t2 DR. CURR JOHNSON'S,? INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W.3J St., New fork City, LATS or JURIST OITT. TBADS HABK. The Best Hemedy Known to Man 1 Br. Clark Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Kdwln Enfttrnan, au escaped captive, long a slave to Wakametkla, tlie medicine runn of ths Comanchca, is now prepared to lend his aid In ths Introduction of thcwonderfnl rcmcdyof that tribal Tho experience of Mr. Eastman being similar i that of lira. Clins. JnDesand son, of Washington Co., Iowa, an acconnt of whoso snfferines wore thrillinclv narrated in the New York Herald of Dee. Kith, 1878, the facta of which are go widelj known, and o nearly parallel, that but little men tion of Mr. tCastman's experiences will be Riven ncro. Tlicy are, however, published In a neat vol tnic. of 1100 pases, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years among tlte Coinonchea and Apaches,11 of which mention will be made hereafter. Suffice It to say, that for several years, Mr. Eastman, while a cap tlve,in compelled to gather the roots)tum, 7arks. herbs and berries of which Waknmetkla's nedicine was made, and Is Btill prepared to pro ride the hams materials for the successful intro duction of tho medicine to the world; and assnrei the public that the remedy la the same now as when WukanictkJa compelled him to make U. f Wakametkla, the Medicine Man Notlil".-; has been added to the medicine and nitiiiiiL.- i ;i limn Inkcn away. It is without doubt r iv UKvr rrtiiFir.il or the hlood and Kbnswkr of ! sy: ti:m ever known to man. i h;. .Syrup .o?ecs?ea varied properties. ft nrtm upon tlie I.lver. I' nvtn iijfii the Kidneys. tl In ts tlio IBowels. li pn rllie-N (In- tlood, tt tiii'iN (he Nrrvoim System. It promotf. EPIo'CNtion. It. Nomir.lie.", Mn.iitlicns and Invlff- it cai-rlen ofl'tho old blood and makea Nviv. il ojv.-tm tlio porpn of tlio akin, and E:iititt's tSvnitliy l'ernpliulloii. It :if:;iwj. tin! hereditary taint, or poison In !' Mtv.d. which Keiinratvstcrofula,Erliiulas, and t ;l m.-rtSHT i.f (-kin dirni'S and iiireniY.I limiinr.. T:. iv r iiospiriMPmployeil in in miiniifHcture, it ' t-ik.-n Itv I lie ino-t ch-heatc babe, or I v t.'f. h-.i :.d fool. cure snly bang required in Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume. 8bve and Nini Yxars Ahono Tnn Comantheb and Apaches. A neat volume of 300 pages, being a simple statement of the horrible facte conuectcd with the sad massacro of a helpless family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate escape of rtstwo surviving members. For sale byourasrents generally. Price tl.00. The incideuta of the massacre, briefly narrated, re distributed by agents, frei of charge. Mr. Eastman, beins almost constantly at the West, engaged in gathering and caring the materi als of which the medicine is composed, the sole business management devolves upon Dr. Johnson, and the remedy baa been called, and is known M Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Large Bottle ....... $1,00 Price of Small Bottles ....... 60 Read the voluntary testimonial! of persona who have been cured by the use of Dr. Clark Johoaoa't auiftu iuooa syrup, in your own vicinity. Testimonials of Cure. HEART DISEASE AXD LIVER COM PLAINT. Minm.Kiiiruciii, Snyder Co., Pa Denr Sir: 1 have been troubled with Heart DiseiiBO untU.ivor Complaint, and I had spent a great deul of money lor medical aid without receiving any benefit, until I procured some of your Indian Blood Syrup Intra your aent, E L. Bullington, I can now testily iroui my experience nn to the great vulno ot it in such diseases. Hesdy Zemcuan. IJVKRCOMPAiNT'AND ' CHILLS. Bknsalem P. O., Feb. 25, 1879. Dear Sir : I In v itijj tried your most excellent Indian Blood Syrup and lound it a valuable medicine lor Liver Complaint and Chills, I would recommend those who are afflicted to give it a trial. Miis. C. Akt.mXn. DYSPEPSIA AXi) INDIGESTION. BviiEKKr,23d Ward, Omii. I, 1879. Dear Sir: Your most exceuout Indian Blood Syrup has given perfect satisfaction when used for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Theqii. Hawk. CU RES CHILLS AND BILIOUSNESS. Eiiington, Feb. 1, 1879. Dear Sir: I was troubled with chills; had them every other day ior six months; had two doctors attending me when your agent per suaded me to try your Indian Blood Syrup, and I can say I never had a chill after taking the first doso. I cheerfully recommend it to all. Lizzie Wink. RECEIVED GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT. IIolmsdl'KG, 23d Ward, Philadelphia, ) Feb. 21, 1879. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying that I have given your valuable Indian Blood Syrup a lair trial in my lamily and received great benefit lrom it. S tu'i, N. Solly, CURES CHILLS ANTTBILIOiJSNESS. Edinoton, Feb. 1, 1879. Dear Sir: I was troi'Med with Chills; had them every other day for t.ix inontlis; had two doctoi s attending me when your agent persuaded me to try your Indian Blood Syrup, and I can nay I never had a Chill after taking the first dose. I chuerlully recommend it to all. Lizzib Wink. RECEIVED GREAT BeFkFTt FROM IT Ifoi.Msm itu, 23d Ward, Philadelphia, ) Feb. 24, 1879. J Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying that I have given your valuable Indian Blood Syrup a fair trial in my luiuily and received Ureal benefit from it. Sam'l N. Sollt. 3 iH- d II if jEL wm 1 mm Coaxed Info a Fortune. We don't know wlipther one would call this a romance or tin old phase of human nature, but it Is a fact as we toll it. Our town readers all know Horace Tyler. He lias been on the Ilase Hanjre over since the mines were discovered, and his genuine manhood is a character istic of the man. In his chosen occu pation of teamster lie has plodded over tjie dusty highways and sandy deserts of tho Eastern Nevada " nigli onto fifteen year," as Undo Josh would express it. He came to the const a mere boy, Hnd in his independent, sturdy sort of way has grappled with fortune, not as successlully as some, pernnps, as-au his years of toil simply resulted in Jiis ownership of a team, -and his wresting a hard livelihood from Incessant daily labor. He was as iionest as they make em. and that trait was his pride. Why he left tje old home, " way down In Ver mont," is his secret, and he Is stub bornly reticent on that point, simply stating that lie came away becauso ' he hankered alter a luo on the plains." Whatever tho motive, ho betrayed no desire to return to his birthplace, despite the fact, now known, that it was a most luxurious ' one, and that every comfort and pleasure that wealth could command was his if he would accent it. Sunday morning Mr. W. O. Tyler, a cousin of Horace, arrived in Eureka from Ver mont, charged with a special mission. lie sought out ins reiotive. ivnrt an nounced to him that he had been sent by Horace s father to persuade ins hoy now a bearded man to come back to his home. His parent was waiting, eager to welcome him, nnd praying that his son might listen to his pleadings. . Not only this, but all his riches a cool $-250,(iOO was at his son's command upon his arrival. Tho latter inducement would have been sufhcicnt for an ordinary mortal, but it did not influence Horace a particle. On the contrary, he was ob durate, flatly refused to go. and despite his cousin s entreaties, which lasted nom the time the train arrived Sunday night untiljit departed yesterday morning, he persisted in his determination, and bade the ambassador good-bye at the train, still lirm in his resolve. He came back to town, curried his horses and fed them, greased his wagons, and then, falling in with some of Ins mends, related the in cident to them in a matter-of-fai t way, concluding with the remark that " he owned that team, didn't owe much monny, and he reckoned he could make a living independent of anybody." He was met with a storm of remonstrances, arguments and advice. This policy on the pari ot His old comrades staggered him. He thought he was doing the right thing, but when they remonstrated to him now unfilial bis conduct, how cruel lie was acting in withholding from his asred father the comfort that his son's presence would be to his fast declining vears. Horace weakened, lie could not stand the upraidings of his associates, and as a conscauence Eureka loses a eood citizen. His cousin was telegraphed to at Elko, and instructed to await Horace s arrival, lesterdav lie sold Ins team paid ud every cent that he owed, and this morning departed for Elko, where he will join Ills relative and proceed on his tourney eastward. May good luck attend him. He has furnished us with a novel item, and one that will be hard to .match. Ihink ol it! A rara avis found in these degenera'ed days an ec centric individual that has to be coaxed and driven into the possession of 8250, 000. Eureka (ATcy.) Leader. A Stranger's Nose. Some of those chaps who wear their elbows down thin leaning on saloon counters have an artificial fly with a line tnreaa attached to the back, and sometimes those toys can be handled to the amusement of a small crowd. Vhon an unknown man yesterday fell asleep in a saloon on Michigan avenue, the young man with an artitieial fly was there. He took position behind his vic tim, who was lying back on his chair, and nresentlv the flv iiliirhrcrl nn tlu stranger's nose, walked up tho bridge :tna down, and scitieti ior a moment on the tip end. Ihe sleeper never moved a linger. Tho fly went over the old loute, drove into tho corner of the left eye, galloped over to the right, and came down to the grand stand on the dead run. But the sleeper slept on. It begun to appear that he was used to flics, and so the game was changed. By stickin a pin through one of these toys you can make quite a bee of it, the pin being the stinger. uhen the "bee" descended on the stranger s nose, everybody expected to see a sudden start, hut it did not come After a jab at the tip end tho "bee" crawled along up. waiting for develop. ments nnd getting in an occasional sting out not even a sigh eseaned the sleener The young man with the insect was get ting t ired when the stranger la.ilv opener' his eyes, slowly rose from his chair, nnd coolly remarked : " Now, then, if you have got througl fooling with my nose, I'll fool with yours for a while!" It isn't likely thnt particular young man will ever dangle artitieial flies any more, lie was doubled up. straightened out, choked, mopped and slammed so thoroughly that his appetite will run t chicken-brot h and arnica for somrMlav to come. When the cyclone hail passed the stranger said to the whito-faced crowd on the bench : " Gentlemen, if any more of you see anything peculiar about my nose, please call around and let me know !" Detroit tree Press. The New York Tenement Houses. The corps of visiting physicians up pointed by the Board of Health to in suect the tenement nouses in this citv have made a report on the results of their week '8 work. They have evidently lost no time, and it is presumable that their duties have been intelligently and faith fully performed. In upward of live thousand tenements, containing 35,034 families, there were found 766 cases of sickness, which were prescribed lor, and besides tins aid, '4iS tickets were dis. tributed for free trips in the floatin hospital of St. John's Guild. The course of disease was therelore stayed by so much as these diligent medical men were able to accomplish within the space of a week. But the statistics show something else namely, the manner in which a very large proportion ol the people ot this city are packed into the unwholesome hives called tenement houses. The figures quoted above give a total of 25.634 families to 5.020 houses : that is to say, rating the family at the census average of live persons, there are more than 128,000 men, women and children living in these five thousand houses or an average of twenty-five to each. Even this calculation does not represent the full measure of the mis chief; for in very many of the tenements the number of inhabitants rises to fifty or seventy-five for each, and it is these places which are the nests of disease, is not surprising to hear that, nearly eight hundred cases ol sickness were dis covered in a week. But for the nroner sanitary precautions taken by the Health Board, the week's death-roll would have been hugely augmented. New York Coinmercuu Advertiser. The three boys in New York who formed the working members of the Life-Saving Society have resigned on account of dissatisfaction with tho pay they were getting. During the first five months of the society's existence sixty lives-were saved from drowning by the members. An Unmanageable Prisoner A correspondent of the London Time. writing from Geneva. Switzerland, tells about a prisoner in jail nt Vaud, who seems to bo nn unusually "hard ease:" The name of the prisoner Is Christian Wys, nnd he appears to liave been an evil-doer from his youth upward. hough still under forty, ho began his career of crime morn than twenty years go. being sentenced in 1H08 to n term ot imprisonment for a robbery committed at Vevy. In 1803 he was condemned to eight years' solitary conlinement for bberv witli violence and a murderous attack on tlio gendarme by whom ho was arrested. During this imprison ment he ninrle a ferocious onslaught on turnkey with a chisel, of which lie bad surreptitiously possessed himself, nnd nearly killed the man. JSo sooner was Wvss released trom prison than lie re sumed his evil courses. Two years thereafter he was brought before a crim inal court at 1'ayerne on a charge of breaking into the house of the pastor of Kessudens, whom lie halt strangled and left for dead, and, though he recovered for a time, he did actually die not long afterward of tho injuries inflicted on him by his assailant. I"or this ollence Wyss was sentenced In 1873 to thirteen years' solitary conlinement. Before the year was out he attacked another turnkey, this time with a knife, and though tho poor man was hurt to death ho survived is wounds a few weeks, a circumstance which, indicating as it did a.possibility f ultimate recovery, induced the mag- strntc by whom the murderer -was tried to take an indulgent view of the enso and arid only two years to his sentence. After this event, and see ing that Wyss, who is not only a crea ture of ferocious temper, but of great trength and almost herculcnn propor tions, continued to threaten his iailrrs. nnd made several attempts to escape, tho authorities resolved to provide lnm with prison ot his own. A separate cell of solid masonry was, therelore, built lor lnm. Light was admitted by a single. heavily barred window, and the door was ot such strengtli as seemingly toddy the prisoner's utmost eft'orts to break out. In this door was arranged a small wicket, through which Wyss was fed like a wild beast, for no one ever entered his cell, where he rem ined day and night heavily ironed. But one day when a uardian ol the prison was conveying to Vvss his matutinal supply of food he perceived that the door had been tamper- d with. An alarm was lorthwith given, and investigation made. It seemed that the prisoner had managed, nobody could tell how, to break a piece of iron from one of the b:ii of his window. This, by dint of hard work using the floor of his cell ns a whetstone heliad ingeniously shaped into a sort of chisel, with which io had iorced back one of the bolts ot lis door, and would, doubtless, had ho not been found out, in time, have forced hem all and regained his freedom. It required almost a regiment of gendarmes to secure Wyss and carry lnm to another cell, there to be kept chained to tho floor until his own den should be once more ready to receive and. as his custodians lope, to retain him. If. before his time be out, Wyss should commit any more murders, it is very likely, in the present temper of the Vaudois people, that he will be Hanged. Seth Green's Story. Among the interesting men of Roches ter, says a correspondent, is both Green, the patron ot lish culture in America lie is a broad-shouldered man. with square, seamanlike face, reddened by the sun antl good living. Ho has a fine white beard flowing over his chest, and !:e generally wears a sort ol brown vel vet sacque and drives a good horse. He is worth about 855,000, accumulated as a hsherman. 1 said to him, in the few minutes' conversation that we had : "Air. Green what put you in the notion of hatching fish and re-stocking our streams?" " I fished Lake Ontario." ho said, "for about one generation. I had 100 miles ol net antl 100 hands before I was done. I kept n hsh-markct in Hoehester, and supplied white lish. salmon, trout, pickerel, etc., all over the country. 1 was a good line hsher man, and went up the sjreams leading into tho litke to get brook trout, salmon and other game lish. One day whin up the stream I saw a fine female salmon, weighing about six pounds, come up, attended by her mate and three or four other fish. I had time: to .jump behind a tree nnd take an observation, and there saw tho salmon begin to scoop out a place in the bottom of the brook with her tail. After scooping awhile she would go oft" coquettishly and then come back, nnd the other fish seemed to help her. it occurred to me that she was putting her spawn down there beyond the reach of other kinds of fish. There is nothing in the world so delightful to brook trout as to devour Siilmon smawn. " You know how salmon, multiply. Put tho spawn out of sight nnd it will multiply into Jittle salmon; let it lie in the water and the trout will cat it. I became so interested in that incident that I got up in the tree next day, nnd made myself a kind of seat there among the boughs, where I could look down in tlio clear wttter at the operations of those lish to protect their epawn. I made up my mind then if I ever got a little more money than would keep me I would go at ti.su culture. It had been begun in England, and I began to read on it. As toon as I had $1,200 a year more income than my necessities, I went at this fish business, and I took a brook, near Rochester, where I had five miles to myself, invented my hatching boxes and started in. The only money I have marie in this business was by the sale ol the brook. I made $11,000 on it." Words of wisdom. Life is too short to nurse one's misery, Hurry them across the lowland, that you may linger longer on the mountain tops. The keenest abuse of our enemies will not hurt us so much in the estimation of the discerning as the injudicious praiso ot our lnends. . The chief art in learning is to attempt but little at a time. The widest excur sions of the mind are made by short nights, trequently repeated. Oonortunitv is the flower of time, and as the stalk may remain when the flower is cut off, so time may remain with us when opportunity is gone lorever. Abstemiousness and frugality are the best bankers. They sow a handsome interest and never dishonor a draft drawn upon them by their humblest customer. Cheerfulness is just as natural to the heart of a man in strong health as color to his cheek; and wherever there is habitual gloom, there must either be bad air, unwholesome food, improperly' severe labor, or erring habits of life. Our fan-tune depends eniirely upon ex' ternal causes, but our happiness upon ourselves. Its principal ingredients are a manly mind, an affectionate heart, and a temperate imagination. The first has the power to disarm affliction; the sec ond to double every enjoyment; the last to guard us from wild wishes and vain pursuits. " Young miin,'' said a stern old pro fessor to a student who had been charged with kissing one of Ins daughters, "vounirman, don't get into that liabit. You'll find that kissing is like eating soup with a loric." "iiow so, Biri"' asked the student. " Because," answered I the stern old professor, you can't get i enougu oi iw Nature In India. There is nothing, in India thnt is so constant a surprise ss nature. Your eyes are accustomed to your own flowers and forms of forests and garden growths the oak, the ash, the sycamore, the modest daisy, the wholesome, virtuous clover that blossoms over meadows and valley. You look In vain for tho old forms that were so pleasant to you In childhood that were always friends when tho world grew dark nnd sorrows swept over your young and trembling inc. The trees are new. 1 ou have heard of them in poems, in ghost stories, in Arabian tales, but in India they are around you. Here is the mango, a noble tree, that gives a pleasant fruit, said to be among the atonements of an Indian residence, but which wo shall not see, leaving Hisdostan before it ripens. Every one has been telling us of the comfort we shall find in the mango, and that, although we come from the land of irutts, we shall surrentter our peach and pearand Newton pippins to tho ninngo. All wo have seen of it has been somo candied mango, so killed by tho sugar mat it might as wen nave been pumpkin or melon rind, sent to us by some of the Maharojahs. We have also had It as a curry, but the spices reducctlitinto such a condition that it might have passed for radish or celery. As a tmo it is royal and green and rich Hero wo see the tamarind, under which you are for bidden to pitch your tents because of the unwho lesome exhalations. Here is the pipcl nnd the Japanese acacia; the banana, with its hospitable leaves; bam boos, the orange and the lemon ; cactus until you are weary of cactus: a verv world of ferns, and the rose in endless profusion. Animal life has a freedom that is unusual to our rapacious eves accustomed ns we are to look upon every thing that God has made ns something for man to kill. Hero the religion of the natives, vhich throws over all ani mal nature protection, lias its influence. as youstroll over the wnlktof nn Indian garden or look out upon an Indian forest you setv animal life in all forms. me monkey is more common than squirrels at knme, nnd over your table as you gather about it the birds of prey assemble and circle around and around u.uil your meal is done and it comes their turn to take your place. Calcutta Letter. Poisonous Taper Collars. It is, doubtless, in the first instance, as the cause of a local skin disease, that paper collars prepared with arsenic in some form are deleterious: but when once thp cuticle has been removed the toxic effects may become general, be cause absorption is then very likely to ritKe piace, nnn uie whole system may be poisoned. We make no specific alle gation on the subject of these collars, but the information which has reached us, and is still being volunteered, is of a nature to render it indispensable to cau tion the public. No one desires, and nothing we liave said or may say on the subject shoukl be held to. reflect on the sellers of articles of dress obtained from the manufacturers, and distributed, without the retail tradesman being aware of the pernicious properties. Meanwhile it is incumbent on all who manufacture goods for general use to take care that nothing calculated to in jure the health of a wearer is contained in them. It is impossible that arsenious acid can be used unwittingly. As a mat ter of fact, we believe white paper is often prepared with this poison; and if it is brought into contact with nny ab sorptive surftice, evil consequences may ensue. It is certainly time that the pro cess of manufiicture should be placed under ofliciaj inspection, if, for the sake of cheapness W to give artificial luster to their goods, makers will use danger ous dyes and dressings, regardless of everything but their own commercial success. fjOtiUon Lancet Western Harvest Hands. For harvest hands to handle the 1 crops on the Western plains the farmers depend, first, on the emigrants, who flock into a country subject to homestead ; second, on wheat hiirvest " tramps." These men start in Texas and follow the harvest north. Some keep on the line of the rivers. They work in Texas until icr harvest is saved, Then they strike r the Mississippi river nnd there t.nke boat for the North. When they reach a point where the wheat is not. cut thev disembark nnd go to work. Finishing there, they go further north, nnd so keep 011 until Minnesota is reached, ceasimr work only when the creat fields of wheat. on the Red river and Dakota plains are cut. Other men fret in their watrons nnd drive north. These, in hundreds of ve nules, can bo seen going north. They lave cut tho cron of Texas. Tlio cron of Southern Kansas has been saved bv them. The farmers of Nebraska look toward the southern horizon for the white-topped wagons to roll into sight. They will soon be among the hills of the Dakota plains. These men urn the best of harvest hands. But some of them lave very linncrfect itleas of the riirhts of personal property, and are especially iuuau 111 uiurais 111 retrain 10 IIOISCS. The Three E's. Somebody mourns because ho has nothing but the three K's to teach. Poor soul ! From the verv depths of our f"eliai;s we pitv you. Nothins to teach! Tho world is before you. Sun. moon and atoms, stars and comets, a whole universe full, and nothing hut the three li s leit you. But alter all we suspect you have not taught those branches verv much. Can you read? We should like to examine you. How we would try von all the wv from Nfntlipr frumo to Milton. Can you write P We would give you a pen, and ten minutes t write thought worth rememberine one second. Then arithmetic! Why. mv lear, ignorants nil! do you not yet know that arithmetic is tho science of sciences, that even the burliest calculus is only an expanded arithmetic? Go home! Leave your work to others who will honor the grandest, of all studies, reading, writing and arithmetic. I here are those who understand that to know these well is to be well learned. God bless the teacher who knows the three R's! God bless the child who learns them! Educational Monthly. Science says that a mosquito hag 14,600,000.991 cores in its skin. It strikt s us that science would be better employed if. instead ol counting me pores in a mos quito's skin, it would invent some way to kill a mosquito without slapping yourself in the eye, knocking the stull- ing out 01 a piiiow or iwo ana wrencn- lng an the vileness out or 14,600,000,991 bad words. Courier-Journal. Sir Henry Bessemer conveyed a eood idea of a billion when he stated that a billion sheets of the London Times, packed closely one on the other, would reanu an altitude oi 47,000 miles. A mixed-up boy asked for a " ten-cent bake of loafer's bread." Terribly exhausting are the night sweat which aooompany consumption. But they, as well as the paroxysm ot ooughing are invariably broken up by Dr. Win. Hall'i Balsam for the Lungs, which conquers the deadly malady, as well as bronchitis, pneu uioniu, pleurisy, astlmiu, diphtheria, and all other affections ot the throat, lungs and chest. It saves thousands trom untimely graves, and is invaluable in reselling children irom tho croup, whooping cough and quiuzy. It is Kld by all druggists. A Part In I ninrkud Oi the main aveuue ior encape ol refune from the human symem ia utterly nubversive ol regularity among the other orgnna. let con stipation become chronio, and leaving out the imminent danger of inflammation oi the bowels and their total obstruction occurring, jaundice is nlmoiit certain to eimue, the liver in liable to become engorged, the blood and mine are poisoned by the bile, which nlo vitiates tho juices of the stomach, and other nnlinppy consequences, follow. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, a prime tonio alterative, pre vents or remedies these results and their cnuso, ns the ciiho may require, and is also sig nally elllrncioiis in overcoming flatulence, hctiithtirn, anil variable as well ns constipated action ol' the bowels. It renews nerve powor, Improves the appetite, stays the progress oi curly decay, relieves the infirmities of age, and is a pleasant appetizer. Nlnrvina- to Itenth. Thousands of men and women are starving themselves to death. They dare not eat or drink this or that, learingit will increase their flcr-h. I.ile depends upon continuous soli denial. Tho only sale and reliable remedy lor this terrible condition is Allan's Anti-Fat. It is wholly Vpgotablo and peiteotly harmless. Its use secures a reduction ol from two to five pounds per wtok. Sold by druggists. Buffalo, N. Y., June 13, 1878. To the Vroprietnrt qt Allan't Anti-Fat: tir.M'ri.EMKN Tho lollowing report is lrom tho larly who used Allan's Anti-Fat: "It (the Anti Fat) had the desired effect, reducing tho hit from two to Ave pounds a week, until I had lost twenty-five pounds. I hope never to re gain what I havo lost." Yours resp'y, rowt-ix Pmmitox, Wholesale Druggists. More than 30,000 Cabinet or Parlor Organs nre now sold in tho United Suites yearly. Tho best are those made by Mason ft Hamlin, who have taken highest honors nt all world's ex hibitions lor twelve years, nnd are the only American makers who have taken such at any. CHEW Tlio Celebrated " Matchless " Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. 1 1 e Piokeeb Tobacco Company, New York, Boston, and Chicago. For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonnry complaints, Brown's Bronchial Troches " miuiilest remnrkablo curative properties. 25 cents a box. The Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 Eas loth Street, N. Y., sell Pianos at FacUrry prices. Write ior a caialoguo. i i'w ,i ackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco THE MARKETS HEW TORI. H-f (li.ltle Mi d. Natives, l:ve wt . . 08tfii Calvef Btalo Milk 02 0:t,S ''nba.. 05)! H" Live W.((4 Driwseil 0iH:A 0X 07 03 . a. rtfcniv, riiju lu iHUOy 1 U) Western, good to fancy 4 fo Wheat No. 1 Bed i 21 White State 1 21 Rye St-te 65 Hai l-y Two-Rowed State 70 Cora Ungraded Western Mixed.... 4:1 I ft 75 9 7 00 rl 24 14 1 1 6ft 1 70 45 14 Huutneru Yellow.. ., Oats White State Mixed Western..... Way Uetail grades Straw Long Ilye, per cwt. Hops State, now crop.,.. Pork MeBS 4'JX 4. 41 75 511 12 41 (4 9 ft 65 a 45 4 05. i$ 9 5 11) 0 Lard City steam 06.16;i 08 1 retroieurn urude 05 055 Iiedned 00j wu'ji niuvt. ami rnuo, ......... 8H 41 muter fcitate creamery 14 q isu Dairy 07 Q 12 Western Creamery 09 15j xaciory no (tt ttf Cheese State Factory 05ai oca nainia "( 03 Western Factory. 04)tfi$ 06'4 cKB oiuw: .nil rfllllByiTlDll.,,,,, 1 PHILADELPHIA Flonr Ponn. choice to fancy S S5 3 B 50 Wheat Ponn. Bed 1 17 c4 1 17 a m tier 118 (4 11 Rye State. 1 ft (4 37)$ 1 Coi n state Yellow Ou's Mixed Ilatler Creamery F.xtra Oh"ese Now York Faotory.. Petroleum Crude 06 S8 17 IS IB (4 08 14 Reflnid, 0 06X BUFFALO. Flour City Ground, No. 1 Spring.. Wheat Bed Winter Corn New Weatern...... . lata Stfito la ley Two-Bowed State 6 25 1 1C 41 39 80 ( 5 75 1 12 41 4C 75 noBTOH. ee Cattle, live welghl 04'j ' '0"P 04 H.n-' 0S Oils on 05 flour Wiaconsin nnd Minn. Pat.... ( 01 ni 8 O'l uorn Mixed and Yellow X c. Olllio 4 a Ryo stale Wo)l Wished CorabiiiK & Delaine. 37 ( Unwashed, " " jg q BlliariTOM (MASS.) OATTL WA1IKKT B .;-fCullle, live weight 04'.O ?'"'! 0 (a) ' ,nl" o.vvri H 04mi 05 05 045 l embittered by Dropsy, Klitiify mauuer nr urinary iompininiK .irlRht'fl Disease, Gravel or Genera! Jtetentk.11 1-1 L'nnr. Oi.tl vton. Pntn in me rme, nnct huh Loiim, Kxccx es ani intvmiwim-e. are mrod 1 1 1 tl lit '8 Itemed V. All Dttieait' of the Kidneys. H!atiir antl I riinry Orynns ate cineit hMnns iwp Hunt'M Keiueily. Stnl lor runiinhlet iiuiti limit v. l-.imit M. K, CI.AKKK, Pro vi. It-me. R. I. MOUER'S TO COD-LIVER 0?T Is perfectly Tinre. Prononnreil Diehettf l.v II... l.'l. est medical authorities in the world. Clhen IivIkki wsr',l t 1 a World's Exioeition. and ot l'arls, 17!!. bold by Urusifiiita. W.ll.Scblrtlelini. t o..N V. JVIasou & Ilaniliu Cabinet OrirtiiiH Demonstrated het hv rfii?HRT nnvnns at h i. H l lit MVS KXP(l:ilTtO.NS KOll TWELVK YEA US, Vll.l at 1'ahii. 17! Vie.ina, 1H73: SiKTUGO, 17S: Phii.idci pria, 1S76: Paris, 1K78, anil Uuakd Swidish Gold Mioai, 17S. Only Ar.iuricau Oruans ever awuid. d liiKheal Uu org a 4 '1 for cash on kiMlP-Moieuts. Illus- Tan Oiri lout and Circulars with cw styles aud limes, sen free. MASON k HAMl.'u, OIKiAN CO. Kiwtoii.Kew York or Ordcuzo. TEAS. Choicest In the world Importers' jitu-o Lurpt'st Company in America-SUple Article Plfiiwii vi'rvhnilv Trmlt nm. i' iiuiiy Uh-rf.isiliL: Airents wanted cvfivwln'rc-Iliit tivlm eniPiits Don't wute time St ud for Circular. 1UJ1IT WKLLS. 4! Vesey St.. X. V. P. O. liox Hackettstown (N. J.) Institute. Year onen Kent. TK. Heat bullillnn of IIk clflM Hf'tti sX'-s- llett f.uiiiti- m aud thurouphneM in all dvp irtmt-uU. Tr-rms mnler iti-. Don't full to send ftr CaUlopu . Htr. (iEO. II. WlillKKV. D. U.t Prrihient. FARM FOR SALE! :i.Ul will liuv pood 20 1 Acre Kami Lund In Cultivation kfnted at 8:1 pr Acre Yieldu Au t. Ct miiiHiiorn per actv iuji-k uweuniK.pood iiuroln an lnh C.Hhulic Beltlement J mile to Chnrcii. Term 3fc!.tn) ' earth, balance ou tim. M. Bihkktt.ViIIimcii, Irnr i iary of lct d ibu ronintiaftion, to ae ur ut v xpenes. tir aiiow a larpa coiiintiasion, to ae ur ut 9 qq wuiiaeriMi i.tveiiTioiiti. n mmn ui( we .fry. (u rid free. Ad Iresi MIKUMAN & ()., Mirml Micl 51 H-A prflti.nnSrt days invent men tot di fif JXVJV in Western Union. June 7 PlUU rroporti.in.al rutuma every wefk ou .Stock Options of Cfflcial lleponi and Clrrulnri free. Addrem 1 Pori'klt WKillTA CO.. Hanketi U5 Wall 8t..'N.Y -fVJA L VjM.9 ability to sell Treea, 8iirula wild Vliica." PeruiHntnt emnloyn.ent u PW'I dm-'n. Addrea D. U. PA1TY A CO., Nnraery- meti. 741 I'.roftd St., Newark. N. J , or ueucri, IH. I OH. W. P. lirMFIIUKY, KMxRbeth. IM. J., wilt aend auv Lady auirrinp from t'emal ( omplnhits, recent or long standing, a lie pe fr( ot charjie that will tnvrta tueerty au4 nc; .janeut cure. jcti'i iieii-aaoreau siampeu enreir . PitlntrrM Hat Palntluff and .. ktndi "f J, ft. tcrintr Miule Khiv. S.niDle A pnatet of PttU-rns. IM-: Ke tuced Price List and . taiplea for :r. Anv one can Uri them. II. A. Ciehc-t , mox H7, t ltchburp, Mari Aura relief a o mmf i m nrn o co Price JOcu.aoiiiJiat ""'wn. Maaa. 1. AiAAA Invested In Wall St. Stocks makes Sid TO Sl 000 fortunes every month. Hook sect free explaining ererytninp. Address HAXTRR ft CO.. Bankers, 17 Wall SL. X. T, VOUNG MEN month. Every graduate truaranteen apayinpsituA Adttresa H- valentine, Mnnaper. ganesvuie- w ia. MAPLEW00D INSTITUTE fiHM! Utile: Mae. I.ecatlon nnrlvale d. Collegiate and collese preparatory courwi. Heva.O.V. Bpear ana K. K. Avery, i-nncip'l - -MX rrr rr rT t For every DUUK rilCl- 1 Woman. Address with stamp. MEIMt'ALPIoPKNSATtlltY. Hattle Oleet.Mlcn PAV. with Stencil omnis. what cu Ml la cts. sella iapiaiy ror mi ra. CaULoKue free. kllW I S. M. HianciK. 113 Wrfl 8t. boston. Mass, OPIUM POCMKT I lr. Foute' Mnaniv Hili. Fin Habit & Skin DIimum. Tnoii. unit, cured. Lowest Prices. Donolfai! to write. Dr. F. 8. M.irah. Quincy.Micti rnfii v.t nirTiim a if i . :mi.immi worus in I ir. FouleslIealtlIontiilyl one year, SOe Mnaniv Hi". Pna. Co.. Ia K. Htl at.. New Yora SEND ; 'tis V. fl. ltlCH ate CO.. Portland Ujlue. for best Anency itusiiiesa iu tua World. Expensive outtit t ree. C 'i f fl seflluK articles In liie world i one aunipla fret . unmrmi. A n.nl.W.itl.,1 ISA I. - - AddresJAY BKOiiStiN, uetroii, Mien. Awarsf A YEAR and expenses to acenta. Outfit Fra S777 AlV H O VICKKIIV AUI0.U.1I..I ... WHEN LIFE The Voice of Worship, FOR CHOIR, roXVF.lVTlOlVff AHD ftlNUfXtt-MCHOOL.!!, Tlil fftilrnrlitl tip w book norn-tr through thpmeia. and will be In urent dpmnml. Full coltertlnn of the bent Hjmn Tunci nil Anthfmi for Choirs, numeroui (ie$ tor Snctnl and CIumi sinntn. nl a gootl BlnftlnR-w-hnol couirp. Us (tractive content, with the low price (fl.w or rPOODT flVipn), should make it the most popular of Churrh Music Hooks. THE TEMPLE. Srn, (linli t. Ily W. O PtitKlftS. Will b rrfl'ly hi Ipw clari. Flmt-clnK. lnM.k fi'TS1nRiiiir-H(hiKil.ttti Isrffp collection of '(.. nii'l plenty of Hymn Tunei ini Anthems. Pr.cc $ l" or $ti.(X per iloip n. Although Singing Cluiweg are egprctnlly pruvMrit for, both the Secu'sr unit 8rreil fttti'lc reader it one of the twt Oonyentlon anil Choir book. FATINITZA. The new ami very favor ite opera, li, now reAily, with word! in thrpelAnnuaitra.atl the Mualc amt Libretto conipltte. Price S2.I10 paper, boards. PINAFORE. Price repriced to flo cent. The name eieiratit e.l!tl. it hereto'nre iM for a dollar. Complete Worda, Libretto and Xnaic. All ready for the sta.'e. Any book mailed for retail prlc. OLIVER MTS0N & CO., Boston. H, lrixsojj & Co., 111 Hi oadway, New York. JO. IITS03t A. CO., ICli rheitnnt Ntrert, Philadelphia. SAPONIFIED I riio Olil llellHiile Concentrated Mym' FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions HcrinuDanvtnf each can for maklnv tlmrA Soft au Tuilet Stap quick ly. IT IS FULL WK1QHT AND STRENGTH. The Market Is f1nolel with tat-callein Oonpentratd l,ve. which Is adulterated with salt and resin, and loon'! "pike too p. SJLV& munKTt AFIt HUT TtfU Saponifies MADK11YTHK Pennsylvania Suit ManuPg Co., piTii.ADKi.puiA. AniiAi) VliI.TIIUTIMl; The verv best soivis direct lri.n In Tmixirti.r nt FT .il the usual cost Heat plan ever ottered to Club Apents and large Buyers. A1X KXPKKSS CIIAHtfKa PAID new leruis r Kiifci. The Great American Tea ompnii) :tl and it.'l Vewy Mreet. Acw York, p. o, ttox r.:iri. V Mted Men, Drtffrfo. nnd all other flodetiei made to nnler tv 51. 1,1 1 ley A Co. Columbut, Military anti Firemen's Ooods, Banners ft Flags CUItED FBfcE. An Infallible mid nnrxc?I!Pfl Rpn e.!v J M HrrHiiien in enn it sni iv mi VF,!0!A K.Ttii ITS; A free iioifie'- or d renowned n vol tic and a vulnab. Treat ise sent to nny muUt" di'iidlng nte his P. O. and prt'cs Aldreit. Dr. H. (i. HOOT, Pearl Street, New York. THE WEEKLY SDN. A hirpe, cipht-nape- pnir of mi brond column?, wtil tf pent ixitpdui to any U'l'lrt'ts until Jnnuary li1t FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address TUB BI.'N.N. Y. City. TMs Claim-House Establianed ISfKJ. Pe w Ia w. Thonsands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. rcu.sioua U.ite back t discharge or deaib. IVsm UaUttA. Addn-ss with stamp, r. Q. Drawer U5t Waahlimta s,1. O. WJ.NS3 BRO'S COSSETS -I M.-i e l coil i a li i r..i oni i tun. ovt r t.i I A in "rii . onfc iitfn. 'I lu-lr FLLXIIH.B Hil COilSKI' O30 Boni ill wti)i jH-rh'rt eA-e, inl 1 wa Ma NTnr not i a Urvtik bv, n over ttie liip Tl.lr HKA1.1II (uHM-.TwIlh it: tm imiivmI UhkI. 1 now rrrittfr favnrltn '.l.Mifv.T. Tlieir NUI.'SiNUCOIOLTtr the rtf'U'iit f every itioitir. AltNFIt I!!10S3S1 nrondwsj. N. T. AUOTK VA.TI.I FOll BACK from the. MOl'TIt of HELL." By one who haa been there 1 " Hine anil ff vftha MOVSTA CUB.' uy me uuniunion uawteye uuuiorisi. "Sanuntthn ait a 1'. A. (tint P. I " 1.V Josuh Allen's wife. The three brighten! and best-selllnK hooka ont. Airenl. you can put these hooks in everywhere. Best term, given. Address tor Ak-eruy, A MEKICAN PUHUSUINU CO.. Ilnnrord. CI.; Chicago. III. this new ELASTIC TRUSS Haa a Pad differing from all other, hi cuialmpe. with &eir-AdjaU.ag Ball la center, adante Itaelf to all noelUona f lb body, while tho ALl ia the 11 lay antiuiijlii. and a ml ihi-iti. Kimt hr M Hahl D nature tho Hernia Is held eeonrelv dav antiuiulii. anrt a radical euro ear. EQQleston Truss Co., Chicago, ill., ONE BOTTLE WAKRA.NTKDA perfect cure for all kinds of PILES Two to four bottles In the worst cases of LEPHOSY, SCROFULA. oAi.i niir.i m, r.ur.1 maim, KIDNEYS. UYSPKPS1A.CAS-('KI1 CATAItKII.anrl all dlarasr. of lh aiviM ana iii.iioii. Kntireiy vefie- Money returned In all cases of fail irtuie. inieriiai ana external use. ure: III He Till 'Al VMIL R.ilil Bend for pamphlet, $1 a Bottle. 1. FOVfLE, Iloaton. PAucNTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL 1 HISTORY oftue WORLD It contains eTtl due historical ennraTinga and ! ii . . .. V ,7 ' me luosi ounplele History of the W.,rld ever publiabed. It sella at slsbt. Bend for specimen pjies ana extra terms to Agents, and tea why It sells faster than any other book. Addrea, . NatiiwAL Pubmiuiko Co., Philadelphia, Ps, Heailh, strt niith, cr.nil'trt. Insured to old and younc br the roDritmit um of Itt'Ui:' Food. Ia raits, Sic., Wc i Tuoaa Wm Hkuuk Co., Clilcatro. TRUTH 19 UIGIIT IWMM kixn.ikrs. tta (r-at Baai i at u (ur Cw JtTI-nS,l fra. Vx Kow Vork- x V V TOWERS, . 'KrX OFFICES, v "'A houses, yVfc TEAS! i nn TO" isiiJiriMHiBa.iMinMii mi i J v mi tMseksibleI mm Jf KCLLT STEEL BARB FENCE WIRe7H V alade under palcnU of l&5and all bo W f u isriii. MnuitiriircuisaTaiiapncei.il. w x m. x M M atvar f K.r.,.-.. v Vm-iT IijuJ r POND'S EXTRACT. TD GREAT VXaCTABLC rain Dentroycr nnd Specific for Mam. matlon nnd Ilcniorrlin.cs. BITrXIUTISIt, NEURAMltA. Vo othor pnpar. tlon has cuiml so iimny cases of tho.io lmtrrM. Inn complaints s the Kxt met. Our I'lastar is Invalualila In these ,i'iisi-s, rluiiilmeo, I'aln In th Ba.'k or Siilo, &c. Pond's Kn tract Olntmmt (50 ci-ntsi for u. when removal of clothing Is convenient. Is a great help in re lieTliig inflammatory e.isus. UEMOnilllAfiEH. Weeding from tho Limps Stnnv ach, Noso, or from nny cause, la Rpeoilily controlled and mopped. Our Nasal Kyriniros (;;& cents) and Inhalers (50 cents) aru great aids in arresting internal blsoding. DlTTHEItlA AND S011ETI1I10AT. Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is dHiiger ous. CATAHFII1. The Extract Is tho only specific for this disease. Cold in Head, Ac. Our ' t atari h tore," specially prepared to meet serious cases, contains all tlio nutritive qualitiea of the Exlract ; our Snsn Nvrlnire is invaluable for use in Catarrhal affections, U simple and inexpensive. For old and obstinate cases use our " Catarrh Cure." PILES, BLIND IlLKEMNfi or ITrHISO. Itlsthe greatest known remedy BnpiUly curing when oilier medicines havo failed. 1'a nil's Extract Medicated Paiior for :loaet use Is n preventa tive against Chafing nnd l'iles. Our Ointment is of great servieo where tho removal of clothing Is inconvenient. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No physician need be called m for t:'e majority of remain diseases, if the Extract b-iu.-ud. 1 nil directions accom pany each bottle. PIIVSICIANSnf nil Fchoo! recommend nnd rr aurilie Pond's Extract. Ve imvo letters i. out hundreds who order it.ilnily. I" tlieir luetic, for Snelllncsof nil kinds, tulnv. . Sore Thrrat, Infliliueil Tnnslln, silnnl .! i in! r!i:-"iile llip' ' ha-fl, Catarrh 'Tor which (! H a ;nri,l, Chil blains, rested I'Vei, N!liii t.f Inserts, Jlos qulliis, etc. ( iMiipr.l l!.n:!, Kiel, aud united nil manner of skm l:.-c:.si: 4. FAintt'.liS,Ptock rSi eetiei ! mi l Livery Men ulio'.ild oiwnrs Imve it, I.e ldin-,' l.v. -y .-. :.l si ;ect-car Ktnbl'es in New York mil 'Is.-v li re always use it. Sprains, llrne nnd saililu lutlnc.-, . Cuts, Scrulrlirs. SvmUln-ts. s il"'''- s. UIim iIuisc, etc., aro til coutmll : I bi;. rViV. neeoiiut of thocxpensoof tlio Kxlrnrt us n(!a;iui! to.' Bate us'.? in it;i delicuto npplicatioii to in ius ailment:, we have prepared a prcinvation fcr VETERiNAitY lH Krosfcs only, which contains all the strength oft ho Extinct, foropphcalion to animals, in a cheaper form Price, per gallon, VETERINARY EXTKACT, SeO. CALTIO.. Pond's Hxlrnct, is Bold only In bottles, enclosed in ltift' wrappers, v .iii tho words, 'l'O.Nli'.S EXTHAt T, l.lown in thop!as. It. Is never so il ll I'Uik. Ho One c.-.'l Fc.l it except in our own bottles as abuVe described. ErartAI. PREPAnATtONS OP rOND'S ESTUArT CCK- DiNKD WITH THE PUREST MIW)M ULWI.A1J PERrtHES ron ladies' boudoir. POND'S F.XTIIACT 50c.. Jl.OOnnd E1.T Toilet Cream .1 00 C'atuiTh Cure 7S 1'lne.ter 2J Inhaler(OUss,i0e)l lieiitirrice i0 ,tp halve Pbilet Soap (3 cakes. no asal pyrniKC uuitment. 60 f ledicnled Paper. . An- of these nrenaratlons will bo pent car riage free ot above prices, l:i lota of &3 worth, on receipt of money or 1'. O. order. I ff- Orrt New PAMPni.FT wrrn IIisTonv of on rHEPARATIONs, Sent l'REK on Application to POND'S EXTRACT CO., 1 8 Murray Street, Now York. Gold by. all DmggitU. v n u an An SecFet. The fact Is well understood that tho MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT i9 by far the best external known for man or beast. The reason why becomes an "open secret" when wo explain that Mustang" penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the very bone, removing all disease and soreness. No other lini ment does this, hence none other is so largely used or does such worlds of good. There nre martyrs to headAcl.e ho might bs cured by utUK Tarrant's Sollzer The ritomach, overluirdt ned until Hp recuperative power In wenkenetl, revenj,'- s ttsejf upon ihf or head, which It makes to arlie And t.-rture tne MlV-u ler. The visr of tills nfcTi' ni will c rrry 11' n.-.ni'.-riy. fl'iii a'mont Imper C"i,t!l!y, the i IV.-n l'in:- ciure Till- die; se is removed and the head v ' s l'.. l:-. SOLD BV Al.l. DltniUISIS. THKIB INBTBUMENTS have s Standard Vain a the Leading Markets Of the World avenrwbar raco(Dtud as tne KIN EST IN TON a OVER 80,000 Made and In use. New Designs constantly. Ra Work and Lowest Prices. Bend tot a Catalogs. TremontJL. opp. WataJl.pJon. Mass EXODUS To tho boat lands, la tho beat cllmata, with tho boa raarkou, aad on tho b.t termt, sJoaf tb BV Faal, IdlsmeaDolls 4 alanitoba U, UaU Bk Paoi PaotiU. 3,000,000 ACRES Malnlr la tb' Faaunui RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. Oa taas Maaa, low prlaaa aad saay paraaants. Pampbiat with tall lnf ormattoa maUad rxsa. Apply ss D. A. MoKINLAY, Land Com'r, . i. M. M. K'y, Ht, Paal, Minis. Si it K. . ' 'r . Vporionts 1 m mm icn. ( First Established I Host Successful I J nii5.li?.uHJoXKP0",h' ovln Labor, Cleanllaeas, BarabUlLyand Cheapness. Unequaled. . AtOtUUt Ului b, Pro nrlu Uii a. Can tonMai A ME Vol) A "f BJKI T ot'tieueialNervoas XA. l,'btlltv in anv lnm. I 1 ,..,.iir. Y.w uwio reoint ol aUnip. iiedlcui. warranted Ui effect radical ture ia four week, puatpaid, it. Heod earelul aUUlUeiit ot .as. Address Jttx Bo ar74, Boston, Mass. fZtTT atonth and expenaea fuarantaad to Agents S i Outnttre. Buw4 0a,Agautu.sUuiA r