The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 22, 1880, Image 3

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THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 18130.'
K. of H.
Ridgway Lodge No. 1044 meets on
the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
at 3 o'clock.
Nfew Time Table. Under the new
Vhedule the mail and local freight
lenve Ridgway rtation as follows:
" EAST -
Local west
Men's Fine Boots at Morgester's.
largest, assortment of Garden
beerts In town at Morgester's.
uroceries bought at Molester's
delivered free to any part of town.
Kite flying Is now indulged In to
a- great extent by numberless email
boys, and several larger boys.
Axes, Nails, Axhandles, Wash
boards, Wasiituos, and Baskets at
v 11...1.. -t
iui iiul mm nenvy single or-
double harness call on Jacob Butter
fuss Main street.
The Auditors of Ridgway town
ship are In session this week nettling
up the accounts of the several town
ship ofllcers for the past year.
Spring and bummer samples of
clothing at McAfee's over Powell &
Kinie's store on Main street. A large
assortment of beautiful and durable
samples to select from. Call and leave
your measure.
If you wunt a sheet of note paper
if you want a quire of note paper; If
you want a ream of note paper, don't
fail to rail at The Advocate office.
We keep a large assortment of note
paper and envelopes, and sell cheap.
Mrs. T. F. Eullers would respect
full inform the people of Ridgway
and vicinity that she has just opened
a fresh stock of groceries which she
wilt exchange for cash at satisfactory
prices. Room next door to drcsh's
Furniture Rooms.
Teachers' examination will be
held by Superintendent Dixon, this
month as follows : Centrevilie, Satur
day, 24th ; Benezette, Thursday, l!9th ;
Caledonia, Friday, 8oth. They will
negin at u A. M. The standard of
qualiUcatiou will be raised i!5 per
ceu c.
me contest for ileum's seat in
congress by Andy Curtiu, is an ex
pensive job. It costs r-a.OOO to print
me testimony alone. Congress will
nave lo pay about ?200,0ou for the
whole Job. That's more than Curtin
will be worth to the Democracy when
they get him. Warren Mail.
t'ougrcgafioiial Council.
There will he held in the Lutheran
Church on Monday evening, April 2(i,
a council of congregational churches
to examine the proceedings of our
new organization, and recognize and
take the same into the sisterhood of
regular congregational churches.
Preliminary meeting to begin at P.
M., and public meeting ut 8 P. M
Two addresses will be delivered by
able m mister.
Now is the season of my discon
tent made doubly hnkoua by the
thought of oi;r mid-day meal taken, as
a tramp takes a hand-out. either on a
much abused joint of stove pipe or on
the back door step. The explanation
of all this is very simple, house-cleau-ing
has come. There is, however, one
consolation what is woe and conten
tion to us is is also shared by nearly all
the rest of mankind. Happy mortals
are we that the delightful houfe-clean-
jug nine comes oui once, or at most,
twice during each twelve months.
Flour in sacks $7.00 a barel: bar-
rels $7.25. $1.75 a sack at Morgester's.
Personal Items.
w ' ims column we propose to
give all the personal happenings com
ing uuder our observation. If you
nave a personal which you wish in
serted send in the partieulars.6a
Harry Powers hud a birthday last
I uesuay.
luiimitt Hovencamp, of High
land township, is a sojourner in our
beautiful village for a few days this
. C. Healy was representative
from the Ridgway lodge to the Penn
sylvania Grand Lodge, K. of II. held
at Pittston, last week.
Our "Devil" and Cal. Luther have
taken themselves to the pigeon woods.
Aow we expect there will be a net
ceptible decrease in the number of the
leathered tribe.
a n ounce Messina orange is
placed on our table by J. y. Mor
gester, the enterprising grocer, who
has on hand a fine lot of oranges of the
eame Kina tu well as lemons, bananas,
ligs, &c.
rtr rtnolo Ctnr., ...,!, 1
Tonic is the best remedy in use lor
poor uppeuie, w easiness and trembl
ing in tiie stomach, pain after eating
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
PHius in me stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and otlker
uiseases 01 me bowels arising from
poor digestion. One bottle lusts
neany three weeks. Price $1.00.
Dr- Day Cure for Head-ache is
tneonly remedy known that will stop
an attack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement: only
three or four doses, half an hour
a bottle re Dece6"iar'- price 50 cents
wmr .Day, Btaniard Cough Syrup
thin unl Wlth fr
Dr. Day's Ear Drops will (rive
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price- 25 cents a bottle1. Ask
&rug?i9Lor8t?rekeeP5r tot these
J&edlclnw Manufactured by D, B
Defying the Law.
About 10J o'clock last Friday morn
ing SherltT Oyster received a "dispatch
to the effect that Harry English had
shot and killed Frank Wernlth, con
stable of Benzinger township and
wounded Philip Vollmer, constable of
St. Mary's borough, while these of
ficers were endeavoring lo arrest
' Three or four weeks ago detectives
from Bradford. In company with
Frank Wernlth, constable of Benzin
ger township, Elk county, tracked
Harry English to the house cf A. J.
Rummer, his father-in-law, in Jay
township, where they arrested him
on a charge of forgery, when he asked
permission to go Into another room on
some trivial pretext, and succeeded in
making good his escape, Constable
Wernlth sending several shots after
the escaping prisoner but without
Constable Vollmer had received
notice on Thursday last that English
was again at the house or Rummer.
District Attorney O. W. Wurell,
Thos. J. Burke and Constable Voll
mer, were taken to Caledonia by
young Kreig. stopping at Spring Run
where Constable Wernlth was work
ing and took him in. The party
readied their destination late at night,
and lay in a bam until just before day
light on Friday morning, when ar
rangements were made for the capture
of English. Wurzell and Burke took
positions where they could cover the
rear of the house, while the two con
stables approached " from the front
and entered the house by two front
doors. In about fifteen minutes
English made his appearance, and on
discovering the constables commenced
to yell and ran up the stairs. Wernilh
followed in hot haste but. was met nt
near the top with a kick which land d
him at the foot again. On recovering
himself he tired at English hitting
him in the left leg, the ball going
through the fleshy part of the leg and
landing in the dress pf Mrs Rummer
which hung on the wall. (Deputy
Sheriff Wensel secured the bullet and
carries it as a souvenir of the sad af
fair.) English ran into a bed room
and snatching up a sixteen-shootcr
Spencer rille, and asked, "where is
that man?'' The door was partly open
as Wernith reached the upper floor
the second time when English threw
the door wide open anil shot him
through the body. After shooting the
Benzinger constable English walked
across the room and fired at Voliner
who was some sixty or seventy feet
from the house the shot taking effect
in the lower portion of the body
making an ugly wound, although at last
accounts the man was doing as well as
could be expected under the cir
cumstances. Mr. Rummer, who was
asleep at the commencement of the
fracas, poon got out of bed and just in
time to throw up the Spencer rifle
which was aimed at District Attorney
Wurzell. Three times did the desper
ate man attempt to kill the latter, and
three times was he foiled by the
prompt action of the father-iu law.
No doubt but for the interference of
Mr. Rummer another murder would
have been added to the list of the
desperado's crimes.
Constable Wernith, after receiving
the fatal shot, ran down stairs, out
doors and several feet from the house
when he fell. Being assisted to his
feet he walked nearly to the Caledonia
house, some ten or twelve rods, when
he again sank to the earth and was
carried into the hotel. The shooting
look place at 5 o'clock in the morning,
the wounded officer breathing his last
at 4J o'clock in the afternoon.
English eamedown shortly after the
murder, his wound being dressed by
his wife and Mrs. Rummer.. The wo
men asked him if the wound hurt,
in reply he assured them that he never
felt better in his life at the same time
dancing a jig. He declared that, "Tom
liurkc would be a corpse before the
sun went down tliat evening." An
hour or two thereafter he departed by
the back door going through an adjoin
lug held, several shots were sent after
him, none, however, taking effect. At
some fifteen or twenty rods from the
house he dropped on the ground be
hind a log deliberately firing three fare
well shots at the District Attorney,
the distance and lay of the ground
favoring that officer und saving his
At 5 o'clock P. M. a coroner's jury
was empaneled by Justice Burke,
acting coroner, with Arinel Turley
foreman, a verdict being found that
the deceased came to his death at the
hands of Harry English. The jury
also implicated A. J. Rummer and
We are informed that Mr. Rummer
Swore before the coroner's inquest that
he did not know that English was in
the house, admitting afterwards that
he had been there since the fourth of
the present month.
Friday afternoon Deputy Sheriff
Wensel, Constable Horton, George
Woodward, James Rhines, Geo. S.
Rhines, Isaac Corry and Mr. Cart
wright, left this place, all well armed,
and drove that night to to the scene of
the recent murder. Horton and
Woodward drew a bead on a man
with a gun, whom they took to he
English, and only refrained from
firing for fear un iunocent man should
suffer. This was at night when it is
always better to be sure than sorry.
lue commissioners of Elk countv
have offered a reward of f 1000 for the
arrest and delivery of the murderer
to the county jail at Ridgway. He is
described as follow: 85 years old: six
feet high; heavy set; weight about 225
pounds; light hair and light com-
$lMdon; Usually wears a smooth fa.
ii - " " ': '
The supposition Isthatlhe murderer
la still concealed In the woods near
Caledonia. He is well armed having
four revolvers and the repeating Spen
cer rifle, with which the murder was
committed, and a large quantity of
ammunition. The greatest obstacle to
his speedy enpture lies in the fact that
he has a great number of friends and
acquaintances who supply him with
provisions and are ever on the alert to
convey the slightest Intelligence that
may be to his benefit.
No doubt the thousand dollar reward
will be sufficient to place the culprit
Inside I he Jail walls before many days,
which fnct we hope to chronicle in the
nexttssue of The Advocate.
Slightly Mixed.
The following telegram we copy
from the Philadelphia Daily rresn.
Those of our readers who nre ac
quainted with the facts In the case
will no doubt be greatly amused and
highly gratified by this article, but
will be more than surprised at the
reckless way in which the names of
the parties are given :
Bradford, Pa., April IS. A special
to the Era from Emporium says In
tense excileniemt prevails at Caledonia
Elk county, Pa , over a terrible
tragedy committed there yesterday
morning by n note.l forger and outlaw
named Harry English. A posse went
from St. Marys to apprehend English
and arrived at his house, near Cale
donia. at 6 o'clock. Constables Wrenth
and Volmer and Justice Burk met
him coming down stairs. Wrenth
ordered him to surrender, hut he went
back up the stairs and locked himself
in a room. The officers drew their
pistols and declared their intention of
taking him, dead or alive. As Con
stable Wreuth came up to the room
English thrust a rifle Hi rough the door
aim nrou, Killing Dim instantly.
Constable Volmer then carried
Wrenlh's body down stairs, and ns he
entered the yard English shot Volmer
who, it is thought will not recover.
English gained the woods durimr the
excitement. While he was runninur
District Attorney Nursell shot him in
the leg. Company H, State Volun
teer's, has been ordered out to capture
mm ii possioie.
Overalls and Men's Working
Pants nt Morgester's.
The "Sew York, Pittsburgh & Ridg
For many years, as Is well known,
efforts have been made and plans sub
mitted for a new line of railroad which
should connect Pittsburgh with the
Erie Railway, giving an outlet to the
vast coal and lumber interests held by
the latter in Elk county, Pa.
Two questions only had to be dis
posed of time and the northern ter
minus. The protracted period of hard
times, and the unsettled state of Erie's
affairs and management would have
prevented much earlier action, had
the times been ever so favorable. But
now both these points are practically
f ettled, and the time has come when
the new enterprise must take shape
and form.
Definite action was had on Tuesday
by the formal organization of . the
"New York, Pittsburgh and Ridgway
Railroad Company." This company
has lately purchased the charter of
the defunct Rochester, Nunda &,
Pennsylvania R. R., so far as that line
exists in Pennsylvania, and to build a
line from Reynoldsville. (the present
northern terminus of the Allegheny
Valley road; to Eldre.l, h simply to
follow the proposed line of the defunct
road. This opens up the vast coal and
lumber fields of Erie parties. Leav
ing Eldred, the present plan to go to
Ceres, and thence straight to Wells
villeon the line of the late proposed
narrow-aauge road from Wcllsville to
The assurance that this is the route
finally und fully determined upon,
comes from parties hiBh in authority
and close in interest.
The line thus completed is direct
and almost straight from Wcllsville to
Pittsburgh, and its advantages can be
seen at a glance.
The news is good enough to crow
over lustily, but it is doubtless the
better plan to await further develop
ments before shooting off tiie big gun.
But the outlook now is all that could
be desired in the interests of Wells
.:ii, i it i.
yihv iiuu Aiivgneuy county, and we
have the highest authority for believ
the work and the route as proposed
will be pushed to certain and early
completion. Wcllsville Reporter'.
Arbuckle's coffee, Und prime green
coffee always in stock at Morgester's.
List of Causes .
Set down for trial at May term
commencing Monday, May 24.
1. John W. Briggs for use vs.
R. I.
term 1877.
Vdm'r &c. No. 91
2. The Clearfield County Bank vs.C.
R. Earley. No. I.November term, 1877.
3. 'lhomas P. Merritt vs. J. W.
Brown. No. 128, May term, 1878.
4. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Win
gart. No. 26, September term, 1878.
5. W D. Drake for use vs. Klrby
and Silverthorn. No. 4-3, Janurry
term, 1&79.
0. George A. Rathbuu vs. The N.
W. Mining and Ex. Co., of Erie, Fu.
No. 47, January term. 1879.
7. Elias Moyer et al. Ex'rs vs. Hes
ekiah Moyer. No. 8, Sep. term, J 879.
8. Peter Volk for use vs. Lorenz
Vogel. No. 14, September term, 1879.
9. F. A. Loesch vs. Henry Largay.
No. 66, September term, 1879.
10. Zenas Webb vs. Frank C. Bow
man. No. 68, September term, 1879.
11. Robt. I. Campbell vs. Herman
Gorton. No. 74, September term 1879.
12. W. E. Johnson vs. The Bene
zette Oil Co. No. 78, Sept. term, .1879.
13. Stephen Condon & Jim. vs.
Daniel Eldridge. No. 81 Sept. term.
14. D- A Pontius vs. Conrod Mov
er, Jr. No 35, November term. 1879.
15.Fmnk X.Gerber br use VB.Josenh
Gerber vs. Joshua Sykes. No. I. Janu
ary term, 1880.
Fred. Scikeking, Pro.
Fox and Vicinity,
The weather Is warm for this time
of year.
The people all sny this Is the most
unhealthy season this section has seen
for a long time.
Our Doctor Is able to visit his pa
tlentsagain. The teacher Was Very fleshy last
week. . . ","
Hon. JesSe Kyler died at 7 o'clock
last Friday morning. He was one of
the oldest settlers of this township.
Rev. Mr. Hovls preached the. funeral
sermon at about eleven o'clock on
Sunday morning.
. U. R. &.R. U. Mad.
Braudy Camp and Surroundings.
The men have returned from
down the river.
Miss Maggie Graham has returned
from Brockwayville where she hns
been under the doctor's care.
iSanUs McAllister has returned
from Summit city somewhat under
the weather.
Protracted meeting commenced
last Monday night at the M. E Church
at Brock port.
Shooting ducks, 6r rather shooting
at them Is the order of tle day:
It is rumored that Hydo intends
moving the old Mead Run steam mill
to Brandy Camp in place of the one
recently burned. L. c. A.
Diigiis City hots.
Miceael Sullivan, Michael Don
nelly and Dave Powers have again
returned to the city. -
Let us go to the pigeon roost, is
the topic of conversation.
Mrs. C. L. Cody and Miss Agnes
Barrett, of Ridgway were the guests
of C. W. Barrett on Sunday last.
Hon. Jesse Kyler. of this town
ship, died on Friday last and was
buried ut the grave yard school house
cemetery on Sunday at U o'clock. Mr.
Kyler was one of the oldest settlers of
the townsldp. His funeral, was largely
attended. ,' . '
Davy, Henry and Curt have all
got themselves new clothes.
The trout season Is already upon
us, and some of our Nimrods are tak
ing advantage of it.
Our school has come to a close.
Samuel Hamilton was somewhat
injured on Thursday night last by
some coal falling on him whilo work
ing in the mines He hopes in a day
or so to be able to resume his wo'rk.
A portion of Company II under
the command of Sheriff Oyster passed
through Centrevilie on Saturday
evening last, en route for Caledonia to
assist in the arrest of Harry English.
Quite a call hereabouts lately for
The Advocate. Boys why don't
you subscribe for it? It will only cost
you the small sum of 1.5u in advance
per year.
A dance was held at the boarding
house of Mr. J jines Lusk on Friday
night last. Those participating says
it was t ho dance of the season, s-.nd
we do not. doubt it for a more friendly
place could not have been picked upon
for u dance.
Mr. Joseph Bailey, formerly in the
employ of the P. k. E. It. R. Co at
Daguscahonda Junction, is now work
ing in the N. W. M- & Ex. Co's office
at this place.
We understand that a wedding is
soon to take place in our township.
We understand, that Mr. Robert- J
son, superintendent ol the coal
mines at this place' Intends building
several houses and al io a number of
shim ties in Coal Hollow forthe accom
modation of our bachelor friends.
Coal Hollow is getting to be quite a
place. Tlio mill will soon be in run
ning order.
Maple sugar is now in market.
Onion sets are very scarce here
abouts and are selling in Centrevilie at
io cents a quart.
Garden making has already com
menced. The roads are getting considerable
Jos. Wan del Is again at work,
having been home for a few days.
Mr. Jas. Pendergrast Ims recovered
sufficiently to be about again.
-Messrs. Haddow's and Shaw's
families arrived here last week.
Rev. Hovis preached to a full
house, on Sabbath eve. 1
A year's subscription of Sunday
school papers was presented by Mr.
Himes, of Scranton, Pa., (thirty-one
copies of the "Parish Visitor," to the
Daguscahonda Sunday school also
from Rev. Thompson, of St. Mary's, a
lot of papers for distribution among
the scholars. The school, only lately
commenced, is progressing finely and
prospects are the building will soon
not be largo enough. An organ is
needed very much, and It is hoped any
who may feel so inclined will lend
their assistance towards procuring one.
I. N. O.
That splendid organ sold by D. 8.
Andrus & Co., Williuuisport, Pa., for
$75.01) cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 6 'eet 9 j inches high, is
sold now for $80.00 with" one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them- Terms easy
on long time also.
Wanted D .H. Patty & Co., Nurs-
erymen, want a few good reliable men
to sell tree's vine's and shrubs
through this state. 'They promise
steady employment to good salesmen.
For full particulars address, D. II.
Patty & Co., 721 Broad St., Newark,
N. J. ul m3
Fine or coarse boots and shoes at
Jacob Butterfuss' shop Main street.
Stock and fits warranted fijbt class. .
Register's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing account will be presented at
the next Orphnn's Court for confirma
tion: 1. Account of Peter Thompson, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Adeliihus
ivyier oeeeaseci.
Fred. ScurENiNO. Register.
1 (!., Ul"'
12, 1880.
From taxes collected 8760 16
Work on road and bills paid 4508 99
Funds in treasury 40 49
Due from seated taxes 422 27
" " unseated tuxes 881 19
" " D. Attelbarger 116 27
" ' Isaac Keefer 29 97
" " V. Miller ' 63 01 1053 20
Supervisors orders outstanding 995 58
Assets over liabilities
67 02
Funds In treasury April
14,1879 585 94
Funds collected on taxes 430 00 1016 44
Paid for supjKirt of poor 553 20
Treasurer's commission 13 83 667 03
Funds In treasury 449 4t
Due from seated taxes 203 32
" " unseated taxes 305 86
Total Assets 1021 00
No liabilities. ' -By
order of the Auditors,
A. T. ALDRIC1I. Town Clerk.
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet
more, President Judire for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Ridgway. for the countv of Elk on
18W), being the 24th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices and In their be
hulf appertain to ba done, and lill wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, airrc-e-
able to notice.
.... ... ......... ... , u rn...t c,
the Nienn s oflice, in Hidgway, the
(.iiven under my hand nnd seal, at
dii flay ol April in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D.C OYSTER, Sheriff.
Guaranteed to come to perfection in
two months if properly fertilized.
Pmcn $-3.00 a bushel : $2.50 bushel ;
1.20 a peck or ?l.00 a pound by mail
prepaid on receipt of price.
Itidgway, Pa.
Orders left nt The Advocate
will receive prompt attention.
Hanhood: How Lost, How Eestared!
Just published a new
crlition of Dr. Gulvcr-
waii'i Celebrated ls-
S3y nn the ( euro (without med
icine) of SpernmtiiiTlicea or Seminal
NV en k n ess, 1 n vol u 1 1 tury Sem i 11 a I Losses
Impoteney, also, consumption, Epil
epsy ami Fits, induced by sell-indul-gein-e
or sexual extravagance, &c.
The celebrated author, in this ad-,
mirablo Esscy, clearly demonstrates
from a thirty years' successful practice
that the alarming consequences of
self-abuse may bo radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal
meilii-iue or the application of tl-,-.
knife; pointing out a mode of euro nt
once simple, certain, effectual, by
means of which every mi Merer, no
matter what his con.iilion o;iay be
may cure himself cheaply, privn'tely,
and radically.
JisJjr-Tliis Lecture should be lli the
hnrtds of -vcry youth ami every man
in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to any address, post-paid, on
receipt of six cents or two postage
Address the Publisher.
Th Culverwsll l&dical Co.,
41 AnnSt,, New York, N. Y : Post
Gftlca Box, 45S6. .
Slgasit HjJi! at Visan aal Paibij'.pi'.i
E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
59! Uroariicay, Jt'etv lot k.
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in
Velvet Frames, Albums,
GHAFH3, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses etc.
Ph 0 ogrtiph io Miteri a Is.
We are Headquarters fpr everything
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Each fetyle being the best of its class
in the market.
Beautiful Photographic Transpar
encies of Statuary und Engravings for
the window.
Convex Glass, Manufacturers of
Velvet Frames for .Miniatures and
Convex GlufcB Pictures.
Catalogues of Lantepisand Slides
with directions for using, sent on re
ceipt of ten cents.
n45 (biz months.)
Ladies will please take notice that
Jaa. McAfee tailor has on hand a
beautiful lot of uew samples for ladies
coats k
It A- I W fit 'l'v I
Send for Ulnstrctcd Circular and prices.
J, combination of desirable qualities l!hnU
liaXvi-''Sw''if tl0 is hoantifnl specimen of jnw&a&ism,
!X$33 . and takes rank trtth th highest achievement
2SS&$iof inv.ntive ipninft. Abtc.-We do not Ions
umu you uavo seun iue
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western Branch Office, 233 SxAia St., Chicago, III. MIDDLET0WN. CONKj
Octanyl. J. B. & W. H. HYDE. AGENTS, RIDGWAY, PA.
JLitemry Revolution and
Universal Knowledge
An Encyclopn tin in 23 Vols., over 18,039 pajos; 10 per cent; more'
matter than any EncyulopteJia ever before published in this country, and sold
handsomely und weli bound, in cloth for $10, in half morocco for $15; and
printed on tine heavy paper, wide m.irgius, b:mnd in half liussia, gilt top, for
920 an enterprise so extraordinary that its huccims, beyond all precedent In
book publishing, may lie fairly claimed to Inaugurate a Literary evolution.
firrc LuniAitY ok Uxiveusal Kmowlkoob is a reprint entire of tho lat
(18i9j Edinburgh edition of "Chamber's EncyciopieJin." with about 40 per
cent, ol new matter added, upon topics of special interest to American readers
thus making it e-iual in character ti an v similar wnrlt bailor Mum nnv nlhon
suited to tho wants of the great majority of those who co nsult works of refer
ence' and altogether the latest Encyclopaedia in the Held.
Specimen Volumes in oltliar style will bonoat for examination with prlvilezo of return
on receipt ol prop.irilmiute price per vuliime.
Hpeolul Discounts to ml eu-ly suiMji-i tiers, an'1 nxt.rn discount to clubs. Kull pnrtlcnlara
with description dialogue of mny unnr al vulard ivorlti p j'Mllv luiv lu price scut free
Leading principles of the Aniarican Boak Exshanua
I. Pulilish only bonks of value.
II. Work UDOll tllQ h IfllH of m-Mumf. (irMlnfmnlrltldhnnV. V. m ,. i'
afewyeiirsBuo. r
III. sell u buyers direct, and save tbem 51
10 ui'Hicrn.
IV. The coal of hnnle wlmn miulo in fm nt
S33 lit u Mma adopt the low price and Hell tho
1. 1 J, .iV. r ' '"V, "".' mreiui pmiuii-,',in:i su-un;, new binding, out avoid nil
"pHildliitf," uinl IkiiivI y lo idud tvuj. snmw" n innr ilh I ir.m I .,. ,ri.ih un
commonly resorted to make bo.iks appear
cost, hut do not mid to their value.
v l. 10 maue si and a friend U better than
Library of Universal Knowledge, 21 vols. $10.
Minima's 'libhon's Rome, 5 vols,, $2.50.
Miic-uuIhv'h History of Knliind. A vols.. SI .VI
i'lniiiibir'H Cyclopiedln of Elm. Literature. 4
vols.. $'.!.
Knight's History nf Knglnnd. 4 vols., S3,
l'lucii-ch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vols.,
Geikie's Ufeand Words of Christ, .V) cents.
louri;; s Mime Lo icordance, aJl.tcJ references
il'ii'puriiiK), vl'.yi.
fXcuio Library 01" flo?rnnhv .VI f.nntu
I.OOII Cil HllllCK. .l.S.
Miiioh'k Complete f
Loo!; of K'iMcs. .-Ks.iii, tie-, ills . 5'lce'tits.
o'.-lk'.il Wor!;;i fonts.
.MiaKPspeiire s complete works, 7j cents.
v oils ol l),i 11 1 e. translated tv Carv, 3) cents.
Works of Virgil, traiilHd'by Dry'den, Klcts.
fl:e Koran of Mohammed, translated by Sale
Adventure of lion Quixote, HHis., 50 cents,
Arabian Nights, Uhii.trntrd.oO cents.
Itiinynrs I'llni-lin's Projii s. IIIuk..50,
I;.iIiiimiim.i usee, illus..,.Vi rents.
MunchaiiBsu .t Gulliver's Travels lit 11s. j0 r ts.
Stories and by K. T. Aldeu,
Acino Library of Modern Cbis&ics, 5) cents.
itenni uy bank drnfi, money order, registered letter, or by Kxuress
dollar may b sent In postage stumps. Address
John B. Aldkn, Manager.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ki.ljway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, alio to patents
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Ridgway, 101 It county, Pa. Office
over It. I. Campbell a store, Main
.Street. Claims lor collection promptly
attended to., jnelo.lbTU
iLste of Striutmivllle). Pliysiehin nnd Rur
Keon. Itidiiwi.y. Pa. Olliee in Hull's llrirli
liuihlinu' (Up-KUiirs).) Helerences J. 1.
smith. II. L. Voiini;. K. llulofson, struttan
ville; .Miijor.iobii Kit ley. W. W.Giennlniid.
Clarion. Has practiced his proletslon suc
tcskiuily for more than u-u vcars.
X. W corner of Main and Mill street.
Hidgway, Pa., full aortnient of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at till hours, day or night.
Has removed his office from Centr
street to Main atreet, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second Ktory of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
OIHce hours : 1 to 2 P.M. 7to0 P.M.
V. II. feCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct30'69
PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com
pletein llivols. EachvolumecontainsSUO
pages. It niakesa complete nnd well
selected library, and no one can
afl'ord to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $001) in cloth,
$0.i'0 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
V. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y., wlio has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K Judson,
general agent.
What other preparations fail to do
Hall's Hair renewer surely accom
plishes. It renews the hair and es
pecially restores its color when gray
and faded. As a dressing it is un sur
passed, making the hair moist, soft and
glossy. The most economical prepara
tion ever offered. Its effecta reraaia a
long time, and those who have once
made a trial of it will neve use any
other. AdoertUcr and Union, Fre
donla, 1ST, Yi
Improvements September IC7C.
Notwithstanding the YICTOH has long Wn V..
teer of any Sewing Machine In tho ttmrkct--a fcrt
supported by a host of volunteer vritness?P-re now
oonuuontiy claim for it greater umpluMy,
?a a wonderful reduction of friction ana a rnia'
We Sell New Machines Every Tims
Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
to 60 per oeut commission commonly allowed
u iim. ia r, a ..t t n v.
lurge quantity.
larga and line, and wiiica greatly udd to luclr
tu make S3 and un enemy.
American Patriotism. Pe-nt.
Tallie s Hlstury o English Literature, 75 ctir
Cecil'n Book ol Natural History, 31.
Piclorinl Handy Lexicon, it, cents,
beylniis, by niithor ol hpairow grass Papers
.V) cunts.
Jlri. llemuns' roelle Works, 75 cents.
Kiito's Cyeloriedla ol" Bib. Literature, 2 vols;
P. i:lirs Ancient llistorv,
f-niltb'8 Lietiomu-.v of t,;n Lible, Illus., SI.
Works or 1 lavlus Joeplius, $2.
Conile History i.f tbo L. a., Hopkins, lllus.;
Henltli by F.xerei:'e, Ilr. Geo. IT. Taylor 50 cn.
Health lor Wonv.-n. Lr. ijen. 11. Ta;. lor, 5) tu.
Library .Mie-uzine. i'l c-nts 11 No. si ytar.
Library Magazine, bound volume, GJ cents. from tiie llhuy of an old 1
L'ach of the nbovo bound in eloth. If by
mail, postage extra. Most of the books Hie
also piibll-lie t In line editions und nno blud
Inizs, ut lilsher prb-e.
Descriptive Cutaloaues nnd 'forms to Clubs'
sent nee on request.
r ructions or one
Tribune Siiilding, iaw York.
Which 13 tho same thing.
Iinpuro Bl-Ca;l Soda or Faleratasf
'wlxich Is tao sumo 1 hiuir 1 Is of u. si lehf-
y dirty while color. It inn v oniicsi
wane, rximmm ny lcseir, itui i
will show tine difference.
See that your Sateratna and Hak
Ins Soda is whito and PIKE, as
CES used for food.
Housekeepers who prefer bread made wltt
Toast, will improvo Itn quality, Dska it visa
betlai'cnd proveutit from souring, by ailtUDg
onB-hnlfteaspoonfulorchurcUiiCo.'s Soda or
Balcratus. Bosuroandnnt usotoomuch. Tho
us of this with siur milk, in preforo3" ta
Bakiug Powder, snves twenty times its cost.
800 o'i pin:id piv-Uao for valu-Llo iuforma
Uou and road caroiull?.
Jam Poles.
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jefl'ard's, White's and Mann's Axes,-
Tubular and 09 Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut 8aws.
Boy n ton's Lightning Saws.
Corn Pop feus.
Coal Hods.
Stovo Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles.
J lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. i$
Main street. n39
Eisley's Pure Distilled
35c- EXTRACT 25c
Equal in quality to any made, and
oniy nair rue price.
Pints 60c.
Relieves Headache,
ache, Sore Ey
Liungs, Pan
Asthma, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc.
Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Sprains.
Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia,
If your druggist has not got it
have him order it of the proprietor,
CS&SLS3 I". S::iS7 WboiesaU Cmseistf
. wJ
- . - -. , . . - ,
Fresh Stock Candy, Lemor&f
Oranges Cocoanuts, Ban&sasi t aV
ours to puicu up uiu ra-vanuea lur oar
toz. bottles 'lbi.
Toothache. Ear-
f, Nose-BIeed, Bleeding J
Will Menses. VVIiiies