The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 08, 1880, Image 2

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1 A A 4l l. A -A
J- 1
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1880.
IliiHtwAV, Pa., as second class
Republican National Ticket for 1880
Fnn riinsiPENT,
(Kiiblpet to derision of Republican Xiitionnl
Republican Mate f oiiTonlion.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania
lire requested to send delegates, ap
pointed aenrding to their representa
tions In the Legislature, to a Con veil,
tion, to meet iit Harrisburg, nt 12 M..
on the 4th I-iy of February next, to
fleet delegates to .the Republican
National Convention, to nominate
Presidential Electors' to nominate n
candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court, and a candidate for Auditor
Goneral; and to transact such other
business as may be brought before
By order of
Chairman State Committee.
Fami-fi, F. Bark, 1 a t ,
C.L. Magkb, ' Secretaries.
West Chester, Pa., Jan. 1 18S0.
Washington Letter.
From out regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C. Jan. 3, 1881.
Our New Year opened up as bright
and balmy as a May day. The sun
hone brillianatiy, and the beautiful
weather was enjoyed to the fullest
stent by our callers'. Even our "old
est inhabitants," who, in resistance to
modern innovations, are as tenacious
and unyielding as the Bourbous, gen
erally succumbed to the seductive in
fluences ofTered by the clerk of the
Weather nnd our handsome ladies, and
joined in the throng of callers, whose
carriages rolled through the streets
from early morning till late in theeven
ing. In ante helium times there was
no observance of New Year's day as a
holiday wherever slavery obtained.
The slave began his round of gaiety
on Christmas eve and ended it with
New Year's morning, going then to
work precisely as on other days of the
year. The master himself conformed
to the custom, and nowhere in the
South was it observed as a day of rest
or leisure. Iteneo the custom of devo
ting it to calling on friends, and there
by keeping alive old memories nnd
friendships, came here since the war
san innovation which our native
old fogies have resisted and condemn
ed, though Willi nnaually lessened col
umns, until now a mere corporal's
guard refuse to open their house and
usually hospitable boards to their ac
quaintance. These we will bury, with
their prejudices, in another year or
two, and then Washington may be
regarded as wholly rejuvenated.
The White House is of course, the
first nnd main object of attention.
Official etiquette requires the members
of the United States Courts, as well
as each subordinate official, from mem
bers of the Cabinet down, und soldier
and sailor, to pay their respects to the
President on New Year's Day, and as
the foreign legations are also included
in this compulsion, the White IInuc
necessarily becomes the centre of tin
immense throng of callers. The glit
ter of gold and decorations is seen on
all sides, even 1 to 2 o'clock, when the
doors are opened to the common cil
izen, who pour into the mansion with
jam and crowd that is fearful to weak
nerves and costly dresses. The in
terior of the White House was never
more tastefully decorated. The cor
ridors bloomed with potted plants,
whose fragrance filled the air. Flags
were arranged in various forms in all
the parlors, and their folds, as well as
the chandeliers and mirrors, were
festooned with flowers and evergreens.
The Marine Band discursed it sweet
et strains. The President and Mrs.
Hayes, with her assistants, "received"
In the blue parlor. The toilettes of
these ladies' us well as those of the
ladies of the foreign legation, were
ery rich and beautiful, and the "re
ccption" throughout may be taken as
a decided sueees in number and splen
dor. The parlor of the Cabinet otll
ers were also thronged. There were
many gay scenes about the city, for
balf the world, the ladies kept open
bouwe, and the other half wm out cal
ling. Tiie tUU of ladies who would
teceive, which our papers published,
covered nearly all our elite and "small
r fry,' and right well was the day
employed. Our ladies generally dis
countenanced the dispensing of liquors,
nd, as consequence less inebriation
was seen than in the past.
The day, however, had with it some
anguiuary a-'cts. A colored man
opened the bloody ball by shooting
another negro to death and danger
ously wounding two others. These
three men were in the murderer's
drinking stdoon, and becoming bois
terous a quarrel ensued, out of which
grew the deadly assult. About mid
day young lady named Morton at
tempted to kill Senator Morgan a (of
Alabama) ion, but inflicted ouly a
slight wound in his ahoulder ' with
her pistol. She was immediately
arrested, but was perfectly cool through
out the wholeatluirand examination at
police headquarters. Mies Hortoncame
here from Alabama lust summer and
entered suit aguiust young Morgan for
breach of promise and seduction. Ilt r
btory of wrong" suffered at Ids bunds
Km teuiltAone, and, if true it is no
M-onder she Is inclined to take sum
mary biw Uter own band.
h f I 1 Til il '
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the lion. L. D. Wet
more, President Judge for th Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, nnd Julius Jones, nnd George
Ed. Wels, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
eepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, Uonertil (Quarter,
Sessions nnd Oyer nnd Terminer, nt
llidgwny, for the count v of Elk on
INN), being the With day of the month,
tncontinue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace nnd Con
stables in nnd for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those tilings
which of their olllces and in their be
half appertain to he done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
lie then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors nre
-requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
(liven under my hand nnd seal, nt
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgwuy, the
otll day of Jan. in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
of lieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk Coutitv, ami
to me directed, I, I). C. OYSTER,
High Sheriffof said county, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public
sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's
oflice, in Ridgway, at one o'clock p.
m., on
ALL the following described real
estate lying find being in the town
ship of Iienzinger, county of Elk anil
Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows to wit: Begin
ning at a post on Ben.ingcr road;
thence south eighty perches to a post;
thence east fifty perches to a post;
thence north eighty perches to a post
on Beliinger road; thence west along
line of said Bcn.ingcr road fifty perch
es to the place of beginning, contain
ing twenty-live acres and being the
northern half of number twenty on
Bon si nger road.
ALSO An other lot beginning on
Renzinger road; thence south otiehun
dren and sixty perches; thence east
twenty-five perches; thence north one
hundred and sixty perches to the road;
thence west along line of the road
twenty rive perches to the place of be
ginning being the western half of
number ninety-two on Ren.inger road
in the map or'plan of the town or set
tlement of St. Mary's and containing
twenty-live acres and lying side of
tract tlr-t di-yc-ribcd, on which there
is about forty acres improved, about
twenty fruit trees growing thereon.
There is also erected thereon one log
house pix'-'') feet 11 stories high anil
burn iioxlt) feet with shed attached
l(S.r.'n (Vet.
Seized nnd taken in execution as
the property of J (i. Krieg at the
suit of The Township of Iienzinger.
ALSO All the right, title, interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of deft.
of, in and to warrants Nos. "!'s0 and
J'.iTl situate and being in the township
of Spring Creek, county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania "bounded and
described as follows to wit: 1st, Be
ginning at the northeast corner of
tract No. -0"l at a whiteoak end sugar;
thence in a northerly direction two
hundred ami ninety-two perches to a
chestnut; thence west four hundred
and seventy-seven perches to a post;
thence south three hundred perches
to a pine; thence east four hundred
and ninety-one perches to the place of
beginning, containing eigj:t hundred
forty-four and so en tenths acres with
an allowance of six per cent, for roads,
&c, and being tract No. J'.'Hij.
ALSO Si:roM) Tk.wt, beginning
at a maple the southeast corner of
same tract; thence in a northerly di
rection three hundred and twenty five
perches to a white oak ami sugar, the
southeast, corner of tract Mo. JUSli;
thence west four hundred and ninety
one perches to a pine; thence south
three hundred and twenty-six pen lies
ton post; thence east five hundred and
six perches to the place of beginning,
cou'aining nine hundred and fifty-six
and four-tenths acres with an allow
ance of six per cent, for roads, t-c, and
being tract No. i;t7 1 .
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of 1). F. Carrier at the suit of
James Baldwin.
ALSO All those certain tracts,
pieces or parcels of land situate and
being in tlie township of Fox, county
of Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: 'I'lie one piece beginning at a post
on the Toby road, thence west twenty
(20) rods more or less to a maple tree:
thence north sixty-three (03) rods more
or less to a post;thence west eighty
four (14) rods more or less to a hem
lock; thence south one hundred and
thirty ( 1 SU j rods' more or less to a post
on Brandy Camp road; thence north
easterly along said road sixty (til)) rods
more or less to the line of graveyard
lot; theneenorth rtve(ft) rods to stones;
thence east thirty-three (3-1) rods more
or less to a whitewood on Toby road;
thence northeasterly thirty-nine (fl'.i)
rods more or less along Toby road to the
place of beginning, containing sixty
(iio) acres more or less.
ALSO The other piece commenc
ing at a post on Brandy Camp road,
being the southwest corner of the piece
above described; thence north one
hundred und fifteen (Hi) rods more or
less to a post; thence, west forty
three (43) rods more or less to a
post; thence south along line of
Francisco Capello one hundred and
nin M l'Hj) roils more or less to a post
on Rruiidv ('ami) road:, thence north
easterly along said road to the place of
beginning, containing ut-ny-one ami
nine-tenths (:il li-lti) ..en s more or less.
The said two tracts adjoining each
other and forming one large tract of
laud. Reserving and excepting how
ever, out of the above tract ol Jano: so
much of said land us has been con
veved bv said Reburo to Magalana
Cuneo by deed bearing date December
1st, A. i., IKi'J, some live acres more
or less
On above tract of land there is erected
a frame house I2xltileet 1 1 stories high,
also a log barn and othcrmit buildings.
There is about 4(1 acres cleared und
under improvement willi a young
orchard growing thereon witli a good
snrinirof wuter. &e.
Seized and taken in execution as the
projsTty of Joseph Reburo ut the suit
or Alimony u nuse.
ALSO All those two certain town
lots being Nos. 02 and i'.'t situate in the
village of Ridgwsy agreeably to t he
Ridgwav plot of said town, hounded
and descriled as follows: On 'he
north by Centre street, on the west by
w OCT i agw a umiiwrwwnae
Elk street, on the south by fin alley,
and on the east by lot No. i'4.
On above lots' there Is erected one
frame house Kix21 feet with wing
l'ixlfl 1 stories high.
Seized nnd taken in execution ns the
property of Charles Mathews at the
suit, of J. C. Honk, Executrix of J. V.
Houk now for use of The Ridgway
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the plaintifl'or other ben
creditors becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, ns well as ail liens prior to
that of the purchaser, nnd n duly cer
tilled list of liens shall he furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof ns lie shall nnncar to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not. settled Immediately
will b continued until six o'clock P.
M.. at which time all property not set
tled for will again lie put up'and sold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case of deficiency at such re
sale, shall make good the'same, and in
no instance will the deed be presented
for confirmation unless the bid is actu
ally settled for with the Sheriff as
above stated.
D C. OYSTER. Sheriff.
Sheriffs oflice, Ridgway, Pa., 1
January oth, 1880. (
See Purdoii's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 440; Smith's Forms, 348.
List of Licenses for. Tnniinry Term, 1SS0.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following persons have filed their
petitions for License in my ollice, and
that they will be presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day, January 28th, at 2 o'clock P. M.;
1. F. X. Sorg.
2. Henry Blesli,
3. G. L. Winslow.
4. John Collins.
5. James McFariinj
(i. W. H. Sell ram,
7. Win Henley.
!it. .Vary's Boro.
8. Rilev Brothers,
0. Joseph F. Windfelder,
10. Henry Luhr,
11. Lorenz Vogel,
12. William Gios.
1.1. James Lning,
14. Patrick Fit hey.
1"). James Maginnis,
Hi. O. T. Aaron.
S. AWri Iioro.
17. Anthorv Sehauer,
18. Jacob krans.
SV. .If t i'. s Jioro.
10. Joseph Wilhelin.
"That if any person or persons
shall neglect or refuse to lift his her
or their License, within FIFTEEN
DA YS after the same lias been grant
ed such neglect or refusal shall be
deemed a forfeiture of said License
-) purdon, U. 2d. page !-l'..
Fred. Schie.nixo, Clerk Q. S.
Man'moi: II377 Lost, Haw Rsstorod!
Jut published a new
JO ,..1:.: o .
run mil in ur buivar-
wcll'i Celebrated Es
say on the rrtrtli.-iil cure (without med
icine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weakness, u voluntary Seminal Losses
Impotency, also, consumption, Epil
epsy and Fils, induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance, Ac.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates
from a thirtv years' successful practice
that the alarming consequences of
self-abuse mnv be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal
medicine or the ttpplication of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure ut
once simple, certain, effectual, "by
means of which every sufferer," no
matter what his condition 'nay lie
mnv cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
trjyThis Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth and every man
in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to any address, post-paid, on
receipt of six cents or two postage
Address the Publishers.
Ths Culverwell I&dical Co.,.
41 AnnSt,, Uoit York, N. Y.; Post
Offieo Box, 4S86.
Wholesale Dry Gnnils House of J. V. Karwell
Jt t o,
flllc.Vf.o, III., Oct. 5, 1ST.
Dn. M. M. Fknnkh, Kn-ilonlu. X. Y.,
Ki'iir .Sir ; I took your Illnoil nnd
l.lvor Koiiii'dy mill .Nerve Joule for K severe
billions iii tuck with perfect success. Thrce
lourllis of r hotllc of your SI. Vitus liiiiice
speefic completely cured my boy of that
'..weiise, niter he hail b -eii doctored three
month by eminent ithysicims without ben
efit. I wish idso to Kiiy that I think hiidily of
your Improved C'ouidi Honey. Yours truly.
J. M. l'UKLl'rt.
Dr. Fenner's Rlood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It is the medical triumph of
t lie age. Whoever lias "the blues"
should take it, for it rcyuUitc and re
store the disordered svstem that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billious
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
mkxts, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
lilotches and all Skix Euri'Tioxs
AXD Ri.oon DlsoitiiKits ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh nnd strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic llroiu liitis. und all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking ut the root of disease und
removing its causes.
Dr. I-enner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
nr. l ennei's uonjon Keller cures
any pain, as .Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or llcuduche in 5 to 10 minutes.
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhrea, Dysentery.
Dr Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. S.,Hurtley und I). 11.
Cloak. A fine line of Ladies'
Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest ut
Powell 4 Ivime'a.
-Tr, , -
- f 7 M7Hi-MM?JJ-xi lie l.
iJ A 'M.iV''-vtf.V.tJSrirsisi--or consign
Bend for Illiisfrnted Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
tintil you Lava suuu the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Wtern Branch Office, 235 State St., Chicago, Ilx. MIDDLETOWN. CONN'
Pet 30yl. J. S. & W. II. HYDE, AGENTS, RIDGWAY, PA.
Christian Statesman,
Established to maintain our .Sablmth
Laws, the Rible in the Schools and
other Christian features of the
Ameriean Govern men t.
To discuss the principles of govern
ment in the lifiht of Christianity.
To tratlier np and publish the evi
dence whVdi proves the historical
connection of our Government with
the Christian religion.
To resist the encroachment of Secu
larism, Romanism and Communism
in Amcrean Politics;
To advocate the settlement of the
question whither this is and is to lie
n Christian Government by suitable
religious iieknowlegnient in the
Constitution of the United States;
To furnish a faithful record of tho
controversy and discussion which is
in progress over these grave issues.
At the same time the Statesman is a
thorough Temperance paper, giving
prominence to ihe legal remedies of
Intemperance; a newspaper record
ing with more than usual fulness
not only events effecting the rela
tion of Church and State in other
lands but whatever bears on the
general interests of the kingdom of
Christ, a Sabbath School paper,
publishing full and thorough ex
positions of (lie Interuaional Les
sons; and an earnest advocate of
Christian Union having itself no
sectarian character or relations.
Price ii.uo a year; To ministers Sl.oO;
To new suberibcrs, for the first year
$1.00, being a cash Premium of One
Dollar. On trial four weeks, ten
cents. Address
No. 7 North Tenth St-, l'hila.
Our Special offer fo Subscribers.
We desire to deal as liberally with
our patrons as we possibly can, and to
put into their hands the best news
paper literature tit the very lowest ob
tainable price. To this end we have
made such fortunate arrangements as
enable u: to oiler this paper, the
American Rural Home iind the House
hold, all three throughout 1S0, post
paid, for only $2 75.
Under this remarkabie oiler your
local paper, a first -class Agricultural
and Family Weekly, and a popular
Domestic Monthly, can be had for
S1."' less than their aggregate lowest
price. In fact we give the Household
one year, and - j cents besides to every
one who subscribes forour own paper
and The Rural Home at the bottom
price for each.
'1 lie Rural Home, published nt
Rochester, N. Y., has long been a
recognized Agricultural and Horti
cultural authority, and its eight large
pages nre full of live, progressive,
valuable matter for the farmer and the
fanner's whole frmily. It has an
enviable reputation, achieved by years
of clean honest, able effort toward the
highest journalistic ideals. It is
wonderfully cheap at its sole price of
The Household is a bright, practical
magazine tor housewives, published
at Rrattleboro, Yt., and the only long
established monthly of its kind. It
has 21 pages, devoted to every interest
of home-keeping, and is immensely
popular with the ladies. Price, $1.10.
Modesty forbids us to speak of our
own paper us handsomely as we ought
Of course you will want it next year,
and you will do well to secure the
others with it in this special combina
tion specimens of the Rural Homeaiid
Household may he had by addressing
a postal card to the Rural Home, at
Rochester, N. Y., or by application to
this oflice.
This club offer will not be held open
many weeks.
Address, Tim Advocate,
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
procured for soldiers disabled in V.
S. service by reasons of wounds and
other causes.
All pensions date back to day of dis
Pensions Increased. Address with
No. "13 E St., .'. V. Washington;
iuliitl D. C.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or in any way
meddling witli the following named
property now in the possession of and
being used by J. 11. Rice, viz: 1 yoke
oxen, 1 boh sled, 4 trail grabs, 'I draft
chains, '2 set double grabs. 2 cross-cut
saws, ti axes 4 spuds and 1 double bar
reled gun. As the same uro my pro
perty anil temporarily lea in t lie poshes
siou of said J. 11. Rii-e.
HoiiACE Little.
llidgwny, Dec. 22, lb7'.. at.
t:GCi A WEEK in your town, nnd no ciipi
sP'-JU tal risked. ou can clve the business
n trial wllhout expense. The best oppoUunllY
ever ottered for those willing to work. You
should try nothliiK flse until you see for your
self what you can do tit the business wc olt. r
Xu room to explain here. You can devote
nil your time or only your spare time to the
business, sud make grvul pay for every hour
lliulyuu work. Women liiuke as much an
men. Head for Kpeuhvl privt.te terms hihI par
ticulars, which we mall free. i outfit free.
Don't complain ol hard times while you have
vich a chance. Addrewi II. HALLfc.l l dtt'U
Portland. Maine. nlttyl
lift! VICTOR.
Improvements September, IC70.
Notwithstanding the VICTOR liiw lour? been flia
peer of any Sowing Mncliiue in the mnrkot -a- fuct
supported by n bout of volunteer witnesses we now
nnnfldcntlv rldim for it PTPdtcr simplieitv.
a woruli rial roiluction of friction and a rare
linnt ion of desirable quaht les: Its saut-
a bennliful nnociiuen of mechanism.
and takes mnk with tho highest nchiovemrnta
inventive priiius. Ame. e do not lenna
Miicnincs, therefore, linvo no ola
nnlrh 1111 and for our
r. -JT "
Vo Sell Now MacMncs Every Time.
Cathartic Pills
Comliinn the. choicest rntlinrt'e principles
in nieilieine, in proportions accurately :.
justed to secure activity, certainly,' mid
uniformity of effect. Tlicy am the result
of years of rsm-ful study ami practical ex
periment, anil nre the mi :-t ehci timl rem
edy yet iliseovi reil tor discuses, caused by
(Icniliiteinenl of the Htomncli. liver, and
bowels, which r ntiirc prompt nnd effectual
treatment. Ai:it's Pn.i.s are specially up
pliciiMt) to this class of diseases. Thev act
dlreitly on the digestive nnd nssimilativc
processes, nnd restore regular healthy Ac
tion. Their exlcnsivc use by physicians in
their practice, nnd by nil civilized niiiions.
is one of the many prools of their value ns
a safe. sure, and perfectly reliable pnriilive
medicine, llcing compounded of the con
centrated virtues of purely vegetable su!
Htnnccs, they nre positively flee from calo
mel, or any injurious properties, and can bo
administered to children with perfect safety.
Avru's Tills nre nn effectual cure for
Constipation or Cnstivriiess, Indiges
tion. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Koul Stomach and Urentli, Dizziness,
Deaiiaelie, Losn of Memory, Numbness,
Kilioiisnegs, Jaundice, Rheumatism,
Krnptions and Skin Disease, Dropsy,
'rumors, Worms, Xpiirulsjin, Colic,
ripes. Di.illhua, Dysentery, (ioilt.
Piles, Disorders of tin) Liver, nnd all
other (iienses resulting Irom a disordered
stnto of the digestive apparatus.
As a Dinner Till they linve no eriiial.
While penile in their fiction, these Pills
nre the most thorough and searching cathar
tic thnt can he employed, and never give
pain unless the bowels arc inllarncd. nnd
then their influence is healing. They stimu
late the appetite and digestive organs: they
operate to purify nnd enrich the blood, and
impart renewed health and vigor to the
v.-h'oie system.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical find Annlytlcal Chemist,
Lowell, Mass.
OLS BT 1U Uni'OC.ISTS evebywhsbk.
inform the citizens of ltidgway, and
the public generally, that he lias
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
Sfi?He will also do job teaming.
St able on Elk street. All orders left
nt the Post Office will receive prompt
Patents procured upon Inventions.
No Attorney's Fees in Advance. Our
House was established in lsii'.i. We
file CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE
Send us a Model of your Invention,
witli your own description of it, tor
our opinion as to patontaiiillty.
Attorney's Fees unless Patent is
Secured. Our Rook of Instructions,
etc., "How to Puoti KE Patents,"
sent free on request; also sample
copies of tlie Scientific Record, the
Inventors Journal.
R. S. & A. T. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
C04 F Street, near Patent Oflice.
Washington, D. C.
All disabled Soldiers and heir9 of
deceased Soldiers who died from con
sequences of services in tlie Army, are
entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears
allowed after July 1, Send
stamps for full instructions in all kinds
of Soldiers' claims.
Pension Attorneys,
C04 F Street, Washington', D. C.
All persons indebted to the RIDG
WAYMEAT MARKET will please
come forward find pay. Those having
claims will iilease present the same tor
payment. On and after Nov. 1st no
account will be kept except for those
who nav on demand.
Pkice List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak
from tl to pi cents a pound. Pork
from (ilo 10 cts. h pound. .Mutton from
5 to lo cents a nound. Smoked meats
ut lowest prices. Fish every Thurs.
day. M Kite Kit Bitos.
Childrens' Sole Leather Tip shoe
at P. & K's.
A nice stock of clothing for men,
boys and children at P. & K's.
Business Cards.
Main street, llidgwny, Elk Co., Pa
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patents
and patent eases.
Office In new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Office
across the hall from tlie Democrat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnel5,isv
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescription;) carefully dis
pensed Rt all hours, day or night.
Has removed his oflice from Centre
street to Main street, Ridgway, Pn.. in
the second story of tlie new brick
building of John U. Hall, west of tlie
Hyde House.
Oflice hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M.
W. H. SC1I RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paving
strict attention to the com fort" and't'on
veliience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oet-S0'u9
. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa., takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk county
that she has on band an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
nil its branches.
Agent for Dr. ,T. Rail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory and Lignum Vibe Eye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl
PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com
plctein Pi vols. EachvolumecontainsNlO
pages. It mukesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
atlbrd to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price " 00 in cloth,
Sd.00 in lent her, or $7.(111 in elegant
half Turkey. For mrticnlars address,
W II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
A Great Reduction.
The undersigned is now prepared to
deliver a better quality of Bituminous
coal than lias ever been mined in this
pint of tlie State, at the low price of
$2.'25 per ton or $1.75 at tlie mines
Leave your order at WML Osterhout's
store at Eagle Valley, and at the ollice
of the iitiilersisrii(.(ii Masonic Building
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Sept. 10, m3
State Normal School.
l-Jrhth formal School DUtrict)
A. N. RAT'B, A. M., Prmcijictl.
This school as at present constituted,
offers tlie very best facilities for Pro
fessional and Classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, u'nd furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, eliicient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and t borough.
Expenses moderate.'
Filty cents u week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Seien
entilic. ADJI'Xl'T COURSES :
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music; IV. Alt.
Tlie Elementary nnd Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring tlie following corres
ponding degrees : Master of tlie Ele
ments, and Master of the Sciences.
Graduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
Tlie professional courses are liberal,
nnd are in thoroughness, not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The Slate requires a higher order of
citi.enslai). 1 lie times uematul it. it
is one ot tlie prime olnects of this
schcol to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent ami etlicient teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
lalior alter leaving school.
For catalogue aud terms address th
President Board of Trustees
T. C Ill PPL E,
Clinton county. S D. Ball. T. C
Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. II. Best,
Jacob Brown, W ilson Kistler, A. N.i
Raub, W. W. Raukin, It. G.Cook,
Samuel Christ, G. .Kintzing, S. M.
Bickford, H. L. Difl'enbuch, A. C.
Noyes, S. It. 1'eale. j
Centre Ex-Gov. A O- Curtin.
Clearlield Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler. i
Elk Charles R. Earley. ;
Mr6'79yl j
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety of goods of
every description for sale nt
Powell & Kime's '
Will be found an assortment of the
celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for Elk county.
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
("orders, Hemniers, Braiders and Ruf
flers. Needles, Sewing-machine Oil
Thread, Ac, Ac Will also furnish at
any time detached parts for taid ma
chine. All at greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on accommodating
terms with approved security,
I fiirwwAV, 30. '78.
The Johnson Fevolviks Book-Case.'
LatryerB, Clergymen, Physician,
Editors, Bankers, Teachers,
Merchants, Students,
md all who read books.
It Is made of iron, beautifully ornamented. It ft
strong, durable, convenient, handsome, and Ore
most compart book-caso in the world, as It holfs
more hooks for lis size than any other device. It
minimum in Fizc, maximum in capacity, nnd th
cheapest Ti'volviiig ltook-Cnso nmile. It ran never
warp, shrink, or pet out of order. Pend for cir
cular. Send S.) conts for our Nr.w Ilu-sthated
Catalooce, with over 3(H) illustrations of Educa
tional and useful articles.
School Furnisher", mid Pcalcrs In everything la the
Hook and Stationery line,
143 dc 144 Grand St., New York.
The Hun will deal with the event
of the year 1880 in its own fashion,
now pretty well understood by every
body. From January 1 until 'Decem
ber 31 will be conducted us n newspa
per, written in the Knglish language,
and printed for tlie people.
As a newspaper, The .Svn believe
in getting all the news of tlie world
promptly, and presenting it in the
most intelligible shape the shape that
will enable its readers to keep well
abreast of the nge with the least un
productive expenditure of time the
greatest interest to the greatest num
ber that is, the law controlling its
daily make-up. It now lias a circu
lation very much larger than that of
any other American newspaper, and
enjoys an income which it is at nil
times prepared to spend liberally for
the benefit of its readers. People of
all conditions of life and all ways of
thinking buy and read The SfNi'mid
they all derive satisfaction of some
sort from its columns, for they keep on
buying and reading it.
In its continents on men nnd a flairs,
Tin: .Siw believes that the guide of
policy should be common sense in
spired by genuine American princi
ple and backed by honcaty of purpose.
For tliis reason it is, and will continue
to lie, absolutely independent of party,
class, clkpie, organization, or interest.
It is for all, but of none. It will con
tinue to praise what is good and re
prolmte what is evil, taking care that
its language is to the point and plain.
ur.x'iiu mi- po.ii unity 01 oeing mis
understood. It is uninfluenced by
motives that do not up tear on the sur
face; it has no opinions to sell, save
those which may be had by any purch
aser wit li two cents. It hales injustice
and rascality even more than it hates
unnecessary words. It abhors frauds,
pities fools, and deplores nincompoops
of every species. It Will continue
throughout the year 180 to chastise
the first class, instruct the second and
discountenance tlie third. All honest
men with honest convictions, whether
sound or mistaken, are its friends.
And Tin-: Srx makes no bones of tel
ling tlie truth to its friends and about
its friends whenever occasion arises
for plain speaking.
These are tlie princples upon which
The Sex will be conducted during
tlie year to come.
The year 1880 will be one in which
no patriotic American can afl'ord to
close his eyes to public affairs. It is im
possible to exaggerate the importance
of the political events which it bus in
store, or Ihe necessity of resolute vig
ilance on tlie part of every citizen who
desires to preserve the'Uovornment
that the founders gave us. The de
bates and acts of Congress, the utter
ances of the press, the exciting contest
of the Republican and Democratic
parties, now nearly equal in strength
throughout tlie country, the varying
drifts of public sentiment, will all'bear
directly ellcctively upon the twenty
fourth Presidential election, to be held
in November. Four years ago next
November the will ot the nation, a
expressed at the polls, was thwarted
by an ubominable conspiracy, the pro
moters anil beneficiaries of which still
hold the ollices they stole. Will the
crime of l&7t be repeated in 1880? The
past decade of years opened with a cor
rupt, extravagant and insolent Ad
ministration intrenched at Washing
ton. This Srx did soni thing toward
dislodging the gang, and breaking it
power. Tlie same men are now intri
guing to restore their leader and them
selves to place from which they were
driven by the indignation of the peo
ple. Will they succeed? The coming
year will bring the answer to these
momentous 'questions. The Sex wiJl
be on band to chronicle the facts as
they are developed, and to exhibit
them clearly ami fearlessly in their
relations to expediency and right.
Thus with a habit of philosophicl
good humor in looking at tlie minor
affairs of life, and in grate things a
ttteadfust purpose to maintain the
rights of the people and tlie principles
r I... f ...,!..,.. n
sors, 1 he St:x is prepared to write a
truthful, instructive, and at tlie same
time entertaining history of IfW.
Our rates of subscription remain un
changed. Fortlie Daily si:n, a four
page sheet of twenty tight column,
the price by mail, post-paid is 65
cents a month, i6.50 a year; or,
including tlie Sunday paper, an eight
page bhcet of rifty-six columns, tlie
price is 65 cents a month, or $7.70 a
a year postage paid.
Tlie Sunday edition of The Kun is
also furnished separately at 91.20 a
year, postage paid.
'Mm price of tlie Weekly Si n,
eight pages, fifty-six columns, is $1 a
year, postage paid. For clubs of ten
'sending $10 we will send an extra copy
free. Address I.W.ENGLAND,
Publisher of The Srx,
New York City.N. Y.
d-qrirt A MONTH pusranteed. ?I'J a dny
ipuUU hi home mude liy the Industrious.
C'upitul not required: we will sturt you. Men,
women, boys und uirls nuike money faster at
work lor us tluui ut anythli else. The work
U liuht sad pleuhuut, und such asanyone "
lo I'iplit nt. Thou) who are wise who "
will bend tin their nddreiwrn mid see frJ.
elves. I'ortly outfit and terms f'"-
the time. Those already at wora "r.V.IVfd. "
Augusta, Mains