The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 04, 1879, Image 2

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    Henry A. Parson JN 'fctor
TH URSDAY, 8EFT. 4, 1879.
Rcpnbllcaa State Ticket.
Official returns from ' forty-four
counties of Ten n etwee show a vote of
20,203 for the proponed "compromise"
of the state debt at 50 cents on the dol
lar and 4 per centum Interest, and 46,
854 votes against the proposition.
That lightning flash at. Parker
ended in a total Iocs of $94,770,. and
not a little of this was in the breaking
of glass by the explosion of the oil
tanks. The fire in its thirst, like
other creatures, made for the beer
vaults and licked np these to the
amount of $1,000.
Georgia is about to erect a' monu
entm to Sergeant William Jaspar, of
South Carolina, who fell in the assault
on Savannah October 9, 1779. This is
the hero who leaped from the parapet
of Fort Moultrie and regained the flag
which had been shot away by a ball
from the British fleet On another oc
casion, aided by a single companion,
he captured a British guard of ten
soldiers and rescued twelve American
A girl at Hopklnton, Vt., was a
cripple from her birth until lately.
The story of her cure, as her famly
tells It, that, while at dinner, a deadly
pallor and an expression of agony
were observed upon- her face, and she
complained of a sudden and terrible
pain in her diseased leg simultaneously
with the appearance of a strange,
shadowy form by her side. From that
hour she began to recover, and she is
now comparatively well.
An agent of the New York co
operation association for colonizing,
to the aid of which Mrs. Elizabeth
Thompson has contributed so liberally,
has arrived at Atlanta, Ga., and is
already in negotiation for a large body
of land, about 80,000 acres, in one of
the northern counties of that state.
The land under consideration is in a
healthy and fertile section, and is be
lieved to be specially adapted to the
wants of northern colonists. .
The remains of the late Major Gen.
John Ellis Wool, of Troy, N. Y., will
be marked by an American obelisk,
quarried In Maine. It is the largest
shaft ever transported any distance in
this country. It is of gray granite,
measures 8,784 cubic feet and weighs
35 tons finished. In rough it meas
ured 4,763 cubic feet and weighed '398
tons. After nearly two years of con
stant labor the work of quarrying,
finishing and making ready for trans
portation was completed two weeks
ago. The entire height of the monu
ment will be 73 feet 7 inches, the shaft
alone measuring 58 feet.
Some time last winter gentleman
in the northern part of Smith county,
Texas, on the Sabine River, was rid
ing a pony, and as he was approaching
the river a raccoon ran up and bit the
horse on the leg. The raccoon re
p ated or continued its attack until
the gentleman put the pony into a gal
lop and ran off. A few days ago the
gentleman was leading the pony out
of a pasture. While he was letting
down the fence the pony suddenly
commenced biting the rails furiously,
had a fit, fell down, and in a few mo
aients was dead.
Some of the British colonies re
tain the barbarous statue of imprison
ment for debt, and Canada, highly'
eivilizodasshe may be otherwise, is
one of those colonies. A man over 70
years of age has been caged In a Cana
dian jail for a year past., at the Instance
f. a creditor to whom he owes $222,
and, what is worse, it is a security
debt. The creditor pays $1 a week for
the prisoner, who, In all probability,
will die in Jail. New York is the
only one of the American States where
a person can be imprisoned for debt,
and there the law Is so- complicated,
and the costs so heavy upon the com
plaining creditor, that a debtor is sel
om sent to jail.
At Newport, It. I., last Saturday,
Captain Candy, a friend of James
Gordon Benn tt, rode up to the Polo
Club House during the heavy rain,
and the pony, being restless, got ou
the sidewalk. Some gentlemen on
the piazza called out, "Why don't you
come up?!. and began to bandy the
captain, who, without thinking, rode
the pony upon the piazza, into the
kail, and out again. This the Govern
tag Committee held to be a great
breach ef good conduct, and a. quorum
ftaving been got together, they passed
a vote-expelling Captain Candy, and
ordered that bis entrance money be
returned. He ottered to apologize
hut was not given an opportunity.
Fears of a grasshopper invasion
fa the Sierra Nevada- Valley, have
caused old Inhabitants to give the!
recollection or toe devastation pro
duced by them twenty years ago,
They were remarkably intelligent in
those days. When they found fallen
trees across their line of march, they
bunked up against them to the depth
ef three feet, for m lug an inclined
plane, up which marched the ad vane-
ing host . On the north side ef dwell
lings the insects thus banked up died
and the inmates bad to shovel them
up ana cart tbem away. . la seme
... peaces .this, year- they jaaye . flJle4 th
reeks aodoullth Water ' t auCb
degree that the cattle will act drink it
Oatlsmk. - . . 1
'it conversation "at Washington a
few days ago on the financial outlook
SwreUrjr Sherman aaldr " '
; ''The Treasury 'operations,' will pfdb-v
ably hereatter have uo material effect
upon the hioney 'market, Ttls' probn
able tftt before the 1st of 6ctobef
nearly hi! the called bonds outstanding,
ahiount 'fag !"to; about 147,000,000, will
fee presented for payment, and will be
paid for through the' clearing-house of
New Yorfe.f As much 'of this ' money
will goto different parts of the coun
try elsewhere than New .'York, the
payments hi ay cause some movement
of currViVcy; frohi' that citY, 'but' It will
naturally soon come back again.' After
the refunding "operations are closed
our Treasury payments will be equal
to our receipt and no more; except
the small balance of the fractional cur
rency fund which Congress required
to be paid out," . '
"What will be the probable amount
of gold imported in payment of bread
stuffs and the like?"
'I do not think the movement of
gold to this country will be very large.
It is evident that our.exports will be
greatly in excess of bur imports, and
mainly of breadstuff, meats and cot
ton; but the excess will be paid for
largely Jby American, securities held
abroad. I wish they would all come
back; still some gold will come; and
our domestic production of gold will
pay. This will give the banks an ex
cellent opportunity to provide them
selves with a coin reserve instead of
United States notes, of which their re
serve now consists The United States
notes will all be wanted in active use
for the largest crop and the, largest
business we have' ever had."
"How about the price of silver; has
t advanced?" .
"Yes; the price of silver is ad
vancing somewhat. There- is a bet
ter demand for silver for China,' and
therefore the price is higher in San
Francisco than in New York.- I would
not be surprised if the. bulk of the silver
of the Pacific coast should go to
China, and that our supply for coinage
should cone from Colorado, Mexico
and perhaps London.''. ,
The Vicfcsbury (Miss.) Herald,
which 'Is fighting so courageously
against political intimidation in Miss
issippi, has sojne apposite words for
the renewed, advocacy of the state
rights dogma at the South. It would
be hard to put the argument against
state sovereignty in better formthan
the Herald does when it says:. "These
doctrines were-all discussed millious
of times before the war, and the dis:
cussions brought on the war, and the
war settled them forever in a common
sense, blunt, never-to-be-forgotten
manner. It settled them in a manner
that any man of ordinary intelligence
may uuderstand. The Union was not
made us a limited partnership, and
one of its component parts may not
secede from it or break it up. because
the whole is greater than any of its
parts. The stutes, for local conven
ience, have all the rights' and liberties
guaranteed them that it is to the in
terest of a representative central gov
ernment for them to have, but In the
event of any conflict of authority the
power of the national government is
stronger titan that of any state. The
safeguards and protections to the states
rest in the representative form of the
government, the courts and the ballot.
So long as these, possess their present
power, all this whining about states
rights and state sovereignty is intoler
able nonsense"."
The remarkable speech of General
Grant to the Viceroy of China, when
the subject of the next Presidency was
under discussion, is having a wide run
n the newspapers, and is calling forth
much comment. 'Notwithstanding
the General emphatically declared
that he had all the honors he wished,
and did. not seek the office again. It
will be noticed that be did not say he
wonld not accept It if tendered him.
If the Republican party will say that
it is the Judge of who has earned the
office of President, and insist upon
General Grant taking it again, we do
not believe that he would decline it.
It will depend in a great measure upon
the political condition of the country
at the time of the assembling of the
national convention who will be nom
inated. If the south should assume a
threatening attitude, and the rebel
brigadiers in Congress should make as
many intemperate speeches as they
did last winter, it is very probable that
the country will rise up and demand
the nomination or tieneral Urant, as
the best man for the Presidency under
the circumstances. The people have
full confidence in him, and know very
well That he will not tolerate any non
sense on the part of those individuals
of the south or north who, by their in
temperate actions, are resolved on
bringing trouble upon the country
again. His renomination, therefore,
will depend altogether upon the politi
cal outlook in 1880. Wm'sport O. & B.
' Run Away. F. D. Leet's team,
Rich Shafer driver, got frightened
'while, standing near the depot, in
Cameron, last Fjiday, and started
toward Emporium - "on their own
book."- When about two miles this
side of Cameron they collided with J.
H. Barrows' b.uggy, breaking a wheel.
In the buggy at the time of the accident
was Miss Belle Barrows and Miss
Carrie Stephens, but they fortunately
escaped without -Injury. The tongue
of Lett's wason was broken and one
of his horses slightly injured! Cam
eron Prctt. , ;
f Our new Octavo note Is small, neat
and excellent paper, and price cheap
" Hampshire Mills ..note paper, an
exei;e't;qilly ,fok kujVcp, at this
Secretary Sherman the
Taklf flaw ay tfc. Forelock.
Coming event oast their ali(km 1,
beforehand already, through the mlsU
of months, the gladsom Holiday Season I
looms .clearer day by day" filling thhVjneri facias rasuiMouL or uieueurt
yodthful mind With pleasing specula-
tions, and causing materfamilies to
consider in what direction she can ex
ercise 1 a little additional economy,
whereby the money for presents may
be forth-coming when required. And:
just In the nick of time tljere comes to
band, a aggestidri bf bow -Jdbnnie,
and Mamie, and Flossie, and Charley
may secure for themselves .' and--by
their own exertions, the Jack -knives
and Work boxes, and Writings' cases,'
and tool chests, for which -UpntM souls
are. longing of bow mamma may get
that book or parlor ornament she has
talked about so often : and of how, by
their united exertions they may obtain
a present wherewith to surprise and
gladden the soul of papa. .
For the publishers of Erich's Fash
ion Quarterly are in the field with
the new premium list of their maga
zine ; and all that mamma or children
(or papa, either for that matter) need
do, la to send name and address on a
postal card to Messrs. Ehrich it Co., of
287 Eighth Avenue, New York, when
a conv of the list will be mailed them
free, and they can appreciate for them
selves the advantages offered. .
The Fashion Quarterly so ex
actly fills its place as a guide to econ
omy in the household, and its sub
scription price, only 60 cents a year, is
so very trifling, that little difficulty
should be experienced in securing sub
scriptions: and we have no doubt
that thousands will gladly avail them
selves of the opportunity thus pre
sented of securing some useful article
ata very moderate expense of timeand
Fire Escapes A very important
act passed by the recent Legislature
was one providing for fire escapes in
buildings of various kinds; and the
passage of which was brought about
in consequence of fires breaking out in
hotels, factories and other high build
ings, whereby many lives have been
lost and imperiled. It requires that
every building used as Seminary, Col
lege, Academy, Hospital, Asylum, or
a hotel for the accommodation of' the
public.'' every store-house, iactorv'or
workshop of any kind in whiulf em
ployees are usually employed at Work
in the third stories, every teneineiif
house, ' every school building where
any such buildings are three or more
stories In height shall be provided
with a permanent safe external means
of escape therefrom in case of fire.
Individuals.' companies' or school
boards failing to comply with the pro
visions of this last act shall be liable to
a penalty not exceeding three hundred
dollars, and also be liable for damages
in case of death or injury arising -from
a neglect to comply with this law.
More correspondents wanted for
The Advocate. ' '
Table and pocket cutlery at 42
Main street.
For powder and shot go to 42 Main
$75 00. for $1.00, $3.00 for 1 cent.
1 pay Inrjre prices for many dates of Old
Copper nnd Silver Coin. Mend in cent at
once fur my Catalogue and Price List, Ad
dress, A. O. WlLSUONS,
nJl-lD-ral HU Pleasant, Pa
Estate of Jacob Schneider, late
of the Towuship of Benzinger. Elk
Co.. Pa., deceased.. All persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having legal claims again me same 10.
present tbem without delay in proper
oruer lor settlement..
Theodore Daniels, 1
Joseph Wittmann. Mf
n24t 1 . .' ' r .
Caution Nolle.
All persons are hereby cautioned not
to purchase, or in any way meddle
with the following described property
now in possession of Lonzo Fields,
Jones township. Elk county. Pa:
Two horses, two sets 01 narness. one
cutting box, one saddle, two tons of
hay, lot of oats, piece of corn, piece or
potatoes, one nog, one piow, tnree
eows, three calves, one yearling, one
wagon box and bark ruck. 1 have
purchased the same at Sheriff's sale,
and left tbem with the said Lonzo
Fields for a time only.
w. m. melds.
n27t3. McKean county.
Notice is hereby elven that the fol
low! nor accounts have been filed in my
office, and will be presented on the
first day or the next terra or tne ur
phan's Court for confirmation, being
the 3d Monday In September, 171):
Final account or wary ' Mdigue,
Administratrix of the Estate of Thos.
MoTigue.. late of Ridgway township.
Final account of Patrick McLaugh
lin and Alice McLaughlin, adminis
trators of the Estate of John McLaugh
lin late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk
county, deceased.
H RED. BCHtENINO, register.
List of Causes
Set down for trial at November term
of court, commencing, Monday, Nov.
16. 1879:
1. The Township of Ridgway vs. W
H. Schram et al. No. 178, May Term,
2. S. A. Rote. vs. Iscao Bren email,
3. The Township of Ridgway vs. R.
I'. Campbell, et. al, . No. 179,h May
Term. ioi7. - -
4. Peter O'Hara vs. J: C. Wellington
et al. No. 28, November Term,. ltsiS.
6. H. .M. Rolfe vs. C. R. Earley.
No. 17, January Term, 1879. ' '
6. George A. Rathbun vs. The N.
W. MiniiiK and Ex. Co.. of Erie, Pa.
7. Edward Derby vs. J. 8. Hyde.
No, 66, January Term, lett.
8. The Township or Highland vs.
Q. W. Newton et al. No. 95, May
Term. 17. - .
9. Thomas London vs. Reuben
Mohny.; ,No. . 4, September Trm,
i Fred. Bchikiko, Pro.
Sheriffs Sftlfe.
v, vtrtTi. fiWritTttTmY Writ
of fltri faeruft attaw firt Taclas, vfhdl-
tlool exponas, levari facia, and totta-
mSSS7 hTSm&li
High Sherlfrof said count, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public
sale pr. outcry at t. the, Protbonotary's
office, In Ride way, at one o'clock p.
'on '1 r "- -
MondaYV 'stiM'i'Utit, im
The following described real estate-; to'
Wit. 7- .-- JMil" J4"Ji" - . '
All the right, 4itM) Joterest, Claim
of Ucnezette, county -a' Elk and State
of ruflsyUaaUavn iJKhiiipg at a
beech tree 9r.oer on ..the BWfuth side Df
Bennett's Branch.'about thirty (80)
feet frotn the northwest corner of war
rant No. 6T, and running from said
beech tree corner up the edge of said
Branch thirty-three (83) rods, and
then nearly south' fourteen and one
half (14) -rods; '' then nearly east
thirty-three (38) rods, and then north
in parallel witn oia line oi warrant
number fifty-seven a distance of four
teen and one-half (14)) rods to the
place of beginning, and containing
three acres, i more .or less, being the
same land conveyed by William and
Wallace Johnson and wives to J. V.
Brown, by deed dated of May,
A. D. 1866. and aH en merit "of said
deed by J. W. Brown and wife to Ed
ward Walter, defendant, A. V. lHBV,
which assignment la duly recorded in
deed book "O." page" 232.. In and for
Elk county. 1
Bel zed ana taken in execution as-tne
property of Edward Walter, at the
suit of Emetine Murray, administra
trix of the estate of William Murray",
deceased. '
ALSO-rAl! tbatcerUln tract of land
situate in Riditway township, Elk
county,' Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as folfowst : Beginning at a
post on the eastern line - of warrant
No. 4376, and west line of warrant No.
4375, said post beingthesouthwestcor
ner of land of James Riley, thence along
the south' line-of James Riley's land
east one hundred and eighty-four (184)
rods to the post at the-west side or the
Brookville road, thence southwesterly
along the said Brookville road seventy
eight and six tenths (79 6-10) rods to a
post about three () rods north or the
warrant line, thence west oue hundred
and. thirty-two (132J rods to the west
line of warrant No. 4376, thence north
along said wurraotflln fifty-nine (69)
rods to the. ittace. of gHihinK. Con
taining fifty-eight (68) acres, be. the
same more or less, being part of war-
rant .Mo. 4376,-and hinie conveyed
to. the said Solomon BttMitcfcel! by the
widow and hjeLraof tatridk,.Uilev de
ceased. On. tj atove,Jl)re erected
a two story frame house and frame
barn, also a yoUiif'6rcYiafd growing
thereou and a well of water."-
Seized and taken la.exucution as the
property Of Solomon JEJ. Mitchell, at
the suit of James Riley ' Trustee.
TERtoS 0 SAXE. " '
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property Is struck
I. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the plaiutUt'or other hen
creditors becomes tho purchaser, in
which case the 'costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as-all liens prior; lo
thut of the purchaser, and luly cer-
tined list or liens shall be turuished,
Including mortgage searches oh' the
property sold together with such . lien
creditor's, receipt, .for 4he mount of
the proceeds of the . saje( or such- por
tion thereof as be shall appear to be
entitled to.- 1 'W-
2. All BAleanrit stetital' immediate) v
will b". continued unTr six o'clock l5
M., at which time all property riot set
tled for will again be put up and sold
at the expense and rjsk of the. pemou
to whom it was first. struck of. and
who, in case of . deficiency at such re
sale, shall make good the same, and in
no instance will the deed be presented
for confirmation unless: the' bid is actu
ally settled .for with, the. Sheriff as
above stated.' -
D: C. OYSTER. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa.,
August win, 187a. - )
See Purdon's Digest. Ninth Edition.
page 446; Smith's Forma; 348.
Stationery packages, at the Auvi-
cate office for 25, cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writer ay ear; Man lead pencil,
blotter and pen Call and buy a puck
age. 4
Elt CounCfyori loctawation.
WHEREAS, "the5 oh. jj b. Wet-
more. I'resident JiirtfrcTor the Thirty-
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius. Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to ine directed, for the time of
holding or the Orphan's Court. Court
of Common . Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Itidgway, tor the county or Elk, on
1879, being the 15th day of the month,
to continue one weeif.. -
Notice Is theretore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for- the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons.
with their records, inquisitious, and
remembrances, to. do thoe things
which of their offices and in, their be-
nair appertain to ne done, ana an wit-
and. other ..persons prosecuting
in behalf of theCommonwealthagainst
any person or iterso.ns, are requested to
ue tnen ana there -attending, ana not
to depart at tueir .peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual la their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under ray liand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the
14th day of Aug., in .the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. c. OYSTJSK, snenrr.
inform the citens,Qf Ridgway, and
the publio generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies te let upon the moat
reasons oie terms.
lrHe will also do lob teaming.
btable on-Elk atreet All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
and demand 'Qeiyaga.ot or, jn, to
out of the fotio'wlinr prescribed piece
onrcel of lBnfl;i:Wolntf m the toVn
Plymouth. Jnd. OoU i, 1877.
Herman a Bwchef, Oberllh, O. . .
f Gentlemen i When I.Wff Id Ohio
I nought some or ir, Fenner't .Blood and
bouirht anine of Ir.
Llvnr Remedy and Nerve Tonlo atyodi
I aevertoo anjrminn inat in me to much
food Id no short a urn. I woaul like to set
some more or it as I ean ant find it here, will
yon please let me know what I can (et one
naif down bottles for, and oMlse, '
. Yours Truly, MARY MEDBOURN.
Dr. Fennels Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Jerve Tonlc, inay well, be
called '.'The conquering, hero'' of the
times. rIt Is ihe medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has .vjthe blues"
should take It, for It regulate and re-
fores the disordered system that gives
.$ls to them-. It always cures. BiUlous-
I ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, constipation. Headaches,
Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge
ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and 'all Skin Eruptions
and Blood Disorders ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility;
Restores flesh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline ; aures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the, root of disease and
removing Its causes..
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough In one
. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in ft to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. 8. Hartley and D. B.
Day. ....
A MONTH cnaranteed. 112 a day
Capital not reaulred? we w III start vou. Men.
at noma maue ot ine industrious.
women, boys and girls make money faster at
wora ior us man at anyming eise. i ne won
Is light and Dleasant. and such asanyone can
go right at. Those who are wise who see this
will send ns their addresses and see for them
selves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now Is
the time. Those already at work are laying
large sums of money. Address TRUE 4
CO., Augusta, Maine
Diseases-ot tie Throat ani Urn
... i
. Diseases of the palmO"
jVY K. KCS nary oceans are so prey-
alont and fatal. it a
' safe and reliable remedy
ior them is invaluable
to everT community.
Aysb's Cherht Peo
Toaax is such a remedy,
and no other so emi
nently merits the confi
dence of the public. . It
is a scientific combina
tion' of the- medicinal
principles and curative
virtues ox tne nnest
drugs, chemically unit
ed, to insure the great
est nosailile efficiency
lL. ftI,d uniformity of re
suits, which enables
physicians as well as invalids to, use it with
confidence. It is the most reliable remedy
for diseases of the throat and Jongs that sci
ence has produced. It strikes at the foun
dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording
prompt anu certain reiiei, sua is bui
patients of any age or either sex.
very palatable, the youngest chilur
it without difficulty.' In the treat
prompt anu certain reiiei, ana is aaapteu to
Irett take
tulty." In the treatment ot
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis,- Influeuao, Clergyman's
Bore Throat. Asthma, Croup, and' Ca
tarrh, the effects ot Aykb's Chkbbt Pec
toral are magical, and multitudes are an
nually preserved .from' serious itlness by its
timely and faithful use - It should be kept
at hand in every household, for the pro
tection it affords in sudden attacks. In
Whooping-cough and Consumption
there is no other remedy so efficacious.
soothing, and helpful.
The marvellous cures which Ana's
Cherry PacroRAi, has effected all over the
world are a sufficient guaranty that it will
continue to produce the best results. An
impartial trial win convince tne most scepti
cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well
as of its superiority over all other prepara
tions for pulmonary complaints. '
Eminent physicians in all parts of the
country, knowing its composition, recom
mend Aran's Chsbbt Pectorai. to invalids,
and prescribe it in their practice. The test
of half a century has proved its absolute
certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints
not already beyond the reach of human aid.
- .. . i . ' . '
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co.,
'- tMcMeal and Analytical Chemists,
. Lowell, Mats.
Seventeen young men to learn Telegraphy.
Good situation guaranteed.
aaaross witn stamp,
nZl.lnml Box 687, Oberlln, Ohio.
andaCowMllker free
to Farmers who set
.is Agents. Cut this
ut and address with
Htump .
Smith A Ron,.
Dey BU, N. Y.
Name mis paper,
(taa A WEEK in your town
and no cant
vjj tal risked. Youcsnel
lve the business
atrial without expense. Thebest opportunity
ever offered for those willing to work. You
should try nothing else until you see for your
self what you can do at the business we offer.
AO room u explain nere. iou can aevoie
all your time or only your spare time to the
business, and make great pity for every hour
that you work. Women make as much as
men. send for special private terms and par
ticulars, which we mail free. S5 outfit free,
Don't compluiu of hard times while you have
such a chance. Address H. HALLETT &CO,
Portland. Maine.. nlSyl
For garden or haying tools go to
42 Main street.
Estate of John Peterson, late
of the Townshin of Highland, Elk
Co.. Pa., deceased. All persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
navimr letral Claims atruin tne same to
present them without delay in proper
order ror settlement.
Cecelia Mcnson, Admr'x
n21W .
By sending SSeents.with age.helght
color of eves and hair, sou will re
ceive by return mall a correct pic
ture of vour future husband or
wire, with name and date or marriage. Ad
dress. W. Vox, Box 7T Kultonvilla, N. Y,
nsiiniu3 . ,
FeiinsylTania Female College,
A flrat.nliuis Pollfce for women. Educa .inriur.i hlvh Advantages oomplete,
n.wi H.,iii.iriil iitnatlnn In the whole coun
try. Terms quite moderate. Opens Beptem-
Denuui. auutkm,
n231nlmj Acting President.
For wooden ware
go to 42 Main
Note paper and envelopes for sale
oar ;
cheap at this office.
: , H. T. .
,., ... .
' .4 1
' (
Fluid Extract
For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis
position to Exertion or Business,
Shortness of Breath, Troubled with
Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis
ion, Tain In the Back, Chest and
Head, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go
on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and
consumption ronow. wnen tne con
stitution becomes affected it requires
the aid of an invigorating medicine to
strengthen and tone up the system
Helmbold's Buchu
By any remedy known.. It
Is pre-
scribed by the most eminent
clans all over the world, in
. Indigestion,
Aches & Pains,
General Debility,
Kidney Disease,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
General III Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous1 Compl'ts
Female Complaints
Headacbe, Pain In the Shoulders
Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach
Eruptions, Bad taste in the mouth
Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the
region of the Kidneys, and a thousand
othe painful symptoms, are the off
spring of Dyspepsia.
And stimulutes the torpid Liver,
uoweis, ana Sidneys to beaitny ao-
tlon, In cleansing the blood of all Ira
purities, and Imparting new life and
vigor to the whole system.
A single trial will be quite sufficient
to convince the most hesitating of its
valuable remedial qualities.
Price $1 a bottle
Or Six Bottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free from
"Patients" may consult by letter, re
ceiving the same attention as by call-
lug. .
Competent Physicians attend to cor-
respondenU. All letters should be ad
dressed to
Druggist and Chemist
. Philadelphia, Pa.
See that the privaie Pro
priety Stamp is on each
Sold Everywhere.
if ,. , . . i . ,
Philadelphia A Erie R. R- Dlvi '
n and after SUNDAY, November
10 188, the trains on the Fhlladel-
& Erie llauroaa division win
run' as follows :3
ERIE MAIL leaves Phi)a.......ll 68 p. in.
" Kenovo...-ii uu a. m
Bt. Mary's..2 07 p. in.
" Itlil(j;way..'..2 33 p- m.
V - :Kane.......lL45 p. m.
" . . btt. at Erie .v.7 40 p. n.
erik mail leaves Erie 20 a.m.
" Kane. ...... 6o p. m.
Ridgway... 00 pm.
- V , Bt. Mary's- 2 tvm.
' 1 Emporium. 20 p m.
" R en ovo .....& 88 p. in.
" arr. at Phila.....7 00 a. nr.
WM. A. Baldwin. General Bup't.
t- ii.a&n uaA
r ecommeuu'
de as an n n
failing cure
for Seminal
S permator-i
rlma fmrww
Before Taking u?ncy and nil After Taking,
diseases tnat follow as a. sequency on
Self Abuse j as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back.
Dimness of- vission, Premature oki
Age, and many other diseases that,
lead to insanity, consumption ana , a
Premature Grave, all of whlcti as' a
nils are first caused bv deviating from
the path of nature and over indulgence.
Tne Kpecinc Medicine is tne result oi
a life study and many years of experi
ence in treating these special diseases.
Full particulars in our pampniets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the money by ad
No.l echanics' Block. Detroit. Mich.
t&Sold In Ridgway by all Druggists,
Harris A jawing, wnoiesaie Agents,
Pittsburgh. - .
Manhood: How Lost, How Restored I
Ji'st published, a new
edition of Dr. Culvsr-
wall's Celebrated Es-
aay on the radical cure (without medi- '
cine)' of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weak n ess, 1 n volu nt&ry bemi n aLLasses
Impotency, Mental and I'hymeal in
capacity, impediments to Marriage,
et!. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and
llts, induced by sell-indulgence or
sexual extravagance, &c.
wrr rice, in u scaieu envelope, only ,
six cents.
The celebrattnl nuthor. in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates.
from a thirty years' successful practice,
mat tne ainrming consequences oi sen-
abuse may be radically cured without
the dangerous use or internal medicine
or the application of the. knife; point
ing out a mode of cure at. once simple,
certain, nnd effectual, by means of
which every sUHerer, no matter what
his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
ttyTius Jjecture should be in the
hands of jpv'ery youth and every man
in the Inud. '--
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope.
to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
six cents, or two postage stamps.
Address ine fuiiiisners. -
Tho Culverweli Medical Co
41 Ann St., New York
. Post Office Box. 458Q.
We procure Lkttkhs Patent on
Inventions. No Attorney fees in
advance in application for Patents
In the United Htntes. Special attention
given to Inference Cases before the
Patent Office, and all litigation apper
taining to Inventions or patents. We
also procure Patents in Canada and
other foreign countries.
Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained,
and all other business transuded before
the Patent Office and the Courts which
demands the services of experienced
Patent Attorneys. We have bad. ten
years experience as Patent Attorneys
- The Scientific Record. ' '
All Patents obtained through our
agency are noticed in the Scientific
Record, a monthly paper of large cir
culation, published by us. and devoted
to Helen tl tic and Mechanical matters.
It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year
postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send
us your address on postal card.
Send us a description of your Inven
tion, giving your idea in your own
language, and we will give an opiniou
as to patentability, with full instruc
tions, charging nothing for our advice.
Our book, ' How to Procure Patents,"
about the Patent Laws, Patents, Ca
veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc.
sent free on request.
R. S.& A. P. LACEY,
Patent Attorneys, "
No..6fti. F street, Washington! D.i C.
Nearly Opposite Patent office.
Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau in charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros
ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,
Bounty and Pensions. As we charge
no fee unless successful, stamps for re
turn posUge should be sent us.
R. S. & A. P. LACEY.
History of the United States
Being a complete history of all the
important Industries of America, in
cluding Agricultural, Mechanical.
Manufacturing, Mining,- Commercial
and other enterprises. About, 1,000
large octavo pages and 800 tine en
No Work Like It Ever Published.
For termsand territory apply at once.
. ' Norwich, Connecticut.
Note, letter, foolscap, and legal
cap papers, at this office. Also a
largt Mock of envelopes, as low aa
sixes U for 25.