The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 29, 1880, Image 2

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Henry A. Parsons, Jr., -
THURSDAY JAN. 29, 1880.
Entered at Tm? Post-ofkke at
fUpablican National Ticket for 1880
ron pheside.vt,
(Wul.Ject lo decision ofRepnbllcnn Nallonnl
Con Ten Hon.)
Malionnl Republican Coiirontion.
A National Convention of the Re
publican party will meet nt Chicago,
Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for
nomination of candidates to be sup
ported for President and Vice Presi
dent at the next election. Republi
cans and all who will co-operate with
them in supporting the nominees of
the party, are Invited to choose two
delegates from each Congressional
district, four at large from each State,
two from each Territory and two from
the DiHtrict of Columbia, to represent
them in the convention.
J. I). Cameron, Cliuiriuan.
Thos. B. Klooii, Secretary.
A young man named John Ma
guire, alias William Love, a stone
cutter by trade, has been arrested at
Wetland Out., for a murder com
mitted in Pennsylvania seven years
ago. lie is supposed to belong to the
Mollie Maguier's gong. He will be
held until the United States authori
ties are heard from.
Frank Leslie left all his property
to his wife and has been commended
Tor this treatment to the woman who
did her equal share with him in ac
cumulating his fortune. But his sons
do not like this disposition and will
contest the will. Doubtless a very
disagreeable family quarrel will en
sue. Leslie had prospered of late
years and though Jie failed a few
years ago, had nearly paid ofF the
claims against his property. His pub
lications, it Is said, now net $1, 200 a
week profit.
Capt. Daily ordered his company
to kick up all the dust they could at
Vellow Tavern, Va., while out skir
mishing oiie day in liyi-l, wliie he
dashed into the camp of a Confederate
regiment and demanded its surrender.
The audacity of the plan nearly iu
Bured its success, for the Captain's de
mand was followed by a surrender of
the colors; but Col. llapgood, the
commander, came upon the ground in
time to send him back with a bullet
wound through his body. This is the
story that Daily tells in hisupplication
to Congress for a pension, and Hap
good corroborates iU
Toledo, Ohio, January 25. A
prize light oecured yesterday between
l'rot. Clark, of Cieviaiid, Ohio, and
Dick Murray, of New York, for $100 a
aide. The contestants, together with
a small party of their friends, went to
Dundee, Mich., and proceeded into
the woods, where a ring was formed
and at half-past ten o'clock A. M. the
battle was commenced. Twentv-nine
rounds were fought in one hour and
twelve minutes, when Clark was
ueciarea uic winner. .Murray was
roughly handled. There was no in
terruption to the right and it is not
thought that any arrests will be
There are fifty-six Justices of the
Peace In New Haven, owing to the
fact that new ones are made at every
election and old ones continue in of
fice. The trials held before
them are farcial, according to the
Hartford Post, which says: "Nearly
every young member of the bar has
his favorite Justice, before whom he
brings all his suits, and it is expected
that the Justice will render decisions
favorable to his friend and legal pat
ron. In some cases there is a mutual
understanding whereby two lawyers
who are both Justices of the Peace,
interchanged the!.- favors for their
mutual benefit. The poor clients have
thus to depend upon appeals to the
higher courts in order to get fair
Curious Weather.
The weather this winter seems to be
particularly mild, and many persons
never saw its equal. Jacob Grafius,
Esq., a well known citizen of this
place, says that in 1642, on the 17th
day of November, the river closed,
and on the 2;'d, six days later, teams
crossed on the ice. On the last day of
Peeemher the snow and ice hail all
disappeared, and beautiful weather
prevailed all through January, lsl:l.
Fanners went to plowing, and the
river was so low anil clear that Mr.
Grafius went salmon fishing. Winter
net in again about the lirst day of
February, and on the last day of
March there were two feet of snow on
the ground. The weather remained
so cold that teams crossed the river on
the ice us late as the 7th day of April.
Mr. Grafius remembers all these
dates and circumstances very dis
tinctly. Lumbermen should not des
pair, as this winter seems to bo a
counterpart of that of Hi. It was on
the last day of December last that the
Jce left the river, and the indications
are good for cold weather. Lock Ha
ven Journal.
All note-heads und letter-heads
printed at this office will be bound,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet. Call and see speci
mens. Light running, Latest Improvsd
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
Wfo.-. ft Mr. W, H, HervhV,
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.)
Washington, I). C. Jan. 24, 1880,
The Woman's National Suffrage
Convention has been In full blast here
since the 21st, and presents a greater
array of feminine talent than any of
Its predecessors. Miss Susan R An
thony Is the presiding officer, and she
performs her duty with the utmost
self-possession, and apparent fullest
knowledge of parliamentary law and
the responsibilities of her position
She seems horn to command and to
preside. Every angularity of "her
physiognomy, form and character
und no single point seems rounded
with an atom of the line of beauty and
symmetry displays that force and de
cision of mind requisite to enable the
control and dcrection of others, while
her tongue moves as rapidly and in
cisively as that of Katharina before
Petruchio tamed her belligerency
Our Mrs. Sarah Spencer is the sec-re-
ury, and though she lacks Miss An
thony's angularity, for she is hand
some and graceful, yet she has a vim
and intellect that fits her also for
leadership, which she never hesitates
to assume whenever Congressional
committees are to be addressed, or
bodies of men harrangued. Mesdames
Gage, Stanton, and a score of other
prominent sufirage advocates are
among the delegates, and as Misses
Phoebe Cozzens, Devereux, and other
talented spinsters, assist in the pow
wow your readers can readily appreci
ate that the wondrous suffrage ques
tion is being ably and fully handled.
They promise us, as in the past con
vention, the milleiilmu whenever
granted the ballot throng); their de
sired Constitutional amendment. Not
a speaker but has told us that, given
the right to vote, women would put
down the infamous national traffic in
whisky, and reform all the evils in
ccdent to our political institutions.
Observation in Wyoming Territory,
where women vote unrestrictedly, has
rendered us perfectly skeptical upon
all these assumptions. Rut the fact
remains that no convention, of either
sex, ever assembled in Washington,
which exhibited more talent and gen
eral ability than this one.
The inevitable Dr. Mary Walker, of
course, appears, but on the background
for her sisters will not admit her to
full equality, owing to her extreme
radical views upon- dress and society
usages. Dr. Mary has assumed full
male attire, even to wearing shortened
hair, a natty little cane and a gentle
man's hat. Beyond all this eccentrici
ty is the fact that she, in contrast
with Mrs. Stanton,. Miss Anthony, or
our learned Mrs. Judge Lockwood, is
destitute of brains or even ordinary
feminine wit or shrewdness; hence it is
not surprising that she is elbowed to
the rear, or, as last year, when she
forced herself upon the stage among
the delegates, is hustled ofF as an un
warranted intruder. That these pre
sistent advocates ol'.sull'rage are work
ing successfully toward the accom
plishment of their aims, no observing
person can entertain a doubt. Six
years ago siimly attended meetings,
and tlie ridicule and sneer of roughs
met them here. Now Lincoln Hall
will not hold tlie crowd of .well-dressed
and mannered people that attempt to
get seats every session, morning, after
noon and night, and who treat tlie
speakers with deep and respectful at
tention, no matter what direction
their remarks may take. It docs seem
that optimists like ourselves will soon
have to accept the situation, and fall
back on our philosophy that "What
ever is, is right"
Since New Years our weather has
been magnificent. Tlie occasional
rain storm has not obscured the bril
liant sunshine more than a day at the
time, ami our fashionable soViety lias
had, as a consequence, fullest opportu
nity for holding und attending levees
and receptions. No winter for years
lias presented a more brilliant round of
fashion and display than this. Our
streets are daily thronged with equip
ages containing callers and visitors,
who are evidently improving the
opportunities prior lo Lent which
ends our season of pleasure and gay
ity. Etiquette has portioned oil" tlie
days of tlie week to tlie various clas-
ses ot society and gives the order of
precedence as follows: The President's
wife is pre-eminent. All other ladies
must call upon her, and that without
having the call returned. Saturday
afternoon is assigned to her, though
she holds informal receptions all other
nights of the week, except Sunday.
Next in order rome the ladies of the
Cabinet, who take Wednesday after
noons, t hen the Supreme Court ladies
who nave Mondays. The wives of
Foreign Ministers take Friday, and
those of the (jeneral of the Army and
Admiral of the Navy, Tuesdays. By
thus, apportioning tlie week mining
themselves, there is no eo!li-ion, and
each lady can call as well receive.
Light refreshments tire always served,
excepting at tlie White House, where
the custom was abolished during Mrs.
Madison's reign as mistress. At one
of her most brilliant receptions' a
party of roughs attended, and, seizing
the tables niiiironriated the refresh
ments, which led to their abolishment
as u part of tlie White House levee.
So onerous and exacting Is our custom
of culling, that Lent is bailed with
joy ami gladness by most of our fash
ionable Indies, for it ends the absurd
burden of receiving hundreds of peo
ple one lias never before seen or met
socially, and yet whose call must be
returned to the extent, ut least, of
leaving a card.- The most elegant
receptions of the scastui are given by
the families of wealthy Representa
tives who pride themselves, apimr
ently, on excelling in display, at least
those more favored with the accident
of higher oe';il rank, '
A Mild Winter.
(riilln. Weekly Vrexn.
That repository of meteorological
Information, "The oldest inhabitant,"
has not been consulted about the Very
remarkable weather which has pre
vailed during the present winter, so
that we cannot nftirni that it Is un
precedented; but the records kept by
the observer at the United States Sig
nal Ofllce In this city show that there
has been no such a season since the
founding of tlie Weather Bureau in
1870. Twenty years ago (lH-V.uiO) the
lirst two months of winter were ex
ceedingly mild, hut we have not the
figures at hand to compare the mean
temperature with the corresponding
period of 1870 80. Since 1870 an ac
curate record of the mean tempera
ture of each day of the year bus been
kept, trtid any dispute about the mild
ness or severity of tlie season, as com
pared with uny previous one within
tlie last ten yeurs can be easily settled
by referring to the ofllcial figures.
i nc iiionin or January, itwo, was
tlie coldest of which the Signal Ofllce
has any record. The mean tempera
ture for the whole month was 2i.
nearly six degrees below the freezing
point. Last winter was considered a
very severe one, and the ferry boats
on die Delaware were more or less im
peded by the ice during the entire
month of January, but tlie mean tem
perature for the month was 3.8 degrees
iiiuber than for corresponding month
of 187'). When the temperature goes
down to 2'), ice forms rapidly, and if
it keeps down for three or four days
there is a hard freeze, the oilect of
which is seen for many days. This
was tlie case during t lie first week in
January last year, when the mercury
went down at night to three or four
degrees below zero. Die Illicit ice
which was formed them remained for
a' long time, and mounds of frozen
mud and snow remained in the streets
during the greater part of the winter
monuments of tlie cold spell in which
they had their origin.
During last December (1870) the
mean 'temperature was 38.8, being
nearly seven degrees above the freez
ing point. Tlie mercury went down lo
11 on the 27th, but the uveraue for tho
mouth is unusually high, and on tliu
4th und the llth tlie summer tempera
ture of (il degrees was reached. The
mean temperature of the correspond
ing month of 1878 was iM.o, being 4.3
degrees lower than in 1870. If it had
not been for tlie little cold spell just
before the holidays, which cut down
tlie general average, December could
scarcely have been rated a winter
month, if the classification depended
on the temperature. Tlie record for
January is still more extraordinary.
L i) to date the mean temperature ol
the month has been 40.U, being 8.(1
degrees above the freezing poin'..
During live days of the present week
the mean temperature has been 44.0.
This record has no parallel in the
tables kept by the United States Sig
nal Ollice, but, as we have already
stated . they only go back to hs70.
There has been no day when the
mean temperature reached the freez
ing point, and on last Tuesday it was
5U o.
Comparing these figures with the
records of the same mouth for eigiit
previous years, we find that the mean
temperature for tlie present was 4 j
degrees higher than during January,
1S71, and 14.5 degrees higher than
during January, 187-3. The record for
Januaiy since 1871 is as follows: 1871,
;l'.7; 1S7J, J'J.i; l?7o, :s.J: 1874, M.7;
1870, 2(5.1; 1&7G, M0.7; 1S77, 28.4; lu78,
; l.ST'.J, 2'i.'.i; 10, up to the 2:jd
inst., 40 0. In many respects this ex
ceedingly mild weatlier has been
highly advantageous to the country.
The principal manufacturing indus
tries are in active operation, and have
not been impeded by ice or froot.
Out-door work has gone on with al
most as little interruption as is ex
pcricuced in the summer months;
while ilia poor have escaped tlie
privations and suili-rings which a
severe winter always brings.
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I'"'.1 (!.;:': r'-..ri!!!i-(ilmvcifTfr
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IIicr.ijiZiici:l Dictionary
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c.f Xo'niJ lerfor.i.ain.', .uauJmoiinrn.inrlinl'iT
moy n-tvf liviins, giving Nunc, I'r'.mm, Uiion',
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XT-KW i 111 1 ION roouiu uSiiiiplrmfTit of
XV over l.e t,ict una luvnuiuaa.
'R;:l' n'w "' in Pui'pKmcct Im Imi
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TTitli Hi"rT'iiil I'irtir.narv. r.f'WnMtl, of
4 V ovr ?1; iuiiiis ol iiii-d IVrsf.Ls.
GE.T tlill TtZT
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A. u tiM.y ut I a iJy liiuionary.
1 I'J'y i oniniT,i! '1 1 f i.,to 1 1 Tt-j
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V" H ''!. tihoul HiJ.COO l'',t, t"-,C!
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TT" t rT.nM-li-.t. !' c.n, l'rofa
1 I.e.) I y a. ft C. WKmKt.t 1 .'lUtScM. IIj.
A b ')
.. .Knrs -'TiO'w.L Pictcsiil C;:T;c::a-.r.
ni0 .". iiz 0-;!o. 100 ri'jravlrij:.
Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than
any where else at tlie old Grand Cen
tral store of Powell A Kinie.
Don't you think you had better
subscribe for Tiik Advocatk i bout
this time in tlie year? Foj $2.50 cash
we will send the American Agrivul
turiiit and Advocatk for out year.
Hest quality uote paper find en
Yflopwi at this Afti'.
ticcr of
'' "oi" 'C
J?onil for IHilKfrat.'.l Circular anil
nntil you Lavo buuu ilia
Most Elegant, Simplo and Easy Running Machine in tho
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. v
Western Branoh Offico, 233 Siaxb St., Chicago, Iia. MIDDLETOWN. CONNt'
Otaaiiyl. J. s. fc W. li. ilVi)K. AUKXTH It In, WAY, l'A. ,
Our Special ofi'or to Siibsi riljcrs.
We desire to deal na liherully with
our patrons na wo possibly can, and to
put into their hands the hest news
paper literature nt the very lowe.-t ob
tainable priee. To this end we have
nuulenuoh forluiinte iirmiifjenieiits as
enable un to- -1f'i f this paper, tlie
American Kunil Home and the IIW
hold, all three throughout 1SSU, post
paid, for only $2 To.'
Under this renuirkabie oiler your
local paper, a (irM-elass Acrieultural
and Funiily Weekly, and a popular
Oonic-t ic Monthly, can he had for
SI. than their rebate lowePt
price. In fact wenive the Household
one year, and 'J.j cents besides (hi every
one who subscribes for our own paper
and The Iiuml Home at tlie bottom
price for each.
'ihe liiiral Home, published at
itochfster, X. Y., has lon;r iieen n Agricultural and Horti
cultural authority, and its eijrlit large
ages are full of live, progressive,
valuable matter for the farmer and the
farmer's whole frniily. It lias an
enviable reputation, achieved by years
of clean honest, able etl'ort toward the
highest journalistic, ideals. It is
wonderfully cheap at its sole price of
SI. 50.
The Household is a bright, practical
magazine for housewives, published
at Krattletioro, Vt., mid the only long
established monthly of its kind. It
lias 21 pages, devoted to everv Interest
of home-keeping, mid is immensely
popular with the ladies. Price, fl.lo.
Moder-ty forbids us to sneak of our
own paper as handsomely as we ought
Ot course you will want it next year,
and you will do well to secure the
others with it in this special combina
tion specimens of the Kural Homeand
Household may be had by addressing
a postal curd to the Kural Home, at
Kuchcster, X. Y., or by application to
this ollice.
This club ofier will not he held open
many weeks.
Address, The Advocatk,
Kidgway, Klk Co., Pa.
Christian Statesman,
Kstablislied to maintain our Sabbath
J,aws, the Uibie In the Schools and
other Christian features of tlie
American ( ioveinnieni.
To discuss the principles of govern
ment in tlie light of Christianity.
To gather up and publish the'evi
dence which proves the historical
fouiieetion of our ( ioveriiment with
the Christian religion.
To resist tlie encroachment of Seen
larisni, Koinanisin and Coiiimuiiism
in Amercan Polities;
To advocate the settlement of the
iiuei-tion wbitlu r this is and is to lie
a Christian (ioveruiueiit by suitable
reiigious aenowlegincnt' in the
Constitution of the United Stales;
To furnish n faithful record of the
controversy and discussion which is
in progress over tliese grave issues.
At tlie same lime tiie Siatiwmax is a
thorough Temperance paper, giving
prominence to the legal remedies of
1 litem jierancc; a newspaper record
ing with more than usual fulness
not only event ejecting the rela
tion of Church and Slate in other
lands hut whatever hears on the
general interests of the kingdom of
Christ, a Sabbath Seliooi paper,
publishing lull and thorough ex
positions of tho I nterii.'iloual Les
sons; and an earnest advocate of
Christian Union having itself no
sectarian character or relations.
Price a year; To ministers jd.fiO;
To new suberi bers, for the first year
Si. do, being aeasli Premium of One
Dollar. On trial four weeks, ten
cents. Address
No. 7 North Tenth St.. l'liilu.
Worthy of Attention.
We ml vise all our readers, whether
they own a foot of land or not. to sup.
ply themselves with that treasure of
useful, practical reliable information,
tin Aiuircau ArriculfurM, so nunied
because started ."S years ago as u journ
al, but now eiihirged to embrace a
great variety of most usful reading for
the Household, Children included, for
the Garden, as well as the Farm for
all classes. Each volume gives some
8(10 original Engravings, witli descrip
tions of labor-saving and labor-helping
contrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers,
animals, etc., including many large
ami pleasing, as well as instructive,
pictures for joung and old. The con
stant, pysteniutic .exposures of Hum
bugs and Swindling Schemes by the
Africiiturisl iwuofgrmt value to every
one, and well save to most persons
many times its cost. Altogether, it is
one of the most valuable, us will a
cheapest, Journals any where to he
found. The cost is only $1.50 a year.or
4 copies for $3. Single numbers 15 cents.
Subscribe at once for 1S80; and receive
the rest of this year free, Orange Judd
Company, Publishers, 243 Hroadway,
New York. Tub Advocate and the
ulmve named Jotn pal for f2.80.
hew vim
Improvements September, IG7G.
KolTithstnndiiig the VICTOR lins Jotif; been tho
nuv tiewinir Ifiielunn iu the liiarknt -a fict
by n host of volunteer vilncsEcs wu now
oouuuciiuy cifiim lor in prenter simplicity,
a wotidorlul rciluciion of friction awl n rare
cntubinnlion of dcsir.iUoqualilies. Ilsshut
tle is a bennliful Bpccimen of meclianism,
and takes rank with tiie liicliest nnliiRvnmpnln
.&$S''h3'or eoOHisn Uaobinon, therefore, linve tiooM
ones to natch ud uud for our
we Sell Hew Machines Every Tm.
Liberal terms to tha trado. Ilon't lm
i Diseases Gf tlie Throat anfl Longs.
Disease of the pulmo
navy organs nro so prev
nii nt unit fatal, Hint n
safe nail reliable roniuily
for tlu'iu is iu alnalilu
to f viiry toiiiiauiiity.
A villi's CmiiutY l'l.c-
Yr, vintAL Usui h a reiueily,
I ' aim ii'i uimi no niu
Nt,,'. neatly mi'ril.'i the eonii
..rr, lUaii-e of tlie iml. lie. It
VirIL.ll4' ' is a seicntiliu eomliina-
t!nl lf till! ini'llll'llial
,vTW,1liriiriilrs nail curative
3 .Vivirl lies of tins liiuwt
JfJ'5!'' ilnitjs, ein'niirally iinit-
cti, in iiK-urn uic ifai
rst D.-issilili! ellirirllrv
PECTORAL. ;' ity .r re.
sails, w'.urli eualiliM
pliy.sirains as well an
invalids to iikr it. illi
lalnl. if H in.
ni":;f. rclialiln rcmeily
for ilis"tis!H of fli" tin-oat a. ul lungs that si-i-
eiift 1ms proiiaccil. It siriiie:; at llie toua
(laliou of all palatini i.y ilisciisei, alloiilin
pioMiit ninl i i rt.iia rcii.'f, loul is ai'.apti il !o
aii'a!.t of any a;; i or litlicr sc. lii im;
very palataMc,' tins yoiingi'i eliililren tain;
it wiibmit ililllciilty! In tlm trcalniint, of
oriliiuiry Couglis, Cobls, (soco 'riiroat,
llroai'lil.'is, iall'.ieiiz.i, Ciergj iiiaa's
Sore 'J'liroat, Ath;nn, lrou, ami t'a
tnrrh, the elfcrts of Aveu's ('iii'iiuv Piic
Tuii.n, are niii.cini', nail inuliilaili':i urn au
nu.ill.v pri'.'.iu-v'ril fi-.a.i sfj-iinis illn.'ss by its
timely aad faillifal use. It slumlil lie kept,
nt liuii'J in every Iioiist'lio'd, for the pro
teeliiei it nlforiN in snil'len attacks, In
Wlmopliig-eoiurii unit C'oasilliMit'uill
there is no olln-r reiueily no ellliucious,
S.jiiiiii.ig, iinJ licijiful.
The mnrvilloiu iires which Avrn's
t'llltrtltv I'm I'lllAI, has OVT the
worhl are lt suiih ieia guaranty that it will
continue to produce. l!ie tn-si resultn. All
linear.!-!! I rial will cimvin-o the ino:t s'-epti-ca!
v! it-i wonderful i-urative power, as w ell
us of its snp-'i in! iiy over a!l other pic-paia-tions
,'ui' iHiIuiouaiy toii;pl:iiiits.
Eminent iiliysi-'iaui
coun'ry. knov.-iag (:;
mend Avrn's I'l.i ia.'V
in all parts of the
ii-uipos!tii;n. leeoni-i'l-iei
(:ai. lo invalids,
nn-1 pr-.-sen'ie it in 1 h
practice. T he test
of half a century 1ms proved iis absolute
certaiiity to cure p.ll piiliimiiary complaints
not already beyond the reach of liauiau uid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AjTer & Co.,
li'iictlcul mid Annlvticiet C'hemiblt,
Lovieili Mass,
DAN' SCItinXKIl.; WI.SllK.S Tf i
inform the citizens of Uidgway, and
(lie public generally, that he has
started a Livery Siabie and will keep
and lluggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
Hiv.-)" lie will also do .job teaming.
Stable on E'lc stri ct AM orders left
at the Post Oiliev will receive prompt
i i
Patents procured upon I urentions.
Xo Attorney's Fees in Advance. Our
House was established in .si;'. We
tile CAVEATS, and obtain TUADE
Send us a Model of your Invention,
with your own description of it, for
our opinion a lo patentability. "Xo
Attorney's Fees uules Patent i.
Secured. Our ilnok of Instruction.-,
etc., "How To Pi;ucriu-; Pathxts,''
sent free on reipiest; also sample
copies of tlie Scieulilic Iteeord, the
Inventors' Journal.
It. S. & A. P. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
001 F Street, near Patent Ollice.
Washington, 1). C.
All dibbled Soldiers and heirs of
deceased Soldiers who died from con
seitiences of services in the Arm v, are
entitled to PEXSIOXS. Xo Arrears
allowed after July 1, 18S0. Send
stamps for full Instructions in all kinds
df Soldiers' claims.
Pension Attorneys,
C04 F Street, Wasiii.nhton, I). C.
Two weeklies and one monthly
for $2,75. See our "Special to Suhscr
hers" in another column.
Prints. The most desirable assort
ment In Western PeTliisylv inia, now
ou exhibition at Powell & Kinie's
mammoth sales rooms.
ESTATK OK EliWAKI) lUlll.K, late of
St. Mary's liono. Elk Co., Pa-, de
ceased. "All persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immed
iate payment, and those having legal
claims again the same to present them
without delay in proper order for setlo-nient-
Geo. V. WrBZtir, Adinr.
V. A.
Business Cards.
C '.. fc". A. RA1H3UN
Main street, Kidgway, Elk Co., Tn
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
aim patent cases.
Ofllce iu new brick building, Main
street, Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
niititwny, Elk county, Va. Oflieo
across tho hall from tbe Jrmnrrot es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnel5,187
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Kidgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign ami 'Domestic
Drinrs. I'reserinlioiiH onmi'iill v iliu.
penseil at all hours, day or night.
v i icy
J. S. B3R3WELL. M. li.
HllS removed liis oflieo I'mm f.
street to Main atreet. Kiihru-nv. ln
the second storv of the new brief
building of John G. Hall, west of tin
Hyde House.
Ollice hours:! to 2 P. M. "to 9 P.M.
W. II. KClIItAM, Proprietor,
Kidgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the pafroiiniro hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to tlie conifort'aitd'coii
vcnicncc of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct-io'tiU
MRS. J. R. KVAjTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pu , takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of F'.'t county
that she lias on hand an assortment ol
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
all its branches.
Attcnt for Dr. J. Rail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory and liiirniim Vii:e Eye Cups.
Si-nd for descriptive circular. nlTyl
This admirable work is now eom
plctein Pi vols. Each volume eoiitaiiisi-dO
panes, it complete and well
selected library, and no one can
ati'ord to dowiUiotit it who would keep
well informed. Price go on in cloth,
tfti.Ml in lealher, or 7. (Ml in elegant
half Turkey. Kor parlieulars address,
W. II. Faircliilil, i'ortville, Catt. t!o,
X. Y., ho lias been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C.' K. Judson,
general agent.
A Great Reduction.
The under.signed is now prepared to
deliver a belter ipialiiy of Hit miiii::is
coal than lias ever been mined in tiiis
part of the State, ai the low price ni
J.j per -ton or sl.',"i at tp.e'mioes
Leave your order at W. II. OsterhouiV
store at Eagle Valley, anil at the ollice
of the undersigned, '.Masonic Ruililiii,
Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Sept. 10, ni3
Hormal School.
(Kbjlitlt Snrnml .Wioo liMriut)
A. X. KAl'R, A. M., Prufipal.
This school as at present eonstiluted,
offers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional and Classical learning.
iUiililiiifis spacious, inviting find
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, and I'm nisi ic'ii
Willi a bountiful supply of pine water,
soft spring water.
Locution healthful and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery uusiirpa.-sed.
Teachers experienced, ellieient, ami
alive to their Wol'iC .
Discipline, linn but kind, uiiii'orm
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.
Filty cents a week deduction ti:
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
Stale; 1. Model School. II. Freptua
tory. Hi. Elementary. IV. Seien
entilie. AD.ll'NCT COUliSllS :
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art.
The Elementary and Seieiititie
courses are Professional, and students
gradualing therein receive Slate Diplo
mas, con i'erring the following corres
ponding degrees : Muster of the Ele
ments, and Master of Ihe Sciences.
Graduates iu the other courses receive
Normal Certilicnles of their attain
incuts, signed by the Faeully.
Tiie prote-sioiuil courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a higher order of
citizenship. The limes (it-maud it. It
is one of tlie prime objects ol this
sclieol to help to secure ii by furnish
ing inlelligeiit and eliicieii't teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for weii paid
labor alter leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address th
S. D. KAL-L, I
President Hoard of Trustee I
Secretary. '
Clinton county. S D. Kali. T. C I
Hippie, Dr. J. 11. Darton, A. H. Rest, !
Jacob Rrown,. Wilson Klstler, A N.
Raub, W. W. Rankin, R. (J. Cook, :
Samuel Christ, G. Kiiitzing, S. M. i
Rieklbrd, H. L. Di Hen bach, A. C. '
Xoyes, S. It. i'eale. j
Centre Ex-Gov. A G Curt in. ,
Cleuriield 10x.Gov. Win. Rigler.
Elk Charles R. Earley.
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety of goods of
every description for sale ut
Powiju. Sl Kimk's
Will be found an assortment of the
celebrated Elian Howe, Jr , Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed solo agents tor Elk county.
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
Corners, lleinmeis, Rruhlers and Ruf
tlers. Needles,' Sewing-machine Oil
Thread, &c., &e. Will ulso furnish at
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. All at greatly reduced prices,
and will tie sold on accommodating
terms with approved security.
RmowAV, Aug- SO.'Td
mmm m
i ll
u ; .. . hi
The Johnsos Revolviho Book-Case.
Latrtjert, Clergymen, Thynlrtan,
Editor, Hanker, Teaclfrt,
Merchant, Stttrlrntt,
and all who read books.
It Is made of iron, beautifully ornamented. It hi
strong, durable, convenient, handsoino, and tlw
most compact book-case In llie world, as it holr
nicro bonks for its size tlinn any other dnvico. It ii
niiuiiiui:H hi ri ln.ixininm in enpacity, and the
cheapest P.evoh inf; Lcl:-C'ase mnle. H can neror
warp, fchriiik, of pet out of order. Send for clr-
cular. Hcua 23 cents for our New Illustrated
Cat. l.noi ii. with ocr S,;0 illustrulions of Kduoa
tioual nud useful articles.
School rnrulslu'ri, nnrl rtivilors In ftur) thing in U
142 & 144 Grand St., New York
Il'.wui L.ul ct;7iEr.a and IbihielpUa,
E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
501 SiroadKay, Jt'ew York.
Manufacturer!?, Importers & Dealers In
Velvet Frames, Albums,
GSAPIIS, And kindled goodsCelebrities, Act remiss ote.
Fit ot ogi a pi i io Ma ierials.
We are Headquarters for everything
in tiie way of
ICacli Htyle bein tlie Lest of ltd cIhm
in the market.
Beautiful I'hotoinaphie TraiiBpHr
eneies of .Statuary and Engravings for
the window.
Convex (ilass, Manufacturers of
Velvet J'Yamc.M for Miniatures und
Convex (JIass Pictures.
Catalogue of Lanterns and .Slide
with directions for using, went on re
ceipt of ten cents.
id ' (six months.)
ri-LsssyhVAxiA kail road
;l'liiiadeiphia i Erie It. R- Dlv,
On and after SUNDAY, November
l7i', tlie trains on l)e l'hiladel
pliiiiA Erie Itailroad Uivinion will
run as follows:
fcKiE MAIL leaves I'liila 11 65 p. ui.
" " Itenovo 11 (id a. m
" " Enipoi'iuin.l 15 p. in.
" ' rM. Mary'8..2 11 p. m.
" Kidgway... 2 8(ip- ui.
" " Kane 3 50 n. ni.
arr in
erik mail leaves Erie ,
" " Kane
ii ... -i .. ..
. 7 55 p. m.
4 00 p. in.
Ridgwa v..
5 0 p. m.
" M M,n',-v. ?. or A
I' 2a p. m.
" Renovo 8 40 p. in,
nrr. at Phila 7 00 a. in.
A. Baldwin-, (ienerul Kup't.
i-iowlost, How Esstored I
Just pulilislied a new
edition of Dr. Culver
well. Celebrated Es
say on the rattier 1 1 tttrc (without med
icine) of SpermatorrhiPii or Seminal
Weakness, I n voluntary Seminal Lossch
Impoti ncy, also, consumption, Epil
epsy and Kits, induced by self-indul-
"cnce or sexual extravagance, &c.
i ne ecu iinni'ii author, in tins ad
mirable Essay, clearly dcniomtrates
from a thirty years' suceessiul practice
that tlie alarming consequences of
scir-abiise may be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal
medicine or tlie application of the
U nife; pointing out a mode of cure lit
once simple, Certain, tH'cctuul, by
means of which every sutlerer, n"o
matter what his ci mliiion nitty be
may erne nimseii ciicapiy, privately,
ami radically.
tirThis Lecture should be in tho
hands of every youth and every man
in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envel
ope, io any address, pomt-paid, ou
receipt of six cents or two postage
Address the Publishers.
Tha Culverwell Medical Co.,
41 AnnSt,, New York, N. Y.; Post
Offico Box, 45CQ.
All persons indebted to the It I DO
come forward ami pay. Those having
claims will please present the same for
payment. On and after Nov. 1st no
account will bo kept except for those
who pay en demand.
1'iiu i; List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak
from 0 to pi cents u pound. Pork
from 0 o lOets. n pound. Mutton from
5 to I" cents a pound. Smoked meats
nt lowest prices. Fish every Thurs
day. Mkhckk Bkos.
A WI-'K.K in your town, and no enpti
In! risked. VoiU'iin (jive tlie uiisineni
Htrlnl without expense. '1 lie beM otiiioi limit y
ever olleii'd for tttoKu willing to work. You
""" nj kmiiihb emu ii ii i i i you nee for your-n-ll
u li it uu inn do ui tiie nsiuefH we oiler
u room li. expliiin lure. You can Uevota
nil your lime or only your Kpiire time to th
liio-iiLi-Mi m. il iiiuke treat pv lor every hour
lluii) . u wotk. Women iniike un uiuch
men. "nid lortipetliil private terniKHiitl (ir
tieulurw, which wo iniiil free, ti outfit free.
Iion't eompluiu ol Imrd times while yt hnv
Mueli H 4'huuou. Addrij li.U JkCO.,
roiiUuii. MaiuB. nWyl