TDFl t IIDrOlfl 0 A ST a . i j t 1 e - n , AlMlfl lllfl . . ' 1 -- - - - - . i r- i jm i rr-a i iinff uiibii a shbk.jb a i si in imi n t rn i ininriittir i wi.iw iuv.iu woarAMi m jhsww mu tii I'M Henry Ju Parsons, Jr.r - ' Editor THURSDAY, MAY, 27, 1880. Entered at the Post-officb at BlDQWAY. PA., At SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER. Republican National Ticket for 18B0 , FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ULYSSES 8. GRANT. (Bubjoot to decision of Republican National Convention.) Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge, HENRY GREEN, f Northampton County. For Auditor General, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blair County. National Republican Convention. A National Convention of the Re bublicau party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates to be sup ported for President and Vice Presi dent at the next election. Republi cans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of the party, are invited to cliooso two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State, two from each Territory and two from the District of Columbia, to represent them in the convention. J. D. Cameron, Chairman. Tnoa. B. Keogu, Secretary. Grant. At Chicago, Wednesday, June 2d, 1880, the Republican National Con vention will meet Without doubt it will be the great est convention this country lias ever witnessed. Great not only in point of the num ber of delegates and alternates. But Blaine, Sherman, Conklin, Edmunds, and many of our most em inent men will be there. Then this convention will be great in adopting somethiug new in Ameri can politics. An idea will be presented by this convention which none other has ever advanced. That idea is the third term Idea. The idea that a man of vigorous in telect and great attainments, shall be eligible for the office of President. Notwithstanding the fact that he has twice before held the same posi tion. The idea that the American people are above prejudice. And are competent to judge who shall be Chief Magistrate. Great because the nominee will be the next President. Great because the greatest Ameri can will receive the badge of uomiua. tion. The unerring finger of destiny, points with certainty to the man of destiny. Great he is now; great not only at home, but great In th eye of the whole world. This last step will add still one more cubit to his stature. Mark this prediction. Grant the Great will be nominated by this convention. And on the first ballot by a large majority. The people will then rally around their staudard bearer and his triumph ant election is assured. The hand of fate is plain. Who will gainsay this? Grant will be nominated, Who will dispute this? On to Chicago. The following we publish as a mat ter of general information to our readers. It will explain itself PENNSYLVANIA HAILKOA OFFICE OK THE 3j Vll PHILADELPHIA, MAY Hon J. D. Cameron. Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: I have your favor of the 12th instant. At a meeting of the trunk lines held a short time ago, it was decided by all the roads to sell round-trip tick ets to the conventions at a rate which will be equal to two-thirds of the regular fare. These tickets will be sold to the general public, and will be good for' the outward trip any time between May 25th and June 1st, and for the return trip until June 10th. I will give below a- list of points from which they will be sold, and the rate to Chicago and return. The travel would not warrant us In going to the expense of supplying this form of tickets to all local stations along our line. We propose, therefore, to place them on sale at the principal points which are named below, and delegates coming from intermediate stations can purchase local tickets to these points and then, avail themselves of the through excursion rate to Chicago I'give you this information fully, in order that you may be able to answer the many inquiries which will doubt less be made of you on this point. Yours truly, A. J Cass att, Third Vice President. Boston to Chicago and Return $37 85 New York " . 29 80 Philadelphia " 20 65 Baltimore " 20 00 Washington " - 20 00 Harrisbnrg 25 85 WlllUmsport " 24 65 Alteon' 28 85 K.7 V I LROAD CO. "I I'E PRES'T Y 14, 1880. J At a picnic given at Lauer'a Park, Reading, on Saturday last, there was a disgraceful nght between two women which involved about adoaen men, all f whom were more or leas injured. TREASURER'S SALES OP SEATED LAND. OTICE Is hereby given that.agree 1 1 ably to an Act of Assembly passed the 18th day of March, A. D. 1816, en titled "An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of sellinir un seated lands for taxes and for other purposes." and the several sunnle ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated ianas, situate in Elk county, Pennsylvania, will ha ivtuuml in ..'in by public vendue or outcry, t the uuuri nouse in Klilffwn v, in sala county, on the aecond 'Monday el una toxi, neingtiit 14th DAY OF JUNE. A. D. inert for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1878-79. unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War. Acres. War. or Owners. Taxes. 532 928 . James Stokes. 74 70 0833 1067 ' 84 12 6833 1067 " " 125 83 6838 1007 " " 190 00 5384 1067 " " 84 12 6345 1007 250 C7 6346 1067 " 250 67 6346 1067 " " 125 83 6348 10C7 " " 209 05 5379 459 " ' 144 20 5380 1100 " 258 40 6383 1100 " " 129 70 5384 1000 " 311 or, 6387 1100 " 215 50 5349 1O08 " " 138 58 6342 1100 " " 235 00 5008 990 " " 118 00 6353 143 Myron Merrill, 34 43 5334 1100 ' " 108 25 5337 1100 " " 137 50 5350 1008 11 " 236 90 5351 1100 ' 8ol 30 5352 800 " " 82 28 6300 1100 Jones.Hamniond&Co. 215 50 633H 1100 Amos B. Merrill. 108 25 5287 275 " ' " 22 45 52S8 275 ' " " 27 70 6280 223 " " 22 71 4J04 845 Nathan W. Ellis. 64 82 4992 458 Addison.Swart wood Co.89 63 5341 500 Cornelius Wainwright 40 00 6012 POO Miles Deut 293 50 5479 600 " " 47 80 5479 100 " " 12 70 6479 224 " south end of survey 27 18 5478 60 " " southwest corner 5 63 5481 450 John Brooks. 53 65 oOiiO 990 " " 79 00 4997 481 H.C. Spauldiug. 76 02 5981 650 ' " " 43 90 6023 288J John Johnson 12 10 5388 1100 Hezekiah Mix 149 20 6023 60 Andrew Dent 6 85 5479 61 Hamilton Dawn 8 11 4994 150 Wm. Shannon 24 40 5022 110 David S. Johnson 18 16 6340 650 HenrvBlesh 14 20 6001 990 Finney & Barrows 194 05 4990 190 " " ' From Fitch & Bovintrton23 80 6480 CO Ober & English northeast corner 3 34 5002 990 Reading.Fisber & Co.274 00 0013 990 " " " 157 00 6014 8'JO " ' ' 157 00 5009 990 " " 232 CO 5010 999 TullinKer Croft Co. From Fitcli & Bovini'ton 194 05 5024 134 John & D.S.Johnson. 10 87 6025 302 " " " " 36 82 5922 110 E.Johnson & A.Apker 26 74 5482 605 Julius Jones 79 87 5482 28 " " 8 34 0340 650 Smith, McCormick & Mann 108 25 5343 1100 Cook & Pardee 258 48 5479 60 James Reilly 2 95 6024 691 Ralph Johnson 43 90 6478 1040 St John & Rothrock 82 12 6011 990 ' " 78 22 5477 1100 " " " ' 65 35 6481 300 H. Merriman 47 80 5020 9'JO Reuben Winslow est. 116 83 5021 375 " " " 69 50 6015 990 " ' 110 83 6027 790 " 93 43 5026 060 ' " " 78 22 6014 100 " " 8 80 5027 200 " " " Heimer & Johnson lot 82 30 183 13-80 Reuben Winslow Estate Brockway. 16 '0 109 Reuben Winslow est. 9 49 260 " " " 29 86 197 " " ' 9 34 BENZIXGER TOWNSHIP. 4105 100 John W. Dubbs 29 35 4105 25 Peter Garrity 8 10 4106 75 Hor Jackot 22 28 4115 75 John Milne 19 23 4104 25 Peter Byrnes, 1879 tax 4 53 140 Nelson J. Wimmer 42 79 140 " " " 42 50 4S83 511 Lav.-rence & Cassell 143 80 4882 823 " " 234 52 4959 990 " " " 241 61 4960 200 " ' " 87 49 80 " " " 15 63 220 " ' " 41 17 4958 800 James Somers Smith 73 97 4958 500 " " " 22 64 4961 00 " " ' 22 84 4961 000 ' " 215 72 4102 30 Earley, Brickel, & Hite Avenue K, No. 8. 12 07 4104 57 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos 1, 3 a 7. 11 78 4106 325 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, & 23. 62 42 4106 1414 Earley, Brickel Hite 401 89 4107 884 " " 237 46 4108 896 255 02 4109 990 " " 83 87 4110 897 " ' 254 65 4111 1025 " " 291 60 4115 694 " " 197 77 4116 1049 " " 348 02 4403 980 " " 232 52 4407 107 " " 31 05 4408 29 " " " 9 23 4886 25 " , Brussels road, E. 1 of No. 30 8 10 4886 25 Earley, Brickie 4 Hite Brussels road, E, J of No. 34. 8 10 Sti Earley, Brickie & Hite 11 21 4976 200 " 67 70 2357 990 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 28148 4878 990 West Creek Man. fc Mining Co. 281 48 4879 1483 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 42143 4944 899 West Creek Man. Mining Co. 481 66 4945 090 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 28166 4880 1483 Charles Heebner 481 54 2374 952 Lyman Wilmarth est-232 34 4905 U90 M'K'n &, Elk Land A Imp't Co. 281 66 4887 990 M'K'n & Elk Land cfe Imp't Co. 261 26 4881 511$ John Morris 208 16 4886 rftn Martin Sorg- Eschbat-h 4887 iUU road.Nos.14, 15,16 & 17. 67 70 4089 142 WmC. Black A v.B. 41 08 125 Wilcox tan. Co. 31 45 60 Rupert Wacker 14 15 00 Sidonia Von Ersel 130 67 25 James Cox 8 10 James Cox-lot 65, 29 Lot Nos. Ridgway st. 79 James Doyle 1 21 68 Thomas McCormick 1 21 69 Thomas McCormick 1 21 102 David Spillane 121 Railroad Street. 67 Sarah Healey 21 Talbot Street. 17 Thomas Collins 1 21 18 " " 1 21 88 William Shina 1 21 88 Thomas Collins 1 21 39 j 21 James Coyle 10 lota between Kersey and Talbot streets 2 89 Acres. 25 J. 8. Bates - 9 88 CO Edward Delehunt Vine St. Nos. 11 dc 12. 10 45 Vine Street. 4968 100 4105 4106 4104 4887 4116 25 74 25 25 4110 60 4977 9990 4993 4105 4106 4105 4103 4900 4887 4404 4404 4400 4106 4407 4408 495 000 090 25 75 25 79 80 275 60 George Wela" ' ' 27 80 William Cockney 810 John Fordo James Donnelly Daniel Frailer No. 7 Cherry road uaniei c razier Nos.8 A 6 Maple road 14 15 22 17 7 15 7 55 Thomas Tozier Johnson & Shaffer Joseph Wilhelm Augustus Wolle John Kaul 123 18 188 14 8 10 8 10 8 10 810 28 62 22 OR 66 66 13 20 522 5221 6221 420 600 4070 1023 622 Sheldon,8teblgli4Bates148 99 11 Nos. 148 99 149 18 149 18 119 87 171 10 249 54 4101 1050 4103 4104 4104 41C4 4105 4105 4105 4105 4125 4103 4106 4100 4107 4107 4107 4107 4108 3108 4110 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4115 4976 4880 4095 4092 4091 4093 4244 4245 4244 4244 4093 4095 4373 4097 417G 4178 4077 4078 4081 4087 4097 4008 4374 4187 4901 48'JO I 4902 4177 4190 4!'00 4274 4274 4170 4097 4088 401-8 4186 4097 4176 4178 4189 4098 4087 4097 4105 60 Marv Heenau 13 and 15 15 18 4105 25 Mary MrOahan no 8. 8 10 60 Joseph Wilhelm 1518 8 Joseph Wilhelm for town lots 4 78 4408 34 Earley, Brickel & Hite Ave. H 6 67 Earley,Brickel&Hite 300 38 " " " " 63 39 C. R. Earley Storer av Nos.22,24 &26 22 27 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 2 und 4 14 13 C. R Earlev Olesin road, Nos. 6,7, acid 8 22 27 It. Earley Vine road No. 5 8 10 C. R. Enrlov Vine road Nos.9 & 10 15 18 V. It. Earley Poplar road Nos. 16 and 17 15 18 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 21, 23,2-,27, 20, 31,4,8,13,15,17&19 74 71 C. R- Earley Hick ory road, No. 17 8 32 C. R. Earley John Carroll 8 10 C. R. Earley Vine road Nos. 31 and 33 8 94 C. R. Earley Hick ory road Nos. 19 & 21 15 18 C. It- Earley Poplar road, No. 31. 7 25 C. R. Earley Chestnut road, No. 39 8 10 C. R. Earley Chestnut road, No. 30 8 10 C. R. Earley Chestnut road, No. 21 8 10 C. R Earley Chestnut rd.Nos.23&27 15 18 C R.Earlcy-E. Chest nut road, Nos. and 3 15 18 C. R. Earley Vine road Nos 2and4 15 18 C. R.Earley Maple road No. 11 8 10 C. R.Earley Olean and maple road No 1 9 81 C.R.Earley East Maple road No.l 6 39 C.R.Earley cherry rd.Nos.O and 2 15 45 C.R.Earley Cherry road Nos.9,11 and 13 2127 C.R.Earley Cherry road Nos.8 and B 15 74 C. R. Ea rley Cherry road Nos.l7and 19 15 18 200 C. R. Earley 67 70 460 C. R. Earley 131 42 47 60 60 260 25 42 42 60 22 25 25 25 60 60 60 25 31 19 61 75 52 50 FOX TOWNSHIP. 2735 J. S. Hyde 1,297 39 50 57 188 4S1 87 207 225 90 2SI 49 105 144 727 268 262 990 806 145 900 500 292 485 200 225 25 25 25 990 7 640 100 320 125 51 100 50 65 60 136 600 330 J.S.Hyde 12 85 J. S. Hyde 16 80 J. S. Hyde 68 15 J.S.Hyde 19100 J. S. Hyde 24 70 C R. Earley ,T.Falllot32 60 Enoch Clapp 73 05 Michael Sheehan 15 22 Earley, Brickie & Hite 67 60 " " 12 61 ii 11 2(j8j u 11 11 29 44 .1 n329 " " " 64 67 63 (9 11S CT 194 19 24 70 214 38 95 80 81 97 77 63 32 60 Caroline M. Prey E. R. England E. R. England Hannah Barnard Richard Ganlner do do H. A. Stephens George C. White Thomas Martin Southeast corner Malachia O'Kourke Edward Bonner 11 i J C.ChapinEstate Eliza McOlaiighliti England & Brown Joseph Wilhelm Henry Clinton Witt Wm. Apple Patrick Mackin Arniel Turley Joseph Wilhelm C. R. Earley Joseph Wilhelm 4096 4184 4184 4373 72 Noble Coal OU Co 4247 249 " " " 424? 560 " 4245) 4244 4087 25 Richard Ed warde 560 14 60 60 171 45 39 10 85 8 90 8 00 196 54 6 84 86 22 28 65 76 84 13 82 13 08 24 70 12 85 11 27 11 82 33 24 60 25 33 65 32 28 109 15 200 08 000 00 3 80 2 63 20 75 Horace Little Jacob Hart man Joseph Faberly lot 11 83 James D. Wethani A. McQuoue lot 48 26 C. W. Rigby 2 lots from M.J Earley 2 58 Wm.AMlchael Cloke- 2 lots from M.J.Earley 2 58 Henry Lareray 1 lot from M.J.Earley 1 79 363Sbeldon,Stebigh&Batesl01 33 4082 4077 709 do do do 221 49 4889 60 C. R. Earley 15 22 4890 887 do 92 72 4271 380 do 106 07 4078 41 do 10 73 4078 50 do 12 86 4078 68 do 14 76 4081 60 do 15 22 4081 45 do 1166 4087 37 C. R. Earley Birch lane.Nos.S it 10 8 85 4087 25 C.R.Earley-St.Mary'a and Centreville road 5 77 4088 47 C. R. Earley 12 18 4097 179 C.R.Earley-Cross rd. NoH.1,2,8,9,10,llainll4 43 43 4008 67 C.R.Earley Caledonia d.2and8 andS.Jof 7 14 51 iOOl 4800 9 wo R Earley 3 14 4042 307 Earley.Brickleit-Hite 85 85 4004 444.60 do do 94 86 4005 272.05 do do 87 20 ofl6 478.40 do do 170 85 4079 70 do do 23" 12 4245 84 do do 42 84 4244 67,70 do do 29 12 4373 163.30 do do 02 09 4092 50 do do 20 76 4078 4091 80 61.07 4340 490 4243 962.47 4178 20 45.60 .50 b.p.l. 4f s.Al. U do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 16 22 24 70 198 60 260 99 7 82 17 38 1 94 87 HIGTTT.A vn TAwvfiin t r , a it ftl 100ft Tr,,!.,. L3 ..,!.... IOO H- ' r - Jt'iiitu eli ULiiris ajf v 1 tlZX rJ)!0 - Thomas Struthers 110 20 8i 8664 Thmnii. Klrnthoni 111 CI 1162 831 C.B.Wright&Duhring80 78 564 831 11 gy 78 3683 2019 17 2025 2025 831 806 78 1031 106 100 2027 402 1830 ' 954 2034 150 Walter Bryant do do A. Wolf . -Jane M Mack Northwestern cor. Geo. Dickinson Sllh-HI ulalnn TCn Q 2034 90 Geo.Pickinson Sub division No. 8 Freennui Kills John N. Lane 2036 330 8789 1000 8752 846 1831 1005 80 78 87 02 99 98 11 18 1210 49 92 92 68 15 40 9 03 84 79 128 97 86 67 1863 962 3761 1095 '83 962 158 888 '60 1000 2463 2456 8771 3775 1799 315 2S9 200 1000 100 Alleerhenv linnk of Pittsburg 1879 tax 51 23 John F. James 93 35 Martin Hart 127 14 AbnerCnssell 98 35 John O.Brown . 80 06 J.C.ChapIn Estate on undivided one-half 65 00 J O. Chapin Estate 31 20 ' " R T". 24 04 128 97 778 1000 t4 288 8655 1019 2039 1043 3fi'"0 490 3762 1000 10 60 6 95 9 64 102 67 46 0.) 103 38 30 67 98 92 101 09 49 25 103 39 52 17 128 97 21 16 Nathaniel F.Jones Nathaniel F. Jones James Gallagher Kllti-ill vluifiu Met O 1799 800 -(MiiiH.lirjllli-siiilwrllv Nos.2,8,4,5 7,9,8and 10 70 12 770 600 Chas. Ii. Oillia Sub-div. Nos. IS 44 15 Itl un.l 17 HIS TA 2034 62 John ThomDson . Null,w. VT. r. 2034 90V '031 1058 Mrs. l(l,.l,,.r.!.. 8656 990 Wm.M'Kniir'ht- 1879 tax Henry M. Deckcrt Jon 11 Nicholson Alfred Avery John Ryan A others L. Wilmarth Estate Georirn Itnmlia r s. i r rwuriiar 3777 40o)"trgeCrai,T1 1 Andrew I. King 3785 400 Thomas Griffith 2266 210 J. B. Sterlev TTOKTnv Tnvv vamo 4280 1057 J. S. Hvde Vlne vnrrl pn 11 Int. 9AO A A 4370 454 J. 8. Hvde- Sub-div nos.l,2.8,4,6,7,9,lU13 8t 24 J. L. Eilis 152 04 Georirn Dwlilnnnn of sub-division no.15 Wingart & Rubel sub-division No. 16 C.M.Albert sub-div. No 20 Jacob Didlot Sub division No. 23. Mathias Kline-No. 10 1879 tax Mathias Kline No. 27, 1879 tax isro 4371 52 Joseph Hertzell no.27 79 tax 6 61 Pa. Cannel Coal Co. 136 22 do do do 22-5 66 do do do 214 40 Shawmut Can'l 17 do do do 135 28 do do do 213 40 J. C. Wellincton 45 95 Noble Coal & oil Co. 1 1 62 do do Joseph Wilhelm of Sub-div. No. 15 iiyue & Urock way Hartshorn lot 219 89 Hyde & Brockway ti. units lot 75 Hyde it Brockway G. McCullough lot 250 Hyde & Brockway 107 do do Firman lot 16(5 Hyde & Brockway 847 N. It. I.niin A- ollioii. 660 Henry Lor;-in Carlisle 42 82 vjv 00 7 44 610 John C Frcnch-W.prt 40 68 25 .1. t! I.iuv-1 of 19 R S3 G. Wise 10 79 Geo. Wise J of 19 5 84 Geo. Weis sub-uiv.23.J0 79 Win. Mack 40 14 4279 4370 4370 4070 4371 4370 4371 4369, 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 4218 4248 !49 4370 42431 4400 4242 4272 4242 4200 4182 4271 4370 4570 4370 4370 4400 932 26 60 50 52 60 62 573 902 900 677 569 900 154 41 (iO 26 675 50 6 02 10 74 10 74 1108 6 45 6 64 6 45 i 16 67 6 07 7 49 20 47 49 68 8 38 33 45 46 01 50 25 50 200 4372 702.60 N. western M. Ex.col48 50 4871 1 4334 876.50 4409 865.60 4452 811 4242 28.70 200 1 4188465 4272 518 4340 60 4341 325.40 4248 116.65 4255 1 4396 J 10C2.10 40 83 do do 156 04 do do 166 88 do do 145 20 do do 6 95 43 82 do do 60 97 do do 135 52 do do 9 56 do do 64 23 do do 81 60 do do 195 70 5288 825 0287 825 5289 546 5290 612.7 4194 400 4195 676 4196 989 4197 220 6005 990 4451 1030.30 N. western M &Ex.col83 31 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos It. Merrill do do do do do do do do William Parker James Lyude D. K. Jones James Stokes do do do do Sebastian Weis do do Reading,Fisher & Co, do do William Robinson do do Philip M. Price do do do do E. B.England do do DuBois & Lowe Richard Gardner Hezekiah Horton do David Tyler Finley.Youug 4 Co do do D. W. Moore O. R. Price Henry Loraine do Tyler & Finney do 4195 4195 4197 4895 4899 4906 4815 5016 5019 5006 4896 6007 5004 4892 4191 4185 4848 4897 6029 6018 4892 6080 4898 5017 4895 4895 206 207 245 134 115 400 70 990 990 900 212 090 990 200 990 300 100 25 60 990 220 94 990 990 98 98 189 10 267 75 267 75 178 84 140 65 78 09 113 57 191 28 6418 170 31 41 23 40 90 48 88 , 44 61 20 66 105 31 19 25 129 98 129 98 129 98 66 31 129 68 129 68 40 01 452 44 60 03 27 15 7 55 14 10 129 98 63 53 19 84 616 85 616 85 20 14 20 14 FLOWERS EVERYBODY NONE BETTER. ' NONE CHEAPER. WE SELL FOR $1.00 Strong, vigorous and well grswn plants. 8 Rose or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuchsias or 15 Verbenas fr 15 Pansles or 1 SliiKle Petunias or 15 Basket and Bedding plantsorlSColcusor 12 Heliotropes or 12 Chrysanthemums or 12 Gladiolus or 10 Dble Tuberose Bulbs Tor fcl.OO or 12 Plants and Bulbs (1 of each collection) 1.00 or half this collection 75 Plants and Bulbs with a plant of the new Geraniums, "DISTINCTION ' added, $5.00. Or the whole collection of 150 choice Bulbs and Plants for 8.00 witli a plant added of the valuable Geranium "NEW LIFE'' (distinctly striped scarlet and white.) We guarantee safe delivery by Express. Our Priced Circular of FLOWERS Tor EVERYBODY "Sent Tree." HARRY CHAAPEL, FLORIST, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. N. B. Our plants have been grown especially for our retail trade which Is a critical and exiicting one therefore the ' Cheapest IS the Best." Floral De signs and Cat Flowers u specialty. Vegetable Plants In their season. Literary Kevoiutioii and Universal Knowledge. An Emyclopw lia in 20 Vols., over 16,000 pagss: 10 per cent, more matter than any Encyclopa: iia ever before published in this country, and sold handsomely and well bound, in cloth for $10, in half morocco for $16; and printed on line heavy paper, wide margins, bound in half Russia, gilt top, for an enterprise so extraordinary that its success, beyond all precedent iu book publishing, may be fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary linoolution. Tub Libkaky of Uxivkhsai, Ksjowudok is a reprint entire of the last (1879) EJiuburgh edition of "Chamber's Encyclopieiia." with about 40 per cent of new matter added, upon topics of special interest to American readers thus making it equal in character to any similar work, better than any other suited to the wants of the great majority of those who consult works of refer ence' and altogether the latest Encyclopaedia in the Held. Specimen Volumes In either style will bo Kent for exnmlutUtun with privilege of return oil receipt of proportionate price per volume. Kpevlul DlHCounu to till early diihscrlljera, and extra dixcount to dubs. Full particulars with description catalogue of many other standard works equally low In price, sent free. Leading principles of the American Book Exehangoi I. Fuhlish only books of real value. II. Work upon the basis of present cost of making books, about one-half what it wm a few yenrs rko. III. Sell to buyers direct, and save them 55 to 60 per cent commission commonly allowed to dealers. ' 1 v Tne c"8t ot hooks when made 10.000 at n time is but a fraction of the cost when made 600 lit a time adopt the low price und sell the large quantity. V. Use irooit tvpe, p pcr, etc., dn c ireful printini;, and strong, neat binding, but avoid all "padding, fat and heavily leaded type, spongy pipjr and guuly binding, which are so commonly resorted to make books appear large and line, and which greatly add to their cost, but do not Hdd to their value. VI. To make 1 and a friend is better than to make S3 and an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. N EW LIVERY BTABLB Library of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols. $10. Mllnian's Gibbon's Rome, 5 vols,, $2.50. Macaulay's History of England, 3 vols., (1.50. Chamber's Cyclopaedia of Eng. Literature, 4 vols.. $2. Knight's History of England, 4 vols., (3. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vols., (I 50 Gciitle's Life and Words of Christ, 50 cents. Young's Bible Concordance, 811.UO0 references (preparing), (2,50. Acme Library of Illngraphy, 50 cents. Hook of Fables. jKsop, etc-, ills , 50 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Works. 50 cents. Slinkcsppare's Complete Works, 75 cents. Works of Dante, translated by Cary, 50 cents. Works of Virgil, translated by l)ryden, 40cts. The Koran of Mohammed, translated by Mule 88 cents. Adventures of Don Quixote, lllus., 50 cents, Arabian Nights, Illustrated, .50 coins. Ilimviin's Pilgrim's Progress, lllus.. 50. ltobtnson Crusoe, lllus.. 50 cent. Munchausen & Gulliver's Travels lllus. 50 rts. American Patriotism, 50 cents. Talne's History of English Literature, 75 cti Cecil's Book of Natural History, ii. Pictorial Handy Lexicon, 35 cents. Hayings, by author of bparrowgruss Papers, 50 cents. Mrs. Ilcmans' Poetic Works, 75 cents. Kltto's Cyclopaedia of Bib. Literature, 2 vols. Roliln's Ancient History, $2.25. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, lllus., (1. Works of Kluvlus Josephu, $2. Comic History of the U.S., Hopkins, lllus., 50 cents. Health by F.xerclse, Dr. Geo. II. Taylor 50cls. Health for Women, Dr. Geo. II. Taylor, 50 cts. Library Magazine, 10 ci'nts a No, SI a year. Library Magazine, hound volume, 00 cents. Leaves from the Diory of an old l-.wyer, (1. Each of the nbove bound In cloth. If by mail, postage extru. Most of the hooks are also publisliel In tine editions and flue bind ings, at higher prices. Descriptive Catalogues and Terms to Clubs seni irce on r eon est. t ructions of one Stories and ballads, by E. T. Allien, lllus. 81. AnttiR I.llimpv nf foiUrii PIhuhIh. .Ml nautu Kemit by bank dran. money order, reentered letter or hv k'xnrosB dollar may be sent in postuge stamps. Address AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, John B. Alden, Manager. Tribun Building, Now York. J TIE - J.CiZi-'S-S':- toSStawEaBor consign l Z -"rv.Si. TS:V'vL'a ...s,Asy customer. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvements September, IG70. KotwithstautlinR tho VICTOR bag Inn? been tlie pcerot'r.ny Sewing Mnchino in tbo market--a fet supported y a host of volunteer witnesses we now couuuentiv claim tor it prentcr simplicity, a v.oiid rlul reduction ot incur, n ru-I o rzia bcautilnl specimen ot meeiiaatsm. with the mguest acludvemeuu Rcniuj. Jo:e. v. oilonotle&KO iichmca, therefore, liava do ola tip aud re-Tcniuu lor our We Sell Ngw Machines Every Tims. Liberal terms to tUo trade. Pou't buy Rf-nd for TOu'riM C'rcnlar nl prices. "ill yuu u.ivj swa tliQ lost Elsncant, S!mp!o and Easy Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. Running Machine in tho VICTOR SEVINC MACHINE COMPANY, -r t..,m. nr 03- K'iTu St.. raioAoo, La. K1DDLET0YN. CONN. Highest Mida! at Vlnii ail PiiUlsljVa FOB CONTINUATION OF TBEASURER'S SALES SEE SUPPLEMENT. Beglster's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing account wijj be presented at the next Orphan's Court for confirma tion: ' 1. Account of Peter Thompson, Ad minlHtrator of the estate of Auelphus Kyler (leceaned. 2. Account ofFfulia Monron, Ad ministratrix of the etitate of Johu Peterson, late of Jones townbhlp, de ceased. Fred. Schcening. Register. Wantkd-D.H. Patty & Co., Nurs erymen, want a few oood reliable in en to sell tree's vine's and shrubs through this state. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. Tor full particulars address, P. H. Patty 6 Co., til Broad St., Newark, N. J. . . i - ... - nl m3 E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 59 1 Broadway JVete York. Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopes, STEEEOSCOES & VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, CH&OUOS, PHOTO GRAPHS, And kindred good Celebrities, Actreu etc. Phoographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything In the way of STESZOPTICONS & MAGIC LANTERNS, Each style being the best of its class in the market. Beautiful Photographic Transpar encies of Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex Gloss, Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for using, sent on re ceipt of ten cents. n45 (six months.) All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet all and see speci mens. Light running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of be fore, at Mrs. W. 8. Service's. Manhood: How Lost, How Ra stored! Just published a new edition of Dr. Culvsr wall'a Celebrated Es say on theradicat cure (without med icine) of Spermatorrhoea or Heminal Weak n ess, I n vol u n tar y Sem I nal Losses Impotency, also, consumption. Epil epsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming cousequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure Ht once simple, certain, effectual, by means of which every sutterer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. sSTThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth aud every man in the land. Bent under seal. In a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. The Culverwell Medical Co.. 41 Ann Sl New York, N. Y.j Post umce box, won, IN RIDGWAY . DAN 8CRIBNER WISIIES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the publlo generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Bupcles to let upon the most reasonable terms. SfHe will also do job teaming. . b'ble on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. 1 Aug'.201871tt Ayer's Hair Vtgor, FOR RESTORING 6RAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, whlca Is at once harmless and effectual, for pre crving tho hair. It restores, With the glois and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, us may be desired. By Its use thin hair is -thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth In all cases where tht glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents tho formation of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors anil diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, The Vioon is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts sn agreeable and lasting perfume, and as sn article for the toilet it Is economical and unsurpassed In hs excellence. PREPARED ST Dr. J. C. ATER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical H'I Analytical CheruUtf. SOLD BV ALL DUCOOISTS EVERYWHERE. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November . , 1879. the trains on the Philadel phia & Eric Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Erie mail leaves PhiUi 11 55 p. in. " " Renovo 1100 a. m " " Emporium. 1 15 p. m. " ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. m. " Ridgway....2 36p-in. " " Kane 3 50 p.m. " arr. at Erie 7 65 p. m. EASTWARD. ERIE mail lenves Erie 11 35 a. irw " " Kane 4 00 p. ni. " " RidKwa y....5 00 p. in. ' " St. IUarv's..5 27 p. m. " ' Emporium. tt 23 p. m. " " Renovo 8 40 p. m. " -nrr. at Phil.1 7 00 a.m. Wm. A. 'Baldwin. General Sup't. Eisley's Pura Sistilled 35c- EXT H ACT 25c WUCH HAZEL, CE, SAMAM4US VZttl&SA. Equal in ((utility to any made, and on ly nun me price. 002. bottles 2oc Pints 50c. Relieves Headache. Toothache. Ear ache, tore Eves, Nose-Blced, Bleeding Lungs, Painful Menses, Whites, Astlium, Keduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Sproine, Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, imioiauui, varicose veins, rseuraigm etc. NATURES - UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Tt your druggist has not got II nav 1 nun order it or tne proprietor, CSASLS3 7- SISLZ? Wholesala Druggist, 61 Counjanl St, Now Tprk. u47mos3 PATENTS. Patents nronreri minii Tnvonllnni. No Attorney's Fees In Advance, Our nouwe was eniuuusneu in I8b. we Hie CAVEATS, ami rhtln THAnV. MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Eto. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention, wiin your own description or it, for our opinion as to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent ia Secured. Our Book of Instructions, etc., "How to Procure Patents," sent free on request; also sample copies 01 tne ecieuunc itecora, tue inventors journal. R. S. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, 604 F Street, near Patent Office. Washington, D. C, Jam Poles. Mlddletown X-Cut Saws. Jefiard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and 99 Lanterns., Files. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boy n ton's Lightning Saws. Corn Poppers. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 43 Main street. n39 Fresh Rolls. Cakes and Pies at T. F. Bullers' Masonic building. Square envelopes and legal fold note paper at The Advocate office. SEED POTATOES. malin's early seedling Guaranteed to come to perfection is two mouths If properly fertilized. Price $5.ik) a bushel ; $2.50 ) bushel ; $1.25 a peck or (1.00 a pound by mall prepuid on receipt of price. Address,' R. M. MA LIN, Rldgway, Pa. Orders left at The AdvocaTS 1 win receive prompt Mtftftttpa.