THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1880. K. of H. Itldgway Lodge No. 1044 meets on (ho 2d and 4th Fridays of each month t 8 o'clock. New Time Tabmc. Under the new schedule the mail nnd local freight leave Rldgway station as follows: MAIL WEST 2:33 " EAST .... BsOQ LOCAL WEST - . . 7tB0 " EAST . 3i2S A cei-tnln young woman nmm-d llunniih, Slipped down on n plnccof bnminu; She shrieked, nnd oh niy'UI And more Kt hi h she spied TIiru belong to the stiir-simnglffd bsnncr. A pontlnninn sprang to assist hr, And picked up lior imiir und her wrlstcr; "Did yon full, mti'mat" ho pried i "Do you think," Alio replied, "I iHtdown lor tho fun of It, mlslerf" Yauvob mrnuni. j Prime Co floe nnd Carolina Rico at Morgestor's. The Treasurer's Hales of Unseated lands takes up a large ahnro of our pace this week. Jacob Dold's celebrated West Philadelphia Hams for sale at Mor goster's. Light running, Lfttasl improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of before, at Mrs. W. 8. Service's. Fresh arrival of Pea Vine and Medium Clover SeelTnlso Prl'me lot Onion Sets all at bottom prices at Powell & Kline's. A new board walk will be laid soon from a point near VV. II. Oxter bout's residence, along the turnpike to tho depot. The plank have already been placed on the ground. Wednesday morning was cold and clear, a gentle reminder that "winter still ling " ohl ouch!! don't strike. We thought that that quotation had never before been lined. .Spring nnd Summer samples of clothing at McAfee's over Powell & Kline's store on Main street. A large assortment of beautiful and durable samblcs to select from. Call and leave your measure. In another column will be found the advertisement of H. M. Mnlln who oilers for sale seed potatoes of his own raising. After five years patient wait ing; Mr. Ma 1 1 n has succeeded in getting potato which he guarantees to ripen in two months. That gun advertised for In last week's Advocatk has been returned. All the guns are now In and ready for shipment. There Is yet missing 0 bayo nets. Any persons discovering a bayo net will please return the same to Tine Advocate office. That splendid orjrau sold by D. 8. Andrus or Co., Wililanisport, Pa., for $76.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 'Vet t'J inches high, Is sold now for fcSii.Gii with one more stop and the grand oi'Kn knoo swell additional. Write them Terms easy on long time nlno. The season of flowers is now nearly at band. It is said that, "April showers bring May iiowers," und as the April showers have come next will be the May llowtrs. Harry Chaiipel, Florist, Wllllutusport, Pa., has a large assortment of the several varieties of flowering und bedding plants. For purtleuTars call ut Til K Advocatk of fice. Sew York, Uhlgwny and Pittsburgh Ituilroad. The rmiivrnrilynHnii tit Ihf VnrtlKirn It. It. and Navigation Company, known as the Pennsylvania portion of the Rochester, Nunda and Penu'a It R. was perfected at Smethport, Me Keau county, Pa , ou Tuesday last, after sale under execution of the rights, franchises and property of said coiu puny, purchased by John U. Backus. The new organization Is known as the New York, Rldgway and Pittsburgh H. It. Following will be found the names of the President and Directors of the road, who are chosen to servo un til the regular election which occurs the 1st Monday In May: Charles R. Eurley, President. Andrew O. Curtln, Benton K, Jamison, William M. Stewart, Eugene Quuckenbush, Hheridun Gorton, Lucius Rogers, Hccretury.' Is Tour Dog Registered. By an act of Assembly approved May 18, 1878, provision Is made for the registration of dogs In the county clerk's office. Tho fee for such regis ter is $1 00, one-half of which sum goe to the county. After the dog Is registered In accordance with the pro visions of said act, It becomes personal property and any person killing or stealing said registered dog becomes liable to the peuultles fixed by said bet. Three dogs have been registered in Elk county, as follows ; No. 1. A 2 year old Breeds setter dog named "Jack" with brown-white breast and 21 Inches high, registered Deo. 13, 1879, property of Phllo Chrisler. No. 2. "Peter," seven years old, 19 inches high with brown-white breast registered Feb. 19, 1880, as "The Boss dog" value 100, proporty of Capt. Fred. Schoening. No. . C. II. McCauley's dog "Dan ger" two years old. sky terrier light yellow, registered April 7, 1880. Value flOO. If All the dogs In Elk eounty were registered the county would soon re alize enough money to make a large payment on the new Court Louse. i.t the good work proceed. Personal Items. t&'ln this column we propose to give all the personal happenings com ing under our observation. If you have a personal which you wish In serted send In the pnrtlculars.-jH Capt. P. A. Mead is In town for a few days. Did you C Man with his now wristlets on Sunday ? Eddie Powell is home from Lewis burg school for a few days. Jacob Butterfuss has had the froutof his harness shop painted. Mrs. Calwell, wife of Conductor Cnlwcll, whom many of our readers are acquainted with, and son are visiting In this village. H. Ross, and family, formerly of this place and lately of Dell Rapkls, Dakota Territory, passed through here yesterday on their way to Renovo. Miss Emma IS. Ross stopped off at this point and is the guest of the Misses Cuthbert. Ourthnnks are duo A. K. Dunkel Secretary of Internal affairs for n tieauliailiy bound copy or his annual report. Also to William P. Hchell, Auditor General for a cotvv of his annual report. Never before have we seen tbo reports of these departments Issued in such attractive shape. MA liRIEl). Andkiison Axdekhox. Iii port at tho Wright House, March 80, 1K80, by Rev. W. CJ. Wlltse, Mr. J. A. Anderson, of I) isiiseuhondn. Elk Co., Pa., to MUs Phillah Anderson, ofWinethport, Pa. Hir.r..-Sarah M., wife of Rev. J. Hill of Bear Lake, Warren county, do parted this lite March 7, 18.), nftor a long and painful Illness in great peace and with a hope of eternal life, aged 80 years, 7 months and 2S day. Wuw;n Mail. Mrs. IIIll was a sister of Dr. J. K Bordwell of4 Rldgway, a notice of whoso death appeared in our last Is sue. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves In debted to me will please call und settle without further notice, unless other terms have been agreed upon. C. Bowkhh. Canned Apricots, Pumpkin and Preserved Plums at Molester's. Aaron McKenuy, who died re cently In Maine aged 10J, was a most remarkable example of vigorous health and physical activity. Not long before his death ho knocked down a man who had suggested the appointment of a guardian for him, which brought on bin ttrsl lawsuit, wherein he acted as his own counsel, lie had never been out of his native town; bad never tasted liquor or been In a railway train and had never sent or received a tele gram. East Greenville, Montgomery county, claims to have the least borough tax of any borough In the United States. No tax wus assessed for borough purposes last year and only one mill school tax. Mrs. T. F. Bullers would respect full inform the people of Rldgway and vicinity that she lias Just opened a fresh stock of groceries which she will exchange for cash at satisfactory prices. Room next door to Orosh's Furniture Rooms. Bargains In .Soap, Seven Bars for Twenty-live cents at Molester's. List of letters remaining In the Ridgwuy P. O., Elk county, Pa., up to April , 1880. Brlckley, MIhs Sadie Borliu, Reubln A. Borket, Lewis Brown, Tim Carnilian. Frank DeWire, M. J. Dlnsmore, James Dunkle, Geo. B. Greasce, Miss Jennie Oahngen, J. 8. Ilewett, Mr. Johnson, James I. Johnson, Miss Ousta. Johnson, J. C. Jauke. Ludwlng Klueg, Jexsle Lutke, Gustavo (2) Mitchell, Miss Rachel Mercaster, W. Minor, J. P. Stephens, Miss Carrie (2) Timbiin, Win, White, J. D. FOKF.IGN. Buckley, Jno. G. Johnson, ChrisUcn McTlghe, Thomas If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter otllce ut Washington, D. C. J. II. IIaoerty, P. M. Onions, Turnips, Potatoes and Prime Fresh Butter at Morgester's. Military Matters. Thomas R. Cowell bus been elected Captain of the Oil City Greys, in place of Daniel Fisher, who resigned lately. It has not yet been decided where the encampment of tho three brigades east of tho Alleghenles will bo held. The western brigades will probably camp near Braddock's Field. Phlta. Timet. Erie Guard, Co. B, 17th Regiment, on Tuesday evening filled the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. Kurtls, by electing First Lieut. J. W. Burns, Captain Bocond Lieut. G J. Smith, First Lieutenant, and First Bargeant J. J. Baxter, Second Lieut The new officers oro all veterans and deserve their promotion. The 8,000 regulation overcoats ord ered by Adjutant Gen. Latta to be manufactured iire nearly completed. The ordiuance stores are now ready for distribution, and it will not be many days before the National Guard of Pennsylvania will be for the first time in the history of tho State thoroughly uniformed and equipped, and ready foructive service at a moment's no-ti. Fox and Vicinity. Last Saturday was n rainy day. The Inst man of Brockport has be come a scribe. Henry Gross is moving his house. Leonard Hays left home lust Tuesday. The people of Brandy Camp mnde a surprise party at the residence of U. W. Rogers last Wednesday evening. The people nro all sick with the distemper. The question discussed at tho literary association last week was, "Which Is tho moro preferable city or country life." Tho decision was given In favor of country Ufa, Thomas Boytano has been bully ing a fence in front of the grave yord school house. Duke Emmett has again mado his appearance on our streets. We are glad to see you out again. It. T. Kyler and tho man of the moon paid Centrevlile a visit last Friday. U. R. & R. U. Mad. Ilrockpni't nnd Keystone. The most of tho lumber Is out of Little Toby and a greater part to mar ket. The oil well Is In progress at Vine yard Run being down about three hundred feet. Tbo owners are leasing more territory. We hope soon to see the banks of Little Toby lined with derricks and hear tho pulling of many engines and of tho oil being forced through the pipes on the way to mar ket, and that the banks of Little Toby may be so swelled and that lumber may bo ruu to market by the overflow of oil. The Brockport mill started up tho 2d for the purpose of sawing out some bill stuff. -Horace French has returned from Syracuse, to which place he was called to see his sick and only sister and re ports her still falling. OAtmiEL. Last Week's Dagm City Dots. Andy Kaufl'mau has. built him n shanty and intends baching for a while. -Tho N. W. M. & Ere. Co. are dally adding to their force of em ployees. Kddlo Sullivan met with a pain ful accident on Friday afternoon last while cutting wood. The axe glanced striking him on the top of the right hand, leaving a very bad cut. Dr. Williams was immediately summoned and dressed the hand and at the present writing the young man Is siid'crlug very Utile pain and the hand Is doln-r as well as could be expected. . Thomas Doliugi'f has rented the blacksmith shop of Frank Showers and will open up for business In a few days. Pro.1-. Luther was up to the city on Saturday, lie came from Toby up. II. I). L. M , of Local Hollow, Ik the "merriest boy that's out." Did you ever hear him sln;tV Charley, of the D.igus city store dray wagou, has rather u queer look ing mouth and nose on htm. He says hols no lover of protruding boards along a sidewalk. Joseph Wandcl loft for Slilck sbluny on Friday last ou a visit to bis folks. Col. Farrls bus gone to New York. J. W. Morgtster, the cheap grocery man from Rldgway was up to sec our city on Wednesday last. Come again. I. N. O. This Week's Dngas City Dots. House cleaning is now the order of the day. Cenlrevillo is badly in need of sidewalks. Potatoes are scarce. Garden making will soon bo on hand. Pendergrnst has wont utid had his hair cut oil'. Now is n good time to clean up your yards and cellars. Rev J. A. llovls lias moved to Jacob McCauley's houso in Centre vlile. Mr. Dentzer and family have left Centrevlile and moved to Warren, Pa. No "Mr. Hhudgo" he wouldn't stay any longer hero. Murtln Hlvlck lost one of his best horses one day last wiek. II. D. S. Molmey and Elmer Mohney have left tho elly and gone to their homo ut Rlmersburg, Clarion county. Sorry to seo the boys go. Sunday was a very disagreeable day. Heavy thunder in the after noon. . A miniber of our Swedes are leaving the city for their farms at Kane and will return to tho mines in tho fall agalu. Most everybody and their aunts and uncles are suffering ut present from severe colds. Edward Kelley has returned from tho hospital at Philadelphia, where hv has been under treatment for one of his eyes. Ed. looks well but uin sorry to say has partially lost tho use of one of his eyes. Martin Lynch, after an absence of a couple of mouths from tho city has again returned, looking bale and hearty. ' Wo had the pleasure'of listening to the flute band a few momenta on Monday evening, and must say tile boys are doing nobly for the time they havo been practicing. Prof. Walsh appeureto be the right man in the rlfrht r'nee. j, y, q. Urn inly Camp and Surroundings. Dikd A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlstinlllor died last Saturday of congestion of tho brain and Inflammation of the bowels. Tho protracted meeting on the mountain Is rather poorly attended. W. II. Horton swears vengeance on the man that borrowed his spirit level and forgot to return It. A large number of the men of this plaoo started Inst. Monday . for Portland to go down the river. Locals will be fc.wirco from Brock port this week on account of the writ ers being down tho river. L. C. A. Buy your note paper and cnvel nt Titn Advooatk ottlee. Always call nt Tits Advocate office for note pnper nod envelopes. Best quality note pnper and on velopcs at this office. All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this ofllce will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet all and seu speci mens. WantedI) .H. Patty A Co., Nurs erymen, want a few good reliable men to sell thkk'h V!N'm and sitnuim through this stale. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. For full particulars address, D. H. Patty & Co., 7-1 Broad St., Newark, N. J. 'til mil Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve Toiiio Is the liest remedy In use for poor appetite, weakness and trembl ing In tho stomach, pain alter eating, heartburn, soreness and gnawing pains in tho stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of the bowels arising from poor digestion. One bottle hints nearly three weeks. Price $1.00. Dr. Day's Cure for Head-itche Is theonly remedy known that will stop an attack of sick or nervous hentl ache In its commencement; only three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price 00 cents a bottle, Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure a cough with fewer doses than any medtclne 'lii use. Price 50 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give the greatest relief In neuralgia of the face and will cure ear-ache Immedi ately. Price 2"i cents a bottle. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for these medicines. Manufactured by D. B. Day, M. D., Rldgway, Pa. ,t. ... Squaro envelopes and legal fold note puiier at Tin: Advooatk offlco. One of the most useful little books we have seen lately is tho one Win. Nclll Is agent for. The price Is $1.00, and for the price no person can afford to be without It. We give the wold lug of tho title page which will give some idea of the contents of this in dlspenmible little volume: "The Ameri can Popular Dictionary; containing every useful word to be found In the EiiicIIhIi Laiigungc; with Its true meaning, derivation, spelling and pronunciation. Also a var.t amount of absolutely necessary information upon Science, Mythology, Biography, American History, Indians, Land Titles, Constitulloii, Laws, Cities, Col leges, Army and Navy, Debts, Rate of Mortality, Growth of Cities, Rate of Interest, Insolvent und Assignment Laws, etc., la-lug a perfect Library of lU-fcrcuco In one handy volume. Mr. Nelll will ca'l on you when you can see the book und give him your order. Worthy of Attention. We advise all our readers, whether they own a foot of land or not. to sup. ply themselves with that treasure of useful, practical reliable information, the Aintrcnn ArrivullufM, so named because sturted -"8 years ago as a journ al, but ii"W enlarged to embrace n great variety of most tisful reiulln;? for the Household, Children included, for the Garden, as well as the Farm for all classes. Each volume gives some tWO original Engravings, with descrip tions of labor-saving and labor-helping contrivances, of plants, frttlts, flowers, animals, etc., Including many large and pleasing, us well us Instructive, pictures for joung and old. The con stant, systematic exposures of Hum bugs and Swindling Schemes by the Ayi'U'itUurMnreot great value to every one, and well save to most persons many times Its cost. Altogether, it Is one of the most valuable, us will as eheupest, Journals e-uy where to bo found. The cost Is only $1.50 aycar.or 4 copies for $3. Single numbers 16 cents Subscribe at onco for 180; and receive the rest of this year free, Orange Judd Company, Publishers, 245 Broadway, New York. Tun Advocate and tho named Journal for $2.60. llanhooi: How Lo3t, How ftdstored! ffiTvfZZJr Just published a new wlli Trii, euiiion or or. cuivor A ,!!& Colabratad Ea aw on ther(cl euro (without med lei ne) of Spermatorrlia'a or Seminal Wea k n ess, I n vol u u t a ry Scm I n al I j( isses lmpotency, also, consumption, J-.pll cpsy and Fits, Induced by self-lmlul genee or sexual extravagance, &c. Tho celebrated author, in this ud mlrablo Essay, dourly demonstrates from u thirty years' successful practice that tho alarming consequences of self-abuse may bu radically cured without the dutiKcrous use or internal Ihedlclne or the uoolleutlon of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure ut once simple, certain, effectual, ny means or which every suflerer, no matter what his condition may bu may cure lifmseir cneapiy, privately, und radically. BfciTTliis Lecture should be in the bunds of every youth and every man m me land. Sent under seal, In a nlaln envel opo, to any address, Tiost-nuld, on receipt of six cents or two postage utmps. AvUlross the Publishers. Hi Culverwell Medical Co.. 41 Ann ftL. Maw York. N. Y.i Post SEED POTATOES. MAM.N'S KART.Y HEICDMNtt Guaranteed to come to perfection in two months if properly fertillwd. Pmrt! f.Vi'O a bushel ; f2.G0 bushel , $1.20 a peek or 1 .00 a pound by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Address, R. M. MA LIN, Rldgway, Pa. Orders left at Tiir Advocate will receive prompt attention. BEST m THE WOULD ! -s-0 SaiaS& SALERATUS Which is tbo ramo thing. Impnrn til-Cash Pioiln oe Paln-ntti iwli h liithc-HUtiK-iningnUofitnllfjlif. y t'lrly wlillo color. It mny eii will to, fteminul tturlr, hut m f.MS?AIl!OX WITH cmfftCIt WIS Altli ASimVMMKtt" HASH Will iliow tho rtfftyronoe. Bee thitt your Hwlowiitts !- nrt Fuila U ivlUJSp .l .ri'U K, n "hSuia A 1.7. fi!titJi.Att HUBBl-AN- cr,U uorii for rjo-a. Qnitjfc.ror rho prefer 'iroisl tnaiV) wlttx ywHt, will lm-r:vr) Us quality, iimBS it rii Wtcf an.l limvoatlt A-nn umirtnn, t'y nuUlnJ nii.Miiilfloasiitioiifnlorc hun-li A I'o.'n Hoitu at RnlnMilM. Ilnmll-n Blul IWMB- too tlllli'U. Tllfl timi nf tain with n 'P mllli, In Jirofd-ttuen tv lJn''ilii 1-owilnf, o:iv twnuljr tliiiii" llo r 'i-t. Has oas pmtu'l hm-K-mJ r valunbla lufcraa tloii umt rod (-iii'.iruiiy. 8H0W THIS T3 Y0U3 QMSHL Highest Kiiil &t Vianai aai ?MUh!?h'. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., Q91 Kroadicay, .IVio i'otk. Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums, Grsphoscopes, STEREOSCOES & VIEWS, E2ISHAV1K&3, ClinOUOS, PHOTO- GRAPHS, Ami kindred KoodsCVlelirlllcs, AutresHvs etc Tit otogt 'ctph io Ma t e t ials . yVo arc - Hendipiarters for everything In the way of BTESE0PT2C0KS & 3AOI0 LANT3SBNS, Each style being the best of its class In the market. . Beautiful Photographic Transpar encies of Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex (ilass, Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex UIiims Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for using, sent on re ceipt of ten cents. nb (six months.) CENTRAL State Normal School. (l.tifhlh A'orinitl School LVtKtrlvt) LOCK HAVEN, CI.INT0X CO., PA. A. X. IiATU, A. M., Principal. Tills fiehool as nt present constituted, ofl'ers the very best facilities for I'ro fcssionnl and Classieal lcariitntf. lhiildiiiKS spiu-idiit, Inviting and commodious; completely healed by steam, well ventilated, and l'urnlnhe'd wlih a bmir. ful supply of puro water, soft spring w ,U-r. Location healthful und easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery uiiHurnased. Teachers exicrieiiccd, etHcletit, und alive to their work. DiHclpline, firm but kind, uniform and l borough. Expenses moderate' Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to ti-ach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the Stale; I. Model School, II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Hcleu eutlflc. ADJ I NCT ( Ot'HHKfl I I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. MuhIc. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are l'rofcsslonnl, und students KraduatltiK therein receive State Diplo mas, eoni'crriiijf the followliifr eorres pondlng decrees: Master of the Ele ments, ami Master of the Sciences, (traduutes in flic other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by tiio Faculty. The professional courses arc liberal, aud lire lu tlioroiiKhiii'-n not inferior tw those of our best colleges. The Slate requires a hluher order of citizenship. 'Jlio times demuud It. It is one of the prime objects of this school to help to secure it by ('urn Wi lli; Intelligent und clllclenl teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young pei-Hons of kooi! abilities und Kood )urooseM those M'ho desire to Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises uld In developing their powers und abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue und terms uddrcsa th I'rlnelpul. B. 1). BALL. President Uourd of Trustees T. IIIPl'LE. Secretary. IIOAKD OF THUHTEESi Clinton county. H. P. Hall. T. C, lllliple, lr. J. 11. Uarton, A. II. Itcst, Jacob lirown. Wilson Klstler, A.N. Itauh, W. W. Kaul'.ln, It. (J. Cook, Hairiuel Christ, O. Kluly.lng, S. M. Hlckford, H. L. Dlirunbuch A. .0 Noyes, H. It. Pcule. Ceutre-Ex-Oov. A CI. CurtlnA Clearfleld-Ex.Oov. Win, Hlgler. Elk Cluirles it. Eurley. M l'J'TSy i Visiting card at Tine Advocate 6iflC6. the ,:tf Band fnr Illnsfratoil Circnfor on,! prices. Most Elegant, Simplo and V9 li uSk.y --7T3 I J&J VWtr$te4 tie is ft bountiful specimen of ineelmnlsw, '.l . fi'-?.5V. : ii&sis.'S ami takrs rnul: with UtO WMlieLtw-Ulovomenti P'fi&i "f5 $rJ- tVof luvssitlve ppnlus. Jt.--We &o wot. tense f ;vi-or consign Machiuos, llion-fnw. hws i nooU ir on tut to "iwleh i aud ru-vuruieU for our s i- .--r r-.i . IViarKet. I ne ever nanaoiB mwivm v VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Wostacu Bronoh Offloe, 833 SiAta Sr., Cmoaoo, III. HIDDLETOWN. CONM, Oct.30yl. J. H. & W. H. HYDE, AflENTS, K I DO WAY, PA. Literary devolution and Universal Knowledge An Encyclopedia lu 83 Vol., over 13,050 psaos; 10 per cent, morn matter than'miy Encvcioptodla ever hcfoi-n nnbllslied In this country, and soft! handsomely and well ho ind, in cloth for $13, In half morocco for $?8 and li-liitcd on'ilnt) heavy paper, wide margins, hound in half IIusmIii, rIU top, for 0 -nn enterprlni) so extraordinary that Its success, hcyoiid nil precedent In book puhllnhinir, may he fairly claimed to Inaugurate a J.Hrrui) L'txmlvtion, Tin; LmiiAitv oV t.rstvuitHAL Kkuwlkhok Is a reprint entire of the last (1S7!) !Mlnbur;fh odltloii of "Chamber's Ennyciopivdln." wit'i about 40 per cent, of now matter added, upon topics of special Interest to Amerloati readers thus ma'alii' It eipial In character to any similar work, better than any other suited to lh wants of the (treat majority of those who consult works of refer ein-e' ami altogether the latent Km-yclopiodla In tho field. Hici-lmi-n Volume In oltliKi-stylo will h(oiit for uxaiulniilloa with rlv!Wao ef rPtiifil on i-iM'i'lpiiir iii-oiioi-iiiiiiiiit-piluo per volumrt. .... NihvIhI l)ri-o!iiit to nil imu-Iv HiilmsrlUnrs, nail fstfrt itlnoou-it n elulis. I-'ull pnrltsulsrs with (lrerlptlmi ciil-iloaun or many otii'-i- Btnii.lnril woi it. priniiy liv la pi-luo, seat trn. Lctuliuir pi'liic.i)lcs of I lie Amaridan Book .xoianQ3 1 f. l'niillnh only ho ilt or t'util viiliiB. II, Work upon tho bitxis of iireat oust of malting hooks, about ono-lmlr what it wM n frw "i1 '," i.o V i -u r n itli'rut, mid snvo thiai 50 to 00 per coat eonimisnlou commonly allowod ''i v'.'Thn rol of lio'iku when mtulo lo.iii)!) nt. n tlmn Is hut a frnctlnii of the oot wIiimi nmilo ftuoiit.u llnio mlopt tliu low priuuiiinl soil tin' lnri nimiillty. V. I'm' uooil I. vp". pnpi'r, "lu.. ilo nrii'olul pi'liiMim, itii'l uti'onsr, 1101 1 hlnillna, hut svnlil Ml "pnilillint," flit iiiul houvlly lc ulinl type, upony p.ipjr aipl t'li-ely iilinlins. whleli sro so I'oiiiiiiniiiy rvsoricit to imiks lmols appi'nr Iiu'kd anil Hue, ana wliloli Ki-uittly uaa to tholr coxt, hut ilo not. iiihl lo llmli' viiluo. VI. To inuliu tl una a ri'ioiia la iK'tu-i' tluia to niaka $! sail an enemy. STANDARD BOOKS. niino'V of tMitvermil Knowli-dtri", an vol, SI0. MIIiiihu'm (4hh(iirn Homn. vols.,, S'.'.fiu. Mm'iiii!ny'H Illnloty of Kimliuut, i vol., SI.SO. ( 'luimlii'v's Cyulopii'illii ut Kng. I.lluiuliii'u, I vol.. $i. Kiiliiht'N lllxtory orKimlmiil, vol., JS. l'luliii'i'h's I.Ives of Illunll lou Men, 3 Vol., i .nn. (lellileV f.lfollllil Wonts of ChHt, W fonts. Youtm's Itlhle I'lnieoi'diinoe, nil.will refvrviives 1 r'l oir 1 tiir 1. M..Vi. Acme l.liu'iiry of llloitrnphy. fi'l eenl. ll'Hilc of l iililes. vl-'.sop. et", III.. .HI rent. Mllloir Coinplele I'nelleiil Work,!nl cents. Hlniltespenre ( 'olnplete Work, "il eent. Wni k of 1'iilile. tninsliileil hy I ni y, ') eeiil. Work or N il-nil, tiniiiliiletl hy 1 11 j-ilen, liiet. 'J'lie Koiiiu ol .Molitiiiiini il, li-iinsliitiiU by Mule :ir, eeiiis. A'lvetilui-o of lion tjulXKie, lllns., SO cunts, Ai-iihliin MalKs, llluslriileil, .Vieents. luinyiin's l'llm lm' I'roitri'ss, Illu.. "0. llolillinnti ( 'rusoe, III lis., fin eeiil. MiinehiiiiHeii A 4illver's Trn ! Hills. find. Htolii-siiiiit liitlliitls, hy l' T. Allien, lllns. SI, Aemn l.llil'iLi-v 11I' Mniiern 'Inssles. A'l eellts. v lieiuit iiv hunk tlinl'l, money order, reiilstol-oil loiter, or hy tlspies. l'l'iielluns of ontf Uolltu mny ho sunt In poslese slumps. AiUlres AHSRICA1T BOOK ECHAlTdE, John H. Ai,ri:N, Mni"fn . TrlSano Bulldlig, Hew York. Business Cards. A. rAHIxCUM ATTOltXKYAT-LAW. Main street, Itldirw-ay, 151k Co., I'u rartlcttlar attention plven to the exaMiltiatlon of titles, alo to patents and patent eases. HALL & M'CAULEY A TTOHN E Y- AT-LAW.' OfTlce In new brick building, Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Tu. v82f AT'lOItNE Ya-AT-L A XV , Itldtfway, Elk county, Pa, Oftlco over It. I. Campbell s store, Main Street. Chilian for collection promptly attended to. jnclo,ls"tl 11'. L. WILLIAMS. (t.nlo of stinttiiiivlllo), I'hyslcliin nnd N ur tteon, HhlKWii)-, I'll. Ollleoln Hull's lliielc llullillni; (ii)-l:ili's).i llel'eienei'K .1. 1), HluUh, il. L. Vnuiin, U. Itulol'sou, MMIiUllll-Vllli-s Mnjot-John Ullh-y. W. W.lirceuinnd. ('Iiirlon. Hiih in-iietk-eU Ills prolosUm sue eessfuily for more Unto ten vein's, PnUOUIrtT & PAUMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main und Mill streets. Uidtrwiiv, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic PrugH. Prescript ions carefully dls lei!bcd at all hours, day or night. vinily J. 8. BSRDWELL, f&. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & HUIttl'N, Has removed his ofllce from Centra ttreet to Main ntreot, llldftway, Pa., In the second story of tho new brick building of John O. Hull, west of the H vdo House. Ofllce hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M. HYQE HOUSE. W. H. SCIIHAM, Proprietor, llidgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict uttentlon to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit n continu ance of the same. oct iU'liO APPL. ETON'S A&SmSAN CYCLO PEDIA. This admirable work is now com pletein 10 vols. EiKihvoluinecontalnsWjO pages. It makesa complete and Well selected library, und no one can afford to do without It who would keep well informed. Price &o 00 in cloth, 8'J.uo in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. 11. Fulrchlld, Portvlllo, Catt. Co.. N. Y., whoj hits been duly appointed ngent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, gcnerul agent. IMate Notice. EstuteofJohn Hollobaugh, late of Fox township, Elk County, l'a.. do oeased. All persons indebted to said estate ure requested to make Immedi ate) payment, and thoMe iiuvlug legal elulms ngulnst the same to present tht-m without deluy In proper order for settlement to Philip HAY, Adwlnlntrator. n8U kew mm SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvements September, IC7Q. IT.Uwltlistrinillng tbfl VIOTOn 1ms loan bocU Ilia peer of any Bewlug Muclilno in tho umi hct -a fact suiiportedbyfthoKl of volunleut vllnssscs-wo now customers. Wo Sell Kaw MachSnss Every Tirnc, Liberal tonus io tho trn3. liou'k buy Easy Running Machine in the Amevtonn Puti'lollsm. Went. Tiilne's History of KnwMsh l.llei-ntui-e, 7"i Mn, ('.(ill s (look of Niitiiiiil History, si, l-leloi-litl llumly l.exlc.iii, i emits. Hnylims. hy mithor of HpnrrnwuruMS I'lipors, fit) rents. Mrs. Heliums' Tor-tie Works. " roll t. Kllio'st-yelupieilhiof Illh. I.ilemtiwe, 2 vol, t'i. Itollln' Anelcnl ttlsiory. iVSi. Nmlth's IMi-llonury o" t ie lllhln, Illu., SI. Work of riiivlus .losephus, J. Onilii Illsuuy or tho I'. M., Hopkins, lllns., Xeenls. lleullh hy Kxeivlve, Dr. (Seo. tl. Tiiyloi- Sllets, llenlth for Women, In-. (4eo. II. Tiiylor, .Vi els, l.lhmi-y Miimrlni-, IDeeutsn No. !1 h yei.r. I.lhrill'y .Miii;ii.1Ui. Iioiiinl voliline, ilileelils. Loaves a-om the Dlnry of 1111 ohl lawyer,!. Knell of the nlvu hound In eloth. If hy till) 11. pcistiiKi' rM I'll. M'Kt of the hiiolt lire nlso jmhililic I In line edlUons 11 ml line hill. I lino, nt lihdier prlees. lXnorlptlvH I'liliiloitiie iiiul Term to Cluhs si-ni iree 011 request. Ii ice ulllitn the rrnci of .tit- Tlis Fail aal Ca'i'.cts ': OP E- G. IKGEaiSOLL, No. 1. TMU MHTAKKa OK MOSES." No. 8, "HK17LL8." Xo. S, "OitOHTH." No. 1. "ItKt.L.","MBKHTY of M N WOMAN & CHILD' No. 12, "Col. It. 3. INOKHHOLi.'H Vindication of Thos. Paine," Lnuture held nt Chlcngo, .Inn, 20, ISso PRICE FIVE CENTS EACH. Col. Ingersoll nnd his Chicago Critics. A lscluro by tho Ilov, .Inmon K. Applobuo Price Ifi Cents. Full report of tho Grand lle-Unloit of tho Soldiers and Sailors of the late Wnr, holdnt Chleiino, Nov, ISto IS. 1870, In olilUlnu nil spoeehes, mid thosu of l ol K. U, Inyei-Mill, Cl. Wm. 1-'. Villi. Hiituliel L, Clemens (Mto-k 1'witlu's Kpecuh on liable.) PrvICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Life und Trip around the World of (Jen. Grant. 15 cents. Lnst -Speech of Senutor Zaoh Chan dlcr, ami Itlogruphlcal Sketch, with Largo Portrait of Mr. Chandler on Cover Pumo. C Cents. Any of tho Kbuvo sent post-piild up on receipt of t'l'lue. Address: V7. L. BLAISSSLL, 101 Randolph Street Chlcngo, lilt Elcley's Furs Sietilled S5o. 13XTHAOT 25c WITCH HAZEL, OH, HAHAHStlS VIMI1TI5A. Etliuil lu (piullty to any made, um! onlv half the price. Co., bottles '0c. Pints 60c. ltelleves Headache, Toothache, nche, Hore Eyes, Nose-Weed, Ulcedliiff Lungs, Painful Menses, Whites, Asthma, lieduceu Hwellliigs, Plies, etc. Cures 1 1 i'u 1 his, Scalds, liurns, Hpralus, Woumls, itiieumatlHiii, erysipelas, Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, etc. NATURE UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL UHE. If your druggixt has not got it have him order it of the proprietor, C!IAr.LE3 ?. SISL2Y VTaolc.ale EriM, 61 Courtland St., Nw York. n47mos3 Jam Mlddletown X-Cut 8aws. J t-frard's, While's and Mann's Axes, Tubular und W Lanterns. Fii.Ka. Piston's X-Cut Kaws. Hoynton's Lightning Hawi. COHN Pol'1'KHH. Coal Hods. Stove Hhovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Hanpleh. Pick Handles. Jlj. Best rolish 10 ct. ut No. 43 Mr-in treot. . nli9 puro Cider Vincaor nd VtiA Plckint at MofgMr'i. X J