Hie f&ivatat . THURSDAY, APRIL 2ft, IPSO. K. of H. Ridgway Lodge No. 1844 meets on th 2d and 4th Fridays of each month at 8 o'clock. New Time Table. Under the new schedule the mall and local freight leave Ridgway station as follows: MAIL WEST - . . 2:38 . CAST . 5:00 LOCAL WEST - . 7:60 " EAST . . 3:25 School Exhibition at Hyde's Opera House, Saturday evening, May 15. Several communications and other matter is crowed out this week by our advertising rush . OUR SPRING CAMPAIUN. With this we Inaugurate ourSecond Spring Season in Ridgway. The prophecy of our competitors at our first Spring Opening, wo are happy to 'nay, has not been realized, viz: that our business career in Ridgway would be of short duration. We appealed to the public at our Opening for their patronage and support in our under taking, and it is with pride and tUankfahicss tbfA .we -state that our expectations haVe been more than rer lized-" We'again Appeal to the public . for. the.V support, :ahd we assure them that our business will be conducted, as heretofore one price and the truth. REMEMBER When you call at our establishment you can be assured that you can be waited upon by gentlemanly salesmen . Take your own time for making a selection, and if you are not satisfied with your purchase, have it exchanged or the money refunded. Our sales men will show a customer the same attention when exchanging as they do when selling goods, and In every res pect we strive to give no cause for complaint. A guarantee! Weguarantee this, and every article we sell to be exactly as represented, and to give reasonable wear for the price charged for it; also, to be us low as any of the same quality cun be bought at always holding ourselves ready to make the lo:s good to the purchaser. Should it prove to the contrary, or if the article, when ex amined at home, should tail to please you, or you be dissatisfied with your purchase in any way, you urc at lib erty to returu the same (in good order) within five days, and we will ex change it or cheerfully refund the money . New York Store, Ridgway, Pa , Cohen Bros. fc Brownstein, Pro prietors. . , good advice! It is a duty you owe to yourselves to first call and inspect our mammoth stock of Clothing, all kinds of Domes tic Goods, Notions, Boots and Khoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c, and learn our prices before purchasing. We have determined to retain the FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR, and the only way to do so is to gell the The Very Bkst Goods at the Smallcxt Living Profit. NEW YORK STORE, Ridgway, Pexx'a, Cohen Brothers & Brownsteinc, Proprietors. Do you want to wear good clothes? Do j'ou want to he honestly treated ? Do you want to cave money? Then purchase your Clothing, Domestics. Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, Ac, ut the NEW YORK STORE. gents' furnishing goods! No old goods in stock ! All New! All Stylish! And All so cheap that everybody, regardless of station In life or scarcity of funds, may be able to dress with taste. Inspect our stock and satisfy yourselves that we are Headquarters! Cohen Brothers & Brownstein, New York Store, Post Office Building, Ridgway, Pa. NEW YORK STORE. The largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready .Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c, Ac, every received at Ridgway now on hand at prices to defy competition. The recent advance In goods has made no change in our prices. We nell as cheap and cheaper than ever. Cohen Brothers & Brownstein, Pro prietor. Best prints 6 to 7c per yard. Best muslins 7 to 9 cents a yard. An Endless Variety of Shawls, Ladies' and Gents Ties, Silk trim mings, fringes, satins, embroideries, Ladies' Summer Suits, &c, &c. A large variety of all qualities and kinds of dress goods at lowest prices. Our stock is full and complete of everything too numerous to men. tion. Call, examine, and be eon vinced. Parties coming from a distance of 20 miles and purchasing goods to the amount of 20.00 or more will beal lowed their car fare- Those purchas ing goods to the amount of $10.00 will have their car fare paid one way. Remember the place New York Store, next door to the Post Office. Jas. McAfee merchant tailor will be at Benezette at the Benezette hotel ou Monday May JO, with a full line of new samples, comprising over 200 dif ferent atylia. Personal Jtm. C. B. Oould of the Cimiprnn enlivened our thnotum by his presence a few days since. Miss Aggie Stout, of Lock Haven. is now engaged in the tailoring busi ness ror jas. McAfee or this village. A J. Rummer and wife of Cale donia have been arrested and are now lu jail at tills place. English is still at large. J. C. Luther, formerly editor of this paper, and no"w of Culver, Mich., is visiting friends In town. Cal. looks flrst-rate. Mr. Dodge's stave mill on Boom's moontaln. cut 225,030 oil barrel staves In seven weeks. Mr. McCurdy or Titusville did the sawing. -A young man named Leander Shee ley of Wilcox, was washed oir a board raft at Raught's mill on Tuesday last and drowned. The body has not been recovered as yet. Win. When, a native of Sweden, sat on the end of a railroad tie Just above the bridge near Ely's mill Wednesday afternoon. A passing train going west, struck him on the left side of the heud.death resulting in a very few minutes. 'ew Court House Items. Robert Dill, of Erie, has been a warded the contract for uaintimr in side and outside complete and furn ishing all the necessary material, for $2349. Bauschnrd & Son, of Erie for the front doors and seats to court room get $008.20. Another party hud a bid in for $570.00. Pretty close figuring. The cost of the building this far including contracts above mentioned, and amounts yet due on contract for heating, nUo adding in the cost of the bell, reaches $"0. 000. The amount still necessary to complete the structure, Including grading of yurd, it is thought will not exceed $0,000. This udded to the above amount will make the total cost about $02,000. Prime Dairy Butter in one pound prints at Molester's. Mackerel in pails for family use at Morgestcr's. Noix de Coco best in the world for sale at Morgester's. Sudden Death. On Sunday morning last the citizens of our town were startled at the announcement that John F. Walker a prominent merchant, of this place was dead. On Saturday evening he was enjoying his usual health and was around until 10 o'clock P. M. having, after closing the stoic visited the barber sdiop and was discussing the shooting event up to that hour, when he bid hiscompan ions good night and returned to his residence, and to bed. Aliout two o'clock on Sunday morning his wife wakened out of her sleep and found him lying on his face, she arose from the bed and attended to the wants of her baby and afterwards spoke to him to induce him to change his position, and receiving no response laid her hand on his forehead and found it was quite cold. Becoming alarmed she turned up the lamp and upon exam ining the body closely fouud to her horror that he was dead. He was sub ject to tits, and it is suposcd that ho died in one of these spasms. His health for the past year lias not been good, and several months ago it was feared that ho would die of so-tening of the brain. He lias been an active energetic, though not at all times a prudent business man, and his loss will be felt by the community. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. Deceased was in the .12nd year of his age. St. Mary's Gazette. Fresh Rolls. Cakes and Pies at T. F. Bullers' Masonic building. Meals at ull hours at T. F. Bullers' Lunch-room in the Masonic Building. List of Licenses for May term, 18S0. Notice is hereby given that the following persons have filed their petitions for License in my office, anil that they will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes day, May 20ih, at 2 o'clock P. M. TAVERN. Jay. 1. E. II. Dixon, Fox. 2. C. F. Kenote, RUlyway. 3. Salyer Jackson, 4. Peter F. Bogert, C. John Vaughan, St. Mary's Borough. 0. John Hanscom, 7. John Groil. eating house. Beuezctte. 8. John Duiley, Fox. 9. Andrew Hau. 10. James McCIoskey. 8TOKK. liidfway. 11. II. L. Parsons. "That if any person or persons snail neiriect or reluse to lift his her or their License, within FIFTEEN DAYS after the Mime has been granted such neglect or refusal shall be deemed a forfeiture or Hiiiil 1.iioitx ' Purdon, V, 2d, page 943. Fi:p. SciicKNiNo, Clerk Q. S. l)r. Dmv'm Kirimiielt nn,l "Voir Tonic is the best remedy in use for ioor ueiiie, weuKness aim tremlil (ng in the stomach, pain after entinir heartburn, soreness and gnawing DaillS in the stomach neri'iimo.iu when tired, constipation and other ui i lie ooweis arising irom poor digestion. One bottle lasts uearlv three weeku. Prln ftl on Dr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is 1.1. t- .. -!! .. ... uiruiiiy rcmeay Known that will stop uu miucH iii hick or nervous head ache In its commencement: only three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure a cough with fewer doses than any medicine in use. Price 60 Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give wits greatest reiier m neuralgia of the . i iii . iui-e biiu win cure ear-acne immedl tttflv Prinn 2ft wiila a luitlln a - - - - - - m mi.iub. Ann your druggist or storekeeper for these ...jit.... ... . i , . liicuieiiics itianuiaciureu oy U, pay, M. D., Ridgway, Pa, Itldgvrnr Public Schools HHWC1PAI,' HKPORT POB IBB MOUTH in AraiL U ins r??' 5?l 11 l 5 . '22- " "l 70 65 83 2 80 4S M SI 83 2 70 TRACHERS. Ml Mr he K. Wilcox Mla Anno llHrrelt .WlftH Murllnimme Mls JeiiuieQreali Hi n 157' Ril J. I). HlDliell U 8iimnmrxr 1 2, 180 8U The following reoorl of ntlendnnce, punct uality and deportment U taken from the rrgulnr report to the Secretary. The average clrtM Handing of each pupil win ascertained by an examination held at the end of the month. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. l 5 5!3, ei e s f on ?! H 00 "SENIOR" GRADE RhodaWltcnx Maggie Klynn I.ewts fCuser (.'liaricx Meenan Lulu Hiiuler (J. U. Kime K. H. Kiy Ira Sherman Julia l'lynn "A" QKADB. Addle Bordwell Maggie Hheftn Kiille M.'Cinill I'.l In Kime Willie Kehrnm John Whltmnre Michael May I'litrlck Holland Willie r.lith. r Chimney Wilcox Willie Mveniin Irnnle Hall Belle B'niier "B" 11RADE. I.lzr.ie Flynn Adaii falono Kiltie Whitmore Flora Irwin Smile Iinmnreux Annie Kline Minnie Kline Joule Messenger Fdille Horton Kildie I.nyinon Walter K!chiirili Minnie Terwllllger John Nichols Kale MeKnaul "C" OKADB. Nellie OlniRtcd Jumei May Mack Kimo 981 100 (U l(X) 100 100 BH 100 1001 Ml l'JOl 08 100 ns 78 101 100 luo 90 SO: 00 1UO ss 100! 10.1 noi n-, w n I'JU; I"" Vil 1001 KW 08 i I"J liHll 88 nm l! 11.5 811 llt-i; Oil' or, 08 its fti OS 98 in 103 "til H2 00 US 100! j.M ml 00 os Wli us: iis 100 Minnie Miles I'D W 113, "r' union, nlinrles Sfrlbner Jennie MoleM l00 oy w mi W- 9sl Kilitle Tlolldny f.ii I n Holes V.'iillic Hill 81 7- oil! i'jo 100: 01 n.s! Warren Irwin ii-), Kninia Geary Oirrle Cmnmlngg Oeorge Mel'itiilu Charlie Geary 01 Hi, 118 (r lis onl dl 71): 111: 00i 88: Hruee Klino (18: 10! Chailie 1I:I 01' 04 OS 5.1; 100 100, Marcus 8ulllvan "E" GHADU. Maggie Tteesc Hcnnle Little 100' lOll ss' os! KKl' I'd; ino( 100 i' 0, no. III Clarice Rordwoll 10:1; 10:1 l'VI. I.lllie Gardner I.oiiIm Kliines Howard Miller an, m: fiSi hi; us- OS Joseph May iM' ion IIS 101 9 IIS 101 .May narreit. Willie Cunningham Klla Maiono 100: os) 80 Hi! I'm, 9) 91 101, os 1110 tn Sarah May (Ml .Mann Kime Kugeiie Wlllnrd 01 lfr'l l'Vl 9-- 4 imi: 82 Clara Willaid 100! fiOl ion Iielii Van Wagner A inellii Youngs 100 jio! 98 701. 90 Josle Weber 72i 78. J. D. HrsiiKi.i., Principal The Double Funeral. From tlic8t. Mary's Gazette. The funeral of Frank Wnrnith, and that of John F. Walker Esq.. took place in the St. Mary's Catholic church on Tuesday last ut 9 o'clock A. M. The circumstances intending tlie death of each of these younc nmrried meii would necessarily induce n lar'e nuni- ber of people to attend the funeral. The iiCvjuainUiit'en of each wan laiyc and they both deservedly popular, liy eight o'clock the streets were thronged witli people from town and surround ing; country bent upon paying the last tribute of respect to the deceased. The sudden death of Mr Walker was sufficient to horrify the community, but the tragic death of Mr. Wariilth seemed to iu tensity the feelings of the public tenfold. The St. John's so ciety, of which Mr. Wnrnith was a member, turned out in full force in their beautiful regalia, which added materially to the attractiveness of the procession. The large family connec tion of Mr Walker was the occasion of a large number of mourners fol lowing his remains to the grave. The procession started from the respective residences of the deceased at about 9 o'clock, and the two processions joined ut the intersection of St. Mary's, St. Michael and Centre streets, and from thence to the church where two re quium masses were sung, the lirst was conducted by Rev. Father Prior and the second by Rev. Father Edmund when the remains, iu their elegant caskets, were removed and the solemn procession was reformed and followed to the grave, the last resting place of mortal man. The funeral was by far the largest that ever took place in this vicinity. About 500 entered the church before the procession arrived and those in the procession numbered 720 souls, by actual court. Fully 1 100 went to the grave yard. The sight of seeing two men buried, who were called into eternity without a mo ments warning, was a sad sight indeed. The young widows have the sincere and heart felt sympathy of the entire community. ltcgister's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing niwiimr will Iia t,rtiuiit,jl iir the next Orphan's Court for conlirma- 1. Account of Pftfr Thnnmunn Art rninistrator of the estate. jf Adelphus II.T UeiTHWU. 2. Account ofSerelia Irnson, Ad ministratrix or the estate or John Peterson, late of Jones township, de ceased. Fred. SciitENixa, Register. . The new Bakery this M eek. Bread six cents a loaf at T. F. Bullers' Masonic building. Eggs twelve cents per doz. at T.F. Bullers' Masonic building. Square envelopes and legal fold eota paper at Ths Advocate office. ' Sheriffs Sale. . BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY wrIU of fieri facias, ulias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County.nnd, to me directed, I. D. C. OYSTER, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's office, in Ridgway, at one o'clock r. M., on MONDAY, MAY 24, 1880. No. 1, all the right, title. Interest, claim and demnnd of the defendant to or out of certain lot of land situate in the village of Bcneaette, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as fol'ows, to-wit. Lot No. 11 on Front street, and beginning at a post 600 feet north twenty-three degrees west from a sand stone corner at the junction of said Front street with the mad leading to Harbison Wilson's, thence along said street north twenty-three degrefts west sixty feet to a corner post; thence north sixty-seven degrees east one hundred and fifty feet to an alley; thence along said alley south twenty three degrees east sixty feet to a corr ner; thence south sixty-seven degrees west one hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing nine thonsaud superficial feet. Upon the said premises there Is erected a store house 18x36 feet, two stories high, with frame wing of 18x30 feet, cellar Under neath, a shoe-shop 14x30 feet ; a barn 20x30 feet, - ' No. 2, also all the right, title, Inter est, claim and demand of defendant of, into or out of another lot of land situate iu Warrant No. 6285,' Jay town Khlp, Elk County,'" Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a butternut tree in the middle line of wurrant 62n3, standing 3.14 perches from the west line or the warrant; thence east thirty-nine and one-tenth pel dies to a post iu said middle line and in western side of highway; thence parallel with and forty feet from line of land sold to B. K Morey and James M. Batemun south forty six and one half degrees west thirty twoand four-tenths perches to a pdst In the eastern line of St. Mary's road; thence north fifty degrees west sixteen perches; thence north twenty-two de gree west thirteen perches to said middle line, a post iu the eastern line of St. Mary's road; thence east one and seven-tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing, three and one-tenth acres, more or less. Upon said premises there In erected one stntill shed barn, one two-story frame house 10x30 feet No. 3, Also, all the right, title, Inter est, claim and demand of defendant of, into or out of the following tract or parcel of land situate in Benezette township. Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post in the center of the highway, the northeast corner of a two mid one eighth acre lot deeded by Erasmus Morey to Amelia Derr; thence north sixty-one and one-quarter decrees west twenty-six perches to the north west corner of the same; thence north forty-five degrees east seventeen per ches to a post iu the east line of the Kitlaud lot; thence south fn'ty-tiiiie de grces east twenty-three und live- tenths perches to said highway; thence south thirty-seven a'ld one half degrees west filtecn anil live tenths perches to the place of begin ning, containing two acres and seventy-two perches. Upon saiil premises there is erected one frame dwelling house 11x28 feet, barn IIOxlS feet, with shed attached 18x"0 feet. No. 4, Also all the right, title, iuler est, claim and , demand of defendant, of, into or out of one other piece or parcel of land situate in Benezette township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described us follows: Being o part of a certain tract known tts the K itland lot, beginning ut the north west corner of a piece or parcel of land conveyed to Amelia Derr by Erasmus Morey, running along the north side of said lands east oiie hundred and nineteen and two-tenths rods to a io.-,t on the line of the Potter survey; thence north forty-five degrei s cast seventeen rods to a post on the east line of the Kitland tract; thence north ixty-clght and .seven-ten: lis roils to a post on the ridge road; thence north seventy-six degrees west nine and four-tenths rods; thence north sixty one degrees west twenty-six and two tenths rods; thence north sevtnty-two degrees west eigli teen and two-tenths rods; thence north sixty-three und one-half degrees west twenty-seven and one-tenths rods; thence north sixty degrees west nine rods to the in tersection of a-log road with the afore said ridge rond; thence along the said log roaii north seventy-one and one half degrees west twenty one rods; thence north sixty five degrees west, sixteen and eight tenths rods to a post; thence south six degrees west one hundred and thirty one rods to the place of beginning, containing eighty two acres and one hundred and thirty- two perciies, be tue same more or less. No. 0, Also, all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand of defendant into or out of another parcel of land situated, lying and being in the town of Benezette, Elk county. Pa, und known ai.d described as lot No. nine teen, on Second street, in the plot of said town as tiled in the office lor re cording of deeds in Ridgway, Elk county. Pa., having sixty feet front on said Second street, ami one hund red and titty teet deep to un alley, bounded on the south west by Second street, on the southeast by lot nuiulier seventeen, on the northeast by the alley aforesaid, und on the northwest by lot number twenty-one, and con taining nine thousand feet of land. No. d. Also, all the hemlock timber standing ukiii two bundled acres of land, part or i nomas uverturrs turm In the township ot Benezette, Elk county, Ph., near the Bennett's Branch or the Sinnemahoniug creek. About eighty acres is covered with hemlock limber, estimated at 4011,000 feet board measure, from which 300 to 400 cords of bark may be peeled; being tue same timber wnieti tlie sunt 1 tios Overtui'f coveyed to Edward Walter, and by the said Wultcr conveyed to the said B. E. Morey. which said con veyances are of record iu the Record' er's office of Elk conntv. No. 7. Also, all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand of defend' ant in and to the following described land: liegi lining at what formerly was the southeast corner of Charles heggett's farm, which is tlie north line of patent No..,.6Uu0. and from thence west along said line ten chains and thirty links to a corner; thence north live chums una twelve links to a corner: thence east ten chains and thirty links to a corner, thence south to tlie place of leginning, being five chains aud twelve links, containing live acres and forty .eight perciies. lie ing situated in the south part of pat ent No. 5029, in Jay township, Elk county, No. 8. Also, a certain messuage, piece, parcel or tract of land situate. lying aud being iu Jay township, Elk county. Pa . bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of, land formerly owned by Wm. Burt, jn patent 6i2i, and run nlng thence west (29) twenty-nine perches and twelve (12) links to the northwest corner of said land; thence west nine (9) perches to the centre of the road leading from Charles Leg. gett's to Caledonia; thence along the centre of said road to the south line of said patent No. 6029; thence to the fdace of beginning, containing one lalf acre(l-2), Including all the laud ly ing between theaforesaid land formerly owned by said Burt and mad. Seized and taken In execution as tlie properly of B. E. Morey, and to be sold at (he suit of Corcoran, Bubb & Co., and Erasmus Morey. ALSO The following described real estate, sit unto in Horton township, Elk Co., Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: 1. Beginning at a post on the northwest, corner of a thirty-acre lot late of Henry Kams ; thence west by land late of Peter O'Hara, ninety-eight and one-half perches more or less to a post; thence north one hundred and seventy-two perches more or less to a post: thence east partly by sub-division No. 2 of warrant No. '4370 and partly by land late of Dennis Eggleston ninety-eight and one half perches more or less to a beech tree; thence south one hundred and seventy-two perches more or less to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres and allowance be the same more or less, about thirty acres of which Is cleared and Improved, there Is erected on old log house used as ham. 2d. Beginning at a bass wood tree at the northeast corner of land late of Henry Knrns; thence west one hundred and four perches to a beech; thence north one hundred and fifty-seven rods to a post; thence east one hundred und eighty-five rods to a post; thence south by land of Clark Eggleston ninety-six rods to a hemlock; thence west thirty live rods to a post; thence north ii'.i west twenty-eight rods to a cherry tree; thence south 3(i west thirty-lour rods to a post; thence south forty-four rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty-two acres and fifty-six perches and allowance. 3d lieginning at the bass wood last above mentioned, the northeast corner of this lot; thence west one hundred and sixty rods to a post; thence south fifty roils" to a post; thence cast one hundred and six rods to a post; thence north fifty rods to the place nf beginning, containing thirty-three and nne-teiitli acres. 4th. Beginning at a post tilty two rods west of trie southeast corner of the sixty-six and seven-tenth acre lot conveyed to Henry Karns by Dan iel Kingsbury and wife by deed dated the 31st day of August, A. D. 18-17; thence north ten rods to a post; thence west thirty rods to a post: thence south ten rods to a post in the north line of the one hundred and forty-two acre lot above described; thence north along said north line east thirty perciies, containing three hundred square rods and being part of sixty six and seven-tenth acre lot. The fa'id three lots of ground last above de scribed altogether contain one hundred and seventy-seven acres of land more or less, ami Is Known as the ' Karn's farm about tilty acres of which is im proved and lias a small orchard grow- ng therein, and upon which there is reeled a traine house 1x24 leet, two- stones high with kitchen attached Also a frame burn 32x40 feet with shed attached. 5ih Beginning at a post at the southeast corner of land late of Dennis Eggleston; thence west one hundred and sixty rods mure or less to a post; thence south sixty-six and seven-tenths rods more or less to a post; thence north ten rods more or ess to a post; thence east, thirty rods more or less to n posl; thence south ten rods more or less to a post; thence east hlty-two rods more or lean to a post: thence north by land of Clark Gggleston sixty-six and seven-tenths rods more or le.-s to the place of begin ning, containing sixty four acres and one hundred and thirty-two perches. being part of warrant No. 4248. Cth. lieginning at n post nt the northwest ornerot the lot ot land conveyed to Robert Mcintosh by the Trustees of the U.S. land com 1 ia 11 v-t hence one ii und red and forty-eight rods more or less to a post; thence west one liuuured anil seventy. seven rods more or less to a post; thence north one hundred und forty-eight rods more or less to a post and stones; thence cast one hundred and sevent v-seven rods more or less tc the nlace of beginning, containing one hundred and sixty-three acres and one hundred and sixteen perciies more or less, being part of warrant No. 4248. Seized and taken In execution as the property ot 'Jonas (". Wellington at the suit of Peter O'Hara now for use of James O'Hara. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck oh": 1. All the bids must be paid in full except where the plaintiil'or other 1 en creditors becomes the purchaser. In which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as ull liens prior to that of tlie purchaser, und a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on tlie property sold togctltrr with such lien creditor's, receipt for the amount of tlie proceeds ot tlie sale, or sucn por tion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will b-i continued until six o'clock 1. M.. at which time ull property not set tled for will again be put up und sold at the expense and risk of tlie person to whom it was first struck off, und who, in case of deficiency at such re sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless the bid is actu ally settled for with tlie Sheriff as above stated. D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. Sheriff's ofllee, Ridgway, Pa., 1 April 20, iwu. 1 See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page 440; Smith's Forms, 3H4. That splendid rrgau sold by D. S. Andrus & Co.,- Williauisport, Pa., for $75.00 cosh with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 'ect 0J Inches high, is sold now for $80.00 with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. Write them Terms easy on long time also. Wanted D .H. Patty & Co., Nurs erymen, want a few good reliable men to sell tuke'8 vixk's and shrubs through this state. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. For full particulars address, D. II. Patty St Co., 721 Broad St., Newark, N. J. nl ni3 Fine or coarse boots and shoes at Jacob Butterfuss' shop Main street. Stock and fits warranted first class. For light and heavy single or double harness call on Jacob Butter fuss Main street. -7 bars soap for 25c at Morgester'i. FLOWERS 1 NOHE BETTER. . NONE CHEAfER. WE SELL FOR $1.00 Strong, vigorous and well grown plants. 8 Roses or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuchsias or 15 Verbenas rr IS Z1 SingPetunias or 15 Basket and Bedding P?n w?leu"n giJr or 12 Cl.rvsanthcmunis or 12 Gladiolus or 10 Dble Tuberose Bulbs for $1.00 or U piauCdVaU(i of each collection) 1.W or- half th$ Plants and Bulbs with a plant of the new Geraniums, DI.i . r i inft added?$5n00B Ot the wholS collection of 150 choice Bidbs and Hants for JMj with a' plant added of the va uable Geranium "NEW LI r E (distinctly sUined scarlet and white.) We guarantee safe delivery by Expres., Our Priced Circular of FLOWERS For EVERYBODY "Sent Free." HARRY CHAAPEU ' FLOHIST WILLIAMSPORT, PA. iu u rw rdunfa have been erorrn fsncelnlty for our retail trado-whlch Is a .,,i Lvotimr mio therefore the signs and Cut Flowersa specialty. Vegetable Plantsintheir season. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORN EY-AT-LAAV. Main street, llidgw-ay, Elk Co., Pa. " Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & KTCAULEY ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW. Office iu new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. vSi!l LUGORE & HAMBLEN ATTO UN E YS-AT-L A W , Bidgwiiy, Elk county, Pa. Office over It'. I. Campbell s store, Main Street. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnel.l.lSTO II'. WILLIAMS. (I.nte .f Klrntliiiivi:lc). T'liyKloliin nml Sinr ireoii. Hhlgwnr, P. (Illlceln Hull's I'.rlcU lliiililiui; (up-Btniisi.l KolVrenecs J. I'. Smilli. II. I YnuiiK, It. Knlolson, HtvattHii vlilc; Major John Kit ley, W. W.Ureenliiiul. Clarion. Has prut'tlccd his prolcssloii sue eeHsi'ully lor mure than ten years. G- 6. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PA RM ACEUTIST, N. W- corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa,, full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at ull hours, day or night- viniy J. S. B3RDELL, H. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Ilvd- House, biheehours:-! to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M. HYDE t!CUSE. W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon hint, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. ocMO'OU aPFLETGN'S AMERiCAH CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com plctein 10 vols. EaehvoluniecoiitainsNKi pages. It tnakesa complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $5 00 in cloth, Sfi.oo In leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. II. Fnirchild, Portvillc, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed aaent for Ell; county by C." K Jttdson, general acnt. List nf Causes Set down for trial ut May term 1830, commencing Monday, May 24. 1. John W. Briggs for use vs. R. I. Campbell, Adm r &c. No. 01 May term 1S77. 2. The Clearfield County Bank vs.C R. Enrlcy. No. 1, November term, 177 3. 'lhomas P. Merritt vs. J. W. Brown. No. 128, May term, 1878. 4. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Win- gart. io. rsepiemner term, 107H. 5. W. D. Drake for use vs. Kirhy and Silverthorn. No 45, Janurry term, 1879. 6. George A. Rathbun vs. The N. W. Mining and Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa. No. 47, January term. 1879. 7. Elius Moyer et al. Ex'rs vs. Iles ekiah Moyer. No. 3, Sep. term, 1879. 8. Peter Volk fo? use vs. Lorenz Vogel. No. 14, September term, 1870. A. F. A. Loesch vs. Henry Largay. No. 00, September term, 1879. 10. Zenas - Webb vs. Fran k C. Bow man. No. C8, September term, 1879. 11. Robt. I. Campbell vs. Herman Gorton. No. 74, September term 1879. 12. W. E. Johnson vs. The Bene zette Oil Co. No. 78, Sept. term, 1879. 13. Stephen Condon & Bro. vs. Daniel Eldridge. No. 81 Sept. term, 1879. 14. D A Pontius vs. Conrod Moy er, Jr. No 35, November term, 1879. 15. Frank X.Gerber for use vs. Joseph Gerber Joshua Sykes. No. 1- Janu ary term, 1880. Fked. Schoenin'q, Pro. Eisley's Pure Eistilled 95c. EXTRACT 25c WITCH HAZEL, ca, BAMAitsiis vmaincA. Equal in (anility to any made, and only half the nrlce. Coz. bottles 25c. Finis ouc. Relieves Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Sore Eyes, Nose-Bleed, Bleeding Lungs, Puinful Menses, Whiles, Asthma, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Spruins, Wounds, Rheumutism, Erysipelas. Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia. eie. NATURES UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. If your druggist has not got it have him order it of the proprietor, CEA&LES f. EI3LZ7 VTMis&l Cragst, 64 Couriland St., Kew York. n47mos3 EVERYBODY ' Cheapest Id the Best." Floral De BEST IN THE WORLD! AND SALERATUS Which Is the same thing.' Impnro Bl-Carb Sodn or Palcratna (which I thonamo thing) lofa light ly dirty white color. Itmny nppeac white, namlmil by iinpir, but i COMPARISON WITH tllUHCII A CO'f ARM AKDII AMMEK" BBAKB will ahovr the difference. See that yonr Saloratne and Bah Ins Soda, in whito and PURE, an ithould be ALL. BIMIt.AU 6 U 11 STAN CES nicd for food. Housekeeper who prefer bread muds with yeaat, will lmprovo Its quality, make it rise better and proventit from acuring, by adding one-half teaepoonftil of church A Co. 'a Soda or Baleratna. Ileiiure and not ueo too ranch. Too cm of this with aonr milk. In prcforonco to Baking Powder, Have twenty timoa Ita cost. Boa one pound package lor TOluablo informa tion and read caretull7. SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCE-R. Jam Poles ' Middletown X-CutSaws. JeflUrd's, White's and Mann's Axes, Tubular and 99 Lanterns. Fn.F.s. Dirilon'H X-Cut Saws. Boy u ton's Liirlitniug Saws. Corn Poppeks. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. J l'n. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Miii n street. n39 SEED POTATOES. MALIX'S EAKLY SEEDLING Guaranteed to come to perfection in two months if properly ' fertilized. Price $.j.oo a bushel : $2.50 i bushel ; 1.2 a peck or $1.00 a pound by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Address, R. M. MAL1N, Ridgway, Pa. Orders left at The Advocate! will receive prompt attention. Elk County Court Proclamation. WHEUEAS, the Hon. L. I. Wet more, President Judire for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and George Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices in Elk countv, have issued their pre cepts, to nie 'directed, for the time of holding of the Orphan' Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Rid ,'vnv, for the county of Elk on the "FOURTH MONDAY IX JAN. 1SH), being the li-ith day of the month, H miii nue week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner. Justice of the Peace and Con stables In und for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their ottices and in their be half appertain to be done, and ail wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any person or persons, are requested to lie then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual In their at tendance at the appointed time, agree-, able to notice. Given under my hand and seal, at the Hheritl'a office, In Ridgway, the 20th day of April In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. c OYSTER, Sheriff. RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES, &..., OF JONES TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 12, 1680. RECEIPTS. From taxes collected 8766 lo EXPENDITURES. Work on road and bills paid 4508 99 ASSETS- Funds in treasury 40 9 Due from seated taxes 422 27 x " " unseated taxes 381 19 " " D. Attelbarger 116 27 " Isaac Keefer 29 97 " V. Miller 63 01 1068 20 LIABILITIES. Supervisors orders outstanding 995 58 Assets over liabilities 67 62 POOR. - RECEIPTS Funds in treasury April 14, i87a ono Funds collected on taxes 430 60 1016 41 EXPENDITURES. Paid for supiKirt of poor 653 20 Treasurer's commission 13 83 667 03 ASSETS. Funds In treasury .449 41 Due from seated taxes 206 82 " " unseated taxes 305 86 Total AsmsU . 102159 No liabilities. By order of the Auditors, A. T. ALDRICH. Town Clerk. Linseed Oil, Cantor Oil aad Tur pentine at Morgester'a. I r