The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 15, 1880, Image 3

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    11m; JUwwnte.
THURSDAY, JAN. 15, 1380.
Court commences on Jan. 2.
Lively snow storm here on Mon-
dnl'woolon socks and mittens nt
There will be no Jury at the Jan
uary term of Court. ,
Yeast Cakes that will give satis
faction at Monitor's.
The open winter lias been very
unfavorable to the lumber business.
This Is leap .Vpnr KM don't fail to
Improve the opportunity for leap ye ir
only comes onee in four years.
Last week the pigeon were fl.vii"-'
In great number over tills village.
If they fly this week their toes will he
mighty cold.
-The County Auditor have been
1..I.V setting up 'e accounts of the
Treasurer. Sheriff and Commissioners
for the busbies of the year 1879.
A considerable nmunt of lumber
was 'run lo marUet on the recent flood.
Tlic lumber market at Pittsburgh re
mains firm, and the outlook bright.
All note-heads and letter-beads
p.-inted at this office will lie bound,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet. Call and fee speci
men 4.
Molester has (Hied his store room
full of new J-"""1' 11 fu" iini' "f "-"'"'
syrup, inola-ses, &c. Everything ns
imlly kept in a No. 1 grocery will be
found at this establishment.
Don't you think you bad better
sub-cribc for Tun Ahvocatk about
tliis time in the year? For $-'." cash
we will send the Ani-ri-na Agrhui
turixt and Aivocatk for out year.
Washington's Birth D;iy, Dee
oration Day and the filorious Fourth
nil come on Sunday this year. We
have election day left to us all the
same, and will see to it ait that the
day is properly celebrated.
A Sunday School Convention is to
tie held in the school house near
Hick's Run, Cameron county, com
mencing Jan. 10, 18", nt 1:D o'clock
V. M., ami closing Jan. IT. at 4 I. M
Per-ons from Dri'twood leave the
train at Miller's Station. L. Ruu.
K. S. Watson, of Williamsport.
and Chairman of the State Committee
of the X. 1 L. Party of this Siate
delivered hi lecture "The New Con
flict Concentrate Your Fire,'" nt
Rhine' Hull Tuesday veiling, to an
attentive audience. The gentleman i
a pleasant and t'ovcible speaker.
We have received from Mr. Clin..
B Farley a copy ol'the catalogue for
lS7!l-s:(, of the University of Penna
in West Phildelphia. Tiie l"niv rsity
now gives instruction. in six different
departments, viz : the claical or col
legiate lepartmeiit ; the scientific de
partment; the medical department;
the law department; the denial dr
p.-.rtnicnt ami the department o
music. There are "7 pro fc.-sor.
instructor., demonstrators, etc., am!
1(::0 students, of whom ;i-S belong I"
the medical department Probably
there are only two other schools in tin
count rv so large.
Lb-vidian of our t'cnMcss.
T;io (mil Coddevs ii' .lu.-tice. whicl
the County Commissioner.-, have fur
liislied to surmount the dome of out
new Court Ilou-e. was formally raisco
toiler eMilled position on Friday. Jan
0, lfW. and at. an altitude of 11 I feci
from the foundation of the struct un
which she e ps, she stands with tin-never-varying
balance of exactness in
one hand, which, emblematic of true
weight ecpial and exact justice to u! 1
men no matter what their cause, or
whether sustained by Mammon's heap
of gold, or coming in rati; crushed h
the chilly winds of poverty or tin
storm clouds of wretchedness, whib
ill the other palm she hears the baled
sword of stern retributive Justice, as
though the head of the oll'eiidci
should roll ut her feet and the erics o
mercy be heard in vain. This kind
of justice is the kind the world luetic
out to the unfortunates of the earth
hut were it not better t lint this stern
monster shorld he tempered will:
mercy, for, what ure we without
charity ?
Company II Klection.
On Thursday evening of last week
pursuant to notice given, the offlcei
and members of Co. II to the number
of '23 met at their armory to elect a
captain to fill the vacancy caused by
the expiration of Capt. SehceningV
commission. Col. Ames, of St. Mary's
of Gov. Hoyt's staff, held the election.
Capt. St'hining being absent a com
mittee of three : Parsons, Cuthbcrt
anil O. G. Kelts, were appointed to
wait on him and ascertain whether he
would accept the captaincy if elected
to it. The committee waited on the
Captain at his residence, and return
ing reported that he could not accept
the position if elected to it, although
he hud no authority to prevent the
members of the company from voting
for him If they wished. Sgts. Parsons
and Wilson were detailed to act as
clerks, whereupon a count of the votes
cast resulted in dipt. Scheming re
ceiving 23 votes i the entire number
cast). Afttr the election Col. Ames
complimented the company, and in
glowing terms set forth the advance
ment the whole nutional guard of the
State was making, saying that it was
the determination of those in author
ity to make the Guard of the Keystone
State what it should be, the finest in
the rand. Three hearty cheers for Col.
Ames, and three for Capt. Sebuming
were then given when the meeting nd-
Notice to Correspondents anil Others.
Hereafter The Advocate will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
consequently all advertisements and
correspondence must be handed in not
later than Wednesday noon to insure
insertion in the current Issue.
Personal Items.
Fete Meenan is firing on engine
in Benezctte township.
D. C. Varner Is ngaln in Ridgwny
after an absence of several weeks.
Jennie Stout, an employee of Jus.
McAfee, is visiting nt Lock Haven.
E. S. Watson, the Mechanic
Orator, called at The Advocate office
on Tuesday.
Miss Emma Olmstcnd Is now
tenciilna school nt Portland, Spring
Creek township.
L. C. I)ieklnon. of Parker, was
In town from Saturday until Monday.
Clark Is looking first rate.
.Tas. D. FuUerton. dentist, will be
at Benczctte for -about two weeks
counting rrom last Monday.
C. V. tlllliswas In town lat week.
He reports having had a little racket
with a burglar at Kane. He shot at
the thief but as the light was imper
fect he misled his mark and p'a.ed
the the duce with the glass in a show
C. L. ChanibcrJin, of Horton
township, brings us a piece of pine
hark four inches thick whicli was cut
from n pine tree at n point twelve feet
from the ground. We call this thick
I Kirk.
Monday last Jacob McCnuley had
a horse badly injured on the Shawmiit
II. R. where he has the contract for
taking up the rails On Tuesday the
old horse died. He was nearly twenty
three years old and had been owned
by Mr. Met'au'ey for eighteen years,
and ills death seemed like the death of
an old friend.
Pure spices and linking powder nt
Morgesti r's.
The weather this winter hns been
as "Variable ns the shade by a trembl
ing listen made.'' At Christmas
time we had n'slight run of sleighing
and on Christmas day ipiltc a fall of
snow took place. From Christmas
until New Year's there was a cold,
blustering, spell of weather with little
snow. Sleighing on New Year's Day
fair to middling. Since which time
and up to last Monday, the weather
litis at short interval been decidedly
cool, about the same as a fellow and
girl who have "(Ut;iTcIed," but nearly
ill the time we have been blessed with
spring wearier ami an abundance of
mud. Last Monday snow commenced
io fail, and nt the present writing
'Wednesday afternoon, Jan. U) the
aspect is decidedly winteiy.
Finest table syrup in town for sale
it Morgcster's grocerv store.
An exchange speaks our senti
ments exact ly when it says the nuis
ance of children running to the
ooti nice three or four times a day for
'he family or other mail matler-diould
lie abated. No sootier is school out
ban t here is a general stampede for
be pri-'tofiice by most of the children.
nd for upwards of half an hour the
o- tolVu c officials are annoyed by all
kinds of (iieslions. Parents should
iii-lruct their children in this mat
'r. Ridgwny AIivocatk.
Bear a dtlle with it Ifcnry. Wasn't
.-on as'diooi children, once, yourself'.'
In a town ol'the size of Ridgwny there
hoiild not be so many children but
mm could be found 'or all. Ourhoys
n. I girl may take the gentle hint
'.owever. DuBois Citv Courier.
Star bland boneless herring, fine
'hing Cor table use, at Morgcster's.
Last week we had the pleasure of
visiting the pleasant Utile town ol
'iidgwny, and to do it justice it is our
duty to speak of its many excellen
cies. The Teachers' Institute was in
session in their school building, of
which Itidgwny might well be proud.
Proud not only of this building hut
"thers, such as the new Court House,
Hyde's Opera House, several churches
and many private dwelling houses.
The two tanneries in the immediate
vicinity make the business relations
much better. People too often get a
wrong Impression of such towns, as
hey lire situated in the mountains.
I'hey think there Is no way that such
i town may make any advancement
in education. But let those persons
visit this town and examine it for self
satisfaction. When a town has such
good teachers as this one has, what re
sult could one look for then that whicli
they have gained in this department?
Good schools also indicate that people
also have good moral and good social
iialities. Persons will find by visit
ing the town, young Indies and young
gentlemen of refined manners nnd
good morals, nnd not habitually ad
dicted to the use of the low ami vulgar
phrases we too often hear in the homes
of many inhabitants of other places.
A stranger is not sneered ut, lint rather
is treated with respect, and all try to
make the town a pleasant place for
him. The young people find some
thing to do besides spending their
time by flirting with every young man
or young lady they meet. Nearly all
the professions ure represented by aide
men who adorn their profession by all
possible skill and scholarship Two
ably edited newspapers are at the head
of the two opposing parties, ready Jh
discuss mutters relative to their respec
tive supporters ; and ulso prepared to
give thecurrent newsof theduy. The
people of Elk county have made a wise
choice when they selected a place
witli so many advantages, to he
their county seat. Well may the peo
ple of Ridgwny be glad of their town
not only leading in their county hut
also in the state of Pennsylvania.
BUrling QaU.
Poor Obi Itob. ,
fin Mcmnrlnm.
Robert was the title we gave him,
although for years he was known by
the simple and unassuming name of
And with a more likely youth have
we never been acquainted.
Although of a slightly quarrelsome
disposition at times.yet on the whole a
more kindly whole-souled chap it
has never been our fortune to meet.
He wns passionately fond of the softer
sex, and of a sunshiny day he may
have been seen with n legion (more or
less) of the gentle dames of his ac
quaintance, taking a stroll or basking
in the sunny sun.
Noted for his correct, habits In the
matter of retiring and rising, it can
be said of him that never in Ills long life
diil he fail of closing his eyes with the
sun's recced! ng shades or opening them
with the dawn.
And at his rising the whole neigh
borhood gave ear to his morning melo
dies. Alwayscheerfully no matter what the
weather and always ready to come nt
the slighest call of distress, his friends
were legions, and on many points his
decision was law.
lie was never yet beaten in combat
although the stories of his battles
would till many volumes.
And his beligerent neighbors stood
in a holy fear of him, ns criminals the
law and constable.
He never fought unless forced to,
while the times lie has acted as peace
maker space forbids us to number.
The close of his career wasin st range
contradiction to the quarrelsome part
of his eventful life.
But a few days of silent illness and
he was gathered to his last long sleep.
Painless was his death and quiet
were his final hours
And now ns we hollow out his nar
row bed and lay him in his last silent
Many reminiscences of his youth
nnd manhood flash through our mem
ory as with sad countenance we pile
the clods of the garden over his silent
All have their faults and lie was no
exception although many, many times,
outweighed by his nobler qualities, so
much so in fact, that we forget his
evils and only think of Ids good, al
though it is said "The evil men do
livea'ter them, the good is oft interred
with I heir bones."
Not so shall it be with Bob.
With Pobert we bury his few evils.
While his excellent qualities shall
be handed down lo the generations as
household tradition.
Hubert,-Bob. we regret your faking
off and our pen fails to do justice to
your memory.
Vour place will never be f'dlod ly
such another.
"Bob" was a beautiful black-breasted
game cock aged live years, lately de
ceased, of which ye Editor has been
the owner since he was hatched.
Relating to the mutual rights of
directors and teachers, we present the
following decision thereon from State
Superintendent Wickersham, than
whom no one I better fitted to elabor
ate the school laws: "There is but one
lime in the year when directors can
adopt a now series of text books for
the schools under their charge, or
change-old ones, and that is between
the timeof electing teacher nnd the
opening of the schools. Section
net of May S, 18.VI, says: That im
mediately after the annual election of
teachers in each school district of the
-itate. and before the opening of the
schools for the ensuing terms, there
shall be a meeting of the director or
controllers ami teachers of each dis
trict; at which meeting the directors
or controllers shall decide upon a
series of school books, in the difl'ereiit
branches to he taught during the en
suing school year; whicli books, and
no other, shall be used in the schools
of the distrct during said period.
Such i the law, with this exception,
that hooks cannot now he changed in
a school distrct more frequently than
once in three years. In order to de
teriuiuc legally a question concerning
text rooks therefore, there must lie a
meeting of teachers and directors held
at the time named in the law. Chan
ges of text books made at any time n;e
wholly without legal sanction, and i:
made known would subject a district
to the loss of the State appropriation,
if not the infliction of greater penal
ties. The fact that seventy-one members
of the Republican state committee,
out of a full membership of ninety
nine, attended the meeting at Phila
delphia on Tuesday, is an indication
of the importance with which the ap
proaching campaign is viewed.
Never before in the history of the
party was there such a large attend
ance, nhd every one present was
decidedly in favor of a hold, vigorous,
aggressive campaign. And the fact
that such an early date for the state
convention was fixed, shows that the
members fully appreciate the impor
tance of decisive work. The Rcpuhli
ciins of Pennsylvania intend that
their state shaP not lag behind, nor
give fortli any uncertain sound in the
great work now before the party, hut
shall step boldly to the front nnd as
sume a leadership that will be felt
throughout the union. Williumspnrt
O. & n.
The old and reliable firm of D S.
A minis fc Co., of Williamsport, Pa.,
have been selling musical instruments
for nearly twenty years. Those who
purchase from such a firm buy with
safety. Prices of organs at a monthly
rental of five dollars, from rli5 to
$175, the very best, and will allow all
the rent to apply on a purchase of the
organ If they buy. Where will you
get a good ou offer?
Dent's Run nnd Dry Saw 31111.
Stormy weather prevails.
Roads are very muddy, nud lum
bermen complain of not having good
weather for their work.
One of Smith & Flick's men cut
himself very badly last Week nnd was
brought out of the woods and sent to
his home.
A lady of Dent's Run thinks the
song entitled "The Faded Coat of
Blue" is perfectly splendid and did
not feel slighted ill the least because
a certain person wearing one turned
his hack to her when she entered the
Our "Prophet" says: If a young
man receives a call from a nice young
lady he would shake hands with the
President right away if he were where
he could. Try it Mr. President nnd
see if the "Prophet" does not fail this
A certain gentleman snys he has
fished many times in Lake Geneva in
the state of New York. Can it Im
possible? Extra session of the S. S. Conven
tion will be held nt the red school
house at 0 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock
P. M. Also at Bene.ette at 7 o'clock
on Jan. 18th, 1SR0.
, rc. i.
Broekwnyville Locals.
The Methodist Revival Meetings,
conducted by t he Rev. J. W. Martin,
closed with the Week of Prayer. The
meetings have been continued during
the past six weeks, we regret to say
with little apparent success.
Cook Meeker, lately employed in
flic drug store of A. J. Thompson, is
about to start a grocery store In this
The County Grange, comprising
members from nine did'erent Granges,
held their Pomona session in Brock
wayville, Wednesday, Jan. 7.
It was reported on the streets, a
few days ago, that the coal underlying
the land to the south and east of this
village, had been sold. Although Un
report proved to he false, yet it was
the cause of considerable excitement,
as the people thought it to he the best
indication for a railroad yet received.
At u meeting of the coal owners, it
was decided to give the agent six
months more time in order to com
plete the sales.
Owing to the bad roads of late, we
have not seen the usual number of
people in town. But on Saturday
last the beautiful weather induces
many to disregard the mud. Having
occasion to enter the store of B. T.
Cliapin, we found the clerks all busy,
and were obliged to sit down and
wait our turn with all the patience
that, characterizes a mini when he
enter a barber shop and finds there
are half a dozen ahead of him.
The engineer corps, liken band of
Northampton robber., drop in upon
this quiet village and disappear. nl-ino.-t
as suddenly. Although they
have not appeared dangerous hereto
fore, yi t (wo of their number bear the
unmistakable marks of n contest in
form of blacked eye. Aniongt the
corps we recognize M. J. Schram who
used to be one of our boys. If us Toby
hoys thought that a few years absence
would cause such a marvelous change
in our appearances, we would pack
our valise and start at once.
E. C. Nivcr, the Drni't-rrtf devil,
came home to spend the holidays
with his folks. Ed. is somewhat
changed from the boy wo used to
know, but we credit it to that model
of propriety set before him in the
Democrat office. He so far departed
from his usual milliner as to cast shy
K'lances at the young ladies as they
passed by. We did not fail to detect u
lingering desire that "Skip" would
prolong his vacation until after leap
year hud been ushered in,
Pkti-hsox's M.uiazini: for Feb
ruary is already on our table, ah ad as
usual; and is even more beautiful, fu
some respects, than the January one.
The doiibie-sie colored fashion plate;
the illustrated story, "Alice (5 ray's
Trial;" and some new nnd exquisite
designs in Japanese embroidery, in
cluding a colored pattern, are nmong
these. The stories nre all rcmakably
good. Mrs. Burnett's "Fuir Barbar
ian," is continued, and is brighter
than ever. "Lost," by Mrs. Ann S.
Stephens, is the best novel even she
hns written for years. We have so
often praised "Peterson," that it is
nothing better in the way of a lady's
magazine. When we remember that
it contains, every year, about hum
pages; M superb steel engnvings; 12
double-sized colored steel fashion plate;
12 Berlin, or other colored patterns;
and some OllO wood engravings, the
wonder is how so much, and of such
excellence, can be given for only two
dollars a year. And to clubs the prices
are even lower. Premiums, too are
given to persons for getting up
clubs. Every lady ouvld to take this
magazine, no matter what else she
takes, it seems to us it must be indis
pensable. Now is the time to sub
scribe. Specimens Hie sent, gratis, to
those wishing to get lip clubs. Back
numbers from January can always be
supplied. Address, Char. J. Petek
sox, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadel
phia. N. II. We will furnish "Peterson"
with The Advocate one year for
Children' Sole Leather Tip shoe
at P. & K's.
Two weeklies and one monthly
for $2,75. See our "Special to Subsc-r-bers"
in another column.
Prints. The most desirable assort
ment in Western Peniisylvarin, now
on exhibition at Powell & Kime's
mammoth Miles rooms.
State Notes.
A disease resembling diphtheria
has made its appearance among horses
in some parts of the state.
A corner clock, 200 years old,
ornament the Judge's chamber in the
court house at Williamsport.
John Cnscy, a bachelor of Erie,
left, an estate of $.100,000, on which the
state will collect a collateral inheritance
tax of $25,000.
The semi-annual enenm ptnent of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, will be held at
Reading, Jan. 21).
('apt. C. L. Pierce, n young law
yer of Eiiecity, forniely clerk of the
court, was choked to death last Sun
day nt dinner while trying to swallow
n large mouthful of meat. A bottle
of Ivnndy wn found in his pocket and
it is supposed he had been drinking.
Pottsville, Pa., Jan. Ifi. The new
Republican county standing commit
tee met nnd organized here this morn
ing. After a hot contest General J.
K. Slgfreid was elected chairman.
A resolution was unanimously passed
eiidorsiihg .T. A. M. Passmore for audi
tor general, nnd instructing the
Schuylkill delegates at the state con
vention to demand his nomination.
The Republican county committee
of Beaver county have elected J. R.
Hannah senatorial and H. C. Patter
sen mid Silas Warrick representative
delegates to the State convention.
They go uniiistructed, but support
Judge Green for Supreme Judge and
Senator Lemon for Auditor General,
(rant is probably the first choice for
president and Blaine second. In Bea
ver county the. committee always
elects the delegate.
Saturday morning nt Williams
port tiie jury in the case against. Peter
Herdic and Horace E. Taylor brought
in n verdict of guilty. The charge
was conspiracy to defraud creditors in
connection with the operations of the
banking house of 11. E. Taylor & Co.,
which suspended a coupleof yenrsago.
Motion was made for a new trial, bail
given and the hearing on the motion
put down lor March. Judge Mayer, of
Clinton county, presided at the trial,
which continued several days and has
attracted a great deal of attention.
The case of the Alleghany Valley
Railroad Company vs. A. B. McLain,
error to the Common Pleas of Jcller
son county, was decided in the Su
preme ( 'o i t in session at Philadelphia
the lower court being reversed and tin
case sent buck for a second trial. It
will he remembered that this was a
s-Mt brought against the railroad by
Mr. McLain for damages, the com
plaint being ids ejection IV.-in the
train between l)u Bols and Reyn
oldsville. the conductor refusing lo
honor a round-trip ticket and McLain
resisiing other payment of fair. The
jury gave the plaiutid' an award of
5l'M damage, liniu which the rail
road took an appeal to the Supreme
Court Brook vi lie j;jtf,irrut.
A few days ago (ieorge B.n r, a
tinsmith aged ; ycais, living al
Slrausbiirg Lancaster county, met with
a strange accident, w hich caused his
death. Barr wa very eccentric, and
was troubled by a gang of boys, w ho
loitered around Ids house, nnd to get
rid of them Barr took a hub of a
carriage wheel plugged one cud up
and tiiled it with powder. He then
laid a tram of powder to the place
where the boy usually came, and con
cealed himself. When the boys ap
peared he applied a match to the pow
der, which eru-ed an explosion of the
machine, but instead of the boys the
old man ivin him-clf the victim. His
legs mid body were terribly mangled.
He was carred to the county hospital,
where he died. Public sentiment is
with the boys.
There was cotisiderable.of a breeze
created on Pickering and Main streets
Monday evening between eight nnd
nine o'clock. The commotion was
caused by a shooting all'rny indulged
in by a party of men who peppered at
one another and resulted in the
wounding of two of them, John Watt
and George Taylor. It seems that
Watt and Beach met Gideon and Geo.
Taylor on Pickering St. and for some
reason or other a rumpus was in
augurated and toriuimited in Watt
receiving a bullet in his hip and Tay
lor getting an ugly scalp wound.
After the parlies had separated and
Beach was standing in front of Mill &
Means' store window talking to Frank
Doubles, (fid Taylor approached him
with a revolver in his hand and with
the remark "Billy Beach, you ure a
lend man!" fired, hut Beach jumped
and the bullet missed him and went
through the window. Beach then got
out of the shooter's way who tried to
get another shot at him Arrests
have been made. Brookville Jtfft.r
mtiiiun Frank Leslie Dead.
Henry Carter, better known by bis
adopted name, Frank Leslie, died on
Saturday evening at 0 o'clock, nt his
late residence, No. 511 Fifth uvt-iiue.
New York city. His cleat li was
caused by complicated diseases, anil
his wife said it was hastened by the
vexation caused by a recent lawsuit
with his son Henry. His vitality wns
so great that as lale us Fridav last hi
prepared the plan for his pictorial
journul, and yesterday morning he
tressed, walked ubout the room and
partook of a hearty menl. Towtir
the afternoon his condition became
more critical, he gradually sank into
unconsciousness, und about 4 o'clock
was able only to recognizehiswife. He
died calmly ami without any pain. He
wns born at Ipswich, England, in
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
Wore, at Mre. W. B. Burviuo's.
Census Supervisors.
Wnshtngton, Jan. 9. It Is expected
that the list of supervisors ot census
will he transmitted to the Senate In a
few days. Those from Pennsylvania
have been agreed upon as follows :
1st district. Philadelphia county
Dr. Thomas H. Sherwood. Supported
by the Philadelphia delegation.
2d. Chester, Delaware, and Lancas
ter counties Prof. II. C. Snowden of
3d. Berks, Dauphin, Lebanon,
Northumberland mid Schuylkill
counties E. A. Howell of Reading.
4th. Bucks, Carbon, Lehigh, Mont
gomery nnd Northampton counties
General Schtill of Norrlstown.
6th. Columbia, Lackawanna, Lu
zern, Moiiore, Montour, Pike, Sulli
van, Wayne nnd Wyoming counties
Abe Dunning of Lackawanna.
0th. Bradford, Cameron, Lycom
ing, McKcan, Potter, Susquehanna
and Tioga counties Mr. Hayes of
7th. Adams, Centre, Clearfield,
Clinton, Cumberland, Franklin. Ful
ton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Milllin,
Perry, Snyder, Union and York coun
ties J. Simpson Africa of Hunting
don. 8th. Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fay
ette, Green, Indiana, Somerset and
Westmoreland counties Thomas B.
Seuriglit of Fayette.
fllh. Allegheny, Reaver, Lawrence
and Washington counties Alexander
Murdock of Washington.
10th. Armstrong, Butler, Clarion,
Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefl'er
son, Mercer, Venango and Warren
counties D. S. Richmond of Mead
ville. Gen Garfield Elected U. S. Senator.
Cincinnati, Jan. 13. Gen. Garfield
was to day formally elected United
States Senator to succeed Thurnian.
Thurmnn was supported by the Dem
ocrats but was defeated by a vote of
tiii to 41 in the asembly and 20 to 12 in
the senate.
To those who nre so unfortunate
as to become prematurely gray, or
whose hair exhibits a tendency to fall
oil", we recommend a trial of Hall's
Hair Reiiewer. We do so with the
utmost confidence because it is every
where received with marked favor.and
has built upon its own merit such a
sure foundation that it is known and
used in all civilized countries. Addi
son (N. V.) A'1nrticr.
While Win. Milliken and Henry, of Belleville, Indiana, were
fighting about a dog, on Saturday
afternoon; Ell wood Milliken came lo
the as-islanee of his fat'ierund fatally
slabbed Crane, lie escaped without
McAfee, t he tailor, has just re
ceived an extensive line of samples for
tnefall and winter trade. Call and see
for yourself.
-Large and small wash tubs, globe
wash hoards, mopsticks, wood bowls,
brooms. Ac at Morgcster's.
Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents'
Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at
P. & K's.
Best quality note
paper and en
velopes at I his office.
A nice stock of clothing for
boys a I'd children nt P. A lv's.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve
Tonic is the best remedy in use for
poor appetite, weakness mid tremhl
ing in t he toiiiach, pain after eating.
icai'tburn, soreness and gnawing
pains in t lie stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and other
li-eases of the bowels arising from
poor digestion. One bottle, lasts
nearly three weeks. Price $1.00.
Dr. Day s ( lire tor J lead-ache
I hconlv remedy known that will stop
ill attack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement; only
three or four doses, half an hour
apart, are necessary. Price oO cents
I hotllc.
Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup
win cure a cougli witli tewer dos
than uiiy medicine in use. Price M
cents a bottle.
Dr. Day's Far Drops will give
(lie greatest relief in neuralgia of the
lace and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price 2i cent a bottle. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
medicines.' Manufactured by I). B.
Day, M. 1)., Ridgwny, Pa.
Sheriff's Sale.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari lacias, tnul testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, ami
to me directed. I. D. C. OYSTKB.
High SheriU'of said county, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public
sale or outcry nt the Prothonotnrv's
llice, in Ridgway, ut one o'clock ' p.
M., on
MONDAY. JAN. 20TH. lSf-0.
ALL the following described real
estate lying und being in the town
ship of Beiizingcr, county of Elk and
Mate ot Pennsylvania, hounded and
described us follows to wit: Begin
ning nt u post on Beiizingcr road;
thence south eighty perches to a post;
thence east fifty perches to a post;
thence north eighty perches to a post
on Beiizingcr road; thence w est along
line of said Benziuger road fifty perch
es to the place of beginning, contain
ing twenty-live acres and being the
northern lialf ot number twenty on
Beiizingcr road.
A L!sw An oilier lot beginning on
Benziuger road; Ihcncesoulh one bun
lien. and sixty perches; thence east
twenty-live perches; thence north one
hundred and sixty perches to t he road;
thence west along line of the road
twenty five perches to the place of be
ginning being thu western half of
number ninety-two on Benziuger road
In the map or plan of the town or set
tlement of St. Mary's and containing
twenty-five acres and lying side of
tract first, described, on which there
is about torty acres improved, about
twenty fruit trees growing thereon.
There is also erected thereon in lor
I house 10x3t) feet Ji stories high and
ham 30x11' feet Willi shed attached
Itixiio feet.
' Seized and taken In execution as
the property of J G. Krlcg ut thu
suit of The Township of Btuzi tiger.
ALSO All the right, title, Interest,
claim und demand whatsoever of cleft,
of, in nnd to warrniits Nox, 2!)8!1 and
i!U7l situate and being in the township
of Spring Creek, county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded und
described as follows to wit: 1st, Be
ginning at the northeast, corner of
tract No. l!i71 at a whiteoak nnd sugar;
thence in u northerly direction two
hundred and n nety-t wo perches to a
chestnut; thence west four hundred
nnd seventy-seven perches to a post;
thence south three hundred perches
to a pine; thence east four hundred
and ninely-oiie perches to the place of
beginning, containing eight hundred
forty-four und seven-tenths acres with
an allowance of six per cent, for roads,
AiC and being tract No. 'Jwn.
ALSO Second Tit act, beginning
ut a maple the southeast corner of
same tract; thence in a northerly di
rection three hundred nnd twenty-five
perches lo a white oak nnd sugar, the
southeast corner of tract No. 2'J8ii;
thence west four hundred nnd ninety-
one perches to a pine: tiiem.-e soutu
three hundred and twenty-six pen ht-s
to a post; thence east five hundred and
six perches to the place of beginning,
containing nine hundred and fifty-six
and four-tenths acres with an allow
ance of six per cent, for roads, ttc, and
being tract Mi. -Mil.
Seized nnd taken in execution as t lie
property of D. F. Carrier ut the suit of
James Baldwin.
ALSO All those certain tracts,
deccs or parcels of land situate nnd
icing in tiie township of Fox, county
ol'J'lk and State of Pennsylvania,
bnu tided and described us ioiiows, to
wit: Tlieone piece beginning at a post
on the Toby road, thence west twenty
CM) rods more or less to a maple tree:
thence north sixty-three (03) rod. more
or less to a post; thence west eighty
four i& I) rods more or less to a hem
lock; thence south one hundred and
thirty (B'U) rods more or less to a post
on Brandy (.lamp road; thence north
easterly along said road sixty (W) rods
more or less to the line of graveyard
lot: thencenorth five (n) rods to stones;
thence east thirty-three (33) rods more
or less to a whitewood on Toby road;
thence northeasterly thirty-nine (3'J)
rods more or less along Toby rond to the
place of beginning, containing sixty
(IKI) acres more or less.
ALSO The other piece commenc
ing at a post on Brandy ("amp road,
being the southwest eornerof the piece
above described; thence north one
hundred und fifteen (U) rods more or
less to a post; thence west forty
three (13) rods more or less to a.
lost; thence south along line of
Francisco Cajiello one hundred nnd
uin i lutt'i rods more or less to a post
on Brandy Camp road; thence north
easterly aiong said road to the place of
beginning, containing thirty-one and
nine-teiiths( II i! Klj niT s more or less.
The said two tracts adjoining each
other und forming one large tract of
land. Reserving and excepting how
ever, out of the above tract of laud so
much of said land as has been con
veyed by said Rehuro to Magalatiu
Ciiueo by deed bearing date December
1st, A. D., lsij'.', some five acres more
or less
On above tract of land there is erected
a frame house IJxl'i feet li stories high,
also a log barn and oilier out buildings.
There is about 10 acres cleared and
under improvement with a young
orchard growing thereon with u good
spring of water, itc.
Seized and taken in execution ns the
property of Joseph Reburo al the suit
of Anthony O'Chase.
ALSO All those two certain town
lots being Nos 02 und ti:J situate in the
village of Ridgwny agreeably to the
Ridgwny plot of said town, bounded
und described us follows: On the
north by Centre street, on the west by
Elk street, on the south by an alley,
and on the east by lot No. ''-.
On above lots there is erected one
frame house" l"x4 feet with wing
ItixPi 1-1 stories high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Charles Mathews at the
suit of j. C. Houk, Executrix of J. V.
Honk now for use of The-Ridgwny
The following must be strictly eon im
plied W illi when the property is struck
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except wiiere the plaiutiU'oi- other hen
creditors becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list ol liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with Mich lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as lie shall appear to bo
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled Imni'-dliitt-ly
will be continued until six o'clock 1.
M., nt whicli time all property not set
tled for will again be put and sold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case of deficiency at such re
sale, shall make good the same, and in
no instance will the deed be presented
for conliniiation unless the bid is actu
ally settled for witli the fcherill' us
above stated.
D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa., )
January olh, iNso. i
See Purdoii's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 4'li; ,-MiutU's Forms,
Worlhy of Attrition.
We advise nil our renders, whether
tbey own a foot of land or not, to siip.
ply themselves with that treasure of
useful, practical reliable information,
the. Atatrcon AyriculiurUt, so named
because started "S years-ngo as a journ
ul, but now enlarged to embrace a
great variety of most usfnl reading for
the Household, Children included, for
the Garden, as well as the Farm for
all classes. Each volume gives some
800 original Engravings, with descrip
tions of labor-saving nnd labor-helping
contrivances, of planls, fruits, flowers,
animals, etc., including ninny large
and pleasing, as well as instructive,
pictures for jouug and old. The con
stant, systematic exposures of Hum
bugs and Swindling Schemes by the
AgricutturM are of great value to every
one, and well save to most persons
many times its cost. Altogether, it is
one of the most valuable, us will a
cheapest. Journuls any where to be
found. The cost is only $1.50 ayeur.or
4 copies for $o. Single numbers 15 cents.
Subscribe nt once for l&b; and receive
the rest of this year free, Orange Judd
Company, Publlshevs. 245 Broadway,
New York. Tub Advocatk and the
above naiued journal for (2.50.