The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 13, 1880, Image 3

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'rittlRSDAY, MAY 13, 1880.
K. Of H.
Iltdgway Lodge No. 1644 meets oil
th 2d and 4th Friday of each month
at 3 o'clock.
New Time Table. Under the new
schedule the mail and local freight
leave Rldgway station as follows:
MAIL WEST . 2:30
" EAST - . 5:00
LOCAL WEST - - - 7:50
" EAST . 3:25
School Exhibition nt Hyde's Opera
Houtc, Saturday evening, May 15.
With this we Inaugurate our Second
Spring Season In Ridgwuy. The
prophecy of our competitors at our
first Spring Opening, we are happy to
say, ban not been realized, viz: that
our business career In Rldgway would
be of short duration.. We appealed to
the public at our Opening for their
patronage and support in our under
taking, and it is with prido and
thankfulness that we state that our
expectations have been more than re
alized. We again appeal to the public
for their support, and we assure them
that our business will be conducted , as
heretofore one price and the truth.
When you call at our establishment
'you can be assured that you can be
waited upon by gentlemanly salesmen
Take your own time for miking a
selection, and if you are not satisfied
with your purchase, have it exchanged
or the money refunded. Our sales
men will show a customer the same
attention wheu exchanging as they do
when selling goods, and in every res
pect we strive to give no cause for
a guarantee!
We guarantee this, and every article
we sell to be exactly as represented,
and to give reasonable wear for the
price charged for it; also, to be as low
as any of the same quality can be
bought at always holding ourselves
ready to make the loss good to the
purchaser. Should it prove to the
contrary, or if the article, when ex
uiniiied at home, slum Id fail to please
you, or you be dissatisfied with your
purchase in any way, you are at lib
erty to return the same i in good (truer)
within live days, und we will ex
change it or cheerfully refund the
money. New York Store, .Itldgway,
Pa , Cohen Bros. fe Browustcin, Pro
prietors. good advice!
It Is a duty you owe to yourselves to
first call ami inspect our mammoth
tstock of Clothing, all kinds of iwmies
tic Goods, Notions, Boot and Sho s,
Hats and Cap, &c, fcc, und learn our
prices before purchasing.
Wo have determined to retain the
FAVOR, and the only way to do
so is to sell the Tile Veitv lksx
Goods at the Smallest Living Profit.
Cohen Brothers & Brownsteine,
Do you want to wear good clothes?
Do you want to oe honestly treated ?
Do you want to save money ? Then
purchase your Clothing, Domestics,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, at the
GENTS' furnishing goods!
No old goods in stock ! Au New!
All Stylish! And All so cheap
that everybody, regardless of station
in life or scarcity of funds, may be
able to dress with taste. Inspect our
stock and satisfy yourselves that we
are Headquarters! Cohen Brothers
& Brownstein, New Y'-rk Store, Post
Office Building, Uidgw.iy, Pa.
The largest and most complete stock
of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready Made
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ac, Ac, every
received at Rldgway now on hand at
prices to defy competition.
The recent advance in goods has
made no change in our prices. We
sell as cheap and cheaper thau ever.
Cohen Brothers & Brownstein, Pro
prietor. Best priuts to 7c per yard.
Best muslins 7 to 9 cents a yard.
An Endless Variety of Shawls,
Ladles and Gents' Ties, Silk trim
mings, fringes, satins, embroideries,
Ladies' Summer Suits, &c., &c.
A large variety of all qualities and
kinds of dress goods at lowest prices.
Our stock is full and complete of
everything too numerous to men.
tion. Call, examine, and be con
vinced. Parties coming from a distance of
20 miles and purchasing goods to the
amount of $20.00 or mote will be al
lowed their car fare. Those purchas
ing good to the amount of $10.00 will
bave their car fare paid one way.
P.emember the place New York
?It?x, uexi dooi totbe Post Office.
Personal Items.
Doctor Hartley is forming exten
sively. -Ed. Maybee has moved with his
family to Kane.
-'-Colt Messenger is teaching the
Portland Bchool.
James Maginnis has hi9 South
street farm planted.
G. W. Rhlnes has had his billiard
hall newly painted.
W. S. Service Is now manager of
the stoie nt Indian Run.
The Wilcox school, J. B. Johnson
principal, closed on Tuesday last.
Swart;! Ross and wife have moved
to the brick yard for the summer.
Mop off your forehead supercedes
"wipe off your chin" these hot days;
Russell Coates, of Warsaw, Jeffer
son county, called on us this morning.
Mrs. W. Gorsline of Randolph,
N. Y. is visiting at Doctor Bordwell's.
Wm. McChcsuey Is farming on
Capt. Sehconing's farm the de
pot. Joint services of the Presbyterians
and Methodists at the Chapel on Sun
day last.
-English Is still at large.and whether
he is in the woods of Jay or across the
line in Canada no one here is prepared
to say.
Prof. W. H. Montague's writing
school has commenced. The terms
are for adults, 13 lessons $1.50; child
ren $1 00.
Mr. Johnson, agent for D. S An
drus& Co., Williatusport, was in town
last week.
Doctor Bordwell set out a large
number of grape vines on his farm
this spring.
Brook's prophesy of a long dry
spell unless we have a rain seems
likely of fulfillment,
J. Powell has returned from Pitts
burg where he ha been sp.nidin a
week looking after his lumber inter
est. Joel Miller has taken to making
garden. lid has been used to (he
hoe-n and now he will try and raise r
little garden truck.
Henry Ellithorp, of Highland,
and Miss Emma Irwin of this place
were married on Thursday bust, at the
residence of the bride's father Mr.
Peter Irwin.
Peter F. Bogart, and family now
occupy the new hotel, for which the
old court house has been remodeled
and refitted. The hotel is without a
name as yet.
Fires are raging with more or less
fury in the woods adjoining this vil
lage.Isaac Avery lost a good many logs,
while other purtiessustaincd greater or
less loss consequent on the destruc
tion of bark, logs und standing tim
ber. Our worthy townsman and Post
master, Jas H. Hagcrty has lately had
his hair closely cropped, and his
rheumatism having le;t him we are
pleased to state that he is In a better
Btute of health and looks better than
for months past.
Tne Ridgwny Silver Cornet Band
has re-organized with Prof. Chas.
Brack as Instructor. The members
ure: Cupt. Fred. Schocuing, the two
Meissinger Bros., W. H Hyde, Louis
Ely ami Charles Olmsted, Tiju Band
meets lor practice on Monday und
Thursday evenings.
Geo. Woodward and Henry Wen
sel caught 1 Ul troai last Week which
weighed 18j lbs. This is our lir?t fish
story, Out we will endeavor to keep our
readers posted iu tliesu matters. The
next one will likei oe about the trout
that weighed -libs, because the honest
fisherman killed it Willi .-.hut.
At the recent reorganization of
the M. E. Sunday school me follow
ing officers were elected. Superintend
ent, diaries Mead; assistant Supt.
James L. Fullertou; Secretary FruiiK
Bowker; Treasurer, Sadie Cntlibert;
Librarian, Emuiu O. mated; Ais't.Lio
ruliuii, due E. Cutiiueil; Organist, Ida
The Miner Boy Mining Co., ol
Lfcu.Iviile, Colorado, of wuicu Fred
erieh M. Adams, Esii of Pliiiudelpliiu
is President and O. 14. Eariey, of tins
place is Vice President. Tlie capital
stock is !o,uuo,ouo. fur value of shares
$10 eacn. Number of shares Goo.ouo.
The prospectusof this company wuieli
we have revived promises well for
those parties wlio are so fortunate a.)
to be the owner oi stock.
A clear case of remorse of con
science has just come to our tars.
In the year lMil or lhiM Amos Fox ol
Hortou township, this county, loot a
pocket book containing $i'J, ut the
time he supposed it had been stolen.
A few days ugo a man sent woru to
Mr. Fox that he desired to make re
stitution to him for the lost money
which he had found und used. Mr.
Fox agreed to take the principal and
one-half the interest, which amounted
to $79 and call Iho matter settled. The
amount was paid, and thus after many
days conscience makes amends for uu
unwise act.
The Presbyterian congregation of
St. Mary's borough will run an excur
sion train from St. Mary's to Sergeant,
on or about Tuesday, May 25, giving
the excursionists an opportunity of
witnessing the flowing well at that
place. Ample arrangemenU will be
made for the people at all stations
along the line to join the excursion.
We expect to publish the programme
next week, giving the rates of fare
from each station. The train will
leave St. Mary'a early in the evening,
returning about midnight. The net
proeoeds of the excursion will be de.
voted to making repairs on the church.
Brood six ceuts a loaf at T. F.
Buileis' Masonic building.
Local Item.
Plant a few flower seeds.
Court commences on May 24th.
The bark peeling season has com
menced. Strawberries will be In this mar
ket soon.
The rain came at last on Monday
Japanese parasols are now the
rage on our streets.
Potato bugs have organized for
the summer campaign.
School exhibition at Hyde's Opera
House next Saturday evening.
Teams for plowing are In great
demand at this particular time.
Teachers' Examination at the
Rldgway Graded School house on
Saturday, May 15, at 9 , A. M.
Work Is going ahead at a rapid
rale on the stone steps leading to the
front doors of the new Court House.
Remember that we keep a large
assortment of note paper and envel
opes at The Advocate ofllco which
we sell cheap.
The lightning has no business
fooling around the iron woman on f lic
Court House, since lightning rods
have been placed above her head.
The rods are put on as protectors iu
more ways than one.
The Rldgway Graded School
closed an eight mouths' term on Wed
nesday last. Entertainment ut Hyde's
Opera Hall next Saturday evening,
proceeds to go toward paying for ap
paratus to be used by the school.
As we stated In our lust issue a
party of men started out from Portland
on Wednesday morning in search of
the body of Leauder Sheeley, the
young man who was washed off a raft
just below Raught's Mill, April 127.
Chris. Painter lloaled down the river
on a board lloat and when opposite the
hill roll way discovered the body. li
was laying in the bed of the stream in
the middle of the current, face down
nud head down utreain, the feet were
extended and served a-i anchors to
hold the body in place. This was on
the ninth day utter the drowning,
the body looking quite fresh, and with
no signs of dec-composition, the cold
water keeping it intact. The Inter
ment took place iu the orchard at
Raught's Mill.
Setli 11. Yocuiii, 31. ('.
Among the many contests of disap
pointed politicians for places occupied
by more fortunate rivals, the one in
which Mr. Curtin (the Great War
Governor), attempted to oust Mr.
Yoeliui, is at once the most costly, least
excusable, and longest winded of any
the records of congressional contests
can boast.
During the canvass Governor Cur
tin, while outside this congressional
district, was asked the name of bis op
ponent in the contest for congressional
honors. To this question the Great
War Governor replied, that he did not
know but he had been informed that
a chsp up there was running against
him and he was goin;j up to see about
it, although he thought there was
nothing of it. The result of the poll
ing was surprise party to the over
sanguine G W. (J. and smarting under
the loss of oooo Democratic majority,
at the same time thinking of the
shadoA of his former greatness, he
wisely resolved to contest Mr. Yoeum's
hard uud fairly, yes gloriously earned
laur Is, depending on his millions to
break down uu opponent whom he
knew to he u poor nun uud whom he
thought unable to stand u contest.
T ie sly old G.W. G. reckoned alone, for
Mr. Yocui.t's friends who did him
noble service iu the canvass refused to
torsade him in the contest. And to
O. B. Grant of this village, is due
great credit for the successful issue
which the case has at last readied, as
will be seen by the report of the action
in this case liy Congress on Tuesday,
last May lllli:
Mr. springer tlicn eallcl up tlio Curthi-Yoi-uni
election ease. A K'mki deal ol' oppo
sition Wiis iiiunllesteil on limli Milr.s ol' I he
liouse to soiy extended iltliule, unU motion
wiifc iiiudu by .Mr. Weaver that nil d:lite
close In unu minute. Mr. (Vk'rlcU, liu
lield tin- lloor, declined to yield lor tliut mo
tion, but nt tile clone of his pecch iu lavor
of the contestant, i similar motion was mudu
by Mr. Overton i.ial It was uiiruml to.
i'in- previous was tlie.i ordered
and .Mr. iSpriuiier claimed lliu doping hour,
yielding bis tunc, however, to Mr. Uyun
i I'll. I and .Mr. (-peer, who spoke iu i,upui l ol
the majority report.
Then the bouse proeeeded to vote upon the
resolution--the lirst one beliit; InUeu on an
amendment oli'ered by Mi1, jsprinyer to the
minority r .-olulion deciaiini that Mr. S o
cum Is not entitled to the seat yeas-Ti, buys
I'hu iieirative vote was cast by the Republi
cans undiireenbackeis, UMillier Willi
lowii. 1 niocrals: .Mt-ssrs. Aiken, ilerry,
Htiiiek, lii'i-iiil, Caldwell, Chalmers. 1-eilon,
ileUKle. Hoale.U-r. Mills, New. O'iiciiiy.
Itieiiardson (!S. i'., Kielimoud, siinvjelon
(111.1, Singleton (Miss. j sjlepheini, Slcvuuiou,
Sleiuousan 1 V light,
'i'ne (iiieslioii then recurred upon the mi
nority resolution declaring that Voeuni is
entitled lou beat and that Utirlain is not en
titled thereto. The minority resolution was
adopted, yeas 111, nays To. and Voeuni wuk
warmly congratulated by his republican col
leagues upon his icUiluioK his seat notwilh
Ntnuding the unfavorable repoi t ol' the com
mittee on election.
Congressman Yocuiii has also
the congratulations of all regardless
of party in the twentieth district who
are fair minded and believe that the
majority should be heeded. Of course
Mr. Curtin is not happy. Why should
he be? The lesson he has learned at
such great cost we hope will be a
warning stone In the path of history
to keep other deluded mortals from
doing as be bos done. Alas poor
Curtin, once honored by us all and
now none so poor to do him reverence.
Wilcox Letter.
Wilcox, Pa., May 10th, 1880.
On being examined by the medical
fraternity and experts iu anatomy it
was found out to be an artificial leg
gotten up by some artistic cms and
palmed off on the unsuspecting public
as a real meat baby's leg. And now
the only thing necessary to the com
pletion of this horrible drama is the
haninj of two or thive r.idcs and
abettors in the fcaudulont -vdieuie.
Urockport liocalsT
The old steam mill at Mead Run
is being torn down to be moved to
Brandy Camp to replace the one re
cently burned there.
Brockport Is not much of a place
for religious revivals, after twelve
nights of meetings at this place not a
single person has gone to the mourn
er's bench-
Five sportsmen of Brockport
went to the pigeon woods; camped In
the woods, shot away 37 pouud of shot
in two days killed about i!15) pigeons
and got scared away by the howling
of a panther, which was only ascreech
owl, but made them think of "home
sweet homu" and they quietly re
turned with the above yarn. Brave
Mrs. Jacob Mimes Is not Improv
ing very fast. Grave fears are ent-.r-taincdof
her recovery at all and it is
even thought by many that she will
not recover.
The young foks of this place take
pleasure on moonlight evenings riding
in "Swamper's" new boat.
Last week the tire was raging
from W. Kellar's to Boot Jack, great
efforts were made to keep It from the
buildings and other valuable property.
Frank Jackson has taken the job
of making shingles and re-shingling
the barns ut the Oyster place for three
dollars a thousand. G. BltlKL.
Dugas City Soles.
Quoits is the leading game at the
The drivers had a small strike on
Friday last for an advance in wages.
Some were discharged and others have
again taken their places ut the old
pri je.
Forest fires are around us.
The St. Mary's band was out
to Centreviile one niglit last week to
serenade Mr. Ke.iote, preprictor of
Cook's hotel. They had quite a jolly
time and returned home leeling all
the belter for their trip. Wonder if
"Sam" heard them play.
Dave Daniels alter an illness of
four or live days Is again able to be
upon the street.
A wedding at the Catholic church
at Ceiitreville on Sunday last. We
did not learn the uume of parties.
Mr. James Wharton Is happy.
D. F. Fitzgerald, well kuown to
your Ridgwuy readers is making
Ccntrevillo his headquarters for the
Robt. Beadle, brother of J. H.
Beadle, is spending u few weeks at
Dagus City.
Wonder when the coal house bri
gade will be on the rounds again.
Poor place to lodge we should think.
John F. Nicely and son and Wm.
Briggs, of Sliicksliiniiy, Ph., have ar
rived and Mr. Nicely will now com
mence his contract of building houses
lor the N. W. & Ex. Co.
J. H. Beadle, of the firm of J. H.
Steell tie Co., lias gone to the eastern
cities to lay in llieir summer stock of
goods. Henry has good taste and will
make a good selection. I. ,". O.
Yule's Brockport Locals.
Arthur Lurkin hangs out a new
Frank Jackson loyta valuable cow
last wee!;.
The woods mi loon's mountain
have been on fire several days past.
The lire still r.igc-i at a terrible rale.
Ciiii-e of lire unknown.
W H. Hortou' new house is rapidly
approaching completion under the
supervision of Prof. Caldwell who
takes rank among the bent workman
iu the state.
Miss Ida Davis of Warsaw, has
been visiting the past week ut Father
We have been informed that there
will be a .Sunday school Institute at
Bi'oekway viiie this week at which
Rev. H. M- Burns wiil be present.
Joe Pauley has taken the contract
of making shaved shingles to cover all
the buildings on the old Oyster farm.
It is estimated to take one hundred
thousand shindies.
What has become of all our cor
respondents of late? Boys don't all
stop writing because I did for you
shall hear from me occasionally yet,
"Swamper is contemplating a fish
ing trip down the Susquehanna liver
the coming summer. He has already
made himself a skill. Ye fumy tribe
look out for "Swamper," he is coming.
A few evenings ugo while some of
the boys were fishing below the Brock
port dam they caught uu alligator on
the apron of the chute which meas
ured twenty two inches long, on the
following day William Cheatle
speared another which measured
twenty inches.
L. C. Hortou has moved into the
old mill boarding house lately vacated
by J. B. Fruiitz.
There will be services held in the
M. E. Church on Sunday May 23d, by
Rev. J. A. Hoovis.
J. S. Hyde intends building a dairy
on the Toby farm this summer. He
exjiects to buy a good shuro of the
milk of the farmers in the country ut
two ceuts per quart. We think it
will be very little milk he will buy at
those prices.
Considerable' excitement was
raised on Sunday evening over Prof.
John Steels lecture in his elevated po
sition on ox bows, boots and shoes.
Eggs twelve cents per doz. at T.F.
Bullers' Masonic building.
The supply of ice cream this sum
mer will be ruther limited owlug to
the scarcity of ice. Very few of our
ii'fc-house owners succeeded in getting
s sn-vri'v
Beautiful Flowers.
There Is, we veuture the assertion,
nothing that adds to tbe beauty and
attractiveness of one's home, nor gives
so much real delight to those persons
who love the beautiful and delight in
the radient sunshine and the song of
birds, as flowers, beautiful ' flowers,
acceptable they are whether mid the
frosts of winter or the heat of summer.
Of course while winter's dreary king
holds sway their scarcity makes them
ull the more welcome. Yet, when the
beautiful days come, gladdened by sum
mer's breezes, bird songs, fragrant
blossoms, hum of busy bees, und all
the attractions that come in this de
lightful season, who but the miser or
cynic would desire to see the sweet
flowers blotted from the glorious pan
orama of nature's lavish feast? How
incomplete would the summer be
without the flowers, one might as
well expect enjoyment from tho juicy
grape with the pulp removed, or thu
banquet board with tho feast left out.
The steady increase in the number of
persons in our pleasant village who
lake delight iu the cultivation of flow
ers Is a credit to our citizens. In this
Issue we publish Harry Chau pel's
broad gague advertisement, and that
reminds the writer that on Tuesday
evening he received a box of verbenas
geraniums, and panslos all in full
bloom from Mr. Cnaapel. He always
sends vigorous plants, and then there
is another item to people living here,
the plants arrive the same day they
are taken from the green house, so
that the loss is almost always noth
ing He keeps a large slock, Is prompt
reliable,nnd sends just what you order.
Call at The Advocate ollice and see
catalogue, or leave your orders which
will receive prompt attention. We
expect to send an order next week.
Summer has conic, and with her
advent we are reminded that the pres
ent supervisors are woefully negligent
as regards the fixing of sidewalks
about our village. The walk on Elk
street has slipped down the embank
ment, a large hole near Aaron's saloon
makes a dungf -rous spot for strangers
after night, the walks at the west end
of South street are in terrible condi
tion, especially thu one at the foot
bridge near Mrs. Cunningham's. We
could multiply instances, however,
this is enou;:h. We suggest that our
worthy supervisors let up on pigeon
hunting long enough to attend to the
duties of their ollice, or resign to let
the court appoint men who will act.
This subject will be continued in a
more pointed manner in our next
issue unless tu-tion is taken by those
oiticers in the meantime.
Brig. Gen. Huii.lckoper,commaid
ing the Fifth Brigade, has notified his
Regimental Commanders, unollicialiy,
that nrraugmcnts have been made for
a week's encampment of the Fourth
and Fifth Brigades, ut Bruddock's
Field ten miles from Pittsburgh, on
the Moiionguhcla River, in August.
Rations and transpoitation will be
furnished the troops for the week by
the Pennsylvania It. R. Co., and a!si:
one day's pay for inspection by the
State, so that the boys will not necess
arily incur one cent of expense for the
trip. J'liia is t lie flrt time that such
liberal provision have been made for
the Guard, ami marks a new era iu its
hh-toiy. The cump.iig grounds are
among the finest in the State, being
fitted up and u-ed as picnic grounds.
They embrace seventy acres, enclosed
with u six feet high clo-ed board
fence. Two diuiirg pavilions, two ad
ditional dancing platforms, summer
houses over every spring, and orna
mental lodyo.-i, gateways, station
house und retting places will be con
structed at once. Coniicauti'illc Cour
ier. Must be Published
Auditors of boroughs and townships
too often neglect the publication of
their accounts. The law requires that
it should be done and allixes penalties
for neglect of such duty. Cases have
come before the courts in several
counties of the State, and the auditors
have been lined. The law Is very
clear on the subject, and as soon as the
auditors have settled their accounts
they are in duty bound to publish
them as the law directs. When the
borough or township bus no indebted
ness, neglect to publish incurs a fine
of i".'H; and if the borough or township
i iu debt, the neglect incurs a line of
$ 1 ,003. Ilarriaburg Tdcjrriph .
Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve
Tonic is the best remedy iu use for
poor appetite, weakness 'and trembl
ing in tlie stomach, pain after eating,
lieartouru, soreness ami gnawing
pains in the stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
diseases of the bowels arising from
poor digestion. One bottle lasts
nearly three weeks. Price $1.00.
Dr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is
theonly remedy known that will stop
uu attack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement; only
three or four doses, half an hour
apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents
a bottle.
Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup
will cure a cough with fewer closes
lliun uny medicine in use. Price 50
cents a bottle.
Dr. Duy's Ear Drops will give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will cure eur-uche Immedi
ately. Price '25 cents a bottlo. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
medicines Manufactured by D. B.
Day, M. D., Rldgway, Pu.
Green Vegetables expected at Mor
gestcr's; Asparagus, Radishes, Lettuce,
Cabbage, new Cucumbers and new
Strawberries will be on band at
Mortfesiler'u th!a week.
-Full stock Garden
'eG'ls n M'u-
Gtrong, vigoim8 and well grown plants.
8 Roses or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuchsias
Single Petunias or 15 Basket nnd Bedding plants or l i;oichs or c'""'7"
or 12 Chrysanthemums or 12 Gladiolus or lb Dble Tuberose Bulbs for fl.OO or
12 Plants'and Bulbs (1 of each collection) 1.00 or half this P-0.".1;
Plants and Bulbs with a plant of the new Geraniums, Vl,. . r J isnii
udded, $5.00. Or the whole collection of 160 choice BulbH i nnd Plants for H.0O
itl, .,i.,t n,i,l,.,l r iho vnlnnhln Geranium "NEW LIFE' (distinctly
striped scarlet and white.) . We guarantee sale delivery by Express.
' Our Priced Circular of
N B. O ir plants have been grown especially for our ritdl trade which Is a'
critical und exacting one therefore tho ' Cheapest IS the Bent." Floial De
sinus and Cat Flo ViU's i specialty. Vegetable Plank-int'ieir ason
Tads WABK- Is especially 7 RA2
' i B eoie Lff - n
for .Seminal
W e a k n e ss
K permator.jE
doscascs that follow ns a seijuencvon
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back,
Dimness of vNMou, Premature old
litre, nnd many other diseases that
lonls to Insnnitv. CoiiKuniiitinn and
a Premature Grave, ull of which uo a
rule tiro first caused by deviating from
the path of natureand over indulgence.
1 iK' ttpccitic .Medicine is tne rcsuu w
n li:'.. .jttwlvr nlol liiilliv Vi!ll- of I'XIH'I'i-
enee in treating those special deseascs.
Full particular.- in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by nil
Druggist at SI per package, or six
packages for So, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the liiouiy by ad
dressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE 'O. ,
No. I .Mechanics' Block. Detroit, Mich.
e-K.Sold In Ridgwuy by ull Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nl-ly .
That splendid rrgau sold by D. S.
A minis & Co., Williams-port, Pa., for
S7."i.0J cash willi 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 'set 9J inches high, is
sold now for SU.On with one more
stop und the grand organ knee swell
additional. NY rite them Terms easy
on Ion time also.
Which is tho samo thing.
Impuro Di-Cavb Soda or ?alcvaua
iwliK-h i:thosuiiiof li&n)iofa slfghC
y dirty wliitu t-oloi. It may appear
whlf, pxaminxl Iy ilself, but im
will (how the difference.
Seo that your Saleratna and Bak
ing Soda Is wiiito od Ft'RE, o
rliould bo AIjIv Sl.UELAH SUBSTAN
CES uatd for fond.
nouiekeercrs wlio profor lrod mails with
yoail, will impr.ivo 1D quality, make it risn
botUraad proventit fnni enuring, by artdiug
oae-oali tcannoontul ol'Churrh Co.'a Soda or
Bileritus. lemuroaudnnt uao too mm h. Tlio
1189 of this with nour milk, in prnfuronco ta
Bakiui; Toivilor, bvo twenty times lid coit.
Sea ono p-u:iil m 'kijo lor valuublo ltifortxiSj
tion ani rcaJ c iroiully.
Guaranteed to come to perfection in
two months if properly fertilized.
rKICU i-Sj.OO a bushel ; .50 4 bushel ;
$1.2." a peels or $1.00 a pound by mail
prepaid tin receipt of price.
Itidgway, Pa
Orders left at The Advocate
will receive prompt attention.
Elk Caiiiity Court Proilaamtion.
WIIKUEAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet
more, .'resident Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, ami Julius Jones, ami George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their ore-
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
noiiiiug of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas. General Quarter
Sessions uud Oyer and Terminer, at
Kidgwav, for t tie county of Elk on
18nO, being the 21th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in und lor the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their otlices and in their be
half appertain to be. done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, ure requested to
oe men unu mere aucmnng, una not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Slierin 's ollice, in Ridgway, the
2Utt day of April iu the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D.C . OYSTER, Sheriff.
The new Rakery this week.
Prime Figs 10 cents a pound,
Dates, Oranges, Bananas and all kinds
of green fruit in season at Morges
School Exhibition at Hyde'
Opera Houee Saturday evening. May
i r
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgwoy, Elk Co., Pft
Particular attention given to tbe
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgwuy, Elk Co., Ta. v32t
;way, Elk county, Pa. Office1
I Ivid
over It. I. (.'uiuphcll s store, Main
Street. Claims for collection promptly
attended to. jnclo,1370
(Lute of SlrultMiivrio), Physlclioi nnd Rur
Ki'on. KUlgwity. I'll. Ofilee ill Hull's Brl'l
Kulkliii'-r lUp-Kliilis,.) lieiVrcnceR J. D.
.-! I . II. I.. Youns. U. Kulol'son, Sti'uttau-villi-
.Ma. ir .lolin Klt'.ey, W. W.Grcenlnnd.
Clarion. Has pi-netieed his proleKsiun suc
coyxfully for more tliuu leu vcurs.
"S V. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Kidgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Druys. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
lias removed bis ofllce from Centre
street to Main I'treel, Ridgwuy, l'a.. in
the Hccrml story of the new brick
bui'dinj' of John G. Hall, west of the'
Hyde House.
Ollice hours :-1 to 2 IV M. 7 to 9 T.M,
YV. II. SCI I RAM, Proprietor,
Ridjrway, Elk county, Pu.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally besiowcd upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to th comfort" and con
venience of guests, to merit n cont in u
mice of the same. oct-WCt)
This iidmivablo work is now com
plctcin 1'ivols. EachvoIumecontaiiisHOO'
pages. It niakesa complete and well
aelccted library, and no one can
ad'ord to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price S" 00 in cloth,
S'J.uii in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant
half Turhcy. For particulars address,
V. 11. Fuirchild, l'ortviilo, Catt. Co.,
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
ii,cnt for Elk county by C.' li Judson,
general agent.
List of Causes
Set down for trial at May term 1830,
commencing Monday, May 24.
I. John V. liriggs for use vs. R. I.
Campbell, Adm'r No. 01 May
term 1877.
-'. The Clearfield County Bank vs.C.
R. Eariey. No. 1, November term, 1877.
3. Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W
Brown. No. 1-8, May term, 1878.
4. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Win
gurt. No. 2'!, September term, 1878.
5. W. D. Drake for use vs. Kirby
and Silvcrthorn. No. 4-5, Janurry
term, 1879. .
C. George A. Rathbun vs. Tho X,
W. Mining uud Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa.
No. 47, January term. 1879.
7. Elius Moyer et al. Ex'rs vs. Hes
ckiah Moyer. No. 3, Sep. term, 1879.
u. Pelcr Volk for use vs. Lorcnz
Vogel. No. 14, September term, 1879.
9. F. A. Locsch vs. Henry Largay.
No. 60, September term, 1879.
10. Zeiias Webb vs. Frank C. Bow
man. No. 08, September term, 1879.
II. Robt. I. Campbell ve. Herman
Gorton. No. 71, September term 1879,
12. W. E. Johnson vs. The Bene
zette Oil Co. No. 78, Sept. term, 1879.
13. Stephen Condon & Bro. vs,
Daniel Eldridge. No. 81 Sept. term,
14. D A Pontius vs. Con rod Moy
er, Jr. No 85, November term, 1879.
lS.Frauk X.Gerber for use vs.Josepll
Gerber vs. Joshua Sykes. No. 1. Janu
ury term, 1880.
Fred. Sckcenino, Pro,
Kisley's Puro Listillei
25c- EXT K ACT 35o
Equal in quality to any made, aii'l
oniy nun tue price, o oz.. ootties zoi
rinis ouc.
Relieves Headache. Toothache. Ean
ache, Sore Eyes; Nose-Bleed, Bleeding)
.Lungs, faintui menses, Wliitesl
Asthma, Reduces Swellings. Piles, etel
Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, SprainsA
Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas,!
jmiDiaius, varicose veins, TseuraigiaJ
15 Verbenas cr 13
mlr. ..Id IT. M .nX
If your dsuiat dm -jot gut it
have him order Ji ol the .p?iW(
CHASLSS t 2ISIE7 Wliolosala 9nfgSW'