The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 20, 1879, Image 2

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Heary A. Parsons, Jr., -
THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1879.
Entered at
Ridoway, Pa,
mail matter.
the Post-office at
, a8 second class
Republican National Ticket for 1880
(Subject to decision of Republican National
Editorial Notes.
Ben Butler wasn't elected Govern
or of Massachusetts this year. Bet
ter luck next time Ben.
The official vote In Pennsylvania
gives Butler over Barr 68,438,over all 28,.
Oil. Republican gain in majority on
lust year 90, 916.
Andrew Tracy's case was ar
pued before the Board of Pardons on
Tuesday. A decision was probably
reached yesterday.
The Emporium Independent says
the Democrats will hold an election.
We will Just here remark that they
have held their election way down in
Gold is flowing into this country
from Europe, and the money Kings
of the old world are becoming greatly
alarmed at the rapid flight of the
precious metal.
Fernando C. Beam an has been
appointed by Gov. Croswell of Mich
igan, United States Senator to All the
unexpired term of the late Senator
Zachariah Chandler.
The new French cable was landed
at North Eastham, Mass., Sunday
evening. Monday morning the stea
mer Faraday left to make the final
.( 1
vouiieuuou seventeen nines out.
Eleven vast districts of the Rus
sian Empire are being rapidly decim
ated by a very malignant form of diph.
therla. It is 'said that there are more
deaths among the children than births.
All the officers on the Republican
state ticket in New York state were
elected except Soulefor State Engineer
find Suveyor. This don't look as though
the Democrats would carry the state
next year.
There was a sudden rise in the
price of oil last Friday and Saturday.
The price reaching $1.07i at Brad
ford. It is thought that dollar oil
will be maintained and there is con
sequent rejoicing in the oil regions.
Postmaster General Key has
Issued orders to the postmaster at New
York forbidding the payment of any
money orders or delivery of registered
letters to a number of parties known to
be in the lottery business in that city.
Virginia's shame in voting for a
species of repudiation at the recent el
ection will make that state a by word
and a reproach among all men. States
like individuals need to pay their
debts to command the respect of man
kind. Hon. F. C. Beaman, recently ap
pointed U. S. Senator from Michigan
to fill the unexpired term of the late
Senator Chandler has declined on ac
count of ill health, ex-governor Henry
P. Baldwin, of Detroit, has been ap
pointed to fill the vacancy.
Alderman Peter Hay, of Phila
delphia is dead in his ninety-first year.
He was 10 years old at the time of
Washington's death, also an editor for
many years, and has undoubtedly gone
to heaven a place not frequented by
delinquent subscribers. Peace to his
A New Jersey Congressman Hon.
Charles H. Voorhees has been arrested
on a charge of abstracting collaterals
deposited in the First National bank
of Hackensack, of which he was presi
dent, to secure a private loan. It is
claimed that the Hon. gentleman will
establish his innocence.
The return has been made to the
United States Supreme Court in the
case of the government against Sam
uel J. Tilden. The record comprises
over 870 pages of printed matter, em
bracing all of the proceedings from the
institution of the suit by the bill of
discovery, which was filed May 21,
Last week a Democratic politician
Trust by name shot and killed an in
offensive negro boy. Meeting the boy
- irashiagtoa Letter. -. . ,
From oar regular correspondent
Washington, D. C, Nov. 17,1879.
The equestrian statute of Geul. G.
H. Thomas has arrived and will at
once be placed In position. The most
extensive preparations are being made
for the exercises next week. The dec
orations at the circle where the monu
ment stands will be on a grander scale
than those of any preceding unveil
ing. Amplest provision of scats for,
visitors will be made. All our mill
tary will parade and every, wise it is
intended, should the weather prcinlt,
to give the deceased hero a fitting
memorial tribute, not only in a mag
niflcent statue but in appropriate
ceremonies. Next week we will de
scribe the whole affair more particu
larly for should we attempt it now It Is
possible our programme will, through
a November tempest, be as mythical
as a certain brilliantly pictured de
scription in the past in Harper's
weekly, of the President's New Years'
reception which a heavy snow storm
interposed to prevent The artist's
sketches of the various room of
the White House were of course cor
rect though prepared necessarily
several days prior to the reception, but
the grand display made by visitors
and callers which his imagination
pictured unfortunately did not occur
olr. Ward the sculpture, lias been
engaged -for more than six years In
preparing the model of this statue and
the horse on which it is mounted and
it is claimed, has succeeded In giving
us a perfect specimen of art. We
hope so, for several of those already
erected In our parks are open to severe
criticism sufficiently so to lead many
to ask that we be spared further effort
in the equestrian direction. We hope
further that the pleasaut balmy
weather of the past ten days may eon
tlnueso that the thousands of visitors
whom the unveiling and re-union
ceremonies will bring here will not
have their pleasure marred. Our
hotels are already beginning to fill
up with the advance columns of the
numerous delegates from other cities
Since our last letter Mrs. Margaret
Eaton, one of the most notable women
that ever moved in Washington so
ciety has passed away after suffering
from prolonged illness for several
months. Mrs. Eaton became famous
during Genl. Jackson's administration
by her causing the disruption of his
cabinet, through his attempt to force
the members thereof to recognize her
socially. Her maiden name was
Margaret O. Mill and she is said to
have been peculiarly handsome and j
fascinating when she reached maidenhood-
But the fact that she was a
daughter of an inn keeper sufficed
to bar her from admission into the
higher circles of Washington society,
which in those days was as Intensely
aristocratic as any portion of the
South and as strongly opposed to
"parvenus as the Bourbons of France.
Her maiden vivacity of disposition
never deserted her, though we saw little
in our limited intercourse with her
during the past ten years to indicate
that personal magnetism and strength
of character that led her into single
handed conflict for years with official
and social aristocracy and with which
she was so eminently successful as to
become virtual controlles of the gov
eminent and dictatress of the White
House. Her tall slender form only
slightly slooped with ago, her apparent
intense mental and physical activity,
clear cut features, marked throughout
with decision of character showed
how much she was capable of perform
ing and of mastering if associated
with the rare beauty and personal
fascination which tradition gave to
her. While the wife of a member of
the Cabinet she aserted her strongest
power of mind, for there she met the
greatest obstacles interposed by society
against her and her history during
those days reads like some vividly
drawn description of fictitious life.
Since the war she has led a retired
life and particularly so since the event
ful chapter growing out of her in
fatuation for and marriage with
Buckignani the dancing master,
THE 'SUN FOR 1880. -
The Sun will deal with the events
of the vear 1880 in its own Cash Ion,
now pretty well understood by every
body. L'mm Janunry 1 until Decern.
her hi win he comiuciefi as a newspa
per, written In t he English language,
and printed for the people.
As a newspaper, The SnN believes
In getting all the news of the world
promptly, and presenting it in the
most intelligible shape the sliupe that
will enable Its readers to keep well
abreast of the age with the least un
productive expenditure of time the
greatest interest to the greatest num
her that is, the law controlling its
dally make-up. It now hnsaclrcu-
lalion very luucn larger than mat 01
any other American newspaper, and
enjoys an Income Which It -is at all
times prepared to spend iiheraiiy lor
the benefit of Its readers. People of
all conditions of life and all ways of
thinking buy and read Urn sun: and
thev all derive satisfaction ot some
sort from Its columns, for they keep on
ImyiuK and reading It.
In its comments on men and affairs,
The Sun believes that the guide of
policy should he common sense in
snired by genuine American urinei-
nle and Uacked by honesty ot purpose.
For tills reason it is, and will conliuue
to be, absolutely independent of party,
class, clique, organization, or interest.
it Is for all, but of none. J twill con
tinue to praise what Is good and re
probate what is evil, taking care that
its language is to the point and plain,
beyond the possibility of being mis
understood. It is uninfluenced by
motives that do hot appear on the sur
face; it has no opinions to sell, save
those which may be had by any purch
aser with two cents. It hates injustice
atid rascality even more than it hates
unnecessary words. It abhors frauds,
pities loots, and deplores nincompoops
ot every species, it will continue
throughout the year 1880 to chastise
the first class, instruct the second and
discountenance the third. All honest
men with honest convictions, whether
sound or mistaken, arc its friends
And The Sun makes no bones of tel
ling t lie truth to its friends and about
Its friends whenever occasion arises
for plain speaking.
These are. the nrlneples upon which
The Sun will be conducted duriug
The year to come.
The year 1880 will be one in which
no patriotic American can afford to
close his eyes to public affairs. It is im
possible to exaggerate the importance
or the political events which, it has in
store, or the necessity ot resolute vig
ilance on the part of every citizen who
desires to preserve the Government
that the founders gave us. The de
bates and acts of Congress, the utter
ances of the press, the exciting contest
of the Republican and Democratic
parties, now nearly equal in strength
throughout the country, the varying
drifts of public sentiment, will all bear
directly effect ivelv upon the twentv
fourth Presidential election, to be held
In November. Four years ago next
November the will of the nation, as
expressed at the polls, was thwarted
by an abominable conspiracy, the pro
moters and heneticiuricB ot which still
hold the offices they stole. Will the
crime of 187B be repeated in 1880? The
past decade or years opened with a cor
rupt, extravagant and insolent Ad
ministration intrenched at Washing
ton. The Sun did soni' thing towaid
dislodging the gang, and breaking its
power. 1 he same men are now intri
guing to restore their leader and them
selves to place from which they were
driven by the indignation of the peo
ple. Will they succeed? The coming
year will bring the answer to these
momentous questions. The Sun will
be on hand to chronicle the facts as
they are developed, and to exhibit
them clearly and fearlessly in their
relations to expediency and right.
Thus with a habit ot philosophicl
good humor in looking at the minor
affairs of life, and in grate things a
steadfast purpose to maintain the
rights of the people and the principles
of the Constitution against ail aggres
sors, The Sun is prepared to write a
truthful, instructive, and at the same
time entertaining history of 1880.
Our rates or subscription remain tin
changed. For the Daily Sun, a four
page sheet of twenty-eight colunis.
the price tiy man. post-paid is aa
cents a month, or$6.50 a year; or,
Including the Sunday paper, an eight
page sheet of fifty-six columns, the
price is ea cents a month, or s.u a
a year postage paid.
The Sunday edition or the nun is
also furnished separately at $1.20 a
year, postage paid.
The price or the weekly mis,
eight pages, fifty-six columns, is $1 a
year, postage paid. ior clubs ot ten
sending$10 we will send an extra copy
nee. Address l. v. j-,juijA.mj,
Publisher of The Sun,
New York City, N. Y.
If llvtamM
h; t.
Improvements September1,' 1878.
Notwithstanding the VICTOR has long Un the
peer of any Bowing Machine in the market a foot
supported by a host of volunteer witnesses -ws now
mnfldnntlv claim for it creator simplicity.
a wonderful reduction of friction and a rare
combination of desirable qualities. Its shut
tle is a beautiful specimen of mechanism,
, and takes rank with the highest achievements
of inventive genius, ivole. weaonorisaaq
'or connicm Machines, therefore, have no old
ones to patch up and re-varnish for our
We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
until you hare seen tho
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the"
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. .
tvMtern Branoh Offloe, 235 Stats St., Chjoaoo, Iia. MIDDLETOWN. COHRJ
ctaoyl.. J. S. & W. H. HYDE, A ENTS, III DO WAY, PA.
1928 Faces. 3000 Engravings.
Four Pages Colored Plates.
Row added, a SUPPLEMENT of over
4600 SEW WORDS and Meanings,
Including such as hare come Into nse during
the past fifteen yours many of which have never
before found a place in any English dictionary.
Biographical Dictionary
. of OTcr 9700 NAMES
ft Noted Pemon a, ancient and mod era, including
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Katiooultty, Profession and Date of each.
NEW EDITION contains a Supplement of
over 4600 new words and meanings.
EarM new word m Supplement has been e
lected aud denned with great care.
With Blogrsnh leal Dictionary, nowadded.of
over 9700 names of Noted Persons.
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lish Language ever putmsnea.
Definitions have always been conceded to
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ITllustrationSi nOOft. about three times
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The Dlot'y' recommended by Btate Bnp'ts
of 35 States, and 60 College Pres'ts.
In Schools, about 32,000 have been
placed in Publio Schools in the V. B.
Only English Dictionary containing a Bio
granhical Dictionary, this gives the
IVTame with Pronunciation, Nation, Profes-
slon and Date of over 9700 persons.
Published by 0. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Ms.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary.
1040 Paget Octavo. 600 Engraving.
lpK If
Worthy of Attenlon.
We advise all our readers, whether
they own a foot of land or not. to sup.
ply themselves with that treasure of
useful, practical reliable Information,
the Amercan Agriculturist, so named
because started 88 years ago as a journ
al, but now enlarged to embrace a
procured for soldiers disabled in U.
8. service by reasons of wounds and
other causes.
All pensions date back to day of dis
tensions increased. Address with
H lUUUAlt r & L'U
No. 913 ESt, N. W.
V. V.
on the street the chivalrous southerner ' , , 7 7"" ,7 T feTRDD TO A year, or $s to eo a
i ha iuiTrarauiwiior great variety of most usful reading for KpiOUUduy in your own locality. No
J"u weiuwnu vr U rll TTA1,a4l.n1.1 flihlrn lnnl.,,1,1 far
the Garden, as well as the Farm for
Republican? "Before he had time to
answer Trust shot him through the
head killing him instantly. All this
happened in Baltimore.
The Raber murderers. Charles
Drews and Frank Stickler were hanged
at Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 14. The life of
old man Raber was insured to a large
amount and then he was drowned.
And now two of the murderers' have
made a speech and gone to heaven at
all good murderers do. Drews was
color bearer in the ninety-third Penn
sylvania regiment during the war.
Three more men await the gallows
for participation In the same crime.
A Lottery dealer In New York
city, one Max Bowger, has brought
suit against Postmaster James in the
Supreme Court of the state of New
York for the alleged illegal detention
of his letters for which he claims
$2,500 damages. The case will probably
be transferred to the federal court.
The letters were detained under orders
from the postmaster general, based on
the law authorizing him to detain
letters concerning lotteries, etc It is
claimed by the counsel that the law Is
unconstitutional, as It makes the post
master general, sole and exclusive
judge, Jury and sheriff, and deprives
the plaintiffs of their property with
out due process of law, and in violation
of the provisirw of the constitution.
all classes. Each volume gives some
800 original Engravings, with descrip
tions of labor-saving and labor-helpiDg
contrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers,
animals, etc., Including many large
and pleasing, as well as Instructive,
pictures for joung and old. The con
stunt, systematic exposures of Hum
bugs and Swindling Schemes by the
Agriculturist are of great value to every
one, and well save to most persons
many times its cost. Altogether, it is
one of the most valuable, as will as
cheapest. Journals any where to be
found. The cost is only $ 1.50 ayear.or
4 copies for $5. Single numbers 15 cents.
Subscribe at once for 1880; and receive
the rest of this year free, Orange Judd
Company, Publishers, 245 Broadway,
New York. The Advocatk and the
above named journal for f 2.60.
risk. Women do aa well as men. Many
nuke more than the amount stated above.
No one can fall to nuke money fust. Anyone
can do the work. You ran muke from ou cts.
to 92 an hour by devoting your evenings and
spare time to the business It costs nothing
to try the business. Nothing like it for
money making ever offered before. Business
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you want to Know an aoout uie dcbi paying
business before the public, send us your ad
dress and we will send you full particulars
and private terms free: samples worth $5also
free; you can then make up your mind fur
yourself. Address.GEORGE BTINSON & (JU.
Portland, Maine. ullUy
The-Best Faper ! Try It!!
35th YEAR.
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Terms. $3.20 per year, $1.60 half
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count to Agents. Single copies, ten
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Remit by postal order to MUNN &
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"li i rTTTJ VTrPO In connec-
1TA.1 TjH 1 O. tion with
the Scientific American, Messrs.
Munu &Co.,aresolicitorsof American
and Foreign Patents, have had 35
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Patents are obtained on the best terms.
A special notice is made in the Scien
tific American or an inventions
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entec. By the immense circulation
thus given, publio attention is directed
to the merits of the new patent, and
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Any person who has made a new
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Munn, & Co. We also send free our
Hand Book about the Patent Laws,
Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, .their
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for procuring advances ou inventions.
Address for the Paper, or concerning
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Branch Office, cor. F & 7th Sts.,
Washington, D. C.
Ps. a rnmnnuml of the virtues of Hnrsnparilla.
tilliiurm. inuinlriik. vrllow flock, with tlm
iodide ot potash and iron, nil iiowi-rful blonil
makinir, blood-cleansing, anil life-siistuinina
elements. It is the purest, safest, and in
pvrv wav the moat effectual alterative modi
Inn'lcnnwn or available to thn public. Tho
sciences ot medicine and chemistry havn
never produced so valuable a remedy, nor
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from impure blood. It cures Scrofula, and
all acromions uisensrs, r.rjsiipcms, no.-.-,
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Knee-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Roils,
Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Kheum,
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Rv its searching anit cleansing qualities
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It infuses new life and vigor throughout tho
whole svstein. No sufferer from any disease,
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trial, thu speedier tho cure.
Its recina lias lieen furnished to physicians
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For nearly fortv rears Aver's Sahsapa-
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sesses tho confidence of millions ot people
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Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co.
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snt.n nv a t.i. imeooisTS evkbtwhf.ue.
A neat thing for a Christmas pres-
sent would be one of our boxes of
fancy note paper.
The Nobbiest Fancy Note in town
at The Advocate office.
Stationery packages at the Advo
cate office for 25 cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writer a year; also lead pencil,
blotter and pen. Call and buy a pack
A complete record of the journey of
General U. B. Grant, through Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, Fiance, Spain,
Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium,
Switzerland, Russia, Egypt, India,
China and Japan, and a lull account
of his arrival and reception at San
Francisco, with a graphic description
of the places visited, manners and
customs of the countries, interesting
incidents, . enthusiast io orations l
Emperors, Kings, and the people of a
dimes, richly embellished with sev
eral hundred artistic illustrations
also a fine handsome steel engraved
portrait or uen. urant- Kuie success
to all who take hold; will positively
outsell all books. Lose uo time.
cheapest, the best, and the only au
thentic low-priced book ou the subject
900 pages. Price $3.25. The sale of
this book is immense.
Address H. W. KELLEY A CO.,
711 Sansom Street,
Philadelphia, Pa
inform the citizens of Ridgway, an
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
good stock, good;carriages
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
fsH( will also do lob teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive promp
s-A Biinnipnvenr. will be elven In every
number for 18S0, containing a full-size pattern
fora lady's.orchlld'sdresB. Every subscriber
will receive, during the year, twelve of these
patterns, worth more, aloue, ttiau th sub
Manhood : How Lost, How Restored !
Jpst published, a new
edition of Dr. Culver
well's Celebrated Es
say on the radical cure (without medi
cine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Veakness,In voluntary oemlnal .Losses
lmpotency, Mental ana rnysicai in
capacity, Impediments to Marriage,
etc. : also, Consumption, Epilepsy and
fits, induced bv self-indulgence or
sexual extravagance. &c
Bfeg-rTlce. in a sealed envelope, only
six cents.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates.
trom a tnirty years' successiui practice,
that the alarming consequences of self-
abuse may be radically cured without
the dangerous use or internal medicine
or the application of the knife; point-
tug uui a nniuo in cure ai uiice simple.
certain, and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter what
his condition may be, niay cure him
self cheaply, privately, aud radically,
JteTliis Lecture should be in the
hands of every youtusand every man
in the laud.
Seut under seal, in a plain envelone.
to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
six cents, or two postage stamps.
Address the Publishers,
The Culverwell Medical Co.,
41 Ann St., New York i
Post Office Box 4586.
Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than
any where else at the old Grand Cen
tral store of Powell & Kime.
Fluid Extract
For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis
position to Exertion or Business,
Shortness of Breath, Troubled with
Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis
ion, Pain In the Back, Chest and
Head, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go
on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and
Consumption follow. When the con
stitution becomes affected it requires
the aid of an invigorating medicine to
strengthen and tone up the system
Helmbold's Buchu
any. remedy known. It Is pre-
The Johnson Revolving "Bqok-Case. '
XMwyer; Clergymen, Physielant,
Kdltort, fianiara, Ttachmri,
Merchant, BtuilenUi,
and all who read books.
It If made of iron, beautifully ornamented.' It Is
stronir, durable, convenient, iianasomc, nnti lire
most compact book-case in the world, es it holds
more iokfliuriwBi3iuun v.... . . - - -minimum
in size, maximum la capacity, and tho
cheapest Involving book-Case msde. It can neTcr
warn, shrink, or iret out of order. Send for cir
cular. Send 85 Cents for our ft illi-stoated
Catalooce. with over 800 Illustrations of Educa
tional and useful articles.
School Furnlslicru, and Dealers In everything la Um
hook ana Biaiiuner one,
142 Sc 144 Grand St., New York.
"Peterson's Magazine" contains, every
year, looo pages, 14 steel puues. ii coioreu Ber
lin patterns. 12 mammoth colored fashion
platen, 24 pages of music, and about 9U0 wood
cuts. Its principal embellishments are
Its immense circulation enables Its propri
etor to spend more on embellishments,
stories, &c, thaii any other. It gives more
for the monev. and combines more merits.
than any In the world. In issu, a new feature
will be Introduced in the shape ol a series oi
in i)i hat. nnhllshed anywhere. All the
most pupular writers are employed to write
originally for "Peterson.' 1? 'SSO. KIVE
be given, by Ann B. stepnenson,
Benedict, Frances Hodgson Burnett, 4o c.,
and Btories by Jane G. Austin, by the author
of "Jositih Allen's Wife," by Rebecca Harding
Davis, and all tne oesi lemuie nn,
Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates
ai.ooH all others. These plates are en
graved on steel, twice the usual size, aud are
colored. Also, Household and other receipts;
articles on "wax-wont f lowers, - juauage.
ment orlutanu;" iu suori tveij tmu( mwi'
est lug to ladles.
TERMS (Always in Advance) fiOOA YEAR.
O-Unparalleled Offer To Club.-
2 Copies for $3.50 and S copies for M.50 with a
copy of the Premium picture (24 x 8tf) a costly
steel engraving, "Washington at alley
!. ,..... .v .l.a oeraon uHllinu 11 D the ClUD.
4 copies for (5.50 and t) copies for V) with
onpvtraooDVofthe Mueasslne for 1880. aa a
l..n,r oftunu no the Club.
6 copies r8 and 7 copies for IO.BO with In iru nonv of the Magazine for 188o,
and the premium picture, to the person get
ting up tneciuo.
" For larger olubs still greater Inducements.
Address, post-paid.
' eoa Chestnut 8t.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Roaoimens seat gratis. U written (or, to get
scribed by the most eminent physi
elans all over the world, in
Sperniatorrhcea, '
. Aches $ Pains,
General Debility,
Kidney Disease,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
General III Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous Compl'ts.
Female Complaints
Headache, Pain in the Shoulders,
Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
Eruptions, Bad taste in the mouth,
Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the
region of the Kidneys, and a thousand
othe painful symptoms, are the off
spring of Dyspepsia.
And stimulutes the torpid Liver,
Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy ac
tion, in cleansing the blood of all im
purities, and imparting new life and
vigor to the whole system.
A single trial will be quite sufficient
to convince the most hesitating of its
valuable remedial qualities.
Price il a bottle
3 A T E N T S
We procure Letters Patent on
Inventions. No Attorney fees in
advance in application for Patents
in the United States. Special attention
given to Inference Canes before the
Patent Office, and all liligation apper
taining to Inventions or pntents. We
also procure- Patents in Canada and
other foreign countries: ., w
Caveats t ilea, Copyrlcbts obtained.
and all other business transacted before
the Patent Office and the Courts which
demands the services of experienced
Patent Attorneys. ...We have- had ten
years experience as Patent Attorneys
The Scientific"' Record.
All Patents " obtained through our
agency are noticed in the Scientific
Record, a monthly paper of large cir
culation, published by us. and devoted
to Scientific and Mechanical matters.
It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year
postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send
us your address on postal card.
Send ns a description of your Inven
tion, giving your idea in your own
language, anil we will give on opinion
as to patentability, with full instruc
tions, charging nothing for our advice.
Our book, ' How to Procure Patents,"
nuotii, tne I'aieni, juaws, 1'aients, Ca
veats, Trude Marks, their costs, itc.
sent free on request.
R. S.& A. P. LACEY,
l'ntnnt A tlAi nsi.G
-- Nu.4 F street, Washington, 1). C..
I -V 1-. ' I.. .. ." . n.. r
vuiiy vspposue l atent oinco.
Arrears of Pay, Vounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau in charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, lor pros
ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,
Bounty and Pensions. As we charge
no fee unless successful, stamps for re
turn postsge should be sent us.
It. S. & A. P. LACEY.
Dr. M. M. I'kskkk, Kredonla, N. Y.,
Dear Kir : I have becu using your
Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic:
during tho past few weeks, and desire to nay
that I like it. I find It admirably adapted
to the purposes for which you recommend It.
It is an excellent remedy for the biliousness
usuauy liiciiient u me change trom winter
to spring, sufficiently physicing mid yet not
debilitating us the niciouriul remedies are
but strent'thing. instead
'I'rnlv vitiii-u
Or Six Bottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free from
"Patients" may consult by letter, re
ceiving the same attention as by calling.
Corapeteut Physicians attend to cor
respondents. All letters should be ad
dressed to .
n. t. nzLieoLD,
Druggist and Chemist '
. Philadelphia, Pa.
See that the private Pro
priety Stamp is on each
$pld Every where.
Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well bo
called "The' conquering hero" 0f tno
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it regulates and re
stores the disordered system that give
rise to them. It always cures Billious
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge
ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Eruptions
and Blood Disorders; Swelled
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paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh and strength when the
system is running down or going Into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes. "
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B.
b A WEEK in your town, and no capi
pvjvj tal risked. You can give the business
atrial without expense. Thebest opportunity
ever ottered for those willing to work. You
should try nothing else until you see for your
self what you can do at the business we offer.
No room to explain hero. You can devota
all your time or only your spare time to the
business, and make great pay for every hour
that you work. Women make as much aa
men. Send for special private terms and par
ticulars, which we mail free. Jo outfit free.
Don't complain of hard times while you have
such a chance. Address H. HALLETT &C0.,
l'oi tluud. Maine. nlliyl
, T-Note paper and envelopes for sale
cheap at this office.
A new Invoice of fancy note paper
and envelopes in beautiful boxes, just
received at The Advocate office.
P. & K's.
and arrows for the boys at
Cloaks. A fine line of Ladles,
Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest t
Powell & Klme'g. "'
pp plubs wjtft,