, and the location thereof than
would otherwise be had. !t. Mary's
s nil who are fainihir with Its plan
well know Is emphatically a three
cornered town, the streets runnintttoa
point, instead of being laid out in
Commencing in the store of Coryell
t- Russ, that Is the main smro, as this
firm really had, what mivbtb termed
thrcestores, the roof of the imilding
Whs soon a mass of lhuncs, anil every
effort was made in the direction oi
paving goods. This firm carry at all
times n very complete stock of goods,
including groceries, dry goods, cloth
ing, hardware, in fact n general coun
try store, and n very extensive one at
that, but at this time had on hand an
unu iiially heavy stock of prints and cot
ton goods, purchased during the U
eliuein that kind of merchandise, and
intended lor the coming fall trade.
All the heavy goods in the cellar as
molasses, pork, etc., amounting in the
aggregate to hundreds of was
inisissible to reach. Barrels of sugar
were rolled from the store to the side
walks, only to be consumed there
while the excited crowd were remov
ing the iron plows, and other hard
ware to a place of safety. Ojiiie a
(juaiitity of goods were saved in a
niiieli damaged condition, and re
moved to a building down near Elk
creek. Coryell it Ituss estimate their
stock at !fi!(l',i'00 while theirstore build
ing, ware house, barn, and buildings
occupied by Col Ames, and .fared
Mecuni, would foot up nearly $0000
more, on which they have a total in
surance of ijdo.ilOO.
Geo. Imliof, tailor, lived iu the stone
building at the corner of Washington
and St. Mary's street, which a.-.- will
be seen by reference to the plan is
north of the starting point of the lire.
The building belonged to Jus. Rosseii
hoU'cr. and was all demoralized, mail
ing but the slone walls being left-to
mark t be site'. Mr. Imhoil' lived in
the building and saved ail his tailor
ing material, as well as household
good-, l.o.-l e-lima'u:d tit !?0M.
Next south was Col. Y. W. Ames'
law olilee iu Coryell it Huss' builiiin j,
from which nearly everything was
saved in fair condition.
Then comes the ret -idenco of J. M.
Mecum also in a building owne 1 by
Coryell & Uuss; furniture neatly all
suv.-il. Los put at Vi; no iiisiii'iiii'.-e.
The next building toCoiycliiv: Ituss'
store w:i. one owned by John Sniiiii,
a I'l.iladi ipliia party," and use 1 hy
Coryell llu-s for ready made clolii
Ing, end hy Goo. Ignatv, for cigar and
Toi.-aeeo siore. l.o.-s on Imilding s-lj'ili.
On l ;iial.' slock !0ii.
-Next j.oiiu: south was the building
owiud l.y iiies in which was io-eatt-d
Charles 1 inn's i i at ehi-r .-hop.
't ic E.k bo'.el owned hy Joseph
U'iiiniiii, anil kepi by Win. tiies.
iiexl ti ll in l:ie common rum. .vttiiis:
point a barrel of whiskey was saved
and cairieil to a convenient fence cor
ncr far awevv from the lire, wi i re ali i
bands for a time iorgo; their giief in j
site liery b.,-.v. S I islin.v was ti:e
i' ct thi.l i.i :a morning many w.-sv
! s; en s u:i r: il 1 j.l ou.'ll I oe si !' els, :e i
j the n.-'.l:i o: t u;.2 ilein sa evl i'ioiii the I
: liar. dug.
! i... . i '!:''! it's drag store in ,5i:.-. ph !
j WiiheliitV. biiiidiug w:is l iie lie:": vie- ,
I tm.. Mi. was in Philadelphia
j at i he tii in; of I be t;re, m l iin i i;e: i ! !
l .'.iary',-. uuiu l'iie.-J.:y t::n r.;..on I
j l.i.-i. Mr. li.lior.i fay.-, he is well i:-e! !
! !o lire as l hi.-, i- ttn.'.-ixili li;iie i.-e- Ji.-i.-. j
1 s-l.i-. : ;.,i I'vilil lu:'!'iili:f out. I t.-ivin-r ,
j lc;'i CleiiD uiter live li-.i-'iiin...-. .:'... ;ju. i
eonseleitioio iinmunt el e.rum i:iv:
fancy tii'.ieii'.s were sav. d audi
iuu i'd acre-- I lie .-ti'i'c! to a siaole tot-I
the h-:.:ii or J'uh A ,.
,ivp:i '
r oi .--i
eel:, was
."Ihelms store--iiei..:el
it the cor
1, i iu-
tei.'lt V.'li.-.
ie. xt. In re a 1
did the .-iir-l; c
l.iei'el.a:ii!i.-e, lit
:ir! v
W. .!. Haiiinan, and familv
live.-1 ovi-r (iiiiiu'ii's tiri-.g store, ,-iud
iii iiouuh sa in:; a great share of their
furniture, it wiu in a miieli damaged
t-t.i.i l:i mu. !
Cro. Ing Lafayette sir. et the l'in
tool; in tue buildi.i;; o! iC. Meeiride in '
which Mr. .Uci.r
: ton .iiliii in w.iien He lived, ii.-o Ke
el. pied hy .-;! 1 lamhcrgiT who
sold ivntiy iiiaiii-eiolhiiis-'. Mr. Ham
beige r succeeded in placing ids goods
iu a box car, and r.tu the car down
the P. i!c i-j. track, iiis loss is placid
id s.iiio, itilhough a much h-.-s li-uie
wiii cover it. On Mohdav lie paoi.ed
I bis .eoods iiiol shipped ihem a. id iibn-
.-ci: io ii ii iain-po.'i.
Mr Mctlri-tes loss will foot up about
i0,o--ii; in: iiiaiiee ou btiiitiiug alul
sioek '."! !. .-nine jewe.ry, walciie.-,
etc., sav eel.
Andrew Geek, barber, owned the
next building, and occupied it lor
.-hop and li'sldi nee. Loss e.-.lililiiieli iu
Vl..ji! i; iiisiiiiiiie-i-, ?70ti.
Aiuliew Mi-ei's building was next
in which Geo Kielim r kept a bakery.
l.n.- en bunding :-i0o io.-s on jveeil
lior's slock ci'j-J. .o Ulan liinee on
building or stock.
Anibony Schauer'.s saloon in br
own building. Lo.-s placed 1.1 fimii;
Insurance ou building is-.o;).
ii. F. lcjjlir, green grocer, in 1'. J).
Waclilci's biiiliiiiig, i'.i:-o living i.i
second .-lory, about t--.n0, in.-uiainv
on floeli 1 li.siiiiiii- e on building
.1 iO.
Hil'liard I.iebi-1
er shoo ill A.S-
chkeinuT's huiiii-
i 1 1 i . ; lo.-..s al.out o JiiiM o.i humani;
ijihuid. No insurance.
The Rile;. House, owned and con
ducted by Ihe Riley Bros, was loc
next in order. Long before this point
was rent hid it became evident thai ali
toe bliliiiums ou the lioilu si.U oi l
Railroad ttricl wtlea Mile pley for
the last advancing lliiiues, w iu-n all
manner of liouseliold goods, bedding,
fill nil ure, etc., were carried across the
railroad to the opposite side of Ihe
street to what was I hell considered a
safe l-kiee, but which only added fuel
to the ilames w hell the file croscd
from the Kilty house to the P. !c E.
passenger depot, and took iu mi the
buildings ou that side the railroad a
fiir west as St. Michael street. The
Riley brothers succeeded in getting
out ii great amount of furniture, ben
ding, etc., in a much damaged condi
tion. Mirrors, glassware, and furniture-,
were carefully carried to a safe
place only In be dashed to the ground
and ruined by the persons iu charge
of it. Canned goods iu large quanti
ties was na veil, butthenexl morning
only one can could be found, the rent
hoving been stolen. The next day
Mrs. Pat Riley went to the scene of
the ruin and found an old Dutch wo
man digging potatoes in the garden
adjoining the site of the hotel. When
quest ioiicd us to her right in the
premises tlie old woman pretended not
to understand, but kept digging out
tlie potatoes all the same. Another
woman had her apron full of onions.
Not only did they gobble all things on
toj of ground, but not being satisfied
w ith that commenced to dig up the
ground in search of plunder. The loss
on the Riley house and furniture ag
gregates about $10,(100; insurance in
the Fire Association, of Philadelphia;
-Etna, of Hartford; and Niagara, of
N. Y., $2JXh) in each conipany( niak-
ing a total Insurance on 1, nn'cnnd fur
niture of Ji i.OiK). i ;
Next to the Riley Ibuisi i-tulids (he
dwelling of L. V. tiiif,.,-, owlRMj ,y
Charles Lubr. Mr. iiiiM saved hi
liouseluild li.irnlttirc in a reativ dam
aged condition. Lovsoirhuiliiinjr $'V
OH); insurance $1,470 .,
loss on slock oi drugs, f ncy articles,
and hou-chold lurnii ore M ill'ic-gregiile
f,".,ol)i); insurr.nce iji.'liiiij. "
Next east, of Mr. Gill'oi'.'H residence
was a liouse owned by Alois Lodllcr,
and occupied by Mr. Stover.eonduetor
on local ireigiit. Thii buibiing by
trcmemloiis eli'oi i ,vjis save 1, n whole
force of r iilro.ul men turning in to us
sist. Crossing the railroad track the fire
progressed in n westerly direction
taking in the passenger depot. Loss
on depot 4,000.
Then L. Vogel's hotel, loss $j, 000 ;
Insurance $2,ouo.
J. F. Windfelder's saloon, buildim
owned by himself. Nothing of con
seilicnce was saved from tliis building
except a lot of beer which was taken
d(;vn uiiiWt thu stone bridge ocross
J'ik Creek, tho lieeks of the bottles
broken and the beer stored away.
Loss about ii'J.OOu ; insurance on stock
and building ir-V'OO. Mr. Windietder
made out a bill for the lumber for a
new building, and will rebuild at
John E. Weidenbierner's store,
dwelling, and general slock of mer
chandise, helped to swell the blaze. A
pari was saved in a damaged con
dition. Loss about $-1,000 : insurance
Frank Soseiiheimer, in Leonard
Whitman's building, stock of hard
ware, part saved, lo.-s about $1,000 ; no
insurance on stock. Loss on building
cd.nO;); insurance jtfuO.
Miss Kilku's miiliijcry store in
John W'iliielui's buibiing, suffered
about $loo dollars damage. Loss on
building i ,00i ; insurance $"niu.
Anthony Si-haul's inr'e building on
corner of Railroad and Michael streets
occupied by Spall'ord.V Tieiney, iten
er.d im-rcbaiuiise, wiio lost about 1,-
ii'i ; iiuranee ?:;.oou. Miss Kill'ci'i,
milliner, liveil upstairs in this huiid
in.!'. Al.-o oecui.ii d by Charles
Mtlllcr, li.i.ars,,, 'liooks, etc.,
l ).-s about ; -)l. J. GrmizhiMcr, pho
ti.iiraplier, lived up stairs, iiud lost
ne.ii'iy all his hou.-i-hoid eliects, lo.-s
prooaniy ?.M'i. '1'ne lo.-ses on Scbaut'.)
iuiilding is jilace.l at ;,0o0 without
one i;eiil of insurance.
Anthony Aumun's residence was
totaily destroyed with his household
eliicts, lo.-s al.out :-,0uO; in.-.uiaiico on
building t l.ooti.
Joseph Rosen holi'-r's residence. burn
ami housclioUl goods ineluding the
building occupied hy Col. Ames," foot
up a total loss o!' ill, oiii. c5,ti.;ii ; insur
ance on Ids dwelling vi.uon.
J. J". Siei's building in which he
lives went up in s.miUe at a loss of
.i 1 ,0:10 ; insurance 6 '.).i.
Or. C. G. W ilson, who had rooms
in the Riicy Jhiu-e, lost on uiiuituie
about ish.'O; in.-urancc
John Ki lb r, slim to t ice-r, s:icee;cd"d
!n li i: in,-,' out i,is iwoi.s and siivi; n i;:,
A lo-f i-e of Kni .:hi- of Pythi-ts ! ).'.:
!,,t liiriiitiii'i ttiiii ii-,-.ii:t nboiit : O.iO.
Tiie .-plead in l.:i: lire Was ten ible
'" r '-r.-v, antl in less tlmn I wo and
one-hall hours tiie v. hob; tciiiiory b.:
iween We linn., ton .-.,-. i r.diroad ,s!.Vee!s
as iar east as Leeldi r's building. w,".s
loii-tmitd besoie.-i tlie iliiey liou-e
i'.ii'n .ami aiiotiu-r liutldiiig ' on ihe
nolih side of '.S'::::b;:,;;.o;i mi'ux. in
t:..' p;oi. in.d'Ked '-vacant lot.''
1'w. tity-niiie li'ahding: iii all IV!! a
i '.'ey l tie.; di viiuriiig eb-nieiit. iiii-ind-
i.e.. ciui'iM, ho.i i -, d wel
'.' iie iace oil mil' "t J'''."'
mil barns.
i marked 1 i i,,
no I on win, a
.s a l ;;ii,ii;;-i' : .i ii:-: a in
Iter .shop,
this e-.-a.-iil.
; -O ll.i
i ne'.e
by the wind
A 11 kinds in'
;oods, furtii
i.e ilianioiid
. i ie oi' .-'I. Mi- ieiei .-il-.'i t,
ieou in;: from 'J.e wa-t.
nn rebaii.ii.-e, lion.-, i.ol i i
in i'c, etc., la V .-! iev, o on t
aiel i.lioilt i oe i-': n el ili t he vieiint ',
Ihe lire in ihe great c.-t confusion.
The tonil loss reaches fpld.cO'l ic--cofiiing
to the it hove estimates, which,
made as they were in tiie heat of
e.v iicmeiil, are undoubtedly m-aeii
id. ure I In- ael'ial ol property. No
doubt 7-V'O ) wouid cover actual lo.-s.
( ii course the lo. i ami iucou vchieiu eto
business men by reason of I he lire jn
very great, and c.inuol be estimated.
The perl burned over includes a
gi cater share of (iie bitsinc-s portion
of tin.' town. And it is very likely
the greater part of the buildings wiil
not be repliici d i.i a long time. Cur
ved it Jttiss wiil without,, put
tin ir store up iu ii short time. The
Bib'.v i'.ios. may, and pro'm'iiy will
rebuild liieii hod i. James Riley Was
on a vi-ii to :,V i.-cousin at Hie time oi
tin- lire, iiiiciining to make a visit of
two or three months, but a telegram
iu tin mill.-, him of thccaiauihy cut
short, hi.- visit ami ha.-teued his de
par! ure for home.
Iu anticipation of greater demand
for Mores and dwellings we are in
formed that many projiu-iy owners
advanced the rent of their buieiin.;.
to a consider. ible ete!it. Mr. Scoaut,
the man who owiud the line three
story building nt the corner of Kuil
roiid mid !-'t. Michael sliecisis one of
the greatest MliUl'ers by Iho tire.
Wiihout one cent of iu.-iiratie-" be
lo-isii biiiltiing which it will be hard
to replace for S-","0 .
The losses to i :i.-urai'ice compaiiieM
is divided as follows :
i'.i'i i, -i nie, I I ij- .1. I-:. 'i. itleiil)-..i,fi-:
i .yi Miiiiii.'
.'i ;en:.':.i-. lll-il'S, lo-w o:tv i
Mi-li-.ialli-; iiiin iiie ;... ..
.-In. . . 1
j .;uh:.. -hli i-
i !: In lill o.. j .1 1 riuai ...
l-'ili- A--:.i-i.ilHtil,i,llil,
.1 .1 nil. iiitl Unl'll
biiiHlUll U b.llK:.itlil'l'
.... l.iKO
ltrlin:se!it"il by T. J. burke.;
(.'oliiiiiei'i-ial. M. V
J asiii'iuti'i- by other uucneie :
11 .iiu-
1 1 i . I i .11 l' i , Mil Jlieii blll'H
K -n-iioii a-
I iiu; !'. li. I O
Is. '. i-'. I. I '
bonitna Ai--ui:oi'i' Co.
I.UIIU I-l.iinl
Muiila-iie. nt lii'oiililin
... s?.f
... T-"
.1 1.1
i- ire Aisueialimi, 1-liiliule-liiliia 1,17.",
Total 0,!i;.j
By the above it will be teen that the
grand total of insurance reaches S-14,-L'-'O.
From this sum will be deducted
ihe amount of stock saved by those
having insurance 011 stock, which will
decrease the amount received by u few
hundred dollars. The work of ad
justing wiil require some time, but
from all we can learn the insurance is
iu companies which will pay the losses'
without any unnecessary delay.
On Monthly morning' next day after
the fire the "Editor of this paper in
company with J. W.Morgester visited
tlie set ne of the destructive conflagra
tion and a sorry sight was presented
to our gaze. Smoking coal piles,
stoves rusting in the Kim, huge piles
of nails, where had stood Coryell &
Ituss' store, near by a tree loaded with
baked apples, from which several ur
chins were throwing the fruit at the
by-passers, open cesspools, and wells,
made it dangerous traveling in the
burned district. One man fell to his
waist in a privy vault. Boys with
sticks were poking among the rubbish
to see what they might turn up, while
spectahirs thronged the district of
black, expiring eu'ibers, whlcli ever
and iinon were funned into sudden
life by a pitssing hrenze, only to sink
Into denser blackness afterwords.
A locomotive stood on the track near
the sight of the burned passenger tie
pot, with a hose attached to the water
tank and plying h streom of water on
the still hot walla, while workmen
shoveled out the debris, preparatory to
building anew. Black, dreary, and
desolate wits tho smoking scene, seem
ing an though a lurking demon hid
there ready to pounce on tlie renmin
bi;? houses of the town and add them
to the dire list of casualties. A drench
ing rain set in on Monday afternoon
cooling ofl'the atinosphere',nt the same
time pulling out nearly all the re
maining lire, and setting tlie minds
of the citizenn nt rest as to any other
sudden outbreak.
Ham, liacon, (Shoulders and Dried
Beef nt Morgester's.
Engine 1021 Is stationed at Ridg
way at present to haul the dump ears
on tho new switch, from Ridgway
depot to Eagle Valley mill,
Liarht running, Latest Improved
E30JSE3T!!?, at prices never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. K. Service's.
Subscribe for Tun Amoocate dur
ing the campaign. We will send it
for a mouth or year just as you may
Last Monday there Vas a large
sized blaze nt Warren, in the burning
of J. L. (Hark, Morse & Co's planing
mill near the depot, as also the home
of Mrs. Shcehaii, near the mill, and n
house owned by the mill and occupied
by Mr. Brewster. 300,000 feet of
lumber was consumed. Loss on mill,
machinery and lumber S-Hoo'i ; in
surance $10,000, Mrs. Shechan's
house 81,000 to J'JKlO; insurance
Rrci'kiiDi-i, Locals.
.'Liying is the order of the day.
Oats harvest is fast approaching.
"L. C. A." has gone home to help
the old man h n vt si.
Father Graham butchers on two
days of each week.
Old Bnldy keeps a close watch on
the new sewing machine.
Jennie Horlon is recovering from
the dipht ileria.
Daniel Null' has opened 11 barber
shop id this place next door to Un
shoe shop and opposite tho Graham
Oyster A Short are making prep
arations to rebuild the Galushii saw
mid in a short time.
Johnie Kei! r a son of R. Keller
laying seriously II! with diphtheria.
15. If. Butler !oe:i: editor of the
Doilois Oily Co v was in our midst
on Saturday the 17lh iu.-,t.
C-.inv-ai.imh nts from lliis plate arc
not 3(1 iiunieroii-as they were several
month ago. What can lite matter be
arc they isleeping ? Vai.::.
J uiy -!, 1 S i ).
ni K'.-i'Tioxs ox Tin: k.l'H.ii-:ct ki:om a
Tii.iiii'.f:; it i.v 'o:.t i';:ri r Ki.oL'iii.rr.
leii-iii-.t Italic-tin.
Mr. Hairy Ghaapci, the well known
florist, '-MM West Fourth ,-treef, eon
I ributcs the followin r in relation to
"ce.-ry cult u: e:'' Why is there so
mui-!i useli s i labor expended on lids
vegetable, with such unsatisfactory re
sults? Rrivale cultivators, as a ru'w
still think it "necc.-s.iry" to dig out
trenches a foot or more in depth, iu
volviu.c great labor an 1 expense, and
giviuga very inferior crop to that
planted on the level surface in the
manner practiced on hundreds ot
acres iu the vicinity of New York and
other large cities. Ceicry may be
planted any time from tlie middle of
June (o August l'-tli. July is prob
ably the best time, as celery is a plant
requiring a cool, moist atmosphere,
and it is nonsense to attempt to grow
it curly iu our hot ami dry climate;
and when grown it w m-t a vegetable
that is ever very palatable until cool
weather. After the ground has been
nicely prepared, lints are struck out
three or four feet apart and you sol th.
planis six inches apart in the row-. If
the weather is dry at 'the time of pi tilt
ing great care i-hottld bo taken thai
the r iols are properly "firme.l," for
iustani'c, souietii.-it s gardeners turn
bin k o.i the rov,- ia!'i;-i- planting) and
press g 'iitly with the foot by the side
of cueh plaid; this partially excludes
the air from the root until new root
lets are formed which will usually be
in t woor three days, after which all
danger Is over. Thi s practice of prc.--sing
the soil clo-e'y around the root:;
is essential iu planting of all kinds.
Thousands- of plants are yearly des
troyed by It. omission. After the
planting, is completed, nothing further
is done except hoeing and freeing the
plant of weeds nnil the latter part
of August, when wo usually have
that moist and co il atmosphere that
celery delight in; then we begin (he
"earthing up'' process necessary for
bleaching or whitening the tender
shoots. We first draw the soil up
agiust the plants with tho hoe; then
it is further drawn close around ench the hand, firmly so that the
leaves kept in an upright position
and prevent tlieui from spreading.
This done, more soil is drawn against
tlie row so as to keep the plants in this
upright, position. As tlie plants con
tinue to grow the bleaching process
must, however, he finished by tlie
spade, which is done by banking tlie
soil up clear to the top on each side of
the row of celery. Always plant the
"dwarf" varieties, they being of easier
culture and tlie crispness ami flavor
superior to the old "giant" sorts.
Celery intended for "winter use" need
never be "banked up" with the spade;
it merely requires to be put through
the handling process, to put it in a
compact and upright position prepar
atory to beiug stowed away In winter
100 Full Music Leseonfl for $13 03 in the Conservatory of Kuslo
connected with
Klefrnnt . bulldlnirs. Poven distinct schools.
it-..,. i-itiiiernr iKiviiiiomi in ijoii-o.1 in n, mi'-iii .oYo.!i . . - i-nB,i
I.HiH'iiitL'eH. Nceille-wmk, nnil Wnx-work. ClmrKC less tlmn tiny eiU'fl "eliool In tjip Ijiiltctf
l!,ernl iirlu
IStiiles. 'I tvenl y-slxlli your opium Hepl,
1). J)., PittshurKli, l'a.
litcrsjry (devolution and
Universal Knowledgei
An Em vclopmdin in 20 Vols., over :S,000 pages; 10 per cent, more
matter than anv Encyclopedia ever before published in this country, and sold
imniiuciiK.iv niwi n ull liomid in doth for S15J. ill half morocco for K1B: and
printed on 'line heavy paper, wide margins, bound in half Russia, gilt top, for
20 an enterprise so extraordinary that Its success, beyond all precedent In
book publishing, may be fairly claimed to inaugurate a Literary Revolution. .
Tiik Lir.HAiiY ok llxiviiHSAi, Kxowi.i'.doio is a reprint entire ot uio lass
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thus making it equal in character to any similar work, better than any other
suited to tlie wants of the great majority of those who of rerer
ence' untl altogether the hitest Encyclopiedia In the field.
Speelinen Volumes In either style will be sent for examination with privilege of return
on reeeliit of pioiiin itonnte price pi :r volume. , , t, ,, ,, ,
Speeliil l)l-eiiiintfi to nil eiti-ly tmhscribci'?, unit extra discounts to clubs, r till particulars
with description itittnlogiie of iimny other seindnrd works piiuiilly low in price, sent Tree.
Eeading principles of the American Back Exchange:
I. l'liliiisli only bonkfi of renl vulue. , ' J
II. Work upon iliu basis of present cost of mnklni? books, about one-nnir what It wns
" L M l.'scu' to'iiuycrs direct, nnd snve tliem j1) lo (W per cent commission commonly allowed
I V. The cost of books when made nt n time Is but n fraction of tho cost when mndo
SOU nt it tlmn the low price nnd s-ll the ho-ite qnnntily. I
V. I se hiiihI tvpu, puper, etc.. do eaiel'iil pi intliitf, nnd stinnif. neat blndlnif, but avoid nil,
"pmlilliiR,'' liit nnil henvilv leinlecl type. pp. amy paper und Kimdy blndlnif, which are. 8
eoiiinionly ri-Buried to make buolis itppeur lai'i;i! und line, nnd tvhtcli gieatly ad to tneir
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VI. To make 1 and a friend is better than lo niiike S- and an enemy.
Min-riry of T'pivprsnl Kninvleduc, 20 vols, 530.
Milimui'M Ciitilinn's R-mie, vols,, si...-)il.
Miieniiliiy's History of l-:ii:-l:iiid, :1 vols.. ? 1 .50.
tlliiiinlier's t'yeloiie.'diii of ling. Literature, -1
Villi., l.
Knitiiil's Jlistory of Mit;liunl, 4 vols.,
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l i-.parlnt s'-'.-'i'i.
Arice l.tiinry of ntnKi-itpliy. ."'i eenls.
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.Miiinn's ronipl.-te I'm-iii-ut iVniks, ,',;. eeiil.s.
sliiilii-spi -lire's i.'oiiii-li ie Work-, y.'i .trnls.
Win ks of li.uite. Irioisliiti.'it by cary, "ri cents.
Works of Vi l-i i i . translated by Drydeii, -nets.
'I'll" Koran of iiinhanuiieil, t ratislnted t)' ale
3" eeptn.
Aiiventui'i'S nf lion tjv.lxnte. lilus.. vi cents.
. rahi.-m ; i ..lit illustrated, cents.
Lenino'i- I'iit'i tin's l'riiL'i'ess. ilies.. 5'1.
Ifiitiinsiin I 'riii ii-, 1 1 1 us ., an eeiils.
.Miiiit-liiiiis'-ii iV iicllivi-'s Travels il!'.ls..Wt;.
Sliiriestind ballad.-, by 1-",. T. Aldeii, lllils.--i.
.i-uie'rary n; .Mud. 'I'll t'lassiei, -i) eetils.
itenitt bv bank draft, money order, re;
dollar may be sent in postage staiac -t. Ad'ii
jotix II., j.-ino;r, Trihuae Bviiding, Ka York.
:25c. JiXTMAOT ;2rc'.
or. zxizmzuz ti2:hi'::l
l"H-iiil in (uiility lo nny made, and
only hi. If the price l-1... bolt let; -ie.
Pints o'v.
lii-!icvcs l iciidii. be, Toothache, I-1:i r
f c.f, !-;nre llyt'.s, j-rosc-Lib-cd, Jli.-t-iiing
l.uii-'s, Painful Mcusi's, Whites,
.V-i.inut, Ilcduci-s .SiM'liiilgs, l'i!cs, etc.
Ciil.H i.i'iiisc:;, Scalds, jh:ru:;. S;u'itin:-:,
Wounds, Ulicumittisni, llrysipehiH,
Chiliiiiiuis, Vi.rhosc N'eitis, euralgUi.
xati rxivi-inriAL iu"i-
j-;iV i'Oli iXTKKNAL ASi)
T.l your drugkist lias not got it
lisiv : hiiii order it of the proprietor,
j i'. r.iii'jii wm-vjaiiB iu wij-.v,
61 Oiurili-ii St., 'iz:s,
ii irnitw-l
Which is the same thing.
Impnre El-C'arl Soila or Falrrntua
iwtin 1. i-. tho Hamo ttilngiiiol'niliili(
y dirty wliilc color. It inn y appear
white, i a in laid liy l(e'f, lint it
CO'S iiAKM" 111!A1
will tliow the diiBeiencc.
See that your Saloratus nnd Itak
Inn feotla Is vrhito and PUilK, as
dhoiil.l be ALL SI.HIL&R SLOSTA.V
CK3 used for food.
HouseVeopers who prefer liread maao ti-itli
yoaat. will imiirovo its quality, maka It risi
botternni proveutit from nourlng, by ad Uni
onG-half tuai-iioonful of Churrh ,t Co.'s Poda or
Bulc-ratus. Honuro and not use too much. Tim
mie of thU with Hour milk, in rrel'ernnea io
Ualiiuj; l'owiior, ;ivn twenty tiim-n iLs post.
8.0 ono iviuiiil vekno for valunbla l-aforma-tion
ami rou-1 careiully.
Ifr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is
thconly rctiK-dy known tiiut will .slop
an attack of sicK or nci vons liciid-ache
in iis coninicnci.'inent; it will always
cure those headaches, coining on
in hot weather when riding or on u
jourticy ; only three or tour do-cs, half
an hour apart, are ntue.-.-sary. Price 6o
ccritsii botiie.
Dr. Day's. Stomach und Dowel
Tonic is the best remedy in ti ;o for
poor ajipi lite, v. cakiRs.-i and trcmb'.inx
in thu fcloni.uh, pain after catit .",
heartburn, noivncsr and pnawii
pains in ihe i-toinach, ncrxousnvss
when tired, constipation nnd other
diseases ot the howds arising from
poor digestion. Tliis medicine w'.Jl
positively euro, c-ostivciit s.s iu every
case ; and no one who U i roablci! s ith
tliiit coinplaiiit should fail to try it;
us il not only relieves, but cures. Price
1.00 Aak your druggist or storekeeper
for these iiieiiicincs. Maimfacliiied
by D. Ii. Day it Co., llidyway, l'a.
That splendid organ sold by D. 8
Antlrun & Co., Wiilhuusport, Pa., for
575.0U cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case und 5 'eet 0 inches high, is
cold now for 80.00 with ono more
Htop und the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them Terms easy
on long time albo.
.Square enveloped and legal fold
note paper ut Tim Auvocatk office.
FreKh Rolls, Cakes and Pies at T.
F. Uullers' Masonic building.
Dread six ceuU a loaf ut T. F.
Dullers' Masonic building.
Egg twelve cents per doz. at T.F.
Bullcrs Masonic building.
the Collego
Twenty - four tenehers
Attouifiinne pnst yent
Dniwlnir mill I 'll i M 1 1 MIT. KIOCU Hull, .WOUOril
Heint forcHUilyKue'to ItliV. f. V. I'EIlfMINO,
Amrrienn ratrlot'sm, "i0 cenls. (
l iilne s HItorv or KimlMi l.lternture, 75 cts
Cei ll's ilivii! of Nnturnt History, SI.
I leiorinl iiaiidy Lex Icon, i cents,
i-'.aylnsis. liy niHlior of Sparroivgrnss Papers.
ail Cents.
Mrs. Hemans' l'o"tie Works, 75 cents.
Kitto s cye.lopi" dia of Uib. Literature, 2 vols.
iViiVll-rs Aneient History, S2.2a.
smith's liiertieiiiry nt the liilde, lllus., 81.
Works of Klnvtiis .Insephus. 52.
rondo History of the l'. St., Hopkins, lllus.,
a i i-i-ntf-'.
I!i ait'i by Kxereise, Pr. Geo. H. Taylor HI rls.
I I en ti h tii;- Vi'onien, Dr. Geo. H. Taylor, iiO cts.
LUirarv Mairazine, iiieenlsa No. SI it year.
Llln ai'V Ma'.iaziii '. hound volume, (III cents.
Leaves from tlie Liary of an old lawyer, SI.
Kaeh of the nliovo bound in cloth. If bj
mail. i(siiji' extra. Most ot Hie books are
nii-o pubtislie I la line editions and Hue bind
In M Iiiirln'i- pi-i.-rs. .
i-iM-'iipiive ( atalouiies and Terms to Clubs
sent tree nn request.
tiered letter, or by Exp-.-esii. Fractions or one
Business Cards.
CZQ. A. f?aiK3UN.
Main tdreet, Kidftway, Elk Co., Va-
rarticular atteniion given to th
examination of tith-H, ul3o to patent'
and patent case..
Oilice in new brick building, Main'
street, IMtlgwny, K!k Co., l'a. v3'Jt
II'. L. WILLIAMS. ol' Ptriiltnnvlllei, T'liysieiim and Sur
prim, ltiiljjivny, rii. ullii'i' in irnll's Urii-k
liullliillli llli-s(lill'R). Ut-ltM'1-lM.'l-B J. I),
SiuiUi. H. 1.. Yuuni:, It. lliilotson, strattan-villi-;
Mnjor John Klt'.iy, V. W.tii-ccnliuiJ.'
( 1 ii s nriu-lii-rit ills nroli'ssioii mio
I'l's.iittily lor inoiu iiiioi n-u ,i.o.i.
N. V. corner of Main and Mill utreets.
Hiilt'way, Pa., full assortment of care
itidy selected Foreign and llomestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-
pt used at till hours, day or night.
vln !y
J. S. BSRD-jlfLLL, M. .
lias reniovetl his oilice from Centre
Ftrect to Main tdreet, Kidgway, l'a., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
II vde House.
Oilice hours : 1 to 2 P.M. 7to 0 P.M
Vt'. II. SCIIDAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto-"
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,"
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of tlie same. oct-JU'G!
This admiral le work is now com-',
pletchi l'i vols. Kaehvolumecontains800'
pares. It m.iktsa complete and well
select ul library, und no ono caif
uli'ord to do without it wiio would keep'
well informed. Price $-j 00 in cloth,
isi.oi) in Lather, or $7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,'
V. II. Fail-child, Pottville, Catt. Co..'
X. Y.. who lias been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson
general agent.
X.-btteof Christopher Uh
Jt J Dcii.iiigcr township, El
hi. late of
Elk county
l'a.. deceased. .Notice is hereby civeii
tiiat letters testamentary have been
gi -anted to the undersigued, upon the
above named estate. All persons indebt
ed, to s-iid estate arc requested to make
immediate payment, and those hav
ing legal claims against the same to1
present them without delay, in pro
per onter, lor set t lenient.
Subscribe for the
ITING CARDS at The Abvocatf
office, over Powell & Kime's store'
Ridgway, Pa.'
All kinds of job printing, plain?
or in colors, neatly done at The Ad
vocate office. Please examine our
Get your name neatly printed on'
a pack of our new cards. At least call
and bee samples.
New Time Table. Under the new
schedule the mail and locul freight
leave Ridgway statioa as follows:
MAIL WEST - - . 2:36
" EAST .... Bjoo
LOCAL. WEST - 7;bif
EAST . . 3;Sf