The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 25, 1880, Image 3

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    -Thursday, m Arch ' 25, ipso.
K. mt H. ; '
f . Ridgway Lodge Ne. 1644 meta on
r tli 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
at 8 o'olock.
Kkw Time Table, Under the new
'Schedule the mail and local freight
' ' leave Ridgway station follows:
MAIL WEST . ' . . ti3
- EAST - . 5:00
LOCAL WEST ;. 7:80
" EAtT, v . . 3:20
i in i i
, Social Dance.
Joel Mfllet'e new etrlng band will
glf.e their first ball at Maglnnie' Hall
on Friday evening, April 2, 1880.
Tii public ire respectfully invited to
attend. Tickets 50 cenU.
Colds are plenty.
New goods at Morgester's this
. Sudden change of weather, a little
of everything.
Best quality note paper and cn
velopes at this office .
A nice stock of clothing for men
boys and children K's.
Always call at The Advocate
of&ce for note paper and envelopes.
Our sleighing has again passed
away and mud is once more trump.
Go to the Dagus City Store and
contract your butter and eggs for the
Crosse A Blackwell'a chow chow
and mixed pickles, horse radish fresh,
apricots canned plums, plum and cher
ry preserves, canned punpkln.
Farmers you cannot do better
thango to the Dagus City Store with
your butter, eggs, potatoes, onions,
dried apples, peaches, honey &c.
You wibVAnd a ready market for all
your produce.
J. II. Steele A Co.
Wamted-DH. Patty & Co., Nurs
erymen, want a few good reliable men
to sell tree's vine's and simuns
through this state. They promise
steady employment to good salesmen.
For full particulars address, D. H.
Patty A Co., 721 Broad St., Newark,
N. J. . nl m3
General Order.
Company H
17 Regt. N. G. P.
The members of Company H are
hereby ordered to return to the armory
properly cleaned, all arms in their
possession, without delay.
Fred. ISciukmno, Captain.
Henry A. Parsons. Jr., Orderly.
Butter and Eggs wanted at the
Dagus City store.
Odd Fellowship in Ridgway.
On Tuesday night last the Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows gained its
first foothold In Ridgway in the con
stitution of Ridgway Lodge, No. 969.
with a membership of thirty-two.
There were present on this interesting
occasion twenty membere of the order
from Centreville and three from
Brockwayville at each of which points
there is a lodge in good working order.
The following gentlemen acted as
Grand Lodge officers and performed
the various ceremonies incident to the
work of constitution and installation :
Grand Master, Robert Dick, Cler
mont; Assistant Grand Master, An
drew Reynolds, Clermont; Grand
Secretary, James Morgan, Clermont:
Grand Marshal, ft. A. McElhenny,
brockwayville. The election officers
of the new lodge are:
Noble Grand John Knort.
Vice Grand Marcus Cohen.
Secretary E. A. Squler.
Assistant Secaetary U. N. Space.
Treasurer James Calderbauk. t
The lodge meets Thursday evening
of each week at 7:30 o'clock in the
hall over the post-office. Elk Demo
crat. Congregational Association.
At the annual meeting of the Con
gregational Association of Western
Penn'a just held at Mercer, Pa.,
amongst other subjects were the
Opening sermon, by Rev. E. A.
Squier, Ridgway, Pa. Discussion:
Why does the church accomplish so
little in saving men? Sermon by H,
C. Craue, Allegheny City, Pa., subject:
. How to reach the skeptical, followed
by a discussion of the same subject,
Discussion: How to save children;
opened by Rev. J. B. Davison, Corry,
Pa. How to save young men, opened
by Rev. J. E. Carroll. Cleveland,
Ohio. Sermon, subject: The Sabbath
by Rev. 8. Walcott, D. D., Cleveland,
Ohio, followed - by a discussion on
The duty of the church to secure the
proper observance of the Sabbath,
opened by Rev. H. D. Lowing, fol
lowed by others. Rev. E. A. Squler,
of the M. E. Church, Ridgway, Pa.,
upon bis application for admission
with this association as a Ministerial
Brother, after the u ual examinations
was cordially received. The Wo
man's Missionary Society was opened
with prayer by Mrs. 8. Manning,
Reading Scriptures by Mrs. U. T.
Chamberlain, followed with addresses
by Mrs. H. C. Crane, Mrs. H. C.
Dickinson, Pittsburgh, Miss E. E.
Metcalf, Hudson, Ohio, followed by a
select reading of the Ely sisters, by
Mrs. C. F. Chamberlain. Then came
the Question-box en the subject of
Missions, resulting ta the formation
of a Womaa's Missionary Scociety for
Ueroer. Next meeting t Rlcevllle,
Sep Hth, 7 'clock, f. U.CUr
Person si Items;
IS'Tln this column w propose to
give all the personal happenings com
Ing under our observation. If you
have a personal which you wish In
serted send in the particulars.
Miss Carrie Luther ha returned
from a visit to Mrs. Eyster at Erie.
J. S. Maglnnt was In the house
two or three days recently with a bad
The Gnlnack school, Miss Ella
Wicks teacher, closed a little more
tbauaweek ago.
8. A. Olmsted received a serious
fall recently which came near doing
him great Injury.
W. B. Service was a delegate to
the (Greenback State Convention at
Harrisburg last Wednesday
B. Lamoreux has moved into the
house at the rear of W. C. Healy's
store recently occupied by Curt Bar
rett Mrs. Barbara, wife of P. B.
Wachtel, of Petoskey, Michigan, died
last week. Deceased was a daughter
of Joseph Wilhelmof St. Mary's.
M. S. Kline was at Erie recently
and while there his friends remem
bered him with about forty postal
cards. 'Tls sweet to be remembered.
J. W. Morgester will build a two
story addition to the Rhlnes house,
which he purchased recently. The
addition will be 22x24. The front
part of the house will be built up in
good style for a store room.
John Kane, near Kane, about 17
years of age was suffocated by inhaling
the gas from an empty oil tank. Hewas
found dead on. top the tank. The re
mains were taken to St. Mary's by
special train last Sunday for Inter
ment. Mrs. T. F. Bullers would respect
fully inform the people of Ridgway
and vicinity that she has just opened
a fresh stock of groceries which she
will exchange for CASH at satisfactory
prices. Room next door to Gresh'a
Furniture Rooms.
Received on Tuesday last at The
Advocate office an assortment of
beautiful note paper and envelopes in
handsome boxes. Call and see our
stock. No trouble to show goods.
Also several new styles of beautiful
chromo cards. Something nobby.
Hoi. ley On Saturday, March 20,
1880, Geo.B son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W Holley, aged 4 years, 7 months
and 16 days.
Services in the M. E. church on
Tuesday, after which the remains
Were Interred In the new cemetery.
Winslows green corn atjMorges
ter's. New Process soap Is taking the
lead at Morgester's.
Prints. The most desirable assort
mcnt in Western Pennsylvania, now
on exhibition at Powell A Kime's
mammoth sales rooms.
That splendid organ sold by D. 8
Andrus A Co., Williamsport, Pa., for
175.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 6 feet 9 inches high, is
sold now for $80.00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them. Terms easy
on long time also.
"Our Special Offer to Subscribers"
by which for $2.75 we send the Amer
ican Rural Home, an eight page
weekly; The Household, a sixteen
page monthly, and. The Advocate
one year all three postpaid is, by spec
ial arrangement, continued open
until April 1st. Send in your names.
Three papers for $2.75- Call and see
samples at this office. This is a lib
eral offer and we expect to place a
great many new names on our book
during the month. .
Don't Disfigure the Flag. f
A bill bos been introduced in con
gress to prevent the use of the United
States Flag for advertising purposes.
By which Is provided, that it shall be
unlawful for any person to print.
stamp or in any manner impress upon
ine nag or tne united States, or any
representation thereof, any word, fig
ure or design, or Impression calcu
lated to serve as an advertisement of
merchandise or other property of any
person's trade, occupation or business.
or to publish, exhibit or use as an ad
vertisement any such Hear, or repre
sentation thereof, so printed, stamued
or impressed. If you do this vou shall
pay a fine of not less than fifty nor
more than five hundred dollars.
When the venerable and learned
Judge Chrlstlancy married bis land
lady's goldeuhalred daughter, all his
friends feared that It would turn out
to be an ill-assorted match. The dif
ference in age, in tastes and in social
position would have been quite suf
ficient to create domestic discord,
even if the young wife bad been a
person of more than ordinary amia
bility and prudence. After two years'
service in the Senate, Judge Chris
tiancy accepted an appointment as
minister to Peru. It was generally
supposed that he resigned his seat in
order to give his old friend, Zacbariah
Chaudler, an opportunity to return to
the Senate, but there were also rumors
afloat that he was anxious to get away
from Washington on account of do
mestlo infelicities. And now we have
the old story-'-an application for di
vorce for unfsthfulness to the marriage
vow, and counter charges of cruel
treatment It Is a sad thing that a
man of honorable life, upright charac
ter and exalted station should, in his
old days, becomes the conplainant In a
suit which will furnish the gossips of
the whole country with a dainty dish
of scandal. Phlla. Preu.
Note-heads bound with blotting
pad without extra charge at Tax Ar
Kotlce to Correspondents and Others.
Hereafter The Advocate will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
consequently all advertisements and
correspondence must be handed in not
later than Wednelay noon to insure
Insertion In the current Issue.
Sewt (rem Fox aad Tlclnlty.
Iewls Fopeano has left the mines
and returned home.
One of the miners had the end of
bis house blown off by powder.
The latest way to fish Is to go to the
store aud get groceries, cross the road
to a saloon and get drunk, take the
groceries and start for home and let the
groceries fall In the mud and fish
them out
The literary association on the ridge
Is in good working order, having
twenty-one members at present The
last meeting was held on Tuesday
evening. Will give full proceedings
next week.
The teacher of the grave yard
school made Toby a short visit last
R. T. Kyler has finished hauling
The surprise party at Mr. Mcin
tosh's was a success.
, There was a party at the residence
of Mr. Copelli in which "Jane Hand
saw" and "Lucy Stonejug" took
prominent parts.
Mr. Irwin says that "L. C. A."
had better make another reconnoisance
for "C. Man" as he was greatly mis
taken in naming him for that individ
ual. "C. Man" called for a receipt for
W. M. T. to cook tomatoes so that be
would like them. Here it is: boil the
tomatoes with beans and then fry
them In lard for two hours, and they
will please him.
U. R. A R. U. Mad.
DsgUnJClty Dots.
James Whammond and John
Young are suffering from severe
Saturday willbe pay day.
Bad Joke that on the nccordeon
player going to sleep while playing for
a dance. Brace up my son, brace up.
Who ever heard of a young fel
low having to rock the baby asleep
before he could get bis girl to go to the
dance. All right "I. G. B." we won't
say any more at present on this sub
ject Rev. Mr. Fllson, of Beecbwood,
preached an Interesting sermon at the
Dagus City school house on Sabbath
evening of last week. Hope he will
be able to favor us often in the same
roor "Ram" met with an ac
cident lost week. A piece of coal
struck him in the eye. He reports the
eye very painful.
John Donlin, "barn boss" for the
N. W. M. A Ex. Co., met with a pain
ful aocident on Wednesday evening
lost While cleaning the mules one
of them kicked him on the forehead,
leaving a cut some three Inches in
length. Although his head is pretty
sore, Jie Is still attending to the duties
of his calling. Jack is plucky.
Dr. Robert Balrd, of Coal Hollow,
has been running the engine on the
hill until Mr. James Whammond's
hand will again permit of his going
on duty.
The following from the Avon
Herald we give for what it will bring:
Little flops of buckwheat.
Golden lumps to match
Makes a mighty Itching
And a constant scratch.
James McAfee and B. E. Dill, of
Ridgway, passed through G'Sfctreville
on Sunday last en route for Benezette.
Dr. Williams lost a valuable horse
on Weduesday night of last week.
We learn that Its death was caused
from feeding dry chop.
The Atlantic Minstrels, gave an
entertainment at the McCauley House
hall, Centreville, on Thursday and
Friday nights of lost week. The hall
was crowded each night, and the per
formance yes the performance. Well
we won't say anything more about it
For further Information ask some of
those that attended.
Thursday afternoon last an alarm
of fire was raised, caused by a little
boy of Frank Dahl's, aged four years,
going up stairs and setting fire to a
keg of blasting powder which the
father had placed In the bedroom un
til he came from work at night. The
explosion of the powder set fire to the
child's clothing, and before assistance
could reach him his face, bands, left
side and front was horribly burned.
Immediate steps were taken to relieve
the little fellow of his Intense suffer
ing. He lingered along until Tuesday
night between nine and ten o'clock
wheu he died. His remains were
taken to Kane on ' Monday for inter
ment. The house was considerable
damaged by the explosion. Before the
flames could be extinguished the bed,
bedding and wearing apparel of the
family was entirely destroyed. Mr.
Dahl and wife are a hard working
couple, and being lu destitute circum
stances, with a family of small chil
dren dependent upon them, deserve
help from the people of our commun
ity. Let this sad accident be a warn
ing to those of our miners keeping
powder in their bouses, to put It away
from the bands of their children.
Conductor Almy is at his post
once more sore fingers and alL
The Northwestern Mining and
Exchange Company are placing
power in the hollow, preparatory to
starting a saw milL 1
Low English is again able to be
oa the street L N. O.
Wilcox Hotes.
Rev. F. . H. C. Lampe has gone
and left us, consequently we are Just
out oi preacners. as a preacher we
think Mr. Lampe is a little ahead of
any man in, this section of county,
He has gone , to Williamsport where
he Has-a large congregation of Ln
therans. We wish him success.
J. L. Brown, Esq., Is confined to
the house by sickness. He says he
don't know what the matter is only
ne is not very well himself.
Mrs. A. O. Ernhout bad a concert
Saturday evening last. It was very
largely attended which speaks well
for Mrs. Ernhout The muslo which
deserved special mention was, a trio
or three hand piece on the piano, by
Mrs. Ernhout, Miss Ida Wilcox and
Miss Mattle Groat It was an excel
lent production and admirably exe
cuted; "The Begger Girl" by Miss
Bendena Veditz aud'Mohny Smoker"
by the little girls, was received by
rounds after round of applause by the
audience. The pupils all did splend
idly for the time they have had to
learn muslo as they are nearly all
small and new beginners and show
that their teacher has not labored in
vain and demonstrates that the time
is not far distant when we will have
an abundance of musical talent.
Financially the concert was a success
as It ought to be and always will be
when deserved.
Jones A Smith.
Brockport Locals.
Sade Bundy is visiting friends
near the grave yard school house.
W. Wise of DuBois, gave an en
tertainment at "Swampers" hall on
Tuesday night after which there was
a dance.
"L. C. A. we are glad to hear
that Rev. Ecbbaugh will preach at the
Brandy Camp school house at 11
o'clock. Try again Charles, and
please give tbe particulars next time.
Masquerade round dances are be
coming quite popular at this place of
late, very thin masques are worn in
some Instances.
Short A Horton have run about
twenty strings of their lumber to mar
ket this spring. r;
The famous Gem Puzzle has made
its appearance already in our quiet
little town.
Father Graham watches the
county papers like an owl.watcheth
the hen roost.
W. H. Horton is intending to
build for himself a new residence the
coming summer in tbe rear of the
house that Futher Graham now oc
cupies. You may prefer the back porch
for your wheedling while some perfer
next week. So say "L. C. A." Just
so but what do you perfer, not the
average boy In bis night dress, I am
A pleasant time was experienced
by all who attended tbe grand dunce
at Field's hall on Tuesday night the
16th Inst
Died On Weduesday, March
17th, 1880, at 11 o'clock A. M., Flora a
little daughter of Henry 'and- Lorinda
Rinehuls in about the twelfth year of
her age. The interment took place at
the Plumer Little grave yard on Fri
day. Mrs. H. C. Burchfleld has been
numbered on tbe sick list for some
time but we are happy to state that
she is at present some better.
Brother Burchfleld has taken up
his abode at the saltworks.
When a young man asked ayoung
lady to tell him something from which
he and that inuocent Post-master
might get up a local on ')Vttle' you
can bet your last dollar that he is
short of loculs. Bang away "L. C.
A. A Co." when you don't know any
new locals on me you can fall back on
next week that Is old to evtfry one but
He would have had a full nights
sleep if this had not been leap year,
for then that young lady would not
have asked him to escort her home.R.I.
being kind of a virtuous young man
never would have squared up to the
fair sex and asked if he could escort
her with pleasure to her secluded wig
wam. Vale.
March, 21st, 1880.
Wilcox Knowledge Box.
There has been several cases of
sickness, but most of the putients are
The Company's high-toned young
clerk says he wouldn't marry a girl iu
Wilcox. What a lucky escape for tbe
The Rev. Mr. Lampe has' moved
bis family to Wllliamsport.
Boss, looks down-hearted sinee
one of his charmers is about to step
into matrimony.
Shorty say "E. Nuff" must have
been mistaken when he said he
(Shorty) would win the fair-haired
girl or bust "Let me catch him."
Hank, is inconsolable since Shorty
has determined to win the fair-haired
Darby has changed his boarding
place. The consequence is Coffee con
templates suicide. .
G. S. has won the day at last.
Dr. A. M. Straight visited the city
of Bradford last week.
A strange young man visited our
community last week, but did uot
find her at homo being a persevering
young man he called aguin and we
think with success-
Lengthy talks of emigrating to
parts unknown. Will he take her
with him?
That young fellow that did uot
come the other day had to stay at
home on account of sliding logs.
Oxk Who Kh&wa.
Squibs from Brockport and Tlclnlty,
Nick Brock way Is still rafting.
"Vale" why strayest from the
path which thy weary feet have trod so
We miss our old friend Tom. Dol
linger but our loss Is Centreville's gain
and the citizens of that place should
feel proud to know that there is one
whole-souled fellow in their midst.
Success to you Tom. with pleasant
"Watchman" Jias not recovered
sufficiently from his trip on the river
to write any Little Toby Rlpplings.
Arthur why will you be so dls
tant to the daughter when you know
the old lady Is In favor of you.
W. B. escaped from the mighty
monster at DuBois one day last week
and made his way homeward with a
careworn countenance and a stag
gering step. William let not the
DuBois monster lead you into tempta
tion again.
"L. C. A." load up your local
sllnger again, your first shot missed
us slick as a whistle. Next time take
a more deliberate aim before firing.
We were mistaken, ''Swamper"
only stopped off at Reynoldsvilla to
take a nap, the accommodation along
the river being poor, he naturally
would be sleepy.
A.'L. why will you wander from
the cosey little shoe shop. Have you
business tbat attracts you to that se
cluded spot where we saw you wend
ing your way on the night of the 16th
or on the morning of the 17th ? Hu
man nature tells us no. 'Tls not a
business transaction at all. Arthur
beware, step not from the path of
virtue and you shall yet be saved.
Early in the evening of Field's
dance, he hung around talking the
matter up, all the while holding her
delicate little hand In his, but later in
the evening we noticed him becoming
more distant anddon't you think when
the time came to go"L.C.A."made his
way homeward leaving sweet sixteen
to trudge her weary way the best she
could with her aged papa. What was
the cause of this strange action on tbe
part of "L.'C. A." did his courage fall
him or did she tell him she bad com
pany? Perhaps the aged parent in
terfered. We presume the latter was
the cose.
"Guess Who" had better lay low
or "L. C. A." will be after him with
his local slinger, then good bye to
"Guess Who." C. M. Gorr.
Brandy Camp aud Surroundiugs.
We have had about twenty-six
snows this winter aud over three feet
of snow although not much sleigh
ing. Birth To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Foster, a daughter.
"C. Man" we are all liable to mis
takes, don't you think so Mr. R. J.
Reuben. ,
"Slim jiin" the stage manager of
the "Star of the west" is traveling
with the "three stars troupe".
There was a surprise party at Rol
ert Mcintosh's the loth "C.Mau" wus
"Vale" talked some time ago that
he could run a half dozeu set of locals
and by the appearance we thiuk he
will for he Is just halfway now.
H. B. Shons and Bill. Barron
gave the poor house a visit a few (lays
C. A. Brown has a cow that is the
mother of three calves one died and
the other two are doing well. This
makes two cows in this township
that have had triplets this spring the
other is owned by H. Horton.
Lost week being left alone for n
few days to take care of the house W.
D. Moyer suys he experimented
on cooking aud other household work
and finding it an easy task and having
plenty of time he invented some new
receipts for cooking which will be very
valuable to bachelors. 1st to boil pota
toes with skins on, put your kettle on,
stir up the fire, then get your potatoes
scrape the mud off throw tbem in the
kettle then go to the barn to hunt eggs
and forget to put in auy water on the
potatoes come back and find them
burned up. 2d to fry ham, put the
frying pun on the red hot stove throw
iu a slice of ham and then go and put
the cow in the stable and milk her
come back and find the ham burnt to
a crisp and then swear. 8d to make
dressing, take one pint of cold water
pour in a red .hot pan and see it flash
to the ceiling burn yonr hands and
break the pan and All the house with
Why did those young ladies cry
the other day because a young man
went home they sorrow as those that
have no hopes, for as you saw him go
away sotohall you see him come again
in the spring.
L. C. A.
Farmers go to the Dagus City
store with your produce.
One of the best epitaphs, and one
of the shortest also, Is that which Jer
rold gave to Charles Knight, the
amiable historian. It was simply
'Good Knight."
XaU kinds of produce wanted at
the Dagus City Store.
Childreus' Sole Leather Tip shoes
at P. A K's.
BuyXyour note paper and envel
at The A)voc ate office.
Light funning, Latest Improved
DOM ESTIC, at prices never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. .
es Ladles' and Gents'
11 klads of gloves at
Brockport and Keystone.
My fellow correspondents.. Seeing
that there was but one individual at
this place that wnsnota correspondent
(and that was me) and not wishing to
be alone will put in a word now and
then. So "Swamper," "Watchman,"
"Vale," "C. M. Goit," "Guess Who,"
"C. Man" and "L; C. A." try and
bring "Gabriel" to tbe front with the
rest of the noble correspondents.
Little Arthur our little shoemaker
has moved his little last and little all
to Camp Jack and is there the mont of
the time dolug the little repairing
Guess who. We can guess who
"Guess Who" is and not half try.
While on your way to Bogu call
around and see us again then we to
gether will guess who. When you
wont a locul send it over by the Tele
phone aud tell them to put that down
with the rest.
We expect to see "Vale" out in
his uniform this week.
Sick list. Mrs. Jerome Farrar,
Eddie Farrar, Minnie Hulett, A. E.
Sherman and Alfred Strait.
Horace French received a telegram
a few days ago that his sister was very
sick and started last Tuesday for Syra
cuse. Elmer why did you take your
brother's girl to the show and then
she came bnck with another fellow
and you treat to the segars to keep
him quiet? Gabriel.
Brockport Breezes.
Weather is splendid a gentle
reminder that spring is close at hand.
N. M. Brockway, is manufactur
ing lumber lively and also rafting
with a full force. He also drovo some
logs to the mill on Saturday by brack
eting and "L. C A." was not around.
He probably heard nothing of the
W. II. Horton has commenced
digging a cellar for the new house he
intend to erect this summer. We
understand that it is for himself and
family. We trust that several buildings
may be built this season, as perhaps
we can have the county seat located
here. Don't yrfii see, Hey?
We had the exquisite pleasure of
meeting "L. C. A." wending his way
homeward with a fair dnmsel last
evening and he looked oh! so happy.
It does our soul good to see happiness
reign iu nil beings especially the
extractor of ye laurel roots, but we
noticed said gent returning and he
looked rather gloomy as he passed us.
Why, what on earth could have been
the matter?
Oil! George do for tbe love of
humanity keep that child quiet give
it catnip, peppermint, capitol bitters
or any tiling to reduce those squalls
and screeches.
What on earth has bcecome of
"Vale" why don't he sling ink any
longer though the coulmns of the
Advocate, now "Vale" do shoot
once more and no more. From
Guess Who.
News from Ridge and Vicinity.
Weather is very changeable, it is
trying to snow, ruin aud shine all at
R. T. Kyler's horse paid Earley a
flying visit on Monday morning of
lust week.
Lewis Fopeano is at home again.
J. E. Fopeano, who has been visit
ing his friends at this place, returned
to Edinboro last Monday.
They say a young man of our
town has earned a penny. Py shini
ney, is dot so Willie?
One of the young men belonging
to the "Grave Yard Literary Associ
ation" became so helpless after the
debate tbat he had to have a young
lady help him home.
As I lay on my couch I had a vis
ion. I saw, us it were, "L. C. A." ap
proach with eyes shining like fire and
bis face like tbe south side of the full
moon exclaiming in thunder tones, I
have come toreconnoiterfor "C. Man"
and I looked again and saw him with
face clouded and eyes cast down say
ing, no "C. Man" here, where oh
where is he. I will go beyond the
Hollow of Squab and see if I can not
And him committing Susunside.
U. R. Wright.
Full weights aud measures . given
at the Dugus City store.
A choice lot of prints at the Dagus
City Store at 7 cents per yard. . War
ranted fust colors.
Dr. Day's Stomach ' and Nerve
Tonlo Is the best remedy in use for
poor appetite, weakness 'and trembl
ing in the stomach, puin after eating,
heartburn, soreness und gnuwing
pains in the stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
diseases of the bowels urising from
poor digestion. One bottlu lasts
nearly three weeks. Price $1.00.
Dr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is
theonly remedy known that will stop
an uttuck of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement; only
three or four doses, liulf tin hour
apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents
a bottle.
Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup
will cure a cough with fewer doses
than any medicine in use. Price 60
cents a bottle.
' Dr. Day's Ear Drops will ' give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price 25 cents a bottle. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
medicines Manufactured by D. B.
Day, M. 1)., Ridgway, Pu.
'Farmers can sell their butter and
egge at market prices for the season
cash or trade at the Dagus City
Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than
any wbese else at the old Grand Cen
tral store of Powell & Klme.
All new stock and low price at the
Dagus City ftore4
Business Cards.
geo. a. ra1hbun
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the'
examination of titles, also to patent
and patent cases. -
Office In new brick building, Maiif"
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32
rilr miintv. Pa. Office
over R. I. (jiiinpbeirs More, Main
Street. (Maims for collec tion promptly
attended to. Jnel5,187tJ
(Lnte of StrnttiinvlHc), PhyslHHD nnd fliir-
foon, HIclgwiiv, I'n. unicein rinu n uric-
lulUliiiK lup-stnlrn).) RH'erenpes J. I.
Smith. H. L. ynuiiK, It. Hlolson,Htnittiin
vllle; MtOr.Iohn Kltley, V, W. Greenland;
Cliirloii. linn pinctlped hl proletion huc
ccKftfuMy for more tiinn tun vtnre.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pu., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-'
pensed at all hours, day or night
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main Htreet, Ridgway, Pa., in
the' second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him.
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit u continu
ance of the same. oeMU'U'J
This admirable work is now com-
pletcin lfivols. EachyoluiiiccontainsKOO
pages. It makesii complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
wen lniormeu. rriee j o uo in cloth,
$(.'( in leather, or ?7.0i in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. H. Fatrchild, Portvillo, Catt. Co.,
N. Y., who j has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county -by C.'lv. Judson,
general agent.
Our Special offer lo Subscribers.
We desire to deal as liberally with
our patrons us wo possibly can, and to
put into their hands the best news
paper literature at the very lowest ob
tainable price. To this end we have
made such fortunate arrangements as
enable us to otter this paper, tile
American Rural Home and the House
bold, all three throughout 1880, post
paid, for only $2 75.
Under this remarkable offer your
local paper, u first-class Agricultural
and Family Weekly, and a popular
Domestic Monthly, can be had for
S1.S5 less than their aggregate lowest
price. In fact we give the Household
one year, and 25 cents besides to every
one who subscribes for our own paper
and The Rural Home at tbe bottom
price for each.
The Rural Home, published at
ixocnesier, i . ., has long been a
eedgnlzed Agricultural and Hor'tl
cultural authority, and its eight larg
pages ure full of live, progressive,
vuluuble matter for the farmer and the
farmer's whole frniily. It has an
enviable reputation, uchicvod by years
of clean honest, able effort toward the
highest Journalistic ideals. It is
wonderfully cheap at its sole price of
The Household is a bright, practical
maga.ine for housewives, published
at Bruttlcboro, Vt, and the only long
established monthly of its kind. It
has 21 pages, devoted to every interest
of home-keeping, and is immensely
popular with the ladies. Price, $1.10.
Modesty forbids us to speak of ouf
own paper us handsomely as we ought
Of course you will want it next year,
and you will do well to secure the
others with It in this special combiua
lion specimens of the Rural Home ami
Household may be bad by addressing
u postal curd to the Rural Home, at
Rochester, N. Y., or by application to
this office.
This club ofier will not be held open
many weeks.
Address, The Advocate,
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
If you want a sheet of note paper;
if you want a quiro of note pupcx; if
you waut a ream of note paper, don't
fail to cull ut Tin-: Advocate otliee.
We keep a large assortment of note
paper and envelopes, and sell cheap.
- i - :
Jam Poles.
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jetlard's, White's and Mann's Axes:
Tubular and 90 I.auterusi
Diston's X-Cut Saws. ' ,
. Boynton's Lightning Saws.
Cork Poi-i'kks.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovel '
Repairs furnished for any stove. ,
Pick Handles. '
i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. 1139
- Kiitafn I..a
Estate of John HollolWUgh, late of
Fox township, Elk County, Pa., de
ceased. All persons indebted to Mild
estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and tbose having legal
claims against the same to present
thein without delay in proper order"
for settlement to
Philip Hays, Administrate.
, , MU
Envelopes from a single one- to tunf
number desired, very cheap, t Tti