The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 09, 1879, Image 4

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Mock Ovstkks ok Cokn. Take ft
dozen nnd ft half enrs of Rreen corn and
grate from tlio cob as fine as possible;
thon ftdd two large tablespoonfuls ot
flour and three eggs. Heat well and fry
as you would oysters, in part butter and
part lard, which should be very hot.
Tomato Sorr. To one pint tomatoes,
canned, or four large ones cut line, add
one quart boiling water and let them
boil. Then add one teaspoon of soda,
when it will foam; immediately add one
pint of sweet milk, with salt, pepper and
plenty of butter. When this boils add
eight small crackers, rolled fine, and
Gimoeii Punnmo. Half a pound of
flour, quarter of a pound of suet, quarter
of a pound of moist sugar, two large tea
spoonfuls of grated gjnger. Shred the
suet very line, mix it with tho flour,
sugar and ginger; stir all well together ;
butter a basin and put the mixture in
dry; tic a cloth over and boil for three
Eoo ok Butter Grcwr. Put into a
tin dish one-quarter cup of butter and a
large tablespoonful of flour. Set on the
stove, and as tho butter melts stir in the
flour until smooth, or free from lumps ;
then pour on nearly a pint of boiling
water. Slice into your gravy bowl two
hard boiled eggs, pour the gravy on
them and serve." Salt and pepper.
Apvle Cake. Take two cups of dried
applies; stew just enough to chop cosily ;
chop as tine as raisins and hoi fin two
cups of molasses till preserved through;
drain oil" the molasses, then add two
eggs, one cup of butter, one cup of sour
milk, two tcaspoonfuls of soda, five cups
of flour and spices of all kinds; add the
apples nnd one large cup of raisins the
hist tiling.
Scotch Buotii. Two pounds of the
seraggy part of the neck of mutton. Cut
tho meat from the bone and cut off all
the fat ; cut the meat into small pieces ;
put into a soup pot with one large slice
of turnip, two carrots, one onion, one
stalk of parsley, one-lTsilf cup of barley,
three pints of water and boil gently two
hours. On the bones put one pint of
water, boil two hours and then strain
on the soup. Cook one spoonful of Hour
and one of butter together until perfectly
smooth, then stir into the soup and add
one teaspoonfui of chopped parsley.
Season with salt and pepper. Miss 21.
Household Hints,
To make a polish for metals, dissolve
one ounce carbonate of ammonia in fouv
ounces of water and add sixteen ounces
of Paris white, mixing them well to
gether. Use a damp sponge, and rub
the powder lightly over the surface of
the metal. When the powdei is dusted
' off the metal will bo bright and clean.
To make potato starch, grate six medium-sized
potatoes and mix thoroughly
with one gallon of water ; strain through
a coarse towel, let settle, drain off the
water and turn on another gallon of
clear water and let settle again ; drain
again, put in an earthen dish and set in
a warm place (not too warm) to dry.
Use same as corn-starch for starching
When you gather your herbs dry them
and rub the leaves through a sieve and
bottle them tightly till you need them.
Tie the stalks together and save them
till you want to make what the Freneh
call a bouquet lor a soup or stew. A
bouquet of herbs is made by tying to
gether a few sprigs of parseley, thyme
and two bay leaves. These can all be
bought at any drug store.
To restore scorched linen, peel nnd
slice two onions, and extract the juice
by pounding and squeezing; cut up half
an ounce of fine white soap, and also
add to the juice of the onions two
ounces of fuller's eartli and half a pint of
vinegar. Boil all together. When
cool) spread over the scorched linen, and
let it dry on ; then wash and boil out thu
linen, and the spots will disappear, un
less burned so badly as to destroy the
When to Apply manure.
The common practice among farmers
is to make a general clearing of the
yards and barn cellars once a year, either
in the spring or fall. Either practice
makes a heavy draft upon the teams,
and has its disadvantages. If this work
is done in the spring, it is when the
ground is soft, and other work is ex
ceedingly pressing. It the manure is
drawn out in the fall, and dropped in
heaps upon the field to bo cultivated
next season, there is more or less waHc
by leaching and by evaporation. There
is a growing disposition among our in
telligent farmers to apolv manure di
rectly to jrowing crops, or as near the
time of planting and sowing as possible.
It is felt that the sooner manure is put
within reach of the roots of plants, the
better for the crops and tneir owner.
Manure is so much capital invested, and
bears interest only as it is consumed in
the soil.
The barn-cellar may be so managed as
to manufacture and turn out fertilizers
every month in the year, so that the
farmer may suit his convenience in ap
plying them to tho soil. When manure
is not wanted for cultivated crops, it is
a wavs safe to anulv it to the crass crop
either in pastures or upon meadows after
mowing. Top-dressing is growing in
favor with our intelligent farmers.
Grass pays better than almost any farm
cron in the older (states, and the spread
ins of compost saves the necessity of
freauent nlowina and seeding. By top-
dressing at any convenient season of the
vear. fields mav bo kept profitably in
grass for an indefinite time. American
Dust Bath for Fowls.
Yes, they are just about the best things
which can be allowed to the fowls and
chicks, and they are sure to appreciate
tnem asmucn as acieamy uispuseu per
son does a eood bath in the water, fr it
is their mode of effecting a thorough
cleansing. Nature has ordered it so,
ana the fowls understand it Jull well.
for thev delicht in nothine more unless
we except a good feed than to roll
around and work through a lot of tine
dust, and thev no at it with all the do-
lic-ht evinced bv a lot ot urchins in a
pond of water. They rub themselves
di.wn deep into it, toss it up under their
wings, over their heads and backs and
in under their feathers until they are
pnmnletclv covered with it. l ins re
freshes them wonderfully, while it also
hn the desirable effect of ridding them
of lice. This is especially so when the
dust has been sprinkled ligntiy witn di
luted carbolic acid or well dusted in
with flowers of sulphur, though the acid
is the best, and, as used, the cheapest.
There should always be plenty of fine,
dry dust kept on hand, and it should be
liherallv suDDlied. either in wide and
shallow boxes, or in one corner of the
house. It must always be kept under
shelter, else it will soon become damp
from the dews, or from showers ol ram
Foultry Monthly.
A Chinaman in Paris committed sui
cide because his tormentors bad cut off
his queue. He fastened tho cherished
braid with Dins to the place where it
ought to grow,, and jumped into the
If you want to convince a boy of six
teen that this world is all a blank just
kindly inquire about these days if he is
going to block out a pair of chin whis
kers for the winter season. Frtt Press.
The ladies of the Bible nnd fruit mis
sion in New York city have erected and
paid for a fcubstantial and attractive
three stroy brick building opposite the
Bellevuo hospital, to furnish refresh
ments for the bare cost of material and
cooking, to draw away as many as pos
sible from the drinking laloons. The
first story is a restaurant, tno second
n lecture-room, reading-room and par
lor: tho third -is for lodging-iooins.
There is field enough lor several estnb
1 " 1. . I 1 1 , i J XT V 1
iisiiuu-uui ui tins Kiua in iicw xoi k.
The fire-desolated city of Dead wood,
in the Black Hills, wns situated in a gulch
with a few houses scattered on the sides
of t he hills, and when once on fire n
draft was created which was irresisti
ble. It was the largest and richest town
in Dakota Territory, and it will be
promptly rebuilt and in a much more
substantial manner than before. It was
built so hurriedly and chtaply that the
wonder is that it was not Booner destroy
ed by fire. The character and enterprise
of the sufferers by the Deadwood fire are
illustrated by the fact that for days since
the fire the telegraph wires from there
were so burdened with orders for goods
that it was almost impossible to get any
news through. The telegraph operator
established himself temporarily on a
bluff a mile and a hall from the town
with a barrel head for a desk and had no
reason to complain of dull business.
A photographer at Scarborough, Eng
land, who died latoly, was famous in the
business for the shrewd way in which
he induced persons to order portraits in
oil, when they had intended only to sit
for card photographs. Selecting tne
most pleasing or two or three negatives
which had Tbeen taken, it was handed
into ft distant department fitted up for
rapidly producing transparencies. A
transparency obtained, it was placed in
a magic lantern kept ready, and n life
sized image was thrown on the screen.
The photographer had, in the meantime,
invited the setter into a gallery of life-
size portraits well painted in oil nnd
handsomely framed. These, of course,
elicited admiration, and eventually he
led his visitor into the room where a
fine portrait of himself was presented
life-size on the screen. The effect, as
all photographers know, is very striking
and hilly admits ot a little eloquent talk
on its litness tor painting.
Since 1874 there has been a consider
able devclonment of the naner ruanufac-
ture by machinery in Japan. The first
paper mill was built in that year at
Mila, Yeddo, by Mr. Doyle, an Ameri
can, who carried it on with two Ameri
can managers and 1 50 Japanese workmen
jGreat opposition was thrown in the way
oi una unueruiKiug uy uiu governor,
Ovclaku. and the under finance minis
ter, Mutzo, who afterward fell from their
high estate and were stripped of their
dignities. This paper mill is now gov
ernment Dronertv. " The second is also
at Yeddo and belongs to Assano, Count
of Geischu. nnd was erected bv an Ene-
hshman named Bodgers. A third is at
Osaka, and a fourth. Kioto, built and
carried on by Germans. The fifth is an
American undertaking at Oil, and the
sixth was established by an English
company in Kobe for the working up of
srs to hall-stun, but it did not succeed
and was sold to Messrs. Walsh, Hall &
Co. It is now carried on as a paper
Noal Do w examined the Enelish postal
service when recently in England, and
his opinion is tnat it could not easily be
improved. On the great mail routes the
railroad trains are run very rapidly, nnd
thev take in and throw out the letter
bags without stopping as they fly along
at tne rate ol hlty miles an Hour, mey
pause only at the principal towns upon
their way. Anywhere within three
kingdoms a letter of one ounce weight
goes for a penny, and the terms are very
cheap for other mailable matter. This
penny rate includes the entire cost of
service in the transportation and deliv
ery, not only in the large towns, as in
this country, but also in all the smaller
towns and villages and rural districts.
There is no cottace so remote or retirea
that the letter-carrier does not reach it.
riie perfection of this system of actual
delivery, il possible, is thus illustrated
bv Mr. Dow: "1 Have received among
the Highlands of Scotland a letter ad
dressed to me at .Liverpool, it was
marked at the oflice 'Not here. Try
Manchester.' There again it was re
marked ' Try Edinburg.' And there it
was marked 'Try curling,' wiiere it
reached me."
A Woman's Work lu Paris.
Tho Christian T'nion reports a creat
work among the English shop-girls of
Pnris. conducted bvMiss Ida Leigh. In
l&tiS, having become interested in girls of
this c.ass, sue started liibie-ciass lor
them, which soon had sixty-four atten
dants. The Franco-German war inter
rupted her projects, but at its close she
returned to Pans : and, shortly after, a
trirl who had attended liei meetings, gave
her a franc wrapped up in a piece of
paper upon whicn were written the
words : " 1 ue em oi laun ana love ior a
girls' home in paris." This incident de
termined ner to carry into execution a
twelve beds. In five days the beds wore
all occupied and the number was soon
increased to thirty. At this point the
French law, which forbade the ca vying
on of charitable work in apartments,
compelled her to secure other accommo
dations. She selected a suitable building,
and. before the time of payment arrived,
secured the S50.01K) for its purchase. As
rt result of her efforts there are now five
separate Homes, with a sanitarium at the
top of each for the sick. Provision is
also made for the care of the young chil
dren of English mothers who ure com
nelled to work during the day. Re
ligious servicies are held morning and
evening: ten mission meetings are con
ducted every Sunday in different parts of
t he city, besides a regular cnurcu service.
Sixteen hundred girls have enjoyed the
privileges of the Home ; ana, in connec
tion with it, two establishments where
iood is supplied every Sunday to shop-
girls iree ol charge, are carrieu on. ii
Galiernani not only gave Miss Leigh a
hospital built by him, but paid the heavy
fees for conveyancing. There are now
one hundred and thirty girls at the Home,
and Miss Leigh has recently made an ap
peal for aid in carrying out her large and
beneficent charity.
Curious Facts.
Man has the power of imitating al
most every motion but that of flight.
To effect this, he has in maturity and
health sixty bones in his head, sixty in
his thighs and legs, sixty-two in his
arm u and hands, and sixtv-seven in his
trunk. He has also 434 muscles. His
heart makes sixtv-four pulsations in a
miniit.A. and therefore 3.840 in an hour,
and 0-2,100 in a day. As to the speed of
animated beings, size and construction
seem to have little influnce. The sloth
is by no means a small animal, and yet
it can travel only fifty paces in a day ; a
worm crawls only five inches in fifty
seconds, but a ladybird can fly twenly
million times its own length in less than
an hour. An elk can run a mile and a half
in seven minutes: an antelope a mile in
a minute : the wild ass of Tartar has
speed even greater than that. An eagle
can fly eighteen leagues in an hour. A
violent winds travels sixty to seventy
miles an hour.
The Massacre of Unbul.
Cubul. the scene of the recent butch
ery of .the British Ambassy by the Af
ghans, is a city with a remarkable re
cord of massacre, especially of ambas
sadors from foreign courts. It became
thecapiial of Afghanistan in 1523. Dur
ing the reign of' the great Mogul Akbnr
it was attached to the Indian empire for
fifty years, durirg which half century
it murdered two Indian governors, with
nil the persons of their court. In 1508
it murdered its own sovereign, burning
him alive in his palace, with his house
hold. In 1735 nn ambassador of the
Shall of Persia, Mahomed Mirza Kahn,
was surprised in his residence in tho
capital and put to death, together with
all his embassy, alter which tho dead
bodies were dnvgged through the streets
of the city. Not long after n Persian
army sent to avenge the outrage stormed
the city and beheaded several thousands
of its inhabitants. On November 2,
1841. the mob of Cabul assassinated Sir
Alexander Burnes, his son nnd another
officer. The whole town rose against
the English resident, his ol lowers were
massacred, and lie himself was shot,
his body being dragged, like that of
Mirza Kahn, about the streets, and
treated with indignity. When the En
glish re-entered tho town they burnt the
great bazar in whicn tho bodies ot the
murdered English had been exposed
An Arizona C'nrnlvnl.
A correspondent of the Los Antrelcs
Express , writing from Tucson, Arizona.
thus describes the manner of celebrating
a fiesta in that town : These fiestas are
the relic ot a last departing barbarism
and more like the mad revels of the wild
Indians or of lunatics than of supposably
sensible persons. Yet here nightly you
would have seen congregated at this im
moral exhibition those who put on the
airs of gentility and want to rank as the
elite of the land. Here are ladies dressed
in silk, their hands glittering witli dia
monds (husbands represent some of the
heaviest business houses) sitting for
hours alongside of Chinamen and the
lowest ot the Mexican herd, playing
chuses or roulette, trying to win the
common herd's money, and by some in
scrutable freak ot the hckle goddess they
and the Chinamen won nearly all the
money. Picture to yourself some eighty
canvas houses, of all sizes and shapes,
surrounding four sides of a sauare. in
the center ot which is large canvas
tent, which is used for dancing on the
sand. When the fiesta is in full blast,
between the horrid din, the dust and the
weird, flitting figures, you can safelv
imagine yourself in pandemonium. The
rest of the tents are occupied by whisky
shops and camblinsr tables, of which
some lorry arc in iuii blast, Harvesting
fools' money. Here are nightly gathered
together from 1,000 to 2,000 people of all
classes, nations and colors, who walk,
gamble, drink, dance and howl like
pack ol coyotes. Ail other business has
had to succumb to it.
A Jfew Breed of Horses.
The Nubians, who have recently ar
rived at the fans Jardin d Accumii'
tion. have brought with them several
animals which are likely to excite much
interest with zoologists, among them
being a mare ot the Abyssinian moun
tain Dreed and three stallions froniDon-
ola. Bruce, in his travels, saw these
longola horses, which, according to
some authorities, are not of African ori
gin, but of Arab descent, having been
introduced into the country at the time
of the Mussulman conuuest. The Don-
gola horses are, for the most part, on
the big side, averaging sixteen' hands.
Their powerful characteristics are a
loug and well-set neck and good shoul
ders and forelegs; but they are in
clined to be a trifle ilat-sidcd. They
are endowed with great stamina and
make excellent war horses. The breed
is to be found in the deserts ofAlfaia,
Yerra and Dongola, in which latter dis
trict the largest are bred. They are
generally bay, black or white; but one
never sees a gray. Mr. Jioskins says
that tho best horses of this breed are
black, with white feet and legs. Thev
cost from $250 to 8750, and some years
buck one ot them was sold at Uairo lor
$2,000. London Live Stock Market.
Short dresses will be worn for awhile
Telegraphing is done with neatness
and dispatch.
Alexandtr thelGreat would be a small
man at the present day
All political meetings are more or less
enthusiastic ; hut at a lunch table is the
place to see a grand rally,
Monigrip his been trying to stave off
a pin money allowance by telling lus
wiie mar. " true love seeks no change."
When a young man has finished his
education the best thing for him to do
next is to liud out what sort of work he
can do to make an honest living
A man may speak of his uncle or his
aunt and be understood ; but when lie
talks of his cousin he must explain
whether cr not tho cousin is a man or
woman. In " Pinafore" the cousins are
women, but they are not so in all fami
i : t . r nl. 1 . . I . A
A .C11113U lilll LllllG J9 Bk gieut
The "Devil's Horse."
The mantis (meaning prophet) is de'
fined by Webster as a Linnrean genus of
voracious insects, remarkable lor their
clender, grotesque forms. One specks
has a pair ol legs in iront resembling a
person's hands when folded in prayer,
and is often called the praying nianti?.
It is better known, however, by the
profane appellation of " devil's horse."
About a vear ago Mr. N. N. John who
professes to be not much on physics, but
some on entomology ana horticulture
cut the head off one, the trunk ot which
lived forty hours alterward. lie now
reports that he cut the head oil another
last Sunday at 10.40 o'clock A. m.. which
was alive at 4 o'c.ock p. M. on Tuesday,
fifty-two hours. Jatr. iacts which
seem to argue that there are important
nerve centers in the trunk of the insect
as well as in the head Galveston 2few$
There were at one time two hundred
and thirty Japanese students in the
United States, but only about twenty
now remain. The number ot Chinese
students in American educational insti
tutions is one hundred and twenty
There are three Japanese girls at Vassar
college, who have entered upon their
second year there, and one of them has
been elected president of the sophomore
class. The Japanese government is
training them for teachers, and three
more are expected in the country soon
Quite a brisk demand for American
windmills has sprung up in the British
colonies, West India islands and South
fhecked lu Advnilce
Bv the speedy action of Hostultor'g liiltors
dyspepsia, nervous indisposition, constipation
and bilious complaints cease to harass the in
valid. That they will instantly tjive ground
is not pretended, but no medical tact is more
certain, or avouched by more competent testi
mony, than that these maladies, and others to
which it is adapted, entirely succumb to tne
influence ol the medicine, il it be given a lair
trial. Their total, it not instant, rout
certain to ensue. Losses ot strength are re
paired, and tkilure of appetite and nerve quie
tude are remedied by the Hitters; and as the
stomach prows stronger and assimilation is
aided by its notion, a enin of flesh will follow,
loathes in delicate liealtn, aged persons and
convalescents dM-ivo bodily and mental solace
Irom its use, and esnenenco nono of the re
pugnance which ordinary tonics froqnontly
nsDire. The emphatic rpcommentlHtion ol
physicians confirms tne vonuci m us ravor.
Head advertisement in another column ol
principal triumphs of tho Mason ft Ilnmlin
Oriran Co. all over the world. It certainly
amount to demonstration, as they say, ol the
superiority ol their orpins, the record is un
paralleled among makers ol instruments.
Experience has conclusively shown that lor
cntAneons eruptions, open sores, loprons ex-
IlillllllUlia H1IU riieilllintiu i-iriiinwii,a miumjr o
Carbolic Salve is more eflloacious than any
ointment, lotion or embrocation that has ever
been devised, rhysicinns admit tnis. ana tun
popular verdict confirms and ratifies the pro
fessional diotum, and assigns this salve the
lorcinnst place among remodies ol its class.
Sold by all druggist.
Couoiis and Colds. Sudden changes ot
climate are sources ol pulmonary and bron
chial affections. Take at once " Urown's
Bronchial Troches," lot the cold, cough or
affection of the throat be ever so slight. 25
cents a box.
One pair ol boots or shoes can be saved
every year by using Lyon's Patent Heel Stiff-
ener. Sold hv shoe nnd hardware doalors.
Chew Jackson's Host S weetNaw Tobacco.
Tn,l rrli t - IVIrrl ntlfl SI others.
Br. MAHiViiisrs rtTKKiN'mJATHOI.lCON will nosl-
)lvely cure Ft-mate Weakness, such as Falllne. of llie
Womb. Whites, Chronic IiiHamniatlon or Ulceration of
thr Womb, Incidental IloninrrhaecorPloodlne. Painful,
Biimirmai-d and twvnl.r Men.tniAtlon. Ac. An old ami
reiMl'le remedy. Send postal caril for a p;imrih;et, with
ir'-ntmeni, cures arm c-rlillcales iroin ini .hhhis atei
mum, to HOW AHTH ft ItAM.AKU, LTICA, A. 1.
ioih ny an per tiottio.
Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska,
l,eave New TorX anit New Knirland the
cemlipr. Kir.iinifin IVn. !1S leaven IV. V
1111 fi iufiiav in evrrviunnin mini iff
Tuesday. Ort. til. '7. Fare about hair rek'illa
rates. Fast Irauu and nritt-claae accomtnodatlolia guaran
teed. For descriptive l.and Circulars, Information abou
TtckcK etc.. Bend aMrc on Postal C'aKi to (HAS.
F. IIAII.EY, lllTllraadway, Iew York.
One year, post-paid, ftl.
DIP PI CT I Every Subscriber gets more than
UlU Oil I I 91 ie 1'attern a Premium.
8 Copies 1 year for )lsfiO. Only 7i cents each.
5 Copies 1 year for 3. OO. Only 60 cents each.
10 1 vear for Aft. 00. Onlv AO cents each.
Getters'-up of Clubs prt one copy for a year free.
sampio Lnpy to show, mailed lor o scamps.
This Dverskirt il one ol the lew ucsin". winch
ilwavs has a graceful nnil itvlish appearance, either
in the rich or inexpensive material. The soft dra-
nincr nf the frnnt , en re In finrl fnVOT with the ma-
ority of ladies. Pattern, with cloth model of
It, mailed KKEK on receipt of 3 stamps (or lOcts.)
We want you to see Styles and test our raucrni.
A. Rimlptte Sill 111.
10 E. 14th St., NEW YORK CITY,
Washington Territory,
Mild climate, abnndsnt Government Lamls, Prulrlo,
Forests, Water-pewera, Coal Fields, Iron Oros, l.iliiostone
and Fislierles. No Malarious diseases. A full ilesrrlptlve
aaphlet, containing rouu-s aua cost oi travel,
KISS KAR, Sec. ImmlttrantAM Soclety.Seattie, W. T.
iikiinuw oi i.icuainff.
lilind. Itching, or Ulcerated
I'll fit that liIilnirM Pitn
i'emrdy fails tocure. Givut
immediate relief, cure canes
of fun etandinjc in 1 wc- k,
nd prdinnry cates in2d,is.
rmiTinu a.. o.xum
vHU I IUII n.!c, pelln
ic rapper hat printed on it in black a '' of S'trnt a
Hr.J. P. .Wifr' njn ttnr. 'Aiti. 55 a bo'tli
hvRltrimirinfttA. tnt bv tnul by J.P. Mll.LKR.M. i.
Fropr., tt. W. cor. Teutb and Assk iiu., l'hiloda.. Pa.
The Terr beat xoodo direct from the Iiuportersa il
the usual coot. Beat Dlaa ever offered to Club Keau
and large Huyera. ALL KIPKK33 CDARiiiiS P U.
new terms t tuttt.
mt i v a i nn aTT ......
31 and 3.1 Vesey Street, New York.
P. O. Box 4!3.
Mutton As Hamlin Cabinet Ortftntu
Dfitnonsstrated best by HIOHKST HONORS AT ALL
at Paais, 1H67: V.uffA. 1H73; Sucmoo, PnnaDiL-
PHiAa ihid; rBis, anu ubamd swkdish uold mkoal,
1878. Only Amerlcau Orktaim ever awarded hliUeat hon
ors at any uch. Sold for cash or Installments. Illoc
nuTKo CATALoauss and Circulars with new styles auu
rices, sent rre. aiasun t. ohwan 'ti.
Huston. Mew York orChicasu.
Patronize the only Christian Family Daily Newspaper,
the New Yore Dailt Witness. Price two cents, or by
mall, post-paid, one dollar till new year.
The Weeklt Witness will be gent post-paid on trial
till new year for 25 cent, or to a club of Ave for one
dollar. Address John Doug all k Co.. No. 7 Frankfort
Street, New York.
Save your Life. How? Hy using Ktrklnml'a
Botanic KpeciAcs. Non-Mineral, Nou-Puirionoun,
rureiy eeutiue. noi raieni iiumuuKS, not ao;ii ty
DmifKtxts. Saloon Keepers, or Trading Men. not Patent
Cure-alls, but True and Tried when ill else have failed
Inclose SI for Sample and Copy of The Ctclo.nb, with
aiiures m iuii, au ureas vr. j. w. kihk.lad.
ijeasnresvuie, Jiuiier uo , r
Send your address on Pohtal
Curd and receive a com- of the
Best Independent, Non-eecta-rian
Newttpaier in the coun
trv. Or aentl cents for
Trial subscription zor Four Mont lis. Auarees
Jollr Weekly Times,
Cluctnuatl, Ohio
For Sale in Orange Co.. N.Y.
The Homestead Farm of Jonas Hawkins, deceased, to
close the KstHte. containing IftOO Acres of most fertile
ianu, coca ituiiuinfis, ue7er-rauiiJK n aier. ror iuii
articuiars ami price addrewi JO.nauia.N II An KINS.
Executor, Walden, Orange Co.. N. Y.
One Trap caucht US Hats In three days. Rat Trau
$1.50; House Trap, by mall, prepaid, 60 cts. 12-p ige
Cataloirue and Price Lint fre. Address Role Owners
M'f'rs, J. T. Wilbidb k Rro., York Hoad, Carroll Co., Md.
S5,000 A YEAR.
Made In an honest business by Young or Old of both
sexes, working Outfit, il.lcts. Sample, lu eta. Speci
men. 3 cts. In ordering, state whether for Lady or (iettf,
M'trrmi or Single, Address M. H. Co.,Bo8tonvMiise,
GOOD PLAN. ComblnlnraadoiwratlniBfianyenlcn
luoni Vaval auin liat ry il'nui oi Cftputvi, wna
iklllful minaictiKut. Lni r nroftUUiTlded pro rat on
kinve-tmuottori25 to tlO.coo, Circular, with ful 1 ex-
iilniint imm Uow til l run suaVMit In :ork dklhiRt, mallei! Ire.
I.AWltENC'K V CO., && 1 iclt.nce Place, New York.
lyril-IHOrD OnnUfaunted(ob.tb.
lltLL AUDLrll cheapest and best In ths
world. Also nothing can beat our SAWING MA.
rillN'K. It saws off a K-foot log in 'J iniuut. a.
Pictorial books free. W. (ilLES. Clilennu, 111.
41 1 "7r profits on 20 days' Investment of cTflnS
V10 In St, Paul. Au.ust 1. S1UU
Proportional returns every wppk on Stock Options ol
Official Hpports and Circulars free. Address
T. POTTER WIGHT A CO., Bankers, H Wall Bt.,N Y
Agents Wanteii everywhere
to sell to fandlies, hotels
and laree eonaumerat nram
vo -"v. ... , ... wuuu; i quant; uu .ciiiib ine uebt
Country storekeepers should call or write TUB WKLI.8
TK A COM PAN Y, isOl Fulton St. N. Y. P. Box 4660
$9 ROn A KB (itiKAHTEEIt.
9,IUU AgenU Wanted. I have the best
tnings ior Agenu. Over 20 anents are now making
from 12 to $1 a day. Bend stamp for particulars.
Hav. 8LT1BL'CK. Milton, Northumberland Co., Pa.
Kuleudlcl Present. 1 glit-bound Autograph
A bum. contalninu AA l,p.ntiriillv .niFva.l n...dt
also 47 select quotations, all for life, postpaid. Po.tai.-e
.iauji. taken, ag ta wanted, w ens s son, west uaven.ct.
While we want agents at $5 to SIO
per uaj at noma. Audreys, wnn
stamn. WOOD NAKKTi
LAMP CO.. Portland, laalne.
Habit At, Skin Islsaases. Tbon
sands cured. Lowest Prices. Donotfal
li write, ur. r.K. alarsn uuincy.Mirti a. Invested In Wall St. Stocks mate
tIUI0IUUll fortunes every month . Book sent
free explaining everytning.
Address BAXTBR A CO., Bankers, 17 Wall St., K.
S72 a week, f 12 a day at home easily made. Costly
uumt iree.r. Aaaress t aus . uo.. AuguBta, Maine
YOUNG MEN lStiGr$&ffl
m moutn. Kvery Kfaduate Roaranteed a iiayinp sititai
tion. Addreaa IL Valentine Manager. Jauesvllle. W la.
Ifln VEAR. Mow to Make It A'.- .t.- i.
SfOOJ"ii. COB at kUNbil. Kt.IaU, Mu.
E!rvrti c n n i il"" " S3
Eft. at'.SA S M-EEIIii. EOYS
1 3
aat M. TltR TKJIPtB (too per iloimi, s
SBSsswud fiw Sine-Ins School, (Jonvention end tiholr
Kooki fcr t. V . O. Pnusa. As a (Jholr nook, equal lo
any ar imm largest vtm. a diuhiiip wdvui mv.,
better taaa the cheaper and mailer ones, sine II has
ninoa mora miutci that It, Lie pates of new Sonet ami
Oleea, and 150 pages of tne beat it Steal Twn anil
Dpacimeo copies nuuiwiet-tnva, ret vi .wa
Remember also TITS VOtOl OT WOBSltrP ( SB tm
doien). recently aclvertltedi Joaaws'a New Mitbod
roe Siesise t' eicellent book (aflrtiper Joi-n),
and 1 O Rmereon't Oswaao (S7.M per dofen).
lor opevimeua, uwivHrii w,
JU4 Oat. TriF,IT8 LIFE IifJ SOlfQ, with Introduction by caaaxaa limit waasaa.
lit of the Jolllett of College Songs. A capital book for
social llnglug.
lNTlirmKNT,brO. H. S. Dins, M. D. (ST rta.).
An Invaluable treatise on the construction and manage
ment of the Vocal Organs. With plates.
jwrf nut. The last number of Tas Mnitoat Rtcoao.
Bend sla cents for one number, $2.00 for the year.
" woman oe wnuou u. u
O. H.
, DiTsom . co.,
84:1 Broadway,
Hew Tork.
O'ia Chestnut Hlreet, a-niiaaeipfn.
Vltt Mtl V 11 V AT.t. DFAl.KltS.
Awardedlhe MEDAL OF HOXOIlattlit Utnf.nniaX
trtt'l Mill p.sfiWiniis.
lo the beat lnd. la the Mat ellmate, with th heal
market., anil on the belt term., aloca the Hi. rani
MIoneaBOlw Uaaltoba n 7, tune ot. l "
3,000,000 ACRES
Uiolj In the Fuwni
On long t4m, low prloM aad My payMMta.
r0falt with fall tnformaUon mild frM. Am
D. A. McKINLAY, Land Com'r,
At. 1. M. A lf. K'y, At. rani, Minn.
Po ym want
1 I'rtntinr Priti cmii-
lvt In t'xchdng for doin.r u
littht crrlct), tiy eit
IttfiMt ! If to, tnd yonr Ulrf f
With tUunp ncloitd, for hill
pitrticaUr of our GrOQl
Acme K'f'g Co.,
Park Rote, 1 ..i;
9?aw Lew, Wnm Is sf BeWsw m satrs saraMlaV
Meiloai a. I. baot f insminns sc .aata. TUm aaM
AaOreaawlU staas.
f. w. nrawar aaa).
Waahlnlsrf . S.
3 set Golden Tonpne Renls, ft
Hi t's. Ill Stotis. il Knee Swell..
Walnut 1'nae, warrant'-1 O
vear.. Stool au-1 Hook, only S)f)H.
Vi-w T Oct. J'lnilos, siooi, uover and noos, miiij
H ft 7-. Latest Illustrated Newapaper sent free.
AiMivs Ianlcl F. eittty,Vshtnitton,N.J.
H The Belvidere Bow, t
Unsurp isfttM. for precision and force, unequaled for con
ven Ip nee, durability, safety anl cbopness. Can tn
carrte'l in the pocket. Altonls graceful and healtlifu
exercise for la-Hcs, men and youtD. lly mail for on
doMur, Willi in i!3-inc.i metal-n hited airown, tirct-Mf.
and quiver. Kxtra airowH. :t4l eta for ten; txtra atvU
H fin. each or two for l!i cth.. by mall.
K. . Itltl t i;, llox 12, Wlnr Hester , Vo
The mont interesting and valuable Book ever nub
llsbed. A Treasury of Knowledge. There has neve
I before been published, In one volume, m much u-ru Ion ou every subject. Heaiitifnlly tlluct-jt'
fiice &'4.fU. A win:e i.inrary in une . oiume.
i.i'rl I.V ftllKatriiifliili' tho sr'rn
TO AGENTS v,ook to 8el1 pver "wn
G. W. CARLF.f ON k CO., Publlnhers. N. Y. C y.
. i.rod ir-ht.n.iy0 nnn.r of RA hrnad columns, w
be wilt uoiitpald to any audress until January 1k(.
Mdrew TI18 BUN. N. T.O'tv.
and Bind Uniforms Oflleera1 Fquipments,
i'ann. etc.. made by Jtf. 4 MAI leu A? Co.,
I Culumbua. Ohio, tie uifrr trxec Luti.
Firemen1! dps. Bells, and Shirts.
?i-rfect enrp for all kln'lnor Pll.KS.
wo to four bottli's In tlu- wuri-i
casps of I.KPHOSY. 80ROFH.A.
CATAHKU. ami all illspaaeauf tbr
SKIN anil m.OOD. Knttrply Vi-ne-tai.le.
Internal and paternal np.
Money refunded In all caaea of
failure: none for 20 years. Sold
I everywhere.
Bend for pamplet. (1 a Uottle.
II. I. FOWLEjJlostqil
It contains OT'J fine h'atortcal engraviims and l'-iOO
rzn ih.nWlt i .tlunm nnLf.aild is the UH'bt coiuiilelt
History of the Wor d ever publlched. It sells it sixbt. I
Send for siecimeu raes an i extra terms to A nciita, mi
see Wliy h Sfiitt msier uum nj hiiici uuu. ammk ra
MATIINAL rUllUSBIKO t., rillliiri( lil.i, i n.
Is prfpctly pure. Pronounced the best by the
eut medicui authoritiea in the world. Given hiKhoat
award at J -i World's F.x positions, and at Paris, 1871
Bold by Prngifiata. W.ll.ScbielleUn Oi CO..M.H.
A HPXITC Wsuit)d for s irs. Book thai
Avllji JL A sells fast. Cuance for all 14
aiaka money. ' A.1FU OF
The famous Scout, Guide, Hunter and Actor written ?
kimself-ls the liveliest aad easiest book to sell that baa
appeared Xor years. Agents already at work are niakuuj
big sales. Bend at once and secure territory. For arc
tars ana liberal terms appiy u
FHAHH K. HL.IHS, Hartford, Conn.
WAHTTKD Apents to sell our new SVltpse Lamp
ExtlnuiBlier,Trlmiucr,Wick Saver and Kerosene
Burner combined. Prevents all explosloLS, imell or
(inokei tnms and extlneulshes ltelf i a common colton
wl. lt lusts live years. Ever, fiimiiy will I uy six to a
ilt sen at sluhti cun make 5 a tiny easy i S1.5 If smart;
cxilusive territory g.ven. Mckel-plated Sanule by
null e it. S-nd foi clrcnlar anil terms. KC1.IPSK-
K. TIMtI'ISIIKK C'tl., nosiltutttuu tn.,,iuu.
n,..n.i. a. i, .ant a alnwlv atarvlna because of the
intimity of mothers to furnish proper t ourUhinenl. Do I
not rail to use Hidue's Food.
We atll hilars ol IU) ur luoiiia aaS
upenses. or " i a large commission, -o se.. oli.
oidwonde- u inveltlitins. It'. wt suy. .Bam.
pie free
Address bHliKMABI C miuwi, mtt-u.
Burs relief loirmfa
I -rice JoeuBo 1 11IU&.
KIUULK S .'MS I ILLta.ny.uail. StowellalCo.
mi , -pjiiiipr ir"vnft nrisr
!,' and WOMEN wantlns Business .thai pays
1 lJat prontrse-id 1 cts. with sump for iustmc-
&t iSws worth u. ijvMIi'k T
mean bus neas. Address tl. A. PRATT, cunotrii, i. n.
-g -4 v a v W 1th Stencil (lutllta. Wliatcu.u4
RIR ctrn.' rapidly for 5U. tj. O.Uloguefr..
K PTP'TlirTl'O! A HY.SiO.bOO Words anil
Hm. Pua-Co.HO "i.1 hewiors.
U n.M,U. 1 11 WU U Bl iwi'u.
s- ift rmsns YCaj X
X Shi
Survival of tie Fittest.
The Me-rlnnn MustAnff Liniment has
been known for more than thirty-five
I years as tne Dest ot an Liniments, iot
I Man and Beast. Its sales to day arc
lartfKv Vinn fvv.r. It cures whtm nil
others fail, an penetrates skin, tcndor.M
n.i,.,.ln t ,1 tha Vfrv bcinn. Hfilrli'j
SAUmS E0U5S 0? W, 8. CLARE..
Kstabliahed 18T0.
mm k
We rjlsce lonns on invnroved f nrms so as tc
net Investors from 7 to 10 per cent.
No lonns are made for exceeding one-third
tho appraised value of tho farm.
Titles nerfeet and nronertr nersonnllv ex
amined by us. Write for full particulars.
4ST"New England references given.
First Established I M oat Successful t
TRBin INSTRUMENTS have s Standard Valne la
Loading: Markets
Of the World
Uerywnere recogaued as the PINKST IN Tc;N
OVER 80,000
llarie anil In ule. New Design, constant! J. K.
Wurt and lowest rncev
tr Scn'l tor a Catalogue.
Trsmoat; St.. opp. WaltHaih StEostODjas;
Is til. Old Concentrated I.ya
Directions accompanylUE each can for maklnt;
loft and Toilet Soap lvkly
The Market la flooded with (so-called) Concentra
Lye, which Is adulterated with salt and resin, and ttv
naJtt soul).
Feunsylvanla Salt MannPg Co.,
i-or Ht-auiy of 1'ciit.j, s?v-!ik Luiwr, t
Durability and t'hennnui's, riii'tit:n'i;ii.
iloltbK l.lios . iropi-k-ntie. ("in. ion.
There is no cure for Brlght's Dis
ease of the Kidueys, or Hladder
and Urinary Complaints. They are
in error, stunt s iteinecty
cures these diseases. Ueneral
Debility, ruins in the Hack. Loins
or Blue, uropsy, uravei, Dissipa
tion, and all Disease of the kid
neys, Hladder and Urinary organ,
are cure'l bv Ilunt'a Iteinetlv.
fliysicians prescnue llunl s alemeuy .
for pdimiltU't 10
WM. E. CLARKE, Providence. R. I.
riil ttis? IIIkIm t Mcdssl Atth rcaol
OVitmII .', o.iiirfttllorn, Thlf
Uiiuai tsi WAttaUNTi. t not tob. ekk
down r. r iti liln". Prl ill . T dr
l. lunU. wltu lite 1 .uilIc Bu.T, lilce
ii. .oil ami fla.tlila and coalalna ue
bone. Prlre byoil, IL S,
For a. 1. by a' leUleg l ..rcbaota.
WARNEB BKUSn IU. ay. N. 7 .
Remedy fro
ipeedy and
Pn "A free botlle' of mj
A Tret. . isnt to ny iaOcreT
U een.llnfr roe bu P. O. twd Rx
prew ddreb.
P g- Q. ROOT. Peri btraet, New Totk.
sNssassar Uartiaaa, ik arMkt lAaiatl
ssarsl M ant, aa4 i- a rsnasl utwa 1
iis fotjt aja., sato mm
mf mr tSassr basU4 m snfa, biuais f
Tia ft wbars jm
f-iniaise. rrot. :.KK, 4
I tu M
SR to $20 ?T d)r home. Samples worth $S free
9 Jiu Address Biiksom k Co.. Portland, alslne
f&TTT 4 y,SAR 10(1 yf usesto axonta. Ontlit Free
P t J 4 Address P.O. V It . g B k Y. A Its r la . at atn.
tttR a week In your own uiwbTcrinssnd isT)um
..4.dJl2 Jl-.11411?1? Co.. Portlaud, Maine
jfSr-aa -igMouth auil expenses Kuarauteeiflo Aceut
' iW lSllr.. Sa.w A lio.. Aobcsh. M.
AGENTS), old or young, earn itt a UaFal home
Samples worth i free 11 ov s 1 Co., LeUnon, h, .11.
- j- a ai jam ,mi- Ta, n.- , . -1
II I 1 Anmfl
VYaf-a ill trior. ri' oS&te
Laboratory, 77 W. 3J St., New York City,
tavT or nun tt.
The Best Remedy Known to Man I
Dr. Clark Johnson having' satooiatea nimaeii
with Mr. Edwin Baetman, an eeeapea capT. iotr
aalaveto waKameiaia, in. oiuu,v... . y.
Comanches, is now prepared to lend bis aid la JM
Introduction oi mo wonuen ui rtimuj i
Tho experience of Mr. Eaatman being similar to
Hint of Mrs. Ctaas. Jones and son, of Washington
Co., Iowa, an account oi wnoeo lunniwa
thrilllnelT narrated In the Ifeie York Utrald of Dee.
15th, 18,8. ths facts of which are so widely
known, and so nearly parallel, that but little men-
hero. Thevars, however, published In a neat toi-
hero. They are, howevsr. pnbllehei
urns of 300 pages, entitled, ''Seven a
and Nine Years
that for sersral years, Mr. Eastman, wliils a cap.
tire, was compelled to '
t..v. ..,... mi,A horriea of which Wakametkla I
j. n,.ri .nrl la .till oretiarcd to nro-
vide ths samb materials for the successful intro
duction of the medicine to ths world; and atnures
the nnblle that ths remedy Is the samo now as
when Wakametkla compelled him to make 1U
Wakametkla, the Medicin Man
- Nothlns has been added to the medicine and
nothing haa bean taken away. It in without doubt
no ME8T rUIlIFIKri Ol low ui-wb iia.An am w
'he Bt.tem over known to man.
Thie Syrup possesses varied properties.
It acts upon the I.lrer.
It nt-t upon the Kidneys.
It rrirulotex the Ilowels.
It purtnVK the mood.
It quirts Iho Nervosa System.
It promote. Dl-rratlon.
It ourinlien, Strengthen and Invig
orate. .... . . ,
It earrica otTtlio old blood and makes
N,w' . . . .
It open, tho pore, of the .kin, ana
induce-. Healthy I'tu-splratlon.
It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison ir
;hc bluod.whlch generates 8crofula,Eryipclas, and
ill manner of ekin diseases and internal humors.
There are no .nWta employed In itamauufactnro,
tad it can li: taken br the must delicate babe, ol
"y the aged nnd feeble, ears oaiy bang r:juu- 5
i to oireM,pf
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume.
BsrzN and Nm Ysabs Amono the Comakciiiss
being a simple statement of the horrible laota
conueeted with the aad massacre of a helpless
family, and tho captivity, tortures and nltimata
siscapo of its two surviving members. For sale
by our agents generally. Price $1.00.
The incidents of the massacre, briefly narratea,
urc distributed by sgents, rnEI of sharge.
Mr. En.tman, beius almost coustauUy St tn.
West, engaged In gathering and curing tho matsrl
als of which tho medicine Is composed, the sole
' lslnesa management devolves upon Dr. Johnson,
and the remedy has been called, and is known as
Dr. Clark Johnson's
Fries of Large Battles W.OO
Piles it SmiU Lotties 60
Hi: id the voluntary testimonials of persons who
havr been cured by the nse of Ur. Clark Johnson I
IniUn Wood Hyrup, In yom own vicinity.
Testimonials of Cure.
Btrer'rt, 23tl Wnrtl, Jony. 1, 1879.
Dear Sir: Your most excellent Indian Blood
Syrup has given perfeot satislaction wheat
used fur Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Tueod. Hawk
Holm 8BURG. 23d Ward, Philadelphia, )
Feb. 24, 1879. J
Dear Sir: I take Croat pleasure in snyine
that I have (riven your valuable Indian Blood
Syrup a lair trial in my family and received
irreat benefit from il. Sam'l L. Solly.
Edinotok, Feb. 2, J879.
Dear Sir: I can, from my experience, re
eommend your Indian Blood Syrup as a su
euro tor liver and Kidney Discnio.
Elizabeth a. o.vniw.
Pittsburgh, l'a., Aucust '15, lr?7.
Dear Sir: I was troubled with I.ung D.boase
nd suffered from other complain) o uiuob
hat I could not describe my tcoli.iKto any
person. I doclored all the time, I nit lound no
relief unlil I took a soli lit ! your lndinnHlood
purifier which lolt me enliivly lrco ot all pa
A. Cako
Wbst Lebanon, Murvh 3, 1879.
Dear Sir: Having been pros) rut e for month
with what my physician termed I'ttlpitution ol
the Heart, and a combination of other disease
I obtained no relief nntil 1 bought some ot your
Indian Blood Syrup, which relieved me im
mediately. I am now in perfeot health.
Ptttsbijumh, Pa., Autrust 25, 1878.
Dear Sir: I was troubled with Kidney Dis
ease and Liver Complaint. 1 tried everything
which I thought might do me good, but I did
not find the right modioine until I cot a 60-cen'
bottle of your mitdicine, which entirely cured
me. Mkb. Randall.
Edinotok, Feb. 1, 1879
Dear 8ir: I was troubled with chills; had
them svery other day lor six months; had two
doctor attending me when your agent per
suaded rue to try your Indian Blood Syrup,
ana i can say I never bad a chill alter taking
the first dose. I cheerlully recommend it to
all. Lizzie Wink..