The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 18, 1879, Image 3

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i "...
kURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1879.
ff Time Table. Under the new
PIle the mall and. local freight
MStldgway station as follows:
rfl WEST - -
EAST - . - :03
,CAL WEST - - 7:80
EAST . - 3:25
Ka of H.
lldgway Lodge No. 1644 J
jets on
i 2d and 4th Fridays of mwntn
if H o'clock. :
Wgs are a"5o.t a dozen.
Juttef iVf cdiita a pound.
r-VCisiUiarasat this office,
IV .- Tfc--.t; . u
iut yourBaui:uanac to soa.
-rlchers' Institute on Dec. -'inn.
VMpef and envelopes nt this
- - ,. v
io of nure spkM Morges
.Maii mi was several vurs nne
Jtn Ttiesday fn.
l No paper wlf.l . issued mm this
pfllce next week.1 v
'I Episcopal Socifcl at the Mlyde
onse this evening.N. . ., ,
The present weather is ursftrate
r the wood business. '. . ,
It last winter has eo'ine to stay.
ground is all ctiVeredS'ith tu.ow.
Fresh Oysters always&oirJrind
ale in (quantities to suil fjistonn.
ouitoes lire middling scarce
vay, an(t eommand rea'dy sale
r price
4y; . , -thirty forget that there will
"V1 "nee at the Ridgway house
t ChAtnirfB Eve.
VncWjtt the Belie.ette house.
IV-BentWttftn Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.
V;. Tick A $.&.
wtf" bought
jjvercd tree
:it Morgester's
to any part of
f mvV'Court House
men- weni-ioT-LiTreTIio io
fe striking miners at that
to w
lo were threaten ins to burn
;rty of the coal companies.
lw bell was put in the Luth-
rch last Tuesday, in place of
ie one-cvacKea some time since, 'i n
new lell lias a much better tone thai?
"had the. old one before it was cracked
-B-The'nlw Swedish church at Oster
hodl'sWiinnery was dedicated last Sun
. ilftWmh appropriate ceremonies. A
largti aelegatlon of Swedes was here
v frofli Wilcox and Kane.
Wedding stationery neatly printed
nt this ulllce. Of course you will not
be likely to need wedding cards more
than once in a lifetime, but if you
contemplate marriage don't fail to call
our specimens.
essrs. u. o. Kyan, J. ic. tieao,
1. Bail, of Spring, Crawford
Pi,- traveling ' agents for
Hariisou & Co., uu&crymen,
llle, Ohio, were in- town this
aking orders for nursery stock
elivereSiext spring.
acoquVt of Tracyrs execution
vaabufctshetfC in last week's
lTTaacopll from the Brad-
ncupw Jew wituout proper
Th'q omissiorX was purely an
lit and w nope ur valued co
or me oji nwropous win
hiaa an apology
lember. it. Doik forget it
n your fnlrwl. Je dance at
pera House ki Tliursday
Janlst, given wilder the au-
Zie "Uidgway RiBos." Come
Itads and have (good time.
ss it for you may live to be a
eurfjold and tlii think of
yefcrs of regrdt yet before
faU to attend. All arc
f 1
t 1 eatliej 1
and s(
v fredit
, efenini
t . . .
W-ltACto O
'iiv slehf
5 lfcemaW
V-you intt
uaie JoMrnal for November
V nd Dec
efublished by D. S. An
, of Williaoisport, Pa.,
to hand They contain a
fine var
y or liusIc ana at a price
ih of nil., Bend 0 cents by
xwtroftce stamps and get the
urnbei for January contaiu-
ivorth of music. This Jour-
aJ ta I.
ed eveiy month.
I avion Democrat pronounces
Dt H.T.Helmbo d a dead beat. That's
w bat we thought when we refused to
'pifjlish'his Buch a advertisement with
out getting cash down Spectator.
Ditto.-orea Republican. Ditto, for
us. Wutren Mail. Likewise are we
dittoed; tA the- tune of $ 15.00. Please
take notice Jtbut the aforesaid adver
tisement runs ho inore in our columns.
OlfX H. is a dead-beat and lie would
yrloin the coppers from the eyes of
his ieaa grandmother to buy paper
and ihV- with which to wtite lying
propositions with which to chat the
printer. ; If -there is no hell Mr. In
gersoll, wluit deposition will be made
of such hflre-f-vCd old cheats and
Christmas Ere Dance
The grand opening of the Itidgway
house will take place on Christinas
Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1879, at
which time a social dance and excel
lent supper will be given. Messrs.
Harm and Brack will furnish the
music which Is a guarantee that it will
be first-cl"' Mrs. Jackson will spnre
no pa'te t Mave tM0 supper in the best
pliPjie possible, and we all know that
jrieans an excellent supper. This
will be one of the best dances
of the season and an occasion
of first-class enjoyment. There
will be lots of room, as the new
addition will be ready for occupancy
by tnat time, a cordial invitation is
hereby extended to all to attend. No
special invitations will be issuod but
take notice that there will be "slukes''
of fun, a large supper, excellent
music and a time long to be remem
bered. Again we say all are Invited,
which includes married and single
the young man with three girls, and
the chap who is so unfortunate as
to have none. Tickets $2.00.
J?TLFT"-On Tuesday, Dec.
f. 18i, by Rev. J r nnf.. t. ...
V,,. T,; v v l"e"u'8 parents,
Mr. 3 no. W. Eyster, route agent be
tween Erie and Lock Haven, to M iss
Limio Luther, daughter of D. S.
Luther of Itidgway.
McCailey Luther At the same
V"1 r , pl,'lce by tue sallle. Mr. Jas.
K MeUtmlcy, son of Jacob Mc
( auley late county treasurer, to Miss
Ida M. Luther, sister of the above.
The above double wedding was one
of the best conducted aflhirs that has
occurred in this village in a long time.
The house which was tastefully deco
rated, was crowded with invited
Nwiests, and all went "merry as a mar-
naeum. iue nappy couples will
pleate consider our No. 10 brogans
heaved after them, as was the ancient
custom of throwing slippers after
newly wedded pairs, also our congrat
ulations, as well as our thanks for
several pieV of beautiful cake which
we slnu takoccasion to sieen over.
tern oon they fooKTTie" S33
iwhlch did .not arrive until 7
"clock, for a trip to Erie.
Nelson Thurston. On Nov. 17,
187(1, at the residence of O. L. Thurs
ton in Jay township, Elk county,
Pa., by Rev. Thomas Hollen, Mr.
H. B Nelson, of Cameron county.
o Miss Anna E. Thurston.
e Sew Ahl's Surgeons' Splints.
VI' with Tin: IMPROVE
it'ng the ollice of Dr. J. S.
we find him in pasMssion of
Surgcons'Sjilints for fractured
ited bones. Two sets, one
i and one foradults, a splint
one in the human system.
lis seventeen years in Ridg-
ictor lias been noted for his
ocess in reduction ot bones.
new splint which is easily
y applied, the patient sutlers
little if any pain.
he Splints are made of a tousfh.
uue material, nlxiut us tliicK as
heavy binders' board, and are moulded
to tue periect torm ot tnc limbs, over
models. The j' can be adapted at will
to Iimbs of various sizes. When once
lilted to the limb they are not.easily
disulaced or loosened and the wit lent
, til;
ajiftin move about and change his posi
tion without pain or injury. Henct
tney are in valuable when persons
with serious fractures nave to be trans
ported long distances, and also when
tnc general ncaitn win suiter iroineon
llnement to bed. This is the course to
pursue Doctor keepat the head, let no
one go above vou.
The old and reliable firm of D. S.
Audrus A Co., of Williamsport, Pa.,
have been selling musical instruments
for nearly twenty years'. Those who
purchase from such a firm buy with
safety. Prices of organs at a monthly
rental of live dollars, from $125 to
$175, the very best, and will allow all
the rent to apply on a purchase of the
organ if they buy. Where will you
get as good an offer?
The Probable Result of the Maine Count
Portland, December 10. A special
dispatch to the Argus (Democratic
paper) says: . "The counsel have not
completed the canvass. A few dis
tricts remain unsettled. The expected
result will be reached by Wednesday.
Democratic as well as Republican re
turns have been thrown out. It is
thought that in the house there will be
77 fusion members and 62 Republicans,
with 12 vacancies, and in the Senate
19 fusion members and 12 Republi
cans. Augusta, Dec. 10. The report that
the certificates of election were to be
issued to Senators and Representatives
yesterday was incorrect. The certifi
cates will not be issued until to-morrow.
Boston, December 15. Dispatches
from Maine up to midnight give little
additional information regarding the
action of the governor and council in
changing the political complexion of
the legislature, beyond stating the
feeling that exists in the state regard
ing the mov ement.
McAfee, the tailor, has just re
ceived an extensive Hue of samples for
the fall and winter trade. Call and see
for yourself.
. Childrens' Sole Leather Tip shoes
at P. & K's.
A nice stock of clothing for men,
boys and children at P. & K's.
Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents'
Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at
P. & K's
Now for your winter suits and
overcoats. McAfee has just received
three hundred samples from three of
the most popular houses in New York
ty. Don' t fail to call and see them.
A neat thing for a Christmas pres-
sent would be one of our boxes' of
fancy note paper.
1 iIMHI I IIIIUM 1 1LHIM l.l.....
Wilcox Graded School.
Pl!i:('rPAL'8 REPORT
KMPrjm DEC. 1, 187'..
It M
p re
3 ff
Mrs. J.
Mr. J.
Kunimary. 134 1I0 80 34
, A 'written examination was' held at
lliecflose of the month, from which
the average class standing of the fol
io wing pupils was ascertained. - The
mar kings are based upon 100 as the
slan dard, that being the highest per
cunt, attainable. The highest average
.class standing obtained by any pupil
for the month is HO; lowest 00; the
btjst general average 08 ; lowest 58.
Lucy Neering
Eva Schreiner
33 08; 100
92 100 100
100' 100; flti
Inn tha Scliultz
Ka tic Murphy
100 1 t)0
1)8 1 00
OH 100
08 07
02 100
m os
94 1 08
08 07
El Li Locke
Mai;ic Locke
Martiia (Jroat
Ada Miller
05 1
Herman Lampe
Job unie Murphy
I'jiiu.ene I'arsous
Willie Miller
100 100
100! 02
Fired Aldrich
Mary Selireiner
Lor snda Warner
"!" GRADE.
Fra'nk Brown
Grant Allen
Viilie Sweet
Jne kson Schultz
George Selireiner
(i U uni Johnson
8.V100 100
40,100 100
92 OS, 98
97 1"0 100
10() 100 1U0
1(K) 00 100,
I 90 h0 07
loo loo'iuoj
I 75 100 100;
-Eiiilie Sowers
1 Set uie Murphy
V il lie Locke
Flo;:a W fining
Mary Lampe
Edna Walker
M a vy Flunuigan
"(." GRADE.
Ella Whiteman
Lilli.e Ernhout
Alii e Houghtailing
Hat tie ('ole
Kat:ie Flaunigan
George Weining
John O'Leary
Jolia Flaunigan
Otti Schreiner
Cha rles Stoltz
Har.-y Lampe
Hal d' Whiteman
LilliA1 Brown
Celi a Miller
l,lj" GRADE.
UlO;lO0; 08i
05 lOQ! OS!
100i 08 lOOi
100 02 07j
78 100,100:
2:$ loo loo
100 loo
93 lO0
i(H) i sal
97!o0'l00 94
C3; 92,100, 00;
801 00 1001 92!
109 'OOiKlOi 88
Go MlOilOO
7.'5 h)0 100
80 UkI' 07
95 lOO'
97! 08 i 85
85. 1 00 1 08
73! 08 100
100; l0
89' 07
Mar.oie McKean
Edit.h Aldrich
Lilii e Manett
Ann n Hocumjson
HildH Olin
Lizz9 Myrtough
Mary Brogan
Aug ain Johnson
Ella Harte
Beno'.ena Veditz
95! OO
t I
9:li 90
00,100; 100
Note Left. fSlck
Th ose attaining the bct general
avcrr.tfe in primary department are as
folio wis :
"E" Grade Sophia Lampe and
Magnolia Casselhock.
"F " Grade Maude Malone, Harry
Parsons and Maude Brown.
"CV Grade Harry Weining, Presse
Stra Ight, Annie Kelley and Johnnie
Visitors. Mrs. J. L. Brown, Mrs
A. C 1. Ernhout; Misses Amanda Wil
cox: mid Nattie Totlcn; Messrs. Max
Kro pp and A. K. Houghtailing;
Prof. J. D. Risliel and Co. Sup. Geo.
R. I Xxon.
J. B. Johxsox, Principal.
Large Sale of Lcmher. Last
Thu rsday about two million feet of
lum her was sold at assignee's sale at
Carrier mill, a short distance west
of I leynoldsville, property of Mr. N.
car rier. iue sale was pretty gen
eral ly advertised, and numerous bid
ders were present from Baltimore,
Phi ladelphia, Pittsburgh, and other
poir its, representing some of the lar
gest dealers in the country. The com
petition was quite lively, and the
pric-es secured at least two dollars per
vuou.sana nigner man tne same
qual ity of lumber has been selling at
from, the mills along the line of the
Low th-ade road. The average price
was a little over 813 per thousand, the
highest price being $33.50 for clear
plan k, and 0.50 for mill culls. The
sale aggregated about $27,000.
The effect of this sale has been to
send up prices all along the line, and
even at the yards at Pittsburgh an
advance has been ordered, the fact
having been developed that the stock
of lu mber available is exceedingly low,
some qualities being out of reach en
tirely. Dealers generally are jubliuut
and predict booming times next year
when the new stock is ready for mar
ket. Brook ville Republican.
"Grant's Tour Around the World"
published by 11. W, Kelley & Co.,
Philadelphia is one of the most In
teresting books published, and also the
only atuheuric publication of the
remarkable travels of the world's
most famous hero and contains the
correspondence of John Russell Young
and a vast amount of interesting mat
ter. A large book of 900 pages, pro
fusely Illustrated. Take no Inferior
article. G. W. Nichols, of this place,
has the agency, give him your order.
The Vanderbilts William II.,
Cornelius and William K. are about
to build mansions on Fifth avenue,
New York, which will be the most
conspicuous architectural ornaments
in the city. The cost of these dwell
ings ill be f 1,050,000.
Brandy ('amp Penciling.-.
The mud is frozen and the roads
very rough. . ,
Jacob Taylor's daiighter StcMa fell
some lime ago hurting her spine since
which time she has been more or less
delirious and flighty, i
"Vale" came to vfclt us a few days
ngo and to gather up inore locals, still
we notice his inind Is wandering and
strays a good ways from homo. Call
again "Vale" glad to see you
Amos Fox lias lost turkeys at dif
ferent times as many us thirteen,
fifteen, twenty-live ami oh high as
thirty-one at a time. ! They were
probably taken by some animal.
Hon. W. D. Moyer, our postmas
ter, killed a swine some two weeks
ago weighing somewhere between one
hundred and one thousand pounds,
about one week since lie found to his
great surprise that forty or fifty pounds
was gone also liftcen ortwenty pounds
or sausage. Will must possess an ex-
Iri&rdiuary appetite for hog meat.
J. S. Hyde is puttin? in the logs
opposite the Brandy Caiap hotel, also
the timber of Chamberliiii and Wiu
klebleek which he has bought 011 the
east side of tho valley.
W P. Egifleston has built a shed
on his barn and is now standing in
side out of the cold December winds
a whistling,
Birth. To Mr. an-VMw. Gilbert
Thompson a daughter, Deo. 8. Gil
bert now works Willi a lighter heart-
Babies are so plenty at Brandy
Camp that there is trade for a
crock of good butter.
Mrs. Isaac Coleman having been
sick some time is now worse.
L. C. A.
liroekport Scribbling.
Will we ever get snow? Don't
know how it is in Brockport but from
present indications hen we think the
chances are decidedly in favor of a
good run of sleighing fortheCompany
H military dance, on Thursday even
ing, Jan. 1-it at Hyde's Opera House.
Why not get up party from
Brock port to attend? Big time. Don't
fail to come. All are invited. Ed.'J
Short & Hortou Vi juiw-ed lust
Mr. Cilneo ought to get that boy a
pair of new pants for a Christmas
present for he got a present some
time before Christinas. He says
people accept strange help at a crisis
but they ilo not always need It.
"Vale," like a cat has nine lives,
and is bound to live all of them if he
has to stay up nights to doit.
Have you ever waited for a wo
man to vvt reaay to go anywuere.-
The hour is half-past three and Marie
is not ready, at lour she will be down
in just one moment, oat. even at mat
hour, if you could look into her cham
ber, vou would be in despair'. Her
'crimps" are not taken down, her
boots are unbuttoned, her pull-back
elastic cords are out of gear, and the
maid is fixing them. She can't tiiid
her bracelets, one cull pin is missing,
she puts arnica 011 her handkerchief
by mistake thinking it Jockey Club.
There is a button oil' her basque from
hurried buttoning and oh dear! dear!!
where arc her lemon kids, and her
parasol, her lace scarf, that coral neck
chain, shawl, a white lace veil, and a
dozen other necessary articles. She
lias hurried so that her fuce is all in a
blaze and she is sure she looks like a
washer woman, and seizes powder
pud'aud daubs a lilt'.e chalk on her
forehead, and hopes it won't be seen
as she is going out to ride with a man
not with a woman. AH unconscious
of the trials which beset your charm
ing Marie you are striving to be agree
able with Mrs. , with the sound of
your horses, pawing up that sidewalk,
in your ears, and you know that the
old man is particular about his grounds,
Directly you hear something suap and
rush out to lind that ono of your
spirited nags has broken oil" a fence
picket and is trying his best on
another by way of dessert. Will she
ever get ready? you consult your
watch, 5 o'clock, you feel inclined to
swear a little, but early piety forbid
and you try to possess your soul 111
patience. The door opens. She comes
radient and smiling in the loveliest of
new costumes, pinned back so tight
that she creeps toward you like a
snail and you mentally wonder how
she is going to step high enough to get
Into the carriage. Her hat is so be
coming and her black lace scarf in
creases the whiteness ot her neck so
much, and she tells you so sweetly that
you feel infinitely obliged to her for
doing it and feel for tho moment that
tho highest and most supreme delight
of existence could be found only in
waiting for her to get ready..
Most of the boys at Brockport
from five years and upwards are
addicted to the u se of tobacco.
Schmidt & Schneider.
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's.
We were exposed last week ttf
pitiless storm, that wet our feet and
stockings, and Indeed our person all
over. In fact we took a cracking cold,
which bought sore throat and severe
symptoms of fever. The good wife
asserted her authority, plunged our
feet into hot water, wrapped us in hot
blankets, and sent our faithful son for
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. It is a splendid medicine
pleasant to take, and did the job. We
slept soundly though the night and
awoke well the next morning. We
know we owe our quick recovery to
the Pectoral, and shall not hesitate to
recommend it to all who need such a
medicine. Tehuacana Texas) iVes
byterian. Paper pails allways on hand and
furnished free at Morgester s.
Stale otes.
Sheriff-elect W. F. Col I ner, of
Clarion county, was arrested last week
charged with bribery at the late elec
tions. The charges could not bo sus
tained and the defendant was dis
charged. '
Ift LeRoysville, Indiana county
while a workman was repairing a
roof, he threw a nail to the sidewalk
which struck Mr. J. P. Roseworth in
the eye, instantly destroying the sight
and which the physicians say can
nevoi- be restored.
A young mail named Dovey died
at Shenandoh, from the effect of swal
lowing his false teeth the week pre
vious. The physicians endeavored to
melt tho plate by administering al
cohol, but this failed, and ho died in
terrible agony.
Judge Cummin, at the last session
of the Lycoming county court in
Williamsport, sentenced Mrs. Stein,
who had been convicted of keeping
a bawdy house, to $100 fine and two
yenrssolitary confinement in the east
ern penitentiary.
The old log house and barn in
Hill Valley, hear the residence of
Rev. Jas. R. Lane, eight miles from
Mount Union, Huntingdon county,
still stand, much as they did forty
years ago, when Bob M. Coliaughy
murdered six members of the Brown
family in and near them. The bullet
hole m;y slill be seen in the side of
tho door made by one of the bullets
fired at the old man Brown from the
barn, which missed him and left one
of tho family alive to testify against
the murderer.
It has just come, to light that on
Thanksgiving day a girl named
Annie Hallehcr, aged 14 year, ran off
from the home of her parents in Lan
caster Pa.witli Frederick Hildebrand
a middle-aged man who, having first
accomplished the child's ruin, Induced
her to run away with him, and left
his own wife and family behind. It is
believed that the guilty couple are
eilherat Williamsport or Jersey Shore
as Hildebrand (who is a white man)
lias a sister li each of those places,
each living with a colored man. The
worst feature of it all is that the par
ents of the girl who are low, ignorant
people, refuse to prosecute. The au
thorities, however, have determined
to take the matter in hand.
A citizen got "all-fired'' angry
cause a sixteen-year old youth took up
ill the lime and attention of his cook
in the evenings when she should have
been engaged "restling" with pots
ami skillets, instead of billing and
cooing everhistinglv. ami the other
night shortly after the mantle of
darkness fell, the lord of tho castle
suddenly popped in upon the love
ick pair while they were munching
apple pie and discussing the uses and
abuses of things mntriniouni- The
lights burned dimly and a "blind
man's buff" race resulted in the cap
ture of the youth, who wan liounced
and mopped about the room till the
tables and chairs fairly danced.
Affrighted and bruised he was dragged
before the lady of the house who gave
him a lecture with good advice in
it that may wean the young Apollo
from "courting" till out of his teens.
B roo k v i 1 1 e Jcffcmo nia.
Oil Prod net ion Declining.
The speculative market is just now
in a serious frame of mind over the
bright future of oil. Those who have
watched tne oil developments have no
hesitation in saying that the limits of
the oil field are now quite well de
fined, and that for the past two
months the production has been stead
i!y decreasing-the falling oil" in Cole
creel: alone being J,0U0 barrels per
day. In the face of this fact tho de
mand lor the illuminator is greater
now than it ever wau before the ex
ports to China, Japan and India alone
since )ftst January being 20,000,000
gallons. Tn fact the trade lias doubled
itself in the last few years. This fact
lias been taken advantage of by
shrewd speculators, who in the im
mediate past, have been investing
largely in the certificates, and this in
vestment was tho cause of tho recent
boom. Tankage at all points is bein
increased, especially at the seaboard.
Franklin Citizen.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve
Tonic is the best remedy in use for
poor appetite, weakness 'and trembl
ing in the stomach,-pain after eating,
heartburn, soreness aiul gnawing
pains in the stomach, nervousness
when tired, constipation and oilier
diseases ot the bowels n rising from
poor digestion. One bottle lasts
nearly three weeks. Price SI. 00.
Dr. Day's Cure for Head-ache is
theonly remedy known that will stop
an at tack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement; only
three or four doses, half an hour
apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents
a bottle.
Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup
will cure a cougli with fewer doses
than any medicine in use. Price 50
cents a bottle.
Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will euro ear-ache immedi
ately. Price 25 cents a bottle. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
medicines Manufactured by D. B.
Day, M. 1)., Ridgway, I'a.
Jam Poles
Middletown X-Cut Saws.
Jfcfiard's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 99 Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Boy u ton's Lightning Saws.
Corn Poppers.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Handles.
i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. n39
Go to Morgester's for prime Rio
coffee, roasted coffee, and all kinds of
Destructive Fire at Rod Kock.
Bradford, Pa., Dec. 12. The 25,000
barrel tank of oil at Red Rock,
belonging to E. O. Emerson, which
took fire on Tliursday evening at 6
o'clock, burned through the entire
night. The force of 800 niert, men
tioned in this morning's dispatch, re
mained at work steadily building
dams and digging trenches to prevent
the oil from running down Into Ihe
village. It was know that the' tank
must burst toward morning and every
precaution possible was taken to con
fine tho oil in tho dams. At 5 o'clock
one ring of the iron tank collapsed
and another burst, leaving 10,000 bar
rels out into the dams. It boiled furi
ously and the intense heat drove the
men back.
A few minutes after there was a
break in the dams, and the burning
oil swept down on the sUrfacc of Little
brook through theceiitrc of the village.
The fire communicated to the build'
ings nearby and spread with wonder
ful rapidity. Tho heat in the village
from the burning stream of oil wus so
great as to repel all efforts to protect
the buildings which were all light
frame structures. The residents o!
the town knew hours before that it
was in all probability doomed, and
had removed as many of their goods
as possible to the hillside, where they
sought safety.
The attention of Ihn men Was now
turned to preventing the burning oil
reaching the other tanks further down
the valley. In one hour a hundred
buildings were burned, embracing all
the principal hotels, stores and dwell
ings. There are but a dozen small
buildings standing about tho edges of
the burned town. By the fire 'Mo
families have been left Jiohioltss and
10-day itciioi committees were ap
pointed and have fed and provided
lodgings for the sufferers. Mayor
Broiler of Bradford called for aid, and
at 5 o'clock had received over $2,000.
Die donations Irom abroad aggregate
$1,000 more. To-night tho Relief
Committee and business men of the
destroyed town are holding a meeting
to consider the feasibility of rebuild
ing a portion and providing for the
destitute. It is expected that by to
morrow subscriptions will be received
from nearly all the towns in ihe oil
A rumor '"went forth that a family
had perished nvthe llames is tin
founded.. The trestle of the O. B. &
W. R. R. near town was destroyed
and will be rebuilt to-morrow. The
loss cannot accurately be estimated,
but will approximate :;t)0,000. All is
quiet about the place to-night.
Sail Francisco, December 15. A
Victoria dispatch) dated December 1
says: "Much anxiety is lelt here at t.iic
condition of affairs near Kamloops,
where Government Agent Assher was
kill by half-breed outlaws a few days
since. The last report is that the out
laws have murdered a herder named
John Kelly, at Stump lake. They are
now surrounded in a log house at the
foot of Douglass lake, in Nicola Val
ley. They have repeating rifles, and
the settlers are poorly armed. The
Indians are fearfully excited and an
Indian revolt is feared- A dispatch
dated the 13th says that the outlaws
have phot and killed another rettler.
They are still corralled in the log
house. The country is in arms. The
Indians are sulky but are quiet. A
strong force of police, with lilies and
ammunition, left Victoria to-night by
special steamer.
Wholesale Dry Goods of J, V.
& Co.
Chicaho, III., Oct.
1m. M. M. KKNNKitr Krudmiiu. N. Y
3, 1S7S.
Deur Sir ; I took your Illood mid
I.ivrr Romrily mul NiM-ve Tonic fur a severe
Mliiftus attack with perfect mr-ch's. Three.
fourlliK o't a bottle, of your SH. Vitus Dnm-o
Se!lio completely cured lay boy of that
Aiseusn, after he h ail been .loetorod three
months by eminent physlcans without ben
efit. 1 wish also to suy that I think highly of
your Improved Cough Honey. Yours truly,
Dr. Fenncr's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve 'ionic may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it regulates and re
stores the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billious-
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge
ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Eruptions
and BLOoi) Disorders ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, arid all Lung nnd
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Dr Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B.
President Hayes on the 10th sent
to the Senate the name of Alexander
Ramsey as Secretary of War, in place
of Secretary McC'reary resigned to
take a U. S. Judgeship. Mr. Ramsey
having been a U. S. Senator, was con
t I f . A .
urmeu wiiuout reference to a com
mittee. This is the first break in
President Hayes' Cabinet
Prints. The most desirable assort
ment in Western Pennsylvania, now
ou exhibition at Powell & Kime's
mammoth tales rooms.
ltroi'hicrt Local.
Raiil all day Sunday.
Locals' are few and scattering.
We are anxious for one of Isaad
Graham's twenty-four snows.
R. J. Thompson has forty-one
scholars at the Keystone school.
R. Keller Is laid up with a large
carbuncle on his left arm.
William Cheatle butchered his
hog on Saturday.
"Schmidt & Schneider" has a big
time over "Vale."
Rube and James felt very happy
after taking a dish of oysters, and a
few glasses of Uoilod elder flavored
with alcohol.
Six of the engineers are boarding
with J. B Frautz and two Willi
father Graham.
Short fc Horton killed six hogs on
Monday whicli weighed twenty-one
hundred and sixty-three pounds. Oneof
the number weighed five hundred and
ninety-seven pounds.
The saw mill of Short & Hortou
shut down on Friday night after saw
ing out all their stock.
"L. C. A." was lamenting over
the twelve games of pool last week
when he should have been writing
his locals.
John Clark and Pearl Fields are
both laying sick at father Graham's
under the care of Dr. A. M. Clark. P.
S Since writing the above Pearl has
moved to Mrs. Craft's. That is right
Pearl, aunt Harriet will make a
good nurse.
In referring to tho local Editor of
the Du Boise City Courier last week,
the printer said Camp Jack when we
wanted him to say Bear Run Camp.
A shooting match will be held at
the house of John Ritlehuls on next
Saturday, and ait oyster supper in the
evening. Every one is invited to at
There is some little talk of having
a Christmas tree the coming Christ
mas at the M. E. Church. We think
it rather late to talk of having a tree.
Some of the boys turned in and
scrubbed out the Brockport store oil
last Saturday night, after which they
had an oyster steW, segars and eider.
"Swamper" ought not to be' sal
rough on that Clarion county buck
wheat for the simple reason that he is
willing to be learned by a child.
We have not heard of "L. C. A."'
being down to see John Cuneo's boy
but we often hcnrf him going to see his
girl. Take our advice and don't let
"Swamper" catch you there.
Dr. Nulf has opened up a pawn
shop together with ids drug store ou
Johnson Run. There has been one
very tine muzzle loading rifle pawned
all vvLiy. Daniel you should remem
ber that one dollar was paid to Adam
llimes on the gun. Please credit
your dutch patient with that amount.
James Bennett, jr., on last Satur
day shot three shots a distance of
thirty-three yards, making only one
half inch of string measuring from
tlie centre of the ball holes. James is
one of the finest marksmen in this
part of the country.
Short & liorton commenced push
ing logs on Tuesday but had to give it
up after pushing seventy logs to the
mill. On Wednesday morning their
full force was again set to work on the
She looked for him on Sunday but
he thought it a little to wet to go and
then only spend three hours.
S'cott Alden has been
teacli the mountain school
commence on Wednesday
hired toJ
and will
tho 17th
Cloaks. A fine line of Ladies,
Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at
Powell & Kinie'S.
Cut Flowers.
A general assortment of Cut Flowers
constantly on hand and arrayed in
Designs or Fancy Straw Basket on tho
shortest notice and in the neatest man
order by- teleoraph.
Also Winter blooming plants of all
kinds. Choice Hyacinths, Tulips and
other bulbs for Winter Flowering and
tor tne Uanten. Prices on application:
Williamsport, Pa.
Christian Statesman,
Established to maintain our Sabbath'
Laws, the Bible in the Schools and
other Christian features of tin
American Government.
To discuss the principles of govern
ment iu the light of Christianity.
To gather u and publish the evi
dence which proves the historical
connection of our Government with
the Christian religion.
To resist the encroachment of Secu
larism, Romanism and Communism
in Amercan Politics:
To advocate the settlement of the'
question 'whither this is and is to be
a Christian Government by suitable
religious acknowlegmeut in the
Constitution of the United States;
To furnish a faithful record of the'
controversy and discussion which is
in progress over these grave issues.
At the same time the Statesman is a
thorough Temperance paper, giving,
prominence to the legal remedies of
Intemperance; a newspaper record
ing with more than usual fulness
not only events effecting the rela
tion of Church and State iu other
lands but whatever bears on the',
general Interests of the kingdom of
Christ, a Sabbath School paper,'
publishing full wtd thorough ex
positions of the Internatonal Les-.
sons; and an earnest advocate of
Christian Union having itself no'
sectarian character or relations.
Price $ 2.00 a year; To ministers $1.50:'
J?,nT 8ut,'i'ters, for the first year
V'TT' beiuS cash Premium of One'
Dollar. On trial fou weeks: ter
cents. Address .. .
No. 7 North Tenth; St,- PhtfrV