The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 21, 1879, Image 2

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    lie 'JU! watt
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, AUG. 21, 1870.
Rppnblican State Ticket.
for state treasurer,
BAMUKIj butler,
The total number of Chinese
In New South Wales at the end of
Inst year was 9,016. Few are women,
but 352 European women were living
with Chinamen, of whom 181 were
A portrait of the Kev. John A.
Simpson, for many years pastor of a
ITnlvcrsalist church at East Cam
bridge, Mass., has been placed in the
Boston Rogues' Gallery. He is in Jail
on charge of horse stealing.
Burglars awoke Farmer Plumnier,
at Durham, Me., and he chased them,
loosing no time in adding any cloth
ing to t he shirt in which .he had slept,
but taking care to throw a gun across
his shoulder. Across fields and
through a village he pursued them,
until he gotjwithin close range, when
they surrendered rather than be shot.
Mnjor Hubbcll and Capt. Smith
spent a night in drunkenness, at
Goshen, lnd., and on the following
morning awoke with aching heads,
ami heartily ashamed of the exhibi
tion they had made of themselves.
The Captain proposed suicide, and the
Major said that the idea was was ex
cellent. They bought a vial of mor
phine, drunk it, and died. The affair
gave the local total abstinence society
an opportunity, which they improved
by closing every barroom in the vil
lage. Not even the face of Maud Brnns
conib, the pretty actress, who has been
photographed in hundreds of different
postures, and whose portraits consti
tute an important part of the stock in
nearly every picture store, is really so
well known to the American public
as that of Ann V. Williams of Phila
delphia; yet Miss Williams is a mod
est, retiring teacher in a public school
It is her fucc that is stamped on the
silver dollar, she having sat for the
artist who designed the Goddess of
Liberty's head for that coin.
The Rev. Josiah Hannian of Iz
ard, Texas, was worried because his
name wan so much like Human, and
he studied the Bible story of Human
until he became insane on that sub
ject. "Children," he cxclamed, ill the
midst of a sermon, "Hainan was hung,
as near as I can make a calculation, a
little over 100 feet high. Now, Chil
dren, I believe God wants me to give
up my soul to him right away, and so
take this rope and hang me 120 feet
above the ground." This frightened
the congregation so much that, they
ran away, and the preacher hurried
into the woods, where he hanged him
self. Mr. Robert Bridgens, an old citi
zen of Chnpmnn township, came very
near losing his life, Friday morning
last, near North Point station. A few
minutes before the. Day Express east
was due at that station, Mr. Bridgens
started up the railroad track to go
home. Being a little hard of hearing
be failed to hear the locomotive whis
tle and continued on the track until
the engine came within a few feet of
him, when he left the track. Engi
neer Roat took in the situation and re
versed his engine immediately after
lie whistled, otherwise it is very
likely Mr. Bridgens would have been
killed. Renovo Record.
At last Mr. Wolfe, the prime
mover in the riot bill investigation,
has commenced the work of arresting
those who were believed to have been
engaged in corrupt practices at Harris
burg last winter. Charles B. Salter
was arrested at Philadelphia Monday
afternoon, and entered bail for his ap
pearance in Dauphin county. Win.
H. Kemble has also been formally no
tified to enter bail upon the same
charge at Harrisburg. Mr. Wolf and
his committee have taken a long time
to prepare forthd prosecution, une it is
announced that they have engaged
Senator Matt Carpenter, Judge Black
and Franklin B. Gowcn, as attorneys
for the prosecution, and that the case
will bo vigorously pushed. It is sur
mised that Wolfe is working in eon
junction witli the democratic commit
tee at Pittsburgh, and that he will
endeavor to have these trials pushed
in September, for the purpose of mak
ing as much capital out of them us
possibte in the Democratic cumpulgn.
When Wallace, the Democratic
Sheriff of Hamilton county, retired
from office lust spring lie was $:"3,000
short, not an unusual thing, however,
for a Democratic official. Of course it
was expected his bondsmen would
make it good to the county, but the
lawyers show that the County Com
missioners did not call for monthly
settlements according to law, und so
they (the bondsmen) are released from
the responsibility, at least for $14,000
of the amount, and the county must
pocket the lws. The Board of Com
missioners wus Democratic like the
SheriiT, and there Is no telling now
just who did get the 14,000. We hope
the people of Cincinnati and Hamil
ton county will be a liltle more par
ticular, hereafter as to what kind of
men are trusted witli their funds, and
they will no doubt take measures
wheu so many Democrats are holding
the purse-strings, to compel a Board
of Commissioners not to become ac
cessory to the theft of public funds Im
partiality and neglect of duty. Stu
beuville Jlcrald. '
The Fever Fury.
Memphis, August 18. Eight new
cases were reported to the board of
health up to noon, of whom bIx were
white and two colored. Among the
number are J. II. Hahn, Cordelia At
wood, Ed. Freeland, William Carrol,
Mrs. Julia Zuller. Five deaths have
occurred Arthur L. Whit, Lorcntz
Sal lis, Elizabeth Helcher, W. C. Nel
son, Alexander Franklin. The last
named was colored. W. C. Nelson
died five miles out, on Poplar street
boulevard. General John S. Skeffing
ton, a prominent criminal lawyer, was
prostrated this morning. His civs.' lias
not been reported to the board
of health. The weather Is growing
ing warmer.
Providence, II. I., August 18. The
schr. Susan Stetson, of Damariscotta,
Captain Hale, from Mlragoane for
Boston, arrived at Dutch Island har
bor Friday. Complaint having been
made that she had yellow fever on
board, Governor Vanzant sent Can
tain Malvllle as health officer to in
spect the vessel and report.
This morning Captain Mulville re
ports all well on board. The captain's
wife died at Haytl of yellow fever, and
during the passage two men died of
the same disease. The vessel looks
clean and the' remaining six men of
the crew appear well. The vessel will
leave for Boston at the first opportu
Havana, August 18. One hundred
deaths from yellow fever occurred
here last week, being an Increase of
seven over the previous week.
Memphis, August 18. Thirteen
cases in all were reported to the board
of health to-day, six of whom were
colored. Two additional deaths have
occurred, Win. Costello and Gritl'o
Dalnetta. Thos H. Cooke, a well
known citizen, was stricken at noon,
also J, C. Hook, a printer at the Ap
peal ofiice. Mr. Van Anderson and
daughter are down with the fever four
and a half miles distant from the city
on the Poplar boulevard. The Tennes
see state board of health otlicials to
morrow will begin the isolation of
dwellings where yellow fever exists.
Guards will be placed to prohibit
communication with the inmates.
Dr. Jerome Cochran left, at noon for
Mobile, August 19. The fever quar
antine along the Mobile and Ohio
railroad, north of this point, has been
discontinued and the line is now open
through from St. Louis to New
Eleven cases were reported to the
board of health this morning, three of
whom are colored. Four deaths have
occurred since last night: Con Khehau,
Pat Cavanaugh, James Dolan and
Anne Weiss. Theauthoritiesand the
board of health officials are in consul
tation arranging plans for the complete
Isolation of tlie infected districts.
Major W. W. Gay continue to grow
worse. His condition is extremely
critical. The Hon. John Johnson, su
perintendent of quarantine, acting
under direction of J. I). Phinkett,
president of the state board of health,
will send an inspecting officer to White
Haven, Tennessee, to aid in effecting
the absolute isolation of the Golf
family, who are sick with fever at that
point If necessary the immediate
neighborhood" will be depopulated.
The greatest energy will be used.
Thirty-one cases in all reported,
thirteen of whom were colored. Maj.
W. W. Gay died to-night.
Mr. David Loucks, of Glade, one
of her thrifty farmers, the other day
killed a large rattlesnake measuring
five feet five Inches long and having
thirteen rattles, indicating it age to
have been thirteen years, It came
out of brush witli upraised head, and
on seeing its antagonist, stopped and
gave the defiant rattle. Mr. Loucks
whipped it with a bush and then club
bed its head. Rattlesnakes are un
usually plenty this season, and are
seen and killed where they have not
been seen before for years. They are a
dangerous reptile, and cannot too soon
be exterminated. Mr. Loucks brought
the rattles to this office as a proof of
his prowess. We have learned since
writing the above, that last Saturday,
we will say Saturday Alson Walker
of (ilade killed one hundred rattle
snakes most of them being young,
but one measuring four feet nine in
dies und had twelve rattles. Warren
Newport, It. I., August 17. Soon
after leaving New York last night a
women named Ruche on board the
steamer Bristol of the Fall River line
sent for a bottle of eampugne and after
drinking it went to the purser of the
boat and gave him a diamond neck
lace and watch, her stateroom key and
a note directed to a gentleman in Phil
adelphia. She then went up stairs,
took ofl'lier hat, went on deck, jumped
off und was drowned.
In her purse was found a note ad
dressed to Joseph Langfeldt, 607 Arch
St., Philadelphia, stating that she
could not live longer without him and
that she hoped lie would not feel un
kindly toward her. Deceased wore a
black silk diess, linen duster, diamond
earrings and a black bonnet. She wus
apparently twenty-five or thirty years
--Profcsor Chandler, of the Health
Board, says: "Scarlet fever caused
more deaths in New York State last
year than yellow fever did in the
South, and yet failed to excite public
apprehension or to make people ordi
narily careful to prevent infection."
Hampshire Mills note paper, an
excellent quality, for Bale cheap at this
Furlons Flames.
Parker City, Pa August 17. The
danger which menaced this place with
destruction yesterday now seem to
have passed, though after the experi
ence of the last forty-eight hours,
nothing will give us an absolute feel
ing of security until the last vestiges
of the fire are removed. The smould
ering ruins therefore, which still mark
the scene of yesterday's disastcrous
conflagration are watched suspiciously
by many people who remember that
on Thursday evening the fire seemed
to have been mastered, but were rudely
wakened to a realization of the mis
take yesterday. Originating by a
twenty thousand barrel tank being
struck by lightning, the flames spread
with the How of the oil and soon en
veloped a wide tract, destroying an
other tank and several rigs which were
within its way. Another tank con
taining twenty-two thousand barrels
was ignited at tills time, but it was
hoped that the efforts to subdue the
flames had succeeded. The terrible
devastation of Friday night and yes
terday shows how greatly we were
mistaken. At half past eight o'clock
this tank exploded. Workmen had
been engaged upon it all the time in
the etl'ort to secure its safety, and at
the time of the explosion ten of them
were upon the top of the tank. They
were thrown a distance of thirty feet,
and John Clifford, Austin Hi nes. Win.
Ausiin, D. McMalion and J. McPher
son were severely injured by fire and
the fall. The burning oil now escaped
and made its way down two ravines
toward the city, threatening to sub
merge it, and creating the greatest con
sternation. The people became panic
stricken, rushing wildly through the
streets, women and children giving
over to crying, screaming and the
most abject exhibition of fear and des
pair. While this condition of a flair
prevailed on tlie streets some one sug
gested that they make for the hills,
which was at onco acted upon, and the
town wus deserted to its fate, not an
effort being made to secure any of the
personal property. People started off
wildly as fleeing from impending
death, and the streets were fairly
packed with a wild, ungovernable
mass of people forcing each other
other along toward the safety which
the hillside promised. Men drugged
their wives, women their little ones,
and the greatest confusion prevailed.
Those standing on tlie bluff, and
safe from all harm, describe the scene
when the river was literally on Are as
one grand beyond human conception
and beyond tlie power of pen to de
scribe. It was awful in its sublimity,
and even they were awed and made
breathless by the picture. The burn
ing oil toutched the Parker side at a
point overhanging Mike's run, three
quarters of a mile south, and the
flames ran so high that houses located
at this point, 300 feet down the river
bank, were endangered and were only
saved by the application of wet blan
kets. In half an hour after the oil
reached the river It was divided by the
current and the fire began to hug botli
shores, but it lrad spent its force und
all danger to the city had passed by. v
The oil from this tank set fire to
another culled the loading tank which
contained about 10,000 barrels which
udded to the fury of the Humes. The
city was lighted up with tlie bright
ness of the sun. Thousands of people
from the surrounding country, at
tracted by the report of the explosion
which was heard for many miles, had
assembled in the town und joined tlie
residents in filling the streets. Be
sides the destruction by the fire consid
erable damage was inflicted by the ex
plosion. Pieces of iron were thrown
iu every direction, some to a distance
of three miles, and the windows along
the river bank though on the opposite
side of the stream were broken. Many
of these were French plate und a quar
ter of an inch thick, but they like the
less pretentious ones were shattered
into thousands of pieces. Only tlie
remnants of the tank and the scorched
hills on the east side to tell tlie tale of
the fearful conflagration, but the
thousands of persons who were almost
driven to distraction by tlie danger
which threatened them will need no
monument to make the memory of
this terrible atl'air an enduring one.
The loss will reach $100,000, and will
be felt principally by the united lines.
It is rumored tha: two of the men
hurt by the explosion, have died, but
the rumor cannot be traced to any re
liable source. When the oil from tlie
Chalfaut tank touched tlie river it
caused a wave of water three feet
high to splash against the Parker
bank, raising boats high and dry upon
the shore. Forty feet of the Allegheny
Valley railroad were washed away by
the oil, and passengers had to be trans
ferred from one train to the other, und
by boats to the Parker side to muke
connections with the Parker and
Kariis City line.
The losses are, as far as can be ob
tained: Munhall & Co., $1,800; Gra
ham oil company, fO.000; United pipe
line, $43,000; I. Leisey & Co., $1,000;
Purker and Karns City railroad, $1,
000; Graham & Jackson's mills,
500; A. L. Mier, $1,500; W. H. Piper,
$1,000; J. MeNerny, $300; Fenton,
$500; Yingling, $100; Allegheny Val
ley railroad, $1,000; W. Dee, $500;
Oranil loadingracli, juo; faruer mer
schauts. broken glass, tl,.sui, A very
small proportion ot tlie loss was cov
ercd by insurance.
Five of the Raber murderers will
be banged shortly. Their names are
Chus. Drews, Frank Stickle, Henry
Wise, Josiah Hummel and Israel
Brandt. Geo. Zachman, who is also
implicated iu the murder, will have a
new trial. The murder was commit
ted at Indiantown, Lebanon county,
last fall.
' List of Jurors.
WeTHihlish below the list of Grand
and Traverse Jurors for September
term, 1879, commencing Sept. 15 :
Benezettk D. W. Bennett.
John M. Geitncr, George WtauflVr.
A J rfV Willi VII I Ul IS f J I 'J V
Jeremiah Cnllahan. Win, K. Hewitt.
llnUTnw I "I A rritntliii1l 1-1 avab Inli
Jones John L. Murphy, Fred
ristner, Irving Schultze.
Millstone T. G. Clyde.
Iltlmu'iv T 7 i i.rirnat.ifl
Serlbner, David'lttle, O. W. Rhine.
' i . i k rj r iiiii m i m. inn-
els Gerg, Frank Vornbiuim, Andrew
Si'RiNfi Crkf.k Wm. Henrv.
Samuel Beers.
Benezettb Henry Blesh.
Benzinoeu Joseph Fries, Joseph
Schaucr, Anthony Goctz, Joseph Mun
ich, Anthony Bauer, Nick Kronen
wetter, John Wolf, George Selle.
Fox C. A Brown. N. G. Bundy,
Robert Wilbur, John McMackln, John
H ioiilanii Emmett Ilovencamp.
Horton A. P. Aldin, Joseph
Chamberlain, Henry Reedy, James
McClellan, Isaac Graham.
Jay Josiah W. Mead, Jacob Weav
er, George Clayton, John Wrhceler,
John Klisorth, O. M. Montgomery.
M I llhtone H. Cats.
RiouwAY Milloii Sleight, W. H.
Hyde. Samuel Miles, Frank Fisher,
J. W. Taylor, J. S. Bordwell, C. D. C.
St. Marys L. H. Garner, James
Register's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing accounts have been filed iu my
office, and will be presented on the
first day of the iitxt term of the Or
phan's Court for confirmation, being
the ;id Monday hi September, 1H79:
Final account of Mary MeTigue,
Administratrix of the Estate of Thos.
MeTigue, late of Ridgway township,
Final account of Put rick McLaugh
lin und Alice McLaughlin, adminis
trators of the EsUte of John McLaugh
lin late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk
county, deceased,
Fkei. SciKEXixd, Register.
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet
more, President J mice for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires,- Associate Justices
in Elk county, liave issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General tjuarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Ridgwav, for tlie county of Elk, on
187H, being the loth day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to tlie Cor
oner, Justice of tlie Peace and Con
stables in and tbr the county of Elk,
to appear in thei: own proper persons,
with their reconls, inquisitions, ami
remembrances, to do those things
which of their olices and in their be
half appertain to be done, and all wit
nesses und other persons prosecuting
iu behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then and theie attending, and not
to depart at ter peril. Jurors are
requested to bo punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's ofiice, lu Ridgway, the
14th day of Aug., iinthe year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Stationery packages at the Advo
cate office for l!5 cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writera year; also lead pencil,
blotter and pen. Cull and buy a pack
Geo. P. Rowells&Co'S,
Many persons suppose this l.'st to be
composed of CHEAP, low-priced
newspapers. The fact is quite other
wise. The Catalogue states exactly
what the papers are. When tht name
of u paper is printed iu FULL FACE
TYPE it is in every instance the BEST
paper in the place. When printed in
CAPITALS it is the ONLY paper in
the place. When printed iu llonian
letters It is neither the best nor the
only paper, but is usually a very good
one, notwithstanding. The list gives
tne population oi every town ami tlie
circulation of every paper. IT IS
is not a cheap list. At the foot of
t he Catalogue for each State the im
portant towns which are not covered
by the list are enumerated. It is an
Hoxkst List. The rates charged for
advertising are barely one-fifth the
publishers' schedule. The price for
one inch four weeks in tlie entire list
is $M5. The regular rates of the pa
pers for the same space Jind time ure
$1,180.35. Tlie list includes S70 news
pupers, of which 103 are issued Daily
and 807 Weekly. They are located
in 8:25 different cities and towns, of
which -2 are State Capitals, 328 places
of over 6,oo0 population, and 444
County Seats. Lists sent on applica
tion. Address GEO. P. ROWELL &
CO.'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
10 Spruce St. (Printing House Square),
New York.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
fcfc-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk stront a ii .m-.i arc taA
at the Poet Office will receive prompt
Wnrrcn, P March 2o, 1878.
Dr. M. M. Fenner, Frednnln N. Y.,
, . .... Dear Sirs AfW-r UHlng your
mood arm Liver Rommly und Nnrve Tonlo,
und KoilKli Honny for two ypars pant In mir
family, I ran toMIfy that they will do all thai
you rlalm for them, Our family ha derived
more heneflt from their une than from any
other medlclno we evor tried. We heartily
recommend them to nil. Yours truly.
Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It is the medical triumph of
tlie age. Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it regulates and re
stores the disordered sywtem that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billious
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge
ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Eruptions
and Blood Disordehs; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline ; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diurrhcea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dunce Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B.
(tqoo A MONTH truarantccd. tl2adny
-PCJV'-'al lionie iniule by the IndUHtrioiiH.
Capital not required; we wlllsUirt you. Men,
women, boys unci jjlrls make money faster at
work for uh than ut anything else. The work
Is IlKbt and pleasant, and Riieli iim anyone can
Ifo rlcht at. Tliovu who are wise who see this
will send us their addresses and see for them
selves. Costly on t f 1 1 and terms tree. Now Is
the time. Those already ut work arc laying
up large sums of money. Address THUK v
CO., Augusta, Maine nliiyl
. r-fiFTa n. V
N. Hal been tn constant
f e bj the public
ror over twenty yei
and Is the belt preparation
ever Invented for RESTOR
of Mass,
as a
in medi
cine. LIFE.
It supplies the natural
food and color to the hair
(lands without staining the
skin. It will Increase and
thicken the growth of the
hair, prevent Its blanching
and falling off, and thus
It cures Itching, Erup
tions and Dandruff. As a
desirable, giving the hair
silken softness which all
admire. It keeps the head
clean, sweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a BROWN or
BLACK at discretion. Being In one
preparation It Is easily applied, and
produces a permanent color that will
not wash on.
Sold by ill Dsilsri In Msdklns.
Seventeen young men to learn Tcleitraphy.
Oood situatloiiNKUarunteed. Kor partlculai'H,
address with stamp,
Kiikriuan lluni),
nlil-inml ISoxIM, Oberlin, Ohio.
Hint a Com Milker free
to KarmeiH ho act
as AkciiIs. Cut this
out and uddress with
Smith A Sox,
iU Dey Si., N. Y.
Name ibis paper.
d;3Q A WEEK In your town, and no eapl
JJ tal risked. You can give tlie business
atrial without expense. Tlie best opportunity
ever ottered for those willing to work. You
should try nothing else until you see for your
self what you can do at the business we otter.
No room to explain here. You can devote
ull your time or only your spare lime to the
business, and muke great pay for every hour
tbutyou work. Women make as much as
men. Send for special private terms und par
ticulars, which we mall free. outfit free.
Don't complain of hard times while you have
such a chance. Address H. HALI.KTT A CO.,
Portland, Maine. lilliyl
For garden or haying tools go to
42 Main street.
Estatk of John Pktkhson, late
of tlie Township of Highland, Elk
(Jo., I'u., deceased. All persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having legal claims again the same to
present them without delay in proper
order for settlement.
Cecelia Munson, Admr'x.
Bv sciuliiia. 15 cents. with nie.heiL'ht
color ol eyes und hair, you will re
ceive by return mall a correct pic
ture of vuur future husband or
wife, with name and date of marriago. Ad
dress, W. Fox, llox "7, Fultonviile, N. Y.
li2oi iimS
Pennsylvania Female College, .
A flrst-chiss College for women. Educa
tional standard high. Advantages complete.
Most delightful situation In the whole coun
try. Terms quite moderate. Opens Septem
ber luth. Address,
Miss Hf.llen E. PF.Li.rmBAU,
n2iinlm2 Acting Presldeut.
For woodon ware go to 42 Main
Note paper and envelopes for sale
cheap at this office.
il H
a t.
Fluid Extract
For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis
position to Exertion or llusiness,
Shortness of Breath, Troubled with
Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis
ion, Pain in the Back, Chest and
Head, Hush of Blood to the Head,
Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go
on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and
Consumption follow. Wheu the con
stitution becomes affected it requires
the aid of an invigorating medicine to
strengthen and tone tip the system
Helmbold's Buchu
By any remedy known. It is pre
scribed by the most eminent physi
cians all over the world, in
Aches Pains.
General Debility,
Kidney Disease,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
General III Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous CompVts.
Female Complaints.
Headache, Pain in the Shoulders.
Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
Eruptions, Bad taste in the mouth.
Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the
region of the Kidneys, and a thousand
othe painful symptoms, are the off
spring of Dyspepsia.
And Btimulutes the torpid Liver,
Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy ac
tion, in cleansing the blood of all im
purities, and imparting new life and
vigor to the whole system.
A single trial will be quite sufficient
to convince the most hesitating of its
valuable remedial qualities.
Price II a bottle
Or Six Bottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free from
"Patients" may consult bv letter, re
ceiving the uuo attention as by call
Competent Physicians attend to cor
respondents, aii letters should be ad
dressed to
Druggist and Chemist
Philadelphia, Pa.
See that the private Pro
priety Stamp is on each
Sold Everywhere.
Philadelphia & ErleR. R- Div.
jfn and after SUNDAY, November
ll0 1878, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run an follows :
kkik maij. leaves Phila 11 65 p. in.
" 1 Renovo.,. .11 oo a. in
" 11 Emporluni.l 15 p. in.
St. Mary'..2 07 p. in.
' Ridgway ....2 34 p- ni.
" Kane 8 45 p. m.
arr. at Erie 7 40T. m.
kuik MAIL leaves Erie 11 20 a. m.
" Kane ..3 65 p.m.
Ridgway ....5 00 p. in.
" St. Mary's 28 p. ni.
" Emporium. 6 20 p. m.
" " Renovo 8 86 p. m.
" arr. at Phlla 7 00 a. m.
WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
THAOI MA1" especially TWADt
r ecommenu
de as an un
failing eure
for Seminal
S pennator-,
iH.m Imnrw
Bofore Taking tency and all After Taking.
diseases that follow as a ncqueney ou
Self Abuse : as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back.
Dimness of vission, Premature old
Age, and many other diseases that
lead to Insanity. Consumption and a
Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are first caused by deviating from
t he path of nature and over indulgence.
The Specific Medicine Is tlie result of
a life study and many years of experi
ence in treating these special diseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which m c desire to send free by mall
to every one.
Tlie Specific Medicine is sold by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $-5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the money by ad
No. 1 echanics' Block, Detroit, Mich.
teg-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Manhood : How Lost. How Restored I
aJnst pulnisiieu, a new
edition oi or. caiver
well's Celebrated Ea-
ay on the radical cure (without medi
cine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weakness,! n voluntary Seminal Losses
Iinpotency, Mental and Physical In
capacity, Impediments to Marriage,
etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and
Fits, induced by self-indulgence or
sexual extravagance, &c.
JKsy-Priwe, in a sealed envelope, only
six cents.
The celebrated anther, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates,
from a thirty years' successful practice,
that the alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without
the dangerous use of internal medicine
or the application of the knife; point
ing out a mode of eure at once simple,
certain, and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter what
ills condition may oe, may cure him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
frairThis Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth and every man
iu the laud.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope.
to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
six cents, or two postage stamps.
Address the Publishers,
The Culverweli Medical Co.,
41 ann w.f new rem
Post Office Box 488.
We procure Lettkhs Patent on
Inventions. No Attoukky web is
advance in application for Patents
in the United States. Special attention
given to Inference Cases before the
Patent Office, and all litigation apper
taining to Inventions or patents. We
also procure Patents in Canada and
other foreign countries.
Caveats Filed, Copyright obtained,
and all other business transacted before
the Patent Office and tlie Courts which
demands the services of experienced
Patent Attorneys. We have had ten
years experience as Patent Attorneys
The Scientific Record.
All Patents obtained through our
agency are noticed in the Scientific
Kkcokd, a monthly paper of large cir
culation, published by us. and devoted
to Scientific and Mechanical matters.
It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year
postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send
us your address on postal card.
Send us a description of your Inven
tion, giving vour idea in your own
language, ana wo will give an opinion
as to patentability, with full instruc
tions, charging nothing for our advice.
Our book, ' How to Procure Patents,
about the Patent Laws, Patents, Ca
veats, Trade Marks, their costa, etc.,
sent free on request.
R. S.& A. P. LACEY,
Patent Attorneys,
No. 604 F street, Washington, D. C,
Nearly Opposite Patent office.
Arrears ot Pay, Bounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau in charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros
ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,
Bounty and Pensions. As we charge
no fee unless successful, stamps for re
turn postage should be sent us.
R. S. & A. P. LACEY.
History of tke United States
Being a complete history of all the
important industries of America, in
cluding Agricultural, Mechanical,
Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial
and other enterprises. About 1,000
large octavo pages and 8u0 fine en
Na Work Like it Ever Published.
For terms and territory apply at once.
Norwich, Connecticut.
Note, letter, foolscap, and legal
CP rPi t this file. Also
large Mock of envelope, a low a
ixee tsfor26.