The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 28, 1879, Image 4

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Fashion Fanciest
Yellow Btocklnirs arc reproduced from
the ly9 of Slinkespeare, who says in
Twelfth Night": " He will come to
her in vollow stockings, anil 'tis a color
she almoin.". These stockings are so
radi:int in hue that they are cailed old
irold color, and are made of the finest
spun silk, and, that they may not be
come too common, are very costly.
Some of theso gold-colored stockings are
murvclously clocked and embroidered
with Marguerites. Fashion just now
gives to the feet extraordinary import
ance. Ktiiially costly are elegant silk
stockings of the fashionable colors. liav
ing a pattern in point duchesse, or Valen
ciennes lace sot in with the instep and
nnkle surrounded with elaborate and
(Iclicatcclocking. Fine 90ft Lisle-thread
stockings copy rich liomrtn ribbons in
broad stripes of violet, blue yellow and
green-; another style, light in appearance
lis a cobweb, is in palo delicate colors,
such as sea-green, a light tint of blue,
rose, lettuce und drub. The clouded
chevc stockings show all the changing
delicate beauty of mother-of-pearl, and.
others come in bright plaids to match
the bandanna trimmings of dresses. It
is a matter of importance that the colors
of the plaid in the stockings should pre
cisely match those of the dress. For
the display of this dainty hosiery the
shoemakers of fashionable establish
ments make street shoes with from six
to nine straps running straight across
the foot 11 nd ankle, fitted by buttons on
the loot. Another caprice arranges the
Straus in trinlets clustered together on
the top of the fool', and at the instep
under a' bow and buckle. These are
made of black French kid, silk or satin
for com mon wear. The boot and shoo
generally is cut on the Spnnish last to
nresent a iinelv-arched instcn.
Notwithstanding the introduction of
paniers, panier basques, double over
skirts and other odd conceits, the polo
naise is still much worn, and is. in fact,
ix trarment that ranks among the indis-
pensables. The latest polonaise shows
what is called familiarly the "curtain
drapery" style. It opens from the belt
in front and is gracefully draped away to
the sides, where it has several carelessly
laid folds about the hips a simple re
production of the obsolete Marguerite
polonaise. A charming effect is added
by quantities of satin ribbon set on in
long-looped bows and ends. Grenadines
made up in this stvle are trimmed with
a profusion of lace. Black Breton is pre-
lerrefl, according to tlie present fancy.
hut black Spanish and thread lace are
also used. A jet beading is sparingly
set on ns a heading. Many skirts worn
with these polonaises are made perfectly
plain, of rich satin or velvet; others
are trimmed in front with a multitude
of flounces or narrow rullles. Stout per
sons have the rullles placed on in pyra
mid shane. but others do not object to
being rallied across from one side to the
other. Some exceedingly fine and pretty
ireneh bareges lor young ladies are
shown in polonaises and overskirts.
shirred in various places, such as the
waisl, the back across the shoulders.
below the waist and the sleeves. On the
duhcately-iinted barege dresses a great
deal of Breton lace is placed, and also
ht'lit-netted fly fringe made of floss silk.
rretiy cream-colored, dove-gray, water-
green and rohbins'-egg-bluo organdies
arc now selling for ten cents a yard, and
when trimmed abundantly with Breton
ia-3e and satin ribbon compare very fa
vorably with the costliest dresses of the
season. Fashion having cautiously in
troduced the, rather incongruous effect
of strongly contrasting colors in one
dress, which meets with favor, now
promises the most harlequin disorder.
Great latitude is permitted, and it will
be the eiiort ot artistes to produco.a liar
monious whole. Autumn bonnets find
dresses will be as many liued as the dy
ing leaves, and, it is to be hoped, will bo
as picturesque. 1 here are dismal prophc
cies of the poke bonnet, and the demand
for feathers and stuffed birds is unprece
A fan is a universal appendage to a
lady's dress, nnd is now considered in
dispensable for us utility, and as
graceful assistant to expressive action
in conversation. In accord with the
present passion for all things Orients!,
some of the most elegant fans are made
of the eyes of the peacock feathers set in
medallions, surrounding a center of
humming birds' heads gleaming with
iridescent flame. Others are of the most
gorgeous feathers of parrots and Kast
Indian corau-enrou. An exquisite fan
of cream-colored satin set on sticks of
carved ivory, line as a cobweb, is dec
orated with brilliant flowers and leaves,
made of the breast feathers of humming
birds, so ar - ingcd as not to interfere
with the furling of the fan. Another of
alternate cream, white ami brown
ostric-li feathers has a stuffed bird set on
above the handle, of tawny brown and
opal finis. On gray satin a scene in
umber ishows a group of cupids swing
ing from a bending branch, while a
graceful little maiden, who is gleaning
afur the harvest, is cautiously approach
ing in innocent wonder. Kuril of theso
charming fans is a study in itself, being
the work of the finest French artists.
Some fans have painted in delicate relief
on silvery, cream, peach-blossom or
water-given satin grounds, rare nnd
beautiful flowers, a graceful passion
flower drifting across the surface, or the
honeysuckle with interlaced chains, and
countless graceful lines and curves. On
some are seen solemn cranes and the
broad leaves and pink, white and yellow
lilies of Egypt. Simpler fans are made
of soft Persian silk, embodying all
changing rainbow and peacock tints:
others are in Watteau colors, radiant
blue and delicate rose-color, surmounted
by the same colors in fluffy marabou
feathers, and mounted in opolescent
carved sticks of pearl. Sometimes the
fan is of brocade silk, made to order of
part of a favorite dress. The sticks are
either light olive ordeliciously-perfumed
violet wood, finely carved by hand.
Some of the richest fans, intended only
for full dress and evening toilettes, are
mounted in satin, and are embroidered
in imit-ition of Byzantine relief work
with the needle. Black kid and silk fans
are decorated with an initial, a crest or
monogram; these are generally set on
sticks of tortoise-shell. Xt-w York Tri
bune. A Difficult Tank Made Easy,
The "home and society" department
of Scribner ffontains a paper on "domes
tic nursing" by a trained nurse, from
which we quote this practical piece of
Nothing is more easy to an experi
enced nurse or more difficult to an in
experienced one than to change the bed
linen with a person in bed. Every
thing that will be required must be at
hand, properly aired, before beginning.
Move the patient as far as possible to one
side of the bed, and remove all but one
pillow. Untuck the lower sheet and
cross sheet and push them toward the
middle of the bed. Have a sheet ready
folded or rolled the wrong way. and lay
it on the mattress, unfolding it enough
to tuck it in at the side. Have the cross
sheet prepared as described before, and
roll it also, laying it over the under one
and tucking it in, keeping the unused
portion of both still rolled. Move the
patient over 1 o the side thus prepared for
fiiui, the soiled sheets can then b drawn
away, the clean ones completely unrolled
and tucked in on the other side. The
coverings need not bo removed while
t his is being done ; they can be pulled
out from the foot of tha bedstead and
kept wrapped around the patient. To
change the upper sheet take olf the
spread and lay the elenn sheet over the
blnnkets, securing the upper edge to the
bed with a couple of pins: standing at
the foot, draw out the blankets and
soiled sheet, replace the former and put
on the spread. Lastly, change the pil
low coses.
The American Society NotoI.
This is the bare, bald and hideous
skeleton of one-half the present Ameri
can society novels.
The Heroine.
She was prcttv. well educated, grace
ful in manner, polite and pleasing. By
tier beauty she captivated muny young
men. 1 ler parents were but in moderate
circumstances. That is all.
CHAl'TEK 11.
Tlw Jlcro.
He was rich. He kept this from her
a secret. She guessed ft, however. He
was of the " blue blood!" of these United
States. His . noble ancestors couldn't
make a good living In Europe so they
came to America, lheir noble house
was founded in a small grocery store.
Augustus wanted to get a prctly wile
who would marry him for himself
alone. He got awfully fooled. But he
never found this out until some years
after their marriage, and this discovery
lias nothing to do with our romance.
Tim Stuffing.
They met. Namby pamby. Namby
pamby. Sqush, gush, style. Namby
pamby, nambv pamby, gush, mush,
sqush. Namby pamby. Namby pamby.
Namby pamby, mush, gush, sqush.
She threw the other fellow overboard.
At fiist the poor parents did not like the
disguised rich suitor, becnuse they
thought lie might be a poor poet, painter
or writer. She knew better, and told
the old folks to mind their business.
That night he slipped on her beauti
ful neck a string of pearls worth $500.
" I am a poor man," said he, " remem
ber that."
More Stuffing.
Namby pamby. Namby pamby.
Namby pamby. Namby pamby.
Their Sentiments.
" You know more of the world than I,
Augustus," said she. "Tell me, are
there many people in the world ?''
" Not many," said he.
" Where do the people in the world
live?" she asked, confidingly.
"In winter on Filth avenue; in sum
mer at Newport, Long Branch, Sara
toga and a few in Europe," said he.
' And are those all?" said she.
" All," said he, softly.
"Tell me," said she. in her silver
tones, " how much must one be worth
to be a gentleman or lady.
" At present not less than $1,000,000.
In old times one might go in society for
sjOO.OOO, but prices rule higher now.
In fact, mere millionaires are but just
tolerated in good society," said he.
He slippeiton her linger a $1,000 dia
mond ring. " Remember, I am but a
po r man," said he.
" I care not." said she. " You are
good and noble, and those are qualities
better than wealth."
Namby pamby. Namby pamby.
Namby painby. Namby pamby.
The Exciting Clmptcr.
The.y were married. He gave the vil
lage minister a 200 wedding fei .
'' We go now," said he, " to meet my
poor old mother and sisters. Our home
is humble but clean. 'Twas scrubbed
yesterday for the first time in years."
The pair came to New York. An ele
gant carriage received them at the depot.
They drove up to the brown stone front
on Fifth avenue.
It was all as she had expected.
" Dearest Augustus," said she, " how
could you deceive me thus?"
The rest. More gold watches. Six
Saratoga trunks full of dresses. Five
entirely new switches. Family dia
monds. Butler at the door. Frt'iieli
maid. Another French maid. Solid
crystal chamber sets. Frescoed nnd
gilded parlors. An ivory clock worth
r-'.OOO. Haughty blue blood mother-in-law
gives her another gold watch mid
pamby. Namby
Namby pamby
To all poor but amiable girls:
Go thou and do likewise. Xew York
Women nnd Gamblers.
It is nn old story that women often
try their luck on Wall street. Thev
shouldn't, of course, but they do. And,
as a rule, they fare just as other inno
cents do come out shorn. The new
style of gambling down there, the kind
carried ou in what the regular brokers
call " bucket shops,'' is the favorite wit h
the fair sex. It looks so like a sure
thing that they are very easily caught
ly it. A "bucket shop" is a place
where you can speculate on a margin as
low as fivo dollars. There's a pool of
twenty or thirty, all unknown to each
other, perhaps, and the broker operates
for all and divides the profit, if there is
nny, pro rata, His own commission is
the only sure thing in the scheme. A
woman who gave 100 to one of the
bucket-shop men some time ago, to make
a fortune for her, yanked him into court
the other day to give an account of his
stewardship. Wlien she called for the
fortnne, he presented a sheet of paper
covered all over with figures, and the
only thing she could make out was that
her money was all gone and she was in
the broker's debt. Her iirsj impulse
was to murder him with a five' dollar
sun umbrella, but she restrained herself,
as women always do in such cases, and
got a lawyerto collar him instead. That
looks very much like jumping from the
frying-pan into the lire, but she said
she was bound to get satisfaction, even
if it cost her anotfier $500. The oddest
case of female stock gambling I know of
is that of an up-town woman, who per
suaded a broker of her acquaintance to
buy her 100 shares of Lake Shore on a
five per cent, margin. That is, she gave
him $500 to carry the stock with. He
advised her to let it alone, but she in
sisted and he bought the stock. Instead
of going up the infernal thing went down,
and was finally sold at a loss of $800.
And what do you suppose the broker
did P Why, he went and handed the
woman back her $500 and stood the
whole loss himself. That's the sort of
brokei I should like to patronize, but
perhaps he wouldn't be so off-handVd
with me as he was with a handsome and
decidedly stylish woman.oung enough
to have mischief in her eyes. Xew York
Correspondence Detroit Free Press.
The baby oyster is not much bigge
than a pin's head at "the end of a fort
night, and at three months old only the
size of a split pea. In a year it will be
come as large as a five-cent nickel, and
at the end of four years' growth is fit for
the market.
A Modern Sampson.
The Hon. Samuel Clark, of Iloricon,
Wis., told a correspondent these stories
about a half-breed named rauquetto,
who is still living, and who thirty yctirs
ago was called the Sampson of Wiscon
sin: I must have known Patiquotte as long
ago ns 1830. You see, Banquette, who
is a half-breed, used to mnko the vicinity
of the old Fort Winnebago his head
quarters, and every now and then, as
occasion happened, we would Bee some
new evidence of his wonderful powers
of endurance or strength. He was not a
heavy man, or, rather, is not, for he is
still alive, but was quite slim, although
his arms and legs were big with muscles.
I almost dislike to give instances of his
tents, ns I remember them, they seem so
incredible. The first remarkable exer
tion I ever saw Banquette make was to
take nn iron weight that had been used
as a pile-driver, and lift it clear from
the ground nnd swing it oround more
easily than I could handle a hundred
pounds, and I have got muscle myself.
Quite a crowd of us saw him do it, and
we got the exact weight of the iron: it
was 2,000 pounds. 1 don't believe a
man has ever lived who cauld do it. ex
cept Pauquette, and I declare ho didn't
seem to exert himself much cither. One
day a party was proceeding by boat up
the ox, intending to go down the Wis
consin. When tho portage came to be
made, a yoke of oxen was procured to
draw tho boat across. The boat was
very heavy, and before half the distance
had been made one of the oxen gave out
completely, rauquetto was along, and
what do you suppose ho did? Well, he
took tho end of the rope vacated by the
played-out ox and pulled against the
other ox, and the novel team hauled tho
boat across all right, nnd Beto didn't
seem to mind the strain half as much as
the old ox did. Now, I know that
t tose assertions seem like rather tough
Ills muscles were like iron 111 their
hardness. I have had him bare his arm
to mo nnd I have taken a hammer and
racked hickory nuts upon the muscles.
nnd it was like cracking them on a stone.
One feat that I know of Bauqtiettc's
doing, and to which there were a num
ber of witnesses, seems so absolutely im
possible that no one will believe the
story if I tell it, but it is true, true as
Well, it happened at Grean Bay.
Everybody up that way had heard of
Bote's power, and was anxious to see
some evidence of it. The Samson
had a friend who kept a grocery store,
and in the -evening quite :v crowd gath
ered there in hopes of seeing an exhibi
tion of strength. Banquette came in in
his quiet way, noted the crowd and took
in the situation at a glance. A barrel
of hickory nuts sat by the counter, nnd.
without a word, he took ud a handful of
the dry, hard nuts, held tliem out so all
could see, and then crushed them to
pieces by simply closing his hand on
them, just as you or I would crush a
handful of bird's eggs.
Cautions in Eating.
1. Of course, don't eat too much. The
digestive fluids are limited in quantity.
Ail above enough is undigested, irri
tating and weakening the system, and
often causing paralysis of the brain by
drawing on tho nervous force more
rapidly than it is generated.
2. Don't eat between meals. The
stomach must rest, or it will sooner or
later breakdown. Even the heart has
to rest between the beats.
3. Don't eat a full meal when ex
hausted. The stomach is ns weak us
the rest of the body.
4. Don't take a lunch at noon, and eat
heartily at night. The whole digestive
system needs to share in the rest and re
cuperation of sleep. Besides, the tend
ency is to put a full meal into a weak
ened stomach.
5. Don't substitute stimulus for food
like many women who do half a day's
work on Strong coffee or tea. As well,
in the case of a horse, substitute the
wbip for oats.
(. Don't have a daily monotony of
dishes. Variety is necessary for relish,
and relish is necessary to good diges
tion. 7. Don't eat blindly. There can be
nothing in the body muscles, mem
branes, bones, nerves, brain which is
not in our food. One article furnishes
one or more elements, and another
others. We could starve 011 fine flour.
Some articles do not nourish but only
b. Eat according to tho season one
third less in summer than in winter. In
the latter season, fat meat, sugar and
starch are appropriate, as being heat
makors; in the former, milk, vegetables
and every variety of ripe fruit.
!). Eat with cheer. Cheer promotes
digestion; care, fret and passion arrest
it. Lively chat, racy anecdotes and in
nocent gossip, are better than Halford
sauce. 1 'oulh's Conqnnion .
Curious Phenomenon.
At tho Cape of Good Hope, near Table
mountain, the clouds come down very
low now and then without dropping in
rain. At sucli a time, if a traveler
should go under a tree for shelter from
the threatening storm, he would find
himself in a drenching shower; while
out in the open space, away from any
tree or shrub, everything would be as
dry as a bone. Here is tlie explanation :
The cloud or mist is rather warmer than
the leaves; and so, when it touches
them, it changes into clinging drops
which look like dew. Fresh drops keep
forming, they run together, nnd at
length tho water drips off tho leaves
like rain. And this process goes on un
til the clouds lift and the sun conies
out again.
The London correspondent of a Liver
pool newspaper says : " Tho papers an
nounced the other day that, owing to an
accident in tho machine-room, tho extra
double number of tho Illustrated London
Xeii's, advertised to appear, would bo
unavoidably postponed for one day.
As a m.itter of fact, the ' accident' was
a literary, not a mechanical one, the
proprietor canceling several thousands
of printed copies rather than allow the
publication of an article by one of its
editors, reflecting, as he conceived, with
ill-timed severity and ott'ensiveness on
the family of tlie Prince Imperial. In
stantly, on perusing tho article, Mr.
Ingram ordeied 'stop press,' sacrificing
over 3,000 to this delicacy of feeling."
Look out for a policeman, or any other
man, for that'matter, who is dressed up
to kill.
Wheu the llowcli are 1 Msorrtered
No time should be lost in resorting to a suit
able remedy. Hostetter'8 Stomach Bitters is
the most reliable and widely-esteemed medi
cine of its class. It. removes the causes ot
constipation, or ot undue relaxtion of the in
testines, which are usiuillv indigestion or a
inisdireotion of the bile. When it acta as a
cathartic, it does not gripe and violently evacu
ate, but produces gradual and natural effects,
very unlike those of a drastic purgative; and
its power of assisting digestion nulliflec those
irrituting conditions ot the mucous membrane
ol t -c stomach and intestinal caual which pro
duce first diarrhea, and eventually dysentery.
The medicine is, moreover, an agreeable one,
und eminently pure and wholesome. Appetite1
and tranquil nightly slumber are both pro
moted by ik
The famous Miuon & Ilamliu Cabinet Or
gans, whioh are certainly the best ot these
instruments in the world, are now sold tor
payment by installments, bringing them with
in reach ot those who can make only small
payinentsut a time. Any agent lor their sale
will give particulars. .
C. Gilbert makes only pure starohes.
Chew Jackson's ttest SweetNavy Tobacco.
1 A Wine legislator.
He 1 succosstul becnuse he lift the mmily
courage to 1 ise above all personnl motives or
interests and cant his vote and influence on thn
s'de o! m insures whioh will contribute to tlie
vu-uoMa t wi ins it'iiuW-IIIOU. iunj;uwiii ,U
many, oven though it proves Injurious to the
interests of the few, is the maxim of the wise
legislator. But certain men will never nihnit
the wisdom ol this doctrine, any more than
some selfish private practitioners will admit
the superliitive value of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative
Pi'llula, i'foaiipe these remedies have injured
their pmrtico. Of course, no man in hie right
senses will pay a physician $5.00 for a consul
tation, a boltlo ot bitters, a lew powders, und
a prescription, when one bottle ol Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and a bottle ot liis
Plensnnt Purgative Pellets, both costing but.
yl.25, will accomplish the sumo result, viz.:
cleanse tho liver and blood, regulate and tono
tho stoinnch, nnd impart a health! ul action to
me Dowels and kidneys.
Malignant and subtle indeed is the poison of
scroima, anil ternblo are its ravages in tho
system. They may, however, he permanently
stayed and tlio destructive virus expelled Irom
the circulation with Scovill's Mood nnd Liver
Syrup, n potent vegetable detergent which
era heat cs all skin diseases, leaving no vostigo
ol lhnin behind. White swelling, suit rheum,
loiter, Bbscosscs, liver complaint, and erup
tions of every description are invariably con
quered by it. Druggists sell it.
62 Wall St., New Yokk, Aug. J'2, 1879.
Now offered at $1.50 per share. Final in
stallment ot working capital stock ol the (Jhcy
enno, one of the largest Black Hills gold mines.
In the Great licit, S.10 per shiiro net in sight.
bull reports on application. It. C. STONE
A CO., l inniicinl Agents.
xtkmikd roi'ULAHiTT. l'.ncli ytar
finds " Brown's Bronchial Troches " in new
localities in various parts ol tlio world. For
relieving coughs, colds and throat diseases,
the troches huvo been proved reliable 25
cents a box.
The tircnt Hotels of New York.
While In New York a few weeks since Ave put tip at
the Uraml Central for the first tllie, anil we can any
wlt'i truth that It Is the host and cheapest In New York.
We have tried ahout all of the New York Hotels and
think tlie Brand Central the lieBt of thein all. Hates
2 ,V) and M.iin per day. Ilnoms. tl.oo per day.
Keef Catlie Me.l. Nalivea, live wt..
Oil-en State Milk
K-imbs ,,
lT:, IjIvh ,
02 C4
03 V
PS (,?
04 1
(16 W
03 V
Flour Ex. state, good to fancy...,
Western, kuoii to fancy
Wheat No. 1 lti-d ,
White State State .,
liki'.cy Two Kowe-1 Rtato
(JOcu ULRriuled Western Mixed...
Southern Yellow
Oats White State
Mixed Wextern
Hey Kciall Grades
Straw lonti Rye, per cwt
irons at at", 1 78
l'ork Mees
IriirJ O'tj btcum
Hot rolumi Crude (It (0-i
WojI atate and Penn. XX
Uutter State Creapiery.... .. ....
Western Creamer ..
4 5'.1 ot 4 ro
4 Bt) ,0-6 K.I
1 (KllajS 1 V'.l
1 1 ,V 1 10J,
01 (ill
8f (4
8 S3
lit 8 M
i"5 M
Eef'urd Oil
41 &) 4S
on wae state .factory
02 JC
western Factory iWa.
GMKS -Slate and Pennsylvania 15 ,$
r lour City Ground, No. 1 Spring . . s 25
Wheat Red Winter.
(A 1 01
Com New Western.
Oa'B State
(. 41
'lS 75
Uailoy Two Unwed state
Mr-ur Penn. choice end fancy Peuu. Red
Rye State
6 30
1 '
1 0i
Cri 5 M
I 1 0 X
3 1 m
(it, co
Corn State Yellow
4R.!$(,f 4SJtf llied
linger Creamery Kxtt-a
87 en
17 Si 18
Olu-c IJew York Factory
Petroleum Crude... .,.(15 05
Beef Cattle, live weight
Fioar Wisconsin and Minn. Pat...
Corn Mixed aud Yellow..,..
'Mia Kxtra White.
tt 0 Stale
Wool Waehe.1, Combing & Delaine.
UeUued 00H
04 04 ,
04 lit) IS
04 M (4 0
em I 8 0
4' (8 48
87 S
2- &
Uer Oattie, live weight.... UHVA
(.nitbs... , s r
"I'.'e.: 03 V;.
'''- 14V
05 Jf
(4 V
Just iftsiieu inzuntifnt'gf octave vtHume:
This jirarul hlsturica1 ;inl chttrniinn inilitnry wutMomcB-
ii'- .iM iih.-c run nmv im; iiu-iui any booK or periodical
'h-uier. Pi-Ice ?f rcntx.
if'H-1 Slush Copies by mnil. p-Mp-ii.!. on r tp !pt Of
ttiiiBi Aii'iieA. tt tn . . r Oi, 1 IP,.
i Liberty tnunre. Ii.t"ti, Man
liutit'fl Kemet.v
Cure !-,;, Ki-tiiey, i,!aluei
ani t nnary t;omp;a,iit-, firiMV
Disease, Hal ift und lir.ivi'l
I fun I'm Keitioriy cures uiu
in me m-tc, hack or i.oins, dim all
Diseases of tlie Kifii!e, Ultvl-ler
nnd I'rinary (Irnatia f tuut'e
Keinedv encouiHcca aiwt r.rf
;ilf mi arpMitP. braci-H uu the st.'irt: and coo.1 hen ri
it thn remit or mim? Hum Knueuy. NmhI for
pnniphlet to WM. E. (J1.A hkK, frovim me, It. I.
HffiWEEKLY sua
A. lartre. elirlit-naee paper of tiH broad colunnii. will
t.'' .-erit postpaid to any addretu until January ltt.
A'btress TIIK SVK, N. V. City.
rvL T$ Anil of iu,-dniK,
Blind, I tc bin if, or tJIcuratcd
I 'He 4 that miUiitf'tt I'ilo
lttMMt'dy failrttocure. Oivoa
timuMdiato relief. cureM coaea
of lorift standing in 1 we k,
and ordinary o&bea in 2 dsya.
crapper hin
uf tumttdon tt in htarta rile of S'onts aud
lr. J. i
MiUr,s imutur. I'fiil. ft 1 a bolt In. K,M
1'ropr., fci. W.ooc. Tenth and ArcU tiu., iVloituia.. l'a.
An infallible and nnexcel.ed Homedv tat
Fitb.EiiUrutfy or l'ilUiKSickiieft
Wfii'riuiieit i entci a specuy
" A free liotlle of uty
renowned specific ami a vtilnrtVie
I' T cure.
Tr'.dtise scut to any tmlltMcr
6rnulDtf me nla P. U. aud Kx-
premi address.
Ph. H. a. ROOT. 183 Pearl 8tret.K ew York
Dm not let vuur children urtiw ui
weak anil nunv.
Kl'lijt ' Food ean be httilut tmch a amall cobt.
Kl'Jii & co. on everv ltibfl.
Toad's t'euteiiiiial "Turbine Water Wheel
I the RPHt in the World ! These are facts which can bp
HUiifchiiitUiied. Do not be humlmnk'tM into pay in IhbIi
pricptt when jon can get a tiettt-r article at a lower nurf.
bend J or circular. AddreKS
J. MAYN'E, GilbertsWlle, Otaejro Co.. N. Y
Asenta Wanted everywhere
to sell to fninilleu, hotels,
and larce consumeis: lam
est Btock in the country; quality and terms the best.
Couiitiy store keepprH should call or write TUB WK 1.1,8
TKA CUMfAN V. Ml Ful'OIl St.. K.Y. t. Box A(i0
a aU Wmid.
u. ..II
Iwcai T kair, saa is nwmi f
wt lou falua hiaba-ssl at "', Lxiatl at
raal lb iiasa and pl Hra N
So Sewtnie On of Buttons !
Agente and everybody ttfiul
1U centd for Samples to F.
l.. ivuuta, rairneiq, lowa.
Wlille we want agents at & to $10
per day at home. Address, with
liAJfir i Portland, Matue.
BuaBsnaaBaaaBBBsiasaBiiaai nure reuet 1 rrnv 1
VlnnCD'C DACTII I CO Price aocu.nMlUllt
Runs relief
IMUUlll o rw I ILLE.i3.hy mall, titnwell 4 Co.
jmu-iemwq, Mass.
t HUMP fLH C M Learn Mearunhy .
Y wwswm lllbll earn Sill to aliuk
mouth. Kvery irtaduate inurauteed a payiui: situa
" tbicuuhb, aiauKitri, rfanesvilie, w tt.
(iAtaiMnnn InvesUd in Wall St. Stocks makes
wlw IU vllUUU ronunes every month. Hook eut
AiareasBAZTKBtOO..Uaiuiera,lT Wall 8U.N Y.
... rree expiainingweryihlna.
TO P. U. lllfll t'O.7 Portland
ii"J, mr uesi aneuiy uusiQeas lllel
w uriu. expensive wmni rree
Habit & Skin Itlseaaea. Thou
aaudscured. Lowest Prices. Dnnntrai
to write. Dr. P. K. Marsh, Uuuu-y, Mich
PAY-Wlth Btenctl OutllU. What costs -1
vm. .til. rmititi Tor mi ri. , , ,un. fA
. Druisa, i . n auj u ",L., oueion MASS
OCn A,MOaiTH-AentsWanteda best
vODU1 l"" art'cleB In the world; one samiilt lice
JtSTT JLiK'H??1 ua exp its guaranteed" to" Auunt.
4 Outtttfree. 8aiw Oo.. Auausri. Miiai
t777 y.Kj,,BJ!u1 ne-'es to aients. Outnt Fres
Tho Temple is
for Singing Classes.
The Temple Is for Conventions.
The Temple is for Choirs.
$!).00 per dozen. Single copy $1.00.
A I Oil sens-n. when music teachers, choir
tire (int. t!y making up their ru!n,ts a. to the u-t l-,,ks
l,t- ns ml Ihc coming rmisM-ill .easnn. it I a ptens
llre I" introduce In ihctr notice s. fresh, b,io,I .nil uelnl
a l-n,,k a ililn cms i y W. o. I'eiikiss, who now, t tlie
act r llnmlltoti CmIIciip, taken on the well pacrvpil till
of Jtmicil Itm-tnr. i-roin the elocnnt title to tho laat
nikc me np.icc 11 nio.t accciitaiily lllieil.
Tlio Ktenicntnir Ccnrne r amnio In nnanlltv. and h,i
iMnii-M,p new nun n nir prHciH i', wn icu practice, in leeu
niiiy extciij over the whole hook.
Alinndnnce of (noil Sncreil Mimic. In Hit form of Metri
cal 'I'utn-s au-1 AiitheniM. (Ilia a lut-ia- portion of the book.
una re li-U-rs It n Kooa twltxtion of Church Atwic.
Tli numerous Glcep ant n.irmontf H Sonus ad,l to the
nttrnttion, aii'l m.-ike this an excellent work for Mimical
3JCK-11CS BIl'l VUllYl-llllUlie.
Specimen coplea mallei, post-free, for M.OO.
0L1VEH DITSON & CO., Boston.
, II. ltlTSON Sl CO.,
Hf.l llroiiilwn)-, New York.
, je. niTsosr & co..
12i Chestnut Street, Phtlnilrlptila
Any ik nitnhlo to rr;nl r.utsic ttr nn-
Nkilll iu m-KHii liliis ins" limy iivodut o
Irom tin- not only tin; part Ihey sins,
but nil Ihe otiicv uurts, liy tho use ol tho
."'I iifw iiiYiMiiinn, rnslly nttneliprl
to tho Kfy-I.niiril of nny Ortrnii, n llttlo
lwyor trii I, knowing a tnnr, can piny
ns wcil na music tpnehcr. Ailnpicd
toI' limit Irs, Siimlny-S.-honls, null I.qilno
Merlinm, Atlilri-ss for t'irculnr and Terms
ItrBttlehovo, Vt.
to tbi bjt lind, fa the toat olimtt. with the !
TR-k'ii, aud on tb tri-nv, tlcnp, tw St. FaaL
yian'iolif A Manitoba K'y, (Uw St. Paul A Paolo.
3,000,000 ACRES
Mainly In the Famous
Oa long Una, law srtMi nt muj psrsssatsi
raUstwtlafaJllmfwriuUmBullwlfraa. Aos3ta
D. A. MoKINLAY, Land Com'r,
H. . M. W. IVy, SH. Paal, Urn,
icnnrv nf Polish. Rnvlno. T .w l:l..niin...
Durabllliy end ('heapnessM'neqnaied.
juuittii iii;ob riocrletora. Uanton. Uaaa
Xslnts Wahted Tor the ""
It contains fine liiptorlcal enirravlnss nn-t l!iM
:rce iloul'le cominii ua-s. and 1b the inott tt'inplett'
History nf tiieWuriil ever lmtilishod. It sells at siuht.
HfcUtl for specimen iwacs nnd 'Xtr terms to Agents, and
see why tt Bells faster thtiii nny other l-ook. Address
Is perfectly puro. Pronounced the best by the h'prh
tBt medical aiithoiitieH in tbo world. Given biKUwt
ward ut Z World'H ExpoHitions. and
fcqld by DrufwU.
iM li. Itit u..otl!l. V. Wi, tin- A. k W.
H. HMtntiie Oi tuttW'twi Lake rr-U. A vcU-fUdowetl
sn...'i nfu Efiiiiunry f'jf lii't:i wscii. 1 liti U--U. i
Ll'..Ary Jj-'L'urtm ntr- ant a very tlourihtr.nif Connnetuta
School and Move IVj mtnicut. .l?s ditU-rent studenU
Jiit year. rii- .1 n .1 n rr n '-wa-!. piu-. roi
aid cun-'iil .i,..- vision. iu .tfjii. u years. Kndi'W
Uientf hiu i! tli it we wi 1 reeeivea el dent (to:al PipciiBt:)
for 1 Term for srl 1 for 1 venr. 14I. CHta-
lopue M'nt free on apudcation to the Prineipal, PHOF.
j. 1 . kijw a his, u. u. r Ai leria opens aiiki vii
ftnl Bnd rnifomio flIl,er.', Fqnipment,
tc.t DiHde by ,Tf. f '. MAllvti A CO.,
of 'hi jr i 1 ice vt.ij.
, irmen 1 taps, tc
tr. ShtS.
, AXXthe TIM H
Tno very befit ioods direct from the Importer at Kail
the nsna! c,il. l'.-.-st '-'n ,-v-r -.l ';m. Aeen-g
and larce lluyera. ALL EXPRESS CinAEGKd PAID,
New r f.KK.
The (Ireftt JlmericiiM
Tea (-omi'ii!!),
:tl and ;:tVecj- Street,
1 Wew Vork
p. o. uoi rr.trt.
,i Tf nt -:i fo'u
'BACK mm the rViUUTH CF SIcLL."
Uy nue who Iimii been there t
"P.iSE snd FPLL of ihe MOUSTACHE
By the Bnrllnirton llaivieye humorist
Sanvantha as a P. A. and P. I.
Ilv Jt,.iali Alk-n v,ire.
rhe three brlarhtest and best-Sfclllne books ont. AirentB
you can put ttarse booka lu rvrywlicre. Host t'-miu
ivi-u. !-ih-s for Asciicy. AMKKICAN miL'SHlSO
UO., llartroM. i;t.i t-'nicauu. Hi.
This Clalm-Housa Estmbllslted lSfla
Mew Haw. Thonaandi of Soldier and heirs entitled.
Pensions date back to discharge or death. Tims kmtML
Address with suiup,
r O. Drawer 3iS, WaslUngton, P. O.
The Fall Trm of this old anil iM-imlar MuditutKiii wdl
l;eiu Aiinit 0ti anl otdinue . wet-ka. The
payment uf fcltt. will secure Tuition in the preparatory
aim Acaiiemu' lourbt-s M istuny, ifetuer wuti lioartj
and iin uveruue amount of Washinir. Koum, Heatinii nnd
Incideuials for the Academic year of Hit weeks. The
pay men t of MM in the Wt ter Term, or of .Y7 in
either of the otner Teniiif, will secure the same ad van
tje for Oiti' TtTin nf i:i wr-cks.
Tlie Ituild nktu. (.rounds. Situation ana Facilities, or
IiiKtrm tit n are anion th fluest iu the world. Send for
iiifortiuitlf li to th P.iiiciim!, U- M. blhfcl-K.
two to four bottles in the worst
iiprfHctLureforail kmdii of Pii.KS.
rati.:! vt K PKIWV. ItOKI LA
"ATAUHii.ani b o seast-b or trie
SKIN' and HLOOI. K-itirely Vee-
tuble. Internal ana externa, use.
Money rewneii'ln all cases of lail-
' nre: none lor a years, boia every-
Bena lor pampniee. t a uuiue.
1. FOWIjK, KumIou
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs
Demonstrated best by nionEST HONORS AT ALL
at Plan, Mi Viexa, 1K73; SAStliOO, 1ST5; Paiuiin
.n, . , .11,1 HUhD BWKDIBH UULD BIU1
lif78. Oulv American Organs ever awarded hliihest hon.
or. al anv suco. bo:u rur cau or iiibuhiuicbih. uxua.
SKATan CtMiMOum and Circulars wiih new atylca and
Encea, St: III jree. a.iaun tijm 1.11. vnAn vw.
' . S,w Yolk orC'Ulcauo.
rr nrTHl! I For 511 t'nits
ilt KJ IZi S iTf i we will mnll
rt i-:iii-ii:n frura August. 179.
tl i Jauiuiy, In-ii. The Lcdter Is the largest an 1 best
Btory and Family Puiier pubilsbed in me esi, ami
should be lu every household. Samp's Copies FKKK.
Address TIIK J,K1M.KU. inico. ill
W- u,ll i,., Ac, His C?UJ
r UK'Uth
I1K-IIS.-S, or all'-w a larae c; in....-
Chapman's Cholera
Oures liyseutery, Oiarrhea nV,l"i;
Clilldreu. P'lce ac OKI Kl.h MOOt
irUJi iil v H. Hold by all Urumisis.
e 1 v.r new
. iu am.
al Mich.
1'lnV Toot.'. IIi' ' ?' '', ',
,:W,IH1U orns ana
i, lie r,
MuaniT IIiu. Pb Co.. 1J "'" Z'lJ- rZ-
- - . - r.-----;. . . Ufrit.n VI. line I Bills II tv
r or 1
Pain Destroyer and Specific for Inflam
ination and Hemorrhages.
imEl JUTISM, NKl'BAI.GIA. No other rirnmra-
lion lias cui oil so many oss 01 inese nisirww
In); complaints ns the Kxtract. Our 1'lnataris
invuliialile In thom dlaeasps, riiimbafro, Pain
in tli" ):a-K or tSiilc, Ac. Pond's Kxtract
(!ntiiiiil i.',0 i.-ents) for use when removal of
clotliinir is convenient, i9 a great help In re
lieving Inllaininatory cases.
HE.nOKIIHAGKS. BleediDRfrom the Umg Stom
ach, Nose, or from any cause, is speeuny
controlled anl stopped. Our Naaal Hrrlnxi-a
(J5 cents) and Inliitlers (M centsi are great
olds In arrvstinii internal bleeding.
promptly. It is a sure cure, ueiay is uanger
oua. CATAltllll. The Exlrsct Is tho only speclMo for
this disease, Cold In Heaa, &a . uur -wurra
lore," specially prepared to meet serious
cases, contains all tlie nutritive qualities of
the Extract ; our Nsaal Nfrlngs Is invaluable
for use in Catarrhal affections, is simple and
inexpensive. For old and obstinate cases use
our 'Catarrh Cure."
FILM, BMND BI.GEIX(1 or ITfllim Itlsthe
greatest Known remeuy rnpiuiy
other medieines have failed. Pond's Extract
Medicated Psiier for ilosct use i.a preventa
tive against Chadns anil Pilus. Our Ointment
is of ereat service where tho removal of
clothing Is inconvenient.
FEJIAI.E CO.nPLAlNTS. No phvslclan need bo
culled in for ti e majority f female diseases,
if the Extract Im used. Full directions accom
pany each bottle.
PHYSICIASS of all Schools recommend and pre
scribe Pond's Ext racl . Wo have letters from
hundreds who order it daily, In their practice,
for Swelllmsof nil kinds, (uinsy. Sore Throat,
Inflamed Tonsils, simplo and chronic IHarr
Imps, Catarrh itof which It Is a furWyfe), Hill.
Mains, routed Feet, Stlnirs of In wets, Jlos
quilos, etc. ( luipped llaiiita, Face, and indeed
all manner of bkin diseases.
FAIlMEltS,fitoek Breeders and I.lvery Men should
alwnrs have it. LeidiiiK livery nnd street-car
stables in New York and elsewhere always
use it. Sprains, Harness and Kaddlt ChallnifS,
Cuts, ScrHtclies. SwclliiiKs, Kliirnesa. L'leedlnic
etc., are all controlled by it. i ffOn account
of tho exiiensoof tho Extract as adapted for
safe uso in Its delicate application to human
ailments, avo have prepaiwl a prejiaration for
VETERINARY lU'HPIISES lllllV, which COlltainS
all the strength of the Extract, for application
to animals, in a cheaper form. Price, per
pallon, VETERIXAUY EXTRACT, $2.60.
C AUTION. PonU's F.xlrnct, Is sold only
In bottles, enclosed In bnftT wrappers, with tho
words, 'POND'S EXTRACT, blown in the gloss.
It is never sold In bnlk. No one can sell it
except in our own bottles as above described.
VOVn s KXTUACT 3c. tl.OO and $l.T
Toilet I l'uil 1 HO
I ntnvi-li i'uro - 7cl
OelXIfi'U-e - RO
I.lliSnlve - VS"
Toilet Sonji(3c'h's)
Ointment - OO
I nhnlcr ((!:iiss.50c)1.hi
'skuI Syrlnue 135
Medicated I'nper 583
I'lnsfer leni
Anv of these preparntlnns will lie pent carriace free at
aim-e prk-en, In lots of a worth, on receipt of money or
1. (. on ler.
JUT-Ovr Nr.w PAMrin.ETWfTn History or oca PasrA-
IS' .Wm'i'ff Street, Xetr Xork.
Sold hv all rnitcif tf.
An O
Tho fact is well understood
i bat the 55 E X I C A N MUS
TANG LINIMENT is by. far
li.o best extcrual known for
man or beast. Tlio reason
why becomes an "open
secret " when wo explain that
" Mustang" penetrates skin,
flesh and musclo to tha very
hone, removinp; all disease
und soreness. No other iini
i;ient does this, hence none
other is so largely used or
does such worlds of good.
N Y K I' Kolil
t-'tist Kstsvbllshecl I Most Successful
T11EIB 1N3TI1UMKNT3 have
Standard Talus
Leading Markets
Of theWorld,
Kvaiywhors recognl ed as the FINEST IN TONE.
OVER 80,000
Matte and In use. New Designs constantly. Bel
i uii anu ixiwesi irices.
Mf Send fo a Catalogue.
Tremoat St., opp. WaitHam St., Boston, Mass
tha 'Old Ullatbla ConcciiU-atsd Lya
l.Mrecttons aceompanylUK each can for ma
Soft aud Toilet Soap quickly.
Ths Market la flvMlil with uw..iit .... .
Lye, whu h is adulterated with salt aud, aud Hat
rennsylvaula Salt ManuPg Co.
pnu.A DKi.pniA.
r ractsavt-n the iiiitiieat MmUI ltr tii
PA It If KYHkrilTIflN.
over ll AniKrl'MU cuiiinvlitnrk. Ttitf
Q OVr tli a bii. Pr1.- tl.tft. Ttielj
. la aid. io Willi tbe 'isviunico Butt, whlti
pis .fl toil Miixtbla and ouuUlu M
ixinta. frlr by uill, 91.H.
For ul ti all leauiluat marohm fttal.
TS lll.S5 r.rfi-IT. . t-
$1175 aonsfp'aT- $100
rroiriiuuiu reiuri.a every weta ou Slock Ol'tlons cl
Offl. la! Bcports au.l Circulars flee. Address
T. POTI'ltH Wli.HT I CO.. Hunkers, tlfl Wall St.,N.Y.
OuUUlJiMk vo kuNUk, Ha, bale, Ma.
jjnimn stSs " ns.
X York,
laborUrj,77W.3dSt.,New York City,
Tho Best Hemedy Known to Han I
Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself
with Mr. Kdwln Knstraon, an escaped capriTe.ioiia;
lsve to WuKaineiKia, me meaicino lunu vi
Jomnnches, is now preparer 10 icna ma aia in nw
lltrntluc.tion ol lliewonaerTui niiaquui mui mun
Tlio experience or Mr. liftman oeing similar u
Hint of Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, of Washington
C'n , Iowa, sa account of whose sufTerings were
tlirilllii"lv narrated In the A Yorklltrald of Pec.
mill. 1K-7H, tho facts of which are so widely
known, end so nearly parallel, that but llttlo men
tion of Mr. Eastman's experiences will be given
Vre. They are, however, published In a neat vol
ume of 300 pages, entitled, "Seven and Nine lears
Among tho C'onuinchcs nnd Apachcj," of which
..n .... r, Cffla O In .nv
m:i'u win no niaoo uer-ui n-i. uwuw.uj,
l-iat I or several rears, iir. r,asunu, vun .
tire, wa comiellcd to gather the roots, gn.
b.irk, herns ana rurrics oi huihi niuiiuuu
nertiino was made, and is still prepared to pro
vido tho Sams materials for the successful intro
duction or the, meoicino 10 mo worm, auu "'
,'io pnhllc that the remedy Is tho same now as
.vueu VY linauiButia cuuijciivu v
"Wakametkla, the Medicine Maa
Nothinc lias neon milled to tlio modtrtno aim
lotiiliiir lias lieen taken away. It la without iloulit
he :ibt I'L-BiriKBiir tno ulood ouu ituiwiaira.
he SvaTSM ever known to man.
This Syrup i.OKfuena varicu iirojHrucs. . .r
t aola iipnn tlio I.lvcr.
It urta tlllon nc ttHuirjn.
II rotriilHtcx tlio Bovs i-Im.
tt pmllli " tin- Klood.
It qulcta Ihc IVrrvoii.i Systom.
tt tiroritoloN KMirCMtinll.
(JaaurlnlicN, htrutlioiiB rikI IiivIk-
i r tea. . . . .
t i curries oil Wie oiu niooiiiiiiu innKca
l'v. ....
it minis tlio pores i t;ic skin. and.
Vi a mi Ilesil! ?i y Jl'orsiiilrutloii.
It tho horeditary taint, or poison In
.i-.e bluotl, which iieiieratui' Scrofula, Eryslnelaa, nnd
.11 manner or aWUi dlauaie una Inlernut iiumors.
There iiru noNiilritsi-ntnloycd in it. manufiii-tiiro.
,u, it rrtit l, tnki-n liv tho most (iolicale babe, of
Sy ih:Mii;i'd ninl feollo, care only ln-inj riMrti in
!',ltMH la uirccfiaiM.
Eiwin Eastman in Indian Costome.
Seven akt Nm Ykars Axono ihc CoMAScnus
and ArAniga. A neat voiunio or -ton lmjea,
bcinit a simplo eUitcmeiit of tho Imrrililu fni-ls
connected with ti.o and luaiwaoro of ft helplocs
family, and tho captivity, tortnrrir.nd ultiinuto
cwapc of itatwo Mirvlviug iiieinbcrs. For nale
bvour .isi:iiti L'en'-rally- 1'rice 11.00.
The incidents of tli'j in i-iii-rr, br'n ily uarritco,
ire dintribiiti:tl liy siii-nl.i. i-urii i f ehnrrje.
Mr. Ksatman, ln-inrf alnrot cnn.-tnniiy at mo
Wont, eueaiT'-rl in isitliorhii; r.t.-l -iiri 1 1 1 the inatcii-
nls nf w nicli the nieilirini- Is romposed, tho sola
Tineas management devolvi-n upon Dr. Johnson,
B'.id the luuit-iiy liaa becii called, aud is kuuwu as
, Dr. Clark Johnson's
Trico of targe Bottles $1,00
rnceclBcnll lottlos ou tha voluntary tontimoni.lla t)f norsnna who
have ii'-en curcl hy ih- uc of lr. Clink Joaueuu'f
ludian Uluod syrup, in you own vicinity.
xestijoriiala of Cures.
Kihnuiiin, Feb. 1, 1870.
Dear Sir: I was ti-oi'Muil with Cliills; hud
Uiom every otlior tiny for . jt miintlisj had two
doctors iittemliiignicw hen youriigi'iit jiersundod
me to try your Indian Mood Syrup, nnd I cun
sny I never Inula Chill nftt-r tukinsr Iho first
dose. I t-liL-erliilly rfcoiiiinciid it, to till.
Lizzik Wink.
Kiiixuton, Ft'b. 1, 18?9
Diinrf ir: I wns tiimbli d witli chills; hud
them every oilier ilny lor nix montliH ; hud two
dootors iittendiii); nui wlion your iij.'1'nt i.ct
suiidcd tne to li-yyotir Indiiiu Mixxl Syrup,
and 1 can say I never linn n chill nil or inking
the tli-ist dose. I t-hi oiinlly reeoniniend it to
all. Lizzie Wink.
lloi.MKliviui, 23d Wind, rhilailelphiu, J
Feb. '.'1, 1879. J
Denr Sir: I luke cmil lilrnsure in snyinR
that I have j;iven your viilnublo Indian Blood
Syrup a toir trial m uiy liinuiy ana receiveu
great benefit Irom it. Sam'l N. Sollv
Andalusia, Ph., Feh. 10. 1870.
Dear Sir I have been using your in Uaii
Blood Syrup iu my family lor Livcir und Kid
ney Complaint with success. I buliew! it has
no equal. F.dward Gn.iiKitr.
MlKDi.tiifituH, Snyder Co., Pa
Dear Sir: 1 have been troubled with Heart
Disease andliyor Complaint, ami I had spent
a great deal of money tor medical aid without
S St '
t . f in si ,
receiving any benefit, until I procured some ol
your Indian Blood Syrup lrotu your agent, E.
L. Buffliurton. I can now testily from my
experience as to the great valuo ot it in such
diseases. Hkkuy Zkmcuak.
Bensalem P. O., Feb. 25, 1879.
Dear Sir : Having tried your most excellent
Indian Blood Syrup and lound it a valuable
medicine for liver Complaint and Chills I
would recommend those who are ufllicled to
giveita rial. Mhs..C. Aktsian
Holusbl uo, 23d Ward, l'hiludelphia, )
Feb. 24. 1879.
Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying
-iat I have given your valuuble Indian Blood
Syrup a fair trial in my lam ilv and' received
Xreat benefit irom it, Saai'i, N. Solly.