m ft Tv I V.. A . VI 4- fnry A. Parsons, Jr., Edifor THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 1880. Entered at TIIF. POST-OEF1CE AT , AS SECOND CLASS f nvnvAY, Pa. MAIL MATTER. Republican National Ticket for 1880 Fon president, m:x. ulysses s. on ant. Ruti.lPct to decision orltepnblienn Nutionnl "lventlon.) . Newspaper Tnws. 1. A postmaster Is required to give me iy letter, (returning a pa per es not answer the law) when a sub riber does not take Ills miner out o ie office, and state the reasons for its ot being taken ; any neglect to do so mkes the postmaster responsible to ie publisher for the payment. z. Any person who takes a paper oni the. postolllee, whet her d I reeled his name or another, or whether he as subscribed or not is responsible for ie pay. R. If any peron orders bis paper iscoiitinueil lie must pay all arroar- nes, or the publishers may continue send it until payment is made, and dleet t lio whole amount, whet nor it e lakon from the olllee or not. There m be no legal discontinuance until ie payment is made. 4. It' the subscriber orders his paper stop at a certain time, and the pub sher continues to send, the subscriber - bound to pay for it. if Jie takes itoii) i mo posr-omee. I he law proceeds noil the ground that a man must nav 'or what lie uses. The courts have decided that re using to take, a newspaper and peri dicals from the iiost-oHice or roiuov- ng and having them uncalled for, is rinm facia evidence of intentional raud. -Lester C Turner, a merchant of hloux Fulls, Minn., was set upon on oming out of an outhouse adjoining hotel by two men, who knocked him lown and robbed him of Slii.ooo, which ie had just received as proceeds of the ale of his business. The men were raced a short distance by railroad, but were finally lost track of, -An exchange speaks our senti- nents exactly when it says the nui- ance of children running to the :ostoflii-e three or four times a day for he family or other mail matter should e (touted. No sooner is school out than there is a general stampede for the postofYioe by most of the children, and for upwards of half an hour the postofliee officials are annoyed by all kinds of questions. Parents should instruct their children in this matter. Wilmington, N. C, Dec, 1!0. The schooner Cherubim, Captain M. E. Lank, from Morigonia, llayti, for New York, put in at Smithville yes terday in distress. Captain Lank and the mate, Lem Lank, both died of yellow fever on the passage, and were buried at sea. The vessel is now at quarantine station, and one man has been sent to the hospital. Tlio schoon or was built in Baltimore and was owned by the captain and mate, captain hailed from Sou ford, Del. The A terrible light took place near St. Louis in an old stable between a Siberian bloodhound and Patsy Bren nan, pugilist, for -00 a side. The man was victorious after a disgusting light of forty-rive minutes, in which his shoulders and arms were terribly lacerated by the dog's teeth. The bloodhound had his heavy Ii ps torn oil' and was so badly maimed that lie died within an hour. The police, are busy hunting up all concerned in the brutal exhibition. The barn and enginehouse of A. X. Haskins, two mills from Wnvcrloy Station, Va., on the Atlantic, Miss issippi and Ohio railroad, was des troyed by fire. The barn contained ?.5l)0 bushels of peanuts ready for the inni-!:t. The engine, ooilcr, saws and the entire fixtures for threshing and cleaning peanuts, and many val uable farming implements, wore also destroyed. Loss, $5,000; partially cov ered by insurance. The tire was the work of at) incendiary. Evansville, Ind,, December 2S. The steamer Prairie City, plying on the Wabash river between New Har mony and Wabash Station, on the St- Louis and Southeastern railroad, blew up yesterday afternoon above Hodge's Landing. The ri reman, cabin boy and a female cook ure missing. The body of Captain M'ln'yre's wife was found on shore with both arms ofj. Captain Cox, who was at the wheel, was blown up with it and fell back in the wreck, but escaped with a broken arm, a sprained ankle, and numerous bruises. The engineer re ceived only slight injuries. The survivors escaped on a barge in tow, and were taken to New Harmony for medical aid. The sad spectacle of a woman be ing sentenced to stiller the deatli pen alty was witnessed iu Carlisle, this State, a few days since. The criminal is a Mrs. Zell, who was convicted sev eral weeks ago of poisoning an old woman named Kiehl, who was past eighty years of age. The motive ap pears to have beeu the inheritance of a small property. There is, perhaps, no good reason why female murderers should bo deprived of the right to have the same punishment inflicted which men are compelled to endure for capital crime, and yet we cannot believe that this State will ever hung a woman, no matter how clearly con victed or grout her offence. Mrs.. Zell will be fcaved form the gallows either Uy the Supreme Court or the Board of pprdons. Publie beutiment regards the hanging of women as barbarous, and we predict with gieat confidence that neither the Carlisle prisoner nor any other woman will ever Buffer capi tal punishment in Pennsylvania. YfUwtarre Timt'j, i if it n r tto The Demand for Hills. KM A Ll. DENOMINATIONS WANTED. A correspondent writing from i Washington says : The demand upon the Treasury lor United Slide note of the: denominations of $", floundf-U is largely in excess of the capuelly of the department) supply. The de mand has continued since the 1st of July last aud it has increased to such uu extent that the legal-tender Hole balunce has fallen oil' from $ol,ooo,00u on September 80, to $J3,000,000 on De cember 24, a loss of $.17,000,000 iu Jess than three months. In the same time (from Sept. 30) the coin balance lias sustained a loss of $7,000,010, the bul lion account reiiiaiuingahout the same, while the silver dollars on hand have increased $2,000,000, and thesubsldiary silver coins about the same amount. The comparatively small increase iu I lie amount of silver dollars indicates that a large number of these coins lit ,o gone into circulation during the last three mouths. The law requires that there shall be coined each month a minumuiit of $20,000,000 which would give $'1,000,000 us the coinage for the three months. As the Trea- tiry at this date shows an increase of only $2,000,000, it follows that about $,ou0,oo0 in stundurd silver dollars have gone into circulation since Sep tember iiotli. Treasurer Uillilhtu re ports that there is a brisk demand for these coins, in well as for United States notes, at New Orleans and Charleston, S. C, and that large sums are almost daily deposited with the Sub-Treasurer at New York for trans fer to, and issue at, the two Southern cities named. On one day recently $75,000 in coin was thus transferred to New Orleans, and the daily transac tions iu transferring money front New York to New Orleans will average 30,')00. The demand for money front the South shows that the business re vival lias reached that sectiou. SILVER CEKTH K ATES. The scarcity of United States notes is materially helping to put silver eer- tilicates iu circulation. These eertifl cat ?s are paid out at the Sub-Treasury at New York iu exchange for silver bullion purchased by the government, and it is believed that at present most of these certificates find their way South, to meet the current demand for money front that section. The banks can now only obtain United States notes in limited amounts, iu exchange for old and worn out notes sent iu for redemption and exchange, and this scarcity of legal-tender notes having the cll'ect to force a large number of sil ver certilicatcs into general circula tion. Since resumption of specie pay ments, the Treasury Department has not issued coin certilicatcs, the issue of such ceriilleates being made useless by the fact that United States notes command their face value in gold, and are, therefore, for all purposes, coin certilicatcs. The Secretary of the Treasury, however, in order to accom modate the customs business of Nihv York, caused to be issued United States notes of the denominations of $'),ooo to $10,000. To the amount to which notes of these large denomin ations were issued notes of smaller de nominations had to be destroyed, lie- cause the law hxes the volume ol United States notes at $310,081,010. The total amount issued in these larger denominations was ilO.Ol-'i.OoO, of which $o,oo.),uoo were iu the de nomination of $o,000, and $5,010,000 in the denomination of $10,000. These largo noles do not, of course, enter into general circulation, and the amount which they represent is prac tically so many dollars In circulating notes withdrawn front general busi ness. The demand for United States notes of denominations between $20 and $o has been so great and persis tant that these notes of large denom inations Inive destroyed the notes of smaller denominations issued in their stead. At this time the fj.OoO and $10,000 notes outstandiug will aggreg ate less than $1,500,000. Theuniouut outstandiug in those denominations on November 1 was $5, "50,000. Worthy of Atteniou.' We advise all our readers, Whether they own a foot of land or not. to sup. ply themselves with that treasure of useful, practical reliable information, the Amercan Agriculturist, so n-inicd because started 8S years ugo as.a journ al, but now enlarged to embrace a groat variety of most usful reading for the Household, Children included, for the Garden, as well us the Farm for all classes. Each volume gives some bOO original Engravings, with descrip tions of labor-saving and labor-helping contrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers, animals, etc., including many large and pleasing, as well us instructive, pictures for joung and old. The con stant, systematic exposures of Hum bugs and Swindling Schemes by the Agriculturist are of great value to every one, and well save to most persons many times its cost. Altogether, it is one of the most valuable, as will as cheapest. Journals any whore to be found. The cost is only $1.50 ayear.or 4 copies for5. Single numbers 15 cents. Subscribe at onea for 1S80; and receive the rest of this year free, Orange Judd Compuny, Publishers. 245 Broadway, New York. Tmk Advooatk and the ubove named journal for (J.50. "Grant's Tour Around the World" published by II. W. Kelley & Co., Philadelphia is one of the most in teresting books published," and also tlie only utuhentic publication of the remarkable travels of the world's most famous hero and contains the correspondence of John Russell Young uud a vast amount of Interesting mat ter. A large book of 900 pages, pro fusely illustrated. Take no Inferior article, G. W. Nichols, of this place, has the agency, give him your order. Our Special offer to Siibst iilirrs. Wedcsireto deal as liberally with our patrons as we possibly can, and to put into their hands tho host 'news paper literature at the very lowest ob tainable price. To this end we have mMe such fortunate arrangements as enable us to offer this paper, the American Hural Home and the House hold, all three throughout 1P80, post paid, for only $1 00. Under this remarkable offer your local paper, a first-class Agricultural and Family Weekly, and n popular Domestic Monthly, can be had for $1.35 less than their aggregate lowest price.' In fact we give the Household one year, and 25 cents besides to every one who subscribes for our own paper and The. Rural Home at the bottom price for each. The Uural Home, published at Rochester, N. Y., has long been a recognized Agricultural and Horti cultural authority, and its eight large pages are full of live, progressive, valuable matter for the farmer and the farmer's whole frinily. ' It has an enviable reputation, achieved by years of clean honest, able effort toward the highest journalistic ideals. It is wonderfully cheap at Its sole price, of $1.50. The Household Is r bright, practical magazine for housewives, published ut Brattleboro, Vt., ud the only long established monthly of its kind. It has 24 pages, devoted to every interest of home-keeping, and is immensely popular with the ladies.. Price, $1.10. Modesty forbids us to speak of our own paper as handsomely as we ought Of course you will want it next year, and you will do well to secure the others with it iu this special combina tion specimens of the K ura I Home and Household may be bad by addressing a postal card to the Kural Home, at Rochester, N. Y., or by application to this oflice. This club offer will not be held opett many weeks. Address, The Advocate, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. List of Jurors drawn for January term, 1880, com mencing Monday, Jan. 20. tfKAND. Benozelle George Schneider. Benzingcr Win. Gross, Philip Kreigle, John Nissle, Charles Schnei der. Fox James 11. Taylor, J. R. Green, Sid. Almy. Hortou Stephen Fox, R. S. Mcin tosh. Jay R. I. Spangler, A. W. Gray. Jones George DoGolier, Anthony Cole, Henry Market. Ridgway James Horton, W. S. Service, Titos. Neiil, Capt. Jas. Wood ward, U. Li. Cody. St. Mary's E. Lentz, Anthony Au- nian, .Leonard Sevenn. Spring Creek Hiram Carman. TRAVERSE. Renezette 'Edward Fletcher, Luther Lucore, D. W. Dellass, Jacob Herbstreet. Benzingcr Francis C. Fritz, Joseph Young, John Heindle, John 1$. Geit ner, (Jbarles Ritter, Anton Muricli, George Jiuucr. Fox Reuben S. Gross, P. W. Hays, Patrick Jordan, Hayes Kyler, Hoilis Sidelinger. Horton Squire Mosher. Jay A. B. Robinson. Jones Adam Pistuer. Millstone Alonzo Heeter. Ridgway John R. Kime, D. D. Cook, S. S. Provin, John Gillouly, James Gardner, T. J. Stevenson, Thomas Noon, Isaac Avery, St Marys John Keller, Conrad Freidel, Charles Wois, Charles Gar ner, John Fox, Michael Bauer, George Krellner, Joseph Schauer. THE Statesman, Christian A TWELVE PAGE WK.KKI.Y I'APKK. Established to maintain our Sabbath Laws, the Bible in the Schools and other Christian features of the American Government. To discuss the principles of govern ment in f he light of Christianity. To gather up and publish the evi dence which proves the historical connection of our Government with the Christian religion. To resist the encroachment of Secu larism, Romanism and Communism in Amerean Politics; To advocate the settlement of the question whither this is and is to be u Christian Government by suitable religious acknowlegment in the Constitution of the United States; and. To furnish a faithful record of the controversy and discussion which is in progress over these grave issues. At the same time the Statesman is a thorough Temperance paper, giving prominence to the legal remedies of Intemperance; a newspaper record ing with more than usual fulness not only events etlecting the rela tion of Church and State in other lands but whatever bears on the general interests of the kingdom of Christ, a Sabbath School paper, publishing full and thorough ex positions of (he luternaional Los- sons; and an earnest advocate of Christian Union having itself no sectarian character or relations. Price 2.00 a year; To ministers $1.50; To new subcribers, for the tirst year H.oti, being a casn rremium ot une Dollar. On triul four weeks, ten f rents. x Address THE CHRISTIAN STATESMAN, No. 7 North Tenth St., Phila. tQ A WKKK In 'our town-, Biul no capl---) lul rii-ki d. oucan Klvt? Hie busiiiesH a trial without cxpeiiKe. Inebetsloppoi'luntly ever ottered for tlione 'II1Iiik to work. You Klioulu try noikini! else until you nee lor your self wlial you can do at the business we oiler. .No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your hpare time to the tiUhliitu, and make great pay for every hour thai you work. Women make as inucli us men. Scad for special privuteturmnand par timilum, which we mail free. $." outfit tree, lion't complain of hard timeti while you have men a chance. Addrck li. HALL KIT Si CO. Portland. Maiutt, ultiyl CAUTION NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or In any way meddling with the following named property now in the tsissession of and being used by J. B. Rice, viz: 1 yoke oxen, 1 bob sled, 4 trail grabs, t drait chains, 2 set double grabs, cross-cut saws, ti axes 4 spuds and 1 double bar reled gun. As the same are my pro perty and temporarily ieltlu tlie posses stou or said J . Li. itiee. Horace Little. Ridgway, Dec. 22, 187U. 8t. . Toys! Toys! ! A at P. b K'. splendid stock ' ft THE ViBfl !!z-r-sl0aT Send for IHastmtcd Circular and prices. until you nave seen uie Most Elearant. Slmole and Easv Running Machine In Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY,- Western Branch Office, 235 Staxb St., Chioaoo, III. MIDDLETOWN. CONK! Oct.HOyl. J. H.;& W. 11. HYDE, AGENTS, RIDGWAY, PA. "The Weekly Press" FOR 1880. NEW ATTRACTIONS A Pennsylvania Serial Story. PRICE REDUCED TO $1.25 FOR SINGLE COPY . OH $1.00 IN CLUBS OF TEN OR MORE. (Including Prepaid Postage.) In order tr place Tiik Wi:i;ki.y Pkt.sh within the reach of the Repub lican voters of the States, the price has been reduced to One Dollar and Twenty-Five cents for the year, by the single copy, ot to One Dollar for the year, by chilis. Tiik Pkkss is thoroughly devoted to the principlesof the Republican party, and mantuinsthe Rupubiican! organ ization because it believes that the prosperity an I progress of the people cannot be safely intrusted to any other existing political organization. Dur ing the year H8i), the most stupendous political conflict of this epoch will take place. I'pon its issue will depend the political destiny of the country for many years. Tiik PuKsssteadily resists the aims of the "Solid South,'' which is now organized to rapture the Executive, to retain Congress, to remodel and con trol the Supivine Court, and to subor dinate evei'T public .interest to the overmastering purpose of controlling the policy ol the Nation, and thereby gaining bv legislation and peaceful means what it lost on the field. Tiik Pkkss oufom's the duty of preserving in full force tne Constitutional Amend ments made to secure the fruits of the war; uphoMs the right of every law voter to a free, and uiibought exercise of his right ; inllexibly insists upon an honest retu'n of the votes cast; justi fies the use of all necessary means to prevent fraudulent voting and fraudu lent returning of votes; accepts as fundamental the equal right of every citizen to tho adequate protection by the law of bis political as well as civil rights, maintains as wise the Repub lican policy of Resumption ami honest tinanch.l legislation; defends as sound the policy of Protection to American Industry; and, in general, follows whithersoever the Republican principle leads. Sneoial measures nave neon adopted to SntKxciTiiEN tiik Papku in all its departments. 1H ri EDITORIAL OKI 'ART- MET will be in the hands of able and experienced writers, and the range of subjects discussed will be as wide as in any other flrst-class newspaper in the L nion. THE LITERARY, THE AGRf- CC LTl'RAL. THIS FAMILY AND THE CHILDREN'S DEPART MENTS will remain in charge of ex perienced and capable editors ; and the Market Reports will be full and accurate. CLOSE ATTENTION will bo given to the Slate News of Pennsylvania, ew Jersev and Delaware. OUR FOREIGN CORRESPON DENCE will include letters from Europe and all portions of the world. A SPECIAL LEAL CUE Ot TIIK Wkkkly Pkkss will be a serial story in illustration of Frontier Lifeitt Cen tral Pennsylvania, prior to, and dur ing the Revolutionary War, in which John Brady and his sons John Samuel uud other Border colebrieties will be prominently introduced, litis story will be written by Mk. Ciiaki.ks Mt KXKiHT, author ot nur western Border," "Old Fort Du Ouesne," and "Simon Girtv," and will be begun about the middle of November. eCiVSpecial terms will be made with Can vassern. sirSieeiiueii copies sent free on application. jLJrt'arues sending i.o win ne en titled to receive the paper from date till January 1, 1SB1. TERMS FOK TIIK DAILY PRKSS: OSRY KAll i Including prepaid postage; 88.75 SIX MONTHS ' ' " 4.W THttKEMONTAB " " 8.3) ON K MONTH " "5 ThkTki-wkekly Pkkss, published every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Mailed to subscribers (including prepaid postage) at $4.40 per annum; .'0 for for six mouths and SI. 10 for three months. Address THE PRESS COMPANY (limitkd), S. W. Cor. Seventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. V ENSIGNS! procured for soldiers disabled in U. S. service by reasons of wounds and other causes. All pensions date back to day of dis charge Pensions increased. Address with stump, STODDART & CO.. No. 613 E St., N. W. Washington, Jul nil L. C. cb T rs r r to tmwo A Y K A U, or $3 to tx a PltJv-'''duy iu your own locality. No risk. Women do tm well us men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one van fail to make money fast. Anyone can do tlie work. ) ou can make frmn .ju cIh, to ii an hour by devotinit your evuninsi and pare time to tne bUKii)iiH. It com notions' to try tho buslne88. Nothing like It lor money making ever offered before. ItusineiiH pleasant and utrUaly honorable. Heuder, If you want to know all about the bcit paying biiMneB before the publlu, end uu your ad Jresaundwe will itend you full particulars and private terms free; muipleH worth foalo free; you can then make np your mind for yourself. Address, fcXlNoON A CO. FcrtluDd, Mala. tilWy NEW VIGTOO. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvements September, 1878. Notwithstanding the VICTOIl has lonff been the peer of any Sewing Machine in the market a fact supported by a host of volunteer witnesses we now Ifli .1 i . : r 'il . :mni:u uuuuueuujr cittuu lur lb irruier nim i'i.i.i i.j , a wonderful reduction of friction and a rara combination of desirable qualities. Its shut tle is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, and takes rank with the highest Achievements f I 1- J eonsiim Machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch tip and re-varnish for our customers. We Sell New Machines Every Time. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy the N a compound of tins virtue of Rtirsapnrilla. stillinpria, innnlruk(, yullow dock, with the. Iodide ol potash and Iron, ad powerful lilood innldiijr, hlood-clcansin, and life-sustaining elements. It. in the purest, safest, and in every way tho most effectual alterative mcdi cino known or available In the public. Tlie sciences of medicine ami chemistry have never produced so valuahle a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases ri sultinc from inniniH Mood. It cures Scrofula, ntul all scrofulous diseases. Erysipelas, Uose, or St. Anthony's Fire. Pimples and Face-grults, Pustules, lilotelies, Hoils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Kiieum, Scnid-head, Itinaiwortti, I'loers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neu rulplrt. Female Weaknesses and Irregu larities, Jaundice, Affection of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and Cieneral Debility. P.y its searching and cleansinc qualities it puri'es out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood, mid cause derange ment, and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions. It promote enemy and strength. It restores and preserves health. It infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. Xo sntTi'Ycr from any diseaso which arises from impurity of the blood need despair, who will v.ic Avkij's SAKAPAitii.t.A a fair trial. Kenieuilur. the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. Its recipe has heon furnished to physicians everywhere; and they, recognizing its supe rior qualities, administer it iu their practice. For nearly forty years Aveii's fUnsAfA RIl.l.A has been widely used, and it now pos sesses 1 ho confidence of millions of people who have experienced benefits rom its mar vellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical anil Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD RT AI L TiniUOllTI EVZRYWHEKI. N JEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable aud will keep GOOD STOCK, OOODJCAKRI AOES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fi-. He will ulso do iob teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at tlie Post Oftiee will receive prompt attention. Autl'201871tl PATENTS. Patents procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fees in Advance, Our House was established in 18fl'.. We file CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention, with your own description of it, for our opinion a. to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent is Secured. Our Book of Instructions, etc., "How to Pkoctkk Patents,'1 sent freo on request : also sample copies of the Sciontilic Record, tlie Inventors Journal. R. S. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, 604 F Street, near Patent Office. Washington, D. C. "pensions" All disabled Soldiers and heirs of deceased Soldiers who died from con -sentiences of services in the Army, are entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears allowed after July 1, 1BH0. Send stamps for full instructions in all kinds ot teoluiers claims. J. H. SYPIIERD & CO., Pension Attorneys, 604 F Street, Warhixoton, D. C, NOTICE. All persons indebted to the RIDG WAY MEAT MARKET will, please come forward and pay. Those having claims will please present the same for payment. On and after Nov. 1st no account will be kept except for those who nav on demand. Pkick List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak from 6 to Pi cents a- pound. Pork from 01 o 10 cts. a pound. Mutton from 5 to 10 cents a pound. Smoked moats at lowest pi-ices. Fish every Thurs day. Mekclk Bkos. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that a petl tlon of cit.ens of Ridgway township will be presented at- tlie next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the incorporation or a Borough ol the Till T : .1 Village of Ridgway. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Main street, Rldgwy, Elk Co., Particular attention given to I'a the examination of titles, also to patents aim patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32l LUCORE a. HAMBLEN ATTORN EYd-AT-LAW, Ridgway, Elk county, Tn. Otllee across the hull from the I)cmorrttt es tablishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jirel.5,l7i! Q. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BORDUfELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main atreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of tho new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort nud con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. ocMU'UD MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens ot L I't county that she has on hand an assortment ol fashionable millinery goods which will be soli I cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches rVgent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups. Semi for descriptive circular. lilTyl APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com plete! n lCvols. EachvoluinecontainsnO pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can atlbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $0 00 in cloth, SO. oil in leather, or $7.1X1 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address. W. II. Fail-child, Portvillo, Catt. Co., Y.. who has been duly unpointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,, general agent. A Great reduction. The undersigned is now prepared to deliver a better quality of Bituminous coal than lias ever been mined in this part of the State, at the low price of $2, .25 per ton or 1.75 at the mines. eave vour order at W. II. Osterhout's store at Eagle Valley, and at the olllee of the undersigned, 'Masonic Building luugway, iik Co., Pa. ti. ic. OIIESII. Sept. 10, m3 CENTRAL State Normal School. (IJyhth Xoruiul School District) LOCK HAVES, CLINTON CO., PA. RAI'B, A. M., Principal. This school as at present constituted, offers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and'Classieal learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, eflicient, and alive to their work. Discipline, linn but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate.' Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Seien entitic. adjunct coriisKS : " I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, eonierring me lonowing corres ponding negroes: -Master oi tne iue ments, and Master of tlie Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by the Faculty. Tlie viroiessional courses are liberal, and are in tlioioughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. I'lie Slate requires a higher order ol citi.ciishin. Tlie times demand it. It is one of-the prime objects ot this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent anil enicicnt teacners for her Schools. To this end it solicits voung persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time aim tneir taiciiis, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school For catalogue ana terms address m Principal. tS. It. President Board of Trustees T. C HIPPLE, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. C Hippie, Dr. J. II. Barton, A. H. Best, Jacob Brown, llson Kistler, A.N. Ratib, W. W. Rankin, R. (i. Cook, Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M. Bickford, H. L. Diil'cnbach, A. C. Noves, S. It. Pcale. Centre Ex-Gov. A G- Ctirtin. Clearfield Ex.Gov. Wm. Bigler. Elk Charles It. Earley. Mr6'79yl Howe Sewing: Machines. Among tlie great variety of goods of every description for nale at roWKLL & KlME'S Will be found an assortment of the celebrated Eliaa Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents tor Elk county. They will keep on bund Tuckers, Confers, Hemmers, Braiders and lUit tiera. Needles, Sewing-machine Oil Thread, &.c, &e. Will also furnish at M II V tiniA Huturiied narts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, land will be sold on accom modal inn terms with appiovea security. 'Vlv Rldowa.y. Aug- 'Ox m " i '-:. SafcSSaSfc Zi Ji. The Johnson Reyolmb Book-Case: FOR Zafyern, Ctergymtn, PhylHnn, Edilort, Bankers, Tcachcrt, Merrhitnts, Students, and all who read bocks, ft Is made of Iron, beautifully ornamented. It Is strong, durable, convenient, tmiKlsonie, ni:d tlte moBt compact boolc-caso In the world, ns it holds more books for lis size than any oilier device. It is minimum in rise, luniinium iu cnpacli;.-, tuid tho chcapc-F-t revolving Look-C'nse nuiuo. It rari never warp. Fin-ink, or fert out of'onler. fend lor cir cular. Sond Si Ci-nts for our New Illt-ptratbd CATAi-oorn. wiih over SoO Illustrations of Eduoa tionul and useful articles. 11.1 KKK, Pit ATT A: CO., School Kurnlslier-. unci Ticalrra In every thing In th Hook mid Stationery line, HEADQUARTERS F0H ALL SCHOOL CUPPLIES, 142 Sc 144 blruud St., Now York THE SUIT FOR 1880. Tiik Si n will deal with the events of the year lssi) in ita own fashion, now jiretty well understood by every body. From January 1 until Decem ber ol will be conducted an a newspa per, written in the English language, and printed for the people. A a newspaper, Tiik Si n believe iu gelling all the news ol the world promptly , and presenting it in the most intelligible shape the shape that will enable its readers to keep well abreast of the age with the least un productive expenditure of time the greatest interest to tlie greatest num berthat is, the law controlling its daily make-up. It now has a circu lation very much larger than that of any other American newspaper, and enjoys an income which it is at all times prepared to sptnd liberally for the benefit of its readers. People of all conditions of life and all ways of thinking buy and read Tut: Sun: ami they all derive satisfaction of isomer sort from its columns, for they keep on buying and reading it. In its comments on men and affair, Till; Si n believes that the guide of policy should be common sense in spin.d by genuine American princi ple and backed by honesty of purpose. For this reason it is, and will continue to be, al solutely independent of parly, class, eliijue, organization, or interest. It is for all, but of none. It will con tinue to praise what is good and re probate w hat is evil, Inking cure that its language is to the point and plain, beyond tlie -ililit.v of being mis understood, it n uninfluenced ly motives that do not annearoii fhesm-- t it I ... . . 11 n.x, mv ...... .v .IHMin H. Si,. tnose wnieii may he bail bvonv litireh and rascality even more than it bates unnecessary words. It abhors frauds, pities fools, and deplores nincompoop? of every species. It will continue throuchout the year lSu to chastise the lir-t class, instruct the second and discountenance the third. All honest men with honest convictions, whether sound or mistaken, are its friends. Ami Tut: ir. makes no hones of tel ling the truth to its friends and about its friends whenever occasion arisen for plain speaking. These are the princples upon which Tiik Siw will lie conducted during the year to come. The year lswiwlll be one in which no patriotic American can iiil'ord to close his eyes to public atlairs. It is im possible to exaggerate t he importance of the. political events which it has in store, or tlie necessity of resolute vig ilance on the part of every citizen who desires to preserve tlie Government that tho founders gave us. Tlie do--bates and acts of Congress, the utter ances of the press, tlie exciting contest ot the Keiiuhliean and llemoeralic parties, now nearly oiiuul in strength throughout the country, tlie varying drifts of public sentiment, will all bear directly elteetively upon the twenty fourth Presidential election, to be held in November. Four years ago next November the will of the nation, as expressed at the polls, was thwarted by an abominable conspiracy, the pro moters and beneficiaries of which still hold tlie offices they stole. Will tho crime of 17U be repeated in 1H80? JUio past decade of years opened with a cor rupt, extravagant and insolent Ad ministration intrenched at Washing ton. Tiik Srxdidsom thing toward dislodging tlie gang, and breaking itn power. The same men are now intrl guiugto restore their leader and them selves to place from which they wero driven by the indignation of the peo ple. Will they succeed-.' The coining b;--S.ViT?S! iHmMu 1mm 'm 3 ! i.S:-r-"f faff-J year will bring the answer . to theso. momentous questions. The Sfx will lie on band to chronicle the facts as they are developed, and to exhibit them clearly aisj fearlessly in their relations to expediency aud right. Thus Willi a lialill ol philosophic! i good humor in looking at tlie minor ' allairs ot lite, and in grate things a si end lust purpose to maintain the rights of the people and the principles of the Constitution against all aiJgres sfirs, The Srx is prepared to write truthful, instructive, and at the same time entertaining history of 1880. Our rates of subscription renin'1) un changed. For the Daily Si'-S u four page sheet of twenty-eV'' , duins, the price by mail. P-t-pald is 69 cents a month, oi$P-60 tt year; or, including tlie Simile' .l"l"'f. " ight page sheet of i.ty-MX ctduimis tl.e price is 65 cei''M "t". 7.70 a, "SKSionofTiiE Sc i also fu'rulflied separately at $1.20 a 1 vwir, ri' l'"'1- ,X l I 'jve. price ot tlie TOKKLV Si n, efcht pages, fifty-six coluifHi, is Si a yenr.-jiostiige paid. For clulafM ten Lending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W ENGLAND, Publisher of The Si n, 'iw York Tit v. N. Y. 113810 rtOfifl A MONTH ttuarnntied. ?)2a cMjr 4CJ JJ t home niudt- by the industrious. ( ii p 1 1 ii 1 not required; we will stin t you. Men, ui men, hoys mid kIi Ih inuk money o-i-ter at work for us thi.u xt iinythh g elke. 'I he work Is Ittihl mill pli MMiuit, nud fcueli tomnyone eu go rlidil at. Those who are wine who mi' !"" will send uh their uddi'exii. and rn-e f'i;' u elve. t.'oKtly outfit and teinm free ,V viua the time. Those nlreudy at wor? TKlfiii iin lurue minis ol nioimv .d-a V UU.. Autfuu. iiuiae