The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 12, 1880, Image 3

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    1.: v.'-. ,. 1.1 ij r.HV V
!8 3iiV;::'&J
'Wf -V
Send for Illuslratcd Circular and prices.
until you uuvo souu tuo
Most Elegant, Simplo and Easy Running Machine in the
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. y .
Worn Branch Office, 233 State St., Coioaoo, MIDDLETOWN. CONN.'
Oct.ilOyl. J. S. & W. 11. HYDE, AGENTS, RIDGWAY, PA.
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Ell; Co., Fa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, to patents
and patent eases.
Office in new hri"!? building, Main
Street, Itldgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3t
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Ofileo
across the lmll from the Dc.mocrid es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnel5,lS70
G. G.
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, l'a., full assortment of (care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Proscriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his oili.-e from 'Vntre
street to Main id reel, liidgv.ay, l'a., in
the second story o'' thu new brick
lmilding of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
tluMlco hours: 1 to i! I'. M. "to 0 P.M.
i HhYSs'T5Us
V. 11. SCHHAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Eik county, Pa.
Thankful fi rthe a! rou.i,:u hereto
fore o liherally hestov.-i-il lijoii lii.m,
theliew iropriejor hopes. I.y )..-'i;iT
strict attenli in t . t 1 i o comfort and'eon-
venience ol prie sts, to n, ijt a contniu-
iuice of the:;:ime. oct iU'ii'j
r-r ... KVAfA, Kersey, Elk
Couniy, l'a , lakes tin's metlied of a
liouiieimv lo the ei! iL-ns of county
t J l : t she has on lunula:! :!- ort ment ("if
f-ishiomuil" mi'li.Me: v-.'Hul-i vhh-h ,vill
sold eiieap.
drerisinakinur in
Sill its lir;ineh( s
Aj;ent for Dr. .1. V.ail & Co.' Patent
Ivory and Lieuum Yitte Cups.
Send for descriptive 'irculi;r.' n!7yl
This ndmirahle work is now eom
pletein hi vols. ) :a('h olumeeont ihisMXi
pay-PS. II ni:i':u--a n;liipieie au..l will
selected lihrary, ailvl l:o one can
tili'ord to ilowitno'.'t il who would keep
well informed. Price '" uo in cloih,
Sfi.oii in Kat'ier, or t'T.'i') in eleani
half Turkey. 1'or pi'.nieidars ad.!i..--,
y. H. Eahvhild, l'oit illv, Cad. Co.,
N. Y., who Ik en duiy apptiiutid
iiUfnt for Klk county hy t.'. K." Juil.-on,
general agent.
:nform the eitizens of Hi lway, and
the public fiend'allr, that he has
started a J J very Stable r.nd will keep
ftml HuirMies to let upon tho most
reasonable terms.
fg"Ife will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street All orders left
at the Post Oliiee w ill receive prompt
Patents procured upon Inventions.
3S'o Attorney's Fees in Advauci Our
House was established in 1m''.. . V.'e
tile CAVEATS, and ohtahi THAHE
8end us a Model of your Invention,
with your own description of it, for
our opinion a? to patentability. No
Attorney's Fees uuhss Patent is
Secured. Our Hook of Instructions
I'tc, "How to Pi:;cn:i: Patknt.- ''
sent frefi on requc-l; also sample
copies of the Scientific Heeord tiio
Inventors' Journal. '
It. S. & A. P. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
601 F Street, near Patent Office.
Washington, I. C.
All disabled Soldiers and heirs of
lrl....n 1 -..1 i: , ....
U"" f-oiiners wno dieu from con
sequences of services in tlieArmv, are
entitlei to PENSION'S. No Arrears
allowed utter July 1, 1880. Send
V"nf" '"'"Il irislruetionsiii all kinds
ot boldieru' claims.
Pension Attorneys,
JtF 8treet, WAsHKvctiox, D. 0.
Note-heads bound with blotter"
pad without extra eiutrjro ut The Al
VAoate office
Improvements September, 1870
Not-willisfnuaing tiio VICTOU lmS Ion, bo i tufl
poor of tMiv Sowing Mitoliino in the market ft fact
unpportetl by n host of volunteer 'fritnesses we how
Confident It claim tor it 'creatcr simplicity.
a wonderful redaction t)f friction tod a mra
18. Its fiimt
Uicchftmsnl, t neliievemcnta
We do not lenss
condign Machiueft, flwreforo, hnve ao oUl
:s to pnteh tip 'and re-vmrniuh for our
ones to
Wo Sail Ksv Mines Every Tirr.s
Liberal terms lo tha trade.
Don't buy
State ttcnnal School.
(Kifldh A'orhiat iS'choril hitfrM)
A. 2s. IvAITH, A. M., rrmdpal.
Tills school as at present constituted,
oilers the- vory lest facilities for Pro-le-sioiiaf
and Clas-ical leiirniur.
liii'ldiiej-s sjiaeioiis, inviiiii;; and
comniodi'.iiis ; (oinpicloly lieated by
steam, v eil ventilated, and furnished
with a bountiful .supply of pure water,
soft sprin;;' water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess. Su iTou'idiiiLr scenery unsurpassed.
Teaeliers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, Jinn but kind, uniform
mid thorough.
Expenses moderate.
Kiity cents a week deduction
t'lo.-e iirenarin;;' lo tea.'h.
Students admitted at any ti'me.
Courses of stud v prescribed hy he
State; 1. Model School. 11. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien
cniiiie. ,M).Ft N( T COUMSKS :
I. Academic. II. Commeriial. III.
Music, i V. Art.
The .Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, ami students
UT-ntuuiiiiu' I herein receive State l)iplo
liias coiifcri'inir the fell winir corres-ioml;
deun es : Master of the Element-.,
and Master of the Scieni es.
( Jraduates in the other courses receive
Normal Cert ideates of their attaiu
nieni.., signed hy the Faculty.
'f tie UMi'e-;.ieliel emirs:.- lire liinM.d,
and are in thoieu-!ie.e-s nut inferior to
tlinr.e of imr he' cellCyes.
The Slate reouiiv.-. a iiiuher order of
ci'i censhij). The times demand it. It
is one of t lie prini- objects this
si heol t help to secure it hy furnish iiiteiliuent ai'd efficien't teachers
for her schools. 'J'o thi.i en 1 it solicits
young persons of "rood aLUi'iies and
e;ood purjuises those who desire lo
iiniiro'.'c their time and their t'.dents,
as stu-lcius. To all such it promises
aid in devclopiicj; their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address Urn
President Hoard of Trustees
Secrcta ry.
Clinton conntv. S. D. Pall. T. C
Hippie, Dr. J. Jl'. P.arton, A. IT. Pest,
Jacob Itrown, AYilsmi Kis'.ler, A.N.
l'.aiib, W. Y". Hankin, If. (I. Cook,
Samuel Chri-t, G. Kintiny, S. M.
Hickibi'd, H. E. Ditrenbach, A. C.
Noyes, S. i!. Penle.
Centn Kx-Gov. A ( ! Ourtin.
Ch'ariield fix. Gov. "n. Hurler.
Elk Cliarhs H. Earlev.
Eislsy's aro Distilled
rc- EXTIi A CT
JOolllil iil (iiialitv to nnv nimln 1 1 1
only half the price. Cia, bottles -'oc.
PllllS fi'c.
jfclicves Headache. Toolhai-lw. E.u--
aehe, Sure Eyes, N'( se-I!leed, Hlewliii"r
Humes, Pninnd Menses, Whites,
Asthma, Heduces Sv. eili.igs,, etc.
Cure, !5ruises, Scalds, liuriis, Sprains,
Wounds, Eheum..lini, Erysijielas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neundia,
If your dnuruist has not fjot it
have him order it of the proprietor,
CHARLES F- P."SLS7 ',7halesa" Drusgitt,
1 St., ITc.r Yori.
n l7mos:!
Childrons' Solo Leather Tip shoe
at P. & K's.
Jam Poij:a.
Middktown N-Cut Saws.,
Jellard's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and !)! Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Pioyntou's Lihtnin;.; Suv.s.
C'olt.N' 1'oipki:s.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
A.V llAXl.I.K-i.
Pick Handles.
I lb. He.,t Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
M ivj.n street. n39
Two weeklies and one monthly
for $2,75. See our "Special to Subscr
hers" in unotiier column.
Prints. The most desirable assort
ment in Western Pennsylvania, now
on exhibition at Pcrwill & Kime's
mammoth Rales rooms. " "
. ;
Estate of Kuwahd HawAo, laUr ot
Sr. MAMY'd Bono. Elk Co., Pu-, de
ceased. All persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immed
iate payment, and those havinjr legal
claims again the same to present them
without delay in proper order forsetle
ment' Gi:o. Y Wl'KZElL, Admr.
N61ic'e IS hereby plvch td l'h5 Tnx-pnyet-s
of the several Townships of
Elk county, Pa., that the undersigned,
commissioners of fnid county, will at
tend at the following named times and
places to hear appeals from the asses
nients made by the township Asses
sors. Highland township, at the lvoilse of
Wni. Stuiibs from 8 o'clock A. M. to
12 o'clock M., on Tuesday the 24th day
of February.
Jones township at Ihe hotisls of
Martin Sowers on Wednesday, the
25th day of February.
Benzhifrer township at the Town
Hall of St. Mary's Horn., oh Thi'.rs
dav, the 2201 h day e,f February.
St. Marv's Horounh nt the Town
Hall on FridayV-he2J7th day of Fcb
ruary. Millstone toVhfliip at the hoilue of
Win. Clyde, on Wednesday the 3d day
of MaiTli.
Sin'ing Ci'cek township nt the house
of Win. A. Irwin, on Thursday tho
4th day of March.
KidjiWay township on Friday and
Saturday, the Cth and tli days of
March, at the commissioners' office.
Fox Township on Tuesday the Oth
day of March at' the house Of Joseph
Jay township nt the Caledonia
Hotel on Thursday, the lHu day of
Heliw.ette township at tho Hotel of
G. L. V.'ins'ow on Friday, the 1-th
day of March.
ilorton township at the Hrandy
Camp Hotel on Tuesday the liith day
of March.
W. It. OSTEP.HOLT, 5-L'o. Comrs.
i j i'.OHG E HEtX'IIEi:, )
Attest W,
Hoii'ioN', Clerk.
Highest Kc-dal at and Philadelphia.
E. & II. T. AXTIi()XY.ct CO.,
391 ISroftiltvay, .Vcc iork.
Maiiuiacturers, Importers & Dealers in
Velvet Frames Albums,
CT.APH3, Anil kindred j?onds--(Vlebilties, Acti'essesef..'.
Ph ologi ' )'hio Jl aterials.
We are Headquarters for everything
in the way of
Each siyle being the best of its class
ill the market.
Heautiful Photographic Transpar
encies of Statuary and Engravings for
the window.
Convex Glass, Manufacturers of
Velvet Frames for Miniatures and
Convex Glass Pictures.
Catalogues of Lanteri'-: ami Slides
with directions for using, sent on re
ceipt of ten cents.
n-15 (six months. f
Lijrht running, Latest Improved
EJUME5TIC, at pi Ices never heard of
before, at Mrs. V. S. Service's.
Always call at Tiik AnvfM'ATU
office for note paper and envelopes.
A nice stock of clothing for men,
hoys and children at P. oc K's.
Philadelphia ErieR. II- Div.
rui and after SUNDAY, Noyen.hcr
'.i, ls7.', the trains on ilic Philadel
phia cc Erie Lailroad Division will
run as follow:;':
Kitli; .MAIL leaves Pliila 11 ' p. m.
" " Henovo 1 1 on a. m
" " Eiuporiuni.l 15 p. m
: t. Jlary's.. 1 1 p. m.
" " Hid way
..i - p- in.
H 50 p. in.
7 05 p. m.
" Kane
" arr. ut Erie
KlUK M Air. leaves Erie ,
" Kane
" ' Ridnwav
.11 .15 a. m.
..4 no p. m.
.5 tiu p. in.
' " Sc. .Mary's.. ) p. in
" ' Emjmriuin.'i 25 p. m
" " Iienovo HJttp. m
" arr. at Phi la 7 )0 a. m
Wm. A. H.M.mvi.v. General Siqi't.
McAfee, tiie tailor, has just re
ceived tin extensive line of Samples for
the fall and w inter trade, (all and sec
for Yourself.
(l.nto of Strattanvillei, I'liyslclnn end Kur
iieoii. ltid;.wn. , l'a. Otlice In liulfs t'.ricl;
lluildint i up-sta'.l-f ).) Uel'erences J. 11.
Siaiih. II. I Voiue,', It. ltiiiol'son, Slrnttnn
villc; iiajor .lohn Kit ley, W. W.l ireeiilund.
Clarion, lias piac'.ici.d his pi'o'oMon kuc
cessfully lor luoie than ten years.
UManhcod: How Lost, How restored !
."i9-teCS Just published a new
tvifs.''Ss edition of Di. Ci:!w.'-tiva-"'
we!!.s CaUsUiraletl Es
say on he radical cure (without nied
icine) of Spcriiiiitorrha'a or Sciiiinal
Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses
lmpoteiiey, tilso, consiiniilion, Epil
epsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance, tV:e.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates
from a thirty years' successful practice
that tho aiarntlng consequences of
. ,.ll .,l.....n ....... 1 II. ...Il. I
srri i-iion-r ion,) in; itiuicuilty fllieil
without the dangerous use of internal
medicine or the application of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure at
once simple, certain, effectual, by
means of which every sulTercr, no
matter what his condition may be
may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
KJ-kT'This Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth and every niau
in the land.
Sent under seal, in a, plain envel
ope, to any address, post-paid, on
receiptof six cents or two postage
Address the Publishers.
The Culverwell Medical Co..
41 Ann St Net York, H. Y.; Post
unico box, 4aco,
Cloaks. A line line of Ladies
Cloaks, cheaper than tho cheapest ut
Powell A Kime's.
infmp -MUM ,Um I
VlW$t Jilct 8cliools
Prlnclpnl'n report fot niontrV end
ing Ff t. 2J, leso.
Mrs. J. 11. John- I
son. 1 77 CI 85 13
J. Yi. Johii-)
son Miss Ella iiT2 (W 'H 20
Locke, ass't. J
Suinniary. 110 124 8!1T:(
The highest class stiblding ob
lained hy any pupil for the month
Is MiS; lowest (i; the best general aver
ago 0!) lowest 55.
"A" rtlSADi:.
Lucy Neering
lOva Schreiner
limtha Schults
Katie Muri'.hy
Ella Locke '
Mafe Locke
iMarllia (iroat
Ada Miller
I Iermau Lampe
Jehiinie Murjiiiy
Ftigene I'arsons
Willie Miller
Pi ed A Id rich
Mary Sehr iner
Lorenda Warner
Auetnda Will ox
Katie DcvcicaUN
"l;"' (iHAI)K.
Frank Drown
Grant Allen
Willie Sweet
Jackson Schuiii',
Oeory.'o Schreiner
I'kldio Sowers
Pernio Murphy
Willie Locke
Flora Weiuing
Mary Lumpe
Ivlmi Walker
Mary Fltinninan
.Mary Mourtouh
"c" CiltADi:.
lilla Whltcinan
Ijillie Ernhout
Allie HoiiLihlailing
Hattie Cole
Katie Flaiminan
ieorjie Wetning
John O'Leary
John. l-'la!inigau
( tto Schreiner
Charles ,':'to!(z
I fai ry Lampe
Hattie Whitemun
Lillie 1? row ii
Celia Miller
Sarah Nec ring
Mamie McKeaii
"l" (illAl)K.
Anna Hocunisjon
Hilda Olin
Li..ic MoitrliMiijh
Mary Prolan
Augusta Johnson
Ella Harte i
Pendena Veditz
Johnnie Allen
Townie Cole
Sophie Lampe
Maggie MoMahou
ro i no loo
too 100 1C,()
lfri ion i i k i '
70 ion too,
(." loo loo;
85 loo ?r:
'.'U lir.uo:,'
MO loo !);
!;7: !)i'R't':
.Mo lt;:r OS'
I 7il loo' !)S
i 1 00 1(1!) l(l()
!H1 il.-i'
I SiVluil'lOilj
fi-.i KM '.Ifi,
5'J 1()0 10(1,
2:0 llW.lun
! ! i
!KH l(i UlO
jlHD Ion '00,
jinn- !i(i,ll)llj
1 !(.(. M, I '.is
I 17; I'Hj '..Is
! 5o itinj loo
I- M7 1(10,100,
U'O U'i; '.'S;
!i5 lOli'U'O
"7 '.'8' biili
lino 10U;!ti St! 0(j
ii5 KJO i)7 70j '.12
! '.00 100. too ti.'i !i)
I 'iS too 1 1 10 K7: v.)
i tl7.1'l0 lOt'i 75,
i bin l:0. t-s' ii
SO 10 I loo (is 87
.100 100 loo S.V
! '.". !)'' 0V !(7
'; ;;7 pin, Inn 70 s.i
l ;i5 usi no no ii,
'.'o loo ioo so! o4
: H liM.luoj s,", (hi
loo 1001 !I7: (10 '.17
I 75 lOOjloo; 7o ss
I ;.'0 loo; loo' so! 05
50 100,10(1
so, 'j.s loo,
87 Orf-loo;
7S (ISj !l()i
s.5 too! d7,
so '.IS 100,
do ioo. loo;
87 i
50'100 H
07il00 00,
00,100 100
Sophie Lampe and Mamie Mt Kean
were promoted, and "E" Grade (consisting-
of 15 members) transferred
from room No. 1, to room No. 2.
Truant Towney Cole.
Visitors Me sis. T. L. Melveanaud
David Parsons ; Miss J uiia Flynn and
Dr. Straight. J. R. Joir.vsox,
Squibs from Iiroekimrt and VichiKy.
Fred didn't you run oil" Ihe
track a little alter the dunce the other
ninht Mclliinks ynu did and the
next thing we know' you will he run
ning olt'to Di'.lioi.i or'uear tiiere.
I notice a youtig nian ha'.iiriu'.
around Isaac tirahiinis for the past
few days and I can not for the life of
me think what he can be hanging
around for. (.:. I,. SueM examined his
bumps and says he eats too lniuh.
Perhaps J. P.. Fraiih'. don't give him
ail his ravishing appetite wouid l'.iie,
as he lianas around Father Graham's
thinlvi.ig i.-aae's l.hlle e.iri will take
pitv on
n and give him a eonkcv if
r more.
We Jcaru from the ''P.roekport
Locals" that "Nixovwecdeu" was
somewhat riled at "C.'M. Goit" last
week. ''Nixoy wooden'' we didn't
intern to scare you opt when we wrote
that article but merely corrected your
error. You being a very strict mem
ber of the M. H. Church would natur
ally suppose that your quiet little town
was si ricl ly temperate. yes, how could
you think olherwbe when one of your
strictly temperance nu n deals ou; the
drugged firewater to his I'd low citi
zens. .Wo think even "Nixeyweeden"
himsvlf makes an occasional call to
sec thai he has a full slock on hand
and to try the diiTcrnit brands, but
s'.il! he says for some time past our
quiet little town has Went un.h r the
name of a temperance tovn etc. So it
has, but saying so don't make it so.
Let us hear from you again.
C. M. Goit.
Tiik Colossal Luonzk Si at it: of
Vic'i'oiiY which stands in the Park,
at Lowell, before the tomb of the liist
soldiers that fell in the revolution, is a
lasting ami beautiful tribute of art.
it is one of the Jir.-t objects sought by
strangers vi.-iling ours'istcrcity, which
Indeed many visit, purposely to pt-e
this elegant object of high art. It was
obtained Irom the King of Bavaria by
Dr.J. C. Ay or, to whom His Majesty
was eslieciallv erneious in iii..-ium-'l,.,l,f.
ment of what bis remedies are reputed
lonave done ior tno sulJerillg slcli.
It was donated by tho Doctor of the
City of Lowell as a permanent and
speaking emblem of the victories both
of Science and Atu.JIatjcrt(ou;n
(MJ.) I',cs8.
Notice to Correspondents nnd Others.
Hereafter The Advocate will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
consequently ull advertisements utid
correspondence must be handed in not
later man Wednesday noon to insure
insertion In the current issue.
All note-heads and letter-heads
printed ut this oflioe will be bound,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet. Cull una bee t-peci-
" I'
Brandt Camp PcnclHags. ,
iA'rties O'Hnra has sold his horses
and wajjofi to John Hall of Itldgway.
Last Week we sW two loads of
bark go by here from Hugur Hill . they
were taking it to Hidgway a distance
of about 25 mi les. We think this a little
too far to draw bark, but If they find
no fault we have no reason to com
plain. Banks Is In a fair way to get n
woman under a proposition by ft fair
young lady that It he asks another
particular person and she refuses, she
herself Will marry lilm.
C. A. Brown Is hauling railroad
Iron from Shawnnutto Ridgwe.y.
L. 0. A.
Mrnefcpot't Scribbling.
Wm. Bennett came homo from
Indian Run the other day to see his
pair of boys and family.
V'onder what, "C. M. Goit" is do
ing and what startled him so for fear
lie would he found out? Never mind
C. M., you ctni Goit, we will not tell
on you.
An item in tho last 'week's lssue
of tho lhiiw.rid under the hcul of
'Rrockport Notes'' by the pcrsoh who
assumes the lictitious'nanie of "Swam
per"' who insinuates that an article of
ours was to cast refections and to in
jure a respectable person's' character
is utterly and unmistakably false.
He took it from what he knew about
it (which was very little) and guessed
at the rest and made it up according
to his own diabolical way. We did
not mean any harm and hope the per
son or persons will not take it as
Chauncy I'.rock way is hor'e frm
Verona anil is running his steam
Schmidt & Scnxi:iDi:it.
iSrorkporl Local-i.
Dan. Nulf has returned to Jell'.
Taylor's camp.
Short & Ilorton ptt-l'.ed seven
hui'di'ed and eighty-three logs to Key
stone mill on Thursday.
C. L. Shell lectured at the uioun
taie s hool house Tuesday and Thurs
day nights on Phrenology.
James Bennett J r. is hauling logs
to the Brockport mill with seven
Ed. II. Bowers started for Hidg
way on Saturday where he will slay
unt'ill Monday and will then start for
Hi (Sinn.
Mrs. L. C. Horton returned home
from Ridgway on Thursday where
she has been spending a few days with
her many friends.
W. H. llortoo bought twelve tons
of hay of John Marshall nt sugar
Ed. Powers told "Swamper" to
hive his children so he could count
Loivn, you had better go and
play tor 1 ho d-iin c. Why, oi; because
my left shoulder is '.'.me. NoJakoyou
had belter play and I will spell you
occasionally. If you felt as 1 do you
wouid noL go either. H is wouiidcrful
strange- how quick the rhenma'isiii
will take alleet on '-Swamper'' when
he wants to take a nap.
I had a vision and in that vision I
looked to the east and behold I saw a
little old log house, and it was in
habited hy the post master of Brandy
Camp ami 1 heard a gi-'at sound as
of many horse loot steps, and I looked
again and I saw "L. C. A." mime
around the corner his face shining
like a ball of fire saying behold I come
quickly, "L. C. A."' having in his
pocket, a pen, handed it to the master
and together they composed the article
on our noble supervisor, Horace.
Brock vf;).vvill;! Locals.
Miss Nellie schraui, ot Itldgway
is visiting friends in this place.
The tew n caucus was held in ihe
school house for the purpose of choos.
nig cai
for ihe aoproachnig
is taken.
Thus Jar very I i It lo interest
The recent fall of snow atlbrds ex
cellent opportunities lor the lumber
man lo get their logs to the
crick Teams are in great demand
and their scarcity st.cms to lie the
only dr.iw-dack.
( ) ni-n,. Walsh re! i('.'!U'.l home on
Wedne.-ilay from :,u extended visit
through d'herent part.-, of (lie state
where he has been receiving i idelice
a te the origin of his blindness. He
claims that the disease was contracted
nitnenrmv ami rinliitoily receives it
pen.-ioii. There tire persons who have
taken the moan umL'rhai'.ded way of
trying' to deprive hint of his pension
bv addres-ing anonymous letters to
Ihe Pen -ion
has in his
1 e;'at ! ulent. leorge
po.-efsion aitidaviis
ceiliiUati.s to convince t'.io
most uu-
Tho Phantom parly nl Charles
Kiiif-.'ht's Friday evening was a suc
cess. No body rei ognied John Green
but his dog, and lie showed his fidelity
to his master by slicking lo him closer
than a brother. The masks were
I;. ken off at tho supper table and
great was the silpiise aii'ecicd by many
on recognixiug their escorts, supper
over the co-iuines which consisted of a
she'd pinned in the form of a dross,
wcr" m, lived. The gentlemen after
the short experience of two hours were
very thankful that oii-tom had not
onlained llieii to always wear siieli
t roublesoi ie articles -is dresses. "Square
Timber'' Welsh forget ing that, wish
ing to appear more like the other sex,
he had donned tin under skirt, hastly
I threw oll'hissheet,ai!dstii''te'l with the
petticoat da nrling at his heels to
secure a partner for the next dance.
A few day ago a Phrenologist
! visited our town and declared himself
i capable of leveling to folks their
I future destinies. Having met "D.
; Teetive," the correspondent for the
1 h t'r.ocrid, ho was attracted by the pe-
cular shape of his head. Tho price
: agreed upon, tho Phrenologi.-t pro
j ceeded to business, but the moment
his hand touched "D. Tectivc's" head
' ho recoiled as if bitten by an insect
and Insisted on receiving bis fee in
, advance. Tho cause was inado ap
! pearcnt by his next declaration in
wine!) lie staled mat ins lone or con-
scicntioiisuess or sense of il
lit was
decidedly small. Haviiig made sure
of his money ho proceeded as follows:
Combaliveiiess, large; Alimentiveiiess,
very large, Selfcsteeni, enormous Be
nevolence, small, Ideality, very large
Imitation large, Music medium, Ven
e.ution obscure. At this point "D.
Tective" interfered and declared that
he loved darkness rather than light.
Greeubackers uro hereby notified
II,,, I tl.OKO VCIII 1,1. II ril-OOIlllllld.- CIIIICIIU
at Maglnnis Hall next Saturday even
ing at 7 o'clock, lor tho purpose of
nominating candidates lor the several
township cub ers to no voted for ut the
ensuing township election;
Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents'
Buck gloves ull kinds of gloves at
T. & Y.'t.
Republican Platform Adopted nt HiiN'Is-bnrg-,
Wednesday, Feb. 4, 18S0
Ilnnlvrrt. Flrst-Tlmt, njolcliii over the
McHrty irrmytn of iiiiMotml prosperity wlilcii
bpimn In K7H with n rliiinite of It'C Imlnnce in
our fuvor, nml resumption
nml mtiintem'ince of siicnip jmyiiuait, wo inny
reioiiHlilv chilli1! tho flnnm'tiil noiindiieM
nd proHperllv of thu country ns n niitnriH
remittor tho nnanclnl pnlloy we, an a imrty,
linve KiiHtiilned.
fteeoml The resumption "f fpecl" pny
mfiits hnvltiK Keen HwnrnpllMlinl nl. the time
nppotnted hy liw, nnd the tlnnncns of the
eimnlrv holiin in a thbroiiuhly henlttiy min
illlldn.'we renurd It iH imwlr'o to emiiiitn In
li'Vv new Attempt nt lliinneliil leirlnlnHim.
The eniintry ii proHperoim muKr r)Ar linan.
elnl KVHtein imi It Is, and we know ot.uo K'd
reivm'n why thul . hj'kIciii should lloV be dls-
"rhh'd The pciststent ctlorts or fre tnulers
to dcNtrov our tnrlir pleecineiil hy leiclslntlon
to ri')eiil"lh" duties on spcehil nrth ks, iid
mnlsh us of the riirfwU.v oruiUier(ii inure
stroimlv tlinn ever to the tfli'ttt' policy of the
piisl, Ho yi'iirK; whleli Iiiib built, up our Ki'iind
Kyslem of inniiiifuetnrn, fnstcreil Ihe reveimus
o'r'he (fiivernnunt nnd promoted our niit
iomil prosperity. The hiHlnus or tho coun
try will not Uoir this tlnkerlnu or tho tiuill
mid If any revision ot tin' tnrltl' is to b iiuidc
nl nil, it should he done throm?h ft eimimls
kIoii of eiipiilile mep, tiller a patient and
tlio.-oiiuh Iiuiiilnx ol all pHillel to t-liu inlerest
involved, ..... ,, .
I'ouith We otiret most uec'dedly to nit nt
tciiipi to eimi'i 'ii new tui iir throuuli the
n.'ciiev of iMiinmen-iul trc.i'ii's, A trenly
fnimc'd, iieirotiiit.' l, discussed nnd mlOied in
sciiet N not. a proper method of rcsidullng
the revenues ot the uovemmtnt..
I'iilh in view of recent events In Comfi'ess
nnd la tiie Southern Stntes. and Intiei ly in
IliefOiileof Maine, we deem Ihls ti lllllnn
oiipci'lunliy 'o i iMlnn our ndhen.-nce lo
tin . '..illoNVlie: i-i lMet(l.'S, viz: Tim union of
the .suites Willi e,Uiil l'idlits iiulcslructllile by
nny iinemis'lUitioiiMl nientis; protection to
iiCi-Mon; liberty nnd property ot u citizen ol
Hie I'nited suites In ciieii nnd every portion
of Hie common coiinliw, wherever lie limy
ilio..c to move, dcmiialini; ef liim only
(ihedlenee to tlie inws nnd prop" respect lor
lie- ri.lit, oi ollii'iv; strict l'U"nill' "" Ml i 1 -liiitnll
our obilmitions. St:ilu mid nationiil;
tile ii r:..ct seeuriiy nl i'i'ce tlioimiif, frco-peivh
.ocl n flee pn'sH. ir .1 vf eipuil riht:. nnd
ru lviicji s to all nV.'a. -vr. -where, irrespec
tive ol imiioicility, color or reiii;ioii; n free
and iure btilloi, tho:'ou.'hIy protectml, so
tliat. i vitv mna cnti'led lo cast n vole may
iloso las'" on, -c in. eaeli election without fear
of iiio'le.station, moral or pnysical, on account
ol hi political failli. nnt ionalily, or tiio hue
of his sliin; lionesiv In elect Ions; the people
liavin-'iie virl if nml pat i'l"i Ism to niivern
thcnisel ves, our Koveninieiil. musi depend for
lis siabililv epoii honest elect ioi.s; until n
mall is coliside.-ed int. .'ells III! e ist an II
l. siit vole imr irovei a'i'cn'. wlil not be sale
and who', vcr deprives a citizen of his right
to vote, or o.'tlie le:al cO'ecl of IOs vote is a
1 rat! or lo our pivcrnment; an honest count of
ul! vole.-, leiraby ca -l, nie.l an Inmesi return of
l ll. lever Is elected, fl'el! fl'olll nil nttellllls to
driraud (if peopli' of their choice through
teeliiueaiilies, or by nny iirblliary reji-clion
of llieir vote.
Sixth- We extend to tho ltepiihlienns of
Ma ini our em lira a la I ions over the pence fill
nnd Kiiui-essfiil resisitir.i-: lo nn cllort lo dc
Iralld the people of that Slate or the l'tijlit to
clioose r.ieir m-;i repi ei'iilal i ves. and to nf
teinpl to sleal tlic'jovernineiil of tlmt Stui.c.
Our Hcpuhii.-nn foi ni of Kovcrnmcnl. will lie
asii'iml Cil' wlieu nny pouiical purty can
sue 'ced In ih I !a:r Mf imlilic will us shown
bv the pi oiilc'i't Hie l.allot-bo.
'seveiith We d.'MH.v icm'el tiio tgmwiiiK
Iciii'i.-ncv to tlirow eie -tioiis iCdde on mere
teehnicalil'es and Informalities. Tim rhrlil
of ihe iicoele in cliooe llieir public servants is
too sncreil to 'no subverted upon any pretext
Unit the return'- of a"; cieeiion uro deiieient
in some trivial ma'lers of lortn.
.;ticlith Wit1 tha.ik em- Senalors nnd I!ei
rosoutnUvcsTit Wusiiiiutou in the last Con
aressnnit in Hits for llieir ilnn adhesion to
lieptililh.aii principles and policy, nnd for
llieir ojiposittoa to ! -eiiiocrnt ie selieiifs lo
renew ohsol' te iloeirine of State riiils,
and lo cripple the i-o , vriinu. nl b' withicild
imr iiec le.' i'.ji):-opria!ious, in order in coerce
e,'isiai ion ii pi aliier I'll national laws that
prntcci the pui 'ey of t lie Ik.IIoi-Iiox.
li-sof'-. ti, 'l'h il 1 lie chain i in n of i in. ilopuh-lle-iu
S'ate CoinmiUee is here instructed nnd
required io carefully ONioninc wbelher nny
pel-.-.. ai to-day piaei d on Ihe electoral ticket
lie !e-ja'.i y ii;'- j 1 1 i ; i;ii d fioiii any call-e fioln
S'.'rviiej as an elector; ami la case any such
Icjnl disiihiln v he found the Slate ( 'oniiiill.
leeshali siO'.-iiiiMe miot'.i'T lu'.nio fn.'m the
Congressional ilislricl.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve
Tonic is the best remedy in use for
poor appetite, weakness and trembl
ing in the stomach, pain after eating,
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in tho stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
disrtises of the bowels arising from
poor digestion. One boUle lasts
nearly three weeks. Price SLU0.
1!" Day's Cure for Head-ache is
theonly remedy known that will stop
an attack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement: only
three or four closes, half an hour
apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents
a bottle.
Dr. Day's Standard Cii'gb Syrup
will cure a cough with fewer doses
than any medicine in use. Price 50
cents a bottle.
Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price 2i5 cents a bot'le. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
nieiliei lies. .' I an niacin veil
Day, M. D., Ridgway, Pa.
D. B
Sherrelt, Pa., Feb.
Editor A iivocatj.; Dear Sir
Slier it , Pa., is in Armstrong county
two iriihv, and a halt lrom Ueimerstou
and live miles from Red Hank station
on the A. V. it. Ii. The toy, r. is small,
but the people are largeand numerous.
Where they all come fioni is hard to
led, but t'i'i.y are hero every lime.
Yo arc having some excellent meet
ings here. A good number have been
eon v'erte I, some black ami more white.
Wo hare taken as the result of our
nmtings thus tar !'f.y-one into the
church ' end a grout many tramicd
owr. The good people at this point
havobui.ta lino parsonage since we
came here, it comprises nine fine
rooms and a good cellar. It has three
fireplaces or" grates for burning soft
coal (belter coal than E. K. G. brags
so much about.) The earth is full of
coal here, they deliver it at live cents
per bushel. 'Pork Is four cents per
pound (Unit is to the preacher seven
cents to sinners), and beef live cents,
everything else accordingly, except re
ligion, that is free. Tiny have paid
us s; 1 1 -j on our salary. V.'e could have
stood t wice as much and not backslid,
nevertheless, they hoarded us from the
lime we left Kidgway until the Mb
day of January, without cost ; that is
tons, n A t'i cVi'i i Well, finally, we
arc having a good time, wo are done
boarding around among l lie scholars,
and living at home. It costs more
this way, not xo far, for they have
bought ami presented us with nearly
everything we have used, and we
have sevi ral bants, cabbage, tipples,
barrel of potatoes and stick of buck
wheat Hour to fall back on, and ibis
day a man brought me two ten gal
lon kegs of cider fur vinegar. Now
see Itelo .U. ivnior, ,i "ii neen not
throw up your hands and look so wise,
it will all go, well nearly all, into viu
egar! - Oh ! I forget to tell you about the
four fine turkeys which have been
sent in sinee we moved into our now
bouse. Then, Mr. Editor, one Bro.,
a good fellow too, or ho would have
eaten moiiio of them: kept all those
fine clib keits, 21 in number, which
you were coming to see, but did not.
We have eighteen of them yet to fall
back on. Well, we like tho people and
they seem to like us. Long live The
Auvocath and its Editor.
Go to Mo'rgester'sor bargains in
ull kinds Of titio teus.
New Time Taiile. Under the liew
schedule the mail and local freight
leave Ridgway station ns follows:
TltUllsDAV, FEIV. 13, 1,880.
i-i. , i ' I" 1
K. of M. M ( ; .
Ridgwnj' T-tMlge No. 1044 ni'e'eh on
the 2d and 4th i'lidaJ'S of ertcli inoiitli
ut 8 o'clock.
Republican Stat4 Ticktfh
For Supreme Judge '
of Northampton County,
For Auditor General',
john a, lemon;
of Blair CoOnti':
National Republican fconveniMn.
A National Coiivehtitm bflliti'.fte
bublican party will li'ioet lit Chicago',
Wednesday, tho 2d bf June ieS:V, fof
noniliiatioil of candidates to h'e bup
ported for President nmt Vice Presi
dent at the next electron Ptptibll
cans f.'iid all who will co-operate witli
them, in supporting the nominees of
the parly, are invited to choose, two
delegates from each ..Congressional
district, four at large froiii each State",
two from each Territory and two froiii
the District of Columbia, to represent
them in the convention.
it. 1 Camkkox, ChairmaiV!
Tims. B. Kkooh, Sectettiryi ., , .
Salt f'sh all kinds at Morgester's!
Col. W. W. Anios, of Stv Mary's;
was appointed an cicctdV by the recent
Republican State Convention.
Services in the Lutheran c-hurcli
next Sunday, morning and evening-;
nt tho usual lour.J, by Rev. E. A.
Goods bought at Morgester's g'ro:
eery store will bo delivered free to any
part of the town.
John Erickson and son, J. C
Eriuksou of Highland township were?
in town yesterday, and called At The
Advocatk otlice.
Tin-; A pvik ath and American A
riruftitst cue year fof $2!.50. Subscribe
at once.
Republican State Convention.
This convention which hiet lit
Harrisburgli last week hOniin'atcd the
ticket which we to-day placd at the
head of our columns. Wo are unable
to publish the proeoe'dings owing to
lack of space. The conventh fa
adopted the unit nil ', and instructed
for Grant by a vote of 113 to 13-Si The
resolutions will be found in another
Bargains In sugars at Morgosfer's!
A Card.
For tnysolf and fumiiy I ifereby
tender my sincere thanks' to the kind
friends w ho remembered us with their
gifts nt the, recent donation visit hHUle
tit the M. E. Parsonage.
The amount of these gifts v. its auO'dt
S55 for which we shall try to show
our hearty appreciation.
E. A. SiJriKft;
Bakuictt. Monday, Fob. 9, 1880, to
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Barrett, of this
place, & son.
McFaklix. On Friday, Jan. 80',
1880, in Egremount, Ontario, of con
sumption, Robert MeParlin aged 32
years and 3 months. Deceased was a
brother of Jas MoEarlin, proprietor
of tho Thayer House, of this plaoei
Roci:i!s At the residence of Peter
Thompson, Esq. in Fox Township;
Uriah Rogers, aged "7 years, six
months, and 10 days-.
The subject of tho ubove sketch who
was one of tho pioneers of what was
then Clearfield Co., having emigrated
from Lu.erne county, this state, hi
the year 1S25, to this place. Ho, wo.
have reason to believe lived in full
faith of tho christians' hope as he was
a faithful member of tiio Baptist
church for many years before his death
ami as long as he had his reasoit
seemed willing to leave this wcrld arid
bo with the Saviour. Ho leaves live
daughters and two sons with a large
number of grand and great-grandchildren
and host of friends to mourn
his departure.
and apples at Morges-
Worthy of At tent ion.
We advise all our readers, AVhothor
they own tv foot of land or n'ot, to sup
ply themselves with that treasure of
useful, practical reliable information,
the .-biiwdt AyrhulturM; so mimed
because started 38 years ugo e.s rl j'ourri
al, but now enlarged to embraced
groal variety of most usful reading for
tho Household, Children included, for
tho Gf.rden, as w ell as the FarM for
till classes. Each volume gives some
800 original Engravings, with descrip
tions of labor-saving and labor-helping
contrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers-,
uiiinals, etc., including many large
and pleasiiig, as well as instructive,
pictures for young and old. The. con
stant, systematic exposures of Hlinv-
bugs and Swindling Schemes by the
AyriculturUl are of great value to every
one, and well save to most pffsons
many times its cost. Altogether, It is
one of the most valuable, us will a
cheapest. Journals any where to be
found. The cost is only 1.50 ftyear.or
4 copies forf 5. Single niimbeft 15 cellts.
Subscribe ut once for 1880; aiid receive
tho rest of this yeur free, Orange Judd
Company, Publishers, 245 liiWdwayt
New York. Thk Am oc ate and the
named journal for $2.50.
iiarire stock of feecT. ftour hnec!
meal and corn at Morgester's'.
Thut splendid organ sol ! &
Andrus & Co., WilllamaryOrt, Pa., for
$75.00 cash witli 7 sled's . solid wal
nut case and 5 feet OJ mehes High, ifj
sold now for $80.00 wtb- one hi'oxi
stop and the grand oigl knee swell
additional. Write the"' Teraiseafcf
oa long time albO,
" i
f'" -
. t