i r i Henry A. Pi-nan, Jr. Elltor THURSDAY, MAY, 6, 1330. Entered at tjie Pojt-officr at Ridway, Pa., as second class Mail matter. - Ropubltoan National Ticket for 1880 GEN, FOR TRESIDENT, ULYSSES 8. GRANT. (Subject to decision of Republican National Convention.) ftpubiioan State Ticket. Tot Supreme Judge, HESRY GREEN, f Northampton County. Tor Auditor General, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blair County. National Republican Convent Ion. A National Convention of the Re- bublican party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates to be sup ported for President and Vice Presi dent at the next election. Republi cans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of the party, are iuvited to chooso two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State, two from each Territory and two from tho District of Columbia, to represent them in the convention. J. D. Camekon, Chairman. Thos. B. Keogh, Secretary. TREASURER'S SALES OF UN- l HATED LAN05. J OTICE Is hereby given that, agree- amy to au Act oi Assembly tnisseu the mi) day of March, A. D. 1815, en titled "An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of .selling un sealed lands for taxes unci ti ." other purposes,' and the several supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated UruK situate in E.k county, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to sale by 'public .vendue or outcry, at the court house In UidgwHV. in said county, on tho second Monday mi J una nxt, being tlif 14th DAY OF JUME, A. D. 1000, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1878-79, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: HENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War. Acres. War. or Owners. Taxes. 74 70 84 12 125 3 1 00 84 12 250 67 250 67 Mb 83 209 06 144 20 253 40 129 70 811 05 215 SO 183 08 285 00 118 00 84 43 108 26 137 50 23J Dli 801 30 82 28 4113 63 4958 100 41051 4108 4104 4S87 4115 1110 CO James blokes. Hi Mercantile Appraisement, The vendors .f foreign and domestic mer- vhfiRilIso, distillers and breworr, brokers tc, In Elk couuty, will take notice that thoy me appraised and classed by the undersigned appraiser of mercantile und other license lax for the year 1380, as follows to wit: BEXEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Nam of person Kludof llcnee. Class. Tns. orJlrm. pent. Miles Itetaller Husking, O. A. Ptd. Medns, Johnson, W. E. Retailer abutter, T.J. FOX TOWNSHIP. II t 700 a tooo 12 50 23 00 u 0 Retailer TOWNSHIP. Retailer Enz. F. X. Kixju, Jas, St Son Molina, Jas. A. UlcMtthnn, Jolin itraes3ley, H. IStenll, J. it. & Co. Taylor, J. J. & Co HORTON Cuneo, John nyue, w. u. co. Urockport it Keystone Lumber Co, " Brock port & Kcv stono Lumber Co. Ptd, Mdcns. JAY TOWNSHIP. Dixon, E. H. Retailer Gresu, Able Binlth, Joliu " JONES TOWNSHIP. llcuiiler Aldrich, A.T. Jauobson, O. A. MhIiiiu, John Meat Market Mulono,J, C. Rvtullcr Kowc r, .Martin ' Wileox Tunning & 1. u in er Co" " Wilcox Ttiunlng & Lumber Co. Ptd. Mdcns RIDOWAV TOWNSHIP. Brendel. L. A. Retailer liowerx, C. D. C. Lullers, Mrs. T. F. " Cunipuoll, R. I. " Cruj-aiuii, Mis. Ed. " Cohen tiro, tV liruwu- stine. " Duy, 1). B. Dgs.A Pd.Mcns ii. iiia::th Lumber Co.Keluiler Urotib, E.K. ' Gram Jt iiorton, " Uarritt, Geo. P. " Hartley, T. rt. " Holes. Charles " Hydo. W. ii. fc Co. 11 1.' 12 li IS 10 U II 1J 10 4 11 11 11 11 II II II 11 5832 928 6383 1007 6835 1067 5338 10G7 6331 1037 6345 1037 6343 10G7 6340 1067 6348 1067 5379 459 5880 1100 6383 1100 6384 1060 6887 1100 5349 1008 5342 1100 f0i)8 990 F3"3 143 5334 1100 5337 1P.0 5350 1008 5351 1100 5852 800 6390 1100 Jones,IIamnioud&Co. 215 6(1 633H 1100 Amos B. Merrill. 108 2'. 5287 275 " " " 22 45 275 " " " 27 79 23 tl " " - 22 71 345 Nathan W. Ellis. 64 82 458 Addison, Swart wood Co.8! 53 900 Cornelius Waiuwriglit 4' MM) 090 Miles Dent 293 fid Myron Merrill, 6288 6289 4'.'94 41-92 5341 6012 6479 6479 5479 6!0 100 224 6178 CO survey " south end of " southwest Ptd. Mdcns. Retailer Mut market Mesaoneer, G. O. Mercer Bro. McGloindc McGeehln, Retailer jiorgemer, j. w. Mead, Mrs. P. A. Ostorhout. V, II Powell & Kline, Roll'e, E. W.dt CO, Bingluton, J. C. Setteilo, Frank Union store Co. SPUING CREEK TOWNSHIP. Smith, Rogers & Co. Retailer 11 ST. MAKY'3 BOROUGH. Retailer Brown, Edward Coryell & Hum Fisher, Philip Foster, Jon n ii.. Gliloid L. V. Hall, Kaul & Co. Kenote. c. F. Krug, John Luhr, Charles Lyon, Charles McVean, Charles McBride, Edward Miller, Charles I). Spatlord s Tieincy TlVgler, William Wilbelm, Josc-pU Ptd. Mdcns. Retailer Meal Market l'ui. Mdcns. ReUit.ur Meat Market Uelalier Meat Market Ketulivr Ptd. Mdcns. Retailer Liquor store PlJ. Mdciiib Retailer Weldenboerner, Geo. Wels bios. Walker A Son, Weldeuboeruer, John Billiard Licenses. RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. Maglnnis, J. 0. 3 Tables ST. MARY'S UOROUGII. Wlndfeldor, Jas. F. 2 Tables Breweries. " FOX TOWNSHIP. Hlrt, Herman Brewer BENZINOER TOWNSHIP. Straub, Peter Brewer ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. Oei8, William Brewer Lulir, Chariest Co. " Vogel, Loren " Taverns, Eating Houses, &c BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Blesh Henry . Tavern Wluslow, G, L. FOX TOWNSHIP. Collins, John Tavern Koch, Joseph " McCloakey, James Eating house JAY TOWNSHIP. Dixon, E. II. Tavern Turlcy Ariutl JONES TOWNSHIP. Bchultz.M. M. Tavern Bowers, Mai lt n ' RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. Aaron, Geo. T. Eating House Healy, William Taveru Java sun, s. " MaglnuisJ. S. Eating House Mcranlii, James Tavern Uchram, V. li. ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. 1 avern 700 12 5') 12 00 low 10 00 20 00 12 SO 700 12 5'J 2? 0) 600 700 7 0 700 700 7 UO 7 00 7 00 7UJ O0 lOO'O 7 0) 7 00 7 W 7 0J 7 00 20 03 500 10 oo 7 01 l.'5J 7 0J 700 7 w 40 OJ 10 00 JOOJ 700 7W 12 OJ 16 00 7 00 20 00 lathi 16 00 7 0J 7 0il 1500 700 7 0) 25 00 500 7 W 700 5 00 700 CO 00 7 W 700 7 0) 7 0'J 10 00 10 l 7 W J OJ 12 50 10 00 UiOo iOOO 10 00 5O0 7 W luuo 12 5) 10 UO 54S1 50"0 4997 5981 6023 288 6383 110") 5023 6479 4994 6022 5340 5001 4990 corner 4o0 John Brooks. 99J 481 5C0 II. C. Spaulding John Johnson llezekiah Mix Andrew Dent Hamilton Dawn Wat. Shannon David S. Johnson Henry Blesh Finney & Barrows 47 SO 12 70 27 IS fi Oil 53 G5 79 00 70 ('2 43 90 12 10 119 20 0 8) 8 II 24 40 H 16 14 20 194 05 4977 0990 4003 4105 4105 4105 4103 4960 4887 4401 4404 4400 4106 4107 4408 495 090 090 25 75 2-5 71) 80 275 60 Kdwnrd Delehunt VIneHt. Nos. It & 12. Vine Street. George Wels William Cockney John Fordo James Donnelly Daniel Frazier No. 7 Cherry road 7 55 Daniel Frazier Nos.3 & 5 Maple road U to 10 45 27 31 8 10 2: 17 .7 15 Thomas Toiler Johnson & Shatter Joseph Wllhelm Augustus Wnlle John Kaul 123 18 183 14 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 26 02 22 n 66 65 13 2.) 522Slu'ldon,SteblghABatesl 18 99 522 C22J 622$ 420 COO 4073 1023 Nos. 148 09 149 18 149 18 119 87 17t 10 19 61 15 18 8 10 1518 4 78 220 75 4101 1050 4107 4108 4103 411)4 4104 4IC4 4105 4105 4105 60 60 200 5483 5002 5013 5014 5009 5U10 I 5024 5025 6022 5182 5182 5340 50 61 150 110 550 090 198 From Fiteh & Bovlngton'-3 80 60 Oher fc English northeast corner 8 34 990 Keading.Fishcr & Co.274 0 ) 900 ' " 157 00 890 " " " 157 0U 990 " " " 232 G6 999 Tullinper Croft & Co. -From Fiteh & Boyington 194 05 J34 John & D.S.Jolmson. 10 8 802 " " " " 30 82 1 10 E.Johnson & A. Apkt r 20 74 605 Julius Jones 79 87 28 " " 3 34 550 .Smith. McCormick & Mann 5313 110) Cook & Pardee James fleilly Itaiph Johnson St John & Until rock 5179 5024 6178 5 u 5477 64S1 502(1 512! 5' 11 5 5027 o.)20 5(1 1 5027 1S3 IDs ! J 258 48 2 95 43 90 82 12 tt it t O'l " 05 35 11. Merriman 47 8.i Iteubtn Winslow est lit. 83 69 5tt 41D.5 4105 4105 4 1011 4115 4104 50 591 1040 990 1100 3)0 O'.M) 375 090 " " " 110 83 7'.M " " 03 43 000 " " " 78 22 ion " " " 8 80 200 " " - lleimer & Johnson lot 13-80 Reiilien Winslow Estate Bmekway. 109 Heubeu Winslow est. 2i".C ' " " 197 " " " BENZIXGEU TOWNSHIP. 4105 60 Mary Heenan 13 and 15 4105 25 Mary MrGahnn no 8. 60 Joseph Wilhelm 8 Joseph Wilhelm for town lots 4108 34 Earley, Brickel & Hite Ave. B 0 67 Earley.BrlcitelAIIite 300 38 " " " 63 89 C. R. Enrlev Storer a'Nos.22,24&20 21 27 C. U. Earley Poplar road Nos. 2 und 4 1 1 13 C. 11 Karlev Oleim road, Nos. 0, 7, and 8 22 27 C. R. Earley Vine road No. 5 8 10 C. R. Eariey Vine roml Nos.O & 10 15 18 I!. 11. Iiariev I'oolar rond Nos. 10 and 17 15 18 C. R. Earlev Poplar road Nos. 21. 23 25,27, 20, 31,4. 8.13.13,1719 74 71 C. R Earley Hick ory rood, No. 17 8 32 C. R Eurley John Carroll 8 10 C. R. Eurley Vino road Nos. 81 and K3 8 94 C. R. Enrlev Hick ory road Nos. 19 & 21 15 18 22 C. R Earley Poplar rond. No. 31. 23 C. R. Earlev Chestnut road, No. 3D 8 10 23 C. R. Earley Chestnut rond. No. 30 8 10 23 C. It. Earlev Chestnut road, No. 21 8 10 50 C. R Eariey ' Chestnut rd.Nos.25&27 15 18 CO C U.Earley-E. Chest nut road. Nos.l and 3 15 IS 60 ('. R. Earley Vine road Nos2andl 15 IS 23 C. R. Earley Maple road No. 11 8 10 31 C. R.Earlev Olean and maple rond No 1 0 81 19 C.R. Earley East Maple road No. 1 0 30 61 C.R.Earley cherrv rd.Nos.O and 2 15 45 75 C.R.Earley Chen v road Nos.9.11 and 13 212 52 C. R. Earley Cherry road Nos.3 and B 13 7. 50 C. R.Ea rley Cherry rond Nos.l7and 19 15 18 200 C. R. Earley 67 70 400 C. It. Earicv ' 131 42 100 John W. Dubbs l'eter Oarrity Hector Jackot John Milne Peter Byrnes, is; 50 00 40 00 15 00 8 2500 25 00 2uU0 25 00 10 75 25 140 140 611 823 990 200 80 220 300 i)0 ' " " 00 tt it .1 000 " " " 30 Earlev, Brickel, & Hite Avenue B, No. 8. 67 Earley, Brickel fe Hite Vine road, Nos. 1. 8 & 7 4106 325 Earley. Brickel & Hite Vine road Nos. 7, 15, 17 4883 1882 4959 49G0 4958 4958 4901 4961 4102 4104 Nelson J. Wimmer Lawrence & Cassell James Somcrs Smith 02 30 10 '10 9 49 29 80 U 34 29 35 8 10 22 23 19 23 9 tax 4 53 42 79 42 50 143 80 234 52 241 G1 37 4'. 15 03 41 17 73 07 122 64 22 84 215 72 12 07 11 78 02 42 4100 1U4 Earley, Brickel 4 Hite401 89 4107 4108 4P'9 4110 4111 4115 834 893 1)90 897 1025 094 4110 1049 4103 9S0 4407 440S 1886 107 20 25 237 10 205 02 2H3 37 254 05 291 (10 197 77 348 02 22 62 31 C5 9 23 4103 4123 4103 4100 4100 4107 410" 4107 4107 4108 3108 4110 4110 4110 4110 4115 4115 4115 4976 4880 40951 4092 4091 4003 f 4244 j 4245 J 4244 4244 4(101 4('95 4373 40(i7 4170 4178 4077 4073 4U( 1 I OS 7 4097 40'JS 4-74 4187 4901 4S10 l 4002 4177 4190 4'.MM 4274 4274 4170 4097 4088 40s8 4180 4007 4170 4178 4189 4098 4087 4097 4096 4181 4184 42 42 50 4080 105.40 N.westera M AEx.Co 8 70 4 '78 30 ,l ,1 15 22 4091 61.07 do do 24 70 4.I4H 490 do do 198 60 4243 Wl 47 do do 260 9 4178 20 do do 7 32 h.p.l. 45.50 do do 17 30 s.ll. 1.50 do do 1 94 Sheriff's Sale HIUMT.ANl) TOWNSHIP 81 l():0 Thomns Strut hers 123 97 Tl iiimas Strutliers 110 2' Thomas Strutliers 113 ft'. C. B.Wiight&Duhring 80 73 " 80 78 3758 1000 2 12 l 1099 8062 8 H 3l64 831 3003 831 2019 895 1778 1081 2025 . 106 2025 100 2027 181) 031 402 954 150 2034 DO J03fl 330 8788 1000 3752 346 Walter Bryant - do - do . . .. A. Wolf Janet M. Mack Northwestern eor. Geo. Dickinson Rub-div!fion No.9 Cjeo.Dii'kii'son Sub division No. S Freeman Ellis John N. Lane 80 78 87 i2 1)9 98 11 18 1219 49 9.' 92 03 13 40 9 93 34 79 123 97 86 67 FOX TOWNSHIP. 2735 J. S. Hydo 1,297 39 Brussels rond. E. J of No. 80 8 10 48S6 26 Earley. Brickie 4: Hite Brussels road. E, of No. 34. 8 10 30 Earley. BiicV.lc & Hite 11-21 TJ.6 'JM 2357 Oi.0 Eating House Tavern , EntliiK House Taveru Fochtman, John Groll, John Gels, William likimooiii, John K raus, Jauob Luhr, Ilenry HI ley Bros. Hcliauer, Authouy Harg. Fox Vogel, Lorem Wuiufcliier, Jas. F. Take notloa, all who are concerned lu tbls appraisement, that an appeal will be held at tbe commissioner's office In Itldga ay on the SStb.day ol'May,A.D.l'M),beU-eou tbe hours of A, M.anU 7 P. M, when and where you can attend it you think proper. i M. B. Kiixe, Appraiser, - April a. 1880 -Light running, Letost Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of Wt?t, t Mrs, W. 6. e'ervice'fl. 67 70 2S1 43 281 48 421 i; 481 GO 281 CO 481 4 50 67 188 481 87 207 225 K0 281 49 105 114 727 20S 202 990 800 145 9()0 500 202 485 20n 223 25 25 23 99.) 7 640 100 320 123 51 100 50 05 60 130 000 3-SO J. R. Hvde 12 85 J. S. Hvde 10 80 J. S. Hvde 08 15 J. S. Hvde 19100 J. S. Hyde 24 70 C R. Enrlev.T.FuIllot32 00 Enoch Clapp 73 05 Michael Shcehan .15 22 Earley .Brickie & Hite 07 00 " ' 12 61 " " " 20 89 " " " 29 41 .. .. J-;. 2r, " " " t-4 57 03 09 118 07 Caroline M. Prey E. R. England E. R. England Hanuali Barnard Jliihurd Cardner iio do H. A. Ste))licns U corne( White Thomas Martin Southeast corner Malacliia O'Uourkc Edward Bonner J CChnpinEstate Eliza McUlniiuhlin EuKlaud it Brown Josepli Wilhelm 1831 1005 vVllethcnv Imnk of Pitlsburir 1879 lax 51 23 18'.3 962 John F. James 93 35 3701 1095 Martin Hurt 127 14 1783 902 AbnerCassell 93 35 1858 888 John O.Brown 80 08 87G6 1000 J.C.Chanin Estate on undivided one-half 65 00 2403 815 J.C. Chnplu Estate 31 20 2456 289 " " " 28 75 3771 200 Nathaniel F.Jones 24 4 3775 1000 Nathaniel F. Jones 128 97 1799 100 James OallaKher Sub-division No. 9 10 03 1790 800 Clias.B.Gillis-Sub-div. Nos.2,3,4,5 7,9,8and 10 70 12 1770 500 Clms. B. Uillis Sub-div. . Nos,13.14,15,lnndl7 30 75 2034 i2 John Thompson Sub division No.5 2034 P0V r.E.Keiinedy 2031 10";8 Mrs. Richards 3G50 090 Wm.M'K.nic!it 1879 tax 3778 1000 Henrv M. DccUert 2K.4 288 JotmNicholson :lil55 1019 Alfred Avery 2030 1043 John Ryan others 30'W 490 Ia. Wiliiiarth Estate 3762 1000 Gcoiye Brooks fS. II. Detwiler '777 4nn ' ('eorre Ciuiim 1 Andrew I. ltmrr I (ii:orje Mc Knight 3783 100 Thomas Grirtitli 2200 210 J. M. Sterlcv HORTON TONV'NSHIP. 4280 1037 J. S. Hyde Vine yard run' lot 4370 454 J.S. Hvde-Sub-div lios.l,2.:i.4,0,7,9,lU13 SI 24 4279 C32 J. L. Ellis 152 04 4370 26 (Ji-or-jo Dickinson J of sub-division no.15 4370 50 Winjrart & Rubcl sub-division No. 10 4070 50 C.M.Albert sub div. No :'o 4371 62 Jacob Didlot Sub division No. 23. 4370 60 Mathias Kline No. in 1879 tax 4371 52 Mathias Kline-No. 27. IH79 tax 1879 tax 4371 52 Joseph Hertzell no.27 79 tax 6 01 4309 573 Pn. Caunel Coal Co. 13'i 22 4344 952 do do do 223 0'i 4453 900 do do do - 214 40 4342 577 Shnwmut Can'l Cl.co.137 17 4343 609 do do do 135 28 4450 900 do do do 213 40 4248 154 .T. C. Wellington 45 95 4248 41 Noble Coal & oil Co. 1102 4249 00 do do 16 67 4370 20 Joseph Wi!hc!m 1 of Sub-div. No. 15 C 07 4243 ft.r Hvde & BrocUway 4242 r' Hartshorn lot 219 89 -. 50 Hvde & Brock way R. (iillis lot 7 49 75 Hvde ct- Broekwav (''. McCul lough lot 20 47 4400 250 Hyde & Brock way 49 08 4212 107 do do Firman lot 8 38 1272 10'tt Hvde & Broekwav 33 45 4212 347" N B. Lane & others 40 01 42(10 WO Henry Lori'ii; Carlisle 42 82 412 9'JO do 97 44 4271 010 John C.Frmch-W.prt49 5b 430 2.i J. V. l.iiw j ot 1-' dli i 457:) 50 O. Wise sub-div. no. 17 10 79 1370 25 ilea.- Wise i of 19 5 81 4o7D 50 Geo. Wcis stib-div.23.10 79 4400 200 Wm. Mack 40 14 N. western M.vEx.col48 ',: 40 83 C 95 9 64 102 67 4'$0) 103 38 30 07 9S '.'2 K'l O'.l 49 2 103 39 52 17 128 97 21 10 23.) 44 6 02 10 74 10 71 11 OS C 43 6 04 C 45 & WestCretk Man. & Mining Co. 4878 993 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. . 4879 1463 West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 4944 090 West Crtek Man. A Mining Co. 4045 090 West Creek Man. Mining Co. 4880 1488 Charles Hett.ner 2874 052 Lyman Wiiniarth cst.232 84 4005 990 M'K'n & Elk Land A- Imp't Co. 281 60 4887 090 M'K'n & Elk Land Imp't Co. 20126 4881 511J J"1"' Morris 208 16 4886 i 0fin Martin Scrg-Eschbaeh 4887 I lw road,Nos,14.15,10 & 17. 57 70 4089 142 .WmC. Black A v. B. 41 08 125 Wilcox tan. Co. SI 45 50 Rupert Wncker 14 16 00 Sidonia Von Ersel 130 07 25 James Cox 8 10 James Cox-lot f.l.Cros.st.l 29 Lot Nos. Uidoway sr. 79 James Doyle 58 Thomas McCormick 69 Thomas McConuick 102 David Spillane Railkoad Stkllt. 67 r-ii rah lieu ley Talbot Stuekt. Thomas Collins 42171 .0 4373 i 4247 243 $7 15C0 4067 25 14 60 50 171 Henry Clinton Witt Wm. Apple Patrick Mack in Amid Turlcy Joseph Wilhelm C. R. Earley Joseph Wilhelm Noble Coal ct- Oil Co Richard Edwards 191 33 24 70 214 38 95 bl) 81 97 77 63 32 00 45 39 10 83 8 90 8 90 100 54 6 81 80 22 28 05 70 84 13 32 13 08 24 70 12 85 1 1 27 11 82 33 2 1 0 ) 25 o'i 63 32 28 10J 15 200 08 2 0 3 80 2.63 20 76 4372 762.60 4871 4334 ( 870.50 4409 805.00 4452 811 4242 2S.70 2tM I 418S ;465 4272 618 4340 00 4!'l 325.40 4213 115.05 4255 1 4390 J 1062.10 4451 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 156 1)4 163 88 145 21 6 03 43 82 GO 97 135 52 9 50 64 23 31 50 105 70 17 18 30 38 30 William Shine Thomas Collins Horace Little! Jacob Hartmau Joseph Faberly lot 11 83 James D. Wet ham A. Mctjuono lot 48 20 C. W. Rigby 2 lots from M.J Earley 2 58 Wm.&Micliael Clokc 2 lots from M.J. Eurley 2 58 Henry Largay 1 lot irom M.J Eartc" 1 79 4082 303Sheldon,StebighfcBat101 33 4077 709 do do do 221 40 4889 m C. It Earley 15 22 4890 887 do 92 72 4271 380 do 100 07 4U78 41 ' do 10 73 4078 50 do 12 85 4078 08 do 14 70 4081 CO do 15 22 41)81 45 do 11 CO 4087 C7 C. R. Earlev Birch lune.Nos.S ct- 10 8 85 4087 25 C. R. Eariey St. Mary a and Centreville road 5 77 4088 47 C. R. Earley 12 18 4007 179 C.R.Eurley-Cross rd. Nos.l.2,3,9,10,llaii(il4 43 43 4098 67 C.R.Earley Caledonia Id 2 amis amis Jof 7 14 51 9 1-10 C. R. Earley 8 14 121 4082 )7 Earley.BrlcklcctHito 85 85 1 21 4 83 635.42 N. western M.&Ex Co242 35 Haven hit 1030.3HN. western M ScKx.eolh3 31 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 11 CO Arms B. Merrill 189 10 6:83 825 do do 2'i7 7 f.'J87 825 do do 267 75 6L8J 540 do do 178 84 5290 012.7 lo do 140 65 4194 400 William Parker 78 09 4195 676 James Lvnde 113 57 4190 98U 1). K Jones 191 28 4197 22"J JamcsStokes 64 18 5005 Wo do do 170 31 4105 206 do do 41 23 4195 2(17 Sebastian Weis 40 1'0 4107 245 do do 48 88 4893 134 Rcuding.Fisher &Co. 44 61 4S9.I 115 do do '.0 63 4'O0 4ui) William Robinson 10a 31 4845 70 do do 19 26 j fiutil O.'io Philip M. Price 129 98 6019 00(1 do do 1299H 500B 0n0 do do 129 98 4890 212 E. B.England " 60 31 5007 900 !n 12 58 5004 f90 ' do 129 68 4802 200 DnBois & Lowe 40 01 4191 990 Richard Gardner 452 41 4185 300 llezekiah Iiorton oo t'8 4848 100 do 27 15 4897 25 David Tyler 7 65 6029 on Finlcv, Young & Co 14 10 6018 990 "do do 129 18 4892 220 I). W. Monro V 53 6030 04 O. R. Price 19 84 4&98 090 Henrv Loral nc 618 65 5' 17 090 do 610 8o 4895 98 Tyler & Flu ney 20 H 4895 H8 do 20 14 FOIt BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri Ineias, alias fieri facias, vendl tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Countv.nnd, to me directed, I. I). V. OYSTER, High Shcriiroi'sald county, do hereby give notice that 1 wl.l expose to public sale or outcry fit tho Prothonotary's cflice, lu Ridgway, at one o'c.ock v. M., on MONDAY, MAY 24, 1883. No. 1, nil the right, title, interest, claim and demand of the defendant to or out of certain lot of land situate in the village of Bcnezette, Elk county, P.i . bounded and described as fol ows, to-wir. L-.t No. 11 on Front street, nnd beginning at a post 6 )0 i'ei4 north f wenty tlirceflerecs west from a sand stone corner at the junction of sai l Front street with the roud leading to Harbison Wilson's, thence aiong iid street north twenty-three derees west sixty feet to a corner post; thence north sixty-seven degrees cast one hundred and fifty feet to an alley; thence along said alley soulli twenty three degrees east sixty feet to a cor ner; thence soutli sixty-seven degrees west one hundred and fifty feet to t lie place of beginning, containing nine tlnmsaud superficial feet. Upon the said premises there is erected a store house 18x30 feet, two stories liigh.whh Irame wing of 18x30 feet, cellar under neath, a shoe-shop 14x30 feet ; a burn 20x30 feet. No. 2, also all the right, title, inter est, claim and demand of defendant of, intooroutof another lot of land situate in warrant No. 5285, Jay town ship, Elk county, Pa-, bounded and described as follows: " Beginning at a butternut tree in the middle line of warrant 5285, standing 314 pen -lies from the west line ot the warrant ; thence east thirty-nine and one-tenth pctches to a post in said middle line and in western side of highway; thence parallel with und forty tet-i from line of land sold to B. E Morey and James M. B.ttcniHii south fony nix and one half degrees west thirty twoand four-tenths pcrchi'S to a post in the eastern line of St. Mary's road; thence north 11 ty derives west sixteen perches; thence north twenty-two de grees west thirteen perches to said middle line, a post in t lit eastt-rn line of St. Mary's road; tntuce east one and seven-iinths perches to the place of beginning, containing, three and onc-tcnth acres, more or less Upon said premises there is erected one Blind! shed ham, one two-story frame house 10x30 nit No, 3 Also, all the right, title, inter est, claim and dcmaii t of dci'cmbmt of, imo or out of the fo'lowimr tract or parcel of land situate in Bene.cttc township, Eik county, Pa., bounded and described as ndlows: Beginning at ii post in the center of the highway, the northeast corner of a two and one eighth acre lot deeded by Erasmus Morey to Amelia Derr; thence north sixty-one and one-ijuaricr degrees west twenty-six perches to the north west e-irner of the sunn-; I hence north forty-five degrees cast seventeen per ches to n post in the east line of the Kitiatid lot; thence soutli fifty-nine de grees cast I wcnt.v-lhrte' and five tenths perches to said highway; thence south thirty-seven a id. one half degrees west fi.tccn and live tenths perches to t lie place of begin ning, containing two acres and seventy two perches. Upon saiii premises there is erected one frame dwelling house 16x28 feet, barn 30x48 feet, with shed attached 18x50 feet. No. 4, .vlso nil the right, title, inter est, c aim and demand of defendant, ,of, into or out of one other piece or parcel of h'n l situate in Bcnezette township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Being n part of a certain tract known as tin ts itlnml lot, beginning nt the north west corner of a piece or parcel ot laud conveyed to Amelia Dvir by Erasmus Morey, running along the north side of s;iid lands cast one hundred am nineteen aim two-icuins ro.ts to it po.-t oft the line of liie Porter survey; thence north forty five degre-s i-a'-l seventeen rods to a post on the east iinc of the Kitiand tract; thence north sixty-eight aim seven-tt u lisro ls to a post on the ridge road; thence north seventy-six degrees west nine and lour-teni lis rods; thence north sixty; one degrees west twenty-six and two tenths rods; thence Uorlh sevinty-two degrees west eighteen and two-tenths rods; thence north sixty-three and one-half degrees west twenty-seven an I one-tcntlis rods; thence" north sixty degrees west nine rods to ibe in tcrscetiou of a log road with the afore said ridge road; thence along the said log road north seventy-one and one half degrees west twenty one rod.-; thence north t-ixty live degrees west, sixteen and eight 'tenths rods to a post; thence south six degrees wot one lumdicd and thirty nc rods to the place of bcginuiugconliiining eighty twoi.cres and one hundred and thirty two perches, be the same more or less. and upon th most 1 ning thence west. (29) twenty perches and twelve (12) links to the northwest corner of said land; thence west. nim (9j m-rches to the centre of tile road Icadiirr from Charles Leg, gett's to Caledonia; thence along tbe centre of said rond to the south line of sai l patent No. 6029; thence to the place of beginning containing one half nere(l-2,lnclndinr all the laud 'v Ing between thenforesaM hind formerly owne I by said Burt and rond. Seized and taken In execution as the property of B. E. 'Morey, and to be sold at the suit of Corcoran, Bubb & Co., and Erasmas Morey. ALSO The following described real eotate, sliunte In Horton township. Elk Co., l i nus.vlvi.nia, bounded nud ileorib"i as follows i 1. Bert hing nt a post on the iior'hwcst corner of a thirty acre lot lute n- Hi nry Karns ; thi'iico west by land late 'of Peter O Il:ra, nini'tv-chrht ami one-In'f DAN 8CR1BNER WISIIE8 inform the citlzeha of Ridgway. the public generally, that he ha started a Livery Stable and will kep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let reasonable ternit. gr He will nlsodoiobtcamintr. Stable on E'k street All orders left perches more or k,s toapo-t; theneet,,, thc Post &1Rc" j r onVpt north one hundred ami seventv-l wo .... ,i i...bjihuji north one hundred und seventy-two perches more or less to a post; thence east partly by sub- ii vision No. 2 of warrant No. 4370 nud partly by land late of Dennis Kjtgieston niiiety-ci.fht and one half perches more or less to a beech live; thence south one hundred and seventy-two perches more or 'ess to thc place of beginning, containing one hundred acres and allowance be thc same more or less, about thirty 'icres of which Isclearcdand improved, there is erected an old tog house used as barn. 2d. Beginning at a buss wood tree at the northeast corner of land late of Henry Kiirns; thence west one hundred and four perches to a beech; thence north one hundred and fi't.v-seven rods to a post; thence east one hundred ami eighty-five rods to n pot; thence soutli by land of Clark Esrglcston ninety-six 'rods to a hemlock; thence west thirty five rods to n po.-t; thence north 09 west twenty-eight rods to a cherry tree; thence south 3:J west thirty-lour rods ton post; thence south forty-lour roils to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty-two iictvs and ll'ty-six perches nnd allowance, 3d Beginning ut thc bass wood last above mentioned, the northeast corner of tills lot; tin nee west one hundred and sixty rods to a po-t; t hence soutli li.'ty rods to a post; l hence cast one huuoreil and six rods to a pod; thence north ll.ly rods to the place of beginning. containing thirty-three and one-tenth acres. 4th Beginning nt u post titty two rods west of the southeast corner of tite sixty-six and scven-tcnih acre lot conveyed to Henrv Earns by Dan iel Kingsbury ami wife by deed dated tbe 81st day of August," A. 1). 18Vf; thence north ten rods to a. post; them e west iniry mils to u post; tbec.ee south ten rods to a nost in tbe north line of thc one hundred and forty-two acre lot ahove described; thence north along said north line east thirty perches, containing three hundid square rofis ami lci " parlor sixty- six anil seven-tenth ; i r i lot. 1 he said three lots of urouun la-t above de scribed altogct her contain one liundn d and seventy seven acres of land more or less, anil is known as the 'Kaiu's farm' about fifty acres of wiiich is im proved mi l lias a small orchard grow ing therein, a id iijmiu which there is erected a frame house iix".'4 feet, two- stories high with kitchen attached. Also a frame barn 32x10 feet with shed attached. 6ih Beginning at n post at the southeast corner oi land late ol Dennis Eggleston; thence west one hundred and sixty roils more r less to a post; thence Youth sixtv-six and seven-tenths rods more or icss to a post; thence north ten rods more or less to a post; thence ca-t thirty rods more or less to a post; thence ninth ten rods nmre or les- to a po.-t; thence ca-t fifty-two reds more or les lo a post: tli cuce north by land of C ark Eggleston sixty-fix and seve i lentlis rods more or le.-s to the place o' begin ning, containing sixty four acre-am! one hundred and thirty two perches, being part of warrant No. 4248. Oth. Beginning tit a post ut the northwest corner of the lot of land conveyed to lfo'n rt Mcintosh by (hi-Trustees o! the U.S. land company -I hence one hundred and forty-eight rods more or icss to a post; theme west one hundred ami seventy. seven reds more or less to a po.-t; thence uorlh one hundred and forty-eight rods more or less to a post ami sioucs; imnee ial one hundred and scvenly-scvcii mils more or less tc the place of beginning, containing one nunorea ami sixty-three acres and one hundred ami sixteen perches more or icss, oeing part ot warrant No. 4218. Seized and taken in execution as thc property of Jonas C. Wellington at the suit of Peter O Hara now for use ot James O Hara. attention. Aug201871ti Ps n compound of the viHUM of FarRRpnrlila, tilliugia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash unit iron, n'l powerful blood makia,!. llood-cluaasiug. mid i-fe-sustaiiilnj eliaiiHUts. It in the narest, safest, and in every way Hie most effect i'.nl idtcratfvc mcdi. cine' known or available t'. the public, Th si'ieiiers of nr-tlictn" and chemistry Uavo uaver prnihtepil co vnhui'elo a reinedy. nor one so potent to enru all ilisensc.s resulting from iinmiru blood. It. euros Scrof uln, anil all srrofulo'.n discuses. Ery.ipclns, Hose, or St. Anthony's Fire, I'lmplcs and Face-grubs, rustnlos, Itlo'ches, Coils Tumors, Tetter, Humors. Salt Klicutn, fSPald-lien-t, Itlngwoi-m. I'lcors, Bores Kheunnitisiu. Mrrriirlnl Disease, Neu raisin. Fpnialo Weaknesses and Irrcjtu birities, .Jininilioc, Affections of the I.ivi-r, Dvsrepsln, ICmucIution, aud Ciraeral Debility. r.y Its scarMng mid ilransing fjanlitiM it paries out th fnl rorrnptions whlcli 'ca'iiiminati! the 1-U.imI. and cause derange cicat ami deenv. It Htimulutes nnd enlivens 1 7m vital fund ion t. It promotes energy and Rtr"ii'th. It restores ami preserves health. It inliiHei new lit" ami vi'jor throughout the v. !el" system. No sufferer from any ilisca-.e v.'.iif'.i aiis vi from Impurity of the hlool need, il.r.oviir, who will give Avrit's Sakj acarilla a l-ur trial, llcnieciixr. Uie earner tu tri.il, thj speeukr the Hire. IN V 'i'ipa iiri.'i n'on furnished to physician every wieT : and t'.i"y, r 'e'ifiaizing its supe rior ipiulities, a (minister it in their practice. For nearly forty years Arm's S.asArA ltu I h:is been widely used, and it now xsw -.'ss-s the rnn'M'-nre ot millions of people win. have exnerieneeil beuetits from Its unir vellou.i curalive virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Ci Co., Prntt.'eiil nnil Anilvilci'l ChemlnU, Lowell, Mats. -v i ?r am. pRioaisT svsnnrBERI. ri;NNVLVANIA KAlh ltOAl Philadelphia & ErieR. R Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY. November U. 187!t. the trains on the Philadel phia & Eric Railroad Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. K3IK MAIL loaves PhPa 11 65 p. in. " " Renovo 11 00 u. rn " ;' ICini'orium.l 15 p. ni. " ' St. Mary'8,.2 11 p. m. " Ridgwa'y... 2 80p-m. " " Kane 3 CO p. m. " arr at Erie 7 05 p. in. EASTWARD. khif. mail leaves Erie 11 85 a.m. " " Kane 4 00 p. in. " " Ridgv. ay... .5 00 p.m. ' " St. Mary's..5 27p. m. " ' Emporium. H 25 p. m. ' " Renovo 8 40 p.m. " arr. nt Phila 7 00 a.m. Wm. A. Rai.dwix. General Sup't. 1 21 1 21 1 21 121 1 21 401 48f0 James Coyle 10 lots between Kersey and Talbot streeU Acres. 26 J. 8. Bate 1 21 4004 444.60 do do 94 86 1 21 401o 272.95 do do 87 2 121 4Hai 478.40 -do do 170 85 4079 70 lo do 23 12 4245 84 do do 42 84 2 89 4244 67.70 do do '29 12 4373 168.30 do do 02 09 S5 4002 f.0 do . do ' S0 75 ' " CONTINUATION OF TREASUKEK'S WALKS SEE SUPPLEMENT. - 11 1 v Itcglslrr't Nollce. Notice Is ticrcby given that the fol lowing account will I, e prispntcd at the next Orphan's Court, tor tiiontlrma lion: 1 1. Account of Peter TSompson, Ad ministrator of the cstatifof Aucljdius K vlcr deceased. 2. Accouni olf'utlia A'i:ip, Ad ministraliix of the euti pf Joliu l'eteihon. lute of Join s township, de ceased. Fit ed. fc'cH-ENiNO. Register. t Wanted-D Potty & Co.. Nura erymen, want a "w good reliuble men to sell tkee'b iiNE's and SHRUBS through this ste. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. For full partbjilars address, D. H. Putty A Co., tjfel Broad St., Newark, K.J. ' . ni W8 No. 5, Also, all the rigid, title, in terest, claim and demand of defendant into or out of ii not her parcel of laud situated, lying and being in the town of liimaette, 'Elk (oin.iy, Pu , ami known and dcM-ribcd as lot No. nine teen, on Second street in the plot oi' i-aid town us tiled in thc ollicc lor re cording of diedi in Rutgway, Elk county. Pa., having sixty feet front on Miid Second t-luct, ami one hund red ami n;iy feet deep to un alley, boundid on the M.utliwc.-t by Second street, u ibe southeast by lot number seventeen, on I he northeast by ihe alley u'.'oresnid, and on the northwest by lot number twenty-one, and con taining nine tiion-ami feet of laud. No. U, A'so, nil the hemlock limber standing upon two hundred acics ot land, part or l noma ovcrlun s larm in the towii!shi of Ilentzettc, Elk county, la., near the Ilennelt's llrauch of the Sinnemahouing creek. About eiglity acres Is covered with hemlock limhir, estimated at 40.l,txw tcet board measute, from wldch 300 to 0 cords of bark limy be peeled; U itij; the same timber wiiicl. the suiti 'i'lios Ovcrturf covey ed lo Edward Walter, and by the said Walter conveyed lo the said li. E. Morey. which said con veyances are of record In thc Record er's ofrlce of Elk county. No. 7. Also, all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand of defend ant in audio Ihe following deserilied land: Reginning at what formerly was the soulhea-t corner of Charles Lcggett's farm, which is the north line of patent No. 5U30, and tiom thence west along said line ten chains and thirty links to a corner; thence north live chains and twelve links lo a corner: t hence tast ten chains ami thirty links to a corner, thence south to the place of beginning, laing Ave chains aud twelve links, containing five acres and torty .eight perches, be ing situated in tlm south part of pat ent No. 6029, in Jay township. Eik county, Pa No. 8 . Also, a certain messuage. piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and luing In Jay township, Elk countv. Pa . bounded and described as follows: . Beginning at the southwest corner of land formerly owned by Wm, Burt, la patent &1, and ruo- TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied wit u w hen the property is strucli oil'; 1. All the bids must be paid In full except wiiere me piaintuior otlur 1 en creditors becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well us all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified listoi lieim shall be fumi lud, including mortgage scprchis on the prooerty sold together with such lit n creditor's, receipt for the amount ol tho proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof us he shall uj .pear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will hi continued until six o'clock 1' M;. at which time ali property not set tled for will again be put up and sold ut the expense and risk of the per-on to whom it was first struck oil', and who, in case of dificiency at such re sale, shall make good thc same, und in no instance will the deed be presented V V I .,, Ml., UIKID. tliU .11,4 413 CI, HI PATENTS. PstcPts procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fein in Advance. Our House was established in 1869. Wo rile CAVEATS, and obtain ' TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention. with your own description of it. for our opinion as to patentability. No Attorney s i-icM unless I'atent m .Mcureil. Our Hook of Instructions, etc, "How to Procure- Patents," sent free on request: also sumnla copits of the Scientific Record, the Inventors Journal. R. 8. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, 004 F Street, near Patent Offlco. ashlngton, D. C ally siiud above statcii. for with tho Sheriff as D C. OYSTER. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa., 1 April -o, moil. i See Purdon's Digest. Ninth Edition. pago 440; Smith's Forms, 34. Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve Tonic is thc best icmcdy in use for poor appetite, weakness 'and trembl ing in the stomach, puin alter eating, heartburn, soreness aud gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases ot the bowels arising from poor digestion. One bottle lasts nearly three weeks. Price $1.00 Dr. Day s Cure far Head-ache is theonly remedy known that will slop an attack of sick or nervous hcaa- ache in its commencement: only tinea or four doses, half un hour apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure a cough with fewer doses hun any medicine in use. Price 60 cents a bottle. Dr. Duy's Ear Drops will give the greatest relief in neuralgia of-the face and will cure ear-ache immcdi- ateiv. Price 25'cciits a bottle- Ask your druggist ot storekeeper for these medicines Manufactured by D. li Day, 31. u uiugway, ra. The newtakcrv this Vrcek List ct Licenses for Slay term, 1S80. Notice is hereby given that the following per-ona have tiled their petitions for License in my office, and that they will he presented to tho Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednea day, May 2tith. ut 2 o'clock P. M. TAVEKN. Joy. 1. E. II. Dixon. Fox. 2. C. F. Kenote, KUlgway. 3. Falycr Ja keon, 4. Piter F. Rogcit, C. John Vaughun, tit. Mary' iiorough.' U. John Hanscom, 7. John Groll. EATING HOUSE, lienetette. 8. John Dei ley. Fox. 0. Andrew Hau. 10. James MtCloskey. STOKE. llidytvay. 11. II. L. Parsons. "That if any person or persons sliu'l neglect or refuse to lift his 1 er or their Licfhse, within FIFTEEN" DAYS aiicr the same has been granted such neglect or refusal ahull liedcemed a for.'i iture of suid License " I'urd.m. V. 2d.-page 943. . Fbed- Schcexiko, Clerk Q.S. . All note-heads and lettcr-heada printed at thiB offlco will be bound, without extra ctarge, with our patent blotter tablet all and bee spa meain - .. .1, f v