Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1870. Laying of the Corner stone. Hays the Hi. Mary's Garette. The Interesting eeremonics .Incident to the laying of the corner-stone of the court house now in course of erection, took iilace in Ridgway yesterday. The vent her was fine in the forepart of the day. hut In the afternoon t he clouds slightly marred the enjoyment of (lie omission, ninny of the country peo le being induced to go home by the threatening aspect of the weather. It did not rain to do nny hurt and the festivities were not marred in the least through this cause. The parade which was to come oil', was like on nil former occasions, both here and in Ridgway, a failure in point of num bers. All the parade amounted to was tlie marshal, (Mierilt 1). C. Oyster,) his aids, tlie St. Mary's Banil and Company H, Captain Fred. Sclnriiin.g commanding. They marched over the route In line style, and received many compliments for their tine marching. Afler the parade a rest was taken until one o'clock p. m , when the crowd eathered in the court house yard to witness the ceremony of laving me corner-stone. The meeting was called to order hy P. C. Oyster, Ksri. Hon. John U. Hall was announced as president, with a list of vice presidents consisting of oia aim respected residents from each township and borough In the county. Tlie meeting was called to order by the president; Hon. John (4. Hull. Prayer by Rev. J. M. Gillette. Address by Lieut. Gov. C. W. Stone.' Address by Hon. L. D. Wet more, president judge of this judicial dis trict, in which he confined his remarks to tlie necessity of a new court house, and the reasons which actuated the court In approving the recommenda tion of the grand fury iu condemning the old court house. Geo. A. Rathbun, Esq., then de livered a short address and deposited the Kecords in the corner-stone. For remarks and list of articles see another column of Tub Advocate. The corner-stone was then formally laid. Hon. Geo. Dickinson, Hon. Jesse Kyler Erasmus Morcy, Esq., performing the Interesting ceremony, with Edward Derby, Esq., acting for J. P. Marston, architect (who was de tained at home with Rlckness), and Anthony Auman, foreman. An original poem was then read with fine effect by Geo. It. Dixon, Esq., county superintendent. , Erasmus Morey, Esq., who partiel- Eated in the laying of the corner-stone ad the president read the following as expressive of his feelings uihhi the occasion. Mr. M. has been in the county since 1813, and has witnessed the growth of the county from the time it was a wilderness until thepros entday. He is 83 years old and can not give expression to hi feelings in words i GEWTtBMS Commissioners:' I return my sincere thanks for your invitation to be pres nt the laying of the corner-stone of tlie court house, and to tnke so prominent a part In the proceedings. It is one of the (lnys of my life, Jong to be remembered, and my wish Is that you may get us up a good substantial build ing, that will last for many iseiieratloiiH to come; that we may have impartial Justice ndmlsterod turall parties that may have liti gations within its walls. E. JifoitKY. Hon. Wm. P. Jenks, of Jefferson county then delivered a 'practical ad dress to the audience, which waa re ceived with unbounded applause. Hon. John Brooks, of Cmneron Co., who was a citizen of Elk at its organi zation, gave the audience an address which was a mixture of humor, his torical facts and plain common sense. The exercises were closed by an ad dress In German by Hon. .'has. Luhr, of this borough, which, judging from the applause manifested, he made some happy hits. Capt. Fred. Scheming was called for and he made a bow to the audience and retired. The St. Mary's band enlivened the occasion with excellent music between the addresses. The laying of the corner-stone by the gray haired veterans, was an im pressive sight, and will long be re membered by all who witnessed it. The day passed off without a single incident happening to mar the enjoy ments of the participants. All were in good humor. In the evening a grand display of fireworks wus made, which was con ducted hy E. B. Westfall, Supt. mid dle division P. & E. It. Ii., with com petent assistants. Fresh eggs Morgester's. 16 cents a dozen at Elk County. Says the Warren Mail. The erection of a new court house is a thing to be proud of by any .county. Our temples of justice are monuments in our inarch of civilization and order Our records of title and property de pend in some measure for safety upon our liberality in the erection of these public buildings. Our neighboring county of little Elk, like our own county a few years ago, had long felt the need of better county buildings. The old court house was erected when the county was new and the people poor". They have flourished iu later year and are now abundantly able to have county buildings suitable to their wants. So a new court house was commenced last spring, modeled some what after ours. Mr. Marston, of Warren, who superintended the con struction of ours, has charge of the work, which is a surllcient guaranty that it will be well done. It hi so weil under way that the coi ner-stone was laid lost Wednesday with interesting ceremonies. It was a great day for the rural population of little Elk, and they turned out largely. Hon. John (J. Hall was President of the day, Sheriff D. C. Oyster was Marshal, ami Co. H, Capt. Schoening commanding, paraded with the St. Mary's Band. Addresses. Were made by Judge L. D. Wetmore or wnose tnstrici tne county forms n part, and Lleut.-Gov. Stone, of War ren. Both were received with much favor. Judge Luhr, of St. Mary's, made an address in German, Speeches were also made by Hons. W. 1'. Jenks ana John .brooks. Tlie latter was a citizen of the county when it was or ganized, Mr. Erasmus Morey, aged 63 years, who has lived in the county since 1S13, was present and made a few remarks. In the evening a fine display of fireworks took place, which closed the exercises of a day long to be rememuereu. Large stock Morgester's. prime cocoa nuts at For garden or haying tools go to 42 Main street. Note paper and envelopes for sale at this office. Our Sew Court House. I.AYINO OP CORNER-STONE. OUT POURING) OF THE PEOPLE. ABLE AND KtoqUKNT SPEECHES. A T1IRII.MNH POKM. OR AND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS, AC. (Hays the Elk Democrat.) Wednesday, July 16, 1870, has come and gone, the corner-stone of our now temple of justice has been laid with much eclat, and, as we write, the work of erecting the-magnifieent pllegoe9 steadily onward. Tlie day opened beautiful and blight, Nature seeming anxious to appear to her best advantage on this red-letter day in the annals of "Little Elk." It was evident at an early hour that the Jown would be tilled with strangers, ns they came from every direction, some on foot, some on horseback, and others in conveyances of nil styles anil pat terns A mammoth flag was suspen ded over Main street between Hyde's Opera House and the Hyde House, one of equal size kissed the morning breer.e from tlie top of the liberty pole in the court yard, whiie upon the streets all was bustle and activity. At H a. in. tlie special train from Renovo, consisting of four cars well filled, nrrived at the depot, and was followed at 11.30 by the four-car special from Kane, three of which were filled. Company H, National Guard of Penn sylvania, having marched to the depot before the arrival of these trains, es corted the excursionists over to town, the procession moving iu the following order : Chief Marshal D. C. Oyster. Aids-F. C Ely. H. H. Wensel, W. A Derby. St. Mary's Comet Band Company H, National Guard of Pennsylvania. Excursionists and citizens. The procession marched out Depot street to Main, down Main to Elk, when it countermarched up Main to the Hydo House, where it disbanded. At I o'clock t he people began to con gregate upon the stand erected at the northeast corner of the new building, and at 1:30, the dignitaries having ar rived, tlie exercises of the day were opened by D. C. Oyster, who read the list of oflicers of tlie day, as follows: Chief Marshal D. C. Oyster. Aids W. A. Derby, II. H. Wensel, F. C. Ely. President John G. Hall. Vice President Benezette, Miles Dent, 1). B. Winslow: Benzinger, John Kaul, Sr., Charles Bitter; Fox, John Moyer, and John Green ; High land, Levi Ellithorp, W. J. Stubbs; Horton, J. 8. Hyde, Hezekiali Horton; Jay, Joseph Bobinson, A. E. Got!'; Jones, M. M. Sehultz, Ii. W. Brown ; Millstone, John C. Moore, K. M. Painter; Itidgway, Edward Derby, Chas. Mead; Spring Creek, Martin Perriu, Hiram Carman ; St. Mary's, Joseph Luhr, Joseph Wilhelin, Igna tius Garner. Hon. John G. Hall briefly returned thanks for the honor conferred upon bim.and introduced Rev. J. M.Gillette, who delivered an appropriate prayer. Lieut. Gov. Stone and Judge Wet more, of Warren, were introduced, each of whom made an address of about twenty minutes duration, which were received by the audience with outbursts of applause. Geo. A. Rathbun, of Ridgway, was the next speaker. At the conclusion of his remarks he read the list of ar ticles to. be deposited in the corner stone, as follows : We omit the list of articles, as it is given in full in to-day's Advocate. Tlie ceremony of laying the corner stone was then performed by George Dickinson, Erasmus Morey and Jesse Kyler, three of the county's pioneers ; Edward Derby, represented J. 1'. Marston, the architect, who was con fined to his room by illness, and An thony Auman, foreman of masonry. Afler the cement had been properly spread, the stone cover was swung into position by a small crane, and as it settled into place Judge Dickinson said: "Upon this substantial base, prepared for this stone, we place it." Afler tlie reading by the president of a letter addressed by Erasmus Morey, to tlie board of county com missioners, congratulating them upon tlie building of a new court house and thanking them for the invitation to be present at the corner-stone laying, Geo. It. Dixon delivered an original poem appropriate to tlie oecnsiou, which evoked heartv applause. Hon. W. P. Jenks, of Brookville, was then introduced, who spoke ably and well for nearly half an hour, and was followed by lion. John Brooks, of Sinncniahonlng, who read from man uscript the longest speech of the day, which was a curious melange of his tory, reminiscence politics, theology and philosophy. Tlie exercises of the afternoon were concluded by Judge Luhr, of St Mary's, In a ringing German speech, which seemed to be highly appreciated by our German citizens The nay was fnteusfy hot. yet so in terested were the people in the cere monies that many ot them remained standing in the broiling sun during the two and a Halt Hours taken up by the exercises. A heavy slorm threatened about three o'clock to mar the pleasure of tne occasion, dui lortuuateiv it missed around, and ruin did not fall until seven o'clock, when a brisk shower of a few minutes duration acted like a charm in allaying the dust and cool- lug tlie atmosphere. THE FIREWORKS. At 8 P. M. Supt. Westfall. of Renovo. assisted by J. H. Hagerty, J. P. Cur tis, n. ti. wensel and w. A. Derby, commenced setting off' the fireworks from the stand erected in tlie north east end of the court yard for that pur pose, simultaneously witn wiucu Co H, preceded by the st. Mary's band, made a street parade. The display of nreworks, which lasted until 9:20, was a graud success, und a fitting finale to the exercises of the day. There was a variety of most beautuul pieces, which were set oft to good advantage by Supt. Westfall and his efficient corps of assistants. In deed, we feel safe iu saying that no such exhibition of pyrotechnics was ever before witnessed in the county. And it was as cheap as it was beauti ful, the entire cost, including express charges, falling below one hundred dollars. Four balloons were sent up at inter vals during the evening. All arose majestically in a northwesterly direc tion until a certain a tituile whh reached, when they struck an adverse air current and were borne oft in a southeasterly course, followed by the two thousand pairs of eyes congregated along Main street and in the court yard, until lost to sight, "though still to memory uear." ine last two. as thep ascended, emitted at short inter vals bans or nre ot variegated hues. which added much to the beauty of ine scene. The fireworks over, the crowd dis persed. Our citizens sought the seclu sion or tneir Homes, tnose troni abroad, admonisned iy me wnistie or the loco motive, that their train would not long await their eoming, hied themselves to the depot, and in a few moments found themselves speeding on their homeward way, filled with thoughts or itiagway and tne day so pleasantly I aim ho proniaoiy spent. (School Board Proceedings. I The Ridgway school boord met at the office of Horace Little on Satur day, the 6lh Inst. Members present Wheeler, Hyde, Miles, Little, Gardner ami Schoenlng. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Letter of J. D. Rishell, of Lock Haven, accepting prlnclpalshlp of Ridgway schoot was read, and on motion ordered to be placed on file, Bids for building the Gitrdnerschool house were opened, and on motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Miles It was HfkoIvpA, that the bid of Fred. LnnfT ler, of St. Mary's, for the building of tlie same for the sum of $ WIS, be ac cepted on condition that he give ap proved security. On motion of Mr. Little, seconded by Mr. Miles, it was JicKfilvrtf, That the president and secretary shall have power to take and approve the bail given by Lpffler, and make a contract with him in regard to the manner of making payment thereof. On motion of Mr. Little, seconded by Miles, J. K. Gardner was appointed a committee to take charge of the building of the Gardner school house. W. S. Horton, collector for the year 1877, made additional claims for ex onerations from .taxes, of which the following were allowed i James Flynn, (1.22; J. G. George, (1.89; Charles Golden, $1.05; Peter Haley, $1.05; Allen Johnson, $1.03 ; Charles Qtiinn, (1.0.5. On motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Miles, the terms of the Gard ner, Whistletown and Wilmarth schools were fixed at eight months, and all the other schools outside of Ridgway at six months. On motion of Mr. Hyde, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the board ndjourncd to meet on the first Saturday in Au gust. Idleness versus Industry . Solon, one of the most eminent of the phylosophers and lawgivers of an cient Greece, gave to his countrymen this law, "He that was thrice convicted of idleness was to be publicly declared infamous," and further ordered "that trades should be accounted honorable that the council of the Areopagus should examine into every man's means of subsisting, and chastise the idle." While we have not so august a tribunal as that which investigated the business or occupation of every person reported to that celebrated court as an idler, we have a tribunal whose power may be deeply felt by the many drones who wantonly squander pre cious time, golden moments, literally sipping from the hive of life the sweets gathered by nobler hands; we mean the tribunal of public sentiment. Could there be a general condemnation an expressed harmony of opinion, and thatso delivered that these moral pests could not fail to interpret their mean ing, we might not so frequently meet those who have no visible occupation, and who subsist almost wholly upon the labor of their more industrious friends. The public frown would shame them into action and they, would then take their places among those, who, with manly front, face every obstiele, and hew out for them selves fortunes and a place. The element of society to which we allude though not so annoying as tlie professional tramps, still represents a faction of those distinguished gentry and posess in a great degree many of those qualities which constitute a very large factor in tlie make up of those gentlemen of the road. How easy for the professional lounger to slide into the ways and habits of him who begs his bread from door to door. Lazy, slouchiug and swaggering in gait, he loiters along the public street, lounges in saloons, bar-rooms or other places of public resort, smoking, chew ing, drinking, swearing and the re cital of obscene jests or stories are his accomplishments, while, to stand upon the street corners or crossings and leasurely and impertinently gaze at every lady, who must elbow her way through this pestilential crowd, is an act at which he will not blush. How far then, is he removed from his brother the tramp? He possesses the air, the odor and varied traits which are the glory of your dignified tramp. Work he will not except it be occas ionally to earn enougn to purchase the little cioinmg which marKs ms ranK above his fellow on the road. "Time money" every day is worth, to him who labors, tlie price at which ho sells ns service. So that lie, who squanders time sjicnds money as much as he who, with prodigal hand, scatters, ofteu thegatherlngsof a lifetime; both are spendthrifts. Good health with strong muscles and a steady brain are stock in trade, and if interested in some business or trade, will pay a large interest. Then put your time, which is money, at interest, invest your brawn, your muscle the capital God has given you in tlie pursuit of an honest trade. Uast lorever on tne port the habits which so ill become a man and con this lesson well, "Know thy work and do it.' u. ii.. a.. THIS COLLAR and a row. Milker free to Farmers who net as Agents. Cut this out and address with stamp Smith & Son, 1M Dey St., N. Y. n21-inl-mS Name this paper. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Seventeen young: men to learn Teleeranhv, Good sitnationsguarauteed. For particulars, address Willi slump, HHEBIDAN (X BUDD, u21-1hV mi Box 0S7, Oherlin, Ohio. $75 00 for $1.00, $5.00 fur 1 ceut. I pay lame price for many dates of Old Copper and Silver Colin, send lo ccuU at once fur lay Catalogue and Price LlsL Ad drwiiii A r U'vihiutivu niil-iuj-iul ' Mt. Pleasant, Pa For powder and shot go to 42 Main street. For nails and Builders' hardware go to 42Main streets - --Visiting cards a great variety at The Advocate office. F6r wooden ware go to 42 Main utrevt. "A SPLENDID MEDICINE." Mahoning Furnace. Pa., May 13, 1878. Dr. M, M. Fourier, Fredonla, N. Y. Dour Hlr: I have tried your Blood lintl I.lvcr Hemodv nmUNerve Tonic and find that It in a splendid medicine. My father hud been nick a long time, tine bottle ha helped lilm more than any medicine he ha ever used. My wife, bIho, hns tlsed a bottle with good results. Yours truly. , ACOM SMITH. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem edy and Nerve Tonic may Well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the ago. Whoever has "the blues" should take It, for It rcfjulatm and rc utorcn the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billious fiess nnd Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, FkVEH AND AfU'E, Sl'1-.EEN En'I.AKMK- menth, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disohdkhs Swelled Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ; Restores flesh and strength when the system Is running down or going Into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its causes. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe cific. One bottle always cures. For sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B. Day. : THE I,A Tt EST RETAIL STORE IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. J. S. & W. H. HYDE, DEAI.tRS IN General Merchandise, RIDGWAY, PA. The following nre our prices on the prlncl. pal articles in the grocery line until further notice ! APPLES, dried nerlh. fio IIEANS, medium. per bu. Sit; Ulna, can, :o REEK, canned, per lb. 1m; dried per lb. 15c yjr r.j-.r., uiu KOIIU. 10: DCFl. IB: ruUSll'U iev. UltliAXTS. English, ner lb. S. It ACKERS, best nimlitv. hit lb. Re. 'ORN, canned, per can, l:ic. roMATOEfS. canned, upr win 10c. FISH, No. 1 White, per lb. Be. HAMS, Hnuuf Cured, per lb. 12c. i ui i", i hoice, per gal. soe. r., uesi nuuiiiy, per id. so E. best duality, ner lb. Sc. RAIslNs. VnlencluM. rx-r lb. 10c. SUOAR, Granulated nnd pulverised, 10c. nonce a kx. t; White lie: Yellow S'ic SALT, per bhl.SI.W). l.VLERATLS, per lb. St. 'l.rtllt ..n til. i i: sn. vppn n A,... SI oc M EAL, per cwt. Sl.anj bolted in suck 81.30. 11RAN, per cwt. $1.00. CORN, per bu. (lie.: OATS, nerbu. 45c. and all other goods In the grocery lino at pro portionately low prices. CENTRAL State Hormal School. Eighth Normal School DMrlct) LOCK HATEX, CLOT0X CO., PA. A. N. RAT7B, A. M., Principal. This school as at present constituted. oilers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and Classical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and furnished Willi a nountilul supply of pure water. soft spring water. Liocation iieaiuiiul ana easy of ac es. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and live to their work. Discipline, linu but kind, uniform nil thorough. F.xpenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any tune. Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Sclen eutific. ADJUNCT COURSES : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The ' Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conierring tne following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments, and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attaiu menls, signed by the Faculty. Tlie professional courses are liberal. ncl are in thoroughness not iuferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of itlzensbin. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects ot this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for her schools. To this end it solicits young persons or good abilities and good purposes those Who desire to iimrove their time and their talents, us students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. r or catalogue and terms address th Principal. S. J). isAi.lj, President Board of Trustees. T. C. IIIPPLE, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clinton countv. S. D. Ball. T. C. Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. H. Best, Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler. A.N Jtaub, W. W. Rankin, R. ti. Cook, Samuel Christ, O. Kint.ing. S. M. Bickford, H. L. DifTenbach, A. C. Noyes, S. R. Peale. i'entre HiX-Uov. A O- Curtin. Clearfield Ex.Gov. AVm. Bigler. Elk-Charles R. Earley. Mr6'79y1 (tfinn A MONTH guaranteed. 12 a day Capital not required: we will start vou. Men ' v v iil iinme inuiie nv ine lnuuturioun. women, uovn ana fciim mince money lamer at work for us Hum ui anything elm. The work is llglit and pleasant, and sudi as anyone can go rl;l)t at. Those who are wise who see this win send us ineir addresses and see for them selves. Cosily otillit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying lin llll'iA SI1I11B nfmnnuv A.lili-u.a Til I'l. r. iu., A-ugusia, mains mtil ESTATE NOTICE; Estatb op John Pkterson, late oi uio luwusuip ot fugniunu, Klk Co.. Pa., deceased. All nersons In. debled to said Estate are requested to muko immediate payment, and' those having legal claims attain the name to present them without delay in proper viuci iui eciuciucur. Salt by the bbl, or ter's. lb. at Morges' Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. HALL A M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW, RldgWny, Elk county, Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat es tabllshtiit'iit. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnelo,187d Q. G. MESSENGER. DHUOOIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night vlnSy J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main atreet, Ridgway, Ta.. in the second story of the new brick building of John Q. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M. HYDE HOUSE. V. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort niul con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. ocW0'09 MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ. Kersey. Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to tlie citizens of Elk county that she bus on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitre Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nlTyl APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Volume 1'j of this admirable work is Just out, making it complete. Each volume contains W0 pages. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 53.00 a volume n leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonla. X. Y.. controls the sale In Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars. sepl7-tf ' THE BEST REMEDY Diseases oi tie Throat anl Lings, t . jjiaeasesoi inepuimo jfVYE R nary organs are so prev . . , . alent aim iiiiai, tnab a safe and reliable remedy for them is invaluable to every community. Aykr's Chkury Pkc toral la such a remedy, and no other so emi nently merits the confi dence of the public. It is a Bcientiiio combina tion of the medicinal principles anil curative virtues of tlie finest 4V.i'.l....,va ..lw.ml...nn ....If. ;. ed, to insure the great- Pf.l ivtiull.lo .IH..innntr PECTORAL. ! uniformity of re suits, which enables physicians as well ns invalids to use it. with confidence. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that sci ence 1ms produced. It strikes at tlie foun dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, and is adapted to patients of any ao or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children tako it without difficulty. In the treatment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Aver's Cherry Pko tokal are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely aud faithful use. It should lie kept at hand in every household, for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so vilicocious, soothing, aud helpful. The marvellous cures which Ater's Ciikruy Pectoral has effected all over the world are a sufficient euarantv that it will continue to prodiico the best results. An impartial trial win convince the most scepti cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well as oi lis superiority over all other prepara tions for pulmouary complaints. Eminent physicians In all parts ot the country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to invalids, and prescribe it In theirractice. The test of half a century has proved lta absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass, SOLD BY ALL DBCOOISTS BTIBTWaXRC. ctl RAf) TO ftfOOO A YEAR, or S3 to 820 a ,At-'v-'v-'diiy in your own locality. No k. Women do us well as men. Manv muko more than the amount stated above. No ono can fail to make money fmit. Any one can do the work. You can niuke from 50 cts. to $2 an hour by devotini; your evenings and pare time to the business. It costs imlhihtf to try the business. Notliliii? like it for money luukins; ever offered before, llusliiess pieasani auu strictly iiiiiinriiiili!. Header, if you want to know all about the best paying business ueiore tne public, send us your ad dress and we will send you full particulars and private terms free: samples worth Aiulso iree; you cun then make up your mind for 'ourseii. yuuress,ut,UKUI; SXIN.SU.N CO. 'orllaud, Muine. nluyl Howe Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at . Powell 4 Kimk's Will be found an assortment of th celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Cordera, Hemniers, Braiders and Ruf- tiers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said mw chine. All at greatly reduced prices. and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security. Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. tf. $66 A WEEK In your toivn. ai no can! tal risked, oucnn nive the business atrial without expense. The best opportunity ever oll'ered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for your self what you can do at the business we oiler. No room t explain here. You can devote all vou i' time or only vour snare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special prlvaieterinsniid par ticulars, which we mall free. & outfit free. llon't complain of hard times while you have suen a cnance. Address ii. ualli.it sw l'ortland. Maine. nlOyl - Watermelons and eating appleit ut Morgester's, N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. BfrfyUe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf TO ADVERTISERS. Geo. P. Ro wells & Co'S,, SELECT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS I Many persons suppose this list to be composed of CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. The fact is quite other wise. The Catalogue states exnetly What the papers are. Vhen the name of a paper is printed In FULIj FACE T Vl'E it is in every instance the BEST pxper in the place. When printed in CAPITALS it Is'the ONLY paper in the place. When printed in Ilomaii letters it is neither the best nor the olily paper, but is usually a very good one, notwithstanding. The list gives tlie population of every town and tlie circulation of everv paper. IT IS NOT A CO-OPEltATIVE LIST. It IS NOT A CIIICAP I.I.ST. At the foot of he Catalogue for each State the im portant towns which nre not covered iV the list, nrr ciiiinicvntprl. Tt ts a is: IIonkst List. The rates charsred for advertising are barely one-fifth the publishers schedule. The price lor one inch "four weeks in the entire list s 5b-jo. The regular rates of tlie pa pers tor tlie same space nntl time arc $1,1 ab.o j. Tlie fist includes () news papers, of which 103 are issued Daily and 807 Weekly, They nre located in 825 different cities and towns, of which 'Si are State Capitals, 82S places of over 6,000 population, and 444 County Seats. Lists sent on npplica tion. Address GEO. P. HOWELL & CO.'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, iu spruce st. (muting nousc square), isnw lorn. Awarded the Highest Modal at Vienna nntl Philadelphia. E, & II. T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 Broadway, - New York, Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. Mrtiiufacturers,importers and dealers in Vklvkt Frames, Aluums GuAniio- SCOI'KS. AND VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS. And kindred goods Celebrities Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything in the way of STEREO PTICONS AND MAGIC LANTERNS, Being Manufacturers of the Micro-scientific Lanters, Stereo-panopticon, University Stereopticon, Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern." Each Style being the best of its class in tne market. Benutiful Photographic Transparen cies of Statuary aud Engravings for the Windows. Convex Glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides. with directions for using, sent on are eipt of two cents. BfeiTCut out this reference. advertisement for A FREE GIFT! Of a copy of my Medical Common Sense Book toany person suffering with Coimump tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, 1,osb of Voice, or Hore Throat. Bend name and post oltlee address, with two 8 cent stamps and state your sickness. The book Is eUwaiitly liiutiiraieo. im pp. vi mo. l7). The Infor mation It wrtilulns. In the providem-e of Joil, 1 ha unveil many lives. The author has liven IrrMtliig diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Langs, special practice in CUiciunati, sine 1W. Artdresn Dr. V, B. Wolfe. .Tin ltuti,Ohlo. nllmlinl PENNSYLVANIA KAIL KOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Dlv. WINTER TIME TABLE. rn and aft 110 1878, tl phift A Erie n and after SUNDAY, November the trains on the Philadel- Rallrond Division will run ns follows! WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Phila 11 65 p. m. " Renovo 11 00 a. m " Emporium. 1 1.5 p.m. " St. Mary's..2 07 p. m. " Ridgway ....283 p- in, " Kane 3 45 p. m, nrr. at Erie 7 40 p. in. EASTWARD. erie mail leaves Erie ....II 20 a. m. " Kane 8 5o p. m. ' Rhlgway....6 00 p. in. St. Mary's..5 20 p. ni. ' Emporium. 6 20 p. ni, " Renovo 8 35 p. m , , arr.M Phila ..7 00 a. ni, A, Baldwin. General Sup't. WM. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GKAV'S SPECIFIC HEM EH T. TRADE mark-I especial lyTRAOEMAfl r ecommenu de as an u n failing cure for Seminal Weakness S permator- r 1 1 .'ii I limit. Before Taking tency and all After Taking. u incases that lol low as a scqueiicy oij Self Abuse : as Lss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of visslon. Premature old Age, and many other diseases that! lead to insanity, consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating froiu thepathof nnttiie and over indulgence: The Specific Medicine Is the result of a life study and mnny years of expert ence in treating these special diseases. Full particulars in ouf pamphlets, which wc desire to send free by mail to every one. Tlie Specific Medicine Is sold by alt Druggists at $1 pef package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent b; mail on receipt of the money by a dressing THE GRAY MEDTCINE CO., No. 1 echanics' Block, Detroit, Mich 8ySold in Itidgway by all Druggists,, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh, Manhood: How Lost, How Hestorsdf jffZsi ust published, u new fSSii tflffi? edition of Dr. Culver " wall's Celebrated Em say on the radical cm re (without medi cine) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Wea k n ess, I n vol u n t ary Sent i n al Losses Inipotency, Mental and Physical In capacity, impediments to Marriage, etc.; nlso, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. &c. Ser Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cents. The celebrated ntithor, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without tlie dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; point ing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means or which every sufferer, no matter what ins condition may uo, mav cure him self cheaply, privately, nnd radically. star-Tins Tiecture snouid lie in tne hands of every youth and every man in tlie laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps.- Address the Publishers, Tho Culverweli Medic&l Co., 41 Ann St., New York J Post Office Box 4586. vflnl4yl PATENTS AND T E AD E -MARKS. We procure Letteus Patent oj Inventions. No Attorney fees ix advance in application for Patents' in the United States. Special attention given to Inference Cases before the Patent Office, aiid all litigation apper taining to Inventions nr patents. We also procure Patents in Canada awl other foreign countries. Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained, and all other business transacted before tlie Patent Office and the Courts which demands the iwrvices of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience as Patent Attorneys Tha Scientific Record. All Patents obtained through ouf agency are noticed in the Scientific Record, a monthly paper of large cir culation, published by us. and devoted to Scientific and Mechanical matters. It contains full lists of all allowed Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year" postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send us your address on postal card. I NVENTORS Send us a description of your Inven tion, giving your idea in vour own language, ami we will give an opinion as to patentability, with full insfruc Hons, charging nothing for our advice. Our book, " How to Procure Patents," about the Patfiit Laws, Patents, Ca veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc., sent free on request. Address R. S.& A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneys, No. 604 F street, Washington, D C t Nearly Opposite Patent office. Arrears of ray, Bounty and Pensions, We have a bureau in charge of ex perienced avyers aud elerks, for pros ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay, Bounty and Pensions. As we charge no fee unless successful, stamps for re turn postsge should be sent us. R. S. & A. P. LACEY. A GENTS. D WANTE. FOB OUR GREAT W0RKf now itf Press, THE INDUSTRIAL History of the United States Being a complete history of all the important industries of America, Iil- 1 VVu."V....-?ncuy.ural. Mechanical, - j xijuuuiuciuiiug, Aiming, commercial auu otner enterprises. About, l tuvt large octavo pages and 300 flue en . gravings. No Work Like it Ever Published. For terms and territory apply at once. mm twssaY BILL PUB. Norwich, Connecticut. vfin43-tim CO., -Note. letter, foolscap, and leeal cap papers, at this office. Also u large stock of nyelepes, as lew a six e ts for 25. Mr