r X CM V j , ivorivic THURSDAY, OCT. 0, 170, New Time Tadlh. Under the new schedule the mall and local freight leave Ridgway station as follows: MAIL WEST - 2:33 " EAST - 6:03 LOCAL WEST - - 7:50 " EAST - .. . 3:23 Rales of Advertising. One column, one year.,.,...,.,... $85 00 H " " to oo ii " ' ' .. ' no Y " " " . , 15 on Transient advertisement per square of fight linen, one Insertion 1, two insertions 5.S0, three Insertions 2. Business cards, ten lines or loss, per year 91, Advertisements payable quarterly Local Notes Read The Advocate. Pull in the pumpkins. "Apples should be gathered. See account of the hunt in another column. We publish the election proclama tion this week. If you want fine or coarse boots call on Jacob Butterfuss. Dress Goods. A splendid new stock at Powell & Kimcs. Cheap and fashionable. Jack Frost is very fond of flowers kind generally gobbles them up at this season of the year. Folks have always wanted some thing that would stop a headache in an hour or sojind Dr. Day's Cure for Headache is just the tiling. &0 ets. and $1 bottles. The Republican Co. Convention met here to day. No nomination was made for District Attorney. J. V. Harnett, of Jones, was nominated for Jury Commissioner. H. M. Powers was chosen chairman for the ensuing year. If you want to buy a good Sewing Machine call on C. Bowers, who has the light running White. It needs no explaining, like mostsewing machines because it is so simple that a child can run it. Call and see the machine whether you want to buy or not. Fat Veal,. Mercer Bros., of the Ridgway Meat Market, butchered the futtest calf last week we ever saw. It was ten weeks old, and weighed when dressed 172 pounds, the inside being a complete mass of fat, and a quarter we saw hanging in their cooler looked like a quarter of beef, and had we not been assured by Doc. Mercer that it wus a quarter of veal we never would have believed the story. Cloaks. A fine line of Ladies, Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest ut Powell & Kime's. List of letters remaining in the Ridgway P. O., Elk county, Pa., up to Oct. Cth, 1879. Flick, J. Bently Granquist, August Jackson, Robert Thoney, M. Wood, Miss Alida Wise, Miss Julia If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. J. II. Hageiity. P. M. Ridgwny Squibs. Who said Dixon didn't shoot a wood chuck on Saturday. A man who will go away leaving his place of business open must be deeply interested in the tailoring busi ness. The hunting match was a fraud because they wouldn't allow Bevy to count his cat. Those boys that were making that charming musi': heir lungs Saturday night at the . . i. sr of Hide's store need a little more practice before they play in public again. A young man who will escort a young lady to a party and let a stran ger see her home hasn't much grit. A very awkward position to be seen by his lady love was that young man in on Sunday, on a certain board ing house porch. Aleut, A Personality. (Reynoldsville Herald.) The little bald-headed miscreant Who presides over the columns of the Elk Democrat, last week venomously attacked us in his usual personal and Billingsgate style. Now we detest newspaper controversies, but if this unscrupulous and notorious little black guard Is 'determined to to malign the character of any one in this vicinity it will become our duty to treat him as his own malicious character dictates. He la conceited beyond measure, ego tistical in the extreme and devoid of principle. As to his character it is such that the least said about it the better, yet nothing could be said that would add to its debauchery, lie pre sides over the columns of the Demo crat, if not fraudulently, mysteriously, and from this position His Fraudulent Highness has for years persistently defamed the characters of public and private citizens, without cause or provocation, but simply for the grati fication of his own envious and ill-natured disposition. In conclusion we have but to say that if "Skippy" Mil ler is not satisfied, and is still deter mined to force the fight which lie inaugurated without cause, let the ball continue to roll and we will guarantee him satisfaction should it even be "war to the knife, knife to the hilt." "Lay on Macduff, and damned be he who first cries, hold ! enough." For blankets, robes, curry combs, brushes etc., call on Jacob Butterfuss, Hosiery Full lines at Powell .& Kime's. Personal Items. B. F. Ely is recovering. H. Taylor and wife were In town this week on a visit. Ote. Kelts came near getting licked Monday night. Mrs. Catherine Fainewas In town several days this week. Henry A. Paine is atSt. Vincent's College, Westmoreland county. reter Clark has recovered from his recent accident sufficient to be out of the house. L. F. Powers raised three early rose potatoes this season that weighed eleven pounds. If any one has three potatoes that will weigh more let them not be backward about trotting them out.' B. C. Downio, familiarly known as "Bat," died on Thursday last in New York state, whence he had gone to attend his mother's funeral. He was about 82 years of age, and his death was from typhoid fever. Peace to his ashes. Our townsman, Robert V. Kime, of the old and reliable house of Powell & Kime, arrived home from New York city the other day, where he has been spending about a month assisting the resident buyer of the house In selecting an immense stock of foreign and domestic dry goods, notions, &c., for the fall and winter trade. Call and see how he looks among his piles and piles of new goods. He will al ways be found on hand to show you around. Stationery packages at the Advo cate oflice for 25 cents, including enough paper and envelopes, to last an ordinary writera year; also lead pencil, blotter and pen. Cull and buy a pack age. Prints. The most desirablo assort ment in Western Pennsylvania, now on exhibition at Powell & Kime's mammoth sales rooms. If you wish heavy oak tanned harness for lumbering, or harness for light work call on Jacob Butterfuss. For powder and shot go to 42 Main street. For wooden ware go to 42 Main street. K. of H. Ridgway Lodge No. 1C44 meets on the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month ut 8 o'clock. Over Coat. All kinds at P. & K's. Kid Glove3 Ladies' and Gents' Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at P. & K's. Cross Cut Saws Cheaper than any where else at the old Grand Cen tral store of Powell fc Kime. Ladies' French Kid Shoes Best at $4.00 at P. & K's. A new invoice of fancy note paper and envelopes in beautiful boxes, just received at The Advocate office. RETAIL PRICE LIST OF J. W. MORGESTER, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour. Feed, Meal, CORN. PORK. &c. Ridstway, Pa., Oct. 2, 1879. Flour, white wlieat, per bbl SB JO ' iriixiill " " oo " Amhrr " " 6 20 Corn niciil, bolted, per hundre ISO Chop lec-d " ' 1 25 Onls. per bushel 45 shelled corn " " 05 Potatoes, " " 50 lieaus, marrow, " " 2 00 Onions, " " 1 SO liutter, per pound 2o Cheese, " " 12 Ham, " " 11 Mess Fork " " 7 Hiicon, " " 10 shoulder, ' " 7 l.ard, " " lo Sinrar granulated per pound 11 "A" " 10 11" " ti1 "(;" " " r.'.'."".'.'.'."! s'A Rico, per pound 8 N. O. Molnsses, per gal 50 Syrup, per gal 50 Kenned oil (l'Jo) per gallon IS " " (150) per gallon 21 Mackerel, (kits) 1 00 " per pound 7 White fish, per pound 0 Cellee. (prime) per pound 18 " (rousted) per pound, 22c, 20c 12! Peaches per peek 65 " (dried J peared 15 " " uupeared 5 Apples, per bushel 40 " dried, per pound 5 Soap, per har 5(5 8 Tea, black, per pound 50 lt green " ' 50( 70 Salt, per bbl I SO Cider vinegar, per gallon 24 Crackers, per pound ;. 8 Currants and jn anes, per pound 8 Sardines, per box 2o Pickles, per bottle 15 Chow chow, perboiile 35 Pepper sauce, per bottle 15 Hoi'se radish powder, per bottle 25 Worchestershlre sauce, per bottle 80 ,1 el lies, glasses und butter dishes l.TfSii Extract. 20(? 25 Maccaronl, 1 pound papers 20 Tapioca, per pound 15 Canary and hemp seed, per pound 10 lelnt.lnes, per box 20 Stove polish and paste 10 Candles, per pound 12 1-2F 20 Atlantic lye, per box 10 Hlacking, per box lo liluelng, per box 5 Matches, per box 5W- 8 Lamp chimneys 7a 8 Wush boards 25(u& Clothes pins, perdovea 5 Mop sticks 20 Lanterns, tubular 1 00 Tobacco, plug, per pound no " flue cut ttOc 100 " smoking SOtoOO " Vanity lair, perpound ISO Cigars, per box, ?2 to 5 00 Herring, per box 50 Collars, per box 15 Peanuts, per quart - 10 finishes, each 20 Wooden palls 20 Pins, per paper 5 " (hair i per paper , lo Needles, pVr paper 5 Candy, per pound 25o 35 Yeast, national, per package 8 Sal soda, per pound 5 Allspice, per pound RntolO Pepper, per pound ;joto3 Cassia, per pound ,. totoliO Cream tartar, per pound ao Mustard. Durham, per pound 4o hlureh, Corn, per paper lo " (Moss 1 pound boxes per lb 9 Tacks, per paper 5 Lamp burners 15to2o dinger snaps per pound 12 Lemon crackers per pound 12 Cookies per pound 15 Ax handles, each So CANNED GOODS. Peaches, per can. .. 2o Tomatoes, per can 12 Corn, per can 13 Lima beans, per can 15 1'eors, per can IS Haspberrles, per can 15 Strawberries, per can 15 Lobsters, per can 20 Salmon, per can 20 Cove oysters, per can 10 Corned beef, per can ., m 85 i'resb. beef, per can .. , 35 Great Hunt. AFTER AN OYSTER SUTPER, Fred. Schcening and Jas. II. Hag erty were tbe captains. The party scoring the least number of points to pay tot the oysters. Saturday, Sept. 4, 1879, the day on which the aforesaid hunt occurred. Following Is the score : HAGERTY . 1 duck 1 meadow lark 10 u 15 15 5 0 1 0 33 18 2 2 30 24 40 116 15 3 4 2 24 24 9 2 Dixon 1 Woodehuck 1 black squirrel 2 black birds 1 chipmunk 2 blue jays Woodward & Ruines 6 blue jays 1 woodpecker 1 red squirrel 3 duoks 8 pigeons 4 pheasants D. McGovern 1 rabbit 1 blue jay 2 woodpeckers 2 chipmunks HoRton 3 pigeons 3 blue jays 1 woodpecker 1 chipmunk Thompson 1 pheasant 1 llicker 1 woodpecker 3 blue jays Gresh 1 woodpecker 3 chipmunks Lesser 2 pheasants 1 woodpecker Hall Total 1 36 10 4 2 2,5 20 2 00 270 scikening 3 pheasants 2 chipmunks 1 woodpecker Kelts 1 blue jay 2 chipmunks 1 woodpecker Healy 1 woodpecker 1 chipmunk J. McGovern 1 pheasant YVensel 2 meadow larks 1 woodpecker 1 blue jay 2 chipmunks 1 woodehuck 1 duck McCauley 1 pheasant b chipmunks Mercer 5 meadow larks 1 woodehuck 1 duck 1 blue jay 1 woodpecker RlIINES 2 blue jays 0 chipmunks 1 red squirrel 2 pheasants woodpeckers 1 woodehuck Si.eiuht 1 pheasant 1 pigeon 0 blue lays 1 woodpecker Hartley Total 30 2 ; 2 34 3 2 2 1 3 10 10 10 15 io 10 6 42 10 15 10 3 o 55 0 6 2 20 4 15 53 10 8 18 2 38 00 258 Brock port Locals. Dry weather. Thursday last was a very hot day, James Mohney has left us. About one fourth of the men at Camp Jack were sick last week. The M. E. Church is all plastered. A quilting party at Dell Bundy's on last Thursday. j. . uuamoenin nas as nne a flock of sheep as there ia in the county. We stray from Brockport for lo cals this week. John Cahvell has about finished Jerome Farara's new house and is again working on the church. You can lawfully kill deer since the first of October, providing you can find them to kill. The grangers had a supper in their hall on Saturday night. Charley will be a favorite among the girls, he is getting a new buggy We notice already he turns his steps toward the Big Chestnut, On last Wednesday Charlev Hulet, a son of William Huct, set his dog on one of their hogs and run it around in the hot sun until it dropped dead. Set on your dog again if you want another dead hog. We received a pint of blackberry wine from Daniel Nulf which is of his own make. Daniel we are much obliged and hope you may live long and prosper. No use of talking Pearl, it isn't fair to take advantage of Johnie Clark when he is sick. You cant come it. Eighty-two men attended the corn husking of Short & Hortou's on last An affray occurred on Toby at a point between this point and Centre- ville in wliich the gentleman of the first part got his whiskers severely combed out, aud the gentleman of the second part received a few slight bruises about the face aud a kick in the stomach, me cellar or Isaac tirauam was entered on last Monday night by thieves and eleven jars of fruit and eignt or ten pies stolen, jne same party three in number were seen lurk ing around Brockport store the same night aliout twelve o'clock. , H. M. Burns returned from con ference a few day ago. Johnie Clark, Pearl Fields and Horace French started for the fair at Brookville on last Wednesday. Vale, 11 rock port fieri bbl i ng. Tho days are somewhat warmer, but the nights are cold and frosty. The boys are gathering chestnuts. He forgot to pay for those clothes. Corn husking has commenced. Short & Horton had a husking bee Tuesday. W. H. got a keg of beer, Why don't "swamper" put his let ter in The Advocate. The time of year Is approaching for overcoots to be seen. . -Pearl had a trip to Ridgway on horseback one night last week, he found his man in bed. James Moliney started for Michi gan last Friday, There was a. caucus held at the Hellen school house Saturday night. There was a Grange supper at the Grange hall Saturday night, two wagon loads went from here. Johnie McClellan is away at school. Reuben T. is working for his in tended father-in-law husking corn. Stewart is working seven miles above Ridgway. "Vale" got a racket the other day about his horse feed. Thomas Burchfield went to Clear field town with his team one day last week. The boys aae longing for another dance boys wait till the 29th of this month. Then it don't come on Sun day. Who is going to the fair? E. D. Alden was at Ridgway one day last week. Fine weather for working in the woods and skidding logs. Camp Juck is turning out rather bad. Horton looks happy, he says there Is no use running around to ppuud your honeymoon. Bears are seen In the vicinity of Brandy Camp. U. W. Rogers has been working on the mountain road leadiugto Lamb Black spring. Bill Boyd has been drawing lum ber from Ridgway by here to the Beechwoods. II. Horton had fifty bushels of buckwheat. Mercer Bros., of Ridgway, took a drove of beef cattle by here lust Friday. Thomas has let his sheep to Jack son Frank. Bear Hun is rapidly gaining in habitants. Cider making time is hero but it does not taste thick enough vet it does not make a man feel like lighting like whiskey and winethe joys divine. It costs more to keep a woman than three dogs and a shot gun. The two couples that eloped the other day hove returned by the assis tance of their parents. George Sexaur had a husking bee last Tuesday evening, also an apple cut. Jos. Pauley is.working with us at Camp Jack. Jake is husking corn for Short & Horton. Very warm weather the small streams and springs are drying up and there is a scarcity of water. Some places it takes two days to do the wash ing on that account. The wheat sown around here two weeks ago is not up nor will it come up till we have rain. Frank Jackson has been plowing for oats next year. There was a man, a few days ago, started from Kersey run to go across the mountain to Hickory Kingdom, and had not gone far until he did not known where he was. He came to the Bear Run slide and following it down went to Mr. Moshier's and asked if they knew where he was. They told him they though they did and put him on the road buck. There are a few Geologists around looking up the different veins of coal. H. Rhineholts and Chas. Louger are running a butcher shop in Centre ville. The farmers have some plowing to do but on account of dry weather have put it off sine die. Horace French, our supervisor, went to the fair at Brookville. Schmidt & Schneider. Dent's Kim and Dry Saw Mill Items. Weather is warm. Chestnuts are ripe. Dig your potatoes while we have fine weather. Corn husking will soon com- mence. Buckwheat is about ready for threshing. Lumbering is now progressing on Dent's Run. Tho springs are drying up. Apples and peaches are abundant. Mr. M. J. Ben dell of Elyrie, O., is visiting at Dent's Run. There was an apple cut at Mr. A Ober's last Saturday evening. Those rags that were fastened on the school house door last Sunday were fully appreciated. . Henry Thomas and Win. AVain- wright arrived at Dry Saw Mill last week. We saw in the Sterling paper the question, "Who stirred up the hornets' nest on Bennett's Branch." What does it mean ? The report that George Johnson and Marybe Wainwright was married is not true. Wrhat has become of "Schmidt & Schneider," of Brockport, we failed to see his locals last week. " D.CI Wilcox Public (Schools. principal's report for month ending sept. 30, 1873. H H i & I 2 CO '-ITS 11 Teachers. i 'Si i P Mrs J.B. John son 1 74 "il J B. Johnson... 2 47 8ll Summary " 121 no 80 10 10 "il2 821 A written examination was the close of the month, from held at which the averaoe class standing of the following pupils was ascertained. Tho markings are based upon 100 as the standard, that being the highest per cent, attainable. The highest aver age class standing obtained by any pupil for tho month is 09; lowest 70; tho best central average 09; lowest 78. DEPARTME T NO. 2. GRADE. Lucy Neering Eva'Schreiner lantha Schultz Kate Murphy Ella Locke Ma tie Locke Martha Groat Ada Miller Herman Lampc Johnnie Murphy Eugene Parsons t ? s? I I 100 901100 no 97 100 100 98 83:95 97 lOO'lOO 91)97 08 100! (18 92:00 82:100' 100 9582 101) 1001100 S2 90 60 98 97 '.(184 05 03 1 97 f t 117 1 MO 100 92 1 97 O-fllOO 9S 9()88 '50:100 94 80181 100 100 90 79 81 100 97 1 100 SO 98 100 100 100 87j97 100 100,100 nuts 97 100 (18 90 90 97 98 97 90 97 100 100 95 09 1 99 88 10O 82 78 87 88 08 90 89,93 45 100 90 72; 78 95 MO 08 93j97 92 08 100 9(i 97 64 98 08 79:82 100 100 98 94l98 95 98 100 9,5(97 32 96 92 William Miller "n" GRADE. Frank Brown Grant Allen Willie Sweet Jackson Schultz George Hchreiner Glenn! Johnson Harry Lampe Eddie Sowers Beruie Murphy Willie Locke Flora Wein ing Lillie Brown Maiy Lampe Edna Walker Eddie Bevicr "c" GRADE. Ella Whiteman 100 100 88 9 Lillie Ernhout Allie Houghtailing 1 Iatiio Cole Katie Flannigan George Weining Oito Seh rei tier John O'Leary John Flannigan Celia Miller 95 100 98 89 93 S3 ;05 9.5 W4 100 84 73 95 93 5.5 91 91 91 81:87 85.94 92 95 98 100 7o;s2 731100 82;h8 80194 100 08 "d" grade Mamie McKean Edith Aldrieh Lillie Manett Anna Hoeumsjon Hildah Olin Johnnie Allen Li.zie Myrbough Mary Brogan Thus. McMahon Augusta Johnson 100' 100 MOi (18 00 90:07 00 89:00 1 9,8 100 77193 03; 98 80'8" 91100 OO'Ol OS1 98 79193 80 97 23 23 45 04 07 100: 97! 98; 100' 100 90j 08 f I Xote. left school ; f sick. Visitors Messrs. D. C. Irwin, M. O. Campbell und Rev. Lampe. Thanks We hereby return our thanks to Rev. F. C H. Lampe, who kindly brought to our school room a number of choice plants, consisting of petunias, tea and monthly roses, heliotropes, and a variety of gerani ums, most of wliich are in full bloom. J. B. Johnson, Principal. the largest retail store in v estkrn pennsylvania. J. S. & W. H. HYDE, DKAI.RKS I!f General Merchandise, RIDGWAY, PA. Tho following are our prices on tho prlnd. pal articles in Hie grocery lino until further notice : APPLES, dried peril). 5c HEANS, lueilluni.per bu. 2.1V. lima, can, l:te I K EE, canned, pi r II). 1m; dried per II), 1,'iu Ci H'EEE, Kin food, l.'ij best,, IS; roasted 'M. CVKHANTS. EliL'liMh. per II). K. CRACKERS, best quality, per lb. 8c. CORN, canned, per can, 13c. TOMATOES, canned, per can 10c, KISII, No. 1 White, per lb. lie. II A MS, Suuar Cured, per lb. lJc SYRUP, Choice, per gul. o'lc. PKl'NES, best quality, per lb. So Kli 'E, best quality, per lb. Kc. RAISIN'S, Valencia, per lb. Irtc. SUGAR, Granulated and Pulverized, Colleo A iiji; Ex. C White He; Yellow inc. SV.c. yi.i , per not. m.')). SAI.EKATUS, per lb. Kc. I-'LOClt , per bbl. Sii.oU; EE ED, per cwt. 81.23. M 10 A L, per cwt. S1.1S); bolted lu fcack. il.80. UK AN, per cwt. l.un. COKN, per bu. tt"c; OATS, per oil. 4oc, und all ol her ','oiids in t he grocery line at pro. portioualely low prices. An instance of heredity in crime is furnished by Elias Phillips of Free town, Mass., who recently appeared as a witness in a burglary trial, having turned State's evidence. He ia a great-grandson of Malbone Briggs, a notorious criminal, who was in State prison with seven of his sons at one time. Briggs' ancestry is traced back to a noted pirate iu the time of Earl Bellamout, and his braueh of the fam ily has for over a century furnished noted criminals in every generation. A nice stock of clothing for men, boys and children at P. & K's. Now for your winter suits and overcoats. McAfee has just received three hundred samples from three of the most popular houses in New York city. Don't fail to call aud see them. Shawls. Some of the nicest yos ever saw at Powell & Kime's. Don't fail to examine. D. S. Andrus & Co., of William sport. Pa., are prepared to sell a good organ now for $75.00 cash, 7 btops and beautiful case, and they are fully war ranted by them which is a sure mark of their merit. Send them your orders and you will not be disappointed. Table and pocket cutlery at 42 J Main street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. All persons Indebted to the RIDG WAY MKAT MARKET will please come forward and pay. Those having claims will please present the same for payment. On mm after Nov. 1st no account will be kept except for those who pay on ilemand. Phice Liht Alter Nov. 1st. Hlenk from 0 to 10 cents a pound. Pork from 0 to 10 els. a pound. Mutton from 5 to 10 cent a pound. Smoked meats at lowest prices Fish every Thurs day. Mekceii JJkos. n32m3 IN TUTS nee of Commerce und in '.hse ro-r-Iicm times, the pressing demand In for thoroughly trnlnerl men for bnsincra. Our Institution offers un purposed facilities to young ami middle eged men for obtaining a Practical Education. A short time only is required to complete the course of study. Expenses light. Individual Instruction. Students can enter at any time. No vacations. For circulars adlros l'. 1)1 TF rtr SOWN. Pltlnbnrs;h. f Duff's Bookkeeping, published by Harper A Itros.; printed In colors; 400 pp. The largest work on the science published. A work for bankers, railroads, business men and practical accountant Price; tj.'t.OO, postage 20 cent GREAT " DISPLAY AND OPENING ALU AriNTER -AT THE- N. Y. GREAT STORE It affords us gnat pleasure in saying that, wo a 'e now prepared to show the citizens of Rl.OUWA Y AND VICIN ITY the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TRUNKS, AND V A LIS E S HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AND A LAlKiE VARIETY OF PICTURE FRAMES & JEWELRY Bargains! Bargains ! ! 10, COO yards of calicos in all the Latest Pattern, t'ochoes, Mermaek, and Spragues the best make in the market at ", 0, and 7 cents per yard. 10.1KJO yards of Muslins, bleached and unbleached. Bleached from 7 to V2, cents per yard; unbleached 0 to 9 cents a yaril. :o: OUR DRE:-W GOODS DEPART MENT comprises all the Latest Nov elties tiie market ailords. casumeres in nil the new shades from 40 cents to $1 'lo per yard, and Plaids, Worsteds, Alpacas in all shade at uulicaru 01 low prices. :o: CLOTH DEPARTMENT Flan nels, Waterproofs, Cashmeres, Ladys' Cloths, Beavers, and Cloakings iu vast variety. :o: LADIES' COATS, SHAWL AND SKI RT DEl'ARTMEN T A splendid Lady's Beaver Coat, well trimmed and cut in the latest Broadway style at $4 A nice line of Diagonal, Basket and other patterns of French and English worteds: prices Irom fro. 00 to TM,,1)0 Felt and Cashmere Skirts, in all colors and prices. Ladies' and Childrens' Shaws from 25 cents to 20.00. A GENERAL LINE of HORSE & BED BLANKETS, Coverlets, Haps, anit everything that can be found in a first-class store, :o: MEN'S, HOYS' YOUTHS' AND CHILDRENS' Clothing Department. We would say to costumers of this Department that our ready-made clothing are equal to any custom-made goods in the market, and for style, cut, make and patterns we cannot be equaled. Our Men's Business suits range from 0,00 to $10,00; dress st'its from $M)0 to S'.'.OU; Youths' suits from So. uo to SlO.Oii; school suits from 4 to 7.00. 200 Men's, Bovs' & Youths' overcoats from 1.00 to 18,00. Working Pants from 90 cts. to 1.25. Fine case youths' pants from 2 to 8. :: UNDERWEAR for the winter 100 dozen iu all colors, grade and prices from " cents to 2.50 apiece. Great Bargains iu Boots & Shoes. All other goods will be sold at cor respondingly low prices. All claims and damages returned in 6 days will be reel Hied. We thank the public for past patron age. C'OH EX, BliO. & BlSOWNSTEIN, NEW YORK STORE. Childrens' Solo Leather Tip shoes at P. & K's. Toys! Toys! ! A splendid stock at P. & K's. Bows and arrows for the boys at P. A K's. Light running, Latest Im proved DOMESTIC, at juices never heard of before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. McAfee, the tailor, has just re ceived an extensive line of samples for he fall and winter trade. Call and see for yourself. Cull and examine stoves and nuic at 42 Main St. before purchas ing. Some new and beautiful designs. W. S. Sk'ivice, Ageut. Citaraulftd Inv stmcnts. lly our syBtuiu of IuvcKtiimnts In Stock Operations wo insure liuieiuuity from loss. No "Marginal" or "l'rlviU'ge plans, invest ments received In sums of S25 and upward. Correspondence from stock operators sollc. ited. Address, UAM1S MAYNARD 4 CO., 58 Broadway, N. Y. n81inllnl NOTICE is hereby given that a pe tition of citizeus of Ridgway. township will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the corporation of aRorough of the town t Ridgway. Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa Particular attention given to tho examination of titles, alhO to patent nnd patent etisosi HALL M7CAULEY ATTORN E Y-A.T-LAW. Oflice In new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTO RN E YS-AT-L A W, Ridgwoy, Elk county, Pn. Office across the hall from tho Democrat es tublishmcnt. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnelo,187B G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'Nj Has removed his oflice from Centre street to Main ut recti Ridgway, Pa., in the second story ot the new oriCK building of John G. Hall, west of tho Hyde House. oince Hours : i to z i m. i to w i-.m. HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa, Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comlort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct 0 0!) MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kerrey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of nn- louncinir to the cm.ens ot ii;ik couiiiy that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. . , Anent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitte Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl'yl APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com plete. Each volume contains WK) pages. It m.akesa complete and well selected library, ami no one can. afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $ 00 in cloth, SO.OO in leather, or $7.(10 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. A Great Reduction. The undersigned is now prepared to deliver a better quality of Bituminous coal than litis ever been mined in this part of the State, at. the low price of per ton or 1.75 at tbe mines. Leave your order at W. IL Osterhout's store at Eagle Valley, and at the olliec of the undersigned, Masonic Building Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. E. K. GRESH. Sept. 10, mfS CENTRAL State Hormal School. Eighth Normal School DMrk t) LOCK HATEX, CLINTON CO., PA A. N. RATTB, A. M., Principal. Tiiis school as at present coi)UEulcd,( oftbra the very best facilities for Pro fessional and Classical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure waier, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efticicnt, and alive to their work. Discipline, lirm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate.! Fifty cents a week deduction td those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study pi escribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara-1 tory. III. Elementary, IV. Scieu entific. Adjunct courses ! I. Academic. II. Commercial. IIL Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring tho following coi ics ponding degrees : Master of the E'e ments, and Master of the Sciem-en. Graduates in the other courses re' t-ive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by the Faculty. The professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. 1c is one of the prime objects ot this school to help to secure it by furnish- Insr intelligent ana elllcient teachers for her schools. To this-end itsolb-its young persons or gooa abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it prom i-eg aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well paid lubor after leaving school. Eor catalogue and terms address th Principal. S. D. BALL, President Board of Trustees T. C Ill PPLE, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. G Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. II. Best, Jacob Brown, Wilson Klstler, A.N. RJiub, W. Wr. Rankin. R. G. Cook. Samuel (jurist, (i. Kint.ing, S. M liicktord, 11. Jj. DitlenbacUj A C. jNoyes, b. it. reaie. Centre Ex-Gov, A O. Cuvtin. Clearfield-Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler. Elk Charles R. Earley. MrO'TOyl llowo Sewing Machines, t Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at PowelL & Ki m e's Will be found an assortment of the celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed solo agents for Elk euunly They will keep on hand Tuckers, Coruers, Henimers, Braiders and Rur tlers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil Thread, &e., &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts lor said ma' chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved seourity. Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78.