Mm 1 THUHSDAY, MAY 20, 1880. K. Of M. ftldgway Lodge No. 1W4 meets on the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month lit 3 o'clock. New Time TrfBLE.-Under the new chedule the mall and local freight leave Ridgway station us follows: MAIL WEST . 2:30 CAST - 6:00 LOCAL WEST - 7:B0 EAST . 3:25 School Exhibition ot Hyde's Opera Bouse, Saturday evening, May 15. OUR SPU1S0 CAMPAIUN. With this wc inaugurate our Second clnif Hunenn in RldnwaV. The bropheey ofour competitor? at out first Spring Opining, we""'nv " Boy, ha not been realized, viz: that our'buslness career In Ridgway would be of short duration. We appealed to the public nt our Opening for their putronage and support in our under taking, and it Is with pride and thankfulness that we state that our expectations have been more than re alized. We again appeal to the public for their support, and we assure them that our business will bo conducted, as heretofore one price and the truth. REMEMBER When you call at our establishment you can be assured that you can be waited upon by gentlemanly salesmen Take your own time for making a ..Mlon. and If you are not satisfied with your purchase, have It exchanged or the money refunded. Our sales men will show a customer the same attention wheu exchanging as they do when selling goods, and in every res pect we strive to give no cause for complaint. A guarantee! We guarantee this, and every article Resell to be exactly as represented, and to give reasonable wear for the price charged for it; also, to be as low nv nf the same duality can be nt alwava holding ourselves ready to make the loss good to purchaser. Should it prove to pontrarv. or if the article, when ami ned at home, should fail to please you, or you be dissatisfied with your purchase in any way, you are at lib erty to return the same (in good order) within five days, and we will ex change it or cheerfully refund the money. New York Store, Ridgway, Pa., Cohen Bros. & Brownstein, Proprietors. the the GOOD ADVICE! it is a duty you owe to yourselves to first call and' inspect our mammoth Stock of Clothing, all kinds of Domes tic Good, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c, and learn our prices before purchasing. We have determined to retain the FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR, and the o::ly way to do bo is to sell the Tile VeitY Bust Goods at the Smallest Living Profit. NEW YORK STORE, RlDGWAY, PeXN'A, Cohen Brothers & Brownstcine, Proprietors. Do you want to wear good clothes? Do you want to te honestly treated ? Do you want to save money ? Then purchase your Clothing, Domestics. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, uc, at the NEW YORK STORE. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ! No old goods in stock ! A hi. New! All Stylish! And All so cheap Hint everybody, regardless of station in life or scarcity of funds, may be able to dress with taste. Inspect our .took and satisfy yourselves that we are Headquarters! Cohen Brothers &. Brownstein. New York Store, Post Office Building, Ridgway, Pa. NEW YORK STORE. The lartrest and most complete stock of brv Goods. Notions, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats ami Caps. Trunks. Valises, &c, &c. every received at Ridgway now on hand at nrlees to defy competition. The recent advance in goods has m(i no chanire in our prices. We sell as cheap and cheaper than ever, - Cohen Brothers & Brownstein, Pro' prietor. ' Best prints &J to 7c per yard. Best muslins 7 to 9 tents a yard. An Endless Variety of Shawls, Ladies' and Gents' Ties, Silk trim min frinires. satins, embroideries. Ladies' Summer Suits, &c, &c. A large variety of all qualities and kinds or dress goods at lowest prices. Our stock is full and complete of everything too numerous to men. tion. Cull, examine, and be convinced. Parties coming from a distance of 20 miles and purchasing goods to the amount pt $20.00 or more will be al lowed their car fare. Tho. purchas ing goods to the amount of $10.00 will have their car fare paid one way. remember the place New York Personal Items. Ben Dill Is again at work for B F. Ely. G. W. Nichols uow works at Indian Run. Oscar Gardner Is driving team for W. H. Hyde. Dr. Day has built an addition to his building. W. .Hi Hot-ton was in town yesterday. ; Capt. P. A. Mead Is peeling bark back of the windfall. Frank Martin and Cal. Luther ore painting at Wilcox. .-r-Mlss Annie Hays has returnod home from her recent visit. Jas. McAfee.madea business visit to Benezette the first of the week. Misses Agnes Barrett and Jennie Jackson are visiting at St. Mary's. Mrs. Geo. L. McCracken and son are iu l'jls village visiting with Mrs. Ross. Col. W. W. Ames and Jas. K. P. Hall reported in thl village last week. C. H. MeCauley shot eighty pig eons In one day. Pretty good day's work. Mrs. D. S. Luther after an illness of several weeks is again able to be about. Hugh McGeehin has a new picket fence across half the front of his lot on Main street. B. F. Ely is having a picket fence put up around his lot next west of Grace Church. J. K. Whitmoreis having a new picket fence built around his property on Centre street. Senator Ross, of York, Pa., is again slaying for a time in our beautiful village. The heel plates worn by many of our young ladies nvike a noise like a horse with a loose shoe. Republican National Convention at Chicago June 2d. Postmaster Ilagerty will likely attend. Tom Malone and E I.Niver visited Daguseahondathe other day and re ported the oil well a gusher. Sam Miles will build a picket fence in front of his lot. on Centre St. The lumber U already on the ground. Mrs Jackson of the R'dgway House sprained her ankle one day last week. She Is able to be around again. A. B. Preston formerly agent of the Wilcox Lumber Co., now of Gos hen, N. Y., visited our village last Friday. The wife of the Editoi of tins paper took her departure lust Thurs day for a visit to ye Editor's mother-In-iaw who resides at Edinboro, Pa, Capt. Schooning is extensively engaged in farming. He has an exten sive strawberry bed on his farm which promises an abundance of berries the coiivinj season. Bert. Fitch and wife returned home Monday last from a short j to friends of Mrs. Fitch at Stanton, Jefferson county. Thot- Sullivan, of Fox township, lost his born a few days ago, together with harness, etc. The horses were with great difficulty saved. R. I. Campbell has had his store painted Inside and out. and his store- room ualsomineu. . aievey is the artist ii) charge of the work. Lou. Mohan was in town on Tues !av. He say a he Is giving a montli and board to bulk peelers and wants two or three more good men at, that figure. More than a week since W. S. McVey did a job of painting and kal- somining in our office f which we feel very well satisfied. We now have a very tidy orTice. Our friends are in vited to call. Pigeons are still being caught m large numbers ut Highland. Frank Nichols caught seventy-live dozen pigeons in three days last wee .5, being the three biggest hauls mode by any one this season. Friday afternoon last the Editor of the Democrat a fishing went, and we expect the next issue of our valued exchange will contain an article on trout and their ways that will be used as a text-book among the tribes of trout for all times. Co. Commissioner Geo. Reuscher came down on Thursday last to at tend to the duties of his office at this l.lneo. He was walking with a cane and limping badly, he was thrown out of a wagon a few days previously and suffered several severe bruises on one thigh. He Is to be congratulated on his escape from serious injury. The schools of Misses B. E. Wil cox and Agnes Barrett, paraded the streets on Thursday of last week, and hud a picnic in Hyde's grove after ward. There were 157 persons in the parade, nearly all children. The pic nic was'a pleasant affair, all agreeing it to be the right thing the next day- after the last dav of school. The thanks of The Advocate office is due the teachers named for their kindness in remembering us with many little deli cades. The other day Geo. W. Rhlnes just escaped death in an almost mira culous manner. Several logs, pilled one oji the other, commenced to roll while he was near them by reason of the log he was moving striking the pile. He saw the pile coming in lime to attempt an escape, but was struck with such force by the top log that he was thrown with violence down the hill and entirely out of the way of the remaining logs which came tumbling down. He received a good many ugly scratches about the back but is rapidly recovering, al though it will be a long time before be forgets his narrow escajpe. Local Hem. Hot weather still continues. Warranted Pure Horse Radish at Morgester's. Fresh line of Canned Goods, all kinds, received last Tuesday at Mor gester's. Crossee & Blackwell's chow chow, Cauliflower and Mixed Pickles, best apetlzers known at Morgester's. The pupils of the primary and Intermediate departments or the pub lic school pienleed last Thursday. Fresh car load white wheat, am ber, haxall, and Graham flour, feed, meal, bran, corn and oats at Morges ter's. Justice in Pennsylvania Is not blind. It's merely too bow-legged to catch a rich criminal. Harrlsburg Patriot. The pinning mill company have made a platform on the roof of their mill which Is supplied with barrels of water for use lu case of fire. Mrs. Lewis' barn ajross the river rrnm tho K:liro VttlrV Willi, Was burned on Sunday. . Her house had a narrow escape from destruction. Lightning rods havo been placed nn Hip (trailed School house. me next thing in order should be the re placing of the old fence by a new one. The old fence i less than respectable. Look well to your stove? and stove-pipes. Remember that defec tive flues has been written as the cause of many a ne.wrucuvu me. Don't neglejt this matter; attend to it nt once. Monday night the firo In the vi cinity of It F. Ely's mill was threaten ed with destruction, the mill, lumber, and all the buildings In that vicinity. By prompt action the danger was averted. The grinder-man appeared on our streets Tuesday, and now nearly every man and boy in town lias a sharp knife, while the ladies all had their shears sharpened. Tho chap drove a busy trade The Sunday School Institute held at Brockwayville, Wednesday and Thursday of last week, was a success in all respects. A report has been kindly furnished us by a gentleman present, which wc are compelled to omit for want of room. The institute will convene next year at Corsica. On Monday afternoon supervisor Harry Wilson's barn was destroyed by fire. His new double harness, oilier harness, together with agricul tural imple-uinnis "Vas destroyed. A horse escaped by the lire burning the h.ilrr.r in two. This loss will fall iivavily on our friend Harry, and he ha our heartfelt sympathy. Fires are still raging in the woods in this section. Considerable damage lias been done in this immediate vi cinity. The fences on Doctor IJord weil's farm were taken down and es caped the fire. The amount of dam age to standing timber, wood, logs and bark, is very groat, of which no one can approximate a correct guess. Two firm friends In this city in dulged in some playful remarks while carelessly handling a loaded gun. The gun went oil", of course, and their friendship was suveivd by the death of one of them. In the course of about ten thnjian 1 years the lesson of playing with loaded firearms may be learned, but it seems idle to expect it any sooner. l'.'iiia. j-ress. ",Ve Imvo Just rccpiveil Peterson's Maga zine fur June, tin:! d. not lieslt.ite tn sny Unit it tins in 'ire iittiM.'tlims trui till tlni olii-.;r miigazln" e-mililne-l. S in is ii! 10 I i Amer ica hus sucli line Rt "l-I eiii;r.ivln, mill s;u:ii ko.kIciiIs. Til'.! lu. lies at lioin.- tell us th:il "I'etiirnuiiV f i iliions ui j in b?!ter t.isie, .mil more ieli:illo t!mn any in i?:i.iin putillsliod. "Peterson's" Illustrate 1 articles uco a new feature tills, wai.'Ii i.iaiiL'h t'.ia in;i..'a::ine Pugilistic. Here's richness. And food for reflection. Likewise amusement for the old folks. But to the story. Kor shall It bo long drawn out. 'Twa9 Tuesday last. You all know bow hot the weather was then. Too hot by n long shot for anything but an ice house or a shower bath. The time was high nnou. The pat ties, and their celebrity. Move us to compassion. Although stem duty compels us To record the awful event. Which we hasten to do. While tears as large as saucers course down our sad cheeks. The "Brown Boy;" Al. Brown, we nil know Al. for years he has drank, fought and been friendly with us all. This time the "Brown Boy'' fell. That Is he would havo fallen, But that a friendly chair received Ills sinking form. Was he drank? dead drunk? No! no. 'Twasthe heated atmosphere. And Gene Miller was there, The Democrat Editor? Verily the same, ns weal! live. And this lsio fancy sketch? But portent lous facts? Tjid the "Brown Boy" attempt to shake? Yes, while the old man Miller's boy raid with great glee. "Brown Boy" your word I'll take. Then words were r-aiil and liiows were struck. Two big men held the "Brown iioy." While Miller's boy held himself. And did it easy. Then did the Miller boy strike hard. Right from the shoulder hitting the bold Brown Boy in the face. A bad day it would have been anil u sad story we would now be writing, had the men let jro- But they held hi t. While the journalistic pugilist struck. Aye! while the claret flew. Our tale is told. Our tears are dried. iiMi-d attracti ve taan over. A lVie i l of ours, win) was in liilail;.!iia last iVJili, c ille.l ut 'eterxon's o!Ui: uuj til hi uj tliat tlioy pa?k 5)03 magazines every afternoon to their tun- Hcrlbers. He spends of tlio givut popularity of the Licvik. Send tu L'iiaiii.ks I. l'Kl'l'l'.sos, auu Chestnut Street, 1'hiUulolpaia, an J get his great club terms for l.vl. ExccKsiox to Skkubant. Last week wc noticed in these columns that there would be a grand excursion from St. Mary's to Sergeant, and that there would be ample arrangements made for passengers at all stations along the line to participate. The best arrange ment that it has been possible to make is placing tickets at 1.00 for the round trip. Ail who desire to see the grand spouting well should not fail to em brace the present opportunity. The train will leave St. Mary's o.i Tuesday, May 2jth,utC o'clock P.M. .stopping at Hidjjwuy ubout 6:2i), and arriving nt Sergeuut about Keturniug, will leave Sergeant about 0 o'clock, P. M., thus feiviiigourciti.eiisun opportunity to make the excursion without en croaching upon the time usually de voted to business. School Exhibition. As announced in our last issue, the exhibition by the Graded School of Ridgway took place ut Hyde's Opera House on Saturday evening last. The attendance was large. The perform ance good for iimatures. Prof. Brack, for the successful presentation of the music and singing is entitled to great credit, us that part of the performance was certainly excellent. The "Wan derer's Night Song," by Misses Ella Kime and Belle Stjuier would have done honor to a professional. While Willie Schram was simply immense. Misses U E. Wiicox, Agnes Barrett and Julaua Builinyuuie directed and brought to a succcmful presentation the charade and tableaux, deserving therefore due recognition. Prof. Rishcll directed the whole business and all agree it to be u success. F. H Ely makes a boss darkey, but he must learn to speak a little louder. All harsh criticism we reserve, fornl'icr all are they not our girls and boys? and who will find fault with their own Supervisors Again. In our remarks last week, in regard to the Ridjrway supervisors, we did Supervisor Wilson an unintentional injustice, lie has been as busy as a nailer all the time, two bridges, one at Laurel Mill and theothertit Mill Creek leijuired his immediate attention. Then, the bridge on the Whistletown road was burned, causing more work for m i overworked Supervisor. So that all the time he has been doing all he could do, and we hasten to place him in a true light. Then we spoke of the supervisors in general, now we make a special point on O. B. Fitch, who, It seems is er tirelv direleet in his duty. When there is so much that needs doing on the road, with tho sidewalks in a daugirous condition, it Is high time for some one to cry, Halt ! This respon sibility we assume as it becomes our duty or we do not deserve the name of a public journalist. With no personal f,.!;inr in thu mutter, then, wo call u halt on the conduct of Mr. Fitch. In the name of the people of utog way township wc ask him toeither at tend to the duties he has sworn to perform, or resign. The May term of court enlivens May 24. Unlets lie either goes to work or resigns, let the people with one aeeord sign a petition to have his. removal accomplished. If this is not to the point we will en ile.ivor to make it more plain in our next i.isuc. List of Jurnrs, Prawn f-T May lerni eoiiiineneln? Monday. May ii, tivi: OISAND .llHOHS lionzoiger Mii'hael I'elilbaucr, Jr., Josep Munich, Joseph Kenu r, John Wolf. l-'ox John Murphy. I'.Hn Moycr,I.avrcaee Mnlmn, Jr., John Moyer. llorton William Moycr. Jay Jacob . Miller, John Lnnzcndorfer, Joslali W. Mead, Armel Turley. Joncs-A. A. Clay, Christ Hill, Hidgway James K. Gardner, John P. Cur tis, James MeOovern. Spring Creek Martin Perrin, Hiram Elsen ninu, Samuel Heers. St. Mnry'n L. W. Olfford, (Jeorga Weldeu bouruer, John Kiei iiliu. TK.vvF.nsi: jraoKii ' BonexeUc I.uthcr I.ueore. llenzliitn-r Anthony- F. Khrie, Leonard Goetz, Jacob .Scubert. George Leber, Michael Neibert.Joseph Kiiillingcr, Charles Kronuun wettcr. Joieiih Kisgruber. Kmc f iih a MeM.ieliln. Patrick Brown, U. T. Kyler, Charles K. .i'een, t'rank Bhowers Hulpb Hell, John Collins, John llershey. IllL'hlaiid Wiliiain J. Stnbbs. Horton John llrowii. Joiin rtplann, Fred. lUiy winkle. Jay George 11. Dill. Perry Roberts. Jones George Markert, M. M. fcchultz. .Millstone-William Clyde. KhUwuy David Itlle, J. N. Uhines, O. B. Fitcli, Joseph MeU, George It. Woodward, J. K. Whitniore. Ht. Mary's James Hiley, George Krcllner, Kiauk A ves, George Uettger. Milton In Ashe. Friday last, May 14, tho beautiful vlllaire of Milton, Northumberland county, Pa., was entirely consumed by fire. Originating in the car works of Murray, Dougal & Co., the man who first saw the lire could have ex tinguished it but that it was on the roof and no way of renching it until too late. From an insignificant ori gin the flames sprend with fearful rapidity, devouring In Its greed, house after house, with reckless lnpartiality. A strong wind set in which addded impulse to the destructive and unre lenting demon, until In a few short hours where had stood a beautiful town of 8001) Inhabitants, and many fine buildings, public and private, a barreu waste of ashes and desolation marked the scene. Those who were rich were now poor, will le paupers were even poorer than before, and misery, ruin and even starvation stared tho luck less inhabitants In the face. Night drew her curtains down on the cruel wa.ste.the breeze of evening fanned the expiring ember. of the many homes, men, women and children, sought the cold ground by the river's bank, or the friendly repose of the Island in thp river, many no doubt wishing t lie dark waters were silently rolling over their quiet forms, as they thought of the strange contrast of the present with the com fort or luxury which was theirs but yesterday. At last they slept but to wake on tiie morn to lind in horrible realization the hideous dreams of the night just gone. Great smoke clouds enveloped tho atmos phere witli a funereal ' aspect appal ling to the heart, und wearying to the mind. In the face of such a dread disaster language finds no eloquence, while Hie pen or tho lip refuse to re cord or speak the depth of misery, or the blackness of the deepest depths of woe, to which it would seem no deeper depths could ever be found. The bit ter cup drank to Its bitterest dregs. Sorrow to which hope is' a mockery. Misery by the side of which a smile would be sacrilege. Who shall des cribe it? Who appreciate it? Four hotels, eight churches, two printing oiTlces, machine shops, rolling mills, stores, banks, business places of every description, elegant private residences. The palaces, of the rich; the hovels of the poor alike went down in the com mon ruin. The most careful estimates place tiie loss at $l,7l)u,0U0, but many think '2,1)0(1,(100 will not cover th loss, over one-thii'il the amount or $4-14,-1)0 is covered by insurance. Provisions are being sent from nearly every town and city in the State. Governor Hoyt has sent the following dispatch to the Mayors of ail the cities of the State: The town of Milton lias this day been al most entirely destroyed by Ore. Three thousand people are now homeless, destitute of clothing, provisions and all the necessities of life. I would suggest that you call a meet ing of your citzeus ut unco tu furnish im mediate aid to those stricken people. Hknhy M. IIoyt. Governor Brock port Occasional, Farmers are obliged to neglect their farming and fight Arc. Thomas IUirchfleld'a house arid contents werd burned to tho ground one night last week. Wm. Hullctt had twenty cords of bark burned last week.. Oyster and Short were in this vicinity prospecting last week. James Dilion had twelvo hundred rails burned. ' Wake Brock way arrived last Friday. The coming census will show con siderable of an lucreusc in the ptrpn lation of this township in and around Brockport. The barn of John Nulf was on fire three times last Suturday. Gadriel. Brockport and Surroundings. The fruit in this section is nearly all killed by the frost. No huckleberries this season. Frost and lire have been too much for them. J. S. Hyde's diary will be 40x80 feet, and situated at the Little Toby store. Strange, wc never prize the music till the sweet-voiced bird has ilown Is our thought since "O. M. Goit" has gone. Reuben, what made the horse rear at the old steam mill? was it an act! dent or was it trained? He was derBoss trv auraiu It makes you sometimes nodinjfs oud. The "dandelion hunter'' is about in the Melds every pleasant day gath eriug that delectable vegetable luxury to which valuable tonic properties are attributed H. llorton is having his house re painted. Banks has resolved, that the Dutchman's daughter Is the best after all. No cards. Brockport May, 1", 13S0. Li. C. A. NEW AD VER TISEA1ENTS. ESTATE NOTICE. J7stttt of Ffantlft xaverius ucu 1j helt, late of Beillnirer township, Ik eountv, deceased. Notice Is herc i,v ri vin ihnt letters testamentary naa been grained to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons' Indebted to the said estate are request ed W make Immediate payment, mid those having lejjal claims against the same to present them, without delay ,iu proper omer, ior wiunueia. JbSKPH kKYrtTEin Executors. JOSEPH GOETZ J l. ESTATE NOTICE. Testate of Christopher Um, law or 4i Bcnzliwr township, Elk county Pu., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary nave ocen granted to the undersigned, upoii tho ulwive named estate. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested 10 mane immediate payment, and those hav ing legal claims against the same to present them without delay, in pro per order, for settlement. GEORGE SCHMIDT, Tr.,ct.rtors: MICHAEL BAUMKK, J THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY (J RAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY; trade mark- Is especially TRADlwtt; recomniiini el as an un failing cure for Seminal W e a k U e ss Jkim Taking . a;a 'u After Taking; defenses that follow as a seqiunevon Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Buck; Dimness of vission, Premature old use. and maiiv other diseases that leads to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the path ofnatureand overindulgence.. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating those special deseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets: which we debire to send free by mail to every one. . The Specific Medicine is sold by alt Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for 85, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by ad dress! n sr. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. t Mechanics' Block.Detroit, Mich. SrS-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists,' everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents; Pittsburgh. nl2-ly . RECEIPTS AND EXPEXDI ,'l VltES-ASSETS AND LIAB ILITIES OF FOX TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL no.ui i-'t'xn Ain't collected on setd Ids 17 do lecii of J. McMacUiu, collector !" it do of county commr s orders 700 00 'Ji ll 0 EXl'IlXM'tTKES Am't (axes worked on ro-idj 123-1 0" Ain't taxes paid in money 01 " Am't pil V. R.I tojrers Super '. or '-'40 02 Am t pi I Michael litem do 4"'l 00 Am't piS tn-usiiivr's percentage "1 4T Am't pd town clerk for 1 "'70 (' Am't i I i.ulili-diiii'' statements Ou :jj Am't p i for extra work and material 20 Jo 12 bo WM! l'l NI) ItECKIi'TS. m't reed from J. Emmert col Am't reed of supervisors lit 20 02 433 11 Vale's Brockport Locals. Several bears have been seen ni this vicinity lately. The large forest fires are drivinu them out of the woods. A. Strait has been laid up with a large carbuncle on the back of hi.- neck for several days. About three hundred pine logs were burned on the McClellan track last week. On Saturday night, about twelve o'clock, the house of Thomas Burch- lield, was burned to the ground with all its contents except one writing desk a sewing machine and a few other small thing-. He had in his possess ion about two hundred dollar which had been paid him for taxes which was burned with the rest. The tire is supposed to have caught from the cook stove. Last week "L. C. A" thought he had a good local on some of the bovs which was too good for him to keep, so before Tm: Advocate ap peared he was telling around what he had in ids locals, and when the paper coi ic!i same Kienucai minus lie had been Mowing about appeared un tier the head of Itrocknort Locals tdgn.-d by "Gabriel." Now Mr."L. C A. ' after this when you write any thing on the sly, don't !?o around tell Ing every one you meet what a good joke you have on such und such a per son unless vou are sure that it will not appear in the wrong set of locals. Chrit-t Mimes is hauling lime with two teams from Beech woods for the Diin.ose of liming the Wiicox farm. Mrs. C. A. Wilcnx and her youngest son Georgie returned home from visit to Friendship, N. ., last week. Valij. List of Causes Set down for trial at May term 1830; commencing Monday, May 24. 1. John W. Brlggs for use vs. R. I. Campbell, Adtn'r &c. No. 91 May term 1377. !?. The Clearfield County Bank vs.C; R. Earley. No. l.November term, 1877. 3. Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W; Brown. No. 128, May term, 1878. 4. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Win gnrt. No. 20, September term, 1878. 5. W. D. Drake for use vs. Kiriiy and Silveilhorn. No 4o, Janurry term, 1879. 0. George A. Rathbun vs. The JN: W. Mining and Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa. No. 17, January term, 1879. Elias Moyer et al. Ex'rs vs. Hes- ekiah Moyer. No. 3, Sep. term, iiu. 8. Peter Volk for use vs. Lorenz Vogcl. No. 14, September term, ISiU. 9. F. A. Loesch vs. Henry Largay: No. 00, September term, 1879. 10. Zenas Webb vs. Frank C. Bow- man. rso. w, c-cpttmoer lenu, iok. 11. Robt. I. Campbell vs. Herman Gorton. No. 74, September term io.. 12. W. E. Johnson vs. Tho Beiwir' zette Oil Co. No. 78, Sept. term, io. J. 13. Stephen Condon & Bro. vs. Daniel Eldridge. No. 81 Sept. term, 1879. 14. D. A. Pontius vs. Conrod Moy er, Jr. No 35, November term, 1879. lo.Frank X.Oerbcr for use vs.Joseph Gcrber vs. Joshua Sykes. No. 1. Janu ary term, 1880. Fit ED. Sciicexing, Pro. KXl'fcXDI'lTKES- Arn't pd John Christ, Pasco Shaver, Mathias Billeslierger, Brand Miller and Michael Breni forkeeiiing hour 444 22 Am't pdG. W. Buyer services & material Ain't pd Michael Brem overseer A nit pd Jacob Moyer for Wood Anil pd Ames for counsel Amt Jul for making clothes Ams pd John Collins for keeping poor Amt pd for merchandise Amt pd medical attendance Amt pd D. D. Hyatt care Mrs. Inter Amt pd Mrs. Simon Lamb care sick Amt pd U. W. Rogers overseer Amt pd cost of keeping Kate i Ii in n ik at Dixinout nit pd treasurers percentage 14 00 08 48 8 0J 10 00 3 55 2 7o t"8 50 18 50 10 00 4 00 G2 10 158 (10 18 50 Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, ulso to patents and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t lil2 30 Among t lie most remarkable pro ductions of this age cud country is Hall s Hair Renewcr. Its success is unparalleled. It Is sought after by rich and poor, high and low, young mill old. Inhabitants of foreign lands the people of Australia, of Europe, and of South America find means to get It at whatever cost. It is because it works like mayic. It re Htores the hair to its youthful color and beauty, and robs approaching ago of one of its disagreeable accompani ments. If you are getting bald, try it. Try it if you are getting gray, or if you have any decease irf the scalp. Try it if yon wish a good hair dress ing. It will not disappoint you.-Jl"- cic (Ind.) Ncwh. That splendid f rgau sold by D. S. Andrus & Co., Williamsport, Pa., for 75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wul- n ut fuse und 5 eet 9 Inches high, is sold now for $80.00 with one more I stop und the grand organ knee swell ASSETS AND MABILITE3 OK FOX TOWNSHIP ltOAD FI ND ASSKTS. Aint due from J. McMackin col 076 74 Amt due from M. Breni supr 10 Do Amt due from unseated -75 on children ? The performance netted the additional. Write them Terms easy neat sum of $57.C3. I on long time also LIAMMTIF.S. Amt outstanding orders Amt Judgment 1081 02 808 12 1022 20 POOK ASSKTS Amt due from J. Emmert col Amt due from uuseatefl 1300 08 975 54 192 84 LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Office over R. I. Campbell s store, Main Street. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnelo,1870 'w7l.'wilua iin. (I.nto of Ktr(Utniiville). Vliystciiin nnd Siir-KBoii.KldBwa5-.Pu. OllUelii Hull's llrli-k VtnlldiiiK iu.-stnirs).) Kelerenci-s J. D. Hinitti. H. I.. Youiik, It. Knlolson.blriiUttii ville; Miilor Jolui K"ey. W. W.lji eenliinU. riiii-lon. Hiifc I'liu lli 1 lil vrolesslou Hlie ueMtfully lor more tlia. ten years. 2108 38 I.I A HI MT1 ICS Amt due Elk county keeping Knte Williams ut Dixmoiit uo Amt dueof outstanding orders 379 70 Amt due judgment ioj i. 1459 80 Assessed valuation $2550 27 We.the undersigned.auditors of Fox township, having examined the re eeipts.expeditut es. assets und liabilities ot said tovvnshio for the year i-udinu April 24, 1880 find them as here stated to the best of our knowledge and be lief. P. W. HAYS Auditors. DANIEL CORBE Aualtors Attest, N. G.BUJJDY, Clerk. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main und Mill streets. Ridgway. I'a-. full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or uight. vln3y J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, ids office from Centre Ktreet to Main utreet, Ridgway, Pu.. in the second story of the new brick building of John U. Han, wesi oi me Hyde House. , 'r Office hours :-l to 2 p. M. 7to 0 P.M. SEED POTATOES. .M.U.IN'S EAHLY SEEDLING Guaranteed to come to perfection iri two months if properly fertilized; Pkice S5.00 a bushel : $2.50 J bushel ;' 1.25 a peck or 81.03 a pound by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Address, R. M. MALIN, Ridgway, Pa. Oiders left at The Advocate! will receive prompt attention. Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve" Tonic is the best remedy in use for poor appetite, weakness and trembl ing in the stomach, pain after eating, heartburn, soreness and gnawing pains In the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of the bowels urising front pour digestion, une uotue uiois nearly three weeks. Price $1.00. Dr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is theonly remedy known that will storr ini attack of sick or nervous head ache in its commencement; only three 'or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price 60 cents a bottle. , Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure a cough with fewer doses than any medicine in use. Price 60 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give the greatest relief in neuralgia ot trie face and will cure ear-ache immedi ately. Price 25 cents u bottle. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for these" medicines Manufactured by D. Bi Day, M. D., Ridgway, Pu. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage bereto fr.rar uhomllv bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comtort ana con venience of gueste, to merit 8 continu aaoe of the aie octVJ'W Risley's Pura Distilled 25c- EXTRACT 35c WITCH HAZEL, , OS, HA1IAHSII3 VffiMKlCA. Equal in quality to any made, anil only half the price. Ooas. bottles 25c. Pints 60c. ' Relieves Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Sore Eyes, Nose-Bleed, Bleeding Lungs, Painful Menses, Whiles, Aslhnui, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipetasj Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, etc. 1 NATURES UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. If your druggist has not got IB have him order it of the proprietor, C2AELE3 7. BISLS7 Wiolesals Druggist I 64 Counltai St., Wow YttVr