The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 31, 1879, Image 3

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    i" i .' . . .. . 1 ., ,. '., ,-
New Time Tablk. Under the new
ctxedule the mail and locl freight
leave Rldjrway station as follows:
MAIL WEST . 2:33
" EAST .... 6:05
lACtL WEST ... 7:50
" EAST - 3:23
Local Soles
Haying and bark peeling are about
over. .
Warm weather during these dog
For powder and shot go to 42 Main
All kinds of job work at Tub Ad
vocate office.
Some corner-stone laying in The
Advocate last week.
The surveyors arc still busy at
"work locating our new railroad line.
Hon. John Welsh, U. S. Minister
to the court of St. James, has resigned.
Our new Octavo note is small, neat
and excellent paper, and price cheap.
Go to Morgester's for eating apples,
watermelons, cantaloupes and all kinds
of vegetables.
Young ladies and gents should
read advertisement of W. Fox, in our
advertising columns.
Light running, Latest Improved,
DOMESTIC, at priors never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's.
There will be preaching in the M.
E. Church next Sabbath, Morning and
evening, by Rev. H. V. Talbot.
James McAfee, Merchant Tailor,
lias just received a varied and exten
sive assortment of spring and summer
goods for gents'wear.
Many persons have a bad headache
every few days. It can be stopped in
one hour by Dr. Day's Cure for Head
ache. Trepared by D. R. Day, Ridg
way Pa-
The brick walls of the new Court
House are rapidly advancing upward.
The commissioners expect to have
fourteen brick layers at work in a few
Stationery packages at the Advocate-
office for 2.5 cents, including
enough paper and envelopes, to last an
ordinary writer a year; also load pencP,
blotter and pen. Call and buy a pock
The ladies of the Ridgway M. 11.
church propose holding a festval for
the benefit of their pastor, on the eve
nings of the 10th, 11th and 12th of
September. Further notice will lie
made before that time.
There will be a Sunday school
jubilee and basket picnic at Weed vi lie
Aug. 9th, 1870. An invitation is ex
tended to all. It is expected that there
will be excursion rates on the mail
trains from points east as far as Drift
wood. The semi-annual encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic, De
partment of Pennsylvania, is being
held at Erie this week. Fifteen hun
dred men are expected to go into camp.
The corner-stone of a monument to
General Anthony Wayne is to be laid
during the week, when Gov. Itoyt
will deliver the address.
The yellow fever scourge still rapes
with unabated fury in tiie southern
cities, and the terrible scenes of last
year bid fair to be repeated in this.
Memphis is terror-stricken, and its in
habitants are fleeing from the ill-fated
city to places of safety. Appeals for
aid are already coming northward,
which of course will be honored as
promptly as they were before.
Those widely advertised quietcrs,
called "soothing syrups,'' for children,
have killed several children in Eng
land. The base of the stuff is opium.
At an Inquest recently held on a pois
oned child, a doctor said "the admin
istering of such mixtures was a
common cause of death where children
died from convulsions." The jury
recommended that the mother and
vendor of the syrups be prosecuted.
List of letters remaining in the
Ridgway P. O., Elk county Pa., up to
July 29, 1879 :
Ellis, William II.
Hughs, John
MeCray, Mrs. Julia
McKsey, Patrick
Mantanye, Charles
Miller, M.
McClelen, Geo. B. Shaffer
Neeiser, John T.
Reidiger, J. Max
Read, H. J.
Shi rely, Amos
Taylor, Win. H.
Tuttle, A. F.
Teirney, John
If not called for In thirty days they
will be sent to the dead letter office,
Washington, D. C.
J. H. Hagekty, P. M.
Information has been received of
u murder in Clearfield county, under
peculiarly sad circumstances. Win.
Wilson, who lives a few miles
over the line of Cambria county, killed
his twelve-year-old son in a fit of auger
few days since by striking him over
the bead with a hoe, and then jump
ing upon the lad's body. It seems that
the boy had been told by his mother to
carry some feed to the pigs, and when
he started to obey her the unnatural
father ordered him to get a hoe aud go
With him to a field to cultivate some
potatoes. The little fellow determined
to do his mother's bidding first, and
the old man lay in wait at the corner
of the house and struck him as he re
turned from the pen. He is now in
the Clearfield county jail. He is a
mau of very violent temper and has
spent one or two terms of imprisonment.
im lu .1' j iui,i i a lump. Hi., .i.i.i.
Sliujrs of a Personal Jiotiire.
Ezra Belknap is in town.
L. C. Horton was here a few days
Hank Thayer has built an addi
tion to his barn.
Jerry Sheehan and Dennft Flynn
have each a new barn.
Mrs. James McAfee is visiting
friends at Lock Haven.
Miss Jennie Stout is back from a
recent visit, to Iiock Haven.
H. II. Wensel is the member of
the Republican State Committee, for
Elk county.
The Warren Mail says that Miss
Josio Marston is rusticating in Ridg
way for a few days.
Corporal Bailey has gone to Da
guscahonda station to serve in the ca
pacity of assistant station agent.
Mrs. Tlios. Noon received the sad
intelligence a few days ago, that her
father was dead. He lived In Nova
G. W. Huffman of Rroekport will
run a meat wagon to this village on
Wednesday's and Saturdays of each
Business is brightening up in the
Prothonotary's office, Hall & MeCauley
have actually filed a praecipe for sum
mons to the September term.
Second Corporal Joseph Bailey
was through mistake placed among
the list of privates in the Company H
record published in our last issue.
A dispatch was received on Mon
day morning that Mrs T. A. Ncill
had died on Saturday night at Dix
mont hospital, where she had been
taken about three weeks ago.
Swart 2 Ross and Will Messenger
each complain of sun-burnt backs.
The number of boys who are troubled
in the same way from going in swim
ming, we have not the time to com
pute. Mrs. Talbot and Mrs. Crassnn
have succeded in raising about if 70 to
ward the reduction of the debt on the
M. E. church. Rev. H. V. Talbot lias
just returned from a begging tour for
the same purpose.
Best grades of tobacco always on
hand cheap at Morgester's.
Attention Company II.
The inspection of the 17th regiment
is expected to take place some time
during' September, possibly by the 1st
of that month, all officers and members
will, therefore, see the importance of
prompt attention on tiie Saturday
evening drills.
Hill TIL
.Toirxsox On Thursday, July 17,
1ST:), to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John
son, of this place, a son.
Dcttox At the residence of A. T
Aldrich, in Wilcox, Pa , July 2lM,
!,, Mrs. rsaraii M. Dutton, aged 47
Deceased was a sister of A. T. Al
drich and formerly lived in McKean
county, but for twenty years or more
has resided in the west. She came
east last fall and spent the winter and
spring visiting among her many
friends, and was about to start for her
home iu Minnesota when she was
stricken with nervous prostration, ami
died niter an illness of about two
weeks. Thus it is, when we least ex
pect it, and all looks bright and pros
perous for a long and lumpy life, the
Angel of Death touches us with his
cold linger and we sleep the sleep that
knows no wakening
Go to Morgester's for fresh salmou,
lobsters, corned beef and all kinds of
canned goods.
Beat's Run Gossip.
Mr. Dent's store was broken into
a few weeks ago. The money drawer
was broken open, and the contents
taken, which, fortunately, did not
amount to much. Several pocket
knives were also taken from the show
case. The thief used matches instead
of a lantern, burnt matches were
found in different parts of the store,
one was found on a heap of paper
which it scorched but did uot set on
Last Sabbath was well reverenced
at this place. Elder Pierce preached
in the picnic ground opposite Mr.
Dent's house, from the text, "God is
not man that He should lie." The
sermon was excellent and did great
credit to the Elder's ability and was
well received by the people. After the
sermon the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was administered. In the
afternoon Rev. Greenly of Weedville,
favored us with a sermon. In the
evening prayer meeting was held in
the school house.
The young men who have ever
got the mitten know how to pity
Sixteen rattlesnakes were killed
in Mr. Dent's wheat field.
We were favored with a tremen
dous rain storm one week ago last
Friday. The banks of Dent's' run
were overflown. No damage done,
County Supt. favored this place
with his presence on the '-2d inst.
d. a i.
A large supply of watermelons,
cantaloupes, ripe eating apples, fcc, ex
pected this week at Morgester's.
The country is now full of foot
pads, traveling in the disguise of ped
dlers, who enter farm houses and offer
bogus trinkets, soap, thread, needles,
etc., for sale, and while chaffering in
duce the women to call the men for
some pretense or another, and then
while alone In the house for a few
minutes, steal whatever they can lay
their hands on. Tramps have adopted
this trick of the peddler business, and
in very many parts of the State have
penetreted number of bold robberies.
ltrocfcpoil Locals.
Hot weather
Cool evenings.
Beautiful roads.
Davey Rimer Is among us.
W. A. McDonald has gone to
Zob Furgison Is happy, it Is a boy,
Frank Lord has gone to work for
T. M. Myers, near Rockton.
Henry Reedy and Adam NufT
killed three hundred and twenty-four
rattlesnakes one day last week.
T. M. Myers has moved to Moore's
mill near ltocktoii.
H. C. Burehfield's meat wagon
runs no more. What is the matter
Fred Burchfield and John Calwell
are our champion croquet players.
Geo." Huffman runs his meat
wagon occasionally.
W. II. Horton has fixed up his
telephone running from his office to
the boarding house.
On the farm of II. Horton there
lias been killed in the last two weeks
two large rattlesnakes, one-of which
had crawled within two rods of his
horse barn.
Ciias. Chamberlain is buying up
cherry and other hard wood lumber.
A. Berkey will have a platform
dance at Laniblack Springs Aug. 8th.
One day last week while Henry
Reedy and 'Adam Nuff were buckle
berrying on Boon's mountain, they
killed four large rattlesnakes, on open
ing them they found from eight to ten
eggs the size of a small hens egg in
each snake, and in each egg there was
found to be from eight to ten small
snakes from two to three inches long
with perfect form; making on aver
age of three hundred and twenty
young rattlers and four old ones killed
in one day.
Rev. It. M. Burns delivered a
sermon on dancing one week ago last
Sabbath, which struck a great many
of our citizens, especially the young
people. Vals. j
Roasted codec 1- cents a pound at
"Gem'ien,'' began Presideii Gard
ner of the Limekiln Club, as lie gave
his nose a last wipe with a red cotton
handkerchief, "1 hole li'ar in my lian
a petisliun from Mary Jane Bascomb,
of Chicago, axin' dis club to iie its in
lioouce to supress extravagance among
the cull'd people ob de land. I liez
bin givin dis subject much thought
of late, iin' I find dat de last few y'ars
liez developed -sicli streaks of ext ravti
gancc 'niong- black folks dat it am high
time some ackshun was taken by an
nrganixayhun like dis club. A few
y'ars ago de average .cull'd woman war
satisfied wid calico dresses an' articles
to match, but now wharam she? Why,
gem'ien, right in sight ob my ole cabin
am no less" n a dozen black women
who walk out wid deir bombazine
dresses trailin' way back, ten-shillin'
parasols lifted on high, an' hats on deir
beds which nelier cost less'n twenty
shilliu's! An' dis too, when deir hus
liands am skeereeiy airuiu' a dollar a
day. I ha'r ob fniii'Iics buyin' ice
cream on Sunday, strawberries chery
day frew do week, an' talkin' 'bout
renuii' a nox in ue pos oiiis l see
cull'd men sportin' blue neckties costin'
fifty cents, an' actually puttin' on kid
gloves Sunday mornin' ! I know ob
cull'd faui'lics in dis town which iicv
cane-seat clia'rs in de parlor yes,
gem'ien, right in de parlor, an' like
a'liuff a st ult'ed clia'r 'long wid 'em.
De clean, white floor, am kivcred wid
a ca'pet yes, wid a ca'pet, an' on de
walls am ehroomoos refulgent wid
gorgcousness! What did our gran fad-
ders an' our 4-fudders do? Didn't :
iley live air grow fat an' die honest
folks an' neither hub any such rich
ness? I tell you dat we am livin' too
fast. We hex. got to hole back. When
an honest hard workin cull'd man
nius' hev a stuffed cha'r to sit down on
a walnut table to eat Ids meals on, an'
regular hinges to de front gate, same
us de rich white folks, den you look
out to see crime inert ase an' de meas
les go whoopin' frew de kentry. De
troit Free Fries.
A couple of delighltful hot weather
stories are going the rounds. From
it appears that the heat of the eun was
so intense that a tray of corn. set in
Major Poole's yard, at Tallahassee,
Fla., to dry, popped open as though
fire was under it. The other says
tiiut as a Knoxville, Tennessee, re
porter was passing by a grocery store
he observed a slight commotion in a
basket of egtfs, and suddenly one of
the eggs burst and a vigorous chick
pupped out.
The West Chester Newt says that
a new pestiferous insect has made its
appearance and is making havoc with
some of the corn fields. It is a
beetle from three-eights to half an'
inch in length, brown in color, has a
long, wire-like proboscis, and its body
is adorned with wings, which it uses
for carrying itself from one point to
another, although its depredations are
committed beueath the surface of the
earth. This little nest buries itself
under the ground, and with his pro
boscis probe the tender shoots of corn
shortly after making their appearance
above the ground.
The cabbage worm is the latest an
noyance to gurdners. Equal parts of
Hint nl.iKtfr itaris aud salt well mixed,
and sprinkled over the head wilf settle
them. The growth of tne plant win
force the mixture out excepting the
salt which Is absorbed and goes to
ward solidifying the head.
Go to Morgeeter's for all kinds of
groceries, provisions, brooms, mop-
! sticks, washtubs, lanterns, &c.
Bennett's Brunch S. S." Association.
JULY 18 AND l'J, IS'1'.
The brominent feature of the first
session was a children's meeting in
charge of Rev. Crittenden, the well
known aud efficient Sunday school
The. topic, "Responsibilities of the
parent to the Sabbath school," was
opened by Rev. A. B. Ifoovcn, fol
lowed by Mr. L. Bird and Bros.
Greenly ond Norcross.
An attentive audience filled the
school house at the evening session.
An address of welcome was delivered
by Rev. W. H. Norcross, followed by
a response by Mr. A. H. Roscnkranse.
A very interesting ami practical lec
ture was delivered by Rev. W. M.
Burchfield on the subjent, "Qualifica
tions of the Sunday school teacher."
A question box cxer.'Nfi called forth
some animated discussions.
One of the most Interesting features
of the Saturday morning session, was
i Bible reading on the subject of Char
ity, or Christian Love, conducted by
Rev. A. B. Hooveii.
Another interesting fuature wjis an
address by Mr. Frank L?nig on the
topic, "Possibilities of the Future."
The speaker made a daring attack on
some of the present features of the
Sunday school system.
Reports were received from the va
rious schools, indicating Hint the work
in the Bennett's Branch valley is pro
gressing. An interesting feature of the after
noon session was a praise service con
ducted by Mr. G. W. Weaver.
Considerable good natural excite
ment prevailed during the dection of
officers. Mr. L. Bird was elected
president; Mr. J. M. English, vice
president; Miss Lillian Xobackcr,
secretary; Mrs. David Winslnv, treas
urer. A motion to hold a Sundtr school
jubilee in the Weedyille grovt, Aug. 9,
was carried amid great etithuvlasiu.
Thanks are due to Mr.' G. W.
Weaver for ably conducting the sing
ing, and to Misses Lillian Robaekcr
and Nellie Bird for cheerfully presid
ing at f he organ. Great credit is due
to the president, Mr. J. IL Hooker,
for the prompt and spirited manner in
which lie dispatched the blsincss of
the convention.
The kind people of Bcnczdte well
sustained their reputation itr free
hearted, unbounded hospitality.
The following resolution were
adopted : 1
Ilrxnh'r.d. Firtf. That t hnuksarc due
to llcv. Norcross and M r. F. Lniglor
efficient services as committee an en
tertainment, and to the people ot Ben
czelte and vicinity for thcircoidialund
generous welcome and care. '
Stroud. That the thanks of tl con
vention are tendered to Mr. and Mrs.
Mason for the music furnishjd by
them at the difierent sessions.
Third. That we exhort the officers
aud teachers of all the schools to con
tinue faithful in the work, and we
u've all, as far as possible, tit keep
the schools open during the wjutcr, if
only a bible class.
Fourth. That we feel grateful to all
our brethern in the ministry who so
kindly assisted in the meetings and
we suggest that they preach especially
on Sunday school work, at least once
or twice a year.
Fij'lli. That Ibis association request
Rev. II. Crittenden to send to each
school in our district a sample of his
printed preparation for the vacant
Sundays of the year 1 SS.
The Eleventh semi-annual session
will be held at Miller's Bend, near
Driftwood on the third Frinay and
Saturday of January,
Table and pocket cutlery at 42
Main street.
lli ii.bidii's Rutin,.
Hehnbold's Buehu has long been
known as one of the most valuable
medicines attainable in certain classes
of diseases, such as dyspepsia, chn
rheumatism, dropsy, cutaneous a
.i flec
tions, and especially affections of the
urinary organs. As a diuretic, it is
superior to almost any other medicine
in use, and the great care with which
it is prepared, the absolute purity of
the preparation, end the diligence
used in the selection of the crude ma
terial, have made it known far ami
wide as a reliable aud effective prep
aration, and one that can always be
used with safety and benefit. The
reat success of Hehnbold's Buehu
has led to the production of many
spurious preparations, w hich are made
cheaply and placed upon the market
to be sold on the reputation acquired
by Helmltold's original preparation.
Parties who desire a really good mcdi
cine should be careful and use Hehn-
bold's only.
Jamestown, N. Y., July 24. At
ten o'clock last night a farmer named
James Crosby returned to his home
near Conewango station, fifteen miles
from Jamestown. He entered his
house by-an unfastened kitchen door.
took off his coat and boots and then
called his wife. He had no sooner
spoken than he received a heavy blow
on the head. He grasped his assailant
aud fought until he was dragged to
the roadway, where he received an
other blow and was also shot through
the hand. His assailants then fled.
A cry of murder brought neighbors to
the scene of the disturbance, and on
entering the house they found Mrs.
Crosby lying in her bed dead, and the
pillows stained with blood. Finger
prints on her neck showed that she
had been chokei death to prevent
alarming others in the house. She
had htiM dead about half an hour
when found. A little child in a ti un.
die bed near its mother was not awak
ened. Private papers' were overhauled
by the robbers, and a revolver and a
small amount of money carried oil".
Two men were arrested on suspicion
but have been released.
Pennsylvania Female College.
Parents should read advertisement of
this college, and send for terms.
List of Losses.
Pittsburg, July 28. The following
Is a partial list of losses Ht Petrolia by
Saturday's floods: Whartley's, $15,-
000; Bootner's jewelry store, $.5,000;
While Fawn restaurant, $',000; Stern
burg's clothing house, $12,000; Levine,
cigars, $1,000 ; Foot's drug store, $0,
000; Session's grocery store, -$3,001);
five vacant buildings, $"t,0(H); Central
drug store, $2,500. The loss in that
neighborhood Is roughly plaeed at at
$200,000. The scene during the . de
struction was terrible, men, women
aud children rushed -hither ami I hither
in search of elevated positions, where
life would be secure. Many people
lost all their effects and are left In a
state of destitution. The storm was
most, severe up the Monongahela and
Allen hen v valleys. The report of
bridges destroyed and culverts washed
out on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago railroad, are incorrect. The
only damage on that line was a land
slide, which was cleared away in a
couple of hours. The damage on the
Erie branch of that road was repaired
Saturday evening. The main line of
the Pennsylvania railroad escaped
damage. Several heavy land-slides
occurred on the line of the Pittsburg,
Virginia and Charleston railroad.
The track was washed out at Black
Diamond and the Mingo valley Hood
ed. The rivers at this point rose
from ten inches to ten feet In less than
ten hours.
Poweix & Kime's Ghand Ckmual
Store, RiixVWay, (in basement of
The Advocate building:)
GranulatedSugar.lOc. ; Powdered 10c. ;
Crushed 10c. ; Coffee A !Jc. ; XCWhite
He; CYellow Sc. ; 3H Canned Peaches
22c; 31l Canned Tomatoes 9c; Wins
low's Canned Corn l!5c : Limn Beans
l-'V.; Green Gages 25c; Dried Peaches
isoc; Dried Apples 5c.; Green Rio
Coffee, good. 1", best 18c; Roasted Rio
Coffee, lib pkgs. 20c; Syrup, a splen
did article ijOc; English Currants 8c;
Crackers, best, Sc.; Medium White
Beans, per bush., '-' 15 ; No. 1 White
Fish per lb. Gc; Valencia Raisins 10c;
Salt per bid. SI. 50; Snow Flake Sal
aratus 8c; 21b Canned Tomatoes 7c.;
Sugar (Hired Hams 10c. Linseed oil
raw, linseed oil boiled, putty and pure
White Lead at bottom prices.
Mahoning l-'nrmicp. Pn May 11, 1S7S.
Dr. M. M. Fennel-, I'l-etloniii, N. V.
I ,:, r Sir: I linvo tiicil your Ulnocl nnd
Liver lli incily iiml Nerve Tonic anil f 1 11 I tli.-U
it Is :i nilemlltl nicilicine. My 1'ntlior lunl
hern sick a loni; time. One I ftttlc lui helped
li i in mure l.hii'n tiny medicine he 1ms ever
iiM'd. My wile, nisi,, hits used a hultle with
iinod rcsiiUs. Yours truly.
Dr. Fenner's Blood ami Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
called "The conquering hero'' of the
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has "the biues"
should take it, for it rrridafcn and re
store the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billions-nr-ps
and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
mkxts, .Scrouilu, r.rysipelas, J'inipies,
Blotches and ALL SlilN Eki-ptions
.'l Bl.onn Disoi!iu:i:s ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im-
mived Nerves ami Nervous Debility ;
i'ustores (lesh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. 1 1 docs these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. l'cniiers i.ioiden Kciiei cures
any pain, as Tootli-ache Neuralgia
Colic or Headache in o to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrlui'a, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
ale by Dis. T. S. Hartley and D. B.
The boys and others who go in
swimming will do well to take heed
of the following advice:
Avoid bathing within two hours
after a meal, or when exhausted by
fatigue or from any other cause, or
when the body iscoolln rafter perspira
Hon, ami avoid bathing altogether In
the open air if, after being a short time
in the water, there is a sense of chilli
ness, witii numbness ot' the hands and
feet, but bathe when the body is warm,
provided no time is lost in getting into
the water. Avoid chilling the body
by sitting or standing, undressed on
the banks or in boats, after having
been in the water, or rennining too
long in the water, but leave the water
immediately there is the slightest feel
ing of chilliness. The vigorous and
strong may bathe early In the morning
on an empty stomach) but the young
and those who are weak had better
bathe two or three hours alter a meal ;
the best time for such is from two to
three hours after breakfast. Those
who are subject to attacks of giddiness
or faintness, and who sutler from pal
pitation of the heart, should not bathe
without fiist consulting their medical
adviser." Alter bathing a vigorous
use of the towel is very beneficial, and
should be followed by moderate ex
ercise 1 1. a gentle reaction sets in. The
old notion of plunging into cold water
when the body is heated has long ago
been exploded. Iu fact it is now
clearly established that the colder the
water the hotter should be the bather.
Fever patients, it is well known, never
take cold even it wholly immersed lor
brief intervals in ice water, if the
body is not already in a vigorous jslow,
untiling is sure to uo more harm than
CfcO- A MONTH gunruntvpij. S12r (lay,
-PC) KJ J 1,1 hoiiu itiiuie liy llie indublrinus
I'ulilliil not reuulri'd: e will mart you. Men
wuiiien, boys anil i;iiis nuiUu iitnney taster tit
win K Mr lie than ut anytlilni; t'IKe. 1 no Mora
Ih IIlIiI und nleasttiit. and taii'li usiin.vuno ciin
Ko riulit al. TIioho who arc wise wltone-u this
will tieltd us UteH- uddresrii-ti and ft-e lor lliein
Kelve. Co' t!y on Hit and terms free. Now It
the lime. Thotse itlivuiiy at work ore laying
up large stuns t, I money. Address TKl'KA
id., Auuusta, .Mulnu ninyt
75 00 for $1.00, $." 00 for 1 cent.
I nay larue prious for many dates of ld
f'oi'iier and (silver Citing, send ill renUat
onee lor niy tiUtlOKtie auu Trice List, Ad
dress, A. O. W'ELSHOKS,
nl-inJi-ml Mt. Pleanunt, Pa
J. S. & W. H. HYDE,
General Merchandise,
The following nrc our prlcon on Iho prlnel.
pill nrMclcs In iho grocery lino until further
notice :
APPLK8. dried pcrllt. 5c
MEANS), medium. cr liu. S2.1 linin. ran, Pie
11EKE, ennned, pur Hi. ISc.; dried per Ih. lnc
(HIKKKK, Klo rihhI, Ifi; IickI,. 18; rousted itn.
UU UH ANTS, KiiKlihh. I'nr U. K.
I'M ACK EIH, best iimillty. per ll. Sc.
roltN, cHimed, per can. I'-ir.
TUMATOKS, citnncd, per ran 10c.
K1SH, No. 1 White, peril), tic.
U A MS, Snifiir Cured, per Hi. Via
SYIIPP, t holcc, per ml. rcc.
PI! I 'MS. best tinllt.v, per II). So
IliCK, best niinlily, per lb. He.
KMstNM, Yiilcncliis, per lb. inc.
Ml;(AH, Urnnuliitod and PuivcrUed, Mc
Collno A li' iv (J White He; Yellow S,e.
SALT, iicrhb1.fl.ili.
SA LK.ltATt'S, per II). se.
FLOl'K, per tilil. $.!; l- KKO, porewt. H.20.
.M HAL, per en 1. 1 l.tfi; united In stick 8l.':u.
IIP. AN, per c.wt. sd.mi.
WHIN, per Int. liVt.; OATS, per Int. IV,
und tilt other iccnds in t iie yrncery line Ht pro
port Innately low prices.
V A NT V.l) t M 51 KDI AT I XY.
Seventeen ynitnu men to lenrn Teleernpliy.
r infill si tunt ions miimm teed, fr'nr purliuultiri,,
address with stump,
Sttirnii'AM A Dunn,
nl-injinl lloxiis", (Jherlin. Ohio.
niiiln f'ow .Milker free
to partners win, net.
is Aucnts. rut this
'tit anil address w ith
MM rr 1 1 Son,
l Ucy St., N. Y.
N'ami! tins paper.
t"f3f3 A WKKIC In ynur town, and net c tpl
pvJl I till risked. Ynii eun elve the ImihIiicsk
a trial wll liout expense. The best nppoi tun it y
ever nll'ered lor t Imsc willing to Murk. You
should try nittliinu else null I. vein see fm' yonr
selfwhut yon can flout the biisiniss wcoll.T.
No room to explain here. You can devote
ull your time or only your spare tunc to t he
business, find make ureal, pay for every hour
that you work. Women make nit much ns
men. Send lor special private lemisund par
ticulars, which we mail free. ." outlll free.
I utn't complain of hard times while von have
such a chance. Address 11. llAI.LK'i'T AL'O.,
Portland, Maine, nliiyl
For garden or haying tools go to
42 Main street.
Kstatk ok John Pktphson, late
of the Township of Highland, F.Ik
Co., I'll., deceased. All persons in
debted to said Estate arc requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having legal claims again the same to
present them without delay in proper
order for settlement.
C-'r.t kli a Munson, Admr'x.
n21 tr,
Is a compound of the, virtues of sarsaparllla,
tillingia, nianilrake, yellow dock, with the
iodide ol potash ami irou, an now-eriui nioua
making, blood-eleaitsing, and life-sustaiiiiag
elements. It is the unrest, safest, and iu
every way the most effectual alterative medi-
ciue known or available to the public, run
sciences of medicine and chemistry hava
never produced so valuable, a remedy, nor
one so potent to cure all dispnses resultina
from impure blood. It cares Scrofula, nnd
all scrofulous diseases, Krysipelas, Hose,
or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and
Face-grubs, Pustules, Hlotoltes, Roils,
Tliinois, Tetter, Humors, Halt Klieiini,
Scald-head, Klngwoioi, Ulcers, Sores,
lilieiiniatism. Mercurial Uisease, Neu
ralgia, Female Weaknesses and Irregu
larities, Jaundice, Atl'eetlons of the
Liver, Dyspepsia, Kniaciution, aud
General Debility.
By its searching and cleansing qualities
it purges oat the fonl corruptions which
contaminate the blood, and cuase derange
ment and decay. It stimulates aud enlivens
the vital functions, ft promotes energy and
strength. It restores and preserves health.
It infuses new life aud vigor throughout the
whole svsteiu. No Builerer from any disease
widen arises from impurity of the blood need
despair, who will give avf.h s oaksacariixa
a fair trial. Remember, the earlier the
trial, the speedier the cure.
Its recipe has been furnished to physicians
everywhere; and they, recognizing its supe
rior qualities, administer it iu their practice.
nearly forty years Ayeb's SarsApa-
has been widely used, and it now pos-
esses the confidence of millions of people
who have experienced benefits from its mar
vellous curative virtues.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Practical and Analytical Chemist t,
Lowell, Mast.
K 8 "fa '.,? he "sis !? rmij 2
i$ I UiivUsHl - 111 5
CuJ mSctrfiSS'SSri?5 0 If 2
15 r If 3 c' ' "5 c s ft vil' H
e g S I i j. - m - S 3 a. pvj t
tf teZit - .lis iJ 5' . 24
nil ii?Hunn?i st
-"o 6 es.ea ,fsfs,it. y us -
s0 3 ii cpii;. fs ??. irg M
P S 3 is lag o if" S-b S B" o -.
s.8 sS "-Ije'it- , u a
42 i niElSliSgSiBg. 5Sf4
S2 . ! s" ?aS.2..s o. r ti M
r trs- hJ gJH g j S Ifi R
g ? 11-li g&s- 5
i f ri3 &kis
Business Cards.
Main street, Hidgway, Klk Co., I'a-
Ofllee in new brick building, Main
street, Kidgway, Klk Co., I'a. v'i2t
Hiilgway, Klk county, I'a. Ollice
across the hall from the Iliunni-rat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnelo,lH7ii
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Kidgway, Fa., full assort men t of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
J. 9. B OR DWELL, M. D.
Has removed bis ol11e from Centre
i treet to Main afreet, Kidgway, I'a., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John O. Hall, West of the
II vile House,
oibce hours: I In '2 p. M. "to 0 P.M.
W. II. SC1IUAM, I'roiuietor,
PidgWiiy, Klk eirity, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore m liberally bestowed upon him,
1 he now j'trojirii'tor liftpes, by naying
strict alletilion tf the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance ftf the same. octXi'm
MPS. J. K. KKLTJ5, Kersey, Klk
county, Pa , takes this mcihod of ait
liot.incing t'o the citizens of Klk county
that she has on band an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold ('heap. Also dressmaking in
all its branches
Agent for Dr. J. Bail & t'o.'s Patent
Ivofv and Lignum Vide Kye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl
PEDIA. Volume in of this admirable work is
just out, making it complete. Kach
'volume contains Hon pages. It makes
a complete library, aud no one can
afford to dowithout it ho wild keep
well informed. Price $3.00 it volume
in leather, in elegant half Tur
key. V. K. Judson, Frcdonla. X. V.,
controls the sale In IClk county. Ad
dress him lor particulars. tcpt-tf
State Normal
(Lifhth SXornirit School Ditri t)
A. N. KAX'li, A. M., Fnnviiml.
Thisscliool as at prcseiit const it utcd,
offers the very best lacilities for I'ro
fessioiial and (Massical learning:.
lUiildings spacious, inviting and
comniodious ; completely hctited by
steam, well ventilated, and furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring: water.
Location heaulmil anil easy ol ac
Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and "
alive to their work.
Dist'ipliue, tirni but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Kxpenses moderate.
l-'iiiv cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Mililents attmilted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by Iho
State; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. III. Klcmontary. IV. Scicn
en f Hie.
ad.u'xt't cornsKs :
Academic. II. Commercial.
Music. IV. Art.
The Klementary nnd Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive Slate Diplo
mas, conferring- the following corres
ponding degrees : jdaster of the Kle-
mcnts, and Master ot the Sciences.
(iraduatcs in the other courses receive
Xornnd Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The Slate requires a higher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one of the prime objects ot this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent nnd efficient teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abi'tities and
good purposes those who desire td
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid In developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address thn
K Ti. HALT,,
President Hoard of Trustees!
Clinton county. S. D. Pall. T. C.
Hippie, Dr. J.H. llarton, A. II. Rest,
Jacob 15 row n, Wilson Kistler, A. X;
Raub, W. W. Rankin, It. O. Cook,
Samuel Christ, (.1. Kint.ipg, S. M.
P.ieklbrd, II. Li. Dillenbach, A. V
Xoycs, K. R. Peale.
Centre Kx-Oov. A O Curtin.
Clearfield Ex. Gov. Win. Rigler.
Klk Charles R. Earley.
COOO A YE ATI. or S i to J31 a
in your own lornlitv. No
risk. Women do ns well as men. Many
make nio.-e than the iimouiu. slated aove,
tooiieean fttil lo make money fust. Anyone
can do the work. You ran make from i) els,
to SJ an hour l.iy devotiitfr your evenings and
si-aAi time to tiie businos. It eo.sts iiothiitK
to try the business. Nothing; like It for
money makini; ever olfi-red liefore. Ilusiness
pleaMinl and strietly hoiniitiltle. Render, if
you want to know ail nliout llto best paying
business before the public, send us your ad
dress and wo will send you lull purliiulnlH
and private terms fret;: samples worth Soulso
free; yitu can then make up your mind for
vonrself. AflilroKU i 1 l.'.i l If I IV.. TT V i k V .f. t 'i 1
l'ortland, Maine, nltiyl
Howe Sewing: Machines.
Among the great variety of yoods of
every description for sale at
Powell &'s
Will be found ru assortment of th
eclebruted Ellas Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured tbw havinc been
appointed solo agents for Elk county,
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
i orders, iiemmers, Iirauiers ami Kur
Hers. Needles, Sewing-machine Oil,
Thread, &c, &c. Will also furbish at
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. AH at greatly reduced prices,
und will be sold oil accommodating
terms with approved Mcurity.
Ripoway, Aug. 20, '78. tfi