The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 08, 1880, Image 4

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    He Vian There.
.A"! a number of oil paintings by
MeClcllun, displayed ynstorday in front
of the auction store of J. C. Currie &
I'O., was one representing the Mountain
Meadows massacre. The teams and
wagons of the emigrants are seen wind
ing down into tho valley in which the
Horrible tragedy is soon to be enacted,
while behind rocks and trees in thefore-
round nre visible the crouching In
inns and Mormons, all in feathers and
war paint.
A crowd of men were standing about
the picture commenting upon it and
talking of the horrible butchery it rrp
resmted, among the rest nn Enterprise
Observing a stalwart Piute brave
Butmiing on me street at the distance oi
a few paces, the reporter said to the
whites presont:
Hold on and we'll have some fun.
Ill get yon Indian and confront bitu
with the scene.'
The Piute, a huge, sleepy-looking fel
low, tattooed on the point of the chin
and check-bones, was soon brought in
front of the picture.
The reporter pointed out the horses
and wacons. the
ch-en, all unsuspiciously flitting clown
i.iuu tno vniiey, ana armed and painted
xuuinus, Wn,ii oiooa in their eyes
peering out from th-ir hiding plnces.
lou see the white men, the horses
unu uie wagons r said the reporter.
1 ash, me see urn, said tlie Indian
You seethe Injuns behind the rocks
nnn ncnina the trees?'
' Yash, me see urn.'
' You see the Injuns have all got guns P
ash. me see um ran.'
Now, pivtty soon Injun shoot all the
wuiiB men, snoot all the wliite women.
rut. Ihi'iof nil i: i K'l.i '
' Yash, me sabe.'
' You sabeP'
lash, heap gabe,' said the Indian,
Tlie reporter was somnwhnf dionr.
pointed, as he had expected the Indian's
iceuugs wouia be somewliat worked
upou oy uie picture ot wholesale slaugh
ter he had drawn, narticulnrlv
came to cutting the throats of the cbil-
'cn- However, the untutored child of
Liic uraci l gazen innocently in his face
t i K w 111011 seeded to say :
'Well. TiroCPPfl witli Ihn lio., 1
Ihe red man BnpmpH uttprlo fi-aa f
guile, and willing to test him further
tut- reporter said :
jW ,?n a11 me,i dead, all women dead,
and all children dead, Injun take all
, ' an oianKet, all money all every
thing in wacon you sabe?'
' Yash. me snhp.'
Turning to the reporter the guileless
and untutored fellow pointed out a par
ticularly fierce-looking Indian peerinu
out from behind a rook.
iou see um himP'
' Yes.' said the reporter, I see him.'
You see um gunP'
I see the gun."
' You see um feather on him head '
' I see his feathers.'
. ' Good boy, you heap sabe. That In
jun by rock, that Injun witli gun, that
Iniun feather on head, that one mean
injun heap shoot that Iniun
nrawing himself up to his full heiL'lir
and slapping himself across his resonant
chest with his broad right hand. Vir
ginia Oily (A'cw.) EUervrixe.
Desperate Fight With a Wild Cat.
A, letter from Hainesville, N. J., to a
-ew.rX,01'k, PftPer says: Wilhelmus
westfall, a farmer, accompanied by his
son Alexander, went fox-hunting a few
days ago in the woods along the New
ViMSMy bauk of tho Delaware river.
While passing through the woods, the
hunters separated. Wilhelmus accom
panied by a hound, kept close along tho
river. Having gone a short distance,
UVii 8 wns heard - barking fiercely.
Wilhelmus thought ho had come upon a
fox track, and was in close pursuit.' lie
went in the direction of tlie barking
and soon came upon tlie dog, which was
engaged in a fierce encounter with a
monster wild cat. He took his -irle
uuui ina siioumor, and, taking deliber
ate aim, pulled the trigger. The cap ex
ploded, but the gun failed to discharge
lie placed another cap on tho tube, and
again pulled the trigger, with the same
result; tlie gun would not go oil' By
this time the dog was badly whipped,
it d, whining nnd limping, it made its
escape from its antagonist into tho
t nch-et. Tho cat then sneaked slowly
through the bushes toward tue river.
Wilhelmus was determined to canture
the animal, and thought lie could con
quer it by beating out its brains wi:h
the butt of liis gun. llo started in pur
suit, ana soon overtook the animal
wiiii.ii stopped when the hunter find an
proacnea within a few feet of it. The
pmuKy uunier cautiously took cne step
after wiotlier, when suddenly, and with
eyes glaring iiko nans ot lire, the an nial
turned, and made a spring, landing noun
the shoulders of tho hunter, and soon
succeeded in indicting several ghastly
wounds upon his face. His body was
iuso lacerated in a terrible manner, and
ins clonics were torn into shreds. Afier
u iieice struggle, the old man succeeded
in loosening the cat s hold, when his uon
.t 1 wi lio.l !.. i.l I . : . r.ii , .
v iiu.uu jus uuiier s cries, ar-
l-iveu. seeing that his father was in
great dang,;r of Leina killed by tlie ani-
iii.u, Alexander iook eieiiDerate aim and
discharged the rifle. The hall l,H i.n
desired effect, for the animal gave an ud-
, I Vi v " wine ground dead.
Ihe ball pierced tlie animal's lipnrt
missed the wounded hunter by onlv a
--. iiie HQimai measured
nearly six feet in length and wnitlioH
Jifty pounds. It was the only one that linn- 1 . i 1 1 . 1 u J 1 ." .
jinn utcu &iiieu iu una region ior several
ju.u s.
Edison's Electric Light.
The New York Sun publishes the fol
lowing questions, tho replies to which
were written by Mr. Edison himself:
" Then you consider your work on the
electric light finished P"
"Practically done, though lam still
experimenting with a view of reducing
its cost."
" What does it cost nowP"
" You will have to ask that question
of the officers of the company in New
Vnrlr "
"How many lights, each equal to
a gas jet, do you get to one-horse
" My lights are on a ratio of ten gas
jets per horse power per hour."
" What ia the power of your engine'"
rji giity-noi s po wr.
" What does it cost to run your eighty-
jiuibc puwei eiigiiie one uourr
"Seventy-five cents."
"How long do your lights maintain
tneir power witnout lniury!"
" Twenty-three were burning continu
ously from Friday last to Wednesday,
and thirty-three from Wednesday to ten
o'clock on Thursday night. Dunes this
time the engine was stopped for an "hour
to take water. Not a light was injured,
all were regulated at the central sta
tion "
" What was the distanoe of the tur
thest light that was burning five days?"
"Three lights have been burning tnat
time one-fifth, of a mile away."
" Were the twenty-three all con
nected with one main wire?"
- "Yes."
'And more could have been put on
the same main wire without increasing
the power of the or diminishing
the light of these t went) -three?"
"Yt, fire hundred."
Mashed PoTATOEs.-Boil tlie potatoc
and mash them with a potato masher
lake milk in quantity to the potatoes
you have and put it in the Are to warm
with a large piece of butter la it. Let
them get thoroughly warmed together
and stir into tlie potatoes.
Indian Muffins. Two cupfuls o
sweet milk, butter tlie size of an ecir
two small teaspoonfuls of cream tartar
a teasnoonful of roiU. n. ii,.nnfi 'e
RllCrni a Knn nrw c
. )l
and a half cupful of Indian meal, nnd n
hot gL'm I"lnS' ftncl serve
Raisin Pie Take one pound of
raisins: turn over them onn .n.f ,.r
l :;: - . . . " ui
"is wau-r. jvecp adding, so there
wni oe one quart when done. Grate tlie
i iim ui unu icmon into a cup of sugar,
then ndd tliree teaspoonfuls of flour and
vuvyug; mix wen together. Turn the
V- 8 ,ZV? Ule mixiuro. stirring tlie
wlnle. This makes three pies. Bake
its uiiier pii'g.
ouutr ruDDiNQ. rut scraps of
i n- Bn" tlumo. into a bowl
Dujimiunt muK to cover them well
over with a plato. and put it into tho
oven to soak -for nhnnt. imif nn ,...
Take it out and mash the bread with a
lyi uii it is a puipj men add a hand
ui oi raisins ana as many currants, a
vi u.uwii sugar, nan a cup o!
milk, some candied lemon
egg. Stir it up well, gresuse a pudding
Uui me puuuing in. urate
over a nine nutmeg, put it into a mod
erate oven, and lot it bake for nn hour
unu a nan.
eggs (do
vaivoen Cake. Take four
not heat whites senarat.plv
two cups of sugar, half cup of butter!
80 to(3thcr toV. ,lalf n hour;
.u"c "-"f oweui miiK, three cups
sifted flour, one teaspoon of cream tar-
uu, nau teaspoon soda. Divide the
batter in half ; add to one half of W.
ter one cup seeded raisins, one half cup
of cut rants, one teaspoon cinnamon.
one grated nutmeg, liake in layurs.
Put together with icing, alternating the
light arid dark layers. Flavor the white
oauer wnu lemon.
iiEtF sour. ihree pounds beef.
three carrots, one turnip, one buncli of
celery, four onions, two bundles of
leens,, taoiespoon oi salt, pepper to taste ;
cut the meat into .'nieces the size nf.n
egg; vegetables to be washed, scraped,
and cut into small pieces ; put all into a
large saucepan, with four nr h-l.o .,...
ot water: boil verv irentlv imp wlml.
uay; ,iei ic stand all night; carefully
J 1 , . . , - . 1 ' -J
jciinc pcvyvi maKe tne soup boil
ing hot i.nd serve.
Crovlng Onions.
J. his crop was formerlv rnonwlul
a profitable one, and large Quantities
were grown in some loraliHpo win,!.
the past few years the onion maggot lias
i""'"' great pest to the onion,
and many fields have been greatly in
jured or wholly destroyed, so that some
farmers have become in a measure dis
couraged, and do not attempt to grow
my i i lumiuiiy. in some localities a
mildew lias iniured tin's
siderable extent. Notwiihstanding
these drawbacks, as a rule a good crop
can bo secured when all the conditions
are favorable. The onion requires a
rather light loamy soil maele mellow by
plow or spade. Formerly it was the
rule to grow them on the snma i,mH
many year3 in succession, hut. m .1 n n f
the best growers have abandoned this
practice, and now ch.-inirn sihnnt nn,..,
second or third year.
1 lie land should be hearily manured
with well rotted ril'PSsillC with nrrinrl
ashes if it can be had, all of which
should be turned under. The land
should then be well raked over and
made smooth, and ns frpp na nnooiKi.,
from lumps. The seed should be sown
as early as nossib e aftpr Hip
able to work. Sow in drills about four
teen to sixteen inches apart, and put the
seed about half an inch Hppt, Tii,-.
work can he elone with n epp.i enure
nin-'1i.!,,e 8Ppd slloula be sown quite
i.'.w.ij on us 10 uuow ior some loss by
insects. If there nre too many plants
left it will not be diilieult to remove
them, but if the land has been thoroughly
enriched they may be left pretty near
rogotlier sav an inch nmri 'T .
should be allowed to grow. The work
of keeping them down can be mostly
'lone with a sctiflle hoe, and very rapidly
There are many varieties, but one of
the best, if not the very best, is tlie
vers yellow a variety that is largely
cultivated in Lssex ecunty and has sold
we,i in loston niark.t. The large red
and silver skin urn sr.pio ri n
and lind a ready market, but still we
give the preference to the Danvers.
ihese varieties should yield under good
cultivation six to eight hundred bushels
to the acre, and sell lrom seventy-five
cents to a dollar a bushel. We know of
nothing that can he used that will
effectually prevent the ravages of the
maggot or mildew. One must take the
chances. We know of few more profit
able crops than the onion.--. F. C
Ifoiiseholil Ilinti,
To Wash I?ki Table Lixi:x.-Use
tepul water, with n HrH j
hor.tx (borax sets tlie color); wash the
men separately and quickly, using very
little soap; rinse in tepid water con
taining a Jittie boiled starch; han" to
dry in the shade; iron when almost
lo Cleanse Old Clothes. Tho
most eiiectiw? way, without injury to
iiiib ,jy neruoning, is to steep
them in warm water for about half an
nuiir, anu use norax soap, rubbin"
wen on uie most sol Prt nnvta. wool.
well in hot water and rinsp tw. ,;.,,
in com. 1110 ciotnes will bo whiter and
sweeter than by any other soap.
Moths in Carpets .Moths will work
111 rooms that are kept warm in the
winter as wen as in tumnipr. A 0,0
method of removing the nests ia in
strong alum water on tlie floor to the
distance of half a yard around the edges
""" jajiiif? uu: carpets. 1 nen once or
twice during the season snrinVln ilm
salt over the carpet before sweeping
Insects do not like salt, and
atiueres to uie carpet , to prevent their
luigimng upon it.
To Cleanse Lace and Eimimmriirn
Muslin Clktaixs. Wnsh them care-
luny. rinse thoroughly. nH utui-M.
mem. inenuave two narrow hnnnt.
as long or longer than the curtains, with
strips of cloth or wide tape tacked on
their entire length. Place them out of
iioors on cnairs, in you would quilting
frames, and carefully pin the wet cur
tain between, stretching it until it is
entirely smooth. Every point and seal
lop should be pulled in shape and fast
ened down. When one curtain is dry
fall its place with another. This method
of drying them is better than pinning
mem iu n eiieei, lasieneei to tne carpet on
mrcuuui. trying in tne open air, the
are cleaner and 6weeter,
Though the corn crop of the United
States is not so large as it was supposed
it would be, it is the largest ever known
by more than 150,000,000 bushels. ,
There is a distinction with a differ-
enoo between attic rooms and rheumatics.
Full of interest The ledger of a say.
log bank. A'tio York A'ewi.
Brntal Fight Between Mau and Dojr.
The fight between "Patsy Urcnnan,"
the prize-lighter, and the Siberian blood
hound, in St. Louis, was one of the
most degrading spectacles ever wit
nessed. The dog was of the very largest
breed, resembling more a calf in size
than a dog, and its muscles were as hard
as iron. It seemed to be nothing but
musole. Its head and face were the
most repulsive that wereeverenrried by
a dog. Tlie fight took place in an old
stable, and among tlie spectators were
an ex-police commissioner, ex-judge,
three members of tho house of delegates,
a very prominent physician nnd several
business mon. Urennnn stripped to tho
waist. The owner of the dog had
much difficulty in holding tlie Siberian
until time was called, and then with a
vicious "Sick him, Tige,'' tlie blood
hound was released and leaped straight
for tho throat of the prize-fighter, wl o
sprang to one side and caught tlie dog a
terrible body blow ns lie wont by,
turning him completely in the air and
making Tige comedown heavily upon
hisbajk. The next second lie was in
his trainer's hnnds, and tlie betting
became furious. Tiger, made more cau
tious by his first rude rebuff, circled
round and round his human antagonist,
snarling horribly and apparently gulp
ing down his rage. lie made several
feints, but Brennan was watching hiin
too closely to be thrown off his guard.
All this time the crowd in the barn were
almost frantic witli excitement, yelling
at their favorites and encouraging hound
and man by every expedient they could
think of. At last the dog got within
three feet of Patsy and made his spring.
He was met by a terriblo blow straight
.rom the shoulder of his human antago
nist, ana borne backward by tlie weight,
Brennan sank slowly to the flo r, his
lace drawn and white with pain, but
witn a scowl on his brow that meant
misciiief. Tlie blood gushed from );
mangled shoulder, and almost as soon
as ho was fairly on t he ground lie got
both his hands into Tiger's mouth and
tugged at the closing jaws. He had to
take a second grin, choosinir : hp lnnir
ips of his enemv this time nmf tnorino.
them badly before the 1
his hold, and both the fighters were
taken from eacli other by their friends.
The man was badly injured.
Tlie collar-bone wasalrpadv tun nnd
the laceration of the shoulder was sim
ply horrible. The dog was compara
tively as badly injured. One of his long
bps was so badlv :orn that it linnir spv.
eral inches, and three of his teeth had
been broken by the blow he got in tlie
lace. Ho was just as plucky as tho man,
however, and when he was lnnsprl ntrnln
came forward readily. This time Bren
nan was successful. He caught tho dog
by the neck and kicked the life out of
him. As soon as he was declared victor
Brennan fainted from thp min in i.;
shoulder and side, and medical assist
ance was at once got for him.
How Rnssian Wolves L'nnfuro Wild
WlienVer WOlvPS nusneintp fr.rrntl.o
for mischief, there is alwavs a miitiir.
o js train of smaller ones to follow in tlie
le-ar ana act as auxilanes in the work
of destruction. Two large wolves are
suflicientto destroy the most powerful
horse, and seldom more than two ever
begin the assault, although there may
be a score in the gang. It is no lean
curious than amusing to witness their
ingenious mode of attack. If there is no
snow, or but little on the ground, two
wolves approach in tlie most playful
and caressing manner. Ivincr ml'limr
ivmi uintiiiiir uooiir. tup rnit ,nrii,-
lous victim is completely put ofl his
guard ny curiosity and familiarity. Dur
ing this time the gang, squatting, are
luuniug uu at a uisianee. Alter some
time spent this way. the two assailants
separate, when one approaches Mie
horse's head, the other hia inil wiilio
shyness and cunning peculiar to them
selves. At this stage of the nttni-l- tlipir
frolicsome approaciies become verv in-
i.ei csiuig, ineiormeris a mere dee'oy,
the latter is the real assailant, and keeps
his eyes steadily fixed on tlie Im
nr ll;inlr nf tUa Imrcn 'Pl.n . ! 1
- . "..'.j. . 11 i 1 1 1 1 ill i ii la
ment is then watched, and the ntrneW
is simultaneous; both wolves spring at
i ieir victim ai ino same instant one to
tne throat, the other to t ,r unit
it successful, which they generally
m e, uie innii one never lets go Jits hold
till tllO llorse is Comnlotplv rlicnhlorl
Instead of springing forward or kicking
to disengage himself, Uie heirse turns
round nnd round, without attempting a
defense. Tlie wolf before then springs
behind to assist the other. The sinews
are then cut, and in half the time I have
iK'en describing it tlie horse is on its
sine; its struggles are fruitless the vie
tory is won. At this signal the lookers.
on close in at a gallop ; but the sma'.l fry
wuwwcrs seep at a respectful dis
tance, until their superiors are gorged,
u nieu niey xaKe tneir turn unmo-
ics tea.
How on Owl's Head Kerolres.
A contributor to the American Aator
alist, who had road a funny story about
an owl's wringing his own neck by
looking at a man who was walking
hiuuiiu mm, testea uie matter bv hx.
periment. He obtained a line specimen
and placed him on top of a post. " It
was not (iinieuit,"sa.ys tlie writer, "to
seeuro his attention," for lie never di
verted ins gaze from me whilo I was in
his presence. I began walking rap:dly
niuunu me posi a jew ieet lrom it, keep-
ing my eyes fixed upon him all the
wuiie. liis body remained motionless,
but his head turned exactly with my
movements. - When I was half way
v.uiiu ma nciiu was directly ueiunu.
riiree-ouarters of a cindn wi onm.
pleted nnd still the same twist of the
iiecK ana tne same stare followed me.
One circle nnd nn plmmm fin r
twice round, and stiil that watchful
stare and steady turn of the head. On
i went, mree times round, and I began
really to wonder why the head did not
urop on, wnen all at once I discovered
what I failed to notice before. When I
reaenca nail way round from tho front.
which was as far as he could turn his
neaa to iollow mv movements witli
comfort, ho whisked it buck throuirh
tlie whole circle so instantaneously and
brought it facing mo again with such
precision that I failed to detect the
movement, although I was looking in-
kcuj,IJf Bn me iime. i repeated the ex
periment many times afterward nn tho
same bird, and I had alwavs tn wntk
carefully to detect the movement of the
readjustment oi ni8,aze."
He came ud a little lain. HttmnoH n
without ringing, and striding softly into
the parlor dropped into an easy-chair
wiLu mo careie&s iriHi'fi nr n vouniv v.
who is accustomed to the programme.
" By Jove," he said to the figure sitting
VAA V U1U1 UUDUlii ll v I. iu Hi 1 1 II Wwti
Jove, I thought I was never going to
see you alone again. Your mother
never eoeg awav irom tho hnnu
days, does she. Minnie?" "Well, not
auittziiiiriy jrequenuy," cheerfully re
plied tho old lady from the sofa. " Min.
rue s away so much of the time now I
have to stav in." In tho niH h
HKO ciiu Hi LUD I1UUHH ins innnlno twl
complained to the moon much in its
usual style, the katvdida
more clearlv and the nlainti
,,,UI - ni TiT.f . . . T'.y i
hiio nuiuDuurwi 11 niipn inu tiit?nt wim.
. . ut h didn't Lear any of it Ail
the same. " And, by George," he said
to a friend fifteen minutes later. " it T
didn't leave my hat on the piHno and my
cane in the hall, I'm a goat. Think of
emr forgot 'emr Strike me blind if I
knew i had any clothes on at all. What.
1 wanted was fresh air, and I wanted
about thirty ncres of it and mighty
.How the tie Indians Lire.
t J. t i nmssiMr0(l Agent
;uV wuoiuii, uve principally on
bread and meat. When they can't get
,i iiieut, ana when Ihey
cant get meat they live on bread.
W hen they have a great quantity of pro
visions on hand they eat it all up before
getting any more. The same is true
. "T liey "ave a "tnall quantity on
hand. They nre dirty. They are even
very dirty. Their meat is general y
permitted to lie about on tho ground r
any pUce. Each Indian family pos
sesses any number of dogs, from eight
to fifteen, and these animals help them
selves to the meat. After they have
satisfied themselves, nnd when the In-
uuins occome hungry, they cut out of this
same piece on winch the dogs feed.
Ihey generally boil tl
aumouuies tney broil it. They put it in
water ana let it remain only a few
uiuiuies, just long enough to heat, when
they take it out and begin to eat. They
use the same water and same pail for
boiling over nnd over again until the
wnter becomes a nerfect li trip rtf filtri
One pot generally does service for the
entire family. This particular not. ia n
frying pan. When the Utes get out of
m:n nicy wasn tneir iaces and bathe the
baby in it. nfter which they bake the
bread and boil the meat. Thpn tt.nir
eat out of tho vessel, nnd then tlie dogs
"f leavings, a ney clonic them
selves with tlie skins of animals or with
blankets. ThcvirenerRllv Inlton ll ,i,li
or skin and cut a hole in the midd.'e of
it and throw it over their heads, cutting
arm-holes and fastening tlie garment at
tue whim, wmi a wide belt, while they
close up the neck with a buckskin
string. When the garment wears out
they e-ut the string and let it drop, but
not before. Sometimes the Indians will
wear as many us five of these garments
at a time, always keeping the cleanest
unu uu uie outside.
yueer fellows those Parisian artists.
jjauDigny used to have a studio nr.
ranged in a boat, Jean Beraud, the
painter of charming Parisian scenes,
makes a cab his Btudio, now De Nettis
has started an omnibus studio with a
stove in it. You frequently see the
veiiiuie ROOUI t ie avenue nnd on rl.p
quais. isosion UuUivator.
.The deepest mine on the Pacific el
or in America is the Belcher, which has
.m.MUL-u n VV1L1CH1 uepill OI J,WU Ieet.
An Open Letter.
west wiNFiKi.n, Hnrfcimer Co., N. Y. )
ucloher Zi, 1879.
L. Candeb & Co., Now Huron, Ct.
Gentlemen : Out ol the case ol "95" Uu'-
ber Boots sent me lust April,
I sold one pair April 4, lo Alvin Bliss,
" " " S, to Geo. Reuscli,
" " " 7, to Gill V. Rnmlftll,
" . " " 8, to Albort Mullory,
" " " 11, toMiloII. Urown.
inese hoots han rr.nslnnt. n thmn..!.
April ami May, and since tliat timo they hnve
hecn worn every niornini; through the lew to
get uie cows and do their milking in, nnd I
hnve seen lour pnir ol them, and they are m-
parem ly ns good ns when I sold them. SI ilk
wnoy unci new on a rubber boot, or nnv oihci
U ... I . .: ... .
'j' iiium ii-?, nre us good tests ns imii
oe nao. ino pair ol "t5 ' boots sent tne Miucl,
i, i put, on a tiinnur who is one ol my Ihiinl
est customers. They have not cnieked nt
an, uut tlio one imuKed S. C. on front iu
leg, has worn through tho first larer of tht
euio. i uurs in naste.
H. M. Joslvh.
l nereis no timo to be lout when a count
attacks one, in adopting means of praronlion
nu Donsumpiion una uronclutis. A cottgl
i.mjr, wnu ieriuoL irniD 08 isrmou tlio fncipi
ohi, aiie oi inose uestrtiottve nmlsriius, nntl it
is tne Height ol lolly to diarPKard it. 11' ne;
icvitnu. lb will HSSIirtllV ClllllllnntA in snm.
tinngerous nultnoniirv iiltWiH ,n. hut il !
Will. Hull's UHlSltin lor lllU I.nnyn llll nanrl Hi
oomplaint is speedily vanqniiliiid and all dan-
fir iiTorlea. Ihete n no pulmonic oompar
uuio io una groai spocilio. SSolil by d-iig 'ists.
II you wish to save one pair ol boots evm i
year get Lyon's Patent Heel Stillener applied
iv uioui nuuv mey tw daw.
Nboi.ecteo Coloim aso Colus. Few are
aware of tho iinp.iilunce ol cheokinir a eoiiah
"c, unman ooU," in its llrst stngu: that
wr.icn in mo iMgiiining woull yield to
" Brown's Bronchial Troches," il neglected
oltcn works upon the lungs.
ononnan uo.. Alarbhall. Mich., want an
agent in this county at once, at a sulnry ol
S1UU per month and expenses naid. For lull
particulars address as above.
For OMe cent nurrhnsA nn.t.1 ayA
. , la . i-ii. i. mm
send your address to Dr. Sanlord, 162 Brond-
way, now lorn, and receive nmi,lil..t l,
return mail, lrom which you can learn whether
yor liver is out of order, and if out ot nnW
or is any way diseased, whut is the best thing
Evorvono who thinta nt lllivlnir An rwimn
v.iuuiu iwttil a t'liuilltir licn'lva LJI.TIll In nr.
mntion lor 1'iir. lmHors ni I'urlnr or f !.ili!,.t
urguis." A postul card a-Idrossod to tho Mil-
son A itainlin Urgr.n Co., will luing one, lreo.
Young men go west. Learn telecriinliv. Ad.
dress B. Valentine, Mnnnner, Junesville, Wis.
Chew Jackson'o Bent Sweet JNavy Tobacco.
liouiumuuon Cured.
AO Old DUTSlL'UlIL retlfAil nrartl.. K1H. 1...I
nlHcrd In hm bmidn by in Knit nilasiuiury lue
lurniul of a inupic voRiiUble remeay for the locrJv
im Mnuanent cure fur Consumption, Hrnnchllii
(,'dt.irih, Asthmn. nd all Throat and Ludk AlteclKius,
a.. - i.n. u im.i cum iu nervous ueoillty
aiM in Nervous OomplaliiU, afler haylnn tested Its
wonderful curative powers In tbonaamls of cusea. hs
felt it hla duty lo mala It known to hitsuflenne fellows.
Actuated by tins motive and a desire to relieve human
lufierlnu, I will annd free of chara-a to all who desne it
this recipe, In Uerman, French, or Knuiiah. win. im!
directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall l.
addresainx with stamp, naming this paper. W. w.
. tw.ii diocb awcnaster.A. s.
Had Ventilation.
The bad airof workshops, rnnrr rnnrna
eiiurcues ana places of nniusdiunl
poisons the blood no liss than if the
:inie poison wore taken into the system
kif rntintt . .: 1 . ! -A. 'I' . .
uj uuiikiii ii. xuexpci mis
poison, with certainty and celerity, Hop
What It Does.
Kidney-Wort moves thn howA.u rnru.
1..-!.. . 1 . .. .. , . . . t
limy, uiu.-vnais ine Diooa, and ratlieally
vuics aviuney disease, gravel, piles, bit-
iuua iicaurtuiiu. ana n.'llllS w Huh nrs
caused by disordered liver and kidnevn.
Thousands have been cured why should
jruu nut ti y lLr
iA fr t-t. it -f r3
laKk of aur, imJ I -i U..
r Taut iojUoa or fir. Is. litis of
imt, (Ua timt 04 site hr fo
KUI KWOOU'S I-hotiKraiia . f
anil vicinity (Touri.t genes), 8x10, at
17 L'nlou Square, New York. Send stamp foi
St-w Voik
at lift cent.
ataiup for catalupne.
na will lt'j A;eiJi a jf hj '
UUiitU lltf
zpnaea. or al ' a !ag cuitt i r ,
ad wind ' lUTeou-dir. n n
Ai, Mich.
sHiNMgattliwiahtaXlalM,,.,. 1
.! Aft I rata k Hifiaal.tjid aboai a mhii
nt ll aw. Il rki hi afie c4 t
as4sUiitlanuUaa.wl!,KJa4 aad,.
-V...H.., m,, a-asaai, lit, waiMHUUtW
NH Tutu-lUtl 4i4;isT for A ATM IMC
Uia Great Medicine lor &tonia.n. ""-
er and lilood. Kalathin Co., Ut Nawau St, N. Y.
Sure relief i ntprraf
KIDDER 8 FA8TILLE8.n;r.rB"r,,
The New American" Dictionary.
rrtntmnin HO.OOO Wobds, 1 o n b 1 v -C ol n m n
m iiMti, nun niMiirntr'i wnu x.w Pnifrnvinpi. Urlhot
rarhy, Iroiiiiiic1atlnn, nnd IkrflnltlaiiB c to th- i.-.t l;KliMti nnd Amvrirnn
ljrxU OKl'Jiohcrfl. Verv l.niitlincljr hnuuC (n l lnth
illlit 44 Ht . Hflll to cvorv rt-aitf-r nf ..I. rtt...m. u
Upon ri-erij.t of 7 Olltn to i.r pffup. nlhrf
ii. nr. Tliii rront ofT-r U r'""1 fr 0 fn only, md
In tntiilr PoMy nr tin- finro.e of lotrndnrti.".. Hut two
lli"tioiNri wiP ! tit to (iif ti'litrr- fr Klflvrvmi. OrriVr
Itow. I n lof 87 4 IttH In urrrncy or initngf tatiiu.
Hiil mfnil'iii lli b 'ii-r, and nditrc
ILPKH A' Arrh Itoton, Mans.
UUUUfJ Livery Men and Farmers,
Who want to keep their Uorora In prime order can get
(Sixteen VnlunUIe Hrrls which art nwl by the
l(wing H.rwmcn nnd Stock Itaiser in the United Stntei.
One of them alone brine worth tiV Sent by mail t
any a'Mrt-tts upon receipt of One lollnr.
i ne nest inveRinieni a lover oi uonog can make.
Address JACKSON ft HKO.,
1. O. box 4ft, Covlnrton. Kr.
lio'B Cure for Connump-
tlon Is also the bent cough Died-1
ictne. Domo nmnllt bottle
lnrp. Bold everywhere. 25c I
tind 81.00.
WarrRnted to first buyers.
Br. VircUtl'i
I Icrins
Will noslli vclr rnrf. Pnhi.l. irA.l.H... ..
"xut the ,m;, hlKw, chronic liillnniinatlon or
Uli-frntloii of t hn WothIi, Inolilt-utal Hi-morrhoKe or
I'loo. liiK r,,,,fiil Supi.twsr.l mill Irregulnr Men. &c. An 1I una n-llutil rpinedy. 8nd dos
tnl c-aril for n iinuiuhli-t, with treatment, curugond
CiM-tlllcntcs from ulivnirintin nitH tintiiinln
art ll & RUInnl, Ulicd. . Y. Sold Ly all uAillti.
si-'o i' uottio.
Pure Indian Medicines !
IAKKE KAII, a full-blooded Indian, a Chief, and
liiK'tur in his UiLe, of IO yours" nr( ti. o, will furnish to
all sotlnsirinir.tlic htnndpiiri
nicdli Iiips used iu theii
pra.nre. Mrlkine tv-nt in pmnoitfrin to rfmittjin.o r-
O'iVpit. Advii-p. !rr;itiiitnii
thruuli tlie iutPipn Ut.
Auure&s ail coniinunkatiotu
a. h . viiAinr, Sacred Heart Mission,
Pollowottomte N'atlon.
maian lerritory.
to send stamp for the Largest, llnndsomost
und most complpto Cntalosuo of TYl'E,
lMtl.SSI.S. t'L'TS, Ac., pulillshrd.
68 South Third St.,
Tills Is th" fstest-selllnc honk pvpr nnh'lKl)...! nnrt
Ihf only coiiiplrte iin-1 aiitlintif Mist ry cf lirfltil'p
I'nivclH, Kt n I for (MrrM'nrs f-nilainlna u fnil ilrK.-i itiHKii
cf tho o. li atl our ixlr.. tonus to Atrt-nts. Alln rs
Natimnjii, Pi-hm-shim; Co.. Phi nidi his 1.
In Prnse anil Poetry, by upward of SOO distinguished
uuiauis, ui iinnif ami Aiiroau, wnn nil' o'luctton
in iii-v. iitKii. i.. i i.kk, n. n.
In elrcrint liimUnp. IMn !8r.-. Ur....M.
K. II. TKK AT, Pulillslier, Hi)t Hri a.lwny, New York.
recru-i'ii the- iiichn. :;-ui .i Hi reut
(UObiill. aJ Ih WAIIUM
.1..WT. over tin mpn. Pri-. l.J.'.. '.t
it Lirl'le Willi ttif 1' 4 U-.' l
bopft. Trlre by mU,
b hr avl Uivlltsf: tirr
n- vt uiios.,
351 Eroadway -
Sllvt-r Medal
at Paris
ut I
liv ftl
cians tuioutjout Hit wotj-i to be the best remedy d
covered for the curt- of Mounts, Hums, Hht-tiiuatlsn
Sk n Histaws, Plli s. Catarrh. Chilblains. Ac. In onn
thiit eviryono m:i try Is put np in ISand'AI,
cent fur holisi.'he'.il nse. OlitMln II fr,.m v,.n.
.IniBilst. an 1 you wiil nud !l superior to anything yoi
the mnrm
A Urire ekht-roire nuner or HA hmni! rolnmni aih
u huiu posi-puiu 10 ai.y nairest, one year, ior
nK srv, k. y.oitv.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs
Dcraonstratca best by IIIGIIKST HONORS AT ALL
at Pa ma, lSiiT; Vienma, IH7.1; Santiago, 1875 j Philadel
17 S. Omjr AuR-ric.Tii OrKuus ever awanletl in-iicbi hon
ora at any tsutli. SoM fi.rta-b or instnllinfiit. inn.
TKATr.ll 14TMM,US OIl'l l-ln UlBrS Wlln DttW htyif-ailll
Itustuu, aS'uw York or Chiciiifo.
If you are siiil'rrlng from ImlUirstlon or a weak stoma -h
Hi li'-'s I'CK. I. It c-ill be in. .. with or without Ulllk.
WOOI.IiK'll t CO. on eveiylahil.
We Will Ittid OUr RIrrn-VnHat.i n salt a. .nl fith.1
Klf-ctrlc AnuliilticeB nimn trtnl in lava tl.nta
allilct. with AVrwma btbility End tfwu o4 a ptrsonai
ritc. a b ui me i-ivtr,Mineys,nQeunaiiai,raraiy-I
c. A surf cure gtumtntml or no imy,
I ArMrig Voltaic Kelt i.. Hf aialiall. Mich.
Choicest I aft lis! Im lVnastaK.-i. liailMI TUta.
peiltet. Owner Una p.iyiitjf tuxb. Will atUull In IbflO
Wit iC&Be fur tfn vpnr nt iinininii) rent.
Chailea M. tSichhlnn, AtchUoii. Mnaaa,
UafiaV V If torn wul . luaritM Hauiawkw,
L A tnT . era, kwf ft tana a Ui a
1 balJ i.Ua, Ml kickan, aVNUM m4
' am dJ8IXiwUtetU
month. Every urariuate gua
tion Addreis K. Valentine. 11a
Learn Te enrapby an 1
earn 940 to blOO a
verv aranuate euamiiteit & navvtmr aitn&.
Addreai H. Valentine. Manager. Jan jville, WU.
Fni RnlA aT a IAUAiLV. one hundred
X vl uaio and gixtv at res of land near a iV.nvn nn
a railroad and navlmtitle stieam in Arkanaaa, by
v. a., i. n. Ln. AemjuenoniQK. uaroon uo.. ra.
itorliliie lfubl,4'uiil In itft
JJH. J. fct'l l ATHENS, LsHbunoil. Ohio.
am pie cop
AY. With StonoU Oatnta. What ousia 41
cts. sf lis rapldlr for IMt cts. Caulofoo frcsl
ai. bvmmqem. xiv wa&n d fit., u os ton, Afaas.
ampie copy rat. ssurraT tin; i.-iii . t ir
Habit aV Skin DUeaaea. Tnun
sautls cared. Lowest Prices. Donotfs
to wnl )r V. M. Marsh Qnlncy. IV
24 S
mm '
uk Whirl It til i o
iiri 0 IVceitlra.
l ice. Ill eta. ALMii.a
mall, a. i(o : store
L.WiCKK.S, liay bliure, S. Y.
krrTT A VKAIlan.. e n t.
amenta. OutlU free.
P A'Ulrv P. 0. VIC'iiKltY
AUiUeltf, Maine.
rfiS i we!k in yaT own town. Ternit and $.1 ontflt
r WU froe. AdilreK. Tl ll.nrin, Pnlnn.l u.i...s
(1 I ITU Itevoiveis. UaUiotue free. Aaares
s mL ' cieai w estern liana or., f lltaiiurs.p
r$5 to $20 !"r ,lay home- Samplea worth (S frea
? Address Btiasua k Co.. 1-orliaud, Main
1S72 A S,? '?'!' "'" il matle, OoeAlf
C Jl 1 rat, AdOr.aa lavs 4 Co., Auguatav Maiba.
ft Cii ft lfe;5SC-Tagji.iil
.V,cS )J n,erbJ (flT" t h reartert of this ppr,
ntl all " their slaters and their couslm and their aunts,
throughout tha Unltad lutes and Canada, that a copr
will be tent as
jA. i'ilBH GIFT
to eyery newlr.marrled eonnla whnu ntHnm-inii m
cts. to pr for p istm-e-ls Kent to the publisher iMMai
rie inirnnn the datt o their marring:
- in .us s.'ii-iiiiB i r mis rieseiii ure requeued to sens
a copy of a nailer containing a notice t if llielr
om,. other evidence ihnt shall amount tn a reasonshla
proof thjt they are entitled to the maRailna under the
above offcr. Address
Til K Jl o 'VH Ell OJn , Bra ttleboro, Tt.
Parlor Organlntmction Book
twi.niF., ;t. . v. JOHNSON, nils very en.v, thor.
ouiih arel p-uctUnl hook tearhps tn th llKht andi.i,TeJ
music: thai is. s. .lies. M.uvliea, Wnltzcs, Kon.ipps, Sun.
day S. hiH.I. .s hil nn I Church Music: In fact every
thiiia that 1 an l e played on a reed orpnn. It Includii
so tunes for one I, IM eicn Is-s for ftiwerlnv, m
Kriulei pnws rur lewrnis. and alio'.it 1111 llvuinTunt
and (,lccs, all with full nn I plain ilrcctlons.
Mdsod's Nev Method Ior Thorough Base,
1? !Z.V.r.' UIee "n ' Sored music, and Is published
5. .. , 0 commends llself to clenzymen
hy the rell'.-inm ch ira. t r of lis ciuitcnls, an 1 to all
IcniiKM-an.-e n;..p'e by the excellence of Itspiwtry and
music H ivlf.,r iie ay.yi
CIO Ktn.l tu-lls
Verv runMlv nrr. !,. .1. ... I. I. .
elated ns tv ,.,. i',.t s.,,.:!,;.' . i.,J u t... . ' . !.
matle." s nit for Sjvelnru oi'i!
fi.....' N M AI, lti; ..itl
n i. ii Vi"u 'ci i'lve ten t'tues that nnioutit in cood
M.t- an t iiiuaoie iiisiruilivc- nitlcles.
OI.IVKlt lITSO CO., Itotiton.
l:l IliomUrny, Pfaw Tork.
I. E. niTMOll 4z I O.,
lain Chiii .street. Philadelphia
I tha Old ltVallatola Conccntratad
Directions accf.iopan.ctnB can for rastlna fl '
Soft and Toilet Soap quickly.
Ihe Market It flooded with (so-ca'le l) Concentrat.
. ye. which is adnllorateil with salt and resin, and u..
Pennsylvania Salt Maunrg Co.,
Ffllt S I TV n V ill HIM I i.-ir
Awarded tin JUKI) A I. OF liny OK at the Vtiitennid
rtmt J'tnis Erpnsitiovt,
Chicago. FRALER LUBRICATOR C0..Hew7orl
n,,:r.!!r,!,uty0Jr.!t,ol"'h' Salna; Lnor Clcanlinet
UliraWUty nnd ('hetinncas.rneqii.hsl. ""u"
tUliijJil HXtua rruprlctora, Canton, Masa
Pk. C. K. Shoevakkk 'the well-known Aural Surgeon
ol Kcadiiii.-. Ha. i tivcs nil hi- linie to ihe tri i.lm.nt of
Miafiiem un l IImku, ot the Kir at his nice. His
succf 'Shas Kiven h:m a natlonn1 rc utttlon tspeclally
on niiiyiiii; K i' and Catarrh. Call or n. I for his little
Itoi.k on th.' Er. it His it. and their Tteatment
fire to nil. His lii'ue ll ,k pn ;), price
Sa.lllJ. Addrcs 11, . sj. .;. MIULUAKEH,
Aiual Snrueiin, lienilliiat, '
curea avniney, uiaaoer ana
Urinary Diseases, Diabetes,
(iravel ami Dropsy, Reten
tion anu Iucontiueuce of
Hunt's Remedy cures
rain in ilia nam, Side m
Lrfina, iservou3 rrostratim
and llrlirht't Disease of lb.
hHldncva. ISinit'a 1I ... .
eriy cures ail diseases fit me KHincvs, an t
Unuary Omaus. Try Ilnnl't ltemeily. Send for
IMunpmei iu n tn. a,. iL.Aiitxe.. rrovideuic. It. 1.
rf-a.,a, i ;s t.tii.n, ifvot i.nlilfn Tniitfiif llcfrt. & on'
U I-nre ci k, rit!nul f nrnf M l rnrs, aloul X i i ftl
cw C'lu-.iof..t..'i.l. ri rat !"ok. d-B:i to Mll.l.'i. ilffois
Oil t'y tf iim- in n ril" ill. Him.rnii'u Nwiiipcr sent fr'roi'
Aujrok i; ami.i, t l i t x 4sii:iiuiiui, j r..
IS nOrfACtlT nnm. Pmnminp...! Ihai.l V, ., tl... V ;
est niedical authorities iu Ihe world. Gicn hiifliest
award at li8 World'; Kxnoaitioua, and at l'ari; 1S7&
doia by Drua-ifiBta. U'.ll.tscliiollblia cV Vo.,ls.X
Ptrtark Twain's New Book,
GOOD TIMES FOR AGENTS AHEAD ! for this nniversAllv InoVed f... ltMv n
ready. Break quick ajd secure territory. "A word to
Appiy io f. BL.IS8, Hartford , Ct.
111 lirilinvifl liniw.wi
ihe must vaina'ne tlniile Book ever
trensiiiy of knowledge. There hat never before been
publl.h. d in one vo.uuie, ,o iituch us ful iufurmatinn
very sivgcci. iieautiruily illustrated, price MJ.rwi
A Whole LiUiary in One Volume.
n III... v.. .mu -
W. CAKI.KTON k CO., Publisher!. N. Y. City.
An Infallible and unexcelled Benedy I
r'lla.lCpllenayor falliuttttlckuc a
warranted to effect a speedy a 0
i ftiiMAftKnrui' .
a A r... i,ittla " of ni
renowned specldc and a vainabl
Treatise aeut to any snllere
eendlne me bis P. U. and
tireiw addreaa.
Dr. R. a. BOOT. 1811 Pearl Street, New tork.
S., W.U AK"" 'iiitcd. I have the besi
tilings for Amenta. Over io asenta are now uiakini
irom f-j) to t., nay. SinJ stamp for p.irlkuiaii.
TiAIiBL'CK, Milton. Northumberland Co, Pa.
in4irnn i r ,u Sl . "
Vig m I w W . wi". wwerj mon in. nookaei.1
ire. exDlatmnK evervthln.
. ' f 11 Hllf-43 KtHTV
THAT IS UllST 1 I ihoulovsi I
vhatishall I ltfctKsyu!
Vddtsts BaVXTaB
0., Basil .t. It Wall , . I.
Frank Leslie's
. Frank Ialle's Illnatrnted PYewspaper
It a faltlifnl record of Current Kvents, Forelvn and
Domestic In the Political, 8 clnl, Sclcnllllc and Com
mercUl world. At an Entertaining and Educational
Journal It Is nnequaled. It contains, besides Ihe Domes
tic and Forelpn Meat of the Week, Kdltoriala, Serial
and snort Storlct, Peisonal Oosslp, etc., etc. Amuslne,
Cartoons and beautiful Illustrations. It hae nearly
reached Its Seml-Ccntennlal Volume. Published every
Woineaday, price 10 cci.ts. Annual subscription ti,
postpaid. ,
F"t IiIle's Pnpnlnr mnntlily I. re-
markab.e for ita excellence, cheapness and couiprcben
.iveiieM and Ita reputstion is firmly established. The
t!I. . Di wr."r re among Its contilbutort, ill eol
!mI.. r'"!",,rv"T department of literature, to that
S.rrST i!.r.V'ih r"t"f''iJ nd all clashes of readerl
?.,.!"nn,"m.".V" Instruction from the varied
month nrt?r2SJ.- P,ii"""'a he ,Mh ' '
month, price 2b cents, or 3 per annum, postpaid.
F;?.n,k Islle'tl Chimney Cnrner.-Thla
beautiful perlo.'.lcal haa, for nearly twtm" "In maV"
talned Its superiority over all competitifs s i FirnU,
Journal. Story Paper and Home Friend. Vew attraZ
tlont are constantly presciited. and tlio jiost popular
writers contrlmte to It. ihe contents i.niitraei Serial
Novels, Novelettes, Sketches, Adventures, 111 .ararihleil
An-cdotes, etc. Sixteen pni.s elulit of which are bean
tlfully einbelllt-hett l-ltbllhed every Monday, pilce IS
tents. Annual subscript!' n f , postpaid.
rrnnK Leslie's urinclny maiinilne Taf
ll'illiiint n .rin.lti-nl ( lin.Ln l.f ...1 , v Itiu .l,.a,u.l
Maasine in the wm-ldi lis merits have secured for it s
liunieiip.e circulation, nnd reccivrs Ihe wannest cos
ntendationsof the leiixiotisand secular press. Purees
healthy In tone and touching; strictly non-sectarltn,,
Inculcates principles of molality and virtue and present
the titlth in Its m sl attractive forml. Itiere are Intel
ettint Serials. Short St nes. Adventures. Knvs.ineinr
S'ltl a Mlsceilany embrarlng a large vsrietv i f stibjecia
lit qn.rto pages and wo Ilinjtr.ttlona In iarh number.
Published on the loth of every m inth Price, sing
copr, 25 centsi annual subsci ipiion, $3, postpaid.
Frnnfc T.rillr'i I.ndy's Journol is the moa
Popular, Artistic and Kiitertnlnlng or the weekly Jonr.
na.s of Fashion. Kach tiiitiiber conlai-a 16 pages, with
excellent Pictures and Full Descriptions of the very
Latest Styles of l.tidles and Children's wear; us. fulln
fornia'.lon on Family Tojilcs, Se.ect Hlt.rles, Poetry
Fatdi'onahle intelligence. Personal chit Chat, etc., et!
Fa-hlon Platea are Imported monthly from Paris, excln.
slvely for Ihe l.sny't Jouhnal Pub! 'shed every Frld y,
price 10 cents. Annual subscription $4, postpaid.
Frank Teslle's l,nly's MnKnilna. Tk
only complete e'ashion Magazine tn America. Ita r
torts of the ever-varying styles of Coettl'Tis. Halt
lotinets, etc., are published simultaneously with Uk-k
In the Fret.ih joum da, so that the subscribers retelvs
the earliest Information. The plain and colortd Fashion
riates. imported nionlhly fiom Paiia, are accdupanied
wlih accurate ilesiriptlons. and Ihe llluHrstlt.ns are ID
the highest style of art. The literary d.-putnient Is of a
varied and character. Published monthly:
annual subscription, $3 50, postpaid,
Frank Leslie's nnrlg-et A Msgatlne of Hu
morous and Sparkling St lies. I'alet of HerolMn. Adven
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