Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, FKn. 5, iseo. Kxrniu:f) at tiik Post-otkich at RllMlWAV, P.V., AH SIX'OXO CLASS MAIL MAT1T.II. Republican National Ticket for 1B80 Kolt. IMIKMDKNT, HEX. ULYHHKH H. GRANT, fsulilpct to decision ontepuljlteiin Niitlonnl Convention.) A VI) IT 0 It S' ETTL e m ext. A'it Ijih nml Krudlliim nf J?.- rtunly for the yrur ritliiifr;jntiinnit, 1SVI, ni:il:ii'Ts. To runt reed from Trcusiiri'r JlcCnu- Icy. bill nt Inst sell lenient 4.(i77 (II To unit received, proceeds Co. lionils....'ll.iW.'7 To unit reed, unslil tnx from collectors VJiif L' To unit received, liitnls from county lontnt lied, tux on nnstd lands To unit reed from Hen.injier township on ninuiint due lilxmont To iimonnt received from I'ox town ship on amount due Dixinont Toiiniount received from Jones town chip on amount, dun DLxmnnt; To nmonnt, received lioni Judgments vk. Itldtrwny township To milt reed from Hugh Metieeliln for !i-VI Si In", 11(1 a is l:','ilHI wui i t i ii r l' House . :;;IKI To mm reed for eount.v Innds sold lirj ss lo unit reed lroni ret urn premium for insui'iinco on old court house Tonint reec.vcd from W. .1. Jlh.Uelv, hack otliee rent '., To nmt reed, reiiule from Hull' snl'ciind lock eoiiiptiny To unit li ed I'm- eeiiieiil.liine.i'.e.s.ild... To nmt reed, eon nly lux on Innds re turned loenunlv nuiiinl'-sliiiiers... To nmt I ; . 1 IVnm W ilcox nud 1 intuitu Sitilte roii'l fund To nmt received on costs in I'oiiimon- wenli h vs. Anciiiilu Tiiiinliiill lo unit reeeived. costs n:id line, Com- moii'.vi ulth vs, Henry lllesli To nmt reed, co- is nud line, l omiuoii- wcnlth vs. .nines Mnrphv To unit reed, ci.sisnnd line, i.'omiaoii- weultM vs. Will ,. Culhliert To nml nrd, eols, ( niiilieKi we.rlh vs. .M:ti-lii:is IJi-clier. To unit iced. e.1sis,i-iiimonvcnlli vs.' -lolin liolm To unit reed, Jury lies in civil cases, 21 111 111 Oil 12 ('1 II 2a 32 2n till (12 .") tli ja 1 1 2a Pi la f!7,NH (ili amount pni.'l M. W eali i t, eoinmis- sioeer, service lunouiit pnid Ceo. 1U livelier, i- iiii'sir.ncr.serv ices niiioiinl ,ald W.H.i Isterhoiit.com- lnissioner,siaie'S amount paid W. s. Morion, com missioners' clerk nmauiit pd Mull A- Mcl iiulcy.coiii- liils loners' counsel "Jut pd eonslaliles.oMicers'fc'cs unit pd Justices, oltlecrs fees unit pd dlsl rii i mtorncv unit pd M. I., lloss, eoui't e'-ier unit paid I.H.Wensel.t ip-stnll'. nmt pd prothonotary unit pd county iiudi'tors and clerk.. nmt pd 1'. T. Iliooks. lanilor unit pd eo'istnldcs. ruin. costs alllt pd .Illstlces.Colil. costs Hint pd witne ses, Coni.e isls unit pd nsscsMirs for nsNessinir unit pd nssess-irs for rcyislei in....'. unit paid srrnnn jurors p-V ti.' V lit ri -1 - i. c 31 IM "is ( 210 ii .fjaiia 7.7 (10 :mi nu 2-7 177 ail Ii2 -Vi 12 mi Jll mi 1 17 ."HI 7a ihi ITU 12 "7 '!7 12aa: 2:iiia I'll ci 7d ci .."iOa a7 ,': ii oi us m M-", 21 122 77 Hy l!y Jiy is.v Jiy n.v ? lv I'.y llv Hy liv Hy Hv Hi nun jiu iravcrse jniors unit pd jail i:,peiscH unit jul Mix ut huspiial for sup- lly l:y I li- nml pd I'iNinoui 'hiispitaVVor'sii'iVi port of.l. sieellmr nml tid Illxmoni hospital lor miii- port of K'ato Williams ami. pd Hixmiait hosidiai for sup port of Mavy Kin- unit pil western peiiilenliarv for'7a ami pd for puhli.-hinn i leclioii proe- laliialion ' nm t pnid for pidili.-liina uuditiii's' si'ltlenn-nl 12! .V, Mi ill llll 01 :!ia ici l-i7 in lo ; 7--i liv, ;u !l7"i-'i-, l'y Jiy liy llv Hy unit P'l for prin tin:; ,v ii ' ! V i t i i iVi .." milt ml l'..r in iiititf. ..it.,., 1.1..1... mot j m 1 for eliclion expenses unit pd lor rond view and dainnsrc.-. nint id lor hlaiik books for prothvs elllco ;. unit pd for slut lottery postine...... mot pd for hountii s on wolves, Ac... 12';2.7 2-'i 21 "i I :r, s:i Ha 111 a.", 7 aii Mil '12 120 :;n Ii aa 1 1-5 il-j 17 mi a I hi) (17 St 7 ."i0 .", ."1 .72 ua l:H 7", H-S.jii Ily Hy Hy Hy i'.y Hi .lllll Ml IOI inc. MIHI ileitis unit pd for repairs mi punlic blunts nml (id foreourt house expenses unit pd for Juiy com tors tv clerk nmt jul for coi oner's inn nests unit lul lor nil .lltln-j prothy's uects. nmt jul fur teneliet s' Institute- ex penses for S7N unit pd for iidvei lisitif; lands, iifter- vards stricken nil'. unit pd for chnlrs lorjnrv rooms, Are unit pd J. 1). Hunt, on M. :. A: J-', Slate rouil fund unit pd for ussussnieiil nud rcirisirv books '. unit pd for IrcnMircr's seal lly i ti ny II v j:v liy Hy Hy Ily By i"' "i.v .u in. -i in hoi one.. unit pd for ollicial slcnoirrapher nml jl I'ennsy Ivnnia nfoiin school for support of injuutes milt pd county eon. mis on their totirot court hou-e inspection unit pd foi- iitisei-lluneous expenses nmt pd on erection of new court house :;-jt unit pd .Miehnel Ilrunner, eouuly ' treusurer, ns coiiiinission lor reeelv lng mid disburslny comity funds... 1, Ml ft! 1-s 12 12U37 Ti.s'ja 1 1 .. 2.0I-7 (i I!y excess of receipts S17,s:t"i liu AmcMh anil Liubi'M' -i l Klk Cuiuili, JuiiHarii 5, 111. Assi-irs. To unit county tax on unseated lands, subject to commission A- e.'iierutii22,!" " To unit eount.v tax due f, i collec tors, subject toc'ininisioii and ex oneration ,s7! t:ii 'J'o an. t due from Lewis (..'i.-s lor lands bought of COUIlt.N- J p,;J (). To nun due f . .in l:eiixln.ri-r towusli'ip ' for Mii-piat of Hinulic ut liiMuoiit ."1121 To mnt due from l-'ox lownsliip for support of lunatics at Inxmont Mill Pi To ii in ' I ilue from St. .Mary's borough for support of liinalies at Hlxinotit ji: To umouiit due from Lock llmen bor- outrli. ns per .ludmiietit r, m To anil due from I'reasurer ilei'nulev for lux received am! n,,te ehar;;eil to him in bis setil.-meiit lao i,s To unit .judgment note imainslj. W. A .1. U. (iei.rae .s.iB: To unit juiliriiu iit note ui.'aiiit J. L. A' .1. V.. lloiiiiam II To m nou nt due i run i M icl-eel j!i-uumrj Treusuier, us per uialilols . etlliiit..! 72", Hi :-!l,7r.l Ui M.tisit.iriKs. Ily county bonds out- lauding .' liy county orders outstandiii'.r JJy uiiiount due Mixmont lor support of lunatics liy unit due Coiiiiiioiiwealth-tate tux My Hint duo I'cl.nu.ltelorm School Ily unit due Hciiezetie election bourd.. liy bal due IK (.'. ( lysier, Mierill'. Ily uiiiount du l-'red. Si-hu-nini;, pro- tirouotary, Ac Ily excess otuael ?:!),-" "I ill We, the undersii'iicd, eoinmlssioners of i:ik eouuly, do hereUy certify thai the above mid l'orcKOinn in eorrocl stuleiiient of the receipts nml expenditures of Klk county for the-yenr MI1), mid ulso of ussel and liabilities of said county at thi date. .Mil JIA IX WKIUKItT,) W. II. (isTKKIluI T 5 t'o.C'onirs . (iKOltlil-HtJ-.r.SCMl-'U,) Attest V'.. JloiiToN, Clerk. Atituunts lit crit'ctl frui,i tltt' Sftun'al Cvlhtturs of Jilk (Xiuitt)i rfiiriiiu l7!i. Collector. Township. Vein-. Co. Stiitu. William Clyde Miiistone.... 17-1 21 (m Natl. .in liipple.... Morton l..j ,1 n:i J). II. Wilisiow Ilellezi-ltu l7ll .11 .7", Jacob Moyer l-'ox I7(i 2o ou 'I n os. Campbell ...Hi-bland l7ii M liiliiel 1'halen Morton js7il looui ilii'ulu l-.iselnmu.spriiiif I rk...l7i iiaiil Henry Iilesli llciiezette..., 1N77 2K1 -i i ja il Alichuel llott lleiiziiii;er....l.77 1111(7 .loliu iicMuckiii...i ox 1-77 72 iii Levi Kllilhorp Miyhliind... .177 It III i. V. I'lillton Morton 117 7.7 I I Kpliruliii Mewitt...lny 177 2s 7U Itobel l iMlilietl lones is77 2!'.Hll (11.7 (i.D.MesseiiKer, jrliuli;wuy 177 .577 ill Ij'.l II Win. A.lrw ln spi liii('reekl;7 7.5 1.5 15 11 Win. Murniy llcne.ette P-7S Sal all 1- ratik Vei iiilli...lleii.lnger... 17S i;.5(i s .iere.liewllt Kox I7S tsiil 2(1 211 XT, M.U.l-.llilhoi ji Miuhliuid. ...17 1112 Oil 'Jims, liuiehtleld.. Morton I7S 2a(l Arinel Turley lay I7s ;j;iii 2 .lames 11. Wells. ..Jones 17S lul Hi Jus. Cliuiupion Millstone J.7K an 21 W. H. Moi loa; Itidwwuy 17. 971 lii Mill, hliunley spriiiKLreekls7.S 117 M Jliclniel slibieli...st. Mary's ...l7S .Vind John lliirr llcne.ette.... 17 lii no 1-lutik Wcriiitli...llenzlnyer ...17(1 121 n"j Joseph 1 .lillnei I...I-ox Is7:l 771 HI Theo. Viinkirk Micdiluiid 1711 121 til J. Chumbei lain ...Morton I"7U 27 III Kpliraim Hewitt. ..lay 1711 Hi-'t (i7 2 .n lUeh'u llj'ennan...Jones 1711 1172 :I2 A. Zimmerman. ..Millstone 17!) 112 1(1 W. t . lleuly Hlduwuy I7W 11 17 M 2(1 25 Jluilln I'errln Sprliit!(;reekl7ll Isomj i'liillii Voiuiur lit. .Mury'n 1711 2el W $111,111 W IV iti il, loo.oa 7UJ jj .'ill oi I .7:1 i: N 77 22 la Jiu ::a 20i II ai-,27-7 71 Amounts lhir frnm thr nrvrrnl (Mttrctnia f Vimi, Jmntitri tl, Isstl, Collector. Township, Year. Nullum lllpplo Morion I M" "i .Tlicoli Moyer l-'ox 1S7I Unlilcl I 'lin let) Morton .1711 Ulrniii Klsolmiin Spring! 'reek 1711 M. Hint! HI, Mury's 177 .lohll McMiiektn Kox IS77 Wlllinni Murrnv ltene,elli.... S7S Thonins Uurelilleld... Morion 1K7M Arinel Turley lav s7S .Inllies ( liamplon Millstone S7S W. M. Morton lilduwav I7S Mat. Sliniilev spring! VeeU S7S Mielircl Htitilch St. Mnrv'n IS7s John lliirr Ilcnizet'tc sr Tnx, lit! Ill 111 .VI HI l 10, iV, llll w .Villi zr m 11107 lL'.-.7 :i n 17 -n si 17 1 1 12 211 III!) Ill KIT III til- HI ml K7 72 20 2117 III 117 21 wm II 1.V1 PI 127(1.-, I- riinu W eriiitli r.cn.liiKer.... 1711 Joseph Kinim i t... ...I'ox 17!) .los. rliumhei'lnlu ...Morion ...lay ... .1711 ....1S7II ....l7! IH7S 1 I 1 1 1 n 1 ill Hewitt lviehnrd llreiinun.,, Adam Zimmerman W. ('. Mealy Martin renin ,. l'hlllp Vollmer ..lones .Millstone, .lililiiwny . 17II .Sprlmtl reck ISTlt .St. Mary's.. . .1711 (s.S71 (10 Those marked paid since Heltlcment, Mil-hurt Itmnnrr, ., Tr-nurrr nf Klk Oam'i. in ttf-rntint irtUt trtij coltnfj for tin in tr t-nt'iiut Jitiumrii "i, lMt. (lil'NTV I'lINl). To n tiimi ii t received from Treasurer MeCnulcy, but. lit last settlement,.. 1.(177 111 nm't ree'd from pottnly bonds snld...:l,ii5s 2i "iiinount received fnitn eolieclois, fenlcd lux mid exnneral Ion IH,I II lla " iiin't ree d for hinds redeeined from counly 2U7 " mil l roe'd lux on uusetiled lands 2 si s:l "iiniount. received from Itenzinucr township on iiin't due l'lxmonl.... 207 II "uniounl. received from .lones twp. on iimonnt due I lixuioiil 1st) (JO " ain't received friuii Mall A- Mct'aii- " ley, Juiluiueiits vs. ltlduway twp 2(i8 :I2 "uni t ree'd I'r. Musili Metlcclii-.i for old court house l:l.",no " nm't ree'd for county lands sold la.' ,s "nmt ree'd for relurn premium for InslllHliee on old court bouse 21 ill ' nut t ree'd trom W. .1. Illakcly, back rent, otllee in old court house 12(10 " inn t received for rebnlc from Mull s safemid lock company 1201 "iiuiouiil received for cement, lime, Ac. ..sold IHM ' mti'l rei-i-ived, county tax on lands return. M t unity commisiiincrs 71 " nm l Iransfeired iroln W ilcox and llanilin stute lend fund 22 II JdX.P'l 111 T.y county eoiuinlssloners' receipts for counly oi-tl.-rs redeemed U,aa2o2 " county eontmlsionct-s receipts for exiilu-ratlou oldi-rs redeemed Tl'!!) 1 county eoniini- loiici-s' receipts for n tuadinu' orders redeemed 1:12 --5 ' cnunty cointnis-loner.-' reeeipls for M ilt motion or.il Is Ii lU-eloed It; SI " eouuly commis-ioin-i receltits tor ilitete! c-iuoon- on Co bund pd. .. .Vil 27 " am 1 paid on Mckean, l-.lk nnd ror- ei l stale ruad mud M l 7:1 tt'eusut ei s t .aniui.-sioii on nil n ion ics received .'Is2 'l " tieasinei-i c.iiiimission on all mon ies disbursed Sli :ll ,:I7 a1 1 balance due fund.., 72", 1(1 Sl.,lnl K. SCHOOL l-'l'NDS. iiMXKzi; rn: j-i mohl itm. ''o unit tux rt'cii from misdl ldn 1 t) " ttinl rood if line lor violation of guiuu law 3 G3 o 1! " bal due treas (13 7U ill Ily it m t pil Ttvas Mi-Cnuley, littl tlut' tit hist st'ttli-iut'iit 53 77 " ! coniis ri't'iit for fo order lvdot'iiK-d ) Oi) " treas com on unit reed Id " ti'etia com on anil ilislmrud 1 Do joy hkm-:zi:ttk school uvildixc; rt'NM. To bal duu tretisi ii l(i $13 10 0 04 $0 Hi l?y unit jid Trcii McCauloy, bill tit lust settlement '' tretis com on unit reed iii:n"zi.(ji:k scmooi. fund Id unit tux reed from unseuted Inn (Is " nmt reed for lands red i ml from county " unit reed of flue for viola tion of game law " bid due treas Hy nmt pd Treas MeCiinley, bal tit hist settlement " co eomrV receipt for refund Inju' orders redeemed " l reus com on unit reed " treas com ou unit disbursed m:.-zxii-:i school urii.inxu i-txd. To unit reed from Treas Me Cnulcy, bid at last si lint 314 07 " unit tux reed from unseated lands 1 2ii " unit reed for Ids redeemed from county 12 24 Svii; 17 l!y school troasr's reci-Ijits 202 on " ci i conirs' recit for refuml- int orders redeemed 32 ill) " tre.-is com on unit reed 27 " tieus com on unit disbursed 4 O'j bulance due fund 5328 17 FOX school Ft'NU To unit reed tax from uiisld hinds 11 unit reed on hinds returned to co couirs " unit reed of fines for viola tion of guiuc law 24 71 1 OS (i o,H Jiy unit paid Treas McCuii- Jcy, ill at hist settlement " treas com on unit received " treiis com on unit disbsd 25 1!) 04 5b 20 ; (i nl " balance due fund 37 fox scirooi, iiuii.iirxo i fxn. lo unit reed trom Treas Mc Ctitiley, bal at last netlmt " unit tax reed from unseated lauds " unit reed on lands returned to county eoiiti's 21 33 8 24 3(i 32 P3 17 32 7(i Ily trens com on amt received " buluiice ilue fund J32 'J3 IIIOMI.AXI) SCHOOL Fl'XH. To unit reed from Treus Mc Cuiiley, luil ut last netlmt 80 " unit reed, tux from unseated lands Kj3 1.5 " unit reed, tine for violation of game luw 80 fl04 40 2 07 J02 83 Hy treas com on amt reed ' " bulunee duo fund $104 40 HOKTON SCHOOL Ft'XI). To unit reed from Treus Mo Cuuley, bul nt last Betlmt " amt tux reed from utiHeated htuds " unit recti of fine for viola tion of giune law 20 00 11 40 8 45 40 fc 1 t'8 43 63 8 00 O'l I I j7 79 $211 oO 10S 0-2 130 liu' 1 13 4 7K 5244 Ity fieliool treasurer's receipts 26 "t reus com on nmt received treas com on amt disbursed 61 20 14 " balunce due fund $40 8" JAY SCHOOL Fl'Xl). To nmt tux reed from unstd Id " amt received of fine for vio lation of game luw 20 Gl 3 25 $29 80 13 4(1 69 Hy mnt pd Treas MeCnulcy, bulance at lust sell lenient " treas. coin on unit reed "treas com on nmt disbursed 14 35 balance duo fund 15 61 S21) 80 JAY RCMOOL lll lLIMNd FUND. To unit reed frnm Trens Me Cnulcy, bulance lit lust settle ment fi 16 .i0 15 (1 15 $0 15 I'y bnhineo due fund JUNKS SCHOOL FI'ND. To anil reed frnm Treas Me Cnulcy, balance at hist ttett le nient. " iimt tax reed from unstd Ids "amt recti of line for viola tion of game law 0 In 4 0 Hy freas com on nmt reed " balance due fund $17 5;l JOXF.S SCHOOL lit l l.MNd FI'NIi. To amt reed from unstd Ids 1 41 $1 41 O'l 1 3s $1 41 I'.y f reus com on nmt iced " balance due fund M1L1.STONF. SCHOOL l l'XII. To amt reed from Trens Me Cuuley, balance nt hist settle ment " unit reed of fine for viola tion of game law. " balance due treas. By county coiunirs receipt for rel'uudiipi olds redemed. " county enmturs receipt for school building ords redmd. " treas com on unit received. " treas com on amt disbursed. ' 48 UIHCiWAY SCHOOL Ft'Xl). lo amt tax reed from unseated lands 58 " amt tax reed for lands re deemed from county 3510 " amt reed of line for viola tion of game law 8 07 S44 05 30 00 8 54 8'J 85 $44 28 37 $44 05 Hy amt paid Treas McCauley, balance at last settlement " county cumuli's reept for re funding orders redeemed " treas com on unit received " treas com on unit disbursed " balance due fund ItllKlWAY SCHOOL lll"ILl)lXfi FCXI). To'umt tiix reed from unstd Ids 3 nmt reed for Ids redeemed trom county 4 21 54 50 80 0!i 01 !H 3 00 $4 50 15y county commrs rcept for refunding orders redeemed " tresis com on unit received " treus com on amt disbursed " balance due fund .si-Kixt; iii;i:i school fi:nd. To unit reed for Ids redeemed from county 38 38 " unit reed of fine Tor viola tion of game law 1 22 $3'J 00 1 22 79 01 2 02 37 58 $3'J 0U liytiiiit paid Treas MrCuiiley balance tit hist settlement " trens coin ou amt received " treas com on unit disbumed balance due fund ST. MAIiV's SCHOOL l-'I'XIi. To amt reed from Treas Me Cnulcy, bid.ince ut last Mettle Ineut " unit tnx reed from unset d Ids " unit reed of tine for viola tion of game law 5 71 28 $13 28 5 5! I 15 II 5 85 7 43 $13 28 liy school treus receipts " treus com on unit received " treas com on unit disbursed bul due fund I OA I J 1-UXD.S , liF.XL'ZLTTK ItOAI) FINK To unit tax reed from unseated lands " bul due treasurer 3 00 40 30 $40 30 42 28 t 00 00 00 $40 30 liy unit paid Trens McCauley, balance at last sett lenient " county commrs recpt for re funding orders redeemed " treas com on unit reed " treas com ou nmt disbursed UEXZINGER KOAD FfXP. To unit reed from treus Me Cnulcy bulunee ut lust nettle men t " unit tax reed from unatd Ids " unit reed for lunds redeemed from the county 149 01 4 W 43 63 107 62 C7 08 205 20 112 00 73 00 70 02 90 8 22 " bal due treas By county commrs recpt for refunding orders redeemed " county coniuirs recpt for unstd orders redeemed " township treus recpt " treus com ou unit reed " treus com ou unit disbursed J2G5 20 0 45 17 53 22 17 31 o 03 74 6 77 1 71 f?7 43 5 5(1 1 83 01 14 48 21) llF.N.INOKIt ADIirnoXAL HOA1) FUNf). 1 o nmt reed from unseated Ids 4 U8 " nmt reed for Ids redeemed from county 21 77 28 67 20 79 balance due trens By nmt pnid Treaa McCauley, bulance nt last settlement county commrs recpt for re funding orders redeemed trens com on nmt received "treas com on nmt disbursed 82 2 $100 03 27 FOX HOA1) FFXIJ. To ntnttux reed fromuiistd Ida " bulance duo treas 20 1!) $10 By ami paid Trens McCauley, balance ut hi-a Heltlcment ' county commrs recpt for unsetd orders redeemed "treas com on nmt received " treas com ou unit disbursed 29 34 10 00 $40 53 FOX A lUHTlON A L IKIAU FfXI). I o linlnnce due treas 187 27 $187 27 By amt paid Trens McCauley, bahuicc at. last settlement " treas com on unit disbursed 183 00 3 07 $187 27 IIKIIILAMi ltd At) iaI. To unit, reed from Treus Me Cnulcy, bul nt last settlement " unit tax reed from unstd Ids 414 20 200 29 050 49 " balance due trens 111 81 &7C.2 30 I'.y township (reus recpt " nty commrs recipt for unseated orders redeemed " treus com on unit received " treas com on amt disbursed 435 32 308 00 4 12 14 81 $702 30 HOKTON lt()A FUXr. To unit reed from Treas Mo- (. auley, bal at last setlmt " unit tax reed from unseated luudx. 98 58 14 25 112 8.' bulunee due treasurer 0 39 $119 22 By township treanr's recpt a 00 Gl enmity eomrs reepts tor un seated orders redeemed " treas com on amt received " treas com on unit disbursed 20 00 28 2 33 $110 22 JAY KOAD 1-Txn. To unit reed from Treus Me Cnulcy, bal at last sellmt " amt tax reed from unseated lands 110; 38 03 By twp treasr's receipts " co eomrs' recpt for unsealed orders redeemed " trens com on unit received " treus com on unit disbursed " balance due fund $52 05 JAY CASH FUND, To unit reed from Treasurer MeCuuley, bul ut lust setlmt 1 01 $1 nl 90 02 $1 01 By twp treas receipt tretu com ou unit disbursed JOXF.S KOAD FI XD. T amt tax reed from unseated hinds " bul due treasurer 4 08 2 28 iH 90 1 74 5 00 40 13 Ky amt paid Treus McCauley, balance ut hist settlement " co eomrs receipt for county orders redeemed " treas com on unit received " treu. com on unit disbursed $0 90 M 1 1.LSTOXK KOAD FUXD. To amount reci-is eit from Treas McCauley, bul ut lust setlmt " LttluiK-e due treusurer 15 07 IS 05 By twp treas receipt " co eomrs receipt for refund ing orders redeemed " treus com on unit disbursd $33 72 JIILLSTOXl: CASH l'L'XB. To balance due treuKiuer 10 58 $10 6S 1 20 9 IS 20 $10 58 By unit jiuid Treas McCauley, bul ut hist settlement " co eomrs receipt for refund ing older. redeemed " treus com on unit disbursed KIWI WAY KOAD Il'XD. To unit tax reed on unseated IuihU " unit reed for hinds redeemed from county 93 32 99 42 30 $id 20 71 00 2 08 00 1 4u $75 29 " bulunee due treasurer By nmt paid Trens MeCuuley, bal ut lust settlement " co eomrs receipt for refund ing orders redeemed " trens com on unit received " treas com ou unit disbursed ItlDflWAY CASH FUND. To unit reed for lunds redmed from county 18 21 " balance ilue treasurer 35 52 $53 73 By unit paid Treas MeCuuley, balance ut lust settlement " co eomrs recpt for refund ing orders redeemed " trens com on unit received " treus com on amt disbursed 49 13 3 20 80 1 04 $53 73 BPKINQ f'KKKK KOAD FUND To amt reed from Treus Me Cuuley, bul ut lust settlement " amt tux reed from unstd Ids " unit reed for lunds redmd from county I 24 29 18 40 S3 69 $70 44 47 00 2129 By co eomrs recent for unstd orders redeemed " twp treafcurei-' receipts $100 03 71 44 $52 05 14 33 2 00 70 " treus com on nmt received " treas com on mnt disbursed 73 a " balance due fund 75 28 $70 PIMtlXO C'RMKK CASH FITND To nmt reed from Trwis Me Cuuley, bid ut last setlmt " unit reed for lands redeemed from county 12 28 00 53 00 By twp trens receipts " treas com on nmt reed " treus com on unit disbursed 68 1)5 53 bulunee due funtl $10 FT. MARY'S KOAD Ft'ND. To nmt rel from Treas Mc Cauley, lial at last setlmt 7 " nitit tax reed from unseated 41 lands 78 $7 By borough treas receipts " treus com on unit disbursed 7 V 7 20 " balance due fund 7 51 HT MARY'S CORl'OKATIOX FCXD. To amt reed from Treas Me Cuuley bal ut last settlement 3 0(1 unit tux reed from unseated . lands 14 $3 20 By borough treus receipt " treas com on unit disbursd 3 00 00 3 00 " balance due fund $3 20 POOH FUXDH. IIKXZIXOEK l'OOR FL'XII. To nmt tux reed from unseated lands " unit reed for lunds redecmd from county ' balance due treasurer 21 77 25 29 84 70 110 05 09 41 8 00 By amt paid Treas McCauley, balance nt lust settlement " co eomrs recpt for refunding orders redeemed " treas com ou amt received " treas com ou amt disbursd 50 211 $110 05 KOY lOfll( I'l'VTI To amt tax reed from unstd lands bulunee due treasurer 10 30 3 18 $13 48 13 02 20 20 13 48 By amt paid treas McCauley balance at last settlement " treas com on unit received " treas com ou amt disbursed jroitTox l'ooit Ffxr. To nmt reed from Treus Mc Cauley, bulunee ut lust stlmt 50 22 Soli 22 By twp treus receipts 55 10 treas com on amt disbursed 1 12 $06 22 JAY POOR FL'XD. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 19 01 $19 01 38 18 03 $19 01 By treas com on amt reed balance due fund JOXES l'OOR FUXI). To nmt reed from Treus Mc Cauley, bulunee ut lust settle ment 1 00 $1 CO 1 00 $1 00 By balance due fund mim.stoxk I'oon Ffxn. To nmt reed from Treas Mc Cauley, bal ut last settlement bulance due treas 30 5 31 5 01 5 50 ' 11 I'y county eomrs recpt for re- luiKling orders redeeined '' treas com 011 unit disbursed 5 01 41 13 34 13 75 15 47 29 22 KIIIGWAY l'OOR Fl'XD. To unit tux reed from unstd Ids amt reed for Ids redeemed from county balance due treas By amt pd Treas MeCuuley, inn at last settlement county eomrs recpt for re funding orders redeemed treus com ou unit received treus com on unit disbursed ' 60 80 27 50 29 22 KPltfN'r: citFri t'linti Ki'vn. To unit reed from Trens Me Cuuley bul ut hist settlement " amt tux reed from unstd Ids " unit reed for Ids redeemed 6 00 3 09 1 25 lroiu county By township trens recpt " treas com on amt reed " treas com on amt disbursed " balance due fund 10 94 ST. MARY'S POOR Fl'XD. To amt reed from Treas Mc Cauley, bul at lust settle ment " unit tux reed from unstd Ids 241 14 2 68 2 39 05 2 44 14 2 68 By borough trens recpt " treur com on unit disbursed " bulunee due fund STATE ROAD FUXDS. KANE, KIDOWAY AND 1ST. MAUY'S BTATE KOAD FUND. To amt tux reed mi unstd Ids Jones township 4 68 " amt tux reed on unstd Ids Kidgway township 1 17 unit reed for Ida redeemed froit. the county Beuziuger township 43 63 unit reed for Idw redeemed from county lUdgway twp 42 12 91 50 $40 50 12 42 50 26 13 23 27 27 10 95 5 88 09 12 0 09 4 85 1 04 1 42 " bul due treus 187 278 180 88 3 1 6 75 09 By amt pd Trens MeCuuley, bid at lust settlement " eo eomrs recpt refunding orders redeemed, Beny.lnger township " co eomrs recpt refunding ords redmd Uidgwiiy twp " treus com 011 unit reed " treus com on unit disbursed 44 42 08 278 KIDOWAY AND ilROOKVILLE STATE KOAD FUXD. To amt reed for Ids redeemed from eo Hldgwny twp 23 91 " unit reed for Ids redmd from co Spring Creek twp 2100 44 45 40 3 50 " bal duo trens By amt pd Trens MeCuuley bal at last settlement " co contrs recpt refunding ords redmd Kidgway twp " treas com on amt reed " treas com on amt disbursed 20 28 64 15 45 McKEAN ELK AXT) FOREST STATE ROAD FUXD. To amt transferred from co fund to balance 843 79 28 843 251 675 - 10 By amt pd Treas McCauley, bal at last settlement "cocotnrs recpt for refund ing ords redeeined " treas com on amt disbursed 843 79 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE KOAD FUXD. To amt reed from Treus Mc Cauley, bid ut lust settle ment o. 14 0 22 By unit trausfd to co fund 0 22 Michael Jirunncr, Eq., Treasurer of Klk Count j, in account with the Com monwealth of I'cnnnitvftiiia fur the near cnilina Junuaru 5. ls8(l. To unit tavern licences reed ns tier renort clerk of (iiiarter sessions " amt store licenses reed as per report clerk of Q. S. " amt eating hses lie's reed as per report clerk of Q. S. " amt retailers licenses reed as per rept mercantile nppraiser 800 00 50 00 120 00 725 00 unit in Hard lie's red as per relit mercantile nppraiser 1879 140 00 " unit brewers lie's twil mi iwr rept mercantile nppraiser 1879 " unit circus lie's reed " unit tax on co loan reed from bondholders 150 00 60 00 02 80 2 052 80 076 87 700 00 Hy St Treas recpt retailers lic'n " St treas recpt tavern lie's " St treas recpt brewers lie's " St treus recpt liquor lie's " St treus recpt eu house lie's " St treus recpt circus lie's " St trens recpt billiard lie's " unit pd for advertising mer cantile list for 1870 " exonerations on retailers and billiaul lie's allowed by Aud Gen " treas com on amt reed, 5 per iient 90 50 47 50 114 00 50 00 3 31 90 00 63 00 102 64 1,993 51 69 29 bal due commonwealth 2,052 80 We the undersigned, auditors of Klk county for the year 1880, havintr met at the commissioners' oflicc in Kidgway, in said county, on the first Monday of January. A. D. 1S80, bennr the li ft ll day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and ad justing the accounts of the several county ollicers, we adjourned to Tues day, January 0.1SS0, ut which time we proceeded to uudit, settle nnd udjust the uceouuts of the several county ollicers, mid found them correct us stated in this our report. Michael Brtiiiner, Ksu.. treasurer of said county, having been duly noti- ned, was present in person and 1 ire- sen led his account. Alter having carefully examined audited aud adjusted the accounts of said Michael Brunner, treusurer, we lound due lroiu nun, the suid treus. to the said funds, us is fully set forth in the foregoing report, the sum of one thousand four hundred twenty-six dollars mid thirl v-two cents, and due to him, the said treasurer, from cer tain funds, ns set forth in the said foregoing report, the sum of one thousand one hundred and eighty four dollars and thirty cents, leavinir a net balance of two hundred forty two dollar's and two cents due to the suid county of Elk from the suid treus. Also due from the said treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of tifty-nine dollars and twenty-nine cts. ns is fully set forth in the foregoing report. in witness whereof, we have here unto set our hand this 27th day of January A. I. 1880. J.J. TAYLOR, 1 . ,, CI IAS. MILLKR, -o-AuU'ra. Attest M. K. Kline, Clerk. The Commissioners of Klk Count; in account witli said County for services for the year endini January 5, 18S0. Michael Wcklerl. To county orders received 318 00 818 00 318 00 318 00 818 00 318 00 318 00 $318 00 210 00 By 106 days' services, $3 George lieuscher. County orders received By 106 days' services, $3 W. M. Oslerfiout. To county orders received $210 00 210 00 By 70 days' services, $3 $210 00 D. C. Oytter, Esq., HUjh Sheriff of Klk County, in -account with said County for the year ending January 5, 1880. To amt fines and costs collected in Commonwealth cases. 253 68 " unit jury fees reed In civil cases 20 00 ' amt co order for hord pris oners 651 90 025 64 410 30 balunce due sheriff" $1,336 By bal due at last settlmt 9 " Jail act for boarding and wushing for prison is up to Juu 1 lbHO 651 " serving Jurors, May gent 89 and Nov terms 1879 and Jan ft - term 1880 880 00 " conveyng F. F.ntus to pen'y 75 00 " conveying MOIIern topeny 76 00 " eonvg Mrs J tiuinn to Dix- niont 61 M " drawing four Juries (ll 1879 4 00 " pub election proclamation 1 00 " fees in criniinul cases 77 80 " fees on commitments 10 00 89 43 00 20 83 43 1,330 00 89 We. the uudcrsicned. auditors of Elk county for the year 1880, having met nt the' commissioners' oflico in ltidgwuy, in suid county, on the nrst Monday in January, A. D. 1880, being the filth day of the month, for tlio purpose of auditing, settling Bind ad justing the accounts of the several ollicers, we adjourned to Tuesday, January 6, A. 1). im at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and ad just the accounts of the several county ollicers as set forth in our report. Daniel C. Oysler, Ksq. high sheritT of said county, was present in person and presented his account. After carefully examining, auditing settling and adjusting ills accounts, we found due to the said sheriff from the suid county of 101k, the sum of four hundred and ten dollars und thirty-six cents, which sum we certify to he correct, ns set forth in the fore going statement. 1 n witnesa whereof, we have here untoVet our hands the 27tu day of 97 73 70 72 20 00 88 70 79 99 20 54 January, A. 1). 1880. J. J. TAYLOR, 1 . CIIAS. M I LLKR Co- A"J'W Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. The Coininixsioncrs of the Kane, Ridq way and ,Sf, Mary's State lload 'in account with the Kunds of said lload for the year ending January 27, I880, To bal due luil at last setlmt 3,701 85 " ain't ree'd from treas. of Mc Kean Co. 184 77 " unit reed proceeds of bonds Xos. 38 and 30 par 700 00 " unit reed, proceeds of bond No. 40 pur 700 00 $5,280 62 By nmt paid (Jen Kane forcon- structioti. Sergeant twp 1,018 88 " unit lid Wilcox tunning Co. for work, Jones township 509 37 '' unit paid (!eo..I). Messenger for work, Kidgway township 628 30 nmtpaidj.lv. 1'. Hull tor work, lien.lnger twp " amt paid Hall & McCauley for work, general fund " amt paid J. Ii. Brown, secy. general fund 195 37 10 00 20 47 2,442 3!f 2,847 23 6,280 62 balance due fund The Commissioner of the liidyway and Jtrookville State Road in' acc't. with the Funds of said road for the year ending Jan. 27, 1880. To bal-due fnd ut last stlmt 204 85 204 85 By bill and voucher of Ilirum Carman for construction and repairs of road .during 1870 204 fi.'t " balance due fund 22 264 85 We, the undersigned, auditors of Klk county for the year I880, having met at the commissioners' otllee iu Kidgway, in said county, on the first Monday in January, A. I). 1880, being the fifth day of the month, we adjourn ed to Tuesday, January 0, 1880, at which time we proceeded to settle the accounts of the several county officers, but owing to the delay of the commis sioners of the Kane, Kidgway and St. Mury's Stute road, and of tho commissioners of the Kidgway and Brookville State road, to present their respective account, we adjourneil tho settlement of the same to Tuesday, -January 27, 188ii nt which time wo carefully examined, audited, settled and adjusted the accounts of the com missioners of the Kane, Kidgway and St. Mary's State road and of the com missioners of the Kidgway and Brook ville State road, and found them severally correct, as set forth iu the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 27th day of January, A. 1). 1880. J.J. TAYLOR, . CHAS. MILLKR. fCo- Aud rs. Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. -, 'n-i. -il T -ii . parsapariiia fct a I'liniimiinil cf the virturn nf narsaparilla, Ktilliiigin, nmnilraUe, yellow dock, with tlm iiiili.li- nf iiitasli ami iron, till powerful Munil uiiikin, liliiiiil-cleaiisin, und life-Kiistaining i-k'iiirnt.s. It is the purest, Kali-.st, and in every way I lie most eflertuiil ulternti vu meili eiiui kiiinvu or availtilili! to the uillic. Tlio sciences of medicine anil chemistry liuvn never produced so valtmlile a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure Moml. It cures Scrofula, ami all scrofulous diseases, Krysipelns, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples unci Fare-grubs, I'ustnles, lilotclies, noils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Klieuiu, Seald-liead, Ringworm, IMrers, Sores, KlieuiiiHtisin, Mercurial uisease, leu. raisin, Female Weaknesses and Irrepu-lm-ities, Jaundice, Atlections of the I.iver, Dyspepsia, Kniaeiation, aud General Debility. I!y its searching anil cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which coutiiminate tho Mood, and cuuse deraugii incut und decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital Junctions. It promotes energy anil strength. It restores and preserves health. It infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any disease which arises from impurity of tlm Mood need despair, who will give Avkk'h Sahsaj'auii.la a fair trial. Heuieiulier, the earlier the trial, the speedier tho euro. Its recipt) has been furnished to physicians everywhere; and tliey, recognizing its supe rior nuulities, administer it iu their practice. For nearly forr.v years Aveb's Sarhapa Rii.i.a has hi"' widely used, aud it now pos sesses tin-' confidence of millions of people who have experienced benefit from its mar vullous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Practical and Analytical CheiulaU, Lowell, Mass. HOI.n BY ALL UKUOU1ST BVERTWHEKI. iMsrvsioNsT Procured for rioldiera disabled In the IT. K. service from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased uoldiers. All pen sions date hack to day of discharge, and to date of the death of the soldier. Pensions increused. Address, with stump, 8TODDART & CO. f31 JO. Kt. N. W, Washington D. C. . LulmlalZ 00 74 OU