wt v j The Elections. H. T. HELM BOLD' COMPOUND DISPLAY AM) OPENING s SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor -or- THURSDAY, NOV. 0, 1873. Entered at RtDOWAY, 1'A. MAIL MATTER. THE POST-OFKICK AT , AS SECOND CLASS Rspublican National Ticket for 1880 FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. tlLYSSKS 8. GRANT. (Hnbpct to decision of Republican Nutlonnl Convention.) About 6 o'clock last Friday nfter noon at Rixford, William Holt, famil iarly Known as Komeo, met with a very distressing accident. He was, engaged in lowering a light torpedo in Cavenaugh's water well, where some obstruction prevented the descent. Instinctively lie bent over the well and continued to drop 'the dangerous ex plosive past the impediment. While thus engaged it exploded. Holt's skull was factured and one of his eyes blown out. He is in a very critical condition, and his recovery is considered doubtful Mc Kean Miner. Pittsburg, October 22 Three little girls numed Stellie, Lillie und Mary Dunn, the daughters of John Dunn, this morning obtained possession of a railway torpedo, which they attempt ed to open by pounding it Willi a boul der. An explosion followed which fatally Injured St.dla, aged 3 yearn. A fragment struck Lillie in the face, cut ting out one eye, and, it is thought, destroying the sight of the other. Mary, the eldest, aged 7, who handled the torpedo excaped with no more serious injury than badly lacerated hands. Washington Oct.24-The Treasury de partinenthas transferred an additiona 1 $10,OW,000 in gold to the assay office at New York to facilitate foreign ex etiange. riio San Francisco mint is now engaged in coining small gold pieces to supply the demand. The Philadelphia mint is working prinei- p illy in silver dollars. It is expected, however, that the Treasury will be able to purchase sufficient silver for delivery at San Francisco to enable mat mint to relieve Philadelphia of the dollar coinage. The latter mint will then work on small gold pie ces two Illinois fanners, who Inula large crop of wheat to sell, went to Chicago and frequented the Board of Trade rooms, which is a resort for speculators in produce. There atten tion was attracted by an old man who constantly talked and gest iculated all by himself. They made his acquaint ance, and lie told them that his strange conversation was with spirits, who Kept mm informed as to the future of the market. He said that he lacked the money to take advantage of these supernatural points, but would sell thein at a reasonable price. The far mors at onco put him on a liberal sal ary, and only lost faith in him when he stole a diamond pin from one of them. The fact that he had swindled many others speculators was then di vulged. Death of Zach. Chandler. Senator Zaehariah Chandler was found dead in his bed at the Grand Pacific Hotel In Chicago last Saturday morning, Nov. 1. A dispatch says lie had been speaking for some time in Wisconsin. On Friday evening he addressed an iinmence audience at Mc Cormick's Hall, in Chicago, and spoke with his usual earnestness, after the meeting when lie, Senator Logan, and Hon. Jesse Spaukling were sitting in his room engaged in conversation. Senator Chandler complained of in digestion. As he had complained of some distressing feeling while en route to the city with these gentlemen, Mr. Spoulding suggested that he remain over in the city until Saturday night but he said business required his at tention at home, and the order was given to call him at 7 o'clock. His friends then bade him good-night and left. That is the last time the Senator was seen alive. Next morning when the office boy called him there was no response. As upon repetition silence still prevailed, the clerk effected an entrance through the transom and found that the Senator was dead. The body was not quite cold, and a phy sician who was present decided that death occurred about three hours pre vious to the discovery. The face looked tranquil, showing that his death was the result of sudden congestion of the lungs, brought about by a cold con tracted at Janesville. Mr. Chandler was born at Bedford, New Hampshire, Dec. 10, 1813, being therefore nearly 6(5 years of age at his death. He went early to Detroit and amassed a fortune of two millions in the dry goods trade and real estate speculation. He held numerous offices, sucli as Mayor of Detroit, Governor of Michigan, U. S. Senator and Secretary of the Interior. His first election to the Senate was in 1857, when he succeeded Lewis Cass, a Democrat. He was re elected twice, serving consecutively until 1875, when Gen. Grant ap pointed him Secretary of the Interior. For the fourth time he was chosen Senator, and took his seat on the 22 of February. 1879, in place of Senator Chrlstianey who had resigned. Hia term would have expired on the 3d of March, 1882. Folks have always wanted some thing that would stop' a headache in an hour or so ; and Dr. Day's Cure for Headache is just the thing. 60 cts. and $1 bottles. A nice stock of clothing for men, boys and children at P. & K's. VICTORY FOR THE REPUBLICANS All Aiioxa the Line. BAD DAY FOR DEMOCRATS The Last Ditch for Brigadiers, the Rebel The Union is a Nation and not n Confederation. Tlic Silent Ballot rebukes the Ya zoo Butchers, the Cliisolin Mur derers, and guarantees the rights of a Citizen. For 1880 let the order be all along the line and bridges. to move burn the (Our old eagle is happy) Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 5. Mon tour official, Barr's majority 490. Delaware County Official returns, except one township, Butler 1,49. Susquehanna Comity Barr's ma jority 1,000. Northampton County Barr's ma jority 1,000. Greene county estimated at 1,000 ma jority for Barr. Warren county official, 1,114 ma jority for Butler. Estimated and official returns from 51 counties out of C7 in this state give Butler 61,778 and Barr 14,140. But ler's majority continues to swell with the receipt of official figures, and the indications are that he will have 53,000 majority. Sunbury, November 5 Northumber land county, official, gives Barr 447 majority. Mauch Chunk, November 5. The democratic majority on the state ticket in Carbon county is 421. Danville, November 5. Montour county gives Barr about 500 majority. Reading, November 5. All the township have been heard from in Berks county. The democratic ma jority is 3.200. Milford, November 5. Barr received in Pike county 642.; Butler, 242. Of ficial vote. Allentown, November 5. Barr's ma jority in Lehigh county is 391. This is a republican gain, Reading, Pa., November 5. Mont gomery county, as far as heurd from, gives Barr 100 majority. Lebanon, November 5. Lebanon county gives Barr 1,200 majority. Pittsburg, November 5. Returns from all but 5 districts in Allehganey county gives a republican majority on the state ticket of 0,000. The republi can county ticket is elected by major- ites ranging from 3,426 to 6,000. Gettysburg, November 5. Adams county (official) gives Barr 2,570; But ler, 2,375; Sutton, 110. NEW YORK. Cornell, Hep. -is elected Governor by about 25,000 majority. The Legislature is Kepublicau on joint ballot. The rest of the S'tate ticket is likely Republican. MASSACHUSETTS. The gentleman of the cock-eye is badly warped by his .Republican opponent. Long's majority is from 12,000 to 15,000. pALL&WINTER -AT THE- N. Y. GREAT STORE It Btlbrds us groit pleasure in savinir that we nrc now prepared to show .the citizens of HIDGWAY AND VICIN ITY the largest and most comnlcte stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TRUNKS, AND VALISES HOUSE FOBHISHIM GOODS AND A LARGE VARIETY OF PICTURE FRAMES & JEWELRY :o: Bargains ! Bargains ! ! 10,000 yards of calicos in all the Latest Patterns, Cochoes, Mermack, and Spragues the best make in the market at 5, 0, and 7 cents per yard 10,000 yards of Muslins, bleached and unbleached. Bleached from 7 to 12 cents per yard; unbleached 0 to !) cents a yard. :o: OUR DRESS GOODS DEPART MENT comprises all the Latest Nov elties the market affords. Cashmeres in all the new shades from 40 cents to $1.25 per yard, and Plaids, Worsteds Alpacas in all shade at unheard of low prices. :o: CLOTH DEPARTMENT Flan nels. Waterproofs, Cashmeres, Ladvs Cloths, Beavers, and Cloakings in vast variety. :o: LADIES' COATS, SHAWL AND SKIRT DEPARTMENT A splendid Lady's Beaver Coat, well trimmed and cut in the latest Broadway style at HF4, A nice line oi Diagonal, liasKet am other patterns of French and English wosteds; prices. from $5.60 to $15,00, Felt and Cashmere Skirts, in all colors and prices. Ladies' and Childrens: Shaws from 25 cents to $20.00. :o:- A GENERAL, LINE of HORSE & BED BLANKETS, Coverlets, Hans and everything that ean be found in a first -class store. :o: MEN'S, BOYS' YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S' Clothinc Department We vould sa v to costumers oi this Department that our ready-made clothing are equal to any custom-made goods In the market, anil lor style, cut make and patterns we cannot be equaled. Our Men's Business suits range from $ii,00 to $10,00: dress suits from $9.00 to $22.00; Youths' suits from s.(K) to 10.00; school suits from S4 to $7.00. 200 Men's, Boys' & Youths overcoats from $4.00 to $18,00. Working Pants from 00 cts. to $1,115. Fine case youths' punts from $2 to $6. :o: UNDERWEAR for the winter 100 dozen in all colors, grade and prices from 2o cents to $2.50 apiece. Great Bargains in Boots & Shoes. All other iroods will he sold at cor respondingly low prices. All claims and damages returned in 5 days will he rectified. We thank the public for past patron age. LOHKX, JJRO. & UKOWNSTKIN, NEW Y'ORK STORE GRANT'S TOUR AROUND THE WORLD A complete record of the journey of General u. M. Ghaxt, through Eng- inil, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, Egypt, India, China and Japan, find a full account of his arrival and reception at San Francisco, with a graphic description of the places visited, manners and customs of the countries, interesting incidents, enthusiastic orations hy Emperors, Kings, and the people of ail climes, richly embellished with sev eral hundred artistic illustrations; also a flue handsome steel engraved portrait of Gen. Grant. Sure success to all who take hold ; will positively outsell all books. Lose no time. AGENTS WANTED this, the cheapest, the best, and the only au thentic low-priced book on the subject. 900 pages. Price $3.25. The sale of this book is immense. Address H. W. KELLEY & CO., 711 Sansotn Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than any where else at the old Grand Cen tral store of Powell & Kime. Childrens' Sole Leather Tip shoes at P. & K's. Toys! Toys! ! A splendid stock at P. & K's. Bows and arrows for the boys at P. & K's. Light running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. McAfee, the tailor, has just re ceived an extensive line of samples for he fall and winter trade. Call and see for yourself. Guaranteed Inv slments. By our system of Investments in Stock Operations we insure Indemnity from loss. No "Marginal" or "Privilege plans, Invest ments received in sums oi $25 and upward. Correspondence from stock operators solic ited. Address, DAM IB MAYNARD A CO., 58 Broadway, N. Y. nSlmlinl cfcQfO AMOSTH guaranteed. 812 a day kpCJUU at home made by the indu-su ious. women, boys aiid girls make nwnoy 'aster at work lor us man ai anyinmg eixe. i ua worn is liuhl and Dlea&ant. and such as anyone ean go right at. Those who are wise who see this will send us their addresses and see for them selves. Costly outat and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are luyln up large sums ofmouey. Address TliUJS CO., Augusta, Maine nltiyl y if iwraftj sui Jlliii! rifn Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. until you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Western Branch Office, 235 State St., Chxoaoo, Oct.30yl. J. 8. & W. II. HYDE, NEW EEXTTOIJ. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 1923PcCo. SOOO EnRravinrja. l our I'xgps Colored 1'lntcs. Now sided, a SUPPLEMENT of over 4SOO XEW and Meanings, Including P'ich ns hnvo como Into ilpo during the pnst flflopnyenrs mnr.yof vrilc.hhnT never before fouud a place in any .English dictionary. ALSO ADDED. A KTTAY biographical Dictionary of over J5703 NAMES nf Noted Persons, nnien t and mod era, lnclnd Inn irmny now living, giving Isnrne, Fronnnciutiou, Nationality, l'rofi'saion und iMte of each. OE'f TKE LATEST. fjEW EDITION conUuns 11 Srr-yilement of X9 over 6U0 now words and mor.ning. Each new word In Supplement has beeu se lected sud tie lined with great care. WithHiormnhlwil Plellonnrv. nows liled.of over 9 "J CO names of Noted i:rsoiij. GET THE BEST "Sdltlon ol the best liietionnry cf tho rng jFCj li.th Language ever puLlieheJ. fcehnttions 1mb fmvay9 been ooneened to be bettor then In nay other Dictionary. "llustrntions, 3090. about three times , as mauy as in any other jjiciiooary. fVIhe Pict'y recommended by Shite Si'p'ts A of 35 States, snd 50 College Prcs t. V n Schools, shout B2.00Q hTe been .S, placed In Public Schools in the U.S. Only Knellnh Dietlouary eontainlnn E!o Kmphlcal Dictionary, this Kives,";0 TiXame with Pronunciation, Nation, l'rofos H sion nnd Date of over CTGO PrSOD3 Published by Q, & C. MERRIAIK, SpriogQeld, Ms. ALSO Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Elk County Court Proclamation. "WHEREAS, the Hon. I;. I). Wet more. President Judce for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and (Seorc Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices in Elk county, have issued their pre eepts, to me directed, for the time of holding of the orplmn'H Court, Court of Common Pleas, (ieneral Quarter, Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgwav, for the county of Elk on the T11IKD MONDAY IN NOV. 187!), being the 17th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables in und for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their .'rec.rds. inquisitions, and remembrances! to do those things which of theirfoflices and in their be half appertainto be done, and all wit nesses und otter persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are requested to be men anil tii.'re attending, anu not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at tendance at the appointed time, agree uble to notice. ; Given mulct my hand und seal, at the .Sheriif's stfice, in Kidgwuy, the 20th day of Oct. in the year of our ljord one tnounuui eignt nunureu una seventy-nine. U. i;. o i busk, biierni. TEIAL LIST For November term, commencing Monday, Nov. 17, 187'.': 1. S. A. Itote vs. Isaac Ttrencman, No. 6, January term, 1876. 2. John McLaughlin's- Adm'rs vs. M. McNally. No. 41, May term, 1878. 3 Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W. Brown. No. 128, May term, 1878. 4. Jordan . eel vs. Jnnn wingart. No. 2ti, September term, 1878. 5. Joseph Fuess, survivor, &c, vs. Andrew Kaul. No. in, (September term, 1878. 6. Peter O'Hara vs. J. C. Welling ton et al. No. 28, November term, 1878. 7. II. M. Rolfevs. C.R. Earley. No. 17, January term, 1879. 8. AV. 1). Drake for use vs. Kirby and Bilverthorue. No. 45, January term, 1879. 9. George A. Kathbun vs. T ne jn. W. Mining nnd Ex. Co., of Erie, Pa. No. 47, January term, 1S79. 10. Frank Keller vs. J. 1$. riteriey. No. 88, May term, 1879. 11. The Township of Highland vs. G. W. Newton et al. No. 95, May term, 1879. 12. Thomas London vs. Reuben Mohney, No. 4. September term, 1879. Fked. Schcenixo, Pro. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! ??9!taCJust Dublished, a new Km iv .... edition of Dr. Culver- well's Celebrated Es- .ay on the radical cure (without medi cine) of Snermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakness.lu voluntary Seminal Losses Impoteucy, Mental and Physical In- capacitv. Jmpettiments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Jits, induced by selt-induigence or sexual extravagance, &c. CQPrice, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, In this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self- abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; point ing out a nioue oi cure at once simple, certain, and enectual, by means of which every sutlerer, no matter what ins condition may be, may cure hini' self cheapry, privately, aud radically. J6Syl'his Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of on eems, or iwo postage stamps. Address the Publishers, The Culverwell Medical Co., 41 Ann St., New York Post Ottice Box 4588 vOnllyl Improvements September, 1878. Notwithstanding tli VICTOR has long been the r of any Hewing Machine in tne market a lacs Ported ry ft host of volunteer witnesses we now - n . i . . r . i : connuenuy cinira lor n greater uiuiimunj, a wonderful reduction of friction ana ft rare combination of desirable quolil ies. Its shut tle in a beautiful specimen of mechanism, and takes rank with the highest achievements r . ! I j l H- j - T I " ,1 . 1 fwrnainn XTiuiliinna thnrnfnnv hnVA fmftlil ones w jmicu up ami re-vanusu lur vu eustomors. We Sell New Machines Every Time. Liboral terms to the trade. Don't buy the" in Iix. M I DDLETOWN. CONN ,( AGENTS, HIDGWAY, PA. TRENEWE Has been In constant use by the public . for over twenty years, and Is the best preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND The State AsBayer and Chemist of Mass. and LIFE. It supplies the natural food and color to the lialr glands without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent Its blanching and falling oft", and thus leading endorse and it as a great triumph in medi- AVERT BALDNESS cures Itching, Krup- tlons and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation It Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. FKEFAKEI) BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by all Dealer In Medietas. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. It- Div. WIXTEIi TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY. November 10 1878, the trains on the Philadel phia fc Erie Railroad Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. krie mail leaves Phila 11 o.j p. m. " Renovo 11 00 u. m " Emporium. 1 13 p. m. ' St. Mary's..2 07 p. m. lti(igway....2 3i p in. ' Kane arr. at Erie EASTWARD. ..8 43 p. m, ..7 40 . m. .11 20 a.m. ..3 35 p. in. erie mail leaves Erie Knne Hidgwav. .5 00 p. m. St. Mary's..5 20 p, Emporium. H 2 p, in. m. Renovo 8 3 p, m. " arr. at Phila 7 00 a. m. VM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. N TEW LIVERY STABLE IN JUDG WAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. BSyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Olliee will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tt NOTICE. I hereby give notice that William S. Youngs has left my house without any just enuse or provocation, I there fore forbid any person trusting him on my account for I will not pay any debts of his contraction. William B. Hewitt. Oct. otb, 1879 n3lt3. Register's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing account lias been tiled in my nflln niifl will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Or phan's Court for confirmation, being the 3d Monday in November, i7u: Final account of Catherine Paine, AHmiuiutrntriv of the estate of Edwin Paine, late of Ridgway township, Elk county, fa., aeceaseu. Fred. Schcenino, Register. Stationery packages at the Advo cate office for 25 cents, including enough paper and envelopes, to last an ordinary writer a year : also lead pencil, blotter and pen. Call and buy a pack cme. i bm i 5 BVr J' age. Fluid Extract PHARMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE ' BLADDER & KIDNEYS. For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis position to Exertion or Business, Shortness of Breath, Troubled with Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis ion, Pain in the Back, Chest and Head, Rush of Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. If these symptoms nre allowed to go on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and Consumption follow. When the con stitution becomes affected it requires the aid of an invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which 'HELMBOLD'S BUCHU" DOES IN EVERY CASE. Helmbold's Buehu IS UNEQUALLED Hy any remedy known. It Is pre scribed by the most eminent physi cians all over the world, in Rheiunatism, tinermatorrha'a. Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, ' Aches Pains, General Debility, Kidney Disease, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General III Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, . Nervous Compl'ts. Female Complaints Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad tas.te in the mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand othe painful symptoms, are the oil spring of Dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCH INVIGORATES THE STOMACH, And stimulutes the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy ac tion, In cleansing the blood of all Ira purities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of its valuable remedial qualities. Price $1 a bottle Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free from observation. "Patients" may consult by letter, re ceiving the same attention as by call ing. Competent Physicians attend to cor respondents. All letters should be ad dressed to II. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION. See that the private Pro priety Stamp is on each bottle Sold Everywhere. JuIySlyl tend xm.fe&LA The Johnson Revolving Book-Case, FOR taxtyen, Clorgymen, Physician, Viltlort, Bankers, Teacher, Merchant, Sludentf, and nil who read books, tt Is made of iron, beautiCiilIv ornamentert. It f Strong, durable, convenient, handsome, n:ifl te most compact Imok-case in the world, es It hnUts more books for its size than any other device. It is minimum In size, maximum in capacity, nnd tho cheapest Revolving lsook-C'nse mnde. It can never wnrp, shrink, or Kct out ot order. Pend lor cir cul.ir. Bend 85 cents for our Nkw Illustrated Catalooi-b, villi over 800 illustrations of. Educa tional aud useful articles. I1AKER, PRATT Sc CO., School Farntuhcrx, snd Renter In f Terylhiog In U18 Hook snd Stationery lino, HEADQUARTERS F0H ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES, 142 A: 141 Grand St., New York. PA T E N T S T E A D E - M A H K S . We procure Letters Patext on Invkxtioxs. No Attorney fees in advance in application for Patents in the United States. Special attention given to Inference Cusps before the Patent Olliee, and all litigation apper taining to inventions or jm tents. We also procure Patents in Canada and other foreign countries. Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained, and all other business transacted before the Patent OHiceaml the Courts which demands the services of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience as Patent Attorneys Ths Scientific Record. All Patents obtained through our agency are noticed in the Scientific Record, a monthly paper of large cir culation, published by us. and devoted to Scientific and Mechanical matters. It contains full lirts of all allowed Patents. Subscription 2.3 cents a year postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send us your address on postal card. I NVENTORH Send us a description of your Inden tion, grVing your idea in your own language, and we will give an opinion as to patentability, Willi full instruc tions, charging nothing for our advice. Our book, "' How to Procure Patents," about the Patent Laws, Patents, Ca veats, I ratio Claras, tbcir costs, etc sent free on request. Address R. S.& A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneys, No. r01 F street, Washington, l). Nearly Opposite Patent office. Arrears of Pay, Homily and Pensions. We have a bureau in charge of ex perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,. Bounty and Pensions. As we charge no fee unless successful, stamps for re turn postage should be sent us. R. S. & A. P. LACEY. A BAD C A SE- CUJiED FltEDOXIA, N Dr. M. M. Eennf.u. Y., June 7, 1873 Dear Sir. I hnii hppn sick about Pljrlit years with an nll'wtlon by physhHtuis culled ffci oiula. My tin-out wasu nmttenitiiig sort". My palnto hud lirpti eatmi out my nose fact iiuil fnroliend hml fltsrliurijrlnK snro. My body and limbs hud di-epcntliin ulcers cxtnd" itm nearly to the bone, I was reduced in flesh to n mere skeleton, I was in this dread ful condition when 1 betian the use ol vour Wood and Elver Remedy and Nerve Tonic i lfti'J. I took it nearly a year, tliouirh to all in. peiimnces I was well within three months af ter beginning it. I feel us well und strong now ns I ever did. Yours truly, MRS. ANNA ADAMS. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem edy and Nerve Tonic niny well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is (he medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for it reyulatc and re stores the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billious ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility; Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or going Into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its causes. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough In one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, andfc?adily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe cific. One bottle always cures. For sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B. Day. itfift A WEEK In your town, and no cnpl-'-"-'-' till risked. You can pive the business atrial without expense. Thebestoppoitunity ever ottered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for your self what you cun do ut tho business we otter. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, und make great pav for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and par ticulars, which we mail free. . outSit free, lion t complain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address 11. HALLETT & CO. . Portland. Maine. nlUyl Call and examine stoves and ranges at 42 Main St. before purchas ing. Some new and beautiful designs. W. S. Service, Agent. Note paper and envelopes for sale cheap at this ofliee. A new invoice of fancy note paper and envelopes in beautiful boxes, just received at The Advocate office.