Henry A. Par-wu, Jr., Kditor P aTHUhDAY, MAY, 20, 1880. Entered at the Post-officb at ItinowAY, Pa., as second class MAIL MATTER. Rtpublieon National Ticket (or 1880 FOR PRESIDENT, OEN. ULYSSES 3. GRANT. (Subject to decision of Republican National Convention.) Republican state Ticket. For Supreme Judge, HENRY GREEN, of Northampton County. For Auditor General, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blair County. National Republican CoiiTontion. A National Convention of the Re bublican party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates to be sup ported for President and Vice Presi dent at the next election. Republi cans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of the party, ore Invited to choose two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State, two from each Territory and two from the District of Columbia, to represent tbeni in the convention. J. D. Cameron, Chairman. Thos. B. Keoqh, Secretary. Mercantile Appraisement. The venders tf foreign nnd domestic mer. chandlse, distillers mid brewers, brokers &c, In Elk county, will tnko notice Hint they are appraised and classed by the undersigned appraiser of mercantile und other license tax for the year 1830, s follows to wit: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Name of person Klndof llcneso. Class, Tux. ortlrm. pent, Miles Retailer 14 ( 7 00 Hasklus, C. A. 1'td. Modus. 3 10 00 Johnson, W. E. Retailer 12 12 30 (Shaffer, T. J. ' 9 23U0 FOX TOWNSHIP. Ens, F. X. Retailer II 7 00 Koch, Jns. & Son ' 12 12 50 Mohan, Jas. A. 12 12 50 MuMuhoti, John " 13 lutt) Ktraessley, II. in woo Steell, J. II. & Co. " 10 SUM Taylor, J. J. & L'o 12 12 50 HORTON TOWNSHIP. Cunoo, John Retailer 14 7 00 Hyde, W. II. & Co. " it 12 50 Brockport Keystone Lumber to. " 10 21) 0.1 Brock port & Key stone Lumber Co. Pul. Mdcus. 4 5 00 JAY TOWNSHIP. Dixon, E. II. Retailer 14 7 00 Oresh, Able 11 7 no Bmltli, John " U 7 00 JONES TOWNSHIP. Aldrlch, A .T. Retailer 14 7 00 Jacobson, O. A, " 11 7 ih Mehan, John Moat Market 14 7 00 Malone, J. v. lteuiller 11 7 00 Hower, Martin ' 14 7 00 Wilcox Tanning & Lumaert'o- " 7 40 00 Wilcox Tanning d: Lumber Co. Ptd. Mdcns 3 10 00 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. Brendel.L. A. Retailer 11 7 00 Bowers, C. D. C. " 1 1 7 00 Buliers, Mis. T. F. ' 14 7 00 Campbell, R, I, " 14 7 00 Crayston, Mrs. Ed. ' ' 14 700 Cohen Bro. & Brown- . line, " 10 20 00 Day, D. B. Dgs.A Pd.Mcns. 4 a 00 K. Branch Lumber Co.Rutuiler 13 10 00 Oresh, E.K. " 14 7 0 ) Oram ii Horton, 12 1250 Oarritt, Oeo. P. " 11 700 Haitliy, T. H. " 14 7 00 Holes, Charles " 14 7 00 Hyde, V. II. 4 Co. " 7 40 00 " Ptd. Mdcns. 3 lo imi .Messenger, G, G. 3 10 oj Retailer 11 7 01 Mercer Bro. Meat market 11 7ou McGlolnA MeGeehin, Retailer 12 12 30 Morgester, J. W. 11 l,iu Mend, Mrs. P. A. " 14 7 00 Osterhont. W.H. ' 10 20 00 Powell & Kline, " 11 foo Rolfe, E. W.ii Co. ' 11 15 00 Blngleton, J. C. ' 14 7 00 Settelle, Frank " 14 7 00 Union Store Co. ' 11 1500 , SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. Smith, Rogers 4 Co. Retailer 14 7 00 ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. Brown, Edward Retailer 14 7 00 Coryell & Russ " 0 25 00 " Ptd. Mdcns. 4 5 00 Fisher, Philip Retailer 11 7 00 Foster. John B. Meat Market U 7 00 Glfflard, L. W. Ptd. Mdcus. 4 5 00 Retailer 14 7 00 Hall, Kaul & Co. " 5 TO 00 Kenote.C. F. " 11 7 00 Krug, John Meat Market 14 7 00 Luhr, Charles Retailer 14 ;w Lyon, Charles Meat Market 14 7 00 McVeau, Charles Retailer 13 10 00 .j" . " Ptd. Mdcns. 3 low McBride, Edward Retailer 14 700 Miller, Charles 11. 11 7 oij Bpultord & Tlerney " i jjjy T.?F,rl Wil"am " IS 1000 WUbelm, Joseph ju af'n ,; " 13 1000 Liquor store 13 luw ,j J' Vl"- MJclns 4 5 00 Weidenboerner, Geo, Retailer 14 7 00 WeisBios. 13 luuu Walker & Bon, " 12 1250 Weidenboerner, John " 13 juoo Billiard Licenses. RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. Maginnls, J. S. 3 Tables 50 00 8T. MARY'S BOROUGH. Windfelder, Jas. F. 2 Tables 40 00 Breweries. FOX TOWNSHIP. Hirt, Herman Brewer 15 00 BENZINGER TOWNSHIP. Btraub, Peter Brewer 8 85 00 ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. Geis, William Brewer 8 25 00 Luhr, Charles & Co, " 8 25 00 Vogol, Lorcnz " - 8 25 00 Taverns, Eating Uonses,c. BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Blesh Henry Tavern 5 Wluslow, G. L. ' 5 FOX TOWNSniP. Collins, John Tavern fi Koch, Joseph ' 5 McUobkey, Jumes Eating house 5 JAY TOWNSHIP. Dixon, E. II. Tavern 5 Turley Arnu-1 5 JONF.6 TOWNSHIP, Behultz.M. M. Taveru 5 Sowers, Mai'tin 5 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. Aaron, Geo. T. Ealing House 6 Heaiy, William Taveru 6 Jackson, S. " 5 Maginnts J. 8. Eating House 5 Molnrlln, James Taveru 5 fccbraui, W. II. " 5 ST. MARY'S BOHOUGU. Fochtman, John Tavern S Groil.John 6 Gel, William ' 6 Hanscom, John " 6 Kraus, Jacob Eating House 6 Luhr, Henry Tavern & Kiley Bros. ' 5 Scbauer, Authony Eating House 5 Horg, Vox Taveru 5 Vogel, Loren ' 5 Windfelder, Jas. F. 6 Take notice, all who are concerned In this appraisement, that an appeal will be held at the commissioner's office In Ridgway on the 38th, day of May,A.D.lri0,between the hours of 9 A. M. and 7 P. M. wlieH and where you can attend If you tbluk proper. M. S. Klixe, Appraiser. April 27. 1880 1 -Llglit running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of &4&te, ftt SLrs. W. fi. Service's. .5481 50110 4997 5981 5023 5479 4994 5022 5340 5001 4990 5480 5002 5013 5014 5009 Sop) 5024 5025 5922 51N2 6482 6340 TREASURER'S SALES OF UN. t EAT ED LANDS. "V OTICE iaherebygiven that.agree ably to an Ac t of Assembly passed tlie 18th day of March, A. J). 1815, en titled "An act to amend an net direct ing the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes and lor other purposes,'' and the several supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, tltunte in Elk county, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the court house in Rldgwnv. in said county, on the second Monday of Juns noxt, beintr the 14th DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1880, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1878-79, unless the taxes are paid prior to mid dntes BENEZETTE TOW NSHIP. War. Acres. War. or Owners. Taxes. 5332 H28 6833 1007 5335 1(107 5338 1007 .0334 1007 6315 1007 5340 10117 5348 107 5348 1007 537!) 459 6380 1100 6383 1100 6384 1000 5387 1100 6349 KKI8 5342 1100 6008 990 5353 143 5334 1100 5337 1100 5350 1008 6351 1100 5352 300 James Stokes. 74 70 84 12 125 83 196 00 84 12 250 07 260 07 12.5 83 209 05 144 20 258 10 129 70 311 05 215 60 138 58 235 00 118 00 34 43 108 25 137 50 230 90 301 30 Myron Merrill, 82 28 6390 1100 Jones.Hanmiond&Co. 215 60 633H 1100 Amos B. Merrill. 108 25 5287 275 ' " ' 22 45 5288 27.5 " 07 79 223 14 " 22 71 845 Nathan W. Ellis. 64 82 5289 4994 4992 5341 6012 6479 6479 5479 Nathan W. Ellis. 458 Addison, Swart wood Co.89 53 900 Cornelius Wuinwright 40 00 990 Miles Dent 293 60 5d0 100 224 47 80 12 70 " south end of survey 27 IS 5 03 5478 60 southwest corner 0 John Brooks. 4 63 05 79 00 70 02 43 90 12 10 149 20 G 85 8 11 24 40 1H 10 14 20 194 05 990 481 550 II. C. Spaulding. i John Johnson Hezekiah Mix Andrew Dent Hamilton Dawn Wm. .Shannon David S. Johnson Henry Blesh Finney & Barrows 5023 288$ 5388 110.) 50 01 150 110 550 990 190 From P'itch & Bovington23 83 00 Ober & English northeast corner 3 34 990 Reading.Fisher & Co.274 0;) 990 " " " io7 00 890 " ' .-,7 00 990 " 32 00 999 Tullinirer Croft .C- Co. From Fitch iV. Bovinifion 194 05 131 John &. D.S. Johnson. 10 302 110 505 28 560 ' 80 82 E.Johnson & A.Apktr 20 71 Julius Jones 79 87 " 3 34 .Smith, McCormick it M;i nn Cook & Pardee James Rcilly Ralph Johnson i?t John fe Rot brock 108 25 258 4 2 95 43 90 82 12 5343 1100 5479 5024 50 691 5478 1040 501 1 990 ,i 14 7S 2' " " " " 05 35 II. Merrinian - 47 80 Reuben Winslow est-118 83 " " 59 50 " " " 110 83 " " " 93 43 " " " 8 80 6477 6481 5020 5i,21 5015 5027 5020 5014 5027 1100 300 990 37o 990 790 660 100 200 Heimer & Johnson lot 183 13-80 Reuben Winslow Estate Brock wa v. 109 Reuben Winslow est. 200 ' " " 197 " " " 32 30 16 00 9 49 29 80 9 34 BENZINGER TOWNSHIP. 4105 loo John W. Dubbs 29 35 410.5 41051 4100 ( 4115 4104 25 Peter Garrity 8 10 Hector Jackot 22 28 John Milne 19 23 10 25 140 140 511 823 990 200 80 220 300 500 90 900 30 Peter Byrnes, 1879 tax 4 53 Nelson J. Winimer 42 79 42 50 143 80 23 1 52 241 01 37 49 15 01 41 17 73 97 4SS3 4882 4959 4900 Lawrence & Cassell 4958 4958 4901 4961 4102 James Somers Smith " " 122 54 11 11 11 00 gj " " " 215 72 Earley. Brickel. & Hite Avenue B. No. 8 12 07 11 78 4104 04 5 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos. 1,37 4100 325 Parley, Brickel & 19, & 23. 02 42 4100 1114 Earley, Brickel & Hite4ol 89 4107 834 " " " 237 40 4108 896 " " 255 02 4109 990 " " 083 37 4110 897 " ' 254 05 4111 1025 " " " 291 00 411.5 094 " " p.17 77 4110 1049 " " 34s oj 4403 980 " " " 232 52 4407 107 "" " 31 05 4408 29 " " 9 S3 4880 25 " " ' Brussels road, E. X of No. 30 8 10 4880 25 Earley, Brickie & Hite Brussels road, E, j of No. 34. 8 10 30 Earley, Brickie & Hite 11 21 4976 200 " " " 57 70 2357 010 West Crefk Man. & Miniti'' Co. 281 48 4878 990 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 4879 1483 West Creek Man. 281 48 Mimntr Co. 421 13 481 00 4944 4945 999 West Creek Man. Mining Co. 990 West Creek Man. Miniim Co. 281 ci ; 48.SO 143 Charles Heebner 481 ."4 ! 4 952 090 Lyman Wilnituth est. 28 84, 4905 M'K'n x Elk Land v Imp't Co. 281 00 4887 090 4881 511J 488(5 1 --no 4887 I 'w 4089 142 125 60 00 M'K'n & Elk Land it- Inip't Co. John Morris 261 20 20S 10 Martin Horn- Echbnch rud, Nos.14, 15,10 & 17. 57 70 Win U. iJlaek Av.B. 41 08 lli-ox tan. Co. Rupert Wacker Kidonia Von Ersel James Cox 31 4 14 13 130 07 25 8 10 James Cox-lot tB.Cros.st.l 29 Lot Nos. Ridgway st. 79 James Dovle 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 121 58 Thomas McCorinick 60 Thomus McCormick 102 David Kpillune Railkoad Stkeet. 57 Sarah Heuley Taluot Stkeet. 17 Thomas Collins 18 80 38 39 William Shine Thomas Collins James Coyle 10 lots between Kersey and Talbot streets Af'REH. 26 I B. Bata 2 89 9 85 60 Edward Delehunt Vine St. Nos. 11 & 12.-10 4.3 Vine Street. 100 George Weis 27 30 25 Wlllinm Cockney 8 10 74 John Fordo 22 17 25 James Donnelly 7 15 25 Daniel Frnzier- No. 7 Cherry road 7 55 50 Daniel Frazicr Nos. 3 & 6 Muple road 14 13 49.5 Thomas Tonier 12.118 990 Johnson & SlialTer 188 14 990 " " 8 10 25 Joseph Wllhelni 8 10 4958 4105' 4100 4104 4S87 4115 4110 4977 99!H) 4993 4105 4105 4105 4103 4900 4887 4404 4404 4400 4406 4407 4408 4070 4105 4105 3 1 it o 10 " " 8 10 II II 2(J " " 22 08 23 71) 80 275 Augustus Wollo 60 05 60 John Kaul 13 20 622Sheldon,Stebigh&Bntesl48 99 622 " " " 148 99 622J " " " 149 18 622J " " 149 18 420 " " " 119 87 000 " " 171 10 1023 " " ' 249 54 50 Mary Ileenuu Nos. 13iiud 15 15 18 25 Marv McGahan no 8. 8 10 60 Joseph Wilhelm 13 18 8 Joseph Wilhelm for town lots 4 78 34 Earley, Brickel & Hite Ave. B 0 67 1056 Enrley.Briekel&Hite 300 38 f220 " " 41 63 39 73 C. R. Earlev Storor av.Nos.22,24t 20 22 27 47 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 2 and 4 14 13 71 C. R Earley Olean road, Nos. 0, 7, and 8 22 27 25 C. R. Earley Vine road No. 5 8 10 60 C. R. Earlev Vine road Nos.9 & 10 13 18 50 C. R. Earlev Poplar road Nos. 10 and 17 15 18 200 C. R. Euiif-v Pophir road Nos. 2i, 23,25.27, 29, 31,4,8,13,15,17&19 74 71 23 C. R. Earley Hick ory road, No. 17 8 32 42 C."R. Earlev John Carroll 8 10 42 C. It. Earley Vino road Nos. 31 and 33 8 94 50 C. R. Earley Hick ory rout I Nos. 19 & 21 15 18 22 C. R Earley Poplar road. No. 31. 7 25 25 C. R. Ear lev Chestnut road, No. 39 8 10 23 C. R. Earlev Chestnut road, No. 30 8 10 23 C. R. Earley Chest nut road, No. 21 8 10 50 C. It Earley Clieinutnl.Nos.23&27 15 IS CO C R.E:irky- E Chest nut road. Nos.l anil 3 15 IS 60 C. R. Earley Vine road Nos 2and4 15 18 23 C. R. Eu l ie v- Maple road No. 11 8 10 31 C. R. Earley Olettsi and maple i-oad No 1 9 81 19 (;.R. Earley ICat;t Maple road No.l C 89 51 C. R. Earley cherry id. Nos. 0 and 2 15 43 75 CR. Earley Cherry road Nos. 9, 11 ami 13 21 27 52 C.R Earley Cherry road Nos. 3 ami 15 13 74 50 C.R. Earley Cherry road Nos.l7and 19 15 18 200 C. R. Earley 67 7n 400 C. R. Earley 181 42 FOX TOWNSHIP. 4403 4101 4107 4108 4103 4104 4104 41 C4 4105 4105 4105 4105 4125 4103 4100 4100 4107 4107 4107 4107 4108 3103 4110 4U0 4110 4110 4115 4115 411.5 4970 1880 4095 ' 4092 4091 4093 4244 4245 4214 4244 4091 4095 4373 1097 4170 4178 4077 4078 408 1 4087 4097 4098 474 4187 4901 48!0 4902 4177 4190 4900 4274 4274 4170 40i7 4088 401-8 1180 4097 4170 4178 4189 4098 4087 4097 2735 J. S. Hyde 1,297 39 50 J.S.Hyde 12 85 57 J. S. Hyde ' 10 80 188 J. S. Hydc 08 15 481 J.S. Hvde 19100 87 J. S. Hyde 24 70 207 C R. Earley,T.Fall Iot32 00 225 Enoch Clapp 7;t 05 90 Michael Sbeehan 15 22 2sl Earley, Brickie & Hite 07 on 49 " ' 1201 105 " " 11 20 89 144 " " " 29 44 727 " " " 178 29 208 " ' 04 57 202 " " '' 03 f 9 990 Caroline M. Prey 118 07 800 E. R. Englaml 194 3 115 E. R. Enaland 24 70 900 Hannah Barnard 214 38 500 Richard Gardner 95 80 292 do tlo Si 97 45 II. A. Stephens 77 08 200 George C. White 32 00 225 Thomas Martin Southeast corner 45 39 25 Malaehia O' Ron i ke 10 83 25 Edward Bonner 8 90 25 " " 8 90 990 J C.ChiipinEstate 190 54 27 Eliza McGlaughlin 0 84 540 England k Brown .80 22 loo Joseph Wilhelm 28 0,5 320 " " 70 84 125 " " 13 32 51 Henry Clinton Witt 13 08 100 Wm. Apple 24 70 50 Patrick Mackin 12 85 03 Armel Turley 1127 50 Joseph Willielm 11 n2 130 C. R. Earley 33 21 000 Joseph Wilhelm 0)25 330 " 33 05 4090 4184 4184 4247 4873 4217 4210 4247 445 4244 4087 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 32 28 10J 1,3 200 08 240 i i 500 " " " 500 " " " 20 25 Richard Edwards 3 fell 2 53 20 75 14 50 Horace Little 50 Jacob Harttnan Joseph Fabcrly lot 11 83 171 James D. Wei hum A. McQuone lot 48 20 C. W Rigbv 2 lots from M.J Earley 2 58 Wm.&Miehael Cloke 2 lots from M.J. Earley 2 8 Henry Lurgav 1 lot irolo M j Farlev 1 '. I 4082 3''.3.SI:e!don,:-tebiKh&BafisI01 33 4t.77 709 do do do 221 41) ! 4889 oil c. R Earley 15 22 ' 4890 387 (lo 92 72 4271 380 do K .(HI" 4078 41 (! jo 7,f 4078 50 do 12 85 4078 58 do 14 7 4081 00 do 15 12 4081 45 do 11 to 40&7 37 C. R. Eartev Birch lane.Nos.5 A 10 8 35 4087 25 C.lt.Earley St. Mary's and Celitreville road 6 77 4088 47 C. R. Earley 12 18 4007 179 C.R. Earlev-Cross id. Nos.l, 2.8,0,10,llandl4 43 43 4C08 57 C.R.Enrley Caledonia rd 2 tiiulS umlS. jof 7 1451 4890 W0 C R. Earley 3 14 4082 307 Earley.BrickleJVHite' 85 8.5 4083 635.42 N. western M.AEx Co242 3.5 4094 444.50 do do H4 80 4095 272.95 do do 87 20 4096 478.40 do do 170 85 4079 70 do do 23 12 4245 84 do do - 42 84 424 4 67.70 do do 29 12 4373 168.30 do do 02 09 4092 SO io do 20 7fi 4115 4080 105.40 N. western M-Ex.Co 88 70 4073 30 do do (Il do 15 22 4091 61.07 4840 490 4243 t'02.47 4178 20 b.p.l. 45.60 do do do do do do do do 198 50 200 99 7 82 17 30 s.iSI. 1.50 do do 1 94 HIGHLAN I) TOWNSMTP 81 100(1 Thiiitiiw Ktriilliera 18 97 3753 1000 2020 1099 3002 801 Thomas Struthers 1 16 20 Thomas Struthers 113 61 C.B.Wrlghl&Duhring 80 78 " " 80 78 3001 3003 2019 1778 831 831 890 1031 100 100 402 80 78 87 02 99 08 11 18 12 19 49 92 92 68 15 40 i 9 93 34 79 123 97 Walter Bryant do do A. Wolf Janet M. Mack Northwestern cor. Geo. Dickinson 2025 2025 2027 1830 2034 954 150 Sub-division No.9 Geo. Dickinson Sub division No. Freeman Ellis John N. Lane 2034 00 2030 330 8788 1000 3752 840 1831 1005 " " 30 07 Allegheny bank of Pittsburg 1879 tax 61 23 John F. James 93 33 Martin Hart 127 14 AbnerCnssell 93 8.5 John O.Brown 80 00 J.C.Chapin Estate on undivided one-half 05 00 1863 3701 1783 18.58 902 1095 902 88.3 3700 1000 2403 2450 3771 3775 1799 315 289 200 1000 100 J.C. Chapiu Estate 31 20 28 75 24 04 128 07 Nathaniel F.Jones Nathaniel F. Jones James Gallagher Sub-division No. !) 1799 800 Chas.B.Gillis-Sub-div 10 00 Nos.2,3,4,5,7,0,8and 10 70 12 1770 500 Chas. R. Gillis Sub-div. Nos.13,14,15,10 and 17 30 75 2034 02 John Thompson nun division JNo.o 001 E.E.Kennedy 1058 Mrs. Richards 090 Wtn.M'Enight 1879 tax 1000 Henry M. Deckert 288 Joiin Nicholson 6 95 9 64 102 57 46 03 103 38 80 07 98 92 101 09 49 23 103 89 52 17 2034 2031 3050 3773 2104 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 2039 1043 John R van & others 3000 3702 3777 490 L. Wiliuurth Estate 1000 George Brooks f H. Detwiler 400 J w,1'gc Camm 1 Andrew I. King I George McKuight 100 Thomas Griffith. 210 J. B. sterlev 3785 2200 128 97 21 10 HORTON TOWNSHIP. 4280 1057 J. S. II vile Vine yard run lot 230 44 4370 454 J. S. Hvde- Sub-div nos.l,2.8,4,0,7,9,lU13 81 24 1279 932 J.L.Ellis 152 04 4370 20 Geonre Dickinson J of sub-division no.15 4370 50 Wintrait fc Rubel 0 02 sub-division No. 10 4070 50 C.M.Albert sub-div. No :M 4371 62 Jacob Didlot Sub division No. 23. 1370 60 Mathias Kline No. 10 74 10 71 11 08 lo ls79 tax Kline No. 0 4 -: 1371 Mathias 27. 1879 tax 1879 tax 6 04 0 45 4371 4309 4341 4458 4842 1348 1150 4 248 -1218 421!) 43T0 42-13 1 Joseph Hertzell no.27 79 tax 0 01 Pa. CanncICoal Co. 130 22 do do do 225 0 i do do do 214 40 Shawniut Can'l Cl.eo. 187 17 573 1)52 900 577 509 909 154 41 (iO 20 do do do 185 2 213 40 45 95 1 1 02 do do do J. C. Wellington Noble Coal fe oil Co do do Joseph Wilhelm -of Sub-div. No. 15 10 67 3 0 07 4213 1 r.. 4242 50 Hyde & Brockway Hartshorn lot 219 89 Hyde & Rrockwuy R. Gillis lot Hyde tt- Brockway (i. MeCullougli lot Hyde & Brockway do do Firman lot Hyde& Brockway N. B. Lane A: others 7 49 20 47 49 68 8 38 33 45 4100 4242 1272 4242 4200 1182 4271 4870 4570 4870 4870 4100 4372 250 107 100 847 000 990 Oil) 25 50 40 01 Henry Lor.'in Carlisle42 82 do 97 44 John C.Frcnch-W.prt4() 68 J. C. Law A of 19 .5 88 G. Wlsesub-div.no.17 10 79 Geo. Wise i of 1!) 6 84 Geo. Weis sub-div.23.10 79 Wm. Mack 40 14 50 200 70 00 X. western M.ct-Ex.col48 50 4871 1 40 83 4831 1 870.50 4409 805.00 4152 811 4212 28.70 4200 1 4188405 4272 518 4840 (10 4841 325.40 4248 115.05 4255 I do do 150 04 do do 100 88 do do 145 20 do do 6 95 43 82 do do 00 97 do do 135 ,52 do do 9 .50 do do 61 23 do do 31 50 do do 4390 J 1002.10 Haven lot 195 70 4451 1080.80 N. western M ttEx.col83 31 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos B. Merrill 189 10 5:88 825 do do 207 75 5287 825 do do 207 75 5289 540 do do 178 84 5290 012.7 do do 140 65 4194 400 William Parker 78 09 4195 670 James Lvnde 113 67 4190 989 D. K. Jones 191 28 4197 220 J JaniesStokes 54 18 5003 991) do do 170 31 4195 200 do do 41 23 4195 207 Sebastian Weis 40 90 4197 245 do do 48 88 4895 134 Reading.Fislier & Co. 44 01 4899 115 do do 20 00 4900 400 William Robinson 105 31 4845 70 do do 19 25 50IO 090 Philip M. Price 129 93 5019 1100 do do 121)98 5000 900 ' do do 129 98 4890 212 E. B.England 60 31 5007 090 do 12)58 5004 900 do 129 58 4892 200 DuBois & Lowe 40 01 4191 900 Richard Gardner 462 41 4185 300 Hc.ekiah Horton (10 03 4848 100 do 27 15 4397 25 David Tvlcr 7 55 502!) 00 Finlcv, Young & Co 14 lo 5018 990 do do 129 98 4Si'2 220 I). W. Moore 03 63 5080 01 O. R. Price 19 81 48'.'8 090 Hen i v Loraine 510 85 5i.l7 090 do 610 85 4S05 98 Tyler & Finney 20 14 4395 93 do 20 14 FOlt CONTINUATION OF THEABL'HKlt'8 A LES SEE bl'l'I'LEMENT. IJegislci'fi Notice. Notice Is hereby given t lint the fol lowing neeount will be picceiiUd at I be next Orphan's Court lor confirma tions 1. Account of yet er Thompson, Ad ministrator of the estate of Artelphus Kyler deceased. ' 2. Accouni i(SK'lia Mrnfrn, Ad ministratiix of the estate of Joint Peterson, lute of Jones township, de ceased. Fred. Schcenixo. Register. Wanted-D .II. Putty & Co., Nurs erymen, want a few good reliable men to sell tree's vine's und shrubs through this Mute. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. For full particulars address, D. H. Patty & Co., 721 Broad Bt., Newark, N. J. nl m3 Sheriff's Sale. BY-VIRTUE OF SUNDRY w -fit, of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, und testa tum fieri facias Isstied out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, nnd, to me directed, I, D. C. OYtJTEU, High Sherifl'ofsaid county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry nt the Protbonotary's olliec, in Ridgway, at one o'clock p. M., on MONDAY, MAY 24, 1880. No. 1, nil tho right, title, interest, claim and demand of the defendant to or out of certain lot of land situate in the village of Benezette, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit. Lot No. 11 on Front street, and beginning nt n post 600 feet north twenty-three degrees west from a sand stone corner at the junction of said Front street with the road leading to Harbison Wilson's, thence along said street north twenty-three degrees west sixty feet to a corner post; thence north sixly-seven degrees east one hundred and fifty feet to an alley; thence along said alley south twenty three degrees east sixty feet to a cor ner; thence south sixty-seven degrees west one hundred and"fll'ty feel to the place of beginning, containing nine thousand superficial feet. Upon the said premises there is erected a store house 18x30 feet, twostories high, with frame wing of 18x30 feet, cellar under neath, a shoe-shop 14x30 feet ; ti barn 20x30 feet. No. 2, also all the right, title, Inter est, claim and demand of defendant of, intooroutof another lot of land situate in warrant No. 5285, Jay town ship, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as followst Beginning at a butternut tree in the middle line of warrant 5285, standing 334 perches from the west line of the warrant; thence east thirty-nine and one-tenth peiches to a post in said middle line and in western side of highway; thence parallel with and forty feet from line of Jand sold to B. E Morey and James M. Bateman south forty six and one half degrees west thirty twoand four-tenths perches to a post in the eastern lineot St. Mary's road; thence north fifty degrees west sixteen perches; thence north twenty-two de grees west thirteen perches to said middle line, a post in the eastern line of St. Mary's road; thence east one and seven-tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing, three and one-tenth acres, more or less. Upon said premises there is erected one small shed barn, one two-story frame house 10x80 feet No. 3, Also, all the right, title, inter set, claim and demand of defendant of, into or out of the following tract or parcel oi bind situate in Benezette towiinhip. Elk county, Pa., bounded nnd described as follows: Beginning at a port in the center of the highway, the northeast coi ner of a two and one eighth acre lot deeded by Erasmus Morey to Amelia Derr; thence north sixty-one and one-ijuarter degrees west twenty-six perches to the north west corner of the same; I hence north forty-live degrees esisl seventeen per ches to it post ill tlie cat line of the Kitlaiid lot; thence south fil'ty-niue de grees east twenly-three and live tenths perches to said highway; thence south thirty-seven a'lil 0111 balf degrees west liitcen and live tenths perches to the place of begin ning, containing two acres und seventy-two perches. Upon said premises there is erected one frame dwelling house 10x2 feet, barn 30x48 feet, with shed attached 18x50 feet. No. 4, Also all the right, title, inter est, claim and demand of defendant, of, into or out of one oilier piece or parcel of land situate in Benezette township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows; Being a part of a certain tract known as the Kitlaudlot, beginning at tlie north west corner of a piece or parcel of land conveyed to Amelia Derr by Erasmus Morey, running along the 'north side of said lands east one hundred and nineteen and two-tenths rods to a post on the line of the Potter survey; thence north forty-live degree east seventeen rods to a post on the east line of the Kitland tract; thence north sixiy-eigni and seven-ten' lis rods to n post on the ridge road; thence north seventy-six degrees west nine und four-tenths rods; thence north sixty one degrees west twenty-six and two tenths rods; thence north seventy-two degrees west eighteen and two-tenths rods; thence north sixty-three and otic-half degrees west twenty-seven and one-tenths rods; thence north sixty degrees west nine rods to the in tersection of a log road with the afore said ridge road; thence along the said log road north seventy-one and one lialf degrees west twenty-one rods; thence north sixty-five degrees west, sixteen and eight tenths rods to n post; thence south six degrees west one hundred and thirty one rods to the place of beginning, containing eighty two acres and one hundred and thirty two perches, be the same more or less. No. 5, Also, all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand of defendant into or out of another parcel of land situated, lying and being in the town of Benezette, Elk county, Pa., and known and described as lot No. nine teen, on Second street, in tlie plot of said town as filed in tlie oflice for re cording of deeds in Ridgway, Elk county. Pa., having sixty feet front on said Second street, and one hund red and fifty feet deep to an alley, bounded on the southwest by Second street, on the southeast by lot number seventeen, on the northeast by the alley aforesaid, and on the northwest by lot number twenty-one, and con taining nine thousand feet of land. No. 0, Also, ull tlie hemlock timber standing upon two hundred acres of land, part of Thomas OvertuiTs farm in t lie township of Benezetle, Elk county, Pa., near the Bennett's Branch of the Sinnemahoniug creek. About eighty acres is covered with hemlock limber, estimated at 400,000 feel board measure, from which 300 to -40 J cords of bark may be peeled; being the same timber which the sidil Tbos. Overturi' covey td to Edward Walter, and by the said Walter conveyed lo Ihesaid B. E. Morey. which said con veyances are of record in the Record er's oflice of Elk county. No. 7. Also, ail the right, title, in terest, claim and demand of defend ant in and to the following described land; Beginning nt what formerly was the snuthea-t corner of Charles Lcggett's farm, which is the north line of patent No. 6080, und from thence west ulong said line ten chains and thirty links to a corner; thence north five chains and twelve links to a corner; thence east. ten chains und thirty links to a corner, thence south to tlie place of beginning, being five chains and twelve links, containing live acres and forty .eight perches, be ing situated in the south part of pat ent No. 6020, in Jay township, Elk county, P. No. 8. Also, a certain messuage, niece, purcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Jay township, Elk county, Pa , bounded und described us follows; Beginning at the southwest corner of land formerly owned by Wm. Burt, in patent 6020, and ruu- nlng thence west (29) twentynine perches and twelve (1) links to the northwest corner of said land; thence West nine (9) perches to the centre of the road leading from Charles Leg. gett's to Caledonia; thence along the centre of said road to the south line of said patent No. 6029; thence to the placo of beginning containing one half acre(l-2),includlng all the laud ly ing between theaforesald land formerly owned by said Burt and road. Seized and taken In execution as the property of B. E. Morey, and to be sold at the suit of Corcoran, Bubb & Co., and Erasnias Morey. ALSO The following described real estate, situate in Horton township, Elk Co., Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; 1. Beginning at n post on the northwest corner of. thirty acre lot late of Henry Kama ; thence west by land late of Peter O Ilara, ninety-eight and one-half perches more or less to a post; thence north one hundred and seventy-two perches more or less to a post; thence east partly by sub-division No. 2 of warrant No. 4370 and partly by land late or Dennis Eggleston ninety-eight and one half perches more or less ti n beech tree; thence south one hundred und seventy-two perches more or less to the place of. beginning, containing one hundred ntrs and ullowance be tho same more or less, about thirty acres of which is cleared and improved, there is erected an old log house used us barn. 2d. Beginning at a buss wood tree at the northeast corner of land late or Henry Karns; thence west one hundred and four perches to a beech; thence north one hundred and fifty-seven rods to a post; thence east one hundred and eigbly-tive rods to n post; thence south by land of Clark Eggleston ninety-six rods to a hemlock; thence west thirty five rods to a post; thence north 09 west twenty-eight rods to a cherry tree; thence south 30J west thirty-lour rods to a post; thence south forty-four rods to tlie place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty-two acres and fifty-six perches and allowance. 3d Begi lining at the bass wood last above mentioned, the northeast corner of this lot; thence west one hundred and sixty rods to a post; thence south 11 ft y rods to a post; thence cast one hundred and six rods to a post; thence north fifty rods to tlie place of beginning, containing thirty-three and one-tenth acres. 4tli. Beginning at a post fifty two rods west of the southeast corner of the sixty-six nnd seven-tenth acre lot conveyed to Henry Karns by Dan iel Kingsbury and wife by deed dated the 31st day of August, A. D. 1857; thence north ten rods lo a post; thence west thirty rods to n post; thence south ten rods to a post in the north line of tlie one hundred and forty-two acre lot above described; thence north along said north line east thirty perches, containing three hundred sijitare rods and being part of sixty six and seven-tenth acre lot. The said three lots of ground last above de scribed altogether contain one hundred and seventy-seven acres of land more or less, anil is known as the "Kuril's farm'' about fifty acres of which is iui proved and lets a small orchard grow ing therein, and upon which there is erected a Irame house 10x24 feet, two stories high with kitchen altaehed Also a frame burn 32x10 feet witli shed attached. 01 h Beginning at a post at tlie southeast corner of land late 01 Dentils Eggleston; thence west one hundred, and sixty rods more or less to a post; thence south sixty-six und seven-tenths rods more or less to a post; thence north ten rods more or less to a post; thence east thirty rods more or less to a post; thence south ten rods more or less to a post; thence east fifty-two rods more or less to a post: thence north by laud of Clark Eggleston sixty-six and seven-tenths rods more or less to the place of begin ning, containing sixty-four acres and one hundred and thi' ty-t wo perches, being part of warrant No. 4248. 0th. Beginning at a post at the northwest corner of the lot of land conveyed to Robert Mcintosh by the Trustees of the U. S. land conipany-t hence one hundred and forty-eight rods more or less to a post; thence west one hundred and -seventy. seven rods more or less to a post; thence north one hundred and forty-eight rods more or less to a post and stones; thence east one hundred and seventy-seven rods more or less tc the place of beginning, containing one hundred and sixty-three acres and one hundred and sixteen perches more or less, being part of wurrunt No. 4243. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jonas C. Wellington at the suit of Peter O'Hara now for use of James O'Hara. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck off; 1. All the bids must be paid in full except where the plaintiH'or other ben creditors becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as ull liens prior to mat 01 trie purcuaser, ana u duly cer lilied list of liens slinll be furnished. including mortgage searches on tlie property sold together w th such lien creditor's, receipt for the amount 01 toe proceeds ot the sale, or such por tion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will b continued unti'. s;x o'clock P. M., at which time all property not set tled tor win again ue put up ana sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck oil", and who, in case of deficiency at such re sale, snail make good the same, und in no instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless the bid is actu ally settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff-. SherifPs oflice, Ridgway, Pa., ) April 20. 1880. f See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page u; fcniitn s t onus, 334. Jam Poles. Middletown X-Cut Saws. Jeflard's, White's und Mann's Axes, Tubular and 09 Lanterns. Files. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boynton's Lightning Saws. Corn Popi'krs. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handlks. Pick Handles. lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main street. n39 Fresh Rolls, Cakes und Pies ut T. F. Buliers' Masonic building. Square envelopes and legal fold note paper ut The Advocate office. Meals at all hoursat T, F. Buliers' Lunch-room in the Masonic Rtiildiojf. EW LIVERY STABLE ' . IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and Iho public generally, that lie ha started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. Bf-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. r Aug201871tt HAU . r- fi CTA n. VC.U -1-101 V. Hm been In constant f nse by tbo pnblla for over twenty yenrn, and la the belt preparation erer Invented for RESTOR The ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND State Ascayer ana Chemist of Mass. and leading endorse and it as a great triumph in medi cine. LIFE. It supplies the natural food and color to the lialr glands without staining the skin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. It cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It is very desirable, giving tho lialr a silken softness which all admire. It keeps tbo head clean, in'rt'l nnrl lionlltiv. . j . . WHISKERS will change tho beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED 11 V R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. II. Sold by all Dealers Is Medlcins. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL KOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Dlv. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY. November 3, 1879, the trains on the Philadel phia & Eric Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Elan mail loaves Phila 11 55 p. in. " Renovo 1100 a. m " " Emporium. 1 15 p. m. " ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. m. " " -Ridgway ... 2 36 p- m. " " Kane 3 50 p. m. " arr. at Erie 7 55 p. m. EASTWARD. erir mail leaves Erie 11 35 a.m. " " Kane 4 00 p. in. " "' Ridtf-uy....5 00 p. ni. ' " St. Mary's..5 27 p. m. " ' Emporium. H 25 p. m. " " Kenovo 8 40 p.m. " nrr. at Phila 7 00 a. m. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. PATENTS. Patents nrncnrpil imnn Tnvontinna No Attorney's Fees in. Advance, Our xiiiukc was efciaunsneu in istri. WO hie CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention, with your own description of it, for our opinion n to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent is Secured. Our Book of Instructions, etc., "How to Pkoccre Patents," sent free on request; also sample copies of the Scientific Record, the Inventors' Journal. R. k & A. P. LACEY , Patent Attorneys, C04 F Street, near Patent Office. Washington, D. C. List of Licenses for May term, 1880. Notice is 'liereby given that the following persons have tiled their petitions for License in my office, and that they will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Weduea day, May 20th, at 2 o'clock P. M. TAVEliN. 1. E. H. Dixon, Fox. 2. C. F. Kcnote, Jittfway. 3. Salyer Jackson, 4. Peter F. Robert, 5. John Vauc,lian, &'t. Mury'm Borough. (i. John Hanscom, 7. John Uroll. EATING HOUSE. Jlenezctte. 8. John Dailey, Fox. 9. Andrew Ilau. 10. James McCloskey. STOKE. Ilhiyway. 11. II. L. Parson. 'That if .any person or persons shall neelect or refuse lolift his I er or their . License, within FIFTEEN DAYS after the same lias been granted such neglect or refusal ahull be deemed a forfeiture of said License ' Purdon, V, 2d, page 843. Fhkd. bt iicENiNa, Clerk Q. 6. All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office will be Ixxind, without extra charge, with our paten blotter tablet . -. all and npt-cieEA. N