The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 06, 1880, Image 3

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lie JU1 wate,
K. oi
Ridgway L-.vlgc Xo. IS 14 meets on
the 2d and th Fridays of each month
til 3 o'clock. v
"New Tu& Table. Under the new
ached ule the mail and local freight
, leave IMdway station as follows;
MAIL WEST . . . fi:bB
EAST .... 8:00
LOCAL WEST - . . 7:60
EAST . 3:23
School Exhibition at Hyde's Opera
House, Saturday evening, Mny 15.
With this we Inaugurate our Second
Spring Season lit Ridgway. The
prophecy of our competitors at our
first Spring Opening, we are happy to
say, has not been realized, viz: that
our business career In Itidgwny would
be of short duration. We appealed to
the public at our Opening for their
patronage and support in our under
taking, and it - Is with pride and
thankfulness that we state that our
expectations have been more than re
alized. We again appeal to the public
for their support, and we assure them
that our business will be conducted, as
heretofore one price and the truth.
When you call at our establishment
you can be assured that you can be
Ited upon by gentlemanly salesmen
a your own time for making
Election, and If you are not satisfied
with your purchase, have it exchanged
or the money refunded. Our sales
men will show ft customer the same
attention when exchanging as they do
when selling goods, and in every res
pect we strive to give no cause for
A guarantee!
Weguarantee this, and every article
wesell to be exactly as represented,
and to give reason-able wear for the
price charged for it; also, to bens low
as any of the same quality can l
bought at always holding ourseives
ready to make the los goo I to the
purchaser. Should it prove to the
contrary, or if the article, when ex
amined at home, should tail to please
you, or you be dissatisfied with youi
purchase lu any way, you are ui lib
erty to return the same (in good order;
within live days, and we will ex
change it or cheerfully refund the
money . New York Store, Ridgway,
Pa , C'oheu Eros. & Browiisiein, Pro
good advice!
It Is a duty you owe to yourselves to
first call and inspect our mammoth
-stock of Clothing, ull kinds of Domes
tic Goods, Notions, Boom and Shoes,
Hats and, 4c, &e., and learn our
prices before purchasing.
We have determined to retain the
FAVOR, and the ouly way to do
so is to sell the Tile Vt-RY lissi'
Goods at tin Smallest Living Profit.
Uidgway, P;.Va,
Coheu Brothers it iiownsteine,
Do you want to wear good clothes ?
Do you want, to ie honestly irctueu V
Do you want to tsave money ? Then
purchase your Clothing, Donie&ucs.
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shots, fcc., ul Hie
gents' furnishing goods!
&o old goods in stock ! A li. Xew!
All Stylish! And All so cheap
that everybody, regardiess of station
la lPVor scarcity of funds, may be
abftTfo dress with taste. Inspect our
atock and satisfy yourselves that we
are Headquarters! Cohen Brothers
& Brownutein, New York Store, Post
Office Building, Ridgway, Pa.
. The largest and mot complete stock
of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready Made
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c, Ac. every
received at Ridgway now on hand at
prices to defy competition. i
The recent advance in goods lias
made no change in our prices. Wo
sell as cheap and cheaper than ever.
Cohen Brothers & Brorfnstein, Pro
prietor. Best priuts 6 to 7c per yard.
Best muslins 7 to 0 cents a yard.
An Endless Variety of Shawls
Ladies' and Gents' Ties, Silk trim
mings, fringes, satins, embroideries,
Ladies' Summer Suits, Ac, Ac.
A lurge variety of all qualities and
kinds of dress gods at lowest prices.
Our stock is full and complete of
everything too numerous to men.
tlou. '.Cull, examine, and be con
vinced. Parties coming from a distance of
29 miles and purchasing goods to the
amount of 20.00 or more will be al
lowed their car fare. Those purchas
ing goods to the amount of J 10.00 will
iiave tbeir.ear fare paid one way.
Remember the place New York
Sri.iB, Wit !wr to the Poet Office.
Personal Ileius.
W. S. Service has Iwd hid house
newly painted.
B. I. Taylor cac.t his shadow In
our village thi-t week. .
Cnl Luthor and F Nichols
have gonet the pigeon woods.
John VnnOrsdidl has sold hlsoTen
to Geo. R. lines end Charles Matthews
drives then.
Miss Llbble Young has" left Wi'l
inarth and is now second tnato at ye
Ed iter's residence.
Warren II. Horton of Horton
township put In tui appearance In this
village yesterday.
Col. Thomas A. Scott has resigned
the Presidency of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
Eddie Powell is again at home,
being obliged to leave school for a time
on account of sore eyes.
Ed. J. Luther senior devil of this
office spent last week in Erie city and
returned home Saturday.
We neglected to notice the arrival
of Mr. II. L. Loomis and wife. They
have returned from New York.
- Doctor W. li. Ilartinati of St.
Mary's, was in town Monday looking
hale and hear'y. He feels very happy
about his nine weeks old boy.
Doe. Fullertoii is the best duck
hunter of our acquaintance unless we
except Bev. Mercer. Any one could
lug home game if some one else killed
We are pleased to announce that
our esteemed Iriend Etbri.lge O.
Fuller formerly of Wilcox h is recen I ly
been elected Mayor of Wellington,
The Democratic State Convention
nominated Geo. A. Jenks of Jefferson
county for Supreme Judge and Robert
P. Deckertof Philadelphia, for Audi
tor General.
W. II. Montague of Toronto,
Out., brother of Mr. Crayston of this
village, who has beon visiting here for
severat weeks, we understand is get
ting u f a penmanship class.
The Railroad article in another
column makes Doctor C. R. Earley a
wealthy Philadelphia!!, ' thats what a
man gets for being fum us. We are
happy to call the Doctor a citizen of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rummer, of
Caledonia, arrested as accessories in
the recent murder of Constable Wer
uithby Harry English, were released
lust Friday on ball, nt a special term
of court, convened for that purpose.
The body of the man drowned at
Raughts mill la-t week has not been
recovered e.t last accounts. Nine men
started from Portland yesterday morn
ing in search of the body.
Mr.-j. Tbos. Noon an I two children
left this village on Monday afternoon
'or a viit ns" several minthi duration
to f.-icuds in Novo Scotia. We wUh
our next door neighbor a p'eas,ut
Journey and u satisfactory visit.
Constable Vollmer of S;t.
Mary's the ofllccr wounded by Eng
lish in the attempt at English's arrest
is not improving very fust, grave
fen ware entertained o Ids recovery
at all ami it is eve-) tlriught by some
mat be w:it not recover.
He was a Iswyei- man
Who meekly lilaihe-l while lie !3nn
Her poor tie id husband's trill to scan.
He smile J while thla'ilnj of Ills foe
Then huBidtl to hern.i teiulprly,
"You have a nice fut legacy."
And when he lay next day In hei
Wlt'.i plasters on his broken head.
Ho wonderej what on earth hveald.
Oil Derrick.
He wondered long whf.t It could be.
Then, dyliv. c:ied, "At last J ee,
Curve on my tuinb nn elegy."
3upp!enit'Ut with tliis isfise.
Presbyterian preaching in the
chapel next rsuiulay.
Pi(.id six cents n loaf nt T. F.
Hollers' Masonic luilliliiic.
Garden n:tiking engrosses the at
tention of the men folks just now.
The small boys have commenced
to go bare footed. Look sharp for
glass and rusty nails boys.
May day was not as pleasant as
one might espect, although the
weather since that time has been warm
and pleasant.
School Exhibition, at Hyde's
Opera House Sat inlay evening. May
13th, proceeds for benefit of (lie school.
Don't fail to atttnd.
The work of grading, the court
house yard has been commenced.
Before mnny weeks the yard will bo
put in good condition ready for seed
ing. 1
Eggs twelve ecu ts per doz. at T.F.
Bailers' Masonic building.
Square envelopes and legal foid
note paper at The Advocate office.
Meals at all hours at T. F. Buller'
Lunch-room in the Masonic Building.
Wm. L. Fox, of Clarion county,
died suddenly in the cars near St.
Petersburg on Thursday last, aged
about twenty-nine years.
He was president of the Foxburg
and 1 'larion railroad, and died under
peculiar circumstance while traveling
on that load. He was going to attend
the trial of a tramp Who had hhot and
killed a conductor. Mr. Fox had the
revolver in his possession witii which
the shooihig had been done and after
the train had started he found that
the revolver Jfttd been left at ins house
The train was stopped and Mr. Fox
went back to his house, but he over
taxed his strength in running, for he
sank down in his seat in the car and
died. Mr. Fox was a prominent Be
publican, was chairman or the Clar
ion county Republican committee,
and was a candidate on the Republi
can clectorfal ticket in the Twenty
fifth district. He left an estate valued
t.t fs.rooxry
VIVIIW nr rovrlh IlELn AT :t!D'JW.lT PA.
MARCH 2:1th, 1VX).
Thft Council was ci'le-t to ordor by ft.
IVj-xlatid. of St.Tiichrm. Tn.' by remlii'R
"r.etUMt MlBXlir." On (notion of Jl??. J. B.
Davison, of Ourry, Ta r.r:v. It. L. IIubb;l of
JaniTloirn, N. Y. wnn cho-""?! M vleraCi'atMl
npo icd council Willi pmvor. .1. T. V.'nlil, of
Hiinl iii'biirali. P"., wan e'.cctrt f floe.
Thn members of nnunrtl p- eo;it. nvo nr t,A
low: lu rmTTnmtlrnn1 t'hnrsS of f!.'rr.v,r..,;!rv.
J, II. Ihivlson, I'aslor.
lt Concnvatlonitt Clnircb, of Jamestown.
N. Y. Ilev. Henry I.. Hubboll. Tantor. .
Congregational Church of Weit Spring
Ciek, llcv. H. P. Hamilton holing rstor.
ConRrejintloniil Church, of bpartaoaburgh,
Dr. J. T. WnM,dolentn.
C.aiirregationnl Church, of CnmbrldgMioro
Deacon A. II. Ross ilclente,nlRO P.ev. H. How
land ofstonchnm, Tn.
The following churches Invited by "Letters
Misslor" were not represented:
riymoulh C'oniire.'.nl.lonal Church Alle
gheny City, Ph.. and congregational church
of Sugar Grove, Pa. also Hcv. L. Heed of Erie,
Pa., ti brent.
A quorum of churches being present the
council proceeded to business.
The moderator culled for u statement of
what had been done and the reasons therefor.
Mr. C. E. Holiday on behalf of the new church
gave a detailed statement of the various steps
taken In the formation of the church, show
ing that Its origin was In a movement began
by the pc iplu soma twj years and a half ago
mid revived by them within the last twelve
months. According to his tcstlmoney and
thut of others tlio church was organized bo
c iuse it was needed t promote the best In
lercsis ofC nisi s cause In Uidgway, by the
f innal nJoptlo'i of the constitution the
articles of filth and covenant of n congre
gational caurch as in substaucs found in
Hoy's Manual. A written statement and
oral evidence wnreglvn showing thut there
latir.a of Rev. E. A. Hquler to tills movement
wis hot that of a leader or actlvo promoter.
It wasshown In evidence that forty had given
a written promise tojoin said church and thai
eighty had signed n paperplcading thulrpeou
nluryand moral support thuson'ordlngo roa
sonuble prospect of a self supporting church.
In view of the ficts and much oilier tisti-
money after deliberation tlie council voted
unanimously t approve of the formation of
the ehuroh and to cordially ruc.ive It to the
felloWKliip ol t;ie others ciiurclics of our order
by appropriate exercises.
Ucv. J. . Davison. J. T. Wald ant Uev. II.
P. Hum i I toil were then appointed a commit
We to diaftu result of cuncll.
The following order of txen s s was then
observed; prayer of cjasecratlon by Iicv.H.I,.
llubbell. liiylit hand or fellowship of the
churches by lU-v. J. 15. Davison. Address to
the chuicli Uev. II. I.. Hubbeil.
Tliuu to. lowed the ordinailon of John
Uuluac'; and C.D.Ojlcrhout as deacons of the
Council convened the following day at 7
o'clock V. M. at llav. E. Mquljr's study.
'i he committee on the dual result of the
CJiuieil rt poi led and after Foincumcmlmciits
the report u .iJopt-das follows.
Wc. the Council, convened In Kidy way. Pa.,
April iitu and . t:i, toe m-ilder the t-xpi
oi' U:c..oIumi of u iiinnbro! eiiristtau
e.iple of tu.h pi n:v In oi;aoi.wu liu in .eives
lotu a co;uiV4 uioum cici.i'ii. m ad. ise tiinn
in iMerencv t.K'iettt, and II' tliuhi best, lu
ii.tuj.iUj sueu oi'iUU.i'KKi, Inning uiaini
I.i;'ihi,;ii ex.iuiiiiatiiiu of Hie uiaiters reteiied
t-i us oo 1100,11 ttie luittiwiiig
I, U ei ln tiiat It expedient tu nt
teai;l to uiganuv bach a cnurcu; bec.Uie,
there was a l.or pio-pe.-l ihat two
..-uiiroiK i in the place, i.ich ii-.igung with
liinti cial bu.a lis, ii.u Oo Ui.uiU l.i one
edlj.e I, ..M-rti.slal. l.igo. ui, reg.uio.ial cliiireli
a, tii:i. it'le ui.nt-1- c.i liiti.iii piw.,e In tilt
e iiu.iui:y, leuoy to eui-r t.r.i, u;y I
i,ill:.i III, oib.llUZ:iLioll, woo WOtl.U liliHe Will,
l.o i-Mti,! eiitiivo; J-.l, a llllllioer, lol elli li?t
Litis t.'o.iu. c-.mpci'nie with m:i-ii a ciutrcii,iiiiu
nct'ii.i'U ,ikv. t bw i.olu.-ceil uy a. w n.
wee a. ft ,.c1um oy exihi,., eiiuieiies.
it, i liixcuu, e.i ii. lhii,;i.:ii j i hi jeMcal In
ilt, U.n.'l. 1 iiv. ana 1:0. c'.iilunui 1:1 Hit
ii., i he movement to-.vards this oriiiilza
li'iii lrl t.o'tu i an. ait two and one hat:'y tat s
since, uud .van oroulit to its pi-tsciit uuiidi
li.l. O; I, to pctip.u laeniMMVe. ilw reihlltili
to ii i.i it :v. .. nqatur, wua lirst ea . e
to tin p.aej neaiiy kuven nl iiiliM i,i,..j, ha!.
I1!.! Ueii t.:aiMi i.utlei ir netive proiuotor,
Hutu alter lie ii;id WitnUiuAii I10111
liio .t. i-.. Ciiui'c.i. jlis e.miK-otu.l with tne
in .vu.ilf:it mjc.iin tu nave been luiiioii.b C and
ciinstiaii, Ujtli tm-urd, the e.uncii he Hub
.1I1. and the enu.v.i ut' whiu.l ho is innv the
w.r i.y p. slur.
I ', c adi ise this eiiureh to go forward in
the spin I ul 1.1, rist towards all, ucciukc thirty -one
nave already lu lled 111 liiti with tne
enuicli.a u nine ot:iei have given 11 written
pica..- 1.1 do so; and llieie is leasonabie pros
pect nl se.i suppui l. and great liseiiuines
V, v. e U.i nun' recognize tins as a eongre
g. tional eiiiiieli.and exiend toil lieu nin.-!
nearly leliuMi-lnp ul Us sister Congregational
i lie minutes were Mien read and approved
ami thec.eiK ..s inatiucted to give a copy
ul iiii-m to tne ca-rk ol me uy Congie
gaiiunai i-liuich alier hhicti euuiicii lidjuuin
cd, Jtinc t.'i..-.
HKNHY I. HUBBEI.L. Modciato.
Dlt. J. X. Waiii. .;.ei k.
Four eases new Boots at Morges-
'odlisli, Wliitefish ami Mackerel
in pailsitnd Kits at Mnrgester's.
Wiicox Loiter.
Wilcox, Pa.. May 3 I, 1SS0.
There was quite an excitement in
town one day limt week over the dis
covery of a baby's log in a pile of old
bmies at the Tanning Company's bone
mill. The leg was apparently cut oir
with some sharp Instrument just above
the knee and wa still in a fair state of
preservation. How tho lc;r came
there, what had become of (he rest of
the body and was it really a murder or
not was a profound mystery which all
tried to solve In their own way. The
Doctor was of the opinion that the
baby was six mouths or n year old and
thought an inquest should be held at
once. Vhile others hooted at the
idea and thought it would be a ridicu
lous farce for six men to sit on a baby's
leg and perhaps the baby still alive.
Some proposed to put it in a box puck
it nicely with cotton and have it de
cently buried while others with ap
parently less humanity said the body
had undoubtedly gono through the
bone mill and they might just as well
pitch in the leg and let it all go to
gelber. The company has been get
ting bones front Warren, Sheffield,
Titusvillc and other places, so it Is
impossible to tell whence it came.
The leg was on exhibition one whole
day and scores of excited people went
to view the the wonderful mystery.
Some perfectly horror struck at the
thought of so dark a deed as the kill
ing of a poor littleinuocent baby while
others would laughingly pass on and
make some jocular remark about the
baby's leg in a box. Any one hav
ing lost a baby or a buby'slegor
wishing further information relative
to thi" dark ami mjvterious affair can
write to Judson Schultz, Ezra Rohue
or Dr. Straight who will cheerfully
give all Information in their power.
Full line of Fresu canned goods at
Lest Muni her one Pickles JO cents ComiiX
per ilcifj. :l ::c.--e:!.C'i-'.s.
Titf Ui';i)r 1,
precious Hv'm 'ifir..'1-i
1 ll'HC jiiL'i-iiius :ivw :o-Tr.'M jij )
! In..., !i 11,,'A-11 u.i v '-! I ! v !.. 1 - . - - . !
u. i.y. 1 j ..j iciiiie-.
Charles B. Walter, 'Viiiiaui i. Kern
tie. J face It. Crarord, V,liia,i i-
Uumherger fnd J p0;ro.T,
weri' brought before .1 1 l;;e IVjr.'.o:i nt
llarrishnr in April LG'ii, ,r, j
sentcReed to a Venn o." one yo.'.r in tiiu
K'iMi'. m Pi i.iti'nti c.v o tc t;sti;i umh
!in!:tr. I'i'.HI all 1 In-' COl-.. I.." ,;!.t.-U
lion. Tiie.'cu ;.' Jul;;.; la;-,iin
to the prisoners leiiig ttiie of the clear
est and most impartial addresses to
men in bimllar positions we have ever
read, totally disregarding the positions
and influence of these state prisoners
he read them a lecture that deserves
to be printed in every newspaper in
the land as a warning to those in
high places that the majesty of the
law must and shall be vindietcd, and
that, quoting the Judge's words, '"the
beggar in rags and the millionaire in
broadcloth stand on precisely the
same footing; theone is to be impris
oned for stealing a loaf of bread, the
other is not to escape, who, by ids
criminal acts, may involve the state in
the loss of millions." The beggar
and millionaire to be tried and sen
tenced Impartially and without pre
judice as to theone's rags or the other's
line linen, was an itlea that struck
the hearts of the common people as
being a innovation on the usual man
ner of dip rising justice that, like the
little leaven that leavened the whole
loaf, might in time enter our temples
of justice until in time equal and
exact justice should be the rule and
not tho exception. Throughout the
length and breadth of our fair rotate
the people rejoiced at the righteous
ness of the sentence and tho beautiful
ei'i'eet its faithful carrying out would
have on the rascals wlit infest the
seats and lobbies of our state legisla'
tore, feervilo newspapers, however
at once began to wait and lament that
the sentence was too severe and the
punishment excessive, for the simple
rcaMJU we suppose that the men en
gaged in the pleasant and lucrative
occupation of bribing legislators had
so long escaped punishment that cus
tom in a manner sanctioned the
enormous crime. , lit justice, however,
to the common people we will state
that they btill abided by the ilrst. im
pulse that if there was nn excess in
any direction' it was in the amount of
crime over the punishment, an I that
bad Judge Pearson being a tridu more
severe the bribers would no mure than
have hud their just deserts. Ktiil the
hired newspaper howled anil the lead
ing politicians howled and the per
Minal friends of the beautiful live
howled, until tit List tho board of par
dons cau,-;!it the infect ion, and we
will not n.iw pretend to n.iy what else
they caught lor .'ear wi might do any
honorable gentleman injustice.
It was on liie i liit d.ty of April, A.
D. PW;i, that a special meeting of the
Board o:' Pardon wai called and to
which the eyes of the pitrnle looked
with the expectation that the bul
wark which once before had stood
ho tempest in defence of the lights r
tiie people would again prove equal to
the emergency. Also, how vain and
transient the delusion. After a short
private session thcB.i.ird recommend
ed that the imp.isoniuent of one year
he remitted. The tine of .$'..Uii'i and
cost was then paid and the prisoners
released from jail. Comment is un
necessary although that beautiful vis
ion of "a heggar in rags and million
aire in broadcloth" getting even jus
tice lias vanished but it will be ix long
time before the people forget
that by some means or other impris
onment of millionaires is playid out
and that this action of the Board of
Pardons btill fun her oilers a premium
to the wealthy
Fresh Rolls Cakes and Pies at T.
F. Bullers' Masonic building.
Red and yellow Bananas, sweet
oranges. Lemons, eigs, Dates &j, at
llagtis City DjIs.'
A new building ia being erected
on the lot next to Ti mni's store in
Cen trevi lie.
Tho fence around the mammoth
store of J. II. Steel & Co., is almost
completed. So far us it has been built
it adds greatiy to tho looks of the
"Happy Jack," well that isn good
name lor luni. A happier lad you
never set eyes upon.
Henry caugiit quite a severe cold
at the pigeon roost.
John Kliason and Andrew Nor
man ami families have moved back
to Kane.
Charley the dray driver of J. II.
Steel & Co has gone to Kane to work
on his papa's farm.
Dagus City can boast of the
quietest and most gentlemanly set ol
miners that it has ever been our lot
to meet.
Doc Mercer of Ridgway visits our
city once a week witlt fresh llsh.
Geo. Yates and F.lmcr Mohney
have again returned to teal hollow
ami are busily at work with tlieir
shovels und picks.
We wero informed that Capt.
Schcening of Ridgway paid Centre
ville a. shori visit , on last Sail lay;
come ugaiu. .
Our depot was badly damaged on
Saturday noon bya train of coal ear
running Into it; tho accident was
caused by the rails spreading and
throwing the curs front the track
Frank-mid his crew have it almost
placed on its pins again.
David Daniels is confined to the
house with the mumps.
Our miners got a raise of five
cents on the ton on Tuesday last which
makes them feel happy.
Woodchuckt ' are plenty here-
Kpe'idl:!;: t: Vw ('ays in city.'
IIclljiki Is happy.
A dinr-o was held ct Mr. Join;
lle't.'lis nt cor.l l;;i:h:-.v on ,
-Friend F:e, l.(,w l' t'.rii.
The Hun w!l in the
tne Jiiiur;
--v: wi
coon .1? hi r.i.'.n.ii ; h-r.
J iu.'ip YiS:.(.!.o nV i-t. ;i:'.ry
has built himself quite a mat little
house midway between Dagus City
and Sinni Bang city and Intends
opening up housekeeping in a few
days. I. N. O
Slill Another Railroad.
(I'ltUburK Leader, April 20.
A number of gentlemen interested in
the building of what is to be known
as the "New York, Ridgway & Pitts
burgh Railroad," which Is to run
through Western Pennsylvania hell
a conference in Philadelphia last Sat
urday. A temporary organization
was formed by the election of Mr
Charles R. Earley as President and
ex Governor Andrew G. Cui'tin. Win.
M. Stewart, (of B. K Jamison & Co.,i
Eugene Qtiackcubush and Sboridau
Gorton as Directors, und Lucius Rog
ers as Secretary.
The new road is to be built from a
point near Tionesta, in Forest County
to Ridgway, in Elk county, thus con
necting the Allegheny Valley and the
New York and Erie railroads. This
new enterprise only involves the con.
at ruction of fifty miles of railroad,
and when it is completed will secure a
beeline from Pitt-burgh to Buffalo.
The present movement isa reorgaiiiza
ion of the Northern Railroad and
Navigation Company, incorporated
by the Pennsylvania 'Legislature in
1S'J7, and afterward known as the
Pennsylvania portion of the Rochester
Nil huh fc Pennsylvania railroad. The
new company is legally possessed,
alter due sale under execution, of all
the rights, franchises and properly oi
the original company. The frasi
chisesureextrenieSy vuluab!c,thoug!: it
!s understood that it is the present
intention to only use that portion of
them authorizing the building of the
road referred to. The oiglnal com
pany had several acts passed in its in
terest and till will doubtless be found
valuable sooner or later. The iirst to
organize the Northern railroad imrl
Navigation company was approved
March 21, lsc.7, and gave power to
construct a railroad from the state
line at or near where it is crossed by
the Allegheny river in McKean county
to the Bouiheru line of Elk county,
ami to connect with tho Philadelphia
& Erie, Allegheny Valley or any other
railroa i an I to construct such branch
es in tries counties as tu ty be deemed
necessary. This act also gives the
companies power to use the slack water
of the Allegheny canal und to con
struct a canal in McKoan county. It
also authorized tne company to bor
row l,-3'J'J,t'0 J at a rate not to exceed
seven per cent, by mortgage on its
"works, laud t;nd franchises." By an
uct approved April 'JlU, 1372, the com
pany was authorized to Issue addit
ional bond to the amount of l,'iOO,(MJ
at a rate of interest not exceeding
eight per cent. A supplementary net
to that by which the company hud
been incorporated was pasje I in April
107, !or the purpose of giving corpor
ations merging and connecting pow
ers with New Yolk, railroads. This
act authorized the Northern R
and Navigation Company to connect
tit the New Vork Stale line with any
railroad and canal in New Ym-n state
ii li-l to merge und consolidate its slucii
franchises und property, with that o.
any other company in tne stale ot
New YorK. Tne company nm having
built their road and coniu ctams in tne
preseribed lime, tinir charter became
void had not Goveriter icury, in
March, 1H70, ttpui'oveil an act which
extended the liinc lor commencing
the work for three years from the lir.-.t
day of April, 1870.
For some years past this work, which
had progressed so lur us to grade six
miles of the proposed road, lias been
at a standstill. Under the
management, it will lie pushed to
completion as rapidly as possible
Tiie totiiKCiioii wiil'.te Ihe dis
tance by rail between Builliio and
Pittsburgh lilty miles shorter. Mr
C. R. Kariey, tne Pritiident pro teni.,
a wealthy Piiiladelphian, is the owner
of hite irui Us of coal lauds in K:k
county, mid these will doaotlcss be
speedily developed by aid oi the new
enterprise Mr. Rogers, the Secretary
is Deputy Secrciiiry or Internal Affairs.
A permanent organization oi the com
pany wiil be effected on the iirst Mon
day in May.
A dangerous counterfeit five dol
lar gold piece is reported to have made
its appearance. It is made by split
ting a genuine piece, turning out the
metal until only a thin plate of the
genuine gold is left on either side, and
thin filling the space with base metal
and bringing the edges together again.
It has the exact weight of the g.nuine
coin, ano resists I be tests of the nc:d
on the edges, aud of course on the face
and back. Onh by ringing it Is its
fraudulent composition betrayed.
Honor fhom Europe. It is con
ceded tin ull sides that Dr. Aver' Pills
are above comparison with other med
icines. Uniting the best elements
known to tne chemist, thsy ure par
ticularly effective against tho numer
ous stomachic disorders, for which
they ure recommended as a cure.
These pills are so mild, yet searching
that they are often prescribed by doc
tors who otherwise do not favor patent
medicines. Indeed, with fruits of Dr.
Ayer's genius in the shape of pills,
Bursa pari I la, Ague Cure aud C'ljerry
Pectoral, one might with impunity
travel through the swamps of tropical
America, or follow Stanley on his
travels through the Interior of Afriea.
,'dav, i:i:i3 n-:i uc
1 -
vTbicli ia tho Borne thing.
Tfrrncro ni-Cml Rctla or Fnlrrafaa
ivli'ill ia tho same f lilnc) lie fit Blight
Ly ttlrtjr vvlilic color. II mnyopiioM
...nllllll liv Itcplf. tint I
Will show tho difference.
0c tbat your Balcrotna nnd Cak
ing Ooda ia white r.ta PJRE, aa
rhould too Atili BlKiJUAU COCETAfi
CE tisd fcr food.
Ilouacliodporii vfUo pro'o? breid tniido rrltt
yoaBt, will lmprovo its qnallfy, ciizo it ri:a
bettcrand provcatlt fi-im rcurlnp. by a.iiJnj.
one-halftoaopoonfulofcharrlifcoo 'o foilacr
Bsloratos. BoonroananntUiiotoonucU. Tlia
nun of thti with iniir milU. In prororcneo to
Baktua Powdor, sivo Iw-rtT timon Mic-nt.
Hit on pnn id pii"ti(5o f Jr vatu-'-'.o 1 jronaa
Uon aa J real circrully.
Middletowu X-Cut Saws.
JetTard's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and OH Lsinterns.
. Diston's X-Cut Paws.
Uoynton's I.iglitnin; Saws.
Con: PopptKS.
Coal Hods.
Ktovo .Shovels.
P.epuirs furnished for any stove.
Pick Handks.
lb. ilest Polish 10 cts. at Kj. 2
Main street. n09
Guaranteed to come to perfection in
two months if properly fertilized.
PltlCE $' UU a bushel : $2.o ) J bushel ;
$1.-3 a peck or $1.00 a pound by mail
prepaid on receipt of price.
Ridgway, Pa.
Ord-rs left at Titr. Auvocatk
will receive prompt attcniion. .
Elk C.niiiiy Cj irt Pruflaaiatiju.
W1IF.RKAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet
more, President Judire for the Thirty
seventh .ludicial Iji.itrict of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, ami George
Ed. W'eis, Estjuires, Associate Ju-tieos
in ii, county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, tor the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common P. ens. General tjutirier
.Sessions .and Oyer und Terminer, at
Uidgwnv. lor the countv of I'll Ik on
ISH), being the 2kh day of the month,
lo continue one week.
Notice is there ore given to the Cor
oner. Justice oi" the Peace und Con
stables Jn and for the county of Klk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with i heir records, inquisitions, anil
remembrances, to do those tilings
which of their olHecs and in their be
half appertain to ba done, und all wit-nes-es
and other persons prosecuting
if behaif ofi.'u' Common wcaltliiigitinst
any person r persons, ure requested to
be then and there attending, anil not
to depart ut their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, nt
the .Sheriff's oliice, in Ridgway, the
2Jtu day of April in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight I'uuurtd and
D.C . OYSTER, .ShcrhT.
That splendid rrgttn sold by 1). 8.
Andrus & Co., Williams port, Pa., for
S73.0J cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 "cet 9 inches high. Is
sold now for 9,).0j with one more
stop aud the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them. Terms easy
on long time ubo.
Fine or course boots and shoes at
Jacob Rutlerfirss' shop Main street
Stock and tits warranted first class.
7 bars soap for ".jc ut Morgester's.
The total debt of the United Stales,
including bonds, greenbacks, gold und
sliver ccrtilica'.cs and all oi-icr forms
of indebtedness was on Saturday hist
just Si,lii7,77 ,U7.5X Deducting from
tills the cash in the Treasury, includ
ing the ac?.iiii ilale I Bail dollar,
we have ti net debt of $1,005,31-1, 753.
The decrease of the debt in April was
12,i). 8,070, a. which rate, if continued
without interruption, the debt would
be extinguished in less than fourteen
List of letters remaining in the
ti'f Uway P. O., Elk county, Pa., up
to May 3, 188 ).
3rad;y, Mrs. Xcttio
Rrutllv, Robt
Royd. Wm. L.
Brewer. George
lireiiemau, J. 12. '
Curts, Joseph
Cochran, J. A. (3)
Delcnbeck, M. It.
Fill, ;bas.
Hamilton. John II,
Irwin, li. 1
Jordon, S.
Ktiutsiou, X. A.
Lucr.s. O. f. ;-')
Lord, J. S.
Lucas. James
Leidner, Jorn
Medina, Mis Ann
McKane, Henry
McCurty. Tadu
McC.elutu, James
Maker, Turiuo
Koran, John
Oucil. Kate
Pastor Baptist Church. .
Keen, J P.
ltuckey, J). B.
Snyder, Albert
Kpencer, Thus. C.
Shuul, E.
Stewart, Wm.
Smith, Geo M.
White, James
Wankup, J. W.
If not vailed for In thirty days they
will bo sent to the dead letter office at
Wusbln-to:i, P. C.
i-,'tc:i!' f ;:iV. n ,fo ihd-
i). ):-.' i:;ii ol M.eU. , "--'O li aieiiu.
I pati.-nt ei'.seji
in hew brick building, MhIh
street, Ridgway, Elk Co.,. Pa. t32
LUCOnS 115, HI
Rldwnv-, Llk count:,, Pa. . Oiheo
over It. I. Campbell s store, Main
Street. Claims for collection promptly
attend .-d to. Jnel3,l70
(Lato of Ptrnttnnvtlle), rtirslrlnn and Rur
kcoii. RltlKWiiy. I'n. OlT.op In Hell's Driek
HuiliJiiitr (iip-FUdrs).J P.efirciicP' J. I.
Hmltli. JI. 1.. Vmintr. it. nulofron, Hlrntlnn
vIMii: MiiJorJiitin Kll!"y. W. V.Ort-ntilniul.-Cinrlon.
Hiis rm-tli!t-il his froirrsion sue
CfsBiiuiy for more tlinn ton vcnr..
X. W corner of Muin cnd Mill streets
Ridijwav. Pa., full assortment of care
rully selected ForclRii and liomestio
Drills. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed v all hours, day or night.
If.i.t removed Ids ofi',ee from Centro
street to Main idreet, liiibpvuy, Pit., in
thu second story of the new brick
bp.ilditr of John G. Hull, west of tho
Ilvde House,
oaice hours : 1 to 2 p. M. 7fo ft P.M.
W. II. SCTI RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore-s.i liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort aud con-'
veijlenoe of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the slime. ovt3l''60
This ndmirablc work is now com
pletcin ltivols. KachvolumecontainsHCO'
pages. It mak'-sa complete and will
select eil library, and no one can
fttlbrd to do without it who would keep
well Inlormed. Price S'mmi in cloth,
in leatlier, or jw.O.) in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. II. Falrahild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
X. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K Judson,
general ngent.
List of Cannes
Set down for trial at May term 1833,
commencing Monday, May 24.
1. John W. Briggs fcr use vs. R. I.
Campbell, Adm'r &2. No. Ui May
term 1877.
?. TheCIcnrfiel 1 County Bank vs.C.
R. Earley. Xo. l.X'ovcmber term, 1877.
3. '1 hoiuns P. Merritt vs. J. W.
Brown. Xo. 123, May term, 187&.
4. Jordan S. Xeel vs. John Vin
g.irt. Xo. 2 i, September term, 1878.
5. W. D. Drake for use vs. Kirby
and Sllvcrthorn. Xo. 45, Jatiurry
term," 1573. .
0. George AT-Rithiv.m vs. Tlio X.
W. Mining and Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa.
Xo. 47, January term.' 1879.
7. . Ellas Meyer it :d. Ex'rs vs. Kcs'
cklah Mover. Xo. 3, Sep. term, 1870.
8. Peler fij use vs. Lorenz
Vogcl. Xo. 14, September term, IS70.
0. F- A. Loesch vs. Henry Largay.
Xo. 03, September term, 1370.
10. Zenas Webb vs. Frank C. Bow
man. Xo. OH, September term, 1S7J.
11. Robt. I. Camiibeil vs.
Gorton. Xo 74, September term 1S79.
12. W. E. Johnson vs. The Eene
nette Oil Co. Xo. 78. Sept. term, 1870.
13. Stephen Condon & Bro. vs.
Daniel Eldridge. Xo. 81 Sept. term,
14. D A Pontius vs. Con rod Moy
cr, Jr. X 85, Xoveinber term, 1879.
15,I'"rank X.Gcrber for use vs. Joseph
Gerber vs. Joshua Sykes. Xo. 1. JuiiU'
ary term, 1880.
Fhtd. Sc-hcexixg, Pro.
liirley's Purs EiotLbi
03 H.UU3!2'.X3 Vffi33fl3A.
Equal in qtui'.ity to any made, and
only Imlf the price. Ooz. bottles 25c.
I'ints iV't
Relieves Ilendache, Toothache, Ear
nciie, More Eyes, Xose-Hlced, Bleeding
Lungs, Painful M uses, Whites,
Atahniii, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc.
I'u res Bruises. Scalds, Burns, Sprains,
Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Xc-nralgic,
XATURES universal rem
If your druggist has not got it
have hint order u or tho proprietor,-
CHA2LS3 P. S::LS 7i9:ssa:9 ru3iirtr
e-i Gttttliai St., Haw YerS.
n47mo&3 '
12, 1S80.
From taxes collected 87C0 16
Work on road and mils paid 4508 93
Fund in treasury 4J 49
Due from seated tares 4-2 27
unsealed taxes li8l 19
" D. Attelbarger HO 27
" " I-sauc Kw.'tr 23 7
" " V. Mil er 03 Q 1333 iJ
Supervisors orders ouusUudiaj 05 5J
Assets over liabilities
57 V!
Funds In treasury April
14.1670 555 9J
FanJs collected on uses 4:0 53 1013 41
' KXP-iXUIl'fJrtES.
Paid for support o; 5j 23
i'reusurer's'com mission , 647 03
Funds in treasury 413 41
Due from seated taxes 2J6 82
" " unse.itcd tuxes 23 fcta '
Total Assets . 102t SO"
No liatiiiities. '
Hv (i'b-r of tbo Ad-'s,
-it . X . w t-. . . v -. . - - i -