The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 25, 1879, Image 1

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    1 i u.
j Vol. IX
; - :
lkCountyAdvocate "
It 1 1) fi WAY, PA., DEC. 2", 1R79.
No. 44.
Christmas conies but once a year.
The weather Is cold nt this writ
ing. M. J Earlcy was in town this
Oysters by the quart or dish at
Neat chromo cards for sale cheap
nt this office.
Mercer Bros, have a new top on
their meat wagon.
Samuel Uoof died at Wllmarth
Inst Saturday of consumption.
Company H dance at. Hyde's
Opera hall Thursday evening, Jan.
Barrett Chapin of Brockwayvllle
is the happy "dad'' of a week old
Messrs. D. G. and D. It. Morse,
of Warren, agents for the Mutual
Benefit Association of Easton, Pa.,
were in town last week.
Ed. Powell, Frank Earley, Joe
Jackson, Florence Osterhout, Ella
Grant, and Jennie Hall are home for
the holidays from school.
Notice is hereby given that a peti
tion of eitzens of Itidgway township
will be presented at tiio next Court
of Quarter .Sessions of Elk county for
the incorporation of a Borough of the
Village of Itidgway.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or In any way
meddling with the following mime'd
property now in the possession of and
being used by J. B. Bice, viz: 1 yoke
oxen, 1 bob sled, 4 trail grabs, 2 draft
chains, 2 set double grabs. 2 cross-cut
saws, G axes 4 spuds and 1 double bar
reled gun. As the same are my pro
perty and temporarily left in the posses
sion of said J. B. Bice.
Horace Little.
ltidtfway, Dec. 22, 1879. 3t.
List of Juror
drawn for January term, ly8i, com
mencing Monday, Jan. 2t.
Benezetle George Schneider.
Bemsinger Win. Oross, Philip
Krelgle, John Nissle, Charles Schnei
der. Fox James It Taylor. J. It. Green,
Si.l. Almy.
Horton Stephen Fox, It. S. Mcin
tosh. Jay It. I. Spangler, A. W. Orny.
Jones George iX-Oolier, Anthony
Cole, Henry Market.
Itidgway James Horton, W S.
Service, Thos. Neill, Capt. Jas.' Wood
ward. C. L Cody.
St. Mary's E. Lentz, Anthony Au
mnn, Leonard Severin.
Spring Creek Hiram Carman.
Benezette Edward Fletcher,
Luther Lucore, D. W. DeHass, Jacob
Benzinger Francis C. Fritz, Joseph
Young, John Heindle, John B. Geit
ner, Charles Bitter, Anton Muricii,
licorice JSauer.
Fox Reuben S. Gross, P. W.
Patrick Jordan, Hayes Kyler,
Horton Squire Mosher.
Jay A. B. Robinson.
Jones Adam Pistner.
Millstone Alonzo Heeter.
Itidgway John It. Kime,
Cook, S. S. Provin, John Gillouly,
James Gardner, T. J. Stevenson,
Thomas Noon, Isaac Avery,
St Marys John Keller, Conrad
Freidel. Charles Weis, Charles Gar
ner, John Fox, Michael Bauer,
George Krcllner, Joseph Schauer.
Hoi lis
D. D.
Write I88D next Thursday.
The masquerade pv.rty at I hints'
hall on Monday night was a great
Although we had intended to not
issue this wi ek we have concluded to
issue this little sheet to accommo
date some legal advertisement.
Now for your winter suits and
overcoats. McAfee has just received
three hundred samples from three of
the most popular houses in New York
ty. Don't fail to call uod see them.
cnariotte is not nrarlv so moo as tnis, I hvs wren u e iminuui inettusjust uiuy i iruuuieu i