The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 29, 1880, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1 880.
k. of H.
Ridgway tjoilge No. 1044 meets on
the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
kt 8 o'clock. '
Republican State Convention.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania
are requested to send delegates, ap
pointed acordliig to their representa
tions in the Legislature, to a Convcn.
lion, to meet at llarrlsburg, nt 12 M.,
on the 4th day of February next, to
elect delegates to the Republican
National Convention, to nominate
Presidential Electors, to nominate a
candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court, and a candidate for Auditor
Goncral; and to transact such other
business as may be brought before
By order of ,
Chairman Stale Committee.
flAttCKT. F. Bark, I Secretnries.
C. L Maoee, J
Westchester, Pu., Jan. 1 1880.
Jfnw Time Table. Under the new
schedule the mail and local freight
leave Rldgway station as follows:
MAIL WEST ... 2:38
" EAST .... 5:00
LOCAL WEST - - 7:50
" EAST - - - 3:25
Notice to Correspondents nail Others.
Hereafter The Advocate will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
consequently all advertisements and
correspondence must be handed in not
later than Wednesday noon to insure
insertion in the current issue.
Several rainy days fir-it of the
Bacon, Pork and Ham at Moles
ter's. Chairs all sorts and sizes under the
dentist's office.
The granting of licenses was put
over uutil to-day.
Bedsteads from three dollars up to
ten dollurs in the old post-oflice build
ing. Extension -tables nt $1.00 a foot
tit the cheap furniture store of C.
Note-heads bound with blotter
pad without extra charge at Tim Ar
VOCATK office.
The Klk county jitil is at present
without prisoners, the first time in
several years.
That splendid org: sold by D. S.
Andrus & Co., Williamsport, Pa., for
fTo.OO cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and o feet t'J incite hijrh, is
sold now for $811.00 with one more
ritop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. Write them Terms easy
on long time also.
Sheriff's Sales.
The following is a list of the pro
perties sold by Sheriff Oyster at the
recent term of court:
Property of J. (. Krieg, fifty acres
land in Bciizinger township to Geo.
Bower for $t-'5.
Properly of 1). F. Currier two war
rants in Spring Creek township sold
to James Baldwin for if-IO.
Property of Joseph Reburo ninety
one acres in Fox township, to W. 11.
Hyde for $1030.
Property of Chas. Matthews two
loU in the village of Ridgway sold to
Geo A. Rathbun for $1005.
An excellent number is the Ameri
can Agriculturist for Feb. 1, with its
12S articles and items, and 100 engrav
ings, giving practical, useful informa
tion. Among these are : Work for
the month laid out; grafting fully ex
plained j various humbugs exposed;
fencing und fences; important chapter
on feeding and feeding stuffs; will
grain advance or decline; among the
farmers; many hints and helps for
farmers, with illustrations; keeping
one cow, prize essays; prairie cattle
Khelters; complete farm buildings for
$3,000, with engravings and specifica
tions ; honey locust hedges; lier
munda grass for the South ; apple
diseases; rapid tree-planting, West;
duck raising for profit; full house
keepers' and chlldreiis' departments,
etc. $1.50 a year; 4 copies $5.00,
Orange Judd Co., New York, pub
lisheos. With The Advocate $2.50 a year.
Is Toy Money Counterfeit.
The solicitor of the treasury has
given an official opinion on a subject
that may be of interest in certain sec
tions of the country. It seems that
the manufacture of "educational toy
money," of paper or pasteboard cov
ered with tin foil, in the likeness and
with the device of silver coin, is being
made in large quantities, to teach chil
dren the nuture and character of
lawful coin. Tlie secretary of the
treasury having referred to Solicitor
Rayner the question whether the
making aud using of the "toy money"
came within the inhibition of the
law, the latter has written a
letter to Messrs. M'Millan Bros..
Rooueville, - Mo., in which lie
says j "Any person making use, sell
ing or having in his possession such
"toy money" must do so at the risk of
indictment by the grand jury, and
convicted by a petit jury, of making
using or having In liis possession the
same 'with the Intention to defraud'
some other person. A question might
arise 'whether paper covered with
leaden foil would come within the
category of the provisions of the la.
I am clearly of opinion that it would
Just as much ho as a leaden (counter
feit) quarter dollar.
Very choice table syrup and new
crop New Orleans Molasses. Warraut-
1 1 1 twmi.
Editorial Notes.
Frank VanOrsdall killed his dog.
-Alton Chapln Is over from Brock
wayville. Court was held this week in Ma
glnnls Hall.
J. N. Brown, of Wilcox, was in
town this week.
Arthur Little has returned to
Miss Jennie Stout has returned
from Lock Haven.
Esquire- Parsons, of Wilcox, call
ed on us tjhis week.
Bro. Brandon, of the Gazette,
called on us this week.
Hon. Julius Jones stepped into
our office last Monday.
Sheriff Oyster Is going on a trip
to Boston the middle of next week.
Wm Morey, the imtrious Co. H
boss cook, was in town this week.
Hon. Henry Souther, of Erie, was
in town this week attending court.
Mrs. Spooner, iee Bridget Healy
is visiting in this pja,ee at her parent's
Wash-bureaus, wash-stands, mar
ble and wood top tables, whatnots and
toilets brackets all at Joe's.
G. W. Wurzell, the new District
Attorney was attending to the duties
of his position at the present term of
Hiram Eisleman, of Spring Creek
township, killed a hear near bis place
several days ago which weighed 20
At the Catholic fair on Tuesday
night in the contest for the ladie's
gold watch Miss Maggie Doreey pre
sented $330 and Miss Mury Bailey
Joel Taylor, of Horton township
made his annual pilgrimage to Tim
Advocate office a few days since, and
left his $1.50 for a year's subscription
111 advance.
W. 11. Smith of Kane, was in
town Saturday afternoon and Sunday,
returning to Kane Monday. We are
pleased to learn that our old friend
Walt, is prospering.
At the Catholic Fuir last night in
Ihe contest for the gentleman's gold
watch Captain Schceuing presented
$311 while Mr. Murphy presented but
$88, consequently the watch was
awarded to Captain Sclnnning.
On Thuesday of hut week Jas.
McAfee received a telegram announc
ing his mother's death, and on the
same day started for Weatherly, Car
bon, Co., where she had lived. She
was aged 51 years, and at her death,
was living with her second husband
Jeremiah Stout.
The following i-; an account of Mrs.
Stout's death from a Weaihcrly 4kpcr:
Mrs. Maria Stout aged about fifty
lour, wife of JeremiHiij Stout E-ip,
departed this life at eleven o'clock
this morning. Her death was sudden
retiring at ten P. M yesterday in
usual health. Mr. Stout awoke about
six o'clock and found her sitting up
in bed, but in a state of semi-unconsciousness.
She lingered in this
condition for five hours, when sin
quietly urea! bed her last. She has
been u sufferer from asthma for many
years, but her unexpected death n
sulted from nppnplexy. Mr Stout ami
family have our deepest sympathy in
their ullliction. Funeral services next
Monday afternoon.
Splint eeut rocking chairs fi'om
the smallest to the largest size at the
cheap furniture store cor. of Main and
Mill streets.
More Political Virtue anil Honor Wanted
There is much talk in and out of
Congress about the necessity ol
changes in our mode of electing a
president, one also of unnouciiig the
result, much more, we think, than Is
necessary. Any method is a good one
that is faithfully and honestly carried
out, but no method can prevail against
a dishonest intent, or prevent fraud
being practiced if those charged with
the work, or who have control of it,
are bent upon acting the knave ami
cheating the people. What we need
is not more laws ami rules, but more
political virtue and honor with men
in high places of trust, us well as in
low places, that can be depended upon
to act fairly, enforce the rules Im
partially and perform their functions
with strict integrity and an intel-Igently-dlrected
purpose to de:l justly,
by the people and faithfully carry out
their will as they have found it to
have been expressed, and not men who
enter upon that duty with a lixed and
settled intention in advance of thwart
ing the wishes of the people by their
acts of partisanship. The rule regula
ting the manner of announcing the
vote, fixed in the Constitution, and
the usage in vogue for casting it,
which lias now been so long the cus
tom as to have become our common
law, are as fair methods as could per
haps be adopted and as easy of en
forcement. By them the will of the
people may be fully and fairly ascer
tained and carried out to the very
letter, and what more do we need or
seek for? Jtichmond ( Va.) State
Constables, Attention It is a
part of your duty, under the law, to
advertise the approaching February
election, which conies off the third
Tuesday of next month. The law re
quires you to put up not less than ten
notices at least ten days before the
election. Where there is a Justice of
the Peace to elect, a notice of that fact
must be posted up not less than twenty
days before the day of election. In
boroughs or townships where there Is
110 Constable it becomes the duty of
the Supervisors or the Assessor to put
up the notices, though they need give
Lut live Ulead of tin days Duller,
Hrockport Locals.
' -0. E. Sherman has about all the
stock sawed out at the Boga Shlmrle
Spot, rthc of II. Horton's choice
cows, is the mother of a pair of very
fine twin calves both of which are
Sampson Short started for home
on Friday.
L. C. Horton's telpehone works
like n charm every sound can he heard
distinctly at cither end of the wire.
Charles Augustus Millstone Mc
Curdy, Was sadly disappointed after
asking Miss Swamper to go to the
dance wllh him on Wednesday
night the ill st Inst.
Fred Burchfleld, J. B. Frantz, R.
Iddings and James Dillon went to
lodge at Brockwayviile on last Satur
day evening.
"L. C. A." you had belM- go over
alone to see her and not coax Warren
to go alone when you know his wife
don't want him to run all over the
country after all the girls like you do.
I won't tell where you were goingand
sha'n't say Who you were going to see
but her father's name is Tho'hias
That young man on the mountain
had better carry himself straight here
after or some of those mountain ladies
will comb his hair in a very fine style
It would be the latest.
Those two gentlemen that took
their evening stroll in the direction of
the mountain had better be a little
cautious in the future and make sure
that every one is in bed along the
road. Also take an occasional glance
in the rear to see that no one is on the
trail and we would say to the other
two gentlemen that were hid behind
the barn to lay a little lower the next
time when that young Swawper goes
to the door to spit. O yes, boys it was
well played but murder will out.
We care nothing for the above but
we don't like to see one of the party
stay up so late after he gels home from
his evening ramble. Vale.
Squibs from Brockport and Vicinity.
Rough roads.
Pleasant weather.
The ice crop Is poor.
A happy time at Price's on Wed
nesday night.
Soil Hanes, Sr., gave his oldest
son his walking papers and fifteen
dollars to go with, one day last week.
Johnnie wore one of young Swam
pers patent collars at Price's dance,
it was a snusr fit and was very be
Yank was as merry as a lark and
as quick us the bird they call the bear
when he was dancing with the lady
of the bouse.
Locals are like pretty girls in
this section. Very few' and scatter
ing. We don't mean to say it was the
black tongue that ailed William, who
lives at Keystone, but merely a thick
tongue, caused, as we suppose, by an
over-dose of tire water.
Short & Horton had three crews
rafting for the past week.
Orzelia lias returned from Wilis
lletowii, or near there where she bus
been keeping shanty for Dell (ii.hisha
for tho past four weeks, with a fellow,
we meant to say felon, on her linger
and is now under the watchful care of
Dr. Null".
Lump globes cost some of the
boys one dollar a piece. How is it W.
K., do you know anything uboutit?
Warren had better stay away from
the Hellen school house for tear his
wife may hear of it, but at present be
has no thoughts of her, but says any
thing to beat J. S. Hyde's teamster.
Look out Warren be is a li.-rhUiigcuss.
"Nixey wecden" says Brock way
vilie lias for a long time rejoiced under
the name of a temperance town, &i:
Perhaps it has, but we have seen
several byrrels resembling those con
taining whiskey enter that so-called
temperance town in the past few
years. What lias become of it? Does
John Cuhvell use it for medicine?
Echo answers no. C. M. Goit.
Brandy Camp Penciling?.
David you cannot have the girl,
but the old woman says she will mar
ry you and to renumber your uauio
she wrote It above the door on the
John Trumbull is cutting hemlock
Gilbert Thompson has a job of
Hyde of cutting and skidding about
one million feet of pine and htuilock.
"Vale" thought we could not come
out again but was mistaken for once
Looks strange don't It?
Too wet this week for locals.
A shin-dig at Jacob Frant's next
Uriah Rodgers Sr. Is laying very
sick ut Peter Thompson's he iubout89
old years.
Died Miss Harriet Eggleston
Jan. 20, tiftera sickness of about five
days, ut the residence of Mrs. John
Trumbull, aged about 70 years, buried
ut Brandy ('amp grave yard Jan 8th.
"L. C. A.'' will boon hand parloi
the time to the satisfaction of "Vale,"
who is not lost as was reported by
"Swamper" busies himself now
days making benches for the rafting
J. S. Cliamberlin has a hen's egg
that measures 8J inches in circum
ference the long way.
L. C. A.
Black Diamond Oil I1HJ0 fire test,
Headlight Oil 150 fire test both safe
oils to use 18 nnd 24 cents at Molester's.
Urockwny vlllc Locals.
A dance at the hotel last Wed
nesday evening.
"Fiddler" Grccil has recently re
turned from Armstrong cot-nty with a
lighting dog and n game rooster.
"Square Timber" Welsh was In
trouble on Wednesday evening but It
was only a scare.
R. O. Mooicl.ead takes advantage
of the lull in business, caused by the
bad roads, ami introduces Into his
drug store numerous tricks and puz
zles with which lie prcplexes the
minds oMiis customers.
The first leap year party of the
season took place ut Chas. Knight's on
Friday evening. The ladies performed
their part of the ceremony very grace
fully, und the gentlemen wished it
might always be leap year.
The oil derrick at the mouth of
Vineyard run, five miles below' town,
is eomph ted und ready for the ma
chinery. Furness, the oil man, after
un absence of several weeks, has re
turned to Brockwayviile and proposes
to commence, operations as soon us the
machinery arrives, which is on the
road and is expected daily.
The great National frauds, perpe
trated by the Democrats in different
parts of our country, have at last cor
rupted the morals of "D. Tective,"
the BrockvVay vilie correspondent to
that paper whose i.(irr is continually
harping on His Kruuduleucy's char
acter. By way of explanation we
w ill say that "D. Tective ' is engaged
in manufacturing und repairing boots
and shoes. Having noticed the laie
rise in sole leather, he left orders ut the
different stoics for a supply of paste
board. Now we do not understand
the process by which the pasteliourd is
converted into sole leather but know
that such is the case, as a prcof oi
which, Ait. Chapiu says, he found
pasteboard in tli soles of his hoes.
ami thinks ii: no wonder he scraped
them oll'so lu a single evening-
Brockporl ScrihUiags.
The dead have come to life.
Ruin, snow, sunshine and mud,
11ml the lumbermen cross and snap
pish. There is a young widow in our
town who thought of suiinj some
young trcnticniau for a breach of
promise to let the public know that
she is in the maiket but bus given it
up for a while, for future develop
ments promise to he more interesting
since Fred boards at our house.
Eight rafts rutted at Keystone,
Freddie get on the good side of
"Butlie" and gii-e him a penny not to
tell tales and your path will be clear.
There is a jcutleman in our town
wlio can lie tru.-ted with tiny secret,
for nothing, be tays, will be believed
ally way.
The rafi big shanties at this place
make a, good rendezvous for the large
ami small boys and of the other sex.
It is ratiu-r ri.ugh, especially tin a
school teacher, to practice two weeks
to sing at a gathering and go so far
with somebody on cither arm and gci
there to late.
Jerome Furario is chopping a piece
of his limbered land to clear.
"Hill won't you stay with us to
day?-' "X11, 1 promised to be up io,;a
Ituii before this time, if I don t go
they will scalp nie, they may anyway,
my scalp begins to feel loose now from
the other time.
When slightly uplifted hi wine T
hav dared to da things wich in mi sober
senses J wood hav skorned (my own
personal '.xperieuce iz ciiuff to prove
this fact) among uther things I told
Mrs. Schnider that she orter be sham
ed ov herself to move a key hole just
on pnrpuss to annoy her master and
her king that was me. I went out
of that house without looking for the
key-hole and I have repented phisi
callyaud fiuushiilly the mockery ov
Schmidt & SciinIohk.
Winncpcg, Man., Jan. 'J-'. dipt.
Young, of the custom department,
who has been visiting officially dis
tant posts on the boundary arrived
here yesterday, having left Wood
mountain on December 1-. lie ex
perienced considerable hardship on
the way on account of the recent un
usually low temperature. Four of his
horses were frozen to death, their legs
having been cut by the crust of the
snow. He arrived ut (uappel!e on
Dec. 3
The following is a summary of
dipt. Young's newsi
The Bluekfeet have been killing
cattle belonging to settlers and trailers
since last fall. They commenced this
west of Fort M'Leod, and gradually
worked their way east to Foi't Walsh,
wnere incv Killed several cattle Willie
Captain Young was there. Though
the lakes and ponds are teeming with
lisji and game the Bluekfeet are ac
tually starving, beemtse they are ton
proud to kill anything which they
cannot hunt 011 horstback. ,-Yt Fort
M'Leod about 7,UtQ Indians are living
ut the expense of the government.
There ure plenty of buffalo ut Fort
Wash. The S oux ure ut Wood
mountain una ure Ueliuviug well, no
depredations being reported. The
frees and Assiniboiues in the vicinity
of Fort Walsh huve jiot received much
government provision, and feet bitter
uccuuse the supplies supimscd to be for
their benefit have been distributed to
the bluekfeet, who formerly dared not
come so fur eust.
The Bluekfeet ure well armed wth
Winchester rilles und revolvers, und
have an abundant supply of ammu
nition. 'Most of the Canadian Indians
are now hunting south of the bound
ary line and are doing well.
The Maine Problem.
Augusta, Mo., Jan, 2D The only
disorderly feature of the state house
this morning is that caused by the
presence of the military. The base
ment has been converted into a
kitchen, and the aroma arising there
from Is aiiything'but savory. The li
brary Is desecrated and all the commit
tee rooms furnished a lounging place
for the soldiery. Under the present
arrangements each company Is re
quired to furnish guards for twenty
lour successive hours.
Augusta, Jan. HO. The fusion sn
ute met this morning and took a recess
until four o'clock this afternoon. At
that hour both branches assembled
and adjourned until to-morrow' nt ten
o'clock. The fnsionists arc in better
spirits), the judges having gone to
Bangor to assemble. Must of their
men returned to-day and will remain
until after the decision.
Both brulichesof the Republican leg
islature to-day passed resolutions
providing for a eonstitutionarl amend
ment for electing the Governor by a
plurality instead of a majority vote.
The Senate appointed committees on
investigation of enlistments and en
listmentsund enrollments of men, and
on loss of State seals.
l)amarlscolta, Me., January 'JO.
The assessors of Daniariscottu, two
Democrats and one Republican, have
decided not to send u valuation to
either legislation until the trouble Is
settled. One of the assessors Is a
member of the fusion house.
Augusta, January L'. The fusion -ists
assembled in Union hull this
morning. In the house the committee
on investigation of the bribery case
presented a report, which was accepted,
that they had notified Wallace II.
Smith, against whom charges of bri
bery were made, to appear before
them, but he has not done so. There
being 1111 further business the house ad
journed until to-morrow.
In the fusionist senate there was
also adjournment until to-morrow.
Fusionist Treasurer White refused
this morning toallow the finance com
mittee to examine bis books, lie says
he does not recognize cither govern
ment us legal. Mr. White expects to
have a writ of mandamus served upon
him, and thus bring the whole ques
tion of legality of the fusion govern
ment again before the courts.
The more ultra of tile 1'iHionists say
th it should the opinion of the court
be adverse to their position they will
adjourn in a body, subject to the call
if "Governor Smith; that Mr. Sawyer
will continue to discharge tin; duties
of secretary of state and all returns
and other documents from fu-.ioii
towns will !: sent into him. Tin y
sav not iiiore than half a dozen will
take their seals in the Republican
legislature. Their constituents are
bolstering them up to to this; mean
while Ihcv will memorialize congress.
Bangor, Me.. January -T.--A un
animous decision of tnc supreme 11101-
ial court wa- completed Ibu cveuiirj;
the court declines to recognize tin
fusionist bodies at -Vugtlsl.i and ex
plicit. v declares the house and sen. tie
now holding sessions hi the state hoa-e
the legal legislature.
Aunusta, January i. 1 lie I11-1011-
ists are verv mucii ucprcssc.i ar me
reception of the news from the court.
Major Smith savs he believes that the
Miilioversv has ended, lie states that
while tile previous opinion oi the
litUes Was based oil the Republican
tiiteinciit there was room lor reason-
iliie doubt, but in view of the fact
that the court decided against them
oil a f.isioil statement they could now
raccuilly submit, lie said he had
otten through playing governor and
s! 1011 11 1 yo iiumc. .tragi ir niuilli s views
will be adopted by the belter part '
fnsionists, who wnl take their scats 111
the legislature.
Some years ago Mr. G. W. Hatha
way, of Tioga, discovered a bed of ore
011 his farm Under very discourag
ing circumstances lie quietly perse
vered in bis experiments, having
perfect faith in the transmuting Value
of the ore. The results of his labor is
that several of the foremost iron ami
steel manufacturers of the State have
pronounced it uuequuled, and an or-
ler for 2,5 h) tons has been received by
Mr. Hatha way. -
Pottsville, Pa., January 22, A
hiring tramp out rage was committed
near 1 inegrove on 1ua;Uiv allernoou.
Two men, named Jonathan Schultz
aud Jacob Ziegler, were digging a well
on a well on the farm of William
Messersinith, aud had gotten it about
20 teet deep. Schultz was digging at
the bottom, while Zieglcr operated the
windless on the surface, when three
tramps came along the roud near by
und stopped. One of thcui asked
i'iegler for a chew of tobacco ; Ziegler
handed him a plug, ufter biting oil' a
chew, put the rest in bis pocket.
lie .tier remonstrated and a tight lol-
lowed in which fill the tramps look
part. Ziegler Was knocked senseless
with u club und robbed of a silver
watch and a small amount of money
The tramps then broke up the wind
less and threw the pieces, together
with the bucket and rope, down upon
Schultz, who was thus imprisoned,
lie set up a vigorous yelling for help,
but it was an unfrequented soot, and
there was no response Alier some
time Ziegler recovered consciousness,
and though badly beaten, made his
way a quarter of u mile to the farm
house, where he found assistance and
sent men to rescue Schultz, wno was
found to be suffering from a severe
scalp Wound, caused oy the falling
Umber. The. neighbors organized a
hunt for the tramps, but they couid
not be found.
Jam Poi.i;s
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jell'ard's, While's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular und O'-t Lanterns.
Dislon's X-Cut Saws.
Boyutou's Lightning Suwu.
Cohx Pol-mats.
Coul Hods. .
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Haxdi.ks.
Pick Handles.
I lb. Best Polish 10 c t. at No. 42
Main street. ni
Terrible Collision t
.t U H K II . IT L Ij A t'C H'Xf!
Krinri the C'umoi'oii County Press.
Last Wednesday afternoon, at 1:10
o'clock tw'o Ireigbt trains collided on
the Philadelphia and Erie Road, m ar
the coal shules about a mile west of
An extra frcighHruiii was made up
at Emporium and started east imme
diately iii'ler the arrival of the Mail
train at the Junction, with orders to
run to Catiteroti and lake the siding at
that place. The operator ut Cameron
received orders to hold express west ut
The signal Is out nt all timei.
Trains at that point, before reaching
the station, blow for orders. If there
are orders the signal remains out and
the train stops; If there are no orders
the operator pulls in the signal and
the train proceeds.
On this occasion, as the western
bound freight train approached and
whistled for orders, the operator in
voluntarily (probably from force of
habit, as there are comparatively few
orders lit that station.) pulled in the
signal and the train proceeded on its
way. Mr. Herron's itlie operator's)
wile had been seriously ill and at the
time be pulled in the signal was talk
ing with a lady about bis wile's ill
ness, which probably tcok bis atten
tion from his duties raid cau-ed Hie
rut: chasm!
As the trains reached the curve
near the coal shut es they colli led with
a terrible crash, destroying both en
gines and about a dozen cars The
e lgiueer and fireman on the western
bound train did not see the extra and
were caught in the wreck. The men
on the extra going east fortunately saw
the other train and saved themselves
by jumping.
Tin: K!t,t.i:i and'
Christian Dean, engineer, foot burned
his leg near the ankle siiie.e been
Hd ward Xixon, fireman, died a few
hours after the accident.
James Grace, breaknian, bead in
jureddied Friday morning.
I.-a-lc J. Kissel, bicukman, back and
head hurt is doing we'd,
Mr. MeAvoy, breukmaii,
injured about the bead.
Tin: Ol'KH a Ton.
Will L. lfcrron, who made the terri
ble mistake, is one of ihe oldest ami
best operators on tlie feud, having
been in the employ of P. A- E. Com
pany as operator eleven years, and
heretofore has been perfect in bis
work. Mr. Heron is a genth-man.of
correct habits, always attentive to bus
iness, mid respected by everybody.
He informed us that when lie pulled
in the signal be was not conscious of
the terrible mi-take he was making;
did not remember the ordereven when
the train went thundering by his of
lllee, and tlie u'.vf'i! filet that he had
neglected his orders to hold the train
lla-hed upon his mind when Ihe train
hud pas-ed too late to stop it.
Thi-'jnistake is one of those unac
countable transact! ns that occasion
ally happen to the most ei'iicieiit
rail-ioa I employees. Every human
being is liable to make mistakes, but a
mistake of this character is fatal. Of
conr.-e Mr. Hcrroli keenly feels the
responsibility of the act ; the suffering
he endures is pittialjie, and lie has the
warmest sympathy of our best, citi
zens. His ood record and excelenl
ebara Met is worth everything ill this
1 rying hour.
When the operator discovered his
mistake he exclaimed "My God! I
have allowed that train to puss and
there will be a collision!"
Mr. Tweed, section boss, waa at
work ul Cameron putting in a swieh,
and noiii'ing the steiiiu escaping from
the fated engines, ran into the office
and told Mr. Herrou that be thought
the engine had exploded. "No," re
plied the operator, "It's u collision! I
allowed the train to pass when I bad
orders to hold it." Mr. Herrou im
mediately telegraphed to Kciiovo
what he bad done, and the conse
queiices of his mi-take. The Renuva
office telegraphed to Emporium for
physicians und workmen to go im
mediately to t he wreck, and the yard
en 'tlie
id u crew of men from the
Emporium yard, with Dr.
DcLoug at
once started for the scene of the disas
ter. The workmen at Cameron also
started on a band car, and an engine
with Supt. We-iLl'all 'and other R. R.
oilb ials started from R miovo.
The engineer an 1 fireman were so
thoroughly wedged in the wreck
that it took two hours to release them
during which time the two men suf
fered the most terrible tortues.
THL'K HKtlols.M.
The engineer with a foot upon the
hot boiler, literally roasting by inches
had managed to get a hammer and
chisleand was trying to release his
crushed and mangled companion, en
tirely forgetful of his own sullerings.
The so-called heroism of the battle,
where men excited und inflamed by
the worst pas-inns that can abide in
the human breast rush madly to their, can have nothing in common
with that heroism which prompts u
man when suffering- the ex ptisite tor
tures of the inferno, to call for hel(.
not for himself but for others; und
this is precisely what was doho ut the
wreck on the P. & E. It. R., lust Wed
nesday by Chris. Dean, the heroic en
gineer of No lUo'J. He was crushed
between the timbers of his cab with
one foot pressed against the boiler,
where it was being slowly cooked,
iifV,i!a n.iur liftv, lav lilu flruman lirirVitA
to move. When found, the noble en
gineer was at Vork with a hairtmer
und chlsle trying to extricate his fire
man. As t he men drew near, Chris.
Dean looked up and bis whole frame
quivering with the intensity of his
sutlcring, with frightful idekening
pain of his burning foot, these noble
words of utter self f.bnegathnt burst
from bis trembling Hps. "Never
mind me, but for God's sake get Ed.
out." That was all, not a word con
cerning his own fierce nftnny escaped
Then and there In thd ruins of his
cng-ine, in the hiss and of rushing
steam, Chris. Dean displayed a true,
a lofty heroism; than which none
more true or more noble has ever been
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Newspaper Limvs.
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scriber does not take his paper out of
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Always ciii at Tin-: Advocatk
ofileo for note pupirti'.id envelopes.
A nice slock of cloihiiig for iueu
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Kid Glove Ladles' and Gents'
Ruck irlovis all kinds of cloves at
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McAfie. Ihe tailor, has jest ro
ccivid an extensive lino of samples for
Hie tall and winter trade. Call und scu
for your.-elf.
Subscribe for the
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i h'-l'i-rrtii-i's-.l . 1.
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ley. W. W.I ii't-ciiluiul.
his jirnli'slta sac-
ti iiiliy for ii"iic iliau ten veins.
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