Farm, harden And household. aTloori for lion Stable. As long as we can remember, the question as to the best floors for horse stables has been discussed. We have tried olay and ordinary dirt, but they did not prove satisfactory. Holes would be dug almost d iily by the forefeet, the urine would gather there, and unless great care was taken to fill them Up and to smooth over the soil daily and wash the horses' feet, scratches would follow, and probably what is commonly called quarter-crack result, which is likely Eermanntly to injure the animals, and and even sawdust have been . recommended, but as they were clearly not desirab'e, we never tried either. We beyan with plank flooring, mere dissuaded from using it, but have re turned to it, and found it preferable to the others. We prefer hemlock, a : double two-inch plank, with the front part kept weil covered with straw at all times for the fore-feet, and at nights to be well-bedded with straight rye straw. We have found no disadvantages from the flooring; the leet have not snffered, so far as we can discover. Some object to the planks, first, because they are hard, and others that they be come slippery, and the horse is liable to fall and strain himself iu gelling up; dug, 11 we re meruoer rightly, the plank roads were not objected to on account of their hard ness or slipperynojs; and as to slipping, if tho flooring U a little inclined the water is carried back, whence a sli ht gutter, also inclining somewhat, either removes it Irom thesiableon tlie outside, HT it .4 mJIiiwpH tn niaa iinrlor ttin Hnor - through small holes in the gutter. But where these arrangements have not been made, a covering of sifted coal ashes over the floor will pre . vent the slipping. We have known floors in stalls to be made ol boards or planks turned up on an edge, which is about as hard as anything can be ; also, -f dumtntiliB nw-l ., ,1 f . phalium, all which we should suppose v. uiiKOLuuro. uiuuaii niiti cvrn ill migui prove injurious to tlie animal, - but we have never heard that tlieu were. Hemlock planks, laid as we have mentioned, will prove, take all the cir cumstances into consideration, about as satisfactory as anything that can be substituted, and far n. ater and not more expensive. Germnntown Telegraph. Household Hlnu. xne best meat requires the simplest preparation. Never mix or place on the same dish, meats or vegetables that are unlike in navor. - .10 bou meat, when the meat is to be eaten, plunge it in boiling water, so as to sear the outside and retain the juices. To make soup, when the object is to pxiraci an tne mices trom the meat, cut up in small pieces and put on in cold water. f To roast meat properly, the air must llDIrn f.fiA n ......... . n . mi . .... hub n .ui-bs tu JL. J.1I1S is M1B rea- son why meat roasted before an open fire is more palatable than that roasted (baked) in a close oven. Cheap utensils, of whatever kind, get . out of order easily and usually cumber the kitchen, and annoy everybody who has anything to do with them. In all things relating to cookery the best is the cheapest. In building or choosing a house to live in, tnke care that the kitchen is roomy, and has plenty of sunlight. A dark kitchen is an abomination, and a cramped kitchen increases the labor of housekeeping one half. Jt the kitchen be supplied with all modern conveni ences, even if the parlor suiters in con . sequence. Neatness is the first virtue in the kit.chm-l. Tho rlialina rf a navnlna. 1. , . -...v v. ...... .j v, . I V. .VI (11 .13 ( UUR r all have a mixed flavor, as if cooked in ;-onepot. The general rule is to cook ; long and slowly, with an even heat, so as to reach every part. Frying ought to be the last method for cooking meats. Broil, boil, roast, stew or bake - in preference. Dairy Note. In the manufacture of butter the cus tom has become general afier churning to wasli the butter with cold brine of greater or less Strength, not "nly to wash it once, but twice, if the tirst washing does not remove every trace of buttermilk. An exchange says that white-oak firkins soaked for two days in sour milk, when washed out and soaked one day in strong brine, and then rubbed thoroughly with salt maku the best ves sels for packing butter. The secretary of the Rov tural society, of England, advises to stop the churn when the butter i. the bum of a pin-head, draw off the butier milk and water, and repeat this water bath until no buttermilk remains. In this he dittvrs from nimy dairymen who churn until the butter reaches the size ot wheat grains. Butter niusf be packed while perfectly fresh. Immediately after the final working it should be put away in the packages. Mr. X A. Willard expresses the be lief that "ropy "mi 'k is due to weeds, bad water and bad treatment to cows. ana rroietteor .knglelmrt i tiee said he knew it was a weed. Dr. Leffmann has known it to stop when cows were caangea irotii good to bad water, and as for weeds the disease appeals at all times. A Canada correspondent recommends when butter will nut " come" placing a oman piere oi iresn Duiter in the churn. r, un.u win muse we gioouies t gatner If that fails, the best way is to place the cream in a vessel and nnt tuta sel in another containing hot water on me top oi a itove. iinng the cream to a temperature of about eighty degrees, Napoleon. "I was educated." lie said, "at military school. Everyone said of me, -mm uiiim win never De gooa lor any thine but fieometrv I had nlmcnn . liitJe corner of the school grounds where j. would sit and ciienm at my ease, for I have always liked reverie. When my companions tried to usurp possession of this correr, I defended it with a.l my might. I already new by instinct that aiijr win was in overrule tnat oi others, and that what pleased me was to belong to me. I was not liked at school. It Jakes time to make one's self liked ; and even when I had nothing to do, I always jeiu vagueiy iUall i naa no time to lose. xm enierea ine service, and soon grew ureu oi garrison worK. 1 oegan to read noveis, ana iney interested me deeply 1 even tried to write some. I often let myseii aream, in order that I might afterward measure my dreams bv the compass of my reason. I threw myself into an iaei world, and endeavored to Iind out in what precise points it dif lered from the actual world in which I lived. I have always liked analysis, and if I were to be seriously in love. I should analyze my love bit by bit. I conquered, rather than studied, history. I did not care to retain, and did not re tain, anything that could not give me h new idea; I disdained all that was useless, but took possession of certain results which plensod me,''-Mme. De Jtemusat. It is stated that France now calls into action the enormous amount oi 1,100 000 .horse power, renre pntino- ihA .AV,rt no less than 14 000 000 men that is, in fact, ft population actually greater than that of the workmen of the whole country. Home Interesting Facts A peculiar substance has been found by Frolessof A. Se.acchi in the lava Which issued from Vesuvius during the yenr 1631. He supposes it to be a new metal, and gives it the name vcsbium, In Prussia one person in every four hundred and fifty is insane. A Berlin scientist attributes this large proportion to intemperance among the lower class, and to educations) crnniiring in early years among others. Somo two years since, according to a foreign medical report, a eirl of seven teen received a severe flight, which, within a few days thereof er, resulted in a total loss of iter hair. None has grown since, and she remains completely bald. A small quantity of the essential oil df aloes was recently exhibited in Edin burg. It is believed to be the only specimen in the world. The oil exists only in very minute quantity in aloes but two fluid drachms having been obtained irom five hundred pounds of aloes. A process lias been patented in Ger many whereby a lur-like material is produced irom feathers in combination with other textile substances. The pro duct can be used for a variety of pur poses, such as rugs, carpets, and some articles of clothing. Feathers, other wise valueless, can be utilized by this means. The lints of natives of British Colum bia are adorned with flguies resembling tattooo marks. Dr. Dally has discov ered that these marks all have a definite meaning, being, in fact, records of events which have taken place ;n the lives of the wearers. Etch individual thus displays his history upon his head. A remarkable discovery was lately made in the region of the Pyrenees. In a cave of the paleolithic or "old stone " p riod there were found teeth of the cave-bear adorned with drawines, some of which represent human beines cov ered with long hair. These rude pic tures must date thousand of years before the dawn of historic times. A horse recently captured in the wilds of Turkesian was found to be exceedingly sensitive to cold, having no ordinary coat. This unique speci men of the iquinc breed now figures at the Zoological gardens at St. Peters burg, where it is comfortably habited in an otter-skin jacket. The pitcher plant of Borneo has been found to be a natural insect trap, in curving ridges effectually preventing the escape of any creeping insects which may enter. In order to safely reach the prisoners thus entrapped, a species of black ant ingeniously perforates the stalk of i he plant and tunnels upward to the pitcher, providing in this man ner a highway by means of which ready access is had to a sumptuous fare of dead and decaying insects. A Bird Flies Througli a Pane of Glass, A ball fired from a pistol or rifle at a pane of glass will cut a clean hole through the pane the size of the buliet, cracking the pane but breaking out no pieces except the one before it. This curious principle is made use of in marine and other eunnerv sIuds when near together, using very small' charges ui powuer which causes the ball to crash in a ship's timber, while with heavy charge it would cut a hole only the size of itself. This attribute of pro jectiles has received a very curious illus tration at a house in the suburbs of Waco. Texas. The ladv was startled by a crash, and entering the room where it, occurred saw lying on tue noor a small bird hawk fluttering in death, while near it jay a little bird dead, and which it had evidently just dropped from its talons. The hawk in making the dive after its prey had misc.'ilculated and struck the window. And no w comes the curiosity. In the center of the pane of glass was a noie inrougu which the hawk had come in, and seemingly smaller than the bird it9elf, while the pane though cracked was unbroken in anv other place. The rapidity with which birds ny can b estimated trom this fact. since Us projective force was sufficient to proiure the t fleet of a slowly moving 1 - - . 1 L 1 I " ra piS.Ul DU11. Words of Vlsdom. To despond is to be ungrateful befote- hand. Be not looking tor evil. Often td iu drainest I he gall of fear while evil is pacing thy dwelling. I don't like to talk much with DPnnle who always agree with me. It is amus ing to coquette with an echo a little . ii i e, but one soon tires of it . l lie old tiidv who belie vea rte-prv calamity that happens to herself a tii if. and one that happens to her mends a judgment, is not dead yet. lie who thinks no lnin ahovn him but for his virtue, nor anv below him duc rnr his vice, can never beobseaui om or assuming in the wrong place. a tuirty we are all trying to cut out namei in big let ers upon the walls of this tenement of lif.-t twenty years later we nave carvea it. or s mt un our i.iok- kniie. No humility is Derfect and nmnnr- tioned but that whi'h makes us hate our-elvis as immortalthe humility that kneels in the dust, but gazes on the SKieg. a m .n ouen needs his anger as w"il as his other passions to blast away the obstacles to his path; out the indiscriminate use of his nitro-glycerine is uungerous ano destructive Teuus' Girdle. Tins pretty creature is found in the Mediterranean, wheie it attains the ex traordinary length of five feet, the bieadth being only two inches. The mouth oi the Vnus' girdle is in the cen ter of the body, occupying a compara tively smaii space, l lie body is ribbon shaped toward two opposite sides from the mouth. The edges ot the ribbr n-iike body areterraled or provided with nu merous little hps, by means of which the cieature propels itself forward. It can also propel iuelf from one place to anoiner ny a (pcuuar spiral movement. The Venus' Girdle, with its magnifi cent colors, is a most beautiful object. Various attempts have been made to keep them in aquariums, but they sur vive for a few days only. They are at tacked by the other animals in the aquarium, and have such a ravenous app?tite that it is almost impossible to supply them with sufficient food. When touched they immediately roll them selves up into a regular spiral. Owing to its great length and tenuity, the Venus' Girdle is seldom found auite entire, but it scemi to care little for a foot or so of its substance. " Mats Off." An usher in a New York church caused a sensation one Sundxy even ing recently. As the pastor entered the pulpit he was shocked by a sudden outburst of mirth in the choir eallerv. Two young persons, wearing ulsters and Derby hats, had been shown to teats. The usher was surprised when only one of them removed his hat. He waited some time for the offending head covering to be removed, and then reached over the back of a pew and re moved it nimself. Immediately he dis covered, as did many other persons, that the wearer was a young lady, and therefore entitled to wear a hat in church. Above the noise of the organ ist's voluntary rose that of the involun tary mirth of many in the congregation, Tattooing, We doubt if theownersof those rough hands that follow thewoik ot tattooing "on boird ship" to-rtity know much of tho antiquity of the custrm, or would find much meaning in the statement 'hat it must have been not merely one of the first steps in thedocoratlon of the person, but one of the first achieve ments when that decoration began to assume the shape of art, however rudely. It seems to have been prac ticed by the nioie uncouth baibarians as far back as we have any record, and always to have bien a fashion with most ot the islanders of the southern half of the globe, with whom it is a soit of asplrstion toward the pictoral. Captain Cook, speaking of the people who met him at Adventure bay, savs they "wore no ornaments, unless we consider as such, and as a proof of their love of finery, some large punctures of ridges raised on different parts of their bodies, some in straight and others in eurved lines.'' Among people of paler face, the sail ors have almost a monopoly of the cus torn. Some older man of their number becomes an expert in the matter, and they submit themselves to his skill. The "saucy ship" that is stippled over the heart of ihe man before the mast, is carried by him almost as religiously as a pledge o't faith; he adds to it the flag and shield, the name of his "girl," a heart pierced with darts, anchors and cables, verses and mottoes and legends, all drawn in red and blue ink, with a p elision of which, while his open shirt betrays it, he erows prouder every day as an ornament, although first assumed as a badge of loyalty to all that is dear est to him. Nowhere Is tattooing to be seen done in the complete manner in which it is exhibited by the natives of the South sea islands. There it is a mark of pov erty, almost a disgrace, if a young man his not undergone the operation in more or less elaborate style. There nre tattooers whose profession it is, and who do their work with a delicacy, and one might almost say with a beauty, sur passing belief. It is the habit there forseverai young men to unite und go throuh the affair together, companion ship making it more endurable, and, by means ol the rotation of the victim, some rest and relief being found during lue process, winch is both painlul and tedious, owing to the absorption of the coloring matter and the irritation of the inllnitessirual punctures, It omipies two or more months, and sometimes costs as much as two thous and dollars of our money. When half done, the workman pauses for his pay; if it is not ready, work on the delin quent ceases, and he goes about, the re proach of all his world. A l.umuer of line needles and a little mallet are the tools. The young men who go in robust and hearty, come out the skele tons of themselves, but proud and happy in their new possession a suit of silken lace, as one might describe it, in the best instances, drawn over the swarthy and shining skin, hidden only by the ' lava-lava," or breech-cloth, wrought with fine meshes and all sort of exquisite interlinear tracery, with such nicety as to carry the thing near the region of art, and to make it very different from the crude anchors and hit jws in general use in the forecastle decoration, or from any of the quaint designs which the early Portuguese sailors learned of the sailors of the East and Farther Ind. Russian Scandal. Now that the " fifteen puzzle " craze has about passed into oblivion, another interesting game and one less perplex ing and more simple holds tli" boards. It is called "Russian Scandal" and is very popular with evening gatherings of young people. In this game one member of the company writes a short story on a slate making it as full of incident as he can. He then goes outside the door, and calls one of ins companions to him and reads the story aloud once, very distinctly. After dding'tnis he walks awav and carries the slate with him. The p-rson to whom the story was read, summons another of the party and narrates the story to him ns exactly as h can re member it. The t hird person tells it to a fourth, and the fourth to a fifth, and si on till each one of the party lias had the story narrated to him privately and solemnly outside the door. When all have heard it, tho hist. one to go out conies into the room and nar rates the story to the whole company. The original is then read from the slate, and it is quite curious to notice how it is altered in the course of transmission. There is no necessity for any intentional accuracy. If only there is plenty of in cident in the tale it will be found that it is almost impossible fof the person who last heard the story to repeat it exactly as the tirst one gave it. The little fuss that is made in entering and leavinit the room makes the difficulty of remem brance the greater. Lawyers Under Peter. Peter the Great, of Russia, was a mon arch of large views Lut invincible preiu uiccs. He loved his ccuntry, and longi d to si e it take a higher idace in Europ an history. He saw clearly that progress Ciuld be made only hy the introduction of i.e.v industries and by skillful train ing in mi chanical la"or. To forward th's end he visited in dis guise the older nations of Europe, made n niself thoroughly acquainted with their foimsot industry, and worked as a common mechanic at various trades. He sent, also, numerous young men of promise to great cities in other coun tries, to acquire skill in the mechanical arts, nnd to become teachers of their countrymm. But, wh!le honoring all well trained mechanics, he had a rooted contempt for lawyers, it puzzled him to understand how thev oc cupied high positions in England and Franco. They multiplied auarrels. he said, and fattened on tho life-blood of others. Vexed at tho high esteem in which they were held elsewhere, he vented his wrath in the memorable threat : " I am thankful I have onlv two lawyers in my empire. When I return I mean to execute one of them." A Madrid musician, offended bv a fel low pianist, challenged him to pfay the piano with him until either of them should be compelled by fatigue to desist. The duel lasted forty-eight hours with out either antagonist resting or taking tue slightest nourishment, uneoi mem played, among other pieces, the "Mis erere," from "Trovatore, over 150 times, and was beginning it again, when he fell dead from ex h austion. The other was on the verge of lunacy. The followine ire the dates at which Congress has adjourned in previous 5 residential years: 183d, July 10; 1836, uly 4; 1840, July 91; 1844, June 17; I84B, AUgUSt 14 IBM, AUgUSt 31 J 1H58, August 18 and Auirust 30: I860, June 25; 1864, July 4; 1868, July 27; 1873, June 10; 1876, August 15. Two boys at Grand Island, Neb., were successful in making their father believe they were burglars, and he shot one of them dead . Tho wool clip of 1879 in the United States amounted to 333.560.000 Bounds. the largest ever shorn in the country. Bells and Their History. Bells are of very ancient origin. They aie mentioned as worn on the high priest'srobes (Exodus xxviii.38). The prophet Zachariah (xvi.20) i-peaks of " hells of the horses," which were prob ably hung on the bridles of war horsis to accustom thein to noise. Bells were use I by the Greeks and Romans in private houses and in camns and garrifons. The hour of bathing at Rome was announced by the sound of a bell. The priest of Proserpine, at Alliens, rung a bell to call the people to sacrifice. According to Pliny, the mon ument of Porsenna wns decorated with bells. SliPcp-bells of bronze were used in ancient Italy, and are yet preserved in the museum of Naples. Bells were fraught into use for churches by Paulinus, bishop of Nola, in Campania, about the year 1400. They are first mentioned In England by Bede, townrd the end of the seventh century. Chimes, or peals of bells, are of an cient date, the first chimes introduced Into England having been put up at Croyland Abbey, in 060. In tho cathedral of Limerick, Ireland, is a chime of bells about which an af fecting story is told. They were made by an Italian for e monastery in Italy. A revolution swept the land; he became arelueeeand an exile: the monastery was destroyed; the bells were carried off. After many years of Wandering, he came to Ireland. As the vessel which carried ' him sailed along the placid Shannon the sunset chimes rang out from the cathedral, and he recognized the sweet sounds. They came from the belis which he had made. He leaned against the railing of the deck and lis tened in silent rapture to the well known, long-unheard music. .The boat reached the wharf; the sailors spoke to htm, then touched him he was dead. His spirit had depnrted while listening to the ravishing sounds. Some writers say that the cus om of uiiiisiiniii iMTna wits luiiouuci'u iy Pope John XIII , who occupied the pontifical chair from 965 to 972, and who first conseciated a bell in the Lateran church and gave it the name of John the Baptist. But it is evidently of an older standing, for there is an express prohibi tion of the practice in a capitular of unariemagne, in 76a. Pope John IX. ordered bells to be rung as a defense asrainst thunder and lightning, in the year 900. All the bells In Europe were rung in 1456, by order of Pope Calixtus III., to scare away Hal ley's comet, which was supposed to be in some manner identified with Mo hammed II., who had just taken Con stantinople. The comet left, but Mo hammed stayed. It was an ancient custom to rine bells for persons about to expire, to notify the people to pray for them, from which arose the name.of "passing bells." It was supposed that the sound of the bells drove away evil spirits. The wealthy were induced to bequeath prop ei ty for the support of favorite bells, which were ti be runirat their funerals. During the thirteenth century, large bells began to be cast- The "Jacque line" of Paris, cast in 1300. weighed 15. 000 pounds; one cast in Paris in 1472, weighed ' 15,000 pounds; the bell of Rouen, cast in 1501, weighed over 36,- 000 pounds. The great bell of Moscow, cast bv or. der of limpress Anne in 1734. weiehed 193 tons. It remained suspended only until 1737, when it fell, in consequence ol a tire, and remained partially buried in the earth until 1H37. when it was raised, and now forms the dome of a chapel formed by excavating the earth underneath. Some deny that the bell was ever suspended, while others in si.-t that it was, and that, when in mo tion, it ngitntcd the air of the surround' ins country for forty miles. The great bell cf Burmah, at a temple In the environs of Amarapoora, weighs 200.000 pounds. Klaprath states that in an edifice before the great temple of Buddah, at Jeddo, is the largest bell in the world. It weighs 1.7(10,000 po"nds. four times greater than the great bell of Moscow, and htty-six times lareer than the ereat bell of Westminster. England. The finest bell in England was the ereat Tom of Lincoln, considerably older than St. Paul's. Its elevation gave it an horizon of titty miles in every di rection. Its note was like the chord of A upon a full organ It fell from its support and was destroyed. On the lnrgest of three bells placed by Edward III. in the Littlo Sanctuary, Westminster, are these lines: " King Edward made mo thirty-thousand weight and three; Take me down and weiyh me, and more you shall rind me." On the famous alarm bell called Ro land, in a belfry tower in the once pow erful city of Ghent, is engraved the sub joined inscription, in the old Walloon or Flemish dialect: "My name is Roland; when I toll there is Are, And when I ring there is vietory in the lund!" The bell known as the Liberty bell, which, on the fourth of July. 1776, an nounced the signing of the Declaration of Independence, in Philadelphia, has upon it the following inscription, taken from Levituus, xxv. 10: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all tne inhabitants thereof." The Hollanders exhibit the most en thusiastic fondness for bells. Every church and public building is hung rouud with them in endless variety, hi Amsterdam, not less thau a thousand bells are kept constantly ringing, which creates a that is almost intolerable to strangers. Ooklen Days. The Effect or Coffee. Dr. Richardson, the eminent English scientist, refers to a statement that cof fee is an unhealthy beverage, that it keeps up constant irritation of the stomach, and brings on depression of spirits, etc. There was a great deal of truth in that statement, says the doctor, as coffee cannot be taken in excess with out producing dyspepsia and irritation, but moderately used it is an invigorat ing, healthful and wholesome drink, bunging a man's best energies into play. The quant'ty taken, however, must not be large, and should be good. Dr. Bock, of Leipsic, another cele brated scientist, says : " The nervous ness and peevishness of our times are chiefly attributable to tea and coffee; the digestive organs of confirmed coffee drinkers are in" a state of chronic de rangement, which reacts on the brain, producing fretful and lachrymose moods. Fine ladies addicted to strong coffee have a characteristic temper, which I might describe as a mania for acting the persecuted saint. Cocoa and chocolate is neutral in its pyschio ef fects, and is really the most harmless of our fashionable drinks." Sawdust is not a very marketable commodity. If we except the manu fao ure ol dolls, there are few uses to which that article can be put. Mr. Grossman, of Petersburg, Va., has been granted a patent which may put saw dust to a useful purpose. He intends to make railroad ties, fence posts, paving and building blocks, eta., outof sawdust. This artificial wood, it is claimed, can be made tire and water proof, and no in sects will attact it. It will take a high polish and stand a higher pressure than ordinary wood. It also can be cut and sawed and allow of nails being driven into it. The process is said to be simple and cheap. A Pitiable Tale. The followine verdict was recently returned by a coroner's jury in Ken mare, Ireland : "We find that the de ceased, Denis Sullivan, died suddenly in the market house, Kenmaro, from natural causes) and we further find, after the most painstaking investiga tion, that his death resulted from des titution nnd insufficiency of tooo." ihe Kerrv Sentinel savs: The immediate circumstances attending this poor man's death reveal a truly sad stoiy. All who know the prostrate cond ition of our people this trying year of famino know that they suDer from a scarcity of fuel as well as from a scarcity of food. The year was unsuited, in a great measure, to the saving oi turt, and, even in more propitious years the price charged by landlords for turbary is often so high that poor people who have not con stant employment; cannon manage io purchase the bog. In this pressing crisis the Marquis of Lansdowne, who owns vast estates aiound Ken mare, gave not a slick or a chip to aflord tiring te tne. poor, nnu, u appear?, actually keeps a sort of sylvan Cerberus in the shape of a wood bailiff to pre serve the rotten branches of trees and bits of thorn from being taken home to the tireless hearths of the poor. For "ntering upon some part of the Marquis of Lansdowne's property, and picking bits of whitethorn for tiring, the wife of this poor man was brought to court and fined. The inhumanity of the act is best demonstrated from the fact that the bailiff who prose cuted swore the value of Ihe Slicks to be but one penny. For this mon strous crime, this terrible injustice to the most noble Alarquis ot hanpdownp, the poor woman was hned in, hctwren costs nnd compensation, the sum of 3. Id. Tiie fine not being paid she was to have been arrested and cst into jail, when the poor man rose up from thnt bed where hunger and want had pros trated him, and went in search of an official of the Lansdowne office who owed him the amount; and it was while engaged on this me'ancholy mission that death overtook him. Chicago h is a policeman who can speak the Envlish, German, French. Polish and Welsh languages. He can club a man in live different languages in less time than it takes an ordinary policeman to make a common arrest in nog Latin. Home Senliwl. Governor Smith, of Wisconsin, has issued an order establishing the uniform of the United Suites army as that of the national guard of Wisconsin. We olten hear people say, there Is only ono good cough medicine and that is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, it is cheap too, only 25 cents per bottle. A If oiiaeholtt Need. A book on the Liver, its diseases and theii treatment sent tree. Including treatises upoi Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dysprp sin, Malaria, etc. AddreMi Dr. Sanlotd, 162 Broadway, New York city, N. Y. The Voltaic Brit Co.. Mnrahnll, Mich. Will send their li ectro-Vollaio Holts to ih afllio'od upon 30 days trial. Soo their adver tisement iu this paper neaded, " On 30 Dayi Trial." Veoetine By its use you will preven' ninny of the dis asos prevailing in the Spring and Summer si ason . Straighten your old boots and shoes with Lyon's Ileel Stillenors, nnd wear them again. Cnnaiimptloii Cured. An old phygk-la , retire - irom p a-tk'p, havl'g ha( plai e.Mu hit hnn la Uy an Km niiturtrv in fo inula of a Biliip!e v- ti.l, e n nu-'lv lor the speilv ail peitimni nt euro I r Con -un pt.oii, U:onh us. Ctar.i. AMIiiii.i. ali'l all Til oat an I l.un .Alltvtion-, a soa posi tive Mil radl a aire lor Ni rv us IM.Inlv ni cl a 1 .-er vousi. nmplai t ,,fter havii.t: te tt-.l ns won. le. I'll cura tive p eis in Cioiis.iii,: of ias , lias fe t It hls.lillv t make It known to Ins iill-r! I c lcl. ws. A.t ate . l.v thll motive a al a oesir to ie icve hiiunn suit- rinti, l wl ' Bt-ij I tree of i-lia ye to a ' wiio -I. sire it. tula re.iie, Ii tie man. Fremh. or Kimlis'.i with tu.l iliieitiolis tor in pa In,' an I usini--. S.-i. l.y m ill by n ,! . sM c w ill lamp, iiamiiij ihis pap r. V. w SI1UUAK. lit Ci ittni' lliovh, llmhetlei, .V. Y. A C tlll. To all who are snflerlni; from the er.o i an.l ln-1 I etlons of youth. n rvo kweaknet. arlyilevav. lo-l of niMiih o.l, i't,. I will it nl a Hevipe that will euf. yo i, VliKB OF CIIAKUK. This ureal reln.iU was Uls covcre.l l.v a mf-sioiiury ill Sou h Auiertra. Se da sell addressed envelop, to the Hkv. JOSEPH T. INMAX, ilatwn I). A'ew Xurk City. TIIE MARKETS. HEW XOBS BaefCattls Med. Natives, Uv wt.. C9X 10j Calvea btate Milk..... 03 -4 0 Huoep.. 06H( 17, Lambs 07V.4 Jrt'0 l ogs Live 0Si4 '. Dressed PSia) ', Floar Ex. state, good to fancy ... 5 95 9 S 73 Western, Rood to fancy b 45 (4 8 DO nomi-no. 1 uea j 5(4 1 46 No. 1 White 9i 1 a Rye State Barley Two-Kowed Btate Corn Ungraded Wpptern Mixed. Hon! hern Yellow Oats White Btate Mixed Weateruw Hay Retail (Trades Mi raw Long Hyo, per cwt 75 64 MX 4:1 41 . ell Xi . a 4 . 7.1 to, 80 , 1 IC dim . -it 14 37 11 115 11 60 -uops mate, ibiv. Pork Meas Irtrd City Hteam. 7.M. 7 f6 Petroleum Crude ....... .06307 Wool Slate andPenn. XX Butter State Creamery Diary Western Imitation Creamery Factory. Cheese State Faotory HliiniS Western T.rvs mat rami Peun Ren ued 17 44 a 60 21 23 27 21 li C.t HI 11 1 U 7 30 32 2'J "X in 14 11 1'otatoea, Early Rose, State, bbl Q 1 60 BorKit-o Flour City Ground, No. 1 Spring ..821 Waeat Ked Winter 1 as a 6 79 mi 45 uirn new western Oj.1i State .., Barley Two-rowed Btate 41X4 4" 44 14 a 0 45 70 BOSIOBT. Beef Cattle Live weight Sheep............ Eoga Flour Wisconsin and Mlou.Pat. Corn Mixed and fellow ,, 06 4 t Bite 0.1 Oats Extra White Bye State 61 0 63 40 Wool Washed Combing k Delsnle.. Unwashed, " " 4J 0634 07,'i BBIOHTOM (HAS! ) OATXLB BUUIEX Beef Cattle, live weight 06 C4 W (4 Burep.,,aaaa,,ssaacsav,, , Lambs Boits VDlUniLPRIl Ml 4 Flour Penn. oholoe and fanoy Wheat Penn. Bed Amber Bye State , Corn Htate Yellow . W4m 8 29 ,1M 4 1 : , 1 37 (4 1 87 , m (4 88 64V4 '6 . 44a i-H . 86 (4 87 14Vi 14 V u.u jaixea....... , . . ., RnttA. ('.a. ... 1 Cheese New York Faotory, Petroleum Crude. . .07 (407X Benned 07J4 How to Get Hick. Expose yourself day and night, eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest ; doctor all the time ; take all the vile nostrums advertised; and then you will want to know How to Get Well, Which ii answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! See other column. Express, When exhausted by mental labor take Kidney-Wort to maintain healthy action of all oreans. -vv,' faaa.i .umj sattr,- 1 During the last ten years 233 miles of street ear rails have been laid In Kngland and Wales. Ht a cost, of nearly 9 15.000. 000, exclusive of the outlay on hor engines and cars. Vegetine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ALL WRITERS, AND THEIR NAMES ARE LEGION, SAY THAT TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH YOU MOST mtW BLOOD. Rentier, Have J'oi Got Scrofuta, Gcvofulou Humor, tanceroua Mlumor, Cancer, ot Any MilHCfiac of the lllaodf YouCan Positively beCured. Thousands of Testimo nials Prove It. Druggists, Chemists, Speak, Indorse and Itccoinincnd it iis 'lie Best nnd Only Keliablo BLOOD PUHIFIER. Movtrkal, Jan. 2fl. 1W. II. II. Btktins, K'f.t P'or Sir 1 ilu U"t ike lor:l tpstimnntalg for a-lv-rtiseil iiH'ilti-hips b'lt tho Kr at ipmp lit ihal m iiiHiij- of my rrxtomcis imve ohtain -il from tii. Uiwof VKtJKl'INK -onip U im to m.y tliat with an i'p tpnee of ovi-r twcnlv-tlve yruts. 'nttii n (in-ut It it., ri an 1 tills cotmtrv. l iinvp n.vt.r k-uwu bUch a urn-rui rnueily plm-cd before tlru puli if. J. I). I.. AMllltOSE. Asistint of the ApotJiernrlP V inpmy.f l.olilon. Vem of the I hrmimcputurtl So.ict- of treat Itr'ta fi. Licentiate In 1'liannui.y of the College of l'liybklaru and burueons. Corner Notre Dame and McGlll Strttta. YegeHne la Sold hy All Drngglata. PONT DESPAIR becanss all other remedies hare tailed bat try this remsdy aud you will Dot ba deceived. It will cur when all others fall. DIRECTIONS FOR US1NO ACCOM? AHT EACH BOTTLR. For Sal hy all Medicine Dealers. AGENTrvifAlltEDbFfirTE ICTORIAL HISTORY 0 WORLD Embracing full nl authentic accounts of every rntU-n r ancient ani moU'rn tunc, ani nic iuivx a nwnr n Iht riii Ami fnll nf th (ireeli Hlul Hnllim. Hl.lVtiU'P, tin mi.WIe aire-, the cniswi'len, the fcit.a' nyhtom tin- u-forniu- t ii n, the discover ami suit emvtit of the i uw or. a, etc U 07 fine htsorlc:l enu'-nv-ncn. ami In the most complete llfstorv or the WorM ever putiii.-iiei M-m 'or specimen ynxvs ami rxlra terms to Agents. A'hhcss .National Puiii.i.uio Co., haijctiilua, . i FEMALES la will piMltlroly cure Female Veaknei,such as Fall ing of the Womb, Whites, Chronic lnllaininallonor Ulveratlouof the Womb, Incidental Heimirrlittt'e or L-1.. IUJ -.... Kiinitra.aoil all, I Iltfmilnr JtlfllS truutlon 'o. An old and rcllnlile rcmeily. Bend pos UU card for a attinhlet, with treatment, cure and -ill ft Rillard. Utlca, K. Y. bold by All eUruiiiiliit- gt..-U i4T OOIUU. my UAiaETOJTS HOUSEHOLD W ENCYCLOPEDIA Tbs Biost rateable slnale Book srer prlate. ireaimry of knowledge. There has sever before be publMhi-4 In eae roiume, to much as-fal loforiratl.. .a every tul'ject. B-autifally Illustrated, price ( a. Whols Llbiary la Ona Volume. ) Sold only by eaoecrtptlon; the eeeR- TO AGENTS tbooi 10 ,ei kusv- q. W. CARLKTUN1 OQ Fsbllshert, W.T Olty. PONiFIER ts the " OrlBlnnl " Concentrated end Reliable Famif Soup Maker. Directions accoinjaiiy each t'an lor niakln', Noft and Toilet soul, quickly. It is ful wHulit and gtreiwth. Ask your grocer for MWUDi I h l Kit, and take no otlierr. PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phil PETROLEUM tirand Medal tt Philadelphia Exposition. JELLY Silver Medal at Paris Exposition. This wonderful substance Is acknowledged by physi cians throughout tlie world to be the best remedy die uovered for the cure or Wounds, Kurns, Hheumatisu Skin Olaeaers, Piles, Catarrh, Chllhlaun. ac. In orda. that every one may try It, It Is put up in lri and cen. bottles for household use. Ubuin it from your druggist snd yon wul tnd It superior le aaythinf you havs svr aeed. County Bonds! tllesniirt, I'lliiol. an I Itan ns County and t'owubliip Uclunltt-d It- iuls pur Iium iI at bebt rates ly Wnuil A. iJnyluiil, St. I oula. Mo. IJXTHtS.II, OH. for Sprains, Strained Muscle j bellin-. Ki.wt lt'l.- or luibia'ns Scalds, Hums hlu uiiiiil mii, St 111. s.-. 1 1 - Kvcclli-ht lor Si rains Swell iltvs, .Stiuilisi.r Si itn ! lit. :-!. Never Imti tailed to c.r.- when tried. W'r t - loi Ic.-linmni.i s. Kiost ltile cured iu o e day. Sprail.rt li ilir e days. S.ui.plc bu,R4c by mull. Liberal d s inn I- l.i dealeis. JLU. CAsi Kitl.l.x H, Morrlstoau. N. J. VAWTED! Tlriire t'o., the w. .!-Mhwii I'iM-fi-'lt Plililt. .1 t e.vhiliil tiieir ielei.r.ite'1 era, ti aul mi A.rr d work In this locality. i:are UU1 Cli t CO , II 1 s Mt li!i II oll. red. Addre-l e Street, Auburu, X. . For Ilnlehlnu. from Pekln Ducks 'I Hey wci.h I ruin 12 to I ft l'-s. a air at S'X Months old. Iseut 13 fei to Clin ton II ,ss i 12 hatched. A so nine breeds . a1m VecetiibleCouuhTc-a: .ure '1 cu-e JorC.uitlia,6olU,aiKl Consuinptu n eJ in lis Hi st stages, send for 111. rlrculars. Menfn this paper. L. K.. HUI, niiUiion,rianj.iiu w, i VOUNO MAS OR OLD, If jam owl WiBT-nbl H 'tiMsvrh. tew. iua, imanD M bald beada. pi to tbitk.u, aire n(l hen ftnd inifmili Ihe hi oy "hsre. dsw'l it JUsaeawaV bat scn't onr MIX MRU for lh tiiat fL.ka.ah tUms.r. alui has next ... fa. led. Addir. UU. UUNZALrJ, tine l4. Be. to aw Maas. ltmrJm,U. MILITARY AND BAND GOODS HARTLEY t GRAHAM. IU lelil- u Lane, lork Send for Catalogue Low prices. S VALVE ORCAN liaa and U.uU, iLn a, it cutlajoa of too than tat lualtuiurni mt I-ioa It. A child of IJ irareraa dan aril. Mad UlI.I I'MTtD Nitlwi' 4 psMlara. "V Bias u ' utrodoea them. Afule ruilU ..rjwWrai. f l.UU . OH ti CfH. aUdiMBSailTU-SVALVBOaiiAM tO.. FaUtiM, UI. VflTT'Wn. TthYrar. Only 91. Postpaid. vUmj A Pi.ti- Pajur (..r thv Family Circle." VAT TTG "itplenlM AI-thI btorka for Chiiareu.'' UUJVO 'KxLul.nit aMnac in eiu-b NuinhtT." ntin at "i'ii.e St. lie 1. p i tuuMit fur H IiouIb." JiUliiHj b.ti.i. lti'ifc. UbMumuijSti l.Uuo Ml AMTCn ,-oc1 ArenU Tysrhirw U Mil Te. Oafa. Bttklng TV Hll I L U P.lct, Clntohrja; Litracu. .. by n.tiis.t.. (nuiit.t. I fulti ,ol. Uuint IrM. ffcUPLi.'b TLA CO., Bot Sosi, at. Lotua, Mo. TTAIT7 To Sink 'our Own 1111 BRKH ! HUl I IN HM. Cululok'U XlU V HT A M 1! hu4 IN KM. Calulogu N. IIU KCOX, ft! OorilantttMfcet, New Yorn. AFI-:itltO-TYFKorl fir( de Vlalta can he cupie.I ti l.iffe-nued Plintonruph fui 'IlOiV IOIXa ItH by llOKWUUU, 17 I'm lull Square, K.Y. YKAlland txpelises U AieuU. OulOl frea anureas r. 11. vu;i IlikKKV. auausta. auuia riTTlVrCl HTolTr. OaUlogus frea. Addirt Jf UiV O Uicat Western Gun Works. yjMbmtt It A T?Tf O for Sale. Send for Catalogu. . iVXiillo SI APLl-.S Co., Harrisonburg. Va O Superb Rosebud, Obiomo Cards, or XI all Floweed alotto Willi uauia, IPC, Nassau Card Co., tasau, H.X Sfif5 A WSKK In your own town. lerms snd V Outnl uu flea. Address U. UaJJ-stt k Co., Portland, aUiua. A WKKK. alutdl lioa. tit a day at horns easily made. Costly Address Taoa 4 Co.. Auausta. Mauia. !tf GOOD HONEST SA mm maw '1M . .. rNTI V CUBES PERMANENCY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS Constipation and Piles. IT HAS W WONDERFUL BECATJSB IT ACTS ON TIIE LITER, TUB BOWELS AND KID NEYS AT THE SAME TUIE. . Because It cleanse the ystem of the poleonoue humor that develop In Kidney and Urinary disease, Bil iousness, Jnundloe. Constipation, Piles, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female d Isorder. RIPNET.WORT Is aaVr Trtetabl eei.' peand and ea be sent by mall prepaid. Onepaciage will make six qts of medicine. m-sr. it wow t Buy It at the DroEBl.ts. Price, 1.00. TELLS, E:"A2D:CiT CO., Proprietor., Burlington, Yt. rHAE!i iUl SlitASE. FOlt SAI.H II V AM. DF.A1.EHH. Aivardcd tie MKDALOF Hoynii at tit Ccntcnuioi and I'nti Krpnsiltnvt. Chicago. FRAZER LUBf CATOR CO.. ITowYwh 7TXE0Il'S CQHPOUIiD 07 PUKE COD LIYEB OIL A1ID LIKE. 35: To Hi- rinimimpUve VIHm1'h nm - ,1i llll'i of '!-1 IVH: i Ml. AMI llMK. IV. 111. .lit tiS3 'ls:!W: tlie vitv luiwiit it,, ll ivnr nf tin' mliile an tin eh ilme nenl, h c.MW' I iiv tut- I'linsplinle of I. line with a heiilimi imiiKv wlii.'h rrnh"s the Oil ihniJiiy t-lll. Ji. lmiH. li -.ii.trkuhle tfStliii'iii-i!sor Hm-!II -u.-y -ai Khow n. SoW oy A. II. W'u n :t, Clryst, Unst- it, an t all druiiists. Acme Library of Biography. Twelve standard books, at one time, puhllshed at VI each, now tBMit-d In one heutitiful, cooil type, neatly clolti Ixiiiinl volume, for hit i-ts.,an l jK)rtnue, H eta.; containlne; Frederick the Great, by Mat nulny; ' Hohert I. urns by (,'arlyle; ' Ulahoiuet." by (ilhlion; Martin Luther." Iiv Chevalier Itniiheii; " M iry, Queen of St utV hy ljinr line: "Jounof Are,"ty MKht-lr-t; " Hamiihal," by Tho Arnold; "OMar," hy M.ldetl; "Cromwell," by Ijm.a line; "William Pitt," by Alnraulay; .J'l'olumhns." iitnaitlne; "Vittoria Colonna," by Trollnpe. Send fn ' The J.Uerary lievoiutmM." in-e, and mention this parNrf Pla n you write. A M I Uh A JtOOH " Tribune lin 1 Ifl i ntx , Aew Vork 1 Ii I'lso'a 1'ure lor I'onsunii'- t Ion Is also the best cough med- clne. I)ono aiiiiill, bottle I lurso. Bold everywhere. '25c. I tnd St. 00. WarrniitiMl to first buyers. ET,VHi-M'ii.iiflSi-i.r,-a KriTAlltalr-HLn 11-46. I rntfntii procured in the U.S. and all forrlim count, tr-t, in the quirkht time and best man- i n-T. All iatfntfi takvfi throuch this otfc rccfivg a pratnitnna nntico in the tinei.tific A ri i .vi ii, liirh ha a lartror circular ion than a1 1 finitrt ot if s claa puiilinUud in tho IT. K. I comliinfrt. Trm' Modnrato. Pamtihlota of 1 itifiirniation, and cnnHti.tntifinn frt-c Addreaa M MN H& . CO HI VA iioW. KW VuRK, Thla CUIm-IIouM KsUibllshatl lsea. NSIONS. "Jaw fjiw. Thousands of Sol lien and hrlra rntttlrt fensiom dale ba.-k to discharge or drain. Tmu iaaatta Address, with sumii, liK.lillujs K. LEMON, T. O. Drawer 3-. Wag 1 1 K I on, I. u m n BE ATTY EJL' Vc tv Oikuui 1 li t.lui, 1M'I (InMt n Tflnuue Iti i'tU. 6 pc If Lneeawi-llii, walnut rimv,wanirl yi'iin, a huoli .Wi IiunoH,Hl(ol, ruvt-r 4 liiMik, 0113 to gISiaa .f.o. ituliuy lifVuri' Iu Mrllf uif, I ril NewauMirvr". . rtQV AiiirtM iAML F, UETt)l. Uaakiugtun, Vtferwi. JOS E P II C. T OI) D , Engineer and Machinist, PATERS0N, N. ., AND 10 BARCLAY ST., N.Y. Klnx. Ilenip, ,Int,., i,.,.-. an 1 Hn-ui u. M:ichln rv; Stcaii.-ellille.-.'Ill'l Hull Is' i every iles -:l. tion ; HoistlliK y lor Alines, ac. w el Ulcl e.c!lKie llulinfac liner ,.r tup new I'.'l nt I'.uMer iu tal.le Knaiiie. These etu'iin s .ire airu nt iinproveineir over the oM sivle, and a e mini. a-lapled for all kinds of agricultural and mechanical puriHjses. Scud for deacriptiva circular. Addle s as i Love. vrrv S.l!n. -'' J.bnATTLEBORO VT. EVEHYWHEREJK0VN AMD PRIZED J. V.'. PAYNE ii SONS, COItMSU, K. Y. C. JLr-' Piitent Spark-Arrestin H tcWSAltJL.SS.aZiJBD 4: J , K"",inouiitattnd!iskid:i. i':. f 5.5 Vurtitail KiiRtuea Willi wro'l & '"' $ '"'Uci rt. Eureka Saft-ty pow V'. with Kuctioiiul iKiilcrs- - (T-S fi.'1-,. mn't he exiluiUl. All ii, J.H ..-iNvvUU Aulomutio Citl-OlT ;-J-!-Vt-. l-'io-.i i 150 tu 2,t)00. ' "aL.3- V' S.!ik. f"r Clivulur. f.XU .1 villi P1IW tlli ABI-CAR3 SODA Is Uir tirst In tin World. It Is absolutely pure. It Is ths liest for Medicinal Purposes. It Is tlie best for Making Slid all 'iuully l ata. Sold by all Druui.u aud Uroceia PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phlla, OH 30 DAYS' TRIAL We will send out Kleetro-Voltalc Pelts snd oti ar Eli ctii'- A (ip. i.inci-s upon trial lor :to das Lo tho allli aitti .Vo tout ttcbdity au l dictttrn tj a ri ..., h.,furr. Aim uj II. .- Live', ut ihjs. KlteuUijti..u, I'.i,, . s A we ewe 'Jiuirtmteul cr t.v j... y. Address V uH-ie, 14c 1 1 ;o . , I i a 1 1 1 1 , M lr Ii. TIIK IMirhrss tviiitn i, m by the orlplnalot l Hll cucli, mi l la ce, luruij sce.llini hlrawbcli v. t ei, M iir,., S-i per U.04. b I lur ilesciip I.QU. A.J. CAowQ a su.N, alarlLorouuh, N. Y. VOUNC MEfJ Lea MeKr.phyauu u7 ti ko'ty r'iuite Kuarantead a payuisnUr. tta.n. Address K.Va,eiituu! , Mauser, Jaiiesv"l.-, Wis. . $5 to $20 ,)' at boina. Samples wortfi p, free. AO'... ariasna 4 Oa.. Portland, ataina rn'nlosrna with rj.ju..fli AjTal i'ttilt free. vv 11. HKin, - Tit mit'No you A That is justI f t.'H,tuJie 1 I N HAT I SHALL I ' TlorlC-J Jfca ii if Ml i MATRON SEEDS