wit mlmrnk Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, FKIJ 20, '.880. Kntkrkd at THK roST-OKKICi: AT RllKiWAY, PA., AS SLCONI) (LAPS MAIL MATTKK. Republican National Ticket tor 1880 VOM PHKfUDKNT, HEN. ULYSSKS S. (ill ANT. (Sulijcet to decision of Ilcpulillcnii National Convention.) 4UDI TORS' S ETTLK M KN T. tpt nnit ErpnalHuriK of 1'lk nnunty for the year cn'liny January IrWi. HKCKIJ'TS. TO nmt. rped from Trt'iiMiivr MuCnu ley. bal at last scttleini nt 4.IIT7 HI To unit received, proceeds Co. bonds. ..Nl.uvi 27 To unit reed, unsld tax from collectors li.me 12 Tonmt received, lands from county.... ii7 41 To milt reed, tax on unstil lnnds.....T.... 2.V1 K To nmt reed from items! niter township on nmonnt due Dlxmoiit 2117 (HI To nmonnt received from Kox town- Rlilpon amount due Hlxmont lunm 10 amount received from Jones lown- fdilp on amount due Dixmont Isii io nmonnt received from IuiIhiih-iiIr vs. Rldtrvray toAvnsliip ais:s io nmt reed from Hutjli JlcGechln for old court liousc la") (Hi To ami reed for county lands roIiI imm To nmt reed from return premium for lnsurnnce on old court house 24 1(1 To nmt received nom W. J. llhikely, back otllcc rent 12 on To nmt reed, rebate from lull' snl'cand lock eoniiany 42!1 To nmt reed for cement,llinc,ivc.sold... II 2l Tonmt reed, county tax on lands re turned to county commissioners... 7) Tonmt reed from Wilcox ami Hamlin St4ite road fund 22 Tonmt received 011 costs in Common- wealth vs. Amanda Trumbull S22I) To nmt received, costs mid line, L'oni- monwealth vs, Henry Ulcsli 00 02 To nmt reed, costs and tine, C'ommon- wealth vs. James Murphy KW To ami reed, costs and tine. Common- wealth vs. Will .1. Culhberl 30 1(1 To ami reed, ousts, Commonwealth vs. Mathlasl Decker 1121) To unit reed, costs, Commonwealth vs. John Holm Ill 411 Tonmt reed, jury fees In civil cases tim S17,N.i liii fixtTNTim-nrcs. By amount paid ,M. Weldei t, commix- sioner, services SIS Oil By amount paid (feo. lieiiseher, com- liiissioner.servlcps Ills (M By amount paid W.H.( islerliout.coni- mlssloner.servlces 2H (Hi By amount paid W. S. llorton, com- mlssloners' clerk fiimim By amount pd Jlall McCauley.eoiu- mlssloners' counsel , 7,"i on By nmt pd eonsliibles.otlieers'fccs an 4 (hi By nmt pd Just lees, olliceis Ices K 2." By Hint pd district attorney 177 m By nmt pd .M. I.. Koss, wm'n crier k2.Hi jivnmipaiu 11.11. ensel,tii-stall..i 42 ii '.y unit pd prothoiiotary Ill sn By amt pd riunt auditois anil clerk.. 1 17 Hi By amt pd 1 T. Brooks, janitor 7n ml My unit pd coiistables.Coin. costs 1711 12 B.'amt pd justlces.Com.costs .'.7 -'.7 By nmt pd wIIiicsm'S, Coin.ensts l-Jiui-'l By nmt pd assessors for asscsintf By unit pd assessors for rciilslerinjt l.". fHi By amt paid ;i';iml jurors 7,"i m; By amt pd traverse lnrors I,.Vuio7 By nmt pd jail expenses l.tiwui By nmt pd lHxmout hospital lor sup port ot'C. Nist jisih By amt pd Dixmont hospital lor sup. port of J. steeling; I.'ns) By nmt pd Dixmont hospiial lor sup port of Kato AVillinms 122 7.1 By amt id Dixmont liospltnl lor sup- port of Mary Klin? 12:1 .Vi Bynnitpd western penitcnliarv fur'TS sti 411 By unit. ixl for publishing election proc lamation iil mi Bynm'tpaid lor iiublishim; auditors' settleinent rim (hi By amt pd forprintinc ,t mlvertisiiur.. .".7 In By amt pd for prlntluv election blnks lit! 7."i By unit jid for election expenses uVi mi By Hint Ml fur road view noil ilnni:-..nu iiT.-. J ly 1111 it I'd for blank books forproilivs odiee . By amt pd fur stationery & postape By nmt pd for bounties on wolves.Ac... By Hint pd for fuel and lights By nmt pd for repairs on public blilngs By nmt pd for court house expenses By nmt pd for jury cominrs ,v clerk By nmt pd lor coroner's inquests By amt pd for audit hit' protbv's aects. By Bint pd for teachers' institute ex penses for 1S7S By it nit pd for advertlsini; lauds, after wnrds stricken oil'. By nmt pd for chairs for jurv rooms, Ac By amt pd J. D. Hunt, on M. K. A- K. State road fund By amt pd fornssessment and registry books I By nmt pd for treasurer's seal By nmt pd for work on meridian line. By nmt pd for ollicinl stenographer By nmt pd Pennsylvania reform school for KUpoort of inmates By amt pd county eoninirs on tbelr tourof court house inspection By amt pd for miscellaneous expenses 12i: : S.f Till 111 II. 7 :ii lh;:: 12.i :i;i ti wi 1 l,j : 17 on 51 w 07 SI 07 50 5 511 52 i in I:!I7.- I IS 50 (10 Kit IS 12 uiui )iu 011 erection 01 new court house :!.!,l2ii :!7 By nmt pd .Michael lirunner, county treasurer, nsconimission for receiv ing and disbursing county funds... 1,277 II i,S2li 02 .','115 01 By excess of receipts.... SirXKUB Asf.U and Liabilities of Klk 5, IKSII. Oioi.v, January AS.SKTS. To amt county tax on unseated lands. subject to commission A- ex'nerat n22,l5S 50 Tonmt county tax due from collec tors, subject to commission and ex oneration S R71 09 To nmt due from Lewis Oies for lands bought of county ,lo:00 To nmt due from Benzinger township for support of lunatics at Dixmont .'ill 2!) To imt duo from Fox township for support of lunatics at Dixmont soo :i To am' t due from St. Mary's borouuh for support of lunnticsat Dixmont 00 0:! To nmonnt due from Lock Haven bor ough, as per judgment 2.15 S4 To unit due from Treasurer Met autev for tax received and note charged to lillll in bis settlement 100 US Tonmt Judgment note against J. v. & J. G. fieurge j. Tonmt judgment note ngalnst J. L. A J. E. Bonliam To amount due from Michael lirunner' Treasurer, ns per uudltors settlnit... 725 10 S li,5l!l 04 T.I.UlII.ITirs. By county bonds outstanding By county orders outstanding II.IOlTfiO 701 .i() Ml 04 litl I'l SS57 22 HI 41u ;o By amount due Dixmont for support of lunatics Ky Hiut due Commonwealth-State "tux By nmt due Pennu.Itcfnrm Sebool.... By nmt due Benezette election board By bal due I). C. ( ystcr, sherill' By amount due Fred. Hchiening tliouotury, Ac pro- 205 II 34,275 71 ... 27:i:tl By excess of assets r j f:tt,5t0(i4 we, the undersigned, commissioners of Klk county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is n correct statement of the receipts and expenditures of Klk countv for the year 1S7M, and also of assets nnd llal'illilies of 'said QUUUljr ut I III. Utile. MR'HAFL WEIDKHT.) W. H. OKTF.IlHiiI T, 5 Co GKOKGERKUSCHKlO ' V' K. TImuiviv I -1....I, Comrs Attest W. fcj. IIokton, Clerk. Amounts Jlivrhvrl from thr m oral fMlmtow of J-JIk County iluriua ls70. Collector. Township, Year. Co State William Clyde Millstone.... 17.1 -'i mi Nathan Hippie.... Morton 17-, :tm ). B. Wiiisfow Benezetto IS71I :u ,5-, Jacob Moyer Fox is7o -.n , Thos. Campbell ...Highland K7 7750 Daniel I'halen Horton 1X70 Phi on Hiram F.isclman.Spring Crk...ls;o :i i Henry Blcsh llene.ette..., 1S77 "114 :ti 50 17 Michael Glott Henzinger....l77 III 117 John McMackin...Fox 177 7.1115 Levi Ellitlioro HiL'hlnnil 1x77 u m G. W. Clinton Horton IS77 75 u Kphriiilil Hcwltt..Jay IH77 'Mk7H liobert Miiuelt Jones Isr7 'mn.i G.D.Messenger.jrJiidgwny ls77 577 :!l 0 15 50 II ""A-Jrwin hpringCreekls77 75 15 15 11 Wm. Murray llenezette 1S7S .101 50 I; rank, Werulth...Benalngor... i7S 0.X si Jere. Hewitt Fox ik7S 00.) "0 in-i HO.EIlltl.orp Higblnnd M ( 42 5 Thos. Burcbncld..Hortoii Is7s "vliilil Armel Turley Jay 17 rMi; James H. Well8...Jones is7s )S 1,5 wS,u 'nM,ll1' Millstone ls7H m 21 W. H. Horton; ftldiiwoy IS78 (r?4 05 Slut Hhanley ......SprlngCreekls7H 117 Kl Michael 8tlbieh...Kt. Mary's ...1S7S H () John Barr lleueetto.... ls70 lox 00 Joseph Einmert ...Fox in7(i 774 im Iheo. Vaiikirk....Hlghlnd IS70 21 W J. Uinniberlain ...Horton .lh7l) 27s III i ,.ir.",,."ow,tt -J."y 1S70 I t! (17 207 Kl V ,V, 0 iiiiun.. lones is70 ir' r W c i,lV.1!u.,'HI''''?,1,il.lhl,,,'t' W7, "5"'' taUip Volmer 8t. Man 's 170 . 110,111 00 )04ti A mount Due .from thr nrrrral Cnllrctom 0 . ..iimo, .lonutirv 11, irwi. Collector. Township, Year. Nathan Hippie Horton Is7i '.liicob Moyer Kox Jsrd Daniel I'liiilcn Morton IK7H Hlrnm Klselman HprlnitCreek isrij ' 1 Hi. Mnry 's 1S77 John McMnckin .'ox )77 Wllllnm JWnrrny Bcncr.ctte.." 17 Thomas Hui'chlleld...llorton H7 Ainiel Turley lav I17R .lames Champion Millstone IS7R V. W. Horton Hiduwnv IS7S Jl'it. Slianlev HprliiHl Veek IS7 Michael sitiblch St. Mary's.... 1S7S .loli 11 Hair Ileue.elle IK7II I'rank Wernllh lleii.lnger....1S7ll Joseph Kmnn i t 1'ux is7ii Jos. Clianiberlaln Horton 1S7II Kpliralin Hewitt Jay 1S7II Klehard Uieiiiinli lones S7 A1I11 m .liiimernian...Mlllstoiin s7s: W. C. Ilcaly Itliluwav l7!l Martin l'eriin Sprinm 'reek IS7II Philip Vollmer Kt. Mary's 1S7B Tn w 115 M .111 271 II 11(17 1S8 fi' ;w r 17S27 1112 am M7 (117 tm s7 72S 20 2117 III 117 2fi sixi m IM PI 127H . . . .K7I 1 nose marked pnui since settlement. jrivhari Jlmnnrr, Trrmmrrr of 1 imniu. in -nrrnunr irilh "i'l count for year vmUnfi Jnnnnrn 5, lssil. tllCNTY FUN1I. To nmmint received from 'Irenstirer MeCauley, bal. ut last settlement... 4.C7 nm t ree'd from county bonds siild...:)l,(l.K nmounr. received from collectors. t seated tax anil exonerations 10,141 Mm 1 n-u 11 itir ihiius reueeiiieu irom county " nin't rcc'tl tax on unseated lands " limoiint received from DcnxlUKcr township on ain't due Dixmont.... "nmonnt received from Jones twp. on 0 mull lit due Dixmont " nm t received from 1 1 11 1 1 McCau- " ley, JudL'iiients vs. HldsrWnvtwp "ain't reed fr. Hugh Mclle'ehln for old court house "nm't ree'd for county lands sold "nmt. ree'd for return premium for Insurance on old court bouse ' ain't ree'd from W. J. lilakely, back rent, ollleeln old court bouse " nm't received for rebate from Hall's safe and lock company "amount received for cenient, lime, Ac., sold " nm't received, county tax on lalidH air 11 2.V1 Ml 3)7 II lxntK) ais :t2 Wiim 1(12 SS 21 10 1200 421)1 14 20 lid returned ocoiinty cominlssiuners " nm t transferred from Wilcox nnd Hamlin Htntc read fund SIS.llll 1(1 By county commissioners' receipts for county orders redeemed II.(H202 "county commissioners' receipts for exoneration orders redeemed 5.10 is " county commissioners' receipts for refunding orders redeemed :t2S."i "county commissioners' receipts for redemption orders n deemed 10 SI " county commissioners receipts for Interest coupons on ( 'o. bonds pd..., 5ti4 27 " ain't paid on McKrnn, Klk and Vor- est state road fund 84.170 " treasurers' commission on all mon ies received .'IS2S0 " treasurers' commission on all ninn ies disbursed SOI .11 I7,:I7H ml . 721 10 ' balance due fund.... f 18,101 10 SCHOOL 1-TND.S. BKXKZKTTK SCIIOOl, Fl'Nl). To nmt tux rccd from unMd Ids " unit n-cd of line lor violation of game law 1 Ht) 3 03 5 43 03 7!" " bal due trcas $(J9 22 58 77 f) 00 10 1 35 $09 22 By sunt pd Trcas MeCnuley, bal iluc at last settlement " co eomfs recpt for co orders redeemed " trcas com on amt reed " trcns com on unit disbursed IlKXK.KTTi: SCHOOL BVILDIXO FFXi). i o bal due trcas C 10 $0 10 J?y amt pd '1 rens McCaulev, bal at last settlement 6 " trcas com on unit reed $0 10 IJKXZIXGKK SCHOOL FFXI). To nmt tax rccd from unseated lands " nmt rccd for lands redmd from county " amt reed of fine for viola tion of game law 4 08 43 53 8 00 50 77 187 79 $244 50 108 02 130 02 1 13 4 79 bal due treas By amt pd Trcas McCnuk-y, bal nt last settlement " eo conns' receipt f;r refund ing orders redeemed " treas com on unit rccd " treas com on nmt disbursed $244 50 BKXZIXfiF.il SCHOOL lliriLDIXfi FVXD. To amt reed from Treas Me Cauley, bal at last stlmt 314 07 " amt tax reed from unseated lands 1 2(5 " amt reed for Ids redeemed irom county 12 24 $328 17 By school treasr's receipts co conn's1 recpt for refund ing orders redeemed " liens com on amt rccd " trcns com on nmt disbursed 202 50 32 0(1 27 4 09 239 4(5 " balance due fund 88 71 $32S 17 FOX SCHOOL FUND reed tax from unstd To iimt lands 24 71 " amt reed on lands returned to co comrs J 08 ami reed 01 lines lor viola tion ol game Jaw c 58 $32 By amt pid Trens MeCau ley, onl at last settlement 2 trens com on amt received 04 imis com 011 amt Uu.bsd 50 20 3:1 0 04 balance due fund $32 37 FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND, To amt rccd from Treus Me Cnuley, bal at last sctlmt " amt ttix rccd from unseated lands " nmt rccd on lands returned to county comrs 24 33 8 24 30 32 93 17 32 70 $'12 93 By treas com on nmt received " balance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To amt rccd Irom Treas Me Cnuley, bal at last sctlmt " amt reed, tux from unsealed lands " unit reed, fine for violation of game law 89 103 15 30 $104 40 2 07 102 33 By treus com on nmt reed " balance due fund $104 40 HOBTON SCHOOL FUND. To amt rccd from Treus Me Cnuley, bnl nt Inst setlmt " amt tax reed from unseated lands " amt reed of fine for viola tion of game law 20 00 11 40 3 45 40 85 By Hfhocil trctisurtir's rncclpls 25 " Irons com on nmt roapivt'd 1H2 ll! HI M trctis com on unit dlHiiurscd M 8 Klk 20 28 14 57 " bnlnnce due fund .STlfll $40 JAY Bf'HOOI, FIT Nil. To nmt Inx rccd from uiiBtd Ids " Bint received of line for vio lation of game law n 4' 20 CI 2!) 411 Hi to $29 13 By nmt pd Trans Mv-Cniiloy, litilnnccnt last settlement " trent. com on nmt reed " treim com on nmt diHburaud STi (HI 14 35 " Imlnnce due fund 15 51 Klk thr ?29 (11 JAY SC'HOOl, BP 11,1)1 NO FUND, To nmt reed from Trcns Mc Ciniley, linlance ut last Hcttle ment 27 (10 $0 0 By balance due fund f 0 JONKH SCHOOti Fl'Nl), To amt reed from Treim Me Cauley, balance at last settle ment " unit tax rccd from mintd Ids " nmt rccd of line for viola tion of game law 0 40 4 (18 0 4r $17 71 22 By treas coin on unit rccd " balance due fund 17 $17 JONi:s 8CIIDOI, lU ll.DIMI FCNI). unit rccd from uiiHtd Ids 1 41 To $1 1 $1 By trctis coin on nmt reed balance due fun MII.I.STOXI-: SCIIOOl, FI'Mi, To nmt rccd from Trcas Mc Cauley, balanccat litst settle ment " amt nvd of fine for viola tion of game law. " balance due trcas. 5 03 74 5 77 1 71 ?7 48 5 5(1 1 83 01 14 By county cominrs receipt for refunding ords redemed. " county cominrs receipt for scbool building ords red n id. " trcas com on amt received. " trcas com on nnit tlisbursed. $7 48 KtDflWAY SCHOOL FUND. To nmt tax reed from unseated lands " amt tax reed for lands re deemed from county " nmt reed of line tor viola tion of game law 58 3510 8 tV $44 05 39 00 3 54 89 By nmt paid Treas MeCnuley, balance at last settlement " county cominrs recpt for re funding orders redeemed " treas com on amt received " treas com on amt disbursed 8o $44 2H " balance due fund 3 $44 05 IUDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To nmt tax reed from unstd Ids 35 " nmt reed for Ids redeemed from county 4 21 $4 5G 80 09 By county commrs recpt for refunding orders redeemed " treas com on nmt received " treus com on unit disbursed 01 90 " balance duo fund 3 00 $4 50 SPKIXCi f'HKF.K S( HOOL FUND. To amt rccd for Ms redeemed from county 38 88 amt reed of fine for viola tion of game law 1 22 $39 00 By nmt pnid Trcas MeCauley balance at last settlement " treas coin on amt received " trcas com on amt disbursed 1 22 79 01 2 02 37 58 $39 00 balance due fund ST. MABY'S SCHOOL FUND. To nmt reed from Trens Me Cnuley, balance ut last settle ment " amt tax reed from unsetd Ids " amt reed of fine for viola tion of. game law 5 71 28 7 29 $13 28 5 59 15 11 By school trcas receipts " treus com on unit received " treas com on unit disbursed 5 85 7 43 " bal due fund $13 28 ROAD BFNKZF.TTK FUNDS HOAD FUND To nmt tax reed from unsented lands " bal due treasurer 3 00 40 30 $49 30 42 28 6 00 90 $49 30 By unit paid Trens MeCnuley, balance at last settleinent " county coniiiirs recpt for re funding orders redeemed " trcas com on nmt reed " treus com on unit disbursed BF.NZINGF.R BOA D FUND. To amt rccd from trcas Me Cauley balance at last settle ment 149 01 " unit tax reed from unstd Ids 4 98 " unit reed for lands redeemed from the county 43 63 197 52 C7 08 205 20 112 00 73 00 . 70 02 90 8 22 " bul due trcas By county commrs recpt for refunding orders redeemed " county commrs recpt for unstd orders redeemed " township treas recpt " treas com on amt reed " treus com on unit dibbursed t'2CG 20 48 21) BF.NZINOF.R ADDITIONAL BOAT) FUND. To nmt reed from unsented Ids CI " nmt reed for Ids redeemed from coulity " bnlnnce due trens 21 77 20 75 79 28 85 $100 71 82 2 By nmt pnid Treas MeCnuley, bnlnnce nt Inst settlement county cominrs recpt for re funding orders redeemed trens com on amt received 'trcns com on amt disbursed 8 25 80 4fi m $100 2 FOX HOA1) FUND. To nmt tnx reed from unstd Ids " bnlnnce due treas 20 19 $40 29 80 By nmt paid Trcns MeCnuley, balance nt Inst settlement county commrs recpt for unsetd orders redeemed " trcns com on nmt received " trcas com on nmt disbursed 10 00 C 15 15 15 $40 FOX ADDITIONAL BOA B FUND. 15 To bnlnnce due treas 187 $187 By nmt pnid Trens MeCnuley, balanccat last settlement " trcas com on nmt disbursed 183 3 67 $187 1IK1IILANI) HO AD FUND. To nmt. rccd from Tr-ns Me 53 22 ai 5 Cnuley, bal at last settlement 414 nmt tax rccd from unstd Ids 200 fi.V) 1 bnlance due trens 111 81 $70230 435 32 808 00 4 12 l?y towiiHbip trcns recpt " county eommrs recipt for unseated orders redeemed " trcns com on nmt received " trcns com on nmt disbursed 41 03 3H 41 ' 14 $702 30 1H1HTOX K'lAI) FUND. To nmt rccd from Trens Me Cnuley, bal at last sctlmt nmt tax reed from unsealed lands. 08 5s 14 25 ' balance due treasurer By township trensr's rccpts ' f.llltllfl' ftf.tlll'U PlUltlluV..- .... ... ...- iu jin iwi un seated orders redeemed " trcas com on amt received " treas com on amt disbursed 20 00 2H 2 33 $119 22 JAY BOA D FUND. To amt reed from Trcas Me Cauley, balnt last sctlmt amt tax reed from unseated lands 14i2 38 03 $52 05 14 33 By twp trensr's receipts " co comrs' recpt for unseated orders redeemed " treas com on nmt received " treas com 011 unit disbursed 2 00 7(1 32 17 41 1 bnlance due fund 35 24 $52 05 JAY CASH FUND. To nmt reed from Treasurer MeCnuley, bnl nt last setlmt 1 01 $1 01 By twp treas receipt " treas com on amt disbursed 0!) 0: $1 01 JONES HOAD FUND. Te nnit tax rccd from unseated lands " bal due treasurer 4 68 2 28 $6 90 By nnit pnid Trcns MeCauley, balance at last settlement " co comrs receipt for comity orders redeemed " treas com on nmt received " treas com on amt disbursed 1 74 5 00 49 13 $( 90 MILLSTONE HOAD FUND. To amount received from Treas MeCauley, bal at. last setlmt " balance due treasurer 15 07 IS 05 $33 72 14 70 18 Si! 00 By twp trens receipt "'co comrs receipt for refund ing orders redeemed " trcas coin on unit disbursd $33 MILLKTOXK CASH FUND. To balance due treasurer 10 58 $10 58 1 20 9 18 20 $1(1 58 By amt paid Treas MeCnuley, 1 mi at last settlement ' co comrs receipt for refund ing orders redeemed ' treas com on unit disbursed RIDGWAY HOAD FI ND. To nmt tax reed on unseated lands amt rccd for lunds redeemed from county 93 " bnlnnce due treasurer $75 20 71 09 2 08 00 1 40 By amt paid Trens MeCauley, nai at nisi settlement " co comrs receipt forVcfund- ing orders redeemed " trcas com on amt received " treas com on nmt disbursed 29 RIDGWAY CASH FUND. To nfnt reed for lunds mimed from county " balance duo trensurer 18 21 35 53 $53 73 49 13 3 ?0 36 1 04 By nmt pnid Treas McCRUley, uaiance at last, settlement " co conns rec.pt for refund ing orders redeemed " trcas com 011 amt received " trctis com on unit disbursed $53 73 SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To nmt ricd from Treas Me Cnuley, bal ut lust settlement amt tax reed from unstd Ids amt reed for lauds redmd from, county 24 29 18 40 33 69 $70 44 4700 24 29 By co comrs recent for unstd orders redeemed " twp treasurer's receipts 112 83 0 39 $119 22 !I0 CI 32 00 32 99 42 30 " trens com on nmt received " trens com on nmt disbursed 4 08 73 75 2 09 " bnlnnce due fund $70 03 44 00 53 00 8PBINO CRKKK CASH FUNl To nmt reed from Trens Me Cnuley, bal nt last sctlmt 12 42 nmt rccd for lands redeemed from county 28 08 $40 12 By twp trcns receipts " treas com on nmt rccd " treas com on nmt disbursed 03 58 95 53 34 13 27 $40 " bnlance due fund ST. MARY'S HOAD FUND. To nmt rccd from Trcas Me Cauley, bal nt last setlnit " nmt tux rt-cd from unseated lands 41 78 53 By borough trcns receipts " treas com on nmt disbursed 27 27 " balance due fund 00 ST MARY'S COliPOKATION FUND. To nmt rccd from Trvns Me Cauley bal nt last settlement 3 00 " nmt tax rccd from unseated lands 4 27 20 29 $3 3 By borough trens receipt " treus com on nmt tlisbursd 49 3 00 14 " balance duo fund $3 TOOR FUNDS. bi:nzin(;i:k poor fund. To nnit tux reed from unseated lands " nmt rccd for lands rcdeeind from county SO 3 51 25 29 84 70 " balance due treasurer 110 0; By nnit pnid Trens MeCauley, bnlnnce at last settlement " co comrs recpt for refunding orders redeemed " treas com on amt received " treas com on unit disbursd 69 41 $110 05 FOX POOH FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd lands 10 30 ' balance due treasurer 3 1m $13 48 13 02 20 20 13 -IS 50 22 By nmt paid trens MeCauley balance at last settlement " treas com on amt received ' treas com on unit disbursed hohton pooh fund. To nmt rccd from Treas Me Cauley, balance at last stlmt $00 22 55 10 $ 50 22 19 01 By twp trcns receipts " trcas com on amt disbursed JAY POOH fund. To nmt tax reed from unstd Ids $19 01 38 18 03 $19 01 By treas com o.n nmt reed " balance due fund JONES POOR FUND. To nmt recti from Trens Me Cauley, balance nt last settle ment 1 00 $1 00 1 00 $1 CO By bnlance due fund MILLSTONE POOR FUND. To nmt rccd from Treas Me Cauley, bal nt last settlement " balance due treas 30 5 31 5 CI 5 50 11 By county conr- recpt for re funding orders redeemed ' treas coin on amt disbursed 5 01 RIDGWAY POOR FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids " amt reed for ids redeemed from county balance due trcas 29 : By unit pd Trens MeCauley, bal at last settlement "county comi-s' recpt for re funding orders redeemed " trens com on nmt received " treus com on unit disbursed 59 80 50 29 "2 SPRING CREEK POOH FUND. To unit reed from Treas Me Cauley, bal at last settlement " nmt tax rccd from unstd Ids " unit reed for Ids redeemed from county C 00 3 09 10 95 5 88 09 12 By township trens recpt " trcas com on amt reed " trcas com on amt disbursed 6 09 4 85 10 94 balance due fund ST. MARY'S POOR FUND. To nmt reed from Treas Me Cauley, bal ut last settle ment " ujnt tux reed from unstd Ids 244 14 2 58 2 39 05 2 44 14 2 58 By borough trcas recpt " trear com on amt tlisbursed " balance due fund STATE ROAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDGWAY AND HT. MARY'S STATE ROAD FUND. To amt tax reed 011 unstd Ids Jones township 4 68 " nmt tux reed on unstd Ids Ridgwuy township l 17 " amt reed for Ids redeemed from the county Benzinger township 43 63 '' amt reed for Ids redeemed from county Ridgway twp 42 12 91 50 1 04 1 42 " bal due treas 187 278 180 By nmt pd Trens McCntilcy, bnl nt last settlement " co comrs recpt refunding orders redeemed, Benzingtr township " co comrs recpt refunding ords redmd Uidgwny twp " trcns com on nnit rccd " treas com on nmt tlisbursed 44 88 3 1 . 5 278 50 42 50 25 RIDGWAY AND BROOKVILLE PTATK BuAD FUND. To amt reed for Ids redeemed from co Hidgwny twp 23 91 " nmfcrecd for Ids redmd from 23 27, 50 co feprlng Creek twp 21 00 44 97 " bat due trcns 45 70 40 72 3 20 90 88 By amt pd Trens MeCnuley bal ut last settlement " co comrs recpt refunding ords redmd Ridgway twp " treas coin on nmt reed" " treas com on amt disbursed 28 28 45 70 McKEAN ELK AND FOREST STAt ROAD FUND. To nmt transferred from co fund to balauce 843 79 7 54 843 251 By nmt pd Trcns MeCauley, bal at last settlement " co comrs recpt for refund ing ords redeemed " treas com on amt disbursed 575 10 843 20 00 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE ROAD FUND. To nmt reed from Trens Me Cnuley, bul nt last settle ment 20 By amt transfd to co fund 0 22 MUhacl Jlnmncr, ICxq., Treasurer of Elk County, in aocmtnt trith (he Com monwealth of rcnnsilvania for (he year cnilinrj January 5, 1880. To nmt tavern licences reed ns per report clerk of quarter sessions 800 00 " amt store licenses rccd ns per report clerk of (. S. 50 00 " unit eating lises lie's reed as per report clerk of (J. S. 120 00 " nmt retailers licenses rccd as per rept mercantile appraiser 1W ' 725 00 " nnit billard lie's red ns per rept mercantile appraiser 1879 140 00 " nmt brewers lie's reed as per rept mercantile appraiser 1879 1.10 00 " amt circus lie's reed 60 00 " amt tax on eo loan reed from bondholders 02 2 052 075 700 By St Treas recpt retailers lie's " St treas recpt tavern lie's " St treas recpt brewers lie's " St trcas recpt liquor lie's " St. treas recpt ea house lie's " St treas recpt circus lie's " St treas recpt billiard lie's '' amt pd for advertising mer cantile list for 1879 " exonerations on retailers and billiard lie's allowed by AudOeii " treas com on amt rccd, 5 per cent 90 47 114 50 3 90 53 00 102 04 1,993 59 bal due commonwealth 2,052 auditors AVe the undersigned I'.lk county for the year 1880, having met ut the commissioners' ollice iii Ridgway, in said county, on the first Monday of January. A. 1). 1880. beiiif the fifth day of the month, for Hie purpose of auditing, settling and ad justing the accounts of the several county ollieers, we adjourned to Tues day, January 0,1880, tit which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the several -eoimtv ollieers, nnd found them correct as slated in this our report. Michael Brunucr. Esu.. trensurer of said county, having been duly noti- ned, was present 111 nerson and pre sented his account. Alter haviinr cnrcfullv cx-uminoil audited and adjusted the nccoimfs if said Michael Brunner. treasurer, we found due from him. the said trens. to the saiil funds, as is fully set forth in the foregoing report, the sum of one thousand four hundred twentv-siv dollnrs and thirty-two cents, and due to him, the said treasurer, from cer tain funds, ns set forth in the said foregoing report, the sum of one thousand one hundred nnd ciirhtv- four dollars and thirty cents, leaving a net balance of two hundred fortv- t wo dollars and two cents due to the said county of Elk from the said treas. Also due from the. said treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of fifty-nine dollars and twenty-nine cts. as is fully set forth in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hand this 27th day of January A. D. 1880. J.J.TAYLOR, 1 . C1IAS. MILLER, j-Co.Aud'rs. Attest-M. S. Kline, Clerk. The Commisnioners of Elk County in ('count with suid County for Herviccts for the year endin; January 5, 1880. Michael Mcidert. To county orders received 318 00 318 00 318 00 318 00 818 00 318 00 318 00 $318 00 210 00 By 100 days' services, (a) ?3 George Jieunchcr. County orders received By 100 days' services, (J $3 If. II. Ontcrhout. To county orders received By 70 days' services, $3 f210 00 210 00 $210 00 D. C. Oytter, Esq., UUjh Sheriff of Elk County, in account trith said County for (he year ending January 5, 1880. To amt fines and costs collected in 1 ommonwealth cases. " amt jury fees reed In civil cases " amt eo orders for Lord pris oners 253 68 20 00 651 00 925 64 410 30 " balance due sherlfT $1,330 00 By bal due at last settlnit a 74 jail act for boarding and washing for prisonrs up to Jan 1 1880 " serving juror, May Sept 651 00 89 u:l Nov terms 1870 nnd Jnn . term 1880 880 00 " conveyng F. Entus tojien'y 75 00 " conveying M OHern to peny 75 00 " con vg Mrs J Quinn to. Dix mont 61 50 " drawing four Juries in 1879 4 00 " pub election proclanintion 1 00 " fees In criniinnlcnses 77 80 "Jces on commitments 10 00 89 43 00 20 83 43 80 Wo, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county for the yenr 1880, hnving niet at the commissioners' ollice in Ridgway, in said county, on the first Monday in January, A. D. 1880, being the fifth dny of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling nnd ad justing the necounts of the severnl officers, we adjourned to Tuesday. January 0, A. D. 1880, at which time we proceeded to audit, settle nnd ad just the accounts of the severnl county ollieers ns set forth In our report. Dan .el C. Oyster, Esq. high sheriff? of said county, was present in person and presented his account. After carefully examining, auditing settling nnd adjusting his necounts, we found due to the said sheriff from the said county of Elk, the sum of four li mid red nnd ten dollnrs nnd thirty-six cents, which sum we certify to be correct, ns set forth in the fore going stntement. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hnnds the 27th day of 79 9!) Jnnunry, A. D. 1880- k J.J.TAYLOR, , 1 , C1IAS. M I LLER Aurt'rs. Attest-M. S. Klink, Clerk. The Coimn imioncrs of the Kcertc, Ji Uh way and ,St. Mary's State Jtoad in account with the Eunds of said lload for the year endiny January 27, 18sn, To bnl due fnd at last setlnit 3,704 85 " nm't ree'd from treus. of Mc- 20 54 79 Kenn Co. " nmt reed proceeds of bonds Nos. 38 nnd 39 par " nmt rccd, proceeds of bond No. 40 par 0 22 22 $5,289 62 By nmt pnid Dcn.Knne for con struction, Sergeant twp 1,018 88 " nmt pd Wilcox tannine rv,. for work, Jones township " nmt paid (ieo. D. Messenger for work, Ridgway township " amt paid J. K. P. Hall for work, Benzinger twp " unit paid Hall & MeCauley 509 37 028 30 195 37 for work, general fund 10 00 " amt paid J. L. Brown, secy, general fund 20 47 2,442 3!) 2,847 25 balance due fuud 5,280 62 The Commhsione.ru of the RUhwaxf ami Jirookvitlc State Jtoad in'ace't. with the Eunds of said road for the year ending Jan. 27, 1880. To hal-duc fnd at last stlmt 204 85 80 80 87 00 204 85 By bill and voucher of Hiram Carman for construction and repairs of road during I879 204 6S " balance due fund 22 204 85 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county for the yenr 1880, having met at the commissioners' ofHee in Ridgway, in said countv, on the first Monday in January, A."l). 1880, beinff the fifth day of the month, we adjourn ed to Tuesday, January 6, lKsO, at which time we proceeded to settle the necounts of the several county ollieers. hut owing to the delay of the" commis sioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Mary's State road, and of the' commissioners of the Ridgway nnd Rrookville State rond, to present their respective accounts, we adjourned the settleinent of the same to Tuesday, January 27, 1880, at which time we carefully examined, ntidited, settled nnd adjusted the accounts of the com missioners of the Kane, Ridgway nnd St. Mary's State road and of the com missioners of the Ridgway and Brook vllle State road, nnd found them severally correct, as set forth in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we hnve here unto set our hands the 27th day of January, A. D. 1880. 50 50 00 00 ?,i 00 J. J. TAYLOR. CHAS. MILLER. Co. Aud' Attest M. S. Klink. Clerk. . c rj FTo.' VS. nOLt TRENEWE V. Hag been In constant use by the public for over twenty years. nnd ig the beat preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND and LIFE. J Chemist of Maes. and leading endorse and recom - - " "'I""J ."mil IX. food and color to the hair glands without staining the kin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. f It. cures Itching, Erup mend it as a great triumph in medi cine. tion and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It is very desirable, giving the balr a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy, fcUCWNCHAMS Dy WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one" preparation it ig easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. ritCfAlitl) BY P. HALL- & CO., NASHUA, N.H, Sold by sll Dealers Is Medltlng. mmm The ! State I Assayer 1:1 y"v M PENSIONS! Procured for Soldiers disabled In the U. H. sun-ice from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased soldiers. All pen sion? date buck to day of discharge, and to date of the death of the uoldier. PeijsioiiH increased. Addrrs. with ?e.".nI.t - STODDART & CO. DJ1 K. fit, N. V. Washington, D.C, inlmln47 1,330 00 184 77 700 00 700 00 rs.