X frrl Henry A. Pnrmn, Jr., - Editor TIUItsDAY, JAN. 15, 1HW). ENTK1i:1 AT Till: PooT-oKKlCK AT IlMKlWAY, l'A., AX 8i:coXI) CLANS M A I T MATTI-,11. Republican National Ticket lor 1S80 Fnit rni:sim-:NT. GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT. fSntili'i'l In decision ut Hi'iuilillcuii Nntlonnl Convention.) Republican State Con vent ion. The Republicans of Pennsylvania are requested to send delegates, up pointed ucording to their reprcscnta tions in tlie Legislature, to a Cnnvcn. tion, to meet at llarrlsburg, nt 12 M on the 4th day of February next, to eleet delegates to the Republican National Convention, to nominate Presidential Electors' to nominate a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, and a candidate for Auditor Ooueral; and to transact such other business as may be brought be .'ore them. l?y order of F. C. 1IOOTON, Chairman State Committee. Rami-ei, F. RaKK, i C. L. Mahkk. '-sTctnrie. West Chester, Pa., Jan. 1 lssi). . t.'arccloii's !IeVi!ii. OVtlllnmsport Gazette Bulletin.) Tlie unanimous opinion of the seven members of the supreme court of Maine that Governor Uareclon and his co-conspirators exceeded their au thority, In trying to sot aside tlie will of the people, has fallen like a bomb shell in the Democratic camp, and there is weeping and wailing in their wigwams. Tlie would-be usurper has received a rebuke from the highest judicial authority of the state that is not only overwhelming but crushing, and whieh will teach him a lesson that he will not soon forget. All the frivolous objections and technicilitit s devised by (iarcelon anil his counsel lors have been brushed away by a wave of the judicial hand, and they stand before the country as convicted thieves, without a possibility of escap ing the condemnation ami scorn of those who love justice and denounce wrong. A bolder piece of rasea'd'y was never attempted in this count i-;, and the clearer the crime becomes the greater will be the indignation of the people. The spirit of the whole decision is clearly show in the few r. marks with which it closes: This government rests linii the erent con stitutional axiom Unit nil power Is Inherent In the people. "It is n t'ovei anient of tli people, by the people, und for ihi ei. I, ami, if administered in the spirit i.flis funnel en, "it sh-,ll ik.i , -i, (,,,, u. ,,,; .- "Its constitution was forme,!," to use liic apt expression of one wlc.se memory Is en -b limed In the hearts of his eonoi rymen, "hy plain people," and "plain people"' must nd mlnlsterit. The liallot is the pride as we'i as Iheproteetfon of all : if isth truest Indi cation of the popular w ill. The ollielal re turns required from the municipal oltieeisof several.plantiitloos. towns and cities at e and will be. made hy -plain people." d made, too. In the hurry and I, nsile and exeiienient or an election. They are not required to he written with t lie scrupulous nicety , W).. Ins master, or with the teehni.nl accuracy of a Idea i,i abatement. .Sentences inav have been unm-ammatieal, the spellinif niny de viate from the reco-jni.e,! standards, but re turns me not to be set at nan-lit liee.uise the penmanship may be poor, Immunise mcrrain muical, 01 spelling erroneous. It is enough if the returns can he understood; and 'il nnderstood, full effect should be -iv. i, 10 their natural ami obvious meaniim. Tiiry are not to be strangled by Idle teehnicalii les nor Is their nieanina to lie distorted by carp itW and captious criticism. It now remains lor Governor Oarcc lon and his conferees to bow submis sively to the decree of the court, and not attempt to oppn,e the highest judicial authority of the state. If they refuse to lie governed by the opinion and advice which they sought they deserve to be branded as traitors of the lowest degree, whose acts of Infamy are without a parallel. Already two of the counted In sena tors and three of the members have declared that they cannot consent to receive stolen goods, and refuse to ac cept certificate of election to an ollice that was not conferred upon them by the people. It is probable that other members and senators will follow in the same cause, and refuse to disgrace themselves. Verily, (.iarcelon and his followers have been rebuked more suddenly and severely than tlie coun try expected, which shows that Wrong cannot always triumph at the expense of Right. U. S. Judge. Marcus W.Acheson, Es)., of Pitts burg, has been appointed U. S. J.ilje of tlie Western district of Pennsyl vania, in place of Judge Ketcham deceased. Our two V. 8. Senatorsand most of our Congressmen were in frvor of Judge Williams, but Presi dent Hayes was. not, and that settled it. The people of the MeKean district huveone satisfaction; tli'ey do not lose a good Judge. Acbeson is a native of Washington county, and is about forty-eight years of age. He gradu ated at Washington College in 1818, and soon after came to Pittsburg and studied law in the ollice of George P. Hamilton, Esq. He was admitted to practice in I8i2, and was a partner of Mr. Hamilton until 1807, since which time lie has carried on business alone and has been working in the upper story of bis profession. As a lawyer he has been unusually successful and has been counsel in many very im portant cases Warren Mail. Cloak". A il iK- line of Ladies Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at Powell fc Kime's. i Always call at The Advocate cflu'V for note paper ami t nvi lo's. M 1 IT 1 1 II II' ". ' " Wusuiuif Ion Letter. "" (Prom our regular fnrrmpnmlrnt.1 ' Washington, 1). C. Jan. 10, 188(1. Congress, by its re-ussembling, gives us assurance that tlie Union Is safe, even If In Maine the political cauldron Is Imlilng at a white heat. Our Semi tors ami members dropped into their places on the fit h as quietly and nat urally as If no long vacation had Intervened since the last day's work Mr. Randall cocked his eyeglasses, squinted his eyes, and threw hack his head in the manner peculiar to him self when in the chair, and wcnl promptly into business. In the Hen ate the matter-of-fact proceeding obtained and now Conguess Is in the harness again for n long pull, as we think, though wv are promised a short session by the legislators, ami the daily I 'out, the leading Democratic paper hero, is strongly urging, as national necessity, that Congress ad journ long prior to the presidential conventions id Juno. This Is all very pretty talk, but past, experience, if it be a criterion, shows that Congress cannot stop its windmill short of July 15, the first year, no matter what the country demands. It i - impossible to expect the passage of the appropria tion bills till just before adjournment for so many steals and swindles arc embraced in them that common pru dence dictates to those interested the prolongation of tlie session until such a time ns an adjournment be comes a necessity and then drives the appropriation measures though both houses under tlie lash o ' baste and spur of the previous question. Such has ever been the rule, and we ven ture the prediction that bsSu, us in past even years, will require our sum mer heats and Potomac flats malaria to force Congress Into rustication. Tlie residence of ox-Senator Stewart of Nevada, w;is recently nearly des troyed by fire. "Castle Stewart," as it is familiarly called, has been one ol our curiosities, hence its partial de struction has excited more than ordi nary interest. Senator Stewart was one of tlie so-called "Heal Kstate Ring," which, purchasing iaryc areas of vacant grounds in ''West End" in 170, induced the investment, by the liritisli government, of several hun d ed thousand dollars in the purchase of lots from them and erection of a residence nod ollice for its miuisttr and embassy. Mr. Stewart followed wi'.h his cast le, expending on it at ieast tiiO.Ouo Other luembersinvcsteil largely in houses, and, as a oonse iiucnce of their .shrewd nianairement of capital, so strong an impetus was given to real estate in that section of the city that our aristocracy adopted it as tlie fashion hie quarters, and have nearly covered it wilh costly resi dences. Hundreds of acres of com mons which, during the war, were occupied only with sparse huts and shanties of those who herded tluir cattle and goats upon them as public pasturages, are now covered witli stalely dwelling-houses that a plebian liardiy dare enter on any pretext. Castle Stewart stands a monument to mark this change, which has given Washington its best ornament true progress and though reverses have since rendered the Senator bankrupt, and sent him back to his practice of law for his daily bread, we here can have only the kindliest of feelings for him. It is curious to note the de preciation which has occurred in the values of the household furniture and decorations of Castle Stewart. Though costing over $luo,uuo, when new, an appraiser now estimates them to be worth about $2i),(no. Lace curtains i hat cost 1,0oii a pair in Paris, in 1H71, are valueless of cour.se, an I so with much which gave the "Castle" its paltatial features when the Senator was in tlie bight of his glory. His "gorgeous temple" has faded to him but to us it, and an everlasting benefit remains. We alluded, last week, to Miss llor ton's attempt to shoot tlie sou of Sena tor Morgan, of Alabama. Since then she h s been admitted to bail, Mrs. lielva Lock wood becoming her surety, and has been provided with a com fortable home by Mrs. Spencer, who with other so-called strong-minded women, took her in charge, as she was in a necessitous condition. Miss Hortou alleges against Morgan not only seduction and breach of marriage promise, but the vilest persecution since she came here to enter suit against him. She got a place in the Treasury and lost it through his char ges. Wherever she went to a boarding-house, he followed her with slan der and had her turned into the street, and to such extent did his persecution go that she was driven to desperation, so that she felt irresistibly impelled to kill him Another allegation is, that she was promised relief if she would return him the letters he wrote her, on which she based her suit for damages. Her statements are im plicitly believed by those who have befriended her, and, if true one can hardly resist the wish that her bullet had not failed to do its intended mis sion. A white man was robbed and mur dered, on the 7th lust., in one of our somewhat thickly-settled streets, and near his place of business, by some negroes. Some women heard tlie blows and struggle, but were unable to get assistance to the victim until so terribly beaten that lie died in an hour alter the police arrived. Kvery pocket was rifled, showing robbery to have been the object of the assault. In may be noted that the great ma jority of olleiices against persons ami property here have been committed by colored persons and tlie query is often lieard, .Should not more sum mary punishment be meted out to the trunsgrossors?. Tlie negroes number about one-third of our population, and yet they commit much more than half thoy-rlm'ps, such as theft, burglary, and murder, a disproportion not much oaleulatentn give exalted ideas of their honesty aniT-J.iarinlcssift n A few broken. down piiWfical bucks nnil poverty-stricken whites are clamoring for the restoration of popular suffrage In the District, so thai political power may again be given this class of dan gerous people, who swarm In '-Murder Hay," "Hell's itollom," and other euphoulnusly-nauied slums, where life Is hardly safe In daylight, and who, when ue were cursed with universal sull'rage, turned out in mobs on elec tion day to vole Into ollice men of their own stripe. Vicu'ii I i.i. rsi hatch Fi.oiiai, (Ifini:, A beautiful work of ion pages, one colored llower plate, and dOO illustrations, with Descriptions of t he best Mowers and vegetables, witli price of seeds, and how to grow them. All for a live cent stamp. In English or (ieruian. Vick'k Sni'lis are the best In the world. Five cents for postage will buy the Fi.okai. til lin:, telling how to get them. The Flow nil ami Vmiktaiilk tlAIIHI'X, I7"i pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundred Engrav ings. For iio cents in paper covers ; $1.00 in elegant cloth. In liermau or English. Vick's li i.i sTttA'i in Monthly M Vtl A.INi: ;J pages, a Colored Plate in every number and many line En gravings Price $1, '-' a year; Five Copies for f 00, Specimen Numbers sent for I" cents ; ;l trial copies for ""i cents. Address, Jamls Vil li, Rochester, N. Y. Jam Polks. Middlctown X-Cut Saws. .IcHard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and O'l Lanterns. Fl LI S. Diston's X-Cul Saws. P.oynton's l.hihtniug Saws. I'uliX PolM'KU.S. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Ilcpairs furnished for any stove. AX II ANHLLS. Pick Handles. A Hi. I'.est Polish 10 ets. at No. IJ Main street. , n.lil NEW AQVERTi3MENTS. Procured for Soldiers disabled in the I'. S. service from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased soldiers. All pen sions date back to day of discharge, and to date of I lie ilea h of the soldier. Pensions increased. Address, wiih stamp. S I'ODDAli 1' .v. CO. E. St. N. W. Washington, D. C. inlmlniT Hicley's Fur 3 Distill si 35c- HXTH CT 2 WI1CH HAZEL, cr. zxv.ii ,U3 v::.3..;:;a. Equal in quality to any made, and only I al; the price. 0o bottles s!-rc. Pints iVic. llelieves Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Sore Eyes, Xoso-Bloed, Uleeiling Lungs, Painful Menses, Whiles, Asthma, lteduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures llruises. Scalds, IJurns, Sprains, Wounds, Jtlieuniatisiii, Erysipelas, Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia. etc. XATl'PiES UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. If your druggist has not got it have him order it of the proprietor, CH.ir.LEJ F. i;:EV T.uhze Vrzs'M, 61 Ccmrtland St., I'ew Yari. n 17mos:i II'. L. WILLIAMS. 'I.nte of SI lattanvillci, rhysician and Sur (."on. HldKWav. I'm. iitlii-ein Hull's Uriel. Luildilor 'llp-stair.si.l lleieleln-is .1. 1 1. Smith. II. Yoiiinr. IL Kiilolson, straitau- vill.-; Major .lohn Kit ley. W. V.i ill I. Clarion. II.is prucl iced ids protessiou suc cessfully lor more llian ten years. I'.lk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the lion. L. D. Wet more, President Judge for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and ( ieorge Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate J U-tices in Klk county, have issued their pre cepts, to me directed, lor the time of holding of the Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, (ieiieral (Quarter, Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgwav. for the count y of Elk on the FOl'RlH MONDAY IN JAN. ls.su, being the -til h day of the mouth, to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to tlie Cor oner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables in ami for the county of Eik, to appear in their own proper persons, wilh their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their be half appertain to be done, and ail wit nesses and other persons prosecuting it In halt of the ( 'ominon wealth against any person or persons, are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at tendance at the appointed time, agree able to notice. . tiiven under my band and seal, at the Sherill's ollice, in Ridgwuy, the ."tli day of Jan. in the year o'f our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. I). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the It IDG WAY MEAT MARKET will please come forward and pay. Those having claims will please present the same lor payment. On and! alter Nov. 1st no account will be kept except for those who pay on demand. Piik k List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak from 0 to Pi cents a pound. Pork from fito 10 ets. a pound. Mutton from 5 to 10 cents a pound. Smoked meats ai lowest prices. ish every J mils, day. Mkiickb ISkos. (tQO A WKKK In your town, and no canl tut risked. You call tiive the business a iron U liliout expense. 1 liebesioppoi tiinlly ever ottered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for your self what you tan do at tlie business we old r. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the busbies HUd make ureal pay tor every hour that you work. Women make ns much us men. seuu lor special privaietermsHiid par ticulars, which we mail free, i-'t outllt free l)on l complain ol hard limes while you have lueh a chance. Address 11. HAI.I.KTTArCO., ii viviio, mttinv. mnyi teA THE 2W vwv,- v 11'- O l'STka 7 . -V-Jt '-?: fl BuppurU'U i iy a iiom oi voiuniecr wimeeseB we row 'iJ'hlv-k'' confidently claim for it prenter simplicity, V o4 Vrs''? ? i a wotuli rlul reiliir.tion of friction and a rar tsl t iV'' r!,' eouiliiimtumot cliwirabloqiuililu r kJ?t'rJ ''J tin is ft beautiful specimen of - Sr'Jt Vi'-- ' ei s...M-i-,e.-vijf. onrt ttiL-csrnuK witn uieiup i. v i.i..: - - Li: . .--..J. J ... . ... , . t ' V.vil ' V pi' I i(" sr'i "f invent ivo Renins. Aofc L'5 'rs-?X6i?:-j.3 ""V.s'L 'i:di-'iSi'ot constat! Machines, thcrefc -'in-'PV:"4- yiV ones to patch up Mid Bend for Jllutfrfitml Circular and prices. UIUll you navo beea 1110 Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. y VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, flTostora Brauch Offico, 235 Staib Sr., Ciuoaoo, Iia. MIDDLETOWN. CONN.' Oel .id.vl. J. s. it W. II. ilVDi:. AliKNTS. HIDUWAY. l'A. TMK Christion Statesman, A r i:i.vi: PAiii: whi'KI.y pai-kii. I'z-itnldislieil to in.'iintiiin mr Stiblmtli l.nw.n, Hie I'.ilile in tlie SehoolH nnil oilier Cbtisitinn fenliires of the A inerii'im ( iovernnietit. 'I'o iIImimhm tlie irini-iile-i of trovern inent in tlie Mylit of hrislianily. 'I'o rnllier up nml uililisli tlie'evi iletiee ubii-li roves tlie historical eonneelion of our ( iovernnieiil witli the t'hrisliaii religion. To resist tlie enorice'iinont. if Seeu Inrisiii, lioniaiiistn nml ( 'oiiiinnnisin In Aniereiin INilities; 'i'o nilxoi-nte tin- Keltlenietit of th( iiiosiiiii w hiilier tliis is nml is to !,( ii 'hrisliiin (iovernnietit by KiiitnUe religions ili'lvliovle:'inenl ' in the ('oiislitiilion of the I ' ii it ft I States; mnl To furnish it fnit It fu I record of the controversy ami discussion which is in impress t v t i- these trr.ive issues. A I I he sm lie I i 1 1 ii t lie S'l A'I I M A X is II thorough Tcuiicr;itice n i-r, trivinir lildiiiini'liee to the lei'.-il reineiliesi of I iilciiiii raiicc; n news),iicr leconl intr witli more than usual fulness lint only events eU'eclinir the rela tion of Church nml Stale in other lands hut whatever bears on the general interests or the UiiiLrdom of Christ, a Snhhalh School paper, ilililisliin;r lull and thoroioi e. jinsiliotis of Hie I ntcrmitontil Les sons; ami tin earnest advocate of Christian 1'iiion bavins itself no sectarian character or relate ns. Price Hi on ti year; To ministers J1 .."'; To new suliciilici's, for the lir-l year fl.nn, la iu ti cash l'rcndiini ol One Doilar. (in tritil lour weeks, (en cents. Address Till'. C 1 1 1 ! I ST I A V ST A T I :s MAN, .Nil r Nonli Tenth St . I'liila. Our Sjieeiul oiler to Subscribers. We desire to ileal as liherally with our patrons as we possibly can, and to put into their hands the lust news paper literature nt the vfry lowest ob tainable price. To this end we have made such fortunate arrangements as enable us to olfer this ia per. the American Itural Home and the House hold, all three throughout 180, post paid, for only - T". Under this remarkable oiler your local paper, u lirst-elass Agricultural and Family Weekly, and si popular Domestic Monthly, call be had for !?l.:'"i less than their uvtivnato lowest jirice. In ttict wegive tlie Jfousi'liold one year, and --5 cents besides to every one wlio subscribes for our own paper and The Kural Ilouie at the bottom price for each. '1 be Kural Home, published at Kochestcr, X. V., lias lolitf been a recoijnicd Agricultural and Horti- eultural authority, and its eilit larire pacs are lull of live, progressive, valuable matter for the farmer ami the farmer's whole frmily. It lias an enviable reputation, achieved by years of clean honest, able ellbrt toward the highest journalistic ideals. It is wonderfully cheap at its sole price of Sl.-V). The Household is a bright, practical iiiaMti.ine for housewives, published at llrattleboro, Vt., and tlie only lony established monthly of its kind. It litis '.'4 panes, devoted to every interest of liome-keepine;, and is immensely popular with the ladies. Price, $1.10. Modesty forbids us to speak of our own paper as handsomely as we outllt Of course you w ill want it next year, and you will do well to ween re the others witli it in this special combina tion specimens of the Kural Houieand Household may be had hy addressing a postal card to the Kural Home, at Kochestcr, N. V., or by application to tliis ollice. This club ofier will not be held open many weeks. Address, Tin-: Advocate, Kidway, Klk Co., Pa. PATENTS. Patents procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fees in Advance Our House was establish "d in lsti'i. We tile CAVEATS, and obtain TKADE MAllKS, DESKi.N PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Sendtif.it Model of your Invention, with your own description of it, for our opinion as to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent is Secured. Our P.ooU of Instructions, etc., "How to Pi:iiT i:i-: Patkxts," sent free on request; a!so sample: copies of the Scientific Kecord, the Inventors' Journal. It. S. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, G04 F Street, near Patent Oftlco. "Washington, 1). C. PENSIONS' All disabled Soldiers and heirs of deceased Soldiers who died from eon seiiienees of services in the Army, are entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears allowed utter July 1, 1SK0. Send stamps for full instructions in all kinds of Soldiers' claims. J. II. 8YPIIERD&CO., Pension Attorneys, 04 F Street, Washington, J). J. NEW 1CTGIL SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvements September, IC70. Notwithstanding tlio VICTOIt ins lor r? been Uio peer d' any Hew ing Mucliiuo iu the market - a fact :S. JtSB'.mt- mcelinnisrn. hest scliicvementa AVodonot lcnso iro, lm.vo no old ro-vuruibU for our custoiiicra. Y3 Soil New f'ashlncs Every Tin. n.wi- Liberal terms to tho trado. Dou't buy ITS'- . Hair vtffor, fCrt r.ESTCRiNS CnAY IIAin TO ITS t'ATUP.AL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a inosl ntrreeahlo rlresshi, which is nt once harmless and effectual, for jire c.ivia the hair It restores, villi tlio (ll'it-s anil frcsliin ss of youth, failed or gray, light, nut! red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may he desired. 15y its use lliin hair is thickened, and baldness often tliottuh not always cured. It cheeks falling of the hair immediately, anil causes a new grow'.h hi nil c:ises where the; glands are not decayed; vvhil.' to brushy, weak, or olhcrwisi! diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vi'joit cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of daiidiufi'; and, iy its coolin:;. tiimiilaiiii', and soolhiii ; properties, il heals most if not all of the lituaois and discuses peculiar to lhc scab', keeping it c iol, clean, and loft, unci' r which eoadhio!!!- diseases of the scalp and hair are inipo! f-ible, As a D.esiiinrj for Ladies' Ilair, The Viuou is incomparable, it. is color h'ss. cot.tuins neither iiil nor dye, and wi.l not soil v.hit': caiidirie. Il imparls an a-jree ildu and laslia pi-rfnnie, and as an article for the toilet il is economical and unsurpaSSL J in its exceilciic-'. run Ai.tu by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., tefl, Eass., Practical and Analvtlcal Chemists. poi.n i:r am. nr.roGisTs E"Er.vwnEiiE. EW LIVEUY STAULE IN RIDGWAY. PAN SCKfliNEU WISHES TO inform the citizens of Kidirwny, and tlie public ironcrally, that lie litis started ti Eivery Stable and will keep OOOl) STOCK, (iOODJl'AKRI AO ES mnl r.uu'tries to let upon the most reasonable terms. C"f ie will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk stri ct. All orders left at the Post Ollieu will receive prompt attention. Au-'dSTltl List of Licenses for January Term, .ISM). NOTICE is hereby given that the following persons have-tiled their petitions for License in my ollice, and that they will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes day, January at 2 o'clock P. M.; tavkk.v. ! uzhiycr. 1. F. X- Sorir. llrnrzctlc, 2. Henrv Pdesh, .'!. ti. L." Winslow. lor. 4. John Collins. l'iliictty. 5 James MeFtirlin, (i. W. II. Schrani, 7. Win I lea ley. St. .Voce's Iioro. 8. Itilev Urothers, !. Joseph F. Windfelder, in. Henry I,uhr, 11. 1:2 I.orcn Vojrel, William (lies. KATlVfl HOUSK. Fox. James Laiu;, 13. l i. Patrick Fa hey. i'id.'ii'fii. r. 10. James Majiinnis, ti. T. Aaron. St. Min;i.''n Jloro. 17. Anthory Schauer, 18. Jacob Kraus. KTOISI-:. St. Aftiri'H lloro. 10. Joseph Wilheliu. "That if uny person or persons shall neglect or refuse to lift his her or their License, within FIFTEEN DA YS after the same lias been grunt ed such neglect or refusal shall be deemed ti forfeiture of said License " Purilon, U. iM, page ill.). Fukd. Scihemxu, Clerk ti. K. ESTATE NOTICE. Ektati: ok Edwai;d P.aiilk, late of St. M.VltY's liolto. Elk Co., Pa-, de ceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are reipiested to make immed iate payment, mid those having legal i laitiiH again the same to present them without tleluy in proper order for setle nieiif Geo. W. Wvkzkll, Aduir. nV)-t4. Ayer's Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. Main street, Kldgwny, Elk Co., Pn Partieulnr attention given to the examination of titles, ulso to patents und patent euses. HALLTaTM-CAULEY " A TTO UN E Y- AT-L A W. Office in new brick building, Main street, Khlgwny, Elk Co., Pa. v32t LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTOItN E Y8-AT-L A W , nidgwny, Elk county, Pa. Office across the hall from tlie ficmnnriit es tablishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jneJ.5,1870 G. G. MESSENSER. DltUGOIST & PAUMACEUTIST, X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Kidgwuy, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at ull hours, day or night. vlnrty J. S. B0RDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SUllG'N, litis removed his ollice from Centre Ftreet to Main iitreet, llidgway, l'a., in tlie second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the llvde House. Ollice hoursil to2P. M.7to0 P.M. HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCHKAM, Proprietor, Itidgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort und con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. octlo'O'.i MILLINERY AH 3 DRESSMAKING MRS. J. It. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, l'a , takes this method of an nouncing to tlie citiens of Elk county that she has on hand an assortment dt fashionable millinery goods which will he sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Itail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and LiL'titim Vitte Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nlTyl AfPLCTGH'S AMERICAN CYCLO PAOIA. This admirable work is now eom pletein in vols. Each vol time con tainsHno panes. It make.-a complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $" nil in cloth, ?i."'i) in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars uthlross, W. Ii. Fail-child, Portville, Catt. Co., X. Y., who litis been duly appointed a in for Elk county by C.' K. Judson, general uncut. A Great Reduction. The undersigned is now pre). 'tired to deliver a better ijuality ol Kiluininous coal than lias ever been mined in this part of the State, tit the low juice of i- -' per ton or .l.7"i nt tlie mines. Leave your order ut W.H. Osterhout's store at Eaghi Valley, and at the ollice of tlie uiiih rsiirned, Masonic Ruiiding Kid-way, Elk Co., Pa. E. K. GHESJ1. Sept. Hi, nil! CENTRAL. State ITormal Schccl. (LUjhth Xuriiutl .SV iooi District) LOCK HAYLN, CLIMOX CO., PA. A. N". RATI',, A. M., J'nneipal. This school ns at present constituted, offers the very lust facilities for Pro fessional and' Classical learning. P.uihiint:s spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soil spring w ater. Locution healthful ulul easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, ellicieut, und alive to their work. Diseip line, tirui but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate.' Fitty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teat h. Students admitted ut any time. Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scien cntilie. AD.ITXCT C'OL'KSKS ! I. Academic. II. Commercial. IIT. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students grailunling therein receive Slate Diplo mas, conferring tlie following corres ponding degrees : Master of the Ele ments, and Master of the Sciences. iraduatcs in the other courses receive Normal Certitieates of their attain ments, signed by tlie Faculty. The professional courses are liberal. and are in thoioughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The Slate require u higher order of citizenship. 1 he limes demand it. II is one of the prime objects nt this schcol to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and ellicieut teacher for her schools. To this end it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue und terms address th Principal. S. D. HALL, President Board of Trustees T. C Ill PPL E, Secretary. BOARD OF TRFSTEES: Clinton county. S D. Pall. T. C Hippie, Dr. J. 11. Rarton, A. II. Rest, Jacob lirown, Wilson Kistlcr, A. N. Kaub, W. W. Rankin, R. ti. Cook, Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M. F.ickforil, H. L. Dill'eiibaeh, A. C. Noyes, S. R. Peale. Centre Ex-Gov. A G Curtin. Clearlleld Kx.Gov. Win. Rigler. juk onirics it. l'.uriey. MrO'-Oyl Howe Sewiiiir Matliiiics. Among tlio great variety of goods of every description for sule nt PoWKI.L & KlMK's Will 1)0 found un assortment of the celebrated Elias Howe, Jr, Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, ('orders, Heminers, Rruidersand Ruf Hers. Needles, Sewiiig-inucbine Oil Thread, &c, &. Will ulso furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All nt greatly reduced prices, and will lie sold on uccoinmodutini? terms witli approved security, Ridgway, Aug. at). '7 The "Johnson Revolviks Book-Case. ron iMXcym, Clergymen, FhyHHant, Editor!, IlanUtrt, Teacher, Merclinnt.n, Stmt cut f, and all n-Iio read books. It Is made of Iron, beautifully ornamented. Jt f Strong, ditral le, convenient, nnndsoino, and tl: most entnpnet noo!c-cns in tho world, ns it heltfs more uoo!;m tor its size tlmn any other driico. It is niinimuni i:i ,ie, niaxiinnm in cnpociiy, end (lie cheapest revolving lieok-C'nse ninile. It" can never warp, shrink, or pet out of order. Send for cir cular. Bend 25 cents for nur Nntr Ii.i.i stiiated. t'ATAi.oocr, wi h over 8WJ illustrations of Educa tional and useful articles. IUKEn, PIIATT Sc CO., School Fnrnlnhors. and Pp.iIitk In FTfrjr'.lilng la tht iiuuk aim Diuiiiincry nuc, HEADQUARTERS FOT ALL SCHOOL CUPPLIES, 142 Si 144 Grand St., Sew York. H:g".eit i: del ,t Vienna end Ikikde'.phia. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 liroetdiray, .Veir I'orA-. Manufacturer, Importers & Dealers in Velvet Frames, Albums, Grcphoscopes. STEREOSCOPES L VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, CIIE0M03, PHOTO GRAPHS, A ml k i ml rod goods Celebrities, Act rosses etc. Ph olograph ic Materia Is. w e are I leadiiuarter.-i for everything in tlie way of STEESOPTICONS & 2-1AGIC LAKTEENS, Knell style hcing tlie.Ut of its class in the market. I'.eatitifui Photographic Transpar encies of Statuary und Kngravings for the window. Convex Glass, jr.i nu fuel urera of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns und .Slides with directions for using, sent on re ceipt of ten cents. 11-15 (six months.) PENNSYLVANIA HAIL H0AD ; Philadelphia & Krie It. It- Div. WINTER TIME TAHLE. On and after SUNDAY, November ', InT'.i, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Ituilroad Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. khie mail leaves i'liila 11 5.5 p. m. " " Renovo 11 (Klu. m " " Emporium. 1 1.5 p. m. " ' St. Marv's..2 11 p. in. " Ridgwuy....a:p-m. "' " Kane 3.50p.m. " arr nt Krie 7 Co p. 111. EASTWARD. kiiie MAIL leaves Erie 11 3.5 n. m. " " Kane 4 nu p. m " Ridgwuy....") (1,5 p. m. ' " St. Mary's...5 L'7 p. in. " ' Einporiuin.il 2-5 p. in. " " Renovo 8 40 p. m. " nrr. at I'liila 7 00 u. 111. Wm. A. IJai.dwix. (ieneral Sup't. Man ,ood: How Lost, How Restored! 7755 "'ust l'uhlWIied u new JA' v edition of Dr. Culver- "rm went Celebrated Es say on the radical cure (without med icine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Wcnk ness, In voluntary Semi mil Losses linpoteiicy, also, consumption, Kpil epsy und Kits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated author, in tills ad-mil-able Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may lie radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out u mode of cure nt once simple, certain, eU'ectual, by means of which every sufferer. 110 mutter what his condition niuy be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 8-iV This Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every inun in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envel ope, 10 any address, post-paid 011 receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. ' Address tl e P iblisliers. m Tho (tilv;rwell Medical Co., 41 AnnSt,, tew York, M. Y.; Post Olfice Bex, 4SCG. Kegifder's Xolicc. NOTICE is hereby given that tho following account will lie presented ut the next orphun's Court, for con til million: 1. Final account of John H. Cimeo, Exeeuiorol the lust will and testament of Ad.nn Kemniert r, deceased 'I. J-'inid account of II. J,. Stevens iid II. M. Powers. Administrators of the estate of J. O. W. Jiuilev, deceased. S. The account of tieorge 15. Taylor and James R. Taylor, Executors of John Taylor, late of Fox township, deceased. 4. Final account ofAdani Jesbrrger fJuurdiun. &c, of Ignatius Deitseh' Theresa Dcitcli and Aiinu Deitch chill dreii of Jos-ih Dcitcli late of lieuzin ger to win hip. deceased. Fitnu. S( iKEMxo, Register. Cross Ci.t Saws Cheuper than any where else at the old Grand Cea tJ Btore of PowU & Kiai. . 0 fl