The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 13, 1880, Image 2

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    aT lA -j -ti A.
Menrjr A. Parsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, MAY, 13, 1880.
Entered at the Post-office at
RtDGWAY, Pa., as second class
Republican National Ticket tor 1880
(Subject to decision of Itf publican National
Republican Stata Ticket.
For Supreme Judge,
of Northampton County.
For Auditor General,
of Blair County.
National Republican Convention.
A National Convention of the Re
publican party will meet at Chicago,
Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for
nomination of candidates to he sun-
. "ported for President and Vice Presi
dent at the next election. Republi
cans and all who will co-operate with
them in supporting the nominees of
the party, are invited to choose two
delegates from each Congressional
district, four at large from each State,
two from each Territory and two from
the District of Columbia, to represent
them in the convention.
J. D. Cameron, Chairman.
Tilos. B. Kkooh, Secretary.
Mercantile Appraisement,
The Venn i s . fureltfn and domestic mer
chandise, dlstlllersand brewers, brokers Ac,
la Elk county, will take notice that they are
appraised and classed by the undersigned
appraiser of mercantile and other license tax
for the year 1S33, s follows to wit:
Name of person Klndof llcuosc. Class. Tax.
or Urm.
gent, Miles Retailer 14 $ 7 00
HaKklns, C. A. Ptd. Medns. 3 WOO
Johnson, E. Retailer l r.'jn
Shaffer, T.J. 9 0il
Enz.F.X. Retailer It 7 00
Koch, Jn. 4 Son " 12 J Mi
Mohan, Jus. A. " 12 so
McMahon, John " 13 ninj 13 10 no
Swell, J. H. & Co. " 10 anoj
Taylor, J. J. & Co " u l'J&i
Cuneo.John Retailer 14 7 00
Hyde, W. H. 4 Co. " 12 12 ju
Brockport & Keystone
Lumber Co. " 10 20 00
Brockport 4 Keystone
Lumber Co. Ptd. Mdcns. 4 5 00
TMxon, E. H. Retailer I t 7 00
Grcsh, Able " n 7 in
Hmltb, John " u 700
Aldrich, A.T. Retailer 11 700
Jacobson, O. A, 14 7 to
Mehan.John Meat Market 11 7 00
Malono.J. C. Retailer 14 7 00
fcowir, Martin 14 700
Wilcox Tanning &
Lumber Co' " 7 40 00
Wilcox Tanning 4
Lumber Co. Ptd. Mdcns 3 10 00
Brendol. L. A. Retailer 14 7 00
Bowers, C. D. C. " 14 700
Bullers, Mrs. T. F, " 14 7 00
Campbell, K. I. " 14 7 00
Crayston, Mrs. Ed. " 11 7 00
Cohen Bro. 4 Brown.
tine, 10 20 00
Day, 1). B. Dgs.4 Pd.Mcns. 4 6 00
t. Branch Lumber Co. Retailer 13 10 00
ttresh, E.K. " 14 7 00
Grant 4 Horton, " 12 12 60
Oarrltl, Geo. P. ' 14 7 jy
Hartley, T. S. " II 700
Holes, Charles " 14 7 00
Hyde, W, H. 4 Co. ' 7 40 00
Ptd. Mdcns. 3 10 00
Messenger, G. G. ' 3 10 ui
Retailer 14 7 00
Mercer Bro. Meat market It 7tj
McUioin4 McGoeUln, Uutaller 12 12.00
Morgester, J. W. 11 1500
Mead, Mrs. P. A. ' II 7 w
Ostorhnut. W. II. " 10 30 00
Powell 4 Klme, " 11 15 mj
ltolfe, E. W.4 Co, ' 11 l.iuo
Singleton, J. C. 14 7 00
Settelle, Frank " 14 71m
Union Store Co. ' u 1500
Smith, Rogers 4 Co. Retailer II 7 00
Brown, Edward Retailer 14 7 00
Coryell 4 Russ ' a 25 uu
" Ptd. Mdcns. 4 5 uo
Fisher, Philip Retailer 14 700
Foster, John B. Meat Market 14 7 00
Ulflord, L. W. Ptd. Mdcns. 4 000
1, 't- . Retailer 14 7 00
Hall, Kaul 4 Co. 5 60i0
Kenole, C. F. " 11 7 00
Krug, John Meat Market II 7 00
Ltlhr, Charles Reiuiier 11 7 00
Lyon, Charles Meat Market 4 7 00
McVcan, Charles Retailer 13 10 00
" Ptd, Mdcns. 3 10 uo
McBrlde, Edward Retailer 14 7 00
Miller, Charles D. II 7 00
Bpaflord & Ticruey " 12 12 oil
Tcgler. William " 13 iijijo
Wilhelm, Joseph " 10 2U,
" " 13 10 on
" Liquor store 13 loud
" I'lU. MUcius I othl
Weldcnboerner, Geo. Ketuller II 7 00
Wels Bios. 13 10 00
Walker 4 Son, " 12 1250
Weldenboeruer, John " 13 luOJ
liilliuril Licenses.
JIaglnnU, J. S. 3 Tables
Wlndfelder, Jas. F. 2 Tables
Hlrt, Herman Brewer
00 00
40 00
15 00
Straub, Peter Brewer 8 20 00
Geis, William Brewer 8 25 00
Luhr, Charles 4 Co. " 8 23 00
Vogel, Loreuz " 8 25 00
Taverns, Eating Houses.&c.
Blesh Honry Tavern S
Wluslow, (i. L. " 6
Collins, John Tavern 6
Koch, Joseph " 5
McCloskey, James Eating bouse S
Dixon, E. H. Tavern 5
Turlcy Armel ' 6
Bchultl.M. M. Tavern S
Bowers, Martin " 6
Aaron, Geo. T.
Heaiy. William
Jackson. 8.
Maglnnls J. 8.
Mcf ftrlin, James
Bchrsm, W. H.
Eating House 5
Tavern 5
Eating House 5
laveru 5
r T I IT 1 1 i ii 1 1-
Fochtman, John Tavern S
Groll, John " 5
Gels, William . 6
Hanscom, John " 5
Kraus, Jacob Eating House S
Luhr, Henry Taveru 6
It 1 ley Bros. " 6
Bchauer, Authony Eating House S
Hotg, Fox Tavern 5
Vogel, Lorens " 6
Wtndfelder, Jas. F. 6
Take notice, all who are concerned In this
appraisement, that an appeal will be held at
the commissioner's oflloe In Rldgway on the
28th,(Uyof May,A.D.18S0,between the hours of
I A,.M.aiid 7 P. M. when and where you can
attend If you think proper.
M. 8. KLINE, Appraiser,
April 27,1880 ,
Light running,' Latest Improved
OOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
heiMsv at Mx. W. 8. Services.
V()TICE is hereby given that.ngree
Ll ably to an Act of Assembly passed
I lie IStli day of March, A. D. 1813, en
titled "An net to amend nn net direct
ing the mode of selling un
seated lands for taxes and for other
purposes,'1 and the several supple
ments thereto, the following trncts of
unsealed lands, situate in Elk county,
Pennsylvania, will be exposed to sale
by public vendue or outcry, at the
court house in Rldgway. in said
county, on the second Monday of
June next, heiinr the
14th DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1880,
for the arrearages of taxes for the
years lb78-79. unless the taxes are paid
prior to said date:
War. Acre. War. or Owners. Taxes.
5332 028 James Stokes. 71 70
f333 10C7 " ' 84 12
f33. 1IIG7 " ' " 125 83
5338 1007 " " 190 00
6334 10S7 " " 84 12
5345 1007 " " 2o0 07
6340 1007 " " 230 07
5340 1007 " 125 83
5318 1007 " " 209 05
5379 459 ' " 144 20
5380 1100 " " 258 40
5383 1100 " " 12!) 70
5381 1000 " " 311 05
5387 ltOO " ' 215 50
5349 1(K)S " 138 58
6342 1100 " ' 233 00
5008 990 " " 118 00
5303 143 Myron Merrill, 34 43
5334 HOD " 108 23
5337 1K0 " " 137 50
5350 1008 " " 230 90
5351 llliO " ' 301 30
5352 300 " " 82 28
6390 1100 Jones,IIamtnond&Co. 213 50
6330 1100 Amos B. Merrill. 108 25
5287 275 ' " " 22 45
5258 275 " " " 27 79
5259 223 " " " 22 71
4994 343 Nathan W. Ellis. 64 82
4992 458 Addison, Swnrtwood C'o.P'.i 53
6341 900 Cornelius Waiiiwriglit 40 00
5012 990 Miles Dent 293 50
5479 5' 10 " " 47 80
5479 100 " " 12 70
5479 224 " ' south enl of
survey 27 1m
547? Co ' " southwest
fOini'i' R r.J
5451 450 John lirooks. 53 05
50'0 990 ' 79 00
4997 481 1I.C. Spaulditig. 70 02
5961 550 ' " " 43 90
5023 issj John Johnson 12 10
5388 1KJ Hezekiah Mix 149 'JO
5o23 50 Andrew Dent 0 S3
5179 01 Hamilton Dawn 8 11
4994 150 Win. tbannou 24 lo
3022 110 David S. Johnson 18 10
3340 550 Henrv Hlesh 1 4 20
5001 1)90 Finney & Harrows 191 05
4090 190
From Fitch & Bovington'.'3 80
5480 00 Ober & English
northeast corner 3 31
5002 990 Keiuli ng, Fisher & Co.274 00
5013 990 ' UuVO
5014 890 " 157 00
5009 990 " " " 23- CO
51)10 999 Tullinger Croft ( Co.
From Fitch it Bovingion 194 03
5021 134 John & D.S.Juhnsnn. 10 87
5025 302 " " " " 30 82
5022 lio E.Johnson & A.Apktr 20 74
5452 6oo Julius Jones 79 87
542 28 " " 3 34
5310 650 Smith, McCormick &
Matin 108 25
5343 1100 CM,k & Pardee 25.$ 4s
5479 50 James Roil I v 2 95
6024 6vl Ralph Johnson 43 9J
5(78 1040 .St John it Rothrock 82 12
Soil 9'jO " 7$ 22
5477 1100 " " " " 05 35
54S1 300 H. Merrinian 47 8it
5020 990 Reuben Winslow est. 110 83
5'-2 1 37.j 59 r,o
5013 990 " - " ' UG83
5027 790 ' " ' $)3 43
5020 600 " " " 78 2
5014 100 " " g so
5027 200 " "
Heimer & Johnson lot 32 30
183 13-80 Reuben Winslow
Estate lirockwav. 10 oo
109 Reuben Winslow est. 9 49
200 " -9 g,;
197 " ' "9 34
4105 loo John W. Dubbs 29 35
4105 23 Peter Garrity 8 10
4100 75 Hector Jackot 22 28
4115 73 John Milne 19 23
4101 23 Peter Byrnes, 1879 tax 4 53
140 Nelson J. Wimmer 42 79
140 " 42 50
4883 511 Lawrence & Cassell U 80
4882 823 " " " 234 62
4959 990 " " 241 01
4900 200 " " 37 4'j
80 ' !5 (,3
220 " ' " 41 17
4968 3o0 James Somers Smith 73 97
4958 500 " " " 122 54
4901 90 " " 22 84
4901 900 " 215 7-
4102 30 Earley, Rrlekel, &
Hite Avenue 11, No. 8. 12 07
4101 57 Earley, Rrickel &
Hite Vine road, No.s. 1, 3 a 7. 11 78
4100 325 Earley. Rrickel &
Hite Vine road Nos. 7, 15, 17.
19, & 23. 02 42
4K 0 1414 Earley, Rrickel Hiteloi b'.i
1107 834 " :j7 4(i
4108 890 " 'o5 ()
lli'9 91(0 " .. nK;i ;i
4110 897 " ' 14 o
4111 1025 " " 291 00
41 15 094 " " 1117 77
4110 1049 " ' '. 348 0"
1103 980 " " " :,- :,-
4407 107 " . 31 G,-
4408 29 " " o
4880 25 " .
Ri ussels road, E. of No. 30 8 10
4880 25 Earley, lirickle& Hite
Brussels road, E, j of No. 34. 8 10
30 Earlev. RiicklH A- Hito 11 oi
4970 200 " " i 67 7o
2357 910 West Cret k Man. &
Mini nor (',, oci io
4873 990 West Creek Man. &
Mining Co. 28148
4879 1483 West Creek Man. &
Mining Co. 421 43
4944 999 West Creek Man. v
Mining Co. 481 CG
4945 990 West Creek Man. &
Mining Co. 28166
4880 1483 Charles Heebner 481 54
2374 952 Lyman Wilmarth est.232 34
4903 990 M'K'n & loik Land
& Imp't Co. 281 66
4887 090 M'K'n & Elk Land
A Imp't Co. 261 20
4881 611 John Morris 208 16
488(5 1 oo Martin Sorg- Eschbach
4887 1 w road, Nos.14, 15,10 & 17. 67 70
4089 142 Win C. Black A v.B. 41 08
12a Wilcox tan. Co. 31 45
60 Rupert Wacker 14 16
100 bidonia Von Ersel 130 07
23 James Cox 8 10
James Cox-lot 65, 29
Lot Nos. Riuqway 6t.
79 James Doyle 1 21
68 Thomas McCormick 1 21
60 Thomas McCormick 1 21
102 David Spillane 121
Railroad Stkeet.
67 Sarali Ilea ley 1 21
Talbot Stbket.
17 Thomas Collins l 21
18 " 1 !
.. 30 William Shine l 21
38 Thomas Collins 1 21
9 '. " 1 21
. - , James Coyle 10 lots
. between Kersey and
Talbot streets 2 80
25 J S.Jiates J, ffi
4115 50
Edward Delehunt
Vine St. Nos. 11 &12. 10 45
Vine Street.
George Wels 27 38
William Cockney 8 10
John Fordo 22 17
James Donnelly 7 15
Daniel Frazlcr
No. 7 Cherry road 7 55
Daniel Frazlcr
Nos.8 & 5 Muitle rond 14 15
4105 1
1 nomas 1 omer
Johnson & Shaffer
Joseph Wilhelm
123 18
188 14
8 10
8 10
8 10
8 10
20 02
22 08
66 05
Augustus Wolle
jonn Kaul
13 20
622Sheldoii,StebighaiBatesl48 99
143 99
149 18
149 18
119 87
171 10
219 64
4070 1023
4105 60
4105 25
4103 34
4101 1050
4H)7'i .,.,
41 OS ,J-0
4103 75
4104 47
4104 71
4IC4 25
4103 60
4105 50
4105 200
4103 25
4125 42
4103 42
4100 50
4100 22
4107 25
4107 25
1107 25
4107 50
4108 50
3108 60
4110 25
4110 31
4110 19
4110 51
4115 75
"115 52
4115 50
Mary Heenan
13 and 15 15 18
Mary McUahan no 8. 8 10
Joseph Wilhelm 15 18
Joseph Williclm for
town lots 4 78
Earley, Rrickel A
Hite Ave. R 0 07
Earley.BrickclitHite 300 3S
" " " 03 39
C. R. Earley Storer
av Nos. 22. 24 &20 22 27
C. R. Earley Poplar
road Nos. 2 and 4 14 13
C. R Earley-Olean
road, Nos. 0, 7, and 8 22 27
C. R. Earley-Vine
road No. 5 8 10
C. R. Earley
Vine road Nos. 9 & 10 15 18
C. R.. Earley Poplar
road Nos. 16 and 17 15 18
C. R. Earlev Poplar
road Nos. 21, 23,2 ,27,
29, .'I,4.s.l3ti5,17ivl9 74 71
C. R Earley - Hick
ory road, No. 17 8 ,",2
C. R. Earley - John
Carroll s 10
C. R. lOarlev Vine
road Nos. 31' and 33 8 91
C. It. Earley Hick
ory road Nos. 19 ,t 21 15 18
C. R Earley Poplar
road, No. 31. 7 25
('. R. Earley
Chestnut road, No. 39 8 10
C. R. Earley
Chestnut road, No. 30 8 10
C. R. Eariev
Cbesinut road, No. 21 8 10
C. R Earlev
Chest nut nl.Nos.35&27 15 18
C R. Earley-E. Chest
nut road. Nos.l and 3 15 18
C. R. Earley
Vine road Nos 2and4 15 1$
C. R. Earlev
Maple road No. 11 8 10
O. R. Earley -Olean
and maple road No 1 9 81
C.R. Earley- East
Maple road No. 1 6 39
C. R. Earley
cherry rd.Nos.Onnd 2 15 45
C.R. Earley Cheny
road Nos.9,11 ami 13 21 27
C.R. Earlev Cherry
road Nos.3 and R 15 74
C.R. Earley ( 'lurry
road Nos.Kand 19 15 Is
C. It. Earlev 57 70
C. R. Earlev 131 42
4095 '
2735 J. S. Hyde
1,297 39
J.S.Hyde 12 85
J. S. Hyde 10 80
J. S. Hyde 0s 15
J. S. Hvde 191 00
J. S. Hyde 24 7o
C R. Enrley,T.Falllot;!2 00
EnoehClapp 79 05
Michael Sbeehan 15 22
Earley, Brickie & Hite 07 00
12 01
" " " 20 89
" " " 29 41
" 173 29
64 57
4'.0 1
41 $9
3 9
118 07
Caroline M. Prey
E. R. England
E. R. England
Hannah Barnard
Richard Gardner
do do
H. A. Stephens
George C. White
Thomas Martin
Southeast corner
Malaebia O'Rourke
Edward Bonner
o . ,
J C.Chapin Estate
Eliza Mctilaugblin
England & Brown
Joseph Wilhelm
. t
0 .1
Henry Clinton Witt
Win. Apple
Patrick Mackin
Armel Turlcy
Joseph Wilhelm
C. R. Earley
Joseph Wilhelm
194 1
24 70
214 38
95 80
SI 97
77 03
32 00
43 39
10 85
K 90
8 UO
190 54
0 84
80 22
28 05
70 s4
13 32
13 08
21 70
12 85
11 27
11 ,$2
33 21
60 25
33 05
32 28
109 15
200 08
222 20
3 SO
2 53
20 75
4373 - yohW Coal dL- Oil Co
4247 219 " " "
4047 500
frit? 500 "
Richard Edwards
Horace Little
Jacob Hartmnn
Joseph Faberly lot 11 83
James 1). Wethani
A. McQuone lot 48 20
C. W. RiiH.v
2 lots from M.J Earley
Wni.&Michael Cloke
2 lots from M.J. Earley
Henry Largav
2 58
2 58
1 lot Irom M.J Earley
4082 303Sheldon,StebighJtBatesl01 33
4077 709 do do do 221 49
4889 1,0 C. R. Earley 15 22
4890 887 do 92 72
4271 380 do 100 07
4078 41 do 10 73
4078 60 do 12 85
4078 68 dr. 14 70
4081 60 du 13 22
4081 43 do H 00
4087 37 C. R. Earlev-
Rirch lane,Nos.5 fc 10
4087 25 C.R.Earlev-St.Marv's
und Centreville road 5 77
C. R. Earley 12 18
C.R.Karlev-f 'rnua r,t
NoK.l,2,3,9,10,Handl4 43 43
4098 67 C.R.Earley Caledonia
rd.2and8 andS.Jof 7 14 51
ilm W0 C. R. Earley 3 14
4082 307 Earley.BrickledHite 85 85
wm J .western m.&Kx Co242 35
4094 444.50
94 80
4095 272.05
4090 478.40
4079 70
4215 84
4244 57,70
4373 J 03. 30
4094 50
87 20
170 85
23 12
42 84
29 12
92 09
20 75
4080 10'). 40 N. western M &Ex.Co 8S 70
4H78 80 J,, do 13 22
4001. 61.07 do do 24 70
4340 490 do do 198 60
4243 902.47 d do 200 99
1'8, M do do 7 32
b.p.l. 45.50 do do 17 30
B.&I. I.o0 do do 1 94
8(81 1000 Thomas Strulhers 128 07
8753 1000 Thomas Struthers 110 20
2020 1099 Thomas Struthers 113 51
3002 831 C.B.Vrigbt&Duhring 80 78
8064 831 ' 80 78
3003 831 " " 80 78
2019 890 Waller Brvnut 87 02
1778 1031 do ilo 99 98
2025 100 A. Wolf 11 18
2023 100 Janet M. Mack
Northwestern cor. 12 19
2027 402 Geo. Dickinson 49 92
1830 954 " " 92 08
2034 150 " ' "
Sub-division No.9 15 40
2034 00 Geo.Di..kinson
Sub division No. 8 9 93
203(1 330 Freeman Ellis 34 79
8788 looo JohnN. Lano 128 97
3752 340 " yo 07
1831 1005 Allegheny bank of
Pittsburg 1879 tax 5123
1803 902 John F. James 93 33
3701 1005 Martin Hart 127 14
1783 902 Aimer Cassell 93 35
1858 8HS John O.Brown 80 00
3700 1000 J. C.Chapin Estate
on undivided nne-hnlf 05 00
2103 815 J.C. Chapln Estate 31 20
2450 29 " " 28 75
3771 200 Nathaniel F.Jones 24 04
3775 1000 Nathaniel F. Jones 128 97
1799 100 James Gallagher
Suit-division No. 9 10 00
1799 800 Chas.B.(iillis-.Sub-div.
Nos.2,3,4,5.7,9,8and 10 70 12
1770 500 Chas. B. Gillis Sub-div.
Nos.13,14,15,10 and 17 30 75
2031 02 John Thompson
Sul division No.5 0 95
2034 901 E.E. Kennedy 9 04
2U.-tl 1058 Mrs. Hichards 102 57
3050 990 Wni.M'Kiiight-
isTOtiix 40 0)
3778 1000 Henry M. Deckert 103 its
2 1( I 2HM Jonn "Nicholson 30 07
3055 1010 Allied Avery 9s 92
2039 KM3 John R vim A others K'l 09
30' '.u 490 L. Wiluiiirth Estate 49 25
3i 02 looo George Brooks 103 39
f S. H. Detwiler
3777 100 ""W Canon 52 17
1 Andrew t. King
I George McKiiight
3785 400 Thomas (irillith 12 97
22i(i 210 J. . sterlev 21 10
4280 1057 J. S. Ilvdo - Vine
yard run lot 250 44
4370 451 J.s. Hvde Sub-div
lios.l,a.::,4,0,7,9.11&l3 SI 24
4279 932 J. L. Kills 152 01
4370 20 Geortre Dickinson
olsiil-di vision no.15 0 02
1370 60 Wingart t Rtihel
sub-division No. 10 10 74
4070 50 C.M.Albert sub-div.
No 20 10 71
4371 52 Jacob Didlot Sub
division No. 23. 11 os
4370 60 Mathias Kline No.
10 1879 tax 0 45
4371 62 Mathias Kline-No.
27, 1879 tax 0 04
1879 tiix 0 45
4371 52 Joseph Heit.ell no.27
79 lax 0 01
4309 573 Pa. Canncl Coal Co. 130 22
4341 952 do do do 225 00
4453 900 do do do 214 10
4312 577 Shawiuut Can'l C'l.eo. 137 17
4343 509 do do do 135 28
4450 900 do do do 213 40
424S 151 J. C. Wellington " 45 95
4248 41 Noble Coal & oil Co. 1102
4219 OH do do 10 57
4370 20 Joseph Wilhelm J
of Sub-div. No. 15 0 07
42 13 r. Hyde & Brock w ay
1242 r Hartshorn lot 219 89
50 Hyde & lirockwav
R. Gillis lot 7 49
75 Hyde Brock way
G. McClil lough lot 20 47
4100 250 Hvde & Broekway 49 08
4242 107 do tlo
Firman lot 8 3
4272 100J Hvde& Brockwav 33 45
4242 347 N. B. Lane & others 40 01
4200 moo Henrv Lorain Carlisle42S2
4182 900 do 97 41
4271 010 John C.Frcnch-W.prt 40 5K
4- .70 25 J. C. Law-1 of 19 5 S3
4570 50 (i. Wise 10 79
4370 25 Geo. Wise 1 ol' 19 5 81
4370 50 Goo. Weis sub-div.23.10 79
4100 200 Win. Mack 40 14
1372 702.00 N. western M.ivEx.collS 50
4571 t 40 S3
4334 ( 870.50 do do 150 04
4409 805.00 do tlo 100 88
4152 Sll do do 145 20
4242 28.70 do tlo 5 95
4200 ) 43 82
4188 1 403 do do 00 97
4272 618 do do 135 52
4340 00 do do 9 50
4341 325.40 do do 64 23
4248 115.05 do do 31 50
4255 do do
4390J 1002.10 Haven lot 195 70
4451 1030.30 N. western M it Ex.cols3 31
52S3 1100 Amos B. Morrill 189 10
5l-SS 825 do do 2 '7 75
5-.-S7 825 do do 207 75
5i8;l 540 do do 1 78 S4
52i" 012.7 ilo do 140 05
4194 400 William Parker 78 09
4195 570 James Lvnde 113 67
li'.lO 9S9 1). K Joiies 191 2
4197 22(i J James Stokes 54 1S
5005 99(1 do do 170 31
4195 200 do do 41 23
4105 207 Sebastian Weis 10 90
4197 215 do do 4s 88
4895 134 Rcading.KislierifeCo. 44 01
4899 115 do do 20 00
4900 400 William Robinson 105 31
484 j ill tlo do 19 25
5010 990 Philip M. Price 129 98
019 990 do do 129 98
5000 900 do do 12.198
4S90 212 E. B.Englaud 60 31
5007 990 do 129 58
O0O4 990 do 129 68
4S92 200 DuBois A Lowe 10 01
4191 990 Richard Gardner 452 41
41S5 300 Hey.ekiah Hoi ton 00 03
4S48 100 do 27 15
4897 25 David Tyler 7 55
5029 00 Finley, Young & Co 14 o
5018 990 do ilo 129 98
4892 220 D. W. Moore 0153
5030 91 O. R. Price 19 31
4898 990 Henrv Loraine 510 85
5017 990 'do 610 85
4S95 98 Tyler Finney 20 14
4895 08 do 20 14
KegUter's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing account will be pm'ented at
the next Orphan's Court lor continua
tion: 1. Accouut of Peter Thompson, Ad
ministrator of the 'estate of Adelphus
Kyler deceased. V-
2. Accouni ofPm'lia McnFon, Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Johu
Peterson, lute of Jones township, de
ceased. Fred. SciiUJNiNO, Register.
Wanted-D .II. Putty A Co., Nurs
erymen, want a few good reliable men
to sell tree's vine's and shkuuh
tbrotnrh tills Ntnfp. Thpv nroinise
steady employment to good salesmen.
For full particulars address, D. H.
fatty & Co., 721 Broad St., Newark,
N.J. . nl u,3
Sheriff's Sale.
of fieri facias, alias tieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari iacias, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, and
to nie directed, I, D. C. OYSTER!
High Shcrill'ol said county, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public
sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's
ollice, In Ridgway, nt one o'clock p.
M., on
MONDAY, MA Y 24, 1880.
No. 1, all the right, title, Interest,
claim and demand of the defendant to
or out of certain lot of land situate in
the village of Renczette, Elk county,
Pa., bounded and described ns fol'ows,
to-wit. Lot No. 11 on Front street,
und beginning nt a post Coo feet north
twenty-three degrees west from a sand
stone comer nt the junction of said
Front street w ith the road leading to
Harbison Wilson's, thence along said
street north twenty-three degrees west
sixty feet to a corner post; thence
north sixty-seven degrees east one
hundred and til'ty foot to an alley;
thence along said alley south twenty
three degrees east sixty feet to a cor
ner; thence south sixty-seven degrees
west one hundred und'lllty loot to the
place of beginning, containing nine
thousand sunerticiul feet. Unon the
said premises there is erected a store
house 18x30 feet, two stories high, with
irauie wing ol 18x30 feet, cellar under
neath, a shoe-shop 14x30 feet ; a barn
20x30 feet.
No. 2, also all the right, title, inter
est, claim and demand of defendant
of, intooroutof another lot of land
situate in warrant No. 5285, Jay town
ship. Elk county, Pa., bounded and
described as lol lows: Beginning nt a
butternut tree in the middle line of
warrant 62s5, standing 334 perches
from the west line ol the warrant;
thence east thirty-nine and one-tenth
petches to a post in said middle line
and in wistern sine of highway;
thence parallel witli and forty leot
i 'mm line ol' laud sold to B. E '.Morcy
ami James M. Bateman south foriy
six and one half degrees west thirty
Iwoand four-tenths perches to a post
in the eastern lineol St. Mary's road;
Iheoco north liit.v degree west sixteen
perches; thence north twenty-two de
grees west Ihirteen perches to said
middle line, a post in the eastern iine
of St. Mary's road; thence cast one
and seven-tenths perches to I lit- place
of beginning, containing, three and
oue-teolli acres, more or less. Upon
said premises there is erected one
small shed barn, one two-story frame
hou.-o 10.430 fool.
No. 3, Also, all thorbtht. title, intcr-
set, claim and demand ol defendant
of, into or out of the following tract or
parcel ol land situate in lJcuc.ctte
township. Elk county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at a post in the center of the highway,
(he noithca-t corner of a two and on'c
eightli acre lot deeded by Erasmus
Morey to Amelia Derr; thence mHh
sixty-one und one-iuartcr degrees
west twenty-six perches to the north
west corner of the same; i hence north
forty-live degrees east seventeen per
ches to a post in the east line of the
Kithiud lot; thence south liity-liiuode
gives east twenty-three and live
tenths porches to s:iid highway;
thence south I hirty-seveii and one
half degrees west tl.lecn ami live
tenths perches to the piace of begin
ning, containing two acres and
seventy two porches. Upon sain
premises there is elected one frame
dwelling house 16x2s feet, barn 30x48
feet, with shed attached lSx5' feet.
No. 4, Also all the right, title, inter
est, claim and demand of defendant,
of, into or out of one other piece or
parcel of land situate in Beuezette
township, Elk county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: Being a
part of a certain tract known as the
Uitlaiid lot, beginning at the north
west corner of a piece or parcel of land
conveyed to Amelia Dorr by Erasmus
.Morey, running along the north side
of said lands east one hundred and
nineteen ami two-tenths rods to a
(tost on the lino of the Potior survey;
thence north forty-live degrei s oust
seventeen rods to a post on the east
iine of the Kitlaud tract; thence north
sixty-eight and seven-ten' lis rods to a
post on the ridge road; thence north
seventy-six degrees west nine and
four-tenths rods; thence north sixty
one degrees west twenty-six and two
tenths rods; thence north seventy-two
degrees west eighteen and two-tenths
rods; thence north sixty-three and
one-half degrees west twenty-seven
and one-tenths rods; thence' north
sixty degrees west nine rods to the in
tersection of a log road with the afore
said ridge road; thence along the said
log road north seventy-one and one
half degrees west twenty one rods;
thence north sixty-five degrees west,
sixteen and eight tenths rods to a post;
thence south six degrees west one
hundred and thirty one rods to the
place of beginningcontaining oigbly
l wo acres and one hiiudi cd and thirty
two porches, bo the same more or less.
No. 5, Also, all the right, title, in
terest, claim and demand of defendant
intooroutof another parcel of land
shunted, lying and being in the town
of Bcne.clte, Elk county, Pa , ami
known and described us lot No. nine
teen, on Second st root, in the plot of
said town as lileii in the ollice for re
cording of deeds in Ridgway, Elk
county, Pa., having sixty feet front
on said Second street, and one hund
red and fifty foot deep to all alley,
bounded mi the southwest by Second
street, on the southeast by lot number
seventeen, on the northeast by the
alley aforesaid, and on the northwest
by lot number twenty-one, and con
taining nine thousand feet of land.
No. 0, Also, all the hemlock timber
standing upon two hundred acres of
land, part ol 1 homas Overture's farm
in the township of Benezelle, Elk
county, Pa., near the Bennetts
Branch of the Sinneniahoning creek.
About eighty acres is covered with
hemlock timber, estimated at 400,000
feet board measure, from which 300 to
40;i cords of bark may be peeled; being
tlie same timber which the said Thos
Overturfcoveyed to Edward Walter,
and by the mid Walter convoyed lo
the said B. E. Morey, which said con
veyances are of record in the Record
er's ollice of Elk county.
No. 7. Also, all the right, title, in
terest, claim and demand of defend
ant in and to the following described
land: Beginning at what formerly
was the southeast corner of Charles
Leggett's farm, which is the north
line of patent No. 6030, and from
thence w est uloug said line ten chains
and thirty links to a corner; thence
north live chains and twelve links to a
corner; thence east ten chains and
thirty links to a comer, thence south
to the place of beginning, being live
chains and twelve links, containing
live acres and forty, eight perches, be
ing situated in the south part of pat
ent No. 5029, in Jay township, Elk
eouuty, Pa.
No. 8. Also, a certain messuage,
niece, parcel or tract of land situate,
lying and being in Jay township, Elk
county, Pa , bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at the southwest
corner of land formerly owned
by Wni. Burt, in patent 5029, and run
links to the
In nrl thpina
northwest corner of said
west nine (9) perches to the centre of
the rond leading from Charles Leg.
gett's to Caledonia; thence along tlie
centre of said road to the south line of
said patent No. 6029; thence to the
place of beginning, containing one
hulf ncre(l-2), Including alt the land ly
ing between theaforesnid land fonuerly
owned by said Burt and road.
Seized und taken In execution as the
properly of 11. E. Morey, and to be
sold at tlie suit of Corcoran, Bubb &
Co., and Erasmus Morey.
ALSO The following described real
estate, situate in Horton township,
Elk Co.. Pennsylvania, bounded and
described ns follows: 1. Beginning at
a post on the northwest comer of a
thirty acre lot lute of Henry Knms :
thence west by land late of Peter
OHara, ninety-eight and one-half
perches more or less to a post; theuce
north one hundred nml nvont,..t
perches more or less to a post; thence
east partly by sub-division No. 2 of
warrant Ao, 4370 and partly by land
late of Dennis Eggleston ninety-eight
and one half perches more or less to a
ueruu nee; uience soutii one Hundred
and seventy-two perches more or less
totheplaceof beginning, containing
one hundred acres and allowance be
the same more or less, about thirty
acres of which is cleared and improved,
there is erected an old log house used
as barn. 2d. Beginning at a bass
wood tree at tlie northeast comer of
land late of Henry Knrns; thence
west one hundred and lour perches to
a beech; thence north one hundred
and titty-seven rods to a post; thence
east one hundred and cigh;y-rlve rods
to a post; thence south by land of
Clark Eggleston ninety-six rods to a
hemlock; thence west thirty .five rods
to a post; thence north 09 west
twenty-eight rods to a cherry tree
thence south 301 west thirty-four rods
to a post; thencH sou h forty-four rods
to the place of beginning, containing
one hundred and forty-two acres and
lifty-six perches and allowance. 3d
Beginning at the bass wood last above
mentioned, the northeast corner of
this lot; thence west one hundred and
sixty rods ton post; thence south fifty
rods to a post; thence east one hundred
and six rods to a post; thence north
lilty rods to the place of beginning
containing thirty -three und one-tenth
acres. 4th. Beginning at a post fifty
two rods west of the southeast corner
of the sixty-six nnd 'seven-tenth acre
lot conveyed to Henry Karns by Dan
iel Kingsbury ami wife by deed dated
the 31sl day of August, A. D. 1857;
thence north ten rods to a post; thence
west thirty rods to n post; them
south ton rods to a post in the north
line ol the one hundred and forty-two
acre lot above described; thence north
along said north lino east thirty
perches, containing three hundred
square rods and being part of sixty
six and seven-tenth acre lot. The said
three lots of ground last above de
scribed altogether contain one hundred
and seventy-seven acres of land more
r less, ami is known us the "Kuril's
farm' about fifty acres of which is im
proved and has a small orchard grow
ing therein, anil upon which there is
erected h frame house i0.24 feet, two
stories high with kiiehon attached
Aiso a frame barn 32x40 feet with shed
attached, oih Beginning at a post
at tiie southeast ourncr of land late of
Dennis Eggleston; thence west one
hundred, and sixty rods more or less
to a post; thence south sixty-six and
seven-tenths rods more or less to a
post; thence north ten rods more or
less to a post; thence east thirty rods
more or less to a post; thence south
ten rods more or less to a post; thence
east lifiy-two rods more or less-to a
post: thence north by land of Clark
Eggleston sixty-six and seven-tenths
rods more or less to the place of begin
ning, containing sixty four acres and
one hundred and thirtv-twn perches,
being part of warrant No. 424S. 0th.
Beginning at a post at the northwest
corner of the lot of laud conveyed to
Robert Mcintosh by tlie Trustees of the
U.S. land coiupany-thenee one nundred
and lorty-eight rods more or loss to a
post; thence west one hundred and
seventy. seven rods more or less to a
post; thence north one hundred and
lorty-eight rods more or less to a post
and stones; I hence oust one hundred
and seventy-seven rods more or less tc
the place of beginning, containing
one hundred and sixty-three acres
and one hundred and sixteen perches
mol"e ,!" lesS being part of warrant
N o. 4248,
Seized and taken in execution ns the
property of Jonas V. Wellington at
the suit of Peter O'Hurn now for use
of James O Hara.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All the idds must be paid in full
except w here the plaintiil or other hen
creditors becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well us till liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and u duly cer
tified list of lions shall be furnished,
including mortgage sen relies on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof us he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will In continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time ull property not set
tled for will again be put up and sold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck off, and
who, In case of deliclency at such re
sale, shall make good the same, and in
no instance will tho deed be presented
for continuation unless the bid is actu
ally settled for with the Sheriff as
above slated.
D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff.
Sheriff's oflice, Ridgway, Pa., )
April 20, 1880. f
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
puge 440; Smith's Forms, 384.
Jam Polks.
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jeffurd's, White's und Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 09 Lauterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boyuton's Lightning Saws.
Corn Poppers.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles. '
J lb. Best Polish. 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. . n39
Fresh Rolls, Cakes and Pies at T.
F. Bullers' Musonlo building.
Square envelopes and legal fold
note paper at The Advocate oflice.
Meals atall hoursat T. F. Built iV
Lunch-room in tho Maor.i BuiluiUt;
ning thence west (29)
perches and twelve (12)
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he baa
started a Livery Stable and will kep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
3T He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
attention. v
Diseases of the Throat ana Lungs.
Diseases of the pulmo
nary organs are so nrer
alcut ami fatal, that a
safe and reliable remedy
for ttiein is invaluablo
to every community.
Avf.b's Ciiekbv Peo-
,,: toral is sucn a remeuy,
W ami no other so emi-
nnnMv ,m nr i t t i P .Mid.
! Ounce of tho public. It
' is a scientific combina
tion of tho medicinal
principles and curarlro ft th. An.,,
UWjf drugs, chemically unit
l.i'hud, to insure the great
Ar'mit nossihle effiJioDcr
PECTORAL. n(l uniformity of re-
sulci, wnicu uuiu
physicians as well as invalids to use it with
coiitiilence. It. is the most reliable remedy
for diseases of the throat and lungs that sci
ence has produced. It strikes at the foun
dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording
prompt and certain relief, and is adopted to
patients of any ago or cither sex. Being
very palr.tnhlc," the youngest children take
it without dilliculty. In the treatment ot
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Itronrliltls, Influenza, Clergyman's
.Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca
tarrh, the effects of Avrit's Chebby Peo
to iial are magicnl, and multitudes are an
nually preserved from serious illness by ita
timely und faithful use. It should bo kept
at hand in every household, for the pro
tection it affords in sudden attacks. Io
Whooping-cough and Consumption
there is no other remedy so eliicacious,
soothing, and helpful.
The marvellous cures which Ater's
CiiKnitr Pkctoiiai. has effected all over the
world are a sufficient guaranty that it will
continue to produce tho best results. An
impartial trial will convince the most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
as of its superiority over all other prepara
tions for pulmonary complaints.
Eminent physicians in all pnrts of the
country, knowing its composition, recom
mend Aveh's Cufiiiiv Pectouai. to invalids,
and prescribe it in their practice. The test
of half a century has proved Its absolute)
certainty to cure all pulmonary complaint
not already beyond the reach of human aid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
Lowell, Mass.
Philadelphia fc ErieR. R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY. November
'', 1S7!', the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Divisiou will
run ns follows:
EUIE MAIL leaves Phila 11 55 p. m.
" Rcnovo 1100 a. m
" " Emporium. 15 p. in.
' St. Mary 's-2 11 p. m.
" " RidKway....2 86p-m.
" " Kane 3 60 p.m.
" arr. nt Erie 7 55 p. tu.
EittE mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. m.
" Kane 4 00 p. m.
" ' Ridjtwav....5 00 p. m.
' " St. Mary's..5 27 p. tn.
" ' Emporium.!! 25 p. m.
" Rcnovo 8 40 p.m.
" arr. at Phila 7 00 a.m.
Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
Patents procured upon Inventions.
No Attorney's Fees in Advance, Our
House was established in 1KC9. We
tile CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE
Send us a Model of your Invention,
with your own description of it, for
our opinion as to patentability. No
Attorney's Fees unless Patent la
Secured. Our Book of Instructions,
etc., "How to PitocuRE Patents,"
sent free on request; also sample
copies of the Scientific Record, the
Inventors' Journal.
R. S. & A. P. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
C04 F Street, near Patent Office.
Washington, D. C.
List of Licenses fur Slay term, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the
following persons have tiled their
petitions for License in my office, and
that they will be presented to tho
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day, May ibth, at 2 o'clock P. M.
1. E. H. Dixon,
2. C. F. Kenote,
8. Salyer Jackson,
4. Peter F. Bogert,
6. John VuuKhan.
A'. Ataru'a Ritmunh.
John Hanscom,
John Groll.
John Dailey,
10. James McCloskey. .... . ... ..
11. 11. L. Parsons.
"That if any person or persons
shull neglect or refuse to lift his lier or
their License, within FIFTEEN
DAYS after thesame bus been granted
such ueglect.or .refusal shall hejeemed
a forfeiture of said License '
Purdon, V, 2d, pageS43.) ';
Fked. ScHQiNiNO, Clerk Q. S.
All note-heads and letter-heads
printed at this office will be bound,
wltVcnt exrt clrc : .;eat
m i i nil f I