The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 13, 1879, Image 2

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    Henry A. rarsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1879.
Hi 0(t wav, Pa., as shcond class
MAIIj mattkk.
Republican National Ticket for 1880
- (ftnlijret. to decision of Republican Nntlnnnl
Tuesday's Elections.
From ritlludelphln Weekly Press.
There can be no doubt of the mean
ing of the result of the elections of
Tuesday. The lesson of California,
Colorado.Maine and Ohio is reinforced
by the verdict of Connecticut, Mas
sachusetts, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. He
who runs may read it, and a fool can
understand it. The "solid South,"
tampering with popular rights, threat
enlngdisturbance to business interests,
toying recklessly with issues iuvolving
the posperity of all classes, refusing
honestly to accept the Issues settled
by the Rebellion and disdaining ac
quiescence in the written law, attir
ming the new rightf which have
grown ontof the struggle of arms, has
araryed in steadfast phalanx the mi
ghty States which give, and ought to
give, the law to the Nation.
It is not necessary now to discuss
the causes which have produced this
great revolution of sentiment. They
are deep seated and they express the
resolute purpose of the people. They
do not intend to unlearn what the war
has taught them. They do not intend
to surrender what they won through
arms. They do not intend to accept
the dictation of men whom they dis
trust, distrust because their acts and
declarations prove them unfit to gov
ern the country. " They do intend to
maintain the ground which they have
won. They do intend that the law
of America shall be equality of privil
ege and security of rights. They scorn
the bad faith which has destroyed
both in the Southern country, and
which has reproduced in shocking
forms and with aggravations some of
the worst evils of the former system
of slavery.
The vote in Pennsylvania is over
whelming; that In New York, which
as we write is close as to the minor of
ficers on the State ticket, so slightly
mars the eenaral results as not to dis
turb the lesson which the election
teaches. In MassachusettsGeneral But
ler is again defeated for Governor uiv
der circumstances which make the
result deeply gratiflng. In Connect!
cut and New Jersey the Republicans
liave made gains in tne dilute of each
wmcn increase tue prooaoiy 0f next
year superseding two Democrat Unit
ed States Senators with two Repuuu
can. These gains, added to that al-
TaaAir tnoH in Ohio and to iiiou-
tain to be made uext year in New
York and Pennsylvania, will reduce
the Democratic majority in the Uniled
States Senate to the narrow margin of
two votes. These re great results,
and as suoh worthily call for rejoicing.
But they fire chiefly valuable as fore-C-istinsr
the result of next year's elect
ion, when the people will be able to
elect, in harmony with a Republican
President, a Congress which will bow
to the popular will . Then the coun
try will have taken the final step
which will bring "peace" to the dis
tracted section and abounding pros
perity to all.
The New York Election.
hkw iumk, jxovemoer u. ine ot
flcial canvass of tie election returns
began to-day, and will not be com
pleted berore Friday, or Saturday,
up to this hour, 11 p. m., returns
have been received from fourteen coun
The Timet last table made out an
apparent majority of 622 for Hosklns
for lieutenant governor, 2,068 for Carr,
for secretary of state, 6,053 for Wads-
worth for comptroller, 7.220 for Ward
for attorney general, 3,040 for Wendell
for treasurer.and 6,185 for Seymour for
state engineer.
All the above are Republicans except
beymour. fourteen counties above
referred to as compared with the Times
table show a loss of 36 for Hosklns, 116
for Carr; a gain of 33 for Wadsworth.
A loss of 570 for Wendell, and a gain of
i,54o for Seymour.
News Items.
William D. Blocher, Little Rock,
Ark, publisher is dead aged 38.
Mrs. Catherine Madill, New York
city, was shot by her husband and
lias since died from her Injuries.
Two old friends Martin Calpin
and Peter O'Connell, at Louisville
Ky.,quarreled over a game of cards the
latter being killed,
All the Governors Imagine them
selves to be Presidents of the U. 8. as
they indite their Thanksgiving pro
clamation. An insane mother, Mrs. James
Adams, at Charlotte, N. C, cuts the
throats of her five children and then
sets fire to her clothing and is burned
to death.
A miner, James Norton, was in
stantly killed at Mahanoy City. He
was preparing a blast and was in the
act of tampering it when thirty or
forty tons of rock fell from the roof
crushing him to death.
NOTICE is hereby given that a pe
tition of citizens of Ridgway township
will be presented at the next Court of
Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the
corporation of a Borough of the town
ftf Ridgway.
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
The following Is the President's
Thanksgiving proclamation.
At no recurrence of the season which
the devout habit of religious people has
made an occasion for giving thanks
to Almighty God nnd humble Invok
ing his continued favor, has the ma
terial prosperity enjoyed by our whole
country, been more conspU'lous, more
manifold, or more universal. During
the past year also, our unbroken peace
wmi an loreign nations, the general
prevalence of domestic tranquility, the
supremacy and security of the great
institutions or civil and religious free
dom have gladdened the hearts of our
people and com firmed the attachment
to the Government which the wisdom
and courage of our ancestors ho fitly
framed, and the wisdom and couraKe
of their decendanta have so flrmlv
maintianed, to be the habitation of lib
erty and justice to successive genera
tions. Now. therefore. I. Rutherford R.
Hayes, President of the United States,
do appoint Thursday, the 27the day oi
November, as a day of National thanks
giving and prayer, and I earnesaly re
commend that, withdrawing them
selves from secular cares and labors
the people of the United States do
meet together on that dnv in their re
pective places of worship, there to
give thanks and praise to Almighty
uou tor ins mercies ana to devoutly
beseech their continuance.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the Citv of Washington
this the 3d day of November, In the
year of our Lord. 187! and of the In
dependence of the United States the
hundred and fourth.
Signed R. B. Hayes
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
A Proclamation. In devout re
cognition of the God of state who has
ordered peace, health and abundant
prosperity to the people. I. Henry M
Hoyt, Governor of Pennsylvania, do
appoint Thursday tue zitn or JNovenv
tier next, in pursuance ot tne recomen
dation of the President of the United
States, as a day upon which the good
people of this commonwealth, laying
aside all secular occupation, may meet
together in reverent thanksgiving for
mercies received ana prayer ror a con
tinuanceof devine favor.
Given under my hand and the great
seal or tne state at Harrisourg tins an
day of November, in the year of ou
Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-nine, and of the common
wealth the one hundred and lourtii.
Henky M. Hoyt,
By the Governor:
M. S. Quay.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
List of Jurors.
Drawn ror November Term, com'
mencing Monday, Nov. 17, 1879.
Benezette. James Thomas, Wm
Murray, Simon P. Romig.
Benzinger. Joshua Sykes, Charles
Kronnewetter, Rodger Welsh, John
Lanzel, Nicholas Dewald, Joseph
Fox. Michael Auman, John A
Horton. Jackson Short, Wm
Jay. Clarence Weed.
Jones George Mannett.
Ridgway. 8. A. Olmstead, Geo,
R. Woodward, R. I. Robinson, Alvln
Jones, John Casserly.
St. Mary's. W. C. SpafTord, Jerry
i-auiua, ueorge Young, Jacob lvraus,
n Benezette. Isaiah Murray, Timothy
.ueuKiiiKer. jucou .cisengruoer,
ueorge waiKer, Christopher Krackel
Theodore Daniel, George Wendel
John Gahn, Andrew Kaul, Frank
Frey, Peter Wilbelm.
Fox Samuel Brown, Mathias
Spooler, Jr., J. E. Graham.
Horton. James Jackson, J. S
Jay. Wilburn Munn.
Jones Robert Mannett, William
Weidert, C. H. Horner, J. H. Meflert
J. C. Johnson, Jr.
Ridgway. C. G. Malin, Ben. Lam
oreux, Morris Sherman, O.W. Grinell
Deloss Dolliver, James Rlckard
James H. Ross.
St. Mary's. Louis Gier, John Wei
denboerner, Philip Fisher, John
Gerber, John Walker, Jr.
-A Supplement will be Riven In every
number for 1S80. contalnlngo full-size pattern
for a lady's, or child's dress. Every subscriber
will receive, during the year, twelve of these
patterns, worth more, alone, than the sub
scription prlce."i
"Peterson's Maoazink" contains, every
year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates. 12 colored Ber
lin patterns. 12 mammoth colored fashion
plates, 24 paves of music, and about 9U0 wood
cut. Its principal embellishments are
Its immense circulation enables its proprl
e . 10 .sPenl more on embellishments,
stories, Ac, than any other. It gives more
lor the money, and combines more merits,
than any in the world. In 180, a new feature
will be Introduced in the ehape of a series or
Are the best published anywhere.' All the
most pupular writers are employed to write
originally for "Peterson" In 1SS0. FIVE
be Riven, by Ann H. (Stephenson, Frank Lee
Benedict, Frances Hodgson Burnett, &a Ac
and stories bv Jane (i. Austin, hv tlm imhn.
of "Josiah Allen's Wife." by Rebecca Hard In 2
Davis, and all the best female writers.
Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates
Ahead of all others. These nlates are en
graved on steel, twice the usual size, and are
unequalled for beauty. They will be superbly
colored. Also, Household and other receipts;
articles on "Wax-Work Flowers." "Manage
ment of Infant;" in short everything inter
est lug to ladies.
TERMS (Always in Advance) f 2.00 A YEAR.
49-Unparalleled Offer To Clubs. "ta
2 Copies for 8-3.50 and 3 coDies for H 9I with n.
copy of the Premium picture (24 x 8B) a costly
steel engraving, "Washington at Valley
orge," to the person getting up the club.
4 copies lor .5u and 8 copies for $U with
on extra copy of the Magazine fur i860, as a
premium picture gettlnt; up the Club.
5 copied for $8 and 7 copies for SIO.BO with
both an extra copy of the Magazine for lSSo,
and the premium oiolure. to the iwnnn si
ting up the club.
For larger olubg still greater inducement.
Address, post-paid.
BOS Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Specimen" sent gratis, if written for, to get
up clubs with.
Guaranteed Inv itmenta.
By our system of Investments In Btock
Operations we Insure indemnity from loss.
No "Marginal" or "Privilege plans, invest
ments received in sums of fc and upward.
Correspondence from stock operators solic
ited. Address,
5S Broadway, N.Y.
Sheriffs Sale.
of fieri facias, alius fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, nnd testa
tum fieri faeiaM Issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk, County, and
to me dim-ted, I, I). C. OYSTER,
Hlirh Sheriff of said county, do hereby
irlve notice that I will expose to public
sale or outcry nt the Prothonotary's
office, In Ridgway, nt ono o'elock r.
M., on
MONDAY, NOV. 17TH, 1870.
The following described real estate, to
wit :
All the rip-lit. title. Interest, claim
and demand of defendant of, in, to or
out of the following descriiied piece or
narcel or laiul. Ielng in the township
of Benezette, county of Elk nnd State
of Pennnsylvania: Beginning nt the
southwest "corner, six links from a
small sugar maple; thence north
thirty-eight and one-fourth (88J) de
grees west twenty-six (2b) rods and
twentv-one !2U finks: thence north
fifty-two and one half (62J) degrees
east nineteen (19) rods and five (5)
links: thence south thirty-six and one-
half (3(U) degrees east twenty-six (20)
rods and nine (9) links; thence south
fifty-one (51) degrees west eighteen (18)
rods and nine () links to the place of
beginning, on which there is erected
one frame hruse, 16x24 feet, one and
one half Btories high, with wing 16x30
one story high with cellar under mnin
part. Also, an old log bnrn, nnd a few
apple trees growing on lot.
tseizea ana inKen in execution ns me
property of Edwnrd Walter, at the
suit of Emeline Murray, administra
tors of the estate of William Murray,
ALSO All the richt. title. Interest.
claim nnd demand of defendant in, to,
or out of the following described niece.
parcel or tract or land, situated in tne
townsnip ot lienzmger, county oi i-jik,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at a hemlock tree, being the northwest
corner of tract or warrant No. 4Ui&;
thence east two hundred nnd seventy'
five (275) perches to a post: thence
south three hundred nnd seventy (370)
perches to a post: thence west two
hundred nnd seventy-two (272) perches
to a post: thence north three liuncired
and twenty (320 perches to the place of
beginning, containing nve Hundred
and twenty-four ncres, nnd being the
western hal f or moiety of tract or war
rant jNO, 4U7U.
Second -AH that certain tract, piece
or pnrcel of land situate in Benzinger
township, Ji,lk county, Pennsylvania,
Douncied ana described as follows, viz
Beginning nt n sugar tree the south
west corner of tract or warrant Wo,
4975, thence south following the dis
trict line, two hundred and twenty
ii.i. .rill )? tnMkn(i n 1 11 ln iy louu tn '
post: thence east one hundred and
forty-five (145) perches, more or less, to
n post; thence north two hundred and
twenty seven (227) perches, more or
less, to a post; thence west one hun
dred and forty-five perches to place of
beginning, containing two hundred
and five (205) acres and one hundred
and fifteen (115) perches, being north
western part of warrant No. 4976, five
(o acres nnd one hundred nnd fifteen
(115) perches being an allowance for
public read through the land, on
which there is about one hundred (100)
ncres cleared and log house erected
Seized and taken in execution ns the
property of Irene Van Harren, execu
trix of the last will und testament of
J. L. IT. Cartuyvels, deceased, nnd
Irene Van Haren, terre tenant, nt the
suit of M. C. Brockerhoffund Andrew
Brockerhoff, administrators of Henry
urocKeniotr, deceased.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
on :
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the plaintiff or other lien
creditors becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
bepaid, as well ns all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, nnd n duly cer
tified list ot liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion tnereot as lie sunn appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will dr continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time all property not set
tled for will again be put up and sold
nt tne expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case oi aenciency nt such re
sale, shall make good the same, and in
no instance will the deed be presented
lor confirmation unless the bid is actu
ully settled for with the Sheriff us
above stated.
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriffs office, Ridgway, Pa., 1
October 28th, 1879.
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 446; Smith's Forms, 348.
procured for soldiers disabled in U.
S. service by reasons of wounds and
other causes.
All pensions date back to day of dis
charge. Pensions increased. Address with
No. 913 E St., N. W. Washington,
inlml D. C.
(fclRnnTO tfi00 A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a
kPlt"""'v-'day in your own locality. No
risk. Women do as well as men. Many
make more than the amount stated above.
Xo one can fall to make money taut. Any one
can do the work. You can make from 50 cts.
to $2 an hour by devoting your evening!) and
spare time to the business. It costs uothini;
to try the business. Nothing like it lor
money making ever offered before. Business
pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if
you want to know all about the best paying
business before the public, send us your ad-
jiess aim we win senu you lull particulars
and private terms free: samples worth $5 also
free; you can then make up your mind for
yourself. Address, UfeOltUU STIJ-
Portland, Maine,
A complete record of the journey of
General U. S. Grant, through Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain,
Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium,
Switzerland, Russia, Egypt, India,
China and Japan, and a full account
of his arrival and reception at San
Francisco, with a graphic description
of the places visited, manners and
customs of the countries, Interesting
incidents, enthusiastic orations by
Emperors, Kings, and the people of all
climes, richly embellished with sev-
trul linrwlr..! nrHutin 1 1 luut Mitlnn a
also a fine handsome steel engraved
portrait or uen. tirant. Kuie success
to all who take hold: will positively
outsell all books. Lose uo time.
cheapest, the best, and the only au
thentic low-priced book on the subject.
900 pages. Price $3.25. The sale of
this book is immense.
Address H. W. KELLEY & CO.,
711 Sansoiu Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ify '.- ii l
w j '! .
Send for Hlostmted Circular and prices.
. A 1
until you uave Been uao
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine In the
lYlarKet. i ne tver nenaDie yiuiwn.
Western Branch Office, 835 St.t St., Chicago,
Oi-tauyl.1 J. S. & W. II. HYDE,
1928 Pases. SOOO Encraviags.
Four 1'ages Colored 1'latcs.
Kowdded,o SUPPLEMENT of over
4600 KEW WORDS and Meanings,
Including; such ss have come into lira during
Ihe past lifteenyenrs niacyof which horo never
before found a place in any English dictionary.
biographical Dictionary
or over 9700 NAMES
ef Noted Person s, ttnc len t nnd mod orn , I nchid In g
many now living, giving Name, Pronunciation,
Nationality, Profesvinn and Vn'e of each.
TEW EDITION contains a Supplement of
Sjt over 4600 new words and meanings.
ach new word In supplement lias been se
lected ana aenneu wun great care.
Ith BloRranhlnal Plotionnry. nnwaclded.or
over aiUU names oi ssmea rereuos.
Edition of the beat Dictionary of tho Eng
lish Language ever published.
Definitions have always been conceded to
be better than in any other Dictionary.
Illustrations, 3000, about three times
as many as in any other Dictionary. .
The Dfnfy recommended by State Bup'ts
of 35 States, and 50 College Pres'm.
V n Schools, about 32,000 ha been
JL placed in Publio Schools lu the U.S.
Only English Dictionary containing n Bio
graphical Dictionary, this gives the
Hame with Pronunciation, Nation, Profes
sion and Date of over 9700 persons.
Published by Q. A C. MERRIAM.Bpringaeld, Ms.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary.
1040 Paget Octavo. 600 Engraving.
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet
more, President Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and JuliUH Jones, unit deorge
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk comity, have issued their pre
eepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General (Quarter,
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Itldgwnv, for the county of Elk on
1879, being tho 17th dfly of the month,
to continue one week.-
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Pence and Con
strufc wn.in6 , Vrtr
with their records. iiHjJuisitioiis, md
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices nnd In their be
half appertain to be done, nnd all wit
nesses nnd other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Commonwealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be men und there unending, ana not
to depart at tueir peril. Jurors nre
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the
20th day of Oct. in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C OYSTER, Sheriff.
For November term, commencing
Monday, Nov. 17, 187'.:
1. S. A. Rote vs. Isaac Breneman,
No. 0, January term, 1870.
2. John McLaughlin's Adm'rs vs.
M. McNally. No. 41, May term, 1878.
3 Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W.
Brown. No. 128, May term, 1878.
4. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Wingart.
No. 20, September term,l878.
5. Joseph Fuess, survfvor, &c, vs.
Andrew Kaul. No. 114, September
term, 1878.
0. Peter O'Hara vs. J. C. "Welling
ton et al. No. 28, November term.
1878, '
7. H. M. Rolfevs. C.R. Earley. No.
17, January term, 1879.
8. W. D. Drake for use vs. Kirby
and Silverthorue. No. 45, January
term, 1879.
9. George A. Rathbun vs. The N.
W. Mining and Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa.
No. 47, January term, 1879.
10. Frank Keller vs. J. B. Sterley.
No. 88, May term, 1879.
11. The Township of Highland vs.
G. W. Newton et al. No. 95, May
term, 1879. .
12. Thomas London vs. Reuben
Mohney, No, 4, September term,
Fred. Schosning, Pro.
Manhood: How Lost, How Restored !
j nsr, puoiisiieu, a new
edition of Dr. Culver-
wall's Cnlnhratail tr.
tav Oil the radical cure (without mmli.
cine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
eaKness.invoiuntary Seminal Losses
Inmotencv. Mental niwl Phval
capacity, Impediments to Marriage,
eto. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and
Fits, induced by self-indulgence or
sexual extravagance, &c.
tePrice, in a sealed envelope, only
six cents.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates,
from a thirty years' successful practice,
that the alarming consequences of self
abuse inav be radical I v curpd wit limit
the dangerous use of internal medicine
or the upplicntion of the knife; point
ing out a mode of cure at ouce simple,
certain, and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter what
his coudition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
fifc&This Lecture should be In the
hands of every youth and every man
in the laud. ' '.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope,
to anv fldili'CHM nnur.nni.l m refi'lnr nf
six cents, or two postage stamps.
Auiufss me ruDiisners,
The Culverwell Medical Co.,
i Ann St., New Yor
Post Ottica Box 4586.
Improvements September, 1878.
Notwithstanding the VICTOR has long been tho
peer of any Sewing Machine in the market a fact
Supported by ft host of volunteer witnesses we now
confidently claim for it greater simplicity,
a wondeTful reduction of friction and a rare
combination of desirable qualities. Its abut
tie la a beautiful specimen of mechanism,
and takes rank with the highest achievements
of Inventive genius. Note. We do notions
$ :-nSor consign Machines, therefore, have no old
ones to patch up and re-varnish for our
customers. -
We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
Diseases of the Throat and Lungs.
Diseases of the pulmo
nary organs are so prev
alent and fatal, that a
safo and reliable remedy
for them is invaluable
to every community.
Avek's Cnrunv Pkc
toual is such a remedy,
and no oilier so emi
nently merits the contl
deneo of the public. It
is a scientific combina
tion of tho medicinal
principles aim curaiive
virtues of the finest
:'Wdnigs, chemically unit
! ?' ed, to insure the grrnt
nt. tmsaililo t-llieielicv
PECTORAL. ""l uniformity f,
physicians ns well as invalids to use it. with
confidence It is the most rcliublc remedy
for diseases of the throat mid lungs that sci
enco has produced. It strikes at the foun
dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording
prompt and certain relief, ami is adapted to
patients of any ago or either sex. Being
very palatable, tho youngest children take
ft without difficulty. In the treatment of
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Tliront,
Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's
Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca
tarrh, tho effects of Aran's Chebkv Pf.c
toiial are magical, and multitudes are nil-
miallv nrnanrvrtil frnm HOrinilA lllneRR 1)V ItS
timely uud faithful use. It should lie kept
at hand in every household, for the pro
tection it affords in sudden attacks. In
Whooping-cough and Consumption
there is no other remedy so efficacious,
soothing, and helpful.
The marvellous cures which AVer's
Chkukv Puotouai, has effected all over the
world are a sufficient guaranty that it will
continue to produce the best results. An
impartial trial will convince the most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
as of its superiority over all other prepara
tions lor pulmonary complaints.
Eminent physicians in nil parts of the
country, knowing its composition, recom
mend Ayek's Chkhiiy I' invalids,
and prescribe it in their practice. The test
of half a century has proved its absolute
certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints
not already beyond the reach of human aid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Annlytlcal Chemists,
Lowell, Mass,
Philadelphia & Erie Ii R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY, November
10 1878, the (mills on the Philadel
phia fc Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows :
ekie mail leaves Phila 11 55 p. m.
" " Rtnovo ll(N)a. m
" " Emporium. 1 15 p. m.
" 4 St. Mary's..'.! 07 p. m.
" " Ridgway ....2 33 p- m,
" " Kane 3 45 p. m.
" arr. nt Erie 7 40 p. m.
Eitri: mail leaves Erie 11 20 a. ni.
" " Kane 3 55 p. in.
" Ridgway. ...5 00 p. m.
' " St. Mary's..5 26 p. m.
" Emporium. (i 20 i). m.
" " Renovo 8 32 p. m.
" arr. at Phi la 7 00 a. m.
WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
JfcST'He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
I hereby give notice that William
S. Youngs has left my house without
any just cnuseor provocation, I there
fore forbid any person trusting him on
my account for I will not pay any
debts of his contraction.
Wim.iam B. Hewitt.
Oct. 8th, 1879 n.4t3.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing account has been tiled in my
oflice, and will be presented on the
tlrst day of the next term of the Or
phan's Court for confirmation, being
the 3d Monday in November, 1870:
Final account of Catherine Paine,
Administratrix of the estate of Edwin
Paine, late of Ridgway township, Elk
county, Pa., deceased.
Fred. ScHasauxa, Register.
Stationery packages at the Advo
cate office for 25 cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writer a year ; also lead pencil,
blotter and pen. Call and buy a, pack
. -I-
H. T.
Fluid Extract
For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis
position to Exertion or Business,
Shortness of Brenth, Troubled with
Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis
ion, Pain in the Back, Chest and
Head, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go
on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and
Consumption follow. When the con
stitution becomes affected It requires
the aid of an Invigorating medicine to
strengthen and tone up the system
Helmbold's Buchu
By any remedy known. It is pre-
senbeu by tlie most eminent pliysi
cians all over the world, in
Spermatorrhoea, '
jlciUs grains,
General Debility,
Kidney Disease,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
General III Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous CompVts.
Female Complaints
Headache, Pain in the Shoulders,
Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
Eruptions, Bad taste in tho mouth,
Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the
region of the Kidneys, and a thousand
othe painful symptoms, are the off
spring of Dyspepsia.
And stimulutes the torpid Liver,
Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy ac
tion, in cleansing the blood of all im
purities, and imparting new life and
vigor to the whole system.
A single trial will be quite sufficient
to convince the most hesitating of its
valuable remedial qualities.
Price $1 a bottle
Or Six Bottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free from
"Patients" may consult by letter, re
ceiving the same attention as by call
ing. Competent Physicians attend to cor
respondents. All letters should be ad
dressed to
Druggist and Chemist
Philadelphia, Pa.
See that the private Pro
priety Stamp is on each
Sold Everywhere.
or hi-
The Johnson Revolving Book-Case;
tatcyern. Clergymen, Phytlrtant,
Editort, Bankert, Tcaehortt
llerchnnt, StiiAonU,
and oil who read books.
. . . I V Tf ft.
it Is mane OI iruil, iirnuiuun, mi uummvi.
Strong, durable, convenient, linndsonio, and tit
most compact hook-cose in the world, os it holds
more books for its size than any other device. It l
minimum in size, hihaiiimhu ,u mi'j,
cheapest Revolving Hook-Case made. It can never
warn, ahrink. or net out of order. Send for cir
cular. nd 3 cents for our New Ilu-sthatbd
Ctalooi e, witn over auu illustrations oi cuuua
tional and useful articles.
R1KKR. I'll ATT Ac CO..
School Fnrnlnlifm, nd Dealers In everything la tlis
II ...,L a ...I Gl.ll.nan IIiia.
142 Sc 144 Grand St., New York.
We procure Letters Patent on
Inventions. No Attorney fees in
advance in application for Patents
in the United states. Special attention
given to Inference Cases before the
Patent Office, and all litigation apper
taining to Inventions or patents. We
also procure Patents in Canada and
other foreign countries.
Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained,
and all other business transacted before
the Patent Office and the Courts which
demands the services of experienced
Patent Attorneys. We have had ten
years experience as Patent Attorneyi
The Scientific Reccrd.
All Patents obtained through our
agency nre noticed in the Scientific
Kecohd, a monthly paper of large cir
culation, published by us. and devoted
to Scientific and Mechanical matters.
It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year
postpaid. Specimen copy free. .Send
us your address on postal card.
Send us a description of your Inven
tion, giving your idea in your own
language, ami we will give an opinion
as to patentability, with full instruc
tions, charging nothing for our advice.
Our book, -' How to Procure Patents,"
about the Patent Laws, Patents, Ca
veats, Trade jUarKs, tneir costs, etc.
sent free on request.
11. S.& A. P. LACEY,
Patent Attorneys,
No. 604 F street, Washington, I). C-,
Nearly Opposite Patent office.
Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau in charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros
ecution all Soldiers Claims, Pay
Bounty and Pensions. As we charge
no fee unless successful, stamps for re
turn postsge should be sent uh.
K. S. & A. P. LACEY.
Frfdonia, N. Y., June 7, 1873
Dr. M
, m ""I nal been slek about
olifht yeiirs with un nfiection by physicians
called Seroi'ulii. -My throat was a mutteialliiK
sore. My palate had Ueen eaten out my uoso
lUco uud lorehead had dlwhartrliiR sores. My
body and limbs hud deep cut I hk ulcers extnd
iiiK nearly to tho bone, I was reduced ill
flush to a mere skeleton, I was in this dread
ful condition when I beiran the use ol vour
!iV.r lld Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic in
lNiil. I took it nearly a year, thoii'ih to nil ap
pearances I was well within three months af
ter bexiiiniiiK It. I feel us well and strouir
now as I ever did.
Yours truly, MRS. ANNA ADAMS.
Dr. Fenncr's Bloorl
ecly ana Nerve Tonic may well
called "The conquering hero" of
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has "the blues'
should take it, for it rcyulatca and re
stores the disordered system that give
rise to them. It always cures Billious
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge
ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Eruptions
and Blood Disorders; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh and strength wbfr tht
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Feuner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve anv couch in one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as -Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minute
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Sne-
Cific. One bottle always cures.
sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D.
jfc Afi A. WEEK iii your town, and no capi--7T
7 . V'.1 rl,iked. You ran Klve the business
atrial without expense. The best opportunity
ever offered for those willing to work. You
should try nothing else until you see for your
sell what you cun do at the business we oiler
No room to explain here. You can devote
all your time or only your spare time to the
business, and make great pay for every hour
thutyou work, Women make as much as
men. Send for special private terms and par
tioulars, which we mail free, to out tit free.
Don t complain of hard times while you have
such a cliunce. Address II. HALLETT & CO. ,
Portluad. Maine. ulOyl
Call and examine stoves and
ranges at 42 Main St. before purchas
ing. .Borne new and beautiful designs.
W. S. Service, Agent.
Note paper and envelopes for sal
cheap at this office.
A new invoice of fancy note paper
and envelopes in beautiful boxes. Just
received at The Advocate office.