MUSTAPHA. flow He Took III Vacation and What Came ol It. Nowintlie sixth month of tlieroign of iiiegoon canpn, n was so trial Mustapha said i I am 'wearied with much work ; thought, care and worry have worn rue out; I need repose, for the hand of ex haustion is upon me, and death even now lieth at tiie door." AnV. he ealleth his physician, who felt his pulse and looked upon his tongue and said : "TwodolLi'is!" (For this was the path by which all physicians swore.) ' Of a erity thou must have rest. Fl-e Unto the valley of quiet and close thine eyes in dreamful rest; hold back thy brain from thought and thy hand fro.u labor, or you will be a candidate tor the asylum in three weeks." And he hi ard him and went out and put the business in the hands of the clerk, and went away to rest in the val ley of q tiet. And he went to his Uncle Ben's, whom he had not seen for lot these fourteen ye irs. Now, his Uncle Ben was a farmer and abode in the val ley of rest, and the mountains of repose rosei-ound about him. And he was rich and Avel I favored, and strong as an ox, andrhenltliy as an onion crop. Oftimes hftftxMBied unto his neighbors that there vms no' a lazy bone in his body, and he sfvore thnt he hati d a lazy man. ' And Mustapha wist not that it was 1 so. But when lie reached his Uncle Ben's they received him with great joy, and placed before him a supper of homely viands, well cooked, and piled upon his plate like the wreck of a box car. And wnin he could not eat it all they lu.iin-u mm to scorn. And after supper they sat up with him and talked with him about rela tives whereof he had never in all his me so much as henrd. And ho nn swered their questions at random, and lid unto them, professing to know Uncle Ezra aud Aunt Betbesda. and once he paid he had a letter from Uncle ijrenrge ja9t week. .Now, they all knew that Uncle George was shot in a neighbor's sheep ycu unte years ago, nut ftlust ipha wist, not that it was so, and he was sleepy, and only talked to fill up the time. And then they talked politics to him, and he hated politics! So about one o'ciock iu me mormnir thpv aont. Mm tr. bed. J " Now the spare room wherein he slept a i igui una -r me root, an., tucre were ears and bundles of ears of seed corn hung from the rafters, and he bunged n;s ee with the same, and he hooked liii chin in festoons of di ied apples, and shook dried herbs and seeds down his back as he walked akng, for it was dark. And when he sat up in bed in the night he ran a scythe in his ear. And it was so that the four boys slept with him, for the bed was wid i And thty were restless and slumbered cross wise and kicked, so that Mustapha slept not a wink that night, neither closed his eyes. And about the fourth hour after mid night his Uncle Ben smote him on the back, and spake unto him, saying: ' Awake, arise, rustle out of this and wash your face, for the liver and bneon is fried and the breakfast waiteth. You will hnd the well down at the other end of the cow lot. Take a towel with you " When they had eaten his Uncle Ben spake unto him, saying: " Coir.e, let us stroll around the farm." And they walked about eleven milrs And his Uncle Ben sat him upon a wagon and tughi him how to load hay. Tiien tin y drove into the barn and he taught him to unload it. Then they girded up their loins and walked four miles, even into the forest, ar.d his Uncle Ben taugh him how to chop wood, and they w kcu DiiiK to supper And ttie morn ing and the evening were the first day auu iu isiupua wisnea tuat lie was dead. And after supper his Uncle Ben spake once more and said : Come, let us have some fun " And so they hooked ud a team and drove nine miles down to ueicners branch, where there was hop. And they danced until the second nour in me morning. When the next day was come, which wasn't long, ior a're-idy the night was mi up. in. ins uncieuen tooK him out ana taught him how to make rail f;nce. And that night there was a wed.iing. anu mey nanced and made merry, and oranK and ate, and when they went to oea at three o'clock Mustapha prayed that death might come to him btfjre oreaKiast time. But breakfast had an earlv start and got there tirst. And his Uncle Ben took him down to the creek i.nd taught him how to wash and shear sheep. And when the evening was come they wem to spelhng-sihool, ai d they got home at the nrsthotr alter midnight, and Uncle Ben marveiec that it was 60 eaily. And he lighted Ins tipe and sat up lor an hour, and told Mustapha all about the forty he bought last spring of old M wey Stringer to finish out that north half, and about the new calf that was foaled lust st ring. And when Mustapha went to bed that morning he bethought him of a dose of strychnine he had with him, and he said his prayers wearily and he ate it. But the youngest boy was restless that night, and kicked all the poison out of him in less than ten seconds. And in the morning, while it was yft "'K11- tney ate breakfast. And IiU Uncle Ben took him outand taught him how todigaditeli. And when evening was eome, there was a revival meeting t i.bereze Methodist church, and they all wen'. And there were three regu lar preachers and two exhorters and a Baptist evan gelist. And when midnight was come they went home, and sat up and talked over the meeting until it was bedtime Now when Mustarha was at home, he ieimis aesn at the hfh hour in the after noon, and he went t, hpH r ti,u hour after sunset, and he arose not me sun was nigD in the heavens. So uie next aay when his Uncle Ben would ake him out into the Held and ohnur him t o take a post and rail fence, Mustapha wumu ear at him, ana smote him with en axe helve, and fled and got him- DCiX UUIIIB. And Mustapha sent f r his physician and curs d him. And lie sai he was tired It death, and he turned his face to the wall and died So Mustapha was gaturj en io his I tillers. And his physician and his friends mourned and said: "Alas! he did not rest soon enough. He tarried at his desk too long." But his Uncle Ben, who came in to attend the funeral, and bad to do all his weeping out of one eye, because his other was bu.cked half way down to his chin, said it was a pity but Mustapha was too awfully lazy to live, and bad no get up about him. But Mustapha wist not what they said, because he was dead. So they divided his property among them, and said if he wanted a tombstone he might have attended to it himself while he was alive, because they had no time. Bw hngton tiawkeye. It is said grease may be extracted from silk by the following processes: Wet the part with eau-de-oologne and gently rub the silk upon itself, between the hands. When dry, the grease will disappear. This will also remove re cent paint, and the grease from a wax candle. Ethl.iplau Minstrels;, Ethiopian minstrelsy, as it Is com monly called, Is notrienilv so popular as it was twelve or fifteen years ago, snys a New York paper; the puhlio uave .been somewhat satiated with Its extravagances and sham negroisms. The kind of minstrelsy we have to-day is very unlike that of the past, being more refined nnl strictly musical than of yore. This sort of amusement once ragfd In all the cities and townu of the country, and hnd an extraordinary run for a quarter of a, century. It is nearly forty years since the first troupe was formed here, nnd it is remarkable that most of the leading minstrels have, not withstanding their pecuniary prosperity, died very poor. The burnt-cork per f rmei shave been prone to rapid courses, and have used up their financial and phvsical substance prematurely. Edwin P. Ch-isty, who was the pioneer, founded the original Christy mi nstrels at Buffalo in 1841. and played at Mechanics' hall in this city for several years to crowded au diences. He made $150,000 at the busi ness, and finally committed suicide, after losing almost ever j leaping from a third-story window. His put . tive son. George N. Christy (Harrington,) was 'he first representative of female parts, such as Lucy Long and Lucinda at the soiree ; had a lare salary and managed several companies successfully, hut he rii'-d here in great poverty. Dan Bryant (O Brien.) of Bryant's minstrels, the most noted of the three brothers, began in 1850, played for twi nty years, made a fortune, and got entirely rid of it. After his death benefits were eiven and sub- scriptions taken up for the support of his lamily. W. W. Newcomb fCombsl. author of the burle-oue lecture on woman s rights and other popular ah surdities, member of the once verv sue. cessful firm of Rumsey & Newcomb. visited knuland and German profes sionally, had a showy cottage atSira toga and cut a trrand hnwve. in his wav He ran throueh hU m mev. was nhiioprl to depend on a salary as a subordinate P' rloriner nnd came to his end here in nt n in y The ex penses of his i lness and nuriai were borne by his former agent, N. N Roberts. H. S. Rimsey, his former partner, a famous buffoon and, went up and down also. Hav ing been paralyzed, he was taken care of by relatives at Newburgh, on the Hud son, ann was aided by ins fellow-showmen until the close of his wretched days. Sam Shnrpley (Sli irpe.) distinguished as a (ester and end man, proprietor of ouarpicy s minstrels, Known as the iron clads, a great card in his day, made iiucks ana iiraues oi his large earnings oy peiroieum speculations, patents and other ventures, and died at Providence. R. I. G. Swaine Buck lev. of Rnr.irWa scicimuii 3,k vi'ry versatile periormer. and creator of burlesaue onera. nlavpr? in xew lorn season alter weason tn thronged houses, He gained and lost a ioi tune, went into bankruptcy, started again, and again tailed. Ha died at yuiney. Mass . last year, almost penni less. Kph Horn, of great note in vari ous trounes in his day, commanded bin salaries, but was so improvident that memoers of the calling had to bury him in one of the metronolitan opmptpries Billy Manning, of Emerson & Manning's company, an eccentric delineator, tilled his purse and emptied it, and when he went to his crave iiLChi airo his fripnH paid for his funeral. Billv Morris, of luorris .Brothers, mimic and vnM ut pt all his profits slip through his fingers ui meu iiuo a miitiuc asyium, was pro vided tor bv his brothers until Rnstnn furnished him with six feet of earth. William H. De'ehantv was n .if tim last of the negro comedians to be buried oy uis guild, and yet he had earned for years $300 a week as danenr and ninnr He was the author of the popular trifle. 'Shoo Fly." Nearly all the wavs of the Ethiopian minstrel seem to lead io prodigality, dissipation and the need of oepultural benevolence. Man's Age. Few men die of ae Almost all die of disappointment, passion, mental or bodily toil, or accidents. The passions kill men sometimes, even suddenly. The common expression, choked with passion, has little exaggeration in it; for, even though not suddenly fatal, strong passions shorten life. Strong bodied men often die young; weak men live longer than the strong; for the srouguse their strength and the weak have none to use. The latter take care f themselves, the former do not. As it is with the body, so it is with the mind and temper. The strong are apt to break, or, liko the candle, to run; the weak to burn out. The inferior ani mals which live temperate lives have generally their prescribed number of years. The horse lives twenty-five, the ox htteen or twentv. the lion about twenty, the dog ten or t velve. the rib- ou eigut. tne guinea pig six or seven yenrs. These numbers ail bear a similar propor;ion to the time the animal takes to grow to Its lull Size. Rat man ot the animals, is one that seldom lives run average. He ought to live hundrel years, according to nhvsieal iaw, ior nve times twenty are one hun ii ed; but, instead ot that, he scarcely 'aches on an average four times his fiuwing period; tte cat six times; the rabbit even eight times the standard ot measurement. The reason is obvious man is not only the most ii regular and ut; most intemperate, out the most la. bmious and hard worked of all the ani- uia.s. He is also the mo-it irritable of nl animals: and there is reason tn 'leiieve, though we cannot tell wht an ttnimui secretly feels, that, more than tuy other animal, man chenshes wraili to keep it warm and consumes himseii with the hre ot his own secret reflec Hons Albany Journal. Care of the Eyes. 1. Rest the eves for a few minutes when the sight becomes in the leaot painful, blurred or indistinct. a. Have sutticient light; never sit facing it; let it come freni behind or from one side. The writer conriders too much light almost as bad as too lit tie. Ha strongly recommends a moder ate light, so that surrounding objects may not be too much illuminated, and the wearing of a black shade, so largo that front and side light may not enter the eyes. With this protection the light may be safely in front if reading, it is better that it be to one side. 3 Never read in horse or steam cars. 4. Never read when lying down. 6. Do not read much during convales cence from illness. 6 The general health should be main tained by a good diet, air, exercise, amusement and a proper restriction of the hours of hard work. 7. Take plenty of sleep. Retire earlv and avoid the painful evening lights. len hours sleep ior aenoate eyes is bet ter than eight. Christian ai Work. What an Editorial Roem Looks Like. He opened the door cautiously and poking his head in a suggestive sort of way as if there was more to follow, inquired: "Is this the editorial rink- tumP" The what P my friend." " Is this the rinktum sinktum sano- turn or some such place where the edi tors live." "This is the editorial room. ves. sir. Come in." "No. I guess I won't come in. I wanted to see what a rinktum was like, that's all. Looks like our garret. only wuss. Good day." Ntto Baven iUgister, k Pompellan Honse. At the celebration of the eighteenof centennial plnce the destruction th I'omreil, last year, the excavation of an unexDlored house was commenced. Three skeletons were taken out at the time, and the house, the excavation of which has been continued, has proved to be the largest and most interesting yet opened. It is called the " Casa del Centenario." and Is thus described It occupies the entire snace between three streets, and most likely a fourth, which has vet to be excavated. The vestibule is elegantly decorated, and its mosaic pavemuit ornamented with the figure of a dolphin pursu- d bv a sea norfe. In the first atrium, the walls of which are adorned with small tueatrica' scenes, the pavement is sunk and broken, as if bv an earthauake. and there is a large hole through which one sees the cellar. The second atrium is very spacious, with a ha.idsome peristyle, the columns white and red stucco being twenty-six in number, In the center is . a large marble basin, within the edge of which runs a narrow step. On the pedestal at one side was found the statuette of the Faun lately described. The most interesting place in the house is an in ner court or room, on one side of which is the niche, with tiny marble steps, often to be seen in Pompeiian houses. The frescoes on the walls are very beau tiful. Close to the floors runs a wre ith of leaves about a quarter of a yard wide, with alternately a lizard and a stork Above it, about a yard distant, droop as if from over a wall, large branches of vine or ivy and broad leaves like those of the tiget-lily; nil very freely, na turally and gracefully drawn. At each corner of the room a bird clings to one oi tue e branches, men comes nfp ice bordered at the top by another row ci i eaves in wnicu is represented a whole aquarium, as if the room were linked with tanks. There are different sorts of shells and aquatic plants lying at the bottom of the water, and swim ming in or on it all kinds of h-ih, jelly- uii, sepias, qucks ana swans, aiiiuua niy sketched with a light yet firm touch me nppies made oy the swimming nueKs are indicated, ana one duck is just nymg into tne water with a splash. On ech side of the niche this am us ing, aqutrium is enlivened by a special incident. To the left - large oc topus has caught a monstrous mu'tena (laraDrev) which turns round to bite- in its tentacles ; to the right a tine lobster has pierced another raurrcna through and through with its long, hard feelers or norns. inese creatures are painted in the natural colors very truth fully. On the left wall of the room, above the ushes, are two sphinxes siiDtortinir on their heads square marble vases, on the Drim or each oi which sits a dove. Be hind the niche and on the left side of r im room runs a little ga lerv with a enrri. uor unaerneatn. lighted by small Equare iiuies in me oorutr oi naniinir hrnm-npa Ihe wall of this gallery behind the nicne is decorated with a woodland land scape, in which, on one side, is renre. sented a bull runnin? frantically With n lion Clinging to it hnimnhoa' nn the other, a horse lying struggling on its baeK, attacked bv a leonard : all nonrls the size of life. On each side of the door way is Damted resnect velv a o-rappfiii doc and a bear. The other rooms are also very beautiful : one with elegant design on a black ground; in another a small fresco representing u lu.iu puuiuiK wine out ot an amphora into a large vessel. The hlllh.mnina a 10 large and elegant, the cold h-it.h snmimia and of marble. In one room a corner is dedicated to the lares and penates. and in the fiesco decoration, nmnni thB usuai serpents, eti.. 1 noticed the nimfu , . lar tuure ot a Btcchus or bae.chantp entirely clothed with large grapes. In one of the mosaic pavements Is a head ot medusa, the colors very bright aud wen pre3ervea. as some ol thu rooms aic um iv exuavaieu to within two nr thive teet irora the lloor. it is nos-ohln mat many va:uarie ornamen s or statu. ettesmayyet be found, as everything in dicates that this splendid house' belonged iu duiuc iicu ciLizen. Birthplaces of the Presidents. Seven of the nineteen Presidents wurn born in Virginia. They were Washing ton, J- ffersoh, Madison, Monroe, Hi rn- son. lyier ana lay ior. Ut these Jeffer son, Madison, Monroe and Tyler were gran nates oi college. Monroe was a de scendant of the old Virginia cavaliers, and was almost anything and every thing, from a colonel in the Revolution to a justice ot the peace, including such olhi-cs as governor of Virginia, minister to France and Spain and England, sec retary oi state ana president. Tyler and letterson were also both governors of v uginia. c icnary layior had only the ruv,auuu wimuilie pu.'KeU Up On 1US fathers plantation, where be served until he was twenty-four, and from mere ne was sent out on the military career which paved his way to the greatest honor in the power of the n.ition to bestow. It was said of him that ho was so ignorant of, and cared so little ior, pou ical anairs that he had not voted ior lorty years when h" became president; and like (ieneral Grant, he began life as a farmer, distinguished iiiniseii hb a general, and was never identilied with any office or affair of gov- prniiieni unui ne oeenme ctnet magis trate. Of the eleven remaining Presi dents, Jackson, Johnson nnd Polk were born in North Carolina, the two Adamses in Massachusetts, Filmoreand Van Bureu in New York. Grant and Hayes in Ohio. Lincoln in Kentucky, Pierce in New Hampshire and Buchun an in Pennsylvania. Polk and Johrson were both gov mors of Tennessee. The iormer Degan ms career with a scanty education, as a clerk in a country store, um evemuauy uiauuaiea at the Univer sity of North Carolina, and thu latter, following the trade of a tailor, married early and went to school to his clever wite. franklin Fierce learned the imuu anu never saw a grammar or geography until he was nineteen vinr of age, and Jackson, whose parents were scantily nam linen weavers of bcotcn-iristi descent, was much dis tracted in his vouth between h is nrpH 1. lections for firearms and his love for cocktigbting Land Leader. and horseracing. Citfe- Perseverance With the Drowned. In a recent communication to the French academy. Professor Fort asserts . i . i j . . . ... luat, ub waaenaoieu to restore to me a child three years old, by practicing arti ficial rtspiration on it four hours, com mencing three hours and a half mier apparent aeatn. ne mention also a case in which Dr. Fournol, of Billan oourt, reanimated, in July, 1878, an ap parently drowned Derson bv lour hours of artificial respiration begun one hour after the patient was taken from the water. At this season, when nnapa nf drowning are apt to be frequent, the possible benefit that may come from a peisevering effort to revive victims of drowning, should encourage friends not. to despair of their resuscitation, even after several hours of seemingly fruitless labor. To stiffen a crape veiL always keen it folded and pressed under a heavy book, and when it looks gray, take alcohol enough to wet it thoroughly, then shake it dry, fold it nicely and press. Sour apple sauce is greatly improved by the addition of a tahlfspoonful of butter to a quart of sauce, and, more over, there is much less sugar needed . A unie lemon peei mates a tine flavor. A Yonng Sergeant's Exploit. In seeking to capture the citf of M xioo.the American armvwasoblig to tahe first the town of Churubusci about six milrs from the city. After that the main approach was by a large causeway, with a diten on eacn sine and, at one place, a fortified bridge. Si t' e American forces, under General Worth, had to gain the bridge and figh Upon the cause wav: and. at one noint In the battle, the general found himself scnaraiea irom a pari oi his iroops whom he wishea to rejoin. In the midrih of the cause wav among other wreck stood a baggage wagon on fire, and as ih? general and bis staff approached the blazing csrt they su ldenly discovered thai it was laden with gunpowderl They drew up with a start and waited results very anxiously. In a moment. how ever. Sergeant A. M. Kenaday, then ol the Third United States dragoons, mo tioned to three of his comrades, and withiut a word the four brave men dashed on to the wagon. Although they could not tell how soon one of the powder boxes might explode, th;s men determined to clear a passage for their chief. The gunnybag covers ot the boxes were smoHering, and seme of them were already nflime, but Kena day and another soldier mounted into the midst of the blazing boxes and fel to work in dead earnest quickly toss ing them one bv one to the two other troopers, who as ouieklv rolled them into the wet and muddy ditch. Each wooden case, moreover, weighed about seventy pounds, so t iat to empty the cart wns no light labor. Within a f'.'w minutes the cover oi the wagon had burned entirely off, and the gallant four, almost exhausted with heat and exertion, were soon aftea stooped by General Worth, who rode up to the wagon and ordered them out. This command was instantly obeyed and then the general and his stiff spurred their horses and made a rush past the wagon at full gallop, while the sergeant and his comra 'es .ollowed at a pace that soon put them out of dan ger. But they had not yet caught up with tt'e uenerai's party When they herd a loud report behind, and looking back saw no trace of the wagon, even when the smoke had cleared. It had been blown to atoms bv the few cases of powder which thev had loft in it. And this was not the only act of brav ery performed that day by the young sergeant, tor Inter in the same afternoon he joined in the famous charge, led bv general itnen cantain) rhino Kearny on the San Antonio gate of the city ol Mexico. In this reckless onslaught twenty resolute dragoons cut their way into the city through 6,000 of the ene my's panic-stricken soldiers. General Scott, the American commander in chief. said it was the-bravest charge he had ever seen or rend ot. and a full account of it may be found in almost every his tory of the M -xican war. St. Nicholas, Press Mad. Behold her at eleven. Her limbs unfettered bv long skirts of conventionality, she runs, she romps sue slides on the ice ponds, she rolls noop, sue cnmbes fences, she leaps, sh kicks, she runs races and is as fresh and fleet of foot as the bovs. Her anoetit is good, her cheeks rosy, and her move mi nts unconsciously gracetul. uenoifl ner again at twentv. No more does she run or iumn or roll hoop, run races or slide on the ice. It is not proper now nor lad v-hke. and sh couldn't if she would, for she is fettered by Jong skirts, tight shoes and tighter stays. Her movement has no longr tue ireeaom ana unconscious grace o childhood, for now when she walk abroad she walks to be looked at, which now in her estimation is the main ob. Jed of walking. She is already in deli cate health, and has a doctor who pre scribes expensive advice and prescrip tions ior her. ana ascrines her com plaint to anything and everything but the real cause. This is simply the fettering of her body with fashionable clothes, rtiysieally she is now a prisoner At eleven she was free. The doc; cr ad vises travel, but he does not advise her to take off her lashionable fetters. She wouhtn't do so if he did. and he wouldn t advise her if he knew it would bring re- uer, ior sue would no longer believe in a aoctor who would make her dress like a guy, and being dressed like a "guy is dressing diff.-rent from the style pre scribed by a Paris modiste. Diana never could hunt in a traveling skirt. narrow, tight, high heeled gaiters, and a pinched, corseted waist, but Diana with belted tunic and unlettered limbs wouid be bounced on Broadway by t:ie nearest policeman. Dressed lor health and freedom of limb is one thing, and dressing ior las h ion quite another. A man couldn't endure the pinching and encuniDrances peculiar to lemimne at tire ior an hour, and a rrettv so' ctaele ned mane rushing about in such during ousiness hours. let the "weaker sex" wear double the incumbrances of the so called stronger. To dress at all after the style uses up halt ot a woman s time and two-thirds of her strength. New J orK urapmc. Ulcerative weaknesgai and debilitating liumors ol female cured by M ,lt Bitten. Some women c n see through their own bunds what is going on in the nar- or oi a private lami v in tue other end ot town. Vallfjo t'hromcle. A fond and a medicine Hre combined in the most perfect manner in Mult Bitter. The society ladv never t-heds tears. She knows enough to keep htr powder ary. notion uranscrivl We often wondered what induced Dr. Bull to invent his celtraied Baby Syrup, hut wu understand now, that be wa amumod man. Colonel F. D. CurlH says that a bull must never be patted about the head. A firm o.immand, promptly enforced, is the only treatment he should receive. Over-kindness makes a bully of him. Art Tan IV nf In Cwaad ITe<h 1 It the Jjver i the aoaroe ol your trouble, 1011 can And un xbsoluie remedy iu Da, Sah ford's Liver Invigorator, the only vegeta- P'1" "h' tio wliieii act directly on the Liver. Cure all Bilious ili-eases. For Book aildresi Du. Sanfokd, 162 Brcadwav, New York. Will end thoir EUclro-Voltaic Belt to tl afflioied upon 30 day' trial. See the r adver tisement in thus paper headed, " On 30 Day' Dr C. E. Shoemaker, th well-known aural surgeon ot Reading, Fa., ofl'.irs to scud by mail, tiee ol chance, a valuable Utile noon on ueameas and disease of the ear specially ou running ear and catarrh, and their proper treatment giving relerenoe and testimouiul ttiat will mainly the most skeptical . Address a above . Vboetinb i not stimulating bitter which creates a flo itioii appetite, but gentle touio wnion awisia nature to rtstore ma stomach to a healthy action. Nothing la nidier than a eiooked SUftighUn them with Ljoq'i Heel 8tiifeuer. Alwati get p. Gilbert Linen Starch. CA HII.-Tn all who ira MiHsrlllC tnm th AUTOrt and mdii. Hionaof youth, o-rvo- weiiineu-l7(icj1 iom of lnatih o, th-., 1 will tv nd ft Kecip thai will cure 1U. FHJsM of t'.HARfiB This mtfMt rctutiv wu dlv covered . mt-bi-.iijry idSuqiB A merit:. Brdttclf ad4reel mc).,p to tbt Kir. JO<PH 1. IK MAN, Statin It Vnrk t. DB. MAKClllHl ii nTLf UlklK flATHfll U'Jltf sartll msL tivelj vurt Feiu&lfl WeakurM, kii m rllluf of IU WOOID. Wltltf. flhrnni liirtuinmuLlna or Klr.ratLna Um Womb, luciaeiiul Ueutorrii or Kloodiug, Ptinfui BuppreMed u4 Im-rolttr UeiuLuAtioa, kc An old u4 iviaauuj ifMUtjux. B lul pOtUU 0M4 IllT ft DftlDpDlCi, WlU kdttuMDL our fttid oeniAcAUa from DbTtiklu aa2 An Ingenious Machine. There has lately been introduced Into the Pennsylvania Railroad company's machine shop at Altoona, Pa., a small Invention used for senarat ng the iron and brass filings which fail from the lathes. When mixed they are compara tively of little value, but when separated they are worth several cents per pound. The machine for this purpose is about three feet high and two feet square. On top is a hopper into which are emptied the mixed tilings of wrought and cast iron and brass. These pnss through a trough below and on to a comb which distributes them in a thin even layer on a cylinder. In this cylinder is the mechanism which displays the ingenuity of the inventor. It is well known that a common magnet will attract wrought iron strongly, cast iron slightly and brass not at ail. On the inside of the cylinder is a continuous row ot mag nets. As the mixture of metal falls slowly, the drum revolves and into a box in front the brass filings and bits are dropped, the iron being held by the magnets. Further around is a light brush which sweeps off the cast iron bits into a convenient receptable, while the wrought iron, of which there is very little, adheres in bunches to the drum nnd has to be cleaned off occasionally. Although there is not constant vork lor the separator, it has been used con siderably, and found to perform its work in a satisfactory manner. 1 1 will take a very few weeks to pay for itself in the saving of valuable metal rendered well nigh useless by being mixed with foreign substances. American Manu facturer. Bad eggs always float on top. You no' ice this in social circles. Bloominy ion Eye. THE MARKETS. SW TOBK Beet Oattle Med. Natives, live wt . . 09)tf 10 Oslve Cnoioe and Extnu. ut un Sheep MV4 05 Lambs e6i4 07 bogs Lire 04-,. 4 C47, Drened no 4 16 Floor Ex. State, good to fancy.... 4 3u fl 01 Western. Rood to isucy es (t 7 0 1 Wheat No. 3 Rod 1 24 it 2( V No. 1 White 1 )S',4 1 1! Rye State 9i;( P H barley Two-Kowea mate o 70 Corn Ungraded Western Mixed.... 44 (4 M Southern Yellow.. 68 C4 M Oats White State 42 14 4ft Mixed Weetern 37 (4 uay Hetall grades... vs 14 1 u. Straw Long Rye, per cwt.. ........ 1 II (4 1 20 Hops mate, ihiv zv (4 as Pork Mess, new 11 S3 (411 03 Lard City Steam 7 20 IS 1 20 eetroieuro Jrnne ...... uu;4gu'?t i.enDea m Butter 8Ute Creamery 16 (4 '-'J Diary 17 (4 !! western Imitation Creamery 12 (4 17 taotory 12 14 If, Obeese State Factory 4 1 HKlulB. uo (4 W WfBtern f4 J (!) Eeffs State and Penn 14 (4 14 Potatoes, Early Rose, Stats, bbl . . . J 00 (4 2 28 BUVraLO Floor Olty Ground, No. I Spring.. S 00 A S 75 Wheat No. 1 Hard Duluth. ...., 1 13 (4 113 Corn No. 2 Western 44,'i(4 41 14 es 9 44) Oats Bute Barley Two-rowed Stats..... SOSTOH. Beef Cattle Live weight Sheep.. Boss 42 70 . 08 . 04 .4 . 05 (4 , S 80 (4 t . C4 (4 06 Flour Wisconsin and Mlnn.Pat Corn Mixed and fellow.. 87 Oats Extra white Bye Bute Wool Washed Combing St Delaine., Unwaabed. " " 48 (4 8 1 05 a 1 05 48 0 SI 33 til 36 WATEBTOWH (MASS ) OATTIil MABSBT Beet Cattle live weight 071(4 07 Sheep 04 14 OS xainos . U7 (4 oh Hogs 0fi4 JHrLDKI,PBI. Flour Penn. good and fancy Wbeat Pennsylvania Red Rye tftate Guru Htate Yellow... Oats Mixed Butter Oretmery extra .4 51 fit 5 00 , 1 23 (4 1 23 . ( W , 6'V(4 61 . . (4 at . 20 (4 22 uiieesi ftew yors paotory, 12 (4 12 petroleum Ornde. . ...0807 Refined 08 Beautiflers, Ludies. you cannot make fair akin rosy theeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of Fruuce, or b autifiers 01 ttie wono, wnue in poor neaith, nnd nothing will give you such cood health Hlrengtli, bujjnnt spirits and beauty rs nop Hitters TtKyaiih. Kidney Complaints of all dessriptions are relieved at once ana speedily curea by Kldm y-wort. It seems intended ho mil lira tnr t l.n ftiiin j all diseases of the kidneys causid by powers are especially directed to the re m aval ot tli- class cf diseases. Prcst. Bladder, Urinary and Liver Dlscsses, Dropsy, O ravel and Diabetes, are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY, the Great Kidney and Liver Medicine. HUNT'S REMEDY eures Brighfs Disease, Retention or Nonreten. lion of Urine, Pains in the Buck, Loins, or Bids. HUNT'S REMEDY cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Female Weakness aud Excesses, HUNT'S REMEDY eures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Soar Stomach, Dyapcptia, Constipation and Piles. HUNT'S REMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, LWer, and Bowels, restoring them to a healthy action, and CURES when all other medicines fail. Hun. drcds have been saved who havs been given up to die by friends and physicians. Bend for pamphlet to WM. E. CLARKE, Providence, It. I. Trial slse, 71 cents. Larue sits cheapest. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BEATTY" OP WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY, SBIjTjs 14-StoD ORGANS Btool, JBook 4 Mode boxed 4 kbipped only Sb V O. MewPtuotSIlM to l,6'0. Seiof yJi buy in ln romeol m hit to km bLi Mid-unaiier otTer WmitraUtt. a-u W PBAII I , W tMaillgUJtt, ii, si. UNITED 8TATE8 atent Brokers and Inventors' AB8O0IATIO3VT. Pfttent HilfbU lold At PrlviiL RaU ami h kii a terint. CoiTelxadnc toUuleii. (Jtrotl&ra aia MOD. PttLfliU nrtinl anil Sseari'liw marl a. i 2a Witt. CKAWSniW, Bfanurcr. Q'I1 Arch Street. PlllLAQELPHIA. VOUNG MEN inlTM uioutU. Kery sra,iuat" fruaranteeu a patnu sit . A'weistt. vaiLOiioe. aifuiier, rfauesvuiSi ,a S350 A HItITH I AGENTS WANTBDt ? B m be. Ilns Articles In the wor.lj a s;tn p y-frte. J.t llaogoji. Detroit, Micb, Ori Splendid Chrome Tl.lllnf CARIB. with asms. 4B79AWKEE. tissdaystaomssslyauda. Costly 4pi4 Ouutttiss. Address Tasa A Co., Aususla, IUib, Vegetine Purities the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICINAL PROriRTIKS ARB Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic Ttomsa Is mails exclusively from ths Juices of care fully selected liaks, mots ami herns, and so strong1)' con centrated Uiat It will tnettnally erai teats from ths syitem svery taint of Ncrofnla, Merofolowa Humor, Tumors, Cancer, Cancerous Humi' lOrr slpelas, Salt llhenm, fcyphllllla IMseaaes, Tanker, Famines at the (Itnmaeh. snd sll dlneascs thst srlss from Impurs blood. Sciatica, Inflammatory snd Chronic Rheumatism, eursHsrla, Uunt snd Hplnal Complaints, can only bs effectually cured through ths blood. For t'leera snd Ernptlvs IHseasei ct the Skin, Pnstnles, Pimples, Blotches, Bolls, Tetter, Mraldhead snd ninsiworm.'ViaiTiss has never failed to eflect a permanent curs. For Pain In ths Back, Kidney Com plaints, Dropsy, Female Weakness, Lcu corrhcea, arising from Internal ulceration, and uterine diseases snd Uencral Debility, Visstiks sets directly upoa ths causes of these complaints. It In vigorates snd stre :,gtheni ths whols system, sets upon the scu;t!'. allays inflammation, cures ulceration and regulates ths bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Cos tlyeness. Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Head ache, Piles, Nervousness, and General I'rostrailon of the Rervon My stem, no medicine hss ever given such perfect satisfaction as ths VtoiTina. It purines ths blsod, cleanses all of ths organs, snd possesses controlling power ovsr ths nsrvous system. Ths remsrkabls cores effected by Tismns bsvs Induced many physicians sod apothecaries whom ws know to prescribe snd ttes It In their own fsniflles. In tact, V sesnss Is ths best rsmsdy yet discovered for ths sbovs diseases, snd Is th only reliable BLOOD PCKIFIEHyet placed before Bis pnbUe, Tege Ing la Sold by all Drngflgti. MALT BITTERS TRADEMARK 1- ' nrXDRKOS OP PHYSICIANS thronch'-nt the 1'nit-il SiatiihiVf in.U.riK-l M ALT lUTTKltS pre pAutl by the MAI T lUTTKlt CO.M1MN Y. cmitii nil).' ui'Te or ihe element- of imur Rlintfiit ami ulrenyth ihn hII ottie forma ofni-tlto-- inoiltrliip. while fr-e from iho ohieilloni urcp) against mult hijuorB. TIipv tmltt up a-it-w the ticrvmiia oewfoua (lo ei atl nnis' iilar item. Tli-y enrich the bluul an t Itnpiri life an I vlmir t evt-rv ruiu tton. There run be in want of al.-ep, no ch ; oii'li'ii v. m ilchiltty for thone who n ace tlit-lr trust In thU h len Foo.1 Metlldne. MALT lilTTKKS COMPANY, Huston. Mn a. 'KIN t DISEASES. Itiliin,: Hinortt. Saly Krnp tlori-, Stnlp AflivtioiM, Salt Uheum. Psoriasm, 8mM llff, I'ict-rs ami Soren inf IliMyctnvit by the Ct'Tici'KA llr hhhif-. whk-h have forrneil iniriu-le , of heal'ngmip rail . in cpl history. Semi for lllnstnite.l T--nt tni.iiiifn-j ti bliinuulali from every p rt or the I nlon. Pk pared bv t ka A Putter, Uhcmiata, llostoo, Mass. SoM bv Uruii gtsta. PONIFIER It the Original Concentrated and Reliable Family -. ........ .. ...... .....n nlLwllllnlIJ Wiui OU lur III.KIUK ll.iril, Sin and Toilet Koap quickly. It Is fuB . ".i""1 "treniila. Ask your grocer for UFONI. Ml ft, uul take no othcrr. EWA SALT MANUFACTURING CO.. Phila. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. Wft Will KIMlri Olir Kle.frn.Tnllntr 11.1 rs sinH Electrk Attniianfpri un'.n trial for At tiv u, thr rni.-tsui witli Xm.xu Joints nu l ilfoasm a ptrswl no. Also of lite I Ivi i, M.inevH. Klieiliuatisui. P.trlvlt Aa. A nitre am gwa auttvft or no pay. fj!Lr.ygttti!ite' o.f iff aishnll, Mich. llOIIIMI trv fTKHFT Mmpllrtrd. w v. . , nn, minium lur BI1V Illhe, An a i.nii,p!ete Nys ein for Ave at'ina A.rounts. . .., ai. rm nw it ,um til IS,ln, S IV.. I re-o'i mend It llnliesi nlinlv U sl i M nt ntM TfT ? " 1 'I" "r A.wrcs J. W. ltltl.SlVg t.l.,r.l St., 11 lioiton. COPY PAD I'l lMl'l (w-Mh m ' ' ti t'.-rn ?' in Oh , f -r t -' i.: tin ii(..ney 1 I' . ' ttl-liu. i u . 1 ' r s.. eqtri! I tti.'ttf ii! f r .j i i j."., anl He e jts j..r til kiri-!--.! im tmumail. .d ire.-sll. MI.KDSO DON'T Br Ririntllfd Hefore yi,u t-uy any Kie,1 trlciil Kelt, rattery or Medieal A'iHanca aJ.ircss Dr. Dye, ISox Mi. llostuu. Muss. WANTED t&XZJZi roftt jowd. O'.tflt fr... lr.l'L fcll TV C.ffN, B.kl 1-..I.J ..m,lp,t, fwnUUC $5 tO $20 ? ?w 1 Bom "'"PI'S worth $ fre .wvyfcv Addresa Btiasus ft Co.. Ponl.nn. Malse $66 4J WSKK In yonr owa tear Terms and SA (ratflt rree. AilUrs H. ll.ixarr ft Co., Portland, Maine. Chambers's MALT AND HOPS 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Pages. Price During June, $6. Among the wonderful things which have been aooomnliahed lor lovnr of ,a ti the " Liteiary Kevolution," perhaps the moat Encyclopaedia at a merely nominal cost. It is bound ton, price volume. $6. An Amazing Offer. $6. The more widely and rapidly these volumes are tor.,,1 ,1,. . i. . ...... in inducing other purchases ol this and our manv special terms to earlv subscribers. To sll, wtiose orders snd money sre received during th month of June .0 . and in ha f Kumis. gi t lop. for I -4 o. To any one sendinS 7i (uwally the 1 a lliK Ijo llerof the town), s club of flv oTuVrs, V for 6 file voluuie.lued will be Tt .ToS Tb eipTesJ sil U b.Ar.WliM U,.reMvTuri Standard Ibrsrv of f Universal Knnwledew. 91 vnl. sia Hllman's Gibbon's Home, t vol.., ft 6l. Msvsnlay's Ulitoryof EuKland. 3 vols., 1,50, Macaulay's Life and Letters, fto ceuls. Uacautav's Kmuivs ad V en,.. :i v -It a I .Nfl. Chambers' Cyclopxdta of Ena. Lih ralure, 4 vols., S, Plutarch's I.Ives of 11 uatrious Men, S voV, tl.OO. i.iie man woruaor vnr st, vtf ceut oung's bible Concordance, Sll.uuu retweoce (prepsr- Aons IJbrary of Blorraphy, BO eenU. Hook of Pa lea, p. eu-.. Ulna., 6t cents. U MtOO'S Com Diets Poetirnl H'nrk, KHMnia. Bhakespsare's Complete W. iki., 7ft cent. ww.soi u.nie. uanalated by C'ary, 40 cent. WOTkaof VirC'tl. tr.ltl.itM,l h TlrvHn .a.k mm..M. Ths Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, Hi rent. Auveuiureaoi uou quix te. lima., oil earn. .rsoiail r. IKIIU, 1 1US-, OU OCIIIS. uuvau'a Pi srni'. Procre... Kn Mn. Roblnaon DruuM I: In. . &A -,,. aluncJiaiisen and Gulliver's Travsis, Ulna., 69 eents; R.mtt bv bank draft money order, registered letter ssssiaions. AOOfss AMERICAN JOHN B. ALOBN, A r m mm . Mm, II 1 If.. SI- J , - , .. 1, a. sste-ys, W FRAZER AXIE GREASE. vwiiawi. I "i?ica'5 rO R l11I.KHS, Awm.ti laa MMUAL Of HONOR al tat antenatal m4 Pant tSxpeHUmi. . CMc0. FRAZER LUBnlCATOW CO., NewYprfc. Important to the Fair Sex! THB GHRAT RNGLIRH RKMEDY, onrea Timeoiw hroa, (or wtiitee.) Pamrnl Menfrtmation. Ulceration, Ova rian Disease, Absent Atenstruation, nit iliseasea, known ai female weakneas. They have bwn n"wd in Knsland t'r yearn ns a periodical and refnilating pill. Bold by all l)r!:rf3ts everywhertt Price $1.(1) per dot ot ai boxea fur acnt hy mail free of postngo, sectmOy sealed. THE (KAV HIKIflt'lM? Cttsf Mophanic8t Blork, Detroit, Mich. Vliol(.i!o A (rents for U. 8. rUTamphlets sent free. (J. CH IT'f'EKTON, Wholesale Aent. New Vork. Perry Davis' Fain Eiiler is HEconF.xnEi By riiyticiant, by Wntnntrk: l.v Minitttrs, by Mfdnmlm by A'urM'. in UpituU. nr liVKu vuoiT; DJIIN V I CD II A SritE riiH for r AI i rMUUtri More lli.o.l, mills, ilnrrhea, Tvseitlery, t ratnii.. Cholera, antlvli tiovt'Cl miik'liUtt rAliti Ml LI Ii i.ikmvii lo tl.o v.rl.l for Mrk licailncho, l'n!il In Hie tintk. Inln in the Mile, uliruiimlism ami cui iilalo. TJXQVKSTl , AB1.I TIIIJ BEST LINIMENT MADE I Jtt equal hav ng nwr yd benfotiwl. irFor ale by fcll Mcillilne Iraler. RED RIVER VALLEY 2,000,000 Acres Wheat Lands Best la th World, fersaSs by ia St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba B.B. CO. Hwa dollar per eere a flowed the mtHm for brOsfc fcakg mmd oultiTsvtaVam. For Briinira apply to D. A. McKINLAY, OemmlMUaer, hi. Pl.aWlsmB. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYoftueWORLD Kmliraclnu lull an I nutin-ntto ar-tinnts .r v crv nuiicr f atK'i. tit an I inutU-ni i-nifT., arxl in-' u.Hn; i iVtor ! ;ho rso an I fall vt tin- Hvrv'.i ami Kmpir a.'tli iiitlilic ), thy ernsa n. t!,e f.'ii .i v i,tii. lii- r frn.a l:nn, the Jlst nv.TV nml s t h-iu M .f ih. .-w W'orl.l. el.- II unt.iins t7S ili: hi-ui-i ,Mi. i n l b 1 most ronii' cti nt .-r Hi V. ., ' . v r t-i.; Vi i. Si kh fur tsjii-ctfiuri p it-a n i i-t'a i-- in- : . Writ . A!'l-eM arnL lrm.ixiu. C I'liila-lr I'lil.i, Pa Hl:nil, Iu h:rnr. or IJIireratt-ri IMImthat lleltinK!! I'ilo 1 1 fin I'd v fails toe u rt. G i ra I uiuiH'iiiate n-liff, ciirt s caser of lur iff atandinfc in 1 ww , and firdriinrv caes in S daya. fflllTinN .""::": tr ra j Z"r If it vr intrTon it in blnrk a I'if nf tK nnit nna Jir.J. I Mitfer'9 thjn.ttnrrt I'ttitn. 1 a Ixilt fS. Sold by alldnigpiiita, Kent by iimil by J. i Mii.i.ku.M. i., rrour.. S. W. cor. Tenth and Arch b w., t liilada.. Pa, This Clnlm-IIous Established 1SOB. SIGNS. ,V w Iji vr. Thousands of Soldiers snd burs en1tlet retiHiuns lute back to dlsclisrgs or death. Time laastcA Aitilreia, with stuup, t.i.uituE E. LRwnm, P. O. Drawer 9.., Washlninon, TS. C. The Creat Kcmetv lor 1k LIVER. THE BOWELS, and the KICKEY15. These (Trent or,-ani are tlir Nrtnrul cl' lliwrnof thcKy.tcin. Ift.iy vmk v.,.1. I., Lu rxr r.ft. if t..i yl-' inHTl. jjr-.-.l, cron,':ul il:.,ia k are developed lvanite the 1,1, ikI is puiFinn d with the humor that !iovM lmvu Un rn; ll, l naturally. Kipr!EV-VORT'll re.,torellien:itnrelai-t!cii .vir t!:ror olt i;-.o diws.v. LViun-nit huve bet-n :rTl.n;;l allrinv !.. r-r eeli- ,y all I rnerlKt Is MUM This won'lerful substance Is Siknowleili by physi cian. tlircUt;h(ut the wurld to be the l)c. lls aivcred for the rtire of Wounds, Hums, UhFUinatisra, Skin Disrates, Pll-s. Catarrh, Chlllilulas. ftc In order that every one imiy try It, it It put up In IH and a cent bottles for hoiwhold use. Ol Lilii il from your druem!. sud you will dn l it superior to anulaim you have eva luted. ABl-CAR.) SODA , Is ss best ks Cs World. It n snsolntely pare. It a rke' - ' v. wvaw ry au viaMUM WlVOtn, PEWW'A SALT ArlUFACTUBIWQ CO., risUa. TRUTH ISM'Hjyi BBadaiMMii ! uari,tU jtu M. (. iski f nas. and lack mt ka.s. 4 a orrssl wt f I ear raiara kss- riM;4Jia.Hrar. HAK1 INtZ. to tk..Hsa, M. Tammsm S 4 TBAH snd expenses tcasa Outat Krce. Addrsal Encyclopaedia. r. O T1UKERY, Amusts. kisuM wonderful ia the reproduction ol thia area! ataniliirrt n.,v,nn.:. . . r """" "'u'B'y wo give we will supply ths IS volumes, In cloth, om auy pliu-f , where we tiavs no s,-ecul rernalm,11 ISS,.' "h 1,1 l0W 'TiUUlua WP Books. Btortes and Bs'iad's, by K. T. Alden, Ulna., HO cent. Acme I. bra y of Mclcrn Clash's, 50 cent. American Pat iot:i.m. rvtvveuls. Taine'B lllsiory of Knu bti l.iUT.iinro, 7n cents. ferli's Hook pf utiiru History, (I -ov. Pictorial Handy U-yUou, cents. Sayuws, by author of tMm,Wiiraes i'apurs, tio caiata Mia llcmans' Poetical U'orks. .111 cciiU. Kitto'.Cyc opasii.t of H;h. 1. 1 ratuie, z u l.U.OO. Hoi In s Ancient tii.tory, $ ..VM. """" Smith's Dictlonaiy of ihe 1st 1 . e, illna.. ttO rem. Works Of P,avl,..Socphiis is.M. fkiml Ulstorvof the v. S llopi.iiu. 111ns., Oo Mea th by ,erd,e, Dr. Ueo. 11! 'lay nr, 4t "".fu Health for Women, Dr. (ieu. H. Tuylo". Hirr.Wm Ljbrsry JIaKuiue, IO cent, a No. ,1 ' . ytl I.lbiary iCigasine. boun . vo umes. . ceut Irfuvcs from Uie Diary of an Old 1 wvf a . 7... . fine 'tasa icdl- !.. IpUv. t; llotu s ...d Terms te Clubs VMUV. or by Express, rrscUons of ons dollar may be sent In port- BOOK EXCHANGE, Trlbauae Bull dins , Wevr York. . ladUnijpol) WjmW. SWWIL, lijlf M DO,! ""sa AAA UUU PEN