The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 07, 1879, Image 2

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    Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - . , Editor
THURSDAY, AUG. 7, 1879. '
Republican State Ticket.
"One-third of the voting popula
tion of Kentucky cannot read the
ticket they vote, and 150,000 children
in the state are growing up in igno
rance of the mere elements of the
English language,'' says the Louis
ville (Ky.) Courier-Journal.
Gov. Colquitt of Georgia lately
preached In Atlantu's most fashionable
church, and his colored coachman, in
consequence of the gallery being closed,
was permitted to nit in a front pew
This was the first time such a thing
ever happened in that city.
The rortland (Me.) Press tells of a
greenbacker who, while denouncing
Secretary Sherman as a Shylock, was
asked by a listener: "Who was Shy
lock, anyhow?" The indignant ora
tor replied, in withering tones: "Well,
if you don't know, you had better go
home and read your Bible."
The town of Wiscasset, Me., has
an assessed valuation of $504,552 and a
debt of $201,841. The tax rote Inst year
was forty-seven dollars on the thousand.
This year, by omitting any provision
for the interest due after this month,
the rate is reduced to forty dollars on
the thousand, or four per ceutuni of
the total valuation of the town.
The Cox-Alston murder in Georgia
lias led to a revival of public approval
of the death penalty, and the State
Senate has, by a vote of about two to
one, passed a bill taking away the
right of a jury to recommend a pris
oner to mercy, which under the exist
ing law of the state prescribes a pen
alty of life imprisonment.
Suits by the dozen against the
county of Allegheny, Pa., are brought
daily bv Pittsburgh lawyers in behalf
of the losers by the railroad riots in
that city and under the Legislative
act which compelled suits to be
brought within two years. The Su
preme Court of the state has declared
the county liable, and the legal claims
will amount to about $3,000,000.
Major Kinlcy of Los Angeles,
Cnl., infers from recent events that he
has a secret enemy. Somebody sent
him a basket of oranges, and after eat
ing one he fell seriously ill. The water
in his well and the meat in his cellar
were next found to contain poison.
Gne night a bullet whizzed through a
window past his head, aud subse
quently a charge of buckshot was sent
through his hut.
The swiftest railroad trains are run
in England, according to a German
Government report, a speed of 50
miles an hour being common between
London and Dover, London and York,
and London and Hastings. Trains go
at 42 miles an hour on one of the Bel
gian lines. The fastest in France and
Germany do not often exceed 40, and
In other European countries 30 is the
The Rev. L. Martin was not in his
Presbyterian pulpit at the appointed
time at Missouri v.n t... , ....
oiotner who went to the reverend gen
tleman's house found him drunk in
his room, where he had drank a pint
of whiskey all by himself. The con
gregation was frankly informed of the
reason for the pastor's absence, and he
disappeared from the place as soon as
he was sober enough to comprehend
the situation.
Ex Representative Haralson of
Alabama is in Washington, advising
with prominent Qepublicans about
the exodus movement of the blacks,
which, he says, will set in next autumn
with an- earnestness not now dreamed
ef. He says that not less than fifteen
thousand negroes will leave his dis
trict alone. The same rate from the
other districts will take one hundred
thousand from Alabama. Mr. Haral
son describes himself as not much of
an exodus man, and he believes that
the movement is a remedy which
should be used with great caution. He
says, however, that his people are in
fatuated with the notion of going
north, and no eurthly power can pre
vent them.
Bristol is perhaps the only city in
the world that has two mayors, two
eity governments, two police, etc., and
that is taxed in two states. The Hue
between Tennessee and Virginia is in
the centre of Mahi street, and it gives
rise to many funny scenes, as for ex
ample, the runaway couple need no
coach-and-four, but arm in arm step
across Main 6treet and are M'edded.
The fugitive commits a crime in Vir-
giula, goes to the pavement on the
other side of the street, and talks de
fiantly to the officer on tho opjiosite
side, who has a warrant for his arrest.
A stumble or a too bold disposition
will sometimes, however, bring him
1 . m i .
nj biiui. ceverai instances nave oc
curred of fugitives being hustled across
tbe line by a party prepared while in
the act of holding such a ,vori versation
and they tell of a man who defiantly
perched himself on a pile of store
boxes within six feet of the Hue, jeer
ing the officers on the other side, but
unfortunately for him some more law
abiding citizens tilted the boxes, and
when ha reached the ground, to his
extreme mortification, he found that
he wad iu the other State.
A New Way to Tlo Old Knots.
New York Tost.
A crcat many persons have hansred
themselves, but to marry oneself
which is one form of being "turned
off'! in the mouths of humorists who
are partial to slang must be admitted
to be much less common. Such never
theless was the performance at Wor
Chester, in Massachusetts very recently
of "Mr. Henry J. Munson of Modoc.
Mo.." who proceeded to unite himself
In the bonds of matrimony with Miss
Alattie A. iiinton or Worcester in the
most symmetrical manner, and we
hope that lie will never regret it. Mr.
Munson is an Advent preacher, and it
seems that he asked the persons In
charge of the Advent Chapel in Wor
cester for its use on a Saturday even
ing. This was granted, and when the
hour came some ' fifty persons were
present. Mr. Munson, to get ready
for the good work before him, went
into the pulpit ami preached a sermon.
His opening section was on "Repent
ance" add the second on "Holiness or
Sanctiflcntion." He then proceeded
to read the parable of the ten virgins,
and at the sixth verse "And at mid
night there was a cry made, behold,
the bridegroom eoineth; go ye out to
meet him" lie descended from the
pulpit, while the lady advanced from
one of the front pews, and, taking the
Bible, continued to read from the
seventh to the tenth verses, inclusive.
Mr. Munson then took the lady's riuht
hand, and said: "And I now before
God and these witnesses do take this
woman whom I hold by tho right
hand to be my lawfully wedded wife,
to love and cherish her as my own
body until Christ ahull come to claim
us with all saints ns his own bride, or
until death shall part us." Miss Eaton
respouded: "And I now take this
man to be my lawfully-wedded hus
band, to love, reverence and obey him
until the Lord himself shall descend
from heaven with a shout and with
the voice of tho archangel, and with
the trump of God. or till death shall
us sever." The bridegroom then of
fered prayer, after which Mr. Munson
returned to his desk and ended his dis
course by urging the importance of be
ing ready for the coming of the Lord.
There are naturally various opinions
about the propriety of this strange
ceremony, and some old-fashioned per
sons may even question its legality.
Massachusetts is not Scotland, and the
eccentric possibilities of Mr. Wilkie
Collins's "Man and Wife" are less
conceivable in AVorchester than in
Aberdeen. If jumping over a "Stick
were a recognised form, so far as law
or custom go, of prefecting the marital
obligation, society would of course ad
mit its binding force, however ob
jectionable It might appear to those
conventional souls who persist in as
cribing to wedlock a sacred character.
The question, however, presented by
the case in hand is not one of permit
ting the wheel to run in the old rut,
but whether it shall be allowed to seek
out or make for itself a path entirely
Is this enterprising wanderer from
Modoc to be suffered to set up an en
tirely novel and subversive method of
perpetrating matrimony? Are gentle
men to be allowed to follow his exam
ple, nud to wander about marrying
themselves without the help of a third
person to anybody they choose?
These are serious questions, and they
should not be lightly answered. The
inconveniences of so extraordinary a
system would certainly bo many, u'nd
we should hesitate long and reflect
profoundly before assenting to it. Nor
are its own proper drawbacks the sole
objection to Mr. Munson's simple and,
to him, highly satisfactory expedient.
For to establish a precedent like this
would be to open the door to other and
similar ones. Soon in such a case we
should have children insisting upon
christening themselves, murderers de
manding to execute themselves and
other various embarassmeiits which
are so apt to be engendered by cutting
loose from old customs. On the whole,
we would really advise Mr. Munson,
proud as he must be of his daring in
novation, to tie li is conjugal knot in
the old-fashioned way. It will be, we
venture to think, much better for his
bride, and for the family which we
trust will grace the society of Modoc
In no remote future, to slick in this
matter to the ancient ways A double
knot will do the happy pair no harm,
but, in the circumstances, will aug
ment, we are confident, the felicity of
tho honeymoon.
Stung to Death by Bees.
One of the most painful and really
horrible local incidents which has
ever been our fortune to chronicle, oc
curred in the German settlement, about
two miles east of this village on Tues
day of last week. Henry Hehrceder, a
German farmer well known in this
village, was engaged in hauling ma
nure. He loaded the wagon, and
started the team up a slight ascent to
the field where he wished to unload.
One of the horses, it seems, possessed
balking proclivities, and manifested
them on this occasion. Instead of
continuing up the hill, he halted about
half way, and in spite of the effort of
the driver, commenced to back down
the decent, and continued until the
vicinity of several hives of bees were
readied, one of which was overturned. I
The bees of course immediately at
tacked the team, which was now will
ing, even anxious to go, aud in their
efforts to escape, broke the reach,
twisted the wagon in two, aud with
the forward wheels ran away up the
hill, the beligerent and vindictive in
sects pursuing them. The poor brutes
maddened and nearly blinded with
pain, hoping, no doubt, to receive re
lief from their excruciating torture at
the hand of their master, turned and
ran to the scene of accident, and un
fortunately despoiled four more of the
hives, and the reseutful inmates set
tled upon the poor unfortunate ani
mals iu a vast clond, seeming to bear
them to the ground as by a great and
overpowering weight, aud with one
despairing, almost humau cry, they
succumed, and shortly expired. Mr.
Kchrcedcr and several of his neighbors
witnessed the horrible affair, but could
do notliinig the tfum being as much
beyond their power to aid them as
though tney were rushing over the
falls of the great Niagara. AA'ellsville
Stationery packages at the Advo
cate office for 25 cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writer a year j also lead pencil,
blotter and pen. Call and buy a pack
James McAfee, Merchant Tailor,
has just received a varied and exten
sive assortment of spring and summer
goods for gentVweur.
Speech of Hon. Samuel Butler.
Hon. Samuel Butler in accepting the
nomination for State treasurer spoke
as follows :
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the
Convention: I suppose, at this time, I
ought not to have the presumption to
inflict a speech upon my friends. I
shall not do so. I shall rather show
my appreciation of your friendship by
not detaining you. I accept the nom
ination, not out of any compliment to
myself, not as a reward for anything I
may have done In aid of the cause of
the great Republican party of Penn
sylvania, but as a compliment to one
of the most earnest and steadfast Re
publican counties in our common
wealth. Great applause. For more
than 23 years the Republican party of
Chester county has been true to her
allegiance to that party elsewhere and
to the principles which underlie her
great organization. Personally I ac
cept the nomination in the spirit In
which it hns been tendered, whatever
moy be tbe onerous duties and respon
sibilities of such a commission. 1 ac
cept it, however inexperienced I may
be for such a trust, in hopes that I
may do something to further the prin
ciples of a party which has sustained
and upheld the true interests of this
government for the lust fifteen or
twenty years. Great applauso.J
There was a time not many years ago,
when many indulged the hope that I lie
mission of the Republican nnrfv miirht
nt no distant day be ended. But our
hopes nnd expectations have been
blasted. Men mnv hums resolutions nnd
adopt platforms for parties, aud declare
to the American people that such and
such are the issues at this time: but
unless they really are, declarations arc
. vain.
The canvas before us is not for the
purpose of making a particular man
state treasurer of Pennsylvania. I thus
a "broader and deeper significance than
this. It is nothing less than a guaran
tee to the people of this country the
fruits of a hard-won victory- Ap
plause. . You may attempt the pas
sage of resolutions to draw tho atten
tion of men from the mercy of this
government, from the unheard of len
iency of those who saved the nation.
and from the magnanimous desire of
our people to forget the last four
long years of bloody conflict, when it
was over: but I tell you gentlemen,
that the salvation of 'our country is
the issue before us applause ; we
have seen within the last three or four
months that the men who laid down
their arms during the rebellion have
not abandoned the hope of getting con
trol ot tlie government, and are striv
ing to accomplish by diplomacy What
they failed to gain by the sword. Ap
plause. Fellow-citizens, the mission
of the Republican party is not ended
until till the fruits of victory are gath
ereduntil all the rights ol every citi
zens are secured from Maine to the
Rio Grande fapplause ; until every
dollar of debt incurred iu putting down
that iiiiuuitous rebellion is paid, and
every dollar of every promise to pay is
made convertible into coin. Ap
plause.! t.entienien, again 1 thank
you lor this nomination.
Forty-seven yeart have elapsed
since Mr. AV. Baldwin, the founder of
thegreat locomotive works which bear
his name, constructed his first engine
in a little work shop located in Lodge
alley, a narrow thoroughfare running
from Second street below Chestnut, to
Exchange place, Philadelphia. On
Monday a plate affixed to tho unioke-
box of a locomotive told the story of
the outcome of this enterprise. "4,707"
was all that was engraved on it, but
the four figures meant that just that
number of locomotives had come from
the Baldwin work-shops since 1831
The 4,000th engine was completed on
"Pennsylvania day" of the centennial
year. These figures show the average
construction of five locomotives weekly
for the forty-seven years.
The Philadelphia and Erie railroad
company make the following exhibit
of business for the mouth of June,
1679 :
Gross earnings til 1,545.23
Gross expenses 200,4W,
earnings H.aV2.SI
Net earnings six months of 1K79 $118,112,51
Net earnings six months of 18TB 317,821,43
Increase .-. S:),291,ll
This is a gratifying exhibit and
shows there is a steady increase in the
freight traffic of the road. All the lines
of the Pennsylvania railroad company
east of Pittsburg show an increase in
net earnings for six months of $409,
758, aud, and all lines west of Pitts
burg and Erie for the six months of
1879 show a deficiency iu meeting lia
bilities ot 4Ud,7o.' being a gain over
the same period in 1878 of $43,516.
A nice point of railroad law has
just been established. The Courts
have decided that while Railroad Con
panics are responsible for injuries done
to passengers or freights in transit
they are not to be held for their em
pioyees. it is a contract with a pas-
senger to carry him safely over the
road, for which service, in all its bind
ing force of responsibility and per
performance, the passenger gives
requittal. But the employees, as ser
vants of the corporations, are supposed
to satisfy themselves of the precaution
taken by the Company against acci
dent aud to share the responsibility
In case of accident by falling througl:
a bridge the Courts have held a Rail
road Company liable to the passengers
but acquitted of responsibility as to
the employes, because it could not be
shown that there were any defects in
the bridge. But when In another ease
it was shown that an employe lost his
life by defects in abridge, bad material
iu its construction, or otherwise un
safe, the company is liable to th
employe. This principle of law will
be important to the safety of employes,
The story that is being circulated
extensively by newspapers throughout
the State to the effect that "AVillium
AVilsou, of Clearfield couuty, killed
his twelve-year old son iu a fit of anger
a few days since, by striking him over
the head with a hoe," aud that said
AVilsou is in Clearfield Jail, is false 1
every particular. AVe hope the papers
indicated will display tjie same amount
of enterprise In correcting this canard
that tbey did In giviug It publicity.
Clearfield Republican. r
Table and pocket cutlery at 42
i Main street.
Mnhnnln. friirnQne. Pa.. Mnv 1A 1R7ft
Dr. M. M. Kenner, Eredonla, N. Y.
Dear Kir: I Imvn tried your Blood and
ilver Itemed v nnrt Nerve Tonle nnd And Mini.
It Is r splendid medicine. My father had
been sick a Ionic time. One bottle tins helped
mm more innn any meuioine ne nan ever
used. Mv wife plan, has used a bottle with
good results. Yours truly,
Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
cailed "The conquering hero" of the
times. It Is the medical triumph of
the age. AVhoever has " the blues "
should take it, for it rcffulatct and re
stores the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billlous
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
MENTS, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Eruptions
and Blood Disorders: Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility;
Restores flesh and strength when the
ystem is running down or going into
decline; cures Female AA'eakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung und
Throat difficulties. I t does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough In one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. A'itus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T, S. Hartley and D. B
tfnn A MONTH guaranteed
OVJUt homemade by the i
912 n day
the industrious.
Cnnilnl not reuulrri- we will start, vnu. Men.
women, boys and girls make money faster at
"i"m ii" mini ai.any Miing else, j ue woi k
Is light nnd Pleasant, uml khi-Ii ns anvnne run
go right at. Thnsewho are wise who sec this
win send us their nldresse nnd see for thein
selves. Cosily outfit and terms free. Now is
the time. Those ulrmiilv Ht. wnrlf nrn liivlnv
up large sums of money. Address TRUE &
t;u., Augusta, Maine nlliyl
Cathartic Pills
Combine the choicest cathartic principles
in meiiii-ine, in p.opnrtions accurately ad
justed to secure activity, certainty, and
uniformity of effect. They are tho" result
of years of careful study nntl practical ex
periment, nnd are the most effectual rem
edy yet discovered for diseases, caused Ivy
derangement of tlie stomach, liver, anil
bowels, which require prompt nnd effectual
treatment. Ay Git's Pills ore specially ap
plicable to this class of diseases. They act
directly on the digestive and assimilative
processes, and restore regular healthy ac
tion. Their extensive use by physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized nations,
is one of the many proofs of their value as
"?f0i "re. and perfectlv reliable purgative
medicine. Beaux cmii'wriiiiei- trt -ti mn.
centrateil virtues of purely vegetable sub
stances, they are positively free -from calo
mel, or any injurious properties, ana can be
administered to children with perfect safety.
Aybb's Pills are an effectual euro for
Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Foul Stomach and ISreath, Dizziness,
Headache, Loss of Memory. Numbness.
Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism,
Kruptlons and Skin Diseases, Dropsy,
Tumors, 'Worms, Neuralgia, Colic,
Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout,
I'lies. Disoraers or the Liver, and all
other diseases resulting from a disordered
state of the digestive apparatus.
As a Dinner Fill they have no equal.
While gentle in their action, these Pills
are tlie most thorough and searching cathar
tic that can be employed, and never give
pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and
then their influence is healing. They stimu
late the appetite and digestive organs; they
operate to purify and enrich tlie blood, aud
impart renewed health and vigor to the
whole system.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
Seventeen young men to learn Telegraphy,
nod situations guaranteed. For narticulars.
address with stamp,
Ciriruini w A flnnn
Box 687, Oberlin, Ohio.
and a CowMllker free
to Farmers who act
8 Agents. Cut this
ut and address with
Smith A Son,
24 Dey St., N. Y.
Name lais paper,
A WEEK In your town, and no capi
tal risked. You enn eive the business
atrial without expense. The best opportunity
ever ottered for those willing to work. You
should try nothing else until you see for your
self what you can do at the business we oiler.
xvo room 10 explain ncre. you can uevoie
all your time or only your spare time to the
busfness, and muke great pay for every hour
that you work. Women make as much as
men. Send for special private termB and par
ticulars, which we mail free. Sooutntfree.
Don't complain of hard times while voubuve
such a chance. Address H. HALLETT 4CO.,
Portland, Maine. nltiyl
For garden or haying tools
go to
42 Main street.
Estate op John Petehson. late
of the Township of Highland. Elk
Co., Pa., deceased. All persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to
muke immediate payment, and those
having legal claims again the same to
present them without delay in proper
oruer ior settlement.
Cecelia Munson, Admr'x.
JudgS sending 35cents,wlth age.height
Tar color ot eyes and hair, you will re-
. ceive by return mail a correct pio-
XOUrsell. ture of your future husband or
wue, wun name and date of marriage. Ad'
dress, W. fox, Box 77, Fultouvlllu, N. Y.
Pcunsylyania Female College,
A first-class College for women. Ed lira
tlonal standard high. Advantages complete.
Most delightful situation In the whole country-
Terms quite moderate. Opens geptem.
Miss Heuem E. Pelletheau,
n231ulm3 Acting President,
For wooden ware
go to 42 Main
Note paper and envelopes for sale
cheap at this office.
H. T.
Fluid Extract
For debility, Loss of Memory, Indis
position to Exertion or Business,
Shortness of Breath, Troubled with
Thoughts of Disease, Dimness of Vis
ion, Pain in the Buck, Chest and
Head, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Pale Countenance and Dry Skin.
If these symptoms are allowed to go
on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and
Consumption follow. When the con
stitution becomes affected It requires
the aid of an invigorating medicine to
strengthen and tone up the system
Helmbold's Buchu
any remedy known, it is pre-
scribed by the most eminent
clans all over the world, in
Aches & Pains,
General Debility,
Kidney Disease,
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
, Paralysis,
General III Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous CompVts.
. female Complaints.
Headache, Pain in tlie Shoulders,
Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomacl
Eruptions, Bad taste in the mouth,
Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the
region of the Kidneys, and a thousand
utlie painful symptoms, are the off
spring of Dyspepsia.
And stimulutes tbe torpid Liver,
Uowels, and Kidneys to healthy ac
tion, in cleansing the blood of all im
purities, and imparting new life and
vigor to the whole system.
A single trial will be quite sufficient
to convince the most hesitating of its
valuable remedial qualities.
Price $1 a bottle
Or Six Pottles for $5.
Delivered to any address free from
"Patients" may consult by letter, re
ceiving the same attention as by call
Competent Physicians attend to cor
respondents. All letters should be ad
dressed to
Druggist and Chemist
Philadelphia, Pa,
See that the private Pro
priety Stamp is on each
Sold Everywhere.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
B-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Oflice will receive prompt
Geo. P. Rowells & Co'S.
Many persons suppose this list to be
composed of CHEAP, low-priced
newspapers. The fact is quite otuer
wlse. The Catalogue states exactly
what the papers are. When the name,
of a paper is printed in FULL FACE
TYPE it is in every instance tlie BEST
paper in tlie place, wnen prinieu in
CAPITALS it is the ONLY paper in
the place. When printed in Roman
letters it Is neither the best nor the
only paper, but Is usually a very good
one, notwithstanding. The list gives
tlie population of every town and the
circulation of every paper. IT IS
IS NOT A CHEAP LIST. At the foot of
the Catalogue for each State the Im
portant towns 'which are not covered
by tlie list are enumerated. It is an
Honest List. The rates charged for
advertising are barely one-fifth the
publishers schedule. The price for
one inch four weeks In the entire list
is $035. Tlie regular rates of the pa
pers for the same space and time are
S3.136.3u. Tlie list includes urn news
papers, of which 104 are issued JJAILY
and 807 Weekly. They are located
in 825 different cities and towns, of
which 22 are State Capitals, 328 places
of over 6,000 population, and 444
County Seats. Lists sent on applica
tion. Address GEO. P. ROW ELL &
CO.'S Newsnaner Advertising Bureau,
10 Spruce St. (Printing House Square),
JNew iorK.
Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna
and Philadelphia. '
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.
591 Broadway,
New York,
Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.
Manufacturers, importers and dealers in
Velvet Fbames, Albums Gbapho-
And kindred goods Celebrities
Actresses, etc.
Photographic Materials.
We are Headquarters for everything In
the way of
Belog Manufacturers of the
Micro-scientific Lanters,
Stereo-panopticon ,
University Sterecpticon,
Advertiser's Stereopticon
School Lantern, Family Lantern
People's Lantern.
Each Style being the best of its class
in ine niarKet.
Beautiful Photographic Transparen
cies of SUtuary and Engravings for
the windows.
Convex Glass. Manufacturers of
Velvet -Frames for Miniatures and
Convex Glass Pictures.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides,
with directions for using, sent on are
eipt of two cents. .
t2rCut out this advertisement for
Of a copy of my Medical Common Sense
Book to any person suffering with Consump
tion, ABtlinia, Cularrb, Uronehitls. Lomi of
Voiee, or Sore Turoat. Bend name and pont
orliee addret. with two 8 oeut sumps and
state your sickness. The book Is elegantly
Illustrated. (144 pp. 12 mo. 1379). Thg Infor
mation It contains. In the providence of God,
has saved many lives. The author has been
treating diseases of the Nose, Throat, and
Lungs, as a special praetlue it) Cincinnati,
sinoe 11157. Address Pit. N. B. Wolfs, Oin
lDnatl.Ohlo. nlimllnl
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Dlv.
-n and after SUNDAY, November
illO 1878, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
Erie mail leaves Phila 11 65 p. m.
" Renovo...-ll 00 a. m.
" Emporium. 1 15 p. m.
St. Mary's..2 07 p. m.
" Ridgway ... 2 38 p m.
' Kane 3 45 p. m
" arr. at Erie -7 40 p. m.
Erie MAIL leaves Erie 11 20 a. m.
Kane 8 65 p. m.
Ridgway....6 00 p. m,
. gt. Mary's-5 26 p. m.
Emporium. 6 20 p. mi
Renovo......8 86 p. m,
" arr. at Phila 7 00 a. m,
WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
Trade mrk. especlallvTRADi
r euoiiuiieuM-
de as an un
failing cure
for Seminal
S p e r niator-
Before Taking tencv and all After Taking,
diseases that follow as a sequency on
Self Abuse : as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back,
Dimness of vission, Premature oict
Age, and many other diseases that
lead to insanity, uonsumption auu a
Premature Grave, oil of which as a
firt pmmed hv deviating from
thepath of nature and over indulgence.
The ispecinc j.Meuicine is tne result ui
a life study und many years of experi
ence in treating these special diseases.
Full particulars in our pampniets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sola rjy an
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for 5, or win oe seni oy
mail on receipt of the money by ad
dressing THE GRAY MEIJIUlfN Ji; C'J.,
No. 1 echanics' Block. Detroit. Mich.
ayHold in Ridgway by all Druggists,
Harris & J-Jwnig, wnoiesaie Agenw,
Manhood: How Lost, How Restored!
wcr;jrisj nst published, a new
ijlT"7L edition of Dr. Culver
well's Celebrated Ee-
i.ay on the radical cure (without medi
cine) or ESpermutorrhuea or Bennnai
Weakness,!!! voluntary Seminal Losses
Impoteucy, Mental and rnysical in
capacity, Impediments to Marriage,
en;.; also, uoiisumpuon, epilepsy ana
Fits, induced by self-indulgence or
sexual extravagance, &c.
BSir'r'ricc, in a scaled envelope, only
six cents.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates,
from a thirty years' successful practice,
that the alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without
the dangerous use of internal medicine
or the application of the knife; point
ing out a mode ot cure at once simple,
certain, and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter what
his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
Jtsg-This Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth and every man
in tbe land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope.
to any address, post-paid, on receipt of
six cents, or two postage stamps.
Aouress ine I'uonshers,
The Culverwell Medical Co.,
i Ann St., new Tom
Post Office Box 4586.
We procure Letters Patent on
Inventions. No Attorney fees in
advance in application for Patents
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given to Inference Cases before the
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taining to Inventions or potents. AVe
also procure Patents in Canada and
other foreign countries.
Caveats Filed. Copyrights obtained.
and all other business transacted before
the Patent Office and the Courts which
demands tho services of experienced
Patent Attorneys. We have had ten
years experience as Patent Attorneys
The Scientific Record.
All Patents obtained through our
agency are noticed in the Scientific
Record, a monthly paper of large cir
culation, published by us. and devoted
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It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year
postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send
us your .address on postal card.
Send us a description of your Inven
tion, giving your idea in your own
language, antf we will give an opinion
as to patentability, with full instruc
tions, charging nothing for our advice.
Our book, ' How to Procure Pateuts,"
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veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc,
sent free on request.
R. S.& A. P. LACEY,
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Nearly Opposite Patent office.
Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau in charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros
ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,
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turn postsge should be sent us.
R. S. & A. P. LACEY.
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eluding Agricultural, - Mechanical,
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I graviugs.
j No Work Like it Ever Published.
' For terms and territory apply at once.
Norwich, Connecticut.
v8n43-6m (
Note, letter, foolscap, and lbgalf
cap papers, at this office. Also m
large stock of euyeloprs, as low m
six c ts for 26.