The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 01, 1880, Image 3

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i ft i
K. of H.
Ridgway Lodge No. 1614 meets on
the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
at 8 o'clock.
New Time TAni.E. Under the new
schedule the mail nnd locnl freight
leave Ridgway station as follows:
" EAST .... 5:oo
LOCAL WEST . . . 7:50
" EAST ... . 3:25
Soclnl Dance.
Joel Miller's new string hand vrill
give their first ball nt Maginuls' Hall
on Friday evening, April 2, 1880.
The public are respectfully Invited to
attend. Tickets 50 cents.
The mud is drying up.
Set out your little onions.
Easter and Easter eggs are past.
Did you get April fooled to-day?
Visiting cards at The Advocate
The post-offloc room Is being fit
ted up for a store.
Fresh Horse Radish and Chow
Chow nt Morgestcr's.
The weather was very pleasant
the first days of the week.
Apples, Potatoes, Onions and
Turnips tit Morgestcr's.
The Thayer House has been re
cently painted and grained inside.
There is one breech-loading Com
pany II gun missing. Who has it?
Square envelopes and legal fold
note paper at The Advocate office.
The Triennial Tabular Statement
will be found on the 2d page of The
The DuBois Courier will please
take notice that Ridgway Is spelled
without an "e".
Potatoes are pouring into this
market and the prospect for cheaper
prices are good.
-The Catholic and Episcopal churches
were tastefully decorated with ever
greens and flowers lust Sunday (Eas
ter.) In our next issue will appear a
delightful story by Treasurer Brunner,
entitled Treasurer's Sales of Unseated
Candidate for thcoffice of Sheriff
ore becoming numerous. Go in gentle
men the longest pole knocks the per
simmons. Representative Wolf, of Union,
says "The balance of the alleged
'roosters' must have their trial at the
April term of court."
New goods just received at Mor
gester's Crosse it Blaekwell's Chow
Chow and Mixed Pickles, Horse Rad
ish fresh. Apricots, Canned Plums,
Plum and Cherry Preserves, Canned
Special train to St. Mary's on
Tuesday, April (St. Benedict's Day.)
Leave Ridgway at 8 o'clock in the
morning, and returning leaves St.
Mary's some time in t"he evening
Full fare will be charged.
Mercer Brothers, butchers of this
place, slaughtered a steer a few days
ago which weighed when dressed 1300
pounds strong. Anil the fatest, juicest
piece of beef we have put between our
molars in many a day,
An order has been received from
the Adjutant General's olllce through
the regular channel, to Captain
Hchoening, to have all the guns, model
1806, in Company H's possession re
turned at once to be exchanged, with
the general Government for later
model. The old anus will be shipped
this week. '
Jas. McAfee, Merchant tailor, has
on had un hundred or more samples of
spring and summer goods for men and
boy's suitings. Any person expecting
a suit before July 4th will do well to
leave their measure in season, as he
has so many suits ahead ul ready that a
few more will fill up the time be
tween now and the date mentioned
Call in time.
Last Sunday (Easter) 17 members
of St. Patrick's Society of Centreville;
11 members of St. Mary's Sacred
Heart Society, and 13 members of the
Ridgway society Catholic Temperance
Aid Union of America paraded on the
streets of Ridgway. The two outside
societies were the guests of the Ridgway
society who provided a dinner at the
Ridgway house for their guests. The
Centreville society carried a large flag
made of green silk having in the cen
ter a gold cross over which was in
scribed "in hoc signo vinces." The St.
Mary's society carried the Star Span
gled Banner. All the members wore
beautiful regalias.
One of the most useful little books
we have seen lately is the one Win.
Neill is agent for. The price is $1.00,
and for the price no person can afford
to be without it. We give the word
ing of the title page which will give
some idea of the contents of this in
dispensable little volume: "The Ameri
can Popular Dictionary; containing
very useful word to be found in the
English Language: with Its true
meaning, derivation, spelling and
pronunciation. Also a vast amount
of absolutely necessary information
Upon Science, Mythology, Biography,
American History, Indians, Land
Titles, Constitution, Laws, Cities, Col
leges. Army and Navy, Debts, Rate
of Mortality, Growth of Cities, Rate
of Interest, Insolvent and Assignment
Laws, etc., being a perfect Library of
Reference in one handy volume.
Mr. Neill will call on you when you
an see the book .auu .give him your
Personal Items.
JKiyln this column we propose to
give all the personal happenings com
ing under our observation. If you
have a personal which you wish In
serted send In the partieulars.-'&Sa
rigeong are said to be numerous in
Highland township.
Dance to-morrow evening, Friday,
April 2, at Vaginitis' Hall.
H. Decker, of Washington, D. C,
wos In our village yesterday.
Jas. Maginuis Is having the front
of liis billiard saloon repainted.
Jacob McCauley Is putting In the
timber lively regardless of snow.
Alton Chapin, the E. P. of Brock
way ville, was in town this week.
Geo. 8. Rhlnes, shaved his mous
tache off and is nearly dead with a
Charles Earley, Frank Barley and
Misses May and Hellen Little have
again come home.
Cohen, Bro. fe Brownsteine, are
having the inside of their store room
newly painted and kalsoniined.
Hon. Selden .Marvin ex-Mayor of
Erie, and Mr. Churehhill of the same
city were in town this week.
j ucon JJuttertuss lias put out a
neat tobacco sign, the work of Will.
Cuthbert. The lettering is well clone,
The wrestling match in Maginnis'
Hall a week ago, turned out rather
poorly for the pair who tried to throw
Dagus had a birthday last Friday,
and the "boys" interviewed him and
Dagus set up the two-fers. He was 21
His other name is Louis Ely.
B. Lamoreux has moved into the
house near the Exchange hotel re
cently occupied by Lieut. Horton,
our local last week to the contrary not
J. W. Morgoster has lowered his
building, recently purchased of Geo.
Rhine, and has put out a penstock in
front from which flows pure water for
the public benefit.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorsline of Ran
dolph, N. Y., and Mrs. Messenger and
son, of Jamestown,"N. Y., are visiting
at Doctor Bordwell's residence. The
two ladies are sisters of Mrs. Bordwell
Sidewalk in a terrible condition at
the west end of South street- The
high bridge near Mrs. Cunningham's
is actually dangerous. Better look after
this matter Messrs. Fitch and Wilson.
Every family should cultivate a
few flowers. See broad gage adver
tisement of Harry Chaapelin another
column. Orders left at The Advo
cate office will receive prompt atten
tion. Dr. J. S. Bordwell went on Mon
day afternoon to Bear Lake, Warren
county, having received a telegram on
Friday that Mrs. J. Hill, hissister was
not expected to live. Mrs. Bordwell
received a letter on Saluiday evening
that Mrs. Hill had died since the tele
gram announcing her illness, had
been received.
The Board of Pardons refused to
pardon the "roosters"' otherwise riot
bribers, or in other words. Wm. H.
Kemblo, Charles B. Salter, Emil J.
Petrofl", W. F. Rumbarger, ami J. R.
Crawford, the gentlemen (7) recently
convicted of bribery in the Dauphin
county courts. The prisoners were
called for sentence when it was found
that they had "jumped"' the bail.
Later accounts say the bondsmen have
all been secured against loss.
Hyde To Mr. and Mrs. W.H
of this place, a son, on
day, March 2Hh, 1SH0.
Easter Sun-
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and settle
without further notice, uuless other
terms have been agreed upon.
C. Boweks.
Mrs; T. F. Bullers would respect
full inform the people of Ridgway
and vicinity that she has just opened
a fresh stock of groceries which she
will exchange for cash at satisfactory
prices. Room next door to Gresh's
Furniture Rooms.
Wanted D .II. Patty & Co., Nurs
erymen, want a few good reliable men
to sell tree's vine's and bhrubs
through this state. They promise
steady employment to good salesmen.
For full particulars address, D. H.
Patty & Co., 721 Broad St., Newark,
N. J. nl m3
Always call at The Advocate
office for note paper and envelopes.
Best quality not paper and en
velopes at this office.
A nice stock of clothing for men
boys and children at P. & K's.
Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than
any whew? else at the old Grand Cen
tral store of Powell & Kime.
Childreus' Sole Leather Tip shoes
at P. & K's.
Buy your note paper and envel-
at The Advocate olllce.
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, ut prices never heard of
before, ut Mrs. W. S. Service's.
Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents'
Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at
P. & K's.
That splendid organ sold by D. S
Andrus & Co., Williumsport, Pa., for
$75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 feet li inches high, is
sold now for $80.00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them. Terms easy
Sa Jojig timeAWo,
Notice to Correspondents nnd Others.
Hereafter The ADVOCATE will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
consequently all advertisements ami
correspondence must be handed in not
later than Wednesday noon to insure
insertion in the current issue.
News from Bldgo and Vicinity.
Jim and Sam are nearly of age.
Dentzer of lager beer notoriety left
Centreville this week.
Thos. Boytano has the job of fenc
ing Hyde's ridge farm.
Did that young man make an
other measurement of his world last
Saturday night.
Rev. Thompson of St. Mary's
preached at EJarlcy last Sabbath after
noon. The people of the ridge organized
a Sunday School last Sunday.
Fox township now supports ten
paupers and still they come.
Crag McAllister paid the ridge a
visit last week. Wonder what magnet
drew him hither?
The Grave Yard Literary Asso
ciation meet every Tuesday evening
at half-past seven o'clock.
There was a concert at R. T.
Kyler's the other evening. Joe fur
nished the music."
That young man living at the hog
back has become very much interested
in his father-in law. How Is it Frank?
"Uncle Benjamin" of the Gazette
weighs one hundred and fifty pounds
avoirdupois (sixteen ounces to the
pound). Isn't it so Lizzie?
If Joe takes two mouthfulls
of pie to Net's one, ond two of Net's
equals four of Joe's; and four of Joe's
equal the entire pie which would eat
It the quicker?
The man of the moon has the
epizootic. He made it- hot for them
the other day when he kicked the
stove over.
W. M. T. has the receipts for
cooking tomatoes, and now he would
like to have one for cooking beans.
Squibs from Brockport and Vicinity.
Win. Wise will give his second
show this (Tuesday) evening at the
Field's Hall.
J. S. Hyde and N. M. Brockway
had tt bracket out of Toby on Mon
day. J. Hartman was on the road with
a cart wending his way toward this
nlacc. Now look out for the railroad
for one Paddy has already made his
John, we did not intend to slight
you in the least but through neglect
omitted savinir that you were one of
the party that was prospecting at Camp
Jack the lunmlng alter Field's
The old gentleman was well
pleased to think she had found so nice
a chap to escort her home, but "L. C
A." thought he would be angry,sotbat
accounts for him not going further
than the gate.
No locals from us next week, we
will hold off for a while and depend
on "L. C. A." and others to sec that
all is right. But they should remem-
her that we wilV U M Goit just the
C M. Goit.
Brandy Camp reucilhigs.
Easter was a rainy day.
Win. Madigan has moved to
Warren county, Pa.
James Trumbull has been plowing
for corn and oats.
The old steam mill at Shawniut
has been moved to Centreville, the
boiler was drawn by ten horses.
Johnnie Clark says the Brockport
correspondents are like Horton 's axes
a little too sharp.
Supervisor, H. B- Shons, is open
ing a public road to the German
settlement near the township line.
What a terrible time Jacob Fields,
or more commonly known us "Swam
per" and "Watchman," are having
with "L. C. A."
I had a dream and in that dream
I saw many sights, I heard a noise as
of the east wind sighing. I looked
and behold I saw a couple in the twl
light his arms encircling her waist. '.
heard a noise and behold he wus say
lug, Now we are bound together with
two clasps like a book. Yes, she said
one side is Turkey Morocco and the
other plain calf. I heard a noise as of
ruftl i ng calico an d looked and saw"C. M
Goit" climbing the golden stair.
A young lady being asked why
she did not go to the show said that
"L. C. A." promised to come and take
me but didn't. No doubt, R x, he
wus detaiued elsewhere.
We have our opinion of a man
when we hear of hiin enquiring
another if he knows anything on "L
C. A." that will make a local. Per
haps thev were for "Gabriel", but
when asked who for, he said, Oh!
was only trying to get a local for
"Vale" for I am afraid he is getting
in a tight place.
It is singular that a young man
evidently talented should have the
lady he intends to escort to her little
wigwam go out of the back door
while he goes out of the front door
and meet at the gate after a dunce at
Fields' hall. Now " Vale" we are at a
loss to account for sucli strange actions
unless you were afraid of "Watch
man's" cane, undoubtedly this wan
the case. L. C. A.
Envelopes from a single one to any
number desired, very cheap, at The
Advocate olUcu.
Letter from Sprlny Crock.
Elliottville, Pa., March 29, 1880.
Editor Advocate. Hundreds of
Easter eggs were eaten in this vicinity
csterday. One Mr. T. F. Flick a
hlghtoned youngster ate twelve with
out flopping bis wing? nnd crowing
once. It is bruited that the honest
language of his soul fifteen minutes
tier he engulfed the last one was this,
Noli mc tangcre. But,
"I cannot say how the truth may be,
I tell the tale as it was told to me."
Our vicinity is quite interested in
Methodism now-a-days. Rev. J. B.
NefT is the right man In the right
place. He is zealous, energetic and
ery eloquent. During the series of
meetings held here nt the Methodist
church forty-two were converted, the
membership greatly revived and much
good done.
Rev. D. C. Plannctte of Reynolds
ille gave us a grand sermon two
weeks ago and took up a collection of
$72.00 to help complete the Reynolds-
ville church. Methodism seems to
have received a new and divine im
petus in this part of the moral vine
yard. Mr. R. R. Jones Is having a de
lightful time visiting with his brother
Mr. J. T. Jones, East Tennessee's
young orator, and his cousin, C. O.
Jones. They are both of Big Creek Ten
nessee, and are guests of Mr. J. Elli
ott. They took their first sleigh ride
while here and enjoyed it very much.
They are true blue Republicans and
came North for the noble and laudable
purpose of lecturing on t he Solid South
but will have to decline on account of
Mr. J. T. Jones having contracted
pulmonary disease.
nie lumberman are busily cm-
ployed rafting."
Mrs." J. Elliott has her mouth full
of beautiful artificial teeth. She
Is collecting for the Ridgway M. E.
Church and is doing extremely well
Wilcox Jots.
George Manett has been promoted.
Peter March lost a valuable horse
last week.
J. L. Murphy and wife are visit
ing friends In Bradford.
The Daguscahonda boys visited
the city last week.
Jos. Burt, of Coleville, is visiting
his old chums in Wilcox.
Dave Parsons and George Sowers
started for the oil country last week
If "One Who Knows" don't let
Shorty" and "Cofl'ee" alone, he had
better get his life insured.
Lent Is one of the things of the
past so look a little out for dances.
Hunk lias a new suit of clothes
that hasn't been wet yet.
"Skinney" has been pick for a few-
days past. Cutting ice was too much
for him.
The boys are anxious to know
why the girls don't give them another
G. II- Boyd has returned from
Colorado, and says will is improving
in health whicli his many iricnds arc
glad to hear. E. Nl fk.
Brocliport nnd Keystone.
-A show last Tuesday night and a
dance at Field's hall.
-Reuben It seems strange that when
a dance is not more than eighty rod
away and breaks up at midnight that
you cannot get home before the break
of day. Oh! yes Reuben it is lear.
Last Monday some of J. S. Hyde'
rafts were run from the Brockpon
pond to Portland. On them were
"Swamper," "Vule," "C. M. Goit,
"L. C. A." "Wntchmuu," "C
"Guess Who," und others.
We form our opinion of a fellow
that will buy a new suit of clothes
shirt and hut, just on purpose to get
AUie's girl away from him, one flu
thing George you always have her up
early to get breakfast. It is the fin
clothes, and if things coutinue to boom
we think you can soon stick your feet
under your own table.
N. M. Brockway run some of the
Keystone lumber that was rafted last
Keystone,Saturday .March 27th.
A little child of McCurdy's died
of congestion of the lungs.
Our shoe maker has migrated up
Whetstone Run and still follows his
vocation of making soles.
An oil speculator from Bradford,
has leased several furms in this vicin
ity for oil territory. This begins to
look like business.
Behold them at the ends of the lines
Walter and his black eyed boon,
His head and hers on the wire incline
As she sings him Bonnie Doon,
He sighs for the only thing amiss
We hear hiin say that lie can kiss
Buthemight as well be in the moon
For emptier than a north , wind's
Is a lovers kiss by telephone.
It Is certainly gratifying to notice
the decided improvement which is
manifested at Brockport and Keystone
and to feel that trade is rapidly resum
ing its usual activity. . The storm has
abated and aside from a few , wrecks
strewn here and there and a reefing
in various branches of business, the
greater part are assuming their
wonted calmness.
It is disgusting to see young men
promenading the streets of Brockport
with a tuckedupbehindwiggledarn
phoolitiveness larger than they are.
Short 4 Horton moved out of
Camp Jack a few days ago.
-v Gabriel.
Note-heads hound with blotting
pad without exta charge it The Ad
vocate offlwi.
Brockport Locals.
Camp Jack was abandonded on last
Dan Nulf has been traveling with
the Atlantic Minstrels.
W. H. Horton is grading the
foundation for his house.
L. C Horton has had his old gun
put in good trim on purpose for the
nnocent little ducks. But where are
the ducks?
-Jacob Frantz Is about moving to
Bear Run Camp where ho will cut
logs the coming summer for Short &
We have had several cases of the
genuine diphtheria in our midst but
through the careful management of
Dr. Williams of Centreville, every
case has been cured.
John Steel is now doing the
smith work for Short & Horton.
Arthur has packed up his all and
going to make DuBois a flying
"L. C. A." insinuates that we are
running three set of items for The
Advocate. Toor "L. C, A." why
will you blame the Innocent.
In his letter of last week "L. C.
A." made out that two calves made a
triplet. Now if two calves make a
triplet what will "L. C. A." make.
Any one wishing to know the answer
of the above will be informed by re
turn mail for only a three cent stamp.
What does "Gabriel" mean when
he says he expects to see "Vale" out
in his uniform. Did you see him
By the last issue of The Advocate
we notice it is not us alone that is
driving poor little "L. C. A." to his
lust resting place. Vale.
March 30th 1880.
On the Wrong Road.
Emporium Independent.
On Monday, March 16th, a lady
with a child apparently about six
months old, arrived here on the P. &
E. Mail West at 12:50 P. M., and go
ing into the ladies' waiting room nt
the Junction, banded through the
ticket window a slip of paper on which
was written "Mrs. Kate Nolan, Broad
ford, Fayette Co., Pa." and requested
a ticket to that place. Mr. K. J.
Ralph, the general at the Junction
here, being in the office nt the time
and noticing the peculiar request,
questioned her and learned that she
had been ticketed to Emporium for
Bradford,' McKean county, through
the blunder of an outside ticket agent
in Philadelphia, thus taking the poor
woman between four and five hundred
miles out of her way. Her story to
Mr. Ralph, was that they were poor
people living in Philadelphia; that
her husband unable to procure work
had started out some time since in
search of employment, promising her
that us soon as he found It und earned
enough, ho would send licr money to
come to him ; that he did find it in
Broad Ford, Fayette county, nnd sent
her just money enough to pay her fare
to that place; that she went to the
ticket office and presented the direc
tions as sent by her husband to the
agent, she being ignorant of the lo
cation, and the agent sent her otr to
this point, ns above stated, where on
her arrival she had but $1. SI cents in
her possession. I
The unfortunate woman was nearly
crazed, when she was told her situa
tion, and well she might be. Mr.
Ralph, aiways noted for his kindly at
tention to the traveling public, was in
this case equal to the occasion, lie
telegraphed to L. P. Farmer, general
passenger agent of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, giving him all the particu
lars, and that gentleman nobly and
promptly responded, telegraphing a
free pass for the woman and her child
to Connelsville via Ilarrisburg nnd
Greensburg, and instructed Mr. Ralph
to provide for her wants while here
and furnish her with money for neces
sary expenses to her place of destina
tion, all of which was promptly at
tended to, her buggoge rcchecked and
nt 6.25 P. M. the sume day she was put
aboard the train bound for Broad Ford
which point we trust, she reached in
safety. Messrs. Farmer and Ralph
deserves great praise, for the noble
ness of their acts in thus promptly
aiding this poor woman in her dis
tressed situation.
The Jiatvman's Journal, Clear
field, Pa., has this to say of the lum
ber market: "We are gratified to be
able to report good prices for the tim
ber sold at Lock Haven last week.
It went "like hot cakes" and it is said
every raft was sold by Tuesday even
ing. We give the following prices on
the very best authority: Hemlock, 7
to 8J cents; pine, 12 to 18 cents: one
raft of pine sold at 20 cents; oak, 14 to
20 cents. Since our last issue, consid
erable timber has been gotten to the
river, but the hauling has been poor
and there is much yet in the woods.
We alsostute, on the best authority,
that the product will be about the
same as last year in the neighbor
hood of GOO rafts and that fully one
half of it is already in market nnd
sold. Our figures from the same
sources proved correct last spring, we
give them again -unhesitatingly and
believe they will be about correct.
Feed, Meal and
shelled Corn at
Palatablk Medicines. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral Is a honeyed drop of
relief ; his Cathartic Pills glide sugar
shod over the palate ; and his Sursa
parilla is a nectar that imparts vigor
to life, restores the health and expels
disease. Wutcrford (I'd) Advertiser.
Prints. Tho most desirable assort
ment In Western Pennsylvania, now
on exhibition at Powell & Kline's
mammoth tales roorus.
Strong, vigorous and
Our Priced
8 Roses or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuchsias or 15 Verbo ' otropes
Single Petunias or 15 Basket and Bedding plants or h. Coh us or U lopns
or 12 Chrysanthemums or 12 Gladiolus or 10 1 ble I " 'V;Ht i"" ?J ;75
12 Plants nnd Bulbs (1 of each collection) 1.00 or halt ,V Vr '('l" ()"
Plants and Bulb with a plant of the new Geraniums. "D S Hi NCl.tKS
n. Sl".00 Or the wholl collection onr,0 choice By.
..f . .i.i if ,i whit. 1 We miarantee sate delivery by kxpiess.
N. B. Our plants have been grown especially for our ret: f ! g -critical
and exacting one therefore the ' Cheapest IS the Best. 1 loial uc
signrandCutFlowersa specialty. Vegetable Plantain their season.
Literary Revolution and
Universal Knowledge
. t......i ,n 9T ve.. over 16.030 Da-io : 10 per cent, more
All jmiii.i.."1'.V....
matter than any
handsomely and we bound, in ciotu ior.piif, in inn ....... v.
ri ed " n line heavy paper, wide margins, hound in halt Russia gilt top, tor
kj-an enterprise so extraordinary that its success, bevond all precedent in
book t dishing, may be fairly claimed to inaugurate a Literary BcroMior,.
Titf ' LiiiiVa hy of UNivi-.iiSAi, Kntowi.kpuk is a reprint entire of the lust
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V10' ' ' . , e t..i n A i. ..pi. .im i'inilprs
cent, of new matter iu iIihi, upon uqucn .
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" SVftllS -eoui,t- to clubs. Full particular
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Leading principles of the American Book Exchnnga s
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fCnrHe'll'tobnyers direct, and save them SO to 00 per cent commission commonly allowed
to lJ,;o co!. of books wlinn mm,fi i0inno at n time Is but, a fraction of the cost when made
m "4 teWW rS. ne,t bind.,,,, but avo.d alt
WaXWaSl type. Por ivil-er and ,,. y b ml n,, h r I. are so
nnmmiin 1 V 11
cost, but do not add to their vnlue.
rHnr Pil to II1UKO uiiuks uuut-ui ,
VI. To make SI nnd a n icud is ueiier Lima 10 nnmu mm uu vuvmj .
t.lbrary of Universal Knowledge, 20 vols, 810.
Milman's Oibbon s Rome, 5 vols,,
Macuulav'K History of Knu'land, :) vols., l.oO.
Chamber' L'yelopiedia of Eng. Literature, 4
vols.. $2. , , , ...
Knight's History of EiiRland, 4 vols., S-t.
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vols.,
Oeikle's life nnd Words of Christ, M cents.
Young's Itible Concordance, :tll,IPU0 references
(preparing!. Si"'.
Acme Libriirv of lilneraphy. V) cents,
ltook of t ables, .Ksop. etc-, Ills.. SO cents.
Milton's Complete Works,.'"1! cents.
Shakespeare's Complete Works, ... cents.
Works of Dantrt, translated by ary, ( cents.
Works of Vlrull, translated by Prydcn 40 els.
The Koran of Mohammed, translated by bale
AilVcnUirVs of Pon QnK-ote, lllus., 50 cents,
Arabian Ni'.-bls, illustrated. SO cents,
nunvau's merlin's I'murcs". Ill'-ts.. .t0.
llobinson Cru-oe. lllus.. A" cents.
Munchausen .v. (iullivev's 1 ravels ll us.."10, ts.
Stories iiu.l ballads, by K. T. Abbui. lllus. 31.
k 1. . IK....... ..f I IblKsill'S. .I'l CCtltS. fiv band (halt, money order, rezlstered letter, or by lixpress
dollar may be sent in postage stamps. Address
Jonx tt. AT.riEN-, Manager. Tribune Butting,
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridewwy, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
Office in new hrit k huilding, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Ridrrway, Elk county, Pa. Office
over R. I. Campbell's store, Main
Street Claims for collection promptly
ut tended to. jnel5,lS76
(Late of Strattnnvlllcl, rhysician nnd Hnr
geon. Kidgwny, Pu. Oflh e in Hall s thick
liuildlni: tup-stairs).) References J. D.
Smith. II. L. young. H. ltuloison, strattnn
ville; Major John Kltley, W. W.Ureenlnnd.
Clarion, lias practiced his profession suc
cessfully for more thun ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his oftlce from Centre
etreet to Main -street, Ridgway, Pu., in
the second story ot the new brick
huilding of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Oftlce hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M.
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, E1U county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, hy paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guest, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct-J0'b9
PAEDIA. This admirable work Is now eom
pletein 10 vols. EachvolumecontuiusHK)
pages. It inakesa complete und well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth,
$0.H) in leather, or $7.1)0 in elegant
half Turkey. For particuluw address,
W. II. Falrchild, Porlville, Cult. Co..
N. Y., who, hus been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Jtidson,
general agent.
Estate Xotice.
Estate of John Hollobaugh, late of
Fox township, Elk County, Pa., de
ceased. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make Immedi
ate payment, and those having legal
claims ugaiust the same to present
them without delay in proper .older
lor settlement to
Phiui' Hays, Adnnitttrat6r.
ns 14
woll grown plants
Circular of
' ,. ... , ,1,, ,,,w n. (rv mirl sold
American Patriot Ism. SO c;nts.
Taine's History or Kmrllsh Literature, 7.) cts,
('cell's Hook of Natural History, SI.
Pictorial Handy Lexicon, .V. cents.
S.'iyinsis, by author of Sparrow-grass Papers,
oil cents.
Mrs. Hemans' Pnctle Works, cents.
Kltto's Cvelopanlia of liib. Literature, 2 vols.
Kollln's Ancient History. S'-VT..
Smith's Dictionary of .'lie llible, lllus., ?1.
Works of KlavluM Jose). bus,
Comic History id" the L". '-., Hopkins, lllus.,
S! cents.
Health by Kxerclse, Dr. Ocn. If. Taylor SO cts.
Ilea I Hi for Women. Dr. (ieo. If. Taylor. Sects.
Library Mnnazlnc, In cents 11 No. SI a year.
Library Mauazinc. bound volume, 00 ( n s.
Leaves' from the lHary of 1111 old lawyer, cl.
Kaeh of the ninn 0 boui.d In cloth. If by
mall, postage extra. Most of the books are
nls-.i published in fine editions and line bind
imrs, at blehi r prices.
Descriptive CatnloirueR and Terms to Clubs
sent tree on rcoucM.
i' ructions 01 one
New York.
Price icltlifn the reach of !.
Tho Full ani emulate
No. 2, "SKULLS." No. 3. "GHOSTS."
No. I. "HELL,"
No.5,"LIIlEltT Y of M -V.N WOM AX & CHILD"
No. 12, "Col. It. J. INOKUSOLL'H
"Vindication of Thos. Paine,"
Lecture held at Chicago, .Ian. Lit, 1S-MJ
Col. IngersoU and his Chicago Critics.
A lecture by the Kev. .lames K. Applebee
Vrico IS Cents.
Full report of the Grand Re-ITnioil
of the Soldiers and Sailors of the late
War, held at Chicago, Nov. 12 to IS, 17(1, in
clinliiiL' all speeches, and those of Col 11, (i.
Inucrsoll. Col. Win. I-'. Vilas. Samuel L.
Clemens (Mark Twain's Speech on I3ubtcs.)
Life and Trip around the World of
(Jen. Grunt. 15 cents.
Last Speech of Senator Zaeh Chan
dler, and Biographical Sketch, with
Large Portrait of Mr. Chandler on
(.'over Page. 5 Cents.
Any of the above sent post-paid upon receipt
of I'l ice.
Address: W. L. ELAISSELL,
Randolph Slroct Chicago, Ills.
Hisley's Pure Distilled
Equal in quality to any made, and
only half the price. Ooz. bottles 25c
Pints 60c.
Relieves Headache, Toothache, Ear
ache, isore Eyes, Nose-Bleed, Bleeding
Lungs, Painful Menses, Whites,
Asthma, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc;
Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Sprains)
Wounds, Rheumatism, Krysipelas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia,
If your druggist lias not got It
have him order it of the proprietor,
CHARLES P. RISLE7 Wholesale Druggist,
64 Courtland St., New Yori.
Jam Polks.
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jetlard's, White's and Mann's Axest
Tubular and 99 Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boynton's Lightning Saws;
Corn Poiteks.
Coul Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handlks.
Pick Handles.
1 lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 4'1
Main street. n39
-Pure Cider Vineger and Prlm4
Pickles at Morge.,ter's.